#Brunel Johnson
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thrdnarrative · 1 year ago
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Vendors carrying baked goods in The Gambia by Brunel Johnson (@bruneljohnson)
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compneuropapers · 2 years ago
Interesting Papers for Week 14, 2023
Adaptation-induced plasticity in the sensory cortex. Bharmauria, V., Ouelhazi, A., Lussiez, R., & Molotchnikoff, S. (2022). Journal of Neurophysiology, 128(4), 946–962.
NMDAR-dependent presynaptic homeostasis in adult hippocampus: Synapse growth and cross-modal inhibitory plasticity. Chipman, P. H., Fetter, R. D., Panzera, L. C., Bergerson, S. J., Karmelic, D., Yokoyama, S., … Davis, G. W. (2022). Neuron, 110(20), 3302-3317.e7.
A locus coeruleus-dorsal CA1 dopaminergic circuit modulates memory linking. Chowdhury, A., Luchetti, A., Fernandes, G., Filho, D. A., Kastellakis, G., Tzilivaki, A., … Silva, A. J. (2022). Neuron, 110(20), 3374-3388.e8.
Neural interactions in working memory explain decreased recall precision and similarity-based feature repulsion. Johnson, J. S., van Lamsweerde, A. E., Dineva, E., & Spencer, J. P. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 17756.
Foveal vision anticipates defining features of eye movement targets. Kroell, L. M., & Rolfs, M. (2022). eLife, 11, e78106. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.78106
Neuromodulator-dependent synaptic tagging and capture retroactively controls neural coding in spiking neural networks. Lehr, A. B., Luboeinski, J., & Tetzlaff, C. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 17772.
Cone opponent functional domains in primary visual cortex combine signals for color appearance mechanisms. Li, P., Garg, A. K., Zhang, L. A., Rashid, M. S., & Callaway, E. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6344.
U(1) dynamics in neuronal activities. Lin, C.-Y., Chen, P.-H., Lin, H.-H., & Huang, W.-M. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 17629.
Movement is governed by rotational neural dynamics in spinal motor networks. Lindén, H., Petersen, P. C., Vestergaard, M., & Berg, R. W. (2022). Nature, 610(7932), 526–531.
A visual sense of number emerges from divisive normalization in a simple center-surround convolutional network. Park, J., & Huber, D. E. (2022). eLife, 11, e80990.
Multiple forms of working memory emerge from synapse–astrocyte interactions in a neuron–glia network model. Pittà, M. De, & Brunel, N. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(43), e2207912119.
Tonic activity in lateral habenula neurons acts as a neutral valence brake on reward-seeking behavior. Post, R. J., Bulkin, D. A., Ebitz, R. B., Lee, V., Han, K., & Warden, M. R. (2022). Current Biology, 32(20), 4325-4336.e5.
The globalizability of temporal discounting. Ruggeri, K., Panin, A., Vdovic, M., Većkalov, B., Abdul-Salaam, N., Achterberg, J., … García-Garzon, E. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(10), 1386–1397.
Neural representational geometry underlies few-shot concept learning. Sorscher, B., Ganguli, S., & Sompolinsky, H. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(43), e2200800119.
Spatial representation by ramping activity of neurons in the retrohippocampal cortex. Tennant, S. A., Clark, H., Hawes, I., Tam, W. K., Hua, J., Yang, W., … Nolan, M. F. (2022). Current Biology, 32(20), 4451-4464.e7.
Persistent activity in human parietal cortex mediates perceptual choice repetition bias. Urai, A. E., & Donner, T. H. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6015.
Balance between breadth and depth in human many-alternative decisions. Vidal, A., Soto-Faraco, S., & Moreno-Bote, R. (2022). eLife, 11, e76985.
Attentional priority is determined by predicted feature distributions. Witkowski, P. P., & Geng, J. J. (2022). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(11), 1201–1212.
Spontaneous perspective taking of an invisible person. Zhou, J., Peng, Y., Li, Y., Deng, X., & Chen, H. (2022). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(11), 1186–1200.
Reward and aversion processing by input-defined parallel nucleus accumbens circuits in mice. Zhou, K., Xu, H., Lu, S., Jiang, S., Hou, G., Deng, X., … Zhu, Y. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6244.
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kyra45 · 2 years ago
Keys named scammers
Tumblr links bugging out messed up my original list of scam names so please refer to this post for updates. Under readmore due to length. All names given here are names that scammers have stolen from actual people in order to do their scams.
Last updated: 5/26/2023
tyrese whiteside | Peachy Cruz | Yna Sophia |Nalyn Grace | Jill Parrinello | Kristen Elliot | Daniel Vanderwiel | Tamie Wilcox | Kylie Moore Charm Dumillo | Amid Singh | Amber Huntsman | Mariah Casey | Kat Lemke | Roman Apillano |Crystal Queen | Pamela Galvan | Armilla Samdo | Lisa Stones |Jeorgietta Tingson | Vanessa Pabiana | Nicole Brunelle | Pamela Galvan | Kassidy Youngton | Rekisha Ladouceur | Paige Stevens | Samatha Page | Vyage Fabio | Sarah Lagman | Jamie Johnson | Kristilyn Suarez
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phoebnf · 1 year ago
W05: Growth Mindset
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One of my main takeaways from today’s lesson is about how I can adapt a growth mindset as a designer and a student. I am someone who needs reassurance when it comes to my work, and whose emotions can get easily swayed by what other people say or think. Thus, I have always preferred to work within my comfort zone instead of challenging myself to think harder. However, something that stood out to me during the keynote speech was when the speaker mentioned not to see failure as the end, but rather we should think that we are “not there yet”. This shifted my perspective on things, and in fact failure can be seen as just experimenting, instead of the end. For example, in my digital skills module, there are many things that are unfamiliar and new to me. Last week I learnt about rotoscoping, something that I had no previous knowledge of before. Initially, I struggled with the technical aspects and was falling behind a bit. However, after consulting with my lecturer, I was able to complete the work, and surprisingly found myself enjoying the process. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I started my own rotoscoping projects on my own. From this I learnt a new area of design that I am interested in, and would like to research more into this area.
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“Photography Is a Medium to Show the World Without Shouting”: Brunel Johnson on His Compelling Documentary Practice. 1 Nov. 2023, www.itsnicethat.com/articles/brunel-johnson-photography-300321.
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hansilw · 2 years ago
NEW: In the case about Alabama's congressional map, GOP state lawmakers propose as candidates for the new court-appointed mapmaker opening...
- James G. Gimpel
- Thomas L. Brunell
- Louis Hines
- Douglas Johnson
Plaintiffs propose as candidates...
- Bruce Cain
- David Ely
- Bernard Grofman
- Justin Levitt
- Charles Stewart III
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bocekcicek · 6 years ago
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unaffiliatedpangolin · 7 months ago
It’s not an insult to say a weak man is weak. If you think the truth itself is offensive you’re probably left wing.
You’ll also notice that all of the fat acceptance people are left wing.
And since you’ve consistently taken these general statements personally it probably described a little too closely and made you uncomfortable with yourself. Maybe start with some push ups, and a brisk walk outside and it will help you feel better.
Why is it all of the shillong for the left comes from anime, gamer and trans blogs pretty much exclusively?
It’s because left wing politics is rooted in weakness, childishness, pathological altruism, mental illness, and low standards. And it’s not a coincidence that those blogs are rooted in the same.
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fictionz · 5 years ago
New Fiction 2020 - February
"Dcera (Daughter)" dir. Daria Kashcheeva (2019)
The narrative also isn’t clear from the get-go although the title should’ve clued me in.
"Hair Love" dir. Matthew A. Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver (2019)
Oh no, I cry.
"Kitbull" dir. Kathryn Hendrickson & Rosana Sullivan (2019)
Humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.
"Mémorable" dir. Bruno Collet (2019)
This is just so gotdang beautiful, I tell you what. There but for the grace of god.
"Sister" dir. Siqi Song (2018)
We take many liberties for granted.
"Henrietta Bulkowski" dir. Rachel Johnson (2019)
I want what she wanted, more or less. The way in which it’s told is accordingly hopeful.
"The Bird and the Whale" dir. Carol Freeman (2018)
So... much... work. Give her all the awards.
"Hors Piste" dir. Léo Brunel, Camille Jalabert, Loris Cavalier, Oscar Malet (2018)
This is just stupid fun, which is sometimes the good and proper course.
"Maestro" dir. Florian Babikian & Victor Caire (2019)
Good animals, but Grickle has ruined my expectations for musical critters.
"A Sister" dir. Delphine Girald (2018)
"Brotherhood" dir. Meryam Joobeur (2018)
God, you see it coming and it’s still a kick in the teeth.
"Nefta Football Club" dir. Yves Piat (2018)
Funniest fucking short of the year! But how.
"Saria" dir. Bryan Buckley (2019)
Did I mention that humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.
"The Neighbors' Window" dir. Marshall Curry (2019)
A slow burn and reminder of the inevitable... so enjoy what you can, while you can.
"Papers, Please – The Short Film" dir. Nikita Ordynskiy (2018)
The most stressful moment of Papers, Please is now the most stressful short film.
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) dir. Cathy Yan (2020)
Best DC movie outta the whole lot. Give all these characters more screen time.
1917 dir. Sam Mendes (2020)
I hate that the ads spoiled which characters would make it to the end. But yes, war, what the fuck is it good for.
Sonic The Hedgehog dir. Jeff Fowler (2020)
Get Sonic outta that human world and back into his critterverse, just do it. But keep Robotnik.
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distantvoices · 4 years ago
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Brunel Johnson
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bushdog · 4 years ago
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“Photography is a medium to show the world without shouting”: Brunel Johnson on his compelling documentary practice
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compneuropapers · 4 years ago
Interesting Papers for Week 20, 2021
Differential Relation between Neuronal and Behavioral Discrimination during Hippocampal Memory Encoding. Allegra, M., Posani, L., Gómez-Ocádiz, R., & Schmidt-Hieber, C. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1103-1112.e6.
The Missing Link Between Memory and Reinforcement Learning. Balkenius, C., Tjøstheim, T. A., Johansson, B., Wallin, A., & Gärdenfors, P. (2020). Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3446.
Online control of reach accuracy in mice. Becker, M. I., Calame, D. J., Wrobel, J., & Person, A. L. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1637–1655.
Tracking prototype and exemplar representations in the brain across learning. Bowman, C. R., Iwashita, T., & Zeithamova, D. (2020). eLife, 9, e59360.
Heading perception depends on time-varying evolution of optic flow. Burlingham, C. S., & Heeger, D. J. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33161–33169.
Learning sparse and meaningful representations through embodiment. Clay, V., König, P., Kühnberger, K.-U., & Pipa, G. (2021). Neural Networks, 134, 23–41.
Testing the drift-diffusion model. Fudenberg, D., Newey, W., Strack, P., & Strzalecki, T. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33141–33148.
Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory. Heuer, A., & Rolfs, M. (2021). Cognition, 207, 104526.
Synaptic plasticity rules with physiological calcium levels. Inglebert, Y., Aljadeff, J., Brunel, N., & Debanne, D. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 33639–33648.
Amplitude modulation encoding in the auditory cortex: comparisons between the primary and middle lateral belt regions. Johnson, J. S., Niwa, M., O’Connor, K. N., & Sutter, M. L. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1706–1726.
Opposing Influence of Top-down and Bottom-up Input on Excitatory Layer 2/3 Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. Jordan, R., & Keller, G. B. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1194-1206.e5.
A Disinhibitory Circuit for Contextual Modulation in Primary Visual Cortex. Keller, A. J., Dipoppa, M., Roth, M. M., Caudill, M. S., Ingrosso, A., Miller, K. D., & Scanziani, M. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1181-1193.e8.
Transforming task representations to perform novel tasks. Lampinen, A. K., & McClelland, J. L. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(52), 32970–32981.
Spatial readout of visual looming in the central brain of Drosophila. Morimoto, M. M., Nern, A., Zhao, A., Rogers, E. M., Wong, A. M., Isaacson, M. D., … Reiser, M. B. (2020). eLife, 9, e57685.
Dopamine Oppositely Modulates State Transitions in Striosome and Matrix Direct Pathway Striatal Spiny Neurons. Prager, E. M., Dorman, D. B., Hobel, Z. B., Malgady, J. M., Blackwell, K. T., & Plotkin, J. L. (2020). Neuron, 108(6), 1091-1102.e5.
Model-based detection of putative synaptic connections from spike recordings with latency and type constraints. Ren, N., Ito, S., Hafizi, H., Beggs, J. M., & Stevenson, I. H. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1588–1604.
Learning speed and detection sensitivity controlled by distinct cortico-fugal neurons in visual cortex. Ruediger, S., & Scanziani, M. (2020). eLife, 9, e59247.
Perceptual decision confidence is sensitive to forgone physical effort expenditure. Turner, W., Angdias, R., Feuerriegel, D., Chong, T. T.-J., Hester, R., & Bode, S. (2021). Cognition, 207, 104525.
Neural mechanisms underlying expectation-dependent inhibition of distracting information. van Moorselaar, D., Lampers, E., Cordesius, E., & Slagter, H. A. (2020). eLife, 9, e61048.
Early stages of sensorimotor map acquisition: neurochemical signature in primary motor cortex and its relation to functional connectivity. van Vugt, F. T., Near, J., Hennessy, T., Doyon, J., & Ostry, D. J. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(6), 1615–1624.
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chelsie-carson · 5 years ago
Jim Carter & Imelda Staunton join the Extinction Rebellion:
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is to launch a campaign to unseat Boris Johnson as an MP by mobilising opponents of the HS2 rail scheme, which runs through his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency.
XR plans to work with the StopHS2 campaign, which has 5,000 supporters registered in the constituency — roughly the same size as Johnson’s majority. “The constituency also includes Brunel University, so there are a lot of students,” XR said. “Johnson could be toast. We are just as opposed to HS2 as we are to climate change.���
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atlanticinfocus · 5 years ago
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From Photos of the Week: Water Forest, Royal Barge, Abandoned Boxers, one of 35 photos. Independent candidate Count Binface (right) stands with Britain's Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson as they wait for the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency count declaration at Brunel University in Uxbridge, London, on December 13, 2019. (Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP)
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generalelectionmusings · 5 years ago
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florekunst · 5 years ago
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Parution dans “Feu” et “Eau” / Editions Joie Panique
★ Deux collages dans "Feu" et "Eau", les nouveaux livres du collectif des éditions Joie Panique ! (“Sécurité insuffisante”, collage pour “feu” ci-dessus) Format 18 x 25 cm / 48 pages
43 artistes : Laura Ancona • Candice Angelini • Atak • Annie Attridge • Martes Bathori • Frédéric Bélonie • Nicolas Bernière • Nils Bertho • Stéphane Blanquet • Marie Pierre Brunel •Marc Brunier Mestas • Odonchimeg Davaadorj • Thomas Deschamps • Dolce Paganne • Marlene Dumas • Joseba Eskubi • Éliane Excoffier • Anke Feuchtenberger • Étienne Gros • Annabelle Guetatra • Akira Horikawa • Joël Hubaut • Flore Kunst • Sarah Leterrier • LMG Névroplasticienne • Tereza Lochmann • LPFM • Mïrka Lugosi • Mario Maplé • Sandra Martagex • Gorka Mohamed • Moolinex • Philippe Narcisse • Aya Ogasawara • Françoise Pétrovitch • Marc Prudent • Andrey Remnev • Mostafa Sarabi • Sjulle • Tetsunori Tawaraya • Johnson Tsang • Alice Wellinger • Aline Zalko
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johnnymundano · 6 years ago
The Medusa Touch (1978)
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Directed by Jack Gold
Written by John Briley
Based on “The Medusa Touch” by Peter Van Greenaway
Music by Michael J. Lewis
Country: United Kingdom, France
Language: English
Running Time: 105 minutes CAST
Richard Burton as John Morlar
Lino Ventura as Brunel
Lee Remick as Doctor Zonfeld
Harry Andrews as Assistant Commissioner
Alan Badel as Barrister
Marie-Christine Barrault as Patricia
Jeremy Brett as Edward Parrish
Michael Hordern as Atropos - Fortune Teller
Gordon Jackson as Doctor Johnson
Michael Byrne as Duff
Derek Jacobi as Townley - Publisher
Robert Lang as Pennington
Avril Elgar as Mrs. Pennington
John Normington as Schoolmaster
Robert Flemyng as Judge McKinley
Philip Stone as Dean
Malcolm Tierney as Deacon
Norman Bird as Father
Jennifer Jayne as Mother
James Hazeldine as Lovelass
Gordon Honeycombe as Himself (Newsreader)
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The first reason to watch The Medusa Touch is the presence of the acting colossus Richard Burton practically breathing fire in one of his great ‘70s roles (NB: Many of Burton’s great ‘70s roles occurred in movies which were themselves rather less than great). It’s to The Medusa Touch’s credit then that this isn’t the only reason to watch it.
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The mighty Burton is enormous value in this as a misanthropic author with the titular touch; each of his scenes is a little set-piece wherein he gets to vent his considerable spleen at some aspect of “civilised” society. (Burton is so thunderingly awesome in his disdain that those implied speech marks seem to hang in the air undulating like heat off Texas tar at high noon.) Be in no doubt, the sheer venom with which Burton intermittently spits his vindictive bile is impressive enough to be worth the price of admission. As indeed is the sight of his megastar frame clad in cardigan and slacks like a surly granddad. Always remember - fashion is an uncredited character in all 1970s movies. A turn as gloweringly potent as the one Burton delivers here would threaten to overturn many a more demure movie but, luckily, The Medusa Touch is nothing if not audaciously fantastical.
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Initially setting itself up as a murder mystery before launching itself into the realm of the delightfully outlandish, The Medusa Touch opens with John Morlar’s (Richard Burton’s) craggy Welsh head being beaten to a craggy Welsh pulp with a statuette of Napoleon by an unidentified intruder. Inspector Brunel (Lino Ventura) has to discover the motive and the culprit, while also convincing the audience that it is perfectly natural to have a French policeman working in London as part of some breezily suggested exchange programme. Clearly there only as a sop to the French investors Ventura nevertheless delivers a thoroughly committed performance, at first all business and rationality but swiftly forced to shade into credulousness as evidence of the supernatural mounts. 
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Brunel soon discovers Morlar was consulting a psychiatrist, Dr Zonfeld (Lee Remick), as the bloviating malcontent feared a disturbing correlation between his wishing ill on people and ill suddenly thereafter being visited upon said people. Could it be possible that he, John Morlar, noted author of rancorous fiction might possess some unearthly power, a kind of…medusa touch? Or is he just losing his malicious mind over a series of mere coincidences? Perhaps this is the crux of the matter and the solution holds the key to the identity of his assailant? Only a series of flashbacks acted with two fisted panache by beloved 1970s British thespians can provide the answer.    
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The Medusa Touch pulls that trick beloved of British ‘70s cinema whereby it promises a starry cast, but can only fulfil that promise and come in on budget by having each star onscreen for a minimal amount of time. Thus we have Derek Jacobi doing a camp literary agent for one scene, Gordon Jackson drily one-lining in a number of scenes (all obviously shot on the same day), and so on. Worthy of particular note is crumple faced acting treasure Michael Hordern’s turn as a fortune teller. His transformation from the breezily unctuous to the witlessly terrified, as he realises the nature of what is sat before him, is pure performing gold. Even Lee Remick is good value, occasionally sloughing off her usual perpetually dazed expression to actually inhabit the moment. Her role is also a refreshing departure from the typical ‘70s female role; she doesn’t start falling in love with Morlar and she is a far from a passive presence. It’s probably nothing to do with equality and more to do with the character being male in the source novel; but it’s an accidental step up anyway.
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The Medusa Touch’s peculiarly British thrift even extends to its monolithic star, Richard Burton. In fact so terribly disfiguring are Burton’s wounds from the opening scene, that it looks like someone altogether less expensive spends most of the movie wrapped in bandages on the hospital bed in Morlar’s stead.  In retrospect its surprising to realise that Burton himself is a scarce presence in the movie, yet it feels like his acerbic presence saturates every scene, like brandy in a particularly rich Christmas pudding. This is mostly because he (obviously) dominates the few scenes he’s in, but also because he provides reliably rumbly narration for many scenes he’s not actually in; all of which were probably recorded in the snug of a pub in-between a couple of pints and a fistful of fags. It’s an incredibly economical use of such a gigantic star.  Burton gives you your money’s worth and no mistake.
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As a story The Medusa Touch is tons of wittily scripted  pulptastic fun, building from a bashed in head to catastrophes of truly monumental proportions. While it does carry the stamp of a certain 1970s strain of campy naffness it is amazing how thrillingly convincing the magnificent cast make the delirious nonsense seem, right up the diabolical cliffhanger of an ending. Also, Burton’s giant face looming at you, intoning “I have a gift. A gift…for disaster!” in HD makes you glad you bought a TV you’ll be paying off for the next 12 months. But that could just be me.
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