#Project: Freeman au
shmorp-mcdurgen · 28 days
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Some doodles of my aus' G-men
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voidsickness · 2 years
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gordon freeman. you know him. you love him. but which gordon is the ULTIMATE FREEMAN? i wracked my brain for every popular gordon freeman related au i could think of and this is the result. brackets and links to the polls will be under the cut. if any of the creators wish to have their gordon/au removed, please let me know.
freeman [hlvrv] vs. swap [hlvrv]
doc [hlvrv] vs. kittle [hlvrv]
freeman's mind vs. gordon freeman [hlvrai]
gorgeous freeman vs. gordon freeman [half-life]
loverboy [hlvrv] vs. gordon freeman [vry2k]
gordon freeman [ccy2k] vs. gordon freeman [hlvrc]
gordon freeman [toon!hlvrai] vs. gordon freeman [swap!au @ sweetmugs]
captain gordon freeman [pirate!au @ melonsharks] vs. gordon freeman [the-xen-project]
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
So like i..
Your au is very funky and i love aus n drawing Gordons so—-
@gmanwhore ( apologies if you don't like being tagged )
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egelskop · 9 months
i am so interested in ur hlvrai au can we get a rundown
oh boy, this is going under a readmore.
fair warning, this is a LONG read because (1.) i am not a competent writer and (2.) i can't for the life of me keep things brief. sorry and or good luck.
The Black Mesa incident: Gordon Freeman is provided an opportunity to do an informal beta test for a combat training simulation program that's in development in the Research & Development department of the Black Mesa Research Facility. (Read: He knows a guy in R&D and said guy knows Gordon likes video games and VR stuff, so he was like "hey you should come check this out when you're on break.")
The combat sim would be a revolutionary training simulation using artificial intelligence to enhance and realize the experience for the ‘player character’.
The test goes wrong, and Gordon can’t seem to disengage from the simulation and odd, unscripted things start happening; he has to ‘play the game’ to its full completion before he is able to exit the simulation safely. He has suffered a brain injury throughout the process, eye damage due to prolonged exposure to the headset and is generally traumatized by the simulation experience he at some point could no longer physically and emotionally distinguish from the real world. The project as a whole is shut down and Gordon is put into a rehabilitation program. Black Mesa covers up the incident as best it can, but whispers of it still echo around the facility.
Below is a page for a two-page comic i never finished detailing said events.
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The rumors reach the ears of a particularly tech-savvy researcher named Clark, who steals the project documentation and anything else he can get his hands on from a storage. At home, he looks into the project, reads about it, and gets curious about the simulation’s files themselves. They’re on a drive he plugs into his computer, and suddenly his system’s performance lags, windows open and close until a txt. file opens up. He comes into contact with one of the simulation’s AI that has somehow entered his operating system. He tries to keep it busy by having it poke around as he reads up on the simulation and its ultimate shutdown. When the AI reveals it can see him through the webcam, he panics and rips the drive out of the port. The invasive AI and the other project files seems like they’re gone from his system, he does a checkup but sees nothing odd running or otherwise. The next day after work he does another checkup. Finding nothing, he surmises he’s in the clear and starts up an online game. The slumbering, corrupted data of the AI sees its out, and disappears into the game.
The transition/journey to the game is a rocky one, and the already corrupted data of the AI known as Benrey splits and gets even more fragmented. The largest fragment embeds itself into the game’s files to keep itself running. Without the foundation of the game to support it, it’d be lost to a dead void and slowly die out. Somewhat stable, it learns about the world around it; the game seems to be an exploration sandbox game. For now (and clarity), I’ve chosen to call this bigger, embedded fragment ‘Data’. (so this is the big benny with the right eye/one big eye in my art)
Data splits off a smaller fragment of itself, intending it to be an avatar or ‘player character’ but this grows into its own awareness and becomes who we’ll call ‘Beastrey’ (the smaller benny with the left eye and tail in my art).
The fragment ‘Beastrey’ wakes to a dead void, so Data uses its knowledge to create a private server for Beastrey, an empty world. Beastrey’s existence is an extension of the bigger part, with more freedom of movement to parse through the game and move freely within it, with the caveat that it can’t go ‘too far’ away from the host. Beastrey can visit other servers and relay information. Data learns and slowly starts building up the world/private server, at some point settling for an aquatic world because it reminds it of itself (something something sea of data). It's important to note that Beastrey retains little to no memories of the events of canon VRAI.
Data makes it easier for Beastrey to move around, and they grow to have more reach with time. At some point Data can alter the basic structural elements of the game, so it plays around with making things that are reminiscent of the memories it has of Black Mesa and Xen. At one point, it gains access to parse through the player base of the game, and takes note of an email address: ‘[email protected]’, attached to a player account. The name is somewhat familiar to it.
It sends an invite to join the server to the player account.
Gordon tries going back to work at Black Mesa after rehabilitating, but he has trouble separating his experiences with the simulation from reality, to a breaking point where an altercation with a security guard drives him to quit. He seeks professional help for his PTSD and anxiety, but still experiences dissociative episodes, migraines and somatic flashbacks localised mostly in his right forearm. Despite this, he is determined to continue living his life as normally as possible. He applies for a part-time job teaching physics at a local high school, the one where his son Joshua goes to, and remains relatively stable from there.
Joshua is 15 years old. Regular teen. After an impressive amount of pleading he got a VR-headset for his 14th birthday from Gordon (much to the disapproval of Gordon’s ex), and he’s been captivated by an exploration sandbox game since it came out a few months ago.
He gets an invite to an unnamed private server, and he accepts.
He is struck with awe as the world he enters seems completely different from the ones he’s seen so far in the game. Different flora, different fauna. Most of it uninteractible, though, or otherwise just retextured from its base game variant. Even the new enemy types, after a scare, can’t actually hurt him, it seems. He stumbles upon Beastrey, who is just as surprised to see him and wants him out until Joshua says he was invited.
Joshua commends Beastrey (who introduces himself as 'Ben-') on ‘modding’ everything in, but admits that he was disappointed to find that everything was just surface-level stuff. Beastrey inquires about what he’d like to see. Data is always watching, unseen, and decides to alter the world in the way Joshua described when Joshua leaves.
Joshua starts appearing more often, if only for a few hours at a time. He marvels at the ways the world shifts and grows with each time he plays, and takes to exploring it with Beastrey at his side, for whom strangely enough a lot of things are also new. Joshua teaches both Beastrey and Data about the outside world, thinking Beastrey is just a somewhat reclusive but likeable weirdo.
Joshua tells Gordon about the new friend he made, ‘Ben’, and the adventures he’s been having with the other. Gordon is happy to hear Joshua is having a good time, but is otherwise none the wiser. Joshua starts losing track of time in the game, but chalks it up to being invested.
During one play session, Beastrey confesses he isn’t the one who did all the ‘modding’, and invites Joshua to meet Data. Data, or at least its ‘physical’ in-game manifestation is deep within the world, past the aquatic twilight zone and strange, drowned ruins of an unknown facility. Data, for the first time, really sees Joshua, and the resemblance sparks something within it. Joshua is drawn closer to it, and just before he reaches it-
Joshua wakes up lying on the floor with Gordon hunched over him in his room, pleading with him to wake up. Joshua unknowingly got drawn into the game much like Gordon had been, and Gordon urges Joshua to never touch the headset again, taking it away. Gordon opens up about his experiences with the simulation a bit more. They both agree to not touch the game or the headset again.
Gordon comes into contact with an old coworker from Black Mesa, and he inquires about the combat simulation project, if anything happened to it after it was canned. This is where he learns that an employee had taken the project files from storage and was consequently fired. He comes into contact with Clark, and Clark explains he had no idea he accidentally unleashed the AI unto the game. Gordon asks if anything can be done to prevent what happened to Joshua and himself from happening to other people. Clark confesses he doesn’t know, and that it’s up to the developers of the game to find anything out of place and make sure it gets fixed. Gordon decides to leave the matter where it lies, not wanting anything to do with AI and simulations anymore and to safeguard his son.
Some time passes.
Joshua starts getting repeated invites and messages, at one point he gets into a conversation with ‘Ben’ via a platform’s messaging system. Ben says he can explain everything, that he’s sorry. Joshua decides he would like one final goodbye. He finds the headset stashed away somewhere in the house, and, while Gordon’s gone, he turns on the game and enters the server.
Beastrey (Ben) is surprised to see him, urging him to log out and turn off the game, but it’s already too late and Joshua can no longer leave. Beastrey helps Joshua attempting to ‘exit’ the game by going as far away from Data’s reach, but Data stops Beastrey and traps Joshua, determined to wait to the point that he assimilates into the game completely.
Gordon eventually finds Joshua comatose with the headset on, and he panics. He considers calling the emergency services, but he’s afraid they’ll take the headset off or that removing Joshua too far from the game will hurt his son like what happened to him. He calls Clark, urging him to help in any way he can. This results in Gordon and Clark going back to Black Mesa to retrieve the project files and the other gear they can get their hands on to get Gordon into the game to free his son.
Gordon enters the private server with Clark’s player character, and thwarts any attempt from Data to impede his progress and trap him as well. Beastrey’s awareness is overridden by Data as a last ditch effort to deter Gordon and Gordon is forced to destroy Beastrey before he can reach Data. As Beastrey is taken over, Data gains Beastrey’s awareness, and finds his other, littler half never wanted to trap Joshua in the first place, and the way it hurt him to hurt both Joshua and Gordon to this extent.
At this point, Data wavers in its intention to keep Joshua trapped, even more so with Beastrey now gone, and recognises whatever it is that is driving Gordon forward in the game is outside of his control to manipulate, so he lets Gordon destroy it as well. In a way, it also feels as a fulfillment of its intended role as the ‘villain’. The server crashes, the world breaks apart. The ‘game’ is completed.
The final boss is defeated and both Gordon and Joshua wake up. Joshua luckily wasn’t exposed long enough to have suffered any lasting damage, except for what seems to be a minor headache and some light sensitivity (and a vow from Gordon to get him checked out by a doctor as soon as the clinics open).
The whole ordeal results in Clark, Gordon and Joshua sitting in a Denny’s at four in the morning, eating pancakes somewhat solemnly, completely exhausted but also still reeling from the virtual battle. Joshua learns that ‘Ben’ essentially died, and he can’t help but cry for his friend.
“Honestly, I don’t think he’s gone,” Gordon admits, picking at the last bites of his pancakes. "I think he- or whatever that was, has a hard time staying dead. Like a cockroach, you know? At this point I’m just wondering when he’ll turn up again.”
Clark hums in agreement. Joshua seems somewhat reassured by his words, wiping at his eyes with the scratchy napkin as he settles into the squeaking diner seat.
“But,” he starts with a sigh, pointing his syrup-covered fork upwards to the ceiling in a decree, “One thing’s for certain…”
He thinks back to a time rife with virtual gunfire, caging walls and hysterical laughter echoing through the halls of the Black Mesa research facility. Five sets of footsteps and a whisper of his name.
“…No more VR. No more headsets. Ever.”
TL;DR: Gordon got trapped in VR and then Joshua also got trapped in VR. Benrey is there but also not.
thank you for reading. here. ( x ‿ o ) 🫴
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nomeaynfoeye · 7 months
HLVRAI TMA AU (BP edition)
Hoo boy! Here we are! This post is going to get LONG because I am SO fucking autism about this shit. Like infodumps, TMA and/or Hlvrai? Stick around! Don't? Last chance to scroll by.
Inspired by @corvidaeconundrum! Their HLVRAI/TMA stuff inspired me to post my version.
General info:
This is a game au! The game the player ends up getting was an experimental rip of Half Life to bring the Fears closer to a nonexistent world, and see if they could affect lives that technically do not exist. (Aka some nerdy avatars decided it'd be a fun little side project to generate more fear) Unfortunately the project was eventually deemed a failure and given away to some poor soul for shits and giggles. That poor soul ends up being the player, getting more than he could've bargained for.
(I don't have a drawn ref for Gordon because I forgot to save Krita right as I was coloring him in :') I'll upload him when i have the motivation to try again.)
As the player proceeds through the game, they find themselves accepting the role of Gordon more than their own identity at times. While parts of themself are integrated into Gordon (their son, dreams to be a streamer, etc.) they eventually fully accept Gordon Freeman as who they are. Gordon does eventually become an avatar. Throughout Black Mesa, Gordon is often confused, and denied any sense of logic in his mounting terror regarding the situation. As he's ambushed by the military, and his hand is sawed off, he's faced with a choice. He can stay here, and die confused, alone, and afraid, or he can go home to his son, a mess of inconsistencies and terror. He takes a knee and submits to the Spiral, taking on the burden of insanity as an identifying trait. When the game is turned off and put away, he finds himself still embodying Gordon Freeman and the Spiral in the real world.
Dr. Coomer:
WARNING! Clowns, existentialism, and body horror regarding eyes
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Harold P. Coomer has been a loyal employee of Black Mesa long before Becoming an avatar of the Stranger. Faced with confusion in his identity, and a few failed experiments, he found himself in avatarhood. More than anything, he doubted himself as a real person. Of course, this thinking was absurd, and he often relied on his friends to anchor himself as somewhat human. A person who mattered. But with the first glimpse outside of Black Mesa, an unloaded map with half-finished textures, enemies as still as statue, unaware of their own existence... He Knew. He Knew none of it was real. That he wasn't real. He Knew that every time he had grounded himself, told himself he was real... that it didn't matter. He's been proud of himself then, for calming down. Now he's distraught more than anything as he takes on a new burden: The Eye. After being separated, he collects the old parts of himself. Damaged, rejected pieces left behind after experiments, he stitches them together, fuels them with the same rage he feels. After Gordon and Tommy fight their way through, he feels conflicted. He takes a while to think. To reflect. To realize that it doesn't matter how he exists or why. He was made with purpose. With love. To be someone. With a new perspective gained, He rejoins the Science Team.
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The perfect scientist was hell to create. It needed time, wastes of Government money, and sacrifices. Through this, Bubby was eventually created, a born avatar of the Desolation. Keeping him sustained wasn't easy, either. A couple phones with heartfelt memories a week usually satisfied him enough to be cooperative. But despite his nature, Bubby found someone he cared about. That he'd never take anything from: Dr. Coomer. The two bonded instantly, becoming best friends in a matter of days. One night, they managed to sneak out. Arson was committed, ice cream was bought, everything was going perfectly. But as night fell, Bubby discovered a new desire. The stars in the sky. He almost wished he could reach out and touch one. During the escape from Black Mesa, he almost achieved this dream. Climbing on top of the rocket, he reached for the atmosphere, before he stumbled and fell. The fire felt cold as he dropped. It was an experience completely alien to him. He'd been confined his entire life, yet the open sky greeting him as he plummeted terrified him more than anything, and the Vast made a connection. When he hit the ground, he saw stars... and nothing else. The voices of the people he cared about echoed in his ears as his own felt incredibly distant. Realizing he'd never actually see Dr. Coomer again, he wondered if this was what it was like to have everything taken from you.
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Nobody really knows where Tommy came from. Not even Tommy himself. All he knows is that he has a dad, a dog, remembers the entire OSHA handbook cover to cover, loves bayblades, and his favorite thing in the world is soda. He knows that all of this isn't real. He knows he's an avatar of the Spiral and the Stranger. He doesn't really care. He wants to go home, eat dinner, and walk his dog.
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Barney Calhoun was something of a klutz. So it came to the surprise of no one when he stumbled through a door and never came back. All anyone knows is that Barney disappeared one day, and Benrey showed up. He wants out. He doesn't know how he got here. He knows it isn't real. He wants out. And he's going to do anything he needs to get to the real world.
WARNING! Body horror and eye contact ahead. She's a good girl I promise :)
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Tommy's beloved dog, and avatar of the Flesh. Did the team a favor and "disposed of" (integrated) the bodies they left behind. Looks like she got an earring out of it, too. Oh by the way she's fucking MASSIVE. Clifford-looking ass dog.
(Haven't drawn him yet. He looks basically the same.)
Just wants to graduate. He doesn't know why these guys look so weird or why their fucked up dog considers him a chew toy. Maybe if he survives Sunkist he can go home. Maybe.
(Also haven't drawn him. Is also basically the same.)
Just works in the mixology department, and is the only normal human at Black Mesa. Friends with Tommy, refuses to let his coworkers eat radioactive materials for funsies.
And yeah, that's basically my interpretation of the AU! I'm still working on concepts regarding it, but I just wanted to get this out there.
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kemosabeko · 1 year
RE Actor AU!
I thought I could hide it but I really can't anymore
*this is mostly about wesker but will I apologize? Nah. Imma do my own thing.
A/N: these are very, VERY self-indulgent
Warnings: None, just fluff and crack
Also this is my first post in Tumblr so idk how do texts/posts works in here :p
This was created because my current hyperfixation rn is wesker (YES)
You'd think with his role he'd be uptight and quite the serious actor. Yknow those types.
Oh boy oh boy would you look at that. He just brought another coffee for everyone on set.
Always there to help crews moving their things, especially the heavy ones like camera.
Helps fellow actors with their script and scene.
But the most noteworthy trait of his is being a family man.
He literally SHOWS OFF his twins to his co-workers.
Everyone is a victim
"Chris look at this. They're walking"
"Yeah you showed that to me like five times alr-"
"they're WALKING"
Okay biggest victims are Chris and Leon
Jill and Chris are people who entered the industry the same time as Albert and has worked on multiple projects with each other. Hence, their closeness.
Now back to the general cast
Chris and Claire are literally siblings in real life
This franchise is actually Ada's first acting role in the industry! Which immediately became a huge boom to her career, which she didn't expect.
She was actually originally working as a stunt woman, but one time a manager suggested her to do acting after seeing her try to double a character since the original actor was sick, and she couldn't be more thankful that she took the risk.
She's very skilled in martial arts!
She and Albert are some of the few casts that don't do double-stunts.
Leon is a child actor starting from the age of 7.
Came from a very wealthy (aristocratic) family
Y'know that one story of Tom Holland when he talked about RDJ and was absolutely stunned when he entered the set?
Yep. That's literally Leon on his first day on set.
Look. He's worked with a lot of big shot names. Cate Blanchett, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, you name it!
But has he ever worked with this man with basically a face and body carved by the greek gods themselves, slicked back hair, and possibly the smoothest and healthiest skin ever, who's basically his entire fucking idol and goal to work with? NO!
So why, should he NOT FREEZE UP when he finally met him on set?
Albert saw a blonde, handsome boy sticking out like a sore thumb from the entrance of the set. He quickly realizes that this is the actor they cast for the protagonist. He walks up to them and smiled warmly.
"Hey! we got a new face around here. You must be Leon Kennedy right? Nice to meet you! I'm Albert Wesker"
He stretched out his hand to shake with him, but all Leon could think was
"oh my god... it's ALBERT FUCKING WESKER"
Poor blondie basically stopped working for a few seconds, before he realized how stupid he looked and was on his way to ruin his first impression.
He quickly snapped out of his shock and went to shake his hands and OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO SMOOTH AND WARM AND HIS SMILE--
Had to take a breather when he went to his tent after that encounter.
After that and throughout the shooting, they became closer and eventually became close friends
Which is how Albert met you but that's for another story.
Carlos has a HUGE and I mean, simp level of huge, crush on Jill.
This man really was the real smooth operator cause when he heard that Jill, together with a male character, will be the MC for the third franchise? Oh this man was on a MISSION.
Immediately auditioned and prepared for the role like his life was on the line (on his defense, it was)
The first to hear about this was Chris.
Which he then gossiped to Albert.
To which they both supported Carlos by giving him tips about what Jill likes, hates, her fave foods, her favorite movies, all of that and etc.
Literally had them plotting the most insane shits for a date
Thankfully, their shenanigans bear fruit after a year when Jill finally accepted him as her boyfriend.
Man was so over the moon, he deadass called the other two in the middle of the night to talk about what happened.
Albert was NOT happy being interrupted in his sleep, but decided to let it slide hearing the joy in the younger man's voice.
After all, he wasn't so different when the same thing happened to him with you.
Oh also, did I ever mention that Albert ADORES children?
Which is why he found Sherry so cute! Even though she plots pranks with Leon and Claire occasionally.
Throughout the years, they have become absolutely close friends that they consider each other as family (I'm starting to hear Dom Toretto)
Leon and Ada also eventually became a couple after years of painful pining (the rest of the cast and crew had to suffer witnessing their years of pining for each other)
They often do a late night chats with each other, sometimes they do IG live together when everyone's free.
The fans ABSOLUTELY eats them up because it's their source of meme and crack content from the cast.
The Behind The Scenes were filmed by almost all of them, or whoever wants to.
Tons of them are Chris tripping over almost everything.
Claire trying her stunts and being extremely proud when she successfully does one without her double.
Carlos just playfully punching and having beef with the camera.
It also includes Albert teaching Ada some stunts on how to do them better and more safely, and vice-versa.
And then you got Luis, Ashley, and Leon straight up doing a mukbang ASMR for one of their BTS (they failed horribly cause they, especially Luis, can't stop laughing)
Luis tries teaching Ashley spanish but eventually gave up. But after a few months, Ashley came up to him and said in almost perfect spanish "soy un raton rubio"
Loverboy felt like a proud parent he started singing out of nowhere.
*I feel like I really have so much more to put but maybe I've finally exhausted my ideas so here they are!
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gmanwhore · 1 year
Oooooo you wanna commission me for writing soooo bad you wanna give me money to write for you soooo bad
Hello All! I am O/G-man and this is my stupid little blog. I am obviously quite into Half Life and all adjacent media, but I also love HLVRAI. Another important thing I like is the Hatchetfield Trilogy and Nightmare Time! I also like Homestuck, Danganronpa, and other things I rarely post about. I do have pictures of mantises on my blog tagged under woman/girl. I love mantises. Icon credit
Header by @chaos-and-kromer
I am G-man. Actually.
My pronouns are they/it/xit/can/mant/click/tap/nova/patch/stitch/slay/loverboy/starman. If you want to know how to use em, this is a really handy resource! It's also just nice to have for your own pronouns!
I do use. Other names. Orchid, Omega, Doll, Sweets, Arcade, Colette, Cave, Wallace and Francis are all. Viable options. You can also call me. Dr. Sunshine. Or the Scarlet Milkman. If you want to use a full name please use Sunshine-Lalonde! I got adopted by Mom Lalonde lol.
My really epic IRL list (you can use the names of my irls for me too ig) (I am in a constant Harrier Du Bois/Inland Empire/HLVRAI G-man/Rose Lalonde/Scarlet Milkman/Commander Tartar shift, and on top of that I am in a Cyn shift)
Alter listttttt
My stimboard blog: @multiversal-stims
My selfship blog: @hanahaki-arcade
My otherkin blog: @emphasis-on-the-other
My irl blog: @lab-rat-girls
My HLVRAI au ask blog: @project-mary-bell-township
My Half Life oc ask blog: @black-mesa-brew
Team PNK ask blog: @team-pnk
Orange Box Trio Kinhelp blog: @orange-box-kinhelp
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This is my icon btw! I edited the Gordon Freeman out because. I would not fucking say that
I love you all and have a nice day.
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headcrabrangoon · 10 months
how did the original accident play out in the rangoon au?
I've told the story of the aftermath from a few different perspectives, and it's high time I addressed the start of it all.
If you want the TL;DR: Gordon was conducting some unsupervised tests with a teleporter he was modifying. Lamarr was loose and got involved when the machine started falling apart, and the two regained consciousness as a single disoriented and distressed being.
If you want a longer story...
The setting is White Forest, six months after Alyx killed the Advisor and vanished. In the time since then, she'd been reported as being sighted only once by Dr. Mossman on the Borealis shortly before it was destroyed. The logical conclusion would be that she was killed in the crash, but Gordon didn't feel her death through their vortal connection. It's clear that she's not gone, only displaced. The task of tracking down a human being who could be anywhere in spacetime seemed impossible, but if anyone was willing to take the challenge, it would be Eli Vance and his colleagues at White Forest.
Gordon was especially dedicated to the project. He had plenty of reasons to be, not the least of which was being able to feel Alyx's life force through the fabric of the universe. Vortessence was not easy to study in a purely physical manner, but Dr. Freeman knew it was too important to leave out of his research. He spent months synthesizing notes from Vance, Kleiner and Mossman's developments in teleportation with personal observations and oral accounts from experienced vortigaunts, and was finally at a point where he felt confident in using equipment to test his theories. If he can understand teleportation in relation to the vortessence, he can find Alyx. If he can find Alyx, he can do something important on purpose, driven by his own will, and then he might feel a little bit like the person that everyone else is so proud of.
It wasn't exactly headline news when Lamarr got loose that night. Her kennel was being cleaned, and while there was an effort made to contain her, she was a very clever and curious beast who loved to explore. She was attracted to the sounds in the lab-- for most of her life, spent alone with Kleiner in his City 17 lab, these sounds mean Her Person is doing Important Work. Things moving and changing, making rhythms or unexpected loud sounds that make her jump and startle. Her favorite thing to watch, made even more tempting when she was not allowed to be present. It made hiding in the vents even more exciting.
It was not Her Person working, but Gordon was fine. She had not known him for very long, but he was friendly to her, Kleiner and the rest of Her People liked him a lot, and he liked to do Important Work, so he was allowed to be in her inner circle. Still, she wasn't sure if he'd let her hang around and watch him, so she stayed hidden.
He stayed working for a long time. Sending things from terminal to terminal, recording the readings, making modifications, starting over. Really, it would have been safer and smarter to do this sort of work with a lab partner, but Gordon was determined not to bother anyone. With White Forest growing from a Resistance base into a living community, people were looking to Eli and company for leadership, they had enough on their plates. Meanwhile, Gordon was struggling to find his place in peacetime. If he could just do this for them... If he could just do this for her...
He could get a little distracted, letting his thoughts take over like that. Distracted enough to not register that the readings from the equipment were starting to trend toward something dangerous. Distracted enough to disregard loose parts, even. But Lamarr, from her hiding place, was paying attention to the way the machines were moving.
Later, she might understand that a headcrab launching at a person's head from out of nowhere isn't the best strategy for getting them out of harm's way. In fact, there's a good chance it well put them further in harm's way. Regardless, she'd wanted to help, but instead she just put them both in the blast radius when the restrictors blew on the smaller teleporters.
Neither would be able to remember exactly what happened or what the impact felt like, which is unsurprising given that having your nervous systems spliced together counts as cranial trauma. The physical and psychological toll is immense and immediate, as their neurons are on fire and their immune systems are rejecting each other. It's hard to process anything, they can't separate their thoughts or understand what they are. But they know that they've made a terrible mistake.
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
Fandom: Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jodie "Joe" Foster/Morgan Freeman (Dungeons and Daddies) Characters: Morgan Freeman (Dungeons and Daddies), Jodie "Joe" Foster (Dungeons and Daddies) Additional Tags: DnDads Halloween Week 2023, Scary Movies, Fluff and Humor, Strangers to Lovers, its like. at lovers stage the whole time but its the vibe, Banter, Alternate Universe, monsters and mommies au Series: Part 3 of Monsters and Mommies AU Summary:
Morgan was never a horror movie fan before.
“That scared you? Seriously?” Morgan asked, grinning in disbelief. Jodie had his hand over his face to cover his eyes and against her shoulder, she could feel how his other hand balled into a tense fist. “His head hardly came off.”
“Morgan,” he gritted out and she just shook her head, glancing back at the movie. It was some slasher she had found, one she had never heard of but seemed bloody enough to be amusing. She had never been particularly bothered by gore, but after the Forgotten Realms, it was near impossible for the cheap effects to gross her out. Even when it did make her squeamish-
She looked back at Jodie. His face was scrunched up under his hand and knowing him, he wanted to cover his eyes with both hands, but his other arm was still around her shoulders. It was sweet. She giggled, the sound muffled under the revving of a chainsaw in the movie.
“You’re a serial killer,” Jodie muttered, clearly hearing her anyway, and she cuddled closer into his side. “Living with you is like a personal Saw trap.”
“Aw, thanks.”
happy day one of halloween week! :D as per usual, i am writing things that appeal to me directly before anything else, and just hoping that other people enjoy it <3
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 27 days
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Two sides of the same coin
Wanted to draw all my aus' G-men and Gordons in the same image so here they are
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ask-onelife-au · 7 months
Read me!
This is a roleplay/askblog about my Oneshot/Half-Life crossover AU, One-Life. Currently, the only characters available for asks are Niko and Kip.
I'll to stay as in-character as I can, unless I mark something as OOC (out of character), such as if I'm announcing a hiatus.
Other roleplay blogs are free to interact!
▼ Tagging System ▼
#ask-response: Responding to an ask
#ooc: Out of Character
#roleplay: Roleplaying with another character blog
#os game rp: Anything not OOC
▼ About the World ▼
This takes place 19 years after the Black Mesa incident. The Combine control most of the world. Gordon Freeman has not arrived yet.
The Citadel acts as the Tower. The Sun is gone and has been missing for the past 3 years.
The Refuge, re-named City 6, is the equivalent to City 17.
Due to City 6 being too unsafe, Kleiner's lab is abandoned, and he and Barney now live in Black Mesa East (Eli's lab/hideout)
There is no World Machine or Old World. The World is canonically real.
Kleiner and Eli are a couple
Black Mesa East is the main rebel base.
▼ About Kip ▼
Kip barely survived the Black Mesa incident. She escaped with a few unimportant scientists, as well as Silver, who was a half-finished project at the time, taming her in the process. Silver has since been completed, mostly using Combine scrap.
She and Silver are very close, and share a kind of sisterly bond.
She's been through a lot.
Lives in Black Mesa East. Niko considers her their aunt.
Obviously the gayest woman the world's even seen
▼ About Niko ▼
Niko suddenly appeared in Black Mesa East one day when they were very young. They were summoned here by the G-Man, though nobody knows this.
Prophesied by the Vortigaunts to restore the Sun one day and help take down the Combine.
14 years of age
Raised in Black Mesa East by Kleiner and Eli.
▼ Other Information ▼
This blog is run by @local-robotgirlthing
I don't have any facesprites made yet, so for now, I won't be using any
When sending an ask, please specify what character it is meant for.
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Peeks in
Drops here
Thought this fit Sunshine.
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alix-is-o-a-k · 1 year
What's your Nark fic recommendations? I keep seeing it on my dash and don't know where to start.
Oh gosh I have so many- here’s a list! If it has ‘(#)’ that means number of works in the series. There’s way more than this that I like, but here are all the ones I’ve really liked. (Only a couple have links, sorry!)
Walking biohazard by litamaze (sicfic!)
Being with you makes the flame burn so good by Nickclose
Cabins & campfires by nolassolace 
Single dilf Nicholas-close-foster-freeman-swift by nolassolace and litamaze
A consuming faith by kibbles423
Game night (2) by kibbles423
Hibernate with me by serikyl
Never love an anchor by anonymous
Songbirds (5) by litamaze
69 first dates by unseeleighfae (memory loss!au)
Lark gets weird (about Nick) by unseeleighfae
Underneath this flickering light by travvymybeloved
And they were roommates by litamaze
Nights like these by unseeleighfae
Hope this helps!
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waitineedaname · 2 years
Joshua Freeman's new house was great — it had a big yard, tons of space, a nice neighbor. The only problem? It was extremely haunted. Sure, he should probably tell his dad about the ghost, but he was a big kid! He could deal with this on his own! How annoying could one ghost be?
hiiii I've finally finished my silly little "Benrey is haunting the Freemans' house" au right on time for spooky season. this fic is already completed and will be posted one chapter at a time, every tuesday. enjoy <3
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"Why do you fight like there's nobody else in the crossfire?"
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I. INTRO (you are here!)
V. AUs
VII. A message from The Thing
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Hello and welcome to the official blog for Supernovae Never Burn Alone, one of many OC projects created by yours truly, @human-souls-buy-dopamine!
This will serve as mainly a place to share the lore a bit more coherently, but asks are always welcome for both the author and characters! Expect to see LOTS of art, writing, and the occasional gl2 project— Maybe even some official music as we get into composing! We kind of rambled a lot here, so to make things easier, information that is Very Super Important™️ is gonna be put into bold, purple text.
For the sake of keeping this shorter on your dash than the colors of the sky (/exag.. a little), the rest of the info is below the cut!
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In the world(s) of SNBA, there are two types of beings: mortals and gods, AKA Caeliti, or Caelum in singular. 'Mortal' encompasses any non-Caelum, whether human, demon, angel, or any of the other species created by the Caeliti.
That said, our main cast consists of the Caeliti, two humans, an angel, and a demon! Who knows, though, you might see some side characters pop up...
Anyways, for the sake of keeping this a reasonable length, this post will have the most basic information on the characters. More detailed info will come with lore posts!
FAIR NOTE: The Caeliti are all, with the exception of Luvian (who's a bit over a couple centuries), at least a couple millenia old in terms of how long they've existed. HOWEVER. They do something called 'blurring,' where in order to keep from going kind of insane with the day-to-day of being immortal, years will go by without them being fully conscious for it. This results in each having a different "moral" age than the time they've existed, as only time spent not blurred counts towards their experience. The exact "moral ages" haven't been set in stone for most besides Luvian, who's around 21-22 in that scale. As such, none but Luvian have an official age listed yet.
With that out of the way, here's our main cast:
Kard Freeman, The Youthful Justice — 21, it/its — mortal (magic-wielding human) ;; Kard is kinda like the protagonist of SNBA. It helps the Caeliti to realize that Poine isn't invincible, and to rally together against them and Theron. Aven and Taylor are its unofficial adoptive parents, and it calls them Dad (Taylor) and Pa/Pop/Pops (Aven). It,,, has a LOT of trauma. A lot. It's also quite close with Luvian, who it begins to date, and Aentropus, who it becomes a dynamic duo of sorts with.
Aven Defiocus, The Truth Speaker — 29, he/him & shx/hxr — mortal (fallen angel) ;; Aven was originally part of the order in Heaven known as the Higher Mortals, a group of angels tasked with 'keeping Hell in check'. Shx was meant to see what some commotion had been about, only to find that someone had massacred a town in Hell. After meeting Taylor, he realized that he'd been fed propaganda about Hell and its citizens, and promised them that he'd help them find who massacred the place. Shx was subsequently kicked out of Heaven for voicing hxr realization. Aven also starts to date Taylor later on.
Taylor Flameheart, The Exiled Collective — 29, they/them — mortal (lust demon) ;; Taylor is native to Hell, and like many demons, has been subject to the cruelty of the Higher Mortals. They were banished from their hometown after being framed, and when they returned, found only corpses... and Aven. After he de-escalated the fight and explained that he wasn't the one who'd done it, the duo came to an agreement to work together to find out who had. In their travels, they found Kard, unofficially adopting it. A side note I can't figure out how to fit in, also: Taylor is part of a system.
Sirius Novum, The Burning Star — 28, they/them — mortal (non-magic human) ;; Sirius is quite secretive about their past and current activities. At some point, they met Aven, becoming acquaintances-slash-allies... kind of. There's a big plot point involving them that we'd like to reveal in a lore post, so you'll get that soon. They also 'mentor' Kard for a while, teaching it to fight properly— their methods are. not quite the best.
Aentropus, The Spiraling Chaos — it/its — Caelum ;; Aentropus is the god of chaos/entropy, mischief, and sanity (or lack thereof). It is the first/oldest and most powerful Caelum, however this potential can't quite be reached fully without consequences. It was alone, with nothing and no one, for quite some time before .. time was even a thing. The complete nothingness drove it to the breaking point, and it lost a part of its mind/sanity in a breakdown. Soon after, other Caeliti formed. Due to several events in the past (most not its fault, what is its fault it tries to atone for), Aentropus ... has a hard time liking itself.
Theron, The God Hunter — he/him — Caelum ;; Theron is the god of violence/bloodshed and trauma. He is, to put it lightly, a bitch. When Aentropus was banished to the Light Void to cool down, he overtook Hell, one of its planets. He quickly got bored, and when it returned, was the first to show it kindness, which was probably the most morally correct thing he's ever achieved in his life /hj... Later, he "got curious," and. Murdered and cannibalized Flaerik. He was banished to the Dark Void, but was able to escape via a loophole that hasn't quite been established yet. He's the primary antagonist, and what's essentially a war is started in the attempt to bring him down for good.
Poine, The Silver Justice — they/them — Caelum ;; a bitch, but not in the funny villain way, they're just fucking insufferable. Poine took it upon themself as the deity of justice to be the unofficial-official "leader" of the Caeliti, ramping their efforts up a LOT after Flaerik's death. They could really be overthrown at any time, however they make very good use of manipulation, fear mongering, and. straight up torture. to keep their fellows in check. They cannot even fathom that they could ever be wrong, convinced that their fellows just don't like harsh truths. (No, Poine, your fellows just don't like TORTURE.)
Unipathos, The All Loving — she/her — Caelum ;; Unipathos is the goddess of love and kindness. Although she is the goddess of all love, not just romantic love, her preferred color scheme being pink, red, and white tends to give many mortals the wrong impression. Unipathos is the best at healing out of her fellows, and doesn't mind being the 'designated healer'. Don't underestimate her combat abilities, though— She's just as powerful as many of her fellows. She doesn't tend to be outspoken very often, and as such hasn't given Poine many excuses to torture her. Nevertheless, it's no secret what they do, and she isn't oblivious.
Staegnos, The Still Waters — She/her — Caelum ;; Staegnos is the goddess of water, peace/calmness, and neutrality. She used to be quite vocal against Poine— However, after they caught her in a container while she was shape-shifting and stranded her in an ocean for several months, she began to lean heavily into a stance on neutrality. She opts to "not pick sides" so as to "not stir the waters," in her own words. Her refusal to help when she often can results in most of her fellows disliking her, although this begins to fade as she learns to face her fears.
Vibrum, The Freeing Wind — thxy/thxm & xt/xts — Caelum ;; Vibrum is the god of air/wind, liberation, and freedom. Admittedly, xt doesn't do much for the plot at the moment, but for worldbuilding purposes, xt's needed. Thxy might get some dedicated lore soon, thxy really need it...
Saerol, The Shining Light — he/him & sol/sols — Caelum ;; Saerol is the god of light, the sun, truth, and shares control of perception of reality with Luvian. Just to clear it up from the get-go, he and Luvian are NOT brothers/siblings, despite that being the standard for many sun/moon duos. Their existences are quite intertwined, but they are not siblings. Moving on, Saerol acts as Poine's right hand for quite a while, although not committing nearly as many heinous acts as they have. Sol really just wants the best for sols fellows, and fell for Poine's manipulation that their method was the best— That's not to say he had no responsibility for his actions, though. Later on, when sol becomes disillusioned with them, Saerol ends up having to find a balance between healthy accountability and needless self-loathing. He and Luvian's friendship/connection starts to mend as time goes on.
Luvian, The Enveloping Dark — 22, he/him & lun/luns — Caelum ;; Luvian is the god of darkness, the moon, secrets, and shares control of perception of reality with Saerol. He is the youngest of the gods, both in the time he's existed and the time spent not blurred. Lun is also quite outspoken, which often results in Poine torturing lun. When Nelphite began to start coping healthily, he ended up becoming a parent-figure to Luvian, and now the duo would readily die for eachother if need be. Saerol and Luvian had a good friendship at first, but as things became more strained and sol sided with Poine more often, Luvian quickly grew to resent sol. Lun met Kard before it met its parents, but only briefly— More on that later.
Nelphite, The Great Wealth — he/him — Caelum ;; Nelphite is the god of wealth, politics, and money/currency. Ironically, he detests politics and greedy people, and would much rather not be the god of any of that. Nelphite and Flaerik were married before his death, and Nelphite went on a spiral afterwards. He turned to alcoholism in his grief, ultimately making a failed attempt on his life— After this, most of his fellows and he decided it would be best to wipe his memory of the event for the time being, so that he could try to cope better. However, Poine decided that they knew best, instead erasing ALL of his memories of Flaerik. He regains them at some point during the plot, but for a long time he is unaware. Still, the lack of memories helped in some ways, and he was able to cope healthily, abandoning his drinking problems.
Arturo, The Winged Karma — he/him — Caelum ;; Poine and Arturo are, in a way, two sides of the same coin. Where Poine is justice, Arturo is karma. All the same, their existences are quite intertwined. Poine, in something akin to jealousy, determined that Arturo was a threat to their position— "There could only be one," or something like that. Poine forced Arturo's being into the same shell that theirs was in, keeping him locked away in a place dubbed 'limbo'. This was all done quite fast from the time both started to exist, so nobody really knew Arturo existed, or was quickly gaslit into believing he never did. Poine basically uses Arturo as a punching bag for three millenia, but when Kard begins to overtake Poine as the being of justice, he's able to slip out more, ultimately culminating in Poine's banishment to limbo and Arturo retaking the shell for himself.
Flaerik, The Hopeful Flame — he/him — Caelum ;; Flaerik was the god of hope, passion, and heat/fire. Theron killing him wasn't personal so much as the bastard just saw Flaerik as the most convenient for target practice... Flaerik's ghost stuck around, in and out of being. He knew he had to rest to regain some kind of power, and so was dormant for quite some time. When Kard came around, however, he saw its potential. Watching it some times, resting others, Flaerik ultimately saved up enough power to appear to it for short times in the weeks leading up to the final confrontation with Theron. Over a century of being dead had turned him bitter, however, and Kard was pushed to practically the limit to get stronger. During the final battle, he helped keep it on its feet, and when Kard was having a 1v1 with Theron, Flaerik rallied the souls of other past victims to boost it. Even after the battle, he lingers for a while, not sure if he's ready to let go.
Fun facts and backstory reveals are soon to come, along with profiles! All will be revealed with time.
It always is, isn't it?
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So, uh, little editor's note here. I WAS gonna explain the plot of the base timeline, but I realized that it would just be a big ramble of information to absorb, which is useful, but! we want people to See the stuff happen! We want it to be more than just words that get translated into art or music or stories or whatever. So. You'll get bits and pieces as we try to explain larger chunks while ALSO making it fun!!
Stay tuned!
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• What is this gonna be? A webcomic? An ask blog? A novel???
▪︎ Well, we're hoping that we'll get plenty of asks eventually, but that'll be a while. As of now, SNBA is more of an open setting than having one canon timeline— Ultimately, we hope to have a 'base' for canon, if you will, that can be flexible and leave room for lots of headcanons, AUs, fanfics, what have you!
• How do I keep up with all the lore posts? What do I need to know now?
▪︎ There'll be several types, across several different formats— To keep things organized, there will be a post linked above the cut that keeps everything nice and tidy! Also, a couple words/alternate meanings to keep in mind:
Caelum = god/deity/goddess.. whatever
Caeliti = multiple of the above ⬆️
Cension = where the Caeliti live
Mortal = anyone that isn't a Caelum, whether theyre human or otherwise
Magic = ...... there's a lot of unused worldbuilding potential here, trust me, we'll work on it. It's honestly a plot device at the moment /hj
Heaven = Not an afterlife. It's a planet created by Aentropus. Angels are a mortal species.
Hell = Again, a planet created by Aentropus. Demons are also a mortal species.
• Is there an expected completion date? What indicates that SNBA is 'complete,' anyway?
▪︎ There's no goal for when SNBA is 'complete'. The closest it will ever come to being 'finished' is having a base/'canon' timeline of events, but keep in mind that canon isn't meant to be restrictive! Since a vast majority of the characters are (semi-)immortal, SNBA never really ends— Not to mention that there will always be alternate timelines, "What if"s, and all sorts of variations to explore.
• What's with the red text??
▪︎ Sometimes, to add a little bit of an ✨️interactive✨️ quality to some posts, we might add in text "written" by a character— It's up to everyone else to figure out who wrote what, but color and shape associations will become clear with time.
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Not every AU has a name, but wow, there sure are a lot! Haha.... help. /j
Don't feel pressured to know all of these, really I'm just putting them here so we don't have to explain everything later... I'm not even sure how relevant they'll end up being. You can genuinely just scroll past this, its not gonna affect canon SNBA lore too much.
Better Days Ahead — An AU where Theron conveniently realizes that he's a Horrible Fucking Person due to an event occurring soon after Kard comes to Cension. Does he get redeemed? Maybe! Who knows! He sure thinks he won't!
The Antagonist AUs — A set of AUs answering the question, "What if [X] were the antagonist/villain instead of Theron?". Currently, Villain!Aentropus (AKA Entropy), Villain!Kard (aka Ace Freeman), and Villain!Staegnos (aka Tsunami) have been fleshed out. Also worth noting is that in Ace's AU, Theron is called Tempest. In other antagonist AUs where Theron never was one to begin with, he is known as Octavian.
Ace of Spades — A divergent timeline of the Villain!Kard AU in which Ace, instead of aiming to overtake Tempest in power, just Really Fucking Hates Him, but unfortunately has nowhere else to go! (Or does it?)
All-Consuming Entropy — just a vague idea right now, but essentially, it takes Aentropus' general instability and cranks it up a LOT. and I mean a LOOOT. Like, "now all the Caeliti are trapped within its consciousness and it's essentially the universe itself" a lot.
Eternal Flames (aka the time loop AU) — There are four Caeliti who didn't make the cut to stay in canon, and two of those, Eropa and Primos, find a place in this one! The two Caeliti of time (past and present) fight for control over the future and, in the process, manage to accidentally trap Aentropus and Nelphite into a loop, repeating the days leading up to Flaerik's death over and over again... There may not be time to fix it if Aentropus' sanity depletes before the duo can settle their differences.
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Lore masterpost (posted after this)
YouTube Channel (will have more OC stuff on it once we get more active here, but there's definitely stuff that'll be posted since we've made a buuunch of stuff thus far)
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So, you've made it this far.
Wow. You must be interested in seeing us have at it, huh?
No, no, there's no judgment here! Really, I'm much the same— and they kicked me out for it, can you believe that?
Come on, I was just hungry... I wanted to try something new! I mean, sure, it'd suck to lose my husband if I had one, I guess. But really, he can get over it.
It's all a game! They all love it, I know they do. The screaming and yelling and cursing and crying? That's my reward. "You're a monster!" this, "I can't wait to kill you!" that, they're all such good actors.
Yes, it's all a game. It's a game that I intend to win.
And I will. Oh, I will, and I know I will! Would you like to know how I know?
It's oh, so simple.
My fellows just can't keep their problems to themselves!
Isn't that hilarious? So high and mighty, and yet they never can keep their creations from getting involved... Even mine have!
Oh, what fun— I'm nearly shaking in anticipation!
But, I digress.. I'm boring you, aren't I? That's okay. There's so much more to come. What's that advice again, 'show, don't tell'?
You'll have a show, alright. A wonderful, bloody, tragic show.
I'll be waiting.
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4m4zing-gracie · 5 months
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This has been a long time that tI've put it off, but here's the bio for one of my OCs, Nessa Jones! You may have seen her in some art I drew on here.
She's not tied to any fandom (although I have been considering giving her AUs), but rather a part of a bigger project/universe I have on the semi-backburner, and... I guess you could say she's the equivalent of the main protagonist? idk lol.
Here's a list of her baisc info here!
Name: Nessa Jones Age: 16 Pronouns/Gender: Cis Female (She/Her) Height: 162cm / 5"4 Voice Claim: Lizzie Freeman / Meggy Spletzer (speaking), Erika Henningsen (singing) Occupation: beginner Pirate! Alignment: Neutral Good Powers and Abilities: Tail-to-legs transformation, Aquatic Respiration, Trident Proficiency, Acrobatic skills, more to be named later
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