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foodescapades · 1 year ago
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frankveda · 9 months ago
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Heute mal was einfaches - belegtes Vollkornbrot !
Viel Spaß mit #veda_food !
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lalalingx3 · 7 months ago
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Goldsaft 3D modeling
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markgraeflerin · 2 years ago
Rostbratwürstchen-Salat mit Paprika und Radieschen #Brotzeit
Habt ihr noch Rostbratwürstchen vom Grillabend am Wochenende übrig und / oder ist euch bei dem heissen Wetter zum Mittag- oder Abendessen eher nach einer deftigen aber erfrischenden Brotzeit? Die Markgräflerin und der Markgräfler sind gestern von einer Wanderreise im Altmühltal / Oberbayern zurückgekehrt und das hat mich dazu inspiriert, diesen feinen Salat aufzutischen. Man kann ihn schon am…
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Erlebe den süßen Geschmack von selbstgemachtem Apfelkompott mit einer Note von Zimt und Vanille! 🍎✨ Dieses traditionelle Rezept bringt den Geschmack der Kindheit zurück und ist perfekt als Dessert oder Beilage. Egal, ob als Topping für Joghurt oder einfach pur – dieses Apfelkompott wird dich begeistern! Probiere es aus und genieße den Herbst in vollen Zügen! 🍏🍂
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foodpxrn · 5 months ago
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thehungrykat1 · 6 months ago
Brotzeit Philippines Celebrates Oktoberfest 2024 With Three Party Days
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Oktoberfest 2024 is right around the corner so Brotzeit Philippines is getting ready to celebrate this annual German beer event once again. They just launched their special Oktoberfest Menu and have announced their Signature Party Days where guests can experience German music and entertainment combined with authentic food and drinks.
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The Hungry Kat was invited last week at Brotzeit's Bonifacio Global City branch to sample their Oktoberfest Menu which is available from September 1 up to November 10, 2024. It had been a while since my last visit but I always make sure to join their Oktoberfest parties. Brotzeit proudly celebrates Oktoberfest 2024 at its two branches in Alabang West Parade and at Shangri-La at the Fort this September to November.
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Brotzeit was conceived in Singapore in 2006 and now operates across the Asia Pacific region. It aims to introduce authentic Bavarian cuisine accompanied by world famous quality German beer in a chic and contemporary setting, so Oktoberfest is always one of its biggest events of the year. Now on their 11th year in the Philippines, there’s no better place to enjoy this annual German tradition than at the country’s most popular German bier bar and restaurant.
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Oktoberfest is an annual festival held in Munich, Bavaria in Germany from mid-September to the first Sunday in October. This year, it will be held from September 21 to October 6, 2024, but you don’t have to travel to Germany because Brotzeit is bringing the party right here in Manila.
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Brotzeit is very proud of its German beers and these are taken very seriously from sourcing, using proper glassware, and even pouring techniques. All beers at Brotzeit are brewed according to the Germany purity law, so you are assured of an authentic German experience.
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Brozeit will be offering an exclusive Oktberfest beer for this year's celebrations. The Weihenstephaner Festbier (P480 - 0.5L) is a full rich bodied seasonal lager specially brewed for the Festbier season. This beer represents the Bavarian way of celebrating with its deep gold color, great mouthfeel, and lots of flavor. What I really enjoyed was the Bayrischer Longdrink (P380 - 0.5L) which is one of their Bier Cocktails. This half liter mug comes with lager mixed with calamansi and vodka.
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Another cocktail beer that we enjoyed was the Mango Bier (P380 - 0.5L) which has wheat beer mixed with mango juice. Brotzeit offers so many different beers and you are sure to find your own favorite.
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I also love their Hot Chocolate so I order this every time I visit. This hot cocoa drink comes topped with cinnamon cream.
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Now let’s try some of the special Oktoberfest dishes. Brotzeit has created a new Oktoberfest Menu that perfectly represents the season and goes very well with the featured beers for this celebration. 
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The Anchovy Fladen (P490) is a flatbread topped with cheese, anchovies, artichokes, capers, and sweet red onions. This is a good starter that can be shared by the entire table.
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Brotzeit Philippines Executive Chef Ivan Maminta then shows us some of the other items on the Oktoberfest Menu.
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The Weisswurst (P390) is a traditional Bavarian Pork and veal sausage served with pretzel. The sausage is quite flavorful and you can choose to remove the casing or not. You can also get the Pretzel (P300) as an additional order by themselves.
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If you really want to celebrate Oktoberfest, go and order the Oktoberfest 2024 Platter (P4600). This huge meaty platter will surely be the highlight of your Oktoberfest celebrations with its combination of Oktoberfest specials and Brotzeit favorites.
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First up, this full platter comes with a Regensberger, a Nurnberger, and a Thuringer Sausage with Sauerkraut and potato salad. These three sausages will definitely satisfy your cravings with its different textures and flavors.
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Then there's the Grilled Pork Chop and Roast Beef to satisfy the big meatlovers. These big and juicy slices should go well with some pretzels.
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The main highlight of the Oktoberfest Platter is the Signature Pork Knuckle. This an all-time Brotzeit favorite and is the quintessential German dish. The pork knuckle is cooked until the meat is tender then oven roasted for the perfect crackling skin. The meat is actually infused with beer to give it that special taste.
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The pork knuckle is so tender that you don't even need a knife to break it open. The Oktoberfest 2024 Platter is definitely packed with all the meat you can handle.
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Our Oktoberfest gathering even had some very special guests. My husband Dexter was so surprised to see Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski join us at our table. He is in town for the much awaited SuperManila 2024 Comic Convention happening on the weekend.
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Who would have thought that Dexter would be having beer with one of the comic book industry's top executives? He actually has tickets to SuperManila already so this was a very happy surprise.
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Brotzeit’s Oktoberfest 2024 celebrations culminate with their Signature Party Days on September 27 to 29, 2024. This huge 3-day Oktoberfest party will be similar to how they do it in Germany. Special guests will be the AnTon Showband which is a popular German group that performs traditional German folk tunes to modern hits. They will be playing at Shangri-La at the Fort on September 27 and 29 then at Brotzeit Alabang West Parade on September 28. You can book your tables early and join this unforgettable musical journey at (https://brotzeit.ph/reservation). We would like to thank Brotzeit owner Malvin Ang for hosting our advance Oktoberfest party. Prost!
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Brotzeit Philippines
GF6 Retail Arcade, Shangri-La at the Fort, 5th Ave. Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
(0949) 881-0360
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craft2eu · 1 year ago
BrotZeit. Brotschneider, Brotesser & Brotbewahrer: Fürstenberg bis 30.06.2024
Im Jahr 1525 nannte Martin Luther die „Butterbemme“ eine beliebte Kindernahrung und Mitte des 18.Jahrhunderts erfand der Earl of Sandwich fein belegte Weißbrotschnitten. Der spannenden Kulturgeschichte des Brotes widmet sich das Museum Schloss Fürstenberg derzeit mit der Sonderausstellung „BrotZeit. Brotschneider, Brotesser & Brotbewahrer“. Die Ausstellung wurde kuratiert vom Europäischen…
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bigfatveganzine · 2 years ago
German Soft Pretzel Sticks
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Indulge in the irresistible goodness of these warm and chewy German Soft Pretzel Sticks. A snack that will teleport you straight to Bavaria.
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abspeckblog · 2 years ago
80,10kg und ein neuer Trend aus den USA
Er nennt sich “Girl Dinner” und ist hierzulande schon bekannt. Wir kennen das “Girl Dinner” allgemein unter dem Begriff Continue reading Untitled
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selbstgemacht-derfoodblog · 2 years ago
Rezept für ein einfaches Dinkel Buttermilchbrot mit dicker, krachender Kruste und softer Krume. Das Rezept kommt ganz ohne zusätzliche Hefe und nur mit Natursauerteig als Triebmittel aus. Ein sehr feines Brot für jeden Tag und jeden Belag.
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frankveda · 1 year ago
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Bento, Bento-Box, eigentlich eine praktisch verpackte Wegzehrung !
Man könnte sie auch als eine japanische Version der Brotzeitbox, oder des Henkelmanns bezeichnen.
Viel Spaß mit #veda_food !
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luftbilderdeutschlandcom · 2 years ago
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luftbilder-deutschland.com @riess_oliver #büchenbach #pegnitz #fränkischeschweiz #bier #beer #brotzeit #landgasthof #brauerei #germany (hier: Büchenbach (Pegnitz)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVxDvYtamL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jaina-lyn · 5 months ago
Abendbrot for lunch 🙌🏻
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fernforest16 · 11 months ago
German cake appreciation post
Holy fuck why does nobody talk about this. Okay France has pastries and Italy has bread etc etc but Germany? Best cake in the world. Goddamn. There’s this giant range of traditional cakes that are sold by the slice so you try em all with a group of friends/family over coffee. There is cake Everywhere. Most of the time it’s Kuchen-not layered/frosted, like a coffee cake. That is usually sheetpan-baked and comes marbled with pudding, yoghurty cheese, cinnamon sugar, streusel, apple, plum, poppy seeds, berries, cheesecake, honeyed almonds………anything your sugar-loving heart could imagine. Kuchen also refers to what Americans would call tarts and pies. And then there are tortes, which are layered with all of the above plus ganache, frosting, more pudding, etc, more like an American layer cake. God i love it. I love it all. Genuinely have never had better cake in my life than here. I want to cry holy shit
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