#Business Communication Trainer
thelearninginsights · 2 years
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thepanvelite · 2 months
Exploring SR Fitness at Andhra Hall, New Panvel
SR Fitness in Andhra Sangh Hall offers basic, effective workout facilities.
We recently visited the Andhra Sangh Hall in New Panvel to check out the local activities. Our journey took us to the second floor, where we found SR Fitness. Greeted by Praveen Sir, the trainer, we asked for a tour of the gym. Facilities at SR Fitness The gym is raw and basic, perfect for working out every muscle in your body. In the evenings, it’s bustling with people doing jumping jacks,…
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esotericalchemist · 24 days
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𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬?
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In Vedic Astrology, the eleventh house is known as the House of Gains and represents your aspirations, income, and the fulfillment of desires. This house shows how and where you are likely to achieve success and material wealth in life. The placement of the ruling planet of your eleventh house, as well as any planets within it, offers insight into the sources of your financial gains, social connections, and overall prosperity. Essentially, understanding the eleventh house helps you see where opportunities for growth and abundance may manifest in your life.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aries influencing your eleventh house, you tackle friendships, goals, and financial gains with enthusiasm, boldness, and a trailblazing attitude. You’re likely to secure wealth by being assertive, taking calculated risks, and pursuing competitive or entrepreneurial paths. Your friends and social networks are often key to your success, frequently drawn from dynamic or high-energy environments.
Mars in the Houses (Mars is the ruler of Aries)
Mars in the 1st House: Your gains come from personal drive, leadership, and independent projects. For example, you might start a business like a fitness studio, using your energy and visibility to promote your brand and grow your venture.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth tends to flow from managing finances, property, or physical assets. You might find success through real estate investments, or in financial sectors such as banking, perhaps working as a stockbroker or in property management.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits are linked to communication, marketing, media, or travel. You might thrive in advertising, writing for publications, or running a travel blog, turning your communication skills into financial gain.
Mars in the 4th House: Your wealth could come from real estate, family inheritance, or home-based businesses. For instance, you might profit from buying and renovating homes or establish a successful home business, such as property management or interior design.
Mars in the 5th House: Creative projects, speculative investments, or entertainment ventures may be lucrative for you. This could mean profiting from stock market investments, cryptocurrency, or finding success in the arts as a performer or artist.
Mars in the 6th House: Hard work, health-related fields, or competitive industries could bring financial rewards. You might build wealth through a career in healthcare, as a personal trainer, or by excelling in a demanding legal profession, gaining success by overcoming obstacles.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are often tied to partnerships—whether personal or business-related. You could team up with someone to start a business like a law firm or gain wealth through marriage to a prominent or driven partner.
Mars in the 8th House: Joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focusing on transformation, such as finance or psychology, could bring you wealth. You might inherit assets or succeed through business partnerships or roles in fields like investment banking or insurance.
Mars in the 9th House: Wealth may arise from education, law, travel, or publishing. You could build success as a professor, lawyer, or publisher, or by pursuing international opportunities, such as work in the travel industry.
Mars in the 10th House: Career achievements, leadership positions, or public recognition are key to your financial success. You might rise to a leadership role, like CEO or political figure, where your ambition and dynamic energy lead you to the top.
Mars in the 11th House: Your wealth may stem from your social circles, technology, or large organizations. You could benefit by working in the tech industry, founding an innovative business, or through influential friends who open doors to profitable opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes efforts, foreign ventures, or spiritual pursuits. You might gain financially by working in hospitals, charitable organizations, or through businesses tied to travel, import/export, or spiritual guidance.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Taurus governing your eleventh house, your approach to wealth and gains is grounded, patient, and often centered around material security. You favor slow, steady growth, and may build your financial success through reliable investments or artistic ventures. Friendships and social networks can be significant in your financial development, particularly when aligned with shared values or tied to industries focused on luxury and beauty.
Venus in the Houses (Venus is the ruler of Taurus)
Venus in the 1st House: You are likely to attract wealth through your charm, physical appeal, and the way you present yourself. For instance, you could succeed in beauty, fashion, or personal branding—becoming a successful influencer or model, where your appearance and social magnetism are vital assets.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth flows through careful handling of finances, luxury goods, or industries related to beauty and aesthetics. You might find financial success in areas like fine art, jewelry, or running a high-end boutique. This placement supports a steady income in beauty or fashion-related businesses.
Venus in the 3rd House: Financial success arises through communication, media, or education, particularly in artistic fields. You could thrive as a writer, work in advertising or public relations, or make money from teaching or speaking on topics related to beauty or luxury.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains are often tied to property, real estate, or home-based ventures, particularly those related to comfort and aesthetics. You might generate wealth by flipping houses, engaging in interior design, or running a family business. Inheritance or familial wealth could also play a role.
Venus in the 5th House: Your financial success may come from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could profit from acting, filmmaking, or other artistic projects. Additionally, this placement can indicate gains through stock market investments, particularly in sectors related to art or entertainment.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits are earned through service, health, or beauty-related industries. You might build wealth by working in areas like cosmetology, health spas, or wellness centers. A talent for creating a harmonious work environment could also lead to financial success in these fields.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains often come through partnerships, whether in marriage or business. You may benefit financially through a significant relationship or business collaboration, particularly with someone involved in luxury, legal fields, or the arts. Joint ventures in creative industries could be very profitable.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You might gain through an inheritance, or profit from partnerships in finance, psychology, or the arts. This placement can also suggest financial gains through investments or using other people’s assets effectively.
Venus in the 9th House: Financial success is connected to education, law, or travel, especially in beauty or luxury industries. You might earn through international fashion, tourism, or by teaching beauty-related subjects at a university. There’s also potential for profit from foreign investments or luxury travel enterprises.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career success, public recognition, or artistic achievements. You might thrive in high-profile roles within the arts, luxury markets, or fashion industry. This placement is highly favorable for building wealth through a career in design, beauty, or entertainment.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains are tied to social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly within the luxury or beauty sectors. You could profit from working in social media marketing or technology platforms related to fashion or beauty. Friendships and connections in elite circles may also lead to financial opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and artistic pursuits. You might find financial success through working in luxury hotels or resorts abroad, or by being involved in art projects that promote beauty or tranquility. Investments in foreign luxury markets could also be rewarding.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Gemini ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by intellect, communication, and adaptability. You may accumulate wealth through industries such as writing, media, technology, or education, where your ability to communicate ideas clearly and multitask proves invaluable. Social networks and friendships can be instrumental in your financial success, and you tend to thrive in environments where flexibility and quick thinking are required to stay ahead in an ever-evolving world.
Mercury in the Houses (Ruler of Gemini)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial success comes from your personal communication skills, fast thinking, and intellectual pursuits. For example, you may achieve wealth as a public speaker, teacher, or writer, where your ability to express yourself clearly and think on your feet directly contributes to your success.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is generated through intellectual work, business, or trade, especially in fields involving communication or technology. You might find financial success by managing a tech startup, working in sales, or running a communications-based business, such as publishing or e-commerce.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits are tied to communication, writing, journalism, or short-distance travel. You could earn money as a journalist, blogger, or in public relations, using your communication skills to promote products, services, or ideas.
Mercury in the 4th House: You may gain wealth through real estate, family businesses, or intellectual work done from home. For example, running an online business, freelancing, or writing from home could be highly profitable. There is also potential for success in educational ventures related to real estate or family enterprises.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth can be accumulated through creative pursuits, entertainment, or speculative investments. You might succeed financially by writing screenplays, managing creative projects, or working in the entertainment industry. This placement also suggests potential gains from stock market investments or other speculative ventures.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or work involving communication or technology. For instance, you might find financial success working as a healthcare administrator, medical transcriptionist, or by managing digital solutions in the healthcare sector.
Mercury in the 7th House: Financial gains are often linked to partnerships, both personal and business, and intellectual collaborations. You may benefit by working with a business partner in legal, consulting, or writing fields. Marriage or partnerships in these industries may also bring financial advantages.
Mercury in the 8th House: Wealth is earned through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries that focus on transformation and finance. You might thrive in managing other people’s money, such as in financial planning or investments, or profit through publishing books on psychology or the occult.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits come from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, especially on international platforms. For example, you might gain wealth by working as a professor, lawyer, or writer, particularly if your work involves education, international law, or travel blogging.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public speaking, or intellectual endeavors. You could succeed financially as a high-profile journalist, politician, or public speaker, where your communication skills and intellectual abilities propel your career forward.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains are linked to social networks, technology, or large organizations, particularly those involving communication. You might profit by managing online platforms, social media businesses, or through connections with tech companies, where your ability to network and communicate pays off financially.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or intellectual and spiritual pursuits. You might earn through research, spiritual writing, or working in foreign lands as a consultant or writer, especially on topics related to international affairs or spiritual matters.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Cancer ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is deeply influenced by emotional connections, nurturing relationships, and home-related ventures. You are likely to accumulate wealth through businesses that promote comfort, security, or caregiving, such as hospitality, food, real estate, or childcare. Your social networks and friendships often play a crucial role in your financial success, providing both emotional support and practical assistance.
Moon in the Houses (Ruler of Cancer)
Moon in the 1st House: Your financial gains are tied to self-driven efforts and emotional expression. For example, you might succeed by becoming a public figure in nurturing roles, such as a therapist, chef, or lifestyle coach, where you can connect with others through your emotions and personal brand.
Moon in the 2nd House: Wealth comes from a strong desire for financial security and possibly from family resources. You might accumulate wealth through real estate investments, family-run businesses, or careers related to food, home goods, or caregiving, such as owning a family restaurant or working in childcare.
Moon in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or relationships within your local community. You might earn by writing about family, home life, or food, or through local ventures like running a café or bakery. Short-distance travel or involvement in local businesses can also bring financial success.
Moon in the 4th House: Gains are connected to family, real estate, or home-based businesses. You may profit from buying and selling properties, managing rentals, or running a business from home, such as interior design, home decor, or even a bed-and-breakfast.
Moon in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, children, or emotionally fulfilling projects. You could find financial success by working on projects related to children, such as writing children’s books or running a daycare. Speculative ventures, particularly those that resonate with family values, could also prove profitable.
Moon in the 6th House: Financial success is tied to service-oriented professions, health, or caregiving roles. You might earn money by working in healthcare, nutrition, or any field that involves caring for others, such as being a nurse, dietitian, or personal caregiver.
Moon in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative ventures. You may benefit from a business partnership or marriage, particularly in caregiving or hospitality-related industries, such as real estate, family-owned businesses, or ventures focused on comfort and security.
Moon in the 8th House: Financial gains may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You could inherit family wealth or benefit from joint ventures in industries like psychology, emotional healing, or those dealing with death and transformation, such as funeral services.
Moon in the 9th House: Wealth arises from higher education, travel, or teaching in nurturing roles. You might profit from teaching caregiving or hospitality-related subjects, or by working in real estate or hospitality abroad. Writing or publishing on family, home, or caregiving topics can also bring financial rewards.
Moon in the 10th House: Your financial success is closely tied to career achievements in caregiving or public service roles. You might excel in public careers related to healthcare, food, or hospitality, such as managing a chain of hotels or leading a family business in the food or service industry.
Moon in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, community involvement, or large organizations focused on caregiving and emotional well-being. You could profit by working in healthcare, social work, or community welfare organizations, or by leveraging supportive friendships and networks to create financial opportunities.
Moon in the 12th House: Profits are earned through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or roles involving emotional and spiritual healing. You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or through caregiving roles in secluded settings like a hospice. Overseas ventures related to caregiving, or spiritual services, may also bring financial success.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Leo ruling your eleventh house, you pursue financial gains with a sense of confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition. Leadership roles, creative ventures, and public visibility are likely to be avenues for accumulating wealth. Your social networks can significantly influence your success, particularly when they involve influential or creative individuals. Your drive to express your individuality and stand out pushes you toward financial success, especially in areas where you can shine and take on prominent roles.
Sun in the Houses (Ruler of Leo)
Sun in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and self-promotion. You might achieve wealth by being the face of a business, becoming a public figure, or stepping into leadership roles where your confidence and presence attract opportunities—such as becoming an entrepreneur, actor, or leader in a visible field.
Sun in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through personal assets, financial management, and a focus on material security. You could profit from investments in luxury goods, art, or jewelry, or by taking leadership roles in industries related to wealth management or high-end markets. Your focus on stability and value makes you financially successful.
Sun in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, and entrepreneurial ventures involving short-distance travel or education. You might gain wealth by working in media, public speaking, or by leading a business that focuses on writing, marketing, or teaching.
Sun in the 4th House: Wealth comes through real estate, family businesses, or home-related industries. You may accumulate wealth by managing property, working in real estate, or profiting from family enterprises. This placement also favors ventures focused on luxury home environments, such as interior design or property development.
Sun in the 5th House: Your financial success comes from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could thrive in careers involving acting, performing, or creating luxury goods. Additionally, speculative markets like stocks or investments in industries related to children, education, or entertainment could lead to wealth.
Sun in the 6th House: Wealth is gained through service-oriented professions, health industries, or leadership in daily work routines. You might find financial success by managing teams in healthcare, leading service industries, or excelling in high-profile positions that involve helping others, such as fitness or wellness management.
Sun in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative business ventures. You may accumulate wealth through a significant partnership, whether in marriage or business, especially in high-profile fields like law, entertainment, or public relations. Taking a leadership role in joint ventures can also be a path to financial success.
Sun in the 8th House: Wealth may come from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformative industries. You could gain financially through family inheritance or by working in fields such as psychology, investments, or life-transition industries like insurance, counseling, or financial planning.
Sun in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in high-profile or international roles. You may gain wealth as a well-known educator, lawyer, or author. Opportunities in travel or working within global industries, such as luxury tourism or international business, can also lead to financial success.
Sun in the 10th House: Financial success is linked to career achievements, leadership roles, and public authority. You could become wealthy by taking on leadership positions in large corporations, government, or entertainment industries. Public recognition and respect for your work often translate into financial rewards.
Sun in the 11th House: Wealth comes from social networks, large organizations, or technology. You could profit from networking with influential individuals or working in large corporations or tech-based industries. This placement is ideal for standing out and taking leadership roles in media, technology, or large organizations.
Sun in the 12th House: Financial gains are achieved through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and creative pursuits. You might build wealth by working in secluded settings such as hospitals, spiritual retreats, or foreign countries. Creative projects related to introspection, art, or spirituality can also be sources of financial success.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Virgo ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is practical, detail-oriented, and focused on efficiency. You are likely to accumulate wealth through work related to service, health, research, or intellectual pursuits. Success comes from refining systems, improving processes, and maintaining a methodical approach to your goals. Your social networks tend to be composed of hardworking, dedicated individuals who share your values. Your ability to analyze, organize, and solve problems ensures steady and sustainable financial growth over time.
Mercury in the Houses (ruler of Virgo)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your intelligence, communication skills, and self-promotion. For example, you might find success by using your analytical mind and problem-solving abilities in fields like consulting, writing, or teaching, where you can establish yourself as an expert.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through intellectual work, business, or fields involving communication. You may thrive in careers such as accounting, bookkeeping, or managing small businesses, where attention to detail and financial management skills are crucial to your success.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits arise from writing, media, communication, or local businesses. You could earn by working as a journalist, editor, or teacher, or through running a local business. Communication-based work, such as starting a blog focused on health, wellness, or practical advice, may also be profitable.
Mercury in the 4th House: Gains are linked to home-based businesses, family enterprises, or real estate. You might succeed by running a family business, working from home as a consultant, or investing in property. This placement also favors careers in home improvement services or real estate management.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative projects, education, or speculative ventures. You could achieve financial success by working in children's education, teaching, or coaching. Alternatively, you might profit from creative writing or speculative investments like the stock market or gambling.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits are earned through health-related fields, service-oriented work, or administrative roles. You could find financial success by working in healthcare management, as a nutritionist, or in wellness-related industries, where your organizational skills and attention to detail are vital assets.
Mercury in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work. You may benefit from working with a business partner on intellectual ventures, writing contracts, or consulting in fields like mediation, counseling, or legal advice.
Mercury in the 8th House: Financial gains are tied to joint ventures, investments, or transformative industries. You might earn through financial planning, investment management, or by working in research, psychology, or therapeutic industries that focus on personal or financial transformation.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing. You might find success in education, international business, or travel-related industries, such as becoming a travel blogger. Writing or publishing, especially on academic or philosophical topics, can also lead to wealth.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is linked to career achievements in intellectual or communication-driven roles. You could thrive in high-level administrative positions, corporate communication roles, or as an expert consultant in your chosen field, where your intellect and organizational abilities shine.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, technology, or large organizations. You might profit from working in tech, analytics, or science-based industries, or by leveraging a large network of business or intellectual connections to create financial opportunities.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or research. You could earn by working in secluded environments like hospitals or research institutions, or through intellectual pursuits abroad, such as becoming a translator, international consultant, or academic researcher.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Libra ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by balance, harmony, and social relationships. You may accumulate wealth through collaborations, partnerships, and connections in fields related to beauty, art, law, or diplomacy. Your friendships and social networks are essential to your financial success, often helping you form important alliances. Creating peace and harmony in group settings or within partnerships is likely to open doors for lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the Houses (ruler of Libra)
Venus in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal charm, appearance, and social appeal. For instance, you might succeed in industries like fashion, beauty, or public relations, where your ability to present yourself in an attractive and harmonious manner brings lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through luxury goods, aesthetics, or careful financial management. You might thrive by working in the fashion industry, running a high-end boutique, or managing a jewelry business. Your appreciation for beauty and material comfort will likely guide you toward financial success.
Venus in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or education, especially in artistic fields. You could gain financially by writing about beauty, fashion, or relationships, or by working in advertising, public relations, or media. Your ability to communicate artistic or aesthetic ideas effectively leads to financial gains.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to home and beauty. You might profit from interior design, property management, or home-based beauty services. Family wealth or engaging in industries that enhance comfort and beauty within domestic spaces can also contribute to your financial success.
Venus in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative ventures. You might succeed in the arts, acting, or through performing. Additionally, investments in luxury or fashion-related industries may bring financial rewards. Romantic partnerships or ventures involving children could also be lucrative.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented work, health, or beauty industries. You may earn by working in wellness, fashion, or beauty services, such as being a beautician, personal stylist, or running a health spa. Your ability to create harmonious environments in the workplace will further boost your income.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or legal work. You might profit from a marriage or business partnership, especially in beauty, law, or fashion. Collaborative ventures in fields like wedding planning, relationship counseling, or law could lead to significant financial gains.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth comes from inheritances, joint ventures, or industries focused on transformation. You might gain through shared resources, marriage, or by working in financial planning or psychology. Joint investments, luxury services, or industries like cosmetic surgery could also lead to financial success.
Venus in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in areas related to beauty or relationships. You might earn money by teaching or writing about relationships, law, or artistic topics. Businesses involving luxury travel or beauty tourism may also be highly profitable.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in the public sphere, particularly in beauty, law, or the arts. You could thrive by holding a prominent position in the fashion or beauty industry, or as a public figure in law, diplomacy, or entertainment. Public recognition for your work in aesthetic fields will likely lead to financial success.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly in fields related to beauty or luxury. You might profit by working in fashion technology, social media marketing, or through influential friends in high-end sectors. Networking with creative professionals can introduce lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and artistic endeavors. You might earn wealth by working in luxury hotels, wellness retreats, or through charitable work that promotes beauty and harmony. Artistic projects in secluded environments or abroad could also bring financial rewards.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Scorpio ruling the eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is strategic, intense, and often transformative. You tend to accumulate wealth through deep emotional relationships, joint ventures, or industries tied to finance, psychology, and transformation. Your social networks are likely to include powerful and influential individuals, and you may leverage these connections to access hidden resources or manage shared assets. Your determination and ability to navigate complex situations help you achieve long-term financial success.
Mars in the Houses (ruler of Scorpio)
Mars in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal drive, ambition, and assertive actions. You may accumulate wealth by starting your own business, taking on leadership roles, or working in high-energy fields like sports, fitness, or entrepreneurship, where quick decision-making and initiative are key.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through physical assets, assertive financial management, or industries tied to material goods. You might gain by investing in real estate, working in property management, or industries related to construction or metals. Your proactive approach to financial matters ensures solid material growth.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media-related ventures. You might build wealth by working in journalism, marketing, or running a media company. Quick thinking and direct communication are your assets, and industries like sales or short-term travel can also lead to financial success.
Mars in the 4th House: Financial success comes through real estate, family inheritances, or home-based businesses. You might accumulate wealth by investing in property, renovating homes, or managing a family business. Ventures related to real estate or home improvements, such as house flipping, can prove highly profitable.
Mars in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative ventures, speculative investments, or entertainment industries. You could succeed as an actor, director, or in any creative field, especially those involving risk, like the stock market or cryptocurrency. Your willingness to take calculated risks could lead to significant financial rewards.
Mars in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health fields, or competitive industries. You may achieve financial success in healthcare as a surgeon or physical trainer, or by excelling in competitive environments like law, the military, or corporate sectors. Your perseverance and work ethic lead to consistent financial gains.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are tied to partnerships, alliances, or marriage. You might profit from a strategic business partnership in fields like law, finance, or consulting. Alternatively, wealth may come through marriage, particularly if your partner works in a high-energy or competitive industry.
Mars in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focused on transformation. You could build financial success by managing other people’s resources in roles like investment banking, financial planning, or insurance. Inheritance or working in fields like psychology, healing, or transformative services could also bring wealth.
Mars in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, international business, or travel-related industries. You might gain by working as a professor, lawyer, or through international business ventures. Travel, foreign investments, or industries like adventure tourism or higher education can also be financially rewarding.
Mars in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public recognition, and leadership roles. You may achieve financial success by leading large organizations or taking on prominent roles in competitive fields like finance, military, or government. Your ambition and determination push you toward the top, where financial rewards follow.
Mars in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures. You might profit by working in technology, finance, or large-scale enterprises. Your ability to network within influential circles and lead group initiatives opens up significant financial opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign investments, or industries related to healing and spirituality. You could build wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or spiritual retreats. Investments abroad or in transformative fields, such as therapy or hidden resources, could also be lucrative.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Sagittarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is characterized by expansiveness, optimism, and a focus on growth, higher learning, and adventure. Wealth may come from teaching, international business, publishing, law, or travel-related endeavors. Your social circles are broad and diverse, often including individuals from various cultural and intellectual backgrounds. Financial success is likely to come by embracing opportunities that involve exploration, education, or philosophical pursuits, allowing you to expand your horizons.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Sagittarius)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and an optimistic outlook. Example: You could achieve wealth as a teacher, motivational speaker, or entrepreneur, where your confidence and expansive nature draw financial opportunities. Your leadership abilities and ability to inspire others help you attract success.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries tied to higher learning and travel. Example: You might accumulate wealth through international trade, real estate investments abroad, or by working in education, such as owning language schools or cultural institutions. Your ability to manage resources with a long-term perspective is key to your success.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, media, or short-distance travel, often connected to educational or philosophical topics. Example: You could earn by publishing books on travel, education, or philosophy, or by working in media that promotes intellectual growth. Local teaching ventures, educational tours, or creating content that inspires learning may also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or educational ventures related to the home. Example: You might profit from real estate investments, especially in culturally significant properties, or by running a family business involving education, such as homeschooling consulting or online educational programs.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative pursuits, teaching, or speculative investments in educational or intellectual ventures. Example: You could build wealth by running educational programs for children, teaching creative subjects, or investing in entertainment or intellectual property. Your ability to inspire others through your creativity often leads to financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service industries, health, or teaching, particularly in educational or travel-related fields. Example: You might earn by teaching at universities, managing educational institutions, or working in healthcare sectors with an emphasis on wellness and travel, such as retreats or international health services.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, especially in international or educational fields. Example: You could profit from a business or legal partnership that deals with international law, education, or foreign investments. Collaborative ventures that focus on growth, expansion, and global reach lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformation-based industries like finance or psychology. Example: You might gain financially through shared resources, investments, or inheritances. Working in transformative fields, such as financial planning, educational funding, or psychological counseling, could also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in global or philosophical fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or travel consultant. International business ventures, such as starting an educational travel company or publishing books on philosophy, could lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public leadership, and authority in fields related to education, law, or travel. Example: You could gain wealth through high-profile roles in education, law, or as a public figure in global initiatives. Leadership in international business or educational reform could result in substantial financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, especially in education or travel. Example: You might profit by working with large educational or travel organizations, or by networking in intellectual and global circles. Involvement in global educational programs or travel technology startups could bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Example: You might gain wealth by working in spiritual retreats, universities abroad, or industries related to foreign investments or educational ventures. Teaching or consulting in secluded or spiritual environments can also be lucrative, particularly in roles that focus on personal growth or spirituality.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Capricorn ruling your eleventh house, you take a disciplined, methodical approach to achieving financial gains, often focusing on long-term planning, hard work, and responsibility. Financial success may come through structured industries like business, government, real estate, or leadership roles. Your social networks are likely to include influential or authoritative figures, and you may achieve wealth by aligning yourself with institutions or steadily advancing within your chosen field. You are driven by the desire for stability, and your success often stems from careful, strategic efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Capricorn)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and perseverance. Example: You might achieve wealth by taking on leadership roles where your reputation and hard work are essential. Becoming a CEO or rising in a field that values responsibility and structure could lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through careful financial planning, savings, and long-term investments. Example: You may accumulate wealth through cautious investments in real estate or by working in finance, accountancy, or banking. Your disciplined approach to managing money ensures steady financial rewards over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures that require discipline and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in publishing, journalism, or technical writing. Success in these fields comes from years of consistent effort and attention to detail, with financial rewards building slowly over time.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come through real estate, family businesses, or property-related investments. Example: You could profit by investing in real estate or managing family assets. Building wealth through property or home-based businesses, with a focus on long-term growth, can lead to financial security.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education-related ventures. Example: You might earn by working in industries like film production, education management, or through long-term investments in stocks or real estate. Your structured approach to creative projects or speculative ventures ensures sustainable financial growth.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or disciplined work routines. Example: You may gain wealth by working in healthcare management, legal services, or in careers where service, structure, and discipline are essential, such as HR or law enforcement. Consistent work in these fields can lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 7th House: Financial gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, often developed over time. Example: You could profit from long-term business partnerships or legal agreements in structured fields like law, real estate, or corporate business. Marrying a successful partner in a traditional field might also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may achieve financial success by managing other people’s money or assets, working in fields like banking, finance, or insurance. Carefully handling joint ventures or family inheritances can also lead to long-term wealth.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, publishing, or international business, especially in structured fields. Example: You could earn wealth by building a career in academia, law, or international trade. Long-term involvement in publishing or large educational institutions, such as universities or think tanks, can also bring financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements, leadership roles, and authority in large organizations. Example: You may achieve financial success by steadily climbing the corporate ladder or taking leadership roles in business, government, or large institutions. Your dedication to long-term career goals brings substantial financial rewards.
Saturn in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective efforts, often tied to responsibility and long-term planning. Example: You could profit by working in industries like technology or finance, where your network connects you to influential individuals and organizations. Building wealth through large companies, NGOs, or group ventures focused on long-term goals is a viable path.
Saturn in the 12th House: Wealth comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing and institutions. Example: You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in roles that require discipline and structure. Long-term investments abroad or work in secluded environments may also bring financial success.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aquarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is innovative, forward-thinking, and often tied to collective efforts, large organizations, or social causes. You are likely to accumulate wealth through long-term planning in industries such as technology, social reform, or intellectual pursuits. Your social networks, friendships, and collaborations are key to your financial success, and you may benefit from working within groups or organizations that focus on future growth or humanitarian efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Aquarius)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and a structured approach to self-development. Example: You might achieve wealth by assuming leadership roles in technology, science, or social reform, where steady, long-term effort and responsibility are rewarded. Your ability to remain methodical and patient leads to financial success in these fields.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is accumulated through careful financial planning, long-term investments, and a conservative approach to resources. Example: You could gain wealth through disciplined investments in real estate, technology, or infrastructure. A patient approach to saving and building resources slowly will lead to significant financial stability over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, media, or tech-related industries that require perseverance and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in journalism, media production, or education, particularly in technical or innovative subjects. Careers in writing, teaching, or media focused on technology or social progress could lead to financial rewards after years of hard work.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or property management, emphasizing long-term stability. Example: You could profit from managing family properties, investing in real estate, or working in property management or construction. Your disciplined and structured approach to building assets will create long-term financial stability through real estate.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education, achieved through slow and disciplined effort. Example: You may find financial success in structured creative fields, such as directing films, or by making well-researched investments in stocks or real estate. Your methodical approach to speculative ventures pays off in the long run.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, particularly in tech or efficiency-driven industries. Example: You could earn by managing teams in healthcare or technology, or by working in fields like IT or engineering. Your disciplined approach to work and service ensures financial stability, especially in industries focused on innovation and progress.
Saturn in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, particularly in tech, law, or structured industries. Example: You might gain wealth through a business partnership in fields like technology, law, or social reform. Long-term collaborations or marrying a partner in a structured industry may also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money, such as in banking, finance, or insurance. Careful and long-term planning in joint financial ventures or through inheritances can lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in intellectual or technology-related fields. Example: You could earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or through publishing work related to science, technology, or social structures. Long-term ventures in international business or higher education will also lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements in leadership roles, especially in large organizations or government. Example: You might achieve financial success by rising to leadership positions in large corporations, tech companies, or governmental institutions. Your disciplined and steady approach to career advancement ensures significant rewards over time.
Saturn in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures, especially those focused on innovation or social progress. Example: You might profit from working with large organizations or humanitarian groups, or by leveraging your connections with influential people in tech or social causes. Long-term involvement in collective projects will bring financial stability and success.
Saturn in the 12th House: Profits come through behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing or institutional work. Example: You may gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in administrative or managerial roles. Long-term investments in foreign markets or work abroad in institutional settings can also lead to financial success.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Pisces ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is intuitive, creative, and often tied to spiritual or imaginative endeavors. You may find success in artistic ventures, healing professions, or charitable work, and industries related to water, spirituality, or creativity may also be sources of wealth. You tend to follow your inner vision, and your empathetic and spiritually inclined social networks can help guide you toward success. Your wealth is likely to be linked to your ability to dream big and connect with higher ideals.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Pisces)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal growth, optimism, and leadership in creative or spiritual fields. Example: You might achieve wealth through public speaking, coaching, or becoming a spiritual leader. Your expansive personality and ability to inspire others can open up financial opportunities in creative or spiritual ventures.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or creativity. Example: You could gain financially by working in wellness, holistic health, or education, with investments in art, music, or spiritual projects providing long-term financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures with a focus on creative or spiritual themes. Example: You may earn by writing books on spirituality or creativity, or by running a blog, podcast, or media platform that explores healing, the arts, or personal growth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to spirituality or healing at home. Example: You might profit from running a spiritual retreat, yoga studio, or investing in peaceful real estate that promotes healing and well-being. Holistic home businesses could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments, especially in the arts or spiritual education. Example: You could succeed financially by working in entertainment, acting, or teaching creative arts. Investments in artistic or spiritual ventures, such as music, film, or alternative education, may also be rewarding.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, especially in healing, spiritual, or creative fields. Example: You may gain wealth by working as a healer, counselor, or wellness practitioner. Managing spiritual retreats, health clinics, or creative workspaces could bring steady financial growth over time.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains are achieved through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, particularly in spiritual, creative, or healing industries. Example: You could profit from collaborating with a partner in a spiritual business or healing center. A marriage or partnership with someone in these fields might also bring financial success through shared ventures.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries related to finance, psychology, or spiritual transformation. Example: You could accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money or working in investment banking, or by running a business focused on psychology, healing, or esoteric practices. Inheritances or shared resources may also play a significant role in your financial success.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in spiritual or creative fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor of spirituality or philosophy, or by writing and publishing books on creativity, personal growth, or spiritual topics. International work or teaching in foreign countries could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in leadership roles related to spirituality, creativity, or healing professions. Example: You may gain wealth by becoming a spiritual leader, motivational speaker, or public figure in the arts. Running a successful business or organization in healing, creativity, or spirituality can lead to long-term financial success.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures involving spirituality, creativity, or humanitarian work. Example: You might profit from working with charitable organizations, creative collectives, or spiritual groups. Networking with individuals in the arts, healing, or spiritual communities will open up financial opportunities for you.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or charitable work. Example: You could gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or other healing institutions, or through international work related to healing and spirituality. Long-term involvement in charitable work or esoteric fields could bring significant financial rewards.
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
• Your special qualities and career •
( according to your Destiny number)
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•For entertainment purposes only, enjoy, pls don't repost my work without my permission •
✨ What is destiny number?
☞ A Destiny Number, also known as an Expression Number, is a numerical value calculated from the letters of an individual's full birth name. It reveals a person's life purpose, personality traits, strengths, and challenges. The Destiny Number is considered a key aspect of numerology, providing insight into an individual's potential and life path.
✨ Calculation link : here
Note : if your destiny Number comes out as 11, 22 or 33 . Don't add them, Cause these are master numbers.
•Special qualities:
Individuals with a Destiny Number of 1 are natural-born leaders, innovators, and pioneers.
They exude self-assurance and confidence, which helps them take risks and pursue their goals.
They have a strong desire to succeed and make a lasting impact.
Destiny Number 1 individuals often possess a charming and magnetic personality.
They have a natural inclination to start their own ventures and take charge of their destiny.
They are effective communicators, able to articulate their ideas and inspire others.
•Career paths:
Starting their own business or venture is a natural fit for Destiny Number 1 individuals.
They excel in executive positions, management, or leadership roles.
Careers in tech, research, and development suit their innovative nature.
Destiny Number 1 individuals thrive in creative industries like art, design, music, or writing.
Their problem-solving skills make them excellent consultants or strategists.
They are natural orators and motivators, making them great public speakers or coaches.
Their charisma and leadership abilities make them suitable for roles in politics or social activism.
• Often compatible with: Destiny no 3,5,7,9 individuals.
• Special qualities:
Exceptional listening and communication skills, able to understand and connect with others on a deep level
Strong emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion, making them excellent counselors and friends
Diplomatic and mediating skills, able to bring people together and resolve conflicts.
Adaptable and flexible, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges.
Cooperative and team-oriented, with a strong sense of loyalty and commitment.
Intuitive and sensitive nature, with a strong connection to their emotions and the emotions of others.
Counselors, therapists, or coaches, helping others navigate life's challenges and achieve their goals
Diplomats, mediators, or negotiators, bringing people together and resolving conflicts in personal and professional settings
Human resources or personnel managers, using their emotional intelligence and communication skills to build strong teams
Teachers, trainers, or educators, inspiring and guiding others in academic and personal growth
Artists, designers, or musicians, expressing themselves creatively and bringing joy to others
Writers, poets, or journalists, using their words to inspire, educate, and connect with others
Sales or marketing professionals, using their communication skills and emotional intelligence to build strong relationships with clients and customers
Social workers or non-profit professionals, dedicating themselves to making a positive impact in their communities
•Often compatible with : Destiny number 4,6,8,9 individuals.
•special qualities:
Exceptional creativity and imagination, with a talent for finding innovative solutions to problems .
Strong communication and expression skills, both verbal and written, with a ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively
Natural performers and entertainers, with a charisma and stage presence that draws others in
Optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life, with a ability to inspire and motivate others
Versatile and adaptable, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease
Quick-witted and humorous, with a ability to think on their feet and come up with clever solutions
Innovative problem-solving skills, with a ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions
Leadership and motivational abilities, with a ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal
• careers :
Graphic designers ie. Creating visual elements for websites, magazines and brands.painters, art exhibition, sculptors, commercial potrait and landscape photography.
Fashion designers
Writer, poet , journalists , writing and publishing books across various genres.
Theatre actors, working in movies , tv shows, commercials , musicians, or performing in various styles ballet/ hip-hop .
Public speaker/ motivational speaker/ life coach/ business coach.
Marketing and advance professionals , public relation specialist.
Teachers/ educators.
Media / entertainment professionals.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,5,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 4 individuals are practical and detail-oriented, with a talent for organization and management.
They value stability and security, and work towards creating a solid foundation in their lives and careers.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are hardworking and diligent, with a willingness to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones, colleagues, and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to analyze situations and find practical solutions.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in designing and building structures, systems, and processes.
They make excellent managers, administrators, and executives, able to organize and lead teams.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled in finance, accounting, and economics, and excel in careers like banking and investing.
They are detail-oriented and analytical, making them excellent scientists, researchers, and laboratory technicians.
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in information technology, software development, and data analysis.
They make excellent healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and medical administrators.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are drawn to careers in government, public policy, and non-profit organizations.
•often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,6,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 5 individuals are highly adaptable and flexible, able to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and new experiences.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are creative and innovative, with a talent for finding novel solutions to problems.
They possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and are able to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively.
Destiny Number 5 individuals value freedom and independence, and prefer careers that allow them to work autonomously.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in creative fields like graphic design, painting, sculpture, photography, and fashion design.
They make excellent writers, journalists, and authors, with a talent for storytelling and communication.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are curious and analytical, making them excellent researchers and scientists.
They are natural entrepreneurs, able to develop innovative products and services and launch successful startups.
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in consulting and strategy, helping businesses and organizations improve their operations.
They make excellent teachers and educators, able to inspire and guide students in various subjects.
Destiny Number 5 individuals love to travel and explore new places, making them a great fit for careers in the travel and hospitality industry.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,3,7,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 6 individuals are responsible and reliable, taking their commitments seriously.
They value family and home life, creating a warm and nurturing environment.
Destiny Number 6 individuals have a strong desire to care for and support others.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to find practical solutions.
They possess creative talents, often expressed through art, music, or other forms of self-expression.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 6 individuals make excellent nurses, doctors, and healthcare administrators.
They are caring and supportive teachers, inspiring students and fostering growth.
Destiny Number 6 individuals excel in social work, counseling, and therapy.
They express their creativity through art, music, graphic design, and other artistic pursuits.
Destiny Number 6 individuals love food and nutrition, making them excellent chefs and nutritionists.
They create warm and welcoming spaces, reflecting their love for home and family.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are drawn to careers in non-profit organizations and community service.
• often compatible with:Destiny number 2,4,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 7 individuals are analytical and logical, with a talent for problem-solving.
They are independent and self-sufficient, valuing freedom and autonomy.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are drawn to spirituality and philosophical pursuits.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
Destiny Number 7 individuals strive for perfection and have high standards.
They are introspective and reflective, with a strong connection to their inner world.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 7 individuals excel in scientific research, analysis, and experimentation.
They are drawn to philosophical and theological pursuits, seeking truth and understanding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals make excellent analysts, strategists, and consultants.
They are skilled writers and journalists, communicating complex ideas with clarity.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are inspiring teachers and professors, sharing their knowledge and wisdom.
They excel in software development, programming, and coding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are skilled investigators and detectives, solving mysteries and uncovering truth.
•Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,3,5 individuals .
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are natural leaders, with a strong desire to manage and direct.
They are highly ambitious and driven to succeed.
Destiny Number 8 individuals exude confidence and charisma.
They are skilled strategists, able to plan and execute plans effectively.
Destiny Number 8 individuals have a natural talent for managing finances and resources.
They command respect and authority, with a strong presence.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are well-suited for top leadership positions.
They excel in starting and running their own businesses.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are effective managers and directors.
They make excellent financial advisors, accountants, and investors.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are drawn to careers in law and justice.
They are natural politicians and government leaders.
Destiny Number 8 individuals excel in real estate development and management.
• Often compatible with:Destiny number 1,2,4,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 9 individuals are compassionate and caring, with a strong desire to help others.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals possess wisdom and intuition, often gained through life experiences.
They have a broad perspective and understanding of global issues.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 9 individuals excel in careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
Destiny Number 9 individuals make excellent leaders, inspiring and motivating others towards a shared vision.
They are passionate about sharing knowledge and guiding others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are often drawn to careers in sustainability, conservation, and environmental protection.
They may pursue careers in spirituality, counseling, or religious leadership.
• Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,4,6,7 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 11 individuals have a strong spiritual connection and intuition.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Master Number 11 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
They have the ability to illuminate the path for others and guide them towards their purpose.
Master Number 11 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
•Career Paths:
Master Number 11 individuals make excellent spiritual leaders, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design, creating innovative and visionary works.
Master Number 11 individuals are natural healers, using their intuition and spiritual connection to help others.
They excel in careers that require innovative thinking and problem-solving.
Master Number 11 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They are drawn to careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
• Often compatible with: Master Destiny no. 22 and 33 , Destiny number 7, 9 .
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 22 individuals have the ability to turn their visions into reality.
They are natural leaders, with a strong sense of purpose and direction.
Master Number 22 individuals combine creativity with practicality to create innovative solutions.
They have the ability to manifest their desires into reality.
Master Number 22 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They possess excellent diplomatic skills, able to balance different perspectives and interests.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 22 individuals make excellent leaders in various fields, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
They excel in careers that require innovative design and practical problem-solving.
Master Number 22 individuals are natural entrepreneurs, turning their ideas into successful businesses and products.
They are drawn to careers in diplomacy, mediation, and conflict resolution.
Master Number 22 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They excel in creative fields like art, design, and music, creating innovative and practical works.
• Often compatible with : Master destiny Number 11 and 33, destiny number 4,6,8.
• Special Qualities:
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong desire to teach and guide others.
They are deeply compassionate and caring, with a strong sense of social responsibility.
Master Number 33 individuals are highly creative and innovative.
They possess excellent listening skills and empathy, understanding others on a deep level.
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong spiritual connection, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They are natural leaders, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 33 individuals make excellent teachers, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to careers in social services, non-profit organizations, and charity work.
Master Number 33 individuals excel in creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
They are natural counselors and therapists, helping others overcome challenges.
Master Number 33 individuals are drawn to careers in spirituality, guiding others towards enlightenment.
They excel in careers that require creativity, innovation, and leadership.
• Often compatible with: Master destiny number 11 ,22 , destiny number 6,9.
Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
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gguk-n · 24 days
can you write lando norris x desi!reader!gf where they go back to celebrate ganesh chaturthi, and yn hosts ganapati bappa in her own house in india and its lando's first time pleaseee
Festive Hearts
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Jalebi- dessert made of flour or flour and rice flour fried and dipped in sugar syrup. Kurta Pajama- Indian attire for men made of various material which includes a tunic and a loose fitting pant. Shalwar Kameez- Similar to Kurta Pajama but for women. Pooja- A Hindu ritual of worship.
I'm not an expert when it comes to this so please forgive me if there are any discrepancies
Lando and Y/N had been dating for a while now, long enough that her family knew about Lando, he was very well loved. That's how he ended up in India during Ganesh Chaturthi. Lando wasn't there on the day Ganapati Bappa was being brought into the house due to the race. He got there a few days before the immersion. Lando was like a kid in a candy store. Everything was bright and vibrant. The whole house was decorated in flowers and lights. There was always delicious and new food for him to eat. "Babe, my trainer's gonna hate me" he told his girlfriend while munching on his third jalebi. "These are delicious. Do you eat these every day?" he mumbled with food in his mouth. "No, Lan, no one eats these every day." she laughed. "Your mum keeps handing them to me, I don't know how to say no." he looked at her apologetically. Y/N called her mum out to stop feeding her boyfriend.
There were a lot of Formula One fans in Y/N's home town which meant Lando got recognised and asked for pictures and autographs. Y/N's family was the one hosting Ganapati Bappa this year in their community. So, there was always a crowd of people going in and out of the house, and now Lando brought another crowd along too. But he wasn't complaining, he wanted to get to know the people that got to see his love grow up.
On the day of the immersion, Lando was dressed in a white crisp Kurta Pajama and his girlfriend wore shalwar kameez. The family had woken up early and were busy in preparation since the auspicious time was during the mid-day. Lando could see his girlfriend running around trying to get the things ready for the ritual. Y/N's dad handed Lando some flowers and desserts for offering and asked him to put it away. There was this energy that was running through everyone's veins as the time drew closer. A sense of emotions over took them, it was like watching your family leave for some time.
There would a huge procession leaving with Ganapati Bappa after the Pooja. There would be songs and people would dance along the way from the house to the sea, where Ganapati Bappa would be immersed in the water. Y/N's siblings took Lando along with them to dance. Y/N had only seen Lando dance in clubs and now she could see him dance along with her siblings, learning as he went. It was a beautiful sight with Ganapati Bappa over looking everyone as they partook in the celebrations. "He's a keeper" her mother said. Y/N jumped from surprise. "When did you get here?" she asked. "Just now" her mother replied fondly looking at Lando. "He has really been trying since he got here" her mother spoke more to herself. "To get everyone to like him." she hummed. "Do you like him?" Y/N asked expectantly. "We liked him when you said you loved him" her mother replied. Y/N smiled at her mother and decided to join everyone in the celebrations.
After everything was done, and everyone returned; the house in disarray. Her mother started cleaning up while the others joined. Finally, Lando laid on the cot in the courtyard exhausted from the day's events. Y/N sat near his head playing with his hair. "Do you guys do this every year?" he asked looking up; "yup" she replied. "This is so much fun but I've never been more exhausted in my life and I've driven in Singapore." he chuckled. "You'll get used to it" she hummed, checking around before pressing a kiss to Lando's lips. "Spiderman kiss" Lando mumbled as he placed his hand on her neck pulled her closer. Y/N's mum coughed making the pair pull away, a blush visible on their cheeks. "I get you two love each other, but there's still some cleaning left" she said while the two whined and Y/N got up to help her mum. "Rest for some time and then join me" she told Lando before pecking his cheek and walking away.
Sorry this was short, I felt kind of lost.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
web of wyrd: goals you should set to become your best self
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent your higher self. i feel like it could work for the outside numbers too that changes yearly... anywho - this is not to say that you can't accomplish goals/resolution not listed in your category / under your energetic number nor that your efforts not listed in your selection don't make you a better person. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would benefit from doing and how they can gain new found confidence in themselves.
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1 - the magician
start a garden, work on passion project(s), read or write a business/self-help books, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, study more tarot/astrology/mediumship, complete an art project, make your own soap or candles, start taking vitamins daily, declutter, learn to cook, learn to code, get car detailed, start journaling, do a paid class or certification course, start learning a new language, learn more about heritage, learn how to do nails at home, start a side hustle, learn to knit or crochet, learn how to manage a bonsai, or go to a concert
2 - the high priestess
delve deeper into spiritual practices, eat to support hormones, learn to bake, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), start or restructure a self-care routine, take a beach/cruise vacation, play brain games, learn to makes candles, go to a fondue experience, reset closet or revamp style, try a juice cleanse, take a cooking class, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, or take self-defense class
3 - the empress
build up your crystal collection, reset closet or revamp style, go to an art museum, see a ballet or take a ballet class, sketch daily, practice makeup looks, keep a flower garden, get jewelry cleaned or revamp jewelry collection, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, learn to make your own candy/sweets, start a budget or emergency fund, reset closet or revamp style, save for a designer piece/accessory, start a new beauty/skincare routine, take a trip to a fancy restaurant, learn how to dried your own fruits, start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, go to a concert/orchestra, read or write a poetry book, go to a play, start wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, go to a vineyard or wine tasting (for those of drinking age), or take a dance class
4 - the emperor
start a new skincare routine, go on a rock climbing retreat, start going to the gym or become a personal trainer, try an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), take a wood shop class, get more into your coffee - learn about sourcing/grinding beans, start taking better care of your eyes, start a hair care routine, start an oral health routine, start meditating, or start using time blocking or following a planner
5 - the hierophant
sketch daily, go on an architectural tour, start a beauty routine, go to a history museum, learn how to make pastries/sweets/candies, get your earrings cleaned professionally or save for a quality set, learn how to make sour dough, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, take piano/organ lessons or give them, take or give singing lessons, or take a class
6 - the lovers
get car detailed, get car license, do a bicycle marathon or learn how to rider a bike, read a set number of books, buy a quality briefcase / work tote, go on a day trip, start a gym membership or soulcycle classes, build up you crystal collection and learn how to use them, upgrade your desk set up, go for hand & foot message, learn how to do nails at home, start reading the newspaper (i recommend the new yorker), take a language classes, learn a new language, take a train trip, learn how to better your communication with others, or start talk therapy
7 - the chariot
start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, learn how to bake or learn how to bake something new, start a new beauty routine, go on a boat trip / cruise, get car detailed, try a juice cleanse, upgrade glassware, declutter, invest in home, stay at a hotel or bed & breakfast, upgrade kitchenware, go on a lake trip, go tubing, invest in pearls, invest in real estate / land, try a new restaurant, get silver jewelry cleaned professionally, shop your pantry, go on a trip, or start journaling your intentions / bullet journaling
8 - strength
go to an amusement park, work on or finish a passion project, take ballroom dancing classes, learn about tea and tea leaves, learn to read tea leaves, start playing a new game or design a new game, practice vulnerability, go to the movie theater, start a flower garden, or get a pet
9 - the hermit
get a pet, organize bookshelves, try a juice cleanse, upgrade clothing or declutter closet, start an oral health routine, start journaling more consistently, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, learn to cook something new, invest in new dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), try a food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), take care of a bonsai, take supplements, learn to knit or crochet, start an herb garden, learn to dry your own herbs, take a one way trip to anywhere, or go on a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
learn about different incenses/herbs, practice or take a class in archery, plant a tree, invest in land, learn how to dry berries, start a budget, learn how to budget, start going to a gym / exercising, expand religious/spiritual/philosophical knowledge, learn how to play a new card game, learn how to spin your own wool (then you can move to weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), learn how to make your own clothing, buy a luxury coat, take a trip to a country or place you have never been, start an oral health routine, take an etiquette class, learn about the customs of other countries/cultures, eat more fruit, get a beehive / harvest your own honey, start taking royal jelly, take a horseback riding lesson, upgrade shoes / shoe collection, support spiritual practices / keep learning about what you believe in / trust, or start practicing a positive mindset
11 - justice
go to a ballet or an art gallery, start using or invest in an air purifier, learn how to take care of house plants, buy a house plant, take a spa day, go to a spa, reset your cosmetics (please clean your brushes and sponges), wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, organize your closet, declutter your closet, start a capsule wardrobe, learn how to make pastries/sweets, invest in diamonds, propose to your lover, buy a dress that makes you feel good and take yourself on a date (fancy diner and a play/opera/ballet), go to a fashion show or exhibit, buy yourself flowers, start a flower garden, invest in a luxury chair (a chaise, reading chair, gaming card - whatever your thing is, justice person), declutter your jewelry, invest in luxury jewelry, get your jewelry professional cleaned, go to a concert, read or write a poetry, buy yourself chocolate dipped strawberries, get hair extensions (i know you want to lol), do logic puzzles, or go to an escape room
12 - the hanged man
take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), learn how to better decode angel numbers, look into / practice natural medical remedies, take a ballet class, go to a ballet, revamp your self-care routine, go on a beach vacation, try a new tea or coffee, learn more about tea or coffee, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, take a dance class, read or write a smutty/romance/fantasy book, make a fairy garden, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, start budgeting, try a new makeup look or practice your makeup skills, go to a concert, paint something, read or write a poetry book, take a swim class, make a poppet, or practice meditation
13 - death
start practicing or expanding homeopathic cures and remedies, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, do a colon cleanse, read a philosophy of death book, expand your knowledge of magic, try a new period product, learn more about poisonous plants, make a frog pond, buy a scorpion/snake/snake, gift someone something unexpectedly, or declutter your space
14 - temperance
go on a hunting trip, take an archery class, read a book on religion or philosophy, start a devotional journal, read the book of your core religion or philosophy, purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams, take a certification course or college class, take a horseback riding lesson, go on a horse drawn carriage ride, do logic puzzles, or learn how to better decode angel numbers
15 - the devil
invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it - buy a cow/horse/goat, learn how to use kinetic tape, start dry brushing, invest in diamonds / diamond jewelry, propose to your significant other, invest in a luxury clock or watch, practice/learn better nail care, invest in room darkening curtains, invest in and use a happy lamp, start a lotion/cream skin routine, learn how to knit or crochet, invest in hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), start a hair routine, invest in leather fashion-ware, start a garden or try to successfully grow something new in your garden, invest in an ice maker or ice molds, or try a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
practice yoga, take an acrobatic/gymnastic class, learn about and practice homeopathic cures and remedies, take a first-aid course, learn how to bake, learn how to season and marinate your meats, get a bad haircut or shave your hair off, learn how to use a straight razor, learn knife skills, get a custom metal works done, take boxing lesson, go to a boxing match or monster truck duel, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, take a wood shop class, start a cactus/succulent garden, buy a cactus or succulent, learn how to cook something from scratch (and be okay with failing at it multiple times), invest in pocket knife / knife set /leatherman / multitool and learn how to use it, invest in a tool kit, read or write a comic or graphic novel, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), listen to more rock music, invest in a vinyl, go to a rock concert, maintain a pepper plant, or build a lego kit
17 - the star
learn how to make friendship bracelets, invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, take a flight lesson, use compression stockings/socks, take an architectural tour, read or write an astrology reading, get car detailed, get a club memberships, invest in an electronic device brand, collect movies, watch a new movie, invest in a camera, film a short film or practice photography, start a photography side hustle, practice shadow work, get rid of unused subscriptions, take an acting class, read or write a book on health or mental health, or read or write a book on positivity
18 - the moon
make a piece of abstract art, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), pay a fish, visit an aquarium, go on a fishing trip (for the dads), watch a fishery documentary, read or write a book of conspiracy theories, learn how to read a crystal ball, buy a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, invest a camera, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, read or write poetry book, attempt hydroponics, practice bluffing, take an acting class, invest in new shoes, start using a sleeping eye mask, invest in silk pillow cases, buy yourself new quality bed sheets, start using a bonnet, invest in a typewriter, practice shadow work, buy a puppy, or purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams
19 - the sun
read an autobiographical books, take ballroom dancing lessons, start an oral health routine, try a new card game, make your own chocolates, take an artistic/creative class, get new jewelry or an engagement ring, buy yourself flowers, start a flow garden, start a herb garden, learn how to dry your own herbs, go to a race of some sort (cars, horse, etc), invest in sporting equipment, buy and maintain an ivy plant, take a pottery class, or work on your passion project / hobbies
20 - judgment
buy an ant farm, practice astral projection, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, practice illusions and slight of hand, buy and learn about poisonous plants, read the divine comedy, do a puzzle, buy a bubby, or wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself)
21 - the world
start a garden or try to grow something new, take or give a guitar lesson, invest in air conditioning or fan, take an architectural tour, make your own teddy bear (literally sow one), buy a pair of quality/luxury boots, keep a calendar or planner, practice sun protect / use sunblock products, convert to wooden kitchen supplies (cutting board, spoon, etc), buy a luxury carpet, make a clay house guardian, invest in a luxury clock or watch, use compression stockings/socks, collect coins, learn how to use kinetic tape, build up your crystal collection, start a budget tracker, start a lotion for dry skin routine, learn to knit/crochet, start a hair care routine, invest in an ice machine or ice making trays, learn to make ice cream, take a pottery class, invest in real estate or land, keep a zen sand garden, or invest in a sculpture
22 - the fool
take flight lessons, take a flight to anywhere, get car detailed, get an astrology reading, practice your astrology reading abilities, learn how to ride a bike or do a bike marathon, go to the movie theater, invest in a luxury clock or watch, start a club memberships, take a train ride, take motorcycle classes, do something impulsive, filming or recording something and upload it online, learn to cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, invest in a camera, practice photography, watch a new movie / tv show, invest in a new tv, or take a class
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invisibleicewands · 30 days
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‘I wanted to be seen as the greatest actor of all time. Then I realised that was nonsense’: Michael Sheen on pride, parenting and paying it forward
He’s the feted star who cracked Hollywood, but it was only when he swapped LA for his home town in Wales that he was able to do his most meaningful work yet
By Simon Hattenstone
Michael Sheen has been fabulous in so many TV dramas and movies, it’s hard to know where to start. But perhaps his most memorable appearance came earlier this year in a TV show that didn’t require him to do any acting at all. The Assembly was a Q&A session in which he took questions from a group of young neurodiverse people. Sheen didn’t have a clue what would be asked, and no subject was off limits. It made for life-affirming telly. The 55-year-old Welsh actor was so natural, warm and encouraging as he answered a series of nosy, surprising and inspired questions. I watched it thinking what a brilliant community worker Sheen would be. And, in a way, that’s what he has become in recent years.
“The Assembly’s had more response than anything else I’ve ever done,” Sheen tells me. “Almost every day someone will come up to me and mention it, particularly people who have children with autism. They say it was just so lovely to see something where the interviewers were empowered. I had a fantastic time.” He replays some of his favourite moments: the young man Leo who took an age to start talking, and then delivered the most beautifully phrased question about the influence of Dylan Thomas on Sheen’s life; the woman who asked what it was like to be married to a woman only five years older than his daughter; and the question that came at the end: “What’s your name, again?” He smiles: “And Harry with the trilby on. Just the nicest man ever.” You came across as an incredibly nice man, too, I say. “Aw well, it’s hard not to be when you’re among all those amazing people, innit.”
Today we meet in London, ostensibly to talk about A Very Royal Scandal, a gripping mini-series about Prince Andrew’s infamous Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis – the disastrous attempt to defend his honour that sealed his fall from grace. But we don’t get to the show till it’s almost going home time. Sheen’s too busy discussing all the other stuff that matters to him, away from business.
Six years ago, he swapped life in Los Angeles for Port Talbot, the steel town where he grew up. These days he calls himself a not-for-profit actor – a term he happily admits he’s invented. “It means that I try to use as much of the money I earn as I can to go towards developing projects and supporting various things. Having had some experiences of not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises, I realised that’s what I want to do with my business. And my business is me.” He grins. There was a suggestion that he might stop acting in order to do good works, but he says that never made sense; only by getting decent gigs can he earn money to put back into the community.
It has to be said he’s got the air of a not-for-profit actor today – scruffy black top, sloppy black pants, black trainers. With a bird’s-nest beard and a thicket of greying curls, he looks nicely crumpled. But give him a shave and a trim, allow him a flash of that electric smile, and he could still pass as a thirtysomething superstar.
Sheen is best known for transforming into household names – Brian Clough in The Damned United; Chris Tarrant in Quiz; David Frost in Frost/Nixon; a trio of films as Tony Blair (The Deal, The Queen, and The Special Relationship); Kenneth Williams in Fantabulosa. His Prince Andrew is compelling; by turns petulant, pathetic, monstrous and poignant. He has a gift for inhabiting famous people – voice, body, soul, the works. He’s equally adept as a regular character actor – the dapper angel Aziraphale in Good Omens, pale and pinched as spurned suitor William Boldwood in the 2015 film of Far From the Madding Crowd, the tortured father of a daughter with muscular dystrophy in last year’s BBC drama Best Interests. He even plays a winning version of himself alongside David Tennant (and their respective partners Anna Lundberg and Georgia Tennant) in the lockdown hit TV series Staged.
But the work that changed his life was his 2011 epic three-day reimagining of The Passion on the streets of Port Talbot, involving more than 1,000 people from the local community. It was years in the making, and during that time he decided he would leave Los Angeles to come home. Initially, home just meant Britain, probably London. But the longer he spent with his people, the more it became apparent to him that home could only mean one thing – returning to Port Talbot, and helping the disadvantaged town in whatever way he could.
He admits that for many years he didn’t have a clue about the reality of life in Port Talbot. He had always lived in one bubble or another. His parents were hardly flush, but they had decent jobs – his mother was a secretary, his father a personnel manager at British Steel, and both were active in amateur dramatics. Sheen was academically gifted (he considered studying English at Oxford University before winning a place at Rada), a talented footballer (he had trials with Cardiff and Swansea) and an exceptional young actor. Then came the bubble of Rada and London, followed by the bubble of LA.
It was only when he started to work on The Passion that he began to understand his home town. One day he was rehearsing with a group in a community hall when he was approached by a woman. “She told me she was the mother of this boy who’d been in my class at school called Nigel. When I was 11, he fell off a cliff in an accident and died. It was the first time I’d known someone to die. She said, ‘I’ve started up a grief counselling group here. I have a little bit of money from the council because there is no grief counselling in this area.’” She’d had no counselling when Nigel died, nor in the 31 years since. “And all these years later, she’d set up a little grief counselling thing with a bit of money, so that was extraordinary to hear.” Next time he returned he discovered that the group no longer existed because of council cuts.
Every time he went back he discovered something new. He met a group that supported young carers. Sheen doesn’t try to disguise how ignorant he was. “I said, ‘All right, what are young carers?’ And they said, ‘They’re children who are supporting a family member.’ And I’m like, ‘OK, this is a profession, they get paid, right?’ And I was told, ‘No, they don’t get paid and our little organisation gives them a bit of respite – once a week we take them bowling or to the cinema.’ I went bowling with them one night and there were eight-year-old kids looking after their mother and bringing up the younger kids. This one organisation was trying to take these kids bowling one night a week, and then that went. No funding for that, either. That kind of stuff was shocking.”
As a child, SHEEN says he was oblivious to struggle because he was so driven by his own dreams. First, it was football. By his mid-teens it was acting. West Glamorgan Youth Theatre, which he calls “one of the best youth theatres in the world”, was on his doorstep. “The miners’ strike was on when I was 15 in Port Talbot and I wasn’t really aware of it at the time. That’s how blinkered I was, because I was so obsessed by acting at that point.” Acting wasn’t regarded as a lofty fantasy in Port Talbot as it may have been in many working-class communities. After all, the town had produced Richard Burton and Anthony Hopkins.
In his late teens, heading off for Rada, Sheen feared he would be surrounded by giant talents who would dwarf his. When he discovered that wasn’t the case, he suffered delusions of grandeur. “I wanted to be recognised as the greatest actor in the world,” he says bluntly. In the second year, the students did their first public production: Oedipus Rex. “I thought, well obviously I’ll be cast as Oedipus, then we’ll perform Oedipus to the public and when the world sees me for the first time I’ll be carried shoulder-high through the streets of London and hailed as the greatest actor of all time.” I look for an ironic wink or nod, but none is forthcoming.
Sure enough, he was cast in the lead role. “We did our first public production and I thought I was brilliant.” But nothing changed. It didn’t bring him instant acclaim. By the third night, he could barely get through the performance.
Were you a bit of a cock back then, I ask. He shakes his head. “No, I was having a breakdown. I was crying most of the time. I just fell apart. I spoke to the principal of Rada and I said, ‘I can’t continue at drama school, I have to leave.’ And he said just take some time off, which I did, and two or three weeks later I slowly came back and then completely changed the way I acted.”
Until then he believed acting was just about what he did. “I thought you just worked out how to say the lines as cleverly as you could; it had nothing to do with responding to other people or being in the moment. It was showing off, essentially. And there’s a ceiling to where you can get with that. That breakdown I had was because I’d reached the ceiling and didn’t know how to go any further. That’s why I fell apart.”
He gradually put himself and his technique back together. Was he left with the same ambition? “No. The idea of being considered the best actor of all time becomes nonsense.” In 1991, Sheen left Rada early, because he’d been offered a job he couldn’t turn down. He made his professional debut opposite Vanessa Redgrave in a West End production of Martin Sherman’s When She Danced. Theatre was Sheen’s first love, and his rise was meteoric. From the off, he was cast as the lead in the classics (Romeo and Juliet, Peer Gynt, Henry V, The Seagull) and the 20th-century masterpieces (Norman in The Dresser, Salieri and Mozart in Amadeus, Jimmy Porter in Look Back In Anger).
Sheen was doing exceptionally well when he and his then partner Kate Beckinsale moved to LA for her work in the early 2000s. She was four years younger than him, and already a movie star. Their daughter Lily, now an actor, was a toddler. He assumed that his transition to stardom in LA would be as seamless as it had been in Britain. But it wasn’t. His theatrical acclaim counted for nothing. In 2003, he and Beckinsale split up, but he stayed in LA to be close to Lily.
The first few years, he says, were so lonely and dispiriting. “I found myself living in Los Angeles, there to be with my daughter but just seeing her once a week. I had no career there – it was essentially like starting again. I had no friends and spent a lot of time on my own. It was tough. Slowly I realised how it was affecting me.” In what way? “I remember coming out of an audition for Alien vs Predator, to play a tech geek computer guy with five lines and really caring about it, and then thinking: ‘I can be playing fucking Hamlet at home, what am I doing, what’s this all about?’” He says he’d been so lucky – always working, never having to audition, getting the prize jobs. And suddenly in LA he was an outsider; a nobody.
He and Beckinsale are often cited as role models for joint parenting by ex-couples. In 2016, Beckinsale, Lily and Sheen staged a hilarious photo for James Corden’s The Late, Late Show, recreating the moment of giving birth 17 years earlier. Beckinsale reclines on a kitchen table with Lily sitting between her legs, as an alarmed-looking Sheen stands to the side. Have they always got on well since splitting up? “We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re very important in each other’s lives. It would be really sad if we weren’t – like cutting off a whole part of your life. I’m not saying it doesn’t have its challenges, and I’m sure it’s been harder for her than for me.” Why? “Because … ” He pauses and smiles. “Because I’m more of a twat!” In what way? Another smile. “I’m not going to tell you that, am I?”
Sheen’s break in America came when he was spotted by a casting director who told him he would be perfect for a new project. Ironically, it was to play former British prime minister Tony Blair in a British TV drama called The Deal, directed by British film-maker Stephen Frears and shot in Britain. The Deal led to Frears’s The Queen, about Elizabeth II’s frigid response to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales leading to a crisis for the monarchy. Again he played Blair, this time riding to the rescue of the royals. The movie was nominated for six Oscars (Helen Mirren won best actress) and he never struggled in America again.
The longer he lived in LA, however, the more rooted he felt to Port Talbot. And the further he travelled, around the world or just in Britain, the better he understood how disadvantaged it was. “If you’re in Port Talbot one day and then the next you’re in a little town in Oxfordshire where David Cameron is the MP, it’s fairly obvious there are very different setups there. And that was connected to a political awakening.” He started to read up on Welsh history. In 2017, he returned his OBE because he thought it would be hypocritical to hold on to an honour celebrating empire when he was giving a Raymond Williams lecture on the “tortured history” of the relationship between Wales and the British state.
He began to reassess his past. “I became more aware of the opportunity I’d had in an area where there wasn’t much opportunity. At a certain point you go, Oh, people are having to volunteer to make that youth theatre happen that I’m a product of.” You’d taken it for granted? “Completely. I was happy to think everything I was doing was because of my own talent and I was making my own opportunities, and as I got older I thought maybe that’s not the whole story.”
In 2016, the long-running American TV series Masters of Sex, in which Sheen starred as the pioneering sex researcher William Masters, came to an end. Lily was now 17 and preparing for college. “I suddenly thought, Oh, I can go home now.” And six years ago he finally did – to Baglan, a village adjoining Port Talbot. Since then he has been involved in loads of community projects.
He mentions a few in passing, but he doesn’t tell me he sold his two homes (one in America, the other in Wales) to ensure the 2019 Homeless World Cup went ahead as planned in Cardiff. Nor does he mention that a couple of years ago he started Mab Gwalia (translating to “Son of Wales”), which proudly labels itself a “resistance movement”. On its website, it states: “Mab Gwalia believes that opportunity should not only be available to those who can afford it. The ambition is to build a movement that makes change.” Its projects have supported homeless people, veterans, preschool children on the autism spectrum, kids in care, victims of high-cost credit, and local journalism, which is a particular passion. “In the early 1970s in Port Talbot, there was something like 12 different newspapers. There are none now. None. Communities don’t feel represented, don’t feel their voice is heard and don’t know if the information they’re getting about what’s going on in the community is correct or not. Those are terrifying things, and without local journalism that’s what happens.”
Perhaps surprisingly, he’s even found time for the day job. Earlier this year, he played Nye Bevan in Tim Pryce’s new play about the founding father of the NHS. He also made his directing debut with The Way, a dystopian, and prophetic, three-part TV drama about the closure of the Port Talbot steelworks that results in local riots spreading across the country. How does he feel about the rioting that has scarred the country in recent weeks? “I feel the same way I think most people do. It was awful and terrifying. I worry about how much a hard-right agenda that has been growing for a long time has moved further and further into the mainstream and has clearly got more connected. It’s frightening.” Does he think the new Labour government can deliver the positive change it promises? “Pppfft.”He exhales heavily. “More optimistic than the Conservatives being in power.” Who did he vote for? “That’s my God-given right to remain a secret, isn’t it? It wasn’t the Tories!”
I ask if he’s in favour of Welsh independence. “I don’t know how I feel about it one way or the other, but I would like there to be an open discussion about everything that entails. The problem is when it gets shut down and you don’t get to talk about it.”
Would he ever go into politics? He looks appalled at the idea. “Oh God, no. No! I’d beawful.”Why?“Because I don’t want to say what other people are telling me to say if I don’t agree with it. Look at all those people who voted against the two-child benefit cap and had the whip taken away from them. That’s bollocks. People say I should go into politics because I’m passionate about things and I speak my mind. But then you get into politics and you’re not allowed to do that any more. I’ve got far more of a platform as myself. I can say what I want to say.”
Fair enough. I’ve got another idea. A couple of years ago he gave an inspired motivational speech for the Wales football team before the 2022 men’s World Cup, on the TV show A League of Their Own. Would he take the job as Wales manager if offered it? He looks just as horrified as the idea of a life in politics. “No!” Why not? “Because it’s a completely different profession. You need to know about football. I played football when I was younger, but I wouldn’t have a clue. Wouldn’t. Have. A. Clue. Just because you can make a speech doesn’t mean you’d be any good at that sort of stuff.” He says he was embarrassed about the speech initially, but now feels proud of it. “Schools get in touch and say, ‘We’ve been studying it with the class.’ I put hidden things in. There are rabbit holes you can go down.” He quotes the line, “You sons of Speed” and tells me that’s a reference to the idolised former manager and player Gary Speed who took his life in 2011. You can hear the emotion in his voice.
I’ve been waiting for Sheen to mention the new TV drama about Prince Andrew. Most actors direct you to the project they’re promoting as soon as you sit down with them. Let’s talk about the new show, I  eventually say.
This is already the second drama about the Andrew interview. Did he know that Scoop, which came out earlier this year, was already in the works? “Yes, I knew before I agreed to do this.” Was it a race to see which would get out first? “There was no race, no. We always knew ours would come out after.” What would he say to people who think it’s pointless watching another film on the same subject? “Ours is a three-part story, so it’s able to breathe a lot more. There’s a lot more to it. In our story, Andrew and Emily are the main characters whereas they were very much the supporting ones in the other one.”
Did it change his opinion of Andrew? “No. It showed the dangers of being in a bubble, having talked about being in a bubble myself! The dangers of privilege.” He talks with sensitivity about Andrew’s downfall. “The thing that really struck me was when Andrew came back from the Falklands there was no one more revered, in a way. I didn’t realise his job was to fly helicopters to draw enemy fire away from the ships. I couldn’t believe they would put a royal in that position, so he was genuinely courageous. He was good-looking, a prince, and had everything going for him. Since then everything has just gone down and down and down.” He’s had so little control over his life, Sheen says. Take his relationships. “He was told he couldn’t be with [American actor] Koo Stark any more because of the controversy. He was essentially told he had to divorce Sarah Ferguson because the royal family, particularly Philip allegedly, was concerned that she would bring the family into disrepute.”
Did he end up feeling more empathetic towards him? “No!” he says sharply. Then he softens slightly. “Well, empathy? I felt I understood a bit more – because that’s my job – about what was going on. But he’s incredibly privileged and has exploited that. It seems like he has a lot taken away from him but probably rightfully so.”
A Very Royal Scandal is like The Crown in that it’s great drama but you’re never sure what’s real. Are Andrew’s lines simply made up? “It’s a combination of research and stories out there, and little snippets and invention.” While Emily Maitlis is an executive producer, Andrew most certainly is not. “Well, that’s the real difficulty for our story,” Sheen says. “On the one hand, you’ve got Emily as an exec, so you know everything to do with her is coming from the horse’s mouth. But everything to do with Andrew, not only is it really difficult to get the actual stuff, also we don’t know what he did.” He pauses. “Or didn’t do.” He’s talking about Virginia Giuffre’s allegation that Andrew raped her, which he denied. In the end, Giuffre’s civil case was dropped after an out-of-court settlement was reached on no admission of liability by Prince Andrew, with Giuffre reportedly paid around £12m.
I had assumed Sheen would be a staunch republican, but he doesn’t feel strongly either way. “There are lots of positives about royals, and lots of negatives.” His bugbear is that the heir to the throne gets to be Prince of Wales. “Personally, I would want the title of Prince of Wales to be given back to Wales to decide what to do with it, and I definitely think there’s a lot of wealth that could be used better.”
The biggest change for Sheen since returning to Wales is his family life. In 2019, he revealed that he had a new partner, the Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, that she was 25 years younger than him, and that she was pregnant. They now have two daughters – Lyra who is coming up to five, and two-year-old Mabli. As well as Staged, the couple have also appeared together on Gogglebox. They look so happy, nestling into each other, laughing at the same funnies, tearing up over the same heartbreakers. She also seems naturally funny. Given that two of his former partners (Sarah Silverman and Aisling Bea) are comedians, have all his exes had a good sense of humour? He thinks about it. “Yes. Yeah, you’ve got to have a laugh, haven’t you?” And he’s always got on well with them after splitting up? “Yeah, pretty much.”
When asked about the age difference between Lundberg and him on The Assembly, he acknowledged that they were surprised when they got together. “We were both aware it would be difficult and challenging. Ultimately, we felt it was worth it because of how we felt about each other, and now we have two beautiful children together.” He also said that being an older father worried him at times. “It makes me sad, thinking about the time I won’t have with them.”
Does being a dad of such tiny kids make him feel young or old? “Both,” he says. “My body feels very old. But everything else feels much younger. I’m 55 and it’s knackering running around after little kids. Just physically, it’s very demanding. And I’m at a point in my life where I’m aware of my physical limitations now. But in other ways it’s completely liberating, and I’m able to appreciate it more now.”
Has he learned about fatherhood from the first time round? “Yeah, I think so. I’m around more now. That’s a big part of it. When Lily was young, I was in my early 30s and doing films for the first time, so Kate would stay in Los Angeles with Lily and I would go off and do whatever.” Did Beckinsale resent that? “I don’t know that she resented it. Kate was doing better than me in terms of profile at the time, so it was different. Given that we then split up and I saw Lily even less, I very much regretted being away as much. So this time I wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case. That’s partly why I’ve set up a Welsh production company. I don’t want to work away from them as much.”
Talking of which, he says, what’s the time? “I’ve got to get back to my kids.”
On his way out, I ask what advice he would give his younger self. He says he was asked that recently and gave a glib answer. “I said buy stock in Apple.” What should he have said? He thinks about it, and finally says he’d have no advice for his younger self. He’d rather reverse the question, and think what his younger self would say to him if he tried to advise him.
“I saw an amazing clip of Stephen Colbert saying your life is an accumulation of every bad choice you’ve made and every good choice you’ve made, and the great challenge of life is to say yes to it. To say, ‘I love living, I embrace living.’ And in order to do that you have to embrace all the pain, all the grief, all the sadness, all the fucking mistakes because without that you don’t have all the other stuff.” He’s on a roll now, louder and more passionate by the word. “And I’d hate it if someone came and went, ‘Don’t do this, no do that.’ Then you just sail through your life. It would be death, wouldn’t it? So I’d tell my older self to go fuck himself.”
163 notes · View notes
This is an embarassingly bad paper based on the use of two aversive based dog trainers who are clearly incompetant in the use of +R - yet the e collar training community is taking a victory lap.
The fact that this got past an animal ethics review is honestly appalling and the university should be ashamed.
Let's go over the main huge flaws with this study:
The positive reinforcement protocol they are using to compare to e collars is laughably incompetant - with no management or use of distance, desensitisation. Just use a leash? Maybe?
Use of aversives to stop chasing is, unsurprisingly, effective. Because, yes, painful consequences tend to work to suppress behaviour. That isn't the problem that people have with e collars.
The author seems to think that use of e collars is justified because it "gets results" in a short amount of time to stop dogs chasing - again, apparently we haven't heard of a leash.
"Aside from presumably pain-induced yelps in the dogs with e-collars when they received shocks, none of the dogs in any groups showed any signs of stress or distress." So we're saying a pain vocalisation isn't a sign of distress? That's your welfare parameter? Jfc.
Love how they didn't even try to get fecal cortisol baselines and just collected samples from a few dogs but not all of them. You tried, I guess?
The fact that the trainers for the study is "Ivan and Ivan's Student" is ridiculously biased. Acting as if both these trainers know how to apply +R effectively as opposed to their heavy aversive tool use is laughable.
"We designed our study’s methods around current trainer practices as well as the recommendations of our senior trainer while attempting to keep continencies as simple as possible." - yeeeah that's a conflict of interest. Especially when your "senior trainer" has an axe to grind with R+ people using scientific papers to support their training methods.
You're chucking treats in a bowl after a few sessions and you think that's going to stop a dog chasing a lure? Oh yeah, you got us. We just throw kibble in a bowl to stop dogs running into traffic. I am genuinely floored that that's how they think a +R protocol for chasing works. They have no business comparing the two when they can't even do one properly.
"We also did not test whether the food rewards we deployed were highly valued." Okay so the majority of my client dogs will go nuts for my meaty high value treats because they've only had store bought dry treats and the client is shocked at how food motivated their dog suddenly is..... So this study was relying on whatever the guardian of the dog brought with them lmao rookie mistake.
"Dogs that chase livestock may be shot or otherwise euthanized, and dogs that chase cars may be killed in traffic." Put. Them. On. A. Leash.
"The practical applicability of either the LIMA or LIFE models is likely limited, at least in the United States where dog trainers are not required to be licensed or certified. In a sample of highly rated dog trainers, more than half did not document any relevant education." Does that include your "senior trainer"? It does. Because he doesn't have any formal education in canine behaviour, welfare and science. You know this. You chose him to be your trainer for your study.
"The speed and effectiveness with which the e-collar inhibited the dogs in this study from chasing may justify the limited number of painful stimulations the dogs experienced if the object the dogs were chasing had been something that could directly or indirectly cause them serious injury or death." Or..... OR.... you could not use electric shocks on your dog and potential cause long term damage, fear responses ect.... And use a leash.
Just baffled by this whole study. My high prey drive whippet will go feral for a lure but only when she knows the context for when she's being allowed to chase. She can be at a lure coursing trial for the whole day not worrying about the lure because 1) I keep her at a distance where the stimulus isn't saliant enough and 2) she gets reinforcement for calmly watching from a distance.
I'm honestly getting second hand embarassment reading this study. It's just such bad science should never have gotten past an ethics board.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Tarot Cards as Professions
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Major Arcanas:
The Fool: Work with abroad, connections with imports, language teacher, multinationals, entrepreneur, intern, college student, art major.
The Magician: Entrepreneur, job that needs skill with the hands (acupuncture, hairdresser, artisan), actor, salesperson, influencer.
The High Priestess: Education, especially children, nutrition, psychology, cook, housewife, food engineering, toy factory, fortuneteller, spiritual advisor, librarian.
The Empress: Management, business administration, foreign trade, secretariat, translation, decoration, stay-at-home mom, model, cook, farmer.
The Emperor: Business administration, work related to areas of technological innovation, the military or sportsmen, CEO, tycoon.
The Hierophant: Philanthropic areas, ONGs, religious work, social work, diplomacy, and a degree, journalism, writer, editor, priest, spiritual guru, politician.
The Lovers: Sales area in any sector, tourism, theater, advertising, the arts in general, porn star, stripper, masseuse.
The Chariot: Activities related to transport, cars, the latest technology, chauffeur, mechanic, athlete.
Strength: Aesthetics, physical education and various body therapies, medicine, zoologist.
The Hermit: Teacher, writer, doctor, antique dealer, restorer, librarian, gardener.
Wheel of Fortune: Financial market, exchange offices, casinos, lottery houses, stock exchanges, and areas related to public relations, hospitality, game show host.
Justice: Public jobs, won through competitions, politics, police, with government positions, in the diplomatic area, law, insurance company worker.
The Hanged Man: Nurse, auditor, inspector, porter, secretariat, general assistants, yoga instructor, prison guard, philanthropist.
Death: Doctor, farmer, geologist, business administrator, gardener, accountant, assassin, death row executioner, surgeon.
Temperance: Working with liquids in general or with what is transported in liquid form such as alcoholic beverages, medicines, juices. chemist, chef, food critic, regional or even international traffic.
The Devil: Does not limit the individual to a professional wing, so he can also go to extremes for the desire he has, such as landlord, drug lord, sex trafficker.
The Tower: Social assistance, humanitarian aid, medicine, firefighter, police officer, construction worker.
The Star: Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, cinema, makeup artist, dressmaker, beautician, agent, promoter, sound artist, astronomer, harpist, dealer, meteorologist.
The Moon: Oceanographers, sailors, fishermen, owners of bars and restaurants or nightclubs, artists in general, medium, hypnotist, psychiatrist.
The Sun: Motivational speaker, entertainer, comedian, social relationships, work with the public, artist in general, member of society.
Judgment: Work done at home, connection with the law, lawyer, judge, work with disabled or people excluded from society, social assistance, board member, executive producer, director.
The World: Pharmacist, massage therapist, scientist, teacher, community leader, religious leader or priest, fashion designer, makeup artist, interior decorator.
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Creative industries such as advertising, marketing, and graphic design.
Entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Athletics, sports coaching, or physical training.
Outdoor jobs like park ranger or tour guide.
Event planning or organizing.
Firefighters or rescue workers.
Ace of Wands: Entrepreneur, startup founder, motivational speaker, fitness coach, personal trainer.
Two of Wands: Business strategist, project manager, travel agent, international consultant, import/export specialist.
Three of Wands: Sales representative, marketing manager, e-commerce entrepreneur, market researcher, international trade coordinator.
Four of Wands: Event planner, wedding coordinator, party organizer, festival manager, hospitality industry professional.
Five of Wands: Conflict resolution specialist, mediator, lawyer, debate coach, competitive sports coach.
Six of Wands: Public relations manager, spokesperson, social media influencer, motivational speaker, winning athlete.
Seven of Wands: Defense attorney, human rights activist, political campaigner, advocate, civil liberties lawyer.
Eight of Wands: Courier, delivery driver, airline pilot, travel blogger, expedition guide.
Nine of Wands: Security guard, bodyguard, soldier, endurance athlete, self-defense instructor.
Ten of Wands: Overworked entrepreneur, project manager, event organizer, professional organizer, heavy equipment operator.
Page of Wands: Assistant in a creative field, aspiring artist, intern in a startup, social media coordinator, apprentice.
Knight of Wands: Travel journalist, adventure tour guide, professional athlete, race car driver, stunt performer.
Queen of Wands: CEO, business owner, charismatic leader, life coach, influential speaker.
King of Wands: Executive manager, entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, director of a creative agency.
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Counseling, therapy, or social work.
Hospitality industry, including restaurant management and bartending.
Wedding planner or event coordinator.
Artistic fields like poetry, writing, or acting.
Healing professions such as nursing or holistic therapy.
Psychologist or counselor specializing in emotions and relationships.
Ace of Cups: Therapist, counselor, social worker, holistic healer, emotional support specialist.
Two of Cups: Marriage counselor, matchmaker, relationship coach, wedding planner, love psychic.
Three of Cups: Event organizer, party planner, celebratory event coordinator, community organizer.
Four of Cups: Meditation teacher, mindfulness coach, spiritual counselor, psychologist, therapist.
Five of Cups: Grief counselor, trauma therapist, hospice worker, emotional healing practitioner, bereavement support.
Six of Cups: Child psychologist, teacher, daycare worker, children's book author, pediatric nurse.
Seven of Cups: Creative writer, fantasy novelist, imaginative artist, dream analyst, visionary.
Eight of Cups: Travel blogger, adventure seeker, spiritual pilgrim, explorer, wanderlust photographer.
Nine of Cups: Life coach, happiness consultant, gratitude coach, self-help author, wellness retreat organizer.
Ten of Cups: Family therapist, marriage and family counselor, foster care advocate, wedding planner, family mediator.
Page of Cups: Creative writer, artist in training, intuitive healer, aspiring therapist, dream interpreter.
Knight of Cups: Actor, romantic poet, musician, art therapist, love and relationship coach.
Queen of Cups: Psychic reader, intuitive healer, counselor, compassionate caregiver, therapist.
King of Cups: Therapist, counselor, intuitive mentor, emotional intelligence trainer, psychologist.
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Legal professions like lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers.
Journalists, reporters, or investigators.
IT specialists, computer programmers, or hackers.
Teachers or professors specializing in critical thinking or philosophy.
Military or defense-related careers.
Strategic planners or analysts.
Ace of Swords: Lawyer, judge, legal consultant, investigative journalist, strategic planner.
Two of Swords: Mediator, conflict resolution specialist, negotiator, diplomat, relationship counselor.
Three of Swords: Divorce lawyer, grief counselor, trauma therapist, emotional healer, heart surgeon.
Four of Swords: Rest and relaxation specialist, meditation teacher, spiritual retreat organizer, yoga instructor.
Five of Swords: Military strategist, competitive sports coach, lawyer specializing in litigation, debate coach.
Six of Swords: Travel agent, relocation consultant, therapist specializing in transitions, boat captain.
Seven of Swords: Private investigator, spy, intelligence analyst, cybersecurity expert, undercover agent.
Eight of Swords: Social justice lawyer, human rights advocate, disability rights activist, therapist specializing in limiting beliefs.
Nine of Swords: Insomnia specialist, anxiety therapist, nightmare counselor, sleep coach, mental health counselor.
Ten of Swords: Surgeon, coroner, forensic scientist, mortician, grief counselor.
Page of Swords: Researcher, journalist, fact-checker, apprentice in a legal field, investigative reporter.
Knight of Swords: Military officer, police officer, attorney, competitive fencer, conflict resolution specialist.
Queen of Swords: Judge, lawyer, critic, journalist, literary agent.
King of Swords: Judge, attorney, CEO, strategist, military general.
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Financial advisors or investment bankers.
Real estate agents or property developers.
Agriculture, farming, or gardening.
Architects, builders, or construction workers.
Conservationists or environmentalists.
Accountants or bookkeepers.
Ace of Pentacles: Financial advisor, investment banker, wealth manager, entrepreneur, luxury goods retailer.
Two of Pentacles: Financial analyst, accountant, bookkeeper, event planner, stock trader.
Three of Pentacles: Architect, contractor, project manager, teamwork facilitator, craftsman.
Four of Pentacles: Wealth manager, investor, financial planner, asset protection specialist, treasurer.
Five of Pentacles: Social worker, philanthropist, charity organizer, financial counselor, volunteer.
Six of Pentacles: Philanthropist, humanitarian worker, non-profit manager, social worker, charitable fundraiser.
Seven of Pentacles: Gardener, farmer, agricultural consultant, sustainability expert, botanist.
Eight of Pentacles: Craftsperson, artisan, apprentice, skilled tradesperson, technical trainer.
Nine of Pentacles: Luxury brand manager, independent business owner, successful entrepreneur, vineyard owner, art collector.
Ten of Pentacles: Real estate developer, property investor, family business owner, generational wealth manager, financial advisor.
Page of Pentacles: Intern, student, apprentice in a practical field, aspiring entrepreneur, entry-level employee.
Knight of Pentacles: Accountant, financial planner, farmer, skilled tradesperson, meticulous worker.
Queen of Pentacles: CEO, business owner, property developer, hospitality industry entrepreneur, financial advisor.
King of Pentacles: CEO, business mogul, successful investor, high-level executive, financial consultant.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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909 notes · View notes
astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You would do well as a personal trainer or fitness instructor since you have great energy and motivation that can inspire clients to achieve health and fitness goals. You feel abundant when you are inspired and inspiring others and when you can experience the childlike joy and share it with those around you.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via teaching about practical skills, business, economics or the arts, via creating and selling educational content (online courses, e-books, instructional videos), by becoming a travel writer or blogger, starting or managing a tourism-related business (travel agency, boutique hotel or guided tour company), via international law.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via developing or working with educational technology platforms that facilitate online learning, via work in international business/trade, via diplomacy, engaging in media production, creating content for TV, radio or online platforms.
You can feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via selling home-brewed beer or offering brewing classes, via media content (podcasts, videos) connected with family relationships, emotional health, cultural traditions, life coaching, via real estate related to family homes, community housing, vacation properties that provide a sense of home and comfort, via non-profit organizations that focus on family support, emotional well-being and cultural preservation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via providing high-end services, such as image consulting or bespoke travel planning, via engaging in theatre, film, directing, producing, via creative arts (music, painting, dancing), via sharing your experiences by storytelling, via teaching, arts, philosophy or leadership.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via nutrition counselling, naturopathy, wellness coaching, preventative care, via writing for technical and scientific publications, via developing or managing programs that facilitate cultural exchanges and study abroad opportunities. You feel abundant when you are focused on service and when you have clear communication.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via becoming a make-up artist, creating tutorials or selling beauty products. You feel abundant when you travel with your loved ones, your partner or as a part of the team. You find wealth via becoming a teacher in subjects like art, design, law or philosophy. You find abundance in starting a business in art (art gallery, design studio, fashion brand).
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via esoteric studies, sociology, spiritual transformation, via energy work, shamanic healing, transformational coaching. You feel abundant when you dive into transformation, healing and deep psychological insights. You can also offer consulting services in areas, like crisis management, organizational transformation or deep personal development. You feel abundant when you promote healing and transformation via self-help books, wellness products or spiritual tools.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering tailored travel plans, starting a business in adventure tourism (offering hiking, trekking and cultural tours), offering spiritual counselling or coaching, helping others find their path and purpose.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via import/export, global consultancy, multinational corporations, via offering historical tours, archaeological digs, via eco-tourism, via international law or corporate law. You feel abundant when you are disciplined, patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via writing or speaking about progressive philosophical or spiritual ideas that align with modern, futuristic or humanitarian values, via online courses, workshops or alternative education methods, via technology, social sciences or futuristic studies.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via producing media content (podcast, video, documentary) on spiritual, artistic, cultural topic, via creating educational programs/workshops that blend traditional learning with holistic or spiritual perspective, via spiritual coaching, astrology or psychic readings.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
98 notes · View notes
nectar-cellar · 4 months
i always love seeing your gameplay posts, they inspire me to play myself!! are there any mods you recommend to make the game more fun and/or realistic?
aw thank you so much!! knowing people like it also inspires me to play more :)
first of all i find a lot of gameplay mods through modthesims and creators here on tumblr: anitmb, twinsimming, olomaya, phoebejaysims, the sweet simmer @ mts, petalruesimblr, riverianepondsims (really want to try her tennis mod)
definitely check out those creators blogs to see all the gameplay mods they offer!!
nraas career + self-employed module: i am using this one mainly for the personal trainer career. your sim registers at city hall and then you can train other sims on any exercise equipment and earn $, it's kind of like a live career. with nraas careers you can also install more rabbithole careers for adults and teens from modthesims or missyhissy.
nraas relativity: i use this mod to slow down time so that my sims have more time during the day to do stuff. i set the speed to 19. you can edit the time speed by clicking on any clock or on city hall.
nraas register: i use this mod to disable paparazzi, tourists, and wild animals.
icarus_allsorts at modthesims
autonomous fun in the sun mod: makes sims do more stuff at beach
eat outside restaurants mod: makes restaurant rabbitholes more alive because sims are eating outside
lazyduchess lot population reduced mod: makes all lots more populated, more chances to socialize and get into drama. warning that lots can get really busy though!!
sandy has a lot of items that add gameplay. check out:
outdoor section
entertainment section
also the pets, kids, and downtown sections
EA Store - get these from blamseastore or free-sims3 archive
rim rockin basketball hoop: adds ability for sims to play basketball!! perfect for park/gym/university/community center lot
business as usual bistro: you can make your own restaurant for sims (also comes with a pre-built lot) to autonomously come in, sit down, order food, socialize. ani also has the "business as unusual" mod which is more in-depth.
deliciously indulgent bakery: adds more baking recipes and a pre-built cupcake shop lot you can place down
lucky simoleon casino: comes with lucky palms gold - you get a casino. the store also has a "double down poker and roulette bundle" for more gambling games you can add.
partaeus maximus statue: put it on any lot to make sims enjoy parties more.
DIY fitness career
you can make your own gym/exercise studio(s) around town and have your sim make a living by training others.
nraas careers self employed as trainer: train sims on the default gym equipment
twinsimming yoga mod + spin class mod: sims can teach yoga classes and lead spin classes using the cc yoga mat and cc exercise bike.
olomaya get pumped mod: sims can teach fitness classes using the cc exercise mats.
DIY twitch streamer career
ani simtube camera: your sim talks in front of a camera. improves social networking skill & adds blog posts to the blog app
twinsimming livestreaming mod: improves celeb level, social networking, video game skills
twinsimming level up video game skill mod: play video games, improvde video game skill, participate in tournaments to earn $ prizes
you can pair this with other jobs (modelling, singing, acting, etc.) for a sim who is trying to be a self-made social media star.
75 notes · View notes
mallgothyamaguchi · 3 months
what haikyuu characters would major in at My College™ -secondary characters edition!-
i’m having a lot of fun with this :) i’m kind of just doing main side characters and ones i have a good idea for, but if you have a request, feel free to send a reply or ask!
oikawa - …spanish major with latin american & caribbean studies minor. sue me
iwaizumi - easy easy easy mr. iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer is pre-med track biology major and i stand by that
kenma - easy this kid is computer science to a t, but he also minors in business administration (influence of kuroo)
kuroo - business administration with minors in chemistry (can’t disappoint everyone’s fanon career for him as a chemist) and media & communications (he is a sports promoter after all)
fukunaga - look did i just put him in here to say that he’d be part of one of the many comedy groups on my campus? yes absolutely. theater major.
bokuto - not even furudate knows what he went to college for, so i get to go a little crazy with this one. i like to believe he’s on the education track and majoring in english & creative writing. he’d be everyone’s favorite english teacher in high school.
akaashi - similar path as bokuto major in english & creative writing, with the complementary english literatures major or minor
konoha - hehe public health and chemistry major, looking to get his graduate degree in medical leadership (my pharmaceutical boy) he will also most likely go to pharmacology school post-grad
ushijima - he’s the rare student with only one major and one major only: environmental science.
tendou - hot take, but a chemistry major with a theater minor
semi - he is a musician, so i will give him our music major, but he is also a civil servant (yall ignore that a lot), so i give him political science or political economy & public policy
aone - physical science major with either a project management or supply chain management accelerated program worked in
futakuchi - there’s definitely sustainability studies in there, but interestingly, i’d also add physics
koganegawa - i’d say physical science major as part of the dual degree engineering program, adding in the innovation and entrepreneurship minor
kita - most definitely an environmental science and sustainability studies major with a religion studies minor :) (yes i know he specifically says he doesn’t really believe in the gods, but i can’t help but associate him with religion…) i think he’d also be interested in my college’s abroad trip to japan, which focuses on ecology and religion in japan (i really want to go on this trip…)
osamu - easy. business administration.
atsumu - maybe an interesting take, but i’d say psychology. the amount of psychological warfare he tries to use i think is enough explanation.
that’s all for now! let me know if there are more characters you’d like to know about ! i’m having a lot of fun with this so please send in requests 🙏
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ferretrade · 1 year
y'all voted overwhelmingly for the codywan bodyguard/fake marriage au in that poll last month so I come bearing a little intro/teaser for it. :)
It's an ordinary Tuesday and Cody should've known it wouldn't stay that way.
When he comes into work, Fox and Wolffe are holed up arguing in their office. Cody diligently ignores them in favor of getting on with his own shit in the relative peace; he's only just gotten their accounts into shape and he's still working on maximizing their profits and cutting down expenses. (They were rather bleeding money when Fox and Wolffe had been taking care of the books themselves.) 
Before long, his closed door is ignored and the brothers stroll in with a feral energy that raises Cody's hackles. Last time they looked like that, they'd roped him into joining their business—and the time before, he'd been convinced to go cliff jumping. Trouble, all the same. 
"Cody," Fox croons dangerously. 
"No thank you."
Fox scoffs. "Told you he wouldn't even hear us out."
Cody narrows his eyes. "You can't taunt me into being interested," he lies. From Fox's smirk, he knows. (And isn't that just the problem with working with family?) 
"Cody, Fox," Wolffe snaps exasperatedly. "Can we get to the point?" 
It's serious, then. Cody frowns. "What is it? You need to fire someone?" 
"It's a job," Fox says, sitting on the edge of Cody's desk. "We need someone undercover and you're it." 
"I'm not a guard," Cody points out. He was very specific when he joined Canidae Personal Protection; he'd gone to school for business management and accounting—he's the numbers guy, the one who could keep his brothers' dream running and growing. Because, look, he supports it one hundred percent. Fox and Wolffe had long wanted to have a one stop shop for protective services and self-defense classes, specifically for underserved communities who were really in danger. But that didn't mean he wanted to be a bodyguard or even a trainer. Cody made sure they could do what they wanted and found ways they could put more money toward the people who mattered. That's where his skills really make a difference. 
"That's why you're ideal for this. It needs to be… discreet."
Cody narrows his eyes at Fox, trying to discern what exactly he's not being told. 
Wolffe sighs. "Cody, you're our best man for the job. We need someone we can trust." 
"Bly," Cody names. 
Wolffe glares at Fox and Cody imagines this was part of the argument he overheard earlier. 
"Not possible," Fox insists, mostly to Wolffe. "To do something undercover on this level, with this time crunch? We need a blank slate. No partner, no bodyguarding history, but capable of guarding." 
Undercover. No partner. Ah. "You want me to be a pretend boyfriend." 
Fox lights up. "Not quite," he says. "But that's the real highlight, this guy is your type. You'll have no trouble selling it."
"My type?" Cody raises an eyebrow. "Which is?"
"Don't act like you don't have one," Fox scoffs. "We know you."
"Look," Wolffe jumps in before it can get messy. "You'll get along with him, is all. And you're not engaged."
Cody hums. Fair, Bly wouldn't be suited to pretend date someone else. Cody still doesn't like it, but he can see the desperation on Wolffe's face and hiding behind Fox's pushing. Whatever the reason, they really do need him. 
"Fine," Cody relents. "But you're telling me every detail and I'm not cheap." 
"Great." Fox grins sharply as he hops off the desk, clapping his hands together. "I already hacked your data. Congrats, you're now Cody Kenobi." 
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marveldcmistress · 11 months
Heartbreak Amongst the Harem
A/N: It's here! Thank you to @just-ten-cents for the encouragement and beta writing for me! And like most of my writing, this is purely self-serving. Based off a dream I had about Mikey, but I threw is the other three just for spice and giggles. Enjoy!
Summary: Reader is in a poly relationship, and everything was going great, until a lack of communication and people's hurt feelings cause some loyalty issues.
Pairings: Mike (Hellraiser) x Plus Size!Reader, Captain Syverson x Plus Sized!Readaer, August Walker x Plus Sized!Reader, Walter Marshall x Plus Sized!Reader
Trigger Warnings: cheating, reverse harem, cussing, physical violence/threats of physical violence, hints and innuendos of smut, drinking and smoking, if there's anymore just let me know.
If someone would have told you a year ago you would be in a relationship with four men, who are more than happy to share you, you would have laughed in their face. It was a wonder even one out of the three older men took a second glance at you, let alone all three wanting you. You were less surprised about Mikey though. You were fully aware that he was a whore. He almost bragged about it when he could come in during your shifts at the bar. 
All four had been customers at some point or other. Sy, Walter, and August had all grown up together. Despite being fourth cousins, twice removed, or however they tried to explain it to you, they grew up in tight knit families. Eventually, Sy went into the military, August was hired into the CIA and Walter went off to college and became a cop. But as life goes, it brought them back together when Sy retired, August chose to leave the CIA, and Walter offered to move them into his house to fill the void Faye left when she went to college. 
Sy had started his own dog training business while August became a personal trainer for the police academy. Months after though was when Sy got the call from one of their other cousin’s, Liza. Liza had gotten pregnant at 17 and raised Mikey mostly on her own. When Mikey had gotten into college in the same city, she had practically BEGGED Sy and Walter to let him live with them so he would stay out of trouble. And it worked, for the most part. There had been a few times where some of Mikey’s flings had shown up to the house because he had ghosted them and they couldn’t handle it, but Walter had that straightened out pretty quickly. 
The first time you met them, they had all come in for Mikey’s 22nd birthday, only wanting a couple drinks and some wings before going home for work the next morning. You were behind the bar, busting ass alone and looking fantastic while doing it. Sy and August had shared a look. It wasn’t uncommon for them to share a woman during their usual one night stands. Walter had rolled his eyes and shook his head. One day these three were going to get him killed. Despite his thought process though, he could agree that you were an attractive woman. All four men were flirting with you all night, causing a blush to cover not only your cheeks, but spread all the way down your neck and across your chest, much to their delight. 
It went on that way for months, sometimes they would come in individually, just two or three of them, or as the whole group. Sometimes it was deep conversation about the darkness they had seen in the world, the battle of darkness inside of them, and the anger at the universe they held for making them go through that darkness alone. Everytime though they would flirt with you. Eventually, you fell in love with them.
Sy was the perfect southern gentleman, funny and sweet and respectful. He always told the worst dad jokes. August was snarky and sarcastic, but he called you Kitten and it just made you weak in the knees. Walter was grumpy and brooding, but the intellectual conversations you would have stimulated you mentally, which stimulated you sexually as well. He could also appreciate any insight you could provide from what little he could tell you about his cases. 
And last but not least, Mikey. He had gotten the nickname Baby from you because of his baby face. He was like a puppy dog to you. It had taken some convincing from Mikey and the others for you to give him a chance. It was unconventional, but it worked for the five of you. Sy and August were your makeshift bouncers when your boss fired the last one you had without having someone to replace him and they never interfered with your job unless it was a risk to your safety. Sometimes when flirting with customers for tips they would get carried away, but that’s not the point. 
Everything was going great, until you got that text that shattered everything. It had been a beautiful summer day in the middle of July. Sy had taken you and Walter on a trip for the weekend in between cases. The cabin on the lake was beautiful, lush green grass surrounding you, trees thick and abundant. Sy and Walter were on the docks fishing while you were sitting on the porch drinking a glass of moscato. August had appointments for a personal training business he had just started and Mikey had opted out, spouting something about having summer classes he had homework for. It struck you as odd, he hadn’t told you about taking summer classes before, but you shook it off and decided to have a good trip with the two lovers you had with you. There was no cell service out here so you had to entertain yourself. 
After your much needed break with your boys, filled with sex and rest, it was back to business as usual. Walter had once asked you to move in, to which you had told him it was too soon. You would love to move in one day, when your relationship with all four men was at a more permanent standing. It wasn’t that you didn’t see a future with them, but you were still unsure as to how this poly situation would work long term. But that was a discussion for another day. 
It was a week after your trip and you were hustling behind the bar, flipping bottles and slinging drinks. It was an extra busy Saturday night, the band being extremely popular amongst the local community. Sy and August were standing at the very end of the bar by the door, two sets of military trained eyes scoping every part of the crowded room. You’re so busy you don’t have time to check your phone when you see a notification from Mikey light your phone up. 
It wasn’t until after the last customer had left and you finished all of your side work did you look at your phone. Sy was walking behind you to his truck, his hand in your back pocket. August had left after last call, saying he was gonna set up your nightly routine at home so it was ready when you got there. Your boys always treated you so well. 
You unlock your phone and click on the notification. You weren’t surprised to see he had sent you a video, as Mikey had an obsession with TikToK and liked to share what he thought you would enjoy. As you wait for the video to load, Sy helps you climb into his truck, his hands pushing you by the ass into the seat, pinching just under the cheeks before you sit down.
“Ow, Sy!” you yelp. He just chuckles, vibrations coming from deep in his chest. 
“Can’t help it, Sugar. It’s just so juicy,” he says as he sends you his signature failed wink, making you laugh as you call him an asshole. You had almost forgotten your phone in your hand until the video started playing. You watch, confused at first as to why you see your ex-coworker MaKenna on the screen. But the longer the video goes on, the worse it gets. She’s half naked, completely bare from the bottom down and bouncing on someone’s……. And then you see his face and your blood starts to boil. 
It’s Mikey, under your ex-coworker, letting her ride reverse cowgirl. His hands are on her hips and his hips are meeting hers and you’re gonna get sick. MaKenna wasn’t exactly a bad coworker or person, you knew she was promiscuous, and you didn’t judge her for it. But she knew you and Mikey were together. And though it was an unconventional relationship you had with him and his cousins, you were big on loyalty and each man had pledged their loyalty only to you. So for him to have done this to you broke you on the inside. 
Just as they start to get louder, tears start to burn in your eyes. Sy catches on to the noise coming from your phone and looks over the console to your phone. The second he recognizes his little cousin’s face, he’s pissed. He knew Mikey had been a slut, but it seems he needs to teach the little prick a lesson about messing around on the woman you promised to only give certain affections and attentions to. 
“That little fucker. I’m gonna beat his ass.” he mumbles, starting to tear out of the parking lot and speed towards home. You ignore him, locking your phone and wiping the tears out of your eyes. You had confided in all four that you had been cheated on before, and all of them had worked hard to earn your trust. You never thought one of them would do something like this to you. Before you could stop it, a sob burst from your chest and out of your mouth. That’s when the dam really broke and you started crying uncontrollably. 
“Oh baby. I’m sorry, I know it hurts. I’m gonna get you home and August and I are gonna take good care of ya. And then we’re gonna hunt down that little prick and kick his ass real good.”  He reaches across the console to wipe the tears from your eyes before wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into his side. It’s uncomfortable, the console digging into your ribs, but you appreciate his attempt to love on you. 
You pull into the driveway ten minutes later. Sy doesn’t even give you a chance to get out on your own, opening your door and wrapping his arms around your waist and carrying you inside the house. August had heard you pull in and met you at the door, one brow lifted in question. Then he saw your red, puffy eyes and his ocean eyes turned murderous. You simply just unlocked your phone and handed it to him, Sy walking away to let him watch the video without hurting you even further. 
“What the actual fuck?!” 
“I’m already planning to kick his ass so get in line. But right now she is my main priority,” Sy hollers behind his back. Normally you would admonish him for talking about you in front of you like you weren’t even there, but you were too busy trying to keep air in your lungs to really care about telling him off. Your chest hurt and your eyes stung and it just felt like your world had come crashing down. You knew you would owe Sy big time when this was over. August too. 
Sy had carried you into the master bathroom where August had set up a bubble bath with candles and snacks. He had taken to spoiling you after your long shifts. You had found out very quickly he was dominant and took his duties as a dom seriously, and that included pampering you with only the best. Most weekend evenings/mornings after your shifts at the bar include a hot bubble bath with your favorite wine, snacks, and a good foot rub. That is usually followed by a full body massage with your favorite lotion. If you happened to stay awake during the massage, you’d then get the best dick down to finish you off and send you to sleep more than satisfied. 
“Baby doll?” Sy’s voice pulls you out of whatever trance you were in. You look up into his eyes, before looking over his shoulder to August’s concerned gaze. You hate the pity you see in both of their eyes, hate knowing they are looking at you in such a vulnerable state. 
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“Do you want us to help you, Kitten?” August asks. You don’t know what you want. You want them there for comfort, as that’s what partners are for. You want the floor to open you up and swallow you whole. You want to forget that Mikey even exists and that you ever met him. You don’t know…..
August must see it on your face because he moves to the tub and takes the plug out to let the water drain. He then swiftly moves to the shower and turns it on as hot as you can stand it. Sy slowly starts to ease your shirt up and over your head, before moving to your jeans. You know there is nothing sexual motivating his actions, but you can’t help but bring your arms up to cover yourself. Sy squats down to his knees to help you take off your pants, and August moves to leave a kiss on your forehead before pulling out his phone and walking out of the room. 
Sy moves you bodily to the shower, helping you slip in before telling you he’ll be in the other room when you get out.. You see him set out a towel and fresh clothes from Walter’s closet before leaving the bathroom. The sound of the door clicking shut resonates in the silent room. The only noise being the shower water hitting the tiled floor and your quiet sobbing. You slide to sit on the floor, bringing your knees to your chest and burying your head. 
You felt ridiculous. Part of the reason you had been so hesitant to even consider adding Mikey to your little group was his history with women. All four men were open about how he treated his flings when he was done with them. You were also concerned about his age. You didn’t normally go for guys around your age, and especially younger. Three years wasn’t much of a gap physically, but maturity wise had been a big red flag to you. 
Eventually you had cried yourself dry and the water had turned cold. You stood up, shutting off the water. You hadn’t even had the shower door fully open before Walter burst in the bathroom. You wanted to cover yourself, but he didn’t give you the chance. Before you could blink, he had you wrapped in his  big arms, the wool of his sweater scratching against your bare skin. He sways you back and forth and you’re bombarded with the memory of him telling you this is how he used to get Faye to sleep when she was a baby. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. August called me and I rushed right over.” he slowly releases you when he remembers you’re fully naked. He moves back to the toilet where he gets the towel and wraps it around you. You want to argue that you can dry and dress yourself, but the energy just doesn’t seem to be there. Once he’s satisfied that you've dried off enough, he pulls one of his softer sweaters over your head, lifting your arms and slotting them into the sleeves. He kneels with a pair of boxers in hand, lifting each foot and sliding the shorts up your legs. He makes a show of bringing them up over your ass, and you give him a small smile. All three of these beautiful men, trying to make you feel better. How did you get so lucky?
When Walter is happy that you are finally ready for bed, he scoops you up by the thighs and carried you into the bedroom. You see Sy already laying in bed, shirtless but wearing pajama bottoms. You hear August in the kitchen, assuming he’s putting away the snacks he had planned for your nightly routine. Walter lays you in the middle of the California King sized bed, right next to Sy, before moving to the closet to change into pajamas while Sy turns and snuggles into your side, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and ribs. 
“I know this probably won’t mean much, but he doesn’t deserve you, Sugar.” Sy mumbles into your chest. Even now, you can’t help but find amusement in his obsession with your tits. His favorite pillows, he once said. 
“Thanks, Sy.” you mumble. You feel the bed dip beside you, turning to find Walter getting in on your right side. He’s also shirtless only wearing pajama bottoms, and the fuzz on his chest is thicker than the others. 
“He’s right, Love. You are an incredible woman, and it’s Michael’s loss if he can’t see that.” his voice rumbles through your whole body. They’re both so warm, so soft. You internally chuckle at the contradiction. All four of them had godlike bodies, firm muscles and virile masculine strength. You lose your amusement as you think of Mikey again. 
You look up as August walks in, dressed just as the other two. You were prepared for the nightly argument of who was going to cuddle with you and how. When it came to sex, these men worked together like a well oiled machine, each one moving perfectly in sync with the other to bring you the highest heights of pleasure. But when it came to cuddles, they fought over you like children with a teddy bear. But none of that happened. With Sy on his side to your left, Walter on his side to your right, and you on your back in the middle, August made his way between your legs and laid right on top of you. His torso was half on top of you, with his head on your sternum right below your breasts, half on the bed between your thighs, and the rest of his body between your spread calves. 
“I feel like I’m in a puppy pile,” you mutter, causing all three men to chuckle. They quiet quickly though, all three concluding you’re trying to hide your pain through humor. Three sets of arms squeeze you tightly, and you soak up the love radiating from the three beautiful souls surrounding you.  Maybe this heartbreak will be easier to get over when you have three other boyfriends to take care of you. Soon, the snoring coming from Sy, the soothing hand August has rubbing your thigh, and Walter playing with your hair, on top of all of the crying you’ve done, lulls you into a deep sleep.
When you wake up, the sun is shining through the windows. You’re used to the sun being high in the sky when you wake up, but never have you woken up with one of the guys, aside from Mikey, still in bed with you. Sy was never one to sleep much, years of military training now just ingrained into who he is as a human being. August was usually at the gym, and Walter would be on a case. So it shocked you to still have Walter by your side. You look up to his face and find he is watching you. You should have figured he wouldn’t have been asleep.
“How long have you been up?” you ask, voice hoarse from sleep. Your throat hurt from crying so much last night, and your head was throbbing. Despite having slept deeply for a decent amount of time, you were still exhausted. Your eyes burned and your body felt heavy. 
“A few hours. I was up for a bit, but I didn’t want you to wake up alone.” he whispers. You always wondered how he always knew what you needed, even if it was something as small as keeping his voice low because your head hurts, when you didn’t even tell him. 
“Thanks, babe. Where’s the other two?” you look around. You can hear someone working around in the kitchen. The smells of bacon and eggs finally hits your senses and your stomach grumbles. You silently wished Walter hadn’t heard. Out of the four, well now three, he was the most anal about making sure you ate enough and stayed hydrated. You look up and there it is, the pointed look he gives you everytime.
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“Love, did you eat last night?” You look down in shame. You had a horrible habit of getting so caught up at work you forget to order food from the kitchen before it closes. 
“You see, what had happened was..” you start. Walter rolls his eyes and huffs, beginning to roll away from you. You pull him back in protest. 
“Listen to me! I didn’t have the chance to eat because I had to get the bar put together because Katie had to leave early and then we got slammed and Sheri couldn’t keep up with her tables so they kept coming up to the bar and then we just, didn’t slow down until after close, so Sy and I were going to go get something to eat and then….” you trail off, your brain bringing up the awful memory of what your….. You’re not even sure what to call Mikey. Walter notices where your mind seems to go and quickly put his hand under your chin and raises your eyes to his.
“Sy is making breakfast,” he starts.
“Fuck yeah,” you mumble. Sy was the best cook in the entire group, and his breakfast was fire. Walter rolls his eyes at that.
“And August went to the gym. Grumbling something about still being pissed off.” That last bit of information didn’t surprise you at all. August was crazy, as you had seen one night when a customer had gotten too handsy and decided to fight Auggie when he tried to throw him out. You were not ashamed to admit it made you so horny that you jumped him in the car at the end of your shift. It may have also revealed just how toxic you could be at times to the entire group. None of them seemed to mind though.
Just then, Sy came into the bedroom, carrying a tray full of food. You see french toast and biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon, ham, fruit. All of your favorite breakfast foods. God you love these men. Sy sees you eyeing the tray and raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Well good morning to you too, Sugar. You sleep alright?” He kisses your forehead while balancing the tray in his hand. You soak up the affection, staring at him as he brings the tray to sit in your lap. You pick up a fork and dig in, almost inhaling the fruit and french toast, feeding bites to each man beside you. It was almost perfect, until you heard the front door open and Mikey’s voice rings through the house. Your hand tightens around your fork and Walter is quick enough to move the tray off your lap as Sy flies off the bed and out of the room. You both quickly follow him, knowing deep down you wouldn’t be able to keep Sy from kicking his ass. 
You stand at the top of the stairs and watch as Sy barrels towards Mikey, shoving him against the wall and holding him up by the front of the shirt. Walter moves you to the side, coming to stand on the steps in front of you but not shielding you from watching what was happening. Mikey’s eyes go wide and his hands go up at his sides. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Easy, big guy. Good morning to you, too.” It wasn’t unusual for Sy and Mikey to wrestle in the house. But the look on Sy’s face told Mikey this was anything but playful. 
“How was your studying session, Mike?” Sy snarls. His voice sent shivers down your spine. You almost feel sorry for anyone who had to go against your Captain. It was joked once that he was a bull, once he sees red there’s no running from him.
“It was fine. What is your problem, man?’ Mike stutters. That just seems to piss Sy off even more because he removes one hand and pulls it back before punching Mike in the stomach. The younger man doubles over before Sy lifts him back into a standing position. Part of you wants to step in. Yes Mike hurt you, but you don’t usually condone physical violence unless absolutely necessary. But on the other hand, Karma is a bitch, and he’s had more than enough coming his way. 
“Now, you wanna try that again?” Sy growls. Mikey looks up to you, and your heart breaks all over again. You see the moment it clicks in his head, and shame fills his eyes. 
“Sweetcheeks…” he tries. Sy shakes him hard.
“You don’t get to speak to her. You’re lucky August isn’t here because he wouldn’t be as easy on you as I am right now. I thought we had a clear understanding on what this relationship meant to her, and now you’ve set all of us back. She’s going to shut herself off and we’ll have to work double to get her trust back. Fucking idiot.” Sy pushes him harder into the wall before dropping him not so gently to the floor. You move past Walter and make your way down the stairs. You put a hand on Sy’s shoulder and he looks at you. You can hear his thoughts as loud as if he said them out loud; ‘you don’t have to do this’.
Mikey stands up and looks at you, flashing his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. Normally it would melt your heart, but right now it just turns it to stone. You wonder how you would be responding if you didn’t have the strength of the two men behind you.
“Taking summer classes, huh? Does the name MaKenna ring a bell?” you seethe. You had once confided in how insecure she made you feel. She was your height but very petite. You had noted how her breasts were the perfect size that they just stayed perky, making you self-conscious of your larger chest that hangs low. Not that you didn’t love your body, but loving yourself is a long, bumpy road. 
“Babycakes,” Mikey tries again. 
“What did Sy say? You don’t have the privilege of speaking to me. Ya know, Mikey, it took a lot of convincing from your cousins to even get me to consider giving you a chance, based off your history with women. I knew from the get go this was going to end badly but I had that littlest bit of hope that I was wrong. I can’t even stand looking at you right now.” you say, turning away from him. You move but before you get too far, he reaches out and grabs your arm. You spin quickly, and before anyone can blink you slap him. Hard as fuck. Your palm stings and his face immediately turns red. You turn and run before he can see you start to cry. 
“Great contact, Sugar.” Sy mumbles as you rush past him, giving Mikey one last hard look before following you upstairs. Walter, who had been silent during this entire altercation, finally looked at Mike. 
“I’m not going to discuss any of this with you, right now. I’m more disappointed than angry,” he starts. Mikey rolls his eyes.
“No offense, Walt, but I don’t need the dad lecture at the moment,” he says sarcastically. That’s what finally set the normally stoic detective off. 
“Obviously you do! Maybe if that piece of shit father of yours would have stuck around you would have turned out better.” That fucking stung. Mikey had taken some time to open up about his dad bailing on him and his mom. He blamed himself for a long time, something you strived to help him heal. 
“But he didn’t, so now it is up to myself and the other two to teach you something about being a man. I understand that before her you made no commitments to the women you took to your bed. But when you actually make a promise to someone you don’t break it like that. I’m going to ask you once to leave. Take a few days at a friend’s while we discuss how we want to proceed from here.” 
Mikey went to protest but the look on Walter’s face killed the argument before it could leave his mouth. He knew he fucked up, and he hears his mother’s voice in his head telling him to face the consequences of his decisions. 
“Can I at least grab some stuff before I go?” he mumbles. Walter nods but says nothing else. He watches as Mikey gathers some things before moving towards the front door. He pauses before opening the door, turning back to the older man.
“I’m sorry, Walt.” 
Walter shakes his head. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. We all have some talking to do, but for right now let the dust settle. She needs to heal some from this. And before you start accusing me of choosing a woman over family, remember that you are the one in the wrong in this scenario.” 
And with that Walter went upstairs, leaving Mike to walk out of the house with his tail between his legs. Just as he was getting to his car, August pulls up beside him. Mike barely has his door open before August is on him, throwing him up against his car.
“I should beat the fuck out of you right now.” he hisses. If Mike thought Sy was scary, August was terrifying. He remembered one night when they all had had way too much to drink and August went to a really dark place mentally, giving a recount of just how many people he had killed during his time working for the CIA. Mike knew just how skilled August was in the arts of torture, and the thought alone of what he could do to him almost made him piss himself. 
“Listen, Sy has already given it to me and she left this beautiful hand print on my face, so give me a break, okay? You can come at me later when Walter lets me back in the house,” he grumbles. August locks in on that last bit of information.
“Walter kicked you out?” 
“He said it’s just for a few days.” August nods. 
“Well whatever you do, do NOT go back to that little bitch’s house. Find a GUY friend to stay with. And call your mother, before one of us does.”  
Mikey should have known that was coming. All three of the older men were fiercely loyal to his mother, and never missed an opportunity to let her know when he did something stupid. But this was probably the worst thing he could’ve told her. He sighs and gets in his car, thinking of who he could call that would let him stay a few days. 
August makes his way to the bedroom immediately upon walking into the house. He didn’t want to leave you this morning but he was still so pissed by what happened early this morning he knew it would do no one any good if he didn’t get it out of his system. So he went to the gym where he almost destroyed a punching bag and scared some staff members. One of his training buddies had finally had enough of him abusing the gym equipment and said something. 
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“Now what did the bag ever do to you?” Geralt asks. The man was taller than August with more muscle, but he had a more even temperament. August puts his hands down and huffs. 
“I’m picturing Mikey’s face.” he growls. Geralt just raises a brow. August had talked about his little cousin and the relationship he had with the bartender. He’d been to the bar and wasn’t hesitant to admit he could understand the attraction. You were a beautiful woman, fiery and bubbly simultaneously. It was adorable. 
“What did the little idiot do this time?” Geralt had come to calling him that after he had drunkenly picked up a rabid raccoon out of the dumpster and it bit him. 
“He hooked up with MaKenna.” August says. Geralt pauses to rack his brain. 
“The little redhead that worked there before she was fired for having sex in the parking lot during her shift?” 
“That’s why they fired her?” August spins to face the larger man. You had said she was fired for employee misconduct and insubordination, but you never gave the specifics. “You know what, I’m not surprised.” 
“That’s what I heard from the owner at a house party a week after that, I think. Doesn’t matter. How did you guys find out?”
“The stupid shit sent her a video of them fucking to her, in the same bath tub in the cabin Sy took her to last weekend.” August shakes his head. Little shit couldn’t have even been original. 
“And he’s still breathing?” Geralt looks surprised. 
“For now. But when I see him….” August’s hands curl into fists at his side and he almost starts shaking. Geralt gives a hum and then pats his back, turning to leave his friend to stew in his feelings and planning a nice phone call to the beautiful bartender with a broken heart at home. 
Shaking the memory from his mind, August opens the bedroom door to see you curled into Sy’s chest, shoulders shaking but no noise coming from you. Only the vision of the bright hand print on Mikey’s face calms his rising anger. He hears Walter in the bathroom and the shower turning on. Sy finally notices him and makes eye contact. It was almost a telepathic conversation between the two men: our baby needs us.
August turns to his left as Walter walks in, steam following him from the running shower. Sy nudges you up with murmurs of needing to calm down. You grudgingly obey, make eye contact with August before quickly looking away and following them to the shower. August takes this chance to change the sheets, rolling his eyes when he sees the crumbs on the comforter. He’d told them time and again not to let you eat in bed, but they never listen. He’ll let it slide this time, given current circumstances. 
After fixing the bed and taking the breakfast down to the kitchen, he starts on the dishes. You had expressed only once that it was your least favorite chore, and he had taken it upon himself to be the designated dishwasher of your group. Despite the shower running upstairs, the water was still scalding and he thanked Walter once again for finally caving and buying a new hot water heater and for Sy saving them money by installing it himself. The burning pain from the water distracted him from the heartbreak he felt coming from you. You always joked you had a radiating energy that affected those around you, but he didn’t think it was a joke.
When he first saw you, you shined so brightly you almost glowed. Your smile was like a beaming ray of sunlight, sending warmth straight through his heart. At first he thought he was dying, that you were an angel of some sort that had shown up to take him to his after life. But one look at Sy and Walter and he knew he wasn’t alone. Bringing you into their lives was like having eternal summer. And now Mikey had gone and shut your light off. He was lucky he was kicked out. 
As soon as everything was dried and put away, August made his way upstairs where Sy was carrying you out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Walter followed behind with a brush and some lotion in hand. They met eyes for a moment before moving to sit beside you and Sy on the bed. Sy had you his lap sideways, rocking back and forth while you controlled your breathing. He let you cry in the shower until your breathing turned ragged and he recognized the onset of a panic attack setting in. Walter starts brushing your hair while August takes the lotion and starts rubbing your feet. Soon your breathing evens out and the sniffling quiets. 
All three men watch you and you make eye contact with August. He gives you a small smile and brings your ankle up to his mouth for a kiss. His mustache tickles your skin and you pull it back with a small shriek. This causes all three men to chuckle. 
“Are you okay, Kitten?” August mumbles. Walter and Sy turn to you pointedly. You hadn’t said anything to them since you ran away from Mikey. They knew you weren’t okay, but they needed you to open up to them so they could help. 
“Not really.” you whisper. Your hand still stings from slapping Mikey, but even more so your chest hurts. It feels irrational to you. You have three gods in front of you, ready and willing to worship you, and you’re heartbroken over someone you knew was going to hurt you from the beginning. “I think I’m more pissed than anything. What if this ruins what we have? I don’t want to be here around him but that means I won’t be able to be with you guys as much.” 
Sy burst out laughing. You look at him offended, only to catch the amusement on August’s face as well. You turn around to look at Walter and find him chuckling. 
“What the fuck is so funny?” you almost yell. August rubs his hand along your naked thigh, bringing your attention down to him.
“Kitten, if you think we’re going to let that little twerp ruin one of the best things to happen to us, you must not hold us in too high of a regard.” he looks at you pointedly. 
“Yeah, Sugar. You got me fucked up if you think I’m going to throw you away because of this. If anything, it’s Mikey that’s going in the trash.” Sy says with a smirk. You look at him tentatively, and he gives you his wink/blink.  You give him a smile when you feel Walter kiss the top of your head. You look up to make eye contact with your furry lover. 
“Besides, I kicked Mikey out,” he says. You immediately sit upright in Sy’s lap, scrambling to stand and look at Walter full on. You bring your hands to your hips, causing the towel to fall and you rush to catch it. 
“What do you mean you kicked him out? Don’t cause issues with your family because of me, Walter, that’s crazy.” He just smiles at you. It isn’t fair how pretty he is, how pretty all three of them are. You shouldn’t be jealous because your boyfriends have prettier eyelashes than you do. He reaches for you, bringing you between his legs, spreading them wide to make room for your thick thighs. 
“It’s only for a few days, Love. Give him some time to think about what he did and for all of us to cool down.” 
“No promises on that last one,” August grumbles. Sy gives a hum of agreement. 
“Regardless,” Walter starts, giving a pointed look to the other two men, “even if Michael is here, you still have every right to be in this house. Or we can start spending more time at your place. We can work around this, love.” He grabs your hands in his and brings you close to him. “We love you, Y/N.” he whispers. Tears start to fill your eyes. 
“Yeah, Sugar. Sure, your apartment is small and crowded, and you have all those pretty rocks I’m too scared to touch,” Sy starts in, making you giggle.
“They’re called crystals, Sy.” you mumble.
“Whatever, they’re part of your little witchy shit and sets me on edge. But I wouldn’t be anywhere else, cause I love ya.” 
“Aww you guys,” you say as the tears really start to flow. You look to August, waiting for him to take his turn to confess his feelings. He just rolls his eyes. 
“All this sappy shit. Yes, I love you. This is probably the only time you’ll hear me say it out loud, so soak it up while you can,” he grumbles. You bend down and give him a kiss on his pouting lips. 
“I love you, too.” you whisper as you move away from him. 
“All of you. I didn’t want to get too close at the beginning because I didn’t want to have to choose between you three, but thank god you suggested this. I know I’m going to be a little down in the coming time, but I appreciate each of you and everything you do for me as a team and as individuals. I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.” 
All three men wrap their arms around you like some kind of awkward python of arms and hair. You run one hand through Walter’s hair and the other down August’s back. Sy buries his face in your chest, and you send thanks to the divine universe for the beautiful men it has sent you.
Mikey pulls up to his friend Evan’s house, aware of the gloom cloud hanging above his head. He’d called him as soon as he pulled out of the driveway at Walter’s, giving as little details as possible as to why he needed a place to crash. Evan was a great friend, but he didn’t need any more judgment today. He was already dreading calling his mother. How was he going to explain to her that he cheated on his girlfriend that he was sharing with his three older cousins? Up until today he wasn’t even sure it WAS cheating. I mean, you had the other three, why couldn’t he fuck other people too? 
But then a memory arises in his mind. It had only been a couple months since you had met him and the other three men, and you were freaking out in the cooler at work. It had taken him five minutes to get you calmed enough to tell him what had you in such a state. When you finally confessed that you had caught feelings for him and his cousins, and that you didn’t want to choose between them, he had the best idea. That night he mentioned a poly relationship to August and Sy, unknowing of his cousin’s history of sharing women. When he pitched the idea to Walter, the detective was reluctant. But it took one look at your face when they presented the idea to you to convince the bear to cave.
What Mikey wasn’t prepared for was the jealousy he would feel sometimes. It seemed some days that you treated him like he was still a kid, and the nickname Baby Face only made it worse. The way you talked to the older three like they hung the moon, and the way you let them dominate you. It emasculated him, you never let him top you. When he saw MaKenna at a party one night, and she started flirting with him, he felt good. She talked to him like he knew what he was doing, stroking his ego and he felt on top of the world. 
Looking back now, he knows he fucked up. He wished he could blame the alcohol, but he knew deep down that wasn’t an excuse.When you agreed to the poly proposal, you had sat everyone down for a deep discussion on the rules of the relationship and how to operate the slippery slope of romance. You had pressed the seriousness of open communication. If anyone was having any issues, it needed to be talked over and worked  out. He just couldn’t bring himself to tell you how he was feeling. And now he may have lost you forever. 
He looks up from his steering wheel when he hears a tap on his window. Evan stands there, waving a hand to get his attention. He exits the car, avoiding Evan’s questioning gaze as he gathered his things and followed his friend into the house. He sets his bag on the couch, a deep sigh leaving his chest. He hears Evan say something but didn’t pay attention to his words. He sat down and reached into his bag for his computer when he noticed he had packed one of your shirts that must have gotten mixed in with his laundry somehow. He brings it up to his face and takes a whiff. It still smells like you even after going through the wash and he’s surprised to feel the tears burn his eyes. 
That’s how Evan finds him when he walks back in from the kitchen with two beers in hand. Mikey wasn’t one to show much emotion outside of excitement and horniness, so to see him crying really threw his friend for a loop.
“Hey, man, you okay?” he sets the two bottles on the coffee table and moves to sit beside Mike. As an EMT he’s used to having to de-escalate a situation, but this was different somehow. 
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“I cheated on Y/N,” Mike gets out once he calms down. Evan raises his brows in surprise. He couldn’t lie and say he was shocked. He knew exactly the kind of guy Mike was and exactly the woman you were. He told Mike once that he thought he was too immature for someone like you. You were a grown ass woman, not the little girls Mikey liked to play around with. You had your shit together, a good job and your own place, paid your own bills and never really asked for nor needed help. He had expressed his concerns when Mike had told him you accepted his offer to be shared with his cousins. But alas, Mikey didn’t listen. It took all the willpower Evan had in him not to say ‘I told you so’. 
“With who?” he whispered. Getting loud and angry would do his friend no good right now. 
“That MaKenna chick, the one you met at the party that one time.” Evan racked his brain, shifting through faces and names. Mike had introduced him to plenty of chicks over the last two years of their friendship. 
“Is she the little redhead that worked at the bar with Y/N? The one who got fired for fucking a customer on the clock?” 
“Is that why they fired her?” Mikey looked up. 
“Yeah, man. My brother was there that night, said she ran out of the bar screaming and cussing everyone out. She may have also been drinking on the job.” Fuck, he had alot of apologizing to do. 
“Look, I’m your friend, and as your friend it’s my responsibility to tell you when you fucked up. And I love you, bro, but you’re fucking stupid. What was going through your head, man?” 
Mike wanted to be offended, but somewhere deep inside he was glad to have a friend who called him out on his shit. 
“I don’t know, man. We were at this party and I was drinking and Y/N has been so busy with work and caught up in the other guys that it just felt like I didn’t exist anymore, ya know? And then when we do have sex, she’s always in control. It made me feel….” he trailed off. Evan nods his head, encouraging him to continue. 
“I just felt like she saw me as some little kid she could play with, and never took me as seriously as she did them. I wasn’t a man in her eyes. And then MaKenna showed up and I just didn’t think. Now I may have lost her for some community pussy.” 
Evan laughed at the last sentence, fully aware the same could be said of Mikey. 
“Listen. You stay here for a few days, let her calm down, and figure out your own shit while you’re at it. And maybe get some ice for your face cause brother, she left her mark.”  Mikey reaches up and touches his still stinging cheek. 
“Leave it, let it be my reminder that I’m an idiot.” 
“If you say so, man. But it’s turning purple so better go find some make up at the drug store before people start asking if you’ve been abused.” 
The next few days flew by in a blur. You���d had picked up extra shifts just to keep your mind focused on work and not Mikey. The three older men never really let you have a moment to yourself. If you were at work, they were sat at the very end of the bar. If you were at home, you had at least one wrapped around you and another lurking somewhere in the house. You didn’t mind, really. You had done enough crying over Mike. You, however, didn’t let them see the anxiety eating at you as the days drew closer to Mikey coming back to the house. Walter had tried to reassure you that everything would be fine, but you knew it would be so awkward. Sy had offered to move in with you, to which August protested that there wouldn’t be enough room because he’d be damned if he wasn’t moving in too. You let them bicker for an hour before shutting down the idea in general. 
Sy had made sure August had taken you out for the day when Mikey had finally come back to the house. He didn’t deserve to even be in your presence. When the younger man walked through the door, Sy had given him a dirty look before going into the kitchen to start on a dinner he had been dying to have you try. Mike just nodded his head in acceptance before moving to lock himself in his bedroom. He was in there for an hour before he heard your laugh coming in through the front door. He had to physically restrain himself from running out to greet you, instead putting on his noise cancelling headphones and closed his eyes, praying for the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
It went on like this for weeks. If he happened to run into you around the house, you would avoid looking at him and run to another room, usually followed by Sy or August. Walter had picked up a new case and had barely been home. If Mike went to the bar with the guys, you would have the other bartender serve him.
Watching Sy and August love up on you was torture. It was like they were being extra affectionate just to tease him, looking right in his eyes when giving you a deep kiss or long hug. The worst was when he would hear you three at night, his room being right under the bed. Your cries of pleasure haunting him in his dreams. 
It was getting towards the end of September, the weather was starting to get chilly and his classes were kicking his ass. He had resorted to moving in with Evan just so he could sleep. Walter had finally convinced you to move in, despite the tension between you and Mike. It hadn’t been an easy fight.
“Walt, baby, I really don’t think it’s a good idea. I still can’t even talk to him, living here is just going to make it worse.” you protest. It was on a rare night that he had come home from work and all three men had taken their turn ravishing you to exhaustion. You lay naked on your back in the middle of the bed, Sy half asleep with his face on your chest, August getting water and snacks in the kitchen, and Walter standing in the doorway to the bathroom towel drying his hair. 
“But your lease is coming up, baby, and they’re going to raise your rent. What are you going to do, if you can’t renew it and can’t afford it?” Sy whispers against your breast. 
“I can find another apartment, Sy.” 
“Besides, Mike moved in with his friend, Evan.” If it wasn’t for Sy’s heavy body keeping yours pinned to the bed, you would have sat straight up. 
“When?” you ask.
“A couple days ago. Said he couldn’t stand being in this house anymore, he couldn’t sleep.” 
You both turn when you hear August coming up the stairs with his arms full. You took note of your favorite cookies and some waters. He takes one to Walter, before moving to sit on your other side and feeding you a bite of cookie. 
“I just hope this doesn’t cause any problems with you guys and his mom…” you trail off. Walter had told you about Liza’s phone call when Mike told her what happened. You knew your boys probably got an earful, but eventually she came to understand her son was the one in the wrong. That still didn’t save them from the scolding over the idiocracy of their poly relationship. 
They didn’t care though. It wasn’t her relationship, therefore her opinion didn’t matter. 
“Liza will get over it. You, my dear, are OUR priority. Mikey moved out of his own freewill and you need a place to live. You can have Mikey’s old room, if you’re worried about losing a space to call your own.” Tears come to your eyes. God, you love them so much. 
“Yeah, you can put all your witchy shit in there,” Sy says. All of you just laugh and carry on with your night. 
August and Sy had helped you pack your apartment and, with a little help from Geralt, who had recently started spending time with your little group, had moved you in with your polycule. You sold most of your furniture aside from your dressers and mattress. Walter had even set up a space around the house for your cat, happy to have a free mouse catcher for when the rodents invaded during the snowy months. Everything was going great, you had your boys, work was banging so you had some extra cash in your pocket. Soon the sting from Mikey’s betrayal ebbed away to a dull throb. 
It was mid-October when shit really hit the fan. The band at work was super popular around the local community and everyone was getting lit. Your boss had given you the night off per your request, but you just couldn’t seem to stay away from work, even off the clock. You had dressed up extra nice tonight, donning an outfit that showed off all your goodies. Sy and August had been to the barber a few days before and looked so yummy. Walter had opted to take the night and spend time with Faye during her time off for fall break. You had invited Geralt but he said the loud noises would mess with his sensitive ears. 
After grabbing drinks and saying hi to your friends in the band, you take a seat at a table with the guys, talking to some regulars and friends. The night was going great, for at least an hour. Until Mikey walked in. Just seeing him pissed you off again. You made eye contact for just a split second before turning away, giving him the cold shoulder. Nothing gets past your two soldiers though, and both men clock onto their younger cousin making his way through the crowd. Sy slings one arm around your shoulders and August moves to block you into the booth, stuck between the two beefcakes. You keep your face forward, your focus solely on the band. 
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‘Fuck she looks good’ Mikey thinks. You had put on his favorite teddy, tits pushed almost to your chin, tucked into a pair of jeans so tight they might as well have been painted on. Your hair was curled and wild, and your make up was done in his favorite style. He missed the nights of watching the mascara run down your face from choking on his….. He shakes his head, starting to regret coming out tonight. One of your coworkers had told him you had taken the night off, and he was in the mood to drink himself stupid. He hadn’t spent a night sober since he moved out. He can’t even self pleasure any more, the guilt killing his sex drive. He refused to look at women. Not when the one he wanted was so close yet so far away.  He tries ignoring the glares being sent to him from Sy and August. They hadn’t forgiven him for his mistake. To be honest, he hadn’t exactly forgiven himself. 
When the band goes on break, you extract yourself from your loving bodyguards to go to the restroom. Locking yourself in the large stall, you turn your back to lean against the wall, taking a deep breath, before doing your thing and leaving the bathroom. You sneak out the door to the back patio quickly, before Sy or August can see you. You loved them deeply, but the past couple weeks they have been a tad overbearing. You move past all the smokers and into the back parking lot, taking in the cold air, letting it freeze/burn your lungs. 
The healing you had done the past few weeks seemed to fly out the window at seeing him again. You missed him. You hated it, but you missed him so much. The stupid faces he would make when you were in a bad mood. The puppy dog eyes he would give you when asking for a bite of your food. The way he vigorously rubbed his face in your chest when he was tired and acting like a toddler. The memories cause tears to sting your eyes, and you put your fingers under your eyes to keep your makeup from running. 
A cough from behind brings you back to the present, turning to find Mikey standing behind you. He had his head down, rubbing the back of his neck and scuffing his foot on the ground. It pleased and pained you to see him looking so rough. He was always pale, but his skin was almost gray. His hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in days and his clothes were rumpled. He looked like shit, and you loved it and hated it in a strange emotional paradox. 
“Hey,” you whisper, and your heart breaks all over again. The circles under his eyes wouldn’t have been covered by the best concealer in the world. You just want to pull him into you and love every ounce of pain out of his eyes. But he broke your trust and you have to stand your ground. 
“Hi,” he whispers back. It’s tense for a moment, and you’re wishing you would have snuck your pack of smokes into your purse without August seeing. All of them knew you had your vices, but August was adamant about breaking this specific bad habit. As if reading your mind, Mikey hands you a cigarette, and you take it with a quiet ‘thank you’. He lights it for you, and you both look each other in the eye before turning away again.
You both speak at the same time, before smiling softly at each other. You motion for him to start first, anxious to hear what he has to say. 
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. What I did was wrong and I really hurt you. Nothing can excuse what I did, but if it’s any consolation, I feel like shit,” he clears his throat, and avoids eye contact with you. 
“You look like shit,” you huff. He throws his head back and barks a laugh. His shoulders shake and you know it’s not because he finds anything funny. 
“Thank you, Sweetcheeks.” You smile at his nickname. 
“Seriously, Mikey, are you okay? You look like you haven’t seen the sun in weeks.” 
“No, babes, to be honest I’m not. I can’t sleep without drinking half a bottle a night, I don’t think I’ve had a solid meal in two weeks, and my sex drive is completely gone. Hell, I can’t even masturbate!” The more he talks, the more manic he sounds until he shouts that last sentence, drawing the eyes of some customers walking by. You slap your hand to your face to hide from embarrassment. 
“Sorry. But yeah, I’m not okay. But I brought this on to myself,” he mumbles. You would disagree, but you can’t. He made his decision, now he can lay in the bed he made. 
“You look great, though. They must be taking good care of you,” he says almost bitterly. 
“Yes, they are. I’m actually using your old room as an art studio.”
“Wow. That’s great.” You just nod your head. And then it really processes in your head, and you can’t help the petty happiness that fills you at the thought of him not being able to get it up. Your face must give away how you’re feeling.
“What?” Mikey asks.
“Would it be shitty of me to say it pleases me immensely that your dick isn’t working right now?” Now Mikey really laughs, from deep in his belly and full of mirth. You start laughing with him, and when you make eye contact, it only seems to amuse you further. Soon you both are wiping tears and holding your stomachs. 
“No, babe, I wouldn’t fault you at all for taking pleasure in my pain. Matter of fact, if my suffering makes you happy, I will do it gladly.” You roll your eyes at his cheesiness, but damn it if that wasn’t what made you fall in love with him to begin with. 
“I can admit I miss you, too, Mikey. But don’t think that this simple conversation is going to make everything magically better. You have a lot of trust to build back up, and not just with me.” You warn him. His eyes light up, and like a trick of the shadows around you, his skin almost seemed to glow back to life. 
“I’ll do whatever you want, Sweetcheeks. I promise, I won’t so much as LOOK at another woman. You won’t regret this.” His body jerks forward, arms open to hug you before he hesitates. You open your arms in acceptance, ready to move past this awkwardness and be with your Mikey again. After a long few minutes of just soaking in each other after weeks apart, you move back and wipe your eyes once more. A gust of wind blows around you and sends a shiver over your naked shoulders and back.   
“Let’s get you inside, Sweetcheeks,” Mikey says, shrugging off his zip up jacket and throwing it over your shoulders. You both move to go back inside just as the door opens and August and Sy come barreling out. August glares at the cigarette still in your hand while Sy shoots a dirty look at Mike’s jacket around you. 
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“Uh oh, Mikey, we should probably put out the smokes. Here comes Captain Killjoy and Agent Sourpuss,” you giggle. 
“Careful, Sweetcheeks, they’re likely to punish you,” he jokes back. Two sets of cerulean eyes study you and Mikey closely. August looks ready to murder the younger man, while Sy just looks confused.
“So what’s going on here?” the bull grumbles.
“Mike and I have had a conversation, and he has apologized,” you start slowly. You’re unsure just how well they will react to this news.
“So one little ‘I’m sorry’ and he’s just forgiven?” August seethes. You take a deep breath. You love your Scorpio man, but Lord did he test you.
“It’s not all magically fixed, no. We still need to have a very long talk, and it’s going to take a lot of work, but for right now, tonight, we are going to leave the past in the past, let go of any grudges,” you look pointedly to both men, “and go enjoy our friend Alex’s singing and eat some good food because you,” you turn to Mikey, “are skin and bones. Am I clear?” 
You had used what you call your ‘mom voice’, leaving no room for argument. All three men follow you back into the bar, Mikey sitting by the wall and letting you lock him into the booth. Things were going well until SHE walked in. That redheaded little hussy. It was a good thing Sy listened to you when you told him to keep you away from the whiskey. The last thing you needed was to go to jail tonight. None of the guys seemed to have noticed, so you chose to ignore it. 
At the next intermission, Mikey decided he’d take the opportunity to get another round for the table. You kept your eyes stuck to him the entire time, launching yourself from the booth when you see MaKenna walk up to Mikey. He glances at her before looking around the room nervously. Sy and August follow but stay a few feet away. You sidle up to Mikey and wrap an arm around his waist and using the other hand to bring his face down to yours and sealing a deep kiss to his lips. You open your mouth and make a show of mingling your tongue with Mike’s, letting this bitch know he’s yours. Mikey follows you as you pull away, whining low in his throat when you break the kiss. You then turn to the girl beside you.
“Oh, hi. I forgot you existed,” you say. She’s looking between you and Mikey, very confused.
“I didn’t know you and Mike were dating,” she says. You narrow your eyes at her, knowing she was lying. She knew damn well what she did. 
“MaKenna was just trying to hook up with me again. I was just telling her no,” Mikey rushed to tell you. The last thing he needed after making up with you was you thinking he hadn’t changed. The only acknowledgement you give him is a hum and a nod. 
“Yeah, after he fucked you he realized he needed a real woman. I’m surprised you even have the guts to show up here after being fired the way you were. You really must feel no shame,” the venom dripping from your tongue could kill a horse, but damn if it wasn’t sexy. Mikey was trying so hard to hide the tightening in his jeans. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” the smaller female starts. 
“Oh, please. You got caught fucking another woman’s man, again, on the clock. And when his girlfriend showed up to kick your ass, it caused drama that didn’t need to be started here at work. You think you would have learned from that, but apparently you have no sense of self-preservation. I suggest you start looking for something safe to do, because I won’t be as nice as the last girl. You got lucky a bouncer was able to convince her not to knock your teeth in, but the bouncers here love me and would highly encourage it. So find someone else to fuck with, before that butterface of yours gets permanently damaged.” 
All three of your boys groan. Seeing you so riled up was so hot, and they knew hearing you threaten someone shouldn’t have been as sexy as it was. The girl in front of you flinches before walking away from you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. You’re typically not a confrontational person, but it felt so good to put someone in their place. And to do it without laying a hand on her. 
“That was hot as fuck,” Mikey says behind you. You chuckle, turning back to flash him a flirty smile before grabbing his hand and moving to go grab the other two. The lust you see in August’s eyes sets you aflame. Sy just looks giddy, like a child. He knows exactly what’s about to happen. After grabbing your things and saying your goodbyes, feeling smug as you watch MaKenna move around the bar to avoid you. You pay out your tabs, leaving generous tips for the bartender and leaving with promises to fill her in on all the dirty details later. Gossip makes the work shift go by faster and Monday night was gonna be a HOT, tea party. 
You almost run to Sy’s truck, August following closely behind to his car parked in the next spot over. Sy barrels past his cousin and quickly grabs you, turning you around and grabbing your cheeks in both hands. He tilts your head back and stares deeply into your eyes.
“I hate every bitch that isn’t you, you absolute fucking goddess.” he rumbles. The absolute desire radiating from his bulky form affecting the other two men. You giggle almost manically as he kisses you sloppily. You can taste the Jack he’s been drinking all night.  He smacks his lips when he pulls away, reaching down to slap your ass before turning and climbing into his Chevy. August chuckles at his cousin’s antics, turning and unlocking his car. Mikey opens the door to the truck for you, helping you in by pushing under your asscheeks. It’s almost like your lovers had an obsession or something. 
August eyes the actions closely, still suspicious of his younger cousin’s motives. Mikey catches his eye and looks down to the ground. You notice and give August a pointed look that said ‘stop it’. He couldn’t help it. It was his job to protect you, even from emotional pain. You stare even harder until  he softens his expression. 
“August, do you mind giving Mike a ride back home with us?” you say so sweetly it almost rotted his teeth. He huffs at you and you give him the bedroom begging eyes. The same eyes you give him when……. God damn it. You really knew how to get under his skin. He rolls his eyes to try to hide just how much you affect him.
“Fine. See you back at the house.” Mike hesitated, but moved when you poked him in the ribs and motioned for him to get in the car before shutting yourself in the truck, kicking your feet up on the dash. The Chevy rumbles to life and Sy peels out, leaving a trail of smoke in the parking lot. August rolls his eyes at the unnecessary display of masculinity. ‘Dumb country boy’. 
The ride is silent and awkward, Mike fidgeting with his hoodie strings and bouncing his legs. August kept his focus on the road, ignoring the anxiety vibrating off the younger man. Ten minutes felt like an eternity. When they pulled in the drive, Mike finally felt like he could breathe. Sy had just turned off the truck when August put the car in park. You hopped out of the driver’s side, hair sticking out sideways and your lipstick smudged. Sy follows, mouth and cheeks red from your make out session. August rolls his eyes. 
“Impatient asshole.” Sy just shoots him a smug smile. You giggle and reach up to kiss your agent, knowing he was just grumpy cause Sy got to have you first. He hums in satisfaction as you pull away, picking you up and walking you into the house. You take note of Walter’s car parked in the garage and try to wiggle out of August’s arms to go greet your other lover. Mike follows hesitantly, hands deep in his pockets and dragging his feet on the ground. The past several times he’s been in this house hasn’t exactly been pleasant. 
August finally relents and lets you down. As soon as your feet hit the floor you’re on your way up the stairs, almost tripping in your haste. A strong arm wraps around your waist to catch you, and you mumble a thank you without looking at who it is and continuing your way up to the detective. He’s laying in bed with a case file in his hand, one arm behind his head. His hair is wet and he’s only in boxers. He looks up when you come in through the door, eyes light and a flush in your cheeks. 
“You’re home early, and it looks like you had a good time. You’ve been absolutely ravished” You climb onto the bed, the alcohol finally catching up to you. 
“I did! Mikey apologized and came home with us. Sy is at fault for the ruined lipstick.” The detective raises his brows in surprise. 
“That’s great, Love.” he says, getting distracted by the three men filing into the room behind you. He makes eye contact with the youngest man, giving him a nod in greeting. Mike nods back, at least Walter isn’t as intimidating as August. 
“And then that bitch showed up at the bar, that’s why we came home early,” you growl. Walter looks confused before Sy happily clarifies. The detective thought it odd his cousin was so excited to relay the news that the girl who Mike had cheated on you with had shown up to ruin your night. 
“She tried hooking up with me again. Sweetcheeks, I didn’t tell you about her flirting with me so you would threaten her.” Mike explains. Walter raises his brows further and looks at you pointedly. Sometimes you forget he’s actually a cop. 
“I didn’t threaten her! I told her she needed to find something safe to do, that’s just giving good advice.” you grumble.
“And it was so sexy when she did it.” Sy exclaims. Well, that explains that. You flush at the praise, tingles running down your spine. Walter chances a look at August, and the memory of you, the deadly venom in your tone, as you threatened the smaller girl just fed the flames. The lust in the agent’s eyes and the giddiness from Sy sparks something in Walter as well. You quickly catch on to the energy change in the room, biting your lip and making eye contact with each man. Mikey is unsure, though. You had just forgiven him for sleeping with someone else. Would you even want him to touch you? You notice his hesitation, beckoning him forward with a crook of your finger. He knows that look, and he’s happy to let you be in charge again. 
He kneels at the foot of the bed, hands laid flat on his thighs, head down in submission. You hum in satisfaction, crawling to get closer to him, ass in the air and hips swaying back and forth. You hear a chorus of groans ring around the room, but keep your focus on the boy in front of you. 
“Poor Mikey. He confessed to me earlier that he’s been having trouble getting it up here lately, boys.” 
“Serves him right,” August spits. You want to roll your eyes at the hostility, but know that would only lead to a paddling later. 
“But he’s apologized, Auggie. It’s time to move past it, don’t you think he’s suffered enough?” It took Mike a moment to remember the dynamic at play here. You submitted to August, and he submitted to both of you. He could only imagine the hell he had coming in his near future. 
“By the universe, sure. But I think you have been too lenient on him, Kitten.”
“Agreed.” That comes from Sy. You turn behind you to look at Walter, who gives his nod in agreement to the other two. 
“So what do you suggest I do?” Sy shrugs.
“That’s up to you, Sugar. You’re in charge here.” You contemplate for a moment before an idea pops into your head. Mike gulps as he watches a sinister smile bloom across your lipstick smeared mouth. The deviant look in your eyes lets him know he’s in for a long night. 
“Your punishment, Baby Face, is to look but not touch.”
Oh yeah, he’s well and truly fucked. 
You flop back onto the bed, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. Sy groans beside you, just as sweaty and breathless. Walter leans his back against the headboard, and August and Mikey are curled together on your naked thighs. One solid hour of sex and passion had sobered you up. As the endorphin high slowly subsides, you move to get up, attempting to extract yourself from the pile of skin and hair and sweat. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” Sy grumbles.
“I have to pee, let me up.” you grumble. August and Mike groan as they move off you, Walter giving you a hand to keep your balance as you stand on the mattress and maneuver your way off the bed and to the bathroom. You start the shower, not enjoying the sticky feeling of sweat and cum drying on your skin. Once deemed warm enough, you step under the spray and the let water wash over you. 
You close your eyes and turn to wash your face. Now sober, and in a post-nut clarity state of mind, you think about Mikey and just how easily you gave into him tonight. The boys were right, you were too lenient. You said you needed to talk, but what would you say? You had already told him he hurt you, and that was still needing to be further discussed, but you also wanted to know why. You let out a deep sigh and run a hand down your face. 
You flinch when you feel an arm wrap around you, turning to find Walter giving you a worried look.  You give him a small smile, turning back into the water to finish scrubbing the make up from your face, before turning to grab your body wash. He stops you, grabbing the soap and your loofah before gently starting to wash your chest. You hum, closing your eyes and leaning back to let the water flow through your hair. 
“What were you thinking about, Love?” Walter asks softly, causing you to open your eyes. 
“Mikey, and the talk we all need to have.” you whisper. “Just don’t know how I want to go about it.”
“You want to talk it through with me? Help process your thoughts before going in blind?” you huff a laugh out of your nose, before nodding. 
“I want to know why he did it, but at the same time, I’m scared to really find out.” He nods his head, putting his hands on your shoulders to turn you so he can start washing your back. 
“I’m also confused on how to get over the hurt. The anxiety and that little voice whispering in my ear that he’s going to do it again.” You feel him hum as he starts to massage your shoulders, releasing the knots in your neck. 
“Unfortunately, my dear, that little voice may never go away. But Michael put that voice there, and if he’s truly sorry and serious about being with you again, he will work very hard to chase that little voice away.” You nod, understanding what he’s saying, and you appreciate his wisdom, but it does little to ease the heaviness in your chest. Your thoughts are interrupted when Sy burst into the shower.
“Y’all are having a party in here and didn’t invite me?’ he says, fake offense on his bearded face. You chuckle and roll your eyes.
“It’s a shower therapy session, Captain. Just working through some thoughts and feelings.” He raises his eyebrows, not expecting that retort. 
“Well, make room. I need to wash off.” he pushes into the small space. Walter grunts while you giggle, rinsing the last of the soap off and slipping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. You can hear the two men in the shower bickering but pay no mind as you make your way to the bedroom to steal one of Walter’s sweaters. You take note that the bedsheets have been removed and the other two men are no longer in the room. 
After drying off and getting dressed in the sweater, some panties, and knee high socks to keep your legs warm, you move to go downstairs where you knew August would be putting together after care snacks. Walter and Sy are leaving the bathroom as you head to the bathroom door, stopping to give them both a kiss before leaving the room and going downstairs. 
As you had predicted, August was in the kitchen, pajama bottoms hanging off his delectable hips, putting together sandwiches and juice. Sometimes you think he took the nickname “Daddy” too seriously. You look to your right to see Mike in the laundry room, pulling out clean bedsheets and a bigger comforter. This leaves you puzzled, Mikey never did chores. As if he can read your thoughts, he looks up and gives you a sheepish smile. 
“Just trying to help out.” he mumbles. You just nod your head, your brain still trying to compute what it was seeing. You must have looked like a SIM, just standing there staring. You snap back into reality when August clears his throat, giving you a look of confusion. 
“Yes, Daddy?’ you say. It was almost instinctual at this point to call him that at home. He just simply smirks, before grabbing your hand and moving you to sit at the kitchen island in front of a plate of food. You start to salivate at the sight of a sandwich and fruit. He puts a bottle of water beside the plate before kissing your forehead and moving to put together plates for everyone else. 
You munch quietly on your fruit, mind going back to the conversation you’re going to have to have with your four boys. Walter and Sy were easy to talk to, giving you the space to freely and safely speak about how you feel. The strength that radiates from them giving you a sense of peace, leaving you unafraid of your feelings. You didn’t have to tell August what was on your mind. He had an uncanny ability to guess how you’re feeling most times. ‘You can’t control your face, Baby Girl.’
You lift your head up from your snack when you hear Walter and Sy come thundering down the stairs. Both are dressed just as August, leaving you in a sea of man titties and hair. This is the closest to Heaven you will ever get and you can die a happy woman secure in that knowledge. Immediately Sy goes to a plate of food, grumbling a thank you to August in between bites. Walter takes a plate and sits beside you on a stool. August and Sy are standing against it on the opposite side, and you see Mikey shuffle his feet to your other side. 
“Guys, we need to talk.” you say. Walter doesn’t react, August and Sy just blink, but you feel Mikey tense up beside you. He knew it was coming still. He just didn’t think you would do it so quickly after what just happened upstairs. He hadn’t even thought about what he was going to say to the other guys. Hell, you didn’t know how to even begin. Now that you’re thinking about it, this probably should have been a one on one talk with Mikey.
“I know that things aren’t going to be the way it was before,” you start. You don’t have to clarify what you meant by before. Just that word alone is enough to drive a knife through Mikey’s heart. You didn’t look at him directly, but he knew you were talking to him. The three older men stay quiet, letting you get what you need to off your chest. August’s sharp attention to detail doesn’t fail to notice the sweat starting to bead on Mikey’s forehead. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you are about to ask.
“Why, Mikey?” your voice cracks, pushing your plate away and looking up at him with tears in your eyes. A lump formed in his throat and he didn’t know what to say for a minute. He didn’t know how to tell you it was because he felt like less of a man in your eyes compared to the other three. How could he tell you he was insecure and emotionally immature and he doesn’t want you to look at him with pity. 
“I…” he voice cracks. You raise your brows, anticipating his answer. 
“Was it something I did? Something I said?” you croak. This pisses Sy off.
“Don’t go blaming yourself, Darlin’. Mike made the decision to do what he did, no matter what you did or said to him,” he almost barks. You turn to him, seeing his face and chest starting to turn red with anger. You just nod, making eye contact with August who just gives a nod in agreement. You turn back to Mikey.
“He’s right. I could have just talked to you about what I was feeling.” 
“What were you feeling?’ Walter asks. If he could get Mikey talking about it, the sooner it unburdens you.  
“Emasculated, ignored,” he mumbles. “I just, you call me Baby Face, and it made me feel like you see me as a kid, not a man like these three,” he motions to the others. 
“That’s because you are a kid,” Sy grumbles. You turn and give him a pointed look, telling him to shut the fuck up with your eyes. 
“He’s right, Baby Cakes, I am. It took me moving out and doing some self-reflection, to realize I’m not yet a man. Hell, I can’t even grow facial hair yet!” You all chuckle, fully aware of just how virile it makes the other three look. “I just, felt like less of a man. But those weeks apart showed me how little I really know and just how much I still have to learn about being, not just a good man, but a good man for you.” You nod along, listening intently and understanding where he’s coming from.
“I wasn’t aware of just how jealous I was going to feel about sharing you. It was like everytime I wanted alone time with you, one of the others needed you more.” 
“That’s understandable, but baby you have to tell me when you’re feeling neglected like that,” you say, reaching out to grab his hand in yours. You bring it up to your mouth for a kiss, before setting it back down on the counter.
“It’s not that hard, really. Pick one night a week when she can be all yours,” that comes from August, face stoic as ever. Mikey wanted to get an attitude, but remembered that he should be taking the advice.
“Or just tell us when you want some one on one time, we’ll give you a couple hours,” Sy says. 
“And jealousy is normal, but you gotta talk to me, Mikey,” you say, bringing his attention back to you. “I’m sorry my nickname made you feel that way, I can find other nicknames to call you.”
“You can call me whatever you want, baby. I realized it doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with you.”
“But why her?” you ask. It was bad enough that he cheated, but with someone you had told him made you feel insecure. 
“I don’t know. She showed up at a party one night, and some petty part of me wanted to make you feel the same way watching you with them made me feel. It was immature and wrong.” A part of you could understand that. You were young and immature once too, and you could go from pretty to petty with one letter. 
“Do you understand what that did to her?” August says. He wants to yell, but the look on your face says he needs to be calm. Mike shakes his head. In all of his self-reflection, he considered he had hurt you but didn’t think to what extent. 
“You almost killed her self-esteem. It took me two weeks just to get her to be comfortable with being naked, just with herself. She didn’t leave bed for anything other than work for a month. Hell, Geralt wasn’t able to touch her for a week because she couldn’t stop crying, and you know how he feels about emotions.” Sy says.
“Geralt is coming around?” Mike says. 
“That’s not the point,” Walter chimes in. 
“Right. Baby, I’m sorry,” Mikey starts. You just shake your head. 
“It’s okay. I’m glad you were honest with me. Just, PLEASE, start talking to me about how you feel. Communication is the only way this is going to work,” you have to emphasize the last sentence heavily. He nods his head furiously. You open your arms for a hug, Mikey wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tightly. 
“Though, I do have one request,” he trails off. You hum, waiting to hear what he has to say.
“Can I top you at least twice a week?” 
You blink, before bursting out laughing, breaking the hug and leaning back onto Walter as your body shakes. You can feel him laughing behind you, and hear Sy chuckling. August rolls his eyes, typical Mikey. 
“Anything you want, Baby Boy. I love you, thanking you for talking to me,” you say, leaning over and giving him a deep kiss. He kisses you back just as lovingly. He pulls back, gazing at you adoringly before turning to his older cousins. 
“I’m sorry to you guys, too. I was the one who brought up this whole arrangement not knowing just what it would take to maintain it.” 
August just nods, not having fully forgiven him for what he did to you, he couldn’t care less about a slight done to himself. Walter and Sy just mumble “it’s okay.”
“But I want to thank you, too. Thank you for cleaning up my mess and taking the best care of her. I really owe you guys,” he rubs the back of his neck, unsure how they would respond to that. 
“Well, we took care of her because we love her, that’s what you do when you love someone, you take care of them,” Walter says. You smile at that, full of love for your big grump. 
“And I plan on making it up to her every day.” he looks deep into your eyes, hoping to really drive home his promise. You smile and cup his face, thumb caressing his cheek. He turns and kisses your palm, before putting his hand over yours and lacing your fingers together. The tender moment is broken by your wide yawn. Sy claps his hands.
“Alright, Little Girl, bed time!” he moves around the island to pick you up, never letting you release Mikey’s hand. Sy carries you upstairs, your arm slung over his shoulder to keep your fingers locked with Mike’s. August starts cleaning the kitchen while Walter puts together the bedsheets Mike had dropped when you started your talk. Sy keeps you in his arms as Walter makes the bed, Mike just staring at you, so thankful for your graciousness.
As soon as the bed is finished, Sy lays you gently in the middle, letting Mike take his place by your side in the bed. Just as Walter was going to climb in with you, his phone rings. You groan, knowing a phone call this late can only mean he’s got another lead on his case. He gives you a quick kiss before moving to the closet and answering his phone. As predicted, he gets dressed in jeans and his sweater, pulling his boots on before giving you one more kiss and leaving the bedroom. You hear the door shut downstairs and send up a prayer to any deity that will listen to keep him safe. 
You take the usual position, on your back so you can have one on each side and one on top of your chest. Mike is to your left and Sy decides he wants to be in between your legs tonight. August comes into the bedroom, turning off lights before climbing in to your right. Tucked in between three out of the four loves of your life, you drift into the best sleep you’ve had in weeks, surrounded by love and hair.
Taglist: @just-ten-cents @shellyshellshell @wa-ni @summersong69
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tsumuus · 2 months
the bachelorette | introductions part one °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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toru oikawa
❀˖° 23 years old
❀˖° fitness and promotional model
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: music, photography, and fashion
❀˖° his pet peeves: lack of effort, disorganization, and incompetence
❀˖° his high standards, focus on his career, and fear of vulnerability have kept him from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would need to balance his high standards with a genuine connection, understanding, and the ability to share in both his triumphs and challenges.
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kei tsukishima
❀˖° 21 years old
❀˖° third year college student, aspiring architect
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: reading, video games, and music
❀˖° his pet peeves: annoying or overly energetic people, incompetentce, overall disruptive people
❀˖° his gaurded nature, low interest in romance, and perceived apathy have kept him from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would need to be patient, understanding, and capable of appreciating his quieter, more introspective side.
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keiji akaashi
❀˖° 22 years old
❀˖° editor for a major publishing company
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: reading, writing, and listening to music
❀˖° his pet peeves: disorganization, lack of effort, interruptions
❀˖° his high standards. reserved nature, and focus of his responsibilities have kept him from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would need to be patient and empathetic, able to connect with his introspective nature and appreciate the balance between his personal space and shared moments.
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atsumu miya
❀˖° 22 years old
❀˖° sales and marketing coordinator
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: baking, watching reality tv, and collecting baseball cards
❀˖° his pet peeves: anything overly complicated, people who aren't risk takers, messy spaces
❀˖° his busy schedule, high standards and expectations, and struggle to open up have kept from from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would be someone who can appreciate his dynamic personality, handle his moments of vulnerability, and enjoy the excitement and challenges of life with him.
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kotaro bokuto
❀˖° 23 years old
❀˖° personal trainer
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: adam sandler movies, video games, and beach volleyball
❀˖° his pet peeves: people who can't handle spice, unnecessary negativity, people with a lack of enthusiasm
❀˖° his high energy levels, inconsistent schedule, and difficulty with deep communication have kept him from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would need to match his vibrant personality, appreciate his quirks, and provide a balanced mix of excitement and support to complement his energetic and passionate nature.
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lev haiba
❀˖° 20 years old
❀˖° 3rd year university student, aspiring model
❀˖° his favorite hobbies: photography, binge-watching shows, swimming
❀˖° his pet peeves: perfectionists, being too predictable, lack of passion
❀˖° his intense focus on his career, difficulty with expressing his emotions, and being perceived as immature have kept him from finding 'the one'. his ideal partner would need to embrace his vibrant and energetic personality, share his passion for creativity, and provide a balance of understanding and excitement to match his dynamic lifestyle.
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series masterlist
main masterlist
a/n tried to make it similar to their canon selves but also not too similar, i just didn't want half of em to be professional vb players yk😭
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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What makes you a star? How do you naturally shine? Do you have star quality?
STARR (4150) is an asteroid that is usually used for fame/ stardom. It can tell you what you naturally shine at and what makes you shine compared to others. In your natal chart if it’s conjunct or tightly aspecting your personal planets, vertex/anti-vertex, and/or angles you have a lot of potential to be a star. Similar to the Fama PC the Starr PC can show you what type of Star you are and what you naturally shine at that gives you the opportunity to be a star.
SUN - The natal placement of your starr. The main thing that shines about you
MC - The type of Star people see you as, what you naturally shine at in your career field. Most celebrities who are considered to have star quality have there MC/10H aspected or prominent in some sort of way
CHART RULER/RISING- What you’re known for when you become a star/ what you’re known for doing that you naturally shine at.For Example if mercury is your chart ruler than your voice, how you use your voice is what makes you a star.
1H- having a lot of 1H placements or prominent 1H placements might mean that your star quality comes from how you present yourself and appear to others. You might become a star for your beauty, fashion and looks. Or you could be a great leader/inspiration to others and that’s what gives you stardom. Really depends on the planet.
2H/3H - having 2H placements can mean being a star for your voice, specially singing. If not your voice then you’re a star because of how you speak and communicate to others. for the 2H you might earn a lot of money through using your voice or you are a star who is known for naturally getting a lot of material possessions. Specifically for the 3H you might be Star writer, public speaker or social media star
4H - having many or prominent placements in the 4H could mean being a star in your family or having a star studded family, you might be a famous mother or your mother might've had something to do with your star quietly. you might be a star in children entertainment or might be a star and loved among a younger crowd. You might be someone who's motherly and that's what gives you such a star quality. you might be what people call a "comfort character" lol
5H - having placements in the 5H could mean being a star because of how creative and confident you are and how well you got into the entertainment business. You might be a star for your acting abilities, being a entertainer/performer, you might be a star for creating something for children (like a children's show) or your children might become stars.
6H- having many placements or prominent placements in the 6H could mean you are a fitness/ lifestyle Star. This could go into being a social media star as well specifically for lifestyle and everyday life activities. You could potentially be a star dog/ animal trainer or be one of those people who get famous for doing those reality tv shows invoking animals of health lol. Or at the very least you are seen as a consistent hard working person who deserves to be a star because of that.
7H - having many placements or prominent placements in your 7H you tend to shine a lot when in making business partners/relations. you are a star known for being charming and maybe even flirty. you might be known for your relationships and you might become a star or reach stardom because of a relationship, most likely a relationship that people describe as a power couple.
8H - Having many placements or prominent placements in the 8h you might be a star because of your mystery and for how you always seem to transform yourself which gives you longevity. A star that might be known for using the occult or magic practices, which is something you might naturally shine at but might make you a bit controversial. You also might be a a star known to be controversial because of your business practices or how you ear your money. you might be a star know for inheriting and investing a lot of money.
9H - having many placements or prominent placements in the 9H can mean being a star in entertainment. Being loved by the media and being praised for how you shine in media realities things like acting or reality tv shows. You might be a star because of how wise you are, or for speaking your mind about certain topics like religion, beliefs, and philanthropy. You might be a star know for traveling a lot or involving yourself in foreign issues. You might shine at learning new languages and you're probably a fast learner.
10H - having many placements or prominent placements in the 10H can mean that you’re a star who is also loved by the media and/or is widely known. Your personality, and certain aspects of you (depending on the planet) shines so much to others that it makes you have infinite star quality. Your father or father figure may have something to do with you becoming a star, you might become a star with a huge public status/reputation. You might shine at being a CEO.
11H - have inc many placements or prominent placements in the 11H could mean being a social media star, or shining at doing online things. Since 11H rules technology anything that involves that might make you a star. Maybe a famous gamer/streamer, YouTuber, TikToker. Or maybe you shine at humanitarian causes and are a famous humanitarian, politician, or scientist. Nonetheless you are a star because you're unique and when you embrace your quirkiness you become more and more of a shining star.
12H - you might be a music star/ shine when creating music themed projects. You might be a star that is seen as secretive and elusive which gives you mass appeal. You might be known to be a star who's constantly dealing with restrictions or blockages but I find with celebrities with these placements that push through the blockages can become the biggest of stars. And I find that celebrities with a 12H placements in these charts still carry this star quality even after death.
Just like with every other persona chart you take the meaning of the planets and apply it to the house placement/sign placement in the context of the chart. this chart is all about what makes you a star and what shines about you so you use that for the context of the planets. BUT REMEMBER that this chart and many other asteroid persona charts I've analyzed are minor and probably resonate more to people who have the asteroid prominent in their natal chart. Take what I say with a grain of salt and remember that even if minor there is almost always an astrological explanation for something,
So for example let's say you had a Taurus Venus conj. Mercury in the 10H, similar to Glo and Fama pc having this placement can mean that you are naturally loved and you charm the general public and you are known for having an appealing voice, because that is what shines the most about you to the public. And it's likely that you are a star because you can sing. But if you don't sing maybe you are a star because of your beauty and how you express your mind/values or you're a star for your fashion/ style.
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What does your Starr PC look like? What placements and planets are prominent in your chart? Is Starr prominent in your natal chart? 💋
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