#But his facial expression was hilarious
chuchujellybean · 2 months
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Has this been done before?
Art belongs to @linkeduniverse
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savvylittlecoxswain · 3 months
Fun fact, the number of stripes on the sweater sleeves correspond to the number of years a player spent on varsity.
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icyfox17 · 1 month
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Your honour I've seen two (2) episodes and im in love with him
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epicqtefail · 1 year
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Pop stik
WGHJWKLWJWHW Nothing could have prepared me for the absolute glee this evoked. I saw the first image and thought nothing in the world could be better than this but i spoke too soon. i scrolled down and screamed. I'm obsessed, i wish i could adequately express to you how this is just,, everything. it's perfect
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sexyvixen7 · 8 months
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(Source: 3saPhotography on Twitter)
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starleska · 6 months
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nothing more fun than calling yourself out for your type in fictional characters by filling out a bingo card 🙈💖 of course the Toymaker ticks off almost every trait, and to such a strong degree!!! 'unique voice' is an understatement 😂
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lamphous · 1 month
true boys are out tonight vibe at work today for the first time at this job (at lush it was near constantly good vibes only, until the transfer...) and I have been coasting all day. even the last half hour I was like I am having a ball on this bitch, I made a $700 sale and then had a 20 minute conversation with a funny guy named Guy who worked here in the 80s, both of them very drunk white dads, and it was a BLAST. I am riding this high forever.
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Hey general, what do you think of children? Could be about the nice ones or the demonic ones, I just need an opinion on them because I myself live with a hellspawn of a younger cousin that enjoys yanking my hair out.
((Also may the rng gods bless your blog and the 6 other geshu lin likers, i have been digging for scraps about this man because I'm struggling to figure out his character and I wanna write a fic about him becoming an (unwilling?) father for shits and giggles))
Geshu Lin had a rather deadpan expression on his face, not having to think overly hard about this particular inquiry.
“I think that they are all equally exhausting. Children, naturally, have potential, but that potential can only come from proper discipline and care.” He answered with a blunt tone. He had never been overly fond of children, but he understood that they couldn’t control how they were— it was simply human nature.
“As for your cousin, try offering an alternative… find a way to turn that habit into a skill such as… gardening or something… perhaps he’ll like ripping up weeds more.”
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
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He can bitch without even using words. I love that hater energy. Rin can only dream of being this lethal
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loustyles · 1 year
louie gifmakers are so damn boring. you only gif to sexualize him or objectify him and never gif any unique or cute moments from the shows. 🙄 nobody wants to see the same gif 40 times
"louie gifmakers" lmao anyways this is so funny and just completely incorrect. Louis having fun on stage is the MOST frequent type of show gif I see of him. My 1st post back after a while was a pride post and appreciation of the cool stage lights. Here's louis kicking the ball , being giggly with fans , admiring the crowd , forgetting the lyrics from other """louie gifmakers""" Sorry you can't handle people being excited over louis wearing a tanktop. He looks cool. He looks confident. I feel proud for reasons i don't care to explain. but most importantly: you are allowed to show attraction without it being sexualization or objectification???
As always, you're welcome to make your own gifs :) OR even request things! But I'd suggest being much nicer about it if you do.
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show-tunes · 9 months
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I love that Leshy never changes his facial expression at all throughout the entire game until he thinks about his ex husband
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checoswrld · 2 years
My man thought he was finally free 😭😭
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 months
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Simon Riley
Call Of Duty Masterlist
word count: 400
description: in which you and ghost have a baby girl who loves to copy your facial expressions
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You always wore how you were feeling on your face, everyone could tell what mood you were in based on your facial expressions. It was one of the many things Simon loved about you, considering he was so stoic and neutral faced something that he learns from his years in the military. 
When you and Simon had your baby girl Liliana, you two always fought about her favorite was and who she favored more which was clearly you. But the one thing she loved to do was copy anything  and everything you were doing including your facial expressions. 
Simon found it hilarious when you would be glaring at someone graves for example and babygirl would try and copy or whenever you were mad him, he would not only have one set of eyes glaring at him but his own babygirl glaring at him because her mom was. But the moments you were happy and in a good mood, he would find that smile he fell in love with duplicated on y'all's mini which made his heart grow.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of Graves, making a displeased sound at seeing the man as you adjusted Lilly on your hip. Liliana saw this and immediately tried rolling her eyes at Graves and making a noise of disapproval before giving him her best side eye that she learned from her mama. 
Now the guys had heard stories about Lily copying you're facial expressions but never truly got to see it until today and their reactions didn't disappoint. Kyle was barely keeping together upon witnessing this. Now Soap couldn't hold it together at the sight of Liliana try to copy you at the sight of Graves and ended up laughing at the sight. 
"Ghost...does she always do this?" Price asked looking at you and Lily who were still side eyeing Graves. 
"Always. Anything mama does, she copies." He said with a smile.
"Like mother, like daughter." Price said with a smile as he looked over at you and Lily. Simon smiled at his comment before making his way over to where you guys were standing gently pulling your attention away from Graves and towards him. 
"That's my mama and babygirl." Simon said pressing a kiss to Lilly's forehead and then one on your lips. 
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cerealbishh · 1 year
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amit being a mood in ep. 5 of animal control
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anantaru · 1 year
— rejecting his cuddles
including dan heng, jing yuan, gepard, blade x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, crack, we‘re evil
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— dan heng
you quickly place your hands on top of dan heng‘s chest to swiftly push him away— although tied with an eased and playful shove, your boyfriend was still left baffled and most of all, supremely confused out of his damned mind.
primarily— since when did you ever reject a comforting, cozy cuddle from your pretty man the moment he rushes straight home to come and see you, principally spoil you with all the bundled up physical affection he could possibly channel and provide?
one hundred percent, never. in point of fact was it you instead who would hug him first afresh.
"oh— i‘m sorry." dan heng backs away, as to not cross any boundaries with you. his voice shakes and creaks in the back of his toughened throat. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he in fact, did not expect to have such a hard time being rejected by you.
"s-so.. uh, yeah."
dan heng corrects himself— or lets work something out to express it differently, at least tries to spell out a follow up sentence because you actually managed to make him speechless, at loss of words with nothing more than arbitrarily prattles bubbling past the tip of his tongue and leaving his lips.
there‘s a punch of cold silence, stolen by a deep sigh from your irritated lover— one might think that dan heng strongly thought about what he had done wrong or if he messed up in some way. yes, the possibility on you playing tricks on him was always there but this time you really put in all your acting skills into this one moment, carving it to almost perfection.
"can— can i ask why?" he nervously whispers, deciding that there, nothing was as gruelling as not receiving a hug from his significant other, "i don't know, can you?" which unbeknownst to him, was playing a devilish play with all expenses falling flat on top of his shoulders.
you smirk, your body moving on its own as you suddenly shelter his body into your frame, "surprise! it's a prank!" and nuzzle yourself into his chest, cheeks flushed on top.
granted, his facial expression was hilarious, but you could only go that far before the man would suffer from a heart attack.
"you're unbelievable." dan heng rolls his eyes while leaning his head into your neck, his nostrils slightly flaring at the pocketed entry of your signature scent welcoming him at last.
"you still love me though."
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— jing yuan
to wholly fool someone, precisely form their running thoughts anew, was it wishful thinking or actually possible? what an absorbing charge to partake in, you figured.
but despite that, you were awfully aware that someone as hellishly meticulous and careful to their surroundings such as jing yuan was without question to be an utmost arduous task to accept— yet, who were you to give up so easily?
your heart had been softly pounding with a minuscule increased pace signalizing your nervousness the minute your boyfriend unlocked the door to your shared home. if you had been honest to yourself, the following sequences that would normally happen work as followed— if you didn't decide to be a little evil today, they never change, you greet the man in addition to embracing him in a warm hug, point blank, and jing yuan unreservedly savored such implementing like no other.
the man sought after a soothing embracement all day long, he thinks about it, and when closes his eyes he imagines it too. it's a crucial source of serotonin to him and he requires it each night before passing out into a deep slumber with you by his side.
"i'm home, my love."
your ears point at the all too recognizable voice dotting a comforting timbre into the living room as you silently moved up from your seat to walk towards jing yuan who had made it his own personal duty to part his arms the second he sees you saunter towards him.
"hello, love." you greet him with a smile, your voice had been soft and actually managed to fool him for the short duration of your prank.
but then, "oh, no thank you!" you skillfully dodge his attempt to wrap his arms around you, waving your hand in between the awkward space of your bodies, shaking your head.
"excuse.. excuse me?" that's a little less confident than how jing yuan would for the most part articulate himself— to underscore his brilliant irritation, he cocks up a brow in disbelief.
but he's cautious, your darling— so don't be fooled, the man had a sharp and blazing eye on remote sections that might go unnoticed to other people, to the innocent faces and crowds, it was jing yuan who was keeping the control interlaced in the palm of his hand.
you play the guiltless, in the clear significant other a little too well and you applaud yourself for your very own performance— at this rate it makes you wonder if you should have actually pursued a career in acting after all.
while your boyfriend was now feeling a sense of dread in his joints and limbs, the color of his eyes had gotten hidden by a dusty darkness.
"ah, i understand." he smiles, but the way he approaches you was almost tactical, and that grin on his face— on the outside, modest and upright while on the inside, it concealed a bristling confidence that yes, figuring you out was easier than he thought.
"that's okay." jing yuan walks past you, slow, each step echoing and slipping past your ears, his hand too, was listlessly tapping your shoulder once twice, as he made you turn around to face him again.
"i do not need it anymore." huh, for him to not even utter a single complaint, something, anything would do, really.
your lips pucker into a pout when you realized it‘s over, when you noticed that your boyfriend was getting way better at this, as if he had you wholly figured out from the very start— did you never stand a chance to fool him to begin with?
"ugh." you cross your arms around your body, "you knew from the start, didn‘t you?"
"of course i did, love." he breathes his words featherlight, but his smile stays strong regardless.
"i always do."
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— gepard
in the beginning of your comical scheme, gepard was convinced you didn‘t want to hug him because he had just returned from training the new recruits of the silvermane guards and fair enough— he didn‘t have the chance to take a shower prior to returning to you.
yet, keep in mind, in any other instances you did not care about said fact, more so was it you who‘d practically hug him for hours on end and pepper him with kisses all over. being the mighty captain of the silvermane guards of beleborg not unexpectedly came with a tightly shut package of both it‘s very own positives and jarring negatives.
while the positives would greatly outweigh the stormy negatives by a tenfold, having limited free time to spend on each other would sometimes be a strenuous obstacle you can only manage together, as a team.
"i can shower right away." gepard panics, he didn't think it was possible for his body to sweat even more than earlier when he fought against the new recruits and your poor boyfriend curses himself underneath the warm racks of his fastened breathing on why he didn't manage to be in the bestest shape for you tonight.
he adds on, "don‘t move, i‘ll be right back!"
the sides of your mouth twitch in an amusing snort and you carry on to gnaw down on your bottom lip to suppress yet another wave of laughter, "oh, i think you‘re misunderstanding me." and step back just a little bit more to accentuate your evil plan and push your boyfriend over the edge for good.
"i don‘t want to hug you tonight." you raise your brows while scratching the back of your neck.
this sentence alone was like a sharp stab into the blonde's heart as he sets his eyes to meet your own.
"like at all." and you finish him off with an indirect blow right against his handsome features, "at— at all?"
if you were aware of one thing, it was that gepard never wasted any time to talk things out with you— basically being transparent and working together, "okay, baby'" he pauses, "listen to me." and almost squeals in sadness, placing both hands on top of your shoulders.
"if you're still sad i had to cancel our dinner the other time, i can try to figure something out—"
how adorable, you realise.
pinching his cheeks with your fingers, you smile, a shadow of intense guilt poking on your heart, "i’m sorry!" you yell, "everything is fine, i‘m sorry." and abruptly lean into his warm body, arms crossed around his chest as you sensed the upping beat of his heart underneath his ribcage.
gepard couldn’t believe you this time, truly, and lets his eyes fall close before sighing out— in relief but also a slight bit of annoyance written across the rest of his heavenly features.
"i‘ll get back at you for this."
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— blade
"hmm, you sure darling?" he acts innocent that's for certain but blade’s next look on you, fuck, if you didn‘t know any better you would've sternly stated that it entirely formed into a menacing demeanor— stone cold and fierce as you felt it wash over your trembling skin.
a followed sharp click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth is all it took for you to whole-heartedly regret and loathe even considering to work out a prank against your boyfriend, at all.
"yes, i pass."
notwithstanding, you couldn‘t back away now, quite obviously would it blow up in your face with you becoming the pranked one instead. at this graven point the entire situation had already been in great favor of blade instead of you— the most plausible solution would be to somehow make it out as a winner regardless while your lover thoroughly found delight in engaging in those games with you.
"what a shame." he sighs and tilts his head to the right— pending his eyes from your lips to your legs and up, then approaching you a step closer so your cheeks could immediately sense his warm breathing.
"and here i thought my significant other actually liked me." and slowly whispers his finishing line against the shell of your ear while idly leaving it to his gravelly voice to place a shivering thunder-like sensation on your skin, in this cold your body welcomed the flames of your flustering frame, the furnacing warmth and the fuel this man was capable to inflict on you was ridiculous, but so did you work wonders on his psyche.
you knew your boyfriend, entirely— his sweet perceptions, his personal views and his virtually scary attention to detail for bodily responses of his usual targets.
"ugh, cut the crap blade." you roll your eyes at him playfully, laughing out a frustrated heave with a deep scowl on your lips.
"me?" blade dramatically places his hand on top of his chest, his mesmerizing eyes growing at the size of saucers, what a pain in the neck, literally.
"yes you."
despite everything, you, with the kindness of your heart, attempted to silently move forward to cuddle him, practically leaving your failed prank in the past while blade, in his radiating confidence, was swift to dodge you.
"no thanks." blade says sternly, "i‘m rejecting this hug."
how unwelcomely, indecently, annoyingly typical for your boyfriend to turn this entire malfunctioning situation upside down and play it into his very own favor.
if only he wasn‘t so breathtakingly handsome when he greeted you and presented his confidence so tastefully, smiled so prettily at you too, his shining whites and canines poking from under his lips and greatly accentuating the rest of his bewitching features while his large hands slowly ran up and down your shaking arms.
"tsk." you avert your gaze, not being certain if you're more embarrassed that you lost or that he beat you so effortlessly too, "you‘re unbelievable blade."
okay, hold on— even though you started this game, now witnessing it in a different perspective on how it would‘ve played out the other way around was a little frustrating, to say the least— while you also made sure that you‘re calling yourself out for that sprinkle bit of hypocrisy climbing up on you.
"i‘m unbelievably funny." he drawls back at you with a wink and kisses your forehead playfully— then your nose, which he found adorable and lastly your cheeks before gently trapping your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger to make you look at him, "and i have to put you in your place sometimes, you know?"
as he at last, conveniently pulls you into a warm hug, both smiling and laughing into the comfort of the situation.
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2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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@. People I would cheat on my boyfriend with.. . ♡ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Genshin version ## Low quality and low effort slides because finals sucks!
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Odd smile or grin, I mean Rook always has this ridiculous oui oui bitch smirk grin on his motherfucking face, but today? It was different. It was more huter-y if that’s even a word. 
The moment you turn away, Rook’s glaring at your pc as you open the slides, as if it’s his mortal enemy.
Bro looks like a fucking hitman with the looks he’s putting out. His facial expression radiates wtf energy.
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Aww so sweet, so cute mon cherie..—Now change the fucking slides.
"What's on the next slide my sweet?"
Run bitch run.
Why are you hiding your screen
what is there to hide
you have nothing to hide
what do you even need to hide.
Why hide.
Communication is key :)
Lowkey glaring at you while you explain the slides, like 'excuse you fuckass am I not good enough for you?'
Will start getting passive aggressive, calm? What is calm? Is there anything truly ‘calm’ in this world?... He’s patiently waiting.. For the slides to load… Standing, posing like your mom outside your door with a sandal core. 
Slowly becoming a nagging housewife as he insults your slow as fuck computer. 
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Begins fucking scrolling immediately, legit scoots you over.
Truthfully you're more surprised he didn’t question the picture you choose for the cover but his pacing is lowkey scaring you? You did this on a dare.. And you put a 50 slide gap.. And Vil was going through each slide fast… Hell you even put a compliment on each slide. 
Stroking your little beauty queens ego always worked… except now.. He’s been remarkably quiet.. And that is surprisingly more unnerving and unsettling than anything else VIl could possibly do.. 
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Well you’ve done it now.. He’s mumbling.. With gritted teeth, he’s not even glaring.. And frankly you don’t want to see his facial expression. 
And then he starts laughing.. But not laughing in like “LMFAOO LOL SO HILARIOUS”  but more of a lowkey “I’m going to kill you”
“Potato… care to explain a few things?” 
“I- ugh.. um.. have an appointment”
“Not anymore”
Kitty’s got claws, bro finna commit a crime.
Just looks at you and smiles. ‘I control my emotions, my emotions don’t control me’ core 
Was therapy working? Probably not his lazy ass avoids them like the common flu.
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You saw his expression soften for a moment and you lean in and give him a hug. Effectively distracting him.. and then you scroll like God’s given you 20 fucking seconds to live and breath.
“WHAT THE FUCK HERBIVORE??” and then the screen fades to Malleus.. 
And then it automatically scrolls to Rook...
Oh you fucked up.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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