#Buddy Mathews
xmanortiz · 1 year
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Buddy Mathews carrying a lantern paying tribute to Bray Wyatt
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sethnorth · 2 months
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Buddy Mathews
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cyberpilate · 1 year
Someone needs to take a Sharpie to Buddy Mathews's arms just pretend he has some tattoos...
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oxfordsnotr0gues · 10 months
Found some more idiot reactions from Wonka interviews
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
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coca-coeli · 5 months
made a short playlist for the minnesota au if anyone’s interested…if the link expires, just look up the name of the thing and that should bring it up!
some songs represent specific characters, but i won’t reveal until i’ve spent some time on it … want it to be a lil open ended at least
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ro-doodles · 9 months
I’ve been rewatching Unsleeping City, and I couldn’t help but think about the potential for a Sandman crossover. Like they both deal with Dream worlds interacting with the “waking world” and have people with dream powers.
There are so many possibilities: What if Pete was a dream vortex instead of the Vox Phantasma? Is Nod a pocket of the Dreaming, or maybe some sort of bridge between the Dreaming and the Waking world due to the magic-ness of New York? I personally love the idea of Nod/the grey orphan just being another name that Dream himself goes by, cause they’re both considered to be monarchs of the dream world. Like how cats see him as a giant black cat, the people of the unsleeping city see Dream as a grey baby.
Do you see the vision?!?!!
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Find them...
+"they could be anywhere by now"+
_"but we were gone for not even an hour"_
+"the queens were blisteringly fast"+
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hidtired · 5 months
Unfortunate Timing [Part 1]
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: You found out your pregnant early into your relationship with Daryl Dixon. To make matters worse? The apocalypse happens a few days later! (not fully canon)
5.7k words
Warnings (Pregnancy, gore, smut, reference to abuse, violence, fluff, walking dead stuff, ect.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 etc.
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Pre Apocalypse
You had moved to a small town in Georgia to get away from your parents. Your Aunt Mary had a little boutique and offered a job. Your parents didn’t like you weren’t married yet, not even dating either. So they have been shoving men at you for the last few years. They thought by your age you should have been married with kids. They wanted grandkids. Your brother was married but him and his wife struggled with fertility. The final straw was trying to get you into an arranged marriage with one of your father’s business buddies kid. You had only just turned 30.
It had freaked you out how your parents made it seem like you didn’t have a choice. So you packed your bags, your mother pleaded for you to not go. You broke the lease to your apartment and left without telling them where.
You like the simple life you were leading now. Helping your Aunt's business. You lived with her because she was a widow with no kids and wanted the company. You had some interesting neighbors across the street. You had just driven into the driveway taking notice of a man fixing his truck. It was hot outside and his arms were covered in grease.
You walked into the kitchen where your Aunt was doing dishes. You decided to help making idle talk about how the shop was until you looked out the window to still see the sleeveless man. Your Aunt caught you looking, "Thought you came here to get away from boys?" You smile shyly at being caught, looking back down and handing her a wet plate to be dried. "Never said that... Just the one my parents choose. Didn't have time to look for a date when men were thrown at me randomly by them." Your Aunt was amused to say the least. "That's Daryl Dixon, him and his brother live there. You have to watch yourself with a Dixon. But Daryl has helped me with a few things that broke around the house. He replaced the battery's in the fire alarms for me a week before you came."
You gave her a sideways look, "You trying to set me up now to?" Mary laughs, "Fine fine, granted I do bake something for him every time he does something for me. Could just have a sweet tooth." You look back out the window, ‘Daryl huh?’
It was a week later that you got a call from your brother. You went on a walk to take the call. He was anger that your father was on him for a kid because you had disappeared. The pressure had turned to his wife who was already having a hard time with infertility. It was when you were walking back to the house did the conversation get heated.
"Grow a back bone and yell at them Mathew! Why are you coming at me for!?" He responded with his own venom, "Why couldn't you just do what they asked! But go ahead die alone for all I care!" He ended the call abruptly after. You clenched your teeth tight and closed your eyes trying to compose yourself. A voice called from across the street, "Ya doin alright over there?" You turned to see Daryl beer in hand with the hood of his car open. You sighed shoulders sagging, "Sorry for the yelling." Daryl pick up another beer showing it off to you, "Sounds like ya could use one of these." You put your hands to your hips before deciding to walk over. You grab the beer he handed you with a smile, "Thanks..."
You cracked the can open taking a sip. Daryl stare at you for a second before saying something, “Yer boyfriend causing you trouble?” You chuckled at the thought, making a small face of disgust at it even, “No, that was just my brother being an ass.” Daryl took mental note of that ‘single’. He huffed and looked back down into his trucks hood. “Oh trust me I know how that is.” You look at him as he refocused his attention to his car, ‘That’s right, that’s what your Aunt had said.’ You lean against the truck. “Your Daryl right? I’m Y/N” Daryl looked back up at the mention of you knowing his name, “Oh so ya heard bout us.” He sounded a bit disappointed at the thought. You lean to look inside the car, smiling over to him, “Only the things my Aunt said.” He perked a brow at that, “Who’s yer Aunt? What she say about us?”
“Mary.” You pointed over your shoulder to the house, “And she mentioned you might have a sweet tooth.” Daryl looked over to the house of the lady he often did things for, her niece chiming in again. “Always see you fixing this truck across the street.” He pulled a red rag from his back pocket wiping his hands, “Ya damn thing always seems to be breakin.” He took notice of the girl fully now. You took slow sips of the beer he gave you while starring into the hood. “Well if I have any trouble with my car I know who to ask.” You looked up to him with a shy smile. “I’m useless when it comes to knowing anything about cars.”
That’s how they both started talking. You watching him fix a couple spark plugs while talking about things. Getting to know each other a little. Like how you were helping Mary with her shop. “Ah, so you just moved here.” You nodded, “Mmm about a month. Have no clue where anything is and have no friends so…” you shrug. A breeze started as evening was setting in. Daryl hesitated before saying, “I could show you some local spots.” He bit the side of his thumb nail waiting for an answer. You had bit your bottom lip looking up at him and smiled, “Sounds like fun to me.”
He was worried for a second he messed up, “There’s a bar that everyone knows, real popular on Fridays.” You nodded while looking at him staring down at your watch seeing you had been talking for about a hour. It was getting late so you slowly started to walk backwards to your house. You smile with a glint in your eye, “Sounds like a Date… see you Friday!” You waved and all he could do was look on with wide eyes. Did you just- “Pick you up at 8!” He yelled. He was in slight disbelief at the out come. Had you been flirting with him the whole time?
You had handed him a tool before he could even ask. You had known how to do it all along and played stupid to talk with him. He smiled down as he closed his hood. ‘Oh you were trouble.’
When Friday came he was kicking himself. This was unlike him to go on dates. But he wouldn’t deny he liked you. You were also looking forward to a date for the first time in a while. Preferring it more than being tricked on to one with some guy your parents liked. Daryl probably didn’t fit that kind a guy they would. Oh but your kind definitely. Your Aunt watched you try on an outfit before deciding to go with a floral casual dress that went to your knees. She gave you a smug look and you only rolled your eyes. You had a long black jacket over you, knowing it was already cool outside.
Daryl knocked on the door and off you went in his truck to this bar. He was slightly nervous when he saw you dolled yourself up, and for him? He had lied to Merle where he was going and doing. He was desperately trying not to blow this, “Ya look pretty…” he had said it at a stop light looking over to you. It’s everything a girl wants to hear, and it sure made you smile.
When they got to the bar the bartender seemed confused to see Daryl with a girl. He was normally there with his brother. Mostly to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid he had noticed. “Well if it isn’t a Dixon, tell your brother he still owes me for the glass he broke.” Daryl cringed at the mention of his brother. You just simply took a seat on a stool. “What can I get you two.”
You had a few drinks you’ll admit. You tried a classic drink that the locals had. You were grossed out at the drink causing you and Daryl to laugh. He only had a drink with the need to drive you both home. You had tried to play pool but decided you were a little to inebriated at how many times you missed the ball entirely. You were standing in a corner of the bustling bar talking. You held a bow empty cup dying laughing at a story had told you about his childhood. Sometimes kids dumb actions, like jumping off a shed in a hero outfit, were just funny. You had lost a little balance at your laughing and place a hand onto Daryl’s chest. He only looked down to you putting a hand to your waist to steady you. You had tears of laughter in you eye, you fanning your face to no ruining your make up. He was definitely enjoying this more than he wanted to.
You had been at the bar for about 4 hours with Daryl. You now walked leaning into him in the parking lot. He had an arm around your shoulder leading you to the car door. He started the car and looked over to you, “Should have told me ya were a lightweight.” You gasped offendly, “Lightweight! I’ll have you know I’m just tipsy.” He looked at you questioningly humming. You relaxed into the car seat, “Ok, I’ll admit I haven’t done this in a while- might be a little rusty on the drinking game.”
You both continued to joke around until getting to the neighborhood. He back up in your drive way to later drive into his own. Him doing that thing with his arm as he back up. You bit your lip at the sight. When he parked and looked at you you spoke, “Thank you for this Daryl, I had fun.” He nodded, “Was my pleasure…” you had slowly moved closer crossing the middle seat. He looked down at your flushed face, mostly done by the alcohol. That liquid courage probably giving you the strength to grab him by the chin and slowly kiss him. He leaned into it grabbing your hip. You pulled back with a bashful smile,
“Same time next week?”
He had fully smiled at that, “Ya bet your sweet ass. Now get out of here miss ‘tipsy’.” You giggle wiggling your way out of the car. Waving goodbye with a stupid smile on your face. He felt his heart skip a beat, ‘oh he was real screwed…’
That night he even thought back to how you were looking at him on the way back. He had caught you leaned against the window with hooded eye. When he looked at you, you tried to fight a smile. Oh and how could he not think of the kiss. His hands dragged down his face at the thought.
This went on for a little over a month. You would see each other throughout the week but Fridays you would go out. Small touch’s and kisses here and there. It wasn’t until you ended up back at that bar that things changed. You were only 2 drinks in. You sat in a booth with Daryl. Head on his shoulder and hands intertwined under the table. You pulled away getting up, “I’m going to get another drink and you a beer. Then I’ll wipe your ass in a game of pool!” Daryl chuckled, “Let’s hope you can hit the ball with your cue this time.” You stuck out your tongue at him while walking to the bar. You had only been waiting for your drinks when a man slide up next to you.
“Whats a pretty thing like you doing with a Dixon? He blackmailing you?” The man held a sleazy smirk. You only look at him with disgust ignoring him. It was when he put his hand to your arm pulling you closer did you talk to him, “Hey back off!” The man’s grip tightened, “What you a hooker or something? Only way a Dixon could get some pipe is by paying for a slut.” You had yanked your arm from him, you falling back a little before landing against someone behind you. A arm rapping around you, you recognized it instantly, Daryl. His voice growling and rumbling against you, “Back off my girl.”
The man who was bothering you only rolled his eyes, “Maybe keep your slut on a leash-“ You had felt Daryl lean forward behind you before you even saw him sock the guy in the face. You had gasped and turned to push Daryl back from the guy. He stumbled and held his nose. You whispered to Daryl, “Ok it’s time to go…” You tried to push him closer to the door but the jackass decided to spit out another comment, “Ya let your bitch drag you away pussy!” You felt Daryl lean forward and resisted you leading him backwards but you spoke softly up to him, “Please…” His eyes briefly met yours. He looked back up to the guy who was probably drunk but, Daryl’s blood was boiling with rage. He relented at your plea and walked out the exit.
He was quiet as he walked back to the truck. Walking a little faster ahead of you. When he got into the drivers seat you had said his name but he wasn’t listening. He put the key in the ignition, turning it on but your hand rested onto his arm and you said his name again, “Daryl…”. He slumped a little and turned the car back off. He slowly turned to look at you. You scooted closer into him. You closed your hands around his face so he would look at you. You gave a small smile, “Thank you.” You gave him a quick peck before leaning back to look at him.
He signed and placed his forehead to yours talking a moment. He thought maybe he was gonna scary you off at the out burst. He whispered, “Hope I didn’t scare ya.” You chuckled shaking your head, “They opposite really. I was scared of that guy and then you came and I felt ok again.” He inhaled a breath before I closing his arms around you. He pulled you into him more and you rapped an arm around his back. You sat there for a moment before you spoke, “Soooo, Your girl huh?”
Daryl froze in place. Didn’t even register he said it in the moment. He pulled back from you, mouth agape, stuttering before he gave up at trying to say anything. You placed a hand into his hair playing with a strand of hair, “I’m your girl?” You had almost whispered it. Daryl cleared his throat, “Will you be?” You let out a breathy sigh,
“Yeah, thought you’d never ask.”
That is when you officially started dating. Sat in the truck, in the parking lot, making out for a good 10 minutes.
You were enjoying the new found established relationship. Over the next week was filled with your Aunt seeing you cuddle on the couch watching a movie. You had even managed to give him a small haircut in his bathroom, “Hmm, I think you would look good with long hair.” Sometime you would find yourself in Daryl’s room laying on his bed just talking when Merle was away.
Speaking of Merle he had later found out when at the bar that his baby brother started a fight over his girlfriend. He had thought nothing of it until he asked his brother if it was true. When it was confirmed he laid hurtful comments at him. ‘No one can love someone like us!’ ‘Like you really?’ It was a definite damage to his ego. But some of the things he said about you rubbed him the wrong way. It made him defensive, ‘She a good lay?’ ‘got you pussy whipped.’ They had yet to even cross that line.
You know understood why Daryl had not wanted you to met his brother at first. He made rude and sexually comments to you. Often either being sexist or racist any time near him. You mostly tried to say clear of him.
Then there came the drama that followed from your parents. Apparently your Aunt let it slip to your brother you were with her. He told your parents and now here you were getting a call from her shop. You picked up the business phone and before you could even spit out your prepared greeting you heard your father’s voice boom over the phone. “Now you listen to me little lady you’re coming back home!” You pause shocked. “Your little tantrum is done and you will do as you’re told!” You could hear your mother in the back telling him to calm down. You to in a breath and replied calmly, “Dad, I will do no such thing.”
He was yelling more. You had caught something about a wedding date and some name before your mother took the phone from him. “Honey, you need to come back home ok?” You really couldn’t understand why, “No Mama I like it here.” She went to go on, “We are just doing what we think is best for you. We just want you to be happy with a husband.” You had enough snapping at them for the first time, “You want what’s best for you. If you wanted me happy you would have listened to me! I’ll have you know with the time I’ve been gone I finally feel free. I even got a boyfriend!”
Your mother gasped, “In the town you’re in! What redneck white trash could you possibly find out there!” You were surprised at the way your mother spoke. But you were also mad at it. You angrily replied, “His name is Daryl Dixon! Fuck you! Never call me again!” You hung up seething. You had closed the shop a little early.
After the call from your parents you walked to the bar. The bartender seemed surprised seeing you without Daryl before asking, “Your usual?” You nodded with an appreciative smile. While waiting for the drink you noticed Daryl’s brother with a few other people. You ignored him deciding you would have the one drink and go home, not really in the mood to deal with Merle.
You had just finished your drink when you heard a commotion behind you. Merle and another were arguing. It was getting really heated. You had stood about ready to leave when the other guy threatened Merle, “I’ll kill you for this!” When you had turned Merle was smug looking and unaware of the knife being pulled from behind the man’s pants. You had yelled, “Merle!” In a panic you lobbed your glass at the man. It shattered over his head sending him to crumple to the side on a table. The knife slipping from his hand and landing in front of him. Merle looked down at the knife before looking up to where the glass came from, spotting you. You were shocked with your mouth open looking at the man holding his head in pain, before looking back to Merle. The few other men that were sitting with them getting up displeased.
Merle realizing he was out numbered started to run toward you. He had grabbed you by the arm and dragged you with him to the exit. The bartender yelled as you got dragged away. “Hey!” You had yelled back before the door closed, “Sorry Lawrence I’ll pay you back later!” Merle was still dragging you along to his motorcycle. The door had swung open and the angry men started to pursue you both. Merle had yelled at you when you pause to look at the door, “Get the fuck on!”
You had hopped over the seat and sat behind him. Not having a moment to hold on before he started to speed off. It wasn’t until he pulled into his driveway that you started telling him off.
Daryl had heard Merle’s motorcycle pull in but he wasn’t expecting to hear you yelling right after it. “Goddamn I’m already having a shit day!” When he walked out the front door to see you telling Merle off as he just sat there on his bike silently taking it. He had never seen his brother not throwing words back at someone. “Are you an idiot!” Not even that got a reaction from him. Daryl knew that would normally get replied by violence. It wasn’t until he spoke did you turn at his voice, “The hell is goin on?” Your anger soon crumpled into tears, you were overwhelmed and maybe a bit scared still body pumping with adrenaline. Daryl almost got whiplash at the sudden mood shift.
That didn’t stop him from hugging you as you started to cry. He shot a look to his brother who still sat on his bike. Merle looking weirded out at the sudden tears. "The hell you do ta her?!” Merle rubbed the back of his neck, "May have got into a bit of a fight at the bar with some folks. She kinda stopped me from being stabbed." He had felt you shaking in his grasp now. He knew you hated conflict, told him about the pit that would form in your stomach. But you stopping Merle from being stabbed? "How she do that?" Merle chuckled, "Threw her glass across the room! Knocked him clean on his sorry ass." He seemed almost impressed by you.
Daryl started leading you back toward your home. Daryl turning to yell back to his brother, "Whatever man piss off." He had gotten you into your house before you spoke, "My Aunt went on her Cabo trip with her book club friends. She'll be gone a week... stay?" He gulped, "If ya really want me to." You nodded, "I don't wanna be alone." He saw you were scared.
He lay next to you in your bed after you calmed down and ate dinner. "Want to talk bout it?" You moved closer to him leading him to put a arm over you. You sighed into him, "I was at the bar because I had a rough conversation with my parents. Somethings were said. Their the reason I moved here, to get away from. I saw Merle and then the knife- then all those men chased us." Your hand rose to pinch the bridge of your nose, "Just been a- a shit day." You move to look up to Daryl's blue eyes a smirk rising to your lips at the worried and tight look he was giving you. He relax a little at your attention. He dragged a hand up your arm to your face, "Merle seems to think your a badass now." He himself was a little proud to hear what you did. You grunted into his chest, "He'd better. Saved his dumbass."
You were talking for a while after that. Seeing the clock blinking 1am now. You were sleepy but enjoyed talking to him to much to fall asleep. Sleep was pulling at your eyes and a question that should have been a inside thought slipped out, "Why haven't we had sex yet?" Daryl was a little taken back but not to shocked at the question, he hummed, "Honestly not a clue, I like you to much to mess anything up." Maybe the tired feeling was making his lips a little loose to. He paused before continued, "I've only had meaningless sex. Nothing with feeling behind it." He smirked down to your hazy eyes, "Why? You tryin to get in my pants?" You chuckled adding a little shrug, "Perhaps. Take me out to dinner and we'll see how the night goes from there." That made Daryl's heart beat a little harder. Of course he has thought about it before just didn't know how to act on it with you. He held you a little tighter to him, goofy smile to his face, "Yes Ma'am."
Take you out to dinner he did. Nothing to fancy but by the end of that night you offered him to follow you inside. You were laughing while bumping backwards into things as you both kissed. You stripping buttons down his shirt when he paused face looking uncomfortable. You stopped at the look. He sighed squeezing his eyes tight. Reminding himself it was you. "Uh sorry, just forgot to mention- just look fer yourself..." You softly pulled the shirt down off of him. Revealing scars along his body.
You dragged a finger along one. You look up at him with round eyes. He looked away before saying, “M’ Daddy was a drunk.” You intake air and release it at the information. You leaned down and kissed the scar you touched. Everything turned slow from that point, more sensual. He rolled into you at a pace he never had before. He was used to chasing a feeling, getting it over with. But every time he would push into you he couldn’t help but love the groans you made. You sure loved the noises subconsciously coming out of him as well. You would move up into him. The slow motion had sent you crazy. Leading you to claw at him begging for more. He didn’t go faster but harder.
Your moans filled your bedroom. Daryl was sucking on your neck while rutting into you. He was huffing out air and grunting in exertion. The tight clench he felt around him damn near knocked the wind out of him. He had pulled out and rested his head on your chest while trying to catch his breath. You dug your hands into the back of his hair.
That night lead to many more like it. Which is what lead you to the current situation going on. You were in the bathroom staring at a positive pregnancy test. Not just one but three. You sat on the floor contemplating, 'How did this happen?' 'Do I keep it?' 'How do I tell Daryl?' You and Daryl had been only officially dating for 3 and a half months now. The first test had you in denial, the second had you begging. The third had you close to acceptance. At least you weren't ugly crying anymore. Before anything you needed to tell Daryl. So you called him over saying it was urgent.
He opened the front door and jogged to your room seeing you crisscross on the bed looking distraught. He kneeled down at the front of your bed looking up at you. You took in a nervous breath before talking, "If you need a moment after I tell you this, its okay, I wont be mad." Daryl's heart dropped to his ass, 'were you about to end stuff between them?'
"I'm pregnant."
His eyes slowly widened and he looked down to your stomach then back to you. He abruptly stood up then paused again. His mind moving a mile a minute but also not at all. The one thing to click was "A father? ME?' He slowly walked out the room. You sat there with tears burning in your eyes watching him leave the room. He paced back and forth hand running into his hair. The fight or flight in him was telling him to run, he was overwhelmed. Then he heard a small sniffle come from the room he had just come from. That stopped him in his tracks. He thinks he loves you. You both hadn't gotten to saying it out loud to each other. He didn't know what love felt like but this was what he imagined it to be. He hated to see you cry. Made him feel like maybe he would to if he didn't fix your tears. When he heard you he slowly made his way back into the room. Realizing you were most likely as terrifies as him, more so even.
You felt his arms around you making you cry harder. You had run the possibility of him leaving in your mind. Fully aware of his lack of a good father in his life. When you pulled away to look at him he also had tears going down his face. It was the first you have seen him cry. You had now put your arms around his middle and pulled him down to now lay on top of you. You had a tight hold on him and he you. You both calmed down and you knew he wasn't leaving, then he also whispered into you, "I've got ya. Both of ya."
It was rough that first day. It didn't feel real. You told Daryl how you were going to make a appointment in the morning. You asked if he was wanting to go with. He had slowly nodded deep in thought. You had said they could talk about everything in time.
You both had time.
You had an appointment in a week, the receptionist suggesting you go and buy prenatal vitamins before then. You also broke the news to your Aunt, she was supportive. Saying she would love to help with anything you needed. You and her walked a few blocks to a small store connected to a pharmacy. You looked to the shelves of pills. You held two big bottles, different brands, of prenatal vitamins. The sound of screaming alerting you to a disturbance in the store. You turn to your Aunt with a questioning look. You both peaked around the aisle spotting someone on top of the other, a fight perhaps?
Gun shots to your left making you jump. You turned seeing a man backing down the aisle beside you shooting rounds into a woman approaching him. You witnessed the women not even flinch to each shot. Your Aunt pulled you by the shoulder backwards down the lane. Another person who was pale with foggy eyes rounded the corner. It grabbed your Aunt and before you could blink took a bit out of her neck. You watch in horror as she dropped to the ground with that person on top of her. Blood from her throat being ripped out had splattered across your face. You screamed terrified. The lady the man had been shooting at now turned the corner from the aisle they were in. Now she was covered in blood though. You look down to your Aunt who had stopped moving. The thing taking notice of you. So you ran.
You had just seen your Aunt being brutally murdered. You ran out the door of the building pill bottle still in hand. You saw people running, cars crashing. Others getting hit by cars. It was a nightmare but you felt like you need to keep moving. You ran down the road back to your house. Dodging anyone covered in blood.
Daryl had kicked the door open to your house. Merle was packing stuff into the truck across the road. He screamed your name looking for you anywhere. When he couldn’t find you he ran back to the car, “I can’t find her!” Merle rolled his eyes, “Forget about her! She probably died someone where let’s get are asses out of here!” Daryl yelled back at him with rage. “THE IS NO WAY IN HELL IM GOING ANYWHERE WITHOUT HER!” The yell had shocked Merle. Daryl had never talk to him like that. “We can find you a new lady we gotta go!” Then Daryl did something more unexpected. He shoved Merle back. He had hit the side door of the truck, Merle was about to hit him when he yelled, “She’s pregnant man!”
Daryl had a panicked and pained expression on his face. He started to stuttered out, “I-I gotta go look—“ The sound of his name being yelled from a distance made him turn in the direction. He was relieved to see you running full speed toward him. His relief flooded by panic at the sight of blood painted across your face and cloths. He ran the rest of the way to you. Crashing into each other in an embrace. You struggled to regain breath after how long you were running. Daryl had held your face seeing were the blood came from. Tears forming in your eyes, “It’s not mine…” Merle’s voice cutting in, “Come on love birds we gotta go now!”
Daryl lead you to the car opening the door and making you jump in, “Stay here I’m going to get some of your stuff.” He ran off back to your house and Merle started tightening the cables to the bike in the back. He sat down in the driver seat and looked over to you. You had two pill bottles on your lap and you stared at your hands shaking. He then noticed all the blood on you and decided to keep his mouth shut. Daryl ran back throwing a duffel bag in the back before going to the passenger side. You sat in the middle still a little stunned. Like a bird who flew into glass.
Daryl’s arm went behind your head resting on your shoulders. You leaned into him. Merle had started to peel out of the space driving off into a direction. You heard little of the talk between them. Choosing a quarry they know to get away from the towns and head into the woods.
All you knew was the world was changing.
Part 2
Feedback welcomed and requests open!
Sorry for mistakes I to eepy its 2 am. I'm dyslexic and struggle with it and normally reread 10 times to fix mistakes but this is so long I wanna go to bed.
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callme-holly · 5 months
if you're still doing requests, can you do headcanons for how each member of the gang (separate) would react to their s/o pranking them with the monthly shed thing?Please and thank you!
in which the reader pulls the "monthly shed" prank on the gang and they fall for it. [fem!reader x the outsiders]
a/n: i wanted to try a different format to what I usually do - don't know if I like or not but, you know. I have 10 mins before i have to go back to revision so sorry if these are a little but crap. inbox is still open for requests!!
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Darry Curtis - 
When you tell him, he is so concerned
He just stares at you, eyes wide, jaw practically on the floor
He immediately starts asking if you’re okay and if you need anything 
Will 100% fall for it
He immediately goes to Sodapop and asks if it’s true because if anyone knows about girls, it the middle Curtis brother
When Soda is just as confused as Darry, he will probably finally catch on 
He was very worried for you though <33
Sodapop Curtis - 
He’s so sweet about it and will genuinely believe you
He’ll sit on the counter and watch as you “peel your skin” while asking as many questions as possible
“So are girls like lizards?” 
You bet he’s bringing it up at dinner and when he does, Darry and Pony just stare at you with confusion
Soda will keep on eating as if he’s just dropped the most casual news ever
In the end, when he doesn’t catch on to the joke, you’ll probably have to tell him the truth
He’ll be very confused, and will most likely continue to believe that you shed your skin every month
Ponyboy Curtis - 
When he catches you “peeling your skin” he’s actually horrified
Like he isn’t disgusted, not at all, but why the hell is all your skin peeling off and should he get Darry to drive you to the hospital
He won’t really say much on the topic, but will definitely ask his science teacher next time he has class
His teacher gives him the most baffled expression ever and he immediately catches on 
He’s so embarrassed when he gets home 
He doesn’t mention it to anyone, not even to you, and if it ever gets brought up, he’s changing the topic immediately
Johnny Cade - 
Oh, Johnny
He is so worried when you tell him that your skin peels every month
He gets a little concerned that his skin might peel too
He’ll watch from a safe distance when you “shed your skin” 
The next time he sees Dallas, he questions it and his buddy just laughs in his face and asks if he feeling okay
He probably won't catch onto the joke until you tell him
Johnny isn’t stupid, but he will almost certainly believe anything you tell him so when you break the news to him and tell him that you were only kidding, he’s very relieved
Dallas Winston - 
He’s so disgusted and probably won't come anywhere near you
Genuinely very confused and won’t believe you at first
“I aint seen no other girl do that, man”
After you “peel your skin” in front of him though 
He is out of that door faster than you can blink
He goes to the gang and he’s just horrified 
Darry will probably be the one to break the truth to him 
He’d be fuming and he’d probably give you the silent treatment until you apologise to him (he’s stubborn and childish like that) 
Was secretly a tiny bit concerned about you but he’d never admit it
Steve Randle - 
Now this is tricky
Steve would probably be concerned and a little freaked out
He’d ask to make sure you’re okay and if you’re hurt at all every few minutes 
He genuinely just really cares about you <33 
However, that’s not to say he isn’t incredibly freaked out
You’re literally shedding your skin in his bathroom and acting as if it’s a normal thing
In the end you’d probably feel bad and you’d have to break the truth to him
He’s still a little confused but he just sort of forgets about the whole thing the next day
Two-Bit Mathews - 
I won’t lie; he’ll find it funny as hell
He’d take every chance he can get to crack a joke about you “shedding your skin”
Much like Soda, he’ll sit and watch you before asking if you’re a snake
“So, does that mean women are reptiles?” // “No, Two…” 
I can’t see him being disgusted by it and it probably wouldn’t take all that long for him to catch on
Overall, he finds the whole thing hilarious and will probably keep making lizard jokes to you for the next week or so
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Tribunal Saints
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Mathew Weathers
-Artist note: "The black and white drawings I had done of the saint designs that then fed into the banner concepts. This was also handed to my buddies that do the environment work to help them knock things out."
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teddy06writes · 3 months
Morning Routines
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Darry Curtis x autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: None
Premise: Slice of life of Darry with an autistic s/o
(The brain rot is fucking real. Also Darry is also autistic. I have another Darry one shot that I'm like halfway through)
Knock knock knock
"It's open! How many times have we told you don't need to knock sweetheart?" Darry asked, pulling open the door with a soft smile.
You held up the box of doughnuts the gang would surely inhale in a matter of minutes, and the drink carrier holding your usual morning drinks, "Hands were full."
For months now, you'd followed the same morning routine, week in and week out, arriving at the Curtis house each morning, in time to join them for breakfast, and help Darry usher his brothers through getting ready for work and school respectively.
Saturdays brought Darry's day off, and like clock work you would arrive with breakfast for the gang, and spend the morning with them until it was time to head off for your evening shift at the diner.
"How was work last night?" Darry asks, as you head through to the kitchen, having immediately taken both items from your hands.
You sighed, fiddling with the hem of your shirt, "Not fantastic, but there's been worse. Decent tips though."
Darry hummed, going through the cabinet to pull out plates, "Well, maybe tonight will be better."
"Hopefully," You sat at your usual seat at the kitchen table, pulling the newspaper toward you, and beginning to finger through the sections, "Nobody up yet?"
"Nah. Soda and Steve took the girls out last night, and Dal took Pony and Johnny down to the races with Two-Bit," He sat down beside you, "They didn't get back till late. Pony'll be out cold for at least another hour."
You pushed half the newspaper toward him, the sports section sitting on top, as he plopped the usual doughnuts onto your plates. You and Darry sat in comfortable silence, reading through the newspaper and drinking coffee.
Eventually, Johnny slipped into the kitchen quietly, hair and clothes from the day before mussed from sleeping on the couch. He sheepishly took a doughnut, like always, as you and Darry swapped sections of the paper.
Down the hall you could hear Soda starting to stirr, mumbling to himself as he padded to the bathroom. Johnny disappeared back into the living room and you could hear the low hum of whatever channel with early enough programming to show the westerns he liked. Soda shuffled through the kitchen, looking half awake until he spotted the doughnuts on the table, "Oh my god, I forgot it's Saturday!"
Excitedly, he filled a plate with a jelly and a sprinkled doughnut, holding up his hand to theatrically whisper to you, "This is why you're my favorite."
Darry rolled his eyes, swatting at his brother with his half of the paper, "Watch it little buddy."
Soda only laughed, heading for the living room, "Whatcha watchin Johnnycakes?"
You chuckled, refolding the paper neatly and reaching for the pen that always sat on the counter, "If doughnuts are all it takes to bribe that boy, I should be getting a free pop every time I stop by the DX."
Half an hour later, you were nearly finished with the crossword, when the screen door banged open, and Two Bits loud laugh was filling the house, punctuated by a loud groan from down the hall in Ponyboys room.
When you flinched at the noise, Darry scolded, "Don't you go slamming my door Mathews."
"Don't you go telling me to quiet down, Curtis," Two Bit appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with a fake stern look on his face, Steve hovering over his shoulder, "How am I meant to be quiet on the beautiful morning like this?"
Steve shoved him aside to get to the box of doughnuts first, "How should we know, you never shut your trap?"
You chuckled, rolling your pen in your fingers, "You've got a point."
"Keith Matthews and Steven Randle, I might've known," Ponyboy stood in the kitchen door, half wrapped in his quilt, and looking murderous, "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to mess with a man's slumber?"
"Well yeah, but I ain't bothering no mans slumber, Ponykid."
Pony was jumping at Two Bit in an instant, and you and Darry watched them wrestle across the kitchen tile. Unbothered, he returned to the paper as you watched Steve take advantage of their distraction to steal the last jelly doughnut. With a chuckle you shifted in your seat, rocking slightly.
"Is that good coffee I smell?" Dallas appeared in the kitchen, expertly dodging the on going rough housing and reaching to take the last to go cup from the carrier you had left on the counter.
"I want you to consider that your payment for getting those two jerks out of the diner last week." You said, pointing at him with your pen.
Darry raised an eyebrow, looking up from his paper, "Dallas Winston, doing a good deed? I didn't think I'd live to see the day."
Dally tried to shrug it off, diverting, "Hey is that the last jelly doughnut?"
Steve's eyes widened, having finally been caught, "Uhh-"
Immediately, Two Bit was giving up on pinning Pony down, "You took the last jelly?"
"Relax, there's still plenty of chocolate glazed." Darry reported as Ponyboy scrambled up off the ground.
As the four dragged the argument about the last of the doughnuts back to the living room you rocked in your seat, shaking your head fondly.
Darry leaned over to your crossword, tapping at 7 down, "Six letter word for family: insane."
With another chuckle, you dutifully noted it down, "Undoubtedly."
Even with the argument lowered to a dull roar, Johnny had pumped up the tv volume to compete, much to your dismay. You shifted in your seat again, trying to focus back on the last few crossword clues.
"Let's go sit out on the back porch, get away from them for a while," Sensing your discomfort, Darry began to gather his coffee and the sports section to review one more time, standing up and offering you his hand, "I'll even let you talk my ear off about that show you've been watching."
You grinned, taking your crossword in one hand, and his own hand in the other, "Sounds like a dream."
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do a platonic Curtis gang with a fem!reader who’s believes in like witch craft and the devil? Like the whole town thinks she’ll sacrifice them but she genuinely nice and sweet?🫶 (also if it’s not a problem can it be hc’s?)
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Summary: The Outsiders x Witchcraft!Reader
Warnings: strong religious and non-religious context
Author's Note: one of my friends was really into witchcraft once and it looked so fun + I have a deck of pink tarot cards (w?!)
Ponyboy thinks the witchcraft stuff that you do is really sick, he's actually really interested.
He thinks it's cool how you make spells and stuff but he doesn't necessarily believe it.
He's never been a religious person and finds himself not really believing in anything.
However he never fell for the rumors that you were going to kill everyone in Tulsa because everytime he saw you at school you were happy in your own little world.
Johnny has extremely religious parents and they're always warning him about you, kindly and unkindly.
They tell him things like you're gonna eat his soul and he's gonna go to hell, but he doesn't take anything they say seriously
He's approached you a couple of times out of spite and he actually thinks you're really sweet
You give him gifts sometimes and he proudly displayed them in front of his parents
Sodapop is a little scared of you, he kind of fell for those rumors about you wanting to sacrifice people
Once he went up to you and asked you if you sacrifice people, but he had such an innocent look that you couldn't blame him for falling for the rumors
You toyed with him and said you only sacrificed cute boys and to use that information as he willed
He always thought he was a "cute boy" but the way you said it made him feel like he wasn't so he was so confused and pestered you for a while about it.
Steve is like Soda but he puts more of a "tuff" front up about it, so he's approaching you a lot when people dare him to.
He pesters you quite a bit, so much so that you get really frustrated. Once you told him to stop annoying you it was getting old and he saw you in a new light.
He realized how you were mostly poked at and not treated like a normal person and he felt as if he could relate because he was a greaser
He hung out with you a couple of times and he's really enjoying your company, he also got a couple of tarot readings done by you.
Two os the most respectful out of all of them, except maybe Darry. He's kept his distance but he doesn't try stuff on you
The first time he talked to you is when his sister ran up to you because your outfit was so pretty
He apologized because she latched onto you and you got to talking, he was actually really surprised at how nice you were
He said that, if you want, he could take you out to coffee sometimes and that
Darry doesn't engage in the childish discussion that the rest of the gang does, he's to "mature" though
He tells Sodapop and Pony to stop judging people when he overhears their conversations about you.
Truthfully he remembers that when he was in 5th grade he was your "older buddy" in the schools buddy program.
He knows you were always had it rough as a kid but you were always kind so he wants to stick up for you
He also sought you out later and took you out for some food.
Dallas is one of the people that say you're gonna sacrifice everyone in the town, he's not afraid of you but he doesn't like you.
The whole rumor started because he was offered a bet to get with you but he knew he couldn't (mainly because of Darry) so he said no because you'd sacrifice him
He's always watching you though, everytime he sees you he observes you because he finds you intresting
He'll never talk to you though, he has a reputation to uphold and being seen with you is apparently really bad even though he always pays attention to you.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
Darry and Two-Bit
I have begun to write the requests! Thanks so much for this one :)
Almost every single request has involved Darry, glad he's getting love. I couldn't find any photos of these two together though :(
Darry and Two-Bit Friendship Headcanons
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When they were kids, Mrs. Curtis was besties with Ms. Mathews so Darry and Two kinda grew up together.
They were constantly together since Ms. Mathews was working at the same diner and everything with Mrs. Curtis.
And they didn’t get tired of eachother either. They were pretty similar age and everything so they were just playing their regular childhood games. They’d find other east side or middle class kids to play tag or cowboys with. Your normal stuff.
As they got older, Darry also became best friends with Paul. So they became a trio of sorts. But Paul’s parents DEFINITELY did not want him near them. Mainly Two-Bit because he was more of a typical greaser. Darry they could see being a soc. Two-Bit was a bad influence on their “perfect child”.
The only time Darry acts like a middle-aged dad is around Two-Bit. And as a joke. It started off with one time Darry said a very dad-like thing and Two-Bit just groaned and told him “You sound just like my mom!” and Darry made it his goal to annoy two-bit by doing that at least once a day. Whether it’s stealing a snack from him and overdramatically saying “Dad Tax” or sitting down next to him with an overly serious tone and telling him “Sonny boy, we need to have a talk.” Two-Bit hates it so much and Darry finds it hilarious. 
Two-Bit is the one Darry acts his age around though. Mostly because Two encourages him to do so. Whether it's trying to get him to go to a party or just take a drive around. 
When they were younger, Darry wanted to buy birthday gifts for Soda and Pony. So he tested out babysitting and made plenty of cash. Two-Bit joined him as well because he wanted some extra money. They became quite the powerful duo. Though some parents would request that just Darry show up.
When Darry was still a more reckless teenager of sorts, they would both give each other so many weird dares. Like the time Two-Bit walked into the diner in a dress and really badly done make-up (Done by Darry ofc) and had to order a cheeseburger without the bun. Or the time Darry had to call Mr. Curtis because he was now hanging upside down from a tree with a jump rope tied to him. Where was Two-Bit you ask? He was too busy untying the lawn flamingo from the other side of the jump rope.
 Darry can help Two-Bit out of a funk and vice versa. Sometimes Two will have times where he takes things seriously. Like he says something about him being fat and laughs though Darry can tell he’s hurting. When Darry has those times where he feels like a terrible person and bad brother Two-bit is right there reassuring him.
Two-Bit is one of the few Darry actually has his complete trust in when it comes to Ponyboy. Most people don’t think Two is responsible, but he actually is. Especially when it comes to kids. So if Pony needs someone to be with him whether it’s walking around town or just sitting at home and Darry feels he’s unsafe, Two is the first person he calls.
Darry has always been a sweetheart, innocent not so much, but respectful at least. But on some of Two-Bit and him’s drives Two would catcall just about any girl who walked by. Making Darry duck and hide in the car. Sometimes Two would drag him out and call out something like “I ain’t too pretty, but my buddy here is on the football team!” which would always make Darry turn bright red. A couple times the girl has approached the car and gotten his number though Darry is a stuttering mess. He isn’t that bad at flirting but when put on the spot he is terrible at just about everything.
Sometimes Two-Bit will just stare at Darry with an unreadable gaze. A look of sadness almost. It’s really just him looking at this tired, sore, and hardened young guy who looks like he has decades of working weighing him down. Wondering where that fun and reckless teenager with that charming smile that made girls swoon, where he possibly could’ve gone. His best friend, reduced to scraping the bottom to survive.
Darry was making chocolate cake one time and Two-Bit wanted to try and make one too. But he substituted several ingredients in the cake for alcohol. Usually it starts to evaporate since most people don’t use that much of it in foods, but Two-Bit poured an entire bottle or 3. It was more of a soup than a cake. Darry turned around to put his cake in the oven and just looked at Two like ??!?!?
Darry loves Two-bit’s little sister, he sees her as his own sibling. Him and Two used to play with her quite often. Sometimes they would put on little plays or try to teach her to play cards.
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Tis' The Damn Season
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦ Group Chat: tis’ the damn season addition
✦Pairing: Father Figure Jake x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 1.8 k
✦Warnings: Fluffy Jake, Dad!Jake, Maty is an amazing big brother, early Christmas, holiday vibes!
✦A/n: This was quite literally me on the first of November... and I have no regrets
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You glance in the mirror of your car and your gaze meets Mathew. A smile falls on your lips as you watch him play with Josephine, he wiggles the small doll at your 5-month-old, and giggles ring through the car from both of them. Your thumbs tap away on the steering wheel as you drive home, the three of you had gone out for coffee, well Maty got hot chocolate and Jos was still breastfeeding, but the coffee date just what the three of you was needed. How it turned into going to Target, was a completely different story.
Lacey had called after you all had gone out for coffee and claimed that she needed a buddy for Target. Of course, you couldn’t tell her no, Mathew loved Auntie Lace, and you had been missing her as well. School had kept her busy, so the fact that school was off for Friday, almost automatically meant the pair of you would be together.
“Now baby, what do we say if daddy asks where the new decorations came from?”
You might have gone a tad over-bored when you saw the new Christmas decorations and though it was only the 1st of November, you couldn’t help but want to set up early. Lacey had made no objection and had even joined in on the Christmas shopping.
“Mommy found them.”
“Yes, good job!”
It wasn’t a lie, well not a direct lie, you had found the decorations… in Target… You would never have Mathew lie to Jake, but if the man didn’t ask for specifics, then that’s on him.
Jake and the team were busy today helping with fresh recruits and while you would normally be in the office, you were still on maternity leave.
You pull into the house and notice Jake’s missing truck, meaning that he was still on base, and he couldn’t stop you. You absolutely loved the holidays and while it wasn’t exactly normal to start decorating in November, you couldn’t help yourself. You loved Thanksgiving for the food, but Christmas had always been a magical time.
Your family loved to celebrate Christmas and from your first memories of the holiday, it was always filled with joy. You couldn’t wait to do sugar cookies with Josephine, even if she was still little, it was her first Christmas. How could you not be excited! Plus, it usually helped cure your seasonal depression, and that was always a positive.
Getting out of your car, you make quick work of getting Josephine inside, tucked safely in her car seat, while Maty helps you unload the trunk.
“Are we setting up today momma?”
The small box in his hands held a miniature Christmas tree, and you can’t stop the laugh that comes out as he struggles to get it up the steps and into the house. He had been adamant that it was his tree and that he didn’t need any help from you.
“Do you want to bubba?”
You receive a nod in agreement and after you unload the rest of the decorations, as well as the ones you had in the house already, you get to work.
You had put Josephine down for a nap an hour ago after she had spent ample time staring at the different Christmas lights. Mathew had made sure that with each ornament he hung on the tree, he showed them to Jos, who had been stationed in her bouncer and loving the interaction with her brother.
In the past three hours, you had really made progress in transforming the house. The living room was complete with stockings hung and the tree up. The pine garland around the entryways had tiny lights strung throughout them that lit up the house.
You had changed out the fall seasonal blanket and throw pillows, and in their place sat red and white patterns, which filled you with Christmas spirit. The melody of Santa Baby plays through the house, as you hang a row of lights along the staircase. From the corner of your eye, you see Mathew run to the window and then book it out the front door.
His sequel of delight and the echo of Jake’s laugh eases you. Every day when Jake came home was the same; Mathew would wait close enough to the front window, so he wouldn’t miss Jake’s arrival, and then run out to Jake. Who would always pick him up and toss him in the air. You didn’t know how Jake could still throw the 7-year-old, you had a hard enough time even carrying him anymore, but Jake had always made it look easy.
You feel the lights in your hand shift slightly, before turning back to finish putting them up. Tying the bow around it to hold it in place along the banister, the sound of the front door closing signals that Jake and Mathew have made it inside.
“Hi, baby!” The cheerful tone in your voice almost makes Jake laugh, as he stands in the entryway with Mathew on his hip. His eyes slowly move throughout the house, starting with you and so forth. He lands on the Christmas tree, which is only half decorated, before glancing between you and Mathew.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?”
Your lips pout at his tone of voice and the facial expression makes Jake start laughing while setting Maty down on the floor.
“I was organizing and found decorations…” Your eyes cast to the floor, as Jake’s stare peers at you, and your eyes trace around the room, looking at anything that isn’t Jake. You notice his movement, though don’t look towards it, in hopes of avoiding the question.
Though as Jake comes to rest on the step just below you, his hands settle on your hips and squeeze gently. With the tip you’re your chin, you can no longer avoid his gaze.
The smirk he wears is teasing and you can’t stop the laugh that bubbles from your chest, as Jake’s hands run up and down your sides.
“Yes, Jacob?”
His teeth click at the use of his full name, but his smirk never falters. The hands at your waist gently tug on you, causing you to stumble slightly and land in Jake’s chest.
“I miss you today; give me a kiss.”
You push back from his chest and glance up at him, the green in his eyes stands out against the Christmas lights, and a full smile breaks across your lips. You reach up quickly and wrap your arms around his neck, to pull his lips onto your own.
The kiss is gentle and sweet. Your lips melt together perfectly and though there is always a heat between the two of you, this kiss was different. You loved having heated make-out sessions with Jake, but kisses like this, based on pure unfiltered love for one another, were your favorite.
Jake is the one to pull away, and your hands twist in the white tee shirt he’s wearing as he places another kiss against your brow.
“You gonna answer my question?”
The words are mumbled against your brow, though you hear them clearly. You hum quietly in answer to the question. Jake would never get mad at you for shopping, though you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, of knowing about your addiction to Target.
He teased you about it constantly and the only saving grace was that Robert constantly teased Lacey too. It was a rare event that either of you went alone, it had become a habit to always go together and to bring Natasha when she wasn’t stuck on base.
Your eyes move up to Jake and you met with a wide smile as he tries to hold in a laugh. Your lips pursed in reaction and you shrug your shoulders in silent answer.
“Hey bud, where did momma get the decorations?” the question is thrown over his shoulder to Mathew, who had been placing more ornaments on the tree.
You look over Jake’s shoulder and see Mathew round the corner into the hallway. Jake is still watching you though, Mathew gives you a small smile before glancing at Jake.
“Momma and Auntie Lace took us to target.”
You’re sure that your face fell in slow motion, and the sucking of your teeth only cause the laughing Jake, to laugh harder. His hands still sit on your waist, though he is now bent over and his head rests against your stomach.
“Maty remember, we talked before daddy came home. We weren’t gonna tell him about Target.” Your eyes widen to add emphasis, though he only shrugs his shoulders.
“I tell daddy everything.”
The statement is so simple and sweet coming from the 7-year-old, and before you can reply he’s back to work on the tree. Jake rises and a sweet smile rests on his face. Your reach your hands up to tangle in his hair, softly scratching his scalp. He practically keens in response, though his eyes remain on you.
“Did I ever thank you, for being the best father?”
“A million times baby, but you’ve never needed to.”
You hum quietly before pulling Jake’s lips against yours now and mutter,
“I love you.”
Jake's reaction is to pull you in tighter, as his hand tangles in your hair and lean your head back. Every part of you is touching Jake, and the moan that slips past your lip as he grabs your ass is absolutely sinful. Though before you can go any farther, a harsh cry echoes through the house. You both pull away slightly and rest your foreheads against one another.
“You go shower and all get the princess.”
The soft pat you lay on his chest tells him not to argue, that you knew he had hard days and wanted him to unwind. You press one more kiss to Jake’s lips before you turn and head towards Jos’ room. You look back over your shoulder and call out to Jake before he can get through your bedroom door.
“I got match PJs for us, they’re on the bed. I thought we could watch Home Alone? Only if you want though.”
You’re sure that Jake will say yes, though the small doubt in the back of your mind makes an appearance. Jake can only smile at you, overwhelmed with how madly in love with you he is.
“That sounds perfect Sweets.”
You smile and there’s a small bounce in your steps as you turn to get Josphine, though you stop when Jake calls for you now.
“Darlin’ Merry almost Christmas.”
The wink he sends you makes you giggle slightly, and those butterflies in your stomach, whirl around like they did the first day you met him.
“Merry Christmas Jakey.”
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purecommemasolitude · 29 days
Okay so re: Darry as the captain in a sound of music AU. This is just one possible route that I thought up last night and typed out while I couldn’t sleep
It’s the type of AU where we steal beats and plot points from TSOM and transfer them into the outsiders, because not being rich is very important to why Darry is the way he is (also for reasons I outline below I made Two-Bit Maria and that man is never even going to think about becoming a religious career man)
And also I don’t actually know when he and Two-Bit would end up together because with some of the changes I made I couldn't make it work within the main plot, so it would have to be in an event bit taken from TSOM. So it’s not in the bullet points
anyway I'll put the bullet points I typed up in an hour at midnight yesterday below the cut because it’s long but I will admit. this one kind of got away from me
- okay so Darry is the captain. Obv
- High school & football take the place of the navy
- Racked my brain for a bit and I think Two-Bit is Maria?? Like I said I don’t really go in for outsiders ships anyway so I cross-referenced usual Darry LIs and general characters and he was the only one who was age-appropriate and also could have a Maria vibe (is able to find the light in life, willing to poke at a cold figure until it shows emotion, gets along with the brothers in canon)
- Soda & Pony are aged down because otherwise this wouldn’t make any sense — Soda is 14 going on 15 and Pony’s 12
- (Steve and Johnny are also aged down to match their respective buddies so the boys can still have friends I think. I haven’t decided what to do with Dally yet in this AU — I would put him as Max with a personality transplant but I don’t know if I can see Dally being chill with Darry’s attempt to. Play into respectability politics essentially)
- Darry’s infinitely more stressed supporting two more needy kids on his meagre income alone. Soda does odd jobs but nothing full time
- This manifests in him being colder / less outwardly affectionate than in the book to Soda as well as Pony
- Furthermore he’s desperately trying to ensure their futures, which means he disapproves of them being too outwardly greaser, both for separation reasons and for respectability reasons down the line
- However being 12 and 14 means they’re less able to control their emotions and understand Darry. So the guy from the state comes down and sees them and says you need to spend more time with these kids man. They’re not loved
- Shit.
- Two-Bit, meanwhile, is living an unluckier life than the book
- After his father left his mother was only able to choose one kid to be able to support, and because he was older and more self sufficient, Two-Bit had to go
- He grows up bouncing around from orphanage to foster home to foster home to orphanage etc, erasing his family out of his mind because it hurts too much and Two-Bit Mathews does not like to dwell on things that hurt him
- Upon turning 18, he’s out of the system and despite his nature is forced to get a job to survive
- He does odd jobs around and scrounges enough money to pay for a shitty shitty motel
- Meets Marcia through these jobs, and they strike up a friendship
- However most of these odd jobs are a lot of labour and very unstable so he’s looking for better & easier work
- He starts thinking and he thinks of his own childhood. If there had been someone else around to watch him, maybe his mother wouldn’t have had to give him away
- And then he has one too many encounters with the bugs in his motel and decides fuck it. I’m putting an ad in the paper
- Darry’s reading the news as he does one night when he sees what may very well be God’s gift to the Curtis family
- There’s someone willing to work for — well, he can’t afford that, just like he can’t afford any of the other prices he’s seen on nannies and babysitters and watchers — but he’s also willing to work for pretty much nothing if he gets lodging
- Soda & Pony are still bunking together for nightmare reasons, and Darry’s sleeping in his own room, so he sits Soda down and asks him if he’s okay with someone else using his old room
- If he’s not, Darry will have to move into their parents’ room, but thank God he is
- So Darry contacts Two-Bit who is surprised that he’s a man and not a single mom but agrees readily
- Darry’s wary of Two-Bit’s manner but monetarily he’s desperate
- Two-Bit meanwhile takes one look at the Curtis house and is like damn no one ever has any fun within these walls. I’ve gotta change that
- Instead of making new clothes for them, Two-Bit teaches them how to grease their hair
- (Darry was away working on a house a little out of the city — it’s a placing he’d normally have had to decline because of the kids, but because of Two-Bit he’s able to accept and get a slightly higher pay)
- Darry is of course furious but Two-Bit argues back, saying that kids need self-expression and haven’t you noticed how happy they are about their hair, and besides, you know damn well grease is more than just what you put in your hair, Curtis. You think Socs can’t take one look at those boys and see exactly what they came from? Exactly what they are? You’re out of your mind.
- We probably tie Maria’s impassioned “please, love all of them” speech to here — then again it’s been a while so maybe somewhere else is better we’ll have to see
- Two-Bit especially throws accusations at him about how Ponyboy thinks his brother doesn’t even love him, and if he’s not going to prove he cares about them then maybe they all would be better off without each other
- He thinks Darry might punch him for that but instead he staggers back like he’s been hit
- Darry remembers what this whole thing was for and resolves to be better
- In showing more of his love for his brothers he also shows more of his personality to Two-Bit, who wasn’t expecting to like this guy as much as he does
- He looks at how hard he fights to keep his family together when his own fell apart for very similar reasons and his heart hurts
- Also Sandy is Rolf (Ralf?? Whatever Liesl’s nazi boytoy’s name is)
- Except we are cutting the nazis because there is no not-grossly insensitive way to do the nazis
- We might have to cut the music theme too? Which is a SHAME, but none of Darry’s hobbies work. So we may just make him dig out his dad’s old guitar or we’ll just ignore that because the music theme, as far as characters go, isn’t as important in this AU. Or maybe music = the greaser lifestyle
- Anyway, life continues and it’s as good as can be, bla bla, somehow Dally is there, without realizing Two-Bit and Darry are catching feelings for each other
- One day, Ponyboy and Soda make some innocent remark about Two-Bit being in love with their brother, and he bluescreens
- Because. Oh shit. He’s in love with their brother.
- And the class difference & pre-existing engagement as reasons they can’t be together in the original is replaced with good old fashioned homophobia in this one, and Two-Bit denies and gets the hell out of there before anyone, let alone Darry notices
- He uses his meagre savings to return to the shitty motel, until finally he talks with Marcia and she’s like what the heck. Why did you leave a dream job to go back to the crummiest motel imaginable
- He dodges and denies but one of the things that drew him to her in the first place is that she’s sharp
- Marcia figures it out, or at least something very close to the truth, and while she’s too aware of 60s homophobia to actually urge him back, she does half-convince him through sneaky means like calling him a scaredy-cat who can’t even tell a few lies until the situation passes
- He goes back to the motel and thinks hard about the situation and remembers how much happier the kids were with someone to keep them company when they were done running around before Darry got home
- He thinks about how Darry was able to get better pay with him there and how much that helped give the family breathing space
- He thinks about how it really didn’t even feel like a job, which is a big draw to someone as disinclined to work as Two-Bit
- And he also thinks about how truly shitty the motel is. And decides to go back
- It’s for the good of the family, he convinces himself, telling himself he does not miss them at all
- He returns, no one says anything about him being in love with anyone, because the boys have learned that when they point it out their new brother leaves, and they’re not about to risk that again
- Darry & Two-Bit have a reunion with a lot of unspoken feelings and they do NOT get together because neither of them are willing to risk outing themselves for the sake of a one in a million chance
- Instead they do a lot of prolonged longing eye contact and are too busy looking at each other to notice Soda and Ponyboy sharing confirming glanced themselves
- So things continue kind of like they were before but with more pining, and also Austria is replaced by the Curtis house, which they’re in danger of losing
- Both Darry and Two-Bit are terrified the boys are going to end up following their respective paths, and they end up having a lot of talks about their futures that turn into co-parenting discussions that turn into heart-to-hearts about themselves
- Darry learns that Two-Bit never found his family again, and does some digging and asks some old school friends and lo and behold, they’re still in town, and here’s their address.
- Two-Bit, who has managed to convince himself that he made up being in love with Darry, sees this man who has every right to drop all three of the people in the house like a hot potato and chase the dreams he’s determined and ambitious and intelligent enough to get, pouring every ounce of his being into care for others, who takes hard times and instead of drinking them away or giving up pushes himself past the edge and comes out swinging, and realizes that he is still in love with Darry. And maybe he will never not be in love with Darry.
- Unfortunate!
- He came back determined to never run away again, and he’s sticking by that, even though it’s never been harder to live under the same roof as Darry and not Do something about his feelings
- (Also, at some point Soda gets jumped, and together with Two-Bit he fights them off. When they all talk about it later at some point in the Curtis home, someone makes an offhand comment about how Two-Bit is basically family and then he really resolves to not leave unless Darry chases him out with a broom)
- Maria and Liesl’s Sixteen Going On Seventeen Reprise is replaced with Two-Bit and Soda having a talk about Sandy, during which Two-Bit talks about being in love like he’s experienced it, which of course he has, but Darry overhears and it puts a lot of stupid hope into his heart because to his knowledge Two-Bit’s never gone steady with someone, and some of his descriptions sound awful familiar…..
- But he crushes those thoughts because he’s learned by now that Darry Curtis does not get lucky breaks
- And if he does confess and it goes wrong, which it will, it could mean his brothers getting taken away
- But he watches Two-Bit joke around with his brothers and sees someone who takes everything life throws at him and inexplicably grins back at it, who is just as intelligent as Darry is but in a way that takes its time to make itself understood, and who cares about his brothers as much as he does, and it’s stupid and hopeless, but he wants. Heaven help him, he wants so badly
- Meanwhile, he’s gotten a job offer. It’s a good job offer too, it means they could maybe afford to spend extra money on new clothes or nicer groceries
- And it’s an office job, someone who heard of him through the bookkeeping he does as his second job for his roofing company, which means fewer hours and more time with the people he cares about
- There’s a recreational football league in the area he’s never had time to join, or Two-Bit’s suggested coaching a younger team too, so he can return to workouts he likes rather than workouts that make his body ache like a man of 40 instead of 20
- It’s pretty much perfect. But it’s halfway across the city and it means they’d have to move out of their parents’ home
- (Yes this is Switzerland. It’s a lot harder to replicate without pre-WW2 Europe)
- He’s conflicted, Two-Bit thinks he should go for it but is also convinced he’s going to be left behind in the move
- Soda & Pony don’t want to leave but they do want Darry to work less so they’re also conflicted
- Two-Bit is listing out reasons for the move and one of them is that they’d be able to cut his cost since Darry’d be home more
- Darry looks at him and carefully says, “you wouldn’t be coming with us?”
- Two-Bit, with a raised eyebrow masking his heart starting to hope, says “well, do you want me there?”
- Darry is too stressed and tired and conflicted to mince his words when he replies, “of course.” like it’s a given, like they’re maybe something more than what they pretend
- But he still doesn’t want to move, until one day they have no choice: if they don’t get out of there, they’re going to lose the house. It’s just not in suitable shape for growing boys, says the state. They don’t have enough money to pay for renovations but Darry is going to rebuild the entire thing himself if he has to, damn it all, until Two-Bit asks him to talk and convinces him to move on
- “Your parents live on in your brothers more than in this house. Your parents live on in you more than in this house. You want to keep their memory alive? Start by doing what they would want you to do, and let yourself have an easy break for once.”
- And so they pack up and Darry takes the offer, but before they leave, Two-Bit visits his family
- It goes… well. Sort of. After seeing Darry run himself into the ground he’s forgiven his mother, and his sister is open to the idea of having a brother
- Their lives were better off than they would’ve been if he’d stayed but his was not and that hurts
- But he remembers the three people who now view him as their own like he was always there, and somehow the pain eases, and when his mother makes him promise to visit again, he actually means it when he agrees
- They gather to say one last good bye to the Curtis home, and despite facing the most unknowns since any of them can remember, they’re together, and that’s enough
The end <3 this is just one possible route that I thought of, I truly have no idea if this is cooking or if the kitchen is burning down
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