#Buddie 101
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bluecheeseinmyoffwhites · 2 years ago
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This is probably the most insane shot of the episode. Like yeah Eddie was already doing the heart eyes throughout, but in this take he gets so giddy & flustered that he ducks his head, a very crush-coded gesture. What makes it even more insane is that Buck literally does this all the time with Eddie, so the role reversal is great
Gif: @swiftiebuckleys
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zenon-karr · 9 months ago
Sorry but
it's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to make call out posts for every single person who does something bad in a fandom...
anyway Buddie endgame and I beg people separate into buddie, bucktommy and whatever the poly ot3 ship is tags are. This is the way. Or if it negative use a alternative name like us Buddie onlys who just wanna go on the tag we just wanna see buddie...not bummy not ot3. BUDDIE and you punishing us for the crimes of others….
so anyway shifting to positivity enjoy some Buddie gifs because their story is beautiful:
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LEGAL GUARDIAN you hear that? That's not for nothin.
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No one else he trusts more in the world with his son!!
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bless this elf lady for having a brain cell to say this!!
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And his reaction is to just say thank you giddily and walk away 😭
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Buckley-Diaz family is everything!!
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I just love the way Buck is looking and mesmerized by Eddie with Christopher!! 😭 ✨💚
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tardigradebutt · 1 year ago
i think that everyone needs to study anthropology like just a little bit. it should be a requirement. having a base level knowledge of The Human Condition and how to think about other people would be. very beneficial
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hisbucky · 2 years ago
Bobby, worried: What can I do to get you to take time off of work? Buck, clearly overworked: I live and breathe this job. Bobby: And I appreciate that. However, what if I told you... Buck: Face it, Bobby. There is not a single chance - Bobby: Paid vacation for *both* you and Eddie, to take Chris to Disneyland for two days. Buck: Sold.
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takemyhand-justice · 11 months ago
I stopped watching 911 a while ago because I couldn't go through the same queerbaiting song and dance again and I can't believe they've actually done this. Canon Bi Buck I might cry!!!!
I'd been on this website too long (12 years maybe) and seen the hope, teasing and eventual mockery that has befallen so many of the best of shows and ships. Making queer audiences feel small for reading into the subtext, or often just text, of their shows. To get a man in his thirties discovering his sexuality, to maybe end up with the slow burn of the century and the most organic unfolding of queerness in network television. We could actually have this.
I'm sincerely, genuinely very emotional. All hail Oliver Stark whose said loud and clear that he had always seen what we had seen, understood, and was wanting this for his character. All hail Evan Buckley - this soft lovely man. I can't wait to start watching properly again. This is how you do it kids!
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echowithpain · 1 year ago
People are freaking the fuck out about episode 100, Buck, Bothered, Bewildered, but I'm more focused on episode 101, You Don't Know Me
Is episode 100 going to be a musical? My clown makeup says yes, for funsies
No matter what happens in episode 100, episode 101 is gonna air a week later and I think that's what's gonna break us
Episode 101 is the episode that we're gonna have to focus on for two whole weeks instead of the usual one. Episode 101 is the episode that's gonna end on a cliffhanger and we're just gonna have to deal with it. Episode 101 is the episode that'll address whatever happened in episode 100, but leave us screaming about whatever happened in the last 5 minutes that won't get addressed right away because the shows taking a mid-season break. Episode 101 is the episode that's titled, "You Don't Know Me" that's gonna air after the show has its big 100th musical extravaganza. EPISODE 101 IS THE LAST 911 CONTENT WE ARE GOING TO GET FOR TWO. WHOLE. WEEKS!!!
I'm looking at posts on here and on Twitter and I don't think people realize that!
Everyone's so focused on "OMG BUCK TITLE EPISODE AND ITS NAMED AFTER A SONG THATS TALKING ABOUT FALLING IN LOVE HOLY SHIT BUDDIE CANON SEASON 7!!!!" Which, I mean, same... 😅😅😅🤡🤡🤡 but they're not seeing the big picture!
We're gonna get to see whatever happens next in episode 101, but I don't want people to be completely blindsided when episode 101 ends and they realize they're gonna be forced to sit and process whatever the fuck they just saw. For, again,
also episode 101 is gonna air on my birthday so I will take partial responsibility for whatever happens lol But only partial! I'm warning you bitches ahead of time so be prepared
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chelledoggo · 9 months ago
probably my weirdest and most nonsensical "i want them to meet and be besties" ever
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gfwooyo · 11 months ago
i prayed for days like this btw. if u even care
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smol-blue-bird · 1 year ago
today in insane anti-intellectualism: I just saw a post about how aspiring healthcare practitioners shouldn't take classes in biology and chemistry because those subjects are useless and bad. ????
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bluecheeseinmyoffwhites · 2 years ago
Hey remember when Buck’s whole ass girlfriend and the woman he cheated on her with were having a whole confrontation and he barely batted an eye at them before investing his time with Eddie instead
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911buddieweek · 10 days ago
Buddie AO3 101
AKA everything you need to know about posting Buddie fics on AO3!
So the fandom had gotten a lot bigger and I know from experience that it can take a while to learn the fandom's habits. Especially with fanfics. Having been in different fandoms, a lot of fandoms have their own vibes.
Now, of course there aren't rules. You can do whatever you want. It's your fic and post. But these are some things that I've noticed + some basic AO3 stuff that I've noticed people new to AO3 don't use yet. This also has some advice and tips how to get people to find your stuff or how to protect yourself from hate comments
Since I am hosting 3 events and some new authors want to join as well, I hope this guide is helpful. But obviously it's not required or anything. You can just ignore if not interested.
Big thanks to the Buddie Month discord for helping me make this list!
One thing I've noticed is that a lot of newer writers don't include a rating to their fics. This is a shame, because a lot of readers filter based on rating, and often 'Not Rated' gets filtered out because it also gets used for explicit/graphic works.
Don't know what rating to use? These are a bit of the basics in fandom, though it's also often up to the author's opinions etc.
E - the E rating is most often used for explicit sex scenes. I've also seen it used for very graphics violence like torture and stuff, but notbas much.
M - now, some people tag smut as M as well, this is one of those things that depends on the author. Usually the smut is either less explicit or there is only one or two scenes in a bigger story with a plot that doesn't focus on smut. It is also often used if there is violence included or dark themes
T - I think this is the most used one, I often use it to be just on the safe side. It can include swearing or mentions/references to sex, but that's it. Nothing graphic or heavy.
G - Supposedly, G is for all aged. Now, idk how many 7 year olds are actually reading Buddie fanfics. But yeah, G is most often used for fics without swearing or any 'mature' content. Any age would be safe to read it, so to speak.
If you do want to use Not Rated, you do you! But be aware it might make people not find your fics.
Additional tags
Okay, this one is really different in fandoms. It's also what inspired me to make this. The thing is, the less tags you use, the less likely someone will read. Tags help a reader figure out what the story includes. BUT most importantly! If someone is in the mood for, let's say, 'first kiss' fics and filters their search to include that tag, and you do have one in your fic but you only tag 'getting together', they won't see your fic even though it does meet their wishes.
The opposite is also true. Some tropes or topics are a no-go for people so they filter it out. Please tag potential triggers!!
Relationship tags part 1: to tag or not to tag?
Now, I learned this one the hard way. In this fandom it seems to be a no-go to tag relationships into the relationship section that aren't an important part of the story. For example if they are just on the background. Now, depending on the ship and it's fans, you might not hear anyone about it. But there are some people who will comment. (One of my first fics for Buddie in 2022 got spammed with hate comments because I tagged Tarlos and they were on the background.)
Relationship tags part 2: difference between & and /
Very important!!!!!!!!!!! Using the wrong one can cause miscommunication and/or negative comments.
The & is for platonic relationships. Like, friendships or family members. Any relationship that is important in the story that is NOT romantic.
Meanwhile / is meant for romantic or sexual relationships. So this goes for casual hook-ups as well.
You can do both if they start or end as friends, or if their friendship is also important, BUT: some people have either filtered out the / or & tag, meaning it might not show up for them. But that's up to you.
Don't like Don't read
Listen, if you come across a fic with a trope you dislike or a writing style you don't vibe with, or a plot point that makes you nope out - stop reading!
And if you do want to force yourself to keep reading for whatever reason - do not leave negative comments or bookmark tags!
This is fandom 101.
Don't post 'searching for this fic' or 'I have a prompt' on AO3
Ao3 is only for fic and art posting. It is not a blog. If you post something like this, people will report it. I don't know if that can suspend your account, but it's not worth it.
It's best to post those on Tumblr or other socials like Bluesky and Twitter.
Credits and copying
Please for the love of all that's holy, do NOT STEAL SOMEONE'S WORK!
And if you get inspired by them, don't just put it in the author's note, there is a specific option for it!
But also... please ask permission first if the plot/idea is original/not common. Especially if you're taking multiple elements.
Summaries and author notes
Many readers skip works without summaries. The best summaries are either a snippet, a short summary of what the fic is about, or a combination.
Try to only keep summary elements in the sunmary. Any notes you can include in the author's note!
It's also often recommended to include content warnings in author notes BUT that is up to you! If you already tagged those or the summary and tags made it obvious it is include, you don't have to.
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
If your fic includes something very heavy or triggering, please include this tag! It's basically a warning that it includes something that is either triggering, very dark, or contains something you're sure most people are not comfortable with reading.
Now, this isn't for lighter stuff. Let's say you write a story where someone breaks a leg. That doesn't need a warning like that, a simple broken bone tag or minor injury is fine. This is really for the heavier stuff.
I don't know if it's very common because I personally avoid these fics, but I do see them enough to want to mention it to you.
Bashing fics
Write whatever you want, but TAG ACCURATELY!
Also, if you bash a ship or one character from a ship, it is best to NOT tag them in the relationship tag. You can always include it in the additional tags. Still tagging them will be seen as bad faith
Do NOT review fics or post them to apps like Storygraph/Goodreads (unless you have permission or it's your own)
Fanfics are not traditionally published. We don't get paid. It's for fun. So it's not the same as reviewing a book. You can do whatever you want with your friends in chats and stuff, but don't review fics publicly.
(This does not include recommending fics, because this is actually a very positive thing)
ALSO it is HELL to get Storygraph to remove your fic. Most authors don't want you to add them to these apps.
Asking for updates
This is a mixed one. For some authors it is motivating, but for others it gets on their nerves, even if you mean well. Believe me, they are aware of their unfinished works. Plenty of us are haunted by them, floating around in our minds. People will update when they can or want. Sometimes motivation is gone. Sometimes there is no time.
The same goes for demands sequels or 'more'. It's great that you liked a fic! But it often comes over as very rude or pushy and a lot of authors don't know how to respond if they are not planning a sequel.
You might have seen AO3 has a few warning options. They can be a bit confusing or vague, so here is an explanation:
Creator chose not to use archive warnings: this means you do NOT want to use ANY of the other warning. So using this incombination with other warnings is the opposite of the meaning
No archive warnings apply: is DIFFERENT!!! This one means that none of the options suggested apply. Including if it doesn't have any warnings at all.
Graphic description of violence: minor violence doesn't need to be warned (though do tag it!) This one applies if the violence is detailed or heavy.
Major character death: speaks for itself
Rape/Non-con: PLEASE if your fic includes this, use this warning!
Underage sex: previously named underage, but it confused people so some older fics might be tagged so just for underage drinking or having underage characters as a POV. This is purely for anyone underage being included in sexual acts, consensual or not.
These show what type of ship it is about.
F/F, F/M, and M/M speak for themselves. F is for female, M is for male. These are for romantic and sexual relationships. Not platonic.
Gen is for platonic relationships
Other is for ships including people who are not male or female, or for poly relationships
911 doesn't have any canon nonbinary or agender characters right now, so this doesn't apply in the fandom, but still worth mentioning: do not tag a ship with a nonbinary or agender character as m/m, f/f, or f/m! It's misgendering. (I'm looking at you, kaimelia and aziracrow authors.)
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monkee-mobile · 9 months ago
my beatles obsessed mom used to put on the yellow submarine when i was sick as a very young kid so i have many delirium-filled memories of it combined with the general weirdness that comes with experiencing a piece of media as a kid and i just know i’d be a horrible parent and feel primal urges to make my kids watch elephant parts with no context or explanation. like not even the monkees show or like the brady bunch and gilligan’s island and i love lucy like i watched. we’d be watching the dolenz jones joyce and hart tv special every night and they’d also have the “hi there baby it’s dolenz and jones” part memorized cause i’d probably repeat it all the time like my mom would with “sit ubu sit, good dog. woof!”
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jennicatzies · 1 year ago
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Right after you
[ @mayyak 's characters ]
Funnies under the cut
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This absolute banger of an interpretation by miss Mayya Kay herself [ I did not intend this but . God. God ]
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whateverthedragonswant · 9 months ago
Right out of the gate
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Really, 911? Could you be anymore obvious? Lol.
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fruitless-vain · 1 year ago
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A totally necessary comment to put on a pet bird page
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bks-blogs · 8 months ago
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Christo and his BIG Buddy!
A lovely, detailed commission pic for my buddy, @ChristianMJ90! Here's his OC, Christo, and little ole' me hanging out at Camden Park, being all buddy-buddy together! Of course, I have to crane my body down a bit to meet Christo's height, but hey, it still works as a buddy pic, right?😁
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