#Bruce thinks it's mind control
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violent138 · 6 months ago
It would be hilarious if Dick (recently dumped) and Jason (perpetually uninterested) were discussing their lack of dating prospects and Tim asks what they're talking about and Dick explains before going, "High five Timmy" and Tim's like "Yeah no thanks, I've got [bitches]." And both Jason and Dick are stunned.
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 2 years ago
Jason had been acting strange lately, something everyone except him seemed to notice. It started with Jason bringing Tim a full home-cooked meal into his nest and insisting he needed to eat something decent and wouldn't let him get back to the case he was obsessing over until he did.
Dick got called "Big Wing" for the first time in a while and even got hugged and spun around. He nearly cried.
Bruce keeps getting called Dad. He also nearly cries. He actually does cry when Jason, half asleep, mutters a soft, "love you"
Cass took advantage of Jason's good mood to invite him to chat with her and Steph on a picnic where they both tried to figure out why he's so happy and buy time for Barbara to look through all the places Jason had been and make sure he didn't run foul of a rogue or something.
It didn't take her too long to find out all of this started soon after a party he was invited to via one of his former goons where Jason got drunk and left with an equally drunk guy.
Appearently Jason got laid but the guy disappeared soon after. Whats more mysterious is that this Daniel (Danny) Nightengale was a fake identity and they had no idea who- or what- he really was or what effect he was having on Jason.
Damian made the mistake of insulting this guy and it took Bruce, Dick, Tim and Cass working together to pull a pit raged Jason off of him.
They needed to find this guy.
Plot twist: Jason unknowingly fed on Dannys energy and accidentally got thralled
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stillwaterinc · 5 months ago
i have nowhere to put my batman thoughts so they’re going here
jason comes back as the red hood, planning to take out his little replacement or at least hurt him bad enough that he drops the suit and lets robin die but suddenly, a month before his plan is to start, robin disappears. and so does the joker.
what? jason looks, he scours security cameras and internet forums, even weasels his was into the gcpd’s files and…
nothing. there’s nothing.
no bodies reported, joker’s not in arkham or black gate or any other prison, he hasn’t finally been given the death penalty he just. disappeared.
he can’t find anything on robin either, or tim drake, for months until he stumbles upon a nearly perfect patient file in some hospital records.
nearly. it’d be perfect to anyone else but jason, even years later, can recognize bruce and barbara’s finger prints all over it. it’s a cover. a cover for what though? he reads through the file, tim drake’s file, presumably and finds… well.
someone clearly tortured the kid, and with the meds he was being prescribed it got to him. it would’ve gotten to anyone.
jason shudders reading the initial injury report. electric burns, lots of them, are what catches his eye the most but there’s all kinds of stuff. what catches his eye the most though is the lacerations that had to be stitched either side of the kid’s mouth. shit.
he doesn’t get the full picture, not yet, but pieces are starting to come together. the joker has been missing for a while, just a little longer than jason’s replacement has been in the hospital for some violent injuries.
the joker is missing.
tim drake is in the hospital.
something happened, clearly. the joker did something to tim, something awful, something bad enough that the joker disappeared and the kid’s been in the hospital for weeks.
bruce didn’t make it in time, only this time robin wasn’t dead, he’d been broken.
someone had gotten to robin, to tim drake, before jason could, had gotten to him so badly that even after he was released he wasn’t robin anymore.
not because he didn’t want to be, a few bugs here and there in the manor let him know that much, but because bruce wouldn’t let him.
it comes out, in one of these arguments, that time killed the joker. shot him dead. and jason almost wants to congratulate the kid for it, or wants to strangle bruce and ask him how the hell he let robin, who’s just a kid, tim, who’s just a fucking kid, get anywhere near a position where he had the means and desire to fatally shoot the joker.
because that’s it, isn’t it? the reason jason’s like this, doing this, is because of the joker. jason knows how to use guns because of the joker. he’ll never go to college like a normal kid because of the joker. and now tim.
tim wants to be robin, asks for it, begs bruce to let him back out in the suit and jason nearly finds himself agreeing with bruce. the joker’s gone sure but what if someone else tries the same thing? what if someone tries worse? being in the suit’s already gotten tim this much pain, why risk more?
it hits jason, one night, that he stopped being angry at tim a while ago. a long while. he can’t be angry at bruce either, because the joker is dead. there’s no one to enact vengeance for his death on anymore.
anyways most of my posts are about incest please don’t follow me for batman content
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starrycomics · 1 year ago
Spoilers for Gotham War: Scorched Earth
Listen - I love Jason Todd, he is my baby boy, light of my life, my favourite murderous zombie, and I would love to see him thrive in a comic book not written by Scott Lobdell at some point in my lifetime
….He MAYBE should have died at the end of Gotham War
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hood-ex · 1 year ago
Having a Homer Simpson "d'oh!" moment because I missed/forgot some pivotal information on the Zur situation that happened a few issues ago.
Zur created Failsafe and erased the memory of how to stop him. He also created a batcave under Bruce's batcave. (Batman #127 / Batman #136)
Bruce literally mentioned that Zur "poisoned the well" and put doubt in Bruce's head and heart. Bruce questioned, "What else has he done?" (Batman #136)
Bruce locked Zur away in his mind, and they were at odds with each other because Bruce didn't want Zur taking over, and Zur wanted out because he perceived Bruce's insecurities and doubts as his mind being "under attack." He wanted out to fulfill his purpose. (Batman #136)
In a flashback, Zur took over Bruce's body without Bruce even knowing. One minute, Bruce was trying to solve a case, and in the next, Zur was doing his own thing. When he gave up control to Bruce again, Bruce simply carried on with his previous thought as if he hadn't been personality swapped at all. (Batman #136)
Zur tried to tell Bruce what to do. Bruce snapped and yelled at him, reminding Zur that he (Zur) was in a cage. Bruce reassured himself, "He's in a cage. I'm in control." (Batman #137)
Now there was a moment in Batman #136 where Bruce started to panic because he couldn't see the future or whatever, so he didn't know how he could save everyone he loved, and he wondered how far he could go before it all burned away.
And then in Batman #137/Catwoman #57, Bruce realized that he no longer owned the manor, and he kinda started spiraling and talking about how even if he lost the manor/his wealth, he wouldn't lose his soldiers.
"They can't be bought. But they can be saved."
Notice the fact that Bruce used the term "soldiers." Because guess what? In Batman #127, Zur referred to Tim and the other members of the family as soldiers, and Bruce angrily corrected him.
"And Tim isn't my soldier! HE'S MY SON!"
SOOO. Do you see where I'm kinda going with all this? Bruce not knowing when Zur takes over? Zur being able to erase memories? Zur using "soldier" in his own dialogue color, and Bruce using the term "soldier" in his own dialogue color? Bruce saying that Zur "poisoned the well."
AND NOW, in today's issue, Zur forcibly took over to try and kill Joker again. And you know what was said?
Bruce: No! I'm in control! I'm--
Zur: You're not in control, we (Zur) are.
BRUCE CANNOT CONTROL ZUR. HE CANNOT. He thinks he can, and he thought he had it under control, but Bruce doesn't have shit under control!
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wesavegotham · 1 year ago
Another thing Williamson should work on is cliffhangers because the first issue ended with Bruce getting attacked by his bats, but there was no mystery behind it and of course Batman would be fine and find a solution because he's Batman. And now this issue ended with Shush threatening to shoot White Rabbit, a character nobody cares about.
Like, in theory I'm on board with Bruce and Damian having normal Batman and Robin adventures, but the story hooks could be stronger, the characterization and relationship developement less shallow and the cliffhangers more exciting.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years ago
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Marvel Team-Up (1972) Annual #3
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thybirbman · 1 month ago
"But why is it labeled shark repellent-"
A. Because everyone keeps expecting it to only work on sharks! When it really doesn't! It's rated E for Everyone except like hell B is telling anyone that, no, he's insisting it's rated S for Sharks and not S as in Strength Beyond What's Needed.
B. Because. It's funny. And B does have some amount of humor, okay? And that humor happens to be just the thought of spraying Superman with shark repellent and having it work.
"Batman is so unrealistic, why does he have shark repellent spray haha--" maybe he just has a canister of a substance on his belt that's so strong, it's banned in several countries and as it turns out, sharks don't like getting face-blasted with the marine equivalent of bear spray on steroids any more than humans do. you're telling me Batman is carrying a single-use item like that on his belt? Heck no. He's using that shit on sharks, on people, on random aliens who try to grab him during JL negotiations, and anyone else he thinks it'll work on. He even used it on himself once to get Joker gas out of his eyes and respiratory system. Superman is never 100% sure if he should say something about it to him or not. The Robins/Ex-Robins like to play Russian Roulette with Bruce's used-up canisters when they're bored. But yes -- it does work on sharks. He modified the nozzle so it can be used underwater.
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arsonstatistic · 5 months ago
in the almighty universe (bruce almighty, evan almighty—the God!Morgan Freemanverse if you will) do people think that evan baxter, average congressman they dgaf about, got, like, religious psychosis? i need to know if people where like “anyone have update pics on boat guy? is there an arkupdates accounts?” and “this is a bible accurate ark i think” and “i think this might be real chat cause how the fuck did he get a pair of blobfish on his boat bro”
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gaywineauntsstuff · 4 months ago
Dick Grayson:
*runs the titans*
*works for the league*
*has a day job*
*solo patrols bludhaven*
*solo patrols New York*
*on call 24/7 for regularly scheduled Gotham crisis(es)*
*training at least 40% of new gen heroes at any given moment*
*infiltrating the current annoying cult, corrupt gov, spy organization, company, mafia group, evil underground ancestral foundations of a city and random corrupt modeling industry*
*monitoring drug pedaling in 3 cities*
*emotionally regulating 80% of his family bc why would they do it themselves? Nah let’s just ruin relationships for fun -cough Bruce cough-*
* maintaining civilian cover*
*canonically does volunteer work*
I am beginning to think nightwing doesn’t have anger issues he’s just overstimulated bc wtf
Like Dick take a break what is this?
Dick currently working on infiltrating the mob, after 4 days of 6+ hour patrols bc bludhaven has no chill an Arkham breakout, a performance review at work that took too long, organizing a titans outer space mission, just got back from training Jon Kent: no one call me plz god no one call me I can’t do this I have so much work no one. Call me plz
*phone rings* -it’s tim
He could ignore it but last time he left Tim alone for a month the dumbass lost his spleen and decided a cowl was a fashion choice (equally bad in his opinion)
Dick picking up the phone with his non broken arm: yello
Tim: so I accidentally maybe got kidnapped and maybe also started a cult around the concept of Batman and I’m out of energy drinks. (All equally dire in tims opinion)
Dick popping 4 caffeine pills: shut up I’ll be there in 30 don’t DO ANYTHing.
Jason: sooo I might be engaged to an alien princess
Dick about to pop a Xanax: tell me it’s Kori or at least in this galaxy
Jason: nope
Dick: …. Can it wait
Jason: she wants to eat me, their species is like a praying mantis knockoff but with space and mind control.
Dick: yeah okay give me an hour I’ll call raven
Damian: hello Richard
Dick: what did you do.
Damian: I have been kidnapped by my mother
Dick: again
Damian: I feel it would be redundant to say anything
Dick: …….. alright I’ll call the nearest flying hero be there in a bit… keep ur spine where it is Damian or I swear to god-
Bruce: cult
Dick who just got done with an undercover mission: anddd?
Bruce: we need someone to infiltrate it
Dick: I swear to god I. will. hurt. you
Bruce: hnnnn
Babs: I have… acquired a child
Dick who is fighting deathstroke : …okayyyy
Babs who is watching the fight: she’s a little bit … traumatized
Dick, dodging a katana: preaching to the choir
Babs: can you do your whole, human empathy and kindness tell me ur life story I have puppy dog eyes.
Dick: ….
Babs: you owe me
Dick: … one day I will delete all your numbers and disappear
Babs cheerfully: you know no matter where you go I can find you hunk wonder see you in 3 hours don’t die before then!
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avayarising · 2 years ago
There was a flash of white light from the small sphere cupped against Jason’s chest, and suddenly the blue-green glowing globe was a blue-green glowing humanoid kid, with a black outfit and a shock of white hair, sitting trembling in Jason’s lap. The kid looked round for a moment at the stunned faces around the dining table, and then turned and buried its face in Jason’s shoulder. Jason’s arms came up around the kid immediately and he started murmuring reassurances that didn’t quite cover Tim’s triumphant whisper, “I was right!”
There was nothing else but a shocked silence from the rest of the table as Jason rubbed his hands gently over the sobbing kid’s back. “It’s all right, you’re all right, you’re safe, I’m here, I’ve got you,” he murmured over and over, until the trembling began to calm and the arms loosened a little. “Got a name I can call you? – Danny? Thank you, Danny. You’re doing so good. You’re safe here with me and my family. We’ll all protect you, I promise.”
The kid – Danny – looked up and around with bright green eyes at the word ‘family’. He looked like he was somewhere between Tim and Damian in age, and he had faint green tear tracks on his cheeks. No-one mentioned it.
Jason gave a weak chuckle. “Yeah, this is my family.” He lifted one hand from Danny’s back to indicate the various people around the table, in turn. “This is my dad Bruce, my brother Dick, my other brother Tim,” (“Hi Danny,” said Tim gently) “my sister Cass,” (Cass waved, smiling kindly) “and my littlest brother Damian,” (Damian gave a stiff nod). “That’s my grandpa, Alfred,” (Alfred bowed, “Welcome to our home”) “and I’m Jason, do you remember?”
“I… I think so?” Danny whispered hesitantly. “You read me stories?” he added.
“Yeah, kid, I did.” Jason smiled, tightening his arms around Danny again. “It’s good to see you up and talking. Here,” he turned Danny round to face the table. “You hungry? Anything here you fancy eating?”
Danny glanced over the table, then shook his head and turned back to Jason. “I – what if – The Guys in White, they…”
“They’re going down,” Jason promised. “As hard and as fast as we can manage it.”
Bruce managed to shake off the dual shock of a ball turning into a child at his dining table and Jason freely calling him his dad. He dropped out of his seat and crouched before Danny. “I promise you,” he confirmed, “you are safe here, and we are working to catch the people who did this to you. When you’re ready, anything you can tell us will help,” – Danny shrank back a little, and Jason tensed – “but only when you’re ready. For now, just rest and recover. Let us protect you and take care of you. And do eat something, if you can,” he added, with a smile that crinkled his eyes, not his mouth. “If you can’t eat our food, we’ll try and find you something you can eat. Alfred will be very disappointed if he can’t feed you anything.”
“Indeed, sir,” said Alfred. “And that goes for the rest of you as well,” he added, glaring at the abandoned plates. “I did not make all this food for you to ignore it in favour of staring at our guest.”
There were sheepish apologies, and everyone turned back to their food. Jason coaxed Danny, still sitting in his lap, into eating several forkfuls of mashed potato, some roast chicken, and, in due course, rather a lot of apple crumble with custard. By the end of it all, Danny was drooping.
“Right, kid, let’s get you into a bed,” said Jason.
Alfred led them upstairs to the bedroom next to Cass’s and opposite Tim’s, with a newly-made bed and a fresh towel. Neither Alfred nor Jason was quite sure how or even if the black suit came off, and the kid was almost asleep now anyway, so Jason tucked him into bed as he was. The kid curled up on his side and Jason stroked his white hair.
After a few minutes, Cass slipped in and sat on the bed beside Jason, and laid her hand gently on Danny’s shoulder. Danny didn’t stir, though he was still glowing faintly.
“I will watch him,” said Cass. “You go and talk to them.”
Jason didn’t want to leave Danny.
“You need to talk to them,” insisted Cass, and she was usually right, even if he didn’t like it, so Jason got up.
“You’ll call me if anything happens?”
“At once,” said Cass solemnly, and Jason crept out of the room, turning back in the doorway for one last look. Cass was already lying down next to Danny, and had taken over hair-stroking duties. Jason closed the door gently behind him.
Tim and Dick and Bruce were standing a little further down the hallway, talking in low voices. “– made a presentation,” Tim was saying as Jason approached. “I was going to show it to you tonight, but it doesn’t seem necessary any more.”
“We’ll watch it anyway,” Dick said reassuringly.
“Summarise it,” ordered Bruce.
Tim glanced at Jason, cheeks slightly red. “OK, so. I heard Jason a few times in the library, talking to the core or reading to it. And there wasn’t anyone else around and I figured, he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t think someone was listening. So I was trying to figure out why Jason thought there was a person in the core, and I analysed the cowl footage. When the machine came on – this is all in the slides – there was an irregular noise, above the range of human hearing, and when I modulated the frequency down it sounded like –“
“Screaming,” Jason said heavily. “A kid screaming. You didn’t hear it? You didn't feel it?” Bruce shook his head slowly and Jason stared at him for a long moment, mouth open. “You didn’t – you didn’t know?”
Bruce didn’t answer, and Jason’s face crumpled. “Oh,” he said. “But I thought –” and then his face hardened into flat anger. “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter what I thought.”
He pushed past them towards the staircase, and Dick whimpered.
“Jason. Jason, no,” cried Bruce, and Jason halted; perhaps because he wanted Bruce to say he did trust him, perhaps because he didn’t want to go far from Danny.
“Listen to me, Jason,” Bruce said urgently to Jason’s back. “You’re right, I didn’t know the core was a person. But I did know that it was important, and that it was valuable, and that it needed to be kept safe. And I gave it to you in part because I could see that you knew it was important – better than me as it turns out. And knowing what I know now, I would make exactly the same decision again.”
Jason turned round, and Bruce stepped gently forward to put a hand on his shoulder. “I didn’t see it, but you did, and you did exactly what was needed. And now that child is safe and recovering because of your dedicated care. You have a big heart, Jaylad. You always did. And I am so” – he paused and hitched his breath – “so, so proud of you.”
Jason crumpled into his father’s arms.
Jason was acting strange.
Bruce was worried. It had started when the batfam investigated the hideout of a new gang in Gotham. They had attacked Jason earlier that week with strange weapons, so Batman, Nightwing and Red Hood followed them to a warehouse. They saw the men in white suits with the weapons, several vans and some sort of powersource they called a core. Batman and Nightwing were making a plan when one of the men activated the machine housing the core.
Suddenly Red Hood had gone ballistic! He attacked them recklessly, with much more force than neccesary. Nightwing had to sto him from beating one of them to death! Batman was furious. They left the men for commisioner Gordon and took some evidence to the cave. When they arrived, Jason looked shaken. Bruce wanted to scold him, but the look on Jason's face made him pause. He needed to focus on the case, but he knew he couldn't bring Jason along. So he 'benched' Jason. Thats what the Robins called it, anyway. But someone needed to guard the evidence, they had no idea what this power core even was.
He expected Jason to protest. To insult him to complain. But when Bruce told Jason to look after the core, he instead looked suprised. Really? Jason had asked. Then Jason had told Bruce he could count on him. Red flag number 1. This had confused Bruce, but if it kept Jason from following then it was fine.
Then Jason had started carrying the core everywhere. He held it in his hand, close to his chest. He stayed in the manor, wich was red flag number 2. Damian had caught him talking to the thing numerous times. Alfred had heard Jason in the library, reading a children's book out loud. Tim noticed whenever they discussed the gang of men in white suits that Jason would leave, instead of listening. Dick had even caught Jason singing softly to it! Too many red flags to count.
Bruce was worried about him. He was starting to worry about mind control! But when he had tried to confront Jason, he had cut him off. Jason told Bruce that he knew he had messed up at the warehouse, that he had gone too far. So he was really happy that Bruce had trusted him with this. After that Bruce had been too stunned to say anything about it. But they knew the problem had to be adressed. During dinner, the whole family where going to discuss this matter with Jason.
That was before the core transformed into a glowing, white haired child.
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fear-is-truth · 2 months ago
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MDNI ┆warnings: smut. jealous bruce
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BRUCE WAYNE didn’t think of himself as a jealous man. jealousy was irrational, unproductive—a crack in control, and control was the very foundation of who he was.
“h-aah—bruce,” you arched beneath him, hands scrambled for purchase, one curling into the damp hair at the nape of his neck while the other clutched at his shoulder. his thoughts churned even as his body stayed attuned to yours. “bruce,” you whimpered again, half a plea, half surrender.
bruce’s mind stuttered, unbidden thoughts clawing their way back. that investor at the gala—what was his last name? langley? no, it was something else. didn’t matter. bruce could recall the man’s face with infuriating clarity.
but what burned brightest was the handshake: his hand lingering in yours just a beat too long, bordering on intimate. the subtle breach of etiquette set bruce on edge. then the man leaned in, voice dipping low as he murmured something meant only for you, the words drowned out by the clinking of champagne glasses and soft murmur of the crowd. your laugh had followed—light, polite, the same one you’d offered to so many others that evening. you’d likely forgotten the exchange entirely. just you being you—sweet, approachable. but the rasp of the man’s smoker’s laugh lingered in bruce’s memory, coarse and unwelcome, grating against his nerves like sandpaper.
muscles drawn taut, his hips moved on their own accord, driven by a dangerous mélange of frustration and lust. the next thrust was rougher than intended, forceful in a way that bordered on needy, and it stole a sharp gasp from your lips. you arched against him, body yielding with desperate eagerness that sent a shiver of triumph through him.
could he make you sound like this? bruce wondered, his jaw tightening as his mind darkened. could he make you dig your nails into his back like this, leave those fleeting little crescent-shaped reminders?
his pace slowed, the haze of primal lust lifting as rationality began to reclaim its hold. his forehead pressed against yours, eyes shutting briefly before reopening. bruce tilted his head slightly, seeking your gaze. your pupils were blown wide, kiss-bitten lips swollen and parted, breasts heaving with every laboured breath. you didn’t seem to mind the newfound edge in him; if anything, it appeared that you enjoyed it.
could he make you shiver like this? could he have you matching his every thrust, cumming so many times but still craving more, your body pliant yet demanding?
“f-fuck,” he ground out, his sweat-damp forehead falling against your shoulder as he drove himself closer, deeper. until bursts of white danced at the edges of your vision, every nerve-end alight.
could he-
drunkenly, you reached for him, fingers weaving into the hair at the nape of his neck and tugging just enough to coax a guttural groan from his throat. that simple action unraveled his jealousy, scattering it like ash on the wind. his mind snapped the answer into place with startling finality.
no, bruce decided. he couldn’t.
your head tilted back to fall on the pillow as he dipped his head, warm lips found the edge of your jaw, trailing up as he sought the delicate curve of your ear. you felt his teeth grazed your earlobe—a soft, teasing nibble. a sound escaped you, high and needy, and it must’ve sparked something in bruce because another thrust that made your toes curl in welcome to the glorious stretch of his cock.
eyelids fluttering open, you glanced up at bruce, the faint glow of the room casting shadows across the sharp angles of his face. his brows furrowed in concentration, hair curling damply against his temple, and above you, he looked godly—untouchable, yet entirely yours. you barely had time to drink in the sight of your lover before he tilted your chin toward him, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss that stole your breath and any lingering coherent thought. there was a brief clash of teeth before it softened into the warm yet insistent press of his lips, the demanding slide of his tongue as though he had something to prove—not to you, but to himself.
he reared back before snapping his hips forward again, earning another stretched moan from your lips as you felt him nudge against your cervix. once more, his name slipped from your mouth in the form of a broken whine when he broke the kiss, dark gaze smouldering as he studied your face—drinking in every detail like a man starved, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a satisfied smirk.
you clenched around him, felt that pulsating warmth through the thin veil of slick and sweat. it wouldn’t take long for you to fall apart once again, not with the multiple orgasms he had bestowed upon you earlier and the frantic pace he was moving now. bruce drove into you one last time with a strained grunt, sheathing himself to the hilt.
you couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment your climax began or where his met yours—all you knew was the overwhelming surge that overtook you both, cresting like a tidal wave. your vision blurred, edges dissolving into brilliant white, and a broken cry slipped from your lips as your body trembled uncontrollably. your fingers clenched, digging into his shoulders, while your muscles turned molten, leaving you boneless and weightless, as if you were melting into him. the low, guttural sound he let out against your neck sent another shiver through you, tethering you to the shared euphoria that left nothing untouched.
the vice-like grip on your hips slackened, and you could feel his cock continuing to twitch and spasm as he thrust lazily inside you, grinding his cum as deep as it could go.
he should’ve felt satisfied, but instead, there was something else—a knot still twisting low in his chest. his jealousy had burned out, but in its place was something else, that made his heart ache.
“did i hurt you?”
“no. you were…” you paused, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his forearm. “perfect.”
a faint exhale left him, the tension in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. bruce pressed his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment longer than he usually did.
could anyone else make you look like that?
he didn’t have to ask himself. he already knew the answer.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month ago
Bruce: Attention, please. I understand a majority of you had plans this weekend. I want to be considerate of your time, so I'll make this brief. Lex Luther has hired a boy to seduce Wayne Enterprise secrets out of Tim. I need you to be weary at the gala. Dismiss.
Tim: Hold on hold on. I'm going to need a LOT more information than just that.
Bruce: I said dismissed Tim. Your siblings have plans.
Dick: *Raises a hand*
Bruce: Yes?
Dick: I can tell this approach is from the parenting books Uncle Clark got you, which is great. Thank you for trying, but we really need more details B. You can be considerate of our time by properly using it.
Bruce: hmmmm. Alright, if everyone feels this way. I suppose I can explain
Batkids: *Nodding*
Bruce clicking on the computer to show a picture: This is Daniel Fenton. His family used to own Fenton Works until the unfortunate loss of Mrs. Madeline Fenton in a car accident. Mr. Jack Fenton was convinced a ghost killed his wife. He was arrested after he crossed state borders chasing it and went on a rampage in downtown Gotham. He was deemed mad with grief and has been in Arkham for the last four years. Neither Jasmine nor Daniel were able to keep the family business afloat and were eventually bought out by Luthor.
Steph: I remember Mr. Fenton. He made that weird ray that was just throwing green goo on people. Besides scarying a few civilians, he didn't do anything bad. No one was harmed.
Bruce: That was the Fenton children argument as well. They were unable to get Mr. Fenton out of Arkham and into a different institution. I fear corruption is at play. During his stay in Arkham Mr.Fenton, has continued to create inventions, though no patent has been filed. All funds from said inventions are being made by local Mafia families instead.
Jason: Those thieves are preying on a grieving man. Rumors has it, Mr. Fenton isn't even aware his wife is dead. His mind blocked it, but he's slowly deteriorating. They're trying to squeeze out every drop of cash they can from him before his mind is completely gone.
Bruce: Exactly, and his children know it. Recently, Clark overheard Luthor offer Daniel a deal. He steals Wayne Enterprise secrets from Tim - probably got the idea after reading the article of Tim coming out, no doubt - and Luthor pulls enough strings to get Mr. Fenton out.
Tim: That's horrible. Is there any way we can help the Fentons instead? Move Mr. Fenton to a different place?
Bruce: I'm working it, but I believe Luthor is blocking my attempts. He did the same to Miss Fenton's college and loan applications. The pair are in a finical crisis that does not seem to get better no matter what they do. Luthor has employed similar tactics before.
Damian: Thus trapping the Fenton siblings in a box, unable to defy Luthor. They may be so desperate they would agree to anything after this many hardships.
Bruce: Exactly.
Tim: Alright I'll sleep with him
Cass: Literally, no one said you needed to sleep with him.
Tim: It's will be tough but I'll take one for the team.
Duke: Tim, that's not what B is saying at all.
Bruce: Wait, wait. I think Tim wants to sleep with Daniel Fenton. Hold on, let me consult the experts *opens parenting book*
Bruce: This isn't covered in the book. I don't know what to do.
Dick: I do. Tim, you're not sleeping with Daniel Fenton, but you are going to pretend his seduction is working. We're going to stop Luthor and the Mafia families controlling Arkham. We need to buy time to do that.
Tim: Kisses and over clothes stuff only. Got it.
Damian: Life has been hard for you since Dowd left you, hasn't it Drake?
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deadsetobsessions · 1 month ago
“Danny!” Tim comes screeching into the Lavender Room. Bruce had it built and decorated for him when Danny had expressed interest in lurking on the manor grounds. They were an odd bunch, these Bats. They’d even taken to leaving him fresh cream and freshly baked loaves of bread on the built in counter. Interesting choice.
“Little Sparrow. What is it?” Danny moved, long strides just a bit off as he approached the frantic pseudo Robin. The kid clung to him as much as he was frantically tugging Danny to the main manor.
“It’s Bruce! He’s being controlled! I don’t know-” Danny scooped Tim up and pulled on that otherness the bubbled beneath his veins. They melded into shadows and emerged to the other side, sequestered a hidden alcove overlooking the Batcave.
The sounds of blows being traded echoed, bouncing weirdly off of the screeching bats. Danny loved it. He peered down as Nightwing slammed an elbow onto his mentor’s face before doing a twisty maneuver a naga would have approved of to kick him in the throat.
Some of those hits are harder than Danny expected. Both Danny and Tim caught the glint of an unhinged grin playing at Nightwing’s lips.
“It seems Dick has this well in hand, little sparrow,” Danny lowered his voice, amusement sparking like grinding steel behind his eyes.
“…He might be working out some stuff.” Tim admitted, wincing as mind controlled Bruce took a crushing blow to the ribs.
“If that ‘stuff’ consists of repressed anger, yes.” Danny sighed admiringly as Nightwing screamed in Bruce’s face before kicking him viciously in the ankle. “Perhaps I’ll step in, hm, little sparrow?”
Tim’s grip tightened on his sleeve before releasing. “Better you than me.”
Danny hummed, drawing a little more from his otherness to appear directly before Bruce.
“That’s enough, Jwenar.”
“Awe,” it was disconcerting to hear a high pitched voice coming from “I eat gravel and Alfred’s honey oatmeal for breakfast” Batman. “Come on Danny! I was just having a bit o’ fun! He’d have gotten his body back!”
“When? In ninety years? Out, Jwenar. I won’t say it again,” Danny sternly pointed away from Bruce, eyes flashing green. Behind him, Dick was trying to look like he wasn’t disappointed his beat down had been interrupted.
“Ugh,” Jwenar sulked, detaching themselves from Bruce’s neck. The little mosquito like fae snarled. “Next time, then.”
“There will be no next time.” Danny scolded, before swatting them so hard, they rocketed back into the Wilds.
“… Was it necessary to hit me that hard, Dick?” Bruce wearily asked, holding his broken nose.
“I don’t know, B, was it necessary to withhold Jason’s death from me?” Dick asked sweetly. Danny rumbled with laughter.
He liked these Bats, feral as they were.
His mouth stretched into a sharp, sharp, sharp grin.
He thinks he’ll keep them.
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sirxlla · 2 months ago
The Child You Had Before You Started Dating Him Calls Him Daddy (Batboys)
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Dick: Dick came into your apartment with flowers in his hand which prompted Jasmin to bolt as soon as she heard the door.
"D- Da- Daddyyy." Jasmin cuddles his leg giggling. Dick laughs as well and sets the flowers down on the table before scooping her up.
"How's my sweet girl? Hmm?" Dick tickles her and she errupts in laughter which makes a smile flood your lips.
"Da- Daddy stop!" She was just squirming and giggling, happier than ever. Her favorite parts of the day were with you and with Dick.
"Okay, I'll stop." He kisses her forehead before setting her down and she runs off to go play with her today.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about that...Some of the teachers at her school started asking about her Dad and she asked them what a dad was...Once it was described to her, she said it was you....or at least thats at least how I was told it happened."
"Oh, Baby. Dont worry about it. It's no big deal and I'm happy Jazzy thinks of me like her father. I love you both and I'm honored she feels that way." He leans down and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"I brought you flowers by the way, Sweetheart and you look amazing as always."
Jason: Aurora sat in Jason's lap as he played Fortnite watching the tv as Jason controlled the character and racked up kills.
"Kick their butts, Daddy!" She screamed which caused Jason to freeze for a second as he questioned if he heard her right. Jason continued playing the game and won. (ofc he did) You entered the room with two plates of chicken nuggets, Aurora's favorite.
"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy won!" Aurora squealed in her pride over Jason winning.
"Oh, did he?" You and Jason looked both as just confused, you never told her to call him that, she did it on her own.
"Rory he's not your-" You started cause you thought Jason would be upset about it due to the confused look on his face.
"Babygirl, it's fine. If she wants to call me that then I don't mind." Jason stated with a smile.
"Princess, Go wash your hands before dinner, Okay?" Jason asked Aurora.
"Okay, Daddy!" She scrambled out of Jason's lap to the bathroom.
"I guess you're not the only one calling me Daddy now." He smirked.
"Jason!" You laughed as heat filled your cheeks, that was something neither of you really brought up but both seemed to enjoy like a guilty pleasure.
Bruce: "No! I push button!" May yelled at Bruce...She has the gall of men a hundred times larger than her, probably her taking after Bruce as far as you could tell.
"Oh, is that so Little Boss Lady?" Bruce teasingly mocked her, the same stance where her hands were on her hips, she narrowed her eyes and he narrowed his back before sticking out his tongue and making a silly face.
"You're such a Silly Billy, Daddy!" She giggles as she speaks to him, distracted from button pushing.
"Am I?" He smiled as the words came out of his mouth, of course his other kids would call him Dad time to time but knowing May felt so comfortable to do so meant the world to him.
"You wanna push the button? We can do it together?" Bruce asked with a smile and an inquisitive look as if he didnt already know the answer.
"I push button with Daddy?" She asked as she took her thumb out of her mouth.
"Yeah, we push it together." He said as he took the hand she didn't have in her mouth and pushed the button with him.
Tim: Anna had crawled into the bed after a while of her being up, like a little gremlin she jumped up and down.
"Daddy, wake up! Wake up, Daddy! I go back to school! You come me with me and Mommy! I show everyone Daddy!"
Of course he was tired from a night of long crime-fighting, as soon as he was coherent enough to realize what she was asking of him that she wanted to introduce him to everyone as her Dad he quickly got up.
"Go to Mommy, I'm gonna get dressed, Okay? Then we go back to school together, Okay?" He ruffled the little girls hair.
"You match with me?" She asked as she twirled around in her Toy Story tee dress that Tim got her a couple weeks back, he'd get her the moon if she asked.
"Of course, I'll match with you." Tim's closet was full of graphic tees so she could just about wear anything and he could match. He slipped on a shirt that had the little green aliens on it from Toy Story, a pair of jeans and some very well loved Converse.
Tim was quick with it, he grabbed her backpack which happened to be the little green alien as well, no suprise there. That was Anna's favorite which made it Tim's favorite as well. She could convince him to like arson if she did, he was wrapped around her finger.
"Ohhhh! Daddy looks stylish!" She said with a giggle in the same tone and words he'd tell her all the time. He was her Dad through actions but hearing that word from her mouth meant the entire world to him.
"Come on, My Lil Munchkin." He put her on his hip and grabbed your hand as he guided you both to the car so you could get to the school and Anna could introduce him to everyone as her Dad.
Damian: You had started seeing Damian before you even knew you were pregnant, It was a one night stand a few nights before you met him.
He was sweet in the way he went through the whole pregnancy with you, the birth, taking care of little Enzo and everything.
Enzo was now getting old enough to talk and you dont even know who taught him it, it could be Jason playing a prank or Talia doting on the baby she saw as a grandchild, but regardless Enzo was now calling Damian 'Daddy'.
"Da- Da!" He giggled as he looked at Damian from his crib across Damian's office, his little green eyes peered into Damian's.
"I'm not your Dad, Kid." He stated to the child as he filled out paperwork, this work felt monotonous and at least the kid gave him some sort of entertainment.
"Daaaa- Daaaaa." Enzo almost giggled as he could tell he was pissing Damian off, he was a little trouble maker that's for sure.
"I'm not your Dad, You Little Shit." Damain was getting a bit annoyed, not because Enzo was saying it but because he didnt see himself as worthy or prepared enough for a child. Enzo just giggled and called out to Damian again.
"My Son." Damian whispered as he gazed down at his son sleeping in his lap, he might not be his by blood but he was sure his in temper and attitude.
"Fine." He gave in with very little pressure from the very little child. Enzo laughed as he noticed Damian give in and he reached his little arms out to Damian.
Enzo made his black heart swell, Like the Grinch's heart growing a whole size. He walked over to the little boy and picked him up out of his crib. Enzo calmed in Damian's presence, finally feeling safe and calm enough to sleep while Damian did paperwork.
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tonyglowheart · 1 year ago
"he would not fucking say that" -- post I saw that was imagining what the batkids would be like fighting over who gets Bruce in his old age
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