#But thinking about this as a German this is huge
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᯽ 0.1⠀( pyrrhic victory . )⠀by aswanlake.
tags: @saradika-graphics for dividers
synopsis: your father was never a normal man , rude to every human being in the planet except you — unless he needed to be . today was the day of one of your spontaneous trips that your father’s work let him take , instead of studying like you were supposed to , you got curious . too curious , you ran into someone you were never supposed to meet , The Winter Soldier . to make matters worse ? this won’t be the last time you two meet .
content warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT !! mentions of world war ll / the Cold War / russia & “propaganda” from the Russian / German and American government , descriptions of blood and murder , torture , implied grooming of a child , psychological horror , graphic descriptions and language , stockholm syndrome , implied sexual abuse and assault , drugging , mutilation , and trafficking , strays from canon , weird timeline , brainwashing . (basically the red room & bucky’s torture plus a lot more)
word count: uhh I’m not sure , it’s a long one . well over 6k I think .
a/n: this is the story that replaced the Slytherin boys story (since I lowkey hated it) expect the shauna x reader to come out in the next few days . after that finnick x reader and then I’ll make my way down the line of priority . y/n isn’t used to refer to the oc much but rather just in the descriptions , reader is called “scylla” as an experiment name . if you enjoy this and want to be added to the taglist please comment below ! reblogs and appreciated and loved .
song of the chapter⠀⠀:⠀⠀dna by lia marie johnson .
1951 , november 16th | “y/n karpov” , eight years old | subject number : n/a
you and your father had a weird relationship , nothing you two did as a “family” could be classified as normal . his job couldn’t even be classified as normal , not that you actually knew what it was . normal fathers would take their kids out to play ball or go shopping , yours took you to shooting ranges where he taught you how to shoot different guns and how to take them apart then put them right back together . normal fathers would come home after late days working and embrace their kids while eating dinner together at the table , yours took you to work with him and let you sit in the corner while he did . . whatever he did .
you didn’t know what you father did but you knew it wasn’t good , you could always hear screams and cries echoing from the halls of the cold building . the only part you liked was the traveling , every few months your dad would pack you guys some bags and you’d just disappear for however long he chose . sometimes it was for a week , two the longest you’ve gone was a few months , he always had the same excuse — “ work has us moving around but we’ll be back home soon . ”
you never knew your mom , never asked about her either , you only did once whenever you were little which led to a huge “demonstration” from your father . he led you to a room full of women , all lined up , perfectly , not a hair out of place , they looked beautiful and deadly all at once . the woman was terrifying , Melina , your father called her . she tried to have a nice face around you but that only made her scarier , especially when you saw what the girls did , what she made them do . “ your mom worked for them . a dangerous woman she is , I took you away from her . had to keep you safe . ” since then you’ve never asked about her again . not if it was going to make you return to the “red room” , it was a stupid and childish name that you had made up but it was fitting . the halls were always covered by red , whether it have been due to crappy lighting or the crimson from someone’s body .
today was just like any other trip , your father packed your bags and you two took off . you always came back to your penthouse in Kazen , the place was nice , not to much the people but the place was comforting and cozy . you were homeschooled so disappearing was never a problem , you just did work on the plane or while your father worked . “ afternoon Mr. Karpov . ” the guard stood up tall , the chill from the Siberian weather , he gave a smile in your direction , voice and expression softening upon seeing you — stuffed animal held tightly in one hand while you held your math homework in the other . “ Ms. Karpov . ” you gave him a wave before the doors opened , your father wrapped his arm around your shoulder , pulling the heavy coat you wore over you a bit more with a small tug .
“ now I have to work for a few hours but you’re gonna finish your math homework . then after that you can watch tv , can you do that for me ? ” he’d crouched down to your height , you were barley eight years old so you weren’t necessarily tall . his hand rubbed lightly against your cheek as you nodded excitedly by his question . you weren’t allowed to watch tv often , your dad always mumbled about American propaganda making its way to the Russian screens which made your eyes roll . you didn’t care about America or the war , though it had ended , the tvs were still filled with hatred . you learned about it obviously because you had to but the war only caused you and your father more anguish . you never believed any of the things you saw on tv or the flyers that were up in other countries or cities , you only listened to your father . he was all you had and the only one you wanted to make proud .
1953 , june 12th | “y/n karpov” , ten years old | subject number : n/a
next was the “cold war” . a weird name . the war been going on for almost six years , you’d really only realize three years ago that it was real and it wasn’t just some thing that conspiracy theorist were talking about . your father’s work started to ramp up in the past two years , your trips lessening more and more and your ultimate holding place being Siberia . you hated it , Siberia unlike Kazan didn’t have seasons , it was almost always cold — freezing . the spring and summer were short , they were warm but a fleeting moment . your father was always working , he never came to see you anymore , it was annoying and you were getting upset .
the guards that shadowed you were nice but they were never your father . they couldn’t be him . they couldn’t give you the same love that your father could , why did he rip it away from you like that ? what had you done to deserve it ? you didn’t upset him , you always did you work , you never asked questions . but he stole it from you anyways , deprived you of the one thing that kept you going . your studying got lazier , your schoolwork got sloppier and sloppier , you even stopped enjoying tv , you’d just stare at the walls and groan and complain about being left alone to guards that did nothing but mumble and apologize .
“ can I go to the bathroom ? dad’s not back , I’ll be back soon . pop in and out , promise . ” she spoke to the guard across the room , he was supposed to follow you everywhere but you didn’t want him to follow you there . it was invasive . you stood up , heading towards the door and he went to turn , to follow behind you but you held your hand up . by technicality you had some authority , not much but some . “ I’ll be fine , you don’t need to follow me , it’s just to the bathroom , right ? ” the guard was skeptical but let you go , however you went everywhere but the bathroom . heading down a empty hallway , guards were everywhere but you just managed to catch a time where they weren’t on duty . perhaps it was a shift change or someone just wasn’t were they were supposed to be .
your eyes came across a lab , through the window of the door you could see your father standing before a guy . his face was covered by the man’s body but he was quite obviously uncomfortable . he was strapped down to the table , body shaking and moving uncontrollably as if he was trying to escape . your father yelled , you rarely heard him yell but he was basically screeching at the man before him . you felt bad , your father sounded terrifying and then he hit him . hard . your eyes widened as you watched the treatment the man was receiving , he already looked disheveled , eyes drained of color and hope .
then the machine started and everything just got worse and worse . soon came his screams , the screams you had gotten accustomed to hearing because you didn’t truly think they were real or filled with such pain . a gasp escaped your mouth and your hands clasped over it quite quickly — eyes widening even more after you recognized your action . everyone in the room stopped , the buzzing sound from whatever machine on the man stopped and everyone turned to look at you , finally you were able to see the man’s face ; it was odd , you saw a little bit of yourself in him . you didn’t have time to stare at him because soon you locked eyes with your father and ran .
“ dad , I’m sorry , I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to walk around , I didn’t see anything , I swear ! I didn’t see anything ! ” you’d begged and pleaded for the last hour , asking for his forgiveness . it was his fault anyways , has he not deprived you of the love you so desperately needed then you would have never have gone looking . you would have never tried to see anything at all , all you wanted was him to love you . “ I do everything for you . I do everything and yet you still manage to screw things up somehow . Was going to wait till you were older for this but it seems like now is a better time than ever . ” your father grumbled before grabbing you harshly by the arm . it was insufferable , terrible , the pain spread through your entire arm immediately . you pulled against him with every bit of strength you had , though it wasn’t a lot .
the punishment for your crime was spending time in a cell . it was cold , disgusting , absolutely grimy and fillies with the stench of blood . there was a bed that had basically been ripped to shreds , the door was completely solid and no matter how many times you banged on it and begged to be let free . he never listened , it was almost as if he didn’t care . he kept you in there for the rest of the day , didn’t visit or talk to you . any time you messed up , that would be your punishment , so you made sure not to mess up often because when you did it would be hell . you hated that cell , to the point where you couldn’t sleep with the lights off and door closed anymore — too dark , only one or the other .
1959 , february 17th | “y/n karpov” , sixteen years old | subject number : 43XX
stopped talking to your father after the first time he hit you . you’d yelled at him , finally broke after six years of silence and asked what he was keeping the “soldier” downstairs for . the war was over , there was no reason to harbor a man in their basement and he responded by slapping you so hard you were disoriented . your body fell to the floor , hand covering the warmth blooming on your cheek from the pure force he held behind the hit . “ when I tell you to stop talking , you stop talking . when I tell you to be good , you be good . why do you always have to disappoint me ? ” that was the last time to disappointed him before the testing started .
it was countless injections and being wired up to machines , every day , all day , you hated them . any time you tried to move and fight back it resulted in shocks . electro shock therapy as your father called it , they needed to get you ready and in shape . for what ? you’ve never known but if you hated this then you were worried for what was next . the therapy got worse and worse , to the point were they would shock you until you couldn’t think straight , couldn’t move your body without help and your eyes couldn’t stay open . your brain was mush , you didn’t remember much during those sessions or much that happened before or after them . just the pain , all you remembered was the pain . now it was your screams that filled the room and the hallways and instead of being outside , coloring , doing homework or watching tv , you were experiencing it and you hated it .
“ You share DNA with him . That soldier , you know that ? My blood , his blood — it all runs through those veins of yours . took it from him when we captured him . You are his child , just as much as you are mine . ” you didn’t understand what he was saying , the man in there was clearly older than you but not old enough to have kids , especially not for you to be sixteen , it didn’t make sense . how did you share DNA with him ? you wanted to ask but your mouth wouldn’t open , your eyes were barley keeping open but managed a struggle just to look at him .
“ do you remember the red room ? I took you there whenever you were younger . one of those women , was lucky . the rest of them have their ovaries removed but that one , she got to keep them , for just a pinch longer than the others did . to have our child . our creation . unfortunately Barnes missed the birth of his first child but I didn’t . I was there for you . I will always be there for you , my experiment . ” your father was just rambling at this point , it didn’t make much sense . experiment ? you were an experiment ? a test subject ? for what ? “ why ? ” you just barley managed to croak out , your voice was hoarse , throat dry and cracking .
“ the winter soldier . he can topple governments , countries , win wars , our greatest weapon against our opposing forces . however where one goes right , there is always room for improvement . for more . ” now it made more sense . he was a power hungry bastard . your father was the worst man alive but you were truly his daughter . perhaps even his favorite . with the way he talked you were positive he had more , you’ve never met them , probably never would if you couldn’t get off this damn table .
almost as if he read your mind , your arms and legs were unhooked from the table , you couldn’t move them on your own but it was still a little bit freeing . only for a few moments , it was quickly replaced by you being hauled into a chair within a chamber . that was the first time you’ve ever witnessed the cyro chamber . it was colder than any winter in Siberia . the chill never left , even after the seasons passed and the years went by , the chill remained but you were barely conscious enough to remember what season it was — to even remember what seasons were .
2003 , march 9th | y/n barnes karpov , “Scylla” , sixteen years old physically , mentally ?? | subject number : 4384
you had been let out of the cyro chamber a few times , at least six times through out the years . they tried to disorient you , perhaps thinking that it would keep you from remembering where you were and what time period you had been in and honestly it worked . you could never understand what year you were in until it was too late and you were back with the uncomfortable chill . you tried your best to prove that you weren’t going to be a good investment , that you would fail in the moment of danger but with the “super soldier serum” (as they called it) running through your veins you were quite the opposite . you were strong , stronger than the average teenager , with enough strength to take in a man in his average thirties and forties even if he worked out — they tested it . young men , old men , each came in and out of the training room and as much as your body shook at the sight of them and the thought of hurting someone when you were told to attack , you did . biting just like a lap dog .
very rarely , whenever you and the soldier were awake at the same time , they’d let you train together . see who could hold their own the longest , it was always him . no matter how many times they’d run your two up against each other , he reminded you that you were nothing more than a child and it was so insulting . you trained hard and long , went through suffering and pain and torture just to be treated like a child and worthless by “the soldier” .
your hands gripped at his arm , the metal one holding you down by your throat to the ground , cutting off your air supply and keeping your body pinned to the floor . he didn’t feel a thing whenever your nails scratched against his silver arm , an attempt to rip it off or get it off of your throat , anything to get you to be able to breath again . “ off . winter , six . scylla , none . ” he finally pulled off of you , allowing you to take in greedy gasps of air . your arms flailed helplessly as you forced yourself upwards onto your feet .
your hand rung your own neck , feeling at the injury that was certainly to bruise . there was so mumbling from the soldiers behind the two of you before your “father” spoke once more . “ you two are done for the day . take them back . scylla to the chair , we have something else to do . ” the brainwashing had embedded itself in you . they didn’t need to drag you anymore unless your body was weakened but you had enough strength to walk and if you were being honest you hated their touch being on you so you would have forced yourself up anyways .
they say you down , back in the chair , usually you’d wake up here with no memories of what had happened before , only that you needed to follow the directions of the men before you and your father was the only one who truly cared about you . it was ridiculous but you couldn’t find yourself to deviate from what they said . they had strapped you down once more , body pushed backwards and the edge of the wall was your only view before your father graced your line of vision . “ we were trying to wait until she had developed further to do this but we’ve run into some complications . so what better time than the present , eh ? ” he held up a freaky looking vial , it was obvious that there was blood inside but it had mixed with something you couldn’t place .
“ inside this is the blood of our most powerful assassin , winter is good but everyone needs a femme fatale , don’t they ? but you , you my creation , my child . you will be a mix of everything great — everything good to have ever come out of this organization . mixed all into one , my hydra . ” this is what he meant all those years ago , not that you remember , when he called you an experiment . you were a mix of everything great and the only hope was that you would come out even better than everything you had been mixed with .
2016 , april 12th | y/n barnes karpov , “Scylla” , eighteen years old physically , mentally ?? | subject number : 4384
Bucky Barnes . the Winter Soldier had escaped and with him he took down Hydra , not all of it but most of it . he disappeared off the face of the earth then , you couldn’t find him , at least not for a little bit . bucharest , romania , the area felt familiar to you , every country did , as if you’d been there before . ever so slowly everything had been coming back to you , the torture , the murder , the pain . everything hurt and it never got better . your handler , at least the one you had been left with , Alexander Pierce was dead — murdered by Nick Fury . a subject was never supposed to be on their own , wander alone with no place to go but you and one objective in mind . find the winter soldier .
unfortunately following him through romania led to problems , one star spangled man , a flying bird man and a cat man . . . what had superheroes nowadays come to ? “ uhh cap , I got a child following you and Bucky down the building . ” Captain America , you’d heard of him a little during the wars and whenever they’d allow you to see what America was trying to produce in respond to the winter soldier — he was a specimen in the minds of Hydra but a joke of your own . Bucky and Steve were on foot , running across the roof of a building and you followed closely behind them , you didn’t think you’d be seen but you also didn’t account for a man with wings to following you .
you never actually engaged in the fight , didn’t need to tire yourself out for no reason , besides they didn’t think of you as a threat yet and you would have liked to keep it that way . that was until you all reached the underpass , you’d run up on them just as Bucky had been disarmed and thrown off of his motorcycle , his only way of transportation . the man dressed as a cat was seconds way from clawing the man’s face off but was thrown away by the strength of Captain America . it was intriguing to watch him fight in real time however he wasn’t your concern . without sparing him another glance you reached Bucky’s side , sirens and ringing from cop cars starting to filled the area . “ there’s a kid here ! a kid ! be careful , would you ? ” Steve pleaded to the cops , your eyes hadn’t left Bucky as you stood in front of him , mocking his movements , kneeling down on the ground and putting your hands behind your head .
“ long time no see , Отец . ” Bucky’s eyes widened at your words . he was expecting a “soldat”or maybe for you to try and kill him , force him to pay for the crimes he might have committed against you that he just didn’t remember . the cops were barely gentle with you , forcing your face into the ground with such harshness that everyone there turned their head with guilt and disgust . “ be careful with her , she’s still a kid . ” Sam spoke up , he hadn’t talked much but at least he had the balls to say something about that . Bucky’s eyes never left your , even as they dragged him away , he wouldn’t let it happen . when they placed him in a glass cage , you just in handcuffs (what a mistake) , he still never looked away . not until they forced him away from you .
“ what are you doing here ? ” Tony Stark . he wasn’t a cop , barely a S.H.I.E.L.D agent so he shouldn’t have been interrogating you but they allowed him to — god only knows why . you just looked behind him , the two way glass , trying to figure out who was back there . “ why were you following Barnes and Roger’s ? ” you could answer both questions but didn’t want to , he didn’t give you any reason to . “ come on kid , you gotta give me something- ” “ you talk too much . ” your eyes met his for once , getting a ticked off chuckle from his lips . this man was ego and pride , perhaps if you could knock him down then you’d be allowed another interrogator . “ where is . . . Barnes , I want to speak to him . ” Tony shook his head at your statement , he most likely took it as a question but you weren’t asking . “ I’m the one asking the questions here , alright ? You can see him whenever he gets done with his psych eval and his questioning . ”
you shook your head and tried to stand , the handcuffs holding you to the table being the only thing keeping you down . “ no . now . I need to go now . ” instead of answering you , Tony walked out , probably joining his friends behind the two way glass . you hated being treated like a child , being ignored , being disrespected .
Tony entered the room with the two way glass , glancing towards Romanoff . “ I don’t know what’s wrong with that kid . she’s not even afraid she just- stares , it’s freaky . are we sure she’s even real ? not something somebody built in their lab ? ” she rolled her eyes at him, “ not everyone had the money to do that Stark . you are right though , something about this kid just isn’t right . how did she know where to find Barnes ? ” before she could get an answer to her rhetorical question the sound of you breaking the handcuffs that connected you to the table , you approached the two way glass , without knowing it looking Natasha directly in the eyes . “ I want to see Barnes . now . ”
#winter soldier fic#winterwidow#winterwidow x reader#natasha romanoff#natasha romanov#marvel#the winter soldier#winter soldier x reader#winter soldier imagine#winter soldier reader#winter soldier × reader#marvel x reader#marvel x you#natasha romanoff x reader#black widow x reader#black widow#asset!reader#winter soldier x asset!reader#asset reader#hydra reader#hydra!reader#bucky barnes x child!reader#bucky barnes angst#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes fic#bucky barnes x f!reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x female!reader
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Bucky Barnes Emoji Hc's Prompt 2 Cont.
Prompt here. This is longer, so I can finish the prompt list once and for all.
Please think about liking or reblogging if you enjoyed it! These things take time. Or! Think about sending a request.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side? Someone who doesn’t push him into things & is patient with him. Someone who understands that he will never be who he was before the war and has a lot of baggage. He’s a work in progress, but sometimes, he can only go so far. They have to be okay that he will never reveal everything about himself. Other than that, he appreciates when someone can help with everyday tasks, especially caretaking. He doesn’t mean it in a housewife or househusband way because he is big in contributing to the household, but someone who cares enough to make him dinner is huge for him. He loves back rubs and shoulder rubs once he trusts someone with them. He also loves cuddling.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies? He loves B-Horror movies -the lame ones that we all make fun of that are usually black and white with some monster of the week or some cheesy over the top mad scientist. He doesn’t want to watch psychological horror or gore. He has enough of that in his life.
🐾 - Do they have any pets? Yes, He has Alpine, the gorgeous white cat.
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.) “Yeah ___, Uh, Ya’ know?, Um, Sure, No __,”
🎨 - What’s their favorite color? Blue all the way. ☂️ - How do they feel about rain? He mostly has memories of having to work in the rain or having to sleep in the rain during the war or on missions. Nowadays, he refuses to leave the house if it’s raining and he doesn’t have an appointment. 🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? Working with cars/other tech, trying to fix them or improve them. (It was something he bonded with Howard Stark over.), reading and watching documentaries. Dance used to be part of the list, but he’s too shy now. Only someone like Steve or a romantic partner could convince him to dance again…and only with them. (Preferably in private at first.) Baseball, weight lifting, and boxing were also some things he enjoyed.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep? He needs some sort of noise, whether it’s the TV, a fan, or a white noise machine. However, he sleeps best when sharing a bed with a romantic partner. 🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride? Bucky used to love them. He went to a few family vacations and, of course, had Coney Island. He loved it growing up and still has fond memories of it. He wouldn’t mind returning with Steve or a new romantic partner, but he knows he has to lower his expectations, considering how much it’s changed over 70 years. 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? Canonically: Russian, German, Japanese, Chinese, and a little French. 🍳 - How well can they cook? Bucky was never a huge cook, but he knew how to care for himself. It turned out that he discovered an interest in cooking while hiding in Romania. He enjoys things from comfort food to a few Romanian foods, and occasionally, a recipe or two he knew from the 40s that his ma made him. He’s also canonically good at making pancakes in the comics.
🍪 - How well can they bake? He’s made bread before and made cupcakes. It’s not necessarily something he cares about, but he does think making bread is fun. 💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)? Eyes, lips, and breasts/pecs ☕ - Coffee or tea? He’s a coffee boy, but ever since he took refuge in Wakanda, he has discovered an appreciation for tea.
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them? No. He doesn’t remember having any as a child, and he doesn’t have any now. (He had them as a child, he just doesn't remember what they were.)
#bucky barnes#james buchanan barnes#winter soldier#james bucky barnes#the winter soldier#captain america winter soldier#captain america civil war#beefy bucky#steve rogers#stucky#pre serum stucky#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes x you#george barnes#winifred barnes#rebecca barnes#rebecca barnes proctor#616 bucky barnes#falcon and the winter soldier#fatws
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ICJ Ruling
Okay, let's get into this.
First of all, I get the frustration at the court not ordering a ceasefire. I was disappointed and frustrated at first too, since a ceasefire was the biggest and most important preliminary measure South Africa was requesting - and of course we just all want this horror to finally end for the people in Gaza. So I get the frustration and disappointment, I really do.
However, I do think this ruling is still a major win for South Africa, Palestine, and international law as a whole and here's why:
The court acknowledged that it has jurisdiction over this case and completely dismissed Israel's request to throw out the case as a whole. It will now determine at the merits stage (that will probably take years) whether Israel is actually commiting genocide.
The court acknowledged that Palestinians are a "distinct national or ethnic group and therefore deserving of protection under the genocide convention". Pull this out next time someone tells you "there's no such thing as Palestinians, they're all just Arabs".
The court acknowledged very unambiguously that "at least some" of Israel's actions being genocidal in nature is "plausible". South Africa has a case, officially. Israel is accused of genocide, in a way the ICJ deems "plausible", officially. This is huge. (And seriously, how freaking satisfying was it to hear all of those genocidal statements by Israeli politicians read out loud and used as justification for this rulling?)
The court might not have ordered a "ceasefire" in those words, but they did order Israel to "immediately end all genocidal acts" (which includes killing and injuring Palestinians) and submit proof that they actually did. How are they going to comply with this ruling without at least severly reducing or changing what they're doing in Gaza?
In fact, this wording might actually be more appropriate for a genocide (vs a war), as author and journalist Ali Abunimah notes on Twitter:
He's completely right. Israel lost today, by overwhelming majority (I mean, 15 to 2? I heard people predict the rulings would be very close, like 9 judges vs 8, but instead we got 15 to 2 (and even 16 to 1 on the humanitarian aid). Holy shit.) The court disimissed almost everything Israel's side of lawyers said, while acknowledging that South Africa's accusations are "plausible".
And this is important especially because of Mr Abunimah's second tweet there^. Because the question is, where do we go from here?
This ruling means that Israel is officially /possibly/ commiting genocide and that should have huge international consequences. The rest of the world now HAS to take these accusations seriously and stop arming and supporting Israel - and if they won't do it on their own, we, the people, have to make them. This is THE moment to rise up all around the world, especially in the countries most supportive of Israel (the US, the UK, Germany): Protest, call your representatives and demand a ceasefire and an end of arms deliveries to Israel.
We now have a legal case to back our demands: If Israel is, according to the ICJ, "plausibly" commiting genocide, then all of our governments are, according to the ICJ, "plausibly" guiltly of aiding in genocide. And we need to hold that over their heads and demand better. We need to do that right now and in huge numbers. Most politicians only care about themselves and saving their skin. We have to make them realize that they could be accused of aiding in genocide.
(As a German, I'm thinking of Germany here in particular: After South Africa's hearing, our government dismissed their case as having "no basis" - how are they going to keep saying that now that the ICJ officially thinks otherwise? Over the last months, people here have been arrested at protests for calling what's happening in Gaza a genocide. How are the police supposed to legally keep doing that now that the ICJ has officially deemed this accusation "plausible"? I used to be scared to use the word "genocide" at protests or write it on my protest signs - not anymore, have fun trying to arrest me for that when the ICJ literally has my back on this one 🖕🏻.)
So yeah - don't be defeatist about this, don't let Israel's narrative that they "won" (they didn't) take over. This might not be everything we wanted, but it's still a good result. Don't let what the court didn't say ("ceasefire"), distract you from the very important things that they did say. Let this be your motivation to get loud and active, especially if you live in any country that supports Israel. Put pressure on your governments to not be complicit in genocide, you now officially have the highest international court on your side.
#ICJ#ICJ ruling#ICJ hearing#South Africa vs Israel#Free Palestine#Palestine#Palestinian genocide#Gaza#Germany#I get why Palestinians are disappointed and I don't want to devalue those feelings#(but maybe this can give you hope)#But thinking about this as a German this is huge#Most politicians and people here still deny (or at least strongly doubt) that there's a genocide happening#Calling it a genocide is seen as an 'extremist' position#And some of our politicians have been borderline gaslighting us and calling anyone who calls it genocide 'crazy'#So I'm just feeling immense vindication and a newfound fearlessness and motivation to be louder and more active than ever#and I hope others here feel the same#I hope the quiet masses stop being scared to say something now
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A gift for @tapakah0 fjajrhjabebjjeq
is 3am and I am too tired to see if I missed anything ;~; so sry if it looks a bit funky
Context under the cut idk djabejajbanw

And Ig Hodd and Cass are also in this too in the little picture *shrugs* ok bye bye ima go to bed and pass out now
*runs away* djabrjajbdnajjw
#Idk what to tag this#tjahhjjeja#I tried my best to put your yorki in it but I couldn’t find the post about em Oop-#Rainy forest#lil cabin house thing#My brain stopped working like 2 hours ago#Tap your are a huge inspiration to me and I think your art is super cool#ok yeah anyway hope you like it#*runs away*#I didn’t know what kind of dogs you liked so hopefully a golden and a German shepherd and your yorki is ok#My art#but a fan art :P
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once again having Dog Thoughts
#as i think about like. what i want from a dog. i am always looping back to shepherds and bite sports#i do think i could benefit from a service dog. but with the general attitude ppl have towards dogs in the us#(i.e. just like. general entitlement and wanting to pet/talk/interact w every dog they see etc etc)#it feels like in some ways an sd might actually be harmful to a few different healing processes for me#and tbh i think just having a dog would be good for me sd or not#idk i go thru this thought process like every other month at this point lol#but sheps and bitework i think would also be really good for me in a different way than a sd would#but still good for me#i think it could def be empowering (w the right club of course) and i think i'd feel safer#which is a huge issue for me just. in general.#and the way i always see myself living out a good chunk of my young adult life i think a shepherd would be good breed for me#idk. there's pros and cons to everything right? lol#i dunno. i think having a dutchie or a wl german shep to do fun bitey things w and go on adventures and runs would be like. my ideal dog.#and like i could train any dog to do sd type tasks while at home and never have them do public access#that is an option#and again because of crippling social anxiety i think that would honestly be better in some scenarios than having a dog with me at all times#much to think about. if you've read to this point thank you for your service 🫡#and also i know scary dog privilege is like a whole thing. but having a big dog thats pointy while being on my own would help ease#some ptsd bs that another dog might not help with#AGAIN MUCH TO THINK ABOUT#at the end of the day. i just really want a dog lol#da'ber
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One of these dogs marked in the store tonight. If you guessed the fluffy young man who's just entering puberty...

...you'd be wrong.
#tassie#hatchet#german shepherd dog#gsd#puppy stories#ive never had a bitch that marks like a male before her#but she is so awful about it especially when shes in heat#as im making the walk of shame for cleaning supplies and pass the registers with huge lines#i hear one of the cashiers tell her customers 'those are the best trained dogs i have ever seen theyre so amazing'#'one of these dogs just peed in theiddle of your store and its NOT the one you think'
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Rereading a book ive read several years ago is always so weird. Like i had like the vaguest memory of a plot and maybe a few vibes? and rereading doesnt bring back everything but i have a few things that make a !! Go up in my brain?
#rereading markus zusak's the messenger (der joker in german)#not sure what to think about it so far except that i love the dog so so much#i have a vibe memory that i didnt like the ending back when i first read it jut uh who knows#not a huge fan of the whole protagonist is in unrequited love with his girl best friend thing but what can you do#i think i first read it like ten ish years ago? feels weird#anyway sometimes i get my hands on a specific book that reminds me reading is fun and its a great feeling#also reading another book on the side but thats a first time so its not relevant here (anna rosenwasser's rosa buch)#ramble ramble#im laying in bed and my cat just came to me and is laying on top of me now and purring aww :3#mine
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i finally did it! i rewatched starsky & hutch a body worth guarding! and i've decided it's still not a favorite, but it does have a lot of cute little moments to it, and "you wanna catch a criminal? GET the fascists!" is just a wonderful thing to hear any time anywhere. solid middle of the road episode for me, i think
#my reservations about this one are twofold. part 1 is the russian ballerina with the (to me) extremely obvious dutch accent. and part 2. hm.#i'm happy for hutch that he gets to have his dreamy weekend love and nobody even dies or falls deathly ill or [insert other tragic fate]#but he DOES annoy me at the start of the episode. anna is not what he imagined she'd be and he gets pissy about it#i'm not even saying that's not authentic to hutch i'm just saying. if you're writing me a one episode romance that works out in the end#the way this starts is not the vibe for me. which is sad because it's a huge part of the episode#and it leaves me to just sit there. baffled. thinking SHE'S NOT RUSSIAN very loudly at hutch and everyone else#and waiting for starsky to show up again because at least HE'S consistently fun in this one. starevsky where are youuu#*#starsky and hutch#and oh my god there's a cartoonish german accent too. this particular episode is just a heap of accents that make me feel stuff
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I'm watching the new Sad Boyz episode and Jarvis has been talking about Fall Out Boy for thirty minutes and I'm juuust. not enjoying it
#I hate FOB#I'm so sorry I wish I didn't and I feel bad for it#but oh my god I hate them so much#the second concert I went to was a FOB concert. I was like 13 or 14 I guess?#anyway I was an emo kid so I did kinda like them#but they were my best friend's favourite band so I wasn't allowed to REALLY like them#but she wanted to go to the concert so I had to too.#it was a horrible experience and I had a huge panic attack because we got pushed close to the mosh pit and I couldn't move#because I was a TINY teenage girl#and I genuinely thought I was gonna die.#idk what little I saw of the show was good I think. but the fans really fucking sucked. like damn you have to be an asshole if you see#basically A KID full on sobbing and still not help them get out or anything or stop pushing and all that.#soo yeah idk it was all around just a horrible day and I haven't listened to their music since and I get really anxious when I think about#them.#funny thing is the next concert I went to after that was with my little brother and that same friend. it was a shitty german rapper#that I can't stand. BUT the fans there were so damn lovely to us. they looked out for us the whole time and everything. maybe because they#were mostly older idk#man I really hate concerts now though.#BUT I love Jarvis and I will keep watching the episode and it's fine and hopefully they'll move on soon....#personal
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I’d like to think that I’m getting better at not overthinking my art and worldbuilding, but I’m haunted by a short story I read recently, set in Britain loosely during the early middle ages, that featured stoneware as an ordinary utilitarian material. This should be a flavor detail that gets immediately forgotten because it isn’t important. Unfortunately, I am me and happen to have some very particular subject specific knowledge. Stoneware probably hasn’t been invented in Europe yet!!!! If it’s late enough maybe we have stoneware or proto-stoneware being made on the continent, but that’s in like the 1200s and doesn’t translate into low status usage in Britain!!!! Stoneware won’t be made there until the 1690s!!!!! What you want here is earthenware! Earthenware!
#my blather#absolutely not a dig at the author#no one who is normal abt ceramics would think twice about that one#separate devopments in Europe and Asia btw#although traditional asian ceramic classifications place all high fired ceramics together instead of splitting them#I think anyway I don’t know asian ceramics terribly well#the export market from the german states gets huge but that’s way later than the story is supposed to be#like it’s not a concrete time but it sure isn’t the seventeenth century
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I haven't gotten very far in Starfield yet but looking back it's kinda hilarious that I basically went to the character creator and I guess subconsciously decided "I'm gonna make her the exact opposite of my CP2077 character" right down to them having the exact opposite hair color.
#Starfield#I went Cyber Runner; Neo Street Rat - Wanted - Taskmaster for my build so.......yeah#My roommate even called me out saying that I only picked Cyber Runner because it had 'Cyber' in the name which is.....partially true?#Honestly I wanted to play a space rogue/their and that's the best starting build for one#Anyway yeah I'm still deciding on the name but I think it's Ji-Yeon 'Lee' Aster -- Lee being the pseudonym she gives to most everyone#Korean mother German-American father#Her parents both die when she was young so she grew up in Neon scavenging tech equipment to sell for pittance#and eventually grew into a pretty decent hacker who was able to get by on Neon with minor jobs and the occasional corporate freelance gig#When she's 25 she goes in with a few friends on a huge homebrewed hacker job and the whole thing goes to shit. Like absolutely falls apart#In a moment of weakness Lee throws everyone else on her team under the bus and bails-- everyone else gets arrested and thrown in corp priso#So with a big bounty on her head she hops from system to system trying to keep a low profile until she lands the Argos job and plot happens#In terms of comparing her to Riley she's WAY smarter WAY more cynical WAY less athletic and WAY more guiltridden about her life#And while Riley's slower to trust but overall still nice at her core Lee is just a dick. The entire plot is just one big inconvenience#And to her working with Constellation is basically another way for her to hide from her massive bounty#She trusts them but DEFINITELY looks to use them in the beginning as...let's face it basically meat shields#Riley's story is more about learning how to trust people and accept change;#Lee's story is more about the importance of family and learning how to be less selfish#And finally-- Riley has blue hair and Lee has orange-red hair (her hacker alias was 'F1r3br4nd' and she never wanted to change it)#ANYWAY dump time over back to work#Seta Speaks
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From my brother
Unfortunately Darmstadtium is in section 1 and Tennesee in section 4 so they would have to be semifinalists to compete, but I may just run this one for fun!
Now i need to figure out what a tennessee is
#fuckable elements asks#fuckable elements propaganda#Darmstadt has that huge pillar#but Tennessee is a stick you could use soooo#I dunno crap about tennessee#I think it is a part of the USA????#Why is it spelt that way? is it german or something? why is it a trapezoid!??
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cmon Berlin you can do better 🥲
#for WAD Dan had the same problem in this venue#idk if it’s just a bit too big?#in the end it didn't feel that empty tho#but yeah it’s still so sad to see only four blocks completely sold out and the rest mostly having more unsold seats than sold ones#hoping it will sell more closer to the show (although it’s already so close like it’s less than two months now 🤯)#I feel like European shows are always a bit tricky#like yes obviously there’s some of us here but we will never be as many as in English speaking countries#I mean Germany for example had its own huge YouTube scene when DnP were at their peak#and everyone knows about the biggest YouTubers from back then even if they didn't actively watch them#meanwhile I don't think any of my irls would know what I'm talking about if I started talking about the Brit Crew let alone D&P lol#at the venue in Berlin there's actually a show by two German YouTubers who were really known back then#& now have a podcast and make comedy content together I think?#and their show is completely sold out!!#like the difference is crazy tbh#(tbf I think their content is A LOT more mainstream than DnPs so that's probs also a factor)
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The dog I think of as My Dog was picked up from the shelter when I was about 16 and he was six months old. He was a cattle dog mix, which at the time was really uncommon in our area.
We were only getting a dog because my mom was worried about home invaders which was a bit insane as we were out in the country and we’d left our German Shepherd down in Arizona with my dad for complicated reasons.
I turned the corner and saw him. Instant connection. He was curled up dozing, all blue and white freckles with red ears and feeties. His clipboard said “SLY” in huge red letters. I called it softly and he opened his eyes, ears perking. He roused to sleepily amble toward me, lick my fingers, then go lay back down.
My mom joined me in dismay, seeing the love dripping off of me. She hadn’t wanted a puppy but it was clear which dog we were going home with.
Sly was a monstrous puppy. Fans of cattle dogs will be unsurprised to learn he was exceedingly clever, mischievous and Bored a Lot. It turned out his name hadn’t been Sly. It was Billy. But I think we all know why a huge red warning had been applied to his kennel. We named him Sly anyway.
My mom doesn’t remember threatening in earnest to bring him back but it happened. Sly loved to chew. He had no interest in fetch or most toys but he adored chewing. I lost headphones, backpack straps, and pillows to his voracious teething. We tried to dissuade him. He just learned to chew when we weren’t looking. Then one day, clever but not smart, he set his teeth to a plugged in cord and electrocuted himself. He was fine, just really startled!
Thus ended the chewing, forever.
He wouldn’t even pick up toys. He was fully convinced having things in his mouth was only a matter of time before they turned on him. He’d run after a ball at dog parks, grab it in the euphoria of the chase, then immediately spit it out.
He was still a lot of dog and my moms rumblings about his poor behavior led me to join 4H with him. My friend Lia was in with her spaniels so I had an in. We did twice weekly training in obedience and showmanship.
That was it. Sly transformed into the best dog. From a bored unmanageable puppy he became a partner, ready to work on whatever we needed to work on. He learned buckets of commands, eager to please. Sit, down, wait, stand, front, back up, shake, roll, heel. The only thing we could never convince him to do was speak. His bark was reserved for Danger.
We went to compete in the county fair together, entering obedience trials and dog show portions.
The instructions are clearly stated before obedience testing. A dog must stay sitting for two minutes when told to stay, and three minutes for laying down. If our dog broke we were not supposed to speak to reissue commands, simply wait quietly.
It was us in a line with five other dogs. He passed the sitting part just fine. The down one was longer and a wretched golden retriever broke. But then his trainer pulled out a ball and started trying to redirect him with it. The other dogs watched with interest but stayed down. Sly started up. He desperately wanted to herd the golden back into place.
With elbows off the ground he froze, realizing his mistake. His head whipped to me. In silence, I swept my arm down in the nonverbal command for down. He dropped obediently and watched me fixedly for the rest of the time. I think he could feel my disappointment.
We failed.
But the judge came up to us afterward as I was petting him and said, “I was so impressed your dog knows nonverbal commands, and that other dog was so distracting! Let’s retest with the next batch.”
I was thrilled and Sly was steadfast, staring unblinkly at me for the full three minutes with utter determination. He won blue ribbons in obedience and got later best in breed since there was no other cattle dogs.
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virgin!konig x reader smut
virgin!konig who humps you fast and hard when he finally gets his cock inside you. it’s red and twitchy, and huge too. you knew he had to be packing, but you didn’t expect his cock to be that…overwhelmingly big. that being said, once he pops the tip in you need a second to adjust before you tell him he’s allowed to push in further, and poor konig is using every drop of self control he has to keep from pounding the shit out of you.
“you can keep going.” you tell him, and he’s just so excited, trying not to cum on the spot. he’s not even halfway in and you’re already thinking about how he’s so deep in you. you know there’s gonna be a bulge in your stomach from how big he is.
once you tell him he’s allowed to start moving, he breaks. his thrusts are sloppy, messy, and so fucking desperate. he’s already addicted to the way your hole wraps around him. he’s babbling in english and german, each word punctuated by powerful thrusts. you’re making the prettiest sounds, and it makes it hard for him to hold back. you can tell he’s not going as hard as he can, and you want it so bad.
you beg him to go harder. to let go and fuck you how you know he wants to. and it turns out, all it takes is a simple “bitte?” muttered from you in his native language, for him to lose control. you didn’t think he could go much faster, but you were so wrong. he’s moaning loudly. his cock is rubbing up against that soft spot inside you, the one that drives you crazy. before you know it, you’re cumming so hard your vision flashes white.
it doesn’t take long after that for you to feel him spill inside of you, filling you to the brim with his release. the feeling makes your eyes roll to the top of your head. he doesn’t pull out even after he’s rode his orgasm out, letting all the aftershocks rush through him. “can we stay like this for a while?” he asks, his voice hoarse and tired.
“mhm…” you mumble, about to pass out in his arms. as your eyes close, you look up and see konig’s large figure raising a hand to brush your cheek with his fingers, and you drift off quickly.
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Konïg discovering his size kink
Summary: Konïg discovers how much he likes how big he is compared to you
Warnings: Guess what! Smut. It's just smut. Size kink (duh), Doggy, Google translate German (I'm sorry 😭), Konïg being a bit of a himbo, afab reader, there is one time at the end reader is referred to as a girl in German, but honestly there's no other mention of readers gender so I hope the nonbinary pals will also be able to enjoy :D, let me know if I've missed anything
Notes: Reader is written as smaller than Konïg but he's so huge that anyone of any size can enjoy this!
The way I'm always so ready to talk about size kink
Especially with Konïg omg!!!
6'10 giant he really is my King
I think Konïg's size kink didn't actually manifest until you
Sure he's not blind, he knows how he towers over everyone else
But it's like, it was never a part of his sex life till he was having sex with you
Like it just never occurred to him
But then, with you, it suddenly all made sense
He had you in doggy, fucking you on his thick cock in deep, steady thrusts
In this position he'd a chance to really observe how much bigger he was than you
Normally, when you two fucked, he'd be so entranced watching your beautiful face he'd have no interest looking anywhere else
Oh but now.. now he could see
How the plush skin of you hips spilled between his big hands, how they were fully enveloped by them
How he could so easily pull you back and forth, spearing you on his cock like you were nothing more than a fleshlight
A low grunt caught in his throat, dick twitching as the realisation of oh, he liked how much bigger he was than you
He liked it very much
Konïg leaned over you, pulling you further into his lap as he squished his whole body around you
He's so all-consuming, every sense is filled with him and him alone
He moans open-mothed in your ear, and licks up your neck
"Scheiße, ich hatte nicht... nicht gemerkt, wie sehr ich deine Kleinheit mag, Schatzi. Do you like it too? Ja..ja.. das wette ich, ja.." (Fuck, I did not.. not realise, how much I liked your littleness, honey.. I bet you do..)
After you and he cum, he finally notices how hard your poor litle muschi tries to keep all his cum inside, but it just can't help to let some leak out and dribble down your thighs
Makes sure to give it a little soothing thankyou kiss
Takes a moment to tell your pussy how proud of it he is, taking such a big cock in such a little hole, such a trooper
Cuz like, I know his dick is big!!! I know it!!!!!
It's proportional, shall we say 😭 your cunny working overtime so Konïg makes sure to show his appreciation to it
"Mein Gott, ich weiß nicht wie du das machst, work so hard for me, all of your strength goes into fitting my dick inside you, ja? Ja.. because you're so little, my tiny, tiny mädchen.." (My god, I don't know how you do it)
#smut#cod mw2#cod smut#mw2 smut#konig mw2#konig call of duty#konig smut#konig x reader#koniiiggggg my baby
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