#But still argue like all hell has broke loose
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sitkainsnow · 1 year ago
Desperately need a fic from a police officer’s pov and they watch SuperBat interactions bc like all the cops either hate or love Bats, but are still kinda terrified of him, but ofc Supes is all sunshine and smiles and “He’s my best friend y’all!” And they KNOW bats probably totally has kryptonite and an attitude worse than the devil.
So they end up in a situation where they’re working together and Batman in taking with the police and Superman’s standing behind him waving and smiling at everyone while Batman is giving single-word or just huffs for answers. And then Superman freezes and cocks his head and to everyone’s surprise grabs Batman by the shoulder and whispers something in his ear and then what’s more surprising is Batman doesn’t even mind as he wraps his own arm around Supes and then they’re gone in a blur of blue and Black. All the cops are just left standing there like 🧍‍♂️shocked bc Bats didn’t mind Supes touching him.
Or another instance where it’s after this big battle in Gotham and it’s with whatever villain but Superman is there too and the villain had kryptonite. Anyways so after the battle Bats is talking to the police and handing over the villain and Superman comes over after talking to the civilians, picks Bats up by the scruff mid sentence politely nods to the officers he was talking too, and moves him a couple feet away and just starts yelling at Bats abt how stupid it is for him to run around jumping in the way of heavy blows EVEN if they have kryptonite and Bats just scoffs and turns his head away and all the police on the area watch as Superman and Batman argue about how stupid it is to risk your life to save the other (they both did it) completely oblivious to their audience and the police whose POV it’s in just thinks “god they sound like a married couple. Wouldn’t it be crazy if the two of the worlds greatest hero’s were actually a couple lmao. But that’s crazy they’re just really good friends”
Gordon watched all this trying not to blow his fuse bc yes, Batman does need to be yelled at, and yes, he does need to prioritize his safety more, but NO, you don’t need to be having your lovers quarrel in front of the whole damn GCPD.
Or in another instance Batman racks up a bunch of charges on him for whatever reason and the GCPD by luck manages to arrest him and so here comes Superman trying to bail his partner(in more ways than one) out of prison and the police are like “we’re really sorry Mr. Superman sir but we can’t legally do that” and Supes goes “what the hell did he even do” and so the officer goes “Property Damage, unlawful violence, arson, punched a cop in the face and broke his nose, caught carrying weed which is illegal in the state of New Jersey, multiple -and I mean multiple- unpaid speeding tickets. Oh, and the DMV wanted us to talk to him about his unregistered Batmobile and Batbike.”and Supes is about to cry as he quietly asks “Okay, so how much is bail” And the officer looks away and mumbled “sixteen grand” and Supes gasps and cries out “I don’t get paid enough for sixteen grand!!”
However thirty minutes later Supes is back at the GCPD station shakily counting out bills bc he can’t use a check or card (obvi) sweating heavily and looking extremely pained. The cops don’t even ask where he got all those bills so quickly and just watch him and another 30minutes later Bats is out and Supes is shaking him by his shoulder shouting “so who’s gonna lag me back!! Who’s gonna reimburse me for for 16k?? Whose gonna apologize for the heart palpitations you gave me?? Whose gonna apologize for all the gray hairs this is going to give me?? You’re giving me gray hairs all the time B!! I can’t do this!!” And Batman just sighs and pats Superman on the back as they walk out of the station and Superman is mumbling about bank credit and loans and how bad he looks with wrinkle lines and gray hair sounding like he’s about to cry.
Meanwhile the police try not to loose their minds throughout this whole interaction and Gordon’s just staring at the door blankly smoking a cigar and the police whose POV it’s in looks at the cigar a little bit closer and goes “That smells like weed” and Gordon looks at her and just says “I feel for Superman a bit more than I want to”
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angelwings-crossbowstrings · 4 months ago
Whumptober 2024 No. 16, No. 19, No. 22
Prompt 16: Swamp
Prompt 19: Abandoned cabin
Prompt 22: Tourniquet
Warnings: Animal death; severe injuries
A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending. This one has been a work in progress since the beginning of the month and I just can’t get it to go any further. Maybe I’ll continue with a second part later.
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Neither human nor beast had moved since you had spotted the predator—a dragon by its own right. The alligator’s eyes reflected both the water’s surface and a sinister promise. Daryl, the water easily reaching his shoulders with his feet touching the swamp floor, was breathing quickly through his nose but remained otherwise motionless. The only thing you could see in his eyes was naked, implacable fear. 
“Daryl.” You whimpered. 
“Get outta the water.” You knew better than to argue and moved the slightest inch to turn before he spoke again. “Slow. Don’t splash.” He added. 
“Okay.” You tried to keep your movements fluid, deliberate. Each step beneath the murky surface felt heavy and so slow that you thought you would never feel the water receding around your upper body. You momentarily considered shedding your backpack but decided against it. There was a strange noise behind you but you kept your eyes on the overgrown shoreline. “Daryl?”
“Doin’ great. Keep goin’.” 
You nodded and maintained your glacial pace, bending at the waist as you began to leave the water in order to minimize the droplets that would unsettle the surface. The foreboding sense of being followed gnarled and twisted in your gut, and you allowed yourself to believe it was Daryl inching along behind you. 
“Almost there.” The tremble in his tone was easy to detect. You could also pick up that he was nowhere near behind you. 
“Daryl, how will you—” You didn’t see the debris. Of course you couldn’t through the dingy water. You had barely tripped and hit your knees when all hell broke loose around you. 
“Run, run, GO!” Came Daryl’s roar, a half a second before you heard and felt the chaos erupting. You were moving within milliseconds of his command, making the mistake of looking over your shoulder. 
“Shit!” A second gator had—at some point—surfaced, its tail whipping side-to-side to carry it toward you at a speed you would have never been able to outswim. Clambering onto the shore, the weeds soggy and giving beneath your feet, you ran a few meters ahead, trying hard to ignore the sounds that echoed beyond what could be your approaching death. 
The smaller alligator met land with a speed you hadn’t known the creatures capable of outside the water, its four legs carrying that open maw toward you faster than you were prepared to counter. With your only choices being abandon Daryl or fight, you made the only one with which your heart could live. 
Waiting until the last second, just as the animal lunged for you, you leapt to the side, twisting your body to throw your hunting knife. Those lessons with Daryl had paid off. The alligator slid forward until the momentum waned before going still, your knife protruding from its left eye. 
There was no time to catch your breath. “Daryl!” Between the heavy splashing, you would catch sight of a tail or an arm, the glint of sunlight off a blade. He was fighting for his life and you had no idea how to help him. Did you go back in the water? It’s what you wanted to do. There were likely other gators being attracted by the frenzy. Maybe you could keep them—
“Oh, Daryl, thank god.” He was already wading toward you, shaking out his left hand while his right still held his knife. There was a decent amount of blood hitting the water with each flick. “Where did—is it dead?”
The archer shrugged a shoulder. “Dunno. Ain’t waitin’ ‘round to find out neither.” 
You were already reaching for him before he stepped out onto the mud, your hands latching onto his vest to pull him forward into a kiss that had him gasping against your mouth before just as quickly settling to return the gesture. After a few breathless heartbeats, his forehead rested against yours.
“Fancy knife work there.” 
You opened your eyes to find his still closed but you knew what he spoke of without separating from him. “Learned from the best.” You peppered his lips with several more chaste kisses before finally straightening to go retrieve your weapon. “We should probably take a look at—” The words died on your tongue, dissolved by horror and fear. 
Why hadn’t you urged him away from the water? Why hadn’t he moved further on his own? As the strong jaws clamped down around Daryl’s lower leg, the answers you sought no longer mattered. The archer smacked the ground with a shout, attempting to roll over while reaching for his knife. A sharp pull on his leg foiled his attempt. 
“Daryl!” You leapt forward, grabbing for his hand. Your fingers brushed his just as he was yanked into the water, the gator letting go just long enough to seek a better hold, teeth sinking into the flesh of Daryl’s right thigh. He let out a pained yell that followed him beneath the tenebrous marsh. “Daryl, no!”
The surface bubbled and rippled before going still, your heart twisting before it sank. The swamps were silent as you stepped into the shallows, scanning, watching, praying. 
“Daryl.” You whispered frantically, taking another step into the water. If you could do something for Daryl then you’d gladly let death come for you. If you could do nothing, then it could come all the same. Your feet slid forward again, your eyes darting, desperate for just a glimpse of your archer. 
When the surface broke, it was a tail first, then the gator’s belly. Its jaws still held Daryl’s leg as it rolled, his body twisting to turn with the beast. He was alive, and he was trying to remain that way while keeping his limb intact. The gator rolled a second time with Daryl gasping in a frenzied breath before he was plunged once again. 
Gripping the hilt of your knife, you dove under, throwing any consideration of your own safety to the wayside. It was impossible to see below resulting in you reaching for either Daryl or the gator. When you felt something crash into your hand, you made a grab for it and rolled to the surface, quickly opening your eyes to find yourself holding Daryl’s belt. Bending at the waist, you wrapped your legs around him as the movement continued, the gator relentlessly seeking to tear the archer’s leg from his body. 
Above water again, you sucked in a breath and found your target, stabbing at the animal’s head with your knife. You felt it drive home and pulled it free as the rolls continued, repeating the action over and over with nothing but a prayer that you managed the kill and doing so without hitting Daryl. 
The momentum slowed before stopping completely, the water tinted red as you clawed your way to the surface, reaching down to grab Daryl before releasing the hold you had maintained with your legs. 
He broke the surface with an agonized groan, groping for you while you held on urgently. 
“I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Backstroking while pulling him along, you managed to get him to the shoreline and struggled to your feet with your hands beneath his arms. You pulled and pulled, dragging him as far from the water as you could manage. He helped as much as he could with his uninjured leg, digging the heel of his boot into the ground and kicking back. “Let me see.”
The flesh of his thigh was torn, flayed at the edges of two wounds that were at least six inches long. They were deep but showed no bone. His lower leg was not unaffected but lacked the severity of the other injury. 
“Fuck.” You covered your mouth for a moment, watching him collapse onto his back, chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath. Shedding your bag, you first grabbed a bottle of water, setting to work at cleaning the wound. When he shot upward with a shout, you began to mutter a mantra of I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. 
“Goddamnit!” Daryl exclaimed and fell back again, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. The wound continued to bleed heavily, gaping open in such a way that seized you with panic, grasping for any remembrance of your medical training. 
“Stop the bleeding. Clean the wound.” You could attempt to stitch it later, once the blood clotted—if you could even manage to pull the skin together. Gauze would never cover it but you had little choice but to try, your clothing too wet with the filthy water to aid in staunching the flow. You prayed as you dug through your bag that the harder exterior of the medical kit had protected the contents. 
Your prayers were answered, the supplies were dry. With quick movements, you unbuckled your belt and pulled it free of the loops. Sliding it beneath his leg resulted in a groan and grimace of pain but you couldn’t stop, not until it was pulled tight and fastened above the wound. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You repeated as you released your makeshift tourniquet, satisfied with the visible decrease of blood flow. “You’ll bleed out if I don’t.” Grabbing another bottle of water, you removed the cap and quickly emptied it over the torn flesh, wincing in sympathy. Alcohol would have been preferred but much more painful. Still, you worked with what was available. 
“Do—do whatcha gotta do.” Daryl panted. He pressed his palms into the soggy ground and tried to push himself up, making it only to his elbows before he was out of breath. His left hand was still steadily weeping but at least he had managed to keep all of his fingers. “Christ.” He whispered, his wide eyes obtaining their first look at the wound. 
“I know.” You felt sick. What could you do beyond what had been done already? “We have to get out of here. Find the others and get back to Alexandria.” Square after square of gauze was applied before you wrapped the grizzly wound with the only roll you had to secure and press things into place. 
“S’gettin’ dark.” He commented, head tipped back. He was staring upward toward the canopy as his breathing slowed but failed to return to normal. “Can’t be walkin’ through this shit at night.”
“We can’t stay here, Daryl.” You argued. “There’s more, you know there are.” The swamps of Macon, Georgia were abundant with wildlife, including a healthy affluence of alligators. You were going to absolutely murder Rick for this mission when you and Daryl made it back. 
When. Not if. 
“S’try an’ find a place ain’t around the water.” He was still staring upward, dazed. “Ain’t got long to search ‘fore it gets dark.” When he didn’t make an attempt to move, you gathered all you could into your backpack, save for the knife you secured in the holster on your thigh. You even managed to put Daryl’s knife in its place on this good leg without any acknowledgment from the hunter. 
“Daryl.” You tried, watching the quick but shallow pants of his breath. His skin was still wet with swamp water, but was looking pale. “Daryl.” You attempted more forcefully. 
“Hmm?” He finally rolled his head toward you, the personification of calm. “Oh.” He seemed to finally catch on and started pushing himself upward, making it to a seated position only after you had grabbed beneath his arms and helped. Once it was clear he would not fold over onto his lap, you let go. 
“Gotta get you on your feet.” 
“Ain’t gonna get far.” The way he was behaving was beginning to worry you, his lack of panic—even pain.
“Daryl.” You crouched in front of him, taking another look at his leg. Red was already seeping through the bandage, a dark circle soaked into the soil below his thigh. “I need you with me.”  You said sternly, cupping his face with both hands. His gaze was cloudy, unfocused, and only seemed to clear the slightest fraction when you gave him a gentle shake. “Are you with me?”
He blinked, his brow furrowing. “Yeah.” He rasped. “Yeah, m’with ya.” Then he was actually trying to lever to his feet without your help, your hands frantically scrambling for purchase anywhere they could to provide support. To his credit, he made little noise beyond grunts and one sobbing rush of air once he was upright. 
“Okay, okay. Here we go.” He staggered into you while you assisted in draping his arm across your shoulders. “That wasn’t so hard.” You quipped, grinning up at him when those pretty blues glared at you. You had to keep things light. 
“Think—think you’re funny?” He grunted with the first supported step, his hand grasping for a firm grip on your shoulder. 
“I know I am.” 
“Gonna hafta—file a—a complaint.” 
The steps the two of you managed were small and hindered by the struggle of pulling along his right leg. Between blood loss and the tight tourniquet, it was amazing he could feel anything at all. Still, you trucked onward, boots sinking into the mushy ground. There was just too much water all around, too many threats. You kept your eyes peeled for danger, Daryl’s head now resting against the top of your own. He was getting weaker, slowing down, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep him going. 
When he began to shiver, it wasn’t a gradual transition. One minute he was simply a weight against your side and the next, he was vibrating and his teeth chattering. It was anything but cold. It could only mean one thing. 
“You’re losing too much blood.” You commented, not really with the intent of him hearing. If he did, he didn’t respond. 
The pale light that had been guiding your path had since receded before disappearing completely, leaving the two of you shrouded in darkness. Each step had to be calculated, a gentle touch of the toe of your boot to test the integrity of the ground before you would drag him forward. If you fell into the swamp water now, it would be impossible to pull him out. 
Glowing eyes surrounded you, the reminder that more of the apex predators awaited a single lapse in judgment, one mistake. 
“Talk to me, Daryl.” He was growing heavier and heavier, harder and harder to pull along even if the ground had been sturdy. 
“Called a—a death roll.”
“What?” You queried, truly curious about the topic even if you couldn’t pay him your undivided attention. You stepped across a downed limb, your hands never leaving him before you had to nearly drag him across after you. 
“What that—gator—what it did. S’a death roll.” He stopped talking for a moment, gaining his balance, or at least enough strength to keep him from toppling over. “S’how they—how they rip off chunks,” he sucked in a shaky breath, “to eat.”
The information sat like a stone in your gut. It really had been trying to sever his leg, less interested in killing him and more concerned with tearing off a hunk of him to swallow down. 
“Well.” It was the only thing you could think of to say. The silence ensued and dragged on, your hope being sapped out and left in the trail of disturbed mud his boot was carving with each pull of his useless leg. He was less walking and more limping along beside you in graceless movements that did little more than keep him moving. 
By the time the old cabin—more of a shack, really—came into view, you were barely holding Daryl up. Your strength was waning, your body exhausted. You could hear the moans and gnashing teeth of walkers stuck in the marsh, your consciousness just too lagged to give thanks for their inability to reach you and the archer. The very thought of defending the two of you in your current state made your body ache. 
“Daryl. Daryl, it’s a cabin.” You jostled him with your shoulder, relief flooding your senses when he raised his head, albeit slowly. His only reply was a drawn out hum. “We can make it. Come on.” Drawing upon your reserves, you pulled him along. “Hello?” You called, maneuvering Daryl up the dilapidated steps to the door. There was no response, no candlelight. Abandoned. Or so you had hoped before you heard a thump against the door that was followed by a snarling growl. “Of course!”
The walker—an old man—had a bullet wound through his cheek and you would have bet the entry wound was below his chin. He had missed. Maybe he had died quickly. You wished that for him. Without dwelling, you lured him out, keeping his focus away from the man you had placed on the floor of the porch, behind an old rocker. Your knife met the dead man’s temple at the top of the steps, the body toppling onto the ground and out of your way. 
“Done and done.” You nodded and sheathed your weapon, trudging tiredly toward where Daryl lay prone. “Hey, you still with me?” You patted the side of his boot on his good leg, chuckling when he gave you a weak thumbs up. “Let’s get inside.”
Easier said than done, but once the two of you were safe behind the closed door, you allowed your body the moment of rest it needed, sprawling out next to Daryl on the floor. He was still shivering, breaths shallow, and eyes barely open. Nope, nevermind. You were up immediately, searching for anything you could use. 
A dusty blanket, some dried meat, and a useless med kit were all you managed to scavenge but it was enough. At least for the moment. You wrapped Daryl up tightly inside the blanket after beating the dust from it outside. It would be enough to keep him warm. Your bag was situated beneath his feet, keeping the blood flow closer to his heart. And once you had his head on your lap, you set to work trying to get food and water into him. 
“You need to drink. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” You argued, brushing the sweaty strands of hair away from his face. “You’re already in shock.”
“M’fine. You have it.” 
“If you’re not drinking any, then I’m—”
He groaned. “Fine.” He accepted a few sips before turning away his head. Satisfied, you drank a few of your own and placed the bottle next to your hip. You only had that bottle and one other. That was a worry for another time. 
“Do you think you can navigate us outta here when the sun comes up?” You asked. You tore off a small piece of meat and tapped his chin. He didn’t argue and accepted the offering, allowing you to lift his head slightly so he could swallow. 
“Damn sure gonna try.” His voice was raspy and tired, his eyes remaining closed. The incident and injury had left him drained. You wouldn’t be sleeping that night, that much was certain. 
“Alright. Then you need to rest.” With the meat wrapped and inside your bag, you settled against the wall, humming and running your fingers through his damp hair. 
The cabin was small, everything in one room. A stove on one side, a broken bed on the other. You distantly wondered why anyone would want to live such an isolated life with nothing but beavers and gators for company. 
Daryl groaned from your lap, your expression falling when you saw the pain etched into his sleeping face. There was no way the man would be fit to lead the two of you anywhere. You’d be lucky if he was even still alive when the sun rose. Your best bet was to stay put, keep him warm and hydrated until the others found you. Maybe you could go out and—no. You couldn’t leave him behind. 
How would the two of you get out of this one?
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 11 months ago
AITA for throwing away a birthday gift my friend got me because of who they are hanging out with?
I (now 19f) had a birthday a few weeks back. My friend Jane (20f) had gotten me a gift but hadn't been able to give it to me yet. Jane posted on her story that she was eating dinner with Alice (I think 25f?).
For this to make sense and so I dont get a ton of INFO comments, let me go into detail about Alice.
Alice used to be someone I went to for advice. She helped me with school, she gave me advice on crushes, was just overall like a big sister to me. When I was 10 I know my mother trusted her enough to have her babysit me (the thing with Alice is she has always been so mature, literally everyone has always thought she was older then she was which is why I dont know for sure if she is 25). I thought she would always be a good sister-like figure in my life.
However, I got in a relationship with Mark and it was like all hell broke loose. Mark says she is jealous because they used to have a thing (everyone thought they were together but they claimed they never were, Mark says she liked him but he turned her down but had fun flirting at the time). Alice told me she was concerned because of the age difference, which made no sense to me because she talked to someone who was 10 years older then her when she was 21/22. Alice also made negative comments about Mark that were extremely rude.
It really felt like Alice was trying to break me and Mark up! Mark is older than Alice and said that she always has done this when he dates anyone and thats why he hasn't dated much (the last girl he dated was Alice's friend and they stopped being friend's after they had broken up, I remember this because Alice was upset her friend made her choose between them or Mark when Alice had been friends with Mark since she was a very young kid).
We didn't invite Alice to the wedding because she didn't like our relationship (why would I want you there to celebrate if you don't even care for us?). We also didn't invite her because Alice and Mark stopped being friends for a year or two before we got together and it would have been awkward for Mark. I told Jane that I didn't want to hang out with Alice and encouraged Jane not to as well.
And I thought Jane hadn't, but now I see she still is. Jane said that Alice isn't a bad person and just because I'm not friends with her doesn't mean she plans on stopping. Jane told me that Alice still cares for me and if I wanted to talk to her I could, but I don't want to. Jane went on and we started arguing, and I dont remember what all was said by us, but then she cursed me out. In response, I threw the still wrapped gift in the trash.
Jane isnt talking to me anymore. Mark says its probably a good thing since she wasn't a good friend. At the time I felt justified but there's a pit in my stomach and I wonder if I went a bit too far? AITA?
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copper-16 · 10 months ago
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Jule gets injured, and Lena tries to deal with her worry on top of the fact that she's still trying to keep it a secret that she's hopelessly in love with her best friend.
Luckily for her? Someone happens to feel the exact same way.
(a/n: Someone asked me MONTHS ago to write this...and well I'm like 6 months late but better late than never I suppose! Also I started writing this when Feli was still at Wolfsburg so she's still at Wolfsburg for the sake of I was too lazy to change what I had already written, take it or leave it.
I love getting to write Obi...so much. Like SO much! So much that I actually didn't edit this at all I just scrolled over it really fast and said MEH it's probably good to post (so sorry if there are mistakes). Also this is cross posted from ao3 because I'm pretty sure the request was sent on here, if I remember correctly. But anywho, enjoy!)
It was a dirty foul. 
It was a really dirty foul, in fact, and pretty much all of the Wolfsburg girls are ready to throw hands when they see what has occurred. 
Jule had been taking the ball up the right side of the pitch after Obi had sent her a lovely little long ball, when the Werder Bremen defender had gone right for her ankle instead of the ball. It was a crunching tackle, a dangerous and thoughtless one from the Werder player, and it sent the blonde winger tumbling to the ground with a cry of pain. 
It was late in the game, they were up by one goal anyways, but as soon as Jule was hitting the ground, all hell broke loose. The Wolfsburg players were immediately going for the Werder defender who dared to hurt their golden girl, none leading the charge more than Lena. 
The brunette was halfway across the field from Jule when she went down, but suddenly Lena was right next to Jule as she pressed her face into the grass, her ankle ringing with pain. 
“Jule? Are you okay, should I get the medic?” Lena asks softly, her face close to Jule’s. The blonde can smell the patchouli and ylang-ylang of her perfume, and the way that Obi tugs her kit down from where it had ridden up before she placed her hand gently on the wingers back. 
Jule hated the medic. She hated going down, didn’t want to hog attention away from the others, stop play, or force a substitution to be made unless it was absolutely necessary. 
But the pain in her ankle isn’t subsiding in the way it should be, and she knows that she won’t be able to walk it off like she normally should. The blonde screwed her eyes shut in frustration as she nodded, moving to turn over on her side and eventually back as Lena began to flag down the team medic. 
Which of course, happened to be the exact same time that the Werder defender decided to open her mouth, her words callous and unkind. 
“Oh Jesus, why is she being such a baby? She’s fine, I hardly touched her,” the defender scoffed, and here’s the thing. 
Lena knew that she had a reputation for how easily she found herself in the middle of a fight. It was a fair one, she knew that. The midfielder was the one most likely in her team to be found arguing with the referee, or to get into some sort of a brawl with another player, or something of the sort. 
But her hot headedness in general paled in comparison to any sort of reaction that she had when it involved her blonde teammate. 
It was a known fact at Wolfsburg that Lena and Jule just had an inexplicably close relationship. Ever since the winger had joined the German side, her and the midfielder had been completely inseparable. 
For the older women in the team, the writing is on the wall, clear as day. But Jule is rather oblivious to the fact that her best friend is hopelessly in love with her. She would never imagine that Lena would actually reciprocate what she told herself was a silly little crush. 
But it wasn’t just that, for either side. 
Jule was gentle, maybe not always on the pitch but she was known for being incredibly sweet. Lena wasn’t exactly known for her saccharine like personality, but her and Jule just always seemed to work together. The midfielder was fiercely protective of the younger girl, whether that be batting away creepy men at clubs or making sure that she had eaten that day. It was the fact that they were complete opposites that seemed to make them work so well together, totally balancing one another out. Jule had this uncanny ability to calm Lena down, no matter what was occurring, whether it be in a game or when they are getting too competitive playing a board game with teammates. And in kind, Lena makes sure that Jule isn’t stepped on or bothered by anyone around her. 
So for someone to say something like, something that is so blatantly rude and careless, all of the Wolfsburg girls were immediately turning to Lena, knowing what was about to happen. 
“Oh you absolute BITCH–” Lena started as she turned toward the woman in a second, and she would have slammed right into her if it wasn’t for Feli, who wrapped her arms around the brunette at the last second and pulled her away. 
“Not helping right now Miss Hothead,” Feli grunted out as she hauled Lena back with everything in her, the midfielder still practically snarling at the woman as she strained against her teammate heavily. 
The brunette turns on a dime at the sound of her name being called softly by the winger, and Feli nearly falls over at how quickly the midfielder moves away from her, completely abandoning her course of action in favor of turning toward Jule. It wasn’t very often that Jule used her real name as opposed to calling her Obi like the other girls, but when she did, the brown eyed girl knew to pay attention. 
The blonde didn’t actually need the midfielder, but she knew that Lena was on the cusp of a yellow card, and the last thing she wanted to do was turn this into a card party, especially not when Lena had managed to make it through nearly the whole game without one. 
“Are you alright?” Lena asked as she knelt down next to the winger, the anger wiped from her face in favor of a kinder, softer expression, the kind that was only reserved for Jule, and Jule alone. 
Her eyebrows were knit together lightly, her head tilted to the side in worry as she looked down at her teammate, who shook her head slightly. 
“It's a bad sprain or a possibly fracture,” Jule explained, parroting what the medic had told her as he nodded along. Lena hated the fact that she could tell Jule was trying not to cry, and it made her equal parts sad and murderously mad at the defender for causing the blonde to hurt this much. 
“Help me up?” the blonde asked, breaking Lena out of her train of thought as she nodded. But the German midfielder was more than a little panicked, staring down at Jule who was looking at her with big, misty eyes, and clutching at her ankle. 
The brunette hardly even thought about it, she simply acted. She didn’t think about the setting or the consequence, but rather on what was right in front of her. 
The older girl reached down, hooking her arms around Jule’s back and under her knee, and lifting her into the air with a slightly scary lack of effort. Suddenly the blonde’s face was right in front of her own, and Obi could stare directly into the wingers eyes. 
(Behind them stood Ewa, Alex, and Feli who, alongside thousands of fans, all but had their jaws on the ground) 
But Lena isn’t focused on that, but rather the way Jule is looking at her, her eyebrows pulled together in concern. The wingers face is red, if not from exertion than from this interaction, and the midfielder can see the baby hairs that have loosened from her ponytail and frame her face. 
“Obi?” Jule asked, her voice very soft, only loud enough for the brunette to hear. 
“Yes?” She replied instantly, her heart jumping into her throat. 
Sometimes Lena had these…moments with Jule, where she thought maybe it was possible that the other girl felt just as strongly as she did. 
“I can walk…I–I need to walk off the pitch,” Jule said, louder this time, and Lena startled at her words, despite still holding the blonde safely in her arms. 
The moment popped like a needle, and the brunette flushed an even deeper shade of red at the realization that she was definitely just kidding herself. 
It simply wasn’t possible that Jule felt the same for her as she did.
“Right! Yes, well, here we are,” Lena said quickly very carefully lowering Jule to the ground and waiting for the medic to 
Which left their teammates to watch the whole interaction, Alex, Ewa, and Feli still standing in a line as they looked back and forth between the winger and midfielder. 
“Did she just–” Alex started, her voice incredulous as she was cut off. 
“Yes.” Ewa says, never one to mince words. 
“In the middle of a–” Feli tried this time, faltering when the Polish forward answered yet again. 
“Yep.” The striker said again, and the three women were stuck standing there in amazement at what had just occurred. 
“Hopeless lovesick idiots, the both of them!” Lynn whisper shouted as she walked past the trio from just behind them, her hand cupped over her mouth as though she was trying to be sly, despite the volume of her voice. 
But neither Jule nor Lena heard their scheming teammates, both of them too focused on trying to get the winger off the pitch to be paying attention to their teammates. Obi helped Jule to wrap her arms around the shoulders of the medic as she hobbled off the field, Vivien taking her place on the pitch. 
Lena doesn’t bother looking toward her coach, she knows that she won’t get a sub out, not this late in the game. But her heart isn’t really in it anymore, it’s back in the medical room where she knows that Jule is, probably getting an x-ray or something of the sort. 
Not that it really matters though. Jule’s injury has sucked the energy out of the match as quickly as it had come, and it ends up being a passing game for Wolfsburg for the remaining few minutes of the game. 
Meanwhile, Jule had just gotten situated on a bed in the medical room when Svenja had burst in the doors, her eyes searching for and immediately finding the blonde winger. The older woman hadn’t been playing, had only been sitting on the bench when Jule had gone down, and had instantly gone to get permission to go check on the younger German. 
It wasn’t news to anyone that Svenja was absolutely the team Mom of the group, now even more so because she was an actual Mom. But she always made it her mission to look out for the younger girls, in whatever way she could. 
Like when they got hurt, and she knew that they would likely be stressed and in pain. Jule can’t help the relief that washed over her when the door swung open to reveal Svenja, her eyes watering. 
“Hey kid,” the forward soothed gently as she came to stand next to Jule, who swallowed thickly as she did her best to offer a smile, even if it came out as more of a grimace than anything else. It was Svenja who sat with her for the next twenty minutes as they ran more tests, brought in a portable x-ray machine, determining that it was a small fracture in her ankle. It was minor, she would likely be out for the next four weeks and in a boot, but it meant that she wouldn’t have to have surgery, which of course was good news. 
The doctors had just given her a boot to wear as well as some crutches, slipping out of the room and leaving Jule to get down from the table, when they first heard it. 
At first glance, it sounded like a commotion in the hallways, and Jule thought that maybe it was the girls celebrating the win. 
But it only took a second for her to realize that was in fact not the case. It’s Obi’s voice that she hears, high and shrill. The midfielder sounds beyond stressed and panicked, and Jule feels her eyebrows furrow in concern at the noise. 
“Where is sh–” Obi cuts herself off when she all but busts open the door to the med room, Feli hot on her heels. 
“Jule!” the midfielder exclaims, her eyes widening as she realized that she had found the winger. 
“Jesus, did we have to sprint the whole way?” Feli pants, following Obi into the room with sarcasm dripping from her tone. Svenja forces down a chuckle but Lena doesn’t even bother paying her any mind, her eyes wild with concern. 
“Are you okay? What did the doctor say? Is everything alright? Do you need–” Lena started, only for Svenja to very quickly cut her off, sensing that the German midfielders' panicked energy was not what this room needed right now. 
“Feli, could you help Jule with her boot and crutches while I talk to the lovely Ms. Oberdorf for a second?” Svenja said, a question that wasn’t really a question at all as she drug the brunette out of the room, leaving Feli and Jule both to stare after them, a little bit lost but shrugging all the same. 
Svenja closed the door behind them, turning to Obi with a disapproving glint in her eyes. 
“Okay, you need to get it together lover girl, because you can’t–” Svenja started, but Obi shook her head, pulling back in clear disagreement, her expression weak. 
“Lover girl? I don’t even know what you’re talking abou–” she started, only for Svenja to double it and cut her off again. 
“You can save the denial for someone who actually believes you. We all know you love that girl, it’s about as clear as a sky blue sunny day, but perhaps we aren’t ready to have that exact conversation. So for now, I need you to calm the hell down and rein it in. You’re here to help that poor girl relax, not to stress her out with a game of twenty questions. Understand?” Svenja asked bluntly, knowing that sweet talking her way with Obi wasn’t something that was really all that necessary. 
The midfielder swallowed thickly before she nodded, her cheeks tinged with pink from embarrassment. But Svenja just pays her no mind, turning back toward the med room, where Feli and Jule were having a conversation of their own. 
Obi had to give herself a bit of a pep talk before she went back into the room, and by the time she reenters the med room, Jule is upright with a boot and crutches. 
“Lena, I’m going to take Jule home, would you like to come with us?” Svenja prompted, gesturing as subtly as she could toward Jule. 
It didn’t matter either way, because her sentence was barely done before the midfielder was responding. 
“Yes, absolutely!” Lena chirped out, her voice about two octaves higher than normal. Jule was a little pink in the face from using the crutches, but she still looked up with a quirked brow, entirely unimpressed with how fake her friend's voice sounded. 
She chose not to comment on it further, her foot throbbing painfully inside the boot as she made her way slowly out to the car. The winger is so focused on her journey, in fact, that she hardly notices the way that Lena hovers behind her, just on the off chance that Jule stumbles and needs help. 
She also entirely misses the several eye rolls from both Feli and Svenja as they walked out to the car, both women equally annoyed by their collective cluelessness. 
Not my circus not my monkeys, the defender mouthed to the forward, whose face immediately dropped in indignation. 
“Yes it is!” She exclaimed, shooting a dazzling (and decidedly fake) smile at both Obi and Jule when they turned back around, equally confused by the seemingly random words. 
But Feli waved them off, a thrilled grin on her face at Svenja’s little outburst. The defender helped get Jule into the forward's car before saying goodnight to her teammates and heading back to her own apartment. Lena followed Svenja’s car in her own, figuring it would be good for them to have possible means of transportation if they needed anything. 
It was Svenja who helped Jule instead, getting her set up on the couch and dolling out pain medication before she began to go over the list of what to do with Lena. 
She didn’t bother with asking the brunette if she was staying with Jule, she just…always had been. There was no use in denying the inevitable, really. 
“Okay, and you call me if you need anything, alright? Even if it’s the middle of the night,” Svenja told Jule, who gave her a small smile and a nod. 
“Yes, yes, of course Mom. Thank you for everything today,” the blonde replied softly, and the older woman squeezed her arm affectionately before seeing herself, leaving only the winger and midfielder in Jule’s apartment. 
It was hardly the first time that Lena had been here, quite the opposite really. The two of them were practically inseparable, and spent most of their time together, at one of their two apartments. 
Obi was so used to Jule’s apartment, the younger girl practically considered her a roommate. The second bedroom had a dresser with her clothes in it and a toothbrush for her in the bathroom, so it wasn’t that big of a stretch honestly. 
But for some reason the midfielder can’t seem to sit still today, floating around the apartment doing odds and ends, asking Jule if she needs something every few minutes (seconds, really), and exerting a rather tumultuous energy over the whole place. 
After about fifteen minutes, Jule sighs heavily. And right on key, Lena appears by her side, looking down at her with wide eyes. 
“What! What is it?” She asks breathlessly, having run in from the kitchen. Jule shakes her head, her expression set with exasperation that masks the hurt she’s beginning to feel. 
“Lena, if you do not want to be here you can just go home! I broke my foot, not my entire body, I do not need a babysitter,” Jule huffs out, having mistaken Lena’s nerves for annoyance. 
But she’s surprised by the way that the brunette’s face falls, and she instantly settles down on the couch next to her teammates, shaking her head. 
“No, no, there is nowhere else I want to be, I promise. I just…I don’t…” Lena trails off, struggling to find the words. Her face is screwed with indecision, and it makes the wingers heart leap into her throat. 
“You don’t…what?” Jule prompts lightly, her voice light and barely audible. It sounds rather breathless, and she hates herself for a moment by how much her voice gives her hopes away. She prays Lena won’t pick up on it…or maybe she prays that she will. 
Obi looks over at the blonde, her heart thumping in her chest. Jule is looking at her with an entirely unreadable expression, and for just a moment the brunette wonders if it would even be possible for her friend to feel the same way that she does. 
She couldn’t explain her attraction to Jule, nor could she articulate how strong it was. It felt like the winger was the sun, and the brunette was simply made to orbit around her. 
Everything was better when Jule was there. Her laugh, her smile had this completely contagious property, and it made Obi feel lighter, happier, better. 
She made Lena better, just by being herself. She was warm and kind where the midfielder was callous and gruff. She was soft and forgiving, forcing Lena to relax and give herself some grace. 
It wasn’t something she could explain, because how on earth are you supposed to describe the one person in the world who means everything to you? 
Lena opens her mouth, her feelings on the tip of her tongue. They’ve been sitting there for a now awkwardly long period of time, the silence clinging to them both, hanging in the space between them. Jule is staring back at her, her jaw clenched shut, her teeth clenched with a nervous anxiousness, wondering if this is the moment where everything will change.  
But doubt creeps into the brunette’s mind, and the thought of confessing flees her mind as quickly as it comes. 
“I just don’t know what to do to help you feel better, that's all,” Lena finally says lamely, and it takes everything in Jule for her expression not to drop in disappointment, swallowing the feeling and offering a smile instead. 
“You make me feel better just by being here,” she admitted, and it was the truth, if not the entire truth. 
Was it lying, if it was a lie of omission? 
Jule isn’t sure. She isn’t sure what she’d rather be: filled with regret because she never said anything, or filled with regret because she had. 
“But if you’re just going to sit here with two working feet I wouldn’t say no to a sandwich,” the blonde tacked on at the end, the breath stolen from her lungs at the way Lena’s face lit up, a laugh tumbling from her mouth. 
“You got it, coming right up!” She announced as she hopped up from the couch, leaving Jule to her thoughts. 
Just as she often did, the German winger spent the next few minutes mulling over the pros and cons list that had only grown as time dragged on. 
To tell her best friend that she was in love with her, and risk all of the fall out if she didn’t feel the same? Or never tell her, and simply live with what could have been, if she was a little less scared? 
It seemed like an easy choice when she framed it like that, but the actual implications of her actions somehow seemed so much larger. 
She’s so lost in thought, that she hardly notices Lena coming back with food for them both, until the midfielder is placing her hand gently on Jule’s thigh. The touch causes the blonde to jump, and Lena retracts her hand just as quickly, as though she’s been burned. 
“Sorry, sorry,” the midfielder is quick to say, but Jule shakes her head emphatically. 
“No apologies, please. I was just lost in thought…about my foot! About my foot, I was thinking about my foot!” Jule explained, seeming a little too happy to be thinking about her foot when the person on the receiving end of her words doesn’t realize its a coverup. 
But really, what was she supposed to do? It wasn’t like she could just tell Lena how she felt, right here and right now. 
“Thank you for the food,” the blonde rushes to say instead, and the two fall into gentle chatter as they eat their food. Jule is honestly glad for the distraction, would rather do anything other than talk about her injury right now. 
She’s lucky it wasn’t worse, that it wasn’t badly broken, or required surgery, but it still sucked to be injured regardless. 
The winger knew that she was lucky to have Lena to sit here and make her laugh, to drop whatever she had been doing to be here. So amidst her confusion over whether to admit her feelings, still her gratitude toward the midfielder balloons in size. 
When Jule leaned forward to put her plate on the coffee table, Lena is looking at her closely. 
“What else do you need? What can I get you?” The older girl asks, and Jule shakes her head slightly, a soft smile on her face. 
“I’m fine Obi, I don’t need anything else. I honestly just kind of want to go to bed,” Jule admitted, and Lena nodded, before looking down with a furrowed brow at the blonde’s boot. 
“What?” Jule asks with a tiny chuckle, loving the fact that she could see Lena’s brain work in real time, as if she was working out a very complex math problem and not staring at her teammates foot. 
“That thing has to hurt to walk on, doesn’t it?” Obi asked, and Jule shrugged before admitting that while it was a bit painful, it was manageable. 
But that seemed to do nothing but displease the midfielder further, and before Jule could hardly say a thing in response, Lena was reaching forward, and just as she had on the football pitch, picking the blonde up. 
Only, in this instance it was a tad more appropriate than it had been earlier in the day. 
“Oh! Lena, what are you doing?” Jule asked with a laugh, still amazed that the brunette could pick her up with such ease, with so little effort. 
The midfielder rolled her eyes, carefully navigating them around the couch and toward the stairs. 
“Clearly I’m using the fact that I have two working legs to flex on you! Now, what do we say?” Lena teased, throwing on an overly saccharine and fake tone that is clearly meant to get Jule to laugh. Not that she cares, because it works easily. She tips her head back slightly, content when her teammates catches the change of weight easily. 
When she leans back in she’s still giggling, but when she opens her eyes she finds that her face is a lot closer to Lena’s than she had anticipated. The younger girl swallows roughly, blinking several times to try to rid her expression of surprise. 
Lena’s brown eyes are staring at her pensively, softly. The sense of gentleness that her gaze held was one that had always just been reserved for Jule, and here it was, just for her. 
As brash and argumentative as Obi could be, there was no one in the world who could cause her to soften quite like Jule Brand. 
The older girl clears her throat after a second, focusing on continuing up the stairs and into the bedroom. 
The next few minutes are filled with getting themselves situated and ready for bed, teeth brushes and sink showers attempted because the thought of having to stand on one leg to shower sounded like hell on earth. 
But there was Lena, always there to hold her up and make her smile, even when she was just doing mundane tasks like brushing her teeth. 
They switch her boot out for an ankle brace, to give her some support without being too restrictive. Lena shoves a pillow down at the end of the bed gracelessly, before gently propping up Jule’s foot with great care. The two acts are entirely juxtaposing of one another, and they make the blonde giggle as she settles into her bed, the flush that coats Obi’s cheeks as a result not lost on her. 
“Will you stay with me?” Jule looked up at Lena, her face filled with uncharacteristic worry. It was hardly a question she needed to ask, and the answer from her teammate is both immediate and automatic. 
“Of course,” she replied, moving to turn the light off and climb into bed next to her best friend. 
But it’s only after the lights are turned off, and the comfort of darkness has descended on them both, that they are able to finally admit what’s been on the tip of their tongues for weeks now. 
The fact that’s probably both surprising to the two of them is that it’s Jule, and not Lena, who says something first, her boldness coming out of nowhere even if it didn’t last for more than a single word. 
Lena was laying on her back, staring up at the ceiling from her spot on the left side of the bed. Jule laid on the right side, turned on her left side so that she was facing her teammate, which was how she usually slept when there wasn’t anyone in her bed anyways. 
The winger can just barely make out the brunette’s profile, the bridge of her nose and the sharp edges of her jaw, her chest rising and falling shallowly, heartbeat quickened by whom she was in proximity of. 
“Lena?” Jule asked, her voice quiet. It was rare for her to say the midfielders actual name, and Lena’s heart skips a beat at the question. 
“Yes Jule?” She responds, her voice equally soft. 
“I–” Jule opens her mouth to say more, and finds that she isn’t sure what to say. 
It’s an uncomfortable reality, to realize that you care so greatly for another person in life that you find yourself unable to fully elucidate your feelings. 
But before she can even try again, Obi is cutting her thought process off softly. 
“Can I be honest with you about something?” The brunette asks, struggling to keep her throat open enough to explain how she’s feeling. 
“Yes,” the blonde replies instantly, her words filled with relief and hope, and it’s her tone and that alone that spurs Lena on, that allows her to say what she’s been feeling for months. 
“When we were downstairs and we were talking before and I paused I…I wasn’t brave enough to say it but I can now,” she began, taking a very slow breath before continuing. “I think I love you, Jule.” 
“You think?” The winger asked, her voice small but neutral in its tone. Lena swallows roughly at the sound, wondering if she’s made a big mistake.
But it’s too late now to think about that, so instead she forges ahead. 
“No, not I think. I know I love you, and I have for months now. Maybe ever since I met you,” Lena admits, finally turning her head to look at Jule. The blonde is sitting in bed on her side, facing the older girl. 
When the brunette turned toward her, the winger reached out with her hand, running her fingers gently over the midfielders cheek until she was cradling her jaw. 
“I love you too,” Jule whispered into the space next to them, and she can feel rather than see the tear that slips down Lena’s cheek, the wetness seeping into her palm. The midfielder turns her head, pressing an impossibly soft kiss to the inside of Jule’s wrist. 
The brunette moves with such gentleness and care, it physically feels as though the blonde’s heart will burst from how in love with Lena Oberdorf she is. 
Obi moves lightly, but with purpose nonetheless, as she gathers Jules into her arms and finally, their two bodies are pressed together softly. 
The winger tucks her body into Lena’s, not caring that her foot protests at the movement as she’s engulfed in Lena’s scent and the warmth of her body. Jule tucks her head into the midfielders neck, clutching to the brunette as Lena’s hands bring her close, keeping her safe. 
The sigh of relief that they both let out happens at the same time, as the comfort of finally being pressed together is realized. Jule cuddles into Lena, feeling sleep pull at her, the worry of her feelings not being returned now swept away like a leaf in a strong current. 
“I love you,” Jule murmured into Lena’s neck, the soft puff of air tickling the brunette’s skin in the best possible way. She smiled softly, tightening her grip imperceptibly. 
“I love you more,” Lena promises, pressing a kiss to Jule’s temple as they melt into one another, sleep coming to claim them both in the darkness of the blonde’s bedroom. 
There is still so much to talk about and discuss properly, sure, but for the night nothing else matters, except the fact that neither of them can really tell where the one ends, and the other one begins.
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astraysimp · 1 year ago
♡Hi pookies! It’s 9mitm friday and boy have I been waiting for this one!I have been planning this one for soooooooo long….so I am so ready and excited to get this one out!♡ Nessa.exe has malfunctioned♡
Summary: Seungmin has never been into the party scene, but his friends still bug him about going out. But, why would he when he has you and his tiny pochacco at home?
Warnings: college!bf dad Seungmin,Seungmin’s friend are annoying, mad seungmin(not towards you or baby), FLUFF FLUFF MARSHMALLOW FLUFF, soft seungmin, cussing, petnames, fem!reader, lots of pochacco
{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}{.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.}
Seungmin had just been released from his last lecture. It was Friday, which meant that you didn’t have any classes that day. So, Seungmin knew you would be at your shared apartment with your baby Min Jun. He was looking forward to being able to have his peaceful weekend with you and his baby.However, Seungmin’s friends, Hyunjin and Jisung, had other plans. Seungmin’s plans never included going out and getting drunk. Typically consisting of going back to your apartment, wearing sweats or pajamas and unwinding for the weekend. Oh, and lots of time with the baby.
As he was walking out of his lecture hall and off campus, he felt two hands place themselves on each of his shoulders. “Hey, Seungmin! You down to go to the club tonight?” Hyunjin had asked, smiling at the younger boy. “No, I'm just going to go home to y/n and Minjun.” Whining, Jisung pouted, “But you never go out with us anymore! Come on!” He drawled out, stomping his foot. They always said this, every single time. Hyunjin nodded, “Yeah! Just one night, come on man! It’s been so long since we’ve gone out together!” Hyunjin added.
Seungmin could feel himself getting frustrated. No matter how many times he told them he didn’t like clubbing, he didn’t like parties, he didn’t like drinking…..they never got it. Groaning, Seungmin rebutted, “You guys know I don’t like that type of scene.Why do you keep asking?” He argued, adjusting the straps of his backpack on his shoulder. Quick to butt back in, Jisung replied, “because, you never go out with us, anymore! We’re young and in college, for God’s sake!” “Yeah, we gotta enjoy our youth, bro!” Hyunjin chimed in. Seungmin didn’t care that he was in his 20’s and in college or that he was ‘supposed’ to be out getting drunk at any chance he got. What was in the fun in waking up with a massive hangover, pounding headache and nauseated feeling the next day?
They were soooooo persistent, and Seungmin was growing mad. Usually, he would say no until the two boys gave up and went on their ways. But, for some reason, today they never gave up. Only continuing to badger, pester, poke and prod at their friend until the rubber band of usual his calm collective demeanor broke and all hell broke loose with it. With each playful shove, his anger only built, nearing the end of his rope, before he snapped. Seungmin was practically seeing red. He was livid.
“Maybe, I don’t go out because I DON’T FUCKING LIKE IT. I DON’T LIKE PARTIES AND CROWDS AND GETTING PLASTERED. I LIKE QUIET AND CALM AND DID YOU FORGET I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND BABY I GO HOME TO?! I KNOW YOU TWO LONELY FUCKERS DON’T HAVE SIGNIFICANT OTHERS OR BABIES TO LOVE ON, BUT I DO! AND I WANT TO BE HOME WITH THEM SO STOP FUCKING TRYING TO GET ME TO GO OUR AND FUCKING PARTY! IT’S NOT HAPPENING!” He snapped, shoving their hands off of him and storming away from them and towards your apartment building, still cursing under his breath. Hyunjin and Jisung’s jaws dropped, never having seen Seungmin so mad.
But, they were the ones to cause it.
Hopefully, the 10 minute walk to the apartment complex would cool him down. Maybe, feeling the wind blow through his soft brown locks, or the sun on his face or the slightly chilled breeze would help him relax. He didn’t want to return to your apartment, to you and your baby, with a sour attitude. So, picking out his airpods, he pushed them into his ears and hit shuffle on his playlist, already feeling slightly more calm.
When he was about 5 minutes away, he heard a soft ding play through his airpods, causing a brief and momentary pause in his music. It was a text from you, with a picture of your baby asleep on your chest, both of you clad in pochacco pajamas and a pochacco blanket strewn over you.
“Little pochacco is resting before papa gets home <3”
You had sent that text, albeit sleepily. Your fingers tiredly swiping over the keyboard, before you hit send and set your phone down. You, too, fell asleep waiting for Seungmin to come home.
Making his casual 10 minute walk to your apartment complex, he felt himself cooling off. But, he was still mad. He told Hyunjin and Jisung time and time and time again that no, he doesn’t like going out and partying. Why couldn’t they get it through their thick skulls and stop pestering him about it. Seungmin was never the one to go out and party, much preferring his peace and quiet.
Before he met you,while other college kids were partying, he would be in his dorm playing video games, or at quiet cafes with an iced americano or in the library studying. You were the same way, and in fact, that was how you met.
You were freshmen and it was a Friday night, and Seungmin had just entered the cafe he normally went to, and saw you sitting at a corner table, sipping an iced caramel latte with sweet cold foam and caramel drizzle, made with oat milk instead of dairy milk– which he came to know as your favorite drink and one he would order many many times in the future– perched in your hand. You were wearing a cute soft blue hoodie, the words “it’s okay” embroidered on the back, a pair of black leggings on your legs, white converse and baby blue fuzzy socks on your feet. He remembered how you had glasses perched on your nose, slightly falling as you read your book, and how your hair had tied up into a loose bun with a scrunchy.
Mostly, he remembered how nervous he felt when he saw you, the air having been knocked out of him when you caught him staring and gestured for him to come to your table. A soft smile on your face, you pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose. “Hi there….I’m y/n.” You had introduced yourself, a soft giggle leaving your pink glossed lips. “Hi. I-I’m Seungmin.” He stuttered back. From that day on, 4 years ago, you and Seungmin had become inseparable. So inseparable to the point that everyone on your campus knew you two as “Mr and Mrs.Kim”.
When you were pregnant, you two were always together. Finding out you were expecting was scary and you cried as you told Seungmin.The two of you were still in college, your futures not even started yet. “Minnie, I’m pregnant,” you cried, burying your face in his chest. “I know, baby. It’s going to be okay,” he shushed, rubbing soothing circles onto your back. Peeking up at him you sniffled, “w-what? What do you mean ‘you know?” He only chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Bubs, I know you like the back of my hand. We’ve been together for 4 years, I track your periods. I figured it out when your app said you were late.” Oh. You smiled up at him, soft sniffles still escaping your, “Oh, okay.” You, in the end, knew it would be okay. With Seungmin, it would always be okay.
As your pregnancy progressed, he was there through it all. Every craving, every bout of morning sickness, doctors appointment, parenting class, baby shower, gender reveal, every Braxton Hicks contraction. He was there through it all, and the same went for your labor and delivery. It was a long 25 hours, but he was there for it all. Letting you squeeze his hands as contractions ripped through your body. He saw you get the epidural, even though it scared him watching the doctors push the needle into your lower back. He held your leg as you pushed, he cried when the nurses announced your baby’s head was crowning and he sobbed when he heard the shrill cries of your newborn son and saw him be placed on your chest.
Finally approaching your apartment complex, he let himself in with his keycard and walked to the elevator. Going home to you and Min Jun, who was now 8 months old, was his favorite part of the day. Humming, he pressed the button that would carry him to the 3rd floor of the complex, where you and Min Jun would be. He was growing giddy as he stepped into the elevator, hearing soft music play as the electronic doors closed. The short minute and a half ride felt too long for him.
Smiling to himself, he saw the panel show that he reached the 3rd floor, and the doors opened. Almost home, he was almost home. Holding his key in his hand, he speed walked down the hall, his eyes beaming. Ah, his beloved apartment 306.
You and Seungmin had gotten your apartment a year into your relationship having decided that 1. Dorms sucked and 2. It would just be better to live together. You were always together so it just made sense. Plus, you and Seungmin preferred the quietness an apartment offered. Your apartment was the perfect mix of you and Seungmin’s personalities. It was cozy, homely, warm and inviting. The walls painted a creme color, soft creme colored furniture making itself home. The apartment always smelled of a soft vanilla scent, thanks to your candles or wax melts or baking.
Unlocking the door, he toed his outdoor shoes off in exchange for his pochacco slippers. He saw how the kitchen was clean, dishes washed and on the drying rack. Min Jun’s high chair sitting next to your small dining table. Smiling, he softly shut the door and left his backpack on the table. “Baby, pup, I’m home!” He called out, after shrugging his denim jacket off, and walked towards the living room.
He loved the living room, pictures of you, Seungmin and Min Jun adorning the walls. Your soft cream colored couch and recliner facing opposite the tv. On the couch were soft powder blue throw pillows that you picked out, claiming they “added a cozy touch.” There was a powder blue blanket laying over the back of the couch, added for cuddle sessions or just being chilly. Next to the couch was a cream colored round coffee table, with a lamp and framed picture of the three of you seated on it. In the space between was a cream colored coffee table. Littered with pictures, a baby bottle(usually), occasionally a random plate or mug. Then, there was the rug. Which shockingly was hard to find, some being too bad and some too small. You and Seungmin thought it would be easy to find, but it wasn’t. So, you two were elated, when you found that one. It was soft, plush and powder blue in a rounded square shape and the perfect size.
Then, some of his favorite pieces of furniture. Baby Min Jun’s play mat and tummy time area. Baby toys messily scattered around the floor. Both are pochacco themed, obviously. You and Seungmin often laid on the floor, playing with Min Jun, playing blocks with him, showing him baby books or just simply enjoying tummy time with him– you loved tummy time.
It was quiet when he called out, where he’d normally be met with a “Hi baby!” and baby giggles. Seungmin was confused, as he walked into the living room. Then, he saw you and Min Jun. The two of you asleep on your couch, you and your back with Min Jun laying on you. His cheek was pressed to your chest, pochacco pacifier nestled between his lips and a pochacco blanket laying over you two. It melted his heart. Seungmin knew you didn’t have classes that day, you never did on Fridays, and that meant a day of relaxing with your little pochacco.
With soft footsteps, he approached where you lay on the couch, you looked peaceful and content. He knelt down, placing a soft kiss to your forehead and gently swept a few stray hairs from your face. “Hey, lovebug. I’m home.” He whispered, the back of his knuckle grazing your cheek. His heart swelled, overcome with love at the sight of his girlfriend and son.
The sound of his voice woke you , causing you to softly whine, as your eyes fluttered open and fell upon the sight of your Seungmin. Yawning, you sleepily smiled at him, “hi Minnie,” you whispered, your hand securing a still sleeping Min Jun to your chest. “Hi my girl, you do anything fun ” he asked. Nodding, you rubbed your eyes with your spare hand before pecking his lips. You shook your head, feeling your little pochacco wiggle on your chest. “No, just cleaned and relaxed, waiting for you.” You answered.
Min Jun has always been a heavy sleeper. So, you and Seungmin never had issues with getting to sleep through the night. However, as heavy a sleeper as Min Jun is, he always could sense when mama or papa pochacco moved, arrived, or left. It was almost as if his mama and papa senses set off alarms in his little chubby 8 month old body; that told him something was adorable. You supposed that he got it from you and Seungmin. The two of you, also being able to sense any slight change in movement when it came to each other. It was the cutest thing, truly.
Seungmin had just placed a short quick kiss to your lips, before the sounds of soft whines and whimpers were escaping from Min Jun’s pouted ones. Chuckling, Seungmin kissed his forehead, smoothing the rustled soft black hairs on Min Jun’s head. “Ah, why is my pochacco whining?” Seungmin asked, as Min Jun’s eyes, identical, to his own, looked back at him. As if he were responding, Min Jun whined again, one of his chubby hands reaching out towards his papa pochacco, Seungmin.
Holding onto his papa’s finger, Min Jun blinked his big brown eyes up at Seungmin. Min Jun put Seungin’s finger in his mouth, the pacifier long forgotten. It was a sign that he was hungry and it made you giggle. It made Seungmin’s heart melt every time, looking at a miniature version of himself. Smiling, you patted Min Jun’s, pochacco onesie covered, bum and rubbed his back. “Are you hungry, my pochacco?” You asked, as he started gumming away at Seungmin’s finger. The feeling of his son’s wet, saliva covered, gums mouthing at his finger made him cringe– affectionately, of course. Nodding his head, Seungmin smiled and placed a soft kiss against Min Jun’s chubby cheek and made his way towards your kitchen.
Seeing his papa walk away caused Min Jun to whine, longing for more love from papa pochacco. “Baby, have you eaten yet?” Seungmin called out, already grabbing ingredients for ramyeon along with a bottle, jar of pureed apples and peaches and a pochacco spoon. “No, not yet, honey.” You called back, carefully moving yourself to sit up on the couch, cradling a still whining Min Jun to your chest. “I’m making some ramyeon with eggs, honey. Is that okay?” You heard Seungmin call out, as the scent of the broth wafted its way from your kitchen to the living room. Bouncing Min Jun on your lap, you smiled and held his hands so he could stand. “Yes, bub, that sounds yummy!” You replied, as Min Jun babbled and bounced on his legs. Babbling, Min Jun placed his hands on your cheeks, effectively squishing them together and causing you to purse your lips. As best as he could for being 8 months old, he pursed his own lips and pressed them against your own. “Mwah Mwah Mwah” you managed to get out, as he still had his hands on your face. He was all giggles, loving his mama’s kisses.
Being so enveloped by kissing your baby pochacco, you hadn’t heard Seungmin call out that lunch was ready. “Babe? Pup? Lunch is ready!” Seungmin called out, only to be met with no response and the sound of baby giggles. Setting the table, he placed your steaming bowls of ramen on the dining table. Chopsticks, broth spoons and glasses of juice set alongside. “Babe,” he called again, turning to grab the jar of baby food and spoon, setting them on the tray of Min Jun’s high chair. Again, no response.
Once the tables had been set, he walked back to the living room, his eyes landing upon the sight of you and Min Jun sharing sweet kisses. He smiled to himself, quietly padding along the floor, until he was standing by the arm of the couch that was closest to where you were sitting. Leaning down, Seungmin placed a kiss on your forehead, which startled you. “Babe, lunch is ready,” he called out, chuckling as you jumped back in your seat. “Oh, sorry Min. Pup was too busy giving mama kisses. Isn’t that right, my little pochacco?” You smiled, as Min Jun’s eyes shifted to where Seungmin stood he giggled, holding his little chubby arms out to him.
Scooping the 8 month old baby into his arms, Seungmin smiled and made the short walk back to the kitchen. You were following behind, smiling at the sight of Seungmin and Min Jun. “Lunch time for you, huh bub. Are you hungry?” Seungmin smiled, as he placed the baby in his high chair, securing a (pochacco) bib around his neck. Pulling up a chair, Seungmin sat in front of the high chair, one hand holding the jar of food and the other holding the spoon. Turning to where you were sitting, Seungmin shot you a soft smile. “Babe, you go on and eat. I’ll feed the pup.” He said, carefully scooping an appropriate amount of food onto the spoon and lifting it to his son’s mouth. “Ah, say ah, bubba.” Seungmin cooed, watching Min Jun open his mouth, his lips enveloping the spoon. “Mmmmm, is it yummy, my little pochacco?” He crooned, as he continued feeding the baby.
You could only watch with love filled eyes. “The ramyeon is really good, babe. Good job.” You told Seungmin, as you picked up another bite of noodles with your chopsticks, softly blowing to cool them off before taking the bite in your mouth. “Thank you baby. Glad you like them,” he called back, still feeding Min Jun. Smiling, you move to sit next to Seungmin, carefully holding a bite of ramyeon to his mouth. “Open up, honey. You need to eat too.” You smiled, as his lips parted, exposing his beautiful smile and took the bite of food in his mouth. “Mh, thank you hon,” he said through chewing, a bit of broth dripping from the corner of his mouth.
Nodding, you smiled and continued to feed him and yourself as he fed Min Jun. “Of course, Minnie. What are we doing after this?” You pondered, seeing Min Jun get his baby food smeared around his mouth. Shrugging his shoulders, Seungmin carefully scooped the food from around the baby’s lips and fed it to him. “I don’t have anything planned. Was there anything you wanted to do, bub?” He asked, setting the now empty jar and spoon down.
You shook your head no. “Not really, maybe just go relax at the park or something later, the weather is nice.” You answered, as you and Seungmin had finished eating. Taking your dishes to the sink, you washed them clean of the food and set them in the drying rack. Seungmin had scooped Min Jun from his high chair and sat him on his lap, his small hands holding his bottle as he drank from it. Sitting down and leaning your head against his shoulder, you nuzzled into him. “The park sounds nice, honey girl.” Seungmin smiled, gently kissing your forehead. “The weather isn’t too cold,either.”
Nodding, you and Seungmin made separate ways to your rooms to get dressed. Taking Min Jun to his nursery, Seungmin laid him on the changing table. “Hm, what should we wear today, little pup?” He asked, already knowing it would be something pochacco themed. Smiling, he changed his baby’s diapers, holding his wriggly chubby legs still before sliding on a pair of baby sweatpants. He opted to go for a comfortable yet cute vibe. “So cozy, huh, bubbly?” He asked, as Min Jun looked back at him, with his brown brown eyes. “Alright, let’s get a shirt and hoodie on you. That sound good, pup?” Seungmin asked before carefully dressing him in a simple white tee shirt and a pochacco hoodie— of course with a little tail on the back and floppy black ears on its hood. “Now, for your little feet,” he cooed, kissing each of Min Jun’s feet before sliding a pair of white socks and little baby converse on his feet. “All done, my boy. Now, daddy has to get dressed.”
Meanwhile, you were in yours and Seungmin’s shared bedroom. You were humming to yourself, sliding into a pair of soft black leggings. “Hmmmm, what to wear, what to wear,” you thought aloud to yourself. Grabbing a powder blue shirt, you slipped it over your head and grabbed your hoodie. It was, also, powder blue and had a little pochacco printed on the chest area. It was well loved, and so oversized. That hoodie felt like home.
It was your favorite hoodie. Seungmin had gifted it to you on your three month anniversary, telling you “I noticed that powder blue is your favorite color, and pochacco is my favorite character. So….it’s perfect and I have a matching one. “ He blushed, watching as you hugged the hoodie to your chest.
Smiling, Seungmin had quietly slipped into your bedroom, Min Jun in his arms. “Still love that hoodie, don’t you baby?” He asked, setting Min Jun on the bed so he could also get dressed. Startled, you clutched your chest, turning to smile at your boyfriend. “Geez, Minnie. You scared me. But, yes, I still love this hoodie, it’s my favorite one,” you smiled, slipping socks and converse on your feet. “I know, I got you it, 4 years ago.” Seungmin laughed, changing into jeans and his matching hoodie. Not paying him any mind, you turned your attention to your baby. Picking him up, you smiled taking in his outfit. “Oh look at my little pochacco! Did daddy dress you! I know he did! My little cutie pie!” You cooed, as he giggled at you, his small hands waving in the air.
Not noticing that Seungmin had finished getting dressed, he called out. “Picture time!” He waved his phone, standing in front of your full length mirror. It was a tradition to snap a selfie of your outfits. “Smiling, you held Min Jun on your hip as you walked to where Seungmin was standing. Taking your place by his side, he slung his arm over your shoulders and you cuddled into his side, Min Jun balanced on your hip. “Smile!” He called, you two smiled, the shutter of his phone camera going off.
Once the picture was taken, you grabbed your purse and made your way to the kitchen, so you could get the baby bag and stroller ready. “We’ll be in the kitchen, honey. Don’t take too long.” You said. Quickly, he nodded and rushed to grab his keys and wallet. “Gotcha babe! Be right out,” he rushed as he slipped his feet into his shoes . Once he finished getting dressed, he looked at his phone, setting the new picture as his Home Screen and Lock Screen. Lowering his phone, he examined the picture and thought….
Diapers over clubs, any day
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captainpains · 2 years ago
Rex's Unforuante Talent (Captain Rex x reader)
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For the @clonexreaderbingo card. I haven't written for Rex in awhile so when I got the Rex square it felt right.
Promt: Rex
Warnings: gn reader, Being walked in on, embarrassment, swearing, Mentioned Smut, some medical stuff and concussions.
Why can’t Rex learn from his mistakes and just knock!
That was how you ended up in this situation. 
Because Captain Rex can't fucking knock!
He's walked in on everyone!
He's walked in on many people changing (civies, brothers, and commanding officers). He’d walked in on his brothers having fun with some civies. Hell, he's even walked in on Skywalker and Amidala going at it like rabbits. But every time, he'd manage to back out without being noticed by the other party. 
Not this time though.
Rex stood in the doorway to your room, completely frozen. You were frozen too, clutching your towel to keep your decency.
His brain finally registered what was happening after a few long moments. Then, he sputtered out an apology before closing the door to your room. He slapped his hand over his face while he regretted all of his life choices. His face was hot with embarrassment as he did so. He felt horrible. It was made even worse by his little crush on you. 
You weren’t fairing much better, still standing in the middle of your room, mortified. You thanked the maker for your towel, keeping your modesty. Your hands grasped onto it so hard they hurt. The very attractive captain that you saw almost every day had seen you nearly naked. 
It was going to be hard to recover from that.
Over the next few days, Rex avoided you.
It was very noticeable.
He would refuse to deliver datapads to you, something that he’d happily volunteer to do before. He actively walked as far away from you as possible, even going as far as to switch what side of the hallway he was walking on. The worst part was his avoidance of the medbay, where you worked. He would always avoid going before, but after you started working there he was less reluctant to go. Now, he would fight to high hell to make sure he wouldn’t have to face you.
Days turned into weeks, and the rest of Torrent company took notice of their captain’s odd behavior.
“So… Cap’ain. Are you gonna tell us why you’re avoiding your favorite medic?”
Rex flinched at Jesse’s question, gripping his datapad a little tighter.
“Now that you mention it… you two have been acting suspicious. What happened?” Fives asked next.
“Nothing happened,” Rex gritted out. 
“Really?” Kix interjected. “Because my best medic has also been avoiding you. So, what happened, Captain?”
“Nothing!” He barked out defensively.
“It can’t be nothing if you're avoiding each other.” Jesse argued. 
“Did you finally confess? Did you get rejected and now it’s awkward?” Fives pressed, hungry for an answer. 
“No.” The captain growled out, frustrated with his noisy troops.
“Then what?”
“Hey, if he won’t  tell us, we can just ask the medic,” Fives suggested.
“No!” Rex barked out, causing his men to go silent. He took a deep breath. Fives and Jesse leaned in eagerly. 
“I… walked in on them, naked…”
There was a long moment of silence. Then all hell broke loose. 
Kix was in shock, mouth slightly ajar. Jesse was in hysterics, and Fives was asking more questions.
“Rex’s unfortunate talent strikes again.” Jesse managed to say between fits of laughter. 
“Did you like what you see?” Fives asked.
“You have no sense of decorum, do you? I will not disrespect one of our medics by talking about them in such a way. I will also not make them uncomfortable with my presence.”
“So, you’ll avoid the medbay for the rest of the war?” Kix raised his eyebrow in challenge. 
“Yeah, you’re being unreasonable. You have walked in on everybody. I know you have a crush on that medic, but this is ridiculous.” Echo chimed in from his bunk.
Rex glared at his troops. But he knew they were right. So he finally decided to make an effort so it would be less awkward between you. 
So, while you were walking to the medbay, Rex managed to get you to stop.
“We need to talk.”
You nodded and followed him to a remote corner not far from the medbay. You fidgeted with your hands as you tried to find the words to speak.
“Look, I-”
“I’m just-”
You both gave an awkward laugh. Rex reached up to
“Listen,” Rex started, “I’m really sorry for walking in on you.”
“It’s alright. It was an accident.”
“Yeah… The boys call it my unfortunate talent.”
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Really. I have walked in on so many people I’ve lost count.”
You chuckled lightly at that. Rex smiled a little at your reaction, happy that the tension was fading a bit. 
“I’m really sorry for walking in on you… And then avoiding you for a month afterwards…”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you too.” You apologized.
“Go back to normal?”
Apparently, back to normal was harder than Rex thought.
That pesky little crush prevented him from being normal about seeing you basically naked. He felt bad about it, but he couldn’t help thinking about all of the little freckles and scars that he saw on your skin. He wanted to run his hand along every inch of your body.
“Umm… Rex?”
Rex snapped out of his little daydream. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while you looked at him.
“Sorry…Was thinking about all the paperwork I have to do.”
“Well, right now, worry about answering my questions about your health.”
Rex nodded.
The last mission was rough. There were a large number of casualties. Rex himself was pretty injured with a large gash in his left side. You were testing him for a concussion. 
“What is your name?”
“What is your rank?”
“What is the name of the general you serve?”
“General Skywalker.”
“Any throbbing head pain?”
“Kinda. In the back of my head.”
You made notes as he answered the questions. His concussion wasn’t too bad. But he certainly shouldn’t be staring at datapads for hours.
“Alright, Captain-”
“You're very pretty.”
You looked up at Rex. He was looking at you, completely serious. He was looking you directly in the eye.
“Flattery won’t get you out of bedrest, Captain.”
“Worth a shot.” He replied with a shrug. “But…It is true. You are very pretty.”
“Thank you…” You shyly mumbled.
There was a long pause, only filled with the buzzing of others in the medbay. Rex took a deep breath and decided in that moment to ask you out. Maybe he was concussed.
“Alright, Rex-”
“Do you wanna have a drink with me sometime?” Rex asked, boldly. 
“What?” You dumbly asked, taken off guard.
“I wanna get a drink with you. Like a date���”
You smiled softly at the captain. It hid the tightening in your stomach and the the clamyness of your hands. You had a little crush on Rex, but never in your wildest dreams did you think he’d be asking you out.
“I would love to, Rex.”
“Wizard.” He muttered.
“Still won’t get you out of bedrest.”
“Damn it!”
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hyperfixation-symposium · 1 year ago
I'm a q!Bad defender to my soul, and I want to talk about why I am frustrated with a lot of the (characters) responses to his current lore!!!
I am not talking about the cc!s only the characters!! I don't think anyone intentionally broke into his lore or broken anything lorewise this is just about the characters!
Bad has been on a downwards spiral for a while now, and it has been clear to everyone in his life. However, so few people have acted in this need to help him, and now, they seem shocked that he didn't get better! And that he got worse!
Instead of channeling anything into helping him, they're only pushing him farther away.
When the vacation arc started, it didn't seem to take long for people to realize it was less of a vacation and more a way to excuse his more unhealthy behaviors he was indulging in. However, instead of reaching out, the people in his life told him he needed help, but didn't offer any. They told him he should take a break, but still pushed their responsibilities and expectations on him.
They watched as he got worse, all insisting it was fine with a smile on. But you know who knew, who understood, who tried to do the most for him?
The eggs.
Bad's kids, as well as the other eggs, love their tio Bad. Tio Bad visiting is like Christmas, but for the best armour and supplies. Tio Bad visiting is comfort and dedication, it's safety.
The eggs knew the most about how much he was suffering, and took the most action to help. Because they could tell he wouldn't push anyone to act for him. They were grounding but also incredibly supportive.
Bad could argue about politics with Forever, he could fight and get no credit, he could leave gifts unrecognized and never repaid, all was okay if he had his kids.
Then the furniture gets stolen.
Everyone was quick to jump on him. In a moment all the work he had ever done didn't seem to matter. He was imprisoned unfairly, questioned, hell the way he ran from the place you could tell it bothered him. And he only got 1 apology from Cellbit for that damned day.
It seemed as if everything he did disappeared into the background of Bad taking a (frankly, easy to get) resource. It wasn't right of him to do, but all the sudden he was evil for it. He didn't even do it this time.
If there was one easy thing to push his mistrust of others over the edge, it was that. But it was okay, because he still had his family.
And then the eggs disappeared.
Bad was already low. He had dealt with everything Dapper was hiding from him, Pomme admitting she wasn't well either, but they could get through it together. Family.
And then they were gone. Without a trace, without an indication of where they might have gone.
And everyone goes a bit insane. Forever, one of Bad's closest and most trusted friends, ends up on Cucurucho meds, and then in a coma. While trying to help him, trying to keep the other parents spirits up, no one is doing the same for him. He's alone in his house, talking to a statue of his best friend. Never so far away.
And then finally, when everything is falling apart, he accepts who he is. A demon, an ancient creature capable of terrible things, and a father. A father who will do anything for his children.
Including hurting an innocent.
And now, as people are finding out about this, they're getting upset at him. How could he, reach such a low! But they're not recognizing that they never helped him. They never refused to let him go until he got proper help, hell, the room Forever made for him was so so late in Bad's cry for help. Which is not to minimize it, hell, Bad himself said it was the first time in a long time that it felt like everything was going to be okay. It was the first time he didn't antagonize Ron openly, even gave him gifts. And I feel like that's a show of just how much Bad needed someone, anyone, to be the person he was for them to him.
And now he could loose all of that again.
It all feels like it was doomed to fall. When a person who gives others their everything never gets anything in return, what happens when they run out of things to give? When everything they worked for is gone?
Maybe move away. Where no one can find you. Take whatever is left and go.
Bad's family is shattered. Bad is shattered.
And while I don't blame anyone for being upset at him, I wish it was recognized how much they didn't help him before, how much effort they put towards their own things disregarding him in a way he never did them.
The one major expection?
In this essay I will shot for talking too much
Anyways. No proof reading we die like Juanaflippa! Ofc this is all roleplay and Bad's cries for help could be put off or overlooked for many reasons and I don't blame the CC!s for anything I love all the characters. Back to real life I go
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criminalmindswhore · 1 year ago
Love Story
I am feeding you whores today. I'm taking everything from my wattpad and putting here.
TW: mentions of abuse, pregnancy, death, loosing a friend and a baby
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A loud sigh was heard throughout the bullpen as I looked at my phone, my fiancé was calling again. I answered it keeping my voice low, "I am literally at work saving lives right now." My fiancé immediately shot back, "I don't give a damn about your job. When are you gonna quit anyways? It's a pointless job and all it does is take you away from my watch." My fiancé was always an abusive bitch, I could take down serial killers all day, but never could leave her. This, this was the final straw, "My pointless job, saves hundreds if not thousands of lives a year. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. This team, is my family." She chuckled, "Like that bitch Emily. You've always liked her." I threw my file closed and took a long, deep, calming breath. "You're obviously correct Savannah, I have." I was speaking at a normal level now. I'm sandwiched between Emily and Morgan so they could hear me. Concerned they looked at me, "Just like you've always liked every guy who walked your direction. Don't act innocent, I've always been fully aware of your games. When I get home tonight, I want you and your shit, out of MY house. I worked my ass off for that house. Am I clear?" My tone was clear, DO NOT FUCK WITH ME. Emily was growing more worried with every second that passed, you were so angry but so calm at the same time. "You could've declined my proposal-" "Oh so you could hit me into saying yes? I have work to do. Burn in hell." I threw my phone down and laid my head on your desk. Emily wanted to ask, but you seemed you wanted to be left alone so she pulled out a sticky note and a pen, "Just making sure you don't need a hug. <3"  She stuck it on a file and slipped it onto your desk. A few minutes later after I calmed down I noticed it. I smiled as you read it and looked at her nodding. The bullpen was busy and loud so when Prentiss took me into her arms and held me tight, no one could hear her heart beating out of her chest. See Emily Prentiss has been head over heels for Y/n since the day Hotch introduced her. The way she giggled, argued, took down shots of whiskey likes it's nothing. All of her amazed Emily. When I finally pulled away from her, I had tears threatening to spill and Emily saw them grabbed my hand and pulling me into the conference room. She quickly closed the door and pulled me back into her arms. Where I instantly fell apart, "I'm so sorry. I should've said something, you guys could've helped me. I was just so scared o-of her." Emily didn't need an explanation she just nodded, rubbed my back and said, "It's okay."
As I finished my paperwork for the day I groaned remembering the mess I had to go home to. I starting gathering my stuff when Emily stood up, grabbing her things too. "Let me drive you home. If she's still there, we'll grab you some clothes and leave. If she isn't, I'm staying the night to make sure she doesn't come back." I was taken aback, "Em, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine I-" "Y/n, you said you were fine the past 4 years. Get your stuff let's go." I simply nodded and grabbed my keys along with my other stuff. The two of us chatted about random things until we slipped into her car. She started it and looked at me, "I promise you, as long as I'm there, she cannot touch you." She meant it too, she would die before Savannah ever touched your incredibly soft skin again. I reached over and hugged her, "Thank you." When she pulled into my driveway I felt a knot form in my stomach. "Her cars not here." I stated as I unlocked the door, clicking the door open and switching on the lights. I gasped at the sight in front of me, she had broken everything that mattered to me. Emily was frozen in place as I carefully picked things up crying. Eventually the brunette closed the door behind her and I looked at her. "She broke everything that had meaning. Memories. Good ones and bad." You looked so defeated it broke Emily's heart. She wanted to pick up all the pieces and fix everything, but it was all broken beyond repair.
The next few hours we spent picking up broken things and explaining their meaning to me. Some I explained, others I moved past. We were almost done cleaning with Emily she spotted a broken frame with what looked like an ultrasound picture beside it. She swallowed hard and picked up the picture, "Y/n/n, you might want to keep this." When I turned around I went pale and my heart dropped to my toes. My biggest secret was just exposed to someone who probably already thought I was the biggest mess. I took the picture from her and let a tear slip, "It's not my kid. My best friend in high school got pregnant in college, I went to every appointment with her because the kid's father was a jerk. After one of her appointments, she was killed in a hit-and-run outside the doctor's office. They did everything they could but she and the baby died in my arms. I immediately changed my major and made it my goal to save lives." For what seemed like the 100th time that day, I cried and Emily held me. "Listen to me, you are the strongest person I know, and I got staked in the stomach." We both chuckled and I pulled away still close to her though. "You are beautiful, and so amazing. Some girl would be incredibly lucky to have you." My heart fluttered hearing those words leave her mouth. Savannah always knew it even when I didn't, I loved Prentiss. It was at that very moment, surrounded by trash bags full of broken glass, pottery, and pillow stuffing, that we both knew. Emily's heart was racing but she couldn't stand it anymore, she reached forwards and grabbed my waist pulling me into her and I grabbed her shirt collar pulling her face inches from mine. My palms were sweaty but the butterflies I felt in my stomach overpowered the palm sweat. "Kiss me please Y/n." And that's all it took for me to crash my lips onto her incredibly soft ones. I took another half step towards her wanting more contact and Emily gripped my waist for dear life. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and what felt like a perfect kiss was the start to the best love story.
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Pit orphanes kaimaki's kid (kind of)
Hina: I had an AU where Kaito got really sick and knew he was gonna die so he recorded all these videos for his daughter before he passed and instructed Saiou to give them to her at different points of her life It was based on the elephant from inside out dying lmao He plans videos for moments that might not even happen He has several shovel talk videos And they differ based on his kids sexuality He made all these coming out videos of him being supportive
Beez: help the way i was about to say imagine he has a video prepped for when his daughter gets a bf but she turns out gay [sob emoji]
Sini: He went through his gay acceptance/understanding arc
Hina: Comforting after a breakup. “I know your partner broke your heart, and that sucks. I promise, I’ll haunt them for the rest of eternity, and I’m sure your uncle Kokichi will make their life a living hell.” Okay just Imagine He’s recording all these taps And there’s so many But you can see him slowly getting more run down as he does But he’s still smiling in all of them He wants his daughter to know just how much her dad loved her. He knows that Shuichi and Kokichi will take care of her But
Sini: IT'S NOT THE SAME He wanted to see his daughter grow up
Hina: Exactly That’s all he wanted, more than anything But he won’t be able to I headcanon he gets sick when she’s really young too So he doesn’t even know if she’ll remember him, and that’s another reason he wants to make these
Ves: there's a video of him apologizing in case she inherits his sickness
Hina: I think he has a video just labeled. “Give this to her when she’s ready” and it’s him explaining how he died This is gonna sound really stupid but he leaves his daughter these galaxy crocs and now she wears them all the time They’re a million times too big (Also his daughter having to do a project for school about her hero and she picks him)
Checkers: does he leave her The Jacket
Hina: Absolutely Also I imagine he tells Saiou not to watch the videos before she does. He wants her to be the first to see them And the first time they show her one and she’s just so excited, not really understanding As they realize exactly what they are
Sini: "Dada!" : D She reaches out
Ves: there's simple videos of him singing lullabies, reading stories, etc that she watches over and over as a little kid she knows his voice as well as anyone else's :')
Hina: Also just when she argues with Saiou, screaming about how they’re not her real dad.
Checkers: How old is she when she sees the first video? Hina: Probably 4-6 I don’t have an exact date for when Kaito dies but She’s around those ages
[me? coming in late and changing the flow of the conversation? more likely than you think]
Wh. What happened to her mom?
Hina: Great question. No idea skskskskks
Sini: I assumed Maki was the mom-
Hina: I wasn’t sure if it was Maki who just went MIA or what but Mom isn’t around
Ves: if mom isn't in the picture. wouldn't he have had to give up going to space? for her?
Hina: And he was 1000% ready to do it
Sini: She's his brightest star
Hina: Also when I said it was inspired by the elephant from inside out [sends gif of the elephant saying "Take her to the moon for me. Okay?"] That’s the quote I based this on
I don't want Maki to die in child birth so divorce it is, my default hc for her realizing she's a lesbian only after a longterm relationship with him not working out the way she thought it would Activated
Hina: Does she try to reach out to Maki later
I think Maki would just, loose the rights in court at first bc Kaito is better off and later be unavailable for some reason
She's broke bc the divorce goes thru as her fault and not an agreement so Kaito takes everything and then she moves to another country for work
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH. If the reason over her leaving is along the lines of her having the realization it isn't the life she wants. It would be so cathartic for them to have a conversation later on that's just Maki explaining why she couldn't be her mom. It's not that she had done anything wrong, some people are just not cut out for that lifestyle. She wasn't. And she won't be. It's not the beginning of a new relationship between them. But its closure. I like that sorta thing
I didn't know how to put it but, yeah, I don't think she fought to get the weekends
Clown_Chaoticz: Does she keep in contact with saiou at least?? How is Maki even feeling at the moment?? Did they separate on civil terms? Did they fight over it? Does she even get to grieve the friendship she lost?? MAN
I think it's really bitter and messy bc the kid is 2 or under and Kaito just refused to do an agreement of any kind because of that
If she's leaving them, then she's leaving with nothing, if she's breaking apart their family then she doesn't deserve any time with their daughter, should have stayed if she wanted to see her regularly He'd believe in staying together for the kids, it's his traditional upbringing striking again
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH I didn't even think about the traditional nuclear family dynamic he'd favor Yeah I could see that being a source of conflict Man everyone here is NOT having a good time
Checkers: does Maki even know Kaito’s dead
Checkers: Is she even allowed to visit her daughter
Hina: I think that Maki doesn’t meet their daughter again till she’s older
Ves: is the daughter angry or just tired
Hina: I think a little bit
Apollo: I think Kokichi would be hesitant to let her visit but after talking to Shuichi, they'll allow it
Sini: It's Maki, and given his possible trauma with being abandoned, probably even by his parents…..Yeah-
Apollo: Kokichi, having his own abandonment issues: I dunno Shuichi: Kaito would want them to at least meet once Kokichi: Ugh you're right…But I'm being in the room to make sure everything goes well. It's awkward but can you blame him? He has his own issues he's still working through plus he's never had the best relationship with Maki
Sini: And then she pulls something like that which makes it sm worse He sees her as hypocritical in a sense, cause an orphan like her should've known better to do that Kaito knowing that his death will inflict the same trauma on his daughter that his own parents' death did on him : D It adds more reason to why he's upset at Maki
Checkers: She really just inherited both her parents’ parental issues
Apollo: Plus she's being raised by two guys with their own issues regarding parents. That poor girl
Sini: I don't think she'd be good in any of the V3 cast's hands. They're all fucked She's inheriting some trauma
Clown_Chaoticz: Okay. Considering part of the reason Maki and Ouma don't get along in the first place is due to ✨️ projection ✨️, "I hate that I look you and see the worst of what I could be/have been" silly guys who both end up throwing the last thing they'd ever want done to them at each other. IMAGINE the bitter feeling that would come from watching someone like Ouma live comfortably in the life that for a while she thought she wanted. Why couldn't she have had the same peace he seems to? Why was she never to fit herself in a place like that? She wanted to be happy about it. Why couldn't she be?
Sini: YEAH! Girl was forced to be a caretaker in the orphanage she lived in. It was something she was expected to do since she was young, it became one of her ultimate talents. It's part of what defined her….How could she not acheive what was expected of her her whole life?
Ves: taking care of children was the only reason she kept living for so many years…why shouldn't it be the core of her life? why can't she make herself keep doing it? she doesn't know how to live for herself. beyond the parentification, who even is she? but…she doesn't HAVE to live like that anymore. no one's got a gun to her head anymore. so… i'd flee the country too honestly maki on her self discovery europe backpacking trip
Hina: Caring for kids and having your own are so different She just Doesn't know how to be a mother in that way To actually be seen as nurturing Also her having to grieve Kaitos passing But not knowing how
Checkers: I assume it’s been a few years between Kaito’s death and Maki finding out It’s been so long, how does she grieve? She doesn’t know, like she doesn’t know how to face her daughter after so many years apart does her daughter even remember her
Hina: Her daughter probably doesn't She was only two Kaito having a video about Maki He has a couple: "For when she asks about her mom" "If her mom comes back" "If she wants to find her mom"
Checkers: I just had an awful thought Is there a video for in case Shuichi/Kokichi dies
Hina: Oh no He probably has one Wait imagine Something happens to either Shuichi or Kokichi And she just becomes terrified
Hina: Just If something happened to one of them and she was ready to drop everything for them instead of Maki
Apollo: Maki doesn't know how to feel cause on one hand, she deserves it. She hasn't been in her life at all but on the other hand…It's Kokichi because despite how much of a help he's been in replacing her raising her daughter, a part of her still can't get over what he was like when they were younger
Checkers: I think it’d make for an interesting dynamic too if Shuichi was the one hurt, because Maki would see how capable Kokichi is with her daughter even under that much stress
Apollo: Like part of her still thinks Kokichi won't take things seriously but he seriously steps up and she has to admit he's changed from the brat he was Like she forgets that he's a LEADER It drives her nuts but she has to thank him
Hina: Maki has to deal with the fact that her only blood related family, likes her mortal enemy more than her That. Kaito would sooner trust their daughter with Kokichi Ouma than her
Apollo: It just…Hurts in a way she can't describe. She knows she left and all. She's not surprised Kaito trusted Shuichi but Kokichi? Was she really gone for that long that she missed him changing? Or was she too blind to see that he wasn't as horrible as she thought he was?
Sini: Love Maki realizing that she had Kokichi wrong the whole time And Kokichi in turn coming to terms with how complex Maki is
Hina: I'm just thinking about the idea of Saiou showing these videos to their daughter and when she first meets Maki she's just like. "You were absent my whole life, I know my dad more than I know you." And the fact she knows Kaito better when he was gone when she was an infant just
I'll give my idea for what could happen before someone else makes it angstier than it has to be: Shuichi gets shot while working on a case, so they rush to the hospital without knowing any details, but it's just a scare and he's mostly fine, going to have a cool scar, the bullet is already removed by the time they get there, it didn't hit anything vital and he's stable
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years ago
Reid x Male!reader - just need you
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Like maybe reader makes it and he's able to tell Spencer how much he means to him, maybe Spencer admits his own feelings? Maybe a lil bit of the team being there for Spencer seeing as everyone kinda like a family lol (maybe a cute lil kiss between Spencer and reader) - @xweirdo101x 💜
Part two:
The team came rushing into the hospital, and they found Reid pacing back and forth looking a mess.
He turned around and crashed into JJ who held him tightly as he sobbed.
They all stood near him, letting him know that they were there for him and he wasn’t going to do this alone.
Even with all these people he still felt so alone without you there, all he could do was wait, just like he had been.
“How long has it been?” Hotch asked softly.
“Three hours, two minutes and forty five seconds.”
They nodded.
Rossi left to try get some information about you, and Emily and JJ led Reid to go sit down while Derek went to go get him something to drink.
That was easily the longest night of his life, but finally a doctor came out.
“He’ll be fine, he should wake up in a few hours. I ask that only one person be in the room until he does, he needs a lot of attention right now.”
The team immediately volunteered Reid who didn’t argue with them and he rushed to your room.
He practically ran through the door and stopped to look at you, pale, hooked up to a bunch of different machines and a nurse stood by your bed.
“Hi, are you Spencer Reid?” She asked softly.
“I.. I.. Uhm.. yeah…”
She smiled and pulled up a chair for him so he could have a seat while she carried on with the lady if he checks.
When she was done she turned around to face him.
“While he was on the table he said he needed to tell you something. Do you want to hear it?”
Reid quickly nodded his head, needing to hear anything that you had said in that table, he didn’t care what it was, he had to hear it.
“He said he loved you. I thought you’d want to know.”
She smiled and left and Reid turned his attention back towards you.
Reid smoothed your hair the way you liked it, and he adjusted the blanket to cover you better and sat back down, taking your hand in his.
“You love me…” he whispered.
He was still trying to get over the fact that you loved him, and he thought about everything you had said and done.
All the times you spent together.
Everything you had done together and he smiled to himself.
“I.. I love you too (Y/N). I love you. And I.. I know maybe it’s too late.. but research says you can hear me… so I love you…”
Reid explained every reason he loved you.
Your smile.
Your laugh.
Your need to help people.
Your passion for music.
The way you loved to listen to him ramble.
He listened it all.
Hell, Reid could go forever about all the reason he loved you and why he needed to tell you.
When he felt your hand twitch he stopped and looked at you, calling out for a nurse to help you as you fought against the tube.
They got it out, checked you over, gave you some water, waited and finally left you both alone.
“Are you alright?” Reid asked softly.
You nodded and shuffled about a little.
Reid looked up and he saw you smiling and he furrowed his brows a little.
“You love me…” you teased lightly.
Immediately that put a flustered smile on his face and he avoided looking at you.
Sighing softly, he gently held out your hand to him and wiggled your fingers, gesturing for Reid to come over and he did.
He softly placed his hand in yours and sat on the bed with you, letting you lace your fingers with his own and he looked down at both your hands.
Reid smiled and you looked at him.
“I did it.. because I love you Spence..”
Reid looked at you.
“I love you too.. I just.. I just don’t want to loose you..”
You gestured for him to lean closer so he did and you brushed your nose against his.
“You won’t, I promise…”
Reid smiled, hesitated then he leaned, softly connecting both of you in a gentle but loving kiss that seemed to last forever.
What broke you apart was the sound of clapped and you both turned to doorway where the rest of the team where stood, Garica on FaceTime on a laptop.
“Finally!” She gushed.
Reid panicked and hid his face softly in your shoulder making you laugh a little bit as you brought your hand up to play with his hair as they all came in.
They checked on you and as soon as they made sure you were okay they dove into the questions about the pair of you and Reid kept himself hidden.
You smiled down at him and placed your head on his as you turned to the rest of the team who watched with soft smiles on their own
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skeleton-mischief · 5 months ago
Aaa miss your writing!!
How would the boys want to spend a lovely summer day?
Oh this is a fun one! Other than a stereotypical day at the beach(beach episoddde!) I can totally see how they'd spend their day on a particularly good summer day! Also, this will be placed as if these guys all lived together and would be able to enjoy their pool!
Vanilla: If he's convinced to go in the water, he'd have a lovely time laying in a donut float and taking a nap or enjoying the sun with a pair of funky blue shades his brother got for him! Others would be in the pool too, but he would work more like an obstacle rather than a participant as he somehow never gets pulled underwater. He may experience getting splashed though, but he wouldn't mind. When the fight occurred, he simply teleported out and sat with Carmine and Wine
Cyperus and Powder: Both are definitely in the pool practicing their wonderful swimming skills, duh! The two would race back and forth or if they decided that the others got too rough, they'd work as little lift coaches to avoid any "rough" play. They at first monitored it just fine, but it quickly escalated
Carmine and Wine: Typically these skeletons can be seen outside in the summer heat dressed in funky but fashionable loose button up, tank tops, and shorts as they "get a nice sun tan." They would have this paired with nice black shades as they lounge in the beach chairs together judging the rest with light gossip. When the fight broke out Wine said with a smile: "how dreadful." While Carmine lightly sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose witnessing Rus participate
Stretch, Rus, and Cash: These three are the reason that Powder and Cyperus have to monitor the pools to begin with. It'd start simple really, just some light relaxation as they all are swimming in the pool. It wasn't even these three that started the pool fight, but they sure as hell escalated it as poor Stretch tried desperately to escape the tidal waves of getting eliminated. Cash was the one to escalate the fight, and Rus just decided to follow along
Red and Razz: These two. These diabolical two. They just had to argue really while they were in the pool. Red was making fun of Razz for taking his time getting in the pool because he may have a minor fear of drowning. It's logical is all! He read about how humans drown in pools when he saw that everyone wanted to hang out. As Red was making fun of him and the two were arguing, it was Cash that wanted to defend his brother as he splashed him. By the end of it, not even the two noble skeletons Powder and Cyperus could stop the war.
Coffee: The guy has never learned how to swim, so he didn't even get in the water. However, before the fight occurred he was along the sides with his legs in the water thanks to Vanilla coaxing him to at least get adjusted to the water and enjoy it a little instead of sitting out. Rus had even swam over and offered to hold his hand when getting in the water! Cash ruined it though when he joked about pulling him under and thus having Coffee run off with Saint out of fear
Saint: He wanted to get in the water, but Powder warned how he could easily get water in his skull. He did get in for a little bit, but Red splashed him and caused a negative reaction where he froze before grabbing a laughing Red and dragging him under. He wasn't trying to drown him! Just prove a point is all. Still, Cyperus lifted him while Powder helped Red back up before he was sent out of the pool. Later, Coffee joined him as the two watched the fight play out. It was secretly the first time he voted for Razz to kick Red's ass
Pitch and Lunar: The two are weary about just almost anything, so they wouldn't get in the pool. The two have their own reasons, but collectively they both agreed that all the swimming and stuff could make them hungry. Lunar would be the one to make lemonade as Pitch made sandwiches! The two would be able to bond as they share a rare, but nice afternoon. It was the two leaving the kitchen and shouting loud enough that actually got everyone to stop fighting for a light lunch break.(Pitch shouted first but Lunar's terrifying yell actually got them to truly stop.) Pitch grabbed Red like a troubled kitten and dragged him out while everyone else got out normally as he scolded him(⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
I had fun writing this! I always like to imagine what a domestic day would be like for the skeletons if they all lived together. I hope this is what you were asking for! Thank you for the ask and thank you for reading :-))
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years ago
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This was posted earlier today. I have the updated article on my tumblr page. I think I’m ok with it if it happens. I think it heightens the emotions between Belly and Conrad. 🤔Thoughts?
Thank you so much (and shout out to the anons who sent me links. I'm gonna respond to all of y'all collectively with this one).
Honestly, at first my jaw was on the floor and I was just sitting there silently in shock. And I was kinda mad and upset. I just feel like they did this same exact thing with TATBILB and I just don't understand why she would spend so much time writing the characters a certain way and building such a beautiful little world with such respectful men and then changing such a big part of a characters beliefs and the way they were written. I know people are saying "JH is making it more sex positive and bringing the story into 2023" but tbh I don't think having a boundary and wanting to wait for the right moment (bc Belly DOES want to have sex (with both brothers at different points I'd argue) and she thinks about it in the books. she just wanted it to be special and the right moment). I don't think there's anything wrong with showing that and showing boys who respect the boundary and don't push it or force it. I think that is the most healthy thing you could show. Even though Jere has his flaws and gets annoyed about Belly not having sex with him, he doesn't really push her on it, he just respects the boundary and is silently mad about it. In hs my best friend had a boyfriend who was SUPER pushy, she was honest with him and kept telling him "no, i'm not ready yet" and he just kept pushing her about it, and eventually they broke up and she realized how awful that behavior (among other red flag behavior from him) was. I just feel like the message being sent to young girls today is not a good one and I was actually kind of excited to see a show that would portray sex in a different light. I clowned myself because I thought since JH is the showrunner, she'd keep the important things from the books. But I guess this is a battle we are losing lol. That Christmas scene was so so good in the book, and the way Conrad is with Belly, how he recognizes the importance and wants it to be special for her...I was really looking forward to that.
After much consideration, I think I'm actually okay with it, as long as it's Conrad. And I have a feeling it is going to be Conrad, in Cousins in December. That's kind of the only way it would make sense is if it happens there. Also the fact that they bring up the fact that she loses her virginity immediately following "Tung...wanted to ensure that key moments from the second book...carried the same weight and resonance when adapted for the screen". The first thing that popped into my head after I read that was the Christmas in Cousins scene, because I felt like that whole thing resonated heavily in the book and it was really important. Also if I'm right and it is Conrad in Cousins, it actually adds more flames to the fire and more angst to the 3rd book storyline, because if she doesn't sleep with Jere but he finds out somehow that she did sleep with Conrad, and then finds out she ended up alone with him in Cousins again and didn't tell him? Oh that will be GOLD. Jere sleeping with the sorority sister could still carry the same amount weight. Just because the audience knows she lost her virginity to Conrad doesn't mean any of the other characters are going to know. And Conrad strikes me as a guy who wouldn't kiss and tell (and especially his own jealous little brother and Belly's older brother lol). I think they could 100% pull off the rest of the plot and still have her give herself fully to Conrad. But I can see the secret coming out to Jeremiah in the heat of an argument and all hell breaking loose. I think it'll be fine. It has to be lol
also who's idea was it to drop this spoiler-ish bomb on us two days before the start of the season?? I just wanna talk
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year ago
The Neighborhood Watch s2ep4: Running With The Wolves
[Summary: Song reviews some memories and gets a rush, while Markus and John decide to do some investigating- with horrible consequences.] Aka, Louis's player had to leave early, and all hell broke loose /pos @gr3y-heron
(heads up, there's some implied domestic violence in this one)
Louis and Lestat are lead into a room by Mr Grant (ig he was there with them in the elevator?), one that's very clearly an interrogation room. Upon sitting down Mr. Grant presents them with extremely detailed files about both of them; their lives, their crimes- they even have a note that Lestat is a vampire. There's a picture of Louis outside his house. It looks recent.
Mr. Grant gives his full name- Cary Grant- and there's a bit about how yes, he's named after the old-time movie star, his mother was a huge fan. He, however, doesn't like movies (he's so serious too, does this man not know how to have fun?). Anyway, he just wants to make sure that Loius and Lestat, two criminals, genuinely have no ulterior motives to dating the rich daughter of the casino's head of security. They assure him it's not that at all, and are let go.
Meanwhile, Song is on the 3rd floor with a woman who claims to be her mother.
The third floor is a large office, with extravagant furniture and fine decor; a desk nameplate reads "Melody O'Sullivan," though Song is still suspicious. Melody apologizes for sating; she hasn't seen Song since she was a baby. Song is still suspicious, and Melody agrees that's reasonable, seeing as Song's father destroyed all record of her existence, in both traditional and non-traditional. Melody asks how old Song is now, and Song comments that if Melody were her mother she would know that; the woman apologizes again, saying that time has lost a lot of meaning for her. She wants to be a part of her daughter's life, as that choice for her was taken by force from someone she loved long ago- by Song's father.
["He can be quite... overprotective." Melody sits down in the chair across from her daughter. Song doesn't follow suit. "...And why," she asks, "Would he have reason to be protective of me with regards to you?"]
Melody asks Song where she thinks her inclination to magic comes from? She wanted to raise Song with the knowledge of their shared power, but Greyson didn't take kindly to that idea, viewing it as dangerous, and cut contact with her.
Song says this is difficult to believe- Melody says she'd understand if Song wants nothing to do with her, but please hear her out. She then gets an idea on how to prove what she's saying- it only requires a bit of trust. The mage goes on to say she'll allow Song to look into her mind- her memories- however it is a two-way street; She'd be able to see some of Song's memories as well.
Song agrees.
["I have nothing to hide, and an awful lot of questions."]
Melody blows out some smoke from her cigarette, and our Hex enters her mind.
Melody looks no different than how she does now in terms of age- meeting Greyson, going on dates, getting married, holding a small child- arguing, Melody crying- a scene of her on the floor holding her arm with Greyson looking over her- Melody walking away from a house as a beam of purple light surrounds it, hiding it from her eyes.
(Song wants to probe deeper, but knows that would allow Melody to do the same to her. She does it anyway, focusing in on the fight.)
It's a jittery memory, but she hears Greyson yelling that "she's far too young to start this," and Melody claims if they "don't get this under control now, she's only going to hurt herself." Greyson continues to yell, and the memory fades as a child starts crying- it goes to Melody on the ground with her clearly broken arm, and Greyson with clenched fists.
["Get the fuck out of my house. I don't want to see you around her ever again, do you understand?"]
Greyson turns to a bookshelf, flipping through the books until he finds the one he's looking for, and the memory ends.
(Song goes further.)
A new scene- Song as a toddler with brown hair, playing with her mother who has a bag of random objects. It's almost like a placement game, with a tiny Song putting the objects around herself in a circle. Before the last object is placed, Melody kisses Song on the forehead- her eyes glow, as does the circle. Greyson enters the room and drops whatever he was holding as he rushes to pick up his daughter, whose hair is now stark-white, disrupting the object circle.
There's the beginning of an argument as the memory fades out.
Song goes further one last time, getting flickers of memories of Melody all over the world in different parts of time- The woman was an archeologist at some point, leading expeditions into jungles and such. She looks the same as she is now, but the outfits are far before this one (1920-30s?).
The mind share ends; Melody's cigarette has burned out.
["Who are you?" "...If you're wondering what I am- I'm human, just like you. I learned a long time ago that time and death are more... suggestion than anything."]
Song tells her mother to bring Greyson to the office- upon hearing that it would be a bad idea, she points out that Greyson works for her, and then is corrected that he works for Mr Grant, the manager. Not Melody; She's the owner. She ignores Song saying that she can't possibly expect Greyson to never find out she's here, and says she took a gamble with this casino as a possible chance to reconnect with her daughter. If Greyson finds out, they'd never be able to meet again- she invites Song to meet her later tonight, perhaps.
She also claims she wants to give Song a gift. Song lets Melody sit next to her, and the mage lets out a deep sigh, letting out some sort of red mist. The mist gets into Song's nose and mouth, and there's this feeling of pure energy- a beating as newly-tapped magic goes through her veins. Her eyes begin to faintly glow. (Game Note: Song can no longer fail (nor fully succeed) any Magic checks until she falls asleep. She also does not have to sleep for the next 24 hours.)
Melody says she's been wanting to do that for her for her entire life- Song asks if she's able to do this herself. Melody responds that she can, eventually, if she has the right kind of teacher, and hands her a business card with a phone number on the back; when Song runs her finger over the numbers, they change to Melody's real number before shifting back. Song's mother asks if she'll talk to her again ["I will see you again, won't I?"], and Song replies she'll stay in touch.
Song gets back to her boyfriends, and Lestat gives her a look; with telepathy, he says they need to talk later. But for now, the trio plays some cards, and their luck seems to be exceptionally well...
The loud noise of a car starting up wakes up both Markus and John- Markus peeks out their window to see Sammy getting into his car and driving off. Then Markus sees the Sampaths, sans their daughter, and the couple ignores them when they wave hello. There's other people getting out of their houses. John, who's been watching all this with a furrowed brow, does a quick look-back to make sure Shelby's asleep; Normally she's alseep at this time, so he throws on a shirt and meets Markus (who had sent out a bug scout to follow the cars) at the sidewalk. Markus, through the bug they had sent, sees the cars aren't going down the road into the main part of town, but rather to the casino....
John and Markus begin to run, as neither of them can drive, and despite John's superhuman speed he's running a bit slower so that Markus can keep up. Markus says it's fine, takes off their hoodie to reveal huge moth wings, and soars over the cars. John reminds himself that Markus is human, and starts to run at his normal pace. The two of them are about as fast as the cars now, and quickly make it to the casino.
Watching from a distance, the duo can see that everyone from town is entering through a side entrance of the casino. Markus quickly breaks away from John, entering the line and taking on the similar blank-faced expression as everyone else. John has a moment of "what in the world are you- Oh," and mimics this. There's a lot of people they recognize in this line: The firefighters from earlier, the coffee shop girl, the librarian, and two people we haven't met yet (a large man with a tank top who runs the diner, and a tall pale man with stringy black hair- he's the mortician). Inside the building a man in glasses is handing the townspeople staff jackets (custodial outfits?), which they then put on.
The people are beelining to the elevators, where a man is checking off a list and grouping them off into groups of four. Markus and John observe the faces of the others; it's almost like they're sleepwalking.
Meanwhile, Song is still on the second floor of the casino. There's no windows or clocks so she has no idea how long they've been there, but eventually she notices that she and her partners are part of the last group on the floor. The final guy in the group who isn't part of the polycule eventually leaves, and the sense of being alone is starting to weird her out. Song notices that there's no security at all on the second floor- odd, since a lot of them were posted earlier.
She heads over to the balcony (which is like a one-way mirror kind of thing) and sees a line of blank-faced custodians heading to the elevator- and within the line she spots the firefighters, Sammy, and John and Markus. She sends out a telepathic message to the two of them-
["What the FUCK are you doing?!?!"]
It's a jarring message- Markus is fine (they're quoting lines from The Mummy in their head, btw), but John's never had telepathy used on him before- he clamps his hands over his head and growls. Unfortunately, this draws the guards' attention to him, and they're approaching quick. They look tough, which makes sense given they're probably part of the mafia; they've got guns.
[Another message: "John, get the fuck out of there!"]
The nearest exits are the way they came through (the side door), and the front doors. There's guards at both doors, as well as more people on the side and a few casino-goers still near the front- and then there's the unguarded elevator. John bolts for the elevator (he uses his What Could Go Wrong? ability)- the guards are drawing for their guns now, but Song casts a spell to freeze people through the water of the fire sprinklers so that he can get there safely; unfortunately, Markus gets caught in the blast. John races into the cage of the elevator and presses the first button he can think of, and as the doors are closing and he sticks his arm out so that Markus, now unfrozen, can have enough time to escape with him- but the guards are able to move now, too, and Markus gets tackled to the floor. They give John a look that pretty much says "go without me," because if he tries to help he'll get captured too, and John gets separated from them.
The elevator doors to the second floor open, and John, visibly panicked, runs out to meet Song (meanwhile, Lestat has been trying his best to convince Louis to not do anything impulsively stupid).
A message from Markus, to Song: ["Don't follow me yet, I'll tell you where they take me. I'll tell you what I see- we need more information."] They tell her that the casino's got their neighbors, and that they're not acting right. Song tells them to be safe. She relays the message, and asks what they should do next.
Lestat agrees they should do something to help, and this is when John finally notices the southern monster- and if you recall, the last time he had interacted with this man was discovering he was a vampire, and chatting with Louis over how to possibly kill him. John tenses up, because he's a territorial thing, and demands to know what the hell Lestat's doing here, weren't they going to get rid of him— but Song gets in between them, staring him down.
["Leave it alone, John," she commands, her eyes still glowing as she enunciates each word. "Back. Down."]
John hesitates- Lestat speaks up and informs him the other monster that wants to be better, he has no quarrel with him- he's going to therapy, and genuinely wants to improve. John pauses again, sensing a bit of kinship there, and finally backs down. His gaze is still fixed on the vampire, albeit not as aggressive. They can deal with this later.
Meanwhile, Markus gets restrained, and dragged into the now-open elevator by the guards. They notice they're being taken to one of the basement floors, specifically B1— they try to alert Song where they're being taken to via the telepathy connection, but all Song can hear is their message dissolving into static.
Markus makes a dry comment about how there's three guards for such a small person (and are the guards really that afraid of them?). Then they get shown a file— it's one for them, and one of the file notes just says "BUGS" in big letters.
It also has their real surname on it. Markus bristles when they see that (The file has other things, too- their birth country, their address, etc). Markus tries to threaten the guards, saying that they have about 30 seconds, and if they haven't been told what the people are doing at the casino by then, something bad will happen. The guards ignore them counting down, though, and toss them into an interrogation room. The door locks. It's like the one Lestat and Louis were in earlier; very plain, with a chair and table.
There's a glass of water sitting on the table.
The intercom in the corner crackles to life and tells them to just drink the water and then it'll all be fine, they can be let out; but Markus doesn't trust like that, and sends an ant out to get out of the room. It doesn't work, and they end up throwing the glass at the intercom, demanding how they can get out of here. The voice responds the only way out was to drink the water, but now that that's gone-
Markus slams into the door with their shoulder. They're going to get out of here. While the voice on the other end of the intercom tells them to calm down, they continue to insult it and barrel their body into the door.
They manage to break in down, but they don't get far- they race out of the hallway and see four guards, and only have enough time left to have the thought of "Oh. I've been shot by darts" before they collapse.
Meanwhile, the doors to the elevator open, and Mr Grant, Song's dad, and a group of security guards all rush in.
"You there," they say, pointing to John. "You're under arrest."
Never once did I think Louis and Lestat would be taken in not for the fact they're supernatural, but bc they're criminals.
Cary Grant name drop -> that's Percy's face claim -> this is a Blood and Silicon reference. To me /silly
Melody,,, :-(
"Life and death are more suggestion than anything" GIRL ARE YOU A MAGE? WHAT (she's so cool though, i love her)
Sorry i took the chance to have John be shirtless and I took it-
There was a moment where I considered having John turn into a wolf but alas,, I'll have him turn into a freaky creature eventually
"Cryptid siblings! We're all cryptids now!" DM: "As if you all weren't cryptids to begin with"
Hey yall. what the hell are yall doing in the casino. are the drones getting paid for this /hj
Markus's player, rolling to stay calm from the sudden telepathy jumpscare: Wow, I'm on fire today! Me, rolling bad: I think you've stolen my luck
I genuinely considered using a Luck point for failing the telepathy composure roll, but I also really wanted to see how bad it could get lmao
"I mean, if John gets shot at I can add more scars to his character design-"
Song considered teleportation but that is so risky. She's never done that before and ough. it can be gruesome.
At one point the DM commented "What's a monster game without a monsterfucker?" in regards to Louis, and Yeah
That whole scene was so good to me. John was ready to fight but also ready to back down solely because Song told him to and he holds her in extremely high regard. Seeing a part of himself in Lestat. Oh my god. "Was it a command or a leash?" He's so dog-coded /pos
I want John and Lestat to enter a hesitant friendship. theyre both monsters who want to be better. uwaghhghg ;-;
MARKUS IS SO INSANE I LOVE THEM. I was genuinely in Awe the whole time during the water glass scene
Song's player is So Suspicious of Shelby it's wild. They're saying there's no way Shelby hasn't noticed something's up, no way she's that naive. She's hiding something.
Also hey DM? Why did u imply the possibility that Shelby wasn't in her room? Fear,,,,
Also did you know that it's uh. It's probably Super Bad if he actually does get arrested? John doesn't have any form of ID or papers confirming his legal existence in America, and he's not really from anywhere else? What are they gonna do? ;-;
Also can you imagine being Shelby. And going to the casino and having fun, and then u find out ur roommate has a date and u cry about it. And then u maybe are gonna wake up the next morning and find out he's gone to jail /hj
Listening back on the recording was so fun, we had a lot of silly little bits (joking that The Mummy existed in-canon, the idea that Song's head voice was different than her actual voice and how thats a psychic damage attack, etc)
Anyway. We're in for a wild ride next session, im sure. Oh my god
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pashterlengkap · 8 months ago
Mondaire Jones says it’s “progressive to be pro-Israel” as he aims to get back into Congress
In 2022, Democrats put the best face on a razor-thin loss in the House of Representatives by cheering the lack of a predicted “red wave” and forecasting dysfunction for a fractured GOP in the midst of bomb-throwers like Marjorie Taylor Greene and a nihilistic MAGA faction determined to sow chaos at the behest of their indicted leader in electoral exile. The Democrats’ loss came down to just a few seats in New York, it was argued, including future disgraced and expelled member Republican George Santos’ seat in Queens and Long Island and new Republican member Mike Lawler in New York’s 17th Congressional District, who took the seat from Democrat Sean Maloney by just under 2000 votes. While he wasn’t on the ballot in November 2022, once and possibly future Congressman Mondaire Jones was certainly on Democrats’ minds that Election Day. In 2020, Jones rocketed to political stardom as one of two gay Black men—along with fellow New Yorker Ritchie Torres—elected to Congress that year when Democrats took control of the White House, the House, and the Senate for the first time since President Barack Obama’s first term. Your LGBTQ+ guide to Election 2024 Stay ahead of the 2024 Election with our newsletter that covers candidates, issues, and perspectives that matter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today Jones made a name for himself even before the election, suing the Trump administration and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over tactics to slow down mail-in balloting. Jones won, and DeJoy—remarkably, still running the Postal Service—was forced to upgrade mail-in ballots to first-class delivery and reinstate overtime for postal workers dealing with a pandemic crush of vote-by-mail ballots. With his reform-minded policies around voting and LGBTQ+ rights, health care, clean energy, and the Black Lives Matter movement, Jones was labeled a progressive star. But in 2022, redistricting in New York forced a domino effect of electeds switching districts. Maloney announced for Jones’ original seat, and Jones ran to the south in Westchester, where he’d worked in the county executive’s office. It didn’t work out so well. Jones lost his primary to another popular Democrat, Trump impeachment manager Dan Goldman, and Maloney lost in the general to the GOP’s Lawler, the first Republican to win that seat since 1981. Now Jones is running again in a redrawn 17th, which includes his hometown of Spring Valley on the Hudson River. He lives just over the Hudson in the village of Sleepy Hollow, famed for the Washington Irving story of a headless horseman riding through the night. But like that iconic character’s impact on a sleepy village, outside forces have interfered around New York’s congressional districts — and Jones has decided to embrace it. Two weeks ago, the onetime progressive star endorsed a colleague from his time in Westchester County, George Latimer, over “Squad” member Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th District, a provocative move that served as a proxy for Jones’ pro-Israel stand on the war in Gaza. It has not been received well among former progressive colleagues in the House. Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) called Jones’ decision to back his former colleague’s rival “horrific.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) labeled the Latimer endorsement a “profound disappointment.” Both the Progressive Caucus and the Working Families Party dropped their endorsement of Jones, who is running unopposed for the Democratic nomination in his district. But the Harvard Law graduate, 37, is unrepentant over what could be characterized as a Machiavellian stab in the back, or a smart appeal to his district’s Jewish voters — or both. The candidate spoke from his home in Sleepy Hollow, not long after all hell broke loose. “It’s been a great month for me,” he said laughing. LGBTQ Nation: That’s what I hear. Let’s go back to your first days in office. You had just started on the job in Congress when MAGA rioters… http://dlvr.it/T8jx7r
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year ago
You bullies should k word yourselves!
Ro Bashe: Black Woman Hit By Brick Gives First Interview Since Viral Attack, Says She Suffers Panic Attacks & Nightmares Over Bullying
Jason "Jah" Lee
Bossip Video 
Source: Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty
Y’all gon’ argue over this because all you wanna do is bicker on the internet, blame women for things, and listen to morons on podcasts dictate, validate, and reinforce your “values”,  but we hope this woman finds peace.
Earlier this month, a woman named Roda Osman aka Ro Bashe set Al Gore’s internet aflame when she posted a video of herself severely injured after reportedly being hit in the head with a brick for not giving a man her phone number. In the clip, Bashe chides the group of Black men who she alleges stood around and watched her be attacked. The video was reposted by The Shade Room and all headass hell broke loose in the comment section and beyond.
While many women and men came to her defense, a particular segment of folks scoured the internet looking for reasons to blame her for the alleged attack. Several dirt-diggers found previous videos that Bashe posted that they used to question her character and inflammatory criticism of Black men. After all the think pieces, all the rhetoric, all the finger-pointing, arguing, chastising, and misogyny-tinged commentary, Bashe sat down to give NBC News the first interview since her viral misfortune became fodder for foolishness.
She says that she has suffered nightmares and panic attacks as a result of all the cantankerous conjecture.
“First they’re like, ‘where’s the police report?’ You don’t have a police report.’ I show the police report. Then they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s a fake police report,’” she said. “Then they’re like ‘Show us the hospital records. You don’t have hospital records.’ I show them the hospital records. ‘It’s fake hospital records.’” “The goal posts will never be met,” she said.
NBC News reports that they have viewed both the police report and the hospital records which reveal that Bashe had blood coming from her ear and a severely bruised face. Haters will say it’s photoshopped.
“I don’t know how I’m going to support myself. I don’t know how I’m going to graduate on time. I don’t know how I’m going to, you know, feel safe again.” she said. “It’s going to take months, maybe a year, maybe longer in my life to get it back together.”
She also told the outlet that police have identified a suspect in the assault and the investigation is ongoing.
Still despite that, she’s been receiving death threats and heinous threats aimed at her elementary school-aged son.
“People are calling my son’s school saying they’re going to come and rape my son,” she said to NBC.“Somebody sent me some soup and was like ‘Choke and die on this, b—.’”
Sadly, it comes as no surprise that a lot of men and women have an unbridled zeal to “expose” this woman. We hope she heals from all that she’s suffered.
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Y’all biiiches bullied her threatening her life and you’re saying that her son should be raped?!? You bullies need to be raped or better yet you should either kill your selves or get murdered
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princeofuchiha · 4 years ago
Naruto (Mostly Akatsuki) college AU outline that’s been in my drafts forever and I will eventually finish writing. Not everyone is included because some of them either went straight to the work force or weren’t pertinent enough to the story I’m writing for me to add them. They may be added later, these are just the main people. 
General Staff
Hashirama- The overly kind principal who tries to be friends with all the students and make sure everyone is getting along.
Madara- The strict and seems-mean vice principal who really just wants the best for the students in the long run.
Kakuzu- Detention and disciplinary supervisor who straight up ignores the students unless their being particularly obnoxious.
Tobirama- Science teacher that half the students hate and half of them absolutely adore. Is always serious as hell but does a lot of out-of-the-box lessons that require a lot of effort but are just mentally-stimulating enough to be almost fun.
Izuna- Underfunded teacher of the arts. The school only has one class for art and it pisses him off so he shoves as many different forms of it as he can into his class even though he’s technically supposed to be a drama teacher. His excuse is that by practicing the other forms of art they’re learning self-expression which can aid in their acting. Most students love him, though there are some who got stuck in his class despite their wishes and are absolutely drained by it. 
Sakumo- Social sciences teacher. The overly encouraging teacher that’s so nice it’s hard to hate him despite the amount of uncomfortable situations he puts his students in. (Having them take survey’s of other people on-campus and arrange the data, having them participate in non-profits for extra credit, having tons of group projects, etc.)
Touka- Language teacher. Absolutely brutal with her grading. Red pen, red pen, red pen. Gives plenty of time to work on essays but expects the best in return. Always returns them in a reasonable time.
Nagato- Is studying social sciences with a specific interest in philosophy.
Konan- Is studying language with a specific interest in writing.
Yahiko- Is studying political sciences with a specific interest in public administration.  
Sasori- Is studying fine arts with a specific interest in sculptures.
Kisame- Is studying zoology with a specific interest in marine life.
Zabuza- Is studying political sciences with a specific interest in government.
Haku- Is studying social sciences with a specific interest in sociology. 
Shisui- Is studying social sciences with a specific interest in child and family services.
Hidan- Is studying theology, though he doesn’t take it very seriously.
Deidara- Is studying arts with specific interest in sculptures. 
Itachi- Is studying social sciences with a specific interest in philosophy. 
I’ll reblog and add more to this later. 
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