#But worth it!
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spirk-trek · 5 months ago
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Interstat Fanzine | Teri Meyer, Ray Lamb, Cheryl Newsome, Carol Waterman, Don Harden, Amy Harlib, Melinda Shreve-Reynolds (1978-83)
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yullalightk · 4 months ago
Made a drawing of my 5⭐️Rivals AU Puzzles in class and I posted it on the Mr. Puzzles' Fanclub so I'm gonna post it here now.
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Also bonus comic✨
Their reactions:
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Puzzles in my AU pays close attention even at the tiniest details, since it's a trait of his. But he also apologises a lot and take what he said pretty quickly.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 months ago
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daughter-of-winterfell · 1 year ago
My Own Dancing Body
- for the Jonsa Valentine's Day Event 2024 ❤️
“Let me make you some tea,” Jon entreats her, matching her half step. The suggestion is a perfect one and Sansa’s eyes, of their own accord, dart to his. Sincerity lies in wait there with the warmth of banked coals, and hides whatever else he must think, finding her in this bedraggled way. - Sansa returns to East 61st Street close to tears and is met by her cousin Jon. There, he makes her lemon tea and they talk gently with one another.
This is written with great haste/love for @jonsa-valentine, and is the first fanfic I have really written in years! I have posted it 41 minutes past midnight but emotionally, I did this on the 13th ❤️
The types of love in this fic are: Philia (deep friendship) and Storge (familial love).
In this, (as is custom it seems), only the younger Starks are alive and only Sansa travelled to New York to stay with her Aunt Lyanna and Cousin Jon for a season.
To read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53760841
I am the angel who sweep air in and out my own dancing body.
- Angela Jackson, Angel
The hem of her day dress – which her mother had once so painstakingly let down and secured – is dripping and unsalvageable. Sansa could cry, the tears already clawing up her throat and pricking at her insides. The puddle in the foyer only grows as it seems the entirety of the brief shower has been dragged inside on her ragged hem, and the pale pink has been left a murky grey.
Sansa sniffs dismally. She is alone, blessedly so after that, and so wipes her nose with her soaked gloves.
It must be a portent. That on the very first day she no longer wears her clutching, tight-laced mourning dresses, Mr Hardyng decides to propose and the heavens open. Her hands shiver, where they are pressed against her roiling stomach.
And she’d so longed to wear pink again. How girlish and unseemly, but black is not her colour – it drains her features when they’d been drained enough. All life had been scraped from her in the past year. Black lace only meant that all the twittering aunts and ladies could easily spy it for themselves.
Lyanna had said, “Oh, my dear,” when Sansa had arrived in her black cloistered dress, sweating and breathless, on the steps of her East 61st Street home. Her pity was piercing and bright when she rubbed the back of Sansa’s glove.
They had not been able to make it to the funeral, but Lyanna still wore a black pin above her heart for her brother and his family, and her own husband, lost at sea.
The melancholy sweeps through her then with a tidal ebb. An ever-deep sorrow for her mother, Father, Robb. For Bran, travelling far from them with so few letters returned. The dear ache of missing Arya and Rickon, safely ensconced in Riverrun.
Undeniably, a spare ounce of it is for her ruined dress and sodden gloves.
 She is not crying but her face is tight and disgustingly, humiliating damp.
“Miss Stark?”
Hastily, she sniffs in a shockingly unladylike manner and dips her neck, tipping the brim of her hat to somewhat shield herself. Embarrassment coils itself about her ankles and Sansa can only shuffle in the lake she is procuring for herself in Mrs Snow’s pristine hallway.
 It couldn’t be Bannister who found her, or Jeyne. It had to be –
 “Sansa, my dear-”
Jon cleaves his words in two, his footsteps halting an eternity away. She can’t look at him with her burning eyes and pink cheeks, in her poor, piteous state. Sansa hates herself then. What other state has Jon seen her in, since their introduction this season? Piteous and poor and weeping. On their doorstep that first day, when being snubbed by his haughty Targaryen aunt and uncle.
Yet, who else could see her in such a way? Could be allowed to? Whatever is in his eyes – which she assiduously avoids meeting now – there has never, not once, been pity.
He had been the first to wrap his arms around her in months. To dare not murmur any condolences at all.
The first she wishes to reach for, at each luncheon and ball and dinner.
Though she does not now. But the brim of her hat is no match for the hand he extends, bearing a white handkerchief. Sansa takes it from his fingers and dabs at the stinging corners of her eyes.
“Such terrible weather” – Sansa sighs in a manner suited to the stage, determined to seem somewhat unaffected - “I remember you saying I would not need my parasol today.”
His chuckle is a whiskey shot that steals her living breath.
“You would not listen to my counsel, dear cousin.”
The softening of his vowels, the tapping of his shoes – her affectations are whisps of smoke he merely blows apart. He has caught her. Thawing in the hall, in her favourite dress, almost in tears. The dance of custom would be to retreat once the white flag had been offered and accepted and reasoned away.
Jon crosses an inch of the wooden floor.
“I shall dry off and escape this chill,” Sansa declares, taking half a step to the right, towards the solitude offered by the Snow’s guest bedroom.
“Let me make you some tea,” Jon entreats her, matching her half step, “as you do so.”
The suggestion is a perfect one and Sansa’s eyes, of their own accord, dart to his. Sincerity lies in wait there with the warmth of banked coals, and hides whatever else he must think, finding her in this bedraggled way.
She inclines her head, agreeing to the tea, and endeavours not to scuttle away like some anxious creature as Jon remains at the foot of the stairs, one hand outstretched on the banister.
“If I asked,” Jon asks, cradling a cup of tea in his steady hands, perched opposite her cross-legged, straight-spined position at the dining room table, “would you tell me?”
Tell me of what happened to bring you to such a poor and piteous state, in my hallway.
Or more likely, as it is her Jon asking, tell me what made you cry.
“The rain brings out the dreariness in me,” she blusters, half afraid of what may fall from her mouth, “Please, do not worry.”
The crease between his brows tells her his thoughts like a worn book; he worries about me, regardless of what I say.
Her news will not ease that burden for him, yet it spills from her in a heaving rush. How Mr Hardyng had invited her with such grace to his opening of the new rose garden and how she had – foolishly – shed her mourning clothes with a great sigh to attend as the man’s acquaintance. How it was an orchestrated ambush and he had gripped her hands between his and declared her his fiancée when met with her astonished silence.
How no one had spoken a word when she broke that silence and torn her hands from his and the rain poetically chose to drench the entire gaping party. And her pink dress, the one her mother had always loved, was now speckled with mud and puddle-water.
“He should not have taken your hands in that way.”
Jon’s gruff disapproval of the matter of Hardyng overstepping her bodily comforts does not grate as it ought. He shakes his head, dislodging an inky curl from its manicured hold. Likely thinking of how he could have removed Hardyng’s hands from her with a degree of force, as he had done at too many of the balls they had attended at one another’s side this season.
“It is no serious matter.”
He says her name, feather-soft.
“If that was the entirety of it, perhaps it would be, but Jon -” Sansa’s breath hitches and she releases her teacup with a clatter. Oh god.
Without seeming to listen, Jon is consumed, swirling his lemon tea. It is his turn to avoid her gaze.
“He should not have asked at all,” he mutters darkly.
She has just left the black behind so it is not seemly to pounce upon her so, but Jon seems to frown more fiercely than Hardyng’s faux pas deserves.
Swallowing the dismay of her own recollections, she ignores his scowls and continues, chin high and trembling. “Jon, I turned him down, vehemently. What other man will forget that?”
He stills.
Her hands shake against the dining room table as Jon, purposely and with the expression of a man pierced through and through, meets her eyes. Covers her hand with no weight at all.
“I do not need to forget. If – I asked…”
Courage deserts him with a fell swoop and Sansa turns her hand over in careful inches. Soon lacing their tea-warmed hands into one. And she is free, miraculously, of the prickling, shaking, nausea that poisoned her in the hall. It is just her, and her Jon.
“We’re family,” Jon manages, the embers in his gaze alight again and like a looking glass, Sansa knows him, knows his meaning. We could be a family.
They could be. They could dance with one another that inch closer and share lemon tea as dusk falls and they dream of spring.
 Her heartbeat swells, a symphony, and lulls into a new pleasant calmness.
“More tea, my dearest Jon?”
He does not release her hands and her laughing offer is not accepted. Rather, the hearth of his heart opens and the teacups are forgotten as their foreheads touch, gentle across the scant table cloth that rudely divides them.
Lemon tea and dancing can come later. For now, Sansa is held and is warm.
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violant-apologia · 6 months ago
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took me long enough
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weevmo · 2 years ago
Have you ever worked at any sort of animation company?
Yes! Actually currently! Magnetic Dreams Animation.
I am a Storyboard Artist, Character Designer, and make prop designs too! It is one thing I'm very proud of, that I got to do what I've always wanted to straight out of college.
I worked on Sesame Street as a character designer, On a movie called 'Die in a Gunfight' as an animatic artist, various music videos, Storyboarded for 'Lauren's Kids' (upcoming educational program for schools), and currently! My favorite thing:
Bedtime Defenderz, an upcoming kids' Youtube series by Scentco! I had the opportunity to design the main kid characters and have boarded for several eps so far.
I boarded the pilot AND redesigned Magnus for television here:
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But I've only worked in the industry for a year and a bit now! Still have a long ways to go.
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legendlarkpod · 1 year ago
hey! i noticed recently that episode one doesn’t have any mention of errol’s name change was that intentional or did it slip through the cracks?
ERROL HERE! EEEEERRRRGGHHH PODCASTING IS HARD!!! I guess we'll probs have to get to it at some point? Man, you change your name and then there's all this stuff you gotta fix up. Appreciate your consideration! But yeah, I keep finding places all over the place in my non-podcast life where I need to update, too. You think you got 'em all but there's always more, haha.
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seancosy · 3 months ago
i'm on a work trip to a desert town and it's surreal
the streets are empty. i can walk for 15+ minutes before coming across another pedestrian.
the book shop had maybe 15 books, about half of which were explicitly queer-focused. which is really weird because grindr is dead here
the florist only sells plastic plants
the pub food is some of the worst food i've eaten in my life. but i risked trying fish and chips from the local shop (we are >500 away from the ocean), and it was amazing??
the swimming pool -- newly built; perfect for 40 degree heat -- is basically empty each time i visit. when in any other town it would be humming with swimmers and families.
every surface has a coating of soft red dust on it
some people speak in such thick accents that we can't understand understand each other
there is no infrastructure for handling rain, so apparently the town regularly floods and the locals just go on with their lives like it's not a big deal
i have seen no snakes and no spiders. but about 547839872 flies.
it isn't safe to drive at night because kangaroos, emus, and feral goats will try and kill themselves in front of your car. (baby emus are adorable btw. i went for a run and a family of emus ran beside me!)
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bisquitly · 1 year ago
My feet and toes are dead... but finally after 6h inside🥲😭
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mathlann · 11 months ago
Back from NOLA baby shower day trip. Hair smells like soju. I remember why I hate airports. I'm so tired I may not wake up until Wednesday. ALSO got scammed out of my full bet earnings because of voter fraud (people voting without putting down money).
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tricoufamily · 2 years ago
Heyyy! Just saw your paranormal investigators post and I was wondering, how do you make the light and shadows look like that? I didn't see any hashtag that says render or edit, is it a reshade? Cause it looks so good man and your sims are gorgeous <3
yeah, that's reshade, thanks! that's a custom shader called niceguy lamps
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gamingdotcom · 1 year ago
Trick or treat!
omg hiiiiiii night!!! <3
for you my beloved poundcake recipe (from food columnist Leslie Land-- I tweaked one thing: the alcohol of choice in our family has ALWAYS been cognac. trust me on this.)
1 pound (2 cups) sugar 3-inch piece vanilla bean or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Butter for pans 4 ½ cups twice-sifted cake flour (a little less than one pound) 10 eggs at room temperature 1 pound of the best butter you can get, at room temperature ½ teaspoon salt (only if butter is unsalted) ¼ teaspoon mace (optional) ¼ cup cognac
If you use vanilla beans instead of extract, you’ll need to combine the seeds from the beans and some of the sugar to make vanilla sugar. Here’s how. Place 2 tablespoons of sugar in a small bowl. Split the vanilla bean with a sharp knife and scrape the seeds from the interior into the sugar. They will be a gummy black paste that sticks to everything. Use the sugar to clean everything off and rub it around inside the beans to get as many seeds as possible. Rub the mixture between your fingertips until the vanilla is well distributed. The improvement in the taste is far larger than the hassle involved. Skip this step if you use extract.
Butter a large tube pan or 2 standard loaf pans or 5 mini-loaf pans. Line the pan bottoms with paper. Measure roughly 4 cups of cake flour, sift it twice, then measure 4 ½ cups of the result onto a sheet of paper or into a bowl.
Separate the eggs, putting the whites into a grease-free bowl big enough to allow plenty of room for beating and expansion. Rinse a small bowl with cold water before putting the yolks in it, so they don’t stick. Have on hand a very large bowl, kettle or dishpan for the final folding and preheat the oven to 350 F.
Cream the butter and the sugar until the mixture is very light, white, and fluffy. Add the vanilla sugar (or extract), the mace and salt, if you’re adding salt. Thoroughly beat in the egg yolks, two at a time. 
Beat in the flour, about one cup at a time. Be sure each addition is thoroughly mixed in before adding the next. By the end of the flour, the batter will be very stiff, almost like dough. Slowly add the brandy or rum, beating the dough all the while.
Now, take the phone off the hook. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff but still shiny peaks. Mix about a third of the beaten whites into the batter to lighten it, then turn the whole works into the big bowl for the final mixing.
Gently, rapidly fold the remaining whites into the batter. Turn the batter into the prepared pan(s) and shake them gently from side to side to distribute any large air bubbles. Put the cake(s) into the oven and lower the heat to 325 F. (It’s okay to put the phone back on the hook now).
After about half an hour, turn the cake(s) around and cover the tops with foil if they seem to be browning too fast. The minis take about 50 minutes, loaf cakes take about 1 ¼ hours, and a big tube pan make take 1 ½ hours or more. They’re done when the edges have shrunk from the pan, the tip is very brown, and the cake sounds hollow when tapped. (A toothpick will emerge clean even before these other criteria have been met).
It is better to overbake than underbake, in this case.
Cool the pound cake in the pan(s) for 10 minutes or so, then turn them out onto a rack and finish cooling there completely. Wrap the cooled cake tightly in foil and let it age a day before you cut it. This will set the texture and round the flavor.
This cake has a specific gravity somewhere between lead and uranium. Good though. Serve it cut in very thin slices, two or three to a portion.
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pinklikeroses-artonly · 1 year ago
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Outshining stars ~✨💫✨
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would-you-punt-them · 3 months ago
americans: pssshh you think 80°F is hot???? i'm from big texas this is nothing kid, i might put a coat on actually
europeans: wdym 10°C is cold???? this is shorts weather bro, when you start pissing crystals then we'll talk
unattended raspberries: i went moldy while you were reading this
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nigelgraz · 3 months ago
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Fabric study :)🤍
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