#camille jalabert
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mydaylight · 2 years ago
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The Plague of Thebes: Oedipus and Antigone by Charles Jalabert (1842)
Oedipus and Antigone by Aleksander Kokular (1825–1828)
Oedipus and Antigone by Camille-Felix Bellanger (c. 1853-1923)
Oedipus and Antigone by Per Wickenberg (1833)
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fictionz · 5 years ago
New Fiction 2020 - February
"Dcera (Daughter)" dir. Daria Kashcheeva (2019)
The narrative also isn’t clear from the get-go although the title should’ve clued me in.
"Hair Love" dir. Matthew A. Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver (2019)
Oh no, I cry.
"Kitbull" dir. Kathryn Hendrickson & Rosana Sullivan (2019)
Humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.
"MĂ©morable" dir. Bruno Collet (2019)
This is just so gotdang beautiful, I tell you what. There but for the grace of god.
"Sister" dir. Siqi Song (2018)
We take many liberties for granted.
"Henrietta Bulkowski" dir. Rachel Johnson (2019)
I want what she wanted, more or less. The way in which it’s told is accordingly hopeful.
"The Bird and the Whale" dir. Carol Freeman (2018)
So... much... work. Give her all the awards.
"Hors Piste" dir. LĂ©o Brunel, Camille Jalabert, Loris Cavalier, Oscar Malet (2018)
This is just stupid fun, which is sometimes the good and proper course.
"Maestro" dir. Florian Babikian & Victor Caire (2019)
Good animals, but Grickle has ruined my expectations for musical critters.
"A Sister" dir. Delphine Girald (2018)
"Brotherhood" dir. Meryam Joobeur (2018)
God, you see it coming and it’s still a kick in the teeth.
"Nefta Football Club" dir. Yves Piat (2018)
Funniest fucking short of the year! But how.
"Saria" dir. Bryan Buckley (2019)
Did I mention that humans fucking s u u u u u u u c k.
"The Neighbors' Window" dir. Marshall Curry (2019)
A slow burn and reminder of the inevitable... so enjoy what you can, while you can.
"Papers, Please – The Short Film" dir. Nikita Ordynskiy (2018)
The most stressful moment of Papers, Please is now the most stressful short film.
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) dir. Cathy Yan (2020)
Best DC movie outta the whole lot. Give all these characters more screen time.
1917 dir. Sam Mendes (2020)
I hate that the ads spoiled which characters would make it to the end. But yes, war, what the fuck is it good for.
Sonic The Hedgehog dir. Jeff Fowler (2020)
Get Sonic outta that human world and back into his critterverse, just do it. But keep Robotnik.
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inthemoodforportnawak · 5 years ago
Deuspi - MegaComputeur (Léo Brunel - Quentin Camus - Camille Jalabert - Oscar malet -  Corentin Yvergniaux)
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jerichopalms · 5 years ago
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#12: Hors Piste (2019, dir. by Leo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Mallet)
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whileiamdying · 8 years ago
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cgshorts · 4 years ago
Fuel Camille Jalabert Two mechanics attempt to change an engine with disastrous consequences!
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oraclesofnorway · 7 years ago
THE RETURN OF THE MONSTER from MegaComputeur on Vimeo.
Will you wake up from this nightmare ? ...HUIIIIIH !
A short film by MegaComputeur.
Our facebook page : facebook.com/MegaComputeurAnimation
Directed by Corentin Yvergniaux, Camille Jalabert, Quentin Camus Music and Mixing by Pierre-François Renouf (Le Refuge)
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ownerzero · 5 years ago
Hors Piste
A mountain rescue team finds a skier who needs help. But this is the day that everything will go wrong. More so than you ever imagined, but you’ll still laugh. The award-winning French short Hors Piste was directed by LĂ©o Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, and Oscar Malet, students at the Ecole des Nouvelles Images. [
The post Hors Piste appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/hors-piste/
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artwalktv · 5 years ago
Only one goal: SAVE THE WORLD! After 46 awards in festivals (including a BAFTA for best student film) and more than 150 selections... Our film is online for 1 month! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for news and original content ! http://bit.ly/2CvpC1w http://bit.ly/32AHiDp Directed by Leo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert & Oscar Malet Original music by Nicolas Peiron For festival inquiry & sales, please contact : [email protected] École des Nouvelles Images & Miyu Distribution
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ultraisabarrosmartins1978 · 6 years ago
Rocky Spirit exibe filmes ao ar livre e de graça no Parque Villa-Lobos
Nos dias 17 e 18 de agosto, o Parque Villa-Lobos recebe um dos maiores festivais de cinema ao ar livre do Brasil! O Rocky Spirit tem entrada gratuita e exibe filmes dedicados aos cinéfilos que adoram adrenalina, apresentando documentårios de aventura nacionais e internacionais.
A mĂșsica jĂĄ Ă© parte tradicional da programação, que neste ano homenageia Bob Marley e Gilberto Gil.  No sĂĄbado, dia 17, Anelis Assumpção e Saulo Duarte cantam o mestre do reggae music. JĂĄ no domingo, dia 18, Karina Buhr e Dada Yute celebram a MPB tropicalizada de Gilberto Gil – ambos com direção musical e participação do compositor e trompetista Guizado.
Com curadoria de Andrea Estevam – diretora de conteĂșdo da Rocky Mountain Content Sports – o festival exibe uma seleção de 28 filmes, passeando por temas como mountain bike, surf, escalada, meio ambiente e vida ao ar livre.
Entre os destaques da edição, grande expectativa para a premiĂšre de “Simagere – EspĂ­rito da Vida”, dirigido por Alex Ribas. Simagere significa “EspĂ­rito da Vida” no dialeto de Mentawaii, na IndonĂ©sia. O brasileiro Bruno Santos, um dos melhores surfistas do mundo, mudou-se para Bali com sua famĂ­lia buscando exatamente esse sentido, indo viver um tempo em um resort de surf que fica bem no pico de uma das melhores ondas do mundo.
Outra produção de ĂĄgua salgada Ă© “Ocean – Surf by bike”, que mostra a shaper de pranchas Ashley Llyod Thompson, que tirou um perĂ­odo sabĂĄtico de seu shaperoom de Santa Cruz, na CalifĂłrnia, para buscar lugares tranquilos para surfar no MĂ©xico.
O ‟Togumi – Tor des GĂ©ants”, com direção do Bob Lucas, mostra a jornada do treinador e atleta brasileiro ao longo dos 339 quilĂŽmetros da ultramaratona de montanha Tor des GĂ©ants, na ItĂĄlia.
O pĂșblico infantil pode assistir a animação ‟Hors Piste”, de LĂ©o Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert e Oscar Malet, que narra a histĂłria de dois socorristas franceses em uma missĂŁo.
Confira a programação completa: 
SĂĄbado | 17 de agosto
08h30 Ă s 10h | Treino de corrida (NĂșcleo Aventura) 10h Ă s 18h | Vila GastronĂŽmica Soul SaudĂĄvel 10h Ă s 11h | Aula de Superioga (AngĂ©lica Banhara) 11h Ă s 12h  | Contação de histĂłrias (ONG Viva e Deixe Viver) 12h Ă s 13h  | Aula de Funcional (Rodrigo Ruiz) 14h Ă s 15h | Estação Pratique Esporte Kids 15h Ă s 17h  | Estação Pratique Esporte 17h Ă s 18h30 | Tributo a Bob Marley com Anelis Assumpção, Saulo Duarte e Guizado 19h Ă s 22h | Exibição de filmes
Domingo | 18 de agosto
10h às 18h | Vila GastronÎmica Soul Saudåvel 10h às 11h  | Aula de Yoga (Lyka Ribeiro) 11h às 12h | Contação de histórias (ONG Viva e Deixe Viver) 12h às 13h  | Aula de Funcional 14h às 15h | Estação Pratique Esporte Kids 15h às 17h  | Estação Pratique Esporte 17h às 18h30 | Tributo a Gilberto Gil com Karina Buhr, Dada Yute e Guizado 19h às 22h | Exibição de filmes
Temos uma dica de passeio turĂ­stico e cultural: o Bike Tour SP, que propĂ”e ao pĂșblico um rolĂȘ de bicicleta pelo centro novo da capital. Clique aqui e saiba tudo
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Rocky Spirit exibe filmes ao ar livre e de graça no Parque Villa-Lobospublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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jorge-selles · 8 years ago
DEUSPI from MegaComputeur on Vimeo.
Director : MEGACOMPUTEUR Team 3D: LĂ©o Brunel, Quentin Camus, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet, Corentin Yvergniaux 3D Supervisor: Benoit Revilliot Production: Wizz Soundtrack: Kouz
Short film made during our summer internship at WIZZ Design, Paris.
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fictionz · 4 years ago
New Fiction 2020
Previously: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Short Stories
“Evolution Never Sleeps” by Elisabeth Malartre (1999)
“Sexual Dimorphism” by Kim Stanley Robinson (1999)
“Game of the Century” by Robert Reed (1999)
“In a Tub” by Amy Hempel (1985)
“Tonight Is a Favor to Holly” by Amy Hempel (1985)
“Celia Is Back” by Amy Hempel (1985)
“The Glitch” by Rebekah Frumkin (2013)
“John Starks” by Salvatore Pane (2012)
“The Jon Lennin Xperience” by Rachel B. Glaser (2010)
“The Adventure of the Speckled Band” by Arthur Conan Doyle (1892)
"The Witness for the Prosecution” by Agatha Christie (1933)
“Sadie When She Died” by Ed McBain (1972)
“The Adventure of the German Student” by Washington Irving (1824)
“The Apparition of Mrs. Veal“ by Daniel Defoe (1706)
“Jacqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament” by Clive Barker (1984)
“The Soul of the Great Bell” by Lafcadio Hearn (1887)
“In the Water Works (Birmingham, Alabama 1888)” by Caitlin R. Kiernan (2000)
“The Damned Thing” by Ambrose Bierce (1898)
“A Visit” (prev. “The Lovely House”) by Shirley Jackson (1952)
“Night Surf” by Stephen King (1969)
“The Lonesome Place” by August Derleth (1948)
"The Phantom Coach” by Amelia B. Edwards (1864)
“Afterward” by Edith Wharton (1910)
“The Demon Lover” by Elizabeth Bowen (1945)
“The Tower” by Marghanita Laski (1955)
“Don’t Look Now” by Daphne du Maurier (1971)
“███████” by Joyce Carol Oates (1998)
“Vampire Princess” by Ryuki Mao (2004)
“Cruel Sistah” by Nisi Shawl (2005)
“The You Train” by N.K. Jemisin (2007)
“Hello, Moto” by Nnedi Okorafor (2011)
“Pearls” by Priya Sharma (2012)
“Monstro” by Junot Díaz (2012)
“Bugs” by Ageha (2013)
“The Graveless Doll of Eric Mutis” by Karen Russell (2013)
“How to Get Back to the Forest” by Sofia Samatar (2014)
“Sixteen Minutes” by Premee Mohamed (2016)
“Wish You Were Here” by Nadia Bulkin (2016)
“A Diet of Worms” by Valerie Valdes (2016)
“None of This Ever Happened” by Gabriela Santiago (2016)
“The Taming of the Tongue” by Russell Nichols (2016)
“Wet Pain” by Terence Taylor (2007)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie (1926)
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (1930)
The Crazy Kill by Chester Himes (1959)
The Dark-Adapted Eye by Ruth Rendell (1986)
Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith (1950)
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (2012)
Comic Shorts/Single Issues
“The Enigma of Amigara Fault” by Junji Ito (2001)
“Out of Skin” by Emily Carroll (2013)
Video Games
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order dev. Respawn Entertainment (2019)
Hogs of War dev. Infogrames Sheffield House (2000)
MASSIVE CHALICE dev. Double Fine Productions (2015)
Far Cry Primal dev. Ubisoft Montreal (2016)
Star Wars: Republic Commando dev. LucasArts (2005)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II dev. LucasArts (1997)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith dev. LucasArts (1998)
Ape Out dev. Gabe Cuzzillo (2019)
The Last of Us Part II dev. Naughty Dog (2020)
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 dev. SNK (1989)
CARRION dev. Phobia Game Studio (2020)
Drakengard 3 dev. Access Games (2014)
South Park: The Stick of Truth dev. Obsidian Entertainment (2014)
The Walking Dead: The Final Season dev. Telltale Games and Skybound Games (2018-2019)
EarthBound dev. Ape and HAL Laboratory (1995)
Spider-Man: The City that Never Sleeps dev. Insomniac Games (2018)
Spider-Man: Miles Morales dev. Insomniac Games (2020)
Short Films
“Dcera (Daughter)” dir. Daria Kashcheeva (2019)
“Hair Love” dir. Matthew A. Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver (2019)
“Kitbull” dir. Kathryn Hendrickson & Rosana Sullivan (2019)
“MĂ©morable” dir. Bruno Collet (2019)
“Sister” dir. Siqi Song (2018)
“Henrietta Bulkowski” dir. Rachel Johnson (2019)
“The Bird and the Whale” dir. Carol Freeman (2018)
“Hors Piste” dir. LĂ©o Brunel, Camille Jalabert, Loris Cavalier, Oscar Malet (2018)
“Maestro” dir. Florian Babikian & Victor Caire (2019)
“A Sister” dir. Delphine Girald (2018)
“Brotherhood” dir. Meryam Joobeur (2018)
“Nefta Football Club” dir. Yves Piat (2018)
“Saria” dir. Bryan Buckley (2019)
“The Neighbors’ Window” dir. Marshall Curry (2019)
“Papers, Please – The Short Film” dir. Nikita Ordynskiy (2018)
“Playdate with Destiny” dir. David Silverman (2020)
“Black Box” dir. Monica Garrison (2010)
Michael Clayton dir. Tony Gilroy (2007)
Little Women dir. Greta Gerwig (2019)
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) dir. Cathy Yan (2020)
1917 dir. Sam Mendes (2020)
Sonic The Hedgehog dir. Jeff Fowler (2020)
Onward dir. Dan Scanlon (2020)
The Invisible Man dir. Leigh Whannell (2020)
Bloodshot dir. David S. F. Wilson (2020)
The Hunt dir. Craig Zobel (2020)
Cabin Boy dir. Adam Resnick (1994)
Manos: The Hands of Fate dir. Harold P. Warren (1966)
The Castle of Cagliostro dir. Hayao Miyazaki (1979)
Misery dir. Rob Reiner (1990)
The Descent dir. Neil Marshall (2005)
The Descent Part 2 dir. Jon Harris (2009)
Black Rock dir. Katie Aselton (2012)
The Nightingale dir. Jennifer Kent (2018)
Labyrinth dir. Jim Henson (1986)
Dark City dir. Alex Proyas (1998)
Night of the Hunter dir. Charles Laughton (1955)
In the Mouth of Madness dir. John Carpenter (1994)
Sorcerer dir. William Friedkin (1977)
Paperhouse dir. Bernard Rose (1988)
Strangers on a Train dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1951)
Gone Girl dir. David Fincher (2014)
Dune dir. David Lynch (1984)
Nosferatu the Vampyre dir. Werner Herzog (1979)
Blacula dir. William Crain (1972)
Splice dir. Vincenzo Natali (2009)
In the Tall Grass dir. Vincenzo Natali (2019)
Fright Night dir. Tom Holland (1985)
Near Dark dir. Kathryn Bigelow (1987)
Don’t Look Now dir. Nicolas Roeg (1973)
The Ritual dir. David Bruckner (2017)
Thirst dir. Park Chan-wook (2009)
Hush dir. Mike Flanagan (2016)
A Tale of Two Sisters dir. Kim Jee-woon (2003)
The Invitation dir. Karyn Kusama (2015)
Bird Box dir. Susanne Bier (2018)
Jennifer’s Body dir. Karyn Kusama (2009)
Pee Wee's Big Adventure dir. Tim Burton (1985)
Smooth Talk dir. Joyce Chopra (1985)
The Muppet Movie dir. James Frawley (1979)
Police Story dir. Jackie Chan (1985)
Tomorrow Never Dies dir. Roger Spottiswoode (1997)
The World Is Not Enough dir. Michael Apted (1999)
Die Another Day dir. Lee Tamahori (2002)
Quantum of Solace dir. Marc Forster (2008)
Skyfall dir. Sam Mendes (2012)
Spectre dir. Sam Mendes (2015)
Just Another Christmas dir. Roberto Santucci (2020)
A California Christmas dir. Shaun Piccinino (2020)
Soul dir. Pete Docter (2020)
TV Episodes
The Simpsons - "Treehouse of Horror XXXI" (2020)
Bob's Burgers - "Heartbreak Hotel-oween" (2020)
TV Series
Gargoyles - Seasons 2 & 3 (1995-1997)
Star Trek: Picard - Season 1 (2020)
Star Trek: Discovery - Seasons 1 & 2 (2017-2019)
Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018)
Star Wars Forces of Destiny (2017-2018)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 7 (2020)
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 12-14 (2017-2019)
American Horror Story: 1984 (2019)
The Legend of Korra (2012-2014)
The Magic School Bus - Seasons 1-2 (1994-1995)
What We Do in the Shadows - Seasons 1-2 (2019-2020)
Hannibal - Seasons 1-3 (2013-2015)
Bee and PuppyCat - Season 1 (2014-2016)
The Twilight Zone - Seasons 4-5 (1963-1964)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Seasons 6-7 (2019-2020)
The Good Place - Season 4 (2019-2020)
BoJack Horseman - Seasons 5-6 (2018-2020)
House of Cards - Seasons 5-6 (2017-2018)
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inthemoodforportnawak · 5 years ago
Play-Off - MegaComputeur (Léo Brunel - Quentin Camus - Camille Jalabert - Maryka Laudet - Oscar malet) - Corentin Yvergniaux)
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ozkamal · 8 years ago
Director : MEGACOMPUTEUR Team 3D: LĂ©o Brunel, Quentin Camus, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet, Corentin Yvergniaux 3D Supervisor: Benoit Revilliot Production: Wizz Soundtrack: Kouz Short film made during our summer internship at WIZZ Design, Paris.
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laeirbag · 8 years ago
* Director : MEGACOMPUTEUR Team 3D: LĂ©o Brunel, Quentin Camus, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet, Corentin Yvergniaux 3D Supervisor: Benoit Revilliot Production: Wizz Soundtrack: Kouz Short film made during our summer internship at WIZZ Design, Paris. *This is a Vimeo staff pick video added automatically. So I might be interested.
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nssn · 7 years ago
Will you wake up from this nightmare ? ...HUIIIIIH ! 
A short film by MegaComputeur. 
Directed by Corentin Yvergniaux, Camille Jalabert, Quentin Camus Music and Mixing by Pierre-François Renouf (Le Refuge) 
| http://www.nicolasrosso.com
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