#But it is mostly Walburga's side of the family
mrsfrecklesmarauders · 11 months
The Black Brothers speaking French between each other when they want they conversation to be private. Like when they are with other people they speak English. But when it is just the two of them, and when their conversation is just between them, they switch to French.
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florsial · 1 month
spreading the soft bartylus agenda once more
I am so intrigued by Bartylus running away from the war and starting their own family and life. Like they up and leave out of nowhere. One moment Walburga is having breakfast with her son and the next she searches the house endlessly for him while being told a good chunk of the Family wealth is missing. Crouch snr clearly remembers seeing his son with Mrs. Crouch a couple minutes ago and now apparently he's nowhere to be seen and any money he's kept in his office at home is all gone, and his wife hasn't seen him at all apparently??
Meanwhile, Barty and Regulus are having a housewarming party on the other side of England with their friends and faking IDs to get married. They live a life of their own and burn anything relating to the Wizarding World. They don't want anything to do with it anymore. They spend their life in a comfortable house dancing in the kitchen, nitpicking movies, eating ice cream, trying to figure out furniture by hand, and loving each other wholeheartedly.
They eventually have a kid because Bartylus being parents is real to me. The kid gets really weird lore drops about their extended family but whatever Regulus gives them candy at every opportunity and their parents' friends are funny, so who cares. Regulus and Barty spend most of their child's childhood internally panicking, soothing scraped knees, cleaning up mashed fruits, late-night calls with Dorcas and the Rosier twins, mostly Pandora, and reading muggle fairytales for the first time together as a family.
Regulus looks at his husband and child and thinks he has done well for himself but also can't help but think of Andromeda. He gets her now.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic | march 7 phase | words: 644
tw: transphobia, anger issues, swearing
When Walburga finally passed away, Regulus and Sirius took their partners to check if there was anything worth keeping in the house they grew up in.
As they entered a shiver went down Regulus spine, all the horrible memories coming back. He wanted to leave as soon as he saw the family portrait hung on the wall across from the entrance. There were four figures painted on it - Walburga, who looked terrifying even in a painting that was supposed to warm her image; next to her stood Orion, haughty, with a mustache covering his mouth; they both had one of their hands each on the shoulders of their children - Sirius and someone Regulus never was.
"Love, you're shaking," a soft whisper came to his ear as a hand reached his back, squeezing lightly in a comforting gesture, calming him down a little. "They're gone, nothing's going to happen, I've got you," James murmured into his hair, kissing him there a moment later.
Feeling a bit less stressed Regulus nodded and smiled at his fiancé, taking his hand. James smiled, too, squeezing the hand lightly.
As they went through the Grimmauld Place lots of expensive, mostly useless shit was found - some swords, ancient piano, silverware made of real silver, Dior plates (why? just… why?) and paintings by famous painters such as Rubens, Monet and some others. Reaching second floor Regulus immediately went to scratch off the name tag on his old room’s door.
"This bitch! She could have just left it, but of course not! It would be too much of a disgrace to the family if anyone noticed!" he yelled, as the tag fell to the floor piece by piece. Regulus started banging on the door, angry to the point that tears of frustration started streaming down his face. "You could’ve just tear it off and not put another one on, but of course you’re too envious for that! I hate you! Do you hear me?! I!" bang. "Hate!" bang. "YOU!" Regulus may have acted a bit psychotically, but who wouldn't in his situation? His own mother was being transphobic towards him even from her grave.
When he calmed down few minutes later, James approached him, kneeling by his side and whipping the tears away. "Better?" he asked Regulus and he responded with a small nod. At that James pulled Reg to his chest and held tight, whispering sweet nothings to him.
A few hours after Regulus' breakdown, they had packed up all of their old clothes (most of them were to be sold and the rest would be given to their future children), grabbed some of the nicer things their parents had left behind, and sat in the living room with tea and an old photo album. As they flipped through the pages there were comments like ‘Don’t you have any normal pictures? Like, from a bathtub or a playground or something?’, provided mostly by Remus.
When Regulus turned another page James gasped and Remus whistled. In the photo, he sat at the Christmas Eve table with freshly cut short hair, wearing a black suit and matching tie.
"Your inner Sirius awoke that year, huh?" his brother-in-law asked with amusement.
"Oh, his inner Sirius awoke to the point he even wore a binder to piss them off further. And I, as an ally, acted like I didn’t know who they were referring to anytime someone used his deadname. Mother told me to stop then, remember Reggie?" his brother asked, turning to him. "She said that it was just a phase" they both laughed at the memory. Yes, Walburga almost had a stroke as Regulus walked down the stairs in one of Sirius’ old suits and a new haircut. She was so stunned she forgot to punish him after everyone went home.
"Well," Reg said, smirking smugly "I guess it wasn’t just a phase, mother."
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yellow-berrys · 2 years
dote on me | sirius black x fem!reader
summary: you are completely oblivious to the way sirius black dotes on you, and think that the way you're infatuated with him is completely one-sided. but he begs to differ.
warnings: mentions of a bad childhood, mentions of smoking, drinking and illicit substances
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Sirius Black makes you nervous and he darn well knows that. He uses those consuming grey eyes of his, filled with enigmatic interest, to his advantage. He only needs to focus them on you for a considerate amount of time for you to start burning up like a wildfire. And his nose, it’s pointed and perfect, leaving you wondering just how unfair life can be. His cheekbones are high and structured, light hitting them at glorious angles. His lips are devoid of much red. They’re this cool plum colour that looks like it’s lip gloss all the time but really isn’t. His skin is framed by smooth black hair, and the layers in his haircut are so pretty it prompted every other guy in his life to get the same one. It drives you mad that he was born with this face and that hair. It’s simply unjustified. 
It would be fine if he was just a pretty face. But it’s not. It’s simply unacceptable just how nice he is. Sometimes you wish he isn’t a gentleman and that all the rumours about him being a player with a million tattoos were true, because you’re envious and adoring of him. 
And like anyone, he definitely has a vice. People think it’s cigarettes for him but he definitely does not smoke. And he doesn’t drink. At parties, he’s cradling a cautiously poured glass of lemonade instead. And he definitely doesn’t do drugs, because he hangs around Remus Lupin and there’s no way he would be allowed to if he did. Remus is a little sickly sometimes, and his body is very sensitive. 
He likes to say his vice is chasing things he’ll never have. Like his childhood. He thinks he has regained that. Now, maybe it’s some sort of romance. All his life he’s been mooned over. People love him, mostly because he’s beautiful, and they offer him burning hot love all the time. People think he’s one for angsty, fiery passion. But Sirius thinks that fires never last, they’re too easy to disturb and taint everything with the unpleasant smell of smoke. James once did one of his stupid Women’s Weekly quizzes on him, the one with the “Tell me your favourite colour, and it’ll tell you what other people think of you, tell me your favourite animal…” questions. Sirius had laughed, thrown his head back and answered in a complete stupor. “Black, maroon if black isn’t an answer, dog…” James had asked him what his favourite body of water was and Sirius had said “A lake.”
He had spent summers of his broken youth dipping his toes into the pretty lake by his family’s home in France, escaping from the whirlwind world inside the walls of Walburga and Orion’s chateau. It didn’t make him cry more when he cried, because it would welcome the tears into the gently flowing water. 
James had smiled, “Why?”
Sirius had told him, “It’s gentle, relaxing, peaceful. The one in France was so enveloping and soft. I felt safe there.”
“Yep. I used to go out there as a little boy. It was so quiet out there and it felt like heaven, so fluid and open.”
“Hm,” James had studied the words underneath, squinting his eyes, “Ooh, that’s how you feel about love. Never knew you were the romantic type, Pads.”
He had laughed. 
James had asked you too. You had giggled, “Did you steal Lily’s Women’s Weekly again?”
He grumbled, “Not again.”
“I like ponds with little koi fish swimming in them.”
“It’s calm in a joyful way. It’s safe and there’s always rays of golden sun and it feels so delightful and promising. Lucky too, I guess. Oh! And it’s so pretty by a koi fish pond.”
James had grinned and left promptly. 
Sirius thought it was strange when he had first met you. He hadn’t ever had these feelings before, and it took years for him to shove them aside and focus on his studies, friends and mischief-making. But you were affiliated with Marlene, you were always around in some way. You and him became friends and Sirius felt those feelings resurface again. 
He groans into his hands as he runs it across his face. 
“Why?!” he asks Lily, who is watching amusedly. 
“I’m sure you can’t help it,” she says primly, “But what if you could help it?”
He looks at her inquisitively. 
“What if you acted on these feelings? It isn’t half-bad of an idea. You’re grown up, Sirius, and if you still like her that means it’s real.”
“She doesn’t like me.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“What if bad things happen?”
“What’s the worst that could?”
“You’re already halfway there,” she rolls her eyes, “Give it a shot, maybe love will make you less sad.”
“I’m not sad!”
“Whatever, start loving, Sirius.”
She picks up her Women’s Weekly magazine and starts reading. “Ooh, there’s this quiz-”
Sirius groans. 
“Hey darling,” Sirius strides into your apartment. Good start, he thinks. 
You’re sprawled on the couch, grinning as you FaceTime Marlene and Dorcas. When you see him, you look up, surprised. 
“Marlene’s in Vegas,” you say, “Didn’t she tell you?”
Marlene did tell Sirius, and even offered that he come with her and Dorcas.
You flip the camera to Sirius, and even in blurry, low quality, Facetime video he’s still very handsome. 
Marlene screams, “What is that monster doing in my apartment?”
You grin, “Marls, he was looking for you.”
“Actually,” Sirius tilts his head, and if you weren’t so thick you might see the smitten look in his eyes, “I’m here for you.” 
You frown, “For taxes? It’s only the start of the month. Besides, the IRS will never tail you, you’re too rich for that.”
“Can’t I spend time with you, pretty girl?”
It’s flattering, but it seems too abrupt to be genuine. You brush it off with a laugh.
“Get a load of you,” you roll your eyes, “What do you need?”
“I need you,” he attempts and the confession, although seeming flirtatious and joking, brings a smile to your face. 
Marlene chortles, “Guys- I-I-I-I’m…cutt-ing…ou-ou-ou-t.” She fakes it and it’s obvious, but the FaceTime ends and Sirius sits opposite you now. He’s pretty even at seven in the evening and it makes you very nervous. 
You stand up, uneased, and make towards your bedroom. 
“Where are you going?”
“Oh,” you gesture to an old pile of clothes, “Marlene cleaned her wardrobe out before she left, so I decided to follow suit so then we can donate them.”
“Why’re you leaving me?” he pouts. 
“You want to…stay?” 
You’re so puzzled and your heart is beating far too fast for your liking. It goes pitter patter like the rain outside. It’s exhausting. The feeling might be addictive, like a good old fashioned crush, but it’s always playing with you. It feels avaricious to love someone out of your league, worth more than you have ever been.
His sudden showering of affections and doting on you, you think, is because he’s lonely. He doesn’t live with James anymore. You empathise with him, but only because you think you’ll know what that feels like in a month when Dorcas and Marlene move in together. But it really isn’t. Sirius actually thinks that you deserve all the heavy-handed loving in the world, and he always has. His apprehension towards him being the person to do the loving is slowly fading away as he sees the shy smile on your face. 
“If you’ll have me.”
And you turn your head around so he doesn’t see you blush, “Okay, I’ve been meaning to get a second opinion. Whenever I do this I do it with Marlene.” 
You try things on by the mirror in your bedroom, instructing Sirius to look away when needed. He isn’t much of a help at all, because he thinks you look good in everything. Which is just certainly not true. 
On a whim, he suggests that because he isn’t aiding you successfully, you should help him on his own closet. In the end, you wind up in his apartment. 
Sirius has never boasted about what he has at all, mainly because he isn’t proud of it. By what unethical means his trust fund has come from, he doesn’t even want to know, but he’s grateful for it. You’ve only ever seen his living room, kitchen and his small powder room, and they’re lavish and capacious to no ends. Everything subtly screams wealth and luxury. His bedroom is no different. A large bed sits in the middle, framed by expensive paintings. There’s a well made ebony table in the corner, spotless and tidy. The two armchairs in the room are, whilst clearly faux-leather, intricate and of the sort of taste cultivated only by time. A copy of the original Call of the Wild sits on a table. A bookshelf is on one side of the room, grey, stretching from the floor to ceiling. You run your fingers along the spines of the book. They’re all special editions. A simple chandelier (what an oxymoron) dangles in the middle of the room, and you find the ceiling is gilded with plaster and gold. Pictures of friends and family adorn the white walls. 
His walk in closet is humongous. You gasp as he opens the door. It’s double the size of your living room. The clothes are organised by colour, style and season and there’s a considerable lack of colour. In the middle sits an accessory table, with dozens of gold watches and silver necklaces. Delicate rings and bracelets all are displayed. A glass cabinet with bottles of cologne and perfume stands next to it. The only ones you can recognise is something that resembles the Ralph Lauren logo and Dior, and then again it isn’t even the one Johnny Depp uses.
He smiles sheepishly, ashamed that he has such nice things, “I did use my own money on this. Euphemia helped me fix it up.”
“It’s beautiful, Sirius,” you’re almost afraid to touch anything. You don’t think you belong in such a gorgeous world. You don’t think you deserve it. 
Sirius beams at you, “Guess there’s not a difference between it and you, then.”
Your face warms. Sirius is already taking clothes off the racks, whilst you stand awkwardly. He’s chatting, talking about where the clothes came from and who gave them to him and why he likes it so much. Your shoulders relax and you look at him like he’s the only thing that matters. So far he’s through all the things he deems necessary for him to live. 
“And this jumper,” he holds up a pristine Ecru crewneck, offering it to you, “Is from when I went to visit Machu Picchu with James. When we left, one of the ladies we had been staying with gave us both a handmade jumper.”
You hold the fabric delicately in your hands. 
“It’s alright. It’s just clothes, darling, you can do whatever you like with them.”
He’s so nice it hurts and you grin at him endearingly, “Thanks, Sirius.”
An adoring smile finds its way onto his face as he turns to pick up the next item. You put the sweater in the “KEEP” pile. 
“How did this get here?” he laughs as he pulls out a bright yellow crewneck, with a little emblem etched on the side. Immediately he tugs it on, grinning as he surveys the bright colour in the mirror. 
You’re blushing away because the colour suits him so well and makes him look way softer than he usually does.
He sneaks a glance at you in the mirror, and when he sees your lack of eye contact with him he frowns. 
“Are you okay?” he asks you. 
“Yeah. Yellow looks really nice on you, Sirius.”
“Does it?”
“Mhm. I don’t know, it makes you look…cuddly?”
He doesn’t smirk like you expect him to, but swivels around and smiles at you again. He knows he looks like he loves you. He doesn’t mind. You’re just sitting there, confused at why he’s doing this. It’s weird and sudden and it’s definitely something he would do. 
Maybe this is his new favourite jumper. 
He throws it in the keep pile. You tut disapprovingly and rearrange it gently. Seeing a t-shirt, he takes his own shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. You cover your eyes, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. 
Sirius is midway through putting the shirt on when he laughs. “It’s okay, princess, I didn’t ask you to look away. I don’t mind. Unless you do, then I’ll change over there.”
You peek your eyes at him, and Sirius hopes that he’s not imagining your pupils blown slightly. 
And you didn’t think he could get more perfect, but he is. His muscles are toned and defined, and slightly strained as he slides his shirt on. Gosh, he makes you feel inadequate. He can’t know you want him, so you grin as if you’re unaffected. 
“That’s cute,” you nod. 
And the process repeats. Sometimes he takes off his pants too, leaving him to just his boxers that cling onto him in an ungodly way. 
“Are you done?” you ask, eyes covered tightly by your hand. 
Sirius is dressed in a suit, the tenth one tonight, “Do we like this one, or the grey one?”
“I like the way this one fits, but I like the grey colour more. But I think the dull dove blue one was the best because it brings out your eyes.”
Sirius makes a mental note to get the grey one altered. He chucks away some old sleeping tees, and a bunch of band hoodies he doesn’t wear anymore. He also gets rid of one of his expensive sweaters with a cable knit and a button up shirt, a bunch of sweatpants and this hideous sweater vest that his Aunt Thelma gifted him for his 17th birthday. 
He thinks maybe you might like to wear some of the things he has in his wardrobe–Euphemia picks them out with him and she represents a small portion of women. He lugs the bag of clothes to his car, and when he’s back, he sees you cross-legged on an armchair, typing on your phone. 
“Sweetheart, what do I owe you?” he asks. 
Your eyes are wide as you stare at him, “For what?” 
You put your phone down on the side table. 
“For helping me?”
“Nothing, Sirius, nothing at all. It’s my pleasure, really.”
“Do you want to take some of my clothes? I have more than enough.”
You look inquisitively at him, “You don’t mind?”
“‘Course not.”
You go home that night with two of his fancy jumpers, he insists, and one big button up shirt, and a bunch of other stuff he is adamant you should take too. You call Lily. Her voice comes out muffled on the other end. 
“Hey Lily!
“Mhm, I’m well, how are you?
“He’s not that bad, I’m sure. You do know he took your Women’s Weekly– 
“I’ve already done that quiz. 
“Right, well, I don’t think Sirius is fine, in his own right.
“No! As in the sad happy fine, not the cute handsome fine.
“Well- no- I- I don’t think he’s not fine- I mean - Okay whatever. Is he alright? He keeps on acting weird.
A long pause. 
“You know something, don’t you, Red? 
“It’s kind of strange. I mean, he offered for me to take one of his- I don’t know, the Ermenegildo Ze-
“Yes, that! One of those jumpers. 
“Are you sure? That’s what he is normally? Isn’t he usually bad-boy cool guy? Not dorky weird compliment giver? 
“Alright, fine. 
“Bye, love you!”
You survey the pile of clothes for any trace of a prank. Nothing. You take out one and inspect it suspiciously. Then, your intrusive thoughts get the better of you and you sniff the material carefully. It smells really nice. You chuck them in the wash just in case Sirius has popped one of his silly prank gadgets into the pockets or beneath the collar. 
The next time you see him, Lily has called you to tell you she and James are going to Vegas to join Marlene and Dorcas. They’re celebrating a championship. She invites you, but you decline, not liking the idea of tailing behind the two couples and intruding on the romantic atmosphere. Sirius is all alone, and Lily tells you to ‘please go and check up on him’.
The apartment seems okay. It’s spotless like it always is, smelling of air freshener and Sirius’ cologne. It doesn’t look like Sirius is going through something rough at all. Sirius might not even be home, so you’re about to leave when you hear music coming from a secluded area of the apartment. You sneak into the corridor and the door is ajar. A beautiful black grand piano stands, Sirius sitting at it, playing the finest tune you’ve ever heard. The sounds reverberate gently through the room, and it’s divine. It’s joyful and skips on merrily. His eyes are closed and his lips are turned up. It makes you think that maybe he’s thinking of someone. 
He stirs a little at the noise and you pull back. He gets up from his chair and peeks his head around the door. You’re wearing his jumper over some sweatpants. It’s so pretty on you, falling oversized. 
He laughs, which brings heat to your cheeks, “Do you want to come in?”
“You’ll let me?” you gasp, “But you don’t even let Dorcas come in, and she’s a cello-ist.”
“You’re special,” he winks and you blush. You must look like a motley of colours- florid and pink. But you don’t mind, he makes everyone nervous and you’re not special, which puts you at ease.
You perch on the cushy chair as he plays a lilting song. You hum, approving, “What’s the song called?”
“Love,” he says and you agree. The song plays like what love feels like. 
It’s so soft, and warm. Combined with Sirius’ lavender and honey cologne, it makes you drowsy. He notices your eyes are barely open, and instead of ending the song, continues to play the same melody over a lighter bass. When your breathing becomes steady, he quietly rises from the piano and scoops you up, knowing it can’t be comfortable to sleep in a chair. He carries you to his own room, where he tucks you into his bed. You’re murmuring unintelligible things. He leaves and continues playing, before Lily calls and he knows he should be in bed, because it’s morning in Las Vegas. Thus, he shuts his piano and drapes a soft velvet across it. He falls onto the couch and listening to Lily’s calming method to waking up, he falls asleep. 
In the morning, you’re in a vaguely familiar room. The sheets are silk and the ceiling is fancier than an art gallery’s. You yawn, stretching. The clock next to you detects the motion and flashes a dim white. Of course it’s an analogue clock, reading 5:00 am. You remember shutting your eyes slowly in the piano room, the news had been playing on the TV earlier. So you had fallen asleep at seven. 10 hours, more than enough. You quickly get up and make the bed. After using his fancy skincare products and brushing your teeth with a spare toothbrush you find packaged up, you hear soft snores coming from the living room. Sirius is there, phone by his side. 
You pout at how much of a gentleman he is, retrieving a blanket and carefully placing it on him. Then you prepare a smoothie, with the fourteen-million ingredients he has in his giant fridge, and leave it in there with a note. But Sirius wakes. He’s always been a light sleeper. 
He leans blearily over the couch, “Sweetheart?”
“Good morning!” you chirp. 
“Why do you have to be so gorgeous at five in the morning?” he slurs. You raise your eyebrows. He’s really always very flirty, and you’re used to it not being genuine by now. He sways out of bed and into the bathroom. You hear the running of a faucet, and sit down on a kitchen chair, checking your phone. Lily has blown it up. 
REDHEAD 7:31 p.m. sooo, how is he??
REDHEAD 7:43 p.m. hellooooo babes????
REDHEAD 8:00 p.m. are u ok ??
REDHEAD 9:47 p.m. I’m calling sirius
REDHEAD 10:00 p.m. omg YES GO YOU OMG
5:30 a.m. what
5:30 a.m. he was playing the piano lils and i fell asleep 
REDHEAD 5:31 a.m. ok keep telling urself that <3 i mean has he ever let us sit in when we asked???
5:32 a.m. i told u he was acting strange 
You grin as you see some of the videos she has sent you. One is where James and her and celebrating, him beaming like he always does. She looks madly in love with him. You screenshot and send it to your email so you can print it out later. There’s another of Marlene and Dorcas doing the spaghetti thing at a Michelin star restaurant. They look as if they’re having a wonderful time. It makes you realise that you’re craving something like that too, only not in the wild world of Vegas. You already have something like it, but it’s so one-sided and your heart can’t stand it. You wish someone would just, dote on you. And genuinely, because there’s no way Sirius Black means it. 
You express these feelings to Marlene when she’s back, moving boxes and taping things up. 
“I want to love someone, Marls. Who loves me back, so don’t even say Sirius.”
“He doesn’t act like that around everyone else, you know.”
“He does! Besides, what makes me so special, Marlene? He could have anyone.”
She laughs, “Oh goodness have you got a lot to learn.”
Marlene and Dorcas invite you to their housewarming party in their house. They say it’s perfect for a family and they want to start one whilst they’re young. It’s quite a large gathering for a housewarming party, and the inside is buzzing with excitement. You’re talking to some of their colleagues- Alice and her boyfriend Frank on the couch. 
“And we’re planning a trip to Ibiza for next month,” she blinks up at him lovingly and he does the same. It makes you subtly raise your phone as if you’re getting a message and type, before quickly flashing a photo of them whilst they’re gazing into each other’s eyes. 
Sirius spots you grinning away, like you want what Alice and Frank have. He sidles in next to you.
“Hey darling,” he smiles and you smile back, “Hi.”
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Alice asks. 
“Oh of course! I thought you would already know him,” you put down your drink, “Alice, this is Sirius. Sirius, Alice. Frank, Sirius. Sirius, Frank. They’re planning a trip to Ibiza and were voted Best Couple in high school.” 
They’re both intimidated by Sirius, you can tell, but Sirius smiles, “Nice to meet you Alice and Frank. How long have you been together?”
They cheesily smile at each other, “Seven years and going strong,” Alice flashes her wedding ring. 
Marlene calls you over to the kitchen island, where she is mixing drinks up, “Hey darl!” 
“Sup, Marls.”
“Need a drink?”
“Just pink lemonade,” you hold out your cup. A boy comes around the table, smiling at you. Marlene smirks a little. 
“Y/n, this is CJ. He’s a footballer, and a damn good one.”
You grin, outstretching your hand, “Hi CJ, nice to meet you.”
He shakes it heartily, “Likewise.”
“What team do you play for?”
“Oh, just a local one,” he rubs his neck bashfully, “I’m not that good.” 
CJ, whatever it stands for, is handsome, with bright green eyes and curly brown hair. He’s sweet too and has this shy air around him that’s impossibly good natured. He’s Emmeline’s to-be lover.
“Try me.”
“Liverpool,” he says meekly. 
“Oh, you’re the Cruz Johnson! How’s football for a living?”
“It’s great, actually,” he chuckles, dipping his head to whisper secretly into your ear, “Though this beer is actually some recovery drink, so could be better.”
You laugh. 
He grins as he takes a sip and makes a funny face, “So what do you do?”
You tell him and he nods, “Impressive indeed. How’d you meet Marls here?”
“She and I were classmates! I wore her down eventually, she used to hate friendship.”
“Oh tell me about it. I met her at the football club, where she was playing for the ladies’ team. And the first time the coach tried to congratulate her she just rolled her eyes. He was filthy.”
“Oh?” your eyes are sparkling with mischief. 
“When he dislocated his cheekbone a few weeks later, she told him she could ski on them if she tried. Anyway.”
You purse your lips in amusement, “Am I allowed to laugh at that?”
“He looked like this,” Cruz makes a face and you giggle. 
Sirius is watching this all with a very sour look on his face, feeling very jealous. 
Cruz takes another sip of his drink, “So, who are you here with?”
You’re confused, “No one? I mean, unless you count Marlene, but she’s with Dorcas. And my friend Emmeline too.”
At the mention of Emmeline’s name, his eyes light up, “About her…”
“She’s single and she does like green eyes,” you pull him near the wily, tall Emmeline, who blushes shyly as she sees Cruz, “Besides, I think she has a thing for you. Ever since, you know, you crashed into her and spilled your coffee on her favourite shirt,” you joke. 
He blushes, “Gosh, you still remember that? Will you send me the name of the shirt so I can buy her five more? I know I already replaced hers but I still feel so bad.”
“Awh. That’s very nice of you, Cruz. Here,” you hand him your phone, “What’s your number?”
Sirius is watching you, hands tense around his cup. He decides to go up to you. 
“Hey darling,” he says lowly into your ear, making you jump and your cheeks heat up.
“Sirius!” you berate. Cruz is watching with a knowing smile as he hands your phone back. You quickly text him, “Okay, sent it.”
The two guys are sizing each other up. You can sense their hostility.
“Now, boys, be friendly. Cruz, do not worry, Sirius is only friends with Emmeline, and Sirius, don’t worry, Cruz won’t try to pick up Regulus.”
You feel both of them relax. Cruz grins at Sirius, “Nice to finally meet you, man.”
“You too!”
“And don’t worry, I don’t have feelings for her either.”
You’re silently eavesdropping on the conversation whilst texting Emmeline. You sneak a look at Sirius, who has an unnatural pink on his porcelain skin. 
“C’mon green-eyes, aren’t I obvious about it?”
Cruz agrees, “Too much so.”
“Anyway, I’ll let you get to Emmeline, Cruz.”
He stumbles, grins at you and waves at the same time, “Thanks, mate.” 
“No problems.”
You watch as he goes and makes a fool of himself in front of Emmeline, who likes it. You turn to Sirius, eyes still watching them. You’re still painstakingly lonely. Tonight you think you’ve third-wheeled at least three couples, and set up two. Even though Sirius is there, he’s just a constant reminder of what you can’t have. 
Sirius can see it in your eyes. He doesn’t know how much more he needs to do. Lily wants to know though. 
“Soooo, lovely,” she begins and you narrow your eyes at her. 
“I swear I didn’t take your cookie cutters and destroy them whilst trying to make clay sculptures with Emmeline and Cruz,” you put your hands up. Lily raises her brows and you murmur a quiet, “Oh no.” 
“My cookie cutters that you gave me?!” she yells. 
“It’s fine, I’ll get you new ones.”
She sighs, “Right. Anyway, Sirius Black.”
“Sirius Black,” you say slowly.
“Mhm. Are you ever going to tell him you like him?”
“No, I don’t even like him.” 
“You don’t?” Lily feigns surprise.
“Is he cute?”
“Is he nice?”
“He doesn’t like me like that, Lils,” you scold. 
“Why does he call you ‘darling’ then? He has to.”
“If he did, that would be embarrassing for him. Gosh knows he’s too good for me. If he likes me, I would question why because he could probably do better,” you shrug, “I’m confident, but not completely blind.” 
“Okay. So if he liked you, you would want to date him?”
You reply meekly, “Yeah.”
“I think you should tell him, though,” Lily sighs, “Better you than anyone else doing it.”
You ponder for a moment, “True,” you sigh, “He’ll be nice about it.”
Lily squeals, “I’m planning your wedding!!!” 
You knock on his apartment door, reconsidering for the last time whether you want to do it or not. 
Sirius opens the door, looking confused and handsome, eyes bluer than usual. 
“Hi,” you breathe. 
“Gorgeous, to what do I owe this sudden visit?”
“I just wanted to see you.”
“Really?” his eyes are glistening. 
“Come in then. Mind the mess, taxes.”
You hum, “Need help?”
“Actually, yeah. Should I write off…”
You sit down, distracted by the papers flying everywhere, taking a pen and starting to write. Your mission is almost forgotten after you finish helping him with his taxes, smiling satisfiedly at the hefty return he receives. 
“Good,” you grin, admiring your work, “I’d say this is a successful tax file.” He swipes his tongue over his teeth, so attractively and seals the envelope, setting it down on his stack of things he needs to post. 
“Package to Marlene and Dorcas, papers to…” he rambles, pacing out his thoughts, “Oh, and my portfolio. Can you check if they’re alright to send in?”
“Oh,” he turns red, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully, “Someone asked me to model for them?”
“When?” you gasp. He hands you the envelope, and you carefully pry out some photos. 
“A week ago,” he murmurs, “Can you check these aren’t too…much?”
They’re glossy between your fingers and smooth, candid shots, some staged and every single one of them belongs on the cover of Vogue. It’s strange, the pictures of Sirius should be in a magazine, famed and lovely, but he’s right here. Nervously fidgeting around. He’s so tangible right now. You reach out to skim your fingers over the photos, then stretch them out to touch the skin near his lips. He’s taken aback but leans into your touch.
“I think they’re perfect,” you fold the envelope over, handing it back to him. 
He’s still looking incredibly ashamed of himself.
“Why do you look so sheepish?” you laugh, “Stop that! It’s alright.” You surge to hug him, “It’s amazing, Sirius.”
Sirius hides his face in your neck, “I feel like a show-off,” he mumbles and you laugh. 
“Sirius, it’s honestly alright. You’re not, far from it actually. It’s okay to have nice things.”
“I’m sorry. I’m being a wimp.”
“It’s fine, I understand. These feelings are completely normal, but that doesn’t mean they’re true. If I had a staggering net worth of a few hundred million and never told you, would you think I’m a show-off?”
He shook his head. 
“Exactly,” you smile at him, “Now do you want to go to the post office? It closes in half an hour.”
He nods, “‘Kay.”
The post office man greets him with some flirting, and he sets down his stack of parcels, ignoring him to go sign some of them. 
He looks over to you, “You’re his…” he studies your face, “friend?”
It makes you feel small and judged. You chew nervously on your lip, unconsciously stepping towards Sirius. You know you couldn’t possibly pass off as his girlfriend, but it’s an ugly reminder you don’t need. Sirius smiles politely, “These three are in a letter card, but can we get them to be delivered…”
After he pays, you try not to make it seem like you’re in a rush to get out. He notices, of course he does. “You okay?”
“What did he say to you?”
You stay quiet and Sirius does too. He drives to his apartment and sits down on his couch. You follow. He’s silent. 
“He said something about us,” you break the fragile silence, “About me.”
“Well he looked at me and then asked if I was your friend after giving me a once-over.”
Sirius shrugs, “Aren’t you?”  
Your heart falls, “Well–. The thing is–, look, I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but I kind of– scratch that, I have this massive crush on you and probably more,” you wince, “Please be nice about this.”
He looks positively shocked. You can’t tell if it’s good shock or bad shock. 
You grimace, “And please can we stay friends?”
“You think I’m rejecting you?” he almost scoffs, lifting you easily into his lap. He’s so close you could count the colours in his eyes. A charcoal, a light cerulean, a tinge of yellow ochre, “After all my countless advances, the gifts, even inviting you into my piano room whilst I played, I couldn’t, sweetheart,” he says softly. 
“Haven’t you noticed I haven’t ever dated anyone since two years back? That I pretty much have been begging to be noticed by you these past years,” he continues, “All because I want to be yours. Because I couldn’t even think of wanting anyone else. I like you so much.”
“Hey Sirius?”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You already did.”
You huff, “Can I kiss you?”
Before you can do anything, he’s grinning as he presses his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss. When you break apart, he's still grinning. He thinks he will be for the rest of his life.
“Whoa,” you say as you grin at him. 
He hugs you tightly, “Please never say we should be friends again.”
You nod, “Never.” 
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chlobliviate · 15 days
Wolfstar Microfic - Knight Bus
Words: 981
Sirius had sent his owl, Queenie, to James before he’d left, asking him to get in touch with Remus and telling him that he hoped that the Potters’ offer of a place to stay still stood.
As he slowly dragged his trunk onto the pavement, he looked up at the place he used to consider home. Regulus was watching, expressionless, from Sirius’ bedroom window. He hoped with every fibre of his being that Reg would realise how toxic their family was sooner rather than later. He told him that he could owl him, or if they were at school, talk to him, anytime.
He didn’t want to leave him. Even if he was a massive twat. Most fourteen-year-olds were twats, he reasoned, he definitely was, but he wished Regulus could just overcome the twattishness for an afternoon and come with him. Get away.
He’d be long gone by the time Walburga and Orion noticed he was missing, and although they would know where he’d gone, he knew that once he got to the Potters’, he’d be safe.
He stuck out his wand and a large purple bus popped out of nowhere, making Sirius jump.
“Alright?” The conductor said with a half smile, “Need a hand?”
“Please.” They managed to get his trunk onto the bus and under a bed frame. "Thank you." He said, realising that he'd barely contributed. He felt so shaky.
“No worries, kid. Where you off to?” He looked down at Sirius, now perched on the edge of the bed.
“Uh, Potter Manor, on The Lizard, please.” The man nodded and exchanged a ticket for Sirius’ money. “Been in a fight?”
Sirius had completely forgotten how awful he must look. To start with he hadn’t eaten in almost five days and had only slept in small intervals during that time. The final blow had been Bellatrix announcing that Sirius was gay over lunch (which he wasn’t allowed to eat, but forced to sit through anyway) and Sirius simply not having the energy to deny it anymore.
He’d healed two broken ribs himself but forgot about his face. He pressed a hand to his nose and was alarmed when the blood looked fresh. He hoped it wouldn’t worry James and his parents too much. Honestly, his face didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as his muscles did. It was always the same after she Crucio-ed him, the pain would linger for days. But she'd never get to do it again.
“Something like that,” Sirius said quietly. “You should see the other guy.”
The conductor huffed out a laugh and headed back to the front of the bus.
Sirius pulled a book out of his bag. Remus had lent him The Hobbit last term and he’d picked up a copy of The Lord of the Rings last week and he was hooked.
Before he knew it, the bus swerved into the lane outside Potter Manor. The front door flew open and to his surprise, Remus, not James, was the one rushing toward him. He helped him get his trunk off the bus, then threw his arms around Sirius making him wince slightly, his ribs were still bruised. He clung to Remus, burying his face in the curve of his neck, suddenly concerned that he might cry. A short while after the bus clattered away, Remus stepped back and got a good look at Sirius.
“Holy shit,” he said under his breath. His brows tilted inwards and his mouth dropped open. He looked devastated.
“I’m fine.” Sirius desperately wanted to believe it. “It’s just a few cuts and bruises. I'm mostly ok.”
Remus wiped at Sirius’ still sticky nose with his sleeve, frowning. “You look like shit. You’re not fine.” He placed a hand on either side of Sirius’ face and tilted it gently, assessing the damage. Sirius tried his hardest not to lean into the touch and was fairly unsuccessful. “What did they do to you?”
“Remus, please, don’t.” Sirius shook his head. “Look, I’m out now. For good. I’ll be seventeen in November, so I never have to go back.” He paused, “I’ll tell you and Prongs everything later, I promise. I’m just so fucking exhausted.”
“Sirius.” Remus’ eyes bored into him before softening, He ghosted his thumb across Sirius’ bruised, prominent cheekbone. “Let’s get you inside before he has a coronary. I left them making your bed up.”
He took one end of Sirius’ trunk and between them, mostly thanks to Remus, they carried it to the door. Before they entered, he set it down, looking at Remus.
“I really appreciate you being here.” He pressed his lips together as Remus waited for him to continue. “I know I fucked everything up so badly last term. I’m still more sorry than I can put into words. I just— I didn’t ask James to tell you to manipulate you or anything. I didn't expect you to come, I just thought that a part of you would maybe want to know I was safe.”
Remus' face was unreadable for a moment until he sighed, “What you did was so thoughtless and reckless.” Sirius nodded sadly, “But there was no way that I would ever not be by your side for this.”
“What does that mean?”
“I think it means that I’m ready to forgive you.” He said quietly. “You were so fucking vague in your letter, and I know that was probably self-preservation, but the thought of them hurting you made my blood boil and I had to physically stop myself from showing up there. I came straight here.” His cheeks were pink, “I’m saying… that I think I understand how you snapped and told Snape in a moment of rage, or whatever.”
“Oh.” Was all that Sirius could manage.
“I’m so glad to see you, Padfoot.” Remus’ eyes flicked up and met his. “I’m so glad you’re mostly ok."
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hullo friend, do you have any wolfstar fanfic recommendations for remus going through the lunar cycle? something like hurt/comfort but not only, just him dealing with all the things that come from being a wolfy
oh boy do I ever! I'm wiggeling in my seat because of this question
(disclaimer, I've been kinda busy the last few weeks so I might come back to this ask later with some more recs lol)
The 39 Steps by gilbertsdoor
Remus hated having to lie, but he could see no other way around it. Closing in on Sirius, he gripped him by the fabric of his t-shirt, pushing it up towards his throat. ‘Alright then. You’re alone in the muggle countryside, wandless, in the dark. You’re manacled to an evil, murderous werewolf, a known killer who doesn’t hold an ounce of pity for your pathetic human life. If that’s what you would rather believe, then by all means,’ he hissed, ‘be my guest.’
One minute Remus is between jobs, isolated, and thoroughly disenfranchised with life, the next he is on the run for murder, being a werewolf-at-large, and for knowing far, far too much.
One minute Sirius Black is a bored auror in training, the next he is caught up with Remus in a mess of secrets and dark magic.
Their lives intertwine, but how long can they keep running from the Death Eaters, and how long can they keep running from themselves?
Harry Potter and the Dog and the Wolf by thewholeofthemoon I live and breathe for this series!) it's very much focused on lycanthropy especially the latest work wich is still a wip but so so so good!
Scent of the Moon by Quietlemonhush this is a little different but very much lycanthropy focused even if it's not always the source of the hurt
Not content to only disown the wayward heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Walburga calls in back up. Bellatrix has all those new friends with their good ideals and their sharp, sharp teeth.
Sirius Black returns to Hogwarts with a bite in his side and a fever he can't shake.
they also have some more smutty wolfstar fics wich feature the lunar cycle if that's more what you are looking for
Dunes and Waters by MarigoldWritesThings ( @marigold-hills ) this is probably the fic most focused on lunar cycles and just the magic theory behind lycanthropy and I also just can't reccomend it enough
Remus is sensitive to changing tides, a part of the moon always with him, and Black is like the sea. He can smell it on him, the way his magic builds up and crackles about the fingertips.
A werewolf, a convict, and a riddle.
The W in Weasley stands for Werewolf by gonzoclock this one is mostly here for fun werewolf lore I'm not gonna lie
When a werewolf comes out of nowhere and attacks nineteen-year old Arthur Weasley, he thinks his life is over before it's even really begun. He's wrong, of course, and now all of forty years later the Weasley family is thriving, happy, and healthy- and every one of them is a werewolf.
Things are going really well for eleven-year old Ron... except for the part where he has to get through school without anyone finding out his family's secret while simultaneously keeping his new brother alive. Easy-peasy. Right?
(Pay no mind to the one-eyed beast that seems to be lurking in the shadows- it's almost certainly nothing to worry about.)
Features the entire Weasley family adopting Harry Potter practically the second they lay eyes on him (or before that, even); Ron Weasley finding himself being altogether far too nice too slimy gits who don't deserve it; Percy Weasley doing his best; Harry deciding that being enemies with this Malfoy kid is too much work actually; Hermione Granger being as smart and ruthless as ever; Severus Snape who did not, and I repeat, did NOT sign up for ANY of this; and much, much more
By Moonlight by Eiiri this one, as well is mostly here for the werewolf angst, not nessecarily between wolfstar
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice. As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on, Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light.
but definitely check out these authors! <3
sorry for bad grammar it's late
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vxntagedior · 2 years
pumpkin guts
summary | you take sirius to the pumpkin patch for the first time
pairing | richboy!sirius black x fem!reader
warning | college au, sirius is clueless and rich, girlfriend!reader, fluff, cute couple activities
word count | 1.1k
fun fact: i have never gone to a pumpkin patch nor carve a pumpkin
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To say you were shocked when Sirius told you he had never been to a pumpkin patch. You knew of how lavish his lifestyle was before he attended university, but you just assumed he had been at least once.
“Can you calm down?” He smiled at you. 
“You’ve never been!” You repeated those words over and over, still shocked and making sure you didn’t mishear him. 
“Yes.” He rolled his eyes. “My mother believed that Halloween was childish and that if we ate candy, our teeth would break.”
You silently cursed Walburga in your head for not giving her boys a real childhood. The Black family was a prominent family in London, known for their wealth going back generations. Prim and Proper, a book cover family. 
“We have to go!” You squealed, Sirius wincing at the idea. 
“Love do we have to?” He questioned, “It’s going to be all dirty and mushy and the pumpkin will die eventually.”
“That’s not the point.” You stated. “And I’ve always wanted to go to a pumpkin patch with my boyfriend.”
That was what got him, he was your first serious boyfriend, having deeper feelings than others, and all Sirius wanted to do was make you happy, but he can see through you whilst trying to guilt trip him, but he gave him. 
“This weekend.”
The weekend came faster than you expected, already early Saturday afternoon, dressed for the weather, constantly adjusting your sweater, as the two of you walked hand and hand. 
Sirius wasn’t dressed for the event, a pair of nice pants, polo and sweater vest, trenchcoat and a pair of boots that looked like it cost over a few hundred dollars. 
“Okay, so when picking you want to find one that has a solid exterior, it shouldn’t be soft and if you see any sunken areas don’t pick that one.”
“What do I do when I find one?” He asked you, grimacing slightly when he felt something mushy under his feet. 
“Pay for it and we go carve it.” You smiled, you could tell he was trying his hardest for you but seeing his face occasionally gave you a laugh. 
Sirius mostly stayed by your side, walking through the rows of pumpkin, watching you crouch down and feel it. It was fairly busy, Sirius saw dozens of families going around along with a few couples. 
“Hey, do you wanna leave and go get some apple cider?” You weren’t clueless, you could tell he wasn’t enjoying himself and you didn’t want to keep him here for the rest of the afternoon.
“You didn’t get a pumpkin yet?” He furrowed his brows. “Is everything alright?”
“I can tell you aren’t enjoying this and I don’t want to keep you here, it’s fine.” You lied, Sirius just nodded his head, bringing you back to the car. 
Neither of you talked about the weekend during the week, you weren’t trying to avoid it but it was just awkward. Whenever the two of you were studying, you stayed quiet, doing your own work instead of informing him about your day and classes. 
Sirius felt horrible that he ruined your plan, you had looked so happy when you told me about it and couldn’t get his ego in check to have a fun date with you. Going off to work after class gave him the perfect time to go back to the pumpkin patch, despite his little hatred for it, grabbing two pumpkins and going back to your shared apartment.
You weren’t expecting Sirius to be home after you got off, usually out with a few friends while you worked but seeing the two pumpkins sitting on the island with Sirius giving you a small smile was shocking. 
“What is this?” You said in awe.
“I wanted to make up for last weekend and got us pumpkins to carve.” He smiled sheepishly. “I know that my behavior was wrong and you were trying to introduce me to something you like and it was rude for him to dismiss you even though you accept anything I show you.”
“This is amazing.” You smiled, joining him in the kitchen, pressing your lips into his. Sirius melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist, stealing one last kiss before the two of you pulled apart. 
You couldn’t hold in your excitement, grabbing one of the carvings and starting to hollow out the inside, Sirius laughed at your antics before following your steps.
Music played in the background softly while the two of you laughed at each other’s carving. You went with a simple cutout of a face while Sirius tried to do something more advanced. 
“Siri.” You giggled looking over at his pumpkin. “What is that supposed to be?”
“Don't make fun of my artwork!” He gasped, “You don’t see me bashing on your plain idea.”
“It’s not plain.” You gasped. “At least you can tell what mine is.”
“It’s supposed to be bat hanging.” Sirius explained, “How can you not see it?”
“Love, that looks nothing like a bat.”
“Go back to yours.” He rolled his eyes, continuing to carve his.”
The two of you spent the rest of the night in the kitchen, finishing up your designs and cleaning up the kitchen, wiping the pumpkin guts off the walls when Sirius thought it was funny to throw some at you, you ducking before it could hit up, ending up all against the walls.
“I can’t take you anywhere.” You muttered, “You’re like a child.”
“Hey now, missy!” He pointed a finger at you, “Didn’t last week you had whip cream on your upper lip going around James’s around saying you were Santa Claus.
“I was drunk!” You defended yourself. 
“Were you?” He smirked. 
“Can believe you got Pads to go to a pumpkin patch.” Remus said to the two of you, all your friends had come over for a movie night. 
“Yeah, he hated every second of it.” You laughed. “I can’t get my boots dirty.” You impersonated him.
“You even got him to wear the pumpkin head.” James still had the polaroid of Sirius wearing the pumpkin you carved on his head with a cup of coffee. 
“Don’t remind me, my hair still smells like pumpkin.” Sirius sulked, “You’re lucky I love you so much.”
“Please, you were begging for me to take that photo.” You smiled, “but I love you too, thank you for doing that with me.”
“I’d do anything with you, love, just say the words.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, before snuggling closer to you under the blanket, turning his attention to the movie.
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sleepershell · 8 months
Some General Marauders Era Headcanons
NOT canon compliant (I don’t care about jk shitface’s canon lol)
Regulus Black (the main character as far as I’m concerned)
~ French, I mean cmon the Black family motto is toujours pur for gods sake. He absolutely speaks French. Other than that, they can be traced to German (Walburga’s side) and English heritage.
~cis bi boy (sapiosexual?)
~ c-ptsd, depression
~ messy curly medium-length hair, long nimble fingers, one of those people with a few lovely moles in choice locations, slutty waist, angular jaw, kind of set in eyes, not tall but a bit taller than Sirius
~ most dogs freak him out (lol oof)
Sirius Black
~ french (& English, German) ofc.
~ amab queer, omnisexual mlm
~c-ptsd, adhd
~ wavy long black hair, also a slutty waist, not very tall, squinty eyes, latently a little muscular
~ big believer in a leather jacket
James Potter
~ I stan desi Potter. But also love the idea of Euphemia being Greek per her name so Jamie boy is part Greek and part Pakistani on Fleamont’s side. He only speaks English but has some terms and things from both Greek and Hindi.
~ cis bi guy
~ needs glasses ofc, I imagine he’s super nearsighted.
~ super messy hair, lean and muscular, medium tall
~ red converse wearer
Remus Lupin
~ Welsh, English, and Portuguese. He speaks only English.
~ amab, queer, demisexual?
~ anxiety
~ chronic pain from wolf injuries
~ scarred all over, light brown hair, tan, he’s the tallest, skinny but not lacking muscle, limps sometimes and often needs to stretch his sore muscles, hairy!!
~ always wearing a sweater
Peter Pettigrew
~ English & German. Speaks English.
~ cis, bi
~ anxiety, definitely does self-soothing movements
~ fat !! no skinny wormtail in this house, wavy blonde hair, the cutest cheeks known to man, callouses on his hands and no one can figure out why
~ asthma
~ loves naps
Pandora Rosier
~ Another family who absolutely must be fluent French speakers. So I think they have some Afro-Caribbean on one side and the other is very much originally French. Speaks English and French.
~ cis fem, pansexual, demiromantic
~ autistic
~ hair is super light blonde and looooong in dreads, light blue eyes, brown skin, quite tall and thin, all her features are super delicate and lithe, she’s kind of otherworldly tbh but she certainly doesn’t act so she’s got quite the mad scientist competitive streak
~ amazing at charms
Evan Rosier
~ Afro-Caribbean, French, English. Speaks English and French.
~ he/they, omnisexual (and by that I mean he fucks everyone ha-hey)
~ super light blonde hair either cropped or in a protective style, brown skin, light brown eyes, braces, dead average build, but still suave af don’t be mistaken everyone wants this kid, not hairy
Lily Evans
~ English and Scottish, speaks English.
~ cis gal, questioning but likely demisexual
~ fat!!, straight-ish red hair ofc, freckles, green eyes, cute small chubby hands, radiant smile
Barty Crouch Jr.
~ English, speaks English and all curse words in every language he could get people to teach them in.
~ queer amab bisexual
~ I won’t begin to try to dissect the workings of Barry’s brain but depression could be a start
~ eidetic memory
~ needs reading glasses? but like most of the time they’re not on him or they’re broken. so he just like uses his crazy big brain to just remember stuff or else he mostly never reads outside of studying times
~ brown hair but whenever he gets the chance he buzzes or dyes it green for fun, stick and pokes and self done piercings, tall but not Remus tall, lean muscular, hairy ass legs
Dorcas Meadowes
~ Ethiopian and English. Speaks English.
~ cis girl, sapphic
~ dark skin, black hair often in long braids, dark eyes, athletic curvy build, long fingers
~ literally prodigy herbologist, also amazing at potions and divination
Marlene McKinnon
~ Filipino!!!!!!!!!!!! speaks English and Filipino (maybe some of another regional language of the Philippines).
~ cis girl, sapphic
~ adhd, depression
~ lactose intolerant
~ short queen, freckles, dyed blonde but def experiments with color and cut, usually straight or a little wavy, muscular but it doesn’t really show she just seems kinda thin, some stick and pokes, several ear piercings
~ wears red cowboy boots, studded belts, low rise, cut up t shirts, hats
Mary Macdonald
~ Brazilian on one side and South African & English on the other. Speaks English and Portuguese.
~ cis girl, bisexual
~ ehler’s danlos syndrome
~ wears her dark hair natural curly, curvy, average height, belly button pierced, huge gorgeous smile, adorable button nose
Severus Snape
~English and Polish. Speaks English.
~ cis, hetero
~ depression, anxiety
~ straight long black hair, pale, Remus tall, fairly average weight, dark eyes, strong nose
~wears mostly black
~ amazing at potions
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Canonically, Andromeda was the middle sister but could you ever imagine her being born first? There’s some headcanons and fanfics out there that support that
Hello anon! In short, I can only see Andromeda as oldest if she is oldest to *brothers* only. If she has sisters, she is the middle or the youngest, but canonically, only the middle. Allow me to explain, and forgive me for how lengthy this will be.
Bellatrix makes sense as the oldest in terms of her natural leadership, outspokenness, and charisma. Oldest children tend to be more assertive (aka 'bossy') and feel responsible for others. While I can see Andromeda being responsible for others as a middle child, I don't see her having the same outspokenness and natural charisma that Bellatrix has. Not all eldest children are like this, but painting in broad strokes here, Bellatrix is just a natural firstborn.
I will also add that firstborn children can be very rebellious (see Sirius) but not necessarily in a way that's radically different from their parents. Yes, Sirius strongly denounces the prejudices he grew up with, but he's so like his mother in personality. Different lyrics, if you will, but the same melody. I imagine Bellatrix is the same, especially with her father, and her rebellion goes in a dark, dramatic direction.
Andromeda *could* be the oldest if she had brothers. I find it interesting that the only female Death Eater is Bellatrix. Though JKR (thinks she has but not really) built a world that seems to be friendlier towards witches in terms of political and educational power, the Death Eaters and the way pureblood witches are framed raises some red flags. By this I mean that there is misogyny in this world, and it's found in classist cultures too. Purebloods, with their money and natural political power, would have these views, particularly in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. If Andromeda were the oldest, it would have to be to brothers wherein the oldest son is greatest as the true oldest, and Andromeda is oldest by age alone.
Think of Walburga for a moment. Canonically she is the oldest and her strong AF personality 100% supports that. She married Orion and had the privilege of bearing sons in a world that is clearly obsessed with bloodlines and surnames - which can only be passed down through men. In a family like the Blacks, who are obsessed with this patriarchal purity, Andromeda could be the oldest of brothers, but relegated to the side for being a girl instead of a boy. That would soften her personality a bit, in terms of making her more like a middle child or a youngest.
I love Andromeda as a middle sister for so many reasons: it's easy to overlook her. It's easy to find her stuck in the middle between sisters and parents, struggling to stand out but also fit in. She's a bit of a wild card - I love that she's the one to upset the family balance after years of (probably) playing peacekeeper among two strong personalities.
I can also imagine Andromeda as the youngest, but only if Narcissa is NOT in the picture. Narcissa doesn't give off middle child vibes - she's giving me oldest, youngest, or only, but mostly youngest and only. She stands out with her blonde hair and her fabulous life. She's got a better temperament than Bellatrix and is more strategic in her decision making. She also shows a certain amount of disregard for the rules - she goes out of her way to get Snape to make an Unbreakable Vow and she lies to Voldemort's face. Anyone with younger siblings knows that while the oldest get the worst punishments, youngest siblings can practically get away with murder. Narcissa is showing this kind of attitude with her choices - the rules don't exactly apply to her in the same way as they do with other people.
Bellatrix, meanwhile, LOVES the rules. They're batshit crazy rules, sure, but she's following them and living her best life while doing so. The #1 rule is do what Volde-daddy tells you to do. Don't betray him. Narcissa ain't got the time for that nonsense. She's putting her son first.
Andromeda as a youngest sibling can make sense if she's got other siblings, potentially older sisters or an older brother and sister. She does have that same rebellious streak, but it's not radical in the way that Bellatrix or even Sirius is. Andromeda is disowned because she runs off with Ted Tonks. Sirius is disowned not only because he runs away but loudly and proudly rejects his parents' viewpoints. He runs away to live with blood traitors. Andromeda sort of disappears into the background (like any middle child).
Right now I'm working on a Tedromeda/Remadora longfic that is AU - I'm switching Alphard with Andromeda, but I am making Andromeda the youngest. (Rearranging birth dates is a must-do anyway because among many things JKR sucks at, math is one of them.) She'll have a good gap of about 9 years between her birthday and her next older sibling, Cygnus. It's enough of a gap that she is the youngest, but in many ways she'll have been raised like an only child, which will give her a different dynamic than a middle child, e.g. more spoiled, but she's also watched by more pairs of eyes, which means she'll be more hesitant to rebel.
Anyway, that is a long answer and I hope it answers your question, anon. Canonically, the middle-born Andromeda is the best Andromeda. Eldest/youngest/only only in an AU situation with other factors that would shape her personality to be similar to her canon counterpart.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
how did sirius and regulus handle being separated from each other when they were younger in obx? Did they miss each other, did they just not talk about it?
okayokay so. i havent fully fleshed it out yet but i think i’m pretty set on and happy with the idea i had a few days ago.
bear with me, i gotta start somewhere entirely different for everything to made sense. so, at first i was really tempted to make bella be tom’s wife (rose and ward) and then have their affair child delphini be the third sibling kind of (the wheezie character). but that wouldn’t work because bella is even more clinically insane than tom and also would probably encourage barty, her psycho ass adoptive son. which made me think about who else could fit the roll, making me end up with narcissa and draco. which means when walburga and orion die when regulus and sirius are 9 and 11 respectively the Black family obviously find out. they go live with their paternal grandmother then (this is btw also the time sirius meets james in middle school and they start hanging out)—but only for about three years because she’s old and lowkey senile so then she’s going into senior housing and regulus and sirius are confronted with the possibility of foster care at ages 12 and 14 -> cue alphard and narcissa (and her big shot, rich ass husband that tends to adopt orphans about their age and sponsor their way through living and education). problem is only that riddle usually has two at a time and barty is already there, leaving only one more spot. narcissa is favorable to reg and of course sirius as the big brother insists regulus go to have a higher education and better opportunities at life. so regulus turns 13 and suddenly she’s a riddle. her brother does life on figure 8 (the kook side of the island) but alphard very much bought himself a home on a more deserted patch of land, more minimalistic, more cozy, less full kook. he’s distanced himself a great deal from kookism but he’s still rich enough and sort of trying to make a positive impact from within the community typa guy. regulus gets completely swept up in the heights of kookism though, she doesn’t even realize it until a couple months later when she has a sudden moment of clarity where she isn’t sure when the last time was that her and sirius talked. when they called on the phone. what tests are coming up for him, what band he is fixating on this month. and from thereon out it all kind of snowballs. sirius doesnt attend the parties alphard throws anymore. regulus is there, as are all the other kooks but sirius is not. they do miss each other but it’s also- weird,, sort of. not the same anymore. and they’re both mostly afraid of finding out if it will never be like in the old days so they only avoid each other even more. when they do see each other eventually it’s at parties and either or both are drunk and of course theyre dumb and petty and one of them has to say a mean thing. it obviously also doesn’t help that barty, evan and james, remus, lily are fundamentally so at war with each other, only accelerating their whole dynamic.
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engie-ivy · 1 year
A Far Cry From Perfect
New chapter: Impunity
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Charges Dropped Against Orion and Walburga Black due to Discrepancy Error
The Daily Prophet – March 1978
By our reporter
Months after their arrests, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has announced in a press release yesterday that the charges against Orion and Walburga Black will be dropped. The reason for this being a so-called Discrepancy Error in their file.
The suspected crimes of Orion and Walburga Black have attracted much public interest ever since the tragic events of last year. When their eldest son, the then seventeen-year-old Sirius Black, was to be removed from his parental custody, Orion Black stabbed him with a knife that later turned out to be a cursed family heirloom, before fleeing the scene together with his wife. With Sirius Black fighting for his life in the hospital, more shocking information came to light, painting a picture of the Blacks’ systematic abuse of their son.
The ‘Noble and Most Ancient House of Black’ has one of the richest family histories of Wizarding Britain. Being a prominent member of The Sacred Twenty-Eight (A disputed list of 28 Wizarding families who are supposedly still ‘truly pure blood’), the Black family has always taken pride in keeping their bloodline ‘pure’. As the reason for the violence and abuse targeted towards the Black family heir, appeared to be him not adhering to his parents’ blood supremacy believes, it caused a public outrage and placed scrutiny upon to the dangerous and toxic side of pureblood culture, that was previously mostly kept in the shadows. It made Sirius Black a symbol of the resistance to blood supremacy, and it even put pressure on the Ministry to come up with stricter legislation regarding the spread of blood supremacy ideals, and implement a zero-tolerance approach towards the worrying rise of You Know Who and his so-called Death Eaters.
Last November, to almost everyone’s relief, the Auror Office was finally able to arrest Orion and Walburga Black, after which The Department of Magical Law Enforcement collected evidence and pressed charges in preparation for the trial.
So what went wrong?
Well, in his statement, Mr Bartemeus Crouch, the Head of The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, named a Discrepancy Error as the reason for dropping the charges.
Back in the time of Grindelwald, when political tension was running high, corruption was prevalent within the Ministry, and corrupted Ministry officials would make up false charges when political opponents were arrested. After Grindelwald’s defeat, in order prevent this type of corruption in the future, the Ministry implemented a rule stating that the suspicions warranting arrest and the eventual charges must, at all times, match. This makes it impossible for Ministry officials to add false charges to serve their own interest. According to this rule, in case of a Discrepancy Error (i.e. a mismatch between the suspicions warranting arrest and the eventual charges), all charges must be dropped.
So, in the documentation made public simultaneously with the press release yesterday, we could see that the suspicions warranting arrest state ‘Attempted murder’, while the charges state ‘Murder’. Remarkably, it were not the charges that were incorrect, as Mr Crouch also said in his statement. The error lies in an old version of the suspicions warranting arrest being included in final documentation submitted to the Wizengamot.
So why did the Department of Magical Law Enforcement wanted to go for murder? Sirius Black has, after all, survived the ordeal and is currently attending his final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Well, the evidence included in the documentation, including medical files from St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, contains the shocking revelation that Sirius Black has actually been fatally wounded during the stabbing incident. The knife was not only cursed, it was also poisoned with something called Bloodroot Poison.
“Bloodroot Poison is a rare, deadly concoction,” Potions Master Peffault, specialized in lethal Poisons, tells us. “As the name says, it is rooted in the blood. When the white blood cells eventually lose their function, the victim becomes vulnerable to infections, but the worst comes when the red blood cells fully lose their function of providing oxygen to the muscles and organs, eventually leading to death.” According to Mr Peffault , there is no antidote available for Bloodroot Poison. “A combination of the general Antidote for Uncommon Poisons and regular Blood Replenishment treatments can significantly slow it’s effects, but once in the bloodstream, it cannot be stopped.”
This matches what is written in Sirius Black’s medical file, in which, upon discovery of the poisoning, the Healer treating him gave him an estimated life expectancy of two years. At the time of writing this article, Sirius Black is estimated to have approximately one year left, meaning he will inevitably pass away before his twentieths birthday.
It therefore makes sense that, upon learning this information, the Aurors who performed the arrest changed the suspicions warranting arrest from ‘Attempted murder’ to ‘Murder’. Even if he is still alive, Sirius Black will die an early death as a result of his parents’ actions, and therefore, it can be said that his parents have murdered him. But does a simple mess-up between two version warrant the Blacks getting away with murder?
According to Bartemeus Crouch, it does. “The law is the law, also in this case,” the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement said in his statement. “And the law is very clear on Discrepancy Errors. We can’t make an exception, however unfortunate the result is here.” ‘Unfortunate’ seems to be an understatement in light of the grave injustice being done to Sirius Black, but on the question what measures he will take to prevent this from happening in the future, and whether this might even have consequences for his own position, Mr Crouch won’t go further than ascribe the whole situation to a ‘human error’. “We can revisit our procedures all we want, but some things you can’t avoid,” he says, when pressed on the issue. “Human errors will always happen.”
After being let down by St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, who neglected to report the signs of abuse to the authorities, and Wellbeing Acquired by Rescue of Minors from Threatening or Harmful Situations (WARMTHS), who failed to act on the first reports of the abuse, yet another institution has now failed Sirius Black, and it seems like his heroic story, that managed to captivate the world, is headed towards a tragic ending.
(Sirius Black and the ones close to him were not available for comment at the time of writing this article. The editorial office of The Daily Prophet wishes them strength in these trying times)
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birlwrites · 2 years
orion and walburga having to work so hard to convince themselves and their family that maybe blood purity isn't everything, actually, is very amusing to think about, but it also raises the question of how far are they willing to go? would orion and walburga go so far as to welcome back everyone who was disowned for being blood traitors?
welcoming andromeda back and having to be friendly with the potters is awkward enough for them, but imagine them trying to be at least cordial with the weasleys?? horrible. cedrella weasley (nee black, arthur weasley's mom) side-eyeing her whole family so hard
i feel like they might draw the line at actually interacting with the weasleys regularly - like they'll be COURTEOUS but they will certainly not be SEEKING OUT THEIR COMPANY. in fact mostly they will be studiously avoiding the weasleys but hey at least they'll acknowledge cedrella now!! in public even!!!!!
andromeda's muggleborn is a healer so orion and walburga have grudgingly accepted that he is magically competent. andromeda refuses to come to family occasions unless ted can come with her so they're gonna have to get used to that real quick!
i'm imagining both orion and walburga looking at themselves in the mirror and very solemnly going 'theodore tonks possesses more dignity than the average weasley' to psych themselves up
'our family will NOT end with the premature deaths of our children' is another common one, it's more all-purpose
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myriadparacosm · 7 months
Headcanons Siblings Black/Rosier Charmed AU
Sirius, Regulus & Evan, Pandora are half-siblings from Walburga side (read the story if you want to understand why/how) and they all start living together.
They don't look similar - the Rosier's genes are strong but the Black still shines a bit by their eyeshapes and they have inherited the rare gene of blond, white, hair like Narcissa which is rare. Pandora and Evan's skin are not as black as their father's but it's stronger than the pearly white skin of the Black bloodline. You wouldn't think they are siblings.
Sirius is the last one coming into this relationships because Regulus was already friends with Evan & Pandora, so he needs a bit of time to adjust to having 2 new siblings, but he loves it.
Pandora is considered the youngest despite being Evan's twin and works at a rescue animal center, as she studies science (mad scientist vibes) and mostly takes care of the garden in the house. She has a strong fear of butterflies but not moths ('because their arses are not naked' she says) and is the one who deals with insects in the house unless it's butterflies.
Evan is forbidden from dealing with insects since he feeds them to his reptile pet but he takes over the garden for her when there are too many butterflies for her comfort. He likes to sing and make up his own lyrics as he cooks, his main occupation as he tries to find a vocation, and he is the worst driver because he always gets too much into the music. The car has many dents from him and Sirius never plans to let him touch his motorcycle.
Compared to Sirius and Pandora who are always ready to dance, even without music, Evan likes to dance when there is a choregraphy because he feels awkward without one. He can improvise lyrics but dancing? Too many limbs to move. Pandora always creates some choregraphies for his sake and Sirius tells him to simply copy what he does.
Regulus doesn't dance much despite his years of ballet classes, which he enjoyed, except when he is really drunk or comfortable enough. He is also the one who uses all the hot water. In the morning he needs to drink one cup of coffee before becoming somewhat approchable and hates loud noises, which is a bit of a problem sometimes because Pandora likes to wake up with an episode or two of a cartoons or a tv show or she will fall asleep without any good distraction.
Evan is a bit the care-taker and he enjoys it more than he thought but doesn't like it when people mentions it. He studied law and graduated, resulting into a burnout, before he and Pandora decided to leave the family business (Pandora was meant to marry into a rich stuck-up) and they moved in with Regulus. Now he tries to decide what he wants to do with his life.
Their living situation is not perfect because they all have particular habits and it gets worse when almost everyone get boyfriends.
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hotchfiles · 9 months
im at a bar and im drinking and people are talking and i cant stop thinking about regulus and how i dont see him as soft or as someone who would simply feel abandoned by his brother
i think most of all he was disappointed, sirius was the older one, he was supposed to be the strong one, set an example, but decided to go easy and leave
i also dont think he was just this pressured by his family soft weak young boy (even tho i do love me some plots like that i was a draco girlie) i think he had his strong beliefs, mostly about wizards having to live in hiding even though they were more powerful
it was a logical thing, power is power, pure bloods had it the most, it came from both sides, and it wasnt fair that muggles got it their way, they were weak
also just the feeling of belonging he first got when he got the mark, he was someone who belonged somewhere, he wasnt just the son of orion and walburga, brother of sirius. he was him.
but above all, his morals and deep kindness stood out, even without him trying to, even if he didnt think himself as someone kind.
he was. he saw the signs, he sacrificed himself to steal the horcrux and he didnt accept the way his house elf was treated.
regulus was regulus. and he was strong, he was smart, he wasn’t soft, but he was kind.
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sophsicle · 2 years
hiiii you can totally disregard this if you don’t want to or are too busy but could you write a scene with regulus and sirius having a conversation in the afterlife after sirius dies? i just really need sirius to know that regulus died doing something selfless :’)
Can you tell I've been listening to Family Line on repeat?
This is also not at all what you asked for, this is why I'm bad at prompts
Sirius doesn't remember falling asleep.
His eyes are heavy and it takes a few tries before he's able to get them to stay open. The blurry world slowly coming into focus. A room with dark furniture and gaudy wallpaper. Wooden floors that creak and glass windows that let the chill in during the winter. He knows this place. Which doesn't make him feel better. A sinking dread pooling in the pit of his stomach.
This is the room he grew up in.
He scrambles off the bed, limbs heavy and tired as he runs for the door.
"No, no, no."
His hands grapple with the handle, numb and shaking as he tries to turn it.
"No, please, no. Fuck. Not here. Not again."
He pulls and pulls, the metal of the doorknob digging into his skin. But it doesn't make a difference. The thing doesn't budge. Not an inch.
"Please, let me out! Please!" he slams his open palm against the door, ignoring the pain, the burn that threatens to bruise. "Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, maman I'll be good. I promise I'll be good. Please don't leave me here. Please, please, please."
He claws at the wood, chipping his nails.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Maman! Papa! Fuck, don't leave me. Please don't leave me." His hands turn to fists.
The noise echoes in the giant room behind him. A room that quickly feels as though it's running out of air. He knows that can't be true of course, but it feels real.
"Don't leave me."
He can't breathe.
"Don't leave me."
And then,
the handle turns.
Sirius instantly backs up, because Walburga will no doubt be furious. About the hysterics. The noise. She always is. But at least she'll be here. At least he won't be alone.
Except the figure on the other side of the doorway isn't his mother.
"I found you," the younger boy stumbles forward. "I can't believe I found you. I heard your voice and then..."
It doesn't feel like either one of them takes a voluntary step, more like their beings are simply yanked together, by some invisible thread attaching them both, until they're falling into one another, arms wrapped tight.
"I can't believe I found you," Regulus says again, voice muffled as he speaks mostly into Sirius's neck.
"You opened the door," Sirius's voice shakes - his whole body shakes honestly.
"I heard you. I heard you, so I came."
"You came."
"I'm so sorry Sirius," his voice is thick, Sirius is pretty sure Regulus is crying, so he holds him tighter. "I should have done it sooner. I should have been here sooner."
"It's okay," Fuck maybe he's crying too, kissing the top of Regulus's head. "It's okay. You're here now."
The details of the room start to bleed, dripping over their boundaries. Blurring into each other. Until Sirius can't tell the floor from the ceiling from the boy in his arms.
I can't believe I found you. I've been looking for so long. I can't believe you're here.
I missed you.
I missed you.
I missed you so much.
A pair of stars in the sky.
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goldcrown20 · 2 years
Written for @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Trinkets. A little angst but mostly fluff.
Sirius stepped out of the Floo into 12 Grimmauld Place, feeling Harry squirming in his arms. Before he could set the boy down to run off to Merlin-knew-where, he glanced to the side to check on Remus, who was calmly brushing Floo powder off his robes.
“Tell me again that we thoroughly child-proofed this place,” said Sirius, grimacing.
“There isn’t anything here that could harm Harry,” replied Remus calmly.
“Daddy, I’m a big boy now,” reminded Harry, frowning up at Sirius after the man set him on the floor.
Sirius tried not to laugh at the sight of the five year old boy crossing his arms and trying to look mature.
“Of course you are Prongslet,” he bent down and whispered into Harry’s ear. “That’s why we trust you to stay near either me or your Da.”
The trio left the foyer and entered the impressive Black library. Remus set up Harry with a coloring book in a cushy corner while Sirius surveyed the rows of mahogany shelves. He ran a hand through his dark curls and sighed. He hated being here, with memories of merciless tutors and Walburga’s suspicious scrutiny haunting the place like malicious ghosts. But this was for Harry, he reminded himself. It had been increasingly clear to both him and Remus that Voldemort was not dead. So regardless of what Dumbledore said, they had decided to take matters into their own hands and figure out why Voldemort’s body was never found. And unfortunately the Black Family library was the best place to do so.
“I’ll start with the Potions section,” said Remus, placing a comforting hand on Sirius’s shoulder.
As Sirius soon lost himself flipping through his ancestors’ collection of curse encyclopedias, he tried not think of a certain bedroom upstairs. He had long since learned that nothing good could come of pondering the fate of his baby brother, who sold his soul to a madman at the tender age of 18.
Speak of the devil, he cursed sadly to himself. He had opened a page to find none other than Regulus’s elegant cursive, detailing his theories on the application of combinatorial magicks to curse breaking.
Suddenly, he heard Remus’s frantic voice.
“Harry? Harry?” his partner called out from across the library.
Sirius’s heart skipped a beat. Ears ringing in alarm, he raced toward the corner where he last saw his child, only to see Remus opening and closing cupboard doors worriedly.
“He was here a few minutes ago.” Remus gave Sirius a wild eyed look.
“Moony, he has to be in the house somewhere. You take the second floor and I’ll take the third,” Sirius said, his war experiences kicking in.
Remus nodded and disappeared quickly. Sirius made his way to the third floor, trying not to imagine worst case scenarios.
Don’t catastrophize, Remus’s voice in his head reminded him, lowering Sirius’s heart rate slightly. He had always thought Moony would’ve been a great mind Healer, if the idiots at St Mungo’s would have accepted him.
Just then, Sirius saw the wide open doors of Walburga’s suite.
“Fuck,” he swore out loud. There hadn’t been any dark or dangerous items detected in there, he reminded himself. There was no chance Harry could’ve been cursed, or poisoned, or-
He slammed open the dressing room door to see a little boy bent over a large trunk of jewels and trinkets. Relief flooded him as he watched Harry root around in the Black matriarch’s old jewels. He silently sent a Patronus message to Remus, as he took deep breaths.
“I thought I told you to stay near us, Haz,” Sirius scolded gently.
Harry clambered out of the box to give Sirius an innocent look. “I forgot my red crayon,” he cried. “Terry the dragon needs red scales! You and Da were busy so I’m finding a new crayon.”
Sirius surveyed the gold bracelets and rings that adorned the child. “Those don’t look like crayons babe.”
“Terry the dragon also likes gold,” informed Harry matter of factly.
Before Sirius could wonder why a dragon would be named Terry, he caught sight of a particular trinket around Harry’s small wrist.
Tears sprung unwillingly to his eyes and he remembered his brother giggling uncontrollably at a young Sirius’s mocking portrayal of Walburga, dressed in her gaudy trinkets telling off yet another tutor.
His emotions must have shown on his face as Harry dropped the jewelry in his hands to race over to his parent.
“I’m sorry Daddy!” he cried, as he wrapped his arms around Sirius’s legs. He sobbed into Sirius’s robes as the wizard picked the little boy up and buried him in a hug.
“There you are, oh,” came Remus’s stern turned surprised voice. “Is everything all right?”
Sirius swallowed as he ran a hand down Harry’s back soothingly. “Yeah, just you know, memories,” he admitted sadly.
Remus’s already soft expression turned softer. “You know what, I think I gathered enough source materials and notes to begin our research.”
Sirius blinked. “You think?”
“Yeah, why don’t we all get out of here? There’s a zoo nearby, if someone’s interested,” said Remus, giving Harry a teasing look. Sirius felt a surge of gratitude and love for Moony, who could read him so well.
“Yeah! Will there be dragons? Terry wants to meet his friends,” asked Harry.
“Err…maybe not at this zoo, cub. But there will be lions,” Remus replied, taking Harry from Sirius.
As he listened to the two compare the “awesomeness” of lions versus dragons, Sirius gathered some of the jewelry and necklaces to place them carefully back in the trunk.
Smiling slightly at the thought of another little boy with black curls and grey eyes, he sent up a silent plea to the Universe that wherever his brother was, he was happy and at peace. With that thought, he closed the trunk and left the room to rejoin his little family.
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