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shoshimakesstuff · 8 months ago
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sailforalittle · 11 months ago
✨💙 Spreading some love and joy in people's ask boxes 💙✨ If you get this, it means you're awesome and I hope you're having a great day! Now copy and paste this message to at least 3 other blogs to keep it going! Then answer to show you're done: What are your three favorite movies?✨💙
Aaaaahhhh hi bb! <3
Titanic is number one. Clue is a very very very very close second. Fight Club at number three.
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basilone · 4 months ago
I have a spooky season fic coming your way hopefully this week, courtesy of a prompt @flipfloplogic handed me a while ago, and I am very excited about it in advance! 😊
The real question is: can I keep this short enough for Tumblr or must I plague AO3 with this AU?
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upontherisers · 2 years ago
!!! Thank you for the reblog on my fic !!! Your tags are literally like the nicest I’ve ever gotten and I’m 🥰🥰🥰
Really glad you could tell you’d find where he was from in the end. It’s embarrassing how long it took me to figure out that was the story 🙈 (it occurred also that I never said where either of the ladies were from but considering it’s a third person limited + they know where they’re from that didn’t seem insane. That, and I also don’t know which side of the Carolina border Nettie’s from tbh). And particularly thank you for the comment on the boys — I’ve always wanted to write Babe (was semi successful /once/) but have always been stuck waffling on him.
Also Mark’s accent!!! It’s so good!! And he’s very entertaining. Suspect this is a common trait amongst actors in general but. He was a d e l i g h t.
it was an absolute joy to read!!! and shoutout to the carolinas! my favorite southern accents. you definitely didn't waffle on babe--he's very clear here and you included that he was a dancer! such a great babe fun fact.
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thoughpoppiesblow · 4 years ago
"#and I kinda wanna make her a moodboard or something" 🥺🥺🥺 i am always open for sharing!!! (listen, i'm the creeper who makes things without saying anything at all first, so 😘)
You are WONDERFUL and I adore you and I’m sorry it took me so long to make this!
For you, my friend (and Caroline)
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satinechristian · 6 years ago
📖 🎥 🎬👸🤴❤️🏰
📖: the books i re-read i’ve re-read multiple times but probably MOST re-read book is romancing mr bridgerton by julia quinn and i do it at least 1-2 times a year since like 2002 so do the math hahaah
🎥 : the virgin suicides was a fantastic one that always pops to mind when this comes up but i feel like there was a recent one i really enjoyed but i can’t recall what it was
🎬 : honestly i can’t believe we’re getting raven cycle or bridgertons so what’s even left for me to want (gallgher girl series by ally carter is my answer i think though)
👸: does anne boleyn count with the dozen books i have about her and the tudors???
🤴: i can’t even think of a prince in literature what is wrong with me
❤️: blue/gansey from trc but also colin/penelope from romancing mr bridgerton
🏰: innocent traitor by alison weir!!
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culpers · 8 years ago
Happy birthday!! I hope it is and was lovely!!!
thank you so much! ❤ it’s been pretty fabulous day!
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shoshimakesstuff · 2 years ago
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sailforalittle · 1 year ago
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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mercurygray · 2 years ago
This is going to get really sappy really fast buuut…the people on this webbed site that have become my friends through BoB/fic have been a lifeline this year and since you have so kindly offered I am going to take you up on it and hop on a little soapbox of thanks. I apologize in advance for only confining this to people who have work I can boost <3
@ Merc — I feel very privileged to be someone you poke for prompts, someone you tolerate a cascade of newspaper clippings from, and a friend. TDS is an achievement you should be so proud of - I love it with my whole heart, but it's your prompts that really Get Me (In the Feelings). Passing Clouds is equally a body of work that you should be proud of. They are a perfect example of how you know the weight in 'small' moments, and it's this that makes your work successful.
@basilone — ma'am. I think about this fic every day of my life and your Bill-voice lives rent-free. Thank you for being a sounding board and one of the coolest people I know.
@junojelli — I blame you for almost everything, and you say you're not a writer but I still think about this piece?? When the powers that be finally get their act together and there's a prestige miniseries of women in wartime England, they need you as a consultant.
@floydmtalbert - Friends for [redacted] years and Lou is quite possibly my favorite fictional character of all time. I mean that. She scares the hell out of me and I love her very much. Anyone who's reading this needs to click here and read.
@flipfloplogic — Am I still starstruck that we are friends? Possibly. A little. I love your ladies and it's so hard to pick, so I won't. Actually. Please read Charlie.
@onelungmcclung - There are too many inside jokes that I'm not going to mention here but I still think about Return, and its last line.
@tortoisesshells - I am not going to lie to you, I am still starstruck that the author who wrote these fics follows me and reads my stuff. You deserve several edible arrangements for putting up with my AU nonsense.
@upontherisers — Your work hooked me so quickly and your characters feel so real. I love the vivid snapshots we get and I LOVE your AUs and I love talking with you about them. Check them out here.
(sorry, you said a couple of words. OOPS.)
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 4 years ago
Band of Brothers screencaps/edits (368/?)
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For @flipfloplogic
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Poke @majwinters ♡ and @papisink
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matthewsmurdck · 3 years ago
@jemmasimmons​ tagged me in this meme earlier, so i’m going to do this now since i haven’t done any memes on my new tumblr yet. c: 
Favorite color: Blue, specifically greenish-blue. But I also like a dark blue, so...idk, just blue.
Currently reading: “Good Morning Monster” by Catherine Gildiner, which is about a therapists’ journey with five different courageous patients who overcame really hard shit in their lives. It’s made me cry a couple times and I highly recommend it. I’m almost done with it though, and I’m going to pick up “Coraline” by Neil Gaiman soon. 
Last song: I think I last listened to the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack last night when I was writing my paper, and before that, I was listening to Eabha Mcmahon’s album. 
Last series: I have gotten to season 9 of Criminal Minds, but I only have two more episodes to go, so onwards to S10 this weekend!
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Definitely sweet (for the most part), but I’m also trying to track my calories, so I can’t really eat a lot of sweet things if I want to make my goal.
Craving: Another cupcake that I made last weekend.
Currently working on: Schoolwork, dissertation related stuff, a fic with @jemmasimmons , and various jcink rps that i’m part of.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it! but i’ll tag a couple people too... @softtbucky @ginnyweasely @suzi @findsomethingtofightfor @flipfloplogic @darcylightninglewis
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gemfyre · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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tqhkzv · 8 years ago
I got tagged by @zuckergussprinzessin and buddy the last time I got a question meme was like one year ago so this is quite a pleasant surprise uwu thank u so much gurl.
Name: Tia like it says on my blog.
Height: I don’t actually know what my height is right now.
Hogwarts House: I have never read the Harry Potter series (and my two geek best friends ruthlessly tease me for it) so I have never been in a community where I was sorted. But if I had to pick one I would say I’m not badass enough for Slytherin, not noble enough for Gryffindor, Ravenclaw sounds too cool for me. I guess I resonate the most with Hufflepuff. Again I know nothing about Harry Potter so I’m not sure how this works.
Go to SSBB character: What is this!
Fictional character I would date: I have not read a lot of fiction in my life (my loss) but I remember really being in love with the minor character Conseil from Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. He seems like a weird and really loyal chap and he had zero character development throughout the whole novel and I like boring flatness and reliable predictability. Also he infodumps about marine biology all the time even though he has almost zero airtime in the whole book.
Favorite band or artist: Right now I really love Laura Marling! :)
When did I make this blog: I don’t know how to check but it is more than 3 years probably.
How many blogs do I follow: Haaaahhaaaaa I have zero discipline when it comes to selective following and I’ve tried to purge inactive blogs but that was a Fruitless Pursuit. I follow 903 blogs now but really though only like 10 to 20 blogs pop up in my dash, ever.
What do I post about: I post benign amusing things. Thank you for following my themeless blog.
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Hahahaha no. I’m excited when the weird quotes I post about funny scientist antics and paper size standards even gets notes at all.
Aesthetic: My aesthetic is every document and manual ever made and used by NASA. I am the kind of person that scours the internet for scans of these documents. I have found PDFs of meta-documents published by NASA about what are the best fonts to use for spaceflight manuals. They concluded that the best fonts for readability during spaceflight are san-serif uppercase fonts. Don’t judge me.
Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better: Okay I don’t have a lot of non-spam followers so I doubt I can get it up to 20. All these blogs will be listed by order of recency of following.
@jack-rustier , @mark-gently, @davidburked , @biochemistries , @blubberquark , @stonebasalt , @ggwookie , @coldcupofcocoa , @dangerousperson , @plantrock , @flipfloplogic, @aimofdestiny
None of you are obligated to answer this meme, have a good day everybody and thank you for following my themeless blog where I post benign things I find amusing.
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thoughpoppiesblow · 4 years ago
Thank you for the recent love on my Caroline and Jo graphics!!! Unsurprisingly it makes me 🥰🥰🥰 all over.
Of course friend!! They’re all AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL and I love seeing them on my dash 💙 have a lovely day!
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satinechristian · 3 years ago
Autumn This or That
pumpkin or apple  // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // woolly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders// mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversize hoodie
Tagged by @chiara-mastroianni
Tagging: @maddiebvckley @piecesofgcld @pascalbatched @robmcclure @lisrambles @aralisj @desireearmfeldt @flipfloplogic
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