#((We all struggle out here)) ((Geshu Lin content drought….))
Hey general, what do you think of children? Could be about the nice ones or the demonic ones, I just need an opinion on them because I myself live with a hellspawn of a younger cousin that enjoys yanking my hair out.
((Also may the rng gods bless your blog and the 6 other geshu lin likers, i have been digging for scraps about this man because I'm struggling to figure out his character and I wanna write a fic about him becoming an (unwilling?) father for shits and giggles))
Geshu Lin had a rather deadpan expression on his face, not having to think overly hard about this particular inquiry.
“I think that they are all equally exhausting. Children, naturally, have potential, but that potential can only come from proper discipline and care.” He answered with a blunt tone. He had never been overly fond of children, but he understood that they couldn’t control how they were— it was simply human nature.
“As for your cousin, try offering an alternative… find a way to turn that habit into a skill such as… gardening or something… perhaps he’ll like ripping up weeds more.”
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