#But i want takamaki to come with because i think she deserves to help me. Kill him. Whatevar
decapod-appreciator · 25 days
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About 40 minutes into P5... charmed by his nonbinary swagger
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headcanonstation · 4 years
Phantom Thieves S/O has palace
Ren Amamiya
Breaks his heart to find you have a Palace
Ren figures it out because of how you may have been acting. That or curiously getting to him to put your name in the nav
Apologies in advance, he isn’t gonna be reaching out too often as he’ll be putting way too much focus into preparing to infiltrate 
During this time there will be no Mementos trips 
If he can help it, there won’t be a day they aren’t going in until your Palace is taken down
Though for him personally, he doesn’t care how tired he may be. He is gonna go in
Odds are its getting dealt with in about a day or really close to that
It does kind of scare him on the why you have a Palace
What gets to him is he feels like he should have seen the signs. Feels like that maybe he could have prevented it or at least curb the development of it
Exploring the place is the actual worst to him he isn’t having a very good time
Ren will be kind of more quiet while in the Palace. Looking more focused
But he may be a little more “impatient” as it were
Ren really, really does not like running into your shadow
Has fingers crossed they don’t have to fight your shadow, but if they do he is gonna hate it
Gonna act as more of a support unit if they do have to fight said shadow
Regardless if you know he is a phantom thief or not, he is gonna write the calling card. And he is gonna drop it off to you. {In your mailbox, locker, under your door. Etc. He isn't going to directly hand it to you, again regardless if you know of him being a phantom thief}
Ryuji Sakamoto
The thought never occurs to him, almost believing it be absolutely impossible for you to have one
He is not gonna be the one to put your name in, regardless if he notices you being off your A-game. Someone else is gonna be doing it
Ryuji can’t help but wonder why you have one. Again, he found it be impossible for you to ever have one. So he is pretty curious as to why it happened
Whatever the reason is for the development of the Palace, he swears he is gonna knock it out of the park
He definitely gets impatient during infiltrations and downtimes
Kind of becomes pretty prone to getting into trouble and pushing forward which results in his friends going “oi slow down”
Also becomes a little more impatient 
Unlike Ren, Ryuji becomes more talkative during the exploration. Asking things like if they are closer, if Mona can sense the treasure, where exactly they are, what is the next course of action- you get me
He seems to have an “easier” time powering through any exhaustion he is having and practically demands to be on the frontlines at all times
Makes sure all his hits, hits harder
He has a huge need to know what your treasure is, further adding to his impatience
Will write the calling card, with help from Makoto
If you know he is a phantom thief {yeah,,,,,,"if"}, he hand delivers the card to you
If they have to fight your shadow, Ryuji does okay. He doesn't do the absolute best and his attacks may actually miss a lot
Ann Takamaki
She immediately has a need to know if anyone is connected to you having a Palace
She just wants to talk
Ann is a lot like Ryuji where she did not enter your name in the Nav, not wanting to see an answer at all pop up. The only difference is she knew it could be a possibility. It was not impossible to her if you had one- just unlikely 
Ann can’t help but think about the what if of the thieves finding you in Mementos. Able to stop you there and prevent a Palace from developing further
She just finds herself thinking how she could have helped prevent this, if at all. Playing scenarios in her head of helping you before it got this bad
But this is no time to wonder, this is the time to help you
Inside the Palace, she doesn’t act far too differently. Outside of it though, she becomes kind of pushy to go into the Palace
When it comes to you, she finds herself trying to spend time with you- more than usual
She doesn't like the Mementos trips during the time where you still have a Palace. While it's nice to help other people- you need her help right now
No matter what your Shadow is like, she swears she is gonna take them down
She promises to herself that no matter how much it hurts her, she isn't going to hold back on your shadow. After all, it's not exactly easy to attack something that resembles/represents you
Really would rather not see the calling card at all
Yusuke Kitagawa
His first thoughts are the fears that its alike to Madarame’s
He isn’t sure he can handle that
As such, he is pretty nervous about the whole thing
Upon finding out though its nothing like that, if anything more like Futaba’s, brings him a wave of relief
If he were to be honest, being in your Palace frustrates him
Not only does it frustrate him, but it hurts him. Especially as they go further and further into their exploration
You don’t deserve to have to be dealing with this and the burden this thing probably brings to you
Kind of like Ryuji, he just thought nothing like this would come to pass for you. At least, so as long as he was there with you
During the Palace, he is more reserved
A lot like Ann, he is kind of pushy with going into the Palace. Not nearly as much as Ann, but it’d be a lie to say he doesn’t at all try to push Ren into going in sooner
Seeing your Shadow actually angers him, more than anything. Because this isn’t you, but a distorted version of the person he cares about
But Yusuke remains relatively calm
During downtimes while they aren’t in the Palace, he will be trying to seek you out and keep you company- regardless if you know what is going on
Insists to be the one to write the calling card, there are no exceptions 
I would argue he is one of the more aggressive thieves when it comes to fighting your shadow. He holds absolutely nothing back and is ready to fight
This isn’t you and he wants to get rid of your shadow as fast as possible
Makoto Niijima
She audibly gasps
However, she can’t bring herself to bring it up for a short bit. Its not that she doesn’t want to, but it becomes more real whenever it is she mentions it
She ends up bringing it up after seeing you again and again. Knowing the toll a Palace can take on a person, she knows she can’t just ignore it
Part of her wonders if she is any part of the cause. She hopes not, but it worries her that what if she plays a part in your Palace
She tries to remain composed both in and out of the Palace, trying not to show any signs of struggling with the idea of it
When around you, she gets kind of awkward 
She’ll promise to you that she will be there for you, through thick and thin. Which to you may come out of nowhere, but Makoto feels a need to say it
Its when Makoto sees your shadow that it really, really hits her about the situation
Still, she tries to remain composed but internally she is just having a marathon if emotions
Makoto helps in creating the calling card and will hand it off to you should you know of her being a phantom thief
If not she will put it in a normal envelope and give it to you, saying simply it was addressed to you and not much else
Maybe even sneak it into a book your reading or in your locker
Fighting your shadow at first will have her be a deer in the headlights, but her friends will snap her out of it
Which will help her find new strength when it comes to taking down your shadow
Futaba Sakura
Curiosity kills the cat, and it killed Futaba upon entering your name in the nav
She figured if anything popped up, it would be just be a Mementos trip. Not something as extreme as a Palace
Her first thought was how long have you had this?
Futaba first brings it up to Ren before anyone else
She knows this is more of a personal Palace to take care of, but they have to help you
She had one of these things and she’ll be damned if she lets this go ignored
Futaba admittedly would rather it just be her and Ren, again seeing as this is more personal. However, this is a little more extreme than a simple field trip to Mementos, so that isn’t a viable option
Her nature ends up very serious, focused and a little hurt. She won't have snarky comments to hand out. She won’t really have any upbeat cheer in her voice either
Futaba is going to be going overdrive to help the thieves get rid of the Palace faster
Will be more subtle in pushing the idea of going into the Palace during downtimes. She isn’t going to be aggressive in it, more so just making it clear she would really like to get back in asap
She wishes she could do more while they are exploring the place
During time outside the Palace she will be in constant contact with you. Asking if your okay, if anything happened, if you need to talk, etc
Seeing your shadow will kind of have her wince, but outside of that it only fuels her further to steal your treasure
She doesn’t do anything when it comes to the calling card. She just demands to see it before it sent to you
Haru Okumura
She’s ready to go guns blazing just say the word
Haru would probably be the most worried when it came to the whole Palace infiltration
After all, last time they did this with someone she cared about they kinda died
So yeah she is a little on edge on the that “what if” even though she knows it wasn’t their fault
Regardless of her unease though, she’ll put her best face forward and try to remain optimistic 
There may be times during the Palace where she lets her emotions get to her
At first she was worried of what your Palace was and why it even existed. You weren’t a bad person,  so why in the world do you have one of these?
Honestly, overall you could be forgiven thinking she wasn’t too anxious about the whole thing. Because on the outside she doesn’t seem too bothered, but trust me she is having a time internally
She vows to herself they are going to take care of this for you and she is not going to let anything bad happen to you from this infiltration. She swears it
Seeing your shadow doesn’t seem to do anything to her, if anything it prompts her to try and further figure out the why question
Haru requests if she can give you the card, especially if you know she is a thief. Regardless, she promises things will work out
She is merciless when it comes to fighting your shadow? Way more than what anyone was expecting from her?
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
1 Thing I Love & 1 Thing I Hate About EVERY Danganronpa Character Part 1
Part 2
I’d love to hear our opinions as well in the comments or my inbox or DM’s! If you try this trend with DR characters, tag me!
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Sayaka Maizono
♡ Her passion for her career and friends.
✘ The way she tries to screw over Makoto when the game had just begun. Like wait and see what happens before screwing over such a great guy? Leon didn’t deserve it either.
Leon Kuwata
♡ His voice actor (English), and how real and human his execution was in that we all would be so scared and irrational. It was just so iconic and sad as it’s our first introduction to the death in this series and we all think: “shit, this is real... they are really killing these kids.” I didn’t think it would be that brutal, just seeing his body limp at the end with the haunting music.
✘ His design is disgusting. I hate how he looks.
Chihiro Fujisaki
♡ So innocent, so kind, so intelligent
✘ Shouldn’t have been killed for such a stupid reason, also they did Mondo dirty with that motive for killing as well. Just a mess. As for the actual character, Chihiro cries right off the bat when you do your introductions and that was kind of annoying to me personally.
Mondo Oowada
♡ He has a lot of respect, understanding and emotions for someone I thought would be a hard-ass douche biker.
✘ The worst motive to kill ever in a game where you know you’re getting executed if you’re found out. Like you’d be extra careful and that’s his reason to kill? Lazy writing.
Celestia Ludenberg
♡ Bad bitch energy and her goth lolita design.
✘ Manipulation and double murder. Bad bitch energy only goes so far. Confidence is different then selfishness. Also, of all the chapter 3 triple murders... the worst motive to kill.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
♡ Emotions: secure in his masculinity, able to cry, show emotions, and apologize when he’s wrong. He’s funny and likable.
✘ The Ishimondo white hair thing was stupid. Taka was fine on his own.
Hifumi Yamada
♡ Writing takes talent, fan fiction as much as any other style or genre. Also the talent of his voice actor (who also voices Kiibo/K1-B0).
✘ Literally everything else about him.
Sakura Oogami
♡ I love everything about her. I love her wisdom, loyalty, design, voice etc. Just step on me, mother.
✘ Why the hell would she ever agree to be a spy even if it meant the end of her dojo? I just don’t think she would do that rationally because she isn’t selfish. The others would suffer for her spying. She remedies this with redemption in her letter in chapter 4 but still she should’ve said no off the bat. Everyone had something to lose. The dojo wasn’t worth spying for monokuma. Also I just don’t think she would commit suicide. She can’t help the remaining students survive and redeem herself truly if she’s dead.
Kyoko Kirigiri
♡ Bad bitch energy, calm and collected when I could never be.
✘ Especially in future arc of the anime, damn can you show some emotion please? Through your words and expressions not just your actions. Sure she was willing to “die” for Makoto but like I just want more emotion from her sometimes, even in THH.
Makoto Naegi
♡ So pure. I Love Bryce Papenbrook. Makoto reminds me of Sora and I love his design.
✘ In THH I didn’t mind his innocence but in the Danganronpa 3 future arc anime, when people started straight up abusing him and accusing him, he needed to grow a little backbone.
Byakuya Togami
♡ Love my dad, king shit, also love how over the progression of the games and animes he becomes a little more kind to his friends.
✘ Why the fuck did he mess with Chihiro’s body? Just so cruel and disrespectful.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
♡ Funny magic man. Sexy voice.
✘ Please. Please Hiro use your brain just once. Why do we have to prove Kyoko isn’t a ghost?!
Toko Fukawa
♡ Character development in UDG and I love Genocider.
✘ Putting down herself and others constantly gets old in THH.
Aoi Asahina
♡ Love her voice actress and her personality
✘ We really just gonna get everyone killed in chapter 4 huh? Surely you know they don’t all deserve that.
Junko Enoshima
♡ A very memorable villain with great hair and design.
✘ I just can’t stand her. I hate her so much.
Mukuro Ikusaba
♡ Her mercenary background is super cool as a concept.
✘ Too bad it wasn’t explored nearly enough.
Hajime Hinata
♡ Seeing the protagonist be a little less naive, innocent and positive than Makoto was a refreshing change, although I loved Makoto. I liked Hajime’s cynicism and expressions that sometimes just screamed “this shit again, huh?”
✘ I enjoy the way Izuru looks but I hate him as a character. He is sexy to look at but Hajime is just a better character overall
Teruteru Hanamura
♡ His love for his family and mother especially is so cute and heart breaking if you know the full story.
✘ He needs to know when to dial it back and quit with the perversions. And no it’s not just how he looks, Miu needs to chill at times, too.
♡ I feel like he genuinely cares about his friends, just hides it well
✘ His death felt like a cop out and poorly written. It just didn’t sit right with me. Also his design is disgusting to me, his outfit and such.
Mahiru Koizumi
♡ Loyal to her close friends.
✘ I just have no interest in her as a character and I find her boring.
Peko Pekoyama
♡ Loyalty. Loyalty is something I value very highly in every form of relationship. Peko is also very hot.
✘ Come on girl... I know how you were raised but you should’ve known Fuyuhiko didn’t think of you as just a tool and you two should’ve expressed your true feelings long ago. Like even in secret. How do you live like this? Also I feel like killing Mahiru could’ve been avoided with a calm talk.
Ibuki Mioda
♡ Cute design, positive vibes.
✘ Cringe sometimes in the way she talks.
Hiyoko Saionji
♡ Beautiful character design and some very good insults and snarky remarks at times.
✘ Just irredeemably mean and annoying. Even when you do her free time events she is just so annoying.
Mikan Tsumiki
♡ I like her design as well as her hair, expressions, sprites and clothing.
✘ I hate her. I just hate her whether she’s in her true psycho form or timid stuttering form. She’s just annoying in my opinion.
Nekomaru Nidai
♡ So supportive, can hold my drink at a party. Respects everyone and wants the best for them.
✘ Bro Mechamaru was a stupid plot point. I just couldn’t stand looking at him and couldn’t take it seriously. Still sad when he died though.
Chiaki Nanami
♡ From chapter 5 of sdr2 on she is impossible not to love if you didn’t already. Just the selflessness, the sadness of the reveal and execution, how she returns to help Hajime at the end???? I love her. I love her hair design, color palette, her personality, everything.
✘ I’m bitter and miserable about her being the only class member to actually die (the despair arc anime) also her falling asleep at random times is kind of odd and she doesn’t seem to be like that later on in the game??? Like it seemed like a cheap joke but not actually who she is? Hard for me to explain.
Gundham Tanaka
♡ King shit, couldn’t praise him enough. He’s sexy, loves animals, and is funny as hell sometimes. His voice actor is a saint and a cool dude and I named my guinea pigs after the Dark Devas (yes I know they are hamsters in the games.)
✘ Come on dude. I get that being from Hell and magic and having evil powers is your shtick, but we all know that you and Nekomaru sacrificed yourselves so the others wouldn’t starve. We know you care about your classmates. There comes a time when it’s time to let personas and facades fade and be true to your heart. I just feel like him denying he cared at the end hurt. We all know he cared. I didn’t like how he was haughty until the end. He deserved better. I love him.
Nagito Komaeda
♡ I love him so much. So cunning and intelligent, always a step ahead. And he’s big sexy.
✘ Him killing himself in chapter 5 hurt me so bad I was like in denial for days. Also hate how Bryce Papenbrook gives him a raspy stoner psycho voice in the game then a light airy higher-pitched voice in the despair arc anime. It just bothers me. I love his voice still but the inconsistency just hurts my OCD
Sonia Nevermind
♡ I love that she’s so interested in her passions and love her feelings for Gundham
✘ Her outfit and bow are atrocious. Also why didn’t she start liking and talking to Gundham sooner on? Their romance bloomed late and it would’ve made for a better chapter 4 ending if they were a bit closer.
Kazuichi Souda
♡ Cool design and outfit, love his voice (also voices Kaito in V3) and his backstory is relatable at times. He’s also very human in that he’s scared a lot of the time or insecure or blames others in panicked situations. It’s not always a good thing but it’s human and realistic.
✘ Gosh he can be so annoying. Sometimes flirting or whining too much is well... too much.
Akane Owari
♡ Strong-willed and definitely someone I would be friends with
✘ What the hell is her outfit? Gymnasts and athletes don’t wear that shit. Stop objectifying her when it doesn’t even make the product or plot better. Like there’s absolutely no point to making her dress that way. I was a gymnast for 15 years. Even those who do parkour (which Akane seems to do more often than actual gymnastics in the anime and game) don’t wear what she wears. Also she’s underrated.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
♡ I love him. He’s the DR character I’m most like out of all the games and anime. Tenko is a close second. I think he’s adorable, love his character arc, development, redemption, and love his voice.
✘ In the anime/despair arc, Fuyuhiko is not done justice. He doesn’t get enough lines, has a different voice actor, just doesn’t give off the same vibes.
Izuru Kamakura
♡ Sexy man long hair good.
✘ Boring character. I wish he were just Hajime.
Kaede Akamatsu
♡ Loyalty and leadership are such attractive qualities in her. Also she faced her death with such class and dignity and I respect her because I could never.
✘ Some of the voice lines Erika does for her are just weird and cringe. Just random moans or grunts... I don’t know it’s like when Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 (also voiced by Erika) makes suggestive noises as well. Just grinds my gears. Also hate her outfit down to the hair pins.
Shuichi Saihara
♡ I love his nasally voice. I love his design and he’s so adorable. I love how emotional and compassionate he can be. He ties with Makoto for favorite protag of mine.
✘ That sprite where he sniffs his hand. And his ugly ass hat.
Rantarou Amami
♡ Sexy man, sexy voice, sexy piercings
✘ Ugly outfit, and wasted potential
Ryoma Hoshi
♡ I respect him and feel bad for his outlook on life and for how poorly he views himself. I love his little hat as well and he’s the first “different styled” character (Hifumi, Bandai, Teruteru) that I liked the design of.
✘ I hate when he says “got a long ways to go,” it’s overused and annoying, and wish he gave himself more credit. Also hate that when you first meet him he warns you that he’s killed people and is dangerous to be around. Come on buddy, you know you wouldn’t hurt your friends. Stop pushing them away.
Kirumi Tojo
♡ Competence, well rounded, skillful
✘ Boring as hell. I wouldn’t waste one free time event on her.
Angie Yonaga
♡ Dark skin, super cute, love her talent as an artist myself.
✘ Gives religious people a bad name and is super manipulative which I hate.
Tenko Chabashira
♡ I relate to her and feel bad when she’s misunderstood. She’s a good person deep down. Also love her sprites.
✘ There’s more cunning, funny and clever ways to write her digs at men.
Korekiyo Shunguuji
♡ I’m in love with this man. Long hair, voice, mystery, mask, intelligence, passion, talent.
✘ He definitely was a victim of abuse and a lot of people refuse to see that and just hate him. Team Danganronpa should’ve given him a redemption arc where he realized his sister abused him and changed.
Gonta Gokuhara
♡ I love his design except for his suit. Also he’s so cute and naive. I cried for his trail.
✘ No need talk like caveman. Better way to do this.
Kokichi Ouma
♡ Like Nagito, I value his intelligence and crazy cunning.
✘ Shouldn't have died. Also shouldn’t have manipulated Gonta. That was just cruel.
Miu Iruma
♡ She has her hilarious moments and her death surprised me and was sad.
✘ Sometimes she lacks basic empathy, i.e. calling Tenko “Tencrotch” when she just fucking died.
Maki Harukawa
♡ Amazing character development. Didn’t see her surviving until the end at the start. Also her love and passion for Kaito.
✘ “Do you wanna die?” gets old.
Kaito Momota
♡ Just the overall best bro you could ever have.
✘ Has some toxic masculinity issues and anger issues.
♡ Pretty much everything about him. His design, his attitude and personality, especially how amazing and cool he is chapter 5 onward, his execution made me so sad. He’s so innocent and funny without trying.
✘ When you do his free time events he’s very arrogant and just talks about himself a lot... it seems odd and not similar to the Kiibo we see throughout the game.
Himiko Yumeno
♡ Super cute design, love her voice and “Nyeh...” and her sprites. Her character development is great as well.
✘ Why did they take so long to make her important and likable?
Tsumugi Shirogane
♡ An excellent and well hidden reveal
✘ I hate her. So annoying, from the voice to the references and her personality.
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
Hi! So.. can you please write a phantom thieves + goro reacting that their S/o summoning their persona by evoker? ^~^
Hello slowkib !!
So, I didn’t actually know what an Evoker was until now... Is Persona 3 okay???? It’s very cool how they just shoot themselves but I really wasn’t expecting it.
I’m gonna do what I’ve seen other blogs do and make the reader one of the younger members of the P3 team { I think someone told me there was a character called Ken who is similar? }.
{ Now I kinda wanna play P3... I haven’t even finished P4G yet. }
- Nexus.
Joker { Akira Kurusu }
✧ Akira is concerned when they do not change into a Metaverse outfit. They had told him that they were a Persona user & that they wanted to help serve justice to those that deserved it. So that was why they were in Mementos, ready to complete requests & train. Although he would love the idea of fighting with his significant other, he is not quite sure how they would summon their Persona without a mask?
✧ When the Phantom Thieves are ambushed by a group of Shadows, they pulled out a gun. Internally, he was glad that they were prepared. At least someone went around preparing appropriately. Then he watches them place it to their head & shoot themself... Which summons their Persona?
✧ At the end of the battle, he is confused & worried. He asks a lot of questions about the Evoker but he thinks that it is a pretty cool thing to do, even if it looks to be rather dangerous.
Skull { Ryuji Sakamoto }
✧ When he was told that they would have a new member joining them, Ryuji never expected it to be his significant other. Though he was somewhat concerned for their safety, he was happy to have another person on the team to fight with. Beforehand they had told him that they summoned their Persona in a different way but he never expected... This.
✧ They had gained the advantage over the Shadows, a suprise attack so to speak. Watching them put a gun to their head, he called out asking what they were doing just as they pulled the trigger. Bright light caused Skull to look away just for a moment & when he came back to, their Persona was just there.
✧ He is actually rather creeped out about the fact that they have to shoot themselves. What if they accidentally kill themselves? Though they tell him that they are not afraid of death & that it is inevitable, Ryuji is still incredibly worried whenever they have to summon it.
Panther { Ann Takamaki }
✧ Ann’s significant other found out about the Metaverse entirely by accident when the Phantom Theives dragged them in. Though they were used to seeing the giant tower of Tartarus, the walls of Mementos were much different. Before they could ask what was going on, the others had already descended. So they followed. Was this the Dark Hour? They were unsure but investigating was definitely important. As they progressed, Shadows attacked but they were an experienced Persona user so they dealt with those with ease.
✧ When Oracle pointed out that there was another presence on this floor, everyone tensed up. Perhaps this was the person causing the mental shutdowns. Slowly, they approched onto a group of Shadows that were being wiped out with elemental attacks. From the carnage Ann watched as they used their Evoker with expertise.
✧ Afterwards she rushes over, surprised. Explaining everything, the Phantom Thieves eventually come to the conclusion that they should join the team because they are a rather powerful Persona user.
Fox { Yusuke Kitagawa }
✧ A chance encounter in the Metaverse was how Fox discovered that they used their Evoker in such a way. When they were ambushed by strong looking Shadows, things were not looking good. Panther was bleeding out & even he felt that at any moment he would topple over from exhaustion.
✧ So when there was the sound of someone yelling faintly in the distance & a gunshot, he had never expected for a Shadow about to strike him down to be instantly crushed into pieces. Within the same moment, all of the other enemies were defeated & the only thing left was his significant other holding a gun to their head.
✧ Weeks later, Yusuke does not stop talking about how the Evoker is such a beautiful metaphor for accepting death. The next few pieces have his teachers concerned, as they theme around the ideas of death & acceptance of death.
Queen { Makoto Niijima }
✧ Out of everyone, Makoto is absolutely the most confused when they put a gun to their head during the first infiltration into Kaneshiro’s Palace. Though she had not yet awakened to her Persona, she did not understand why their way of summoning was much different when the guns in this world were obviously supposed to embody real guns.
✧ Even after gaining Johanna, Queen worries a lot about her significant other shooting themselves accidentally. Though she hypothesises that because they believe that is what they see the Evoker functioning as, there is still a doubt in the back of her mind that something could happen if they were to change their own cognition by accident.
Oracle { Futaba Sakura }
✧ It takes a while for her to confess it but Futaba cannot hide the fact that she is a Phantom Thief from her significant other any long. Keeping secrets has always been difficult. So when she sits them down to explain about the Metaverse, there is an expectation that they will believe her to be crazy or insane.
✧ Shock sets in for them first, as they realise that there is another world filled with Shadows. Despite the fact that they do not seem to be dangerous, it still fills them with a sense of dread. In return for her trust, they tell her their own story about how they joined SEES.
✧ Looking at the Evoker makes her feel rather uncomfortable but she investigates it anyway because it could be useful in the field of Cognitive Pscience, though it is soon cleared up that it has nothing to do with it.
Noir { Haru Okumura }
✧ Out of everything, Haru is actually one of the more relaxed people about the way they summon their Persona. Though the metaphor of accepting death somewhat goes over her head, watching her significant other eradicate Shadows in style was super cool!!
✧ Please keep a hold onto the Evoker, otherwise Haru may try to summon Milady through the gun. Explaining that these two ways of summoning are very different because they have to put themselves through immense amounts of stress in order to do so will cause her to immediately apologise for being so insensitive.
✧ Overall, she is strangely okay with it which is rather strange but Haru never seems to hold any worried about them. After all, they are rather capable in battle.
Crow { Goro Akechi }
✧ Nothing gets past this detective. Though his significant other was definitely not a Phantom Thief, there was definitely something off about them. Perhaps it was the glimmer in their eyes... So when he found a strange gun in their shared apartment, he was more than ready to question them when they got home.
✧ As soon as they got home, Akechi was questioning them & holding the weapon in his hand. Initially they were shocked that he had found it but they soon offered their explanation about Shadows, Personas, Tartarus & SEES. Though it sounded like complete fiction, there were correlations to that of the Metaverse. He is completely shocked to hear that they summon their Persona by shooting themselves & accepting death.
✧ Secretly, he thinks that it is really cool but he simply keeps up that fake smile, telling them that they both have a similar power...
Word Count: 1.2k
Publish Date: 19.10.20
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auncyen · 4 years
started writing Maruki/Rumi for V-Day, stalled slightly on how to progress the not-quite-date (Shibusawa third-wheeling lol) but I’ve gotten far enough (2k!) that I want to share what I did get down.
half-cute half-angsty half-devoted to dragging Maruki because he’s sweet but he’s a mess lol
Maruki pulled into the Shibuya scramble with his eyes wide open for Amamiya-kun and the other Phantom Thieves.  He'd gotten a text from Amamiya-kun that he wanted one last meeting before he left Tokyo, and if that were the case, Maruki couldn't refuse.  Nor did he want to.  He'd stayed away, aware that Amamiya-kun had enough reason to want no further contact, but on his own side...Maruki had nothing but respect and admiration for the teenager who had used his year of probation from an unjust arrest to right so many other injustices in Japan.  Even if it turned out Amamiya-kun wanted nothing more than to receive an apology in-person, Maruki would happily give it so that he could move on.
As it turned out when the former counselor spotted the group, it seemed Amamiya-kun might want something more practical.  The kids had borrowed a white van that was currently stopped on the side of the road.  Most of them were still in the car, Niijima-san in the driver's seat, but Amamiya-kun, Morgana-kun, and Sakamoto-kun were gathered in front of the vehicle's open hood.  Engine trouble?  And other trouble as well, it seemed, when Maruki took note of a worried look from Takamaki-san in a completely different direction.  He followed her gaze and spotted a dark car parked farther off, occupied by two men in suits.  Were they being followed?  The Phantom Thieves were still notorious, apparently...
Making up his mind, Maruki slipped through the traffic in the scramble to pull up closer to them.  "Need a hand?" he called, pressing a button to neatly pop open the back door of the taxi on Amamiya-kun's side.  Hm...strange.  Morgana-kun was no longer perched on Amamiya-kun's shoulder--had he just dropped down to the street, below sightline, or had he decided to get back in the van?  Maruki had assumed that Morgana-kun would accompany Amamiya-kun back to his hometown, given their inseparability during the school year, but now he wondered if he would have two passengers or only one.
Or none at all.  Amamiya-kun approached the taxi, but simply pushed the door closed again.  "Thanks," he said as Maruki rolled down the window, "but we've got things handled."
"You're sure?  Even with..."  Maruki glanced in the direction of the dark car and the presumed government agents.  But perhaps the Phantom Thieves had a contact whose help they preferred--Sakura-san had glanced at him once, but her attention now seemed devoted to her phone, on which she was rapidly texting.
"Positive," Amamiya-kun said.  "Besides, I think you'll have another passenger soon."
Maruki laughed, a bit uncertain.  "I'm not on the clock," he told Amamiya-kun.  "Well, I was, but I'm taking a break."
"You don't want to miss this fare."
The confidence in Amamiya-kun's voice got Maruki to glance to his other side, wondering if someone was trying to hail him, but no one stood out--and who would be more important than Amamiya-kun, at the moment?  He'd promised him a meeting.  "...You've lost me.  But if I'm in the way, I'll--"
"Dr. Maruki.  You might need to update your glasses if you're driving for a living.  Look again, please."
Amamiya-kun smirked as he spun his pointer finger in a lazy circle, prompting Maruki to once again look away from him, out the driver's side.  He scanned farther now, now sure he was meant to spot someone...oh.  His friend Shibusawa was still at a distance, but crossing the scramble toward him, strolling alongside a woman who--
Maruki's breath hitched.  Her outfit was new, and her hair had grown out a little, soft choppy waves nearly touching her shoulders, but its shade of dark red was instantly recognizable, as was the face it framed.  He blinked quickly, sure he was seeing wrong, but he couldn't stop himself from murmuring: "Ru..."
She looked well.  Alert, aware of the world around her.  She was looking around the scramble herself, and pulled up short when she caught sight of him, prompting a laugh from Shibusawa as he urged her along.
Wait...wait.  Why would she react like that?  He was a taxi driver with ordinary looks.  Why should seeing him surprise her?  Their conversation at the hospital had been so long ago, and he doubted his stilted bumbling would have made a favorable impression, let alone a memorable one.  So why...why was she straying from scramble's crosswalk, closely followed by Shibusawa, coming straight toward him?
Dumbly, Maruki thought: ‘she's coming toward the taxi, not you.  Amamiya-kun mentioned a fare.  She needs a ride.’  He knew that didn't add up, was far too coincidental, but he couldn't get his mind wrapped around the sight of Rumi actually in front of him, looking uncertain, which made his heart hurt, but also looking at him like she wanted to talk to him, like she knew him, which had him ready to pull out his heart and back out over it the minute she asked if he could take her somewhere and reminded him he was just a stranger, just a strange taxi driver who'd been staring far too long--
"She remembers," a voice said quietly.  Amamiya-kun seemed to be taking pity on him.  "At least, enough that she wanted to meet you again.  That's one desire I think you should grant."
"Mren!  Gah th' plug!" a higher-pitched, strangely muffled voice said.  Maruki heard something being spat out, and then Morgana-kun's voice became clearer: "Ohhh, there's Rumi!  She really is pretty!  Cognition tends to embellish, you know."
If any part of Maruki had been able to think clearly past the question of "how could Rumi remember?", it was instantly demolished by the reminder that all of the teenagers currently watching him had been inside his mind and yes, must have seen quite a bit of Rumi.
(There had been statues.  She deserved them, yes, but that didn't keep his face from heating up.)
Shibusawa called out and waved, and Rumi waved as well, if more shyly, still with uncertainty, and Maruki heard a reprimand along the lines of "that is your lady love, how can you sit there like a lump?" interrupted by "no pressure, Dr. Maruki.  Morgana, let them figure it out" and then he fully appreciated that Morgana-kun had a point.  He was just sitting like a lump, and he scrambled to open the door and stand to meet Rumi, except he'd forgotten to take his seatbelt off, and while he fumbled with the button to get free he heard a boy guffaw before making a half-hearted attempt to stifle the laughter--Sakamoto-kun.
At least Maruki's brief stint at Shujin had gotten him used to embarrassing himself in front of teenagers.  When he was at last unbelted and out of the car, even Shibusawa looked faintly amused, but Rumi...
Rumi's smile was so warm, and some of the nervousness had left her face, leaving a fondness that Maruki nearly found overwhelming.  He didn't deserve it.  Still, he found his tongue so that he could at least greet her.  "Hello, Rumi.  It's been a while," he said, and maybe he shouldn't have said that, because her expression flickered, becoming a little quieter.  He tried to move on quickly, though it was difficult to know what to talk about when he still didn't understand how she was even here.  "Have you been well?"
"I'm fine, Takuto," she answered.  "What about you?  You're a taxi driver now?  How did that happen?"
Her tone was polite, but Maruki was sure there was a plethora of questions behind it.  Rumi knew--or at least she had known, and she seemed to remember now--how dedicated he'd been to cognitive psience and his research, wanting to find ways to help victims of trauma.  She must be wondering what had pushed him to leave the field, and that was a heavy subject, especially since it started with what he'd done to her. He'd tell her, of course.  It was just a matter of figuring out how, and the appropriate time, which wasn't in the middle of the scramble.  "Ah, well," Maruki said.  "You know how it can be in academia--sometimes the funding just isn't there."  Half-truth for now; it was, at least, what had pushed him out of research and into counseling.
But it wasn't enough.  He needed to tell her what he'd done, if she hadn't already figured it out, and apologize.
Shibusawa had been watching the two of them, but he glanced up as the Phantom Thieves' van rumbled to life.  Maruki let himself look as well.  "Nice job!  On the first try!" Niijima-san was praising someone.  Most of the teenagers seemed to have lost interest in the adult drama unfolding nearby (Maruki was unsurprised to see Kitagawa-kun being the exception, staring quite intently and meeting his gaze without shame), but as the car started to pull away, Sakura-san stopped texting and Amamiya-kun glanced to Maruki and then Shibusawa, who was checking his phone.
...Of course this had been coordinated.  But how much did Shibusawa know?
Enough, at least, that he seemed understanding of how awkward the situation was, offering both Rumi and Maruki a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.  "Rumi, you had a long train ride here, didn't you?  Let's grab a bite to eat.  You don't mind driving, do you, Takuto?"
"Oh--oh, no," Maruki said quickly, "Hop in, both of you.  No charge."
Shibusawa frowned.  "You know I'm inviting you too, right?"
"Er, right!  Of course."  It hadn't completely registered that the invitation was also for him, no.
"If," Rumi spoke up, one hand clutching the strap of her purse.  Maruki dimly registered the silver chain bracelet on her wrist; he'd bought it for her their first White Day.  Did she remember?  "If I'm making you uncomfortable--"
"No!  Rumi, it's nothing like that."  God, he was screwing this completely.  "It's just...after everything that happened, I...I didn't think we'd be able to talk again.  Not like this."  He leaned over the open car door, quickly popping over the back door for passengers again.  "Let's go eat somewhere.  What do you feel like?"
They decided on an okonomiyaki restaurant.  Shibusawa knew a good one in the area and gave directions from the back.  In between turns, the conversation stayed safe, neutral.  Rumi was still living with her grandparents.  She was working as a financial counselor again, though at a different bank than before.  She got along with her coworkers, and her boss was the genial sort, if a bit over-talkative at times.
She'd been seeing someone for a couple months, but they'd broken up in January.  She offered the information haltingly, and Maruki quickly flashed her a smile in the rearview mirror to show he wasn't hurt by it.  He wasn't her fiancé anymore, after all.
Of course, it also helped that he'd already known about most of that, having checked on her in January to make sure she was happy in the world he was creating for her sake.  The only thing he hadn't known about was the breakup.  "His loss," he said lightheartedly, even if he found it puzzling.  When he'd checked in January, they'd both seemed content in the relationship, and he'd done nothing to alter that part of Rumi's life, all too aware his feelings might cloud his judgment.  He remembered easing her grandfather's back pain, making two coworkers happier, and reopening her favorite store that had closed in October.  Nothing with the boyfriend.  He couldn't even remember the guy's name now, just that he'd had a job that paid well.  Maruki probably wouldn't even remember that, except that at the time it had caused an odd stab of jealousy and remorse that Rumi's parents would most certainly have approved of this man, someone well-suited to take care of their daughter.  An irrational feeling, despicably petty.  He'd known to stay well away from touching Rumi's relationship when it was already happy.  So how was it that they'd broken up in the same timeframe in this reality, yet been so happy in his, even though Maruki hadn't changed anything?  But it wasn't any of his business.  "You're wonderful, Rumi.  I'm sure you'll find someone who knows to treasure you."
"Takuto..."  Rumi sounded happy, but also hesitant, and Maruki glanced up to see that she was blushing while looking out the passenger window.  "Thank you."
Shibusawa, seated next to her, was staring at Maruki the same way he had that time in college when Maruki had called him in a drunken panic about being locked out of his apartment at 2 a.m., only for his hand to finally land on the key in his jacket's pocket the second his friend had shown up to help him.
The trio got to the restaurant, got themselves a table, and started grilling okonomiyaki once the ingredients were ready.  They kept up small talk, Maruki filling in the gaping pauses that opened up at questions like "how are you doing?" and "are you seeing anyone?" with stories about Shujin's faculty and student body and the more colorful customers he'd already met as a taxi driver.  He thought they did a good job of covering up how empty his life had been.  He didn't want to cause Rumi any concern, not when she could be laughing and smiling and he could actually witness it, bask in her delight.
Shibusawa seemed amused too at first, smiling a little, but he became more serious when Rumi excused herself to the restroom.  "Hey, man.  I know I'm in the dark about what happened between you and Rumi before.  All I know is that it was terrible for both of you.  If you're not interested, I get that.  But...you do realize she is, don't you?"
"She's not," Maruki said automatically, because it just wasn't realistic. She shouldn't even remember him.  Not knowing what had changed her cognition, he couldn't even be sure it wouldn't revert at any moment.  She might come back to their table and ask who he was.  She might walk past them and simply leave the restaurant.  He'd already let her go once--he couldn't get attached again.
Even if it was already a bit late for that.
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antman-56 · 4 years
I Don’t Deserve You
Today was a special day. 
Well to the happy love birds, Ann and Ryuji, anyway.
How these two ended up together the majority of the school tried to figure out.
Hell even the school newspaper club made an article to understand the logic of those two. 
One was a beautiful model and the other was a total delinquent.
But as the school year raged on people started to notice a couple of things.
One : Ryuji stopped dying his hair blonde. It freaked Miss Kawakami out when he came to see Ann.
Two : He actually paid attention in his classes. From the below average student to making it to the top 10 in his class. (Mostly thanks to Makoto, and reluctantly Yusuke) He was accused of coping people and that accusation went with a full investigation. On which ended when they continuously found him in the library with his girlfriend and friends silently studying.
Three : He wore his school uniform correctly. This was actually the hardest thing for him and yet everyone didn’t even notice it. His guess was that they zoned him out. Until SOMEONE pointed it out.
And finally. 
Today was their one year anniversary. He had the day planned out. He asked Haru to make a reservation to a good restaurant (he would have done it but she was the daughter of a BIG CEO and he paid her back), have Makoto teach him some stuff about flowers (HE literally begged her), made enough time for Yusuke to make a “master piece” for free (he had to let them draw them on dates for the next 3 months) and Futaba to help him get find great deals on brand clothes and buy them somewhere convenient. And Akria just wished him luck last night. He really wished he was here to cheer him on.
Today had to be special.
But right now he had to get out of bed.
“It’s showtime.”
***Ann’s place***
 Ann had just finished her workout routine and was heading for the shower. 
Today would be a good time to try out that new shampoo bottle.
Ann turned to look at her phone.
“You rang.”
“Hey you have anything planned for today”
“No, not really. Why you wanna meet up?”
“That’s the plan. I’ll see you at 4.”
Ann just looked at her phone. wondering why he sounded more tense then usual. Maybe he was stressed out, he did go all out on the test.
Maybe he just wanted to see me. We haven’t really talked since testing began.
She decided to go all out for him. He needs to relax or else he may pop a blood vessel.
***12 o clock***
“Loyal love!”
“I can’t live without you!”
“Orange Blossom?!”
“Eternal Love!”
Makoto closed the book and nodded.
“I have no more to teach you.”
“And I have the flowers.”
Haru gave him the bundle of flowers.
“I really appreciate this you guys.”
“Hold still. Your ruining my draft.”
Everyone turned to Yusuke.
“He said I was to draw his date and so on for 3 months. Now stop moving.”
“Inari stop being rude. And just because I know you two. The last bus to your guyes houses will be delayed when your late.”
“ALRIGHT I can do this.”
“Knock’em dead tiger.” Akira said over the skype call.
Ryjui marched out of the attic with Yusuke behind him. With the group giving him their support. 
He soon came back up to see Futaba holding out his wallet. 
He took it and was on his way. Again.
“Such a dork.” Futaba stated.
Everyone nodded.
***4 o clock***
Ryuji was outside of Ann’s door and was holding the bouquet of flowers nervously in his hands.
Here he was in a red and yellow flannel shirt and black jeans. He got them on clearance and an additional half off price with Futaba’s help. He basically got the damn things for free. 
Sure the shirt needed a patch up job but Haru was more than happy to help and Makoto kept Yusuke at bay from styling the shirt.
Why was he acting like this. It’s not like their first date!! No it was the most important date of his life right now!! I mean girls hold these thing to a high standard. Right?
“Stop that.” 
“What!” That snapped Ryuji out of his thoughts. He turned to see Yusuke focused on the paper
“Paranoid. It makes the drawing less presentable and gives out the most minimal effect possible.”
“I’m not!!”
“Your shaking slightly. obliviously sweating and over thinking things.”
That caught him off guard.
“Ann loves you. And you her. I’m pretty sure no matter how this date goes nothing will change between you two.”
That really calmed Ryuji down.
“Unless she catches you staring at other girls.”
“Hey” He dropped the flowers and marched to punch him when the door opened. 
In front of them stood Ana, who decided to let her hair down, who wore a red blouse with a clover on her right shoulder and black skirt. 
The boys noticed she smelled like cherry with a hint of lavender. 
What Ann saw was Ryuji about to punch Yusuke, who had a pencil and paper for some reason?
“Uh... what’s going on?”
Ryuji quickly stumped for an answer.
“He was complaining about my price for this masterpiece.”
““What’s this master piece Yusuke?”
“My drawing of you two on your date. 
Ann blushed and stared at a equal blushing and flabbergasted Ryuji.
“And in return I get to draw you two on dates for inspiration for 3 months.”
“Yes, now please pretend I’m not here.”
Yusuke quickly went back to his drawing, hiding his face in the process.
Ryuji took that as his chance to fill in the awkward silence.
“So, yeah I did agree to that. So, you look... Wow!”
“You don’t look so bad yourself. Are those new?”
“Yeah they are anyway back on topic lets get this show on the road. Oh and these are for you”
He grabbed the flowers on the flower and gave them to her.
Ann took them and gave them a sniff. They smell nice and they matched their colors.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s free hand and began to march.
Ann meet his speed and followed her boyfriend smiling for the gift and at his antics.
“Don’t walk to fast.” Yusuke complained.
***8 o clock***
Yusuke had just left the couple and they couldn’t be any happier.
They loved the man but when it came to being his ‘willing’ models...he was demanding.
But what they got saved Ryuji a fortune. He hoped. 
Yusuke refused to show them what he finished said something about adding the finishing touches later.
They had just finished going to the park and they decided to skip the movie since it was a rerun (and because Yusuke needed them to spot him).
Through out all this, Ann noticed something. 
Ryuji was still tense, even after getting to talk again. (minus Yusuke’s occasional comments).
She thought maybe it was because Yusuke was here that he was more tense that he had to show he was perfect for her but, no he seemed just as tense as he was on the phone.
Now here they were alone and heading to a nice dinner in Ginza.
“Hey Ryuji.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“What do you mean I’m acting weird?”
Ryuji began to sweat a bit more.
Since Yusuke left he was now on his own with Ann and she was now wondering if he didn’t meet her expectations. I mean they were followed for the majority of their anniversary.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” He answered weakly.
“Ryuji, what’s wrong?” She asked again with worry in her voice.
The last time he was like this was when he tried to hide the fact that his mom collapsed from over working herself. 
That was a nightmare times 10 for him and almost broke him. 
Now here they were. 
Ryuji desperately looking for a way out of this finally found an opening and unfortunately it was the worst one.
Ryuji grabbed Ann’s hand and ran to catch it.
Ann was screaming at him to slow down or to just stop but he didn’t listen. 
They had to get the train
Just as he reached the platform the train left.
He watched as the train left the station along with their perfect date.
She pulled her hand out of his and was now mad at him.
“Because I messed tonight up.”
“What are you talking about?”
She sounded more confused than mad right now.
“Our one year anniversary.”
He sounded defeated.
Ann just stood in shock at him remembering that. Hell she completely forgotten what today was. 
“I asked Yusuke to make a drawing for us, asked the girls to help me make this as special as fucking possible and after all that I still Fucked it up!!”
He fell to his knees and looked down.
She finally understood why he was so tense. He wanted to make today special and she forgot what today was because he made her feel special.
“Everyone was right. I don’t deserve you.”
Now that got her mad. 
She began to walk over to him and stopped when she was in front of his kneeling body.
“What the hell are you talking about!?”
He looked up to see her.
“You don’t deserve me that’s bullshit and you know it. You are kind in your own way, you went against the biggest bastard in the school on your own and when you were right everyone else felt like an idiot! You changed for me even when I didn’t ask you to! I mean look at your grades! You make it a part of your day to be with me even if you had to do something else! You were their for me when I needed you! So to hell to what every one else says!”
She stopped to breath and felt a few tears break out.
Everyone thought she hadn’t noticed what he’s been doing. What they failed to notice was that he had changed her.
She was no longer the quiet girl everyone talked about. And she wasn’t the airhead they claimed her to be. He taught her that she was her own person and that she can be who ever the hell she wanted to be.   
And right now she wanted to be Ryuji’s girlfriend.
Ryuji looked up to see her and with that got the strength to get up and hug her.
“I don-”
Ann grabbed the sides fo his head and kissed him. And it was nice when it was returned.
“Shut up. You do.”
They both smiled.
“Now come on lets see if we can get a cab.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the street. 
“Inari you perv.”
Futaba said as she and him , binoculars in hand, spying on the couple. 
Yusuke was making a new piece. He finished the one for Ryuji and now for his payment.
For Ryuji It was a portrait of those two in the park. Ryuji’s head on Ann’s lap under a tree. when the entire scene was anything but the picture.
Those two just wouldn’t stop moving.
The display of love before him. Was an unconditional sort. If only he could have heard them then this piece would have the emotions that the couple had felt.
This new piece was a man in tears throwing his heart out and a woman catching it and running to him with it, all the while the village just stares at the two. 
“I am anything but. Now to name this piece.”
“How about, “Young Love”?”
Yusuke began contemplating the name. To Futaba he looked like he was ignoring her.
“Hey Inari, I’m going to steal your food if you don’t answer!”
“Not a bad name.” 
He grabbed his lunch box before she could open it and gave Futaba a kiss on the head.
“Bye bye love.”
Futaba stood still for a couple of seconds, red all over face, watching his retreating figure.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 4: Meetings
Ren got on the train heading to school the next day. The train was really packed. Ren found herself standing near a fellow Shujin student who was sitting down. She had bright red hair in a long ponytail.
She looks at Ren. There is a shocked expression on each of their faces as their eyes meet. Both of them are too nervous to say anything.
“Ohhh.” They turn to see an old lady groaning. The student sitting down says “Um, excuse me. Would you like my seat?”
The old lady smiles. “Thank you. You’re a kind young lady.”
The student gets up, but before the old lady can sit down, a businessman rushes to take the seat. “Um, excuse me” says the student. The businessman fell asleep. “O-Oh.”
Ren looks at the situation in front of her. “Want me to wake him?” she asked.
“Huh?” says the student. “Oh. Um, I’m not sure we should do that. We don’t want to cause a disturbance after all.” She turns to the old lady. “Sorry.”
“It’s quite alright,” she says. “It isn’t your fault.”
“R-right” she says. “It’s not my fault…”
“Now arriving at Shujin Academy!”
“Well, have a good day at school you two” the old lady says. “And thanks again.”
The two of you get off. “We will!” the other student says. She bows. Ren decides to bow as well. The train closes and takes off. The other student turns to Ren and says “Sorry you kind of got dragged into that.”
Ren smiled. “Hey, I offered to help.”
“Right” the other student says.
“You seem distracted,” Ren said. “Are you doing alright?”
“Huh?” the other student replied. “Oh. Yeah.” She sighs. “I guess I’m just nervous is all.”
“Want some company on our way to school?” Ren asked.
“Huh? Oh. Sure” the other student said. The two walk close together to school. “So, how do you enjoy Shujin?” she asked.
Ren looked at her. “Well, I’ve only been here for a day, so I wouldn’t have a lot of insight.”
“Huh?” the other student says. “You’re a first year too?”
Ren shakes her head. “I’m a second year transfer student.”
“Oh. I see” the other girl says. “So, I guess that makes you my senpai.” Ren chuckled. The two reached the school gates. “Well, I’ll see you around senpai!”
Ren raised her eyebrow. “Hey! What’s your name?”
The other student got embarrassed. “Oh. Right. My name is Yoshizawa. What about you, senpai?”
Ren smiled. “Ren Amamiya,” she said. 
Yoshizawa smiled. “Well, Ren-senpai, if you don’t mind me calling you that, we shall meet again soon!” She walked into school and to her class. Ren did the same.
On her way to class, Ren was stopped by the blonde boy that Kamoshida failed to pick up yesterday. “Hey” he said. Ren looked at him. “Listen. I don’t know what Takamaki told you, but Kamoshida’s a bad dude.”
“I’m aware,” Ren said.
“Huh?” the boy says. “Oh. I just saw you riding with him is all. I thought maybe… Well, whatever. Just be careful.” He looks at Ren closely. “You know, I haven’t seen you around before dude. Er, dudette? Ugh. Sorry. I haven’t talked to many girls like this before.”
“I can tell” Ren chided.
“Sh-Shut up” the boy said. “So, does that mean you’re new?” Ren nodded. “Huh. I see. Well then, make sure to steer double clear of Kamoshida, alright? And maybe from Takamaki as well.”
Before Ren could answer, Ann walked up to the two of them. “What are you going on about, Sakamoto?”
Sakamoto looked surprised. He then glared at Ann. “What’s it to you? You’re probably trying to bring her into the cult of Kamoshida”
Ann’s eyes widened. She slapped Sakamoto in the face. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Come on! Everyone knows about you and Kamoshida!” Sakamoto, rubbing his face. “It’s like the school’s worst kept secret!”
Ann was getting really furious. Before Ann could react, Ren chimed in. “Actually, Ann helped save me from Kamoshida.” The two of them looked at Ren. “Yesterday, he called me to his office, and…”
“Huh?” said Sakamoto. “Wait, for REAL?! That was you?!”
“Uh, YEAH!” Ann said. “Couldn’t you tell from the announcement?!”
“Hey! It’s not like I know everyone who goes to this school!” Sakamoto said. “And it’s not like many people are itching to be my friend anyway!”
Ann sighed. “I guess you’re right. Sorry.”
Sakamoto smiled. “Don’t be. You’re just standing up for her, right? In fact, I should be the one to apologize.”
“Huh?” Ann said.
“She said you saved her from Kamoshida, right?” Sakamoto said. “I guess that means all those rumors flying around about you two are bunk, huh.”
Ann looked at him confused. “Wait! How do you trust her already? I mean, if you thought I was ‘bringing her into the cult of Kamoshida’, what makes you think she’s not already in?”
“Huh?” Sakamoto said. “I dunno. I guess I just feel something from her. Like, I can just trust her.”
“I see,” said Ann.
The bell rings. “Oh CRAP! I gotta get to class!” Sakamoto said. “Seeya!” He ran off.
“So, what’s that guy’s deal?” Ren asked.
Ann smiled. “That’s Ryuji Sakamoto. He’s kind of a friend of mine.”
“Kind of?” Ren asked.
“Well, we were closer in middle school,” Ann said. “But when we got to high school, we kind of drifted apart.” She clenched her fist. “All because of that stupid Kamoshida.”
Ren was curious. “What happened?”
Ann was shocked. “Well, uh… It’s kind of hard to explain” she said. “Anyway, we should be getting to class.” The two of you start walking. “Oh, by the way. We’re meeting up after school to discuss yesterday, right?” Ren nods. “Good. I don’t want to just ignore whatever that was.”
Ren giggled. “I don’t either.” The two went to class.
Before class began, Miss  Kawakami  addressed the class. “Alright, just so you know, tomorrow is the volleyball exhibition, which means there won’t be any afternoon classes. You are to report to the gym after lunch. Are we clear?” The class was in agreement. “Good. I don’t want to deal with any unnecessary trouble.”
After school, Ren and Ann stood up. “Hey” said Ann. “Let’s meet out by the vending machines.” Ren nodded. The two of them walked to a shelter outside with a table and some vending machines. “Great. Now, let’s evaluate what we know so far.”
Ren nodded. “We know that Kamoshida has dark desires.”
“Talk about an understatement” Ann said.
Ren continued. “It seems like those desires have affected this ‘Metaverse’ place.”
“That part is kind of hard to wrap my head around,” Ann said. “So basically, that ‘Metaverse’ is like the human unconscious, right? And because Kamoshida’s desires are so warped, they change that place? Ugh, this is like something out of a sci-fi movie.”
“Imagine not having someone there to help you with it” Ren said, wryly.
Ann giggled. “Sorry.
“It’s fine,” Ren said. She got back in thought. “If things were to have played out without interruption we’d just have to deal with Kamoshida. However, since things got interrupted, someone’s desire for revenge took over Kamoshida’s desire. And in doing so, they have vowed to kill Kamoshida.”
“I see,” Ann said. “To be honest, I still have trouble wrapping my head around things. But, we need to use that Metaverse to stop both Kamoshida and whoever took over his palace before things get bad.”
“But we don’t know who that is, or when that would be,” Ann retorted.
“Well then,” said Ren, we need to investigate!”
“Right,” Ann said.
“There you are!” a voice called out. Ren and Ann turned to find Shiho. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Oh, hey Shiho” Ann said. “How are you doing?”
Shiho smiled. “I’m feeling better than ever!”
Ann sighed in relief. “I’m glad. I’ve been kind of worried since yesterday. So, what happened between you Kamoshida after we left?”
Shiho giggled. “I just laid down the new law is all.”
Ren and Ann were confused. “What?” Ann said.
”It’s simple,” Shiho said. “I told Kamoshida what’s what. More importantly, how are you two doing?”
Ren looked at Shiho. “Well, what happened with Kamoshida wasn’t ideal, but thanks to you two, I feel better.”
“Huh?”Ann said. “Oh. Thanks.I’ve been feeling pretty alright myself.”
“Good. Good. I’m glad to hear that” Shiho said. She smiled.
“So, what’s with that grin?” Ann asked. “And what’s this about a ‘new law’?”
Shiho giggled. “I have a plan on dealing with Kamoshida, and I’d like your help with it.”
Ren and Ann look at each other distressed. Ren whispered “You don’t think…”
Ann turned back to Shiho with an intense look in her eye. “So, what’s your plan Shiho? I’m all ears.”
Shiho smirked back. “I need you to promise you won’t tell anyone.”
Ann and Ren grew worried. “We promise,” Ann said.
“Great!” said Shiho. “So, you know how there’s a teacher's meeting coming up at the beginning of next month?”
“Yeah…” Ann said.
“Well, my plan is to organize a group of students to block all of the exits and set fire to the building!”
“WHAT?!” Ann said. “Shiho that’s CRAZY! For one, what about the other teachers?!”
Shiho got mad. “To Hell with them!” Ann got frightened. “They know about what’s going on! The constant abuse! The never ending harassment! The way he treats all the female students like they’re sex objects! And what do they do? NOTHING! So they deserve to go down with Kamshida!”
“Shiho…” Ann said.
“So, are you willing to join up?” Shiho asked.
Ann glared at Shiho. “No.”
“Huh?” Shiho said, confused.
“Shiho this is CRAZY!” Ann said, getting up with vigor. “We can’t just set fire to the building!”
Shiho looked at Ann. “So, you think he should just keep getting away with it all?”
Ann was taken aback. “Well, no… but this is too far!”
Shiho smiled. “It’s OK Ann, I get it.”
Ann looked up. “You...do?”
Shiho giggled. “Sweet, innocent Ann. You don’t have it in your heart to do this kind of thing.”
“Wha-” Ann said.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Shiho said. She looked at Ren. “The same goes for you.” She looked down. “To be honest, I kind of wish I had your resolve.” Ann and Ren were concerned. “But I can’t. I can’t let him live. Not after everything he’s done!”
“Shiho…” said Ann.
Shiho smiled and giggled. “It’s OK,” she said. “After all, I have plenty of other people to help me. Farewell.” Shiho left.
Ann and Ren looked at each other. “Hey Ren. Let’s visit that other world. Maybe that Morgana figure might know if Shiho is the one who’s inciting the revolution in that other world.” Ren nodded.
Soon, the two found themselves in the other world. They looked around. Ann looked at Ren. “Woah, you’re back in your costume!”
Ren looked. Sure enough, she was. “I guess this world has an eye for fashion.”
“If only it were that simple” said a voice. The two turned around to find Morgana.
“Morgana?” Ren said.
“Those clothes appear when you’re considered a threat to the palace ruler” Morgana said.
“I see” said Ren.
“Wait, why don’t I have anything like that?” Ann said.
Morgana looked Ann over. “I guess because you haven’t awakened to your Persona yet.”
“Oh. Yeah” Ann said. They looked at Morgana. “Hey Morgana, have you found anything yet.”
Morgana looked disconcerted. “Well, sort of.” Ren and Ann were curious. “Some of Kamoshida’s guards have been in town putting up posters. Apparently, someone has gone missing from his castle. The guards have been searching feverishly for them. I think whoever that might be might be the one who took over the cognition.”
Ren and Ann looked at each other, nodded, and looked back at Morgana. “Hey Morgana,” Ann began, “would that person happen to be named Shiho Suzui?”
Morgana looked at them. “I was just about to begin investigating when you two showed up. Wanna come with?”
“Sure,” said Ren. She and Morgana began walking. Ren looked back to see Ann not moving. “Hey.” Ren walked back over to her. “It’s OK if you don’t want to be here.”
Ann smiled. “It’s fine. I want to be here. Let’s go!” They nodded and walked off.
Once they got into town, Morgana stopped the two of them. “Hold it!” he said. “Kamoshida’s guards are crawling all around. We bet be careful.”
Ren nodded. “If worse comes to worse, the two of us can fight them off.” Ren and Morgana nodded. They continued into town.
All over town, the group saw these posters. “Those are the ones the guards have been putting up.”
Ann wet up and took one. She was sickened by what she saw on it. It was a picture of Shiho dressed up like a bunny girl, along with the description “Missing: Shiho Suzui. Also known as Kamoshida’s timid bunny. Has been missing since yesterday.”
Ren saw Ann looking at the poster with a thousand-yard stare. “Are you alright?”
“That bastard!” Ann said.
Ren looked at the poster as well. “He is disgusting!”
“I couldn’t agree more,” said a voice. Ren, Ann, and Morgana turned around to see a figure. They emerged to reveal that they are Shiho. However, instead of being dressed up as a bunny, she was dressed as Napoleon Bonaparte. “That’s why I’m leading a revolution against him!”
Ren and Ann looked at each other and nodded. They turned back to Shiho. “Hey Shiho,” Ann asked, “what will the revolution entail?”
Shiho giggled. “Why nothing short of the death of King Kamoshida himself!”
The three of them were shocked. “Hold on, you can’t just kill Kamoshida and have it all be over!” Ann declared.
“Why not?” said Shiho.
Ann glared at her. “Don’t get me wrong, Kamoshida’s a bastard beyond redemption, but killing him isn’t the right option!”
“Oh? And what is?” Shiho said. “He’s taken advantage of everyone here. In my opinion, death might just be too lenient for him.”
Ann was shaken. Ren chimed in. “What about the next person to take advantage of everyone?!”
Shiho smiled menacingly. “We’ll just kill them too.”
Ren was taken aback. “Killing anyone who gets in your way? That’s not justice! That’s just petty.”
Ann tightened her fist. “She’s right! You chastise Kamoshida for doing whatever to get what he wants, but you’re sounding no better than him!”
“Hm” said Shiho. “I’m promising a world of freedom. A world without harassment! The opposite of Kamoshida!”
“But you’re using the same methods!” Ann called out. “Shiho. Please stop. This isn’t like you!”
“Hold on,” Morgana said. “Something’s not right.”
“What’s up?” Ren asked.
Morgana looked Shiho over. “Could it be? But how?!”
Ann took notice. “Morgana, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know how, but that thing in front of us,” Morgana said, “is like the Kamoshida of this world. She’s definitely the source of the take over distortion.”
“And that also means that if we kill her, the real Shiho dies as well?” Ann asked.
“I’m afraid so,” Morgana siad.
Ren smiled. “Well, god thing we have no intention of resorting to murder” she said.
Shiho looked at them curiously. “Oh? And what are you going to do?”
Ren continued her bravado. “It’s simple. We’re going to steal Kamoshida’s distorted desires!”
Shiho was shocked. “Hm. Good luck. That castle of his is more secure than it looks. I barely got out, and even I needed help.” Ren and the others took note of this statement. “There’s no way the likes of you are getting in there and surviving!”
“And what’s your plan?” Ann asked.
“I’m assembling a team,” Shiho said. “We’re going to overwhelm his forces and drag Kamoshida out here to the center of town! Where he will be greeted with this!” She gestured towards a guillotine. “And he’ll be put there. No hesitation. No remorse. Just dead. Then it will all be over.”
Morgana glared at Shiho. “We’ll stop that from happening!”
Ren nodded. “Right Ann?” She looked at Ann. “Ann?”
Ann was in tears. “Shiho…” she said. “This isn’t the Shiho I know. The Shiho I know is kind. Considerate. Always willing to help others.” She nervously stepped forward. “Whatever corrupted you, we will stop it! Then you can go back to being my friend! Mark my words! I WILL SAVE YOU!”
“My... It's taken far too long” said a voice from within Ann, who began struggling. “Tell me... Who is going to help her if you don't? Forgiving him was never the option…”
“You’re right,” Ann said. “But…”
“I know” the voice said. “You wish for a just punishment. For pure freedom. Such is the scream of the other you that dwells within. I am thou, thou art I... We can finally forge a contract.”
A red cat-like mask appeared on Ann’s face. “Of course!”
“There you go... Nothing can be solved by restraining yourself. Understand? Then I'll gladly lend you my strength."
And grabbed her mask. “Let’s go! Carmen!” She tore it off, blood flowing over her face. A surge of energy swept the area. Ann was now in a red catsuit with heels and pink gloves. Her Persona, Carmen, stood behind her.
Shiho was shocked by this power. “Hm” she said, regaining her composure. “Well, it seems like this is your answer.”
“Of course it is!” Ann said. “I’ll make Kamoshida pay and save you!”
Shiho smiled. “Very well. Let’s see if you can do this. You already know the deadline. Can you steal his treasure before then? We shall see”
“Hey! I think that’s her!” one of Kamoshida’s guards says. They bring some back up and investigate.
“Well, I’ll be taking my leave for now” Shiho said, running away.
“Halt!” the guard calls out. “Out of our way!”
“As if,” Ann said. “Ready?” Ren and Morgana nodded. “Then let’s go!” While they were matched in numbers, with Ann awakening to her new Persona, the fight was anything but fair. The shadows were dealt with easily, especially with Ann using Carmen’s fire powers to burn the shadows and Morgana following up with Zorro’s wind to inflict major damage.
“Wow. I can’t believe I did that” Ann said. She looked at her outfit. “Wha-What’s with this outfit?!”
“It’s your will of rebellion” Morgana calmly explained.
Ann was confused. “Will of rebellion?”
Morgana nodded. “Basically, once someone has awakened to their Persona, the outfit that is given to them is a representation of how they rebel against society.”
“Oh” Ann said. “It’s weird that it’s… well, like this… But I kind of get it.”
“That’s the spirit!” Morgana said.
“What do you think Ren?” Ann said.
Ren was a bit taken aback, but remained calm. “I think it looks good.”
“Right?!” Ann said.
“Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s find that treasure!”Morgana said.
Before any of them could move, Ann collapsed to the ground. “Ugh!”
“Ann! Are you alright?!” Ren said, rushing to pick her up.
“I’m… fine…” Ann said. “Just a little exhausted is all.”
“We better call it a day here,” Morgana said. “It seems like awakening to her Persona has taken the wind out of her sails.”
Ren lifted Ann up. “Are you OK enough to get to the exit?”
“Yeah. I should be fine” Ann said.
Ren looked at Morgana. “You staying here?”
Morgana thought about it. “I’ll see what other information I can gleam here. I think you two should do the same. I’ll meet you in your world when I’m ready.”
“Gotcha,” Ren said. She and Ann left for the real world.
Upon arrival, Ann said “Man, that was exhausting.”
“Wanna get something to eat?” Ren asked.
“As tempting as that is, I’d rather just head home for the evening,” Ann said. “How were you not this exhausted when you awoke to your Persona?”
“I was,” Ren said. “I just let the adrenaline carry me until I passed out on my bed.”
Ann was shocked. “That’s not healthy, you know.” Ren giggled. “Anyway, tomorrow’s the volleyball exhibition. I think that would be a good time to investigate.”
“Right,” Ren said. “See you there?”
“Of course!” Ann said.
“Can you get home alright?” Ren asked.
“I think I’ll be fine,” Ann said. “But thanks for your concern. Well, good night.”
“Good night,” Ren said. They parted ways and headed home for the evening.
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goddessofpathos · 4 years
9/10 Kiss meme. (Rise or Ann even?)
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...You know what? I’m gonna do both. 1 for Rise, 1 for Ann. I’ll do Ann’s here. Rise’s I’ll do another post for.
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it. (Ann)
Saturday September 3
Weather: Sunny
Time: Evening
Mariko Kusumi, and Ann Takamaki lie in wait at the Roppongi Train Station. Bags of different colors and sizes surround them.
Many of the stores and malls around the big district had plenty of end-of-summer sales. Marie had invited Ann to come, and she accepted without hesitation. She ‘quietly’ skipped class and spent the entire day with Marie. Not just shopping, but they also caught a movie, had crepes and a lofty dinner to wrap up the day.
“Hey...Marie.” Ann said tiredly, head resting on Marie’s shoulder, arms wrapped around Marie’s own; something that Ann got used to doing after a while, spending time with Marie ever since June. Marie didn’t mind, and would let Ann rest on her whenever. “...Thanks.” Ann’s tone is soft, and lower than her usual cheerful one. Eyes half-closed, she breaths in lowly, as the sounds of passing people and other trains heard running around echo in the long halls of the station. “...I was thinking about Shiho today.”
Marie quietly nodded. One hand slid around Ann’s backside, and gently holds Ann’s waist. She pulls the girl a little closer, resting her head on Ann’s. “Tell me about it.”
“Just...reminiscing.” Ann comments, hints of sorrow in her voice. “Shiho and I used to do this a lot.” she scoots closer to Marie. “We’d go shopping, hit the beach, eat some parfait with drinks. I’d watch her practice volleyball with others. We’d go back home smiling.” Ann sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. “...Is it... wrong for me to want to go back to those days? to long for them?”
Marie moves her other hand and gently caresses Ann’s hair, sighing softly. “No. It...it isn’t. No shame in feeling that way Model.” Marie lightly closed her eyes. “We tend to remember the happy days fondly, because the memories are precious. Bad days...those memories, we want to forget, and usually for good reason.”
“But...not every memory can be a good one. Sometimes...the bad memories exist, to make the good memories shine in the dark. The shadows of our rage, the sorrow of our losses can often cloud our judgement, and its those lights in the dark, that help us recover; get back up and keep fighting before we shatter one of those lights.” Marie grimaced “Otherwise...we fall deeper, and deeper into the abyss.” Marie stops her hand from caressing Ann’s hair. “Once we lose all our lights, what’s stopping us, from becoming what we hate?”
 Ann nearly fell asleep with Marie’s gentle touch. How is she so good at it? but regardless, she listened intently to Marie’s words. She nodded, agreeing silently with her. “I don’t want to be like Kamoshida. I hate him...for all that he did. I hate that he isn’t sorry in the slightest. I hate that we had to force him to confess because there was no other way.” she sighed. “I...still remember that day, when Shiho threw herself. I have never felt fear and despair, as strong as I did that day. My heart sank when I saw Shiho be taken by the ambulance...and worse, the students not caring, Kamoshida laughing, the principal trying to cover it up. I didn’t understand Shiho then. What she felt from Kamoshida’s abuse...but that moment, right there and then, I did. I felt what it was like to be alone and nobody to lean on to, nobody to listen and believe you.”
Ann sniffed, her heart aching of those bad memories. “I don’t want anyone to feel that way again, except those who deserve it.”
Marie let out a small chuckle. “As a panther of justice?” she heard Ann giggle.
Ann slowly lifts her head and stares at Marie, nodding. “That’s the ticket~”
Both girls stare at each other silently. The sound of the trains and the people not bothering them; each girl, too deep in the other one’s orbs. 
Yokohama Chinatown. Train to Yokohama Chinatown, arriving shortly.
That would be Ann’s train. Ann bit her lip. “Hey...Marie.” Ann leans a little closer. “...Why not stay with me tonight? I could use the company...” she said shyly. Part of her wants Marie to say yes. Part of her...no, simply because her bed does not fit two people, and her room is a giant mess. ...Ok so maybe she wants Marie to come over so she can help clean up. What about it?
Thankfully (or not?), Marie answers. “Can’t. Not today at least. Maybe next week or so? I can make space.”
Disappointment, or relief? Ann wasn’t sure which one she was feeling, but whatever it was, she let out a long sigh. “...Yeah, I-I get it. Its sudden, after all.” 
A train coming in close, and slowly coming to a stop got their attention. Its Ann’s train. 
“...Well, I better catch that...or its gonna be one hell of a walk home.” Ann said. “Hey Marie? ...thanks. For...everything.” She said heart fully. “You’ve been so good to Shiho and me. We both appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. She still talks from that one time we went to the mall, helping her out at school that one time...and the beach, just the 3 of us. Even though the wheelchair didn’t let us get far. We still made the best out of it. So we should...plan something like that again.”
Marie smiles. “Sure, but maybe we can plan for just the two of us sometime.”
Ann’s heart nearly skipped a beat, unsure as to why. “I...I would like that.” Ann said. Before getting up and grabbing her stuff, Ann leaned forward, and met her lips with Marie’s. 
Soft, gentle, warm, smooth...sweet. Ann let her lips mesh with Marie’s, longer than she had intended, and parted the kiss to catch her breath. She pulls back, and stares at Marie, smiling. “See ya Marie...”
Marie nodded, smiling back. “See ya Model. I hope you rest well.” 
“You too.” Ann grabbed her bags, and walked over to the train as it opened its doors. Seconds later, the train left Marie on her own as she waits for her train to  Kichijoji. 
Ann arrived at her apartment, exhausted. Both physically and mentally. Upon entering her place, she dropped the bags, turned on the AC, and practically stripped down and entered her bed sheets, wanting to sleep badly more than anything else. She let the potpourri aroma from the scented flowers help her fall asleep. 
The last thing that entered her thoughts and plagued her dreams was Marie...
Ann slept soundly through the night, and had great dreams...
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morinokunikara · 5 years
Yellow Roses
My writing for the October writing prompt for the 7th! This one took a bit longer...I think I’m gonna switch to every other day, and pick a prompt from one or more of four instead of two (so today I’ll pick something or either the 8th or the 9th)
I keep telling myself not to write Mishima centric stuff and then I write Mishima centric stuff.
Suzui wants Yuuki to visit her in the hospital. Yuuki assumes the worst. 
Yuuki told himself he wouldn’t be visiting Suzui. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her-he really wanted to go and see how she was holding up. He just couldn’t bring himself to face her. She probably hated him and blamed him for everything that happened. He was always the one who sent her to Kamoshida, despite knowing what was going on. He never stood up to him or said anything. He should have put up with more for her sake, no matter what that meant. He should have told Kamoshida off. He should have done something more than what he did. But he didn’t. He didn’t and that’s why all this happened. It was all his fault. 
Yet somehow, Suzui specifically requested to have him visit. Takamaki said she really wanted to see him...he couldn’t let her down, not again. He had to go see her. Even if she hated him, even if she yelled at him. Before heading to the hospital, he picked up some flowers. Nothing too special, just some yellow roses. They weren’t really close enough for him to add anything with any meaning deeper than “get well.”
Standing outside the hospital room, Yuuki almost considered turning back. Why did she want him? Did she want to yell at him? Did she want to tell him how much she hated him? Should he go home...? It would be so easy... No, that wouldn’t be fair. He came this far, he’d have to face whatever was coming to him. It was what he deserved, after all...
He knocked on the door gently, and Suzui’s voice came from the other side. “Come on in.” She sounded weak, tired...it hurt to hear. He thought for a moment about how this was his fault, about how he could have done something to prevent this...but he forced a smile as he walked in. Suzui smiled back at him. Despite her currently weak appearance, her smile looked so bright and kind...it was almost like she was happy to see Yuuki. “Mishima! I was worried you weren’t going to come. I almost didn’t even want to ask.” 
Yuuki was a bit shocked. Why would she worry about that...? Did she really want to see him? Why did she seem happy to have him there? It made no sense. He pushed his thoughts aside as he walked into the room and placed the flowers on a nearby table. “It’s good to see you,” he said with a smile. “I heard you’ve made a lot of progress.”
“I’ve still got a long way to go.” Suzui’s smile dropped a bit. “I’m probably still going to be here for awhile.”
Yuuki couldn’t think of what to say or do. Did he do something wrong...? He tried his best to think up a way to fix things. “I mean...I’m sure people are still proud of you and happy for the progress you’ve made so far. I know I am.” 
“Thank you. I’ll keep working hard to make everyone proud!” Suzui’s face lit back up into a smile. It amazed Yuuki how anyone could be so strong when he was so weak and worthless, despite not going through nearly as much as she did. “What about you, Mishima? How have you been holding up?”
“I’ve been okay...it’s weird not having anything to do after school.” Yuuki knew Suzui knew about Kamoshida’s confession, but he wasn’t quite sure how much she knew. Did she know about the Phantom Thieves? Did she know her best friend was one of them? 
“I’m sure it is...what about those Phantom Thieves? I heard some nurses talking about them. Do you really think they’re why-” They both shuddered a bit at just the thought of their former coach’s name. “-why you know who confessed?” Somewhat unsurprisingly, the topic of the Phantom Thieves was unavoidable.  
“I’m almost certain they’re real.” Yuuki nodded. He couldn’t give away everything he knew. He had to protect himself as well as the thieves. “I don’t know about you, but they have my full support.”
“They have mine too,” Suzui replied. “They’ve helped so many people...You seem so much happier than when I’d see you at practice, you know. Ann seems to be doing better too. I’m sure our teammates are the same.”
Yuuki rubbed the back of his neck. “Do I...? I never noticed.” It was true that he was happier without Kamoshida making his everyday school life a nightmare. But why did Suzui care so much about his happiness? Wasn’t she supposed to hate him? “You seem happier too.”
“I’m just happy the school is safer now,” Suzui said with a smile. “He won’t be able to hurt anyone else.” 
“Maybe the Phantom Thieves can help save even more people sometime!” Yuuki said hopefully. “I’m sure there’s lots of other people trapped like we are...they need people like the Phantom Thieves to help them.” 
“Sounds like you’re a big fan! I’ll cheer them on too!” Suzui smiled more. “
Yuuki still didn’t get it. Why was she acting like she was enjoying his presence? Why wasn’t she mad at him? Why wasn’t she yelling about how much she hates him...? It was only stressing him out more. Was she just messing with him. “Suzui?” He asked softly. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course...is everything alright?” Why was she so concerned about him?! She was the one in a hospital bed, having to go through all these treatments and therapies, and it was his fault! She was there because he was a coward! So why was she being so kind?!
“Why did you ask for me to visit...? I thought you’d be mad at me and hate me but...this whole time, you’ve been friendly and smiling as if you were actually happy to see me...I don’t get it...” Yuuki looked away, clenching his fists and biting his lip. He was prepared for the truth now, no matter how brutal it may be. 
“Mishima...why wouldn’t I be happy to see you? You’re my teammate, and the one person on the team who ever really reached out to me.” Yuuki recalled the times he would help Suzui patch up after “practice.” Was he really the only one who showed her such kindness? “Ann mentioned offhand that you seemed really tired lately, and I got worried. So I asked her to tell you I wanted you to visit me. I know how hard you always pushed yourself in volleyball, so I wanted to make sure you weren’t exhausting yourself some other way.” 
Yuuki couldn’t find the words to describe his feelings. Suzui was worried about him? She wanted him to visit because she was worried? She was the last person who should be worried about anyone, especially him! “Suzui...”
“Did I say something wrong...?” Suzui asked with a concerned frown.
Yuuki shook his head and managed a smile. “No, not at all. I’m just shocked that you care about me so much after everything that happened.”
“None of that was your fault, Mishima. I’d never hold that against you.” Her tone was so kind and genuine, it almost made Yuuki believe she was right. “I know it’s hard not to blame yourself but I hope you aren’t carrying that burden for too long.” 
It was hard for Yuuki not to blame himself, but getting that kind of reassurance helped somewhat. He managed a small smile. “Thanks, Suzui...I guess I forgot how kind you are.” 
“Well, I mean every word of it.” Suzui smiled as she looked at the flowers. “Yellow roses...not uncommon for hospitals...but they don’t just mean ‘get well soon’ you know.” Of course Yuuki knew. He had plenty of knowledge on some random topics due to late-night Wikipedia browsing sessions, and flower language was one of those. “They mean friendship too.” She smiled at Yuuki, who stared back in mild shock.
Friendship...? He never really had friends. All through school, he had always been the nobody, the guy who only got acknowledged when he was being made fun of. Did Suzui really want to be his friend...? “Sure, they can be that but...”
“Yuuki.” He was thrown off a bit by Suzui-uh, Shiho?-using his first name so suddenly. “You should come and visit me again when you have the time. I’d love to talk some more, and make sure you’re doing alright.” 
It was kind of unbelievable. Shiho wanted to be his friend? She wasn’t mad at him...she cared about him...Yuuki smiled and nodded. “I’d love to visit again Su-uh, Shiho.” 
Shiho beamed brightly, so much brighter than Yuuki had ever seen. “Good. I want to make sure you’re okay after everything happened. Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay?”
“I’ll..try not to.” Yuuki found himself totally relaxed for the first time in he didn’t know how long. He and Shiho spent the rest of the time until the end of visiting hours chatting, playing word games, and watching silly cartoons on the hospital. 
From then on out, Yuuki made sure to bring Shiho yellow roses from time to time. 
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takeyourcritique · 5 years
Makoto Niijima: Good Girl, Bad Writing.
In video games, movies, TV, and books, there are always characters who receive copious amounts of praise. In Persona 5, it is no different. Some characters deserve the hype they get, and some.. do not. In my humble opinion, Makoto Niijima falls into the latter category and in this essay I will explain why, as well as delve into what I as a writer would do to improve her character. Because this is not a hate meta, it is merely me articulating my issues with her character and getting my thoughts in order. (She has potential, it merely needs to be utilized and with P5R coming next year, a girl can hope.)
1. Underwhelming Design
The cast of Persona 5, in contrast to the casts before them, are vigilantes, a band of misfits if you will. The entire theme of the game is rebellion against society and fighting the norm, and the characters should reflect this in their design. The only exception is the protagonist himself because he's on probation and attempting to keep a low profile: that's why he follows the dress code to a tee and appears as gentle as possible, because he's already in enough trouble as is. The first party member, Ryuji, has been a rebel for a good amount of time: his hair is a stark blond (which Kawakami-sensei does not approve of) and he wears a very casual version of the school uniform; substituting a bright yellow shirt for the white of the uniform, wearing sneakers instead of dress shoes, and not wearing his suspenders (they're attached though, at the waist).
Ann Takamaki wears a white clover hoodie under her blazer, red leggings under her skirt, brown lace up boots, and earrings; not to mention her hair, while a natural blonde, is pulled back into cutesy pigtails almost like a teenage Harley Quinn. Yusuke doesn't even go to the same school, so his attire stands out in stark contrast with the main trio. Futaba dyes her hair red and she doesn't go to school at all due to severe anxiety; Haru wears a poofy pink sweater over her uniform with Mary Janes and polka dot tights. They all stick out like little sore thumbs. Except Makoto. She basically also follows the dress code, with a few subtle changes:
•She doesn't wear a blazer, instead wearing a black halter vest over her turtleneck
•Black tights
•Brown boots
That's literally it. Nothing about her stands out, and even in her casual clothing she wears a lot of whites and blacks. There's a monochromatic vibe to her, perhaps alluding to her strong sense of justice and distinction between right and wrong which in and of itself isn't bad! But it doesn't fit with the theme of the cast, Makoto fits in too much with the rest of the world to fit in with them. Just by looking at her, you cannot tell she's supposed to be part of the crew and in all honesty she'd fit better working with Akechi due to their very similar views of justice and morals. Hell, some NPCs are more vibrant design-wise than Makoto is.
2. Her Metaverse design, Persona and codename are contradictory.
Makoto's Persona, Johanna, is based most likely off Pope Joan, (after doing research online and reading Johanna's profile on SMT wiki it seemed the best fit) who was a woman that pretended to be a man in order to rise to power in an otherwise male-only role in the Catholic church. And while the story is intriguing, it doesn't fit Makoto at all: she never pretended to be what she was not and while she's "the voice of reason" she's not the leader of the team; Joker is. This makes her codename, "Queen", even more confusing. Nothing about her costume design looks regal whatsoever; it makes no sense. It feels like writer's favoritism, in all honesty. A better name would've been something more related to the fact that she looks like a biker/executionist hybrid; like "Crusher" or something of more..violent nature.
Even a name related to her wanting to go into the force would've worked well: Chief, Lieutenant, etc. Queen is nice, but it doesn't click with Makoto at all, unlike literally everyone else's Persona and codename. Ann's Persona, Carmen, is a femme fatale that kills men. Captain Kidd is a pirate, an iconic symbol of rebellion; Milady, Haru's Persona, is a reference to a villainess of the same name in the 3 Musketeers; Goemon was essentially a Japanese Robin Hood which fits Yusuke's entire kitsune/warrior aesthetic. Joker's Persona, Arsene, is a direct nod to Arsene Lupin; who was one of Sherlock's rivals and a gentleman thief who left calling cards to the people he robbed and a direct parallel to Akechi.
3. Her introduction as a whole, and to the team, is abysmal.
When Makoto is first introduced to the player, the entire school is in turmoil over Kamoshida's abusive actions towards the volleyball and track team. Many people don't know the truth about what's going on, and others simply turn a blind eye because as an Olympic medalist, the gym coach brings in a lot of popularity for the school. Being the student council president, Makoto has power that many other students do not have; so one would assume that upon learning that a victim was in danger she would spring into action, no?
When Ann confronts Makoto about her inaction, she turns the question back on the blonde, asking "What have YOU done for Shiho?" as if it's Ann's fault that Shiho had been jeopardized (which it was not, Ann allowed herself to be blackmailed by Kamoshida in order, so she thought, to protect her best and at the time, only friend). And she doesn't do anything about the situation, claiming that "It has nothing to do with me." (This is how abuse victims DIE.) Even worse, her elder sister is a prosecutor, she could've easily gone to Sae and asked her to look into the matter. Goro Akechi later calls her out on this, as he should; telling her that she is a "good-girl pushover". And when Kamoshida is punished for his crimes, Ann, who was bullied and outcast, goes to Makoto and apologizes to HER to make amends, as if she were wrong. Makoto then replies "We both made mistakes" in a sorry apology (she doesn't even say "I'm sorry" iirc), and asks if she can call Ann by her first name and without honorifics, which in Japan is a symbol of close friendship. (Edit: this apology actually takes place after Kaneshiro's arc, not Kamoshida's, I misremembered.)
You see, calling someone by their given name, even if you are the same age, has a ton of meaning in the culture. Just a year difference between two people can separate them as senpai and kouhai, and while the senpai can call their kouhai by their first name without raising any eyebrows it's not the same for the younger person. Calling someone by their given name in Japan is a privilege, not a right; it represents trust, respect, everything that Makoto and Ann did NOT have.
Now, let me get this straight.
Makoto did nothing when everybody called Ann Kamoshida's hoe, allowed her, Shiho, Akira, Ryuji and Mishima plus many others to suffer abuse (and Shiho attempted suicide!), gave a laughable apology, victim-blamed Ann; and now she wants to be buddy-buddy? What, in any reality, about that is okay? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But of course, because the writers want us to love Makoto, they have Ann forgive her and let her call her by her first name. And after all that, Makoto is still president, despite her clear nonchalance to the matter. She also does nothing to help the Kamoshida victims after his crimes come to light, when there was literally no excuse anymore not to assist them and help them get back on their feet. Even if she felt powerless with Kamoshida around, that doesn't explain her inaction after he's gone.
Flash forward two Palaces later, when she joins the team. Makoto stalks the protagonist around to gather evidence that he is a Phantom Thief, and then blackmails her way into the ranks. The team of course, is not happy about this at all. Makoto gives them the target; Junya Kaneshiro, who's basically forcing people into debt. The problem here is she has literally no personal ties to him; unlike the main trio all having connections to Kamoshida and Yusuke being Madarame's essential foster son. Tired of Sae calling her useless, Makoto jumps in front of the mob boss's car in desperation (and Ryuji gets her out of the way JUST in time, but he very easily could've died) which puts the entire team in danger and later on is literally pinned down by the mob and the crew have to go and save her because she was so determined to take this dude down she walked into the lion's den without any form of a plan. (He was also going to sell her into prostution to pay off the debt he'd given the Thieves.)
Her Awakening is also really weak: the speech from Johanna is extremely short and then Makoto stomps the ground to avoid falling over, rips off her mask with a bunch of overdramatic screaming (iirc we don't even get to see blood) and whoop-di-doo, she's got a motorcycle! And suddenly, despite all she's done, everybody loves her and thinks she's a total badass when she literally just threw an adult-sized tantrum. The motorcycle itself is also very lazy, it's just a motorcycle with a face. That's it. That's Makoto's Persona. A motorcycle. With. A. Face.
And from then on, everybody's suddenly a-ok and buddy-buddy with Makoto. It's ridiculous and just makes her come off as a Mary Sue because if somebody endangered my life I sure as hell would not be rubbing shoulders with them and I'm quite sure most people feel the same way. And again, after all this, Makoto does not get in trouble or even harshly reprimanded by the school for her extremely reckless actions; when she should have, and had the power to, just call the police or Sae. And all the Thieves somehow are now her friends and she gets to become a superhero.
So let me see if I understand. This girl stalks these people, blackmails them and forces them to go after hardened criminals (she was going to snitch on them if they didn't comply to her demands), goes in guns blazing by HERSELF to attempt to take down the mob boss, has to be rescued..
And gets praised and dubbed a badass for this???
And before you accuse me of having bias against Makoto, let it be known I in no way, shape or form condone Yusuke stalking Ann or Futaba blackmailing the Thieves either. It's. Still. Wrong.
Also, if you unironically think Makoto's stalking is cute, you're wrong. Stalking is creepy, regardless if it's a girl or guy doing it; no one gets a pass.
In addition, Makoto couldn't be bothered to help out at school but then goes after a MOB BOSS and puts herself in unnecessary danger? What's up with that?? If she felt powerless against Kamoshida, why in the world would she take on the Yakuza?
4. Her backstory doesn't mesh well with the rest of the team.
The gang are all outcasts and misfits in one way or another, and their pasts are less than savory.
Protagonist: Falsely accused of assaulting a woman, expelled from school and sent to Tokyo on a year probation despite his innocence, victim of nasty rumors by other students at his new school; abused by his gym coach, no contact with parents.
Ryuji: Abusive, alcoholic father who beat him and llater left him and his mother, abused by his gym coach, leg broken by his gym coach and labeled as a delinquent because his coach lied and acted like Ryuji attacked him, thus alienating him from the track team and by extent; the entire school. Losing his track scholarship because he can't run anymore, ruining his academic career.
Ann: Two parent household but they're never home, leaving her with a caretaker. Faced bullying and isolation due to being biracial (she's a quarter American), only having one friend before joining the Phantom Thieves. Blackmailed by the gym coach and sexually harassed in order to keep this one friend on the volleyball team, labeled as a slut because no one took the time to find out the truth of the matter. Friend is later raped and attempts suicide, Ann attempts to get help from the student council president but is blamed herself for Shiho's predicament. Also judged just for her looks, which she despises.
Yusuke: Biological father died presumably before his birth, biological mother had a seizure and died due to his mentor's negligence. Said mentor then takes Yusuke, a very small child at this point in time, and raises him in isolation. Psychologically (and very likely emotionally) manipulated, Kitagawa grows up in an abusive household and when confronted with the truth, is unwilling to believe it is so (as many abusive victims realistically behave). Later learns the truth about his mother and his mentor's plagiarism and detaches himself from him, but is extremely socially awkward out of touch due to isolation and as a result is isolated at school because no one wants to talk to him.
Futaba: Was blamed for her mother's death (whom she lost at 13-14) and lived with an extremely abusive uncle who underfed her and didn't even let her bathe herself. Developed severe anxiety and became suicidally depressed for over a year, refusing to even come out of her room. Had a friend who was abused by her parents and upon finding out the two fell out and only reconciled years later through the Internet. Bullied in school for her intellect.
Haru: Lost her mother at a young age, engaged against her will to an emotionally abusive, selfish fiancé for the sake of her father's company. Has deep-rooted trust issues due to people being kind to her solely because of her status; or mean for the exact same reasons. Later on lost her father as well at the age of 17, leaving all the responsibility of the company to her as she was the sole heir.
Morgana: Has no memories of who, or what, he used to be and suffers existential crises; suffers from vivid nightmares. Puts up a façade of arrogance to hide insecurities.
Makoto: Mother died when younger, father died in the line of work, older sister forced to become caretaker and work her rear off to provide for the both of them. Pressured into perfection by Sae.
That's.. literally it. Yes, she has no friends at school, but that's by her choice; she isolates herself in her studies and as a result is socially awkward and doesn't know how to interact with people (which makes her even less suitable to be put into any type of leadership position so how she became student council president is beyond me.) Makoto's life is heaven compared to the other Thieves and most of her issues would go away once she gets to college: the rest of the team doesn't have that luxury. By the way, please don't think I'm saying she doesn't deserve to be on the team because she doesn't have as deep a sob story, I'm not saying that at all. It's just that her backstory isn't really utilized as well as it should be and often times conflict is used to try to get the player to feel sorry for her (i.e. Sae calling her useless)
5. Her Confidant is abysmal and cliché.
So Makoto's Confidant actually starts out not half bad! You take her out to play video games and help her come out of her shell initially. But then it shifts to Eiko, an old friend of hers, who is a bad relationship. And this is when the Confidant begins to suffer, because it's not even about Makoto anymore. The president tells Eiko about the danger she's in, and her old classmate does not listen; declaring that since the older girl does not have a boyfriend she couldn't possibly understand. This logic is very flawed; it's like telling a smoker to stop smoking and they tell you "You don't even smoke, you don't know how bad it is". Yet Makoto listens to Eiko and comes to you, the protagonist; and asks you to pretend to be her boyfriend in order to convince her friend that she DOES understand. But it's so awkward Eiko's boyfriend and the girl herself can tell you're not genuine. And you have to keep this up for the rest of the Confidant, not to mention MAX Charm is required from Rank 5 onward in this route. Why?
Because apparently you're not attractive enough otherwise. And it's not even for Makoto, it's for Eiko, to convince her that you're hot enough to compare to her boyfriend; Takase. (Geez, shallow and childish much?) And then at the end of the Confidant, the romance angle comes off as very odd because you're literally treated like an afterthought the entire time and then suddenly Makoto turns around and wants you as her actual boyfriend?? Uh..where was her falling for you during the time spent together? It just feels like it comes outta nowhere, not to mention she wants to be a cop which the law literally ruined Joker's life soooo why is he getting into a romantic relationship with someone who wants to be associated with a source of his trauma? That's like a metaphorical slap in his face.
"Hey, I know you were literally beaten and drugged up, manhandled, falsely accused and put into solitary confinement by the law enforcement, causing you to suffer severe anxiety and you to possibly be scarred forever but I wanna be a cop even though I don't think straight in stressful situations and act on impulse and don't take insults or criticism well; and I want you to stay by my side even though I blackmailed you, stalked you, and endangered your life and did nothing while you were being abused by your gym coach."
(Let's not forget she also didn't say anything about Sae having a Palace until it was almost too late and Joker almost lost Futaba as a result.)
For Valentine's Day she declares "I've been waiting for you for so long" and that genuinely bewildered me because you don't really see her pining at all during her Confidant, nor during other events (the closest thing you get is her clinging to you in Sojiro's house but that's honestly not even romantic that's just her getting frightened and needing assurance in a very unnecessary "ship tease" moment). Same with the scene in Futaba's Palace, while Joker saving Queen was very sweet, he literally would've done that for anybody of his teammates. Makoto is not special in that regard.
6. How to better this character
•Introduce her to the Thieves in a better, more plot driven way, or remove her from the team completely.
Kaneshiro's arc should honestly just be scrapped, it was a sorry attempt to get Makoto on the team. A better time for her to join would be Sae's Palace since she actually has emotional ties to the Palace owner and by this time in the game could've developed to be a better person from the Kamoshida arc, wanting to make things right. This could also be a good start for her and Ann to begin to be on better terms- not even necessarily friends (because after what happened I honestly don't think Ann would want to be friends, at least not close), but learning to at least be civil. That, or she joins out of desperation because she doesn't want anything bad to happen to Sae and as the infiltration continues gets more and more nervous and ultimately rats their plan out (because Makoto as the traitor would be much better, writing-wise).
Alternatively, Hifumi joining instead of Makoto would also be very refreshing with Makoto covering up for them at school and supporting them on the sly.
•Treat her flaws as actual flaws, she's not perfect.
Makoto does have some bad traits, a few being:
•bad tempered
•socially awkward
But these are almost never treated in a negative light. With the Kamoshida arc and Kaneshiro arc, all is simply forgiven, same with her smacking Eiko across the face in a moment of anger. Even when wrong, Makoto is never wrong per say and this makes it difficult for her to be believable as a character. To fix this, having her suffer the consequences of her actions will make it more realistic. For example, getting Eiko to break up with her boyfriend but cutting ties with her too as a result would give Makoto the rude awakening that you can do the right thing the wrong way and people will not always forgive you for the mess you put them through (nor should they).
Her being punished for unnecessarily putting herself in danger with Kaneshiro would also be understandable (she should've been at least suspended, she could've gotten herself killed, plus all the then existing Phantom Thieves); as well as actually apologizing for the hell that was Kamoshida's drama. And not just to Ann, but everyone who suffered. That would show maturity and a willingness to change, and put her in a better light.
I want Makoto to get mad and she's fully in the wrong and she acknowledges she's wrong, have her recklessness get her or a teammate wounded in battle, etc. And have the others call her out when she's wrong and refuse to let it slide. Have them talk it out, grow as a team. Just..make Makoto fallible, flawed, broken even. She's an orphan, I want to touch more on her having to grow up quickly, feeling lonely and unsure of how to connect with people; talk about how her father is a driving force in her values and morals and how she wishes to honor him by following in his footsteps.
Delve into how she feels less than worthy if she does not achieve excellence but do it in a way that does not demonize Sae unnecessarily and try to make the reader/player feel sorry for her. Have Makoto spend more time with people in her team outside of team duties and while being awkward, genuinely interested and actively working to better her relationships. (She barely interacts with anyone besides Joker, Futaba, and on occasion, Haru) When Makoto is realistically flawed, she then becomes relatable and much more likable.
I want her fears to be plot relevant, not just slapped on for the sake of making her look "cute". Her being scared of the dark was never relevant, unlike Rei from Persona Q who was scared of the dark and had to go through a pitch black room in order to find key cards to help her friends escape a locked room or Yukari being terrified of death and having to come to terms with that. Same with her fixation for Buchimaru, it's cute but it doesn't add any depth to her character whatsoever or even her apparently knowing aikido? We never see Makoto fight outside the Metaverse unlike Chie or Akihiko so it feels like a character trait just slapped on to make her 'cooler'. It feels lazy, because it is. It's like the writers wanted her to be this strong, independent young woman but at the same time a scared, awkward little girl and the two ideas often clash; coming off as contradictory as if they couldn't make their minds up as to who they wanted Makoto to be.
Again, this is not an attack on Makoto fans. If you like her, that's valid and I respect that. I'm merely explaining why I don't and how I feel the writing failed her character and what I believe she'd be if her potential was maximized.
That's all, have a good day.
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kltiago · 7 years
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Unleash Your Persona!
By: KL Tiago
 Persona 5, the JRPG from Atlus, is one of the best games of this year as well as all time.  In my opinion.  But also it’s true.
 The characters are thought out and interesting. The story is deep and engaging. The gameplay is fun and strategic. The soundtrack is out of this world. It's overall just an amazing piece of work.
 One of the best things about this game, beyond the aforementioned points, is its visuals.  Persona 5 bleeds aesthetic.  The anime-style comes through in the character design, the musical choices, the fonts; everything.  It's all very uniquely Persona and all very amazing.
 What I want to dissect specifically, is the fashion. The costume design of this game is top-notch.  Character outfits are fashionable, stylish, funky, and on-trend. I'm going to go one by one through the Phantom Thieves’ battle costumes to discuss what a fabulous job this game did with its aesthetics and their fashion choices.
 First up, the main protagonist Akira Kurusu aka Joker.  Black trench coat with an oversized turned up collar?  Yas.  Boots with the hint of a heel and slightly curled toe?  Yas.  Fit-ted vest to snatch that motherfucking waist to Hades?  Yas, bitch.  A secretive, white, pointy mask to hide all of the Joker’s got-damn secrets? Yas.  Red accent gloves?  You betta believe it!  Akira is serving some midnight-warrior-Protagonist-realness and will lead you straight to fashion nirvana.
 Ryuji Sakamoto, your first friend, goes by Skull. Henny is giving you knee pads for safety and fun.  Pants tight like the bonds of friendship, complete with anime-trope-doubled-up, X-crossed belts.  Yes they’re functional too, miss-miss.  Where else would Skull hold his shotgun shells?  Fashion and function, yes, ma’am.  Did I mention the yellow gloves and thin red scarf to maximize the accessorize?  I did now.
 Who’s that blonde in the drastically-impractical zip-up, red leather body suit?  Miss Panther: Ann Takamaki.  It is what?  Glued to her body.  She is where?  Covered head to toe except for a very-practical boob-window. Mmm-hmm.  Do those thigh-high boots zip up?  NO MA’AM: they are pulled high as Heaven brought up by the Lordt.  And don’t think for one motherfucking minute Ann left her accessories at home.  Her purr-fect primadonna mask faces some feline features and her hot pink gloves are giving Barbie, Kirby and Kimberly Ann Hart respiratory problems.  She is painting the town red with her colour-palette, honey.  Live.
 Yusuke Kitagawa, the stone-cold Fox with a mask of a Kitsune. HUH-KNEE.  Yu-su-ke-is-snatched-like-but-ter-he-is-run-ning-with-this-look-to-the-run-way.  That collar is up to HERE, honey.  His outfit is fitting like his ice-blue gloves–like butter!–creamy, silky, smooth. Sleek, is his look.  But wait!  Flounce, darling!  Flounce!  Are those sleeves puffed like a pastry?  Mama, yas!  Are those knee-high boots white like a wedding dress?  Bitch-is-PURE.  What’s that striped blue and white sash hiding, Yusuke?  Mr. Kitagawa, is that a fluffy tail, you furry trash?  MA-MA, YAS!
 Next up is queen, kween and also codenamed Queen: Makoto Nijima.  Her outfit is black as?  Night.  Her corset-inspired leather is? Dangerous.  Those spiky shoulders are giving me Balmain in a war-zone, honey.   She is a steel-toed, iron-masked, deadly-fisted honor-student from the right-side of the tracks and she will rip out that throat and help you study arithmetic, honey.  She is a whom?  Multitasker.  Ask Miss Makoto if you can borrow her lengthy, flowing, beautiful black sash to hang yourself with because her look will leave you deceased.
 Sakura-comma-Futaba.  Baby-girl better get herself out of her socially-anxious closet because the world needs to see her LOOK.  Little lady isn’t called Oracle for nothing honey.  Those cute, bug-eyed, red goggles of hers can see into your soul, can see into your mind, can see into the future, Miss-Honey.  Which is where she pulled this Tron-gone-fashion aesthetique.  Those neon green lines are pulsing over that slight frame, Futaba.  Those popping green fingers, heels and toes are hacking into fashion, Futaba.  You may not know how to hold a normal conversation, Futaba, but honey can hold an outfit.
 The Heiress of a hamburger fortune, lemme take a bite out of Haru Okumura: M’ilady of the dark, mademoiselle Noir.   Let’s start from the top, shall we. Bitch-that-feath-thered-hat-is-give-ing-me-ev-ry-thing.  It’s cute.  It’s Shakespeare.  It’s delicious.  Lady Okumura, where did you get that lilac pink blouse because I need it.  I need that adorable vest to make it an ensemble, and the lil’ silk tie to circle dat throat.  Mm-kay?  Call Ryuji, his shotgun shell belt just became last season.  Haru is holding.  Grenades that is.  Which she launches, honey, like she launches us into fashion celestiality with those poofy short-shorts, black leggings and good-girl loafers.  Haru may be armed with an axe, but she’ll behead me with her own two hands in those hot-purple leather gloves, ma’am!
 Is the dissection over?  NO MA’AM!  It is NOT! No team of heart-stealing fashion-bandits is complete without animal aid!  Meowing Morgana pulls up to the curb in them-got-damn-self because Miss-Codename: Mona can transform into a bus. Yes queen!  This feline accessorizes with a 2.3L turbo-4 engine and 300 horesepower!  Handy and fashion: because that bus has ears.  For what?  To hear the haters coming and drive the fuck away, Miss-Miss!  Morgana is serving adorable-counterpart-reality with a cute yellow handkerchief collaring that cute, kitty-cat neck.
 The Phantom Thieves are what?  Sickening.  They have stolen what?  Your heart.  Why?  Because: fashion.
 If you still doubt me in terms of the incredibleness of Persona 5, I can’t help you.  Honestly, seeing them should have been enough to make you place an Amazon order or get your ass down to a GameStop.  Love yourself: play Persona 5.  Or do one better: dress like Persona 5.
 Turn up that collar.  Accessorize with too many belts.  Feather that hat, honey.  Make yourself into the person you wish you’d be with all the craze and fabulous you deserve. Unleash your Persona!  Unleash fashion!
 Persona 5 is available for PlayStation 4.
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yucchannosekai · 7 years
All they needed (Non-binary Makoto x Ann fic)
Merry Christmas (Eve) Riley @nbmakoto! I was your Secret Santa for the @personasecretsanta2k17~ I wrote you a sweet fic about a night date between Makoto (non-binary as you asked, I hope I didn’t miss any wrong pronoun when proof-reading ;;) and Ann! Hope you like it!
Title: All they needed
Word count: 3k+ words
Pairing: Makoto Niijima/Ann Takamaki (hint to Akira Kurusu/Futaba Sakura)
Summary: Makoto and Ann decide to go to their first date after two months of being together. However, Makoto gets a bit greedy…
Makoto had never been so anxious in their life. Their job as the student council president trained them well enough not to be nervous in any situation… or at least, so they thought up to now. They were there, standing in front of a mirror, trying their best to select an outfit befitting of their first girlfriend. Truth be told, they thought she was the most beautiful being in the universe. The way her bright sapphire eyes sparkled every time they were together, the swaying of her golden pigtails, so childish yet so sexy, the way her slim body moved, especially when they were in the Metaverse and she had that skinny red outfit that did nothing to hide her beautiful forms. They thought they never did anything to deserve her. Yet one day, an ordinary school day in which they were absorbed in their school duties, she blessed them. She called Makoto to the rooftop, them alone, to tell them how she had felt all that time. Not only could they not believe she loved them, but for so long. From their first talk alone in the council room, if what she said was to be trusted.
But what struck them the most, was that when that HORRIBLE day they decided to be sincere and tell them that they were nonbinary, fearing greatly for their newfound love, fearing that everything they hope they found was on the brink of shattering… she simply accepted it, laughing with that adorable laugh of hers and telling them it was fine, because sex didn’t matter. After all, they were still Makoto. Probably that became, thanks to a love spell, because they couldn’t find a logical explanation no matter what they searched for it, the most beautiful day of their life.
Back to the present day, though, they were literally freaking out over what to wear. Would a cute dress be better then an elegant suit? Or maybe one of the normal outfit they wore when hanging out with everyone else? No, no, this was an important date! No way this is fine, Makoto told themself. It was a long struggle, but after what felt like infinity they managed to choose a good outfit. Not too elegant, but not too childish. Just like they were, they thought. Now they only had to get to Shibuya’s Station Square and wait for her girlfriend to arrive. Luckily she wasn’t like Ryuji, or who wonders how much they would have to wait for her arrival…
Funnily enough, though, waiting for her is exactly what happened. From the top of their perfectionism, and from what Akira tought them during their ‘training’ as a top rule for a date, they arrived precisely at the arranged hour. Not one second late, and not one second early. The problem was exactly their date. She was unnaturally late. Could it be that she forgot? No, that can’t be, Makoto reassured themself. She has always been so careful when it came to their relationship… It must be anxiety playing some tricks on her mind like it did on them. Minutes passed, and she still was nowhere to be seen. Worries started to pile up, and Makoto was gatting ready to take their cellphone out from their pocket… Only for the girl they were waiting for to suddenly appear, goofily running on her heels.
-Hey, Makoto! I’m soooo sorry I’m late! I was trying every dress in the wardrobe searching for the best one, and when I finally thought I chose the perfect one I realized I should already had taken the train!-
The girl tried to catch her breath, bowing in apology. Needless to say, Makoto was taken aback by their girlfriend’s formality.
-Oh, come on, there’s no need to apologize so vehemently. I’m just happy you’re here, Ann. I was actually getting worried, since you’re never late.-
The two shared an intense look, full of love and relief that none of them was angry with the other, followed closely by a sweet exchange of smiles. It was only then that Makoto finally noticed the girl’s outfit. She, too, didn’t opt for something too elegant. However, on her body everything managed to look better. They couldn’t tell if it was for her physique, for her curves, or simply because in their eyes their girlfriend was the most beautiful human being. The moment of adoration was broken, even if not so harshly, by the blonde’s sweet voice.
-Sooo… Shall we go now? I heard there’s a crèpe sale this night! I want to share one with you, since this is our first date! Oh, and I want to go to karaoke together! And to close, what about a visit to the Sky Tower?-
-You thought about all of this? I suddenly feel bad for not coming up with anything…-
Makoto frowned, not sure about what to think. Sure, they were relieved Ann came up with a nice plan for their night date… But at the same time, they felt like they should have thought of something. They should have asked Akira, since it was rumored he got a girlfriend too… He could have given them a nice insight into date spots. He was always so reliable, when it came to such things… On the other side, though, they concluded this was a task they had to do alone. Maybe some internet search, next time, could give them an idea or two. They would have definitely done that to satisfy Ann. It was the least to reciprocate.
-No need to! It’s just basic things for a first date! … I think. After all, I’ve never been to a ‘first’ date.-
Ann giggled, making Makoto blush more than necessary. She was really adorable when she giggled so carelessly… Moreover, even if she never had a date, she definitely was more knowledgeable than they were. One more reason to give their all to learn something on the topic.
Her idea, however, was gladly accepted, preceded by a quick stop to the diner in Central Street. It was dinner time, after all, and they were both hungry. Ann admitted, to Makoto’s surprise, that she didn’t have lunch because of the anxiety. It’s incredible what tricks a first date can pull… They both ordered a steak, and started talking about something trivial like the nice flavor it had, spending quite a lot of time on the topic. Ann wasn’t completely of Japanese blood, and she spent some time with her grandmother in Europe, when she was younger. It seems the steak really has a ‘grandmotherish’ feeling as they say, judging by what the girl happily told Makoto. The steak was followed by a cafè, strongly reminding them of their study sessions. The diner was a common meeting point for their group, and so it became a 'friendship point’ for all of them… However, being there just with Ann, instead than with the Thieves, even when doing something completely normal like drinking coffee, managed to transform such a common thing into a completely different happening. Such magic love has, both couldn’t help but think.
Once their dinner was over, gentlemanly payed by Makoto who wanted to treat her girlfriend, the two headed back in the street. It was finally time for Ann’s beloved crèpes, obviously full of cream and strawberries. She once told Makoto that’s the one kind she always brought to Shiho when she was hospitalized, so they reminded her of her friend. Truth be told, at first Makoto was kind of jealous of their friendship. They feared it could have become… Well, a relationship. But now, reassured of Ann’s true feelings, they had nothing to fear. Instead, they always felt undeniably happy, seeing the way her eyes lighted up in excitement, in expectance of seeing her friend again. It was truly a sight to behold.
However, sharing the crèpe didn’t last as long as Makoto would have wanted. Ann was nearly voracious, when it came to sweets. They were getting really greedy. The more time it passed, the more they wanted… something new, so to say. They couldn’t hide it to themself: they wanted a new step in their relationship. It was a couple of months, now, since their relationship started… However, they still didn’t kiss. That was kind of bothering Makoto. They were always, constantly wondering if they were being too slow… Well, they would have had time, now. After all, they were headed to karaoke, and they would have been totally alone in a room for about an hour…
… Except, kissing was not what was coming. Instead, well, there was singing. And, to Makoto’s disbelief, Ann was a TERRIBLE singer. She opted for some cute magical girl anime song, just to completely ruin it. Her girlfriend thought for a second there couldn’t have been a worse catastrophe then when Futaba’s pyramid nearly left them dead. She was dead wrong, Ann’s singing was much worse. One more reason to do something other than singing… But Ann was really insistent on hearing Makoto sing.
-C'mon, Makoto, now it’s your turn! I’m sure you have a nice voice!-
-Really, Ann, I’m not in the mood… M-Moreover, I’m not as good at singing…-
-I’m sure you have a pretty voice even when singing! It’s always like this! You have a pretty talking voice, and you have a pretty singing voice!-
-Well, I have my doubts on that, judging by your singing…-
Makoto was ready to backpedal after that sentence, just to notice the way their girlfriend was pouting. It was simply adorable, and suddenly they felt less guilty for their admission. After all, this netted them the possibility to see such a cute sight.
-Hey, that was harsh! I mean, it’s kinda true, Shiho told me too… But! At least I tried! Not like someone else in this room.-
When she wanted to, she really knew to hit where it hurts. And Makoto felt all of the hit, so much that a faint blush reached their cheeks. They tried their best to stay calm and steady, not wanting to let go, but sooner than later their expression cracked, unable to withstand their girlfriend’s pout, and after a sigh they decided to finally let go. Not without a condition, though.
-… Fine, if that makes you happy I’ll sing. But, I want a prize.-
-What…? Not fair! I didn’t ask for a prize when I sang! Fine, though…-
-If you wanted it, you could ask… However, better if I choose the song now. The sooner this torture ends, the better for me…-
After a while, Makoto finally managed to choose a nice jpop song. Nothing too pretentious, one of the classic songs you would sing under the shower… Not that Makoto was the kind of person to do that. But at least, they could tell they sang this song a couple of times… And, luckily for them, the singing was not a total disaster. Not a difficult task, after Ann’s glorious performance, but still a little victory for them.
-Well, I demand my reward now. After all, you promised, and I think it’s the least after such an embarassing thing…-
-You know, I’m kind of curious of what you would ask. Spill it out!-
Makoto opened their mouth to talk, really embarassed, but at the same time interested in the possible reaction their girlfriend would have… Just to be interrupted by a loud noise from their adjacent room, probably a microphone fallen to the ground, followed by the beginning of NeoFeatherman’s theme song. Even if Makoto wasn’t a fan, she could tell apart the song by how many times she heard it passing on the TV.
-Whoa, someone there is a big fan of NeoFeatherman. It kinda reminds me of Futaba-chan…-
-But, you know, no way Futaba would come to karaoke. At least, not alone, and you know she doesn’t have friends beside us… H-However, why are we talking about her? We are at a date! And I think I had to tell you my prize!-
-Ohhh, you’re right! I’m all ears!-
-Well, as I wanted to say… I demand… a ki– -
Makoto tried their hardest to end the sentence, in the silence of their room, just to be violently covered by the people in the other room. A couple, to judge by their voices, a little too familiar to two of their friends.
-Sorry, Makoto, could you repeat? Geez, they’re really giving their all, in that room…-
-Maybe it’s proof I shouldn’t tell you, at least not here… What about I tell you in a quieter place? Like, at the Sky Tower.-
-Good idea! Now, let us duet too! We will show them who’s the loudest singing couple!-
The two sang until the end of the hour they booked the room for, happy to share such normal couple things together. To Makoto, it was like torture, giving how embarassing they thought such things were, but sharing them with their girlfriend made it all worth it. Once outside of the room, they were finally able to see their disturbers, and they were ready to scold them too, if only the couple wasn’t too intent in kissing.
-… We should let them be. We can scold them at the next Phantom Thieves meeting and teach them some karaoke bonton.-
Makoto laughed, giving a last look at the happy couple, heading out with their lovebird. They really thought it was nice, having such a good relationship with someone. That’s what they wanted to achieve too. Well, they would have had their chance once at their last date spot. It was finally time to go there and fulfill her little dream!
… Not before hearing a loud 'Akira, I hunger!’ from a certain redhead behind them, anyway.
The ride on the train was certainly not the most comfortable. It was getting late, but for some reason even if it was one of the coldest day in a while, it seemed to many couples like the best day for a date. Well, it was like this for them too, after all. Probably when you’re with your loved one, you fell hotter all over your body, and the cold might be only a way to be closer to your date, Makoto thought. After all, them too was trying this trick with Ann, holding her hand in the excuse that they forgot their gloves.
The sky was getting gradually cleaner, however, a real luck since they had to climb the tower to gaze at the city. They were getting ready to enter the building, when they noticed the last group of the Phantom Thieves, namely Yusuke, Ryuji, Haru and the poor leftalone Morgana, heading out of the tower, seemingly back from a sort of trip up there. Knowing them, it was probably Yusuke’s merit.
-Such a magnificent view. My next composition will be simply splendid.-
-I’m really glad my idea to come here has proven fruitful, Yusuke!-
-But maaaan, couldn’t we come, like, another day? It’s effin’ late! And you know how packed we’ll be on the train back home?-
-How dumb you are, Ryuji. Today the sky is crystal clean, it’s the best day to gaze at the city lights from up above. Moreover, did you want to leave the magnificent me alone, with Akira gone who knows where? Should I remember you how you’re all lost without me?-
-Shut your mouth, you damn cat! Always playing big, dammit…-
Everything seemed so normal… They were having fun, even with the insults and the bickering. Just like them. Well, at least without the insults and bickering part. It was incredible, to Makoto’s eyes, how the same fun and excitement could come from such different things. A group of friends, or even your loved one… The two shared a smile, heading inside the building and then up with the elevator. It was a long ride, especially because Makoto’s heart was constantly pounding at the thought that they would soon receive their prize, but once they got on the top, they couldn’t hide that the view really paid it off. It was wonderful, one of the most beautiful things they ever saw. Well, except their girlfriend, that is.
-Hey, Makoto! Look, look!-
Ann nearly ran away, glueing herself to one of the infinite window glasses. Makoto followed a little after, looking mesmerized at the sight in front of them. You could see all of Tokyo, by walking around, and the countless lights made the view all the more beautiful. There was Kanda’s church, Akihabara’s glowing anime posters, Central Street, they could even swore they saw Shujin Academy. Or at least, pretend they did, giving how small every building was. It was practically impossible seeing people, not even as small as ants… The city suddenly felt so small, like a miniature. And they were looking at it from up above, like if they had it in their hands. Like if it could be crushed in a second. But most importantly, for a moment they felt like they were the only ones in the world.
-It’s really wonderful as Yusuke was saying. I’m surprised…-
-I’ve already been here a couple of times, but at night it’s so different! You can see all those flickering lights!-
Ann’s eyes were wide in surprise and excitement, her lips slightly apart, her skin enlightened by the strong neon lights. The moment Makoto’s eyes fell on her, no matter how much they tried to look away, they simply couldn’t.
-H-Hey, Ann. Can I now… get my prize? I’m quite eager, to… to tell the truth.-
They tried to sound as confident as they could, but couldn’t help but stutter a little. It was so difficult, talking when they had so much going on in their mind, between anxiety and expectations…
-Huh? Yeah, of course. What is that?-
Makoto didn’t answer. Not because they weren’t able to, but because they didn’t want to. Well, maybe only partially because they didn’t want to, they were still really nervous. But, after all, Ann accepted the 'pact’, she just had to do what they wanted. They shortened the distance, looking straight into her eyes, even if woth her heels tonight they fell a little beneayh her. She looked puzzled, locking her eyes on theirs, like if she couldn’t understand what was was happening. Or maybe, she only feared that building up expectations wpuld have led to disappontance. Well, time to answer, Makoto told themself.
-I want a kiss.-
Without leaving a gap to answer, Makoto finally reached Ann’s lips. It was fulfilling. Like if… a weight had been lifted from their shoulders. Especially when their girlfriend started kissing them back. They hugged, each one entangling their hands into the other’s hair, locked into a kiss neither of them wanted to break. Their kiss was a mix of love, passion, affection, desire… It was a swirl of emotion, all the emotion they always kept for themselves, like in fear it would have been too early for the other. However, right now there was nothing stopping them again. They were just happy with what they were doing, with their little step, with their gentle touches, with their sweet lips.
If possible, they would have gone on forever.
'Cause that was all they needed.
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ryntaia · 7 years
The Secret That Lies in Mona Lisa’s Smile
Title: The Secret That Lies in Mona Lisa’s Smile
Fandom: Persona 5
Rating: K+
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Pairing: Yutaba, YusukexFutaba
Summary: Yusuke Kitagawa is a desperate artist, in a desperate situation of no inspiration. And in times of desperation he's willing to take a friend's advice even if it means portraying a woman he often disagrees with.
Status: Complete
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The Secret That Lies in Mona Lisa’s Smile
           The only time that Kitagawa Yusuke had gotten Takamaki Ann to sit down and actually model for him had been an unmitigated disaster.
           Ann had laid down the rules firmly from the get-go. She would not strip nude and she would not pose in a way that made her uncomfortable. Admittedly both rules were a severe hindrance—portraying the raw vulnerability of human beings was oft found in the soft surface of their skin—but Yusuke had long ago admitted to himself that there was never to be a chance of Ann doing such a thing anyhow. The woman was nothing if not firm and stalwart in her own personal determinations of herself, only escalated by her time with the Phantom Thieves. It almost added an extra layer of stern desirability to her already attractive form. It begged to be put on canvas.
           Or, well, so he had thought.
           Every brushstroke he laid to the cowhide felt wrong, every drop of paint misplaced. Each angle explored gave him nothing that wrenched into his soul like the mysterious unknown Sayuri, much less the vulnerable and devoted Sayuri. Takamaki may well have been a woman made for a camera—and perhaps, he mused while looking at the disappointing painting before him, that was what was meant to portray her.
Her beauty was a beauty that was always on the surface—from the puffs of blonde locks that stood out in a crowd, to her confident stride and posture. She was nothing short of herself, and there was nothing a painting could do to bring anything further out of her. Because as she was now the woman wore herself on her sleeve and did not apologize for it. The photographs she had posed for in the magazine displayed her perfectly—hot blooded, enthusiastic, and sweet.
           He had nothing more to capture. Perhaps that was why the painting he had produced looked so…dull. It wasn’t exactly showing any secrets of the subject, just a person as they were.
           “I think you’re being too hard on yourself, Yusuke.” Ann had tried to soothe him uncomfortably. “I like it. You made me look super pretty, y’know? It’s really flattering.”
           It was a kind formality. Ann wasn’t an art person, so he supposed she wasn’t lying and it DID look very nice to her. But he knew without falter that the picture he had created lacked something. He had spent countless nights in the dorm afterwards staring pointedly at the painting, tapping his clean brush against the bottom of the wooden easel impatiently. Like doing so would somehow fix the mistake.
           All he could do, though, was admit that he needed to try a different model.
           Someone less blunt, someone who didn’t wear themselves so blatantly on their sleeves. Someone who could exude personality while still remaining their own secret that others would question. The first who came to mind was immediately Niijima Makoto—a stern woman with no time for jokes or jokesters. But even before he asked he knew that she wouldn’t be interested in posing for him. Whatever vulnerabilities she may possess, the student council president was not interested in putting them on display. Nor was her even sterner prosecutor sister.
           Yusuke groaned, resisting the urge to slam a giant black patch of ink across his painting of Ann. It didn’t deserve that. It wasn’t necessarily poorly done, after all…just not what he had been hoping. Threading his fingers through his hair with a slight tug, the artist resisted the after urge to just slam his head against the nearest wall. He was right on the verge of doing it, too, but was distracted by the sudden sound of vibrating—his phone rumbling against the wood of the dorm provided desk. Hesitantly he reached over to check it.
           He was greeted with bright red letters and a picture of a very bored looking black haired boy with glasses. The phone continued to vibrate in his fingers for a moment and with a groan, Yusuke flipped his thumb across the screen to pick it up.
           “Good evening, Akira. What can I attribute this pleasure to?” Yusuke managed, trying to pull himself out of the void he had been sinking into. “You don’t usually call any of us this late.”
           “Ann called me.”
           Their leader didn’t say anything more than that; it told Yusuke everything he needed to know. Ann had been concerned about his reaction to finishing her portrait and had called Akira about it. Something in the back of his head told the teen that he should’ve expected this. Ann was a caring girl, and Akira was something of a guidance counselor for all of them in their times of need. Of course she would turn to the deceptively unkempt looking boy in her time of concern. It almost brought a warm feeling to his chest to cut through the dismal slump he was suffering.
           “I see. So she told you about…”
           “The portrait, yes. It didn’t go well, I heard.”
           “…Well, something like that, I suppose. It got done.” Yusuke hazarded another glance to the lifeless portrait at his side. “But it doesn’t feel done. It doesn’t feel like it could ever be ‘done’.”
           “How so?”
           “It lacks something, I suppose.” Yusuke felt like he was rambling, but it was a trait Akira tended to bring out in all people. He was quite capable of making people say what they thought. “Ann is very beautiful. I see that in what I’m looking at, in what I painting. But I don’t truly see anything else. And honestly it’s quite distressing. I miscalculated quite badly how compatible she would be with my paintbrush.”
           “…Maybe you should try a different model.”
           A mind reader, this one. Yusuke could scarcely believe how Kurusu Akira did it, sometimes. The boy was like a force of nature sometimes—and it wasn’t worth the strain to question a force of nature. He let out a heaving sigh. “Yes, I had considered that, but I’ve yet to find a satisfying model. Makoto or her sister could be interesting but I am well aware that it wouldn’t really be a job either of them would be interested in. Haru is…sweet…but I feel with her I might run into the same roadblock with Ann. At this point I’m wondering if I should default into insanity and paint Morgana or something insane like that.”
           The other side of the line was silent for a moment; Yusuke waited patiently. It wasn’t unlike Akira to take his time and pause before answering. It had been a bit aggravating at first, but it was a quirk that all of the Phantom Thieves had eventually gotten used to. They knew that typically he had something important to mull over if he was going to take pause and more often than not Akira’s musings had helped all of them. His were thoughts worth waiting for.
           “What about Futaba?”
           Though this may have been the one time they weren’t.
           “FUTABA? Why in the world would you suggest FUTABA?” Yusuke found himself barking in retaliation. All that could come to mind was ‘Inari, Inari, Inari’. The sheer idea of even approaching the redhead girl for such an effort seemed simply ludicrous—it wasn’t like she would agree even if he WAS interested in having the shut-in model for a painting.
           “...I can ask her to do it.”
           “I didn’t ASK you to ask her.” Yusuke said tersely.
           “You should think about it, though.”
           “Why on Earth would I want to think about it? That girl couldn’t appreciate the value of art if it hit her in the face.”
           “She’s not much of an art lover...I mean, not in the way you are, I guess. But neither is Ann and you asked her. So I don’t really get your point.” Akira finally interrupted; Yusuke could swear he heard annoyance cutting into the other teen’s tone. “There is a commonality, you know.”
           “A commonality?” Yusuke scoffed. “I hope you don’t mean between me and her.”
           “Yeah, I do.”
           “And what would that be?”
           The only sound Yusuke could hear through the deafening silence that followed was the dripping of his paintbrush into the watercolor mix it sat aside. He stared forward blankly—Passion. Dedication. The maximum closeness a single person could have to his or her own personal goals. The relationship that a person had with what they loved to do, be in painting or modeling or prosecuting or…
           He drew in a sharp breath.
           “Excuse me?”
           “I’ll give it one shot. This Saturday. If it doesn’t work out then, then it doesn’t work out for good.” Yusuke said testily. He couldn’t even believe he was allowing himself to be roped into this. “I can assure you it likely will NOT, but I suppose everything is worth a shot while one is in a slump like this.”
           “That’s the spirit.”
           And with that, Kusuru Akira hung up, apparently satisfied with his work. Kitagawa Yusuke simply slumped downwards between his own legs with a long, tired groan. This was not going to be easy…this was going to be a very, VERY long Saturday…
           But it was worth a shot. Everything was.
           This was not worth it.
           He had been greeted at the door by Sojiro Sakura, who had eyed him over at least five times like he was a convicted criminal here to kidnap his adopted daughter. After a long wait of being evaluated by the stern gaze of the coffee shop owner, the man had let out an exhausted sigh while stepping to the side. Yusuke bowed his head formally to the other—Sojiro just snorted. The artist hadn’t exactly taken the man for someone who took kindly to such formalities. Still, there was nothing that could be done about it, even if it did leave Yusuke with a rather uncomfortable feeling. Like the man was going to be watching him the whole time or something.
           And if Sojiro wasn’t putting in his damnest effort to make Yusuke uncomfortable, than Futaba certainly WAS. The look she gave him from her computer desk was nothing short of sheer irritation—narrowed eyes and pouting lips over hunched shoulders as she drew up into her typical fetal position. It was fairly obvious that the redhead had no interest in doing this, and had only agreed because Akira had asked her. Yusuke wasn’t surprised. The messy boy had been like a brother to her.
           He moved to raise the lighting in the room; Futaba’s hand just snapped outwards and lowered it again. Her thin hands held a small roller device—likely a dimmer for the room. Yusuke groaned inwardly.
           “I have to be able to see to paint.”
           “No one told you to, Inari.”
           Yusuke grit his teeth to keep his comments in the back of his throat. With a sigh he set his easel down to set up, supplies stacking up on a fold out table he had brought along. Not that it would’ve matter—in this mess, he wouldn’t have been surprised if Futaba’s room ate his supplies. His expensive, expensive, EXPENSIVE supplies. Shaking the horrifying thought off with a shudder, Yusuke positioned his fingers in front of his eye to evaluate the redhead in front of him.
           She wasn’t looking at him.
           “Futaba. If you would please pay attention.”
           “No. I’ve got twelve hundred more lines of code to work out.” She replied, fingers flying across the keyboard. Her hands moved with surprisingly stylish grace despite her apparent irritation. He studied them for a moment—thin and clearly out of use in anything but typing and gaming. But when in use, it seemed, they spread their skinny and sparse wings to soar. It was almost like a shockingly intricate dance across the keyboard, in a way, and Yusuke found himself oddly enraptured by it.
Thin lines of pencil crossed absentmindedly in his practice sketchbook, forming slowly into the intricate postures that the hacker’s hands would make as she went at it. Before he knew it, the entire page was filled with the intricate hand postures that had typed out line after line of code. Yusuke tapped his chin with the eraser of the pencil—there was a flowing elegance to the thin fingers that went in perfect harmony with the dark swipes of pencil and heavy shading.
Her hands rose aside her cheeks as she leaned further in to the screen, Yusuke seeming to be forgotten—though he wondered if the girl had really been paying him much mind to begin with. Utterly engrossed, she was. Just like his own hands as he wildly sketched out this new posture presented by her dancing fingers, finally catching her face this time. The light of the screen shone ominously in her face with the screen full of code reflecting back in her glasses. The rest of her body seemed to disappear into the low-lit room.
All that was there was Futaba Sakura’s mind, her fingers, and her passion.
The thought of green flashed through Yusuke’s mind—a black and green suit, lines of green ruining down the reflections of shining red hair within a floating control center. With a clatter he pushed away from the desk and back to his easel, pulling out his paints and splattering greens and blacks onto the clean white palette. It arosed Futaba’s curiosity for a moment; he raised his arm swiftly in protest and she jumped away a bit in confusion.
           “Don’t pay me any mind. Continue what you are doing.”
           “What? But you’re acting like a weirdo…”
           “Call it as you will. Resume your business.” He commanded—a forceful tone that rose above his already deep, rich voice. Futaba flushed slightly and hesitantly turned back to her computer. Despite her misgivings she quickly lost herself back in her coding, although now every once in a while her violet eyes would dart back to the paint splattering violently yet precisely across the delicate cowhide canvas. Kitagawa Yusuke moved in a way that suggested absolute command of self, in a way that could only be described as imposing and impressive. Somehow, despite her dedication to the code in front of her, Futaba couldn’t entirely focus on it with Yusuke there.
           Here in here safe, tight little room. Painting her.
           She growled a bit and thanked the darkness for concealing her blush, opting instead to press roughly down on the enter key. The computer chimed happily back at her—the code had been successful. The new program looked like it had survived beta. All she had to do now was hone it further and she knew it could stand to be one of the new premier tools in hacking. And to think all it took was sorting through the code of the more popular anti-virus programs. The sheer thought summoned a wicked smirk to the young hacker’s face.
           “That’s perfect.”
           She jolted up again, eyes refusing to leave the screen…but from the corner of her sight she could see Yusuke’s hands in that box shape again, now focused on her face. “What’s perfect, Inari?”
           “That expression. It was you.”
           “I…huh? What the heck does that mean?” Futaba finally tore herself away from the screen to give the artist a curious look. Yusuke chucked slightly as his arm darted across the canvas to make one finishing line—the line of the mouth. When he didn’t answer her, she slowly slipped her feet from underneath her and padded over to the easel where the tall boy was practically beaming.
           It was a furious picture—flurries of black went across the canvas, curled around vivid neon green shapes of hands that curled around the figure at the desk. Futaba’s own fingers, depicted in stark white, gripping the keyboard in sheer determination as her body was surrounded by those neon green hands that tapped at keyboards that stacked across each other to make the desk. Each other mimicked the actions of their founder, confidently typing out line after line of neon green code that floated aside them in the darkness. Does
           And in the middle of it all was Futaba.
           The girl’s form was almost swift, painted across in simple shapes of dark black and neon red. Her hair was one long swipe of orange as it curled around the back of her chair. Near the brow it frayed out into the choppy bangs, each a single quick downwards swipe that fell into the shining glasses and across the confident smirk. Her eyes were obstructed by the glow of the screen in the lens of her glasses, reflecting back lines of neon green code that wasn’t visible on the heavily darkened computer system. It matched the code next to the hands perfectly.
           It was all so quick, so swift, so sudden, but so elegant despite it all. Kitagawa Yusuke deserved the praise he had been given as an artist; even as the subject, every bit of the radical painting spoke to Futaba. She reached out but resisted glazing the drying paint. It was as if her world, the one that no one saw when she was coding, was finally on display for the world to see. Brash, confident, and intimate.
           “Does it please you?”
           Futaba jerked away, shocked to find herself face to face with Yusuke. He shifted back uncomfortably; he had come to rest his head aside her head as she stared as the sudden burst of artistry but was suddenly and keenly reminded of the girl’s discomfort with people. With as much banter he swapped with the young hacker, it was easy to forget that only a few months ago she had been unable to function outside of her bedroom—much less this close to another person.
           But after her initial jerk, she didn’t move. She just stayed right in front of him as he hunched in front of her, staring right back into his dark eyes as if looking for the answer to an unspoken question. Up this close, Yusuke could study Futaba’s face more clearly—the petite nose, the small mouth with its pink plump lips, and oddly subdued violet shade of eyes oft hidden under the sheen of her glasses. She wasn’t unattractive. Far from it. She had a sort of attractiveness that differed strongly from Ann’s, a sort of ‘cuteness’ that was almost more rare than Ann’s sheer beauty.
           Yusuke looked away and coughed into his hand; he wasn’t sure what he was thinking. Because, after all, well…
           …Well, that.
           Before he could reply, the redhead reached out those slim fingers with their sharp nails (coated with a black sheen and a surprisingly artistic pattern) and flicked him right between the eyes. Yusuke yelped, an undignified sound he rarely humored, as he jumped back a bit. That same cocky smile had returned to Futaba’s face…but a laugh was in her throat, her eyebrows dipped sympathetically as she tried for once to not laugh at the artist and his many oddities.
           Before he could start up another round of banter with her, she spoke.
           “Thanks, Inari. You…I like it. Thanks.”
           Futaba’s nose dipped down to the ground, unwilling to look at the other as her hair drowned her face out. Quickly she hunched down to the floor with her knees against her chest. Manicured nails came clumsily together as the hacker pressed both pointer fingers together nervously, staring at her feet. There wasn’t much she could say and the redhead didn’t like to admit it but she wasn’t good with words. Expressing exactly how she felt when she looked at the effort of the painting was…difficult…
           It was silenced as a hand came down on her head. With a jolt, she looked up in shock to meet the warm smile on Yusuke’s face. It wasn’t an expression she was used to seeing…but it was an expression she liked. The coldness that the towering teen always seemed to have was gone, melted away in the rich smile that he handed to Futaba and Futaba alone. It spread a rush of blood across her cheeks.
           “I should be thanking you. Akira was right to recommend you.” He coughed awkwardly again, smile fading as quick as it came. Futaba was surprised to find she missed it. “I’m…sure this sounds odd, but I…would you, I mean…mind modeling for me again, sometime? I feel the results had been very successful.”
           Futaba looked over to the painting sitting on the easel, neon and vibrant yet dark and foreboding. With a snorting laugh she buried her head in her knees to laugh wildly for a few minutes, Yusuke simply propped on one knee in front of her with a questioning look in his eyes. Yet despite himself a small smile was spreading his face as he joined in on the hacker’s infectious laughter.
           “You’re so stupid sometimes, Inari.” Yusuke scoffed at her statement but she ignored it, resting her cheek on her knee. “I said thank you. That means I like it, you dumb dummy. I totally think we could do this again.”
           “Really?” Futaba almost fell into more laughter at the hopefulness in Yusuke’s voice.
           “Really really.”
           And as she stared at the painting, she could only focus in on the finish touch—that smile she had while being painting by this eccentric man.
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
While traveling through the Metaverse, the phantom girls find their s/o's shadow. When approached, it reveals that their s/o has some serious confidence issues, especially in their relationship with the girls. Like "Why would she love someone like me?" or "She's going to dump me any day now." or "She deserves someone better." etc. How would they react/deal with it? Would they confront s/o directly? (Could I please get headcanons for this? (You drop Makoto if you need four characters.)
Anon, this request is really creative! I don’t know how you all keep coming up with such unique stuff but I love to write it.
My character limit { I don’t really have one anymore, haha. } is 5, so I don’t mind writing all of the girls, I think they’re all amazing in different ways.
Hope you’re doing alright, honey.
- Nexus.
Panther { Ann Takamaki }
✧ Encountering the shadow self of the person Ann loved in Mementos was a shock to be sure. Although Morgana had mentioned an unusual presence on the floor, she thought it would have been someone who was a criminal, who needed to be set back on the path of justice.
✧ Seeing them even suggesting that they were not worthy to be her significant other was heartbreaking. As all the self-deprecating words spilled, she felt like crying. Steeling her resolve, Akira told her that it was up to her what the Phantom Thieves did with the shadow. He knew the two of them were together.
✧ In the end, she decided to confront them in reality. Beating up their shadow self did not sit right with her, especially when they simply just needed some comfort & reassurance. Letting them form a Palace much like Futaba did would make her feel incredibly guilty.
✧ Going directly over to their house after school the next day, Ann knocked on the door. They had not attended school today & she was beginning to be even more worried.
✧ Eventually, the door opens & they look almost normal in that casual outfit but there is something about the look in their eyes telling her that not everything is quite alright. She essentially forces her way in & hugs them tight, telling them that they are worth more to her than they could ever believe.
✧ There is a lot of crying on both ends & talking but it is established that they love each other a lot. With no comprehensible reason for Ann to leave, she ends up staying for most of the evening as they decide to put terrible movies on & spend some time together.
Queen { Makoto Niijima }
✧ Much like with her sister, Makoto is insistent on changing their heart. She does not believe her words can change the cognition of someone who already has distorted desires, even if they have yet to develop a Palace. However, she tells Akira that she cannot fight on the front lines for this battle.
✧ After the shadow is defeated, she insists on heading home for the night & confronting them in the morning. Very anxiously, she paces around her room at home until sleep overtook her. She is almost late for school for the first time ever.
✧ Using her position as Student Council President, she calls for them to come to the Council room & Makoto asks why they have seemed to upset recently. After a few minutes of gentle prodding, they confess they felt inadequate as a partner to them but that they were alright now.
✧ She does her best to reassure them that if they did not love them, they would break up & that since that has yet to happen, she still quite obviously loves them. There are a few tender touches of affection & before they leave, she kisses them on the cheek.
Oracle { Futaba Sakura }
✧ Futaba immediately refuses to fight their shadow & wants to talk to them. Although the others are scared of their navigator getting hurt, it is Ryuji of all people that insists that she should talk to them. It reminds her all too much of her own Palace, where she received help. Someone held a hand out for her, so she will hold a hand out to the person she loves the most.
✧ At first, she is shocked about the words that come out of their mouth. Her significant other feeling worthless or insecure in their love is a total shocker, as she thought it was going to be something about their personal life.
✧ After taking her mask off, she goes over to their shadow & gives them a hug. Despite the fact they thrash around at first, they eventually hug back & begin to sob into her shoulder. Aceepting her comfort, their shadow slowly began to disappear as they realised that in the end, Futaba truly did love them.
✧ She texts them the next morning to ask how they are, since they had been avoiding her for a while. They respond with a huge paragraph about how they felt insecure & she was going to break up with them but that they are alright now. Smiling in relief, Futaba ends up planning another date with them.
Noir { Haru Okumura }
✧ Haru does not take the news that her significant other has a shadow very well. She immediately demands to go into Mementos & take care of the problem quickly before they develop a Palace.
✧ Throughout the entirety of the trip to Mementos, her cheery nature is gone & she focuses on massacring any shadows that even think about touching the Mona Car. No one can seem to stop her aside from Akira, who she only listens to because he is dishing out the orders.
✧ After finding the floor they are on, she immediately requests to be placed on the front lines to change the cognition of her significant other. There is no refusing her, no matter how anyone tries to dissuade her.
✧ The shadow is eventually defeated & Haru immediately returns to her normal self after dealing with their shadow. She assists with the rest of the requests in Mementos then immediately heads home to sleep because she found the day rather mentally exhausting.
✧ Unlike the others, Haru waits for her significant other to contact her. If they need the space in order to work out their problems then she is more than happy to give it to them. Once they text her or meet her in the school corridors, she is more than happy to embrace them & ask what is going on.
Violet { Sumire Yoshizawa }
✧ They had been avoiding Sumire for a number of weeks & although she was not a Phantom Thief, she had been particularly worried. Things had never been so distant in the relationship. So she decided to type their name into the MetaNav. Her stomach dropped when it was a hit in Mementos.
✧ Working up the courage to contact Akira was nerve wracking but she did it for them. She essentially wrote that she needed some help in the Metaverse & that she would still not be joining the Phantom Thieves but that she needed to change the cognition of someone important.
✧ Once they agreed to meet up & reached the correct floor, their shadow was there, hands covering their face. Sumire tried to talk some sense into them but eventually it began a confrontation. Although they won, she still felt awful about having to battle the cognition of her significant other.
✧ In reality, the two met up at a café the next day after school & went around Shibuya together. It was a wonderful afternoon despite all that had happened in Mementos. Everything was alright once again.
Word Count: 1.1k
Publish Date: 04.10.20
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 6: Conversations Over Food and Drink
Ren and Yoshizawa arrived at the locker room. “Well then, shall we?” Yoshizawa said. Ren nodded. The two walk in. Ren gets changed into her uniform. “Senpai!” Yoshizawa called out. “Can you come here for a second?”
Ren was intrigued. She followed Yoshizawa’s voice. Once she got to Yoshizawa herself, she was shocked and slightly embarrassed to see her in her underwear. “Sorry,” Yoshizawa said. “But I thought it was only fair. Since I saw you in yours earlier.”
“I see…” Ren said, still reeling from this. “How bold of you.”
Yoshizawa giggled and blushed slightly as well. “I’ve been told that my boldness is my strength. But anyways, I should get dressed now.” Yoshizawa proceeded to get back into her uniform. “Alright then. Let’s go!”
The two left the school. Ren asked “So, Yoshiawa, is there any place in particular you’d like to go?”
Yshizawa got a frustrated look on her face. “Well, normally, I’m supposed to watch what I eat… But after what just happened, I feel like I need some comfort food.” The cheer returned to her face. “There’s a Big Bang Burger nearby. Let’s go there.” Ren and Yoshizawa headed to Big Bang Burger.
Once there, Ren got just a regular meal. Meanwhile, Yoshizawa demanded she do the Big Bang Challenge. The burger they gave her was large, but Yoshizawa insisted that it was nothing she couldn’t handle. She was proven right when she finished the burger with seven minutes to spare. “You must have been pretty hungry,” Ren remarked.
“Huh?” Yoshizawa said. “Oh. Yeah. Most people aren’t used to seeing someone eat that much food. Let alone someone as petite as me. But I tend to eat this much food often, since I’m in gymnastics. You burn a LOT of calories doing what I do.”
“I see’ Ren smiled. Yoshizawa looked at Ren’s smile and blushed. “So, are you feeling better?”
“Huh? Oh yeah” Yoshizawa said. “A little.”
“Yeah, it’s not something eating your weight in burger can fix instantly” Ren said.
“Well, it doesn’t hurt to try,” Yoshizawa said.
“For most people, it would” Ren snarked back.
“I suppose that’s true,” Yoshizawa added. She looked distant.
Ren picked up on this. “Look, I don’t want this to get to you.”
“Huh?” Yoshizawa said, snapping back. “Oh, don’t worry. See, um… Ugh, this is embarrassing. I’m kind of famous…”
This piqued Ren’s curiocity. “Famous?”
Yoshizawa nodded. “I’m well renowned in the field of gymnastics. So, I’m used to people being...creepy. However, it never got to the extent that it got to today.”
“I getcha,” Ren replied. “Still, that sounds like a pretty shitty thing to get used to. Though I suppose there ARE worse things…” Yoshizawa looked like she was on the verge of tears. “What’s the matter?”
“Sorry,” Yoshizawa said, wiping her eyes. “It’s just, when you said there are worse things to get used to, I just…” she started tearing up again.
Ren couldn’t help but feel for her. “I’m sorry.”
“No. It’s not your fault” Yoshizawa answered.
Ren looked at her earnestly. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Yoshizawa didn’t answer. “It’s OK if it’s too hard.” Yoshizawa nodded. “Very well. Let’s change the subject. I only know you as Yoshizawa. Do you have a first name?”
“Oh. Right. I guess I do call you Ren-senpai” Yoshizawa said. “It’s Kasumi.”
Ren smiled. “What a nice name.”
“Thank senpai!” Kasumi said. She smiled. “It’s been nice talking to someone.”
Ren looked at her, eyebrow raised. “What about your classmates? Are you not making friends?”
Kasumi stared off. “Well, because of my fame, I got accepted to Shujin as an Honors student,” she explained. “Everyone else treats me either like some Goddess whom mere mortals cannot walk the same path of, or think of me as not deserving of the special attention I’m getting, and thus despise me.”
“I see,” Ren said. “I guess it would be tough to make friends in that situation.”
“Meanwhile, you seem to be getting along alright,” Kasumi said.
“I guess” Ren said.
Kasumi smiled. “Don’t be so modest. You’re friends with that one girl, right?”
Ren nodded. “Takamaki-san.”
“Right,” Kasumi said. She giggled. “It does feel like lately things have been getting harder. But after meeting you, I feel a little less troubled.”
Ren smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Um, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to do this again sometime” Kasumi said.
“I’d like that,” Ren said.
They finished eating, paid, and then left. “Thanks for doing this for me” Kasumi said.
“It’s no problem at all. Really” Ren added.
Kasumi smiled. “I think we’ll be really good friends.”
“Friends, huh…” Ren said, mostly happy. “That sounds nice.”
Kasumi nodded. A car honked its horn. “Oh, there’s my ride. I’ll see ya around.”
Ren smiled wistfully. “Seeya!” Kasumi got in the car. Ren walked off.
Kasumi looked back at Ren. She then sat down. “I bet she would have loved to meet you too…”
Meanwhile, Ryuji was eating ramen like there was no tomorrow. “I don’t care how much I’ve eaten it, this place is always amazing!”
“I thought I might find you here, Sakamoto-kun” a voice called out.
Ryuji looked up. “Oh. Hey Suzui-san.” He slurped down some more ramen. “I’ve been told you might come and talk to me.”
Shiho was confused. “By who?”
“Takamaki” Ryuji said.
“Did she say anything?” she asked.
“Well, she told me to be careful, but she was a bit vague,” Ryuji answered.
Shiho smiled. “I see.” You wouldn’t blame him for joining up with me. How sweet. Shiho sat down next to him and began whispering. “Listen, we both hate Kamoshida, right?”
“Uh, yeah?” Ryuji said.
Shiho smiled menacingly. “Well, I’ve got a plan for dealing with him once and for all.”
“For real?” Ryuji said.
Shiho nodded. “And I’d like you to be a part of it.”
“I’m down with getting back at Kamoshida,” Ryuji said. “So, what’s the plan?” Shiho whispered the plan in Ryuji’s ear. “WHAT?!” Ryuji yelled. Everyone in the restaurant looked at him. “Um, sorry… Just teen gossip…” Everyone turned back to themselves.
“Nice save,” Shiho said.
“I wouldn’t have needed to do that if that plan wasn’t so...ridiculous!” Ryuji said. “I mean Kamoshida’s a bastard, but that’s a bit too far, isn’t it?”
Shih looked at Ryuji. “‘Too far’... Was it ‘too far’ when he injured the members of the volleyball team? Was it ‘too far’ when he called several girls to his office just to make advances on them? Was it ‘too far’ when he broke your leg?”
“Well…” Ryuji replied. He certainly couldn’t deny that Kamoshida was very extreme in his treatment of the students.
“Nothing’s ‘too far’ for that monster,” Shiho added.
“Well, I guess you have a point,” Ryuji said. He pounded his fist on the table. “But I don’t want you sinking down to his level! Once you go there, you can’t come back!” He started crying.
Shiho looked this over. She tousled Ryuji’s hair. “It’s OK. You don't need to be a part of this.”
Ryuji looked up. “Huh?”
Shiho smiled. “I have plenty of help already. If it’s too much for you, then I get that.” She got up. “Well then, I’ll see you around.” She left.
Ryuji looked at her as she was leaving. “What just happened?” he wondered. He turned back to his bowl of ramen and stared at it. “I’m not sure I feel like eating anymore. Then again, it would be a shame to see this go to waste.” He continued eating. “Still, there has to be something I can do. I mean, Suzui-san isn’t usually like this, right?  I’ve GOTTA do something before she ruins whatever chance she has left of being something. Before she becomes like me…” Ryuji sat silently, finishing his ramen, and contemplating what to do.
Ren walked back into Le Blanc. Sojiro glared at her. “You’re late.”
“Something came up,” Ren said.
Sojiro sighed. “Look, it’s not that I care about what you do, but if you act out of line, it comes back to me. I’d rather not have to deal with any unnecessary problems. Plus, if you stay out too late, that means I have to spend my time here instead of home.”
Ren looked at him curiously. “Why not just give me a key?”
Sojiro was surprised. “Well, what were you doing?” he asked. “I’m not going to give you a key just so you can go smoke up somewhere.”
“Hello pot, I’m kettle” Ren snarked.
Sojiro glared at her. “Alright, I guess I deserve that one” he relented. “But we’re in kind of different boats here. You’re working your way to getting redeemed. Meanwhile, I’m beyond redemption.”
Ren could see the sorrow in his eyes. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Huh?” Sojiro said. “Oh. I didn’t mean to open up like that.” He looked at Ren and then his phone. “Alright. We can talk a little bit longer. But just over coffee, OK? The curry would take too long.”
“I understand,” Ren said. Sojiro brewed some coffee for the two of them to share.
“Now then” Sojiro said, placing the coffees near them and sitting down. “I suppose I could help you out, even if it’s just to be an example of what not to do. Listen up. The reason I’m a bit hard on you is because I don’t want you to get conceited.” Ren was puzzled. “Once this is all over, I don’t want you thinking everything will be great. It could be, but you need to be careful.”
Sojiro sighed. “I thought I had it all. A nice job, good perks, my choice of women. I was riding high. But then something happened. I got too careless, and now the only place that will accept me is this small pocket of Tokyo.” Sojiro looked at Ren. “If you want to be welcomed anywhere, you need to be mindful of your surroundings.”
“I understand,” Ren replied. She took a sip of her coffee. “You know, this is really good.”
Sojiro was shocked. He then smiled and said “Thank you.”
“Um, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to be able to make coffee like you do” Ren said. “Would you mind teaching me sometime?”
Sojiro was even more shocked. “Uhhhh, sure.” He said. “He he. It’s been a while since anyone asked me for anything that wasn’t on the menu and mean it sincerely. You’re a strange one, you know that? You get arrested for assault, and yet now you’re keeping me company like it’s the right thing to do.” Ren smiled. “Still, you haven’t told me where you’ve been.”
“Oh, right,” Ren said. I’m not sure I should tell him everything, since it wasn't me this time. Although I don’t know if I’m even ready to telling him about me yet. “Something happened, and I ended up making a new friend.”
“I see,” Sojiro said. “Making friends. Going to school.” He sighed. “Maybe Tokyo is a better fit for you. I mean, if you went ahead and assaulted someone in your hometown, you might have needed a change of scenery.”
I guess he won’t believe I’m innocent just yet.
“Heh. Alright. I’ll do what I can to help you out” Sojiro said. “But in return, you gotta promise to be on your best behavior. Got that?” Ren nodded. “Good.”
I am thou... Thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow...
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Hierophant Persona I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power.
Hierophant-Sojiro Sakura: Rank 1
“I should get going,” Sojiro said. “I’ll teach you how to make coffee some other time.” Sojiro left the store and closed up. Ren smiled and went to her room.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 13: Friends Helping Friends
“Alright, here we are,” said Ann. She and Ren had arrived at a diner. “This place is great.”
Ren smiled. “I can’t wait.”
“Let’s go!” Ann said.
“Well, it’s another restaurant,” Morgana said.
“Ah, don’t worry. This place is pet friendly” Ann said.
“‘Pet’...” Morgana lamented.
“Well then, I see no reason to delay further,” Ren said. The two of them walked in with Morgana in tow.
After getting food, Ann thanked the waitress and then told Ren “You know, this is actually a pretty good place to study.”
“Really?” Ren asked.
“Totally!” Ann responded.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ren said. She started sipping her drink.
Ann observed. “You’re not your usual self today.”
Ren was taken aback. “What makes you say that?” she asked.
“You just seem off,” Ann said. “You usually seem a little more energetic. Like, even after Kamoshida tried to have his way with you, you were the one who ended up comforting me. Plus, when we first went to that other world, you remained more calm and steady than I did. So, what’s up?”
Ren couldn’t deny anything Ann had said. She sighed. “I’m just worried about Yoshizawa is all.”  Ann looked interested. “She didn’t come to school today. I’m just worried that I didn’t do enough for her. Like I should have done more.”
Ann saw the desperation in Ren’s eyes. Ann took her hand and said ”Ren, listen to me. You did everything you could. You helped her right away when you saw she was in trouble. Unlike me…”
Ren was now concerned with Ann. “What do you mean?”
Ann let go of Ren. “Well… I know Shiho was struggling with Kamoshida for a while. But I felt like I couldn’t do a whole lot. I tried being nice with Kamoshida in order to get him to lay off, but it didn’t seem to work as well as I thought. Not only was Shiho still being targeted, you were targeted as well.”
She slammed her fists on the table. “I feel like such an idiot! I was playing right into his hands. I thought I was doing something good, but instead I think I made things worse. And Shiho, my best friend, is now being manipulated into becoming a murderer.”
Ren looked on. “Ann…”
Ann got up. “But no more! I’m through with playing nice and hoping to get what I want! I need to learn how to fight for it.” She looked at Ren. “And you’ve been teaching me.”
Ren was shocked. “Me?”
Ann nodded. “You’re the type of person who fights for what’s right no matter what! I want to be more like you!”
“Hold on a sec…” Ren said nervously. Ann stopped. “While I appreciate your attitude, maybe just relax a little bit.”
Ann did. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Ann smiled. “But you also need to stop being so hard on yourself. I know you’re worried about Yoshizawa, but you can’t blame it all on yourself. You’ve been doing everything right.” Ann got slightly depressed again.
Ren took Ann’s hand this time. “You shouldn’t beat yourself up either.” Ann looked at her. “The fact that you were trying is a good indication of how much you care.”
Ann smiled. “Why can’t you be this nice to yourself?” The two girls laughed. Ann looked off meaningfully. “Personas are the strength of heart, right?” Ren nodded. “So, if we can strengthen our hearts, our Personas will get stronger, right?”
Ren was puzzled. “I hadn’t thought of it like that. Maybe…”
Ann grinned. “I feel stronger after talking with you about all of this, that’s for sure.”
Ren smiled back. “Likewise.”
“I feel like if we work together, we’ll figure this out for sure” Ann said.
“You may be right,” Ren said.
Lovers-Ann Takamaki: Rank 2.
They finished eating and headed home for the day.
In her pajamas, Ren was lying down on top of the covers sighing. Morgana saw this and said “Lady Ann’s right. You can’t keep beating yourself up for what happened to Kasumi.”
“I know,” Ren said. “I’m just thinking. We have to send a calling card, right?”
Morgana was confused. “Where are you going with this?”
“Well, once we do, we’ll be known,” Ren said.
“We won’t be if you don’t let Ryuji send it” Morgana said sarcastically.
Ren chuckled. “I mean the existence of the Phantom Thieves will be known. When people say ‘The Phantom Thieves’, they’ll at least have a vague idea of what that means, right?”
“Well, that’s the idea…” Morgana said.
Ren went back to staring at the ceiling. “I’m just worried. If I’m struggling with what happened with Yoshizawa, what happens if we fail as the Phantom Thieves? Or if people think we fail? Will I be alright? Will all of you?”
“I see,” Morgana said. “I understand your concern. But you shouldn’t worry about that too much.”
Ren got up. “How come?” she asked.
“Because  ‘failure’ in what we do would result in the death of someone” Morgana said sternly.”If we succeed, things will get better, and if we fail, we know we deserve it. It’s high risk, high reward. However, I’ve witnessed the strength of all of your hearts, and I know you can do this.”
Ren smiled. She picked up Morgana and cuddled him. “Thanks Morgana. You always know just what to say.
“Ack! Put me down!” Morgana said.
Ren let go. “Oh sorry. Do you not like cuddles?”
Morgana was silent for a few moments. “...Just warn me next time.”
“Will do,” Ren said. “Well, good night.”
“Good night,” Morgana said. The two fell asleep.
The next day at school, there was some messaging in the group chat.
Ann: Today’s not good.
Ann: The company I work for just messaged me about a sudden opening.
Ryuji: Really?
Ryuji: Well that stinks.
Ryuji: Still, I think this is a good opportunity.
Ren: ??
Ren: How come?
Ryuji: Well, I was thinking,
Ryuji: When we were in the Meta-thingy, we had to do all sorts of athletic stunts.
Ann: You especially.
Ann: Thanks for walking that tightrope.
Ryuji: Oh. Right.
Ryuji: You’re welcome.
Ryuji: Anyway, as I was saying, being in that other world made me think
Ryuji: I haven’t been keeping up with my workouts since the incident with the track team.
Ryuji: I feel like training a little.
Ryuji: Plus, I think it’ll make me do better over there.
Ann: Huh. I hadn’t thought of that.
Ren: It’s worth a try.
Ren: I might join you.
Ryuji: Uh, OK.
Ryuji: After school? I know a good place.
Ren: Sure.
Ryuji: Sounds great. See ya then.
After school, Ren got changed into her gym clothes and met up with Ruji. “Good, you’re here. Follow me.” Ren followed Ryuji. On their way, Ren got a message from Ann.
Ann: JSYK, I didn’t really have a shoot today.
Ann: I just wasn’t sure if you were ready after everything we talked about yesterday.
Ren: I’m sure Ryuji would understand.
Ann: I dunno…
Ann: He has a tendency to get really into things.
Ren: I can ask him now.
Ren: Hold on.
She looked up. “Hey Ryuji, what would you do if, hypothetically speaking, we were all available to do Phantom Thieves stuff, but we didn’t want to?”
“Huh?” Ryuji answered. “I don’t care. You’re in charge. You call the shots.” 
“I see…” Ren said. She looked down at her phone to see some messages from Ann
Ann: Huh?
Ann: Wait…
Ren giggled.
Ren: Ryuji said it would have been fine.
Ann: Oh. Good.
“Is that Ann?” Ryuji asked. “Was she not up for it? Don’t tell me. Is it her time of the month?” Ren glared.
Ren: He just asked me if it was your time of the month.
Ren: What should I do?
Ann: …
Ann: Smack him with your bag.
Ren: On it.
Ren held her bag with both of her hands. “Morgana, get out.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Morgana said, jumping out.
“Huh? What’s going on?” Ryuji asked. He turned around to see Ren’s bag being smashed in his face, causing him to fall to the ground.
Ren readjusted her bag as Morgana gracefully jumped back in. As Ryuji sat up, Ren took a picture. “That was from Ann.” She sent Ann the picture.
Ann: LOL
Ryuji, still a bit dazed, said “You know what? Fair.”
“Ryuji, you lack tact” Morgana said.
“Shut up you stupid cat” Ryuji said.
“Grrrrr” Morgana hised.
“If you boys are done hurling insults, I would very much like to train” Ren said.
“Huh, oh yeah” Ryuji said. He started to get up. Ren helped him up. “Thanks. Anyways, we’re almost there.”
“Man, he just has a lot of energy,” Morgana said.
“I like that about him,” Ren said. “He comes on a bit strong, but his cheer is infectious. He’s the kind of person who isn’t afraid to be who he wants to be.”
“Hm” Morgana replied. “You know what? You’re right. He’s not bad.”
They reached a spot and Ryuji stopped. “Well, here we are. My secret training spot.” He turned to face Ren. “What do you think?” Ren was shocked. “I know it might not seem like much, but it’s a big area that not a lot of people visit at this time. Perfect for letting loose, ya know?”
“I guess” Ren said.
“OK, so, since this is your first time training, I’ll just give you a few basic exercises and see how you do, OK?” Ryuji said.
“Um, sure,” Ren said.
“OK. Here goes” Ryuji said. He gave off a list of different exercises and Ren did them all with vigor. Once Ren finished, Ryuji said “Hey! Not bad!”
“Thanks,” Ren said, catching her breath.
“Alright, now spot me!” Ryuji said. “You ready?”
“Hang on,” Ren said. She chucked a bottle of water. “Alright, I’m good.”
“Woah” Ryuji said.
“Hm?” Ren asked.
“Ah, nothing,” Ryuji said, blushing. He sighed. “OK, let’s do this!” He did his exercises as well. Once he finished, he ran up to Ren and said “Woo! That felt good. How’d I do?”
Ren was surprised. “You did pretty well,” she said.
“Sweet! How many of each?” Ryuji asked.
“How...many?” Ren asked.
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “Like, you did 5 laps around here in 3 minutes 23 seconds, you did 50 jumping jacks in 55 seconds, you did 40 crunches in one minute 14 seconds…”
“Wait, you’re that good at math?” Ren asked, surprised.
“That’s math?!” Ryuji said, equally surprised. “I thought that was just stat tracking. Like in a video game. How an attack does like 150 damage to this enemy, but to this other enemy it’s only 75.”
Ren was still shocked. “Ryuji, are you sure you’re not good at math?”
“Well, I’m not doing well in it,” Ryuji said.
“I wonder why?” Morgana asked, observing the situation.
“GAH! How long have you been there?” Ryuji said.
“This whole time” Morgana answered. “I just like observing.”
“Hmmm. I might have an idea” Ren said. “Ryuji. I have three apples, Ann has seven apples. How many apples are there between us?”
“Huh? Apples?” Ryuji said. “Uhhhhhh…”
“OK, forget that question,” Ren said. “I do three crunches, and Ann does seven crunches. How many crunches were done?”
“Oh, that’s easy. Ten crunches!” Ryuji said, confidently.
“I don’t believe it,” Morgana said.
“Good job Ryuji!” Ren said. “You just answered both questions.”
“Huh?” Ryuji said.
Ren grinned. “Your problem is you don’t think too well in the abstract. Once it’s put into terms you can understand, you do surprisingly well.”
“Huh” Ryuji said. “So, I’m good at math?”
“Well, in a sense, yes,” Ren said. “But you might want to talk to your teacher about this.”
“OK” Ryuji said. “Um, can you do that un-abstraction thing?”
“No,” Ren said. “But everyone has their own strengths. And when you’re on a team like ours, it’s important to embrace those strengths.”
“Team, huh…” Ryuji said, solemnly.
“Oh, did I say something wrong?” Ren asked.
“Nah” Ryuji said, smirking. “It’s just that, what you said got me thinking. Back when I was on the track team, I was focused on doing what’s right by me. Track isn’t a sport that is team oriented. So, everything I ended up doing was for my own sake. However, I think that’s what got me in trouble.”
Ren was curious. Ryuji continued. “See, when I hit Kamoshida after he told everyone about my home life, I was also thinking about myself. I just wanted revenge in that moment. I was only thinking about my own needs. But track IS a team sport at the end of the day. He dissolved the team after that, and I realized then that I can’t keep being selfish. I still wanna help my mom out, but I also want to help others.
I got so used to thinking that no one would help me or my mom that I never asked if anyone would. The guys on the track team probably would have understood. But now…”
“Now what?” Ren asked.
Ryuji sighed. “Now they’re just mad at me for screwing everything up.”
Ren smiled. “Well, it’s good that you’re learning. And that you want to help others out. Plus, you didn’t go with Shiho’s plan to set the school on fire.”
“Yeah…” Ryuji said. “Still, I wish there was something I could do to make it up to the team.”
“I know that feeling,” Ren said.
Ryuji looked at her. “What do you mean?
Ren was hesitant for a moment. She then relented. “So, the reason I wasn’t up for sending the card, not Ann, is because Yoshizawa hasn’t come to school since she fainted, and I’ve been worried.”
“For real?” Ryuji asked.
“Yeah,” Ren said. “And I feel like there could have been more I could have done to help her. I could have stayed behind. I could have walked her home. But instead I went into the palace with all of you, thinking it would be alright.”
“Holy shit” Ryuji said, taken aback. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Look. I get it. But, it sounds like you did everything you could. You can’t be asked to be the perfect person. I mean, look at us. We’re thieves. We’re far from perfect. But we’re doing the best we can. And sometimes that can be enough.”
Ryuji took his hand off of her. “Like, I’m no saint, but I still try my best so my mom can have it easy. I know how easy it is to blame everything on yourself, but you’re only one person. One person can’t do everything.”
Ren cheered up a little bit. “Thank you Ryuji.” She giggled. “For reminding me that life is a team effort too.”
“Heh heh. No problem” Ryuji said. “We’re thieves together, as well as buddies!”
Chariot-Ryuji Sakamoto: Rank 2
Ryuji and Ren headed home for the day after that.
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