kendraperryca · 11 days
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Group Coaching Program with Kendra Perry
Elevate your health coaching business with Kendra Perry's Group Coaching Program. Designed for ambitious coaches, this program teaches you how to shift from 1:1 coaching to scalable group sessions, helping you increase income while delivering exceptional results. Learn proven strategies and gain the tools to create impactful programs that expand your business effortlessly. Join Kendra Perry’s program today and start building a thriving health coaching empire!
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emmaameliamiaava · 11 months
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For the past 9+ years, I have been conducting 1:1 coaching sessions (Some call me a business coach, while others know me as a life coach and an NLP expert). Prior to that, I held leadership and entrepreneurial roles in various assignments for a decade.
Over the years, I have assisted 2000+ entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals find the truest expression of themselves, transforming their personal and professional lives.
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goers · 1 year
PR-Coaching beim PR-Coach Daniel Görs
Jetzt PR-Coaching buchen!
Was ist ein Public Relations (PR) Coaching?
Ein PR-Coaching bezieht sich auf eine Form des Coachings, bei dem Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen dabei unterstützt werden, ihre Public Relations (PR)-Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Ein PR-Coaching bietet Anleitung und Training in verschiedenen Bereichen der PR, um Menschen dabei zu helfen, effektive Kommunikationsstrategien zu entwickeln und ihre Botschaften erfolgreich zu vermitteln.
PR-Coachings durch erfahrene PR-Experten
PR-Coachings werden in der Regel von erfahrenen #PR-Profis und Kommunikationsexperten wie Daniel Görs angeboten. Diese PR-Coaches verfügen über umfangreiche Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Bereich Public Relations und bieten ihr Fachwissen und ihre Fähigkeiten an, um anderen durch das PR-Coaching bei der Verbesserung ihrer #PublicRelations-Kompetenzen zu helfen.
Die Inhalte von #PRCoachings können je nach den Bedürfnissen und Zielen der Teilnehmer variieren, aber sie umfassen i.d.R. folgende Aspekte:
Strategieentwicklung: Entwicklung einer effektiven PR-Strategie, um die gewünschten Ziele zu erreichen.
#Medienarbeit: Verständnis für den Umgang mit Medien, Medienbeziehungen aufbauen, #Pressemitteilungen schreiben und Medienanfragen bearbeiten.
Markenbildung: Aufbau einer starken Markenidentität und Entwicklung einer konsistenten #Kommunikation.
Social-Media-Strategien: Verwendung von #SocialMedia-Plattformen für PR-Zwecke, Aufbau einer #Online-Präsenz und effektive Nutzung sozialer Medien.
Präsentationstechniken: Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten zur öffentlichen Präsentation und zum Auftreten in der #Öffentlichkeit.
Praxisbeispiele für PR-Coachings:
Ein #PRCoach wie Daniel Görs bietet einem #Startup-Unternehmer Coaching an, um ihm zu helfen, eine effektive PR-Strategie für den Start seines neuen Produkts zu entwickeln und #Medienkontakte aufzubauen.
Ein erfahrener #PRExperte bietet einem Kommunikationsteam in einem Unternehmen Schulungen zur Krisenkommunikation an, um sie auf potenzielle Krisensituationen vorzubereiten und die richtigen Kommunikationsstrategien in solchen Situationen anzuwenden.
Ein PR-Coach unterstützt einen Einzelperson dabei, ihre Präsentationstechniken und Eigen-PR zu verbessern, um bei öffentlichen #Reden oder #Präsentationen selbstbewusster und überzeugender aufzutreten.
Entwicklung einer maßgeschneiderten PR-Strategie für ein neues Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, einschließlich der Identifizierung relevanter Zielgruppen, Kanäle und Botschaften.
Jetzt PR-Coaching beim Kommunikationsprofi Daniel Görs buchen
Wenn Sie und/oder Ihr Team Interesse am PR-Coaching durch den PR-Experten Daniel Görs haben, lassen Sie sich für das nächste Public-Relations-Coaching vormerken – oder fragen Sie ein Inhouse-PR-Coaching für Ihr Unternehmen bzw. Ihre Organisation an. Einfach eine E-Mail an info(at)goers-communications.de senden. Oder rufen Sie kostenfrei an: 0800-GOERSCOM (0800-46377266).
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nicossunshine · 5 months
It’s definitely been mentioned before but I love the idea of the 7 + Nico on the Argo II just doing dumb kid/ teenager stuff??? Like yes they’re all powerful demigods on a dangerous quest but they’re also a group of teenagers (some as young as 14) with ADHD and minimal adult supervision.
You’re telling me during a quiet shift on night-watch Leo and Frank didn’t snicker whilst daring each other to spit off the side of the boat?? Like imagine Percy and Jason having a game of ‘who can yell this dumb phrase the loudest without laughing’, or Piper and Annabeth borrowing Hazel’s drawing equipment to do ‘portraits’ of each other, or Hazel and Nico both awake at 3am making crazy concoctions with the unlimited food in the ship’s cafeteria. Meanwhile Coach Hedge is running around yelling stop it shut up don’t waste perfectly good pancakes building a food castle
You’re telling me no one packed a deck of cards for this journey? They didn’t have a single UNO tournament?? They didn’t all set up their sleeping equipment in the mess hall for a sleepover one night???
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ivanscudieri-blog · 2 years
IL TEMPO È DENARO ed ogni store manager lo sa bene Nonostante ciò, ancora in molti, non hanno le idee chiare su come pianificare al meglio la propria attività lavorativa nella quotidianità o come sottolineato dal nostro speaker: guidare il proprio tempo Molti manager trovano difficile l’individuazione di un un collaboratore al quale poter delegare compiti urgenti, ma anche il riuscire a distribuire il carico di lavoro pensando differentemente al breve e al lungo termine. Ivan Scudieri, Project Manager e Business Coach per Be1 srl ci racconta come trarre profitto dalla giusta forma mentis
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Lol what if Trent just hangs around the office one day and is like "alright, me and Hank are going to grab lunch together, anyone wanna join?" and they all exchange looks like who the fuck is Hank? And Trent frowns and points at Beard's empty desk like "You know...? Hank...? Coach Beard...?"
And that's how we learn Beard's first name??
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bisexualchaosdemon · 10 months
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Mind yo business, David can apply to a lot in aftg
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firstkanaphans · 9 months
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this is so business or pleasure coded
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coach ben: where is everybody?
misty: lottie had a nervous breakdown, mari is looking after her, shauna is trying to kill nat, and i'm in charge.
coach ben: YOU'RE IN CHARGE?
misty: why is that the only thing you're panicking about???
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ghostly-biologist · 3 months
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coach z on the online kids’ painting game
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stuckinapril · 7 months
how did u become this productive and academic and cool.. what age did u start..
Built this way babeyyyy
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kendraperryca · 4 months
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Launch a Group Program with Kendra Perry
If you're looking to launch a group program, Kendra Perry is your go-to expert. She provides comprehensive coaching to help you design, market, and execute a successful group program. Kendra's proven strategies and personalised support make it easy to create a program that resonates with your target audience and achieves your goals. From initial planning to final implementation, Kendra ensures every aspect of your program is covered. Elevate your coaching business and make a significant impact with a well-crafted group program guided by Kendra Perry.
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emmaameliamiaava · 11 months
Deep Work Coach - Ankoor Naik
For the past 9+ years, I have been conducting 1:1 coaching sessions (Some call me a business coach, while others know me as a life coach and an NLP expert). Prior to that, I held leadership and entrepreneurial roles in various assignments for a decade.
Over the years, I have assisted 2000+ entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals find the truest expression of themselves, transforming their personal and professional lives.
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mynah-bird-death · 14 days
Death and Love
Before I was a death doula I was (and still am) a certified sex and relationship coach. One of the things that I noticed in both trainings was that neither addressed the elephant in the room of physical love in the face of a terminal diagnosis.
My loves, those who are dying are not inherently sexless, and those who love them are not automatically caregivers instead of partners. This is normal and I will fight to climb this hill until someone buries me under it.
There is Nothing to be ashamed or hesitant about with still being attracted to any partners you may have. Nor does a terminal diagnosis mean you automatically need to toss your own desires and sexual needs aside. You're dying, not dead yet. You're allowed to Live.
You, my darling and exhausted partner, are allowed to want to remain your beloved's Partner not their nurse. You are allowed to demand care for your own needs. You are allowed to talk to your dying partner about dates, sex, and intimacy. You are Allowed, nay Encouraged (by me if no one else) to set aside time to be Partners, not dying and caregiver.
It is so so easy to forgo intimacy in the face of death. But, you don't have to my loves. I promise.
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iammissingautumn · 4 months
okay but like is it too spicy to say tashi duncan is such a clear aroallo in my mind or will my others aros boo me off the stage
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ivanscudieri-blog · 2 years
CBE - Channel Business Enabler
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