#Broken Thrones
vaguely-concerned · 3 months
are. are you telling me that if the romanced mage warden dies and alistair is king, he deadass stares greagoir down over her dead body and grants the circle of ferelden its autonomy after ordering it rebuilt somewhere safer. first you have to deliberately leave him behind so he won't die for you and then he does that for you once you're gone, even when you're broken up??? absolute and literal king behaviour of the highest order????? the actions speak louder than words of it all??????? I think I hauve covid
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spiderliliez · 2 months
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ES Magazine The quiet accession of Emma D’Arcy by Evening Standard
[+] EMMA D’ARCY [GIF Collection] ✨ [+] LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 [+] ..more on this shoot 📸
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destinationtoast · 4 months
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Toastystats: TV fandom fix-its on AO3 - Game of Thrones
Following the previous cross-fandom look at TV fix-its, I'm doing fandom deep dives. (See also: Supernatural, Stranger Things)
It took a long time to analyze the Game of Thrones data in part because I wanted to tease apart the behaviors of the GoT, ASOIAF, and HotD fandom tags, and to look at the effect of House of the Dragon on the older fandom tags. Also in part because I discovered that multi-chapter works have a much higher rate of fix-its than single-chapter works -- which has contributed to a recent apparent increase in the percentage of GoT works that are tagged "Fix-It." (This apparent increase may or may not disappear when we look back at the same time period from future years; read more on AO3 about why.)
For lots more data, explanations of all of the above, plus any clarifications & corrections, click through to AO3.
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dragondreamers · 5 months
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200 DAYS OF HOUSE TARGARYEN ↳ day 51: daenerys targaryen in cripples, bastards and broken things
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because nothing matters more than the performance
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Bruce dies in the Past
So! When Bruce was sent back in Time and got stuck in the Past, he was never saved. Tim failed to bring him back to the future, and Bruce was stuck in the Past for the rest of his Natural Life.
Then he died, came back as a Ghost, and regained his Lost Memories.
He didn't really know what to do, he was stuck Millenia in the Past, his Family won't be born for Literal Ages, and most of all he is Dead. He doesn't really have alot of options.
If you go with the Idea that Batman is a Liminal, then you could say that his Obsession was Protection. And that Obsession was focused primarily on Gotham and his Family.
So what is a Ghost to do when the object of his Obsession had been ripped away from him? He breaks a little. Bruce kind of goes Insane.
He decides that if he is going to he stuck in the Ghost Zone, he may as well protect it as if it were Gotham. So, he finds the quickest way to do that...by becoming the Ghost King.
So, he finds the Castle of the Ghost King, and challenges him to Single Combat. And he manages to Win. But the King needs to choose their Title, and he doesn't think he wants to include the name of Batman in the distant Past. It may affect the Future.
So, he chooses the name, Pariah Dark.
Bruce Wayne, is Pariah Dark.
He started as a Good King, but gradually he let his Broken Obsession get to him. Becoming King did nothing to fill the void in his Core, so he fell more and more into Insanity. It didn't help that he became the King in such a vulnerable emotional state. The sudden Power Increase caused his mind to fracture even more.
The Seven Ancients didn't seal away Pariah Dark just to save the Zone, they also did it to save Pariah himself.
Then one day, Pariah's Seal is Broken and he is presented with a Portal to the Human Realm. A Human Realm where enough time has passed that Gotham finally exists again. He may have gotten a little overexcited, he'll admit.
Thankfully, Danny was there to knock some sense into him.
He took the Throne and the power associated with it from Pariah, leaving him as just Bruce Wayne again. The existence of Gotham and his Family in the present world helped mend a few of the Cracks in his Core, and for the first time in Centuries Bruce Wayne felt somewhat whole again.
Basically, Bruce dies in the Past, goes Insane because his Liminal Obsession was broken, and becomes Pariah Dark when he takes the Throne of the Ghost Zone.
Unfortunately, his Broken Obsession was only aggravated by the sudden Influx of Power, and he went Insane. When Danny took the Throne from him, he took the power that was clouding Bruce's Mind and helped him heal a bit.
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moonys-library · 2 months
“this book is trash” okay bitch and i’m a raccoon
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asha-mage · 1 year
Here's what I'll say about Siuan for right now, since their are still a lot of unknowns floating in the air: I think her actions in this episode are largely in accord with her book characterization no matter which way the show breaks on certain details.
Siuan's central character flaw in the books, the thing that largely leads to her downfall, is her default response to most problems being to exert raw force and control. It was how she handled the Hall of the Tower which allowed opposition to coalesces around Eladia and Alviarain, it was how she handled Gawyn creating a resentment in him that would drive him to side against her during the coup, and how she forced Min to remain in the Tower against Min's wishes which was the catalyst for Eladia realizing she could strike against Siuan at all.
And it's what Siuan does in this episode when confronted with a problem she does not have another way to deal with. Moiraine is with holding information from her? Go to Cairhien herself and seize the tiller of events with her own hands. Rand is running wild, derelict in his duty? Take him captive and bring him to the Tower where at least he will be under her eye and safe from the Forsaken. Moiraine is attempting to abscond with him as a result? Cut off her avenue of escape by any means necessary, even if it means damaging her personal relationship with Moiraine, possibly forever.
And that's the other thing to keep in mind: Siuan, like Moiraine, fundamentally does not trust anyone except her partner in conspiracy. She can't. For twenty years she's been on a quest that will lead to her stilling and execution if it is ever discovered. She and Moiraine are each other's confidants and allies, their deepest and most important loves. But even in the books Moiraine is withholding information from Siuan out of a sense of greater good. The difference is that in the show Siuan becomes aware of it in the show and of course she begins to doubt and loose trust in Moiraine as a result.
In her mind she has gone almost at once from being a partner, one half of a team that trusted in and depended on each other, to being on her own against the storm. If Moiraine didn't tell her about being stilled, what else might she be holding back? And if she is stilled, then realistically, how much good can she do for their cause now? How can she keep Rand safe from himself and the Forsaken, prepare him for what's coming, when she might not live another year? And that agony- that pain that the person she trusts and loves most didn't just betray that trust but also might not be around long enough for Siuan to be mad even be mad at her- has to be put aside because the mission, the duty, is everything to Siuan, just like with Moiraine. The stakes are too high for anything else.
So she falls back on the safety net of the Tower's traditions and secret plans. Take Rand to the Tower, keep him safe, prepare him for what's coming and trust to the Light for the rest. Take away his agency for his own good and the good of the world (something it should be noted she's wistful for the ability to do in TSR when she wishes she could keep hiim from a learning a word of the Prophecies, which is the same scene where she outright admits to Min she intends to try and control him in), and bring him firmly under her thumb. And what does Moiraine do? Enlist the aid of one of the Forsaken to break Rand free and flee to Falme through a Waygate, which is at best an INSANELY risky and potentially very stupid play, and at worst tacit confirmation of her worst fear, that Moiraine has gone over to the Shadow, and everything is on the brink of being lost.
And where does that leave Siuan? Isolated and alone and with no other fallback by her same response: to keep exerting raw force, to pressing the spring down until it snaps.
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dragons-and-art · 2 months
👑 for Jake as well if that's ok.
Do you have any idea how long i've been wanting to draw Jake on a throne made of tacky, spray painted trash? TOO LONG that is
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epiclad · 1 year
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At the precipice... 
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Sandor: *Spends his whole life trying to prove that he's not as bad as his older brother, Gregor {who r*pes, kills, etc}*
Rorge: *Stole Sandor's identity by somehow getting his grubby paws on Sandor's famous Hound helmet, and wearing it during a r*ping and killing spree with friends*
Most "Fans": *Actually believe Sandor regrets not r*ping and killing Sansa Stark {who he loves most} before he fled King's Landing {he was dying and was saying whatever he could to get Arya Stark *Sansa's litle sister* to finally end his suffering, but she robbed him and left him for dead}*
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 9 days
A broken throne, bleeding from the heart ❣️
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tys-kitty · 1 month
Me the moment the line „Who‘s done this to you“ drops in my enemies-to-lovers fantasy books
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ichorai · 2 years
BROKEN MACHINE ; the series.
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a series based on the album broken machine by nothing but thieves for our 6k milestone! fandoms included ; marvel, house of the dragon, the walking dead, the boys, game of thrones, and succession.
main masterlist. wasteland baby! series. dear science series. about me.
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ONE. i was just a kid ; (marc spector) 6.6k ↳ khonshu wanted you dead. marc just wanted you.
TWO. amsterdam ; (jacaerys velaryon) 4.7k ↳ prince jacaerys velaryon traveled to the eyrie to secure aid for his mother's cause. he didn't at all expect to fall in love an arryn while he was there.
THREE. sorry ; (daryl dixon) 7.9k ↳ you were on your knees, and daryl was too. he wouldn’t look at you—he couldn’t—terrified that negan would bring that bat down on your head if he noticed.
FOUR. broken machine ; (miles morales) 5.1k ↳ stuck in a time loop, miles had to witness the one thing that he dreaded the most in life over and over again: your death.
FIVE. live like animals ; (kimiko miyashiro) 1.0k ↳ you try and frenchie try to show kimiko how to have fun on a day off.
SIX. soda ; (aemond targaryen) 40.3k ↳ he flinched away when your fingers brushed against his eyepatch. despite this, you reached out once more to pull it off, your touch ever so gentle—and this time, he let you. you whispered that he was beautiful as your lips grazed against the marred skin of his cheek. aemond didn’t believe you, but he let you say it nonetheless.
SEVEN. i’m not made by design ; (jaime lannister) 47.8k ↳ wolves and lions tend not to be friends, much less lovers.
EIGHT. particles ; (peter parker) 2.8k ↳ tony gives peter the dreaded 'dad' talk.
NINE. get better ; (hobie brown) 5.5k ↳ electric guitars and strawberries, leather jackets and quilted skirts, city spiders and cottage spiders. the two of you were perfect for each other.
TEN. hell, yeah ; (roman roy) 91.5k+ ↳ pain was an old friend for the both of you.
ELEVEN. afterlife ; (yelena belova) 1.9k ↳ her sister was dead. she’d lost everyone she’d ever known. and she didn’t know you—at least not as well as she’d like to know her sister’s spouse, but yelena wanted to try. that was the least she could do.
TWELVE. reset me ; (wade wilson) 1.3k ↳ charles sends you to recruit deadpool into the x-men. expectedly, the bastard tries to weasel away from you—and when that doesn’t work, he resorts to his most lethal method: flirtation. that, and taping a kick me sign on your back.
THIRTEEN. number 13 ; (rhaenyra targaryen) 5.4k ↳ in another life, she could’ve been with you, she was sure. a life of bliss and a life not ruled by the laws of men.
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lilyharvord · 20 days
Too Sweet
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“Thief.” I remark with a hint surprise as she finally stops struggling. It’s too dark for me to see her features fully, but I can make out the outline of tousled loose curls framing a thin but round face. She’s small, barely coming up to my shoulder. She could truly be a young girl. I almost jeer at the thought, is this what they are resulting to around here? Sending children out to steal? She blinks, and by the light of the stars, those lashes flash over sombre brown eyes. She doesn’t protest when she scoffs at my accusation. “Obviously.”
Hello I am back and I have a fic for you all (: Available here on AO3 (:
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fromstormsend · 10 days
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SANSA STARK + nothing new by Taylor Swift
“Life is not a song, sweetling. You may learn that one day to your sorrow.”
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