#But we all know it's crap I don't want to even bother lol
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itsanidiom · 2 years ago
The problem with *some BL office dramas is they seem to think that I care about their business success.
Like let me give some examples:
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We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd knew how much I as an audience member cared about both the company our boys worked for and the project they were working on. How much? Not much. Except when it relates to their romance. Zhou Shu Yi having to work with Gao Shi De again because he works for his dad's company and they're doing a merger. Classic forced proximity. Love it.
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This is the shit I wanna see. Their romance. The company could crash and burn for all I care. All I know about their work is that they are in an office and making some kind of software. That's it.
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Here's another example. Cherry Magic! They work somewhere that make pens and stationary. Sometimes they have to do lots of unexplained paperwork. Do I care about the details surrounding the pen company paperwork? No. I don't. They know this and respect my time by not having a character spend an episode walking me through the pen company audit paperwork.
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When a character has a big project, it is brief and has a clear connection to the romance arc. In season 1 and 2, work project moments just create big "reasons we cannot be together" crisis moments to be overcome.
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*Step By Step, on the other hand, forced me to sit through employee training sessions and about one full length boardroom meetings per episode about products and marketing campaigns. I felt as bored watching those scenes as I would have if I was actually a member of a marketing team sitting in on a meeting that could have been an email.
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Apart from the meeting where they first decide to use Put, there's no clear romantic drama or stakes in many of those scenes. It's literally just business. I do not care about Forge, they were just a client, and yet that client's name is now burned into my brain. I do not care about Olive and Pearl (?) or how their karaoke night marketing is gonna be amazing because look we got Put in it again. In fact, get that guy out of my face! All I care about is our main characters and their romance. And yet I must sit through board meeting after board meeting after...
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karmaajr · 14 days ago
guys not the way I cried over my mum getting pissed at me outside our flat earlier and calling me a chav
for context, she called me on my phone a while back n started yelling at me n I was SO lost n turned out she only wanted me and my relative to go downstairs and pick up the shopping
n I tried to get our relative to wake up but bro js got pissy with me so I started stressing out on what I should tell my mum JUST when she calls me on my phone again
the convo follows:
-> *name* where the hell are you? it's freezing, I'm not getting all of this crap myself
-> my bad my bad, I'm uhm trying to find clothes to change into?? also *relatives name* won't wake up so what do I do??
-> I don't know! for God's sake do I have to do everything around here? just get down here
-> im still in my pjs tho...
-> I DONT CARE just come downstairs!! stop overcomplicating everything for once
-> okayokay sorry, I'll be down in a min after I find my coat
-> it's fine, it's pretty warm
i was kinda confused CUZ SHE LITERALLY SAID IT WAS FREEZING LIKE A MINUTE BEFORE??? but like, whatevs!! I still go find my coat though because like....... homie my pjs is a tank top and some thin pyjama trousers so HELL NO LMAOOO 😭😭😭
n I get downstairs after a bit n mum starts giving me stuff while giving me dirty looks and I'm like whatevs, she's probs in a bad mood cuz I was so slow n then MY DUMBASS makes the mistake of tucking my hair behind my ear 💀
which then reveals my collarbone more clearly and my mum absolutely LOSES HER SHIT OMG?!?! like girl starts screaming at me to zip up and starts saying how I look like a chav n like a....... ✨️paid adult fun timer in the making✨️ to make it PG for yall 😍😍
anyways like two minutes later our creepy neighbour pulls up and makes everything SM worse n even looks me up and down with a smirk while offering to "help us out while (my) baba is gone" as if im not literally younger than his eldest daughter 🙏🙏 (only by a year BUT STILL HOLY SHIT?? WE USED TO BE FRIENDS AS WELL SO IT MAKES IT SM WORSEE)
n ya the walk back upstairs adds to the shittiness of it all cuz mums talking shit about like, everybody in existence once again AND TALKING SMACK ABT OUR RELATIVE WHICH IS COMPLETELY FAIR CUZ OUR RELATIVE IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING OMG 💀💀💀🙏
anyways like half n hour ago I went to the living room (where my mum and sister are cuddling on the sofa watching some film that i wasnt told they were gna be watching so thats whatevs ig :D) after putting the kettle on boil and tried to check with my mum if she said what she actually said (cuz this happens a lot n she denies it afterwards which makes me feel like I'm going mad omg) and she starts laughing for like 2-3 minutes straight with me standing in the doorway on the verge of teats n my sister like "amma what word??? what word is she talking about????"
anyways I give up, pour myself some hot water after basically getting the confirmation and go to my mums room (2 bedroom flat and my relatives taken over my room atp) to cry LOL
then locked in a few minutes later BCUZ WHAT AM I CRYING OVER TF?!??!? STOP BEING A LIL BITCHHHHH????!? then I remember her absolute loathing for chavs and them lot, get upset again and blah blah now im listening to AMAZING ass covers on YouTube (on my ipad) n writing this so I can stop feeling upset omg 🙏🙏🙏 ANYWAYS BAI YALL WHO ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO READ THIS WHOLE THINGGG
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magicalgirlypop · 5 months ago
the women of death note deserve better
so i just finished death note. i have Thoughts about the show. some good, some bad. its not the type of show i'd usually watch but there was something in it that kept me watching. but there was one aspect of the show that bothered me to no end, one that made me consider dropping the show more than once. and that's its treatment of its female characters.
now i know shonen isn't exactly known for writing women well. this isn't to say ALL shonen is like that, but the more popular ones definitely have this problem. the women are either sidelined, reduced to love interests, or aren't allowed to reach their full potential, and this can really be seen in the women of death note. for a show that prides itself on having complex, layered characters with depths that keep people talking two decades later, it sure does drop the ball when it comes to writing women. so here i'm gonna go through all the women of death note and how they were done dirty. keep in mind this is all referring to the anime, i haven't read the manga.
naomi misora
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starting off with the one that pissed me off the most. naomi had me intrigued from the moment she first appeared on screen. she was a former fbi agent who left her job because her asshole fiance convinced her it was too dangerous, and then blew off her suggestions (which ultimately lead to his death which. el oh fucking el). she was able to piece together that kira could control how his victims die. she could add a lot to the story given that she previously worked with L. she could've been a part of the task force and would help them piece together clues that would pin down kira. does she do all that? LOL NOPE. the writers decided she was too powerful and killed her off within two episodes of her introduction. now i know this is death note and a lot of characters die. but naomi's death pissed me off the most. here was a woman who had so much potential and could solve the case within two episodes and she's killed off. oh but at least she stars in a spinoff novel half the fandom won't read! isn't that just GREAT? look how much we love women guys!
yeah all this time later and i'm still pissed off about how they did her. naomi bby you deserve so much better.
misa amane
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OH BOY GET READY FOR A BIG ONE. so misa was actually the reason i wanted to watch death note because she's fucking gorgeous. i didn't have many expectations about how she'd be written considering this is a popular shonen, but even then i was disappointed. misa is the main female character of death note. she's presented as the second kira who has shinigami eyes, which gives her the power to see a person's name and lifespan by looking at their face. she was saved by a shinigami who was in love with her and got his notebook, and her current shinigami rem (more on her next) also has feelings for her. she worships kira because he killed her parents' murderer. she finds out light is kira because her shinigami eyes don't allow her to see the lifespan of a death note owner and as such asks him to make her his girlfriend.
misa misa misa. my gorgeous goth girl. you deserved to be written so much better. a second kira who has shinigami eyes? she could've been so cool. but the writers made 90% of her personality revolve around light and treated her as this dumb, impulsive girl who worships the ground light walks on. and light doesn't even treat her that well. he just uses her and takes his frustrations out on her. oh, and don't get me started on this bullshit
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look, i get that misa is a killer and had to be restrained. but WAS THIS FETISHY CRAP NECESSARY?? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE FUCKING CROTCH STRAP?? when light was imprisoned he wasn't tied up like THIS. this is just another case of shonen authors being fucking weirdos with their female characters.
and in the end she kills herself because light dies. instead of letting her heal and live her life the author decides "welp, the man we based 90% of misa's character on is dead, time to kill her off too". just absolute bullshit. she deserved so SO much better.
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rem, my gorgeous butch shinigami. she became my favourite character when she was introduced. i was actually surprised by how direct they were about her feelings for misa. i'd seen bits and pieces of remisa before and i thought it'd be one of those ships the writers dance around but they explicitly had her say she has feelings for misa. i was so surprised and happy at that. but of course, this is a popular shonen so i shouldn't have had high expectations. my problem with how they treated rem comes in her death. she dies after killing watari and L to extend misa's lifespan. if a shinigami extends a human's lifespan they die. now, i'm not gonna say her death is an example of bury your gays because gelus, the male shinigami who saved misa before, met the same fate. however, i will say its very Interesting that the only canonically lesbian character who explicitly declares her feelings for another woman dies BECAUSE of those feelings. and then she isn't even acknowledged by misa which is so weird considering how much rem helped her. there's no scene of misa even mentioning rem or mourning her death. she dies without anyone knowing. i do enjoy the doomed yuri aspect of remisa but i really do wish they'd have misa at least acknowledge rem's death.
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wedy, aka merrie kenwood, is a spy who joins the task force in the yotsuba arc. she's an expert at getting through security and is crucial in helping pin down higuchi as kira as she's the one who installs the bugs in yotsuba's meeting room and higuchi's cars. another cool female character with a lot of potential. you know what that means. TIME TO KILL HER OFF! wedy doesn't get much screentime and then dies within eight episodes of her introduction. which is slightly better than naomi. but still. i won't say this is also a case of misogynistic writing as aiber also dies. however, there is a pattern of having a female character with potential, not giving her enough spotlight, and killing her off shortly after her debut.
sayu yagami
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sayu, my poor bbygirl sayu. she's introduced as light's bubbly little sister. in the timeskip she goes to college. her most significant role is getting kidnapped so her father could give up the death note to mello's men, making her the classic damsel in distress. and the poor girl is so traumatized that she's in a catatonic state and has to be wheelchair bound and taken care of by her mother. oh, and there's also that weird comment matsuda makes about her which... really dude? sayu isn't AS badly done as she doesn't play much of a role beyond her kidnapping. but still, she also deserves so much better.
kiyomi takada
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i didn't think i'd be as pissed off about how they did a female character as i did about naomi and misa but BOY they proved me wrong. takada was light's girlfriend in college but she doesn't play a major role until the timeskip where she becomes kira's spokesperson. like misa, she worships kira. she's happy when she finds out light is kira and would do anything for him. so another woman who worships the ground light walks on. how original. she's supposed to be smart but they never demonstrate it. and need i mention that rivalry between her and misa? making two women catty to each other over a man who isn't even all that, how very typical. but what pissed me off the most was her kidnapping. that scene where mello asks her to take off all her clothes, and then she's left with nothing but a blanket? so fucking weird, i don't care if she's kira's spokesperson. this show has a history of treating its women weirdly and i'm not gonna believe this was anything but the author being weird once again. because what even was the point of that? and then she's killed by light to destroy all evidence. i'm saying this a lot at this point but takada also deserves better. she deserved to live up to her potential.
halle linder
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out of everyone, halle is treated the best and that's not saying much. she's a double agent serving as takada's bodyguard and a spy for the spk. she's also the only woman besides sayu and sachiko who survived till the end and wasn't killed off. which i just realised. out of all the women in this show, only THREE survive till the end. isn't that something? i think my only issue with halle is the lack of spotlight. which is a theme with these women.
i thought of adding sachiko but she isn't much of a character. but there you have it. i'm not sure how bad it is in other popular shonen. but death note is full of women who had potential but the author squandered it for the sole reason that they're women. and its so jarring because people can write essays on light, L, near, mello, etc. even MATSUDA had more care put into him than any of these women. which is a damn shame. these women deserve to be in a show that actually cared about them, where they can actually live up to their potential.
i don't dislike death note. it definitely has its strong points. but the treatment of its women is something i take issue with, very strongly. if the author wasn't a weirdo and a nasty misogynist i feel like these women would've been the complex characters they deserved to be.
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mostowa · 10 days ago
7x07 Corner of Random Thoughts
This is my favorite ep of the whole season so far. We finally got emotional episode, which, I think some people forgot (writers especially), Rookie is good at. I love the weight to the storylines they bring and I missed that in the beginning of S7. This is why Corner of Random Thoughts will be long and sectioned (not so random) for some clarity.
When we got sneak peek with Lucy's flashbacks @theflyindutchwoman wondered if we get Tim's perspective, cause in 5x01 we didn't. And I'm so really glad we did. It feels so much more mutual than 5x01, it feels so much more vulnerable. And I'm here for it.
I don't necessarily agree with the fact that thing's been "solid" between them recently. But this supports my idea (which I don't really like) that "small doses" was at least some part of The Talk we've been waiting for and that with it they checked boxes of kindness and appreciation without showing them to us afterwards. This is also what I think is happening with an ensemble cast shows and writing whole arcs weirdly, when you have to divide screentime.
I love how you can see Tim's gears changin when the terapist calls him on I language. I love how therapist says "IF it was a mistake" and then makes a small head shake after. Those small things give me much more hope than I'm willing to admit.
I really think Tim might've been… hopeful (???) morning after, but Lucy's bolting scared him so much he is now convinced he made a mistake. He is doubting his judgment because of how she reacts. I think this dynamics is really perfectly depicted in @cfr749's "Beneath Your Beautiful" and they are both in this dance now.
Lucy's Flashbacks are a direct parallel to 5x01 but they also show how she is determined to compartmentalise this. There is no emotional comentary here other than her denying this. We're back to "ex-sex" thinking. AT THE SAFE HOUSE
Tim/Nolan might be my favorite new dynamics in this series. Like, seriously, they are both clueless about emotions and letting go of control but in a completely different ways. Tim closes up and toughens up and Nolan treats everyone as they are little kids. Seeing this mushed together is joy.
"Hard to sleep when she's not there" and shot to Tim is pure emotional gold mine. Makes me want to write a fanfic about those sleepless nights…
I love how reluctant Tim is towards being "emotionally unavailable" like it's still some crap he'll distance himself from. :D It's giving me a heavy reformed!Tim vibes and I'm here for that.
I also love how the talk starts with Nolan asking Tim about Isabel and ends with Tim reflecting on Lucy. This means that he thinks about her all the time and that she is more important to him than Isabel. I mean, this is obvious, but it's also nice to note that in a full-circle moment like that.
Eric kills the talk. The pain is there. The vulnerability is there. The "small doses" are there. It's the same pain that was in 6x10 and I'm here for him and Lucy to cure this pain BY GETTING BACK TOGETHER ALREADY. Lol.
IT'S ALSO THE FIRST TIME THAT WE SEE PROGRESS TIM'S MADE. He reflects on how he gave up, how he didn't fight. He's obviously not there yet with reasoning behind it. But he'll get there.
In the meantime Lucy's still in denial and we haven't gotten any one scene this episode on her doing any reflection about her situation with Tim at all. xd
The simple fact that Lucy called for Tim with Seth situation is huge for me. I mean, we all know that they trust each other professionally 100%. I just think in any universe it would be normal for them to have any kind of doubt whether they should bother another one in such situation. The way they showed there wasn't any doubt at all is huge for me. It's like I love it. Even though it's nonevent.
I think it's also the fact of how close they remain despite everything they have been through in their relationship. It's absolutely amazing and I feel this strongly this season (for some reason). Maybe it's written that way to divide their personal and professional spheres, but maybe it's just my perception of this. OTHER STUFF
James and Nyla are the most adult relationship in The Rookie. Change my mind after watching this scene in interrogation room, because James is the wise man proposing for them to face the truth and to deal with consequences regardless of the outcome.
I love Celina this season so much. I'm waiting for more storylines and more depth in her.
I love how much depth Bailey got this episode. It's amazing how well they shifted perspective from badass-almighty Bailey to badass-broken-protective Bailey. I love it so much more.
Like, Miles has a really big, texan heart. And I missed this kind of heart in The Rookie. PROMO I am pretty confident that we are getting Tim and Lucy in trouble because of Seth. There is no other reason they would veil this with "putting a two of their own at risk" in the synopsis.
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not-so-lost-after-all · 6 months ago
You're right that it's also Larian's fault (through marketing but also some of the writing) that's been causing "fans" to believe that Astarion is truly some sex obsessed horny vampire who would be up for any kink or fantasy or infidelity they and their self-insert Tavs may have. Most people don't check datamined lines and fandom spaces, they didn't know his lack of reaction to Mizora was a bug, so why believe otherwise considering he had nothing against other horny fan service stuff the game offers? And there are quite a few people out there complaining about his new reaction all over social media, more than expected…You could literally fuck anything that moves and he was okay with it. You still can do that, mostly. For example someone said on the Larian forums this feels like moralizing the player, and it makes no sense for an immortal vampire who's had hundreds of lovers to be against Tav sleeping around lol.
Oh and by the way, you don't even have to run a deception or a persuasion check on him to forgive you for cheating on him. I tested it and every time he says something you have to say you're sorry and/or that it didn't mean anything and he will forgive Tav. So Larian STILL provided a lot of fanservice when they could've written Astarion the same way they wrote Gale, Lae'zel and the others who will automatically break up with Tav, with no option to gaslight and manipulate. But they didn't, I wonder why…
To be honest I don't even care much about this, it was added so late to the game that it doesn't matter anymore. In the long run, WOTC will still use Act 1 Astarion in any future content regardless. It's not even about AA vs Spawn anymore. They know this horny crap sells, most fans want it as well so why bother portray him as anything else other than your generic sexy carefree hedonistic vampire? Wanna bet the next cards will show Astarion in a brothel or perhaps riding a certain bear with some random Tav besides him? God knows what they have in store for him.
Hello, Nonnie. For the marketing, I agree. For the writing not so much. Even Neil and the animation team did a great job in showing his discomfort, despite of what he´s saying. It´s not their problems that many of his "fans" have no reading skills and don´t see that or just want to project whatever kinks they have on him because he´s fictional (that Larian should have seen coming). I have to laugh - how does a vampire who´s been used as a whore for two centuries wanting to have his newfound love on a pedestal not making any sense? :D Too bad for them Larian thought it´s important enough to add at least now and it won´t change anymore because they are only going to do maintance for the game from now on.
Yes, it´s easy to get him to forgive you because he lacks self esteem and very much wants to believe you. It´s so sad when the player gaslight him, really, the supposed love of his life. The only scene when he´s complete aware of his value is suprisingly when you offer the poly situation after completing his personal quest - he tells you in nicer words not to screw it up because he´ll be fine with or without you.
Now, the brothel I can´t justify but all romanced companions are just worried about you when you sleep with Haarlep and don´t comment on the Emperor.
I seriously wonder if we´re ever going to see such nuanced character in a game again when it´s easier to just throw tropes at the players. Sadly, I´ve talked about how the thirsthy WOTC cards are most probably his only future. But thank you for the mental picture of a huge bear with Astarion and Tav on his back having a laugh :D
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stillaclownlol · 1 year ago
Thanks to @canadianlucifer for the ships questions :>
MORE aidlyn because I just. Need this for my mental health guys.
Actually I've been thinking about doing stuff for other ships?? But idk let me know if yall wanna see that ^_^
1. Who would ask the other "would you still love me if i was a worm?" And what would the others reaction be?
...You guys know Aiden would ask 💀 He also asks stuff like "would you love me if I was a shoe" and other bullshit. Ash just looks at him like "...what."
2. Who plans the best dates?
Depends on your definition of best. Aiden plans all the cool/exciting stuff and he actually has the money for all the stuff he wants to do with her. Ash's dates are more romantic, if only by virtue that they're in quiet places where they can be alone. Tho neither of them plan dates a lot they just kinda end up alone together lol
3. Who's the best at carnival games?
Aiden's been to a lot of carnivals and he's a good shot with a BB gun! Ash doesn't really like carnivals (overstimulating) but she's good at the fish pond and ring toss.
4. Who drags the other onto rollercoasters?
Aiden LOVESSSS rollercoasters so much, its a great way to get his adrenaline up! He'll ask Ash a lot to go on one too, but he won't force her (rollercoasters are *really* loud, especially all the people screaming, and he wouldn't make her do anything that causes her pain)
5. Who does the most chores?
Ash is pretty strict about chores, and she makes sure any household stuff is evenly split between them, but...I mean, she helps Aiden with his own chores cuz he's really bad at cleaning and stuff 🫠
6. Who gets drunk faster?
At some point in the future: Depends what you mean. Aiden has a higher tolerance but he would also drink WAAAAAY more than Ash ever would, so he would get drunker "quicker", but if they were drinking exactly the same Ash would get tipsy faster (vertically challenged struggles fr 😔)
7. Who watches more reality TV?
Aiden likes all that crap like Big Brother and stuff, watches reruns at night when he can't sleep.
8. Who is more likely to insist their way is the best way, even though objectively its the worse?
Ash is more stubborn than Aiden is but her way is probably waaaay better than Aiden's way 🤡 Aiden might insist for a bit but he also finds arguing to be kinda boring so eventually he would drop it
9. Who believes in ghosts?
Ash doesn't believe in ghosts at all, and Aiden is really into the idea of ghosts and would LOVE evidence, but he also doesn't believe in them.
10. Who texts the other memes?
I don't think Ash has texted a meme to anybody in her entire life. So...Aiden.
11. Who makes the most typos/autocorrect mistakes?
Aiden because he types really fast and he doesn't bother to fix the mistakes lol
12. Who's the nervous flier?
Ash has never been on a plane, and she doesn't like doing stuff that's outside her comfort zone, so she's the more nervous flier. Aiden doesn't like flying but only because it means he needs to sit still for more than an hour and he cant do that shit happily 🤡
13. If they had matching profile pictures would they be cute/funny/weird?
Aiden would beg to match pfps because he's an absolute dork. it can't be anything too weird because like...Ash isn't into that. Would probably be smth really basic like Hello Kitty and Tuxedo Sam or whatever (he's Hello Kitty) if Ash even wanted to do it.
14. Who is better at writing formal emails?
Thank you discord for helping me settle this. We settled on Aiden because his parents/tutor definitely would have taught him how to do that so they could be in contact/to teach him about their job. Ash only does them for school and they end up really short and simple.
15. Who steals the others food?
Aiden always offers Ash his food, so she doesn't even need to steal 🤡 Aiden will do it mostly to mess with her lol
16. Who is more willing to commit murder for the other?
Lol. Guess. :)
17. When their kid is chanting "McDonalds!" Who is joining the chant, who is saying there's food at the house, and who is pulling up to order a single black coffee and leave?
Aiden is joining the chant because he's always up for McDonalds, but Ash is driving and she's driving home 😭
18. Who uses the most slang?
Aiden unironically
19. Who uses emoticons?
Aiden feels a spiritual connection with the smiley face emoticon
20. Who'd slay at the Met Gala?
Um they'd both slay 🤭 But Ash would slay harder I mean have you seen her fits??? I literally wanna steal her closet omg
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years ago
Okay I'm finally ready to move on from this.
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I have been blogging about almost every concept Jimin drops but I have been reluctant to share it because it's just missing a vital piece of myself. Usually when I write, I enjoy what I write and every feeling and emotion I express is real and authentic. So imagine me trying to write something fun and positive while feeling like crap within?
I'm grateful for every single one of you. My instinct was to disengage and disconnect but talking to yall and seeing your attempts to cheer me up- cheered me up. Lol. I don't know why I thought avoiding people and dealing with things on my own was the only way to cope. yalls way equally works too. Works better I'd say.
Thanks for not pushing though and having the grace to let me be when I needed to be alone and not punishing me when I returned to talk to yall.
This is new to me. Well not new new, I do that for others it's just people don't do that for me very often so I don't bother to make friends at all. I'll give and not bother to take nothing. I love you guys for this
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I won't feed into the negative. As I said OP isn't the first or last person to pull a stunt like this. I'm aware of others. I don't say anything about those because I can tell from the manner in which they engage with my content they simply just want to amplify my voice and my words.
To such people it's not about me or them, it's about Jimin. Jimin is at the center of their thoughts and actions. Some even say in their posts, I wish Jimin could see this message. And while they fail to credit me for whatever reason, I still feel my work is honored and respected because it is being used the way I intended it to be used.
I don't write these word for no body but Park Jimin. He is the one I adore, he is the one I extol. And if you are going to borrow my words to extol him and honor him then I don't think it matters of you credit me or not. We are all just fans of the same man. We can lend our voices to each other.
Taehyung sees Army's posts and art about Jimin and he saves them and shows them to Jimin. He wants jimin to know people love you, people support you and I think that is truly encouraging for JM himself. There is a while trail of moons on JM's back because Tae chose to amplify someone's fanart.
Jimin does the same thing with Jungkook when people mention him in his lives. He wants Jungkook to know he is being loved on and that I feel motivates and encourages Jungkook.
But for you to take words that are not yours and present them as yours implies you want to be centered and credited for those words. Which invariably means it's not about Jimin or the writer behind those words, it's about you and your need for attention and I find that dishonorable.
It's even more bizarre and disconcerting when you feel you have to go out of your way to deplatform the original creator in order to center yourself.
This is the problem I grapple with in this community. People are constantly trying to deplatform me and claim authorship of my work at the same damn time. And they do this by deliberately concocting lies, stories, misconstruing my thoughts and my words, taking things out of context and massacring my reputation.
It's always, look she said this about Jimin. She hates Jimin. She shades jikook. She is an anti. I hate her guts because she is not an actual fan of the boys. Yall should hate her too. She's creepy. She's the end of days.
So when such people see something they know go against their rhetorics and narratives about me they try to either suppress by discouraging people from engaging with it while they turn around and steal those words as their own to make themselves look good.
And they are not vilifying me because they genuinely believe I'm bad or that I hate these boys. No. They only do it to elevate themselves. Someone has to be bad so they can be good.
It's always, she's bad don't follow her, but look I'm good and nonproblematic and you should follow me not her.
Jealousy is a disease and I won't call anyone jealous.
But also,
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I remember, I used to be friends with some people before Tumblr and they are quite "big jikook" accounts. Well some have left the Fandom but still. We would talk about Jikook nonstop and we'd discuss moments and scenes i loved and I'd always tell them, this happened here that happened there and they would download the video and make edits based on my suggestions and share them.
I knew nothing about video editing- still don't, and frankly I don't care to learn. I love writing more.
But when they learned I was doing Tumblr, they turned on me quick. Suddenly they were the ones trying debunk my theories, and when they couldn't they would create their own versions of the videos I had already made or actively try to suppress my content by disparaging me and making up stories.
Suddenly it was, she's trying to compete, she's trying to take z away from us. It was an unending cycle till eventually I stopped making my own videos- well I still make them I just don't share them🥴
There's a popular jikook account who even told me blog analysis are unneeded and that what they did was better than mine because they were providing "actual evidence" and not just opinions and assumptions etc.
And yes they said it to my face as friendly advice😆
Same advice I heard from people who thought I shouldn't be pointing out Jikooks "ground breaking scenes" because it makes me come off creepy🙂
They would rather I told them so they made the edits on their accounts cos they "love me and hate to see me get hated on" out here ☹
Okay besties, and while you're at it why don't you fuck my girlfriend for me cos rubbing vaginas together is really breaking my back👉🏾👈🏾
The elitism in this community is real and they don't like to hear it but gag me and I'll shout it out of my ass
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Creators in this space can be very competitive and often envious of others and they try to weaponize their platforms to take out anyone they deem a threat to their delusional high ranks in the-- who-gives-a-fuck-Karen- it's-not-that-deep-sit-down
When you hear them talk about "young impressionable minds" that's when you know they've gone and filled their bellies full of themselves.
Anywho, my reaction was not just because some random person stole my whole blog and made it theirs. It was more a trauma response to the constant vitriol, vilification, malicious attempts at deplatforming me, the constant micro and macro aggressions and the vicious gruesome mental attacks I endure out here.
But I'm good. ✌
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kaeyaswifefromsnezhnaya · 22 days ago
It's funny how it happened with Aoi, I again fell for "we are similar" to get to the bottom of it and understand that we are similar in terms of antipodes of the same problem and I again played the savior of someone who doesn't need it, and here I have nothing to catch either. I'm starting to bypass people with blue motives...
Probably this is the last phase of my complaints about Aoi, probably I will no longer return to simping on her, since I understood my attitude towards her completely. I would not focus on this, if not for these phases of "well, that's it, I definitely don't like Aoi anymore!!!😭", this is already a meme.
So these phases were there because there was a wormhole, something in Aoi was bothering me all this time, which did not allow me to defend her with a calm soul, there was something questionable, and here it is lol. She really has a difficult and unpleasant character, she really strives for all this crap, you can even say that to some extent she enjoys it. This doesn't justify the cringe towards her, but it explains it. The guys around her are cringe, and you can't change that, and you shouldn't say that she deserved it, but at the same time, some of the attitude from close friends, for example, she created for herself such. Yes, she distances herself, yes, she looks down on her, yes, she lies, hah.
And just as I didn't really like Akane's justifying like he's just very much in love and stubborn, and doesn't go overboard, so Aoi's justifying is now also striking and I don't like it. She's just very distrustful, and not everything Akane said about her shortcomings. He's not a yandere, not obsessed, not traumatized, not weird, he's just a boy head over heels in love. She's not a tyrant, not proud, she's just a timid, distrustful girl. At the same time, if you call her a victim of situations, then this is an insult, Aoi controls everything
My mistake was to focus on her problems, without thinking too much about her unpleasant features. They were just so lifelike...and interesting...I wanted them to be well developed, I thought it would be appropriate. But I ignored her other side and in the end lol yeah. Although still, Aoi was treated unfairly, in her harmfulness she could have been more harmful, which would also have endeared her to me more lol, like now she is like this, well, I don't know what, the type of person whose unpleasantness you can't justify, because they don't have actual reasons, they are very unpleasant or it is detrimental to their story.
It's just so important to look at Aoikane in a holistic way!!! Yes, she's a heartbreaker and she's a yandere! I don't like it when people say that Akane didn't do any disturbing bad things, and now I don't like it when people say that Aoi was also a sweet and innocent girl who didn't do anything questionable. She did, she's a living person, she tries to portray one, being a character picture. Aoikane are so perfect, they never made mistakes, and if they did something wrong, it was within the strict framework of innocent childish mistakes. But they are not like that.
The day I realized that Aoi actually likes watching Akane try to win her over, and she will keep him at a distance, not thinking that it is rude to him. That Aoi likes being the best, it's just that her self-esteem issue is twisted into the side of "I'm playing poor", and this can pass for fake shyness. That if she had done _just something_, she wouldn't have to suffer alone, but she simply doesn't want to do that, wanting to remain in the role of a misunderstood unfortunate.
Aoi has problems with society, but she has: a family that probably treats her well enough, there were no direct hints that her mother and grandmother did not value her at all, she has loyal friends who want to be friends with her, who are ready to risk themselves for her, that's three people, people like Lemon and Kou treat her well, she doesn't live such a bad life! But does she value what she has? She is stuck in her experiences, but does not even try to do anything about them. "If I tell you, you will not help me", and who gave you the right to decide for a person? You can endlessly justify poor Aoi, but how would her situation change if she at least once directly said what she wanted to say. She chooses to lie herself, and honestly, these are only her problems. It is a mystical coincidence that she came across such a devoted Akane, who will continue to pursue her, but in theory, normal people are not obliged to do this.
Her bad personality doesn't cancel out her good traits, she doesn't automatically become a villain for having these bad traits, but just recognizing that she has them... that's actually really important. And Aoi was my favorite for a long time, she taught me a lot, and I learned a lot during that time, so she's just a phase now that I appreciate for the good times I had and the lessons I learned, but since I've figured out my feelings on the Aoi theme, I don't think I can call myself her fan anymore. Not my cup of tea.
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yocalio · 11 months ago
Hii! First of all, I'm an old follower of yours and I always loved your gifs. Recently I started watching Shōgun thanks to you. I didn't read the books (are they good?), but I'm really enjoying it. The only thing that bothers me is that they keep bringing up how John and Mariko are close to each other, while it's been a few episodes now since we saw them being intimate (I don't mean the sex scene in particular, but them being alone, deep conversations or little things, anything). It's like everybody understood the thing between them, but they're not doing much. If they wanted to keep the focus on their relationship, why didn't they show us more of them? I'm all in for the yearning, it's not like I want them as a couple right from the start, but this all talking about them but at the same time leaving them to the sides feels weird. What do you think about it? Sorry, this ask is too long (:
First of all, thanks for being a long-time follower! And I'm glad you started watching Shogun. I did read the book late last year after I found out about the new FX adaptation and it was amazing. I really recommend it. It's only one book but it's very long. 1,300 pages approximately.
As far as what's going on with John and Mariko. You're not the first person to notice this and I guess I should've seen this coming after going back recently and reading some of the earlier reviews of the show. Some journalist made a point to say that the core romance between them "fails to ignite" in a Hollywood Reporter article and in others that the romance from the book/original miniseries had been purposefully minimized. I don't necessarily think it's failed. It's igniting alright, it's just not living up to its full potential and is leaving us all a bit confused and frustrated after getting invested, especially those of us that have read the book.
(IN MY OPINION) I think this was a creative decision by the showrunners to make a more culturally sensitive and historically accurate show set in feudal Japan. This also explains why they haven't missed a beat on Buntaro's jealousy subplot while they've left out a lot of what Mariko and John go through together. I may not like it because I believe it really hamstrings John and Mariko's personalities and alters their motivations moving forward and even possibly the ending, but I really think that's why we haven't seen them interact after episode four other than some yearning glances and frosty conversations.
Never fear though, I still think we'll get some great moments between them coming up soon and probably in this next episode as Shinnosuke Abe's (who plays Buntaro) latest Instagram post hints "As Buntaro, I don't wanna watch this episode" coupled with the trailer for episode eight. Sounds like Mariko may have had enough of his crap and gives in to her feelings for the Anjin? Finally? Please?! We shall see. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, I'm just going by what I know to be true in the book but can't say for sure because adaptations have a way of telling a different story than their source material.
Anyway, this was long. Hope it helps though, lol.
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ebonysplendor · 1 year ago
Absolute Adoration (Demo) Review 🪻
TL;DR: We basically tell Rai to piss off, but he said "Okay, but what if I don't?" and proceeded to try to bribe us with food. ...I mean, yeah, it worked but still.
Game Link: https://wanderingthoughts.itch.io/absolute-adoration
Notable Features: Self-Insert, Gender Options, Yandere LI...honestly, that's about it so far but apparently the full game will have more (as expected) Spiciness: 0/5 -- No porn for the plot, mah bois LI Red Flags: 1.5/5 -- Gaslighter, implied stalking, implied vehicular sabotage
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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I ran across this game, like...honestly, a hot minute ago. Maybe around...September or so? It was way before I decided to start my gaming blog thing and write reviews and such. Anyways, I had recently revisited the page to see if there was any updates, and, unfortunately, there isn't. In fact...
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...there hasn't been an update since March, which is super tragic, but you can't rush greatness, that's for sure, and I am pretty damned invested in the story so far.
Nothing super wild happens, but typically, whenever I play, it's just tradition for me to pick either the super toxic route (ex. throwing hands, yelling back, shutting shit down from the jump with the LI, etc.) or the super naïve route (ex. going along with the LI, ignoring obvious red flags, being super compliant, etc.). That being said...I was super toxic to the LI lol that's probably why it threw me that Eris was so toxic towards Milo, like that was supposed to be my job. He didn't respond to it poorly, but damn, did we respond to him poorly, and that alone has me invested because surely a puppy can only be kicked so many times before it starts to bite, right?
Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and jump into the synopsis, if that's cool. The intro is a little short, but...meh, I think it's still a decent length, yeah? Not to mention that the demo is lowkey pretty short as well, so it makes sense. Either way, whether the intro is long enough or not, this is what it's gonna be because I can't think of anything more to say lol.
But yeah, enough yapping about the intro length, let's get into the game itself. As always, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself, so stick around, because it's going to get...well, I'm not entirely sure, because the LI's actually pretty tame. Either way, just hang with me for a bit, and you'll see why I'm so invested in what this game has to offer next.
Okay, for realsies, now. Let's start summarizing.
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So, boom.
We're waiting for the city bus, and it's cold as hell outside. Not only is it cold as hell outside, but the bus is late...like hella late...late as hell. Whatever though, this is what cell phones and social media and apps and all that crap were made for, so we whip out our phone and start scrolling. While scrolling though, we can't help but feel like we're being watched and...
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We are, in fact, being watched. Like, okay then, that's totally not uncomfortable or anything.
Clearly realizing that he got caught staring, he looks away. We kind've brush off this super brief interaction as him being a straight-up weirdo and go back to scrolling in peace. Well, it doesn't last long, because he somehow worked up the courage to come over and talk to us. Is it to rizz us up, is it because he's bored? Who knows, but we aren't entirely happy about it because, frankly, we want to be left the hell alone and just get to our class even though, at the rate that we're going, we're guaranteed to be late.
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So, now he's standing in front of us, and he's just like, "Hey!" and we're just giving him the look. You know what I mean by the look. That look. That "why the hell are you breathing my air" look, but he just keeps yapping.
"Sorry, to bother you--" Ayo, not the 'sorry to take up your time, but let me take up your time' approach. Lmaoooo here we go with this shit "--but my name is Rai! What's yours?"
The only way to respond to this was by way of bombastic side-eye, but he clearly doesn't get the message. Well, more accurately, he acknowledges the message, but he doesn't care, because he just keeps talking to us. Finally, we're like "Bro, nah" and try to leave because first off, it's ridiculous that the bus still isn't here, and second, it's aggravating that we've tried to dismiss him -- openly and, honestly, quite rudely -- and he refuses to do so. Notice I say that we try to leave, because tell me why he's like "Can I walk with you?"
"Can I walk with you? Please? I get really nervous walking by myself."
Like, bro, stop the cap. You walked all the way to this damned bus stop by yourself. Like, sir, if you don't leave me the hell alone. Like, we definitely had no choice but to stand on business, and ditch him and that damned bus stop.
So, we do. We ditch him, get to class, get that over and done with, meet up with our squad for a little bit, and head on home, but while walking home, something a little weird goes down.
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We're walking to our apartment, and that same feeling of being watched comes back. At first, we brush it off as us still being stressed from what went down earlier today, so we decide to listen to some music to self-soothe. That being said, we are by no means stupid, so we keep an earbud out just in case we hea-- *snap, no crackle or pop* *And cue someone's barely audible but said with feeling "shit"*
...what the hell was that?
We turn around, and, as expected, there's no one. What's wild about this though, is that...we could swear we had heard something. Remember, that was the whole reason we only put one earbud in, but it must've just been a squirrel or something? Better yet, we write it off as a squirrel or something, but we're pretty adamant we heard something. Whatever though. We make it to our apartment, do our homework, and hit the hay.
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The next day rolls around, and we head to the cafe to meet one of our friends. Oddly enough, it gets cancelled because of car troubles, but it's like damn, we're already here. Well, whatever. We try to order something from the counter because we're still pretty hungry, friend here to hang out or not, but the employee behind the counter is like "Nah, brah, we're out". Well, damn. Then -- unprompted, quite frankly -- they proceed to tell us some blue haired guy bought the last of what we were trying to order. "Blue haired guy" they said? Ain't no way...
We look over...
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Well, damn! ... for the second time.
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Fuck that noise. We go to leave and pretend we didn't even see him, but he calls after us by name. Now, this is a red flag because, if you remember, we totally blew this guy off at the bus stop -- we never gave him our name, just a vicious side-eye.
So, we call him out on it, and naturally, he's trying to defend himself, and he honestly makes a valid point: why would he lie about something as stupid as us giving him our name?
...Aiight. We cave, and let it go.
Just trying to speed through this a bit, Rai bribes us with the snack that we couldn't buy to sit and talk to him for a while. We're a bit sassy and saucy and snippy about it at first, but we decide to lay off and give the guy a fair chance, and we leave when the sun starts to go down.
That's it! That the game! Lol kind've zipped through that last part, but meh, nothing really goes down, and I don't want to give you everything because, you've still gotta play this yourself, remember?
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Even though much didn't happen, enough happened to make me pretty damned invested.
I just really hate that they haven't updated the game in almost a year because it honestly has potential. Like, the story is there; it just needs to, very obviously, be completed. I mean, the fact that we were able to pretty much tell him to piss off right from the jump just for him to pretty much corner us into talking with him anyways and then...well, I can't tell you that part lol. But, I was sharing that to say that it's a solid build up to the actual game and to the next day, and I need it!
Admittedly, some parts were a little slow and redundant, but like I've mentioned in some of my other reviews, story telling is kind've hard. I'd imagine that narrating those "transition" scenes, let alone actually getting to it, is pretty difficult to not make boring or redundant.
Anywho that's pretty much all I have to say about the game. I mean, I thought Rai was super adorbs -- not to mention his eyeliner is fucking flawless -- but like...I miss him lol. Like, ugh, no update, no dev logs, no side social to follow the game progress, just nothingness and a super intense waiting game. Man's took the hint and said "I'll listen. I'll stay away". Like, no, Rai, babes, come back, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
But! Greatness shall not nor ever be rushed! I'm sure whenever the dev decides to jump back in, they'll come back damned swinging, and we'll finally get the unhinged, blue-haired man that we want to force us into a relationship with him! Truly exciting to think about, and I honestly can't wait. Until then, though, I'm just going to keep an eye out like I have been.
Oh whoops, totally forgot about the recommendation itself lol. Uh, yeah! I do think you should play it. As typical, it's free, so like...why not, ya know? Just, if you do decide to play it, don't get too attached, because it may be a while before an update gets dropped.
Well, uh...that's...honestly it. Lol like I said, I didn't have much to say about this one since it's relatively short, but hopefully it was still somewhat interesting to read.
Anyways! That's officially all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around!
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Absolute Adoration
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hopeymchope · 2 years ago
Do you think you can help me out? I don't understand why everyone loves Ibuki so much. I mean, I don't want to hate her, but the one thing I don't like is her music. It's been bothering me ever since I learned that she's a fan favorite, I want to know if anyone doesn't like Ibuki because of her music. I get that her popularity has to do with her jokes and fashion, but some of it feels like dark humor to me. You can read my blog for more info if you want (some of it doesn't make sense though).
I don't think anyone likes Ibuki's music aside from Hiyoko, lol. (Unless, of course, you're talking about that amazing fan recording of what "I Squeezed Out the Baby But I Have No Idea Who the Father Is" could sound like, which I would say is an absolute jam.) Just look at everyone else's reaction to it in-game! So you're definitely not alone in such an opinion; I'd be stunned to learn if ANY fans legitimately liked her in-game/in-anime music, actually. I always thought the whole POINT was that it's supposed to sound like a cacophony of garbage. But having some crap musical preferences isn't usually enough to hate OR love somebody, y'know? Whether they're real OR fictional.
(But please, y'all: If any of you legitimately love — or, like @dangan-kagura, totally hate — Ibuki for her.... eccentric musical style, I'd love to hear about that. I want to know you exist!)
But ultimately, I think Ibuki is beloved by the DR fanbase because of three main reasons:
A) Yes, she's funny and cartoonishly positive and speaks in the third person, but she also runs deeper/smarter than she usually acts. We do tend to really dig characters with layers to them that run deeper than our first superficial impression.
B) We also love someone who is relentlessly individualistic and shows no signs of caring what other people think of her. There's an admirable quality to her, particularly in how she's pursuing her music when we meet her.
C) A character with queer undertones (overtones?) is always a character that fandoms will gravitate towards.
Let me go a little more in-depth on those points.
Regarding point A: Obviously, Ibuki acts like a goofball a lot of the time, which can be endearing. But she also surprisingly pulls her weight in the class trials by catching others in lies, pressing people for answers, reporting on exactly what sounds/voices came from where at what points during Chapter 1's murder, and so on. She can be quite insightful — remember that in DR3's Despair Arc, she's the only person in Class 77-B who points out that there's something between Fuyuhiko and Peko — that they're clearly closer than they pretend to be. All of the above speaks to how lowkey observant she is, which supports how she can drop some legit wisdom, such as her mini-speech about "finding oneself" during her final FTE in Island Mode.
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Regarding point B: As we gradually learn her background in-game from various conversations and FTEs, we find that she once wrote and co-performed a song with her Light Music Club that became a top-charting single. That fact combined with her incredible guitar skills helped her get scouted by Hope's Peak as the "Ultimate Musician." Even so, she ditched her club and quit pop music so she could make the heavier, harder music SHE wanted to make. And... it's not exactly being well-received, but she doesn't seem to give a damn. She left behind the easy route to praise and loads of cash so she could maintain her artistic integrity and do what she's passionate about and loves doing. That's easy to admire.
Regarding point C: At the end of Island Mode, if the player/Hajime suggests they could now be "lovers," she rejects that notion with a strong "DENIED!" Plus she talks about her heart pounding hard when she sees the other girls in their swimsuits. And there's her request for Mahiru to take picutres of Mikan in compromising positions when poor Tsumiki falls in Chapter 1. And, y'know... the infamous "Welcome to the world of girl love!" quote. All this together has made her be popularly believed to be gay or at least bi/pansexual, and characters with those kinds of hints just always get a lot of love from fans. Geeks do love their slash.
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I hope this helped you understand why people are fond of her — including myself. I'd probably put her anywhere from tier 1 to tier 3 of my favorite characters, depending on the day. She's not a lock for the top level by any means, but I'm still a fan and enjoy her presence.
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queen-diamond-serenity · 1 year ago
The irony of this is
Dutch haters are far more toxic than Micah fan base in fact I in all honesty have not come across one microfan that I have actually dislike. And I hate Micah I cannot stand him as a character and nothing will ever change that. I do love his voice actor and there is one picture of Micah I like. Other than that the fact that Dutch haters are more toxic than Micah fan base really does say a lot about you. A majority of RDR fan base is toxic as hell and you're the main ones who cause trouble in Mayhem and then try to make it look like we're the ones being Troublemaker Just because we're Dutch apologist. I never thought that I would say this I would rather be around a Micah fan at this point than to be around the rest of you. So when y'all say we deserve to get blocked or blocked us I don't give a fuqk. What am I missing out on? Most of y'all have crap content most of y'all come up with shit scenarios and lore and theories regarding the entire rdr. Y'all don't have a creative bone in your body's half of you steal from other content creators and then think that we've lost something by you threatening to block us are thinking it's wholesome to block us we don't give a fuck and I think I've made a post like this before not caring. I haven't posted anything in weeks and when I come back here a fellow friend of mine's is dealing with toxic Dutch haters. Y'all can say what you want to about Dutch but we're not the one causing trouble or bring it all the toxicity in the community y'all are. But go off.
What is our crimes other than being a fan of Dutch?
I have set back for years and kept quiet and have watched on every platform you can think of concerning RDR fan base and see where all the problems are stemming from and coming from.
block me I don't care cuz you can't fuck with me no way. I don't want to be on your shitty side of social media. I am a living nightmare for a lot of you because I don't take the bullshit that everybody else do. LOL I'm from up North we are feisty out here lol. Stay in your lane because we not coming in yours you blocking a bunch of us who don't want to deal with you any damn ways. Y'all are a damn joke. To all you Dutch and Micah fans continue to stay to yourselves create good content and enjoy life. Have your fun have your ships have at it and continue to stick up your middle fingers to the rest. They got a majority of the fan base on the other side and they're still not happy. That already right there should tell you something. They just a bunch of miserable people in real life in general. Y'all should take an example from somebody who hates Micah I cannot stand him like I said before. But I don't give his fan base hell especially when they aren't coming at me. The only time I'll say something to somebody come at me sideways other than that I'm not bothered by them being a fan of his. Because that's what maturity looks like. You should try it sometimes and grow the fuck up. Other people in this Phantom will be nice about it not me I'm a proud azzhole.😁
Understand something about the woman I am I come from a very huge family so I'm never lonely I'm surrounded by a lot of love. And let's just face it a lot of you people on social media are lonely miserable people looking for love and most of you have found it in all the wrong places. So I don't care about being blocked. I got people who give a shit about me in real life. Trust me I will not lose sleep over wondering over a complete stranger who blocked me that I don't even know ever existed.
Everybody else give y'all this polite and light? But me? Oh I'm going to call out the elephant in a room and best believe I'm going to do it with a little bit of hot sauce.
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kiss-my-freckle · 8 months ago
I do not like Isobel but the actress nails it. When she says "But we all know you're not Katherine" she means, "you're not Katherine........right?" She sees the triangle forming.
Defan is just seeing with tension. Stefan looks at Damon during Stelena embrace and Damon looks like, crap I gotta deal with him now.
Elena looks at Damon like crap I gotta deal with this now.
Defan is home having a tense conversation and Stefan is like crap I'm already slightly losing.
Do you think Founder's Day was the next day?
Damon is truly bothered with Isobel outing his feelings like that, so I'd even go so far as to say he's angry with her. Mainly because he's private about his emotions to begin with. Because he's been living as a vampire, he pretends not to care for the sake of protecting himself and those he cares about. Isobel not only used his love against him, she outed him for it. If Damon wanted Elena to know, he would've told her himself. He didn't want either her or Stefan to know because he didn't want that awkwardness. He never told either of them, he just wanted to bury it. That's why I say Stefan should've left Isobel's comment with Isobel. Because Damon was leaving his feelings where they belonged... with himself. But Stefan let his jealousy get the better of him. In treating Damon the way he did, Damon decided not to bury his feelings for her. It's that rebellious nature in him. He'll do what he hasn't been doing since he fell. He'll even try to kiss her. Because yeah... you don't tell Damon what he will or won't do lol
I'm not sure if Founders Day picked up right where they left off, but it seems so. I just know that they depended on the fireworks to use the Gilbert device because it's a dual thing. Every little speck of firework is like a needle piercing a vampire's skull, and it happens over and over again... so you get multiple fireworks. Bonnie finally explains it to Damon in 2x6 when she gets ready to use it on Mason. "That's me giving you an aneurysm. Your blood vessels go pop. But you heal quickly, so I do it over and over again." This is the vampire device, only it covers 5 blocks rather than one person. That's why you get repeated fireworks.
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turvuren · 8 months ago
and at the same time I’ll share my thoughts on this topic, like, you can ignore them but I just wanted to share so yeah
Maybe Moon / Phos M/F uhoh
I think Phos barely knows Moon...Like, she saw him a couple of times but that was all🤔
Moon is damn tall. Imean...5'8-5'9"??????? And Phos, on the contrary, is a rather short huh, small cute and fragile >:з
I think they would have a small age difference, about a year..
In general, that's all I would like to say, lol, bro. You don’t have to include thoughts in general in the post if you do write something, but it would be great if they were in the post :0
lol i usually write rutile centric stuff 😭😭 I'm pretty indifferent towards phos but I'll try OK SO ive had this idea for a while... sibling phoses. i couldnt think of a way to write them with diff names without it sounding corny in eng, i liked genki phos anyways. like imagine his literal name being winter or moon... or by god, joy. lol
name should be self explanatory. genki - happy, so its the og phos. tsuki - winter. winter phos. tsuki - moon. thats it
cw incest sorry not sorry.
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"What the hell is that fucker's problem?..." "What?" Phos shakes her head, gesturing at the man with the weird bucket hair and that weird prosthetic eye. Because no way in hell there's anyone with a natural white iris, right? And heterochromia doesn't work that way. Never does. Her roommate, some weird girl Phos doesn't even bother remembering the name of, just shrugs. "That's just how he usually acts. I think he's a third year." "Still a goddamn weirdo." Phos is messing with the vending machine when he comes across her again, and she just about screams in shock - until she gets a nice, long look at that stupid face. "...brother..?" "Hiya. Long time no see?"
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There are 3 Phos's - at least in this small little town. The youngest, Genki, the middle child, Fuyuki, and the eldest half brother to Genki and Fuyuki - Tsuki.
See, Tsuki was a little bit of a brat. And a troublemaker. Genki had never met him, only told stories of him - don't ever turn out like your brother, yadayada, he had been a little bit more than just a handful after - "You're a murderer," Genki says, getting a bit scared now. "How...? Aren't you supposed to be in prison?" Tsuki laughs. "Parole, kid. Anyways, never really seen you in person. What's your name again...? Gen...?" "Genki. You're..." "Tsuki. Your beloved big brother-" "Hell no!" Genki backs away. "Look. Get the hell away from me. I've seen you, watching me these past few... everything! What do you want?" Tsuki laughs again, grating, grating sound against her ears. "What? Can't even look at my own little sister?" "Absolutely not. Go fuck yourself." "What? We just met and you're telling me off?" Genki shakes her head. "You're a damn criminal. I will NOT associate myself with the likes of you - now if you'll excuse me, I have CLASS-" He grabs her by the shoulder and presses his lips against hers. For a moment, Genki is a stunned, unable to react, but as her thoughts return she pushes him away. "What the fuck-?" "I'll make this quick," Tsuki cuts her off. "I'm single. Lonely. You don't wanna see your big brother-" "Cut it out with that big brother crap! You're not my brother, I only have one, and that's-" "Fuyuki? Oh, he's much more pliant compared to you, isn't he? But that's what makes me... endear you. You're so much more feisty, more personality." "I-" "Back to the point. Nobody likes me around here." "And what makes you think I do?!" "Well? We're family. You share my blood. My dirty, murderer blood." "That's not true. We're not even-" "Fully related? That's true. I guess you're only half murderer." "Cut it out!" "No." Genki grits her teeth. What an infuriating bastard. Not even anyone else comes close to this level of... of... "Look, Gen," Tsuki sighs. "I just want someone to spend time with little ol me. Don't you pity me?" Genki narrows her eyes. Maybe... maybe. He's... kind of making her feel bad. "Fine. What do you want?" Oh, but how wrong a decision that is.
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Genki buries her face in her hands as Tsuki pulls away, cigarette smoke filling the hotel room. Bite marks over her exposed shoulders where the covers can't hide her shame. "Well? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Dirty. So dirty. This murderer ... and her. "You did a great job there, sis. Don't mope about it. Poison isn't so bad. At least he died quickly. Painlessly." "Painlessly? Really?" They're not so different, are they?
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binary5tar1117 · 10 months ago
I'm rewatching Pit Babe to write a fic and I'll try not to make it everyone's problem
I'm just gonna keep updating this post when I get the urge to share instead of making a million posts
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Look at Way glaring daggers at Charlie when he compliments Babe after the bet with Winner 🤣🤣
Going from watching Benz being sweet and emotional during Boy's Journey to beating the shit out of Pooh is giving me a bit of whiplash. Clearly hes a good actor though lol
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More glares. If they fuck in the car in Way's garage I can just picture the salty annoyance
Damn Nut is such a good actor. I'm rewatching specifically for him basically so I'm noticing all the little things. When Babe is in the hospital and starts to realize he lots his powers, Way notices and hesitates to leave with Alan... though he does cuz Charlie is there.
Ya know Way gets hate for kissing Babe while he has him under his control (and yes it's implied he was going to do more but he never actually did and we don't know he would have gone through with it) BUT Charlie also gives Babe a sponge bath while he's "asleep" after Babe as explicitly told him to stay away. That seems as bad or worse than a kiss. Both should count as sexual assault at least even if you don't say one was worse or not. But Charlie gets forgiven and Way gets crucified (almost literally in that he has to die to make up for it while Charlie the fucking stalker floats of to his happily ever after)
Okay I was feeling a little disappointed that everyone is so keen on Kim/Kenta and Pete/Way but like... come on
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Ignoring the knife they look like they are about to make out! And we know they kissed as teenagers. There was no where near this level of sexual tension when Kenta had the knife to Kim's throat just saying. Like I get that Garfield and Benz are "paired" but ... they should have thought of that before doing this casting.
(Complete side note but I don't remember thinking Kenta/Garfield was hot on my first watch but my love for Kenta has grown and I guess so to has my attraction.)
So in this nobody cares post I'm going to point out:
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This is Way giving Babe water. Someone on youtube made an edit showing all the times Way gives him alcohol and Charlie gives him food or water or takes the alcohol away. Thus implying that Charlie is better than Way.
It doesn't bother me that people point out issues with Way. He definitely has them. In fact that video made me think about this and notice this small gesture. But it irks me to no end that people do it by saying Charlie is so much better when he just fucking isn't. He is also a manipulative liar that SAs Babe. It's just played off cuter so people ignore it.
AAAHHHHHGHGHGHGH Charlie is such a manipulative little bitch! Jebus You'd think Way would be the manipulative one but Charlie is such a fucked child using his kicked puppy pouty face whenever he doesn't get his way and this if he doesn't just completely ignore what's being said and does whatever the fuck he wants.
Like listen, your fuck buddy not quite boyfriend is giving you a car after having known each other for a grand total of like at best 9 days or something. And you pick a car, fully knowing the importance of a car as the first one he won in, and get told no and immediately pout like a goddamn child. Instead of the normal reaction of like, oh yeah okay that's fair there are a bunch of other cars here. I wouldn't want to take something with such huge sentimental value when we barely know each other.
Charlie and Way are canonically (in the show i don't know about the novel) nearly equally shitty to Babe but Way is the bad guy and Charlie is a fucking saint. This will never not irritate the crap out of me.
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I love Nut because this is the face Way made when Babe asked if Way was there to find a hook up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not so much Babe
Thought: if you had no idea what omegaverse was and you watched pit babe... you would still have no idea what omega verse is. Like watching the show and then reading some like real mpreg knotting/slick/heat/mating bites type smut... they do not feel like the same thing. And like I get that it's for like actual TV so probably why tamer but... it feels like the bromance of abo. Like yeah there's a hint of it but it's not explicit about it. The only part that gets explicit is that Way can get Babe pregnant but even that isn't 100% clear? It refrences Babe’s kid, not necessarily Babe getting pregnant? I though Way was an Omega and hed be the one pregnant for the longest time and enigma was just a translation thing. Which is mpreg yes but still kinda fades into the background of the general just vaguely Sci fi feel? Maybe this is the geologist meme thing though.
Worth noting and I should get screen shots. But I can see where people say Way uses his powers on Babe earlier.
Anyway second thought. I'm gonna need to block the tag when season 2 comes out. I suspect everyone cooing over Charlie and shitting on Way will drive me up a wall. And make me not enjoy the show. I suspect from the old posts that are showing up in the tag on my dash that I'd have hated the show as much as I hate kp if it'd watched it as it aired.
It seems like Garfield and Benz are paired up (along with Nut and Ping) but in Pit Babe they make Kenta and Pete more of a thing. Way Pete is kinda hinted at but Kenta and Pete actually kiss. And Kim feels like he should be with North and Sonic of something.
Watching Boy's Journey sometimes I try to consider how I would have cast them if it were up to me.
Pavel IS Babe that's no question. And Nut is sooo good as Way and apparently has personal experience with the whole unrequited love thing. The only real options for Alan are Sai and Ping and I think Sai suits Alan better. Also Micheal and North are like the same person. I dunno if they rewrote that character to be like that or what.
After much deliberation I think I'd also leave Benz, Topten and Pon as Kim, Sonic and Jeff. But I'm shuffling Ping, Pop, Garfield and Lee. My reasoning is... Kenta and Pete should be an established pair and Dean and Winner should be paired with Kim and Way because all four never really pair up in the show. (Though I ship Kim with North and Sonic and SO MUCH way with Babe and Charlie.) So that means Ping and Garfield as Winner and Dean respectively. Which leaves Pop and Lee as Kenta and Pete and it could really go either way, though I lean more toward Lee as Kenta and Pop as Pete.
Though this is assuming the ship have the stay the same. If I were pairing them up from scratch... I dunno I have to watch more Boy's Journey.
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bigskydreaming · 1 year ago
need advice: what do you do when people are SO WRONG and it’s about a stupid tv show but it drives you insane how DUMB and WRONG they are? how did you deal with engaging with people and not just screaming and throwing your device off a cliff during the height of teen wolf stupidity?
LOL, oof, good question. And I don't know that I'm always the best person to look to for this, though my TW era is a better example than my prime Batfandom years - leading to my first point. It sounds like a joke but when I say 'make sure you're medicated, eating well, etc' like....you don't really think about how much your offline state of mind affects how much or how little you're able to put up with online stupidity until you're not staying on top of those things. I'm not as happy with how I handled my general mood & reactions to things in Batfandom as say, Teen Wolf, in the sense that my life was a lot more stable during my major TW fandom years and so I'm a lot more content that when I flew off the handle at people or dug my feet on a point in TW fandom, its because I genuinely felt the situation called for it, rather than just....being generally reactive & trigger-happy about online things because of my general offline disposition.
But once you've taken that into consideration I guess my next biggest advice would be like....on a day when you are in a good state of mind and not in the middle of reacting to something pissing you off in fandom, like, take some time to try and figure out what your big buttons are when it comes to fandom takes, and give yourself permission TO have big reactions to fandom stuff even if it is dumb and stupid and just a show. What I mean by that is we generally disparage our reactions to shows & fandoms and bad takes as being over-reactive and us making a big deal out of stupid little things, but the reality is, the stuff that really drives us up the wall when we think people are being dumb and wrong about stuff....there's usually some underlying element that MAKES it so hot button for us. Rather than try and figure out what that is to condemn or judge yourself for making it a big deal, just try and identify it. Figure out what it is that drives you up a wall when you see people posting a take that you're just sure is wrong and dumb.
And then make THAT your takeaway.....its not people having x opinion about y show that gets you so worked up, its people having x opinion about y issue, as showcased in how they react to certain aspects of a particular show. THAT'S the stuff you want to figure out where you land, if people being wrong about that topic is a dealbreaker for you that you feel compelled to speak up about, or if its something you can let go even if it is going to bug you to do so.
Like with Teen Wolf....there's SO much that people posted about that show that I disagreed with and bugged the crap out of me. Too much. If I let myself get worked up by all of it, to the same degree of intensity no less.....I'd never get anything else done BUT post about it. But once I figured out where I stood on the Big Picture Issues that were central to a lot of the takes that bugged me about the show....its a lot easier from THAT vantage point to decide when I felt it was worth it to engage or push back something, vs when it was just personal to me and I could stand to let it go.
Like the many issues with Teen Wolf's double standards and how they played into racism, the way certain big name posters tried to weaponize social justice terminology or reframe dynamics in certain ways to cast characters like Malia and Scott as abusive while their own personal blorbos had never done anything wrong in their lives....I figured out fairly early on that those weren't takes that I felt comfortable letting pass by without comment, but more importantly, I knew WHY those takes bothered me so much and what about them I thought NEEDED to be pushed back against.....so I was a lot better equipped from that vantage point to give myself permission TO engage.
Because I wasn't fighting myself over it each and every time, disparaging myself that I was getting worked up over personal differences of opinion or non-issues....I'd worked out in my own time, outside of direct conflicts that I had solid reasons for feeling the way I did and I had already determined in advance that like, WHEN these takes came up and I had the time and energy to engage and it wasn't going to take away from stuff I couldn't afford to take away from....I had already given myself the greenlight. When I knew that it was something I'd LIKE to engage on but I just didn't have the spoons or couldn't afford to at the moment, I at least knew where I stood on the subject and that it just wasn't practical for me to go beyond that at the moment.
And then, too, I also knew when there were takes that I had just decided in my own time I didn't feel were worth engaging on. Either because I felt they were too subjective, they weren't really tied to bigger issues that I felt needing pushing back on, or in some cases because they were just personal gripes that I had fandom friends I'd just vent about to privately when they came up....whatever. There were usually a variety of takes that fell into this end of the spectrum, for a lot of different reasons, but the point is, because I'd identified WHY different takes drove me up a wall and how I felt both about the takes and the underlying reason they got to me so much.....I had already given myself the red light about engaging on these subjects, and either just told myself to let it go, or find a friend to vent to about it, etc.
And on occasions when I identified one of these takes as what was pissing me off and yet I really felt in the moment like I just couldn't let it go, like THIS time I needed to make an exception and prove to the other person they were WRONG about this, lol.....I could usually stop myself by falling back on the fact that I'd already pre-determined that this WASN'T a subject I needed to engage on, which meant if in the moment I really really REALLY was feeling otherwise.....that was usually a pretty good indicator that there was something else going on, my offline life maybe had me more amped and reactive than I would otherwise be.....point being, I could work out fairly easily that whatever was going on with me in that moment, it wasn't ACTUALLY that this other person on social media was being so dumb and wrong I absolutely HAD to let them know.
Finally, the last piece of advice I guess I would give here is after you've put in the time to try and get to the bottom of why certain takes bother you so much, and which ones you do feel need to be engaged with for various reasons vs which ones are more subjective or personal gripes that you're probably better off just letting go or keeping between you and friends.....once you've done this, take some time to work out your ideal....palate cleansers. What I mean by this is to keep from becoming too reactive in general, or narrowing your entire fandom presence down to whether or not you engage with certain takes and where and why.....find & remind yourself of things you really enjoy about that show or fandom, things that you can bring into focus or turn to whenever you DO get pissed off about a take that you've decided not to engage with, or even following times when you DO engage with a bad take you needed to push back against....so that you always have something positive or generative to pivot to afterwards and you don't like....get stuck simmering or letting something fester. You're not miring yourself in just your reaction to or feelings about the takes that piss you off...you have a go-to ready in the wings to help you shake that off.
Like if you followed me during my Teen Wolf years, you know about me and Scanny, for instance. I love that ship and its such a non-factor in the grand scheme of Teen Wolf fandom and discourse that I knew I never really ran the risk of pivoting to Scanny stuff right after a Bad Take Palooza or a Heavy Discourse Fest and running right smack into another fight or a bunch of bad takes. It was just....Scanny. LOL.
*Shrugs* Best I can come up with, ultimately. I'm not someone who believes in avoiding confrontation or just pretending that Bad Takes don't matter or become self-perpetuating issues that crop up time and time again....but I also know how easy it is to get so caught up in that you forget HOW to enjoy the thing that you only got into a fandom in the first place with every intention of at least TRYING to enjoy it despite its flaws or its fandom's dumb takes. For me, ideally, its about finding a balance that works for you. Not moderation, per se, but balance. I don't believe they're inherently the same thing, and they look different for everyone, but play around with it, find what works for you, and over time you should get better at threading the needle and letting yourself be your true, opinionated self about topics you're passionate about, but without letting yourself be consumed by it or it overshadowing everything else about your time online.
Sometimes people ARE wrong and you should say so. Sometimes people are wrong and it doesn't need to be you who says so. Sometimes people are wrong and maybe nobody needs to say so and its not actually hurting anyone. And sometimes we're wrong too, lol. C'est la vie.
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