#But I'll keep you guys posted
After took two weeks of ADHD self-sabbotage, I finally wrote the massive article I've been agonizing over for work (I wrote the entire thing in one sitting). I'm actually really happy with it, and it will never cease to amaze me how good of a writer I am when my brain actually cooperates with me.
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So, I made a poem to ask a friend to Homecoming. I failed to take into account that this put way more romantic undertones into my offer
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I'm still gonna give it to them, and pray that they understand I am asking them platonically
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starwarjotta · 8 months
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looking for someone on Tatooine
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capn-twitchery · 3 days
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i can't believe i made grace one entire year ago today,,,,i also can't believe it happened to fall on a "captain it's wednesday" wednesday
happy birthday grace!!! 🎉🥳 sorry i have done nothing but make your life worse for 365 days!!! 🎉🎉🥳
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moon n ballora
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deadclockghost · 22 days
Have a Sunny Smile
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Had no physical or mental energy for days but today I finally made something! Two since I couldn't choose. Now let's see how long this energy lasts :')
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sketchy-tour · 11 months
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While I scream into the void of not finishing any art, have this silly oc interaction of Dandy and Will cause Will's hands are huge and I couldn't stop thinking about how tiny he'd make Dandy's hands look in comparison.
Will Wayward belongs to the lovely @kandavers
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 30 days
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Some doodles of my aus' G-men
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arttsuka · 3 months
Cowboy Octavius is just the singer Red Leather right down to the daddy issues thank you and goodnight!
You are so right
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ruvviks · 3 months
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my cyberpunk wip folder is entirely too large on account of too many ocs at this point so have these sketches i might never finish :] top to bottom left to right: ambrose, @mojaves' seb + cassidy's arm, cato, jesse, mojaves' gabriel, seb again + reuben + aubrey, mojaves' vega + reuben again, reid </3, becca <3, james & aubrey again, the butcher, seb AGAIN, kaida, vitali, and johnny!vincent
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@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @hibernationsuit, @stars-of-the-heart;
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@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
@killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree;
@jacobseed, @swordcoasts
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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It's pomegranate season :)
A redraw of this piece from around a year ago
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ratcandy · 6 months
3 straight hours of drawing and editing through a horrid migraine for a whole THIRTY SECONDS of self-indulgence beyond your wildest dreams. we call this being extremely normal
song is Bernadette by IAMX
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
So I've wanted to start the process of conversion for the longest time now, but what stops me is just being afraid of not having the right answers if that makes sense, when meeting with a rabbi to discuss conversion for example. How did you prepare for meeting your rabbi and what kind of things did they ask you? I have really bad social anxiety and I struggle with public speaking so thinking about this scares me so much. I love everything I've learned about Judaism and I'm positive I want to convert but this is the one thing holding me back :( and additionally how was your experience when first going to services at your synagogue and is there anything you needed to do to prepare for it? I struggle with new environments even though I'd love to start going so any advice helps, thank you so much if you do decide to answer <3
First of all, good shabbos!
On Questions:
Most of the questions I have found rabbis to ask on a first meeting are generally categorized under, "what are your goals?," "what is your background?," and "what are you currently doing in your everyday life?"
I have talked to a few rabbis now, and upon the first few meetings, they truly just want to understand where you're coming from, what's brought you to this point, and how your relationship with Judaism may work out.
I would encourage you to potentially write your story out - where did you grow up? Were there any influential Jewish figures or moments where you thought, "man, I want that!" or perhaps any awakenings in your previous religion which troubled you if that's applicable? I like to think of this period as though you're meeting a match-maker - they want to figure out who you are before matching you with something they know you'll fall in love with. In the beginning stages, they really won't ask the hard-hitting questions, especially because you are also supposed to see if you think that rabbi would fit in with your Judaism goals. The rabbis I met before settling on the one I am sponsored by currently were all incredibly kind, even if they had to reject me outright (because they were busy with other students they are working with, not because they were trying to be mean!). All of them, essentially, were ecstatic alongside me about Judaism, and they gave the impression like they want people to join am yisrael.
On First-Time Services:
My shul requires that people email first if they have never gone to services, and I have noticed this is a semi-common practice. Frankly, though, that was all I needed to do in order to start attending. I think all you would need to do is to show up in your best clothing, and depending on the movement you go to, you may need to be mindful of different practices. I already have a kippah, and my shul has a big box full of kippot you can borrow (which is common). If kippah-wearing is a goal you want to achieve in your Judaism, certainly feel free to wear one, but it may not be something you need to bring with you. Additionally, be mindful of where people sit - in my shul, we do mixed, informal seating (though we naturally have men and women sitting on "their" sides, which I didn't even notice at first), but some shuls may have more explicit expectations of men's and women's seating - it truly depends.
I also made it clear with everyone that I will not be going up to read from the Torah, since they call upon people semi-randomly (actually, we rely on a particular family in which all of the children make up all the shul's child demographic). I have read haftarah portions upon their request, and have read from portions of the Torah if we don't have a minyan (semi often occurrence), but they have never called upon me to go up officially.
Most of my experiences being a newcomer were of people asking a lot of questions. Many shuls don't have newcomers, especially in small towns or places with a limited number of Jewish presence. They've been very nice, inclusive, and genuine - in fact, I feel I am treated as a fellow Jew by them (in the sense that they hold me to the same expectations, want me to learn, and have always let me participate to the fullest extent that I am able to). I find that if they see how genuine you are, they are incredibly willing to help you, to support you, or to even turn potential mistakes into learning opportunities. This is the norm for everyone - we made the mistake once of saying the Shema at the wrong time, and we just turned it into an opportunity to do better. Judaism is a collaborative effort, and that's a hard lesson to learn sometimes, but I have found that once you're used to it, you truly start to get comfortable. This shul is my home, and so I want to put that effort in to making it beautiful. I enjoy cleaning up after our communal lunch because it's the most I can do without a kosher kitchen and being a student, and I love to learn from everyone, so I attend the classes they've created. You don't have to do anything big! Just do it with all your heart and might, and people will see the effort you make, and you'll go a long way
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nosnexus · 6 months
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I'm trying to kick up my art game by actually trying to keep a sketchbook and drawing every day. Start time is 3/10 for no reason, but I'm going to try and keep up for at least a month to start and go from there.
You know, in addition to all the other projects I'm doing :)
If I manage to keep it up, I'll try graduating to doing some digital practices every day.
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