headcanonstation · 2 years
Joker/Ren writing about crush
its been a while since I drove the train, but time to dust it off and try to get it back up and running. Give me a bit to remember the controls and lets hope we don’t crash~
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We all remember how he has that handy dandy saving book right 
His diary, if you will
Mans already writes about a lot of his life anyways, so to an extent, why wouldn’t that possibility extend to his feelings 
Our boy here certainly writes about his crush 
More so if he isn’t dating them
As he writes, he gets this silly little smile on his face, his eyes going soft and seeming to just be in dreamland
its so precious and cute 
Usually, he doesn’t mind his friends teasing him about his crush- but tease him about him writing about them and he will more than likely get a little flustered
Uses it to kind of just to be able to shamelessly gush about how cute and adorable you are overall
Your smile, laugh, voice, what you two did that day, and that sparkle in your eyes- 
Agh, your too cute
He’ll also just write about how you just make him feel all the time
Is also mostly using this to “bide his time” when it comes to the concept of a potential confession to you
While relatively shameless about... 90% of things, his journal entries about you are for him and him only
He isn’t really keen on sharing whatever it is he wrote to anyone- even if you two end up together, he’s still more thank likely not gonna show it to you
His friends know about his writing though, I mean, the guy seems to write about everything 
So they kind of more so guess that’s part of what he’s doing, but its more of a “I’m guessing, but I’m pretty sure I’m right more than actually guessing on this”
If anyone asks what he’s writing about, he’s gonna kind of just brush it off and say just about plans or what he’s planning to do that day
Honestly, the concept of his journal entries fluster him more than he would expect it to
He likes going back and reading some of the entries, as it’ll give him memories of the day when you two hung out and relieve some of those memories
I mean, he’s got pictures too. But reading it just hits a bit different than a picture
Even when he starts laying it on thick of his crush on you, he’ll continue writing
Though that writing will start having some more “frustration” in it if your not catching on
But on the same note he feels he can’t even blame you because he doesn’t help his case at all- he playfully flirts with his friends, so no wonder you may not be taking it seriously
Morgana has read them, because of course he has
“Oh-ho-ho, so that’s why you’ve been writing a storm-”
Not happy about it ™
But what is he gonna do? I mean, Morgana is with him practically every second of the day- it was kind of bound to happen eventually, whether he liked it or not
If you ever read any of it, please save him the embarrassment and don’t bring it up
This is legit probably one of the few things that will get him so flustered
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headcanonstation · 3 years
Phantom Thieves Dancing with s/o
We’re so sorry! Your conductors have been very busy lately, but never fret! We’ll make sure we get you to your desired stations!
Ren Amamiya
He’s actually a good dancer
Its nothing award winning, but he knows what he’s doing to some extents
Smooth movements all around, real suave
So it can be expected that when he dances its charming and smooth as well
Depending on the dance, he can be real upbeat or real “gentlemanly”
And, if he knows you can easily be flustered, he will use that to his advantage here
Even if that means you may mess up a step or two
All is fair in love and war~
He will gladly dip you and give you a quick kiss all in the name to get you flustered or to at least chuckle
Ryuji Sakamoto
Yeah so
He can’t dance
No matter how hard he tries he can’t do it
But if you ever want to dance, he’ll try
He isn’t smooth at all nor at all charming
The best way to describe him dancing is really just “you’re doing your best honey”
Dancing with you isn’t exactly anything special either
It’d be a lot like how the typical best friends dance
Its not exactly in sync, your not really holding/touching each other, its a mess- but its fun
If you actually know how to dance and you request to show him how, he’ll try his best to follow 
Depending on the situation, he may be a little flustered or will be complimenting you/talking about how he’s having fun
Ann Takamaki
She too doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing when dancing
She is a lot like Ren in that she can dance
She always looks like she’s having a good time when it comes to dancing! And that good time is practically infectious!
She loves getting to dance with you
For her, it makes it even more fun
She’ll do any kind of dance with you for the most part too
She’ll do more on the romantic side dances to the more upbeat and playful ones
Ann always has a smile on her face and can’t help a small chuckle here and there
She can get a little bit blushy here and there though whenever the two of you get close to one another during your dance, though
Yusuke Kitagawa
Accidentally a charmer whenever he’s dancing with you more often than not
Pure gentlemen
His movements are smooth and fluid
And, like previously said, he’ll be more of a charmer/romantic when dancing with his s/o compared to when he’s dancing with his friends
He finds dancing with you to be helpful for the artful mind
He’s felt inspired by it more than likely by it
If you get flustered, he doesn’t entirely get it at first
Who are we kidding, it takes someone else to really point it out to him
Regardless of that, he enjoys getting to dance with you as well as getting to watch you dance
He really likes to watch you dance more than actually dance himself, though
Mostly because of the inspiration he can get from it
But he’ll join you, either of the spur of the moment or if you so wish
Makoto Nijima
Makoto is stiff
But she’s trying and is trying
Not too bad overall, though!
She’s awkward when dancing with you
But don’t get her wrong, she’s having a good time!
It may take a few times to really get her to not be as stiff or awkward, but she’ll get there with time just be patient
She doesn’t often request you dance with her, either
But, there will be times and she will ask quite formally 
Albeit a little well... awkward
Futaba Sakura
Futaba, much like Ryuji, doesn’t really know what she’s doing when dancing
She just tries and does whatever she thinks will be fun
Featherman poses all included
She’s just overall having a good time
When dancing with you, she may more than likely just try to mimic you
Because she admits, she does’t totally know what she’s doing she knows that
But she will also just act entirely playful
She doesn’t take it seriously. Ever
Even if you try to be romantic, while she will play along for a bit, at some point she won’t be able to help some light laughter and some playful, maybe a bit out of nowhere, banter
But she loves dancing with you regardless
So long as, ya know... not too many people are watching
Or at least... if its people she’s comfortable with
Haru Okumura
She knows ballet
She still does, even after all these years of not doing it
And she loves having a dance partner
It makes her giddy whenever you dance with her!
She gets so, so overjoyed about it- its really cute
Dancing with her is just going to be ballet really, nothing much else
Even if you don’t know ballet, she is still going to default to it
Which, hey, no one said you had to know ballet too in order to dance with her
Though if you know ballet, even if a little, it makes her even happier. She’ll likely be a little surprised, but its an overjoyed surprised 
She’s elegant and graceful when dancing, always smooth into her next movement and she takes it slow for the most part
If you ever wish to learn ballet from her, she’s more than happy to help you learn it
But she won’t take it easy on you
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headcanonstation · 4 years
Phantom Thieves S/O has palace
Ren Amamiya
Breaks his heart to find you have a Palace
Ren figures it out because of how you may have been acting. That or curiously getting to him to put your name in the nav
Apologies in advance, he isn’t gonna be reaching out too often as he’ll be putting way too much focus into preparing to infiltrate 
During this time there will be no Mementos trips 
If he can help it, there won’t be a day they aren’t going in until your Palace is taken down
Though for him personally, he doesn’t care how tired he may be. He is gonna go in
Odds are its getting dealt with in about a day or really close to that
It does kind of scare him on the why you have a Palace
What gets to him is he feels like he should have seen the signs. Feels like that maybe he could have prevented it or at least curb the development of it
Exploring the place is the actual worst to him he isn’t having a very good time
Ren will be kind of more quiet while in the Palace. Looking more focused
But he may be a little more “impatient” as it were
Ren really, really does not like running into your shadow
Has fingers crossed they don’t have to fight your shadow, but if they do he is gonna hate it
Gonna act as more of a support unit if they do have to fight said shadow
Regardless if you know he is a phantom thief or not, he is gonna write the calling card. And he is gonna drop it off to you. {In your mailbox, locker, under your door. Etc. He isn't going to directly hand it to you, again regardless if you know of him being a phantom thief}
Ryuji Sakamoto
The thought never occurs to him, almost believing it be absolutely impossible for you to have one
He is not gonna be the one to put your name in, regardless if he notices you being off your A-game. Someone else is gonna be doing it
Ryuji can’t help but wonder why you have one. Again, he found it be impossible for you to ever have one. So he is pretty curious as to why it happened
Whatever the reason is for the development of the Palace, he swears he is gonna knock it out of the park
He definitely gets impatient during infiltrations and downtimes
Kind of becomes pretty prone to getting into trouble and pushing forward which results in his friends going “oi slow down”
Also becomes a little more impatient 
Unlike Ren, Ryuji becomes more talkative during the exploration. Asking things like if they are closer, if Mona can sense the treasure, where exactly they are, what is the next course of action- you get me
He seems to have an “easier” time powering through any exhaustion he is having and practically demands to be on the frontlines at all times
Makes sure all his hits, hits harder
He has a huge need to know what your treasure is, further adding to his impatience
Will write the calling card, with help from Makoto
If you know he is a phantom thief {yeah,,,,,,"if"}, he hand delivers the card to you
If they have to fight your shadow, Ryuji does okay. He doesn't do the absolute best and his attacks may actually miss a lot
Ann Takamaki
She immediately has a need to know if anyone is connected to you having a Palace
She just wants to talk
Ann is a lot like Ryuji where she did not enter your name in the Nav, not wanting to see an answer at all pop up. The only difference is she knew it could be a possibility. It was not impossible to her if you had one- just unlikely 
Ann can’t help but think about the what if of the thieves finding you in Mementos. Able to stop you there and prevent a Palace from developing further
She just finds herself thinking how she could have helped prevent this, if at all. Playing scenarios in her head of helping you before it got this bad
But this is no time to wonder, this is the time to help you
Inside the Palace, she doesn’t act far too differently. Outside of it though, she becomes kind of pushy to go into the Palace
When it comes to you, she finds herself trying to spend time with you- more than usual
She doesn't like the Mementos trips during the time where you still have a Palace. While it's nice to help other people- you need her help right now
No matter what your Shadow is like, she swears she is gonna take them down
She promises to herself that no matter how much it hurts her, she isn't going to hold back on your shadow. After all, it's not exactly easy to attack something that resembles/represents you
Really would rather not see the calling card at all
Yusuke Kitagawa
His first thoughts are the fears that its alike to Madarame’s
He isn’t sure he can handle that
As such, he is pretty nervous about the whole thing
Upon finding out though its nothing like that, if anything more like Futaba’s, brings him a wave of relief
If he were to be honest, being in your Palace frustrates him
Not only does it frustrate him, but it hurts him. Especially as they go further and further into their exploration
You don’t deserve to have to be dealing with this and the burden this thing probably brings to you
Kind of like Ryuji, he just thought nothing like this would come to pass for you. At least, so as long as he was there with you
During the Palace, he is more reserved
A lot like Ann, he is kind of pushy with going into the Palace. Not nearly as much as Ann, but it’d be a lie to say he doesn’t at all try to push Ren into going in sooner
Seeing your Shadow actually angers him, more than anything. Because this isn’t you, but a distorted version of the person he cares about
But Yusuke remains relatively calm
During downtimes while they aren’t in the Palace, he will be trying to seek you out and keep you company- regardless if you know what is going on
Insists to be the one to write the calling card, there are no exceptions 
I would argue he is one of the more aggressive thieves when it comes to fighting your shadow. He holds absolutely nothing back and is ready to fight
This isn’t you and he wants to get rid of your shadow as fast as possible
Makoto Niijima
She audibly gasps
However, she can’t bring herself to bring it up for a short bit. Its not that she doesn’t want to, but it becomes more real whenever it is she mentions it
She ends up bringing it up after seeing you again and again. Knowing the toll a Palace can take on a person, she knows she can’t just ignore it
Part of her wonders if she is any part of the cause. She hopes not, but it worries her that what if she plays a part in your Palace
She tries to remain composed both in and out of the Palace, trying not to show any signs of struggling with the idea of it
When around you, she gets kind of awkward 
She’ll promise to you that she will be there for you, through thick and thin. Which to you may come out of nowhere, but Makoto feels a need to say it
Its when Makoto sees your shadow that it really, really hits her about the situation
Still, she tries to remain composed but internally she is just having a marathon if emotions
Makoto helps in creating the calling card and will hand it off to you should you know of her being a phantom thief
If not she will put it in a normal envelope and give it to you, saying simply it was addressed to you and not much else
Maybe even sneak it into a book your reading or in your locker
Fighting your shadow at first will have her be a deer in the headlights, but her friends will snap her out of it
Which will help her find new strength when it comes to taking down your shadow
Futaba Sakura
Curiosity kills the cat, and it killed Futaba upon entering your name in the nav
She figured if anything popped up, it would be just be a Mementos trip. Not something as extreme as a Palace
Her first thought was how long have you had this?
Futaba first brings it up to Ren before anyone else
She knows this is more of a personal Palace to take care of, but they have to help you
She had one of these things and she’ll be damned if she lets this go ignored
Futaba admittedly would rather it just be her and Ren, again seeing as this is more personal. However, this is a little more extreme than a simple field trip to Mementos, so that isn’t a viable option
Her nature ends up very serious, focused and a little hurt. She won't have snarky comments to hand out. She won’t really have any upbeat cheer in her voice either
Futaba is going to be going overdrive to help the thieves get rid of the Palace faster
Will be more subtle in pushing the idea of going into the Palace during downtimes. She isn’t going to be aggressive in it, more so just making it clear she would really like to get back in asap
She wishes she could do more while they are exploring the place
During time outside the Palace she will be in constant contact with you. Asking if your okay, if anything happened, if you need to talk, etc
Seeing your shadow will kind of have her wince, but outside of that it only fuels her further to steal your treasure
She doesn’t do anything when it comes to the calling card. She just demands to see it before it sent to you
Haru Okumura
She’s ready to go guns blazing just say the word
Haru would probably be the most worried when it came to the whole Palace infiltration
After all, last time they did this with someone she cared about they kinda died
So yeah she is a little on edge on the that “what if” even though she knows it wasn’t their fault
Regardless of her unease though, she’ll put her best face forward and try to remain optimistic 
There may be times during the Palace where she lets her emotions get to her
At first she was worried of what your Palace was and why it even existed. You weren’t a bad person,  so why in the world do you have one of these?
Honestly, overall you could be forgiven thinking she wasn’t too anxious about the whole thing. Because on the outside she doesn’t seem too bothered, but trust me she is having a time internally
She vows to herself they are going to take care of this for you and she is not going to let anything bad happen to you from this infiltration. She swears it
Seeing your shadow doesn’t seem to do anything to her, if anything it prompts her to try and further figure out the why question
Haru requests if she can give you the card, especially if you know she is a thief. Regardless, she promises things will work out
She is merciless when it comes to fighting your shadow? Way more than what anyone was expecting from her?
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headcanonstation · 4 years
Phantom Thieves having a crush headcanons
Ren Amamiya
He tends to lay it on thick
He won’t flat out confess, but he will say various things that are definitely not leaving much room for questions
He’ll use cheesy pick up lines as well as just as cheesy nicknames that are exclusive to s/o
To be fair to s/o if they don’t think he’s serious: he does playfully flirt with his friends. //cough Ryuji
He is the master at catching glances without being caught and he uses that to his advantage. No one will know he’s got his eyes on s/o 
If s/o manages to catch him looking at them, he is a little bit caught off guard and his face may blush a little bit
Ren doesn’t really mind if any of his friends tease him about the crush. But honestly he isn’t going to really talk about his crush- at least, not that often. He just doesn’t see times to really mention it
Usually pretty calm and relaxed whenever he’s around to s/o. However, sometimes if s/o catches him off guard he could be left stuttering a bit. And by catching off guard is more so friendly, unexpected gestures or seeing how adorable s/o’s laugh is
Daydreams about the possibility of his crush reciprocating his affections. Honestly, he never really thinks on the possibility of rejection. That rarely, if ever, crosses his mind.
Ren starts to get really, genuinely nervous when it comes to giving an actual confession and/or s/o confessing. He kind of seems more shy-ish and blushy
Ryuji Sakamato 
Oh no
Oh no
Look its one thing to look at girls and think they are super cute, its another to actually find himself having feelings 
He’s gonna be flustered about it like the sweet golden boy he is
Talking to them? Blushing. Seeing something that reminds him of them? Blushing. Thinking about them? Blushing. His friends teasing him about it? Look at that face, its adorable
He really badly wants to ask them out but just? can’t?
Its the fact that Ryuji seems to struggle finding the right words and is tripping over them to a point that a repeat of said words is necessary 
Which leads to him kind of backing out because he’s too flustered
Honestly like a puppy 
He is so bad at hiding any gazes towards his crush.  Anyone with eyes can see those looks are a little too long to be one if a friendly gaze
Seems to be a lot more fidgety whenever around his crush.
Ryuji tries to be around his crush more but really struggles 
Is more willing to "study" if it means more time to hang around his crush. Even if that means involving school. 
Gets flustered if they ask to train with him or watch him train. Finds he will try harder with them around
Struggles with eye contact when it comes to s/o
Compliments? Oh no- he’ll become so red
Ann Takamaki
What. a. sweetie.
Whenever she knows she’ll be hanging around her crush, she’ll try to look nicer for them. 
Will play with her hair a lot more often whenever around her crush
May also play with the hem of her shirt
She rather bring her feelings to the grave than say it aloud. For certain: she wouldn't be the one to confess her feelings I don’t make the rules
Doesn’t really stutter or trip over her words
Say she is cute and pretty she will for sure get blushy 
Pretty good at maintaining eye contact
If they give her literally anything she grows a faint blush and is super grateful and happy
She knows giving a present can just be a friendly gesture but this is her crush let her have this
Doesn't take teasing well when it comes to her crush pls don't its embarrassing and she doesn't need fuel to that fire
Yusuke Kitagawa
A crush? Oh dear-
His first assumption was this just meant he felt a surge of inspiration for his art
He had to be told what it was he was actually feeling towards s/o
It's weird. Nothing really inherently changes with how he acts around his crush. If anything, he is just trying to be around them more now or is talking about how their beauty is unrivaled
Is really shameless whenever he looks at them and really isn’t trying to hide it
If they watch him do his art, or are just around, he finds it harder to focus and he feels a weird type of pressure now to do well-
Finds himself observing them and becomes keenly aware of some of their quirks
Yusuke is gonna daydream and someone is gonna need to snap this boy out of it
Will start trying to find excuses to touch s/o, whether he’s actually aware he’s doing that or not is up to you.
Feels kind of honored in a way whenever his crush compliments his art
Isn’t gonna confess right out the gate, mostly because he weirdly doesn’t see a reason to do it right away
Not even because of nerves necessarily
Like Ren, he seems pretty chill and relaxed. Which he is, s/o would have no idea he really is crushing on them
Makoto Niijima
O h.
Is super unsure how to approach it and it really doesn’t take much to get her blushing. S/o just looking her way and offering that smile to her will do it
Makoto finds herself often kind of "fleeing" the scene cause she just doesn't know what to do 
And she isn't the best when it comes to being secretive when looking their way. Her face bursts to red if/when she is caught by her crush if she has a book handy her face is going right in there
Confides in Ann and is ultimately asking her for help 
Has also for sure confided in Sae if she had any helpful advice
Someone please help her
She is pretty stiff when around her crush, even when sitting across from them
Uses school as a way to help her get closer to her crush. "Why don't we study together? That way we can help each other."
Sometimes worries she may be getting on her crush’s nerves
If they give her literally anything she grows a faint blush and is kind of not sure how to operate 
Makoto kind of rather just watch from afar in a sense. 
Futaba Sakura
Futaba would need someone to tell her how she’s feeling. Like, she kind of has a . . .guess of what it is she’s feeling. But she really isn’t gonna gonna grasp it
Futaba becomes a lot more talkative when it comes to her crush. A lot. Not only that but she will definitely talk with more nerdy lingo. {Someone smite her if they don't understand something she said}
While not super blushy, unless her crush touches her, she is VERY fidgety. Rocking on her heels, playing with her pockets, playing with her hands-
Stealing glances is 50/50. Sometimes she is as good as Ren, other times her skills are on the wavelength of Ryuji
May sometimes attempt to doll herself up for s/o. However, doing this is usually super subtle as well as rare
If she can, Futaba kind of prefers things like calling her crush. Because they can't see her and it helps the nerves. But the part she isn't a fan of is being unable to see them. Plus, hearing their voice over tech just isn’t the same as hearing it when they are standing next to one another
Like Ann, she would kind of prefer to take these feelings to the grave than say them outloud. It's embarrassing and she really doesn't want to feel what rejection feels like
That’s the part she’s feels the most uneasy about 
Haru Okumura
She knows exactly what she is feeling. Now its more of a question of what it is she’s going to do with them
Will more often invite them to cafes or just quaint places in general
No real nervous ticks or anything, a lot like Ren and Yusuke honestly
She prefers not to confess, as she doesn't want to risk putting any kind of wedge in the friendship she has
Not like she can't though, but she will holdout against doing so for a while
Gets nervous if she learns someone flirted with her crush or her crush flirts with someone else, regardless if it's playful
May actually push her a bit more towards the idea of a confession if that happens
Offers to buy things for her crush sometimes. She can afford it and she would love nothing more than to see them smile even if its something typically expensive and they insist she doesn’t have to do that
Whenever s/o offers to help garden with her she’s already smiling so wide and sounding a little excited before she can really do anything about it
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headcanonstation · 4 years
Phantom Thieves X Animal Crossing headcanons
In spirit of Conductor Galaxy playing Animal Crossing for the first time, its time for some animal crossing headcanons!
Has been playing the series for a long time
He aims to get villagers that reminds him of his friends! Whether it be through their looks or personalities, if they remind him of one of them he wants em
His favorite type of villagers is cats. He loves cats
One villager he really really wants is Raymond. Yet for his life he just can not get him no matter what
Ren is a pretty busy guy, so he doesn’t get to have a lot of time to play the games. So he is kind of “behind” in the game as it were. 
Wouldn’t time travel, at least not often
The flag on his island is definitely the phantom thief logo
Island is still a little of a mess and could use some sprucing up, but it looks pretty decent. He wants to make it look nicer
Dogs. Dog and jock villagers.
Did I mention dogs? He wants dogs and jock villagers. But he does like some of the cuter villagers
However his favorite villager is Fauna oddly enough he got her through Makoto. 
Wasn’t really into the series until Ren
His house. Someone help. Its a mess
Speaking of mess his island is a mess. For example he really doesn’t pick weeds and kind of just leaves them there. Only really cleaning some of them in some areas but for the most part leaves em alone
Weed cleaning is not what he is here for thanks and come again
While Ryuji does enjoy the game, he doesn’t play it too often. Simply because he is more into other games rather than Animal Crossing
Decided to make his town flag the Phantom Thief logo- but the first version of it, his version
Has been playing for a while, but not as long as Ren.
Her island is super clean and pretty and organized. 
All her villagers are just the typical cute/pretty ones 
Her absolute favorite villager is Judy and she’s mad because she still doesn’t have her
What’s a girl gotta do 
Hates the gorillas and monkey’s 
Shari was one of her starting villagers and she worked fast to get her off her island
She reset her game a few times to get the native island fruit she wanted, which was peaches
Doesn’t really play video games and it was mostly through Futaba that he started to play Animal Crossing
Yusuke’s island is pretty and no one should expect any less
He likes the more weird/unique looking villagers, of course the pretty ones too
Two of his favorites happen to be Blanche and Croque. He doesn’t have either of them though and he’s kinda working on it
He made outfits for all his friends based off their Phantom Thief attire. 
He’s definitely more meticulous when it comes to his island 
He really really doesn’t like Redd. At all. 
And he’ll talk about it, he’ll talk about his dislike should he come up
Like Ryuji, she wasn’t really into the series. She had more pressing matters to attend to and put all her focus into. No time for games
But Ann actually introduced her to it. She said it was really relaxing and just cute, suggesting Makoto maybe give it a try
Makoto ended up really enjoy it and did find it pretty relaxing. 
She keeps her island very tidy, but it isn’t all that magical in the creative department. She doesn’t really change the layout of her island or anything
Her favorite villager is Pashmina by far, no questions asked
She doesn’t really put too much effort into making her island super pretty or anything, she just wants things to be organized for the most part and “make sense” as it were. 
what a mess
First off, her favorite villagers are Coco and Ribbot
And she definitely has both
Has the most hours clocked into the game compared to all the other thieves. Ren could probably “rival” her, but can’t cause he doesn’t have lots of spare time
She loves weird looking and ugly villagers. A good chunk of them are exactly those types
Has Audie, mostly because in a way it reminds her of her mom. 
Also has Ankha, because she likes Egyptian stuff. Plus the expression on Ankha’s face brings her joy
Doesn’t really play video games like Yusuke
Was also introduced to it through her friends
Much like Ryuji, she hasn’t put much time into it. Mostly because she just isn’t that into video games
A villager she really wants is Tia. She saw her in Ann’s island and fell in love with her
She doesn’t really look up any of the villagers or anything. She more so lets surprise happen than anything
Compared to everyone, she’s put the least amount of time into the game. So much so that she has practically still only just turned on the game
She got started with Muffy and Sparro. Found she really has a soft spot for Muffy
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headcanonstation · 4 years
Sonic Cuddle Headcanons
Your conductors are screaming at the wheel together... wait, why is there a wheel in a train?
Let it be known that the blue blur enjoys cuddling, and all his friends are allowed to snuggle with him.
He just doesn’t really cuddle often or feel the need to.
Sonic is a lazy cuddler with anyone, even his s/o.
He’s not partial to anything specifically when it comes to cuddling and goes with the flow.
He’d just prefer something not going on too long because he does feel like he needs to do something, and running tends to be a thing he likes to do.
And, well, cuddling is hard while running.
There’s not really anything specific with his s/o he does aside from occasional lazy nuzzles and kisses.
Sonic isn’t too into spooning really.
It’s not often he’s cuddling as is, so he’s really not doing much spooning either.
The most he would have is his s/o on his chest, but Sonic is the type to get restless in bed to really do much snuggling in bed.
A flustered boy, especially with his s/o, who would be the only one he’d be cuddling with.
He just has the mind that snuggles is more so for intimate relationships like romance.
He’s not very good with PDA in general and gets easily flustered by it, so he much prefers his snuggling in private.
He’d still be pretty nervous and red faced with cuddling his s/o in private at the beginning of the relationship, but as time goes on, he doesn’t get as flustered.
Most definitely a big spoon. He just wouldn’t feel as comfortable being held and would prefer to be the one doing the holding.
Amy Rose
She cuddles everyone. She’s the poster child for cuddling.
She really enjoys snuggling with her friends and especially her s/o.
In fact, her s/o gets special ultra cuddles.
Amy has a large preference on being a little spoon, though she could do just fine being a big spoon.
But she’d prefer being the little spoon because she’d like to have the warmth around her and feel her partner hugging her. But, it’d also be due to wanting to be like the movies and books where a strong man holds a delicate woman.
Even though she could absolutely punch pretty much anyone through the wall.
Not into PDA, so not a big fan of cuddling with friends in a casual way in public.
Snuggles are really only reserved for his s/o.
Even then, he doesn’t really actively show or indicate how he feels about cuddling or if he even wants them.
So his s/o is really the only one of the two to initiate any cuddling.
When they do cuddle with him, he doesn’t exactly show how he feels about it too much.
Shadow doesn’t hate cuddling, but he doesn’t love it either.
Not to say he doesn’t enjoy cuddling, he just doesn’t show how he’s enjoying it much aside from a soft smile every now and again.
Shadow isn’t a fan of spooning too much, but if he is doing it, he’ll only be the big spoon.
He isn't the little spoon. He’d like to have control in the situation.
Proud cuddler.
Shamelessly so. 
She does only the lightest of cuddling with friends, but not much. 
Closer friends she totally doesn’t mind getting into the “this is a straight up cuddle session” vibe. 
Her s/o has to deal with a new level of cuddling. 
Rouge isn’t clingy, but she’s needy and will not be subtle about wanting some snuggle time. 
She likes to have pampering done to her, but she’s certainly all for doing some loving on her s/o easy. 
She’s absolutely both a little spoon and big spoon. It really just depends on her s/o and their preference.
Awkward cuddler. 
He likes to cuddle with either of his friends or s/o, but he’ll end up pretty nervous throughout the whole time. 
At some point he’d let himself relax more when he does it more, but a new cuddle buddy will be faced with a stiff boy. 
When he finally enters a relationship with his s/o or crushing on his s/o, he’s back to being stiff and awkward again for quite awhile. 
There’s an incredibly high preference to being a little spoon, and he makes it clear that this is his preference. 
He wouldn’t mind being the big spoon if his s/o wants to be a little spoon, but he’s never volunteering to be the big spoon. 
And, although he loves doting on people, he really loves being doted on himself.
She’s also an awkward mess when it comes to cuddles. 
Only her s/o would be allowed to cuddle with her. 
Blaze doesn’t necessarily look to having cuddles unless it's been a long day or she’s totally stressed and needs the attention. 
She’s more inclined to be a big spoon, but she’d be fine being a little spoon as well. 
It really depends on who her s/o is. 
Though if given the choice, there is a much larger preference to being the big spoon so she can feel she has more control in the situation.
Cuddling privileges with Espio are restricted to his s/o and Charmy and Vector to a degree. 
Vector more so has accidental cuddle action on both parties. 
Nothing too much though, most being Espio leaning on Vector and falling asleep during a movie or when they’re out camping for whatever reason. 
Charmy however is a cuddle machine from the start. 
The bee needs affection, and Espio doesn’t mind giving it to him. 
There’s been plenty of moments where the two are just sleeping completely knocked out on the couch (or Charmy wide awake with Espio asleep and perhaps with marker drawings on his face and horn). 
Or when Charmy gets a nightmare and doesn’t go to Vector for the night, Espio is fine with giving the bee comfort. 
Any sort of domestic cuddles can happen between Charmy and Espio. 
With his s/o, Espio doesn’t seek cuddles unless he was deathly worried about them and just needed to have it cemented that they’re with him. 
Similar to Charmy, he also wouldn’t mind giving cuddles to his s/o if they wanted it or see they clearly needed it. 
He doesn’t really do spooning and would need to be reminded he’s not the only one in bed. 
Espio doesn’t seem like the type to lay on his side often since it gives an opening to any attackers. 
So the fix it here would be to have his s/o laying on his chest with his arms wrapped around him.
Cuddles with Jet are only with his s/o rather than with friends. 
He wouldn’t actively search for cuddles really. 
The times he does is when he’s genuinely tired or after an extremely bad day where he’s bitter but also completely exhausted. 
However, he doesn’t necessarily outright say he wants cuddles but rather strongly suggests to his s/o that he wants cuddles before they give in to what he wants. 
When he isn’t having tired cuddles, he sometimes gives the occasional snuggle, just not much. 
Typically, he only gives the cuddles when his s/o wants to, but he certainly has his moments when he’s relaxing that he alludes to wanting to cuddle. 
His preferred style of cuddling would be where his s/o is on his chest. 
Jet is also determined to be the big spoon, and sometimes he manages to keep being the big spoon, but he typically ends up falling into being the little spoon naturally.
Her s/o practically drags her for cuddles. 
Wave really just likes to do things and doesn’t enjoy doing nothing. 
She can certainly do nothing for a bit and relax, just not too long and wants to be doing something. 
As a result, Wave doesn’t actively seek snuggles. 
She’s also the type where when she’s not doing it, she sees no appeal or point of cuddles. 
But when she’s actually having a cuddle fest, she melts into it. 
Wave seems like the type to have too often a broken sleep schedule to really be spooning anyone with her going to bed when her s/o is getting up. 
If any spooning does happen, it’s really give or take as to if Wave is the big or little spoon with who she’s with and who’s more awake. 
Some nights, there’d be no spooning taking place. 
She’s overall not very affectionate in a physical sense, but wouldn’t mind receiving or giving attention. 
However cuddles are off limits for friends.
Not at all a cuddle buddy really. 
Tends to avoid it. If he does cuddle, it’d only be with his s/o, and even then it doesn’t happen much. 
He’s more mixed feelings about cuddling and doesn’t actively try to do it. 
When he does, it’s certainly on part by his s/o or complete accident. 
Subconsciously however, Infinite is certainly a big spoon and often reaches anything in his grasp to spoon something.
Honey the Cat
Honey adores cuddles, and her snuggles are reserved for her s/o and incredibly close friends. 
She tends to lowkey make sure when she’s cuddling with someone that it’s all aesthetically pleasing. 
Sometimes it’s on purpose, other times not so much. 
Honey prefers being the little spoon, but she’s occasionally willing to be the big spoon.
Bunnie Rabbot
This woman will suplex you into a hug. 
She’s just dandy about giving cuddles to anyone who’s a friend, family, and so on. 
Bunnie wants to be the big spoon all the time, wrapping herself around her s/o. 
Just giving nuzzles and kisses every now and again.
Antoine D’coolette
Easily the most flustered boy. 
Whether platonic or romantic. 
Once he gets around, he very much enjoys his cuddles. 
However, to him, cuddling seems too intimate for something done between friends. 
So only really his s/o and children would be allowed for snuggling with him. 
Antoine would have the preference of a little spoon certainly, though he wouldn’t mind being the big spoon every now and again. 
He’s just embarrassed to say that he prefers being a little spoon.
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