#But this au is very much a work in progress
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do NOT repost my art at all, please! tfw you truly Never Sleep Again because you have so much to worry about (im very funny i promise) i definitely have a headcanon that mystery's dog form does require some level of energy to keep up, so at night when he sleeps, he reverts back to his true form i also have the headcanon that he is a clinger when he sleeps, so now these things are just Canon in my AU haha- at least he's a good pillow! progress on the next update has slowed down a good bit because my day job has been keeping me quite busy as of late alas, but next week I should have extra downtime to work on things so stay tuned!!!
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i-can-read-to-him · 3 days
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The Wesper Fic Club's Author Spotlight is a post series that aims to feature two to three fic authors a month, randomly selected from a pool of names put forth on our server. The authors are then asked to answer three interview questions, select up to five of their fics for us to feature, and finally, recommend three fics by others in the fandom.
(Note: Our spotlighted fics are not limited to Wesper, though they tend to be a central pairing in most of our authors' featured works.)
This week, we are putting a spotlight on Elias's writing!
Socials: @starwritebrekker (Tumblr) | starlightwrite (AO3) | starwritecos (TikTok) | wellelwrites (Instagram)
Part One: Author Interview
Q: What’s your favourite fic you’ve written for this fandom?
A: Do Us Part! It’s my first time writing a modern AU and I’m loving the challenge of finding modern day equivalents to the Crows world.
Q: When did you first start writing? What keeps you going today?
A: I’ve been writing stories since elementary school, earliest I can remember is second grade (seven years old). What keeps me writing is how much writing feels like a release. I’m not very good at speaking what’s going on in my head (see: neurodivergent), and writing it out helps me comprehend my own thoughts more and it helps me communicate my thoughts much better. It is my favorite form of expression.
Q: Who is your favourite character? What do you love about them?
A: Kaz Brekker. This boy is the embodiment of a person in survival mode for most of their life and not truly understanding what it is to come out of it. The world has hardened him but inside him, despite his best efforts, there is still that hope. That heart.
Q: Have you had a chance to interact with the SAB cast? Tell us about your experience(s).
A: Amita liked the photo of my Dregs tattoo on instagram! I love her so much and I’m so glad she interacts with the fandom so much as well.
Q: If you could be friends with any character in the Grishaverse, who would it be?
A: Matthias and I both grew up with organized religion being the backbone of our perspective of the world, so I feel like he and I could get along well. I want to give all the crows a hug (an air hug for Kaz).
Q: What are some headcanons you have that you consider your personal canon?
A: Kaz Rietveld-Brekker is transmasc. Argue with the wall XD. (I am nonbinary transmasc I hold this headcanon so close to my heart).
Q: Are there any songs you strongly associate with a favourite character or ship?
A: Francesca by Hozier is Kanej coded.
Q: How do you feel about your fics being translated into other languages?
A: Go forth and translate (just give me credit please and thank youuuuu)!
Part Two: Selected Works
Do Us Part
Teen | 4.1K | Kanej, Wesper, Helnik Modern AU, Mentioned Character Death, The dog lives In Progress
Part of the Wesper Fic Club Big Bang 2024! The Crows run a funeral home in the suburbs of a modern day Ketterdam. There’s death. There’s a dog. There’s healing. There’s still a dog.
No Funerals
Teen | 10.1K | Kanej, mentioned Wesper, mentioned Helnik Vampire AU, slowburn, Wesper Child, Alby Rollins is there In Progress
There’s a figure that haunts the Barrel at night since time immemorial, he exists in the shadows and watery reflections of the canals of Ketterdam. He was once the undisputed king of the city, and now? He runs a gang of misfits and swindles the merchant council, not even death can escape his cheating. 
Forever Not to Disappear
Teen | 20.5K | Kanej, Wesper Sickfic, slowburn, healing from trauma In Progress
Kaz Brekker is stuck in bed (it’s a bad illness day) and is forced to reflect and process his emotions.
Clouded Judgement
Teen | 441 words | Kanej, Wesper Stream of Consciousness, Wishful thinking, Reflective Kaz Brekker Completed
Post-Season Two finale of Shadow and Bone, Kaz is hoveled up in his room, and his mind never stops moving. Nor does his pen.
Part Three: Author's Recs
I’m The Perfect Stranger Who Knows You Too Well by @remadora-black / actressforever14 (my sister Cassie!)
Teen | 54.9K | Kanej, Wesper, Helnik Jordie Rietveld Lives, Childhood Trauma, Major Illness In Progress
Cassie’s description: What if Jordie did not die of Firepox? What if, instead, when Kaz returned from the Barge, his brother was waiting for him. Firepox would leave them both forever changed, but how will the course of the rest of their lives go? What will happen to Jordie when he realizes his little brother is no longer the boy he knew before, and that he has been left with a shell of a boy with only one thing on his mind: vengeance?
What the Water Gave Me by 19burstraat (astardanced)
Teen | 23.9K | Kanej, Crows friendship Post Canon, Canon Divergence, Angst With A Happy Ending Completed
Kaz as a Tidemaker. Get into it. Kaz as a grisha is extremely my sh*t. 
You’re A Dog And I’m Your Man by limelacroix
Not Rated | 27.8K | Kanej, Wesper Kaz Brekker gets a dog, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Kaz Brekker gets a dog. That’s the whole thing.Also extremely my sh*t
The Unexpected Visitor by insignificant457
Mature 90.9K | Kanej Post-canon, Implied/referenced SA, Implied/referenced sex In Progress
Inej brings one Bastard of the Barrel to the caravans for a family wedding. Hijinks ensue.
Please support our authors by commenting and leaving kudos on any stories of theirs you read and enjoy! Don't forget to also reblog this post and check back soon for our next author spotlight to come.
Interested in joining our server and getting to know our community? Feel free to request an invite via the @i-can-read-to-him ask box.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
shakes the lonely children au.
how the gregory. from whence does he come? when does michael wind up there? does he have to doe first, or is there a seperate living michael doong michael stuff somewhere? glitchtrap?? how aware/remembering is everyone at various points?
mildly obsessed with this concept, especially the mike for reasons lmao
Lmao ofc you would ask about logistics that we have yet to fully flesh out /lh joking
(long answer warning. Actually i checked and this answer is apparently over 2k words)
Okay so for the Gregory. The Greggor. The Gregorson. The Gregoroo. So far we've worked out that Vanessa ends up adopting Gregory and Goldie (Evan) and Fox (Mike) after everyone gets out of the VR game, which I suppose means Gregory is likely homeless or else lives with an abusive guardian. He's beta testing the game along with Vanessa; possibly his abusive guardian works in the VR development company and pulled strings to get him into beta testing the game, or else Gregory (homeless or not) decided "I'm bored and I wanna break into this video game place and have some fun" which is honestly very in character for him. Or, there could have been some silly Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory-esque competition for a young kid to be allowed to beta test the game that Gregory just so happened to win the golden ticket for (the whole thing actually being a trap set up by whoever ordered Glitchtrap to be scanned, to lure people in and give Glitchtrap a vessel); that'd be kinda funny. Anyway, like I said, we haven't developed this, so this is just me spitballing ideas here.
The whole premise of the au is that Evan was possessing Fredbear, but William manipulated Evan’s soul/Fredbear’s programming to make Evan live fnaf 4 over and over for Experiment Reasons. Except Will died before he could finish experimenting, trapping Evan there forever.
In my initial post about the au, I myself brush past how Mike gets into the Nightmare. Mike is already scooped by the time he finds Evan, so it's less of Mike "dying" to get inside and more like his remnant/soul/whatever transfers from one vessel to another-- from his decaying body to Fredbear. How this happens, I dunno. Maybe Mike chooses it; he knows his brother is in there and will stop at nothing to wake Evan up and help him Move On, even going so far as to possess the suit himself. Maybe his remnant/soul/whatever latches onto the suit by accident. Either way, Mike knows in advance that Evan is inside the Fredbear suit, that William was experimenting on Evan, but he doesn't know the how or what or why. He's taken by surprise when he goes into the suit and sees Evan’s Nightmare.
As for how Mike gets into the VR game, Fredbear’s circuits and stuff gets scanned into Help Wanted, which puts both Evan and Michael’s soul in the game. (Possibly the same person who ordered Springtrap's remains to be scanned in also ordered for Fredbear’s; it's no secret that Evan Afton died to Fredbear, so if whatever person that scanned William into the game wanted the whole Afton family, the person would Know that Evan might be possessing Fredbear).
Mike, Evan, and William all have varying levels of awareness at varying points in the au.
Evan starts out with very little memories. His memories were a bit hazy as a consequence of his death and the time he spent alone until William found him; part of William’s experimentation was trying to bring Evan’s memories back (making Evan’s dream look like his bedroom, tormenting Evan with his greatest fears, etc), but William died before he could finish his experiments, and the sheer repeptition of being attacked and killed by the Nightmares over and over so many times actually makes Evan’s awareness of his life worse. He remembers things, but not in full.
Evan knows that this bedroom must have been his once, but he doesn't remember why he picked out this specific set of covers, why he decided to put stars on the walls, which sets of clothes in the closet he used to wear most, which toy was his favorite to play with or why. He thinks the blurry faces on the wall must be his family, but he doesn't know anything about the five figures that he can't assume purely from looking at the blurry, dark pictures.
His own death to Fredbear has disappeared in the haze of dying to animatronics hundreds of times over anr over. He doesn't know if the Bite was his actual death or just another loop inside the Nightmare.
His memory fades in and out. Sometimes, he'll cry out for someone named Mikey to save him; he doesn't know who Mikey is or why he thinks this Mikey is supposed to save him. Sometimes, Evan gets flashes about a boy in a Foxy mask hurting him; he doesn't remember who this boy is-- that it's his brother, that it's Mike-- either.
Evan's memory gets worse when Mike enters the Nightmare. Mike’s presence messes with the system. Evan had been in the Nightmare long enough that each loop had started to blend together anyway, but when Mike enters the system, Evan is no longer able to remember each reset of the Nightmare. Instead, Evan only has instincts based on things that he can't remember. The general sense that trusting this Stranger who has suddenly appeared will only lead to bad things. Then, the sense that this Stranger actively wants to hurt him and should be avoided at all costs. Those instincts are as much memory as Evan is able to retain once Mike enters the system.
Mike’s memories are still intact when he first enters Fredbear, if a little shaken from how bizarre switching vessels like that was. But as time goes on-- as more and more loops happen-- his memory weakens. Partly this is because that's simply the result of being in a time loop; things blend together, it becomes harder to hold onto yourself. But his memory also weakens in response to the trauma of watching Evan die over and over while helpless to stop it no matter how hard he tries. As one loop turns into two, then seven, then ten, twenty, sixty, a hundred, two hundred, Mike starts dissociating from what's actually happening. He becomes apathetic and robotic in each attempt to stop Evan from dying; at a certain point, he becomes so robotic in each attempt that he treats Evan running away from him in terror without any emotion or guilt.
It becomes less about 'saving' Evan and more like Mike is a machine with one goal: stop the animatronics from getting Evan. Mike kills Evan before the animatronics have the chance to do it first. When Evan, terrified of the Stranger, tries running away, Mike emotionlessly manhandles him down, blind to Evan’s sobbing and screaming and struggling. Mike becomes less of a person and more a machine working on an algorithm to get results; when one method of achieving his goal fails, he moves on to the next. As hundreds of loops turn into thousands and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, Mike starts to waver. As it becomes harder and harder to believe that there's any chain of actions he can string together to save this little boy whose name he has long forgotten, his presence within the system starts to fade alongside his blind, robotic echo of faith. Not knowing what else to do, he enters Sleep Mode. He's still in the Fredbear suit, but what little 'conscious' he has left is nothing but a bundle of useless instincts shoved into a corner to be forgotten.
That's as Aware that the two of them are in Part One: The Endless Nightmare. It's a bit different in Part Two: Help Wanted, though.
There's actually two different versions of the story for Part Two. One in which Michael manages to retain some of his awareness (The Foxybro Fragment ending) and one in which Mike remains nothing more than a bundle of instincts desperate to protect this Boy Whose Name And Importance He Cannot Recall no matter what he must do to protect him (the Hollow Fragment ending).
In the Hollow Fragment ending, Mike has no awareness about who he himself is (hence why he's called The Fragment, though I think this Mike is so far gone that he doesn't even call himself the Fragment because he doesn't register himself as something--thing, not someone-- that *needs* a name), nor does he know who Evan is. He doesn't remember William or Liz. He doesn't remember that Evan is his brother. He doesn't remember Evan’s name. Doesn't remember the Nightmare or what life was like before either of them died. He doesn't even remember WHY he's trying to keep this boy safe and happy; the closest thing Fragment Mike has to emotion, really, is the sinking sense that he's failed this little boy so many times before. But of course, the problem with Fragment Mike not really being a person anymore is that a bundle of instincts could never know how to keep a little kid safe, happy, and cared for. Even if he does keep Evan safe from Glitchtrap, he doesn't know enough about what it means to be a person to make Evan feel loved or cared for, to comfort Evan when he's upset, or to make Evan happy. He doesn't have conversations with Evan, only gives concise, simple answers to any question Evan asks. If Evan were to ask for a hug, Mike would comply without any emotion; he doesn't really remember what a hug is or what it means or why someone would want one. The most Mike can do is give Evan empty, hollow imitations of what he thinks a little boy would want.
And then, in the Foxybro Mike ending, Mike does retain some of his core personality (not his memories, though; both Evan and Mike's memories have been lost to the trauma they faced and the transition from Fredbear to Help Wanted). Unfortunately, the part of his personality that Mike retains is his self-hatred, his self-doubt, his fierce determined belief that he can never do good in the world and he deserves to be punished and he should never, ever be trusted with anything-- let alone anyone-- because he will inevitably fail, hurt, and destroy them. Because of this, Mike ends up locking himself away in a Sister Location portion of the game to be destroyed over and over by the animatronics that killed him the first time (Mike doesn't remember that death, of course, but there's the primal, instinctive knowledge that this is where he belongs). Mike doesn't start unlocking the Big Brother parts of himself (the parts of himself that want to protect these two little kids, that just wants to play and tease with them, that just wants to be protected himself) until Gregory and Evan find him and start teasing those parts of himself out. Unfortunately, the Big Brother parts of himself that get unlocked will always be at war with his self-hatred and his certainty that it's neither safe nor fair for others to be near him.
Evan's awareness is the same in both of Part Two's branching paths. Like Mike, his mind has been so twisted and warped by the Endless Nightmare and the transfer from Fredbear to Help Wanted that he has no memories. He doesn't remember his life, his death, or the Nightmare; he only has primal instincts influencing his actions, instincts that are based on memories he no longer has, instincts that he follows even if they don't make sense to him.
He's afraid of animatronics, though he doesn't remember why. Evan either "spawns" inside the Night Terrors (aka fnaf 4) part of Help Wanted or the Night Terrors bedroom is one of the first rooms he finds. Either way, he gets in the room and doesn't leave. He's scared of the room, still having the instinctual knowledge that bad things happen in this room, but he also has the instinctual knowledge that bad things happen when he tries LEAVING the room. The room, at least, is a danger that almost feels familiar, which is in itself a comfort. People will often choose the familiar danger rather than the unfamiliar, unknown danger.
Evan doesn't even remember that this room is his. He doesn't recognize the toys as his, or the clothes, or the decorations. He doesn't recognize the blurry pictures on the wall as his family, either. He does recognize that the figures in the frame ARE a family, though. They stand close together. Some of the shots look like kids and parents playing. Evan would like to think that the figures in the photo are smiling and laughing; he can't see their faces well enough to make out their expressions, but he'd like to think that they're happy. And he wants their happiness for himself. He wonders about the family in the photos, but is too scared to look for them. So when Gregory finds him, and Evan sees this little kid with brown hair and a big smile that looks a lot like one of the blurry kids in the photographs in the bedroom walls, Evan latches onto him. He's scared of Gregory, yes, because Gregory is Strange and Unknown and there's instincts inside him telling him to be wary of a Stranger, but Evan wants to be happy, and he thinks maybe this is how he can be.
After Evan and Mike find each other (with a little help from Gregory) in thr Foxybro ending, they end up having to look for the little flashes of their memories they lost within the game's coding. 
As for William/Glitchtrap, well, we haven't talked about him much. I don't know if he recognizes Mike (in either ending) or Evan as his children, but he DOES see both of them as possessions and tools to be utilized so he can get what he wants, which is always how William viewed his children anyway
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hinamie · 4 months
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atla!au designs part 3 !! one of these things is uh. not like the others
first year trio gojo/choso/nanami
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brainman1987 · 6 months
Hmmm yes colors
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I gotta do scar maps and also full body stuffs next! And outfit changes (mostly for Gid and Gricko (Hootsie too but that’s a given)) which means research! Fun!! I. Thinking of giving hootsie a little Chest plate and gauntlets for when she gets knighted by the fairy dragon (forgot his name) uhhhh feel free to use as pfps or like. Whatever really, just give credit if your using my exact designs or using these drawings please.
Also also (a lil unrelated but still) I might be able to take commissions soon!! Which like- awesomesauce tbh. I‘ve been thinking about doing commissions for a while and while I don’t know how they work or what sites to use or literally anything about how it works I’m definitely excited to try! I‘d like y’all’s views on if you’d like to commission me to get a good gist on the audience I’d be marketing to haha. (But in all honesty I’d draw or paint anything anyone asks, I like drawing more than money haha)
Anywho I hope you enjoy another segment of vagabonds and vagrants :)
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minnow-doodle-doo · 8 days
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I haven't been drawing much this summer, but both Batman comics I'm working on have such different art styles and yet they both start in the same sort of frame lol
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omaano · 4 months
SW Hades AU May Status Update
I wanted to make a dedicated post about what I’m currently working on for the Star Wars meets Hades AU that looks more consistent than just sharing bits and pieces whenever I’m tagged in a Last Line Challenge. Because what else do I have but the poly sketch requests and this AU for my weekends? (If nothing else I know that the Hades AU has got me XD)
Other updates: June - July - August
For now Obi-Wan and Maul are stuck at the same stage: they are both lined, have their base colours down as well as the two adjustment layers of coloured lighting.
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I suspect if I were ever to get through the agonozing few hours of shading Obi-wan’s face it would be mostly smooth sailing from there. The problem is that there are at least 2 - if not 3 - separate stages where the shaded face looks like I have no idea what I’m doing, and you need to get through the whole thing before it really comes together 😅 on the other hand Hades 2 has a lot of the directional shading I might need for his character art so that might help to get me there.
It also needs to be said that Obi-Wan comes with the extra disadvantage that is the entire background behind him. I’m really hyped to line it finally, it is quite a challenge, but at the same time I’m slowly coming to the realization that I have no idea how I will colour it. Hades backgrounds are so so pretty and full of details and gorgeous colours, and while I’m not delusional enough to think I could match that on first try… I still wish I could, you know? At the same time I will have to erase or recolour a lot of my lines, which will hurt quite a bit, I imagine. I’m so bad at killing my darlings 😅 also I hate laying down flat colours. I just find it very difficult to immerse myself in that process, while lining and shading can have their flow.
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I had covered up so many lines and details in Maul’s spider parts it’s a miracle I didn’t cry XD However, tips on grouping my shadows and allowing the shape to speak for itself and the details in them are very helpful and on point.
Worrying over writing dialogue for them is also not as far down my to-do list as I wish it were. I have a good enough idea for a quip for Obi-wan, but Maul? He’d need a whole melodramatic rant of his own XD
Aphra has gotten some new lines and I had fixed the satchel I had forgotten the last time I shared the rough sketch for her, thanks to the new character art for Hades 2! Seeing Odysseus and Hermès’s updated looks were great helps here, so I might as well move on to lining her, and finally adding another female character to the roster on top of Ahsoka!
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And then there is the biggest update on these little guys below! I will need to clean up the ones I had drawn for Cobb and Boba (and Din) well over a year ago, but with these my version of chtonic companions are done, and thanks to @lesquatrechevrons I have a full list of keepsakes for each character as well. I’m not very good at drawing these little tchotchkes (I say with Rex’s blaster right there LOL) but I hadn’t been very good at lineart or cell shading when I started this project either, so through forced practice I’m determined to change that :D
(It’s not a screwdriver under Boga, it’s one of Cody’s antennas. “It will grow back, don’t worry,” he says as he snaps it off his pauldron and hands it over to Din. Rex backs him up on that one without question. They can't lie for shit but trolling the shiny is their thing.)
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Additional fun fact: the reason why I’d picked up the chtonic companions concepts was because I’d been poking at minor details in the background behind Maul (aside from the Chaos doors), and I started adding credits and recoloured nectar to the corner (before I realized that they wouldn’t be visible once the character interaction comes up oops), and I tried to figure out to whose keepsakes Maul would react favorably. I also mixed up companion dolls and keepsakes, so that’s why the Ahsoka doll came to being (I also forgot that that one belongs to Rex, and not Ahsoka herself but uh… they are close enough that they should count by proxy anyway. It’s not Obi-wan’s cup of tea and that should be enough!). Also bless @mapleowl18 for suggesting Lil Soka as companion for Rex ❤️
So this is the current state of this AU project right now. I have my lists and notes, a few scribbled pose ideas in my sketchbook for Sabine (she might be next, unless Bo and her Nite Owls make a comeback), Satine and Omega (with Batcher), as well as some angry scribbles and question marks for Quinlan (who has apparently made his way back into this AU even though he didn’t get a little icon of his own originally orz), and Obi-wan The Second that would stand with Cody post reunion, but I cannot make that one work for now 😅
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[a cluster of floating islands drifting above a valley. ropes connect the isles together and keeps them bound to the world - recently cleared to explore, the isles are full of mystery and adventure!]
<RAMBLEY is now unavailable for asks.> <LLOYD is now unavailable for asks.> <SALEM is now unavailable for asks.> <THE SERPENT is now unavailable for asks.>
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MOLLIE arrives to the main island of the TETHERED ISLES. She looks around the TETHERED OUTPOST, watching merchants and explorers milling about and interested in a new location to explore. She sees RAMBLEY nearby, assisting in supplying the new Outpost. She spots the TRADER in the crowd; the enigmatic merchant that usually stays in the Snow Line seems to have followed the excitement to the Isles. She spots RUTA in the crowd; an experienced and respected explorer that freely offers ominous but helpful advice.
Clutching her bag of supplies, Mollie is struck by indecision.
also, because i think its funny, heres the original sketch for one that cool sidescroller esque art up there:
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its literally just blobshsjdghsd
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not-youranswer · 2 months
Hi guys! I started to write my first fanfic because I need to get this idea out of my head. 🫠 It's basically going to be about Andrew and Neil meeting on their mid-twenties, Andrew is still with Kevin and they've gone pro. Neil is working as a tailor/shopkeep in high end tailor shop. It's about the intimacy of taking the measurements from an interesting guy and the fleeting touches and the yearning. (I hope)
I'm going to post the first part under the cut and I would love if someone could give me some feedback! 😩🙏🙏
The smallest bell above the old oak door tinged, as Kevin ushered Andrew inside the mysterious tailor shop.
"My my Day, getting chivalrous in your old age?" Andrew asked, with what could be called a sneer as he took in the shop.
It was dark in tones, but not devoid of light. Old and slightly worn wooden structures held few sample suits, with more arrays of fabric samples that Andrew thought was possible. Kevin huffed behind him as Andrew reached out for a few samples. The fabric was silky smooth, feeling more like liquid than what-could-be-garment.
"Don't patronize me." Kevin said behind him, crossing his arms. "We both know you never would've come here if it wasn't for me practically dragging you in here. And this event is /important/. All the biggest sponsors are in attendance and we both know that you /need/ new ones. And you need the perfect suit to go with it to give the proper impression."
Andrew tried to tune out Kevin's much heard speech about this god-forsaken sponsorship event, being weirdly thankful after he heard some scuffling up ahead.
Small, well compared to Kevin at least, old and wily man appeared from behind a curtained wall where Andrew could only assume the fitting rooms were. His grey eyes were sharp and calculating under his dark and bushy eyebrows, and it made Andrews skin crawl. His hair was thick and coarse next to his ears but thinning and greying near the top. His age made him hunched over a bit, but he still held himself proudly and clearly with hidden strength.
Andrew decided not trust this man and pushed his hands in his pockets while Kevin stepped forward, his almost-best paparazzi smile on his face.
'"Aah young mister Day!" the older man greeted him with a well-oiled smile, perfected for customer service and warmly shook Kevin's hand with both of his.
"Hello again mister Krawiec. I'm glad you could make time for us." Kevin smiled back with a small nod, until his eyes darted towards the back. "Is uh.. /he/ here?" He asked bashfully with a small nod towards the back.
The older man's eyes glinted after the question as he took a glance of Andrew.
"Yes yes, young master Nathaniel is indeed present. You wished for him if I'm not mistaken." He said with a sly smile.
Andrew wasn't sure what he thought about this whole.. young master-business the old man had going on, but he didn't let it show. He had perfected his press-facade of calm indifference after multiple notes from his coaches and one Kevin Day. He shifted his weight, uncomfortable with Krawiec's gaze.
"Yes, my friend Andrew here is not that.. accustomed to being taken care of by talented tailors and I know your skills here are beyond measure." Kevin smiled at the man who finally left Andrew alone while he nodded at Kevin.
"I shall fetch the young master to you." The old man nodded and turned on his heels.
Kevin turned to grin at Andrew who just raised one unimpressed eyebrow.
" 'Young master'? Now who does that remind me of ... Oh yeah!" Andrew glared "The slimy bottom feeder that is Rik-"
"It's not like that!" Kevin hissed, eyes darting after the older man.
"This is an old business, run by his family and they just have a certain way that things are done..!"
Andrew scoffed and opened his mouth for a witty retort of some sort, but was cut off by a clear and pleasant voice.
"I am most apologetic for making you misters wait. There was a-" The curtain parted and a head of auburn hair came through, followed by a tan young man with a slim build and neat, grey suit.
Andrew quickly scanned the new addition to the room, taking note of his scarred hands and face, missing a breath when noticing his piercing blue eyes that glinted dangerously within his calm facade. The arrivals full lips stretched into a mischievous grin after his eyes glided from Andrew to Kevin.
"You should've called me that you needed something from us! I wouldn't have bothered with all of this!" The arrival laughed and immediately slackened his tie while walking towards Kevin and giving him a tight squeeze of a hug.
Kevin returned to the hug with a small laugh.
"Someone needs to keep you in your toes or you're slacking" he grinned to the auburn haired man, whose eyes had zoned back on Andrew.
"I think I've had enough toeing around for one lifetime." He quipped and scanned Andrew shamelessly from head to toe, making the blond flush a bit, but he still answered the stare steadily.
"Who did you bring Kev?"
"Oh sorry!" Kevin floundered and gestured to Andrew.
"Andrew, this is Neil. Neil, this is Andrew, who is in /dire/ need of a suit."
It was curious to Andrew that this Neil-person didn't try to offer his hand, or even took a step forward, but simply nodded in acknowledgement while smiling slightly.
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shoshimakesstuff · 2 months
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mihrsuri · 5 months
ooooh so I would love to hear more about Helen Norwich, and about how the English Civil War might have gone in that 'verse!
Helen, I don’t know if I said but she’s Norwich’s niece. Which I want to be clear, he never did anything to her but OH BOY. She was also born not that long after Tom Cromwell escaped him (Helen was born in 1523) after he’d been expecting to be his older brothers heir for so long (his brother had been married twice before Helen’s mother with no children and they had Helen late in their marriage).
Helen is very quiet, very considered and sensible - but she is beautiful which Norwich, after his Annoyed At Her Existence was like ‘…oh yay BARGAINING CHIP’ - it meant he could hold her wardship and then find an appropriate husband for her that could best benefit him.
(Helen was preparing to make the best of this she could - at least Norwich didn’t actually give a fuck about the actual management of the Earldom and she’s fairly sure that any husband he would pick for her wouldn’t either and would be happy for her to stay in the country with their children while he was at court so…she’d have that at least, in between whatever cruelty)*
*I’m fairly sure Norwich wouldn’t suffer like extreme cruelty because Status Thing and Status Thing Only but also he would totally not care if Helen was miserable or not.
She gets the Earldom in her own right in the end and makes it a really lovely place again - I think Welles Hall is actually particularly famous for fine wool(s) but I’m still working that out.
The Civil War in OT3 verse is me going ‘what if I flip things and the Restorationists are pissed about the increasing democracy + their colonial attempts got slapped down HARD’ essentially.
Essentially there’s this but I’ll babble some more!
Baron Hugh Wake (Of Liddell) is based on a real historical family - the first Baron had a daughter married one of the sons of Edward I by his second wife. It is however by his son (in our history both of the first barons sons died but here his oldest lives) John that Baron Hugh is descended.
King Hugh/The Restorationist King essentially begins the rebellion, well I’ll go from my notes:
Started it after his father, son and some of his sons friends were going to be jailed for human rights abuses. Believed that England should be an Empire to be great, should expel all the Jewish people, should become a Christian nation and revert to the ‘natural order of nobility.  
(They attempted to start a colony in what we would call North America. (The Spanish had previously been kicked out of South America in a story that is not mine to tell but does happen). They failed Miserably)).
There are whisperings about the changes Thomas and Mihrimah make and things do happen but they really start in Turhan’s reign. And then it goes on and becomes louder. About how Not White, Not Christian the royal family has become. About how there are Jews and Muslims and…in England. About how there is no imperialism, no ‘glory of empire’ and how people are being penalised for trying to make one by like jail. 
So we get to Henry VIII’s great great (I think that’s enough greats!) grandson Arthur (Jahan) II (I call him Arthur II because of the Tudor Arthurian Fandom Thing). His first child is a daughter and he decrees that she’s going to be the heir regardless of any brothers born afterwards. The royal family takes the final steps to expand representative democracy. Also the eventual restoration king’s son, his sons friends and his father are jailed for a failed attempt to colonise North America. They rebel at all of the above (it is possible that I a biracial jewish etc woman am Having Some Feelings). Arthur is eventually beheaded, there’s a Restoration King for the same time Oliver Cromwell ruled and then..Arthur’s daughter Charlotte Askala is invited back. 
The Restorationist Reign included a lot of awful things happening - like I mentioned the reform schools here
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But that was very much the idea - they also did that to the children of nobles etc who weren’t restorationists. It’s pretty heavy history and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately (including Gregory Cromwell’s descendant(s) and how the chest with the Triads letters etc survived). The King Arthur Jahan was beheaded, his wife and daughter sent into exile. (I love them as well). Then Charlotte Askala (his daughter) is asked back because the whole thing falls apart after Hugh’s death (he’d styled himself essentially as protector of the realm for the quote ‘true king’
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There’s a whole bunch of other things that will come up in the modern day with this universes version of the Abdication in the 1930s but I will stop now! (Also the other thing to know about Hugh is that he has two children he loves deeply - his son ended up in luxurious exile and never had children but his daughter had three daughters of her own but because Restorationists do not accept inheritance through the female line they are never going to be able to be held up as heirs which is a whole other Fuckery related to the abdication).
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
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spontaneous expressions of wynnstannery (re: winston quant kid 2 billions)
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Craving more Venti content so I shall make my own (ft. Reversed Fates Nameless Bard and his descendant)
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urlocallesbiab · 11 months
sorry to everyone who's been missing me/waiting for something from me, i've been slipping in and out of depressive fog for a week or two (and in general have experienced significantly worse depression than normal for a couple years, but that’s another story)
i long to get back, too; a lot of things to read and ideas to write and people to talk to. love y'all, take care
#signed: vika's ghost#also i've caught a cold so there's that too#terribly sorry for being overdramatic i'm just... tired of being tired and i wanted to talk about it a little bit#it's very important for me to talk about everything that's wrong with me. i tend to avoid that but now i'm trying to learn and to make peace#creative drive and ability to hold thought-out conversations keep slipping out of my graps and it kinda hurts more#— in a good cathartic sort of way but painful nonetheless — to remember what they felt like at all#i miss wanting to work on my wip and i miss having the attention span to write out headcanon and i miss having headcanons#and i miss talking to my fandom friends#(i did it just last week but i already miss it. it's one of the things i'd like to be able to do every day)#and i miss the ability to connect with art and i miss the ability to focus on written word and i miss commenting#and i miss discussing ideas and i miss interacting and i miss having fun. god i just miss having fun.#kp my apologies for not making much progress on bb&b; myself my apologies for not writing any of my other wips or outlines or posts;#da gc gang my apologies for not following up on any of the things; every fic writer whose work ended up in my to-read pile IM SORRY#jack & kp specifically i love your stuff#also jack my apologies for taking a While; & the rd gc apologies for never writing out any of the cool au thoughts i'd had after some point#really,i've been meaning to. everything requires way too much effort. everyone is so fun and i miss having fun#take care,remember me fondly,i'll be back,please stand by#if tomorrow morning i find this embarrassing i'll chalk it up to a fever or something.#idc i'm allowed to have it. world won't blow up if i'm embarrassing on the internet once or twice or honestly even forever#vikarambles#vent
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transdunbar · 6 months
seven sentence sunday monday tuesday
tagged by @wolfboy88 and @outcastpack !!
from chapter 5 of i don't really like me anymore:
As Derek stepped back, Isaac stepped forward and mimicked the older teen’s previous position of crouching down in order to be eye level with Jackson. Theo ignored whatever his boyfriend was doing for the moment and caught Derek’s elbow, dragging him aside and out of earshot of Jackson despite the soft surprised sound that Derek made.
“When did you give him the bite?” Theo asked. Derek furrowed his eyebrows, but Theo just raised his own right back at him, a silent challenge.
“The same night I gave it to you,” Derek answered after a brief moment. “He showed up at my house to ask for it about half an hour before Stiles called me.”
“Seriously? You bit him however many weeks ago and this is the first we’re hearing about it?”
if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged :)
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omaano · 2 years
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I take serious issues with Cobb Vanth, and most of them are centered around his way too pretty face and limbs that spill absolutely everywhere >.<
I bet you didn’t think I’d follow through on my promise to add him to my The Mandalorian-Hades mashup project, huh :P
Finished BobaDin Hades AU
Finished DinCobb Hades AU
Boba WIP - Cobb WIP - Din WIP
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