#But it feels more like the way dreams or over dramatic stories go if that makes since
shanedoesdoodles · 7 months
You ever look for a specific word/thing to describe a feeling you're having and think you've found it but as you look more into it it turns out it was a simular concept but very distinct from what you were looking for? And then when you try to be more specific everything that pulls up is still the same close but definitely not the same thing to describe it? I'm a stuck in a bit of a loop at the moment
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The Meetup
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《Part 2 for Next Caller
《Pairings:College!Eddie Munson x shyfem!reader
《Summary: After your call with Eddie, you can't get him off your mind. You promised yourself to let your fears go and finally speak with him in person. Some things don't go as originally planned because Eddie just so happens to walk into your coffee shop.
《Warnings:fluff,smut. 90s!Eddie, a little tiny bit of dry humping, oral ( female & male receiving) dirty talk, pet names (good girl, sweetheart) phone sex, masturbation (male). Sex toys (fleshlight)
Word count: 7.7k
A/n: Please reblog like and leave a comment to show support. Not proofread ignore any mistakes you come across.
Disclaimer: Please read part one linked at the top to understand the rest of the story.
Mini series masterlist
18+ minors dni
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Almost a few days after the stunt, you pulled on the radio with Eddie it didn't take long before word got around on campus. It's all anyone could talk about they wanted to know who the mystery caller was, and Eddie seemed to be cornered more so than usual. As people surrounded him, he wished maybe one of them were you. Hiding amongst the crowd of people.
Anytime a woman called in, his assistant would jump out his skin. He knew he should have shut it down the moment it started, but he trusted Eddie. Now, anytime the phone rings, he instantly goes into a frenzied panic. Eddie just laughs at how over dramatic he was being. He knew if someone called in trying to pull the same stunt as you did, he'd turn them away. He's not gonna tell his assistant that, though. He likes how jumpy and absolutely horrified he gets when there is a female voice on the other end of the line.
You still listened in every show since that night. Almost every time someone called in, they would either want to do what you did or want to talk about you. One thing that pretty much kinda bothered you were some of the girls calling and pretending to be you. Sometimes, you felt like it was bait, and someone was just trying to get the real "Miss caller" to give away her true identity. Much like how tonight was going, if you were tired of it, you can only imagine how he must feel.
"Yeah hi its me calling you back." An unfamiliar female voice spoke.
"Nice try, you don't really sound anything like her, buh-bye." His voice etched with annoyance as he hung up on the fifth woman of the night.
"Anyone want to call in and talk about I' dunno sports?" He sounded absolutely over it.
"I'm fucking desperate over here."
He emitted a long sigh into the mic. "Can someone call in with an embarrassing or some shit?"
You begin to drown out the sound of him talking as he tries to move along the segment.
You felt bad you truly did for what was happening to him now. You don't regret choosing him to help you, but you wish the circumstances were a little different. You hope he didn't hate you for this. You don't think you could live with yourself if he did.
Eddie on the other hand couldn't get you off his mind. You infested it, and no matter how hard he tried to think of over things, you creeped your way back in. He dreamt of you, and every dream was the same. He could hear you speaking to him, but right when he got close enough to reveal who you were, he'd wake up.
He got absolutely chewed out by his boss that following day. His show was close to being taken off the air, but once they saw how much buzz it was getting, they decided against it. He was on thin ice, though, when it came to how raunchy his segment was allowed to get. The conversation made local news in your town, which created more concerns for you.
The thought of someone figuring out how to trace your call back to your home terrified you to no end. Could they even do something like that? You don't know and definitely don't want to find out. Eddie did make a promise to keep you anonymous, but that didn't mean everyone else who worked there did. You try to push the paranoia to the back of your mind and just put all of your focus on school and work. This whole situation should blow over shortly you hoped.
Even with all of the chaos at your campus right now, that still didn't persuade from wanting to go see him play Thursday. Which was perfect timing since your roommate was going out of town that same day. Leaving you to an empty home all to by yourself. Who knows, maybe you'd get lucky and take him home. It was wishful thinking on your part, but still, it could happen.
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Little did you know you didn't need to wait that long to see him after all. As you just rang up a customer's coffee order, he was next in line. He was too preoccupied looking at all the coffee options on the menu to see he's the next one to in line. You cleared your throat to get his attention and he looked right at you.
Your heart felt like it was in your throat when his eyes met yours. He looked very good today, making it much harder for you to focus. He had his hair pulled back and wore a oversized black corduroy button-up shirt with black ripped jeans. He gave an apologetic smile for holding you up.
"Uhhh, sorry, I really don't know what this shit means." He laughs, pointing back to the menu above.
Your mouth goes dry, and you try to play it cool.
"Well, what kind of coffee do you usually like?" You asked, trying to forget about who's standing before you. He's just some guy you kept reminding yourself.
He pressed his lips in a thin line, "Well, i usually don't drink coffee. if I did, I guess I wouldn't want it to taste like ass."
"So whatever you suggest."
You giggle and smile, turning to look at the menu as well. "I'd suggest maybe a vanilla latte. It's pretty basic."
"I'll take whatever you tell me to." He holds his hands up in surrender. "I'm putting all my faith in you."
"Wait a minute, are you implying im basic?" His mouth agape throwing a ringed hand over his heart pretending to be offended.
He was toying with you hoping to get you to laugh but instead you panicked.
Swallowing hard." N-no...its just a pretty standard drink to order."
"Hey, it's cool. I'm messing around." He reassured.
"Oh..um okay well then."
You try to regain your composure as your face begins to tingle.
"Okay, and what size? Small, medium, or large? " You asked him, trying to hide the fact that you're rapidly about to lose your mind.
"Oh, I need a large."
You nodded, putting in his order and ringing him up. He stands there a moment too long, and it's making you a little nervous. "Do I know you from somewhere?"
Your eyes grow wide, and you quickly turn to look away.
"Nope." You shook your head.
"You sure? You seem so familiar to me." He bends down on his elbows leaning on the counter. He's trying to examine your face to remember where he knows you from.
"We may have a had a class together at some point." You shrug.
"I mean yeah--but I don't know there is something else." He continued staring while you ran around behind the counter, putting away fresh croissant.
The longer it took for his latte to be finished, the more anxious you got. He wouldn't stop looking at you. You wanted to tell him it's rude to stare, but you don't. He kept trying to make small talk with you, which didn't help your nerves at all. You kept stumbling over your words or clearing your throat because it was getting dry.
You took a breath of fresh air when they finally called his order number. He took his coffee and waited around until you came back. "So, uhh, I don't know if this weird, but you wouldn't be apposed to going on a date with me?"
You blinked twice trying to figure out if you just heard him correctly.
"Come again?" You ask in disbelief.
"Oh, well, I was wondering if I could take you on a date?" He repeated as a small blush creeped along his cheeks.
"Yeah, sure. I mean, I'd love to." You tried to keep your cool, but on the inside, you were jumping for joy.
His smile grows ten times wider when he hears you accept his date. "Great, write down your address and phone number so we can keep in contact."
You nodded and ran to grab a pin and paper, giving him all of the information he needed. He also wrote down his number to give to you as well, just in case you needed to get in touch before your date.
"Cool, how's Friday sound?" He asks, taking the piece of paper you handed him. "Friday sounds great, actually."
"My names Eddie, by the way." He added motioning to himself.
He smiled again, taking a sip of coffee as he began heading for the door. He turns to look at you one last time before leaving. "I'll see you Friday, pretty girl."
"Thanks a latte." He joked, holding up his cup before finally exiting the coffee shop. His face scrunched up with embarrassment as he turned to leave. Why the fuck did I just say that? He thought to himself as he practically chugged down his drink, heading to his first lecture of the day.
You're standing still behind the counter, frozen in place. Did that really just happen? That fast? You started to think someone was pulling a prank on you. Maybe everyone did find out you were the caller and decided to mess with around. No, Eddie doesn't seem like the type of guy who would do something like that, you thought. You just couldn't get over how easy that was, a little too easy.
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The week went by way too fast for you, and the closer it got to your date, the more anxious you became. You wanted to tell him so badly it was you who called. Would he even still like you after that? He seemed just as eager to meet you as you wanted to meet him. Doesn't really matter now. You'd tell him eventually anyway. Especially if this date goes well.
You didn't see or hear from him too much during the days leading up to Friday. You figured he was very busy since he still was doing his show on the radio and playing with his band. On top of attending classes, he seemed like he didn't have much free time. Which is why you didn't cancel on him like you were probably going to. After you thought about it for a while, you realized he definitely was making the time to take you out.
Eddie called you a few times to check in and see if you were still willing to go out with him. He'd make small talk to ask how you were and if your classes were going well. He'd crack a joke or two, making you laugh easing your mind of any self doubt you had before.
Now that it was officially Friday evening, you quickly left work early to go home and get ready. He said he'd be come by eight o'clock to pick you up, giving you a few hours to decide what to wear. You searched through each article of clothing hating every single piece. You know deep down he doesn't care about what clothes you're wearing. He asked you out while you were in your work attire. With your coffee stained apron and dumb hat.
Still, you wanted to look nice for him, and you don't get out much as it is. So you opted for just a simple black dress. Dowsing yourself in a sweet perfume and putting on a pair of heels. You pray you don't end up falling and busting your ass in front of him tonight. You were shaved, plucked, and smelt of vanilla and spice.
You were just putting the last touches to your makeup on when you heard a knock at your front door. You did a last mirror check, making sure everything looked well put together. You take a long, deep breath and exhale before you go to open up for him.
When you opened the door to greet him, he was standing there with one hand in his pocket. While the other is holding a bouquet of flowers. He wore a black pullover sweater with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, revealing his tattooed arms. His dark curly hair loose around his shoulders, and he smelled like mint and tobacco. His smile widened when he saw you for the first time since your last meeting. His dimples on full display, and you couldn't help but melt a little. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't look too bad, either." You smile, stepping out to stand closer to him. "Nah, I just wanted to impress you."
He blushes, and this is the second time you've seen him do that. He gave a boyish smile and handed you the bouquet of flowers he picked. "These are for you, sweetheart."
"Thank you." You reached out to accept the flowers. "They're beautiful."
There is a moment where you both don't say a word and just stand there gazing at one another.
Eddie cleared his throat. "Shall we?"
You nodded, closing the door behind you and making your way to his van. He walked next to you with a hand on the small of your back. He moved past you quickly to open the door and help you get into the passenger seat. Eddie made his way to the driver side and hopped in no longer after you.
The drive to the restaurant was fairly quiet except for the music playing on Eddie's radio. He humed along, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat. You both steal glances here and there when the other isn't looking. Your heart beating a mile a minute.
Eddie seemed calm and collected, but on the inside, he felt just the same. Usually, he was pretty confident around women, but there was something about you that made his heart skip a beat. He doesn't know what it is that pulled him in so quickly. He's not complaining one bit either.
You finally see the restaurant up a head and sigh in relief. He pulled up and parked in the front. He made you wait there while he jumped out of the driver side to jog over to help open up your door. You took his hand and carefully got out while trying not to flash anyone in the process. You wish the dress you finally decided on wasn't so short.
You make your way inside where a hostess greets you both and guides you to a table in the far back. You sit across from one another while she handed you a menu to look over. A waitress soon comes by to ask what drinks you'd like, and you both settle on a Dr pepper.
She returned not too much longer to take your orders and set down your drinks. You and him seemed to be in sync tonight since the both of you ordered a burger with onion rings on the side. Once she took your order, she left, leaving you alone together again.
"So I'm gonna ask a boring question and say what do you enjoy doing for fun?" He playfully asked, taking a sip of his soda.
"Uh, well, I haven't been having much fun lately with work and school taking up my time." You confessed feeling a little embarrassed you don't live an exciting life you imagined he did.
"You don't hang out with friends or go out?" His brows furrowed.
You play around with a piece of paper on the table, avoiding his gaze. "Uh, well, I don't have that many friends here."
"I mostly just keep to myself and stay home a lot." You continued on.
He frowns. "Boyfriends?"
You shake your head, trying not to even think about any of your exes at a time like this.
"You know what? I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask about boyfriends while in the middle of a date." He gave an apologetic smile.
"Hope he doesn't mind sharing you for the night, though." He winked, making you laugh.
He seems to enjoy making you laugh when he notices you're uncomfortable or getting shy.
The waitress finally arrived back with your food, and you didn't hesitate to start eating immediately. He watched you with amusement and started eating right behind you. The longer you both talked, the more relaxed you became.
You were already familiar with him and found a form of comfort when listening to his show. But being alone with him felt different. You never thought this moment would come. You almost wanted to cry, thinking it was just some elaborate dream that you'd soon wake up from. The date was going amazing so far, and you never wanted it to end.
"So, um, how's your show going?" You ask him, not wanting to seem like he was the only one asking the questions.
"It's good..well actually I'm in some trouble, but they'll live. More people are listening in now, so I think the money will shut them up." He openly admited, shoving an onion ring in his mouth.
You raise an eyebrow "in trouble for what?"
You already knew but wanted to hear him say. You kept wondering what he thought about that phone call. Even if it might hurt your feelings, you were dying to know. Your curiosity always got the best of you.
He shakes his head. "Maybe I'll talk about it on our second date."
You giggle, finishing off the last bit of your dinner. "What do you like to do for fun?"
"Well, I play DnD when I have extra free time, I play with my band at the bar by campus." He frowned a little at the mention of his band.
"Sadly, we probably won't be playing much together here very soon." He adds.
Changing the subject quickly, not wanting to bring the mood down. "Girlfriends?"
"No girlfriends."
He eyed you up and down, grinning wide poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek. You swear you could see a little twinkle in his eye.
He leans forward, getting awfully close. " You almost ready to go?"
"Um sure, yeah." You respond a little sadly, not wanting the night to end so soon. He waves for the waitress to bring over the bill. Once he was done paying, you both got back in his vans.
The van ride back to your place wasn't as awkward as before, but there was something electric in the air. There is too much tension between the two of you. It felt like the silence was lingering until one of you decided to make the first move.
He pulls up in front of your home and helps you step out of the passenger side. Both of you walking up to your front door, not speaking. This was your chance to invite him in. You thought to yourself. "I had fun tonight."
"Yeah, me too." He smiled, putting his hands back in pockets.
You look up at him and whisper. " Do you want to come in?"
He paused for a moment, hoping he heard you correctly before answering. "Yeah, I'd love to come in."
You unlock the front door and take his hand, pulling him inside and guiding him to your bedroom.
The moment he was finally in his lips, crashed onto yours in a heated kiss. The kiss was sloppy and passionate as your tongues fought for dominance. Your lipstick smears on his mouth. He breaks away to move down your jaw and nip at your neck right under your ear. He nibbled and sucked at your tender skin, causing your knees to buckle. You grabbed onto his biceps, holding on tightly to keep your balance.
He stops to look at you in your eyes. "You wanna get undressed for me?"
You swallowed hard and nodded.
"Words, pretty girl." His voice is low and husky.
"Yes." You panted.
Eddie reaches around to unzip the back of your dress, letting it pool around your feet. He squates down his face mere inches from your heat. He looks up at you through his long lashes. He kisses your tummy right above the waistband of your panties before reaching to grab your ankle. He brought it forward to unclasp your heel. Your hands grip onto his shoulders, steadying yourself. He tosses the shoe to the side before moving to the next one and doing the same.
He stands up, reaching around your back again, unhooking your bra, and letting it fall to the floor, exposing your breasts. Your nipples harden in the cool air of your bedroom. You watch him as he takes his shirt off, exposing his bare chest to you. You notice tattoos you've never seen before. One of a faded demon on his peck and a black widow right under his clavicle. "Be a good girl and lay back on the bed."
You hesitate for a moment as your mind is already feeling hazy. You turned to slowly make your way up the bed, laying back against your pillows. You watch as he took his boots off and unbuckeld his jeans, letting them hang low on his hips. He seductively crawls his way up until he is hovering above you.
You push on his chest. "Umm....I don't think it's a good idea if we have sex."
He sit back on his knees. "Want me to leave?"
"No, we can do other stuff. I'm just not ready to do that." You confessed.
"Hey, we don't have to do anything you don't want to." He reassured you, bringing a hand to gently cup your cheek.
You let out a shakey breath, feeling a little more comfortable . You were worried he would be mad at you, but he wasn't.
"If you don't like anything I'm doing, don't be afraid to tell me,okay?" He's being sincere, you can tell. He wanted you to feel safe with him.
You nodded again. "Okay, i will."
"Good." He smiled and leaned down to give you another kiss to your lips.
He brought his hips against yours grinding his hard cock against your core. You moan in his mouth when his cock applies pressure to your clit over your panties. He pushes against you harder, causing him to grunt. He moved to lay by your side, pressing his front right up against you. His fingers dance and play with the waistband of your panties. You can feel his prominent buldge pressing against your outer thigh. His calloused fingers slowly slips past the delicate lace. You can feel him brushing past your clit. He carefully glides his middle finger in between your wet fold, collecting your slick on his finger. Ignoring your aching bud in the process.
"Fuck you're so wet." He murmured against your mouth.
He pushes one finger inside your entrance, pumping it agonizingly slow. Your head falls back, giving him the perfect opportunity to attack your neck. He nips and sucks on the skin by your ear. Biting, licking, and sucking while his finger is knuckle deep in your pussy. He adds another stretching you open around his thick fingers. His thumb pressing firmly on your clit. You squeezed your eyes shut and let out gasp.
"Think of my cock pretty girl." He whispered curving his fingers upward.
"Mmm!, s-so good." You whimper.
That's all you could respond with your mind completely gone. All you could do was focus on how he seemed determined to make you feel good. You feel him smile against your neck when where his lips were leaving feather like kisses all over. You clench around him as his fingers start working on that sweet spot on your walls.
"F-fuck." You let out a strangled moan bucking your hips.
He grinds his cock against your thigh. "Feel that?"
"Feel how hard I am for you?"
You look up at him with big doe eyes."y-yes I can feel you."
His picks up the pace, his fingers plunging in and out, making your head spin. Your pussy wet and loud taking his middle and ring finger. The tightness in your core building with each pump of fingers. Your moans getting more pornographic. His warm breath on your neck making you squirm.
"You're such a messy girl. My hand is getting soaked." He purrs in your ear.
He ruts harder against your thigh, violently rocking your bed.
"Can I taste you?" He rasped.
You let out groan. "Please"
You swallow hard as your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. You're already breathless. A small frown forms on your face when you feel his thick fingers leaving from inside of you.
"Ah ah, no pouting." He wiggled his index finger at you playfully.
No one has ever done this to you before. None of your exes cared about your pleasure they only wanted to get themselves off and then leave you to handle the rest. Eddie was the first man to help you cum and now he's going to be the first man to taste you. All of your ex boyfriends were selfish lovers. Which brought on so many insecurities you've been working hard to overcome. There was a part of you that didn't want him to keep going, but there was another part that was telling you to let go and enjoy it.
He gave you one last deep kiss on your lips before moving and kissing his way down right above your sex. He looked up at you again, and his pupils were blown out with lust. He never breaks eye contact as he slowly drags your panties down your legs. He sits up higher for a moment, admiring your naked body spread out before him. You went to close your legs, but he stopped you. "Let me see you."
Thats all you needed to hear before spreading them wider for him.
He cursed under his breath, closing his eyes, trying not to attack the moment you show yourself to him. "I'm gonna make you feel so fucking good."
He dips down again, his face so close to your pussy now. He hums in approval when he sees how soaked you are for him. Your slick dripping down to the curve of your ass. He kisses the inside of your thighs, testing to see how much you can take before you're begging him for more. It doesn't take long before you're already impatient. He nips and sucks at the soft skin, making you buck up against his face. His nose nudging your throbbing clit.
"Patience, sweetheart." He laughed.
You buck up again, wanting desperately wanting his mouth.
Without warning, you feel his warm tongue licking a long strip between your wet folds. You sucked in a breath, never having felt something like this before. "OOh!,Eddie." You mewled
He pulls you down hard against his face, grunting against you. He sucks and laps at your folds, letting your slick cover his face. You grind against his mouth, throwing your head back against the pillows. Your legs go to squeeze around his head, but his strong hands hold them in place. He takes his tongue to flick across your clit making you wriggle. His mouth attaches to your sensitive bud, and he sucks on it softly. You went to push his head away as the sensation is too much. He removed his mouth, checking see to see if you're okay. "You okay?"
"Why'd you stop?" You whined.
He smiled before reattaching his plump lips to your clit slurping and flicking his tongue over it. He watches as you writhe above him. His eyes never left you as he almost seemed mesmerized by the sight before him. You've never felt this desired by anyone before. Your hips bucking as you grind on his face as he begins sucking harder on your aching clit.
You grip the blankets beneath you. "i-im getting close."
His removes a hand from one of your thighs and carefully pushes one finger inside your entrance. You grab and pull on his hair, making him grunt against you. He adds another finger, curving them upwards to stroke that sweet spot on your walls.
Removing his mouth for a moment "Yeah is my good girl gonna cum?" He asked quickly reattaching his lips to your sore clit. Your backing arching off the bed as you pull on his hair some more.
Your walls pulsating around him as his fingers pump in out of you fast. His mouth sucking on your clit harshly as his fingers plunge deep inside your pussy. The wet noises his mouth is making as his tastes you, mixed with the squelching of your pussy fill the room.
He's lapping away at you, getting lost in your taste, driving you absolutely wild.
"Mmphf! Don't stop." You begged him.
You feel that all too familiar tightness building again, and you clench around his fingers. Your legs are twitcing and trembling. You're breathing harder than before. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your orgasm washes over you fast, leaving your body to shake. Eddies mouth never letting go of your clit. While his skilled fingers work on your pussy helping you ride out your orgasm.
He removes his mouth and fingers from you tenderly, not wanting to hurt you in any kind of way. His face glistening with your slick and his lips look swollen. He moves to lay next to you on your bed. You're slowly coming down from your high. Your breathing evening out as you come to. You both lay there in silence for a few minutes.
"Can I taste you now?" Your voice sounding small as you asked.
"Fuck." He murmured under his breath.
"Yeah, you can taste me." He whispers back.
Moving to sit back between his legs, you reached to take off his pants off. He helped you by wiggling them down his legs and discarding them to the floor. You notice how painfully hard he is in his boxers, and you lick your lips. Hooking your fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down. His his cock spring free hitting his belly button. The head an angry red leaking precum down his shaft. He hisses when the cool air hits sensitive his tip. Your eyes widened at the size of him. You now know he was telling the truth. He was big, and you don't know how you're gonna be able to fit all of him in your mouth.
He grabs it, giving it a few light strokes eagerly waiting for your mouth. Precum still dripping alongside it, getting on his hand.
"Don't be shy." His voice low and deep just like how he spoke to you that night on the radio. "I hope you'll let me be inside you one day."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? He bites his lip, waiting for your response.
"Yes." Your voice barely above a whisper.
His eyebrows raise, and a cocky grin spreads across his face. "You felt so tight taking my fingers. I can only imagine how you must feel when I'm spreading you open."
"Just thinking about you taking my cock. The little noises you'd make as you're begging for more."
He presses his thumb on the leaking slit his mouth forming an O shape at the pressure. The veins along his shaft are prominent from the amount of blood rushing to his cock.
"Making you cry because it feels so good." He's breathing heavier while eyeing you in front of him. He wants to get you worked up until you can't take it anymore. Teasing was his favorite part before anything. He didnt even have to touch anyone before he had them begging to be fucked in some type of way.
He kept going on. The way he was speaking to you brought you right back to the night you called him. You squeeze your thighs tightly together, desperate for any small amount of friction.
"Gonna think about that tight pussy when I'm cuming down your throat." His voice deep and seductive. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Hes thinking about all the ways he'd fuck you. Imagining what your pretty tits would look like with his cum is dripping down them. Filling you up with his cum and watching it dripping out after removing his cock.
Watching him stroke his cock as he thinks about fucking you makes your pussy flutter. You wonder what he must feel like. The feeling of him stretching you open. You're getting tired of him taunting you. You needed to taste him now.
You smacked his hand away, replacing it with your own, giving it a few more light strokes. You move your thumb to press down on his tip. He grunts and bangs his head back against your headboard. You bend down to give the head of his cock a quick peck. You remove your hand and spit into it as you grasp his thick shaft, rubbing it up and down lazily. His mouth hangs open as relaxes and enjoys what you're doing.
Moving your mouth closer, you kitten licked at his tip, tasting his precum. His thrusts his hips as you continue teasing him like he did to you earlier. You take the opportunity to pull away and spit directly on his cock earning you low groan deep from his chest. You begin to suck on the head of cock. Using your spit mixed with his precum as a lubricant to continue stroking his hard length with your hand.
Gliding your mouth down his length until he's hitting the back of your throat, making you gag a little. You removed your hand, resting them on his thighs. You try relaxing your throat while taking as much of him in your mouth as you can. He wasn't even all the way in, and he's already has you gagging. Tears leaking from your eyes smudging your mascara.
"Oh! fuck!, c-careful, sweetheart." He coaxed you.
Drool spilling down your chin as you try to take more of him in your throat. You attempt to keep him back there and focus on breathing from your nose. Sucking lightly on him, you pull him all the way out and swirl your tongue around his tip. "Hmm! your mouth feels so fucking good."
Your tongue wet and warm teasing the head of his cock. Eddie does everything in his power to not push you back down on his length.
He breathed heavily. "Shit! I-I not gonna last if you keep doing that."
Removing his cock from your mouth, creating a loud pop in his absence.
"you like it when I tease your cock eddie?"You asked in a sultry voice.
You wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"Look who's not so shy afterall." He taunted you
You don't know what has come over you suddenly, but having him here in your bed tonight gave you a boost of confidence you never knew you had.
Putting the head of his cock to your mouth sucking it firmly almost forcing him to answer. "Y-yeah I like...I like the way you're teasing me."
You slip his length back down as far he could go in your throat, swallowing around him.
Hearing him like that only spurred you on more. Sucking his cock a little harder than before. Your head bobbing up and down faster. Your other hand moves to cup his balls, and he jerks at the feeling. The sensation of you massaging his balls and your mouth working on his cock practically sends him into a coma of bliss. His abs flexing and his toes curl. His entire body glistened with sweat. "Shit i-im gonna fuck... I'm gonna cum."
"You're gonna make me cum." He panted above you.
With a few more pumps of your hand and mouth sucking harder on his length. You feel his cock twitch and he's shooting his cum deep down your throat. Some spilling out and leaked from the corners of your mouth. He moans out loud and holds your head down until he's finished. You tried to swallow as much of him as you could take. Your mouth not leaving until you're collecting every bit. " S-sweetheart, please."
You let him go with a long string of saliva connecting you to his cock, his cum dripping down your chin. You collect it on your fingertips, bringing it to your mouth, not wanting to waste a drop. Sucking your fingers clean enjoying the salty taste of his cum.
He goes limp as he comes down from his high. His eyes glossed over watching your every move as you lick his cum from your fingers.
You moved to lay back next to him as you wait to see if he will soon leave. His chest rose and fell calmly now, but his head was still foggy. You don't want him to go, but you understand if he does.
"Thank you for tonight" you turn to smile weakly at him.
"No problem." He snorted.
There is a long, drawn-out pause, and you decided it time to tell him your secret.
"Um, I have something to confess to you." You're nervous, and he can tell.
He sit up straight and looks over at you, concern etched on his face. "Yeah? "
"Well, umm, I was the one who called you that night.....on your show." You confessed, looking down, playing with your thumbs.
He blinked, taking in what you just said. Not really sure if he heard you right or if he's still a little dazed.
"Are-- are you serious? " He sounded a little harsh, but he didn't intend to. That night was all he could think about since it happened. You were all he could think about. He lost hours and hours of sleep coming up with different possible scenarios on how he would find you. Who you could possibly be.
"Yeah. Are you mad?" You look over at him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
His face softens immediately when he notices. "Are you kidding?"
"I've been thinking about you ever since." He sprang up on his knees with excitement scooting closer to you.
You wipe at your eyes and laugh when he takes your hands into his. The fear that was building up moments ago slowly fading away."Really?"
"Oh, you're definitely not getting rid of me now." He exclaimed.
"So, do you maybe want to go out again?" You shyly asked.
"Fuck yeah I do!" He celebrated clapping his his hands together.
You laughed at his excitement. Making you feel so much better now that you got that off your chest. No one has ever made you feel like this before. You felt like you've known him forever even though you just met in person. "Can I call you... like all the time?"
"Yes, absolutely you can." You giggle.
"Hope you don't mind late night ramblings and bad puns," He advised.
"I love bad puns."
He laid back down next, throwing an arm around you. The both of you stayed like that for the rest of the night. Staying up for hours laughing and telling each other stories about your life. You wish you and him didn't have to ever leave this bed.
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Another couple of days have passed, and you really haven't heard much again from him since your date. You were starting to think he was just saying all of that stuff because he thought it was something you wanted to hear. You tried not to think like that and just chalked it up to him being extremely busy because he was.
He did talk about you a little bit on his show but never mentioned you were also the mystery caller everyone has been gossiping about. You listened in biting at your nails when he talked about going on a date with a cutie from the coffee shop across from campus.
Eddie never once talked about hooking up with you, and you're grateful for that. He didn't use your date as a way to have another story for his show. He genuinely wanted to take you out and have a nice time. He didn't hook up for a new story to keep his segment interesting. Most of the girls he was with actually asked him to talk about it. Otherwise, he never would have done it to begin with.
You sat on your bed feet dangling over the side, contemplating if you should just bite the bullet and call first. You don't wanna seem desperate, but you also really want to see him again. He agreed to go on another date with you. Since you haven't heard much else from him, you don't want to come off pushy.
Maybe you should call first? Let him know you're equally as interested in him.
You snatch up the phone and the little piece of paper he gave with his number on it. Putting in the digits and waiting for the dial tone to start ringing. You felt like you were waiting forever, but it's only been a few seconds. You were almost ready to hang up and pretend this never happened until you heard him answer.
"H-hello?" He panted into the phone.
He sounded like he was currently in the middle of something. What that something is you don't know yet.
"Hi, it's me....just wanted to call and check in with you." You spoke softly in the other end.
"Y-yeah, uhh, I'm doing good." He stumbled over his words.
He sounded out of breath, and now you're really hoping you didn't interrupt him. Especially if he has company at his place. The thought of that makes you feel a little sick. You're not dating him and barely even know him. You shouldn't feel this way even if he did have someone over. "I can let you go. You seem a little busy."
"Wait, don't hang up!" He exclaimed.
He ponders for a moment on how he can keep you on the other line.
"Wanna help me...with... something? " he asked with a nervous laugh.
You swallow hard before answering. "What do you need?"
You hear him curse under his breath in your ear. Low grunts can be heard, and it doesn't take long before you can figure out what's going on.
"W--wanna talk to you while I fuck this toy." He breathed heavy.
You go to lay back on your bed playing with the hem of your pajama shorts. You know what he wants you to do. Since he helped you out, you might as well do the same for him. It's only fair, right? The last time you did this, hundreds of people were listening. This time, it's just the two of you. Making the situation more intimate, but it also helps take the edge off.
Eddie was currently balls deep in his fleshlight when you called. He just got out of the shower hair still wet and sticking to his body. All day long, he kept thinking about you. He's been painfully hard and wanted to see if he could come over to your place again but didn't want to be so forward. He didn't want you to think he was using you to get off. He really really liked you and hoped there could be something more between the two of you. So he was going to do what he normally would and take of it himself. That was until you called him, and it sparked a little idea in his brain.
He was leaning back against a wall with one hand on a chair next to him, trying to keep his balance upright. Lube was all over his toy, leaking out onto the soft curls between his legs and balls. He glided the toy up and down his length at a steady pace trying not to cum so soon already. His mind races with vivid thoughts of you.
"What do you think about when you do that?" Your voice coming out so small in his ear.
He smiles to himself. "Well I--was thinking about you."
"Like, what exactly?" You played innocent.
Eddie knows what game you're playing, and he has no problem going along with it. He pulls his cock almost all the way out of the toy only to slam it back down hard causing him to groan loud. His legs almost giving out from under him. He pulled out the chair next to him and plopped down.
Biting his lip to stifle another moan.
"Thinkin' about you squeezing around me." He breathed heavily in your ear. "Wishing this was your pussy instead of some..F-fucking toy."
Sinking his cock back inside making a loud schlick noise you can faintly hear in the phone. Pumping his cock while his other hand runs along his abdomen. He's trying to balance the phone between his shoulder and cheek praying he doesnt drop it. His face and chest flushed a crimson red. He lets out a loud moan when he thrusts upward. "Ooh! Shit!"
"Did I feel good?" You purred into the phone.
"God yes--- so fucking tight. the way you hugged my fingers when i was knuckle deep inside you."
You squeeze your thighs together involuntarily, and you can feel a wetness pool in between your legs. You bite down on your lip hard listening as he fucks himself while talking about you. You want to touch yourself so badly. Your nipples hardening under the sheer thin material of your tank top.
Pumping his cock faster in the toy, lube splashing all over his pelvis and wrist dripping down onto the of floor. He's making a total mess and he doesn't care. He thinks about how messy he could make you.
You interrupt him from his thoughts
"What do you wanna do to me?" You whisper.
"Fuuuck, I wanna do the nastiest things to you." His voice ragged.
Moving the toy up and down his cock as he spoke in the phone, trying to keep It balanced as best he could.
He lets out whimper, "Wanna fill you up with my cum and clean it out of you with my tongue."
"W-wanna..fuuuck...wanna cum all over those pretty tits." He's panting and grunting louder in your ear.
....."Yeah?" You cooed.
"Make you cum in all sorts of ways you never even imagined you could."
He legs kick up, and his stomach tightens. He was getting close but didn't want this to end, not yet.
You're still lying in bed, looking up at your ceiling. You never thought you'd have this burst of confidence yet again, but it's different with him. You don't feel ashamed of anything. The way he's coming undone just by talking to you only made you never want to stop. You felt empowered.
There is a throbbing ache between your legs that you desperately want to take care of. You try to ignore it and put all of your focus on him. You wiggle around clenching up. Doing anything to ease that ache.
"Tell me what you think about you when you touch yourself." He breathed.
"You think of me?"
"Yeah," you muttered quietly.
"So tell me." He commanded gently.
You stammered. "I um, I think about what you would feel like inside me."
"Oh yeah?" His voice getting low.
Goosebumps prickle all over your skin when he does that voice. You squirm in your bed just thinking about that night he used it when he helped you cum over the phone. It was domineering and seductive.
"Mmhm, you're so big." You whimper.
"I don't think I could fit all of you."
"Fuuuck." He groans
"You wanna feel my cock struggling to stretch you open? Is that it?"
You whined into the phone. "Yes, I need it so bad Eddie."
His cock steadily plunging in out of his toy in a brutal pace. He's getting closer to his release, and the phone drops with a loud thud in your ear. His other hand moving to cup his balls mimicking how you massaged them. His hips thrusting up and all you can hear is the squelching sound his cock is making in the toy.
"Oooh shit!" He groaned louder. With a few more strokes and he's spilling his cum inside the toy. Still pumping his length, milking himself of every drop. His cum spilling out and coating his balls. He lays there in the chair, head falling back before realizing he dropped the phone. His head all foggy, and his vision is blury.
He went to get up, but his legs gave out, and he fell back down.
You heard him cursing from afar. You laughed to yourself, knowing he probably had fallen down.
"Hang on!" He called out
He leans over and reaches out far to snatch up the phone off the floor. His breathing is ragged when he goes to talk. "I've never came that hard in my life."
Smacking a hand on his belly he changes the subject.
"Okay, so what were you originally calling me about? " He asked still panting in the phone.
"Umm, well, I wanted to see if you were still up for going out again....Maybe?" You closed your eyes, waiting for his response.
"Yeah, actually, you know my band is playing Wednesday. Why don't you come see us." He said matter of factly. Like you didn't just help him jerk off on the other line.
You don't understand how one minute he can say some of the most dirtiest things to you and the next be totally nonchalant. All you want to do now is hang up and take care of the ache between your legs.
"I'd love to!" You accept his offer excitement etched in your tone.
He lets out a laugh. "Great, it's a date."
Before you both go to hang up, he stops you.
..."Oh, and thank you for helping me this time." His tone sultry.
Your eyebrows shot up, and you gulp. "No problem--it was fun."
"Goodnight, Eddie." You said sweetly.
"Goodnight, sweetheart."
You both stay on the line, neither one wanting to be the first to hang up. Eventually, you had to hang up first since it seemed like he wasn't going to be the one to do it. You roll over on your side, trying to relax and ready yourself for sleep. Your mind racing with excitement that you're finally going to see him play.
Maybe after your date, Eddie can take you back to his place this time. The ache between your legs was not subsiding. You needed him, and after your date, you decided it was time to have him.
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tini5 · 22 days
In Paris, With You...
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Pairing : Drew Starkey x Reader
Summary : What starts as a playful tease from your best friend, Timothée about a crush quickly turns into an unforgettable night. Being invited to the Loewe fashion show in Paris, leads you to get tangled in your sheets with Drew.
Themes : Fluff/Smut
Word Count : 4346
Note : I am apologizing in advance bc it's my first time writing a fic that long, along with first attempt at writing smut and for drew in general!!! I tried my best, even tho i think i wrote more about timmys and taylors relationship i hope you enjoy!! Not proofreaded!!
"I wish you would get invited to Loewe’s fashion show in Paris,” Timothée said, his lips curling into a playful smile as he picked at a piece of sushi on his plate. The familiar hum of the restaurant around you made the moment feel even more personal, like the world outside was a distant dream, a comfortable quiet between you, only interrupted by the clinking of plates as the waiter brought over a fresh round of sushi. 
Your place—our place, you thought—was a small, hidden sushi restaurant in New York, a cozy spot where you two came to unwind, laugh, and share stories you couldn’t share with anyone else. It was a place you and Timothée had claimed as your own since your careers first took off. A lot has changed since then. Starring in Luca Guadagnino’s movie “Challengers” and seeing your career take off at just 22, was truly amazing.  
He leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, narrowing them at you like he was about to reveal a grand secret. “That way, you could meet your lover boy,” he teased, adding a dramatic hand movements with his chopsticks.
You rolled your eyes, but there was no hiding the flush creeping up your neck. “You want me to go to Loewe’s show just because of Drew starkey? I don’t even like him like that.”
Timmy raised an eyebrow, the smirk widening. “Lies, lies, lies,” he sang, his voice dripping with mock accusation. You hated how well he knew you—sometimes better than you knew yourself.
“Whatever,” you muttered, stabbing at your own sushi defensively as you put down your chopsticks. “Do you know who’s the brand ambassador of Loewe?”
The shift in Timothée’s expression was instant, his face scrunching up in a mix of guilt and annoyance, as if he knew exactly where this conversation was heading. He sighed dramatically, but before he could stop you…-
“The most gorgeous woman you fumbled because of you know who – the one who shall not be named,” you said, letting the word her hang in the air, dripping with emphasis.
There was no need to explain further. He knew exactly who you meant. You watched as his shoulders sagged slightly, but the smirk stayed on his face, though now it was more resigned than mischievous.
“Low blow,” he muttered, and you both burst into laughter, the memory of his ill-fated relationship hanging between you like a shared joke.
Who knew that Timothée’s big mouth could sense the future? But here you were, sitting in a car, watching the skyline of Paris blur past as you headed toward Loewe’s fashion show. It was almost too surreal, the memory of that sushi restaurant conversation lingering in the back of your mind.
You glanced over at Timmy, who was typing something on his phone, his thumb moving in rapid, practiced motions. He looked up for a second and grinned. "See? I told you. Here we are, ready for your lover boy," he teased, leaning back in his seat, eyes glinting with mischief.
You couldn’t stop the eye roll that followed. "I swear, you have an obsession with that phrase. But we don't even know if he'll be there."
"You hope he’ll be there," Timmy quipped, nudging your shoulder playfullly.
You tried to suppress a smile, but it was useless. Yes, you hoped. Drew Starkey had become a quiet fixation in your mind—there was something about him that you couldn’t shake off. Maybe it was his blue eyes, his charisma, his –
Your hands smoothed over the fabric of your dress, custom-made by Loewe, every stitch and detail meticulously crafted to perfection. Jonathan Anderson had made sure it reflected not only the brand’s style but also you—soft yet bold, striking but elegant. You looked stunning, and you knew it. 
The car ride felt both too long and too short, your mind spinning with what-ifs. Timmy, noticing your quiet, serious for once, put his phone away and turned to face you. "Hey," he said gently. "We can ditch it if you want. No fashion show and no boy is worth you eating your nerves over."
You smiled softly at him. That was the thing about Timothée—he knew when to be playful, and he knew when to be serious. He knew you. "I know," you said, your voice quiet but steady. "But I’ll be fine. Besides, you’d be miserable if you missed the after party later.”
Timmy shrugged with a grin. "Yeah, you’re probably right. But seriously, if you want to go, we’ll go. If you want to leave, we’ll leave."
You appreciated that more than you could say, but instead of responding, you looked out the window. The car slowed to a stop, and the reality of the situation hit you. The cameras, the people, the flashing lights—it was all waiting just outside.
"Ready?" Timmy asked, holding out his hand like a knight in shining armor.
You took a deep breath and nodded, slipping your hand into his. "As ready as I'll ever be."
The fashion show itself was a whirlwind. Lights, camera flashes, the hum of conversation blending with the soft music in the background. But amidst the glamour, you were determined to keep your distance from Drew. Every time you caught a glimpse of his tall frame, you did your best to blend into the crowd and focus on the runway.
Timothée, couldn’t resist teasing you about Drew, his playful remarks making it even harder to stay composed. Despite your heart fluttering every time you heard his soft laugh, you managed to keep your cool, or at least you hoped you did.
The show itself was a visual feast, with stunning outfits by Loewe that left everyone in awe. Timothée was in his element, charming everyone he spoke to, effortlessly gliding through the crowd. Yet, you could tell he was also trying hard to avoid running into Taylor Russell. 
You couldn’t miss how his eyes flickered toward her now and then, a flash of something in his expression that only you could read. But you gave him space, knowing that whatever was going on between them was its own delicate web.
You exchanged polite smiles and laughed at jokes, did your best to keep up but your thoughts always circled back to one thing: Drew Starkey.
You both succeeded in your mission during the show. But as the show came to a close and the after-party beckoned, the sense of triumph was short-lived. 
The after-party was a different beast altogether. And there, at the heart of it, was Drew Starkey, mingling with his entourage and catching your eye from time to time. Despite your best efforts, you felt the electric pull of his gaze, the gravity of his presence impossible to ignore.
Timmy noticed, of course. "We can leave, you know, get a take out" he offered again as you both stepped into the car. But you shook your head, determined now. “Then stop worrying. He is not going to eat you.” Teased Timmy. 
Then it happened. As you sat at the table with Timothee, you saw Taylor Russell make her way through crowd. 
You quickly turned to Timothée, a note of urgency in your voice. “Timmy, don’t panic, but she’s coming over.”
Timothée’s eyes widened slightly as he turned to look at Taylor. His usual nonchalance faded into a look of mild panic. “You’re kidding,” he muttered, trying to keep his cool. “Why does she have to pick now to come over?”
And before you knew… - “Hello” – Tension shifted as Taylor greeted you with her ever the sweetest voice. 
“I’m going to grab a drink. I’ll catch up with you later.” you said, your voice carrying a light, reassuring tone. You shot him a quick look, raising an eyebrow. "I’ll kill you if you screw it up," you mouthed playfully, earning a quick smirk from him before you excused yourself to give them some privacy.
Making your way to the bar, you tried not to let your nerves overwhelm you. Just a drink, you thought. Just a quick drink, then I can blend into the background.
“One Cosmopolitan, please,” you told the bartender, just as a familiar voice from beside you made your heart skip a beat.
“It’s on me.”
You turned, and there he was—Drew Starkey, leaning against the bar with a whiskey in hand, looking as effortlessly cool as ever.
Your pulse quickened at the sound of Drew’s voice. He stood next to you, casually leaning on the bar like he belonged there—like he belonged everywhere. His tailored jacket hung off his broad shoulders as though it was designed for him alone. His eyes, that piercing blue you couldn’t forget, caught yours as he smiled—a lazy, confident grin that made your stomach do a flip.
“It’s on me,” he repeated, a little softer, his voice low enough to feel intimate despite the crowd around you.
Your heart stuttered, and for a split second, you forgot how to respond. All those times you’d fantasized about running into Drew Starkey in moments like this and now-  He was right there, buying you a drink, and you felt like a teenager all over again.
“Thank you” you finally managed, forcing the word out without sounding too flustered. But your face betrayed you, the warmth creeping up your neck and settling in your cheeks. You prayed the dim lighting would hide the blush.
The bartender slid your drink in front of you, and you lifted it to your lips, hoping the cool liquid would calm your nerves. But Drew was watching you—really watching you—and that made it impossible to relax. His eyes never left yours, and there was something about his gaze that made you feel both exposed and flattered at the same time.
“You look stunning, by the way,” Drew added, his voice velvety smooth, the compliment slipping out so easily it nearly disarmed you.
You blinked, trying to play it cool, but the way he said it made your heart race. "Thanks," you said again, "You’re not so bad yourself."
Drew chuckled, a deep sound that seemed to ripple through the air between you. His presence was intoxicating, almost as much as the drink in your hand. “I’ve been told,” he joked, his smile widening just enough to show a hint of mischief. Your lips tugged into a grin despite yourself. 
“So," he said, leaning in a little closer, his elbow brushing lightly against your arm as if testing your boundaries, "how are you enjoying Paris?”
A warm smile spread across your face, and you took a moment to gather your thoughts. “Paris is... well, it’s like coming home in a way,” you began, your voice tinged with affection. “Even though I grew up in the States, there’s something about this city that just feels incredibly familiar and comforting.”
You took a sip of your cosmopolitan, letting the flavors mingle with your emotions. “It’s the little things, you know? The way the light changes on the Seine, the scent of freshly baked pastries through the streets, It all feels so...Parisian. It’s like stepping into a world that’s both new and deeply personal at the same time.”
Drew’s smile widened, his expression softening, a genuine appreciation in his eyes. “I can see how much this city means to you. It sounds like you’re really embracing the magic of Paris.”
You nodded, a playful smile tugging at your lips“So the Queer, huh?” you asked, your tone light and teasing. Drew’s chuckle was light and warm, making you smile even more. “So the Challengers, huh?”
You both laughed, the easy banter between you making the moment feel effortless and natural. 
“So, how was working with Luca? I know how he gets sometimes.” 
His eyes lit up at the mention of Luca’s name, and you couldn’t help but smile warmly. “Luca is incredible. He’s not just a director; he’s like a creative force of nature. it’s like he has this unique ability to bring out the best in everyone he works with.”
You leaned in slightly, enjoying the conversation. “Oh, absolutely. Luca has this way of making you feel like you’re part of something truly special. I’ve learned so much from him. He’s like a father figure to me.”
Drew’s gaze was warm and appreciative, “Its sweet how full of love you are.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his compliment, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, is that so? But enough about Luca. What about you, Drew? What’s your creative magic like?”
Drew’s smile widened, a playful glint in his eyes. “My magic? Well, I’d say it’s more about finding the right moments to create something special. And right now, I think the real magic is happening here.” He gestured between the two of you with a teasing grin.
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “And what makes you say that?”
Drew leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “Well, I have to say, talking to you is a highlight of my night. You’ve got this incredible energy that’s hard to resist. And I’m not just talking about your career.”
A soft laugh escaped you, and you could feel the flirtatious tension between you growing. “Is that so? I must admit,you’ve got a way of making me feel special.”
Drew’s eyes met yours with a look that was both sincere and playful. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s not every day I get to chat with someone as fascinating and pretty as you”
You felt a flutter in your stomach at his words. “Well, I’m glad I could make an impression” 
Drew’s smile grew, his gaze held yours, But before either of you could continue, the moment shattered.
“Drew? What took you so long?”
Odessa’s voice sliced through the comfortable haze you and Drew had created, and the tension in the air shifted immediately. 
You didn’t have to turn around to know it was her—the sharpness in her tone was unmistakable. Drew’s shoulders stiffened slightly, and though his smile didn’t completely fade, it wasn’t as easygoing as before.
Odessa was stunning, of course—there was no denying that But there was something about her presence that felt... strange. Maybe it was the way she looked at you, her eyes flicking up and down, sizing you up in a single sweep. 
Her expression betraying a hint of impatience. “I was just about ready to head out. Are you not coming?”
Drew turned to her, his face a mixture of apology and concern. “Oh, right. I just got caught up in a conversation here. I’ll be right out in a moment, go wait outside okay?”
Odessa’s eyes flicked to you with a mixture of curiosity and something sharper—perhaps jealousy. She gave you a curt nod. “Nice to meet you.”
You offered a polite smile, trying to keep the interaction friendly despite the underlying tension. “Nice to meet you too, Odessa.”
Drew’s gaze returned to you, and there was a softness in his eyes that made your heart flutter. “I really enjoyed talking with you. I’m sorry –
You nodded, feeling a mix of disappointment and understanding. “It’s okay. I hope you both have a good night.”
Drew’s smile was tinged with regret as he leaned in slightly, his voice low and sincere. “I’ll text you.”
With a final, lingering glance, Drew turned and walked away ,leaving you with a swirl of emotions. You watched him disappear into the crowd before taking a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering in your chest.
You downed the rest of your cosmopolitan in one go, hoping the drink would steady your nerves. Pulling out your phone, you quickly texted Timothée, letting him know you were heading out.
As you made your way to the Uber pickup area, you could feel the mix of excitement building inside you. Just as you settled into the backseat of the car, your phone buzzed with a new message.
It was from Drew. 
Drew: I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation. I’d love to continue it… 
You: 44.
You: It’s my hotel room number. 
You: Don’t make me wait. 
The Uber ride back to your hotel was a blur. Your heart hadn’t stopped pounding. 
You leaned your head against the window, watching the lights of Paris blur past as the adrenaline surged through your veins. 
Stepping out of the car and you hurried your way up to your hotel room. Part of you wondered what you were getting yourself into, but the other part—the part that had been down bad for Drew Starkey since the moment you saw him—couldn’t resist the temptation.
And then, finally, not too long after you entered your room, a soft knock was heared.  You froze for a moment, staring at the door, before gathering yourself and opening it.
Drew’s eyes were dark, intense, but his smile was soft, disarming. He stepped inside, the door closing quietly behind him, and suddenly the air between you felt charged, thick with anticipation.
“You really sent me your room number,” he said, voice low, teasing, as he leaned against the wall, watching you with that same amused glint in his eyes.
You shrugged, trying to keep it light, though your heart was racing a mile a minute. “I figured you’d appreciate the direct approach.”
Drew laughed softly, stepping closer, his gaze flicking over you like he was taking in every little detail. “I do,” he murmured, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “I really do.”
The touch of his fingers on your skin sent a shiver through you, and before you knew it, you were standing impossibly close, the space between you shrinking with every breath.
“Do you know how hard it was to not look at you all night?” he asked, his voice warm against your skin, his lips just inches away from yours. “You were all I could think about.”
Your breath hitched as his words settled over you, your heart pounding louder in your ears. You looked up at him, eyes wide, and for a moment, all the nervous energy melted away.
“I noticed,” you whispered, barely able to keep the teasing out of your voice.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your cheek, his breath warm against your ear. “Good.”
Before you could respond, his lips found yours, soft but deliberate, like he had been waiting for this moment as long as you had. The kiss was slow at first, testing the waters, but when you kissed him back, everything else melted away. It was just you and Drew, the rest of the world fading into the background as his hands slid around your waist, pulling you closer.
Time seemed to blur as the kiss deepened, your hands instinctively finding their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathless, your lips tingling from the intensity of it all.
Drew leaned his forehead against yours, his breath ragged, his hands still holding you close. "I've wanted to do that for a while," he admitted, his voice low, almost a confession.
You looked up at him, your heart swelling at the vulnerability in his words. "So have I."
Without thinking, you closed the distance between you, your lips crashing into his in a kiss that was nothing like the first—a kiss filled with longing and heat. Drew responded instantly, his hands sliding around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. His lips moved over yours with urgency, as if he’d been waiting for this moment for far too long.
You moaned softly into his mouth, and that seemed to be all the encouragement he needed. He backed you toward the bed, his lips never leaving yours, his hands roaming over your body, sending sparks of desire everywhere they touched. You stumbled slightly, your legs hitting the edge of the bed, and you pulled him down with you, the both of you collapsing onto the mattress in a tangled heap of limbs.
Drew’s body hovered over yours, his eyes locked on yours with an intensity that made your breath catch. His hands, now more confident, slid up the sides of your body, teasing the hem of your shirt before pulling it up and over your head in one smooth motion. The cool air against your skin contrasted sharply with the heat radiating off his body, and you felt a rush of anticipation as his gaze darkened, his lips quirking up in appreciation.
“You’re stunning,” he whispered, his voice thick with desire.
Your breath hitched as his lips found your neck, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your skin. You arched into him, the sensation of his mouth on you sending a wave of pleasure coursing through your body. He worked his way lower, his fingers deftly unclasping your bra and tossing it aside before his lips closed around your nipple, his tongue flicking against the sensitive skin.
A soft moan escaped your lips, and Drew groaned in response, the sound vibrating against your skin. He moved with purpose now, his hands sliding down your sides, tugging at your pants until they were nothing but a heap on the floor. Every touch, every kiss, felt like fire, like he was branding you with his desire.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he whispered against your skin, his voice low and rough, sending a shiver through you.
You reached up, pulling him closer, your lips crashing into his once more. The kiss was frantic now, filled with need and desperation. 
Before you knew it, Drew had shed his own clothes, his body pressed against yours, skin on skin, the heat between you almost unbearable. His hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve, every dip, like he was trying to memorize the feel of you. And when he finally slid his hand between your thighs, teasing you, you gasped, your body arching into him, silently begging for more.
“Drew,” you breathed, your voice barely a whisper, laced with need.
He smirked against your lips, his fingers dipping lower, sliding inside you with a slow, deliberate motion that had you seeing stars. You clung to him, your nails digging into his back as he worked you, his thumb circling your sensitive spot, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“God, you feel so good,” he groaned, his voice strained with restraint. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…”
“Then don’t”, Your breath came in ragged gasps, your body trembling beneath him, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. And just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled his fingers away, leaving you aching and desperate for more.
You let out a frustrated whimper, but Drew silenced you with a heated kiss, his body pressing down against yours as he positioned himself between your thighs. The moment stretched out, the anticipation crackling in the air, before he finally pushed inside you, filling you completely. You gasped, your head falling back against the pillows as the sensation overwhelmed you.
Drew groaned low in his throat, his hands gripping your hips as he began to move, his thrusts slow and deliberate at first, teasing you, making you crave more. Your hands slid up his back, your nails digging into his skin as you urged him to go faster, your body meeting his with every thrust.
The pleasure built quickly, each movement sending waves of ecstasy coursing through you. Drew’s pace quickened, his breathing ragged in your ear as he drove you both closer and closer to the edge. Your body was a live wire, every nerve ending on fire as he pushed you higher, the pressure building inside you until it was almost unbearable.
“Drew,” you gasped, your voice trembling with need.
He responded with a deep groan, his thrusts becoming more erratic, more desperate as he chased his own release. And then, with one final, powerful thrust, you shattered, pleasure crashing over you like a tidal wave, your body trembling beneath him as you cried out his name.
Drew followed soon after, his body tensing above you as he found his own release, a deep groan of satisfaction rumbling in his chest. He collapsed beside you, both of you panting, your bodies slick with sweat, still reeling from the intensity of it all.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the room filled only with the sound of your ragged breathing. Then Drew turned to you, a lazy, satisfied smile playing on his lips as he reached out, pulling you against his chest.
“I think I’m gonna need your room number more often,” he murmured, his voice thick with exhaustion and contentment.
You laughed softly, your body still buzzing from the aftermath of everything that had just happened. “I think I can arrange that.”
With that, you curled up against him, your head resting on his chest, your heart still racing as you drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep, the feeling of Drew’s arms wrapped around you the last thing you remembered. 
And just like that, as you drifted into sleep, one thought lingered:
"Sometimes, love isn’t about chasing a fairy tale or clinging to the past. It’s about embracing the unexpected, even if it’s wrapped in a Loewe suit and a pair of smoldering eyes that see right through you."
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TMZ_TV : Last night’s Loewe show was nothing short of spectacular! From jaw-dropping designs to unforgettable moments, the runway was on fire. 🔥
🌟 Y/N L/N stunned in a custom Loewe creation by Jonathan Anderson, embodying elegance and innovation. Meanwhile, Drew Starkey’s sleek Loewe suit had everyone talking.
👀 The real buzz? The chemistry between them at the afterparty! The night was filled with high fashion and even higher drama. 💫
Swipe to see the highlights and catch up on the latest fashion gossip! 💃🕺
I am very nervous!! Hope you liked it and i did not disappoint you...
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stsgooo · 10 months
Subconscious Reassurance.
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✩࿐ summary: even the strongest has dreams he longs to be reality.
warning(s): slight 236 spoilers, shibuya incident spoilers, mentioned death, poor coping mechanisms, lovesick!gojo, girldad!gojo, as usual not proofread (it’s 2 am give me a break). wc; 3.6k
pairing(s): gojo satoru x reader
a/n: keep seeing tiktoks about the lamp story and this came to me. it’s a shortie but i just wanted to get this out. also do we prefer the colorless manga panels or the ones like the above one? i was messing with filters on picsart so lmk :)
divider 1 | previous work | ao3
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He knew it was true because that’s the time he always arrived. There was no need to glance at the clock or question anyone around him. He knew it was 7PM.
The sun was peeking through the curtains and basking your shared home in a golden hue. Warmth enveloped his very being as he closed the front door behind him. There wasn’t a surface that wasn’t being touched by the sun, that wasn’t feeling the same feelings he did.
The sky outside was illuminated in a mixture of purples, reds, oranges, and pinks. A palate that could be implemented into his very soul and he’d smile in return.
The call was familiar and came exactly one minute after Satoru walked through the door.
Again, he didn’t need to glance, he just knew.
A smile blossomed on his lips and he crouched down to catch the little girl that jumped into his arms with a loud squeal. Her nose pressed into her cheek as she happily rambled about how much she missed him. A norm and a routine that he greeted happily with his own reassurances that he missed her infinitely more.
"Daddy," she whined, her tiny chubby fingers reaching up for his blindfold. "Can't see your eyes, daddy."
This happened every night after he arrived home. She would always frown and trace her nails over where his eyes would definitely be. Most of the time it was uncomfortable and, frankly, a little scary, but he always welcomed it with an overly dramatic gasp.
"Oh, sorry, daddy forgot!" He hooked his finger under the fabric and pulled it down to rest against his neck. Her eyes (which were his) met his and brightened considerably. "Is that better, Rie?"
Rie nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"
Despite the aching behind his right eye, Satoru kept the blindfold off for Rie’s sake. She had always expressed her upmost displeasure for the item since she was a baby. Crying and crying until he finally pulled it off. It’d been a rough first few years trying to get used to pulling the thing off whenever he got home. But he’d grown accustomed to it.
“What’s mama up to?” Satoru asked softly, tracing his finger briefly over the bridge of Rie’s nose as she giggled.
The little girl swayed slightly in his arms. “Mama’s been working in the eating room—“ dining room, Satoru softly corrected with a smile, “—she put on on Yuki for me to watch while she worked.”
“Yuki, huh? Lucky you!” He playfully pinched her cheek which resulted in her swatting his hand with a resounding “daddy!” in protest. Satoru adjusted her on his hip and raised an eyebrow. “Should we go bother mommy?”
Like usual, Rie enthusiastically nodded in response.
Poor you.
True to his routine, he made his way from the front door towards the dining room, loudly. He left no room for you to not hear him coming him and gave you ample opportunity to prepare for his and Rie’s interruption on your precious work (he swore you were almost as bad as Nanam— …. as… as…).
The smile on his lips didn’t falter as his mind trailed away from the forgotten name. What was forgotten obviously wasn’t entirely important. He enthusiastically turned the corner, arm thrown out as Rie squealed happily as his rather jerky movements.
You were as you always were. Responsible. In your usual space occupying your rightful position.
Despite the loud (dramatic) entrance he made, you did not react in anyway. Your eyes were glued to your screen as you furiously typed away a response to whoever got on your bad side today. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight. In fact, this should’ve been around the time Gakuganji of Ya— someone of higher standing emailed you something that didn’t sit right with you. Even the appearance of your amazing and rambunctious husband didn’t seem to deter you from your mission.
Satoru pouted, huffing as he peacefully placed Rie down (the girl now more interested in the TV returning to her show), and crept closer to you. Still, you did not look away.
He leaned over, his chin hooked over his shoulder as he peeked over the words you were putting out into the world. Oddly, he couldn’t read any of the screen. He tried squinting your eyes and blinking a few times— nothing. It was more reminiscent of gibberish than any Japanese he knew. None of it seemed to stay in one place and it all smashed together to create a blob.
You knew how to read and write, he knew that much. Was it something with his eyes? He doubted it. But something wasn’t—
The laptop clicked close.
“You’ve never been one to take a hint, Satoru,” you turned your head to place a soft kiss against his temple in greeting. He could feel your tiny smile against his skin. The warmth of your lips. The coolness of your silvia left behind. His chest ached. He missed— missed? “Although, I knew that before I married you.”
He pushed away the mud in his mind and turned his head, placing a peck against your lips. Strawberries. You always had remnants of strawberries on your lips. Rie’s favorite fruit.
“I think it’s one of my many charming qualities.” He hummed.
You rolled your eyes, but placed a chaste kiss against his lips once again. “Charming is pushing it.” You patted his cheek. “It’s definitely an interesting characteristic.”
Satoru pouted. “You make it sound so unappealing.”
“Well, if the shoe fits…”
He snorted in response, standing to his full height and peeking at you from over his nose. “You know, you’re not innocent either. Thought you said the TV would rot her brain, now you’re putting it on to keep her distracted?” He spared a glance to where Rie was hanging off the couch, upside down, her eyes glued to the television.
You shot him an incredulous look. “Because she’s your daughter and has the self restraint of a puppy. I needed a hour to get some things done.” You pat the top of your laptop. “Sue me.”
Satoru smirked. “I just might for emotional damages.” He gestured towards the laptop with a vague hand. “What exactly had you typing up a storm?”
There was a brief wave of giddiness in his chest when he saw the look in your eyes darken. Passion. Anger. Protectiveness. There were so many things he loved about you. Adored you for. Made him sick to his stomach whenever he thought about it.
“Well, I got an email from —— about some work in Shibuya, but I told him I already checked it out and suffered for it. Well, guess what he said? ——— and ———— suffered too so I can’t complain much. Set me off a bit, had to give him a piece of my mind and remind him what happened.”
Satoru wasn’t sure if he was having a stroke or he was just too awestruck by your beauty; but he swore that your voice simply stopped whenever you spoke names. As if your voice box couldn’t get it out. But you carried on like it was nothing. Your lips had even formed around the words that so desperately wanted to be out there, but were never uttered. You didn’t look panicked or disturbed. If anything, you looked normal. Just sipping from your capri sun that was definitely forced on you by Rie.
It was like he was the only one not hearing it.
It vaguely concerned him, but he was also Gojo Satoru. Sometimes weird things happened that had no explanation.
“But,” you continued once you swallowed down the fruit punch liquid with a twisted face. “I suppose I can’t really blame anyone for what happened. It was Halloween, we were all caught off guard. Some of us suffered for it more than others.”
Satoru, for the life of him, couldn’t recall what happened on Halloween. But he should. He had that overwhelming feeling that he really, really should.
Either way, he gave a nonchalant shrug, “Eh, my motto is that it’s always easier to forgive and forget.” He snatched the remainder of your capri sun and gave a loud slurp.
You grin, resting your chin on your cupped fingers. “I suppose so.” You eyed him warmly, then nodded to the chair next to you. Always warm. Always welcoming. “Now, what did you get up to today?”
Satoru groaned, flopping onto the seat with a creak. He placed the capri sun down to place his hands against his face. “Two specials grades in Iwate, one grade one in Kagawa, then three nasty things leeching off on the playground on the way home.” He knew he should feel exhausted. He usually did. But that day, this day, he did not. If anything, he felt well rested.
You hum softly. “They’re overworking you, Satoru,” your tone is barely there. Your words could be missed if the house had any movement or loud noises. But it was just you and him. The soft background noises of your daughter. Always you and him. “They should recognize that you’re just a man. One day it’ll be too much. One day you’ll snap in half.”
Satoru frowned, finding the sudden shift in tone a little unsettling. “I’m the strongest, no need to worry.” He waved a passive hand in the air between you.
“I’ll always worry. It’s been my job to worry.” Your eyes moved towards Rie almost melancholic. “She’ll worry too, you know. She does worry. More than she should at 10.”
Satoru frowned deeper. “Eh…?” He blinked slowly, eyes sliding to Rie with confusion. 10? Was he crazy? Blind? Since when was the little girl sitting on the couch 10? Last he checked, she was six. It was 2012. Were you losing it on him? Was this your subtle way of telling him you’re spiraling again? “Baby, she is not—“
“I know you worry too. Think you’ve been worried about losing since the moment you got home.”
Losing? He’s never lost. Well, except those few times. But they didn’t count. Those were intentional loses.
Satoru was beginning to feel as though you both were having two different conversations. “Y/N, I’m not following.” He stated softly, eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you have to do tomorrow, Satoru?” You breezed through as if you knew where that was going. A pensive expression on your face now.
Again, he frowned, narrowing his eyes. “Tomorrow? I…Well, I’m going to Shinjuku to… to…” To…what…? What was it he had to do? He could feel it deep in his chest. That ache. That unfamiliar emptiness that made him rub over his heart softly. There was something he was missing.
“Tomorrow’s going to be romantic,” You said wistfully, eyes distant as you sighed. “Well, it’s supposed to be.”
December 24th.
December 24th. So I don’t have to remember two different dates.
How romantic.
Satoru felt his gut churn. He wasn’t sure why. He couldn’t explain it but everything felt so tight now.
“I’m not.. I don’t…?”
Why couldn’t he get words out. Why did he stare at you like that? Unmoving, unblinking? Why did his eyes collect with tears.
Why did you look so sad?
You reached out, taking his hand. It’s cold. It feels cold. Not like the usual warmth that envelopes him whenever you held him. Whenever you reached out from him.
You’re cold.
You take his hand. “Satoru, what’s happening tomorrow?”
Seriously, what is with you?
Satoru clenched his jaw. “What are you doing?” He wasn’t sure why but he felt so unnerved. He felt like he’s been disillusioned. As if his world was crumbling. But he didn’t get it. He didn’t understand.
You’re cold.
You looked briefly disappointed in his response. “You’re not well. You’re trying to appear to be, but you’re not. She worries. She’s so worried. And you know it.” Your hand reached out and cupped his cheek. Your cold thumb gently stroked against his bone, against the tears that were flowing— why was he crying?
“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” He didn’t feel tired. “I just need a nap.” He didn’t feel tired.
“Oh, Satoru, I’m so sorry,” you uttered it, barely audible. But it was enough to conjure up an earth shattering sob from his chest. A heartbroken tremble under your touch. “I’m so sorry for leaving you.”
“You’re right here?” Confusion was clear in his tone and his expression as he stared back at you.
You just smiled sadly in response.
He shook his head. “You’re right here.” He prided a finger against your chest. Firm. But cold.
You tilted your head and blinked slowly at him.
Satoru wasn’t sure why, but he took in as deep breath. Like he couldn’t quite catch it in the first place.
“You didn’t— You’re right here!” He desperately clutched onto your hand, pressing your skin against his own. “You’re right here. This-This is real. This-This is you. Please. Please, this is you.”
You only stared sadly in response.
Satoru wasn’t sure what was happening. Why he was so panicked or why he felt so terribly sad— but he knew it was making him quiver and sob. Why? Why? Why did this all have to happen to you? Of all people had you been the one to suffer?
What suffering?
“I…” He felt breathless. Feather light. He felt like he had no control of his lips or his tongue. “Tomorrow I fight… Sukuna…?”
Sukuna? Since when? When did—
“Since before Shibuya. Since before Itadori Yuji.” You answered his thoughts.
Itadori Yuji. Satoru thought that name sounded familiar. A blank face appeared in his mind, the back of a pink hair head facing him. Itadori Yuji.
He felt like he was living someone else’s life. As if he were placed in some point in space where nothing bad could touch it.
But these feelings, these tears, this ache in his chest wasn’t peaceful. It wasn’t safe from the darkness of the world.
“Nanami… Yaga… Nobara…” You uttered the names that made his ears ring. That made his muscles tense and his heart sputter to a catastrophic halt. “But still you dream of Suguru…. of me…. of the lives you desperately want to hold on to.”
Suguru… you…
Satoru’s lips quivered.
Suguru… you….
“Why?” You asked the million dollar question.
Breathless whispers against sweat slick skin. Endless touches of tense muscle. Hair hanging and tickling. Eyes sure and hardened with undoubted honesty.
Why? Satoru thought that question was dumb. Why would the earth dream to reach out for the moon and the sun?
He stared at you, big blue eyes glittering with shimmering tears. “I’m the strongest… I should’ve saved the ones I loved… I should’ve… I’m the strongest.”
To be whole. To be loved. To love.
You sigh softly. Sadly. “Satoru, you can’t save everyone.”
“But I could.”
“Obviously not.”
The words were final. Absolute. No doubt. And he supposed, a deep part of him knew, you were right.
But that other part of himself. The one that hated himself for what happened, for whatever happened, convinced him otherwise.
“You don’t—“
“Get it?” You raised an eyebrow at his blink. “I’m your subconscious. I’m your deepest, most personal thoughts. I get it.”
Satoru stared in return. “…huh?”
You pressed your lips together. “Satoru, you’re the strongest. But you don’t always have to be.” You whispered if. A nefarious secret between the both of you that couldn’t be touched. That couldn’t be shared outside of this setting. You scoot closer in your chair. You’re slotted between his legs. “There’ll come a time where you need to step back. To rest. And let those you’ve guided this far to do their jobs.”
Resting. Stepping back.
No one had ever spoken those words to him before. It was never a guarantee nor was it ever a possibility. He feared, even now, he couldn’t even dream about something like that.
Are you the strongest because you’re Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you’re the strongest?
Years later, Satoru didn’t know what to make of his words. But Suguru had always known him better, he supposed.
Distracted, he didn’t realize you had started to card your fingers through his hair, bringing his head against your shoulder. It was a blissful moment when he came to his senses. When he felt your fingers ghost his scalp. When he felt your lips brush against his temple.
“You should take a nap, you look tired.”
The moment the words left your lips, his eyes felt heavy and he felt exhausted. He hadn’t felt tired before. He would love to sleep. But…
“What about you?” He whispered, eyes unmoving from your face. He studied the bow of your lips. The softness and warmth of your eyes. The faint blush across your cheeks. The little wrinkles on your forehead. “If I close my eyes, you’ll be gone.”
“No,” you shook your head and placed your free hand against his rapidly beating heart. “I’ll be here.”
How cliche. He wanted to say. But he would take it. He’d take and savor any moment with you.
He took in a shuddering breath. “I love you.”
“I love you.” No hesitation. No doubt. How could this be a dream? Something of his own mind? He nuzzled into your neck with a small sigh. “Take care of her.”
Take care of her.
Take care of her.
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Satoru woke with a soft gasp.
He was not happy or surprised to find the ceiling of his dark room instead of the dining room.
The clock next to his bed illuminated 2AM in angry red outline. He’d been asleep for approximately 4 hours. And dreamt of you. Again.
His jaw clenched as he tried to push down the tears that threatened to spill over. You, angelic, in your rightful place typing away. That’s what you should be doing.
Instead, you were one of the first to die in Shibuya.
It’d been you, then Nanami, then Nobara, then whoever else.
She got caught up with Noritoshi in the tunnels, that Death Womb Painting kid tried to explain to Satoru when everyone else had been too distraught and nervous to reveal it themselves. She didn’t suffer.
It didn’t bring him comfort. Satoru was pretty sure it was a lie, but it still brought him no comfort.
It gave him all the more reason to make Kenjaku suffer.
December 24th.
Today was the day.
Almost two months since your death. Christmas Eve.
Satoru was pretty sure he was about to do the same. Embrace death for the sake of others.
He could look around, tell all of them that he’d win, but there was that growing inkling that this was mounting up against him. That Sukuna— Megumi— knew exactly what to do to get one up on him. He feared the unknown. The possibility this was it.
What would you say?
Satoru’s eyes dragged from the ceiling and to the spot next to him.
Now 10, Rie was older and less rambunctious. But he blamed that partly on your death and his sudden sealing.
She had clung to him since he returned. Tears streaming down her face as she hugged him, begged him to never go again— she thought she’d lost him just like mama. (It’d been six years since he heard her call you mama.) And she slept in his bed. Said she couldn’t sleep otherwise. She’d curl up against him and he’d run his hands through her hair as he hummed a long forgotten lullaby to guide her to sleep.
Shoko said she needed this. Him.
Satoru knew she needed you.
“Rie, did I wake you?” He asked sympathetically.
“No,” surprisingly, it sounded like the truth. “I’ve been up.”
He frowned, “Why?”
There was a prolonged pause between them. A thick layer of hesitation passed and Satoru tensed up. What could she possibly be up for?
When he heard the small sniffle, his heart ached.
He sat up and drew her into his arms, holding her close as he pressed kisses against her head. “Hey, hey, why are you crying?”
“I don’t want you to die!” Rie sobbed immediately. “I don’t want you to fight stupid Sukuna! I just want you to stay here with me— I can’t lose you too!”
I can’t lose you too.
Satoru pressed his lips together as tears sprung to his eyes. “Rie, I’m not going to die.” Such sure words for a man who was worried over his own mortality only moments ago. Who had to be reassured by his subconscious image of his dead wife that it’s okay to lose.
Rie shook her head frantically. “No! I heard Kusakabe say you will!” She sobbed, clutching onto his night shirt with a vice like hold.
Satoru silently cursed the man as he rubbed Rie’s back. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? What does Kusakabe know anyway, the schmuck?” His poor attempt at joking fell flat, Rie only continued to cry. With a heavy sigh, Satoru pulled back, holding her face in his hands. “What do I always say, hm? I’m the strongest. I’ll get one up on him.”
Rie stared up at him and Satoru was painfully aware of how young she was. “You promise?” She uttered.
Satoru hesitated.
If he were to promise and it didn’t actually work out, who was he? Would she resent him for the rest of her life? Would she try to forget him and spit on his memory? He’d been promised many things in life by people he looked up to and every single one had been broken. Resentment festered. Trust was broken.
What kind of father was he if he—
Take care of her. She worries.
Satoru tucked some of her hair— your hair— behind her ear. “I promise.” He whispered, pressing a tender kiss against her forehead. “I promise.”
Rie clutched onto him once again. “I love you.”
No hesitation.
“I love you too.”
The worries of Sukuna and Kenjaku could wait until morning. Satoru had to focus on her now.
Take care of her.
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ashurzs · 7 months
Heya! I’m in love with your OCs and have been rereading their stories way too many times so I’d like to make a request!
I’d love to see pervert bf trying to make his wet dreams come true now that reader is back. The idea of bf taking photos of reader while fucking him dumb has me in a chokehold ngl 😋 bf seems like the type to tease reader abt it too. If you’re uncomfortable with this idea feel free to exclude it! I’m alr happy with the food you’ve given us so don’t feel obligated 🫶 love your works!
cws: bttm!mreader, video/picture taking, like one sentence of degradation, mostly praise tho!!
“babyy~” your boyfriend, haru, wraps his arms around your waist as he groans. he’s been like this ever since you came back two days ago.. clinging onto, following you, whining like a lost puppy. “i’ve missed you so much..” he sobs out dramatically as he clings onto you.
“you can let go of me you know.. it’s not like i’m gonna-“ “no!” “we’re on the bed?!”
you sigh, trying to pry his hands off of you. “haru!” you whine out, trying to pry his hands off of your waist while constantly trying to wiggle out of his grasp. he sighs and just hugs you tighter, deciding to put his leg over yours.
“baby.. you’re so cute when you look angry,” you see him smile and blush, biting his lower lip. his dyed pink hair, pink nail polish you painted weeks ago, his twinkling eyes and his soft cheeks.
“w..what?” you say, blushing softly. then you quickly shove his face away when he lays on top of you, looking at you as you feel something poke against your thigh. but he grabs your wrist, kissing your fingertips. “please.. pretty boy.?”
“h-haru! fuck.. wait- you’re so.. big-“ you struggle to say it properly as he continues to push himself inside of you, kissing your tears and holding your hand. honestly, he is quite sweet and is very cute, but he’s..
“can i record you baby?” “huh.?” you blink through the tears, whining and gripping his hand tighter when you feel him fully inside. “record,” he says again, waiting for your signal to finally be able to fuck your tight hole. “so when you leave again for work.. i have something to jack off to.” he says while using the hand that was on your waist to rub the skin softly, a way to calm the pain down maybe?
“you’re.. shameless for asking that without stuttering..” you say out. nodding your head, he smirks. “why should i be ashamed of my pretty baby being fucked dumb hm?” he says, unwrapping his hands from yours and using them to grip at your waist. “my precious boy.. don’t think okay? jus focus on my cock mhm?”
haru smirks as he watches you arch your back, biting your arm and muffling his name like chants while he continues to grip at your waist with his left hand and thrust into you. grabbing his phone and going to his camera, he presses record. he makes sure to get everything. from the way your cock slaps against your stomach to the way your back arches, from your muffled moans and just barely shy of your face. “feels good huh? moaning my name like it’s the only word you know..” he coos mockingly, smirking once he hears a gasped moan. “yeah? right there?”
he continues to abuse that same spot, recording the way the hand that had previously been gripping at the sheets go to his wrists. “haru haru haru~” he copies you as he giggles, whiningly cursing as he watches you cum all over your stomach, the sight of your hidden face, sweaty body mixed with your cum is enough for him to cum as well, filling you up with soft thrusts to help you calm down. “you okay?” “a-ahuh..” “great.”
“fuck- even if i came in you twice, you still clench around me like you want more like a pathetic whore.” he says, watching you hiccup and sob from the overstimulation. he wasn’t even hitting your prostate though.. “p-please.! l-last one.. no more haruu,!” you beg while he smirks. pressing record once more, he stops thrusting and focuses the camera on your messy hair and tearful expression. leaning forward, he fixes the hair out of your eyes while watching through the camera. you let him, looking at him with doe eyes and pouty lips.
he gulps. he’s done for, you’re so fucking pretty on his phone. “smile for me baby.”
he feels himself smile too, watching as you comply with his request so easily. snapping a picture, he presses record once more. “good boys who listen deserve good cock right?” the phone captures your nods and soft begs. “fuck- if only you’d be able to get pregnant huh?”
pulling out and recording one last time, he captures his cum leaking out of your hole. smiling to himself, he tosses his phone and lays next to you. “i missed you.” he says simply, pushing your hair back and away from your forehead. “fuck off..”
you listen to him talk and ramble, feeling his hand on your back while he plays with your hair. you feel comfortable, just being in his chest and hearing his heart beats while he talks. closing your eyes, you feel the hit of exhaustion that washes over you like a tidal wave.
wait, pregnant.?
hey chatt.. um.. grabs ukulele and sings apology for being dead knowing damn well im not gna post for another month or two
oh yeah pervert bf is now haru! (tbh i took his name from my j.ai bot that i made and i realized hey they seem the same tbh but yup, i could prooobably link him but yaknow!)
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Clarisse x femreader where reader broke up with Clarisse cause she thought Clarisse could do better than her and eventually Clarisse corners her and demands answers to why reader broke up with her. Begging on Clarisse’s part to get back together.
If you don’t want to do this you don’t have too!
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- a helping hand -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Loner! Reader
An - sorry this took so long to get out I’m also working on my AO3 series and writing the chapters takes a lil while 😭😭
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You aimlessly walked around the camp. With it being officially one month after your breakup with clarisse— or rather you dumping the girl.
The moon provided enough light for you, that and the large bonfire that took place in the background. The singing and joking was all fun and games but you really just preferred to be alone.
A few steps into the woods you let out a deep breath. Saying a silent thankyou to nyx the goddess of the night for bringing you some peace in this shitty situation.
You loved clarisse, more than she would ever know. While she preferred to train in the arena beating her siblings to a pulp you liked to paint in the art pavilion. Your dates were always something elaborate but private enough that you both could spend time just alone.
Your insecurities got the best of you however. Ofcourse you saw how other girls looked at her I mean just look at her. Clarisse was a tall well fit masculine girl, she was every lesbian or sapphics dream.
She deserved better. While you preferred to be alone she was always the center of attention.. She deserved someone confident, who could keep up with her ever changing schedule and someone who could share the spotlight.
Your final straw was seeing her flirt with Ramona, a daughter of Apollo who looked a little to much like Rapunzel. Of course she’d go after a girl like that— the complete opposite of you.
Taking a spot by the creek you took your shoes off letting your feet relax in the cold water. The silence got you out of your head helped you finally relax. Looking up quickly you saw a deer standing before you, poised and unafraid.
You stood up walking into the ankle deep water making your way over to the buck. Feeling a strange sense pulling you to it.
It nuzzled into your body, it’s horns tangling into you. You chuckled softly rubbing its straw like hair. The moment was short lived— a stick broke causing the buck to become skittish and run off.
“There you are Jesus” a voice you wish you could forget spoke behind you. Turning around you saw clarisse standing with her arms crossed. “I saw you ran off and I just wanted to make sure you were ok”
“I’m fine” you bluntly spoke making your way back to your shoes.
She just rolled her eyes. “Uh huh and I take it you becoming emotionally attached to a wild animal is also you being fine” she teased. Once you got up you tried to leave only to be stopped by the woman with her grabbing your wrist.
“Common Dont leave” she sighed. “Look I’m sorry.. I just want to Talk, can we do that please you at-least owe me that”
Clarisse was right, like normal. Giving a dramatic sigh you agreed. “Fine” you shrugged your shoulders.
At first you expected the conversation to be awkward, though your expectations changed when it went the complete opposite direction.
Here you were snorting as clarisse told you about some story with her and her brothers. “It’s not That Funny you jerk” she laughed gently shoving you.
You just continued to laugh bumping into her. “It’s hilarious” You retaliated.
“Uh huh sure” she chuckled grabbing your arms with a smile. Before you could stop yourself you leaned up kissing her. The kiss was short, the realization set in immediately causing you to pull back quickly.
“I’m sorry” you rushed. “I shouldn’t I—“
Before you could finish clarisse wrapped an arm around your waist, the other cupping your face as she quickly pulled you into another kiss. Instead of rejecting it this time you placed your arms around her neck. Accept it rather than blocking it.
You both tilted your heads allowing one another to have better reach in the kiss. After dating for almost a year you both learned one another’s strengths and weaknesses in kissing.
Letting out a soft moan you pulled away, keeping her close though. “Why..” she panted. “Why did you end it” her question was blunt and straight to the point.
You debated on answering her question, not sure if she’d like the real answer. “Because you deserve someone better” you whispered against her lips. Clarisse broke the small space causing you both to have breathing room. “What?!” Her tone was more upset if anything.
“Look It’s not That It’s Just”
“Just What?! I deserve someone better the hell does that mean” she slapped her arms to her thighs.
“It means that I’m not the best for you clarisse!” You finally yelled. “I stay to myself I like to be alone, people think I’m weird and I see how they laugh at me! Clarisse you deserve someone who isn’t a fucking shut in”
“And who decided I wanted someone else?!” She yelled back causing you to stay quiet. What did she mean by that. “You dumb ignorant fool” Clarisse sighed rubbing her eyes. Letting her hands drop down she grabbed your body once more. “I don’t want anyone else, you’re the only person for me— the only person I want. You understand” her tone much calmer. “Please don’t ever think I didn’t want you— babe I came after you because i still love you”
You felt your eyes water at her words. You just nodded breaking down in her arms. “Besides Ramona is way to fucking loud” you just laughed through the tears making her smile.
Walking back to camp holding hands you noticed in the corner of you eye the buck from before. Standing as calm as ever.
Your eyes seemed to play tricks on you as the deer shifted from a buck to a tall woman with dark flowing hair to back to an animal.
Silently you said yet another Thank-you to Nyx. She might not of been a major goddess but she did her part.
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moresassythanclassy · 4 months
Colt and Jody have the best on-screen relationship I’ve seen in years
They may be one of the best relationships period. It’s been almost a month since seeing this and I still can’t get over it. I just love them so much and must now list the reasons why (spoilers ahead):
-Before the accident, they clearly had a genuine connection and cared deeply for each other, even if the relationship was still new.
-Their separation and relationship in general was crucial to the story and not just something thrown in for dramatic effect.
-Colt’s reasoning for disappearing actually made sense (even if he didn’t handle it the right way).
-Colt doesn’t even consider Gail’s offer at first but he’s ALL IN the second he hears Jody’s name.
-Even when Jody’s angry with him for showing up out of nowhere, he tells her how happy he is for her.
-Literally everything about the fire scene is *chef’s kiss*🤌🏼 (and Jody, sorry to tell you this but it’s definitely not a “fling” if you’ve been spinning out over this for the last year and a half).
-Colt’s upset with Gail for lying to him, but more so for the fact that his presence surprised and upset Jody.
-Jody’s the sexy bacon, and she was all along
-Good old-fashioned car cry (this scene was equal parts hilarious and sweet)
-Jody apologizes for the multi-take fire stunt, but Colt says he deserved it. He also wants to make up clipping the camera to her (he’s actually the sweetest🥹)
-High on drugs, Colt goes straight in for the hug and can’t hold back from telling Jody how pretty she is.
-Colt’s celebration when she calls him first, and then he basically drops everything he’s doing to talk to her.
-He drops everything again to help shoot her dream shot, the “one-er”
-Finger guns and Jody inviting him to karaoke
-Gail rips out the rug from under Colt and his only concern is not missing karaoke with Jody.
-“Do you think we’re close to rekindling? I mean it feels like it to me…”😂
-Jody’s heartbroken face when he doesn’t show up😢 She wanted him there so bad. And the subsequent power ballad😭
-He’s literally been dragged across the Sydney harbor bridge and thrown through a car window and a hundred other things and yet he still sprints to try to get to Jody in time.
-Jody doesn’t believe for a second that Colt is responsible for the murder (he apparently spent 23 minutes ushering a cockroach out of her room once and insisted they let it live😂).
-Colt’s “I’m still in love with you” phone call💔
-Jody just knows he’s still alive and isn’t about to give up hope
-She beats the crap out of him when he’s in the costume and he’s so chill about it👍
-“It’s just a stupid movie.” She doesn’t even care about her dream movie she’s spent her whole life working toward. He’s way more important to her than that!🤯😵
-Then he just fires right back and makes it clear he cares about her and her dreams so much more than he cares about himself😩 (what in the selfless-love-in-a-Hollywood-action-film is this!?)
-Her kissing him first😘
-Colt just wants to keep kissing even when they’re interrupted☺️😍
-The reference to spicy margaritas and swimming costumes from a conversation they had 18 months ago
-Colt gets the recording back and excitedly holds it up to Jody, but literally all she cares about is that he’s okay❤️
-Another kiss!
-🎶I was made for lovin’ you baby, you were made for lovin’ me🎶
-He cheers her on at Comic-con
-Jody and Colt and Jean-Claude on the beach being a happy family. What they’ve got is even better than the movies! 👫🐕🌅
What else am I forgetting? Idk but for real, if you haven’t seen it yet you should right now! Even if you have seen it, go buy it and give it the support it deserves!
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
(You’re just) too good to be true 
For @astrangersummer week 3 prompts, flowers and/or hugs. Thanks to bananas and yesdanger on discord for the extra prompts to get me going. I have tried to get as many in as possible. 
Summary: Steve wakes up in hospital after everything is over and can’t quite believe how well everything has turned out…
Rating: T. WC: 1460   CW: None. Other tags: Steddie, platonic stobin, angst, sickfic, hurt/comfort, temporary amnesia, fix-it fic, everybody lives.
Steve flutters his eyes open and spies Robin sitting by his bed. Mascara streams down her face, and her hair’s a literal disaster zone.
“Steve! You’re awake!” She grabs his hand. “You’re gonna be okay. The doctor should be here any minute.”
Doctor!?! Where the heck am I?
His throat proves too dry for words. Robin garbles way too fast for him to understand and she’s wringing his fingers ever tighter.
If she’s touching me, I guess it can't be rabies.
His memory triggered, the shitshow slams back. First, the bats, the bites. Then everything that happened after, until they journeyed again into the Upside Down to try to kill Vecna.
Oh hold on, scratch that. 
To fail to kill Vecna.
Staring blankly through Robin, he fixates on the terrible parts. Eddie lying bloodied and dead in Dustin’s arms. Dustin sobbing his eyes out. Max was pretty much lost too, and Vecna was alive, gone to ground, and…
What happened next? Why am I in a hospital bed? Jesus, I was fine! 
There’s one of those IV thingies in his arm. He shivers though can’t tell if he’s cold or hot. The doctor arrives, jostles him, talks at him, shines lights in his eyes. He’s not in pain, but his brain is all woolly, and he’s confused and weak and lost.
He needs a hug more than ever in his life. Robin peeps at him over the doctor’s shoulder, bouncing like a spooked bunny-rabbit, then she’s gone.
It’s all too much.
He quits, sinking back into the darkness.
When Steve next pries an eyelid open, he spies Eddie breezing into the hospital room. Eddie joins Robin, who has moved to the window to pick at her nail polish.
Eddie is gone, which means… Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I’m dead too? Or dreaming?
His throat is achy and tight. He closes his eyes again, hot tears welling. More memories trickle back.
“Make him pay,” Eddie had said.
He recalls that last, lingering look between them. The one that slammed him like a freight train, because... Wtf? For some strange reason, that moment doesn’t feel like the end of a story anymore.
It feels like a beginning. Which is just dumb. 
Eddie is no more.
He peeps again, watching a dude who is very definitely Eddie pouring bottled water into a vase of flowers on the windowsill. Robin seizes the bottle from him: “What are you doing, shit-bird? Those are silk—his mom brought them. They don’t need water.”
“Riiiight.” Eddie pulls a silly face, which Steve finds freakish levels of adorable. Suddenly, he wants to crush Eddie to him, tell him that he’s insanely happy he’s here, even if this is some crazy dreamworld, and…
… he wants to shove his tongue into Eddie’s mouth and kiss him stupid.
Steve licks dry lips. Most bewildering of all, he somehow knows how awesome kissing Eddie is. As if they’ve done it before.
More than once.
Eddie sneezes dramatically. “If those flowers are fake, I’m allergic to WASP chintz. Which checks out, I guess.”
Robin laughs, though it’s sad and nervy. He catches a glimpse of Eddie’s bambi eyes, and they’re anxious, haunted, too. Then Lucas and Max walk in.
MAX? She’s in a coma!
Steve’s head throbs miserably from trying to make sense of this mad place. 
He quits and drifts back to the darkness.
When he next peeps, Robin and Eleven are sitting by his bed, sharing a packet of cool ranch doritos. 
Which makes less sense than ANY OF IT.
Robin’s gotten real picky lately about sharing food. At least, with anybody but him. He’s vaguely pissed, because these two hardly know each other. The way they’re huddled on the same chair, like close buddies, suggests otherwise.
Yeah, he’s vaguely pissed. And kinda jealous. He sort of hates himself for being needy... but he really wants that hug. 
Then another memory flashes back. Some alien desert landscape, with Eleven blasting Vecna with everything she’s got. Eddie sprinting toward him—tailed by what looks like a medium-to-large demogorgon with at least a dozen extra flailing limbs—and Robin yelling, “Steve! El’s got this—help Eddie!”
He finally forces his eyes wide enough for them to see he’s watching. “R-Robin?” he croaks.
“Steve!” She leaps to her feet, nearly knocking El and the chair flying. “You’re really, actually awake this time? Please say yes.”
There’s noise and confusion. The doctor arrives again, checks Steve’s vitals, then bitches that there’s too many kids in the room: “It should be family only,” she says.
“We’re his family,” argues Robin. “His parents only come during official visiting hours.”
Robin is allowed to remain. She helps him sip water, and then he says, “Look, I think was dreaming earlier, or off my head on meds, because I saw you with Eddie, and I know that’s impossible, because…” He swallows hard, mumbles the hateful words: “He's gone, right?”
“Oh my God, you don’t remember?”
“Jesus, Robin! Remember what?”
“We won, Steve. Everyone lived. We even got Crissy back. Vecna’s the only one who’s history. If you hadn’t got hurt, it would’ve been the perfect revenge.”
This time, he manages to take more of her story in. He gets lost in the part where Robin and Dustin figure out time travel—some crazy shit about the proximity of alternate dimensions causing rumples in the space-time continuum. The rest of her tale unleashes a slew of badass memories that squish all the terrible ones into the dirt. Instead of Eddie being dead, he recalls…
“You and Eddie totally slayed this nasty-ass demo-squid-monster,” says Robin. “It got pretty intense, and when you survived, you had, like, an EPIC hug. Aaaand might’ve kissed. Then, later, you threw yourself at Eddie to save him from flying debris, then you rolled into a crater, and he wound up on top, and…”
Steve suddenly recalls that moment vividly. Eddie straddled his hips, and his own hands landed not entirely accidentally on Eddie’s butt. Once they’d gathered their breaths, Eddie leaned forward, swiped hair from his face, and whispered:
“About what you said to Wheeler. If you still want to win her back, that’s fine, I’ll back off, but… just so you know, six kids is cool with me, Stevie. Not like we need to adopt. When you’re around, they simply rock up.”
“So, yeah,” Robin says, ripping Steve from these mind-blowing revelations, “it took us half a dozen attempts to get things right. In the final boss-fight, it was just you, me, Eleven and Eddie. We were lost in the Upside Down for weeks, before we exploded Vecna into a billion disgusting pieces. Because you're you, you were closest, got caught in the blast. You lost a lot of blood, but all important appendages are still present and correct, including, um… any important appendages you were particularly worried about. Not that I’m saying you were, but… Ugh!” She facepalms. “This so isn’t where I meant to go with that.”
He faintly smirks. “You dug that hole, not me, Buckley.”
“No need to gloat. You’re gonna be fine. Everyone is going to be just fine.”
It’s still too much to take in. One question bugs him the most: “Eddie and me, erm… How far did we..?”
“I didn’t stand there and count the bases, Dingus! He’ll be back in five. Ask him. But, you know, there was talk of picking out rings, getting matching tats and—”
“You’re kidding?”
“A bit. Seriously, by the third week, you two seemed chill. Happy. I really hope you remember it all soon.”
He takes a beat. Warmth pools in his chest, because everything Robin says sure as heck feels true. He gives her hand a little pulse, and their fingers intertwine.
“Robin,” he says. “At the risk of sounding downbeat, it’s all a bit too perfect. I’m kinda worried I’m dead.”
“Oh! You’re really, really not. I’m all sticky and gross 'cos I was here all night, but… would a hug help?”
He nods, levers himself up a little, suppressing a wince at the effort. He wraps the arm unencumbered by the IV around her, and she awkwardly cuddles him. He rests his cheek on her bony shoulder, and breathes deeply, while she rubs juddering circles in his back.
She’s sweaty and clumsy and real.
“You’re not dead, I promise,” she whispers. “If you were, I’d be so mad with you, after all that effort to fix things. Besides, you still got hurt, and we were all out of time travel opportunities. Long story. Anyhow, it's been hell, till the doctors said you’d be okay, and even then… We’ve been so scared.”
Her trembling shakes through him. He tries not to sniffle, but he can't seem to help it. Everyone survived. Eddie’s alive. Eddie and he are…
His heart gives a crazy squeeze that says everything he needs to know.
“As soon as you’re out of here,” whispers Robin, “this summer is gonna be the best ever.”
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
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velvrei · 11 months
Imagine Mike and reader are fighting the reader leaves which xause mike to start to loose his mind but Abby makes it her mission to get mike and reader back together.
this was originally a blurb but it got too long so i made it a fic!!
jokes aren’t funny
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pairing : mike schmidt x reader
summary : mike and reader are in a relationship & they get into a fight and later into a rough patch. abby makes it her mission to get them back to being happy together.
warnings : fluff, slight angst (little sad parts), swearing
word count : 1k+
story under cut to avoid long scrolling!
you and abby were very alike. the two of you had similar thought processes, the same imaginary friends, you both liked to dance, that’s why it was perfect for her when you and mike started dating. she finally felt like someone understood her in a way only girls could.
so, you and abby formed a friendship. you’d play together, you’d babysit her while mike was at work, and it was going great. up until mike’s work schedule started to affect his mood and the time both of you spent together. him taking the nightshift made it difficult for you to spend any time together.
so, one day when mike came home, and abby was supposed to be sleeping, you had a talk to him about it. that talk, however, quickly turned into an argument.
“i don’t understand what the problem is?” mike reasoned, louder than intended. when his volume increased, so did yours, and now you both were practically screaming at each other, which was the first time you’d ever done so.
you sighed and rolled your eyes, “because you’re not trying to understand? maybe if you looked from my perspective you’d realize how horrible it is for me to talk to your little sister more than i talk to you! i love abby dearly but i need quality time with you too, mike! i’m your girlfriend!”
mike rolled his eyes, trying to keep them open sense he had no sleep for the past 20 hours and was extremely grumpy.
“i’m sure you can survive without seeing me, y/n! i know i can. i don’t need to see you everyday to function properly!” mike said, somewhat shouting then dramatically letting his head fall onto the dinning room table.
“am i just some kind of joke to you, mike?” you asked, your eyes starting to fill with tears. it didn’t matter that you were about to start your period, you still felt betrayed and felt like mike didn’t care about you as much as you did for him.
“now where the hell did you get that from?” mike shouted, “i never said that!” his voice was filled with anger and your words couldn’t help but grow his annoyance.
“that’s what it feels like, that’s what you’re implying.” you said, before grabbing your coat off the couch. “let me know when you’re ready to treat me like your girlfriend. until then, i don’t know if i can be anymore.” your last words made him stand, as you left and slammed the door behind you.
mike swore loudly and sunk onto the couch, rubbing his hair with his hands in a stressed manner, not noticing the little girl peaking around the door frame of her room. “mike?” he heard her little voice and broke down into tears.
“what?” he said, mid sob, not wanting her to see him the way he was. abby walked out from her room, wrapped up in one of her blankets. she walked over to mike, unwrapped it, and placed it over him.
“where did y/n just go?” she asked, “and why were you guys yelling like mom and dad?” those words made him break down, he started sobbing, and it made him realize that he wouldn’t lose you that easily. he physically couldn’t.
abby could tell he didn’t want to lose you that easily, so she helped him come up with a plan. until that plan was executed, however, mike couldn’t sleep for days, and when he did, his dreams were all about you. marrying you,
it had been about 4 days after your arguments. no contact, no texts on your part. however, mike wasn’t expecting otherwise, because of your last words you said to him, so he had to make the move, the ball was in his court.
so, with abby at his side, he texted you.
y/n, i’m so sorry for everything. can you come over so we can talk in person?
and so you came over, and he apologized to you. and said that his job at the nightshift was over, because he chose you, over his job. and the fact that the building collapsed but that takes away the sentimental value.
and abby was happy, because she was able to help get the both of you together.
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kimvante2013 · 4 months
『𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬』 변우석
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summary: The feelings between you and your best friend are far from over.
Genre: best friends to lovers,little bit of angst,Byeon Woo Seok x fem!reader,drabble
author notes: After months I came back, today I bring you a drabble about the love of my life, also because I saw "Lovely runner" and I liked it a lot so I got a little inspiration from there, well I hope you enjoy this and later I will bring more about Sun Jae and Woo seok since I don't see many people writing about them, take care and good night :)
Word count: 1089k
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The soft ping of my phone broke the quiet hum of my apartment. A message from Woo-seok.
“Hey y/n, do you want to come to my house later? I need to write some lines for my new drama, “Lovely Runner”. You know, the usual, being my personal script coach and all that stuff.”
I smiled, imagining Woo-seok's signature goofy smile. It was almost endearing how he never seemed to take his acting career seriously, even though he was on the verge of becoming a major star. He was still the same goofy, clumsy boy he'd known in high school, the one who always made me laugh.
“Sure, I'll be there in an hour. "What time are you free?" I replied and let the tea sit while he prepared it for me.
An hour later, I found myself outside Woo-seok's elegant apartment building, the imposing structure a stark contrast to the cozy, modest apartment we used to share as roommates in college.
He greeted me with a wide, welcoming smile and a playful push, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the hallway. "You're late," he teased, pushing me inside.
"Traffic," I lied, my cheeks heating up under his gaze. Despite knowing him for years, my heart still pounded when he looked at me like that. He always had this way of making me feel seen, like I was the only person in the room.
His apartment was a testament to his success, modern and elegant, with a wide view of the city skyline. But I still felt at home, filled with the familiar warmth of his presence.
"Let's go to my room," he said, leading me to a well-lit space filled with scripts, props, and a comfortable chair.
"Okay, so this scene is where I first meet my love interest, played by the beautiful, talented, and incredibly charming Ryu Sun-jae," Woo-seok began, his voice dropping to a playful whisper.
I couldn't help but laugh. He was very dramatic, even when he talked about his own work. But his enthusiasm was infectious and I found myself immersed in the story. He ran through the lines, his voice shifting seamlessly between playful banter and sincere emotion.
He was good, really good. He poured his heart and soul into every word, into every gesture, making me forget that he was just watching a friend rehearse.
And this is where I'm supposed to make a grand entrance, you know, like a knight in shining armor. "But I think he's too exaggerated," he muttered, pulling a crumpled script from the table.
"No, I think he's perfect," I said, surprised by my own conviction. "He is your character, it is what makes him unique."
Woo-seok looked at me with a flash of surprise in his eyes. 'Actually? So you think?
"Yes," I nodded, trying to ignore the way his gaze lingered on me. There was an unspoken connection between us, a bond forged over years of shared laughter, dreams, and late-night chats.
'What do you think he should do here?' He asked, pointing to a particularly difficult line.
'Hmm, maybe try it with a little more vulnerability?' I suggested, my voice softening as I realized how closely I was studying his face.
He nodded, frowning in concentration. He walked the line again, this time with a raw emotion that resonated deeply within me.
"Wow," I sighed, genuinely impressed. 'That's perfect. You captured the uncertainty, the fear, the longing for acceptance. It is brilliant.'
Woo-seok's smile was brighter than the city lights outside. 'You're the best, Y/n. You always know how to make me feel better about my work.
We continued rehearsing until the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the room. As we worked, it felt like we were falling back into the comfortable rhythm of our old college days, time blurring into a cozy, shared memory.
"I think I'm a little hungry," Woo-seok said, breaking the silence. 'How about we order some food?'
"Sounds good to me," I agreed, feeling a warmth spread through me.
While we waited for our food, we sat on the floor and flipped through old photo albums. Laughter filled the room as we recalled silly moments from our past, each image a window into our shared history.
The delivery boy arrived, bringing with him the aroma of spicy noodles and sizzling dumplings. We ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the food and the company.
Later, while we were cleaning, Woo-seok turned to me and his eyes met mine. 'You know, Y/n, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You have always been there for me, through thick and thin.
I smiled, my heart swelled with warmth. 'Me too, Woo-seok. You are my best friend and I will always be there for you.
He reached out and took my hand, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "I know," he said, his voice low and sincere. "And I'm grateful for that."
For a moment, we stood there, hands clasped and the silence filled with unexpressed emotions. The city outside glowed like a distant dream, but all he could see was Woo-seok, his eyes containing a depth that he knew he couldn't ignore forever.
“I should probably head home,” I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded and his gaze stopped on my face. "Yeah, I guess you should."
I pulled away, my heart aching with a mix of longing and apprehension.
"I'll see you around, Woo-seok," I said, forcing a smile.
"Yes, definitely," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.
When I left his apartment, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us. The line between friendship and something more had blurred, and I wasn't sure I was ready to cross it.
I had always valued our friendship and the thought of risking it for something uncertain made me sick to my stomach. But the warmth of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, and the way he made me feel so seen had awakened a longing inside me that I couldn't ignore.
The lights of the city blur as I walked, my mind replaying the events of the night. I knew I needed time to process everything, to discover my feelings. But one thing was certain: the bond between Woo-seok and I was deeper than simple friendship, and I knew, with a certainty that made my heart ache, that our story was far from over.
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holy-puckslibrary · 8 months
━ 𝐚𝐥𝐥-𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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pairing(s) — bull-rider!MATTHEW TKACHUK x barrel racer!hughes!reader (can be read as an unnamed oc) wc — 1.8k synopsis — wear the hat, ride the cowboy—even if it might get you disowned.
note — there's one line referring to the reader as jack's twin, but no physical description is given. also, this one-shot is a "party favor" from our feb slumber party
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specific content warnings under the cut.
cw — quinn being a dramatic, misogynistic douche-canoe 3000 for the entirety (ratty matty has his moments, too), no actual smut but it's heavily implied they do the dirty on the reg, a disgustingly intimate situationship — ick, off-color comment(s) relating to first times and the concept of virginity, lots and lots of familial angst (jack is a snake), oh! and more than a few loose ends... but you know the drill by now, i'm incapable of keeping a story contained
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“Go on, Palomino Princess. Ride me like one of your ponies.” 
Condescension drips from the lazy taunt. Matthew earns a palm to the chest for it; her ire lands with a faint thud, but he doesn’t mind. He gets off on riling her up, and after two years of backseat meetings and hushed phone calls, he’s damn good at it too. That, and she might be the most reactive person he’s ever met—and that’s saying something. 
Matthew’s been going head-to-head with all three of her brothers for over a decade, and he’s known their family for even longer. Having a short fuse must be genetic.    
“Y’won’t break me if that’s the hold-up. S’gonna take a hell of a lot more than a dry humpin’ buckle bunny to put me outta commission, sweetheart.” 
He knows damn well she ain’t anywhere close to the derogatory term, but he likes what the complete disregard for her accomplishments does to her deceptively cherubic face. 
It may look less harrowing than every other event on the card, but barrel racing ain’t for the faint-hearted. The event is a death wish personified, and it feels about as good as someone taking a metal pipe to both shins. It takes balls—metaphorically, in her case—to charge into an arena on an American Quarter horse with the intention of guiding it through a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels while sprinting at top speed, but it takes dedication and skill to succeed the way she has. The winner is determined by just thousandths of a second. 
The woman perched on his tailgate is unmatched—undefeated.  
Flames of pride lap at his loins, the fire of desire stoked by the wicked roll of her hips. 
“Ohh—shit!” Matthew hisses, his head lolling back as his hips buck into her heat. 
She smirks, apparently vindictive as ever. “How’s that, cowboy? Everything you dreamed?” 
“And more,” he growls as he grabs a fistful of her backside. 
His grip is tighter than it needs to be as he switches positions. Not nearly as rough as she would prefer it; beggars can’t be choosers.  
Matthew steps between her knees, and, despite herself, she shivers with anticipation. Chuckling, amusement twinkles in his baby blues. “Now give me a kiss, sweetheart. My lips are feelin’ a little lonely tonight, and you happen to be wearin’ my hat, Little Miss.” 
He flicks the brim of his hat. She catches it before it hits the ground before plopping it back on the rightful owner, the damage already done.  
“You just love that antiquated rule,” she shakes her head while most definitely laughing at his expense. “Y’wouldn’t see any action without it, now would you?” 
Matthew grins. Trading insults is his favorite form of foreplay. “Neither would you. Isn’t that your signature move, outlaw?”
“I should kick you to the back of the line with that attitude. Hell, I’d probably be better off keeping you at a distance anyway.” 
“Keep mouthin’ off and see how far it gets ya. Definitely nowhere near that McMansion castle you call home, that’s for sure.” 
“Oh, don’t you worry ‘bout me, sugar. I’ve got plenty of options if I need a ride home.” 
“I’ll bet, show pony. Sexiest can chaser east of the Mississippi; who wouldn’t be chomping at the bit to carry Cinderella home to her Daddy?” 
Men have a habit of gawking at her; Matthew has a habit of relieving them of their teeth. 
He leans in to taunt her ear with greedy lips and barbed arrogance. “Best of luck finding one that’ll fuck you better than me.”     
“Do you think about other guys fucking me often?” she fires without missing a beat.
More than he would like, actually.
With a heavy, drawn-out sigh, he runs a hand over his face. His patience is running thin, and his jeans are starting to chafe. Exasperated, he tries coaxing her to reason, “Sweetheart, c’mon. We both know you want this—want me. Stop makin’ this so damn hard.” 
“Why? Because you already are?” 
Matthew makes an exaggerated show of play-biting her scrunched-up nose. 
“Woman, you drive me insane.”
“It’s why you’re so obses—“ 
Her teasing is thwarted by the sound of her own name. Spat out of her older brother’s mouth like a heirloom gone sour, it's no great surprise Quinn looks at her like he can’t recognize her. Like a stranger—like a traitor. 
Guilt, thin and fleeting, pieces the tenderness between her ribs. 
She squirms, attempting to put some distance between them as if that could erase the discovery—and her culpability—from his mind. Matthew and his shit-eating grin keep her from getting too far but don’t be fooled. This is no chivalrous encouragement to stand her ground. It’s got nothing to do with her and everything to do with her brother. 
Quinn rages outside the hauler housing Matthew’s precious 3500 Laramie. Walking by, seeing the main trailer hitched Brady’s F-350 made his stomach churn. It didn’t sit right, and now he knew why. 
“You can’t be serious! Nuh-uh, no—no fucking way. Get out here before I drag you out myself.”  
At his tone, what little remorse she felt dissipates. They were both far too old for his tired, overbearing song-and-dance. 
“Who died and made you king?” 
Quinn, blinded by overripe anger, sweeps over the irritation, twisting her tongue and the disbelief arching her brow. “I thought I made myself clear last time. Don’t make me repeat myself.” 
“Oh, crystal, Quinny.” Matthew snorts at the juvenile nickname but is swiftly cajoled into silence with a pinch to the side. “Message received.” 
“Then quit screwin’ around and get your ass back to the truck before Dad blows a gasket. He’s been lookin’ all over for you. So, you best be thanking your lucky stars I got here first. That its me catchin’ you red-handed colluding with the enemy.” 
He’s so serious, nearly shaking with rage, it’s difficult not to laugh. She can count on one hand the instances wherein her brother became visibly angry—all of them involving the man standing between her dangling feet. She fares better than him, but that’s to be expected. Unlike her accomplice, for her, there’s real risk involved. 
“Just ‘cause I heard you don’t mean I have to listen.” 
Lips pressed to her temple, Matthew clicks his tongue in approval. ‘Bout damn time she started giving back what Quinn so readily dishes out. 
“Look, y’can spread your legs for anyone with big dreams and a buckle some other night. Parade around the circuit acting like a slut, see if I give a shit. But not tonight. And not with him.” 
The knowing glint in Quinn’s blackened eyes is telling, but it isn’t as menacing as he thinks it is. The Hughes heir apparent couldn’t be judge, jury, and executioner. He doesn’t have a lick of proof. Just suspicion and a personal vendetta the size of Texas. 
A safety net swaying below, Matthew decides to have a little fun. “Whoa, settle down, Trust Fund. Y’can’t talk to a lady like that, ‘specially not your sister.” 
He’s no white knight, but he can pretend. 
And isn’t that what you’re all doing? Pretending to be people you aren’t. Acting out your roles, putting on a show. After all, a performance will always be more entertaining than the truth. 
“—and here I thought etiquette classes were a Rodeo Royalty rite of passage. Glad t’know she ain’t the only roughneck hellion in your family tree, Huggy.” 
Quinn’s jaw tightens. His tongue threatens to put a hole through his cheek. Hands on his hips, the eldest sibling only nods. He ignores Matthew entirely. 
“Real winner y’got there. A class act. You really know how to pick ‘em—cream of the goddamn crop. Say, what’re you gonna do when he inevitably gets bored of you? When he gets his hands on a fresh doe-eyed virgin to tarnish?” 
After she finishes with Matthew, she’s kicking Jack’s sorry ass. 
Those anxieties—and that majorly personal tidbit of information—were shared in confidence. Because unlike her older brother, she trusted her twin. Well, she used to, at least. Luke’ll be over the moon at the chance to be her favorite. 
She bares her teeth like a scorned lapdog. “We’re not kids anymore, Q. You can’t push me around whenever you want or tell me what to do like you’re my father. And you sure as shit can’t bully me into submission, either. Give it up, or get lost.” 
“Whatever,” Quinn barks as he backs away from the trailer. “Your fuckin’ funeral.” 
Listening to the fading sound of her brother’s Ariats pounding through the dirt, she buries her face in the warm, familiar crook of Matthew’s neck; she needs a moment alone. He seems to understand this, his mouth zipped shut as he runs calloused hands up and down her sides. She’s breathing heavily, but he does her the simple mercy of leaving it be. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was growing on you,” Matthew hums, a low-maintenance attempt to lighten the mood. 
They don’t do the touchy-feely BS. It’s one of the things that reeled him in—and kept him coming back. 
“But you do.” She pulls away to look up at him, chin resting on his sternum. He hates that her melancholic eyes are red-rimmed. “—and stop thinking, it doesn’t suit you.” 
“And what does, princess? I’m dyin’ for your insight.” 
“Shut the door and I’ll show you.” 
He blinks, taken aback. Who is this brazen tart, and when did she take your place? Matthew wonders to himself. Maybe he is the bad influence everyone paints him as… He hasn’t really thought about it until now, and it's troubling the way it makes his chest tighten. 
Matthew clears his throat—and, from his mind, the distressing notion that he’s ruined someone good with his carelessness—as he leans over. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
He pulls the hauler’s heavy metal door shut with clamorous finality.  
Matthew Tkachuk might be the most self-serving swindler on dirt, but Quinn Hughes is just another name on his list. A box to tick and then forget. He wouldn’t lose sleep, it wasn’t like their friendship meant a damn thing. Not anymore. A friend turned foe, reduced to another obstacle in his way, a hurdle to jump. 
Tonight, his sister’s fealty; tomorrow, his title.
Retribution is at his fingertips, so close he can taste it. Yet, it would seem that Matthew merely traded one hornet’s nest for another. 
At least this one’s easy on the eyes. 
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All of the stories and fantasies written or discussed on this blog by the owner or by followers are purely fictional and are not intended to offend any parties.
©2024 holy-pucks, all rights reserved. I do not give consent for any of my work to be copied, re-posted, or translated here, on Tumblr, or on any other platform. Reproduction of any content from this blog is considered plagiarism.
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
KXANI - pt3
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summary: you have never fit in with the scientists, but on the night jake was lost in the forest so were you. staying with the people was your one true dream, yet when you are anything but welcome and jake get's to experience the people. you find yourself seeking comfort in tsu'tey
contents: 2.2k words, angst, a lot of fluff ur welcome, tsu'tey being a confused softie, jake being a dick but i forgot to put it in so just assume, avatar 2009, slowburn is now blazing
authors note: WOOO SOME ROMANCE, i loved writing this, i had this one song playing "falling asleep with a book on your chest" by lullatone - piano version, and im convinced thats what them falling in love sounds like all parts - next part
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Jake had made the bond with an ikran. A step of becoming a true warrior, one of the people. You couldn’t help but feel jealous. The way the whole village chatted and gossiped about the sky-person who conquered a banshee. It was impossible not to writhe in rage as you watched him get celebrated.
You couldn’t even escape it in your human form. As Jake animatedly re-told the story, the way Grace listened in awe over and over again as Norm stated how badly he wanted to witness something so monumental.
You couldn’t even escape it in your regular escapades with Tsu’tey. Usually you two would search the forest together, talk about how nature connects all and contribute something to Hometree. But today Tsu’tey wouldn’t shut up, he usually let you do the talking but today it was all ‘Jakesully this, Jakesully that.’ It was driving you mad.
“The skxwang flew off the cliff! I wanted to see him fall but he made the bond. It was impressive. That it all the compliments he gets from me.” Once again he went on about his impressive act. You wished you weren’t so bummed. This was monumental just as Norm said, it was amazing he had made it so far into the rites of a warrior.
“Cool.” You could’ve tried to sound more impressed, but it wasn’t worth it. The way you posture was hunched, your eyes didn’t meet Tsu’tey’s and your quiet voice. Tsu’tey knew something was wrong.
“Why are you upset?”
“I’m not! I just said it’s cool.” Tsu’tey looked at you as if you had spat in his face and called him an idiot. It made your heart thump in anxiety.
“You are not being honest, stupid sky-person thing.” You gave him a sarcastic smile as he called you stupid and walked off faster to ignore his pestering. (that you totally started) “Do not walk away! You will hurt yourself baby demon!” Tsu’tey hissed in annoyance as he followed your childish stomps.
You turned around in a dramatic fashion as Tsu’tey stopped abruptly to not run straight into you. “I don’t want to hear about Jake anymore! No more Jake!”
Tsu’tey watched the way your breath faltered, and your ears flattened. The way your tail went between your legs and your hands balled into fists. Eywa, he hated the way worry grew in his chest. The way he desperately wondered if Jake had done something to you. Or if he himself had done something to you.
He hadn’t worried about anyone like this in years. So why was he doing it for you. Why was he so worked up over a stupid, incompetent, weak, beautiful, no NO alien looking demon.
“No Jake. Ok.” Tsu’tey nodded as he watched your chest deflate as you let out a loud exhale.
“Great. Awesome.” You smiled up at him. Stop. Why was he looking like that. His pupils dilated as his mouth was slightly open. He looked so enamoured by whatever he was looking at. So why was that look facing you? “Tsu’tey?”
“Yes.” His name sounded like sweetness off your tongue. He was addicted to it. He’d make you say it a million times if he could hear your sweet voice again. Sweet? No. Annoying, accented voice.
“Why are you looking at me like that.” His mind panicked, he felt his muscles go stiff. Oh, this was mortifying.
“Your face is weird.” Tsu’tey spluttered out. He watched the way your face dropped. There was that pang of guilt again, he did not want to say that.
“Oh! Thanks.” You deadpanned him as you turned to walk away from him in a huff only to be stopped by his tight grip on your wrist.
Tsu’tey had no idea what he was thinking. Why was he holding you? Why did it feel as if his heart was racing. Why did his throat burn and why was he blinking rapidly. Was this panic? Was he in danger? No, all he was doing was holding onto you for no good reason.
“I am sorry. I did not mean it that way.” His voice was sorrowful, the sincerest of apologies as you turned to face him with a pout.
“Then what did you mean Tsu’tey?” What did he mean? He had no idea. All he knew was the way your face looked up to him begging for an answer was driving him mad.
He had no idea what he meant. No words were reaching his brain, and none of them were escaping his mouth. He just stared at you wide-eyed, grip on your wrist growing tighter the more confused the both of you got.
“What did you mean?” Tsu’tey couldn’t think of an answer, so he turned the question onto you. He was the one holding you in his grip, why should you be asking the questions?
“What? Tsu’tey I asked you.”
“No more Jake. Why’s that?” He watched your face drop again. What has Jake done? Why did he upset you so much.
“He’s just…I don’t want to talk about it Tsu’tey.” You felt yourself grow hot, you didn’t want to be interrogated by this huge man, but he was persistent. He was a stubborn man.
“Please, talk.” Tsu’tey has never felt himself grow more desperate, why was he? He felt like everything he knew about himself was falling apart. He wanted to stare at you with contempt, but it was only concern.
“Are you serious right now Tsu’tey?” You looked up to him with this twinkle in your eyes, emotion pouring out of them as he watched the way your nose scrunched. He didn’t really think of it much when he did it. But his tight grip loosened from your wrist and turned into a soft hold on your hand.
It sent shivers through both of your bodies as he looked deep into your eyes. He was entranced, this was all so wrong. But the way you reciprocated and squeezed his hand made him feel so sure about this.
“Serious.” You gave him a sad smile before breathing in, signalling the start of a lengthy explanation.
“Jake, he gets to learn so much. He gets too fly an ikran, hunt in the forest, learn the ways of the forest. He experiences so much, I feel left out. And they act as if I am stupid because I do not know any of it! I mean Jake refuses to talk to me, whenever I talk about what I learnt they just ignore me or worse they make fun of me. Jake acts so mean, he makes me feel useless.” You felt as if you had let go of a huge weight. Your lips quivered as you tried not to get too upset over the topic of conversation but as you looked up at Tsu’tey, it was a look you had seen once before.
He was angry. His lip twitched as he fought off an annoyed hiss. His grip on your hand had become tight as he stared up at the sky.
“Jakesully? Does this? He ridicules you?” You didn’t say anything, too shocked to react to his awful mood. “That kurkung, I’ll slit his throat as he sleeps.”
“Please don’t kill him. That is a very terrible solution.” Tsu’tey grunted, letting go of your hand in anger. But why was he so angry. This was demon business, this shouldn’t concern him at all. What Jakesully and you did. It should not impact his emotions at all.
But watching the way your breath got shaky as you started talking about the scientists made his tremble in anger. It made his head hurt from the curses that he was fighting to keep in his mouth.
“Forget I told you, you probably don’t care about sky-person stuff.” Tsu’tey nodded, it broke your heart slightly. Did he really not care, but he looked so infuriated.
Tsu’tey then had an idea. It was perfect, it would fix at least a little of what you were upset about.
“Would you like to fly on my ikran? We can fly together.” Tsu’tey heard his mind screaming at him. What was he thinking? What kind of gesture would she think this is? But he wanted her to be happy. For some reason the sad look on your face made his chest ache and his eyes water. For once, maybe he should listen to his heart.
The bright eyed look on your face was enough for him to get his answer. “Of course, I would!”
“Hold on tight. If you fall, you die.” You nodded into Tsu’tey’s shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist, squishing your face into his back, too afraid to look down. A seatbelt would be perfect in this situation.
The sound of the ikran’s wings taking off didn’t silence the way Tsu’tey’s heartbeat rapidly. It felt as if it was hammering against his ribs as he felt your fingers dig into his abdomen. He could feel your breath on his back as his ikran soared higher into the air.
“Open your eyes skxwang!” He shouted so you could hear him. You heart was doing the same as Tsu’tey’s. While it was also the insane thrill of flying on a dragon like creature. Your realisation of the utter proximity you had to Tsu’tey was making your stomach tighten.
“It’s beautiful up here.” Tsu’tey decided to be kind and simply let his ikran glide, no fancy turns, or dives. Or else he might lose his least annoying sky-demon.
“It is.” Like you. It was like a whisper in the back of his head. It was so quiet yet so loud. Like you. Were you beautiful? Your weird toes and fingers, your odd smile, your funny accent and kind nature. Maybe you were beautiful. Maybe. But this was wrong, this was forbidden.
To love an alien. To love a demon. But were you really that. Or were you just you? Tsu’tey couldn’t handle this debate in his mind so he shook it away.
Maybe he shook it towards you. Because while you looked at the beautiful landscapes below you, you couldn’t help but rest your head on Tsu’tey. His warmth making your heart flutter.
His stubborn and strong nature. He intimidated you. But talking to him felt so easy. The way he listened completely. Though you knew he was not a fan of your company, he still kept teaching you. He was kind and you saw that. He was a protector of the greatest rank. It was admirable, his pride and love for his people. You saw it in his eyes as he walked through Hometree and returned from protecting his people.
You knew you shouldn’t let yourself have these feelings. You shouldn’t let yourself want more from Tsu’tey when he didn’t want to give you anything. But his presence was warm, he was inviting and you couldn’t help but squeeze him tighter. Hoping that maybe your hopelessness would seep into him.
Tsu’tey knew you were sleeping. That’s why he felt as if he was doing something so wrong. He saw Jake walk outside just moments ago. Why did he feel the need to be secretive? He didn’t need your approval to do anything.
Tsu’tey stalked Jake like he was prey. Watching his weak and gangly body (in his eyes) waltz through the forest. As soon as Tsu’tey felt that it was far enough, he pounced behind Jake making the demon jump in shock.
“Shit! Tsu’tey you cannot sneak up like that.” Tsu’tey hissed at him, and Jake’s eyes grew in worry. “Man, what’s got you riled up.”
“Well yeah, I figured that much.” Jake rolled his eyes at the man in front of him only making him more infuriated.
“You disrespect Y/N.” Jake’s face contorted into confusion.
“What do you mean?” Jake watched as Tsu’tey’s hand reached down to his knife, holding onto the handle tightly. “Woah, let’s calm down here okay.”
“You don’t disrespect. I slit your throat. A dead Jakesully is a good Jakesully.” Tsu’tey’s voice was deep, his eyes were furious, rage spilling out. He bared his teeth to the cocky man ahead of him.
“Ok no killing. Jesus. Just what did she say to you?” Tsu’tey hissed at him again jolting towards him as released his knife.
“Do not question me! You don’t disrespect. And you live.” Tsu’tey had his knife unsheathed and pointing at Jake as he talked. He was seething, he was angry. He was livid all because of you.
“Ok ok ok! Fine! Can I go now? Fuck me.” Jake stormed off probably back to Neytiri as Tsu’tey relaxed his arm dropping his knife to the floor.
What did he just do? Why was he doing this?  Why was he so adamant on protecting you? His mind was slowing falling apart and all the broken cracks were thoughts of you.
He couldn’t lie to himself any longer could he? He can’t live in denial anymore. He has fallen in love with you, a woman from another world, and he couldn’t bring himself to deny it. He was ardently in love with you.
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(sorry if i didn't get u, or if it didn't work)
reblogs + replies appreciated!! i'll give u a big ole smooch and a imaginary teddy bear
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rrxnjun · 2 years
— SIMPLIFY ROMANCE *̥ nct dream 00 line [series]
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You can try to simplify romance— reduce it to a touch, call it odd attraction, a pull of a magnet... but what if you're in love?
Everyone's story is different. One starts with a last resort decision, another one sparks from a petty argument, while some find the one by a total accident and the most lucky ones find love in their best friend... What do all of the boys in those stories have in common? They're completely, utterly smitten with their special someone, and while some are more casual about it, some go above and beyond to impress the girl of their dreams.
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Sprawled across the couch of Liu Yangyang’s basement, passing along bottles of beer and laughing to themselves, there’s a group of people enjoying their Friday evening. The low melody of the music playing in the background is loud enough to make you move your head to the beat of the drums, yet still quiet enough to not disturb the conversation going on as the friend group decides to play a round of every college student’s dream game– Truth or dare.
“Renjun! Truth or dare,” Yangyang perks up from his place, occupying the bean bag in the very corner of the room. 
“Truth,” the latter hums, too lazy to actually stand up from his place on the old, cigarette-smelling sofa in case of getting a dare that requires being active.
“What’s the most over the top thing you’ve done to get a girl?” 
The boy chuckles, rolling his eyes as his gaze drifts to the girl sitting on his right, the feeling of being exposed creeping up his cheeks in embarrassment; he wonders if he can play off his flushed cheeks as being too drunk and not at all flustered. Sighing, he shakes his head as he prepares to answer, already getting ready for the amount of teasing that will surely come next, knowing how his friends are, grabbing every possible opportunity to laugh at someone.
And while they all have every right to tease and poke fun at him for his love story, the knowledge that one day, they were just as down bad as he was back then brings him courage as he tells the truth; because as long as he’s aware, there are people in this circle who have acted way more dramatic than him in the process of getting the girl of their dreams to like them…
Everyone’s story is different, but you know what they all have in common? 
They’ve all been utter simps for a special someone before. 
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✲ 01. blondes are done with fun — huang renjun.
a rumor has it that the popular couple in town broke up after years of being together. having to share your favorite seat in class with the male part of said relationship, you try to find out how to make your heartbroken project partner warm up to you— or— huang renjun goes blonde when he's sad.
journalism student! renjun x fem! journalism student! reader
genre. college au, acquaintances to lovers. fluff, comedy, angst, smut.
wc. 30k
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✲ 02. take the stairs — na jaemin.
after having an unexpected guest witness the neverending quarrels with your roommate, na jaemin starts to practically live at your place— or— where yizhuo's flegmatic project partner starts to put a suspicious amout of effort into their assignment.
neurophysiology student! na jaemin x fem! literature student! reader
genre. college au, strangers to lovers. fluff, comedy, suggestive.
wc. 18k
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✲ 03. dancing in my backseat — lee donghyuck.
there are only a few things in which men value their social status; one of them being the number of girls in their bed, the next one their rank in league of legends, and lastly, their cars— or— where you would never fuck a guy without a driver's licence.
film student! lee donghyuck x fem! film student! reader
genre. college au, acquaintances to lovers. fluff, comedy, suggestive.
wc. 24k
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✲ 04. language of averted eyes — lee jeno.
an anonymous love confession appears on your university confession page one day and you drag your best friend along to help you find the person behind it— or— where lee jeno aimlessly pretends to look for an answer he already knows.
computer science student! lee jeno x fem! music student! reader
genre. college au, best friends to lovers. fluff, angst, comedy.
wc. tba! [est. 15k]
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(c) 2023 rrxnjun. all rights reserved.
Do not translate or repost anywhere.
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clxja16 · 1 year
Part II
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Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: I still don't know
Warnings: angst
Word Count: 3K
Author's Note: This took a little longer than I had anticipated. I hope you guys like it, I feel like this isn't overly dramatic but it's a realistic reaction to what we found out in the first part. idk you tell me what you guys think. part 3???
Part I
You rolled over in the bed, you could feel the sun beam down on you through the window, but you didn’t want to open your eyes.  You wanted to fall back asleep.  Your heart felt heavy as you began to replay last night's events over again. You could hear your Mamma’s voice bounce around your head.  You could see your Father’s guilty look behind your eyelids.  Finally sitting up, you looked around the room, not seeing Charles anywhere.  
You went to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror.  Your eyes puffy from how hard you were crying last night, you can see some leftover mascara in the corners of your eyes.  You took a deep breath, washing your face, brushing your teeth before you decided to look for Charles.  A part of you hoped that you missed him already, and he was at training already.  
You knew he was going to ask what happened, and you’re not too sure you can get through the story without crying again.  You paused by the bedroom door, listening if you could hear anybody throughout the apartment.  You could hear the soft melody playing.  Charles was listening to another piano piece.  
You made your way to the kitchen, where he stood drinking some water.  He was drenched in sweat, his shirt tossed aside on the kitchen counter.  You smirked to yourself, part of you focused on his physic and the other part thinking you won’t have to talk about last night.  
“Morning,” he greets you breathlessly.  
“Morning,” you say, going up to give him a quick kiss, careful not to get his sweat on you, “did you just get back from a run…” 
“Yeah, I canceled my training with Andrea today,” he says, turning to watch you as you prepare yourself a cup of coffee.  
“Why did you cancel?” You ask.  
“ma chère,” Charles says, giving you a funny look, “you came home crying, literally shaking last night, training can wait, you’re more important.” 
You smile at Charles’ sentiment, “I’m fine, last night is nothing for you to worry about.” 
“y/n,” Charles says, grabbing your arm, turning you to face him, “what happened last night?” 
The question was enough to bring you to tears.  You felt your bottom lip begin to quiver as you opened your mouth to speak.  “It was them,” is all you can say before you have to wipe away tears.  Charles moves to hold you, and you hold up your hand to stop him.  You take a few steps back, knowing that if he holds you, sweaty and all, you won’t be able to stop crying.  You won’t ever be able to tell him what happened.  “I’m sorry, let me… Let me just take a breath.”  
You take a few deep breaths before you continue, “It was my parents.”  You still feel tears fall, but they fall slower now.  You can control your breathing enough to get through the story.  “They admitted to working a few negotiations to ensure I wouldn’t get a seat in F2.” 
Charles does nothing to hide his surprise.  “Why…” you leave Charles absolutely speechless with your statement.  “Why would they do that?” He is finally able to ask.  
You force yourself to take another deep breath before speaking again, “they were scared.  Scared that what happened to Jules would happen to me.  Scared that the safety measures wouldn’t work.  They were scared that I would get into the car and I wouldn’t get back out.”  
You watch Charles face change, it changes from shock to guilt.  “I see,” is all he says.  
“I want to forgive them, they’re my parents,” you close your eyes, trying to shake away the tears, “but that was my dream,” you look Charles square in the eyes.  “That is all I ever wanted to do with my life.  I wanted to be a formula 1 driver, that’s it.  That was the dream, and they took it away.  They took it away before I even had a chance.” 
Charles nods his head, “don’t forgive them.” 
“What?” You don’t expect Charles to say ‘don’t forgive them.’  You expected the exact opposite from him. 
Charles take a deep breath, “don’t forgive them until you’re ready.  Don’t force yourself to forgive them because they’re your parents.  Be understanding.  Understand why they did it, but that doesn’t mean you need to forgive them.  You forgive them when you’re ready to forgive them.” 
“Thank you for that,” you say.  Charles’ words make you feel seen. They make you feel sane, and not like you’re being over dramatic. 
“Of course,” Charles says as his hand grabs yours, his thumb gliding softly across your knuckles.  
“There’s something else,” you speak up as you remembered what else your parents confessed to last night.  
“What else?” 
“My father asked,” you pause, you can’t even begin to imagine the amount of drama this will cause, “he asked for Fred to delay your contract signing.” 
You see Charles' face look guilty once more, he sighs, “I know about that.” 
This time you can’t hide your surprise, “what do you mean you know about that?” 
Charles runs his hands across his face, “I signed my extension already.”  He takes a sip of his water before continuing, “during Spa.  Fred told me about what Toto asked for.  Fred told me that he wasn’t going to delay the signing, because he knew that I would pick you over my seat.” 
“Charles,” you say breathlessly, shaking your head trying to understand.  “Why didn’t you tell me when you found out?  Why on Earth would you pick me over your seat?  Charles…” 
“Y/n,” Charles says, stopping you before you can ask another question.  “He’s your father,” Charles looks at you with compassion, “I didn’t want you thinking badly about your father, especially when all he was doing was protecting you.  As for my seat, of course I would pick you.  It’s you, there’s only one of you, but there's 19 other seats that I could get.” 
You sniffle as Charles has said enough for you to stop crying, he moves to hug you.  “Don’t you dare.” you say before he can grab you. 
You looked baffled at Charles, “you’re all sweaty,” you say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.  “You need a shower.”  
Charles smirks, “you can shower with me,” he says as he grabs you, squeezing you tightly, spinning you off the floor.  
You can’t help but giggle at Charles, he laughs as he watches your face.  Finally when he stops spinning and sets you back down.  He still holds you close, as he looks deeply in your eyes.  Your smile falters as you remember everything.  Your eyes fill again with tears, you can’t decide if they’re happy or sad tears, maybe a mixture of both.  “Charles…” you don’t know what to say, because ‘thank you’ doesn’t feel like enough, nothing feels like enough to describe how you feel right now.  How grateful you are, how in love, how overjoyed, how despicably sad, how much of everything you feel.  
“I know,” he says, and lucky enough for you; you don’t need to say anything.  He knows.  He knows you enough to know exactly how you feel. 
You spend the next couple days avoiding your parents.  While living in Monaco the task is proving more difficult than you initially thought.  Charles is proving to be exceptionally kind, letting you quietly wallow in your misery.  He doesn’t push you to get over it, he doesn’t force you to see your parents, he doesn’t ask you to move past it.  He gives you time, he gives you the space you need.  
Today, he kisses you goodbye as he leaves for training while you sip away at the coffee you made yourself.  You watch Charles walk out the door, and a part of you feels resentful that he has a seat and you don’t.  You know it’s not his fault, that he’s not the reason you’re not racing, but a part of you hates that he has the opportunity and you don’t.  
You don’t like feeling like this, you don’t like resenting Charles for no reason.  You decide that it’s time you see your parents.  You don’t know what you’re going to say to them.  You’re not even sure how you’re going to react when you see them again.  You make sure you text Charles to inform him where you’re going before you leave.  
When you get to your house, there's an unsettling quiet that’s over the house.  You’re not sure if anyone is home.  The first person you run into is Antonie, the maid.  When she sees you, you place a finger over your lips to signal to be quiet.  She purses her lips at you, and points to your father’s office.  As you move closer, you’re taken aback to that night.  
That night you stood in the very same spot you’re standing in now.  You debate on knocking on the door, you wonder if there is anything to say to them.  You try to listen closely to hear if they’re saying anything.  It’s utter silence on the other side.  You try to think of something to say before you knock on the door.  Nothing comes to your mind, you tell yourself to wing it.  You convince yourself that the words will come to you.  
You knock on the door, “come in,” your father says from the other side.  There's a pause in your step.  Hand on the knob.  You slowly turn the knob to open the door.  Your father is sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer.  Mamma is on the other side, flipping through some paperwork.  It takes them a second to look up, their work being more important.  
When they do look up and see you, they pause.  Mamma puts down the paperwork, she stands, wanting to hold you, to reach out, to comfort you.  Your father closes the laptop, he pushes it aside, he turns his chair to face you.  
“Sweetheart,” Mamma speaks up first, you watch her try to blink away the tears, while she holds a painful smile to her face.  You feel like you lose the ability to breathe for a second as tears fall from your eyes, part of you wants so much to just run into her arms, and just sob.  You want her to hold you and rock you, like the small child you feel like you are.  
You take a second, you wipe away the tears that have fallen, and you finally take a breath.  “I understand,” you say, once you start you don’t stop.  You allow everything you’ve been feeling to come out.  “I get it, I understand why you pulled me from racing.”  You can’t stop yourself from crying as you go through your emotions.  “I understand that you were scared.  That you were afraid I wasn’t going to come back alive.  That you wanted to protect your child from dying.  I understand now.” 
Mamma finally allows her tears to fall, she wants so much to hold you.  To apologize over and over again.  She wants to go back in time and tell herself that you’re going to be okay.  She wants to make this okay.  
“But I don’t forgive you,” you say, and you watch your Mamma’s heartbreak.  “I can’t forgive you… not yet at least.”  You finally feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders and you feel like you’re able to breathe completely free.  “I don’t forgive you, not yet at the very least; but I need to accept what you have done.  I need to come to terms with what you did, because if I don’t, I will ruin my relationship with Charles.  And I love him, I love him more than I loved racing, and I don’t want to ruin this.  I can’t ruin this.” 
“Darling,” your father says, standing to approach you.  A part of you wanted to allow him to come closer.  He was your dad, your hero, and he could make all the problems in the world disappear.  You always ran to him whenever you had a problem and he always would fix it for you.  But now he’s the problem, and you don’t think he can fix this.  
“I…” You take a breath, stepping back and away from your father.  “I just came here to say, I love you guys, and you will always be my parents, but I need more time to find a way to forgive you.  I understand why you did what you did, but I don’t forgive you.  I still love you, but I need more time.” 
“We understand,” Mamma says, as she comes up to grab your father’s arm.  She wraps her arm around his, and she repeats the sentiment, “we understand your need for more time.”   Mamma smiles at you as more tears escape her.  “We will be here waiting for you when you’re ready.” 
“Thank you Mamma,” you say, and for the first time since that night, you can finally say you feel happy.  
You hum along to the song playing in the background as you move about the kitchen in Charles’ apartment.  You feel light on your feet as you dance to the music, as you fix yourself something to eat.  When Charles finally comes home, he’s surprised but delighted to hear the music playing through the apartment. 
“Ma chère?” Charles calls out as he follows the music into the kitchen.  
“Hello, my love,” you spoke in a sickly sweet tone that Charles hasn’t heard for days now.  
“Hi,” he says as he gives you a quick kiss, “you seem happy?”  
“I am happy,” you smile, looking at Charles.  You pause the music, now being more serious, “I saw my parents today.” 
Charles watched you carefully, unsure about how to react, “and? How did it go?” 
“I couldn’t forgive them,” you say, and part of you worries that Charles is going to be disappointed.  
“That’s okay,” Charles says as he pulls you into a hug and holds you close.  He doesn’t want you to feel forced to do anything you’re not ready to do.  
“But,” you pull away from Charles to look at him, “I did tell them that I understood why they did it.  And I told them that I still love them because they are my parents.” 
“And that made you feel better?” 
“Yeah, I feel better,” you say whole heartedly, “this is probably the best I have felt since that night.” 
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Charles says, pulling you into a much needed kiss.  He can see you relax, and for the first time in days you don’t appear tense.  
Charles thinks he should’ve told you about this, but he doesn’t want to make the situation with your parents worse.  As he walks into the restaurant, he gives the name to the hostess, and she takes him to a private dining room.  Charles sees him sitting there, back to him.  This is the last opportunity Charles has to walk out, and pretend this never happened.  
“Sir?” Charles greets, sticking his hand out to shake as he approaches the table. 
“Charles,” Toto says, as he stands, shaking Charles’ hand, “I appreciate you meeting with me.” 
Charles doesn’t sit, he doesn’t want to get too comfortable.  “I won’t force her to forgive you or Susie,” Charles feels like he should get that out in the open right away.  
“Charles, please sit,” Toto gestured to the open seat across from him.  “I don’t want you to force her to forgive us.  Although we had the right intention, we’re the ones that screwed it up.”  
Charles takes a seat across, his pulse starts to pick up.  This moment feels more stressful than any race he’s participated in.  “Why did you ask to see me?” 
“Fred asked me something a little while back and I'm curious if the question was valid,” Toto says.  He finally puts the menu down, and he looks squarely at Charles.  Toto isn’t trying to be intimidating, he just wants to know what Charles feels.  “If you had to choose, would you have picked my daughter over your seat at Ferrari?” 
Charles doesn’t hesitate to say, “I would pick her.  In a thousand scenarios, in a thousand lifetimes, I would pick your daughter again and again.  I love y/n.”  
Toto might be a cynic when he says, “I find that hard to believe Charles, when I, personally, have seen you bring different girls into your hotel room during one grand prix weekend.”  
Charles knows his dating history isn’t the prettiest, and he knows that he has a bit of a checkered past with this stuff, but how he feels about you isn’t something he would lie about.  “I understand your concern, I would like to think if I was in your position my concerns would be the same.  However y/n knows about my past and my dating history.  She knows about the weekends with a different girl every night.  She knows everything, and she still trusts me to love her.” 
“You’re not good enough for her, Charles.” 
“I’m not,” Charles agrees, much to Toto's surprise.  “But I'm putting in the work to be good enough for her.  I’m trying my best to be enough for her, and I will do so for as long as she allows me.”  Charles is a very traditional person, and he wants to do this right.  He pulls the box from his pocket, and hands it over to Toto.  “I hope it's for the rest of our lives.” 
Toto opens the box, and there is the most stunning engagement ring.  “I wanted to ask for your blessing sir,” Charles says, “but regardless if you give it or not, I’m going to ask her to marry me.” 
Toto is at a complete loss for words, he’s not sure what to say next. 
Part III
Taglist: @christianpulisic10 @lunnnix @honeybunchiesofoats @catswag22 @lazybot @coffeewhore18 @siovhanroy @peachiicherries @pizzalover57 @livingnotthriving@noodleboyluke@mirrorball-6@elijahslover
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wizardpink · 2 months
Hi! Random question, but do you think the show will have Daniel call Armand "boss" now that the Maître thing happened? I know it's very prevalent in the books, but it might have different and/or interesting Implications™ in the show.
This question reminded me of one of my favorite episodes of the It's Always Sunny podcast. Stay with me here because we are going on a journey.
If there's any journalist in the world, living right now, who doesn't have a boss, it's Daniel Molloy.
There was a post recently that said something about how the point in the story where the timeline shifts the most dramatically from the books to the show is in the early 80s, when Armand DOESN'T turn Daniel into a vampire. I think that is a major part of why the Devil's Minion storyline in the show scared and angered so many fans in the finale. It's so different from the story we fell in love with! But we were so focused on Armand being different (possibly turning Daniel out of spite) that we forgot that Daniel is the one who is really different, in a really genius and wonderful departure from the books.
In the books we know human Daniel primarily as a man in his early 20s through his early 30s, but who he is in his early 30s is extremely heavily influenced by all the things that happened to him in that previous decade. Meeting Louis, meeting Armand, being pursued by Armand, and finally becoming Armand's lover.
But show Daniel had a great big reset button pressed on his life either at the end of the interview or at the end of his and Armand's romance, and he got to experience a life that book Daniel never did, and as a result it shaped him into a man that I think book Daniel always would have become, until he got derailed. And it's fascinating how BOTH paths make perfect sense even though they start at the same pivotal point!
Book Daniel meets vampires and then immediately is sucked into their world permanently. It becomes his realm as well. And in that realm are hierarchies and power dynamics that he has to exist within. He becomes subservient in ways to Armand, to Marius, etc etc. I could go on but you know what I mean.
Show Daniel however! Show Daniel meets vampires and gets pushed OUT of their world back into the world of humanity. And yes, in that realm are hierarchies and power dynamics that he has to exist within. But they're upheld by human beings! People who are no better than Daniel himself, and certainly no more frightening than the shit he's already been through whether he can remember it or not. Show Daniel pursues any story, any lead he wants no matter how dangerous or powerful the subject matter may be. He writes what he wants when he wants, and it works because he's fucking good at it. And it doesn't always work out for him! He says he's been fired and rehired, he's been nearly killed when an interview subject gets skittish or tired of his bullshit. But the point is, he went out and he made his own damn rules. He's brash and opinionated and has zero filter. He'll say whatever he wants to anyone, demand answers and truth from anyone. And no one is gonna tell him he can't. They're gonna have to drag him out of here or kill him to shut him up.
Armand and Daniel's maker/fledgling, devil/minion dynamic is going to be SO DIFFERENT from the books and yet JUST as juicy because the important things -- the love, the longing, the passion, the understanding, the recognition -- that is all still there. But I don't see 69 year old Daniel Molloy falling over himself to worship and cowtow to Armand. My DREAM is we see BOTH dynamics just to juxtapose the two, and the strife it creates as two people who once loved each other try to get back to that place now that they aren't those people anymore.
So tl;dr, yes and no. If he says it, it's going to be like, one time and so dripping with sarcasm Armand will be fighting his fangs again. If we get an earnest pet name it'll be very private I feel (as opposed to Armand who would call Daniel his beloved in line at the post office).
Also on a personal note, "boss" is so deeply unsexy. Goons and henchmen call the Joker boss, I don't want that haha. Oh and also I have like zero recollection of him calling Armand "boss" in the books, that's a detail that my brain mulched up and ate years ago I guess. So I was the wrong person to ask this. Thanks for reading though! 😂
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{12} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Seonghwa, and slight Wooyoung)
Words: 9,104
Warnings: Clingy Wooyoung. I honestly think that's it lmao This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So, I know it's been forever since I updated this, or at least, it feels like it lmaoo I really hope this chapter makes up for the wait! I think it's really cute and fun. I've got a lot of stuff planned going forward, and quite a spicy scene next chapter hehehe As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven
If you thought Yeosang had been clingy after the first time the two of you had had sex, Wooyoung is ten times worse. You can hardly go anywhere in the house without him following you around, or showing up beside you suddenly in order to practically cling off of your side. He even goes so far as to appear beside you in the tub, a cheeky grin pulling at his features as he holds a rubber ducky in his one hand.
The first time he had done that, you had let out a shriek in surprise. One minute you had been alone, sliding into the warm water with your eyes falling shut in bliss. The next, you had opened them to see him sitting across from you, smiling like a mad man in love.
“Hi, Angel.” He had waved that rubber ducky held in his hand so casually before giving it a small squeeze. 
The squeak it let out almost served to mock the irritation you had been feeling. Of course, Yunho and Yeosang were quick to appear in the bathroom after that, having heard you shriek and all.
“Don’t you, ‘Hi, Angel’ me! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You had smacked his arm, chest rising and falling dramatically as you attempted to catch your breath.
“Oh, no! My Angel is suddenly having breathing issues!” Wooyoung all too eagerly leapt at the opportunity to wrap you in his arms
A blink, and you have him in a headlock, clear irritation on your face.
“Can I not be alone? For five minutes?” You shake him lightly, feeling how his one hand rests almost lovingly against your arm wrapped around his throat.
“Well, I see you two are figuring things out.” Yunho chuckles.
“I just want to take a bath in peace.” You sigh.
You can practically feel the way Wooyoung deflates in your arms, and you just know that that all too familiar pout of his is pulling at his features. 
“I just want to spend time with you, Angel.”
“And you can’t do so wearing pants?” Yeosang gives his brother a once over, clear distaste on his features.
“Like you did any differently!” Wooyoung counters, still being held in that headlock by you.
That’s when you realize: oh, yeah, you’re naked, too.
That rubber ducky gets thrown in the direction of both Yunho’s and Yeosang’s heads. “Get out!”
“It’s nothing we haven’t seen before, Petal.” Yunho chuckles, easily catching the rubber ducky in his hand.
“I don’t care!” You begin tossing more small items in their direction while shoving Wooyoung out of the tub. “Privacy is privacy, and I value mine!”
“Alright, Dearest.” Yeosang smiles, his shoulders shaking lightly as he grabs Wooyoung by his ear before the younger male can hop back into the tub with you. “We’ll leave you be.”
“Thank you, Yeosangie.” You return his smile with a relieved one of your own. Crossing your arms over your chest, you shoot them all a look. “No weird demon magic, or spying through the mirrors thingy, either.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Yunho hums, amusement dancing in his eyes.
Not even a moment later, the three males disappear from the room, leaving you to your thoughts once again.
At least you managed to get some time alone after that. However, Wooyoung was insistent of spending almost every waking moment he could with you. For two solid weeks, he would always be the one sitting beside you when you were eating, and somehow, he would manage to worm his way into your lap while you were reading in the library. He’d follow you around the house like a lost puppy, and nearly fight his brothers every night to be the one to sleep in your bed with you.
Finally, one night, you managed to convince him to give you some space. You dragged both Mingi and Seonghwa into your room before Wooyoung could appear and kick one of them out. Comfortably, you rested in bed, a male on either side of you, and just as you were drifting off to sleep, a weight suddenly laying on your chest had your eyes flinging open.
“Really?” Your bloodshot eyes bored a hole into the top of Wooyoung’s head as he clung onto you from overtop of your blankets.
“Wooyoung, you’re being too much.” Mingi sighs.
“If My Angel had a problem with it, she would say something.” Wooyoung replies, matter of factly.
“I have been begging you all week to let me breathe, Wooyoung.” You manage to bring a hand up to rub at the bridge of your nose. “We can’t always be attached at the hip.”
“Why not?” He pouts, staring up at you with those big, brown eyes of his.
“Wooyoung,” It’s Seonghwa who speaks this time, and at one look from him, the younger is shrinking in his spot. “Don’t make me call Joong.”
“Fine.” Wooyoung sighs, dejectedly slinking off of you, and off of the end of the bed.
Wooyoung slowly begins to make his way to your door, purposely dragging his feet. He glances over his shoulder, the look of a wounded animal resting on his features as he pleads with you silently to ask him to say.
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.” You say, somewhat pointedly as you turn to curl yourself into Mingi’s side.
The sound of your door clicking shut is the only response you get, and for some reason, even you can sense the way Wooyoung is surely trudging down the hallway defeatedly.
Now, as you rest on your bed the very next day, you find yourself alone at last. The only person in the room with you is Kuroo, and he rests curled up in a little ball on top of your Snorlax beanbag chair. You swear you can almost hear soft little snores coming from that little ball of black fluff as you turn the page of your book. 
Finally, you have some peace and quiet.
Most of the other guys have been pretty good with you lately. Reluctantly, they’ve allowed Wooyoung the pleasure of clinging to you for the first few days after you had entered the dance studio of your own free will. Luckily, though, they’ve had your back more often than not. It seems last night might have been the final straw, for you haven’t heard anything from Wooyoung today.
A first in over two weeks.
Of course, you opt to hide out in your room, just in case. As much as you love spending time with him, he has been a little overbearing lately. You just want a breather. Plus, it’s not fair to the others that he gets to monopolize all of your time. You still have yet to see Seonghwa’s tailor shop since the incident, and if all goes well, you plan on visiting him there later today. For now, you just want to enjoy the peace and quiet solitude can bring.
About another hour passes by like this, with you simply reading alone in your room. That is, until you see a little black fluff jump onto the bed with you.
“Oh, hello, Kuroo,” you coo, immediately bookmarking your page and smiling down at the little cat crawling up from the end of your bed. The instant you place your book beside you, he’s nuzzling against your hand, blinking up at you with wide eyes. “How’s my little handsome fella today?”
A coo is all you receive back, Kuroo pushing his head harder against your hand.
“Oh, come here, you.” You chuckle, picking him up from beneath his front arms, and pulling him on top of your lap. “Aren’t you just the cutest!”
A happy chirp greets you this time, Kuroo practically climbing up your body to begin rubbing his face all over your neck and jawline.
That’s when you notice another pair of golden eyes still staring at you from on top of your Snorlax beanbag.
Your grip tightens around the black cat in your arms.
“Alright, Stinky,” you begin to move off of the bed with ‘Kuroo’ held tightly in your grip. “You have impeccable timing, Little One, because it’s time for your bath.”
The cat freezes in your arms, but only for a moment. A loud complaint is soon filed by Not Kuroo pretending to be the real one.
“Ah-ah, don’t be a little stinker,” you shake your head, managing to scruff him. You pull him off of you, shifting your arm to the side as you hold him tightly in your grip. “And don’t you dare try and claw me like the last time.”
There’s a false cheeriness to your tone as you glance down to see Not Kuroo almost curling in on himself while being held by the scruff of his neck. He glances up at you with pleading eyes, only to meet your overtly tight, albeit friendly, smile.
The two Kuroo’s lock gazes, and the one in your hand shrinks even further in on himself.
Entering the bathroom, you march right over to the tub. The instant you turn the faucet on, Not Kuroo begins wiggling in your hold to escape.
“Come on, Stinky, none of that.” You lift him so you’re eye level. “Don’t you want to be a good boy for Your Queen?”
At the way you quirk a brow, Not Kuroo immediately stops squirming.
“I think the water should be the perfect temperature by now,” you smile, somewhat maliciously.
If this doesn’t teach him a lesson, you don’t know what will.
You don’t even bother to check the temperature as you dunk Not Kuroo beneath the rushing stream. You can feel the icy chill on the tips of your fingers, but you hold tight, submerging him for a good thirty seconds to ensure he’s soaked by the time you pull him out.
Turning off the faucet, you don’t even bother to grab a towel as you exit the bathroom. All the while, you continue to hold Not Kuroo by the scruff of the neck, water dripping in a trail behind you as you head towards the game room.
The moment San notices you enter the room, his attention is on you. His gaze darts from your overtly cheery expression to the soaking wet cat held in your hand.
Both Jongho and Mingi burst out laughing.
“Where’s Hongjoong?” You ask, tone dripping nothing but sweetness.
The cat in your hand tenses.
“He went out to feed with Yunho and Yeosang.” Jongho informs you, a knowing grin pulling at his lips as he stares directly at the cat in your hand.
A long sigh escapes you.
“What happened?” Mingi quirks a brow, looking between you and the cat.
“Stinky boy needed a bath,” you reply, lifting the cat so you can stare directly into his eyes. “Isn’t that right, Wooyoung?”
The cat’s mouth falls open, and in the blink of an eye, you’ve tossed him in the direction of his brothers. Wooyoung takes the liberty to shift mid-air, water droplets flinging off of him and onto the surrounding males.
“Hey! Watch it, Woo!” San flicks some of the water droplets off of his arm.
San gets completely ignored in favour of Wooyoung attempting to stand back to his feet and go after you. Only, he doesn’t get very far, as he sees you practically looming over him while he rests on his knees.
“I just wanted a day.” You sigh, rubbing at your tired eyes. “A day without you trying to magic your way into monopolizing all of my time.”
“It’s been two weeks Wooyoung.” Your sharp gaze meets his own, his eyebrows drooping dramatically. “Two weeks.”
“You have been a bit much recently, Woo.” San chimes in.
“Like you’d be any different!” Wooyoung rounds on San.
The elder simply raises his hands in his own defence.
“I have asked you repeatedly to give me space, and you have not.” There is nothing but irritated disappointment on your features as you sigh. “Do you think posing as Kuroo works in your favour right now?”
A pointed coo from the real Kuroo as he walks into the room has Wooyoung’s eyebrow twitching.
“I just wanted to spend time with you,” his voice is but a whisper as he looks down at his hands.
“I understand that, Woo.” You crouch in front of him in order to get him to meet your gaze. “But you have to understand that I also value my downtime. We’ve been spending almost twenty-four hours with each other every day for a little over two weeks. That’s not fair to me when I’ve asked you for a little breathing room, nor your brothers. Do you not think that they also want to spend some time with me, too?”
“They haven’t said anything…” he mutters.
“We’ve tried.” Mingi grumbles out a response, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You have to understand that there are eight of you, and only one of me. I cannot be in multiple places at once, and you can’t always hog me to yourself.” You go on to say. “I don’t mind a day here or there where it’s just us, but you’ve got to learn that me saying that I need some time to myself, or me asking you to give me space does not mean that I don’t want you anymore, or that I don’t love you, or that I never want to see you again.”
The whole room is silent for the moment, save for the slow, consistent drip of droplets that continue to fall from the ends of Wooyoung’s damp hair.
“Okay.” His voice is small as he continues to kneel before you.
A blink, and you’re pointing at the other three. “I count you all in this, too.”
“We know, Baby.” San smiles faintly, a certain reminiscent gleam in his eyes.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you nod once at them, moving to exit the room.
“So, which was worse?” Jongho moves beside his brother kneeling on the floor, purposely speaking loud enough so that you can still hear. “Being a drowned rat, or a dead fly?”
Your eyebrow twitches and you freeze halfway through the door.
A loud shushing sounds behind you, followed by the sound of frantic movement.
Slowly, you turn to look over your shoulder. Both of your eyebrows are currently raised in disbelief as you see Wooyoung half moving to put Jongho into a headlock.
“Do I even want to know what that’s supposed to imply?” You look between the two youngest, one of which is wearing a shit eating grin.
“Don’t you worry, Angel-“
“Remember that time you thought a fly got into your room?” Jongho’s eyes gleam with a twisted sense of amusement.
Your brow furrows, body fully turned back towards them for a moment. You notice how the two others opt to remain silent, watching on with a sense of glee shining on their features.
“A fly?” You tilt your head slightly, resting your hands on your hips as you try and recall the memory. “Oh, yeah! That was-“ your breath hitches in your throat as you turn your suddenly sharp gaze towards Wooyoung. “That was you?”
It had been during the second week at the start of this whole fiasco. You had just gotten out of the shower and had finished changing back into your moping attire for the evening when you had heard a fly buzzing around your room. You didn’t even clue in that it could have been Wooyoung after learning of his powers, considering it happened so long ago. Besides, you had other things on your mind, like how you were going to escape this ‘hotel’ you had seemingly been held captive in.
Of course, you weren’t having any sort of fly in your room, and instead of calling one of the guys for help, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Literally.
Besides, it’s not like you were really on speaking terms with them at that point.
So, rolling up the closest thing you could find, which just so happened to be a magazine Jongho had left for you that day, you decided to go fly hunting. A lucky smack, and the fly was upside down, legs twitching in the air before being scooped up and dropped outside onto the balcony.
Oddly enough, Jongho was the one who came to check on you after hearing the noise you had made by smacking the fly. Now that you think about it, of course.
“I can explain.” Wooyoung immediately lifts his hands in his own defence.
“So, you shifting into animals to spy on me isn’t a new thing?” You sigh.
“It’s not like I’m the only one who did it!” Wooyoung attempts to counter, only for Jongho to casually start walking away from him, an innocent look pulling at the younger male’s features.
“Why does this not surprise me?” You shake your head, moving to exit the room in the next moment.
“Wait! Angel!” Wooyoung scurries after you, managing to catch you halfway through the foyer. “I’m sorry!”
“It was stupid of me to do those things,” he continues, practically clinging off of you as you attempt to continue to make your way to the opposite side of the house.
“I promise I’ll never do them again,“ he slides down your body, practically clinging onto your one leg with every step you take.
You sigh, half dragging him across the floor as he desperately holds onto your ankle. Your clothes begin to become damp from the water still dripping off of him. “Sunshine-“
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”
“Wooyoung!” You stop just outside of Seonghwa’s tailor shop, noticing the elder male look up from whatever he’s working on from within.
Only, from the way Wooyoung continues to babble at your feet, grovelling with every word, you let out another sigh. Pleadingly, you turn to look at Seonghwa through the glass of the door, begging him silently to help you.
A blink, and Seonghwa is staring down at Wooyoung from the open door with a scrutinizing gaze.
“Wooyoung.” The elder says the younger’s name, quite pointedly at that.
“I just wanted to spend time with you, Angel.” He pleads for you to understand, his eyes wide as he looks up at you.
“I know, Woo.” You sigh. “I’m not mad. In fact, I’m more upset at Jongho right now for essentially pulling a San.”
“Hey!” A loud complaint sounds from down the hallway from the elder male.
“Marshmallows.” You call back, which immediately shuts him up. Then, you’re turning your attention back to the soaked male clinging to your leg. “Besides, we just agreed that you were going to give me space.”
“Should I tell Joong to come back early?” Seonghwa mentions casually. “We all know the consequences of not respecting Our Queen’s boundaries.”
This has Wooyoung immediately back on his feet, straightening out your shirt for good measure.
“I’m not disappearing, Woo. I can promise you that.” You pat his arm lightly. “Now, go apologize to Kuroo for impersonating him while he was in the room.”
“Fine.” He sighs, trudging back down the hallway.
“And go wrestle your younger brother for being a shit disturber, or something.”
This has him immediately perking up, a sly grin tugging at his features. A quick turn from him, and he’s shifted to place a kiss onto your cheek before racing back down the hallway once more.
A shriek in the distance is all you hear that Wooyoung is most certainly doing something to get back at Jongho right now.
Turning back to face Seonghwa, an amused grin pulls at your lips. You notice he already wears one of his own, you shaking your head lightly while smiling to yourself. At least that seems to be dealt with now.
“May I come in?” Your inquiry is nothing short of sweet as you step towards Seonghwa.
“Of course, My Divine.” His answer is instant as he holds the door open for you. “Join me any time you’d like. You never have to ask.”
Gently, you place a kiss onto his cheek as you walk passed, letting that serve as your answer. Briefly, your eyes take in the familiar sight of his tailor shop, many different memories flooding your mind.
“What are you working on?” Your gaze catches on a bust in the centre of the room, different than what you’re used to.
“Well,” the soft sound of the door closing echoes throughout the room as he walks over to you. A blink, and he’s wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you flush against his chest as he stands behind you. “My Divine requested corsets for all of us, so I thought I should work on those today.”
Your hands come up to rest over his arms, leaning further into his touch as you relax into him. “Whose are you working on right now?”
“Yeosang’s.” He replies, and you both shift your eyes to look at the bust before you.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you fully take in the detail of the corset before you. It’s a light cream in colour, with golden detailing along the seams. The style is over the shoulders, the placement of the fabric appearing as if the corset is layered. The light colour, combined with the almost intricate detailing of such a simple design has your heart fluttering at the mental image of Yeosang wearing such a thing for you.
“It’s beautiful, Hwa.” You breathe, eyes continuously taking in every minute detail
“I’m glad you like it.” He chuckles, burying his face into the side of your neck.
“Have you made any others, yet?” You turn slightly in his arms, subconsciously tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck.
Seonghwa hums in response, “I’ve made yours.” A pause. “And mine.”
Subtly, your fingers press a little firmer against his arms.
“Would you like to see?” There’s an undertone of excitement to his inquiry, along with a hint of nervousness.
“I would love to.” You smile, managing to turn your head to place a kiss against his temple.
Parting from you somewhat reluctantly, Hwa disappears off to the side, pulling out two separate busts. He places the first one beside Yeosang’s, but the other, he purposely hides behind his back for now.
“This one is mine.” He says, motioning to the newly placed corset resting beside Yeosang’s own.
A look of complete wonder rests on your features as you take in the detailing of the corset before you. It’s a bit simplistic in design, but still beautiful. The black material only serves to cover his lower torso, appearing to rest just below his bust. Intricate silver leaves are embroidered on the fabric, silver stitching lining the seams.
For a full minute, you do not speak. Instead, you cannot tear your vision away from the corset before you, your mind swirling with images of what Seonghwa will look like wearing such a piece of clothing for you.
You swallow thickly, you lips parting, “It’s beautiful.”
It’s hardly noticeable, but his shoulders seemingly sink in relief at your words. “I’m just glad you like it.”
“I can’t wait to see you in it.” Comes your earnest reply, shifting your gaze over to meet his own.
“Well, if you like those, then I’m now certain you’ll love your own.” The corner of his lips quirks upwards as he steps aside to reveal your own corset to you.
A gasp escapes you as your hands come up to cover your mouth. You can hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears as your eyes go wide, nothing but excitement and love flooding your veins.
Before you rests one of the most intricate corsets you have ever seen in your entire life. The base is pure white, golden threads running throughout the fabric. Embroidered florals and leaves rest along the bodice, while the seams are lined with more of that striking gold. It’s strapless, with a slight sweetheart neckline at the top.
The exact inverse to his own corset’s design, but almost the exact same colouring to Yeosang’s.
“Seonghwa,” you manage to lower your hands as you meet his somewhat nervous gaze. “I love it!”
A radiant smile is immediately taking over his features. “You do?”
“Of course I do!” You take a step towards him to inspect the detailing of the corsets closer. “These are all incredible! Did you hand stitch these?”
“It took me some time, but I finally found a pattern I thought could suit us.” He shrugs off your words casually.
“You mean to tell me that you embroidered these yourself?” You lips part in awe.
“If it’s for someone important to me, I make all of the patterns myself.” He nods, averting his gaze somewhat shyly.
A few more steps, and you’re in front of him, cupping his cheeks gingerly in your hands.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” You gently guide his gaze to your own.
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, a warmth beginning to bloom beneath your hands and upon his cheeks.
“My Divine asked, and I am more than happy to deliver.” He whispers.
Again, you place a kiss upon his cheek.
“They’re all going to be matching, aren’t they?” You smile, turning to face the corsets once more.
“In one way or another, ours will all bear some resemblance to your own.” Seonghwa confirms, wrapping his arms around you from behind for the second time this day.
“Something tells me you have some idea when we’ll be wearing these.” You tease, poking his arm lightly.
“I do.” He hums. “Your coronation ceremony.”
Your body goes still in his arms, “Uh…”
“Don’t worry, My Divine,” he chuckles. “That’s still quite some time away.”
“But there will be one at some point.” You respond.
“At some point, yes.” He confirms, and you can hear the amusement in his voice. “We still have to officially crown you as our Queen, you know.”
“Right,” You nod a few times slowly. “I guess with all that’s going on lately, I forgot about that little detail.”
“Well, it’s not quite a little detail to us.” He grins. “We’ve been thinking about it far longer than you could ever imagine.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” You tease, leaning further back into his chest.
“I was hoping for that dress to be what you wore for the ceremony, but unfortunately it seems that fate had other plans.” Seonghwa’s words are low as he exhales disappointedly.
This time, you tense.
“Seonghwa, I-“
“Wasn’t it you who told me to stop apologizing for the things that we can’t control?” He’s quick to cut you off, turning you around so that you’re facing him. Gently, he grasps your chin in his one hand, holding your gaze with his own. “All that incident told me was that I could make something better. Something truly worthy for you, and I think I already have.”
Your eyes dart beside you, almost searching for that corset that you know is just resting behind you for the moment.
“Yes, I decided to approach things from a new angle. Starting with those corsets have breathed new life into my designs.” He smiles, shifting his hand over to cup your cheek. “I know we have discussed it before, but it is important for me to say it again now: I do not, and I will never blame you for what she did. Inside of these walls, out there,” his eyes dart to the hallway, “Anywhere, or for anything for that matter. I don’t want you thinking that I do. We’ve had our disagreements in the past, but please, My Divine, never believe I would ever think for a single second that you are at fault for what she has done. I am simply glad you are safe, and most importantly, still alive.”
Your expression softens, and you find yourself lifting a hand up to rest on top of his own over your cheek. Leaning into his touch, your eyes flutter closed.
“I appreciate that, Hwa,” you breathe. “Know that I don’t blame you, either. What she did to me, to us, does not rest on your shoulders. I know you tend to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, and if you’re still having doubts, I will be here to ease them all from your mind.”
For a moment, nothing more is said between the both of you. Instead, you opt to revel in this silence, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, and as you both cradle each other so gently in each other’s hands, you both know that everything will be okay.
“So,” a mischievous glint begins shining within your gaze as your eyes dart beside you once again, “Can I try it on?”
Ten minutes later, and you find yourself standing directly in front of that same three way panelled mirror as the very first time you entered his tailor shop. Seonghwa rests behind you, tying off the last string to the corset before fluffing out the skirt of the dress he’s temporarily paired with it.
Finally, he takes a step back to admire you.
You hear the hitch in his breath before you even lift your head to meet his gaze in the mirror. Though, this time when he steps up behind you to gently place his hands onto your hips, you don’t tense.
“How you become more beautiful every time I look at you escapes all sense of logic and reason.” He breathes out, the ghost of his breath tickling the side of your neck.
The giggle you give him in response is music to his ears.
“You never seem to hold onto logic whenever you’re around me.” You tease, smoothing out the front of the skirt you’re wearing.
“Maybe I don’t want to.” He places a tender kiss against your neck, right above your racing pulse. “You look breathtaking, My Divine.”
A bashful smile pulls at your lips, your heart racing in your chest. “Thank you.”
Slowly, Hwa makes his way to your front, trailing his hand delicately along your side as he does so. You can feel his gaze roaming every inch of your bodice as he comes to stand before you, his eyes dark, yet calculating.
“Are you comfortable? I didn’t do it too tight to begin with, but I can still make adjustments if need be.” He comments, glancing upwards briefly into your eyes.
“Everything feels fine, Hwa.” You assure him. “I am quite comfortable right now, and I mean that in more than one way.”
His eyes flash black, hands smoothing down your sides in a tender caress. He smiles. “I’m glad.”
“I mean it, Seonghwa.” Gently, you take his hands into your own, stepping down from that little platform in order to be closer to him. “I know you’ve been cautious this whole time since I entered here today of overstepping boundaries again.” The way you can feel his hands tense the slightest bit in your hold from your words says it all. “You don’t have to worry about that, anymore. You can touch me, Hwa. I promise I won’t run away this time.”
There is nothing but absolute adoration shining behind Seonghwa’s eyes as he meets your own. A love that you can feel in the way he gently squeezes your hands in his own. Even more so when he leans forward to place a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“Believe me, My Divine,” he keeps his voice low as he pulls away only to lean his forehead against your own. “You don’t realize how often my thoughts swirl with my desires for you. I’d just rather wait until after your coronation to rip this corset off of your body and take you in every and any way that you desire me to.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, “Oh.”
Seonghwa smirks. “Yes, ‘oh’.”
“Well, I might request that the corsets don’t get torn to shreds if we can help it.” You giggle. “Seems a waste to do so to such beautiful pieces of clothing.”
“I can always make more.” He quirks a brow.
“But none of them would be the first.” You rest your hands upon his shoulders. “They wouldn’t hold the same meaning.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he sighs, taking a small step away to admire you once more. “One of these days, I’m tearing one of my designs right off of you, though.”
“Something tells me you already have something in mind.” You grin knowingly.
“I’ve got a few things.” He hums, grinning right back.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement as you close the distance between the both of you once more. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers delicately lacing through the hair at the back of his neck.
“I’ll model for you anytime, Mars,” The words are but a sultry whisper on your lips, eyes hooding over as you stare deeply into his. “You just let me know the time and place.”
“Don’t give me even more ideas, My Divine,” His voice is but a low rumble as he pulls you flush against his chest. “You already know how hard it is for me to control myself around you.”
You lean into him closer, lips nearly ghosting his own.
His breathing deepens, hands tightening around your waist.
“Then, how delectable it will be when I finally let you indulge.”
A shudder caresses his spine, nothing but a low growl escaping his lips. 
Again, you giggle, pulling away from him with a vibrant smile on your lips. Turning slightly, you face the mirror beside you.
“I do like the style of this dress, though.” You say, acting completely oblivious to the raging storm of desire you’ve just ignited within Seonghwa who is barely controlling his breathing while standing right beside you. “You just had this laying around?”
“Believe it or not,” his voice is a little strained as he attempts to calm himself down, “I’ve had quite a few things already made for you for some time now.”
This piques your interest. “Oh?”
“I’ve spent a lot of time making things for you, My Divine.” He clears his throat lightly, straightening himself. “Yunho isn’t the only one with you as his muse.”
Your heart warms, a loving smile tugging at your features. “I am glad to be able to inspire you so.”
A tender smile in response is all that you get.
“Does this mean you still have all of those dresses from that first dinner?” You tilt your head, nothing but curiosity reflected in your eyes.
“I do.” He nods once in confirmation.
A moment later, Seonghwa has moved off to the side, pulling a curtain back to reveal a row of dresses hanging delicately along a rack. Familiar dresses. The only one that’s missing is his.
Realization crosses your features, those all too familiar mental strings flashing in your mind. 
“You made all of them. Not just for me, but for them, too.”
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, “They told me what they wanted, and I did my best to bring their visions to life.”
You step towards the rack, gazing at the dresses akin to how you looked at them the very first time you saw them. Delicately, you pull each one out to take in the full detail.
“Of course Wooyoung would make his a wedding dress,” you chuckle, looking over the beadwork of the princess style ballgown.
“You can’t blame the man,” Seonghwa chuckles along with you. “We were all eager for you to finally come to us.”
“Believe me,” you meet his gaze, moving on to the lavender gown next. “I know.”
Again, you pull out the satin material, noticing how the thin straps give way to a very low back. The triangle cups on the front before the bodice begin also leave no room to the imagination.
“I do love the style of this dress, but there was no way I was going to wear it back then.” You gently rub the smooth material between your thumb and forefinger. At the mildly confused look Seonghwa gives you, you’re quick to continue, “Open invitation to stare at my chest; my boobs would have been practically falling out.”
Seonghwa nearly tumbles over while standing upright.
“I’m not about to go to dinner with men that I don’t know with my chest on full display.” You joke.
“We would have been respectful!” Seonghwa immediately attempts to defend both himself and his brothers.
“Right.” You snort out a laugh. “And Yeosangie isn’t a boob’s guy.”
The tips of Seonghwa’s ears being to burn bright red.
“In his favourite colour, no less.” You hum, clearly amused. “Granted, he’s much more subtle than some of your brothers. Mingi isn’t very good at hiding when he’s staring at my ass, his gaze can be quite intense. Thinks he being subtle, too.”
“I’ll let him know.” Seonghwa clears his throat.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” you turn to meet Seonghwa’s gaze briefly, a smile tugging at your lips. “It’s nice to know I’m wanted.” You turn back to the row of dresses. “Though, maybe keep the eye-fucking for when we’re not in public, yeah?”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Seonghwa grins, a small chuckle escaping him. “Though, I can’t promise you much.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you shoot a playful wink in his direction before pulling out the emerald green dress next. “Speaking of dear Mingles.”
“If anyone but you called him that, they’d be decapitated by now.” Seonghwa jokes, shifting to pull out his chair before taking a seat to continue watching you go through all of the dresses he made for you for that one night.
“Good thing I’m not just anybody.” You grin, observing the way the material of the strapless goddess wrap falls from the hanger. 
The material pinches in one place on the left side, allowing for a sort of angled hemline which ends just above your knees. The wrap of the dress is meticulous, silver gems serving to pin the wrap in place, glittering beneath the lights of the tailor shop around you.
“No,” he agrees with a hum, leaning back in his seat as he observes you with a loving gaze, “you’re not.”
Moving on to the next gown, you pull out what had been your second choice for that evening all those months ago. 
The red dress is just as beautiful as you remember, the capped sleeves giving way to the sweetheart neckline. Tulle flows from the waistline and all the way to the floor in a seamless line, accentuating the length of the gown. Though, as you pull the skit, you realize that there seems to be a slit running all the way up the side, hidden beneath the layers of fabric.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement.
“Do you think it would have been easier or harder for me to stab him wearing his dress?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone as you turn to face Seonghwa once more.
“My Divine, I think you underestimate the power you hold when we see you wear something of our own design.” He remarks. At the way you quirk a brow, he continues, “If you wore that dress for him… hell, if you wore anything red for him, you could get him to do anything that you want. No questions asked.”
Your eyes widen significantly, pure mirth dancing within. “Good to know.”
“The same goes for every single one of us.” He sighs, somewhat dreamily as he rests his elbow on the arm of his chair. His head is in his hand, and you can just tell by that fond look in his eyes that he’s vividly reminiscing you wearing his own gown for him all those long months ago.
The next dress you pull out to look at is a beautiful bright yellow. It’s strapless, and the skirt falls like a waterfall - short in the front before it lengthens in the back. The material is chiffon, wrapping around the bodice in a sort of layered pattern.
“Simple, yet elegant.” You comment. “It’s fitting for Yunho.”
“He has always been a simple man, in that sense.” Seonghwa agrees.
That soft smile rests on your features as you delicately place Yunho’s dress back onto the rack. Almost lovingly, you trace your hands over the fabric one last time before moving on to the soft pink dress right beside it. Pulling it off of the rack, you hum.
The lightness of the fabric falls delicately against your one hand as you see the over the shoulder straps. There seem to be two sets: one the would hang just over your collarbones, while the other falls just past your shoulders, both thin yet sturdy. The style reminds you of old fantasy games, where fairies would wear pastels, their wings fluttering behind them. The ruffled seam along the top leads into the straps that fall just over your shoulders, bodice form fitting while the skirt falls delicately in a solid piece of soft fabric to rest just below your knees.
“Sometimes, I forget how soft you all can be.” You hum pleasantly, heart swelling as you place San’s dress back onto the rack.
When you first met San, you interpreted him to be all sharp angles and brute strength. At least, that’s how he appeared to you.
A vision of him purposely flaunting himself off beside the pool flashes through your mind briefly. 
Now, of course, you know differently, and this dress only serves to prove what you already know.
You smile.
Last, but certainly not least, you pull out the final dress in the row.
The youngest’s dress is probably the shortest of the bunch, the deep maroon accenting the black velvet pattern of roses found throughout. It’s quite simple in design, small slits on either side along the edges of the skit to make moving in the dress easier. The top is strapless, body formfitting.
“Something tells me Jongho was hoping a little too hard for this one.” You quirk a brow, turning to look at Seonghwa who suddenly avoids your gaze. “Ohoho, so he wasn’t the only one hoping for this one.”
“If we’re being honest, it was my second choice.” Seonghwa mumbles, still not being able to meet your eyes.
“Do I want to know?” You tease, nothing but amusement shining in your eyes.
“I wasn’t the only one!” Seonghwa attempts to defend himself, raising his hands in front of his chest.
“Yes, Mars, we’ve established that.” You chuckle. “It’s a wonder the shortest dress is the most popular.”
“Nothing to do with it being the tightest, either…” He mumbles, clearing his throat quite loudly afterwards.
You laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides as you begin teasing them about being your ‘damn horny Kings’ yet again.
“How you managed to get my measurements right is beyond me.” You shake your head, tutting lightly.
“It took me some time, but I do have almost perfect spacial reasoning.” He replies, somewhat nonchalantly.
You raise a hand, shaking your head lightly, “I don’t even want to know.”
“You seemed curious.” He shrugs.
“Wait, how long did it take you to make these?” Your brow furrows slightly as you shift your gaze back to the dresses on the rack beside you.
Seonghwa takes a moment to think about his answer, humming lightly to himself. “Probably about three months. Give or take a week.”
“Three months?” Your eyes nearly bug right out of your head.
“Yeah, I worked on them practically non-stop.” He recalls. “I mean, my own design took me the longest with all of the lace, but if I set my mind to something, it normally doesn’t take me very long to do. Or, well, create.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times before his words are truly sinking in.
“Seonghwa,” you turn to him, “How long did it take you to make your dress for me?”
He pauses, looking upwards as he mentally tallies the days. “About a month.”
You mouth falls open. “You spent a month working on a single dress? For me?”
“I had to make sure it was perfect.” He shrugs.
Your expression softens as you move to kneel before him as he rests in his chair. Ever so gently, you clasp his hands in your own, his words from earlier echoing throughout your head.
“You weaved the lace by hand, didn’t you?” Your inquiry is a bit airy, warmth swelling in your chest as you stare deeply into his eyes. “Just like you embroidered this by hand, too.”
The way he glances down at the corset you wear is answer enough, but he still nods softly along with your words.
A tender smile graces your lips. “You are incredible, you know that?”
Again, he averts his gaze somewhat bashfully. “It’s not much.”
“Seonghwa, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You glance up at him through your lashes.
“To be fair, you said it yourself, we’ve had quite a few rough patches already.” He once again shrugs your praise off. “It never felt like the right time, and I didn’t want it to appear like I was boasting.”
You’re silent for a moment, pursing your lips slightly as you appear deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind, My Divine?” His hand gently cupping your face has you meeting his gaze once more.
“I wish I had known.” There’s a slight downturn of your lips, a hint of guilt shining behind your eyes. “I had an inkling you had made it for me, but I didn’t realize the extent you went to.”
“It’s alright, My Divine,” Seonghwa chuckles fondly. “You don’t need to feel bad for this.”
“But I almost threw it off my balcony.” Nothing but pure regret pulls at your features.
“But you didn’t.” He reminds you.
“As scared, confused, and upset I was, I couldn’t do that to such a beautiful dress.” You admit lowly. “Especially not to one that actually made me feel beautiful after so long of believe I wasn’t.”
“I’m just happy to know you liked my design enough to choose it first.” He cups your face gently, placing a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“I should wear it again.” A casual admittance from you has him freezing right in his spot. “A dress like that shouldn’t be worn only once, Mars. It’s wasted sitting on a hanger, and not worn for its intended purpose.”
“You would wear it again?” He pulls away to meet your gaze, eyes shining with his barely contained awe and happiness. “For me?”
“I plan to wear everything you’ve ever made for me at some point, Hwa.” You admit lowly. “Everything you will make for me.”
His brow quirks teasingly, “Even the wedding dress?”
You grin right along with him, “Even the wedding dress.”
“I know for a fact that Wooyoung won’t be the only one who wants to see you in that.” His gaze drifts to the row of dresses behind you.
“I think your brothers have long since earned seeing me in their own dress designs.” You hum, turning your head to glance back at the aforementioned gowns. “As a treat.”
“You might want to time Jongho’s for when none of us are home, except him.” Seonghwa warns, helping you back to your feet as he stands from his chair. “You may not get to him if one of us sees you in that first.”
“Is that a promise?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“A Divine Temptress, that’s what you are.” Seonghwa shakes his head, stroking his thumb lovingly against your cheek.
“Only for My Kings.” You giggle, shooting him a playful wink as you walk back over to the stand.
Seonghwa follows behind, a fond smile on his features as he watches you step back onto that little pedestal. Again, you turn to face the mirrors, smoothing out the front of the dress as you examine your reflection closely.
All is silent for the moment as he looks you over carefully, noting the somewhat subtle twitch of your fingers over the material of the gown.
“You know you can tell me whatever is on your mind.” He voices softly. “If you don’t like something, I won’t be upset.”
You take a moment to straighten your spine before clearing your throat, “You said you haven’t started on the new dress to match this yet, right?”
“That is correct.” He confirms with a nod, a sort of amused gleam shining behind his eyes.
“I- uh-“ you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, averting your gaze so sweetly to the side.
“Do you have something in mind?” Seonghwa is a little too eager when he asks this.
Softly, you nod your head. “But if you already have an idea, I don’t want to-“
“My Divine,” he cuts you off with a lighthearted chuckle, moving to stand in front of you. A second later, he gently grasps your hands in his own. “Never be afraid to ask me to make you something. I would be more than happy to create for you whatever vision you have in that beautiful mind of yours.”
A reassuring squeeze is felt against your hands.
“What if…” you trail off lightly before finally meeting his gaze. “What if we designed it together?”
Seonghwa goes so still, you swear he might pass out. That is, until he’s blinking rapidly, almost as if to clear tears from his vision.
“You want to design a dress with me?” His voice is a bit airy, coming out a bit choked from his overwhelming emotions.
At your eager nod, a brilliant smile stretches across his features. 
Again, he squeezes your hands, shaking them back and forth lightly in his excitement. “What do you have in mind?”
“Well, you already have the corset,” you begin, an eager grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
He nods.
“So, I was thinking…”
A moment later, and you’re opening up your void to him, the mental image of you in a very specific dress filling his thoughts.
You can hear his sudden intake of breath, his eyes widening slightly as his heart stutters in his chest. Subconsciously, he pulls you closer, his lips parting in awe at the vision that paints his mind.
Seonghwa clears his throat, swallowing the sudden dryness there. “I can do that.”
You smile, placing a kiss onto his cheek. “We can do that.”
Seonghwa laughs, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he wraps you into his arms. A moment later, and he lifts you into the air, spinning you around once as a joyous shriek of surprise escapes your lips.
“Hwa, put me down!” Your laughter strongly contradicts your statement as you hold onto his shoulders for support.
Gently, he settles you back onto your feet on that little pedestal. Still, he holds you to him, gazing at you with nothing but love and affection in his dark eyes.
“I love you, My Divine,” he squeezes you the slightest bit tighter as he says this. “So much.”
You smile tenderly at him, cupping his face softly in your hands. “I love you, Seonghwa.”
Briefly, his eyes dart down to your lips.
He swallows. “May I?”
You decide to tease him a little longer.
“May you, what?” You quirk a brow.
“May I kiss-“
He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his inquiry before your lips are on his own. 
A pleased hum reverberates in his chest as he pulls you impossibly closer, one hand settling on the back of your head while the other rests between your shoulder blades. 
Kissing you is a feeling unlike any other to Seonghwa, and he revels in it each time. He can never get enough - your touch, your laugh, your smile - anything and everything about you, he adores, and he’s sure to pour all that he is into the movement of his lips against your own. You are all that he needs.
All too soon, you’re parting from him to rest your forehead against his own.
“You make me so incredibly happy, My Divine.” He breathes out, his eyes still closed as he absolutely revels in this moment here in time with you. “It means the world to me that you wish to design something together.”
“It’s like I told San before,” you reply lowly. “I want to spend more time with each of you doing what you love to do. You’ve all done so much for me, I think it’s time I return the favour.”
“My Queen.” The way his eyes shine with unshed tears says it all.
“I’m just sorry I can’t make anything like this for you, yet.” You briefly motion to the corset you’re still wearing.
“Well,” he laughs, “I do have a few thousand years on you.”
“Just a few.” You grin right along with him. “Maybe I’ll make you a scarf, or something.”
“A scarf?” He quirks a brow.
“I do know how to crochet, Mars.” You chuckle. “Though, you wouldn’t really have a use for it.”
“If you made me a scarf, I would never take it off.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“I don’t know how durable it would be constantly getting wet in the shower,” you hum, almost absentmindedly to yourself.
“You’ve never asked us for yarn before,” he mumbles, brow furrowing in thought.
“To be fair, there have been quite a few other things on my mind.” You poke his cheek lightly.
“I suppose you’re right.” He nods in agreement.
“You ‘suppose’?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“I, uh-“
“I’m just teasing you.” You hum, burying your face into the side of his neck as you hug him close to you. “Besides, I’m surprised my grandmother hasn’t told you that yet. I also know how to knit.”
“Surprisingly, I haven’t seen her around much, lately.” He replies, helping you straighten out the dress again once you part from him.
“I wonder why,” you mumble, somewhat absentmindedly to yourself.
Just then, the bell above the door to the shop jingles, and both you and Seonghwa are turning to see a frantic San rushing through the door. Both Mingi and Wooyoung are behind him, excitement shining within their eyes.
That’s when you notice, San seems to be holding onto your phone.
“It’s Vasco.” He says, holding out the phone to you with a large smile tugging at his features. “Crystal’s gone into labour.”
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