#Bro did NOT handle that well XD
twilightarcade · 3 months
I may be mildly aromatic
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yourstrulyray · 28 days
hi do you want to talk abt isaac.
basically i'm writing a cbs ghosts fic with a focus on some original characters but with a lot of nisaac and plenty of the entire cast in general
it'll have a lot of isaac's pov as well, with his thoughts about two people who can be openly queer in the modern era
but. since ive only watched like,, probably less than half of the show. i thought talking to someone else abt it could help me characterise everyone?? i also just want to talk abt it bc it's kind of a fixation right now haha
no pressure though!! hope you have a nice day
AAAAA yes please i would love to talk about my son hehdhd
let me list out some timelines pre-death first :3
isaac's marriage to beatrice: before or during 1773 the american revolutionary war: 1775-1783 nigel's death: 1776 isaac's death: 1777
so since the start of season 1, despite isaac's efforts we could all still see the fact he does not find women attractive (he literally called his wife, beatrice a handsome woman) so we're thinking bad comphet for our guy here.
(this only applies pre-nisaac) there are five male ghosts of the main cast, so when they all collectively agree that one girl is attractive (maybe not pete), isaac naturally plays along with it, but. plays along badly. everyone could tell that he did not find that girl attractive
as during nisaac, he is still obviously hesitant to be open because he had never been in a relationship with another man. a homosexual relationship. but not only is he hesitant, he is scared.
why is he scared? take a guess of what punishment you'd get for being gay in the 1770s (especially 1776).
the death penalty.
and we all know our guy isaac likes to talk about himself, he was so heavily disappointed to see that all he was in history was a footnote, and how he was jealous that his rival, hamilton, got a whole MUSICAL made about him (isaac loves musical theatre so thats twice the angy) so it's reasonable for him to be scared of death.
but hes already dead, why still be scared?
i actually dont know why but it's probably muscle memory for isaac to pretend. maybe he only found out that queerness was legalized/modernized through sam, not even through the recently dead ones. gotta hand it to him though i cant keep up a facade for more than a century XD
anyway, him being hesitant isn't the only problem, it's also the way he handles his relationship with nigel. his only other serious relationship was with a woman he wasn't even romantically interested in, so he has no healthy base to rely his current relationship with. also, his god-forsaken terrible communication skills, bros been pretending so much that even his personal feelings should be hidden 😭🙏 who hurt u man?
honestly his poo communication skills can still be linked back to his marriage with beatrice. maybe he had no problem with her, therefore no feelings were required to be shared, and he didn't have the need to communicate. but with nigel is a whole different situation.
oh yeah speaking of nigel, like isaac he doesn't have a healthy basis for a relationship. in this case, he previously was in a homosexual relationship, but it was only a sexual (?) one (with jenkins, but idk about the sexual part so jenkins fans back me up 🙏🙏).
we do see in the series that isaac is taking baby steps in the relationship, as opposed to nigel who rushes the starting-to-adjust stage, because this isn't his first gay relationship (whos gonna tell him) which then results to isaac having certain feelings about it, which then results to isaac not communicating as to pretend he can manage their relationship.
one thing about isaac's "certain feelings", it's usually about little things not even serious stuff. he had gone on many respites (temporary break up) with nigel because of their political beliefs (TGE WAR FUCKING ENDED GET OVER IT), hobbies, and personal likes. instead of adjusting to each other, they still choose to follow what they want instead of each other's wishes.
so, TLDR; nigel and isaac, despite having been in previous relationships, are doodoo at expressing themselves and adjusting to one another. (boo)
if you'd like the characterization of the other ghosts/sam and jay, my askbox is open at all times!! :3
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Scary as a sleepy kitten
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When - 10 or so minutes after He hasn't been himself, which takes place during the Chupacabra episode of Season 2
What - the finishing touches on Daryl's medical care, how Andrea's handling almost mistakenly killing the guy. You assure her that he's about as scary as a sleepy kitten right then. Then, there's digesting big bro Shane's descent from morality along with Daryl's simultaneous growth in it. Bonus is a hint regarding the Greene's barn. So sad there aren't any barn cats in there anymore, wonder what happened...
Genre - a little angsty, a little fluffy, a little found-family.
Who - You, Mangy Hick (that's Daryl), Patricia, Andrea, Papa Dale and his not good book, and sweet little Beth (who's got the same headcanon from the Fabulously Confident Reader stories about liking choose-your-own-adventure books)
Perspective - 2nd person, and 3rd Daryl
Pronouns - did GN again this time
TWs - some language, otherwise you just have a brief blow-up. The day's been something else, y'all
Length? - 10-15 minutes
References - when Daryl made that funny in Like a traditional Sunday dinner, the incident with Ed as seen in "Deserved" Part 1 but mostly Part 2 and its cooldown in It's not the end of the wo - oh. There's the continuation of big brother Shane's descent, a slow progression in a bulk of the chapters. Be sure to check out Invisible Tugging Strings, Part 1 and Part 2 , then Spell your last name, please. as well as He hasn't been himself
Official Masterlist here (find fabulously confident reader there!) and the Chronological Slowpoke Masterlist here
have fun and happy reading!
Apologies for the lengthy delay, slowpokes, my brain has been on power-saver for about a month, might could be evident in the chapter, too XD
“Guess I'll just move this arm like a robot—oh-ho, check it, I can still do the tomahawk chop, y’all!”
And yeah, then his friend proceeds to make barely one and a half chops before wincing. The slight pout that forms afterward makes him want to smile, it’s damn cute.
“Hurt more than I thought it would.”
The twangy blonde lady looks entertained. “Tell me why, Y/N.”
Their pout turns more embarrassed. “…Movin’ the forearm requires these here muscles.”
He liked that their accent revved up more with the blonde lady—sorry, her name’s Patricia, he knows, got it.
“Which affects what?” Patricia asks.
“My shoulder and chest.”
“Which are injured and got irritated something serious today, along with what I’m fairly sure is maybe your C6 and 7, maybe the T1, whenever you first got hurt.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they mumble.
Stop thinking Y/N looks cute. Also, what were those letter-number things?
Sighing, his friend stares at their upper arm.
So, during the, like, he doesn’t know, 5 minutes or whatever it was when the old man helped him slump to the bathroom so he could finally take a piss, Y/N’s upper arm was wrapped to their torso to prevent them from hurting it more. They keep overdoing it, and they keep taking their damn sling off, so Patricia made a compromise, he guesses.
And after doing a modeling-pose type thing with their wrapped arm and asking who was wearing their gauze better, them or him, Y/N immediately tried to do the tomahawk chop and move like a robot and why is he finding that so damn cute right now?.
Patricia winks at Y/N. “Name some of the muscles up there and I won’t put the rest in a sling."
“Ooh, bicep, tricep,” basics out of the way. “This, um, one of these over here is the brachialis, this is the deltoid, the teres major’s under here.” You got that muscle wrong on an anatomy midterm back during college and never forgot about it. “This here is the trapezius.” Because the dudes who do the trapeze at the circus got real big ones (or at least that’s how you remember it). “And, well, the clavicle is this bone, so the bone under it is the scapula, which means right about here’s the subscapularis muscle,” that she said you may have hurt, “Oh, duh, then ‘the major one is the pectoralis.’ And—”
“—Okay, no sling.”
Phew. “Thank you!”
“For now, anyway. Meanwhile, Hersh is givin’ me a look, let’s get to cleaning our friend, here.”
The funny part is, as Patricia left, she made a face and said, “I don’t remember most of the muscle or bone names, I just took Y/N's word for it. Now, Daryl, don’t go gettin’ out of bed, stay put.”
Now he’s finally laying down, nothing else to be done to him. He’s so damn tired.
He’s scrubbed up, too. Got a big-ass bandage over his head, wrapped all around. That was a trip; Patricia and Y/N washed his head and neck over a bowl. He counted the seconds til it was over, half-listened to whatever they were chatting about to distract himself.
Once he was bound up like a cartoon character and given instruction to not get it wet, Hershel came back and walked him to the bathroom again, this time to clean everything else off.
There was a little stool thing in the shower, with the shower hose on the ground instead of hanging. “Don’t get your head or the bandage wet. There's a waterproof cover over the dressing on your side that you'll have to remove when you're finished. Now, I imagine you prefer total privacy, but if you need the help, I can assist, or I can get your friend Theodore, if your prefer.”
The simple response “I’ll be outside the door, Daryl,” surprised him. Made him feel stupid and ashamed and comforted all at the same time.
And he…he needed the damn help. Ain’t like the old guy hadn’t seen his back already, anyway.
Still, the old man mostly stayed behind the shower curtain at his request, and he didn’t see his junk or nothing, Daryl made sure to keep himself covered.
Part of him felt like some pathetic little cat getting a flea bath.
Today was something else.
So goddamned tired…
Not 15 minutes went by since he was escorted to the washroom and now he’s fast asleep under the sheets.
Lori and you stayed inside with Carl (and Daryl), and Carol and Rick brought in plates of food into the house for the four of you.
Carol cooked up some jerky with an egg for Daryl as a special treat with the rest of his meal. Menu for tonight is peanut butter sandwiches (sort of, they’re on saltines), hard-boiled eggs (not soft-boiled, you checked this time), with sauteed field greens.
Your poor friend must be ravenous, but it looks like tiredness won this round. He looks so different asleep. Sweet, even. It's silly, but his light snores almost sound like purring and now you're thinking about kittens.
Another moment in the quiet, and you figure you shouldn’t stand there like a weirdo anymore.
Well, his egg and the peanut butter sandwiches will keep until he wakes up, and the jerky and egg will taste great either way, but his portion of sauteed field greens won’t be nice cold. You’re only a little bummed when you slide your portion of little sandwiches onto his plate and take his portion of greens. He’s earned extra treats, he can have all the peanut butter he wants after what he found today.
You inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Close your eyes and ask inwardly for help after offering more thanks that he came back alive, and found concrete proof of Sophia.
It’s nice to be in the quiet. It feels safer better to be away from Shane right now, too. You aren’t sure what you’re going to do about the sleeping situation other than tell your brother to set up his own tent.
You also take one of the cracker sandwiches, it’s been a rough day. But when you start to nibble on it…your appetite is gone. Which is so dumb, dude, you’d been stoked at the thought of chowing down when you were high on Daryl being okay and having found Sophia’s doll.
Daryl’s chest rises and falls. You listen to his light snores, and find it, as Amy would’ve said, “interesting,” (but understandable) that your stomach has a few butterflies at seeing him so peaceful and still.
You miss Amy. Which prompts you to consider that you should check on Andrea. Earlier, Dale had come in and asked a bunch of questions for her because she was too ashamed to see people. From wherever she is right now, Amy is probably hoping you’ll help comfort her big sister.
Patricia stops you before you exit the house through the side-door. “Been meanin' to ask, I heard you tell your brother to get out, earlier. Everythin’ okay?”
That question was unexpected, words aren’t working for you. You shake and nod at the same time, which is weird, so, you open your mouth to fix it, but nothing formulates.
After a second try, all you can stumble through is “I don’t know, ma’am,” before ungracefully scooting outside.
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After 5 minutes of polite conversation on the steps, mainly between you and Dale regarding Daryl’s status, Andrea is still dumbfounded that she’d almost killed someone.
“He’s really okay?”
“He’s bandaged and resting now. You only winged him, but the falls he took earlier did the most damage, Andy.” You’re trying not to be angry with her, but failing. Which sucks, because you know she was trying to protect the group…
But that she still shot it even though it was against Mr. Greene’s wishes and she knew that indicates an unhealthy variety of pride. One can't be having that kind of attitude with a firearm, it ain't good. And Daryl was almost a casualty because of it.
And like, come on, there were five of you running toward her target, it was dangerous for her to attempt to shoot from that angle! Doesn’t she understand that’s irrespons—ugh, and isn’t Shane supposed to have been doing gun safety shit with her? Isn’t that his whole wannabe jarhead schtick—great, now you’re more upset about Shane!
“I’m glad you’re enjoying those, ” Dale tells you, nodding at your cracker and chuckling. “They’re the part of dinner I rushed to help make, this evening was…something.”
He shrugs, and you remember how Daryl grunted that today was ‘somethin’ else.’
“I suppose having spread the peanut butter on crackers was a small step up from offering it on spoons to everyone,” he muses.
You can’t help but hum, a spoonful of peanut butter sounds scrumptious right now. Makes a good breakfast or snack, too.
“Did Daryl eat enough?” Andrea worries. “Does he need anything?”
“He was asleep when I brought him his supper, but I left my portion of the crackers—minus this one—on his plate.”
“Come to think of it, I’m not sure he’s a fan of peanut butter,” Dale thinks out loud. “I offered him some for breakfast one morning, and now that I recall, he backed away from it.”
Not like peanut butter?
“—Oh my God, what if he’s he allergic?” Andrea breathes.
“Nah, he ate a peanut yesterday. I was havin’ one of the little packets for lunch and he tried one, he can’t be allergic,” you assure them. And surely he doesn’t not like peanuts. That would be so sad!
It gets quiet.
Andrea stares at her feet.
“I can’t believe almost killed him.” She inhales and buries her face in her hands. “I shot someone.”
And Dale is only meaning to ease her discomfort and add some levity—but whether it’s because of the new bond you have with Daryl, or maybe because here’s something of a flashback hitting you from how you’d had to actually shoot a living person a few months ago—when Dale jokes to you, “Like I told her, we’ve all wanted to shoot Daryl,” you become livid.
After two shallow breaths of your inner tea kettle screaming, this sentence: “Guess y’all will want sunshine over here to work on her aim, then,” seethes out as you stand and book it to the fields.
The past several days especially has shown you how wrong your initial conclusions about that man were. He’s a work-in-progress, make no mistake, but shit if he ain’t working on it!
Unlike your brother, who keeps getting worse, who just tried to flirt with Lori by saying he didn’t care about a missing, abused little girl—the same little girl Daryl was willing to almost die to find!
Horrified at Shane and about today; confused, embarrassed, overwhelmed, in pain, overtired, and therefore angry about everything, you walk, hyperventilate, and finally, quietly, start to cry.
Then you accidentally drop the peanut butter cracker and cry harder.
The light swish of your boots in the grass starts to crunch when you reach the sandy part by now-boarded-up well. You walk faster, neither wanting to be near the two-part walker inside nor in the area where apparently, Daryl dumped Merle’s ‘hard stuff,’ as he slurred to you earlier during his trauma assessment.
Soon you’re by the rocks you’d climbed the other night. You step up and sit on a lower one and sniffle another minute or so until the worst of it seems to have spilled out.
When will you get a better handle on your temper?
While you’re busy wallowing in self-pity, you notice Dale’s watch ticking and are reminded that you have to return it.
You stand.
Trudge back with your tail between your legs.
He and Andrea are still on the steps.
“I’m sorry. I let my anger get the better of me,” you tell them softly.
Dale waves you over. “Come back and sit if you like, kiddo. It’s been a long day.”
“It’s been somethin’,” you mumble. “And you aren’t a bad shot, Andrea, I was being snotty.” About an inch to your left and he’d have been a goner, you leave out.
“I’m glad I wasn’t as good a shot as I’d hoped,” she sounds ashamed to say. Her head is still hanging low when she makes a one-sided smile and taps the spot next to her. “Will you be helping with shooting practice tomorrow?”
“If that’s still on, yeah.” Shane was enlisting your help with that, which means you’ll have to act civil…ugh, why worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself. You take the watch off, hand it to Dale. “Here you go, Mr. H.”
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“Ah, very good. I would hate to start losing track of the days, then we’d really be in for it. Let’s see…an hour until it’s time to wind her up.”
The breeze carries the smell of woodsmoke with it. You lean against Andrea for a moment, she leans back.
Then Shane comes into view.
When you catch his eye, you shake your head in warning in case he’s thinking about coming over and schmoozing with the others as if he didn’t just f—tomorrow will be better. Things will be better in the morning. He’ll apologize and things will be better and you’ll all have a good day and maybe Sophia will be found.
“Y/N, how about we talk later tonight?” Dale murmurs.
Did he see the face you made at Shane?
Best change the subject. “If we do, is it finally my turn to borrow that awful book I’ve heard so much about?”
“The Case of the Missing Man is not an awful book,” he chuckles back, then shrugs. “Maybe Jimmie Herron’s style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. My Irma didn’t like his work, either.”
“Y/N, it’s really not great,” Andrea drones.
“Glenn said the same.”
“Amy had me read it so we could, um,” her gaze grows teary. She closes her eyes for a moment, then smiles and shakes her head. “‘Share the trauma.’”
You smile and shake your head, too. That sounds like Amy. “She finished it up in my tent while I was knocked out with a migraine, first thing out of her mouth to me when I woke up was how lame it was. Told me you had first dibs.”
“Then I lent it to T-Dog”
Oh, right. On the first half-week of the trek to Fort Benning, his nose was stuck in it. “He plowed on through it, didn’t he?”
“He wanted the torture to be over.”
You and she snort, Dale just chuckles again. “After you finish it, only Rick, and our young Carl—oh, and, uh your br—and Shane, they’ll be the only ones to not have done so.” He points his finger as if an idea just popped into his head. “But both Jacqui and Lori thought it was good.”
“Bless their hearts, they loved watching soaps, though, what does that tell us?” you giggle to them.
Dale lifts his hands in surrender. “See me later, troublemaker, I’ll lend you my ‘awful’ book and we can talk. I’m gonna hold you to it.” He looks at Andrea. “Young lady, will you be alright?”
“Yes. I'm just not ready to face anyone yet.”
“You know where to find me.”
She rests her arms on her knees and slouches again, stare fixed on nothing much. You go to rest your arms on your knees, too, and are immediately reminded that that particular position is a no-go for you right now.
“Y/N, after what happened with Ed, when did the feeling of wanting to hide go away?”
“Mine was an easier situation," you quietly point out. "And it wasn’t just me, Shane was the one who—" you grimace at the memory. "You were there.”
To answer her question, “But I guess it wasn’t til, y’know, I faced people again that I got I didn’t have to hide. Shane's sense of 'duty' helped, too. But after I talked to Carol, saw Sophia smile at me, when I knew they were on my side, I didn’t mind so much about the rest.”
“Pretty sure everyone was on your side with that,” she mutters. “For what I just did…”
“Pretty sure even Daryl will, um, well th-that you were tryin’ to protect the group.” …oof.
She lifts her eyebrows. “You aren’t good at lying, Y/N.”
It wasn’t a lie, per se. “Objectively, you were tryin’ to protect the group.”
“I wanted to feel in-control and like I could do it.”
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She admitted that? If only your brain could come up with something heartfelt or whatever the situation called for to convey how much humility from someone so confident and self-assured means, instead of this: “I wanna be on your apocalypse survival team.”
A sigh leaves her, and she simply asks, “Just let me know how furious he is with me. I'm dreading how he’ll be when he’s up. I'm a little scared, while I’m being honest.”
“You’re scared of him?”
She eyes you. “We’ve all seen how he can fly off his handle. He waved that knife at Rick and your brother, the axe at Jenner.”
Oh, right. That didn’t even consider cross your mind, that she’d be scared of his reaction to...being shot in the…head. Man, your brain is not working.
It can’t even configure a response again, now you’re just shaking your head like a confused mute.
“You don’t think I have to worry, Y/N?”
“No,” you answer truthfully. “You might would feel better if you saw him, he's probably up an eatin' dinner by now."
"I think now's too soon."
"Trust me, he’s holed up in bed now, he’s about as scary as a sleepy kitten.”
“Kittens have teeth and sharp claws,” she dryly states.
Your mind immediately hops to the exciting fact that you have yet to meet the Greene’s barn cat(s) as you stand and lead Andrea inside through the side door to get to Daryl’s room, waving to Beth reading her book as you pass.
“Beth, this is Andrea. Andrea this is Beth. She’s the one who made the pudding for Carl. She’s Mr. Greene’s youngest.”
Andrea smiles and goes in for a shake. Beth shyly waves, the returning of the handshake ending up as an awkward afterthought.
Sweet as she is, leaving her in peace is probably what she’s hoping for (the poor teenager’s home and front yard is full of wounded strangers).
And you almost make it through the full sentence before gasping in delight when you see what book she has.“We’re just checkin’ on Dar—is that a choose-your-own-adventure book??”
There was this loud noise in another room, woke him for a second. Y/N’s laugh stuck out from the other sounds.
While falling back asleep, he remembered how he'd made them laugh really loud when he ripped that $20 bill that night at the CDC. How they’d belly-laughed so hard at his dumb, tipsy-ass joke had felt so damned unexpectedly good.
He’s back asleep before the amount of pain he’s in can really register.
“I’ll bring it over after I talk to Mr. Horvath. He’s the older man in our group, I love him to pieces, you probably saw him in his bucket hat?” you tell Beth.
Jimmy apparently has been poking fun at her reading choose-your-own-adventure books to pass the time because they’re ‘for kids,’ so, lending him The Case of the Missing Man was decided to be the best way to get back at him.
You hope y’all didn’t wake Daryl, it’d gotten a little animated for a minute. To make up for it, you tiptoe when you trek down the hall to his room, Andrea and Beth behind you.
Beth left something of hers in there before he was brought in, but she was hesitant to go in there (which you praised, teenage girls and unknown older men don’t mix). Anyway, she was hesitant because she’s a little, um, well, kinda intimidated by him.
Andrea invited her to join you two, citing “Y/N says he’s as scary as a sleepy kitten right now.”
At his door, you knock lightly and call his name. Wait for an answer, try again.
Upon listening more carefully, his snores sound through the door and let you know he’s still asleep. Slowly, slowly, you open it.
As subtly as you can, you step into room and pull the sheet that had fallen down back over his shoulder before the girls see the scarring.
Daryl stirs, then grunts something incoherent as he flinches, blinks, and tries to turn toward you.
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“It’s just me,” you hush. “I was fixin’ your sheet, it’d fallen.” You tuck the sheet down over his shoulder, gently and slowly. “You’re safe in the Greene’s house. Go back to sleep, sweetheart.”
His muscles relax and he’s back to snoring before the pet name is finished slipping out of your mouth.
Still standing beside him, you watch his side rise and fall, rise and fall. Reminds you how grateful you are. He really does look so helpless and sweet right now.
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You notice Beth peeking back and forth between you and him, but she quickly looks away.
Poor buddy. If the man is this tired, he’ll rest better with closed curtains. He’s big on privacy, besides. Carefully, you start to draw them shut. Andrea joins.
Once they’re all pulled closed and the room is dimmer, she puts her hand on your arm and gently pulls you back into the hall, Beth leading the way. You make sure the door doesn’t make too much noise as it shuts.
“Thanks,” Beth whispers.
“Scary as a sleepy kitten, right?” Oh, that reminds you, “Y’all don’t have a barn cat or two, do you?”
“N-not anymore.”
Aw, that’s sad. “I’m sorry, little one.”
“Oh, um—d-don’t get too close to the big, shuttered barn, okay?” she rushes to add.
Before you can both nod and tell her ‘of course,’ she then stumbles through, “There’s—it’s—the, um—it’s just not real safe!”
She looks so freaked out and nervous that you forget you’re supposed to respond.
Lucky for you, Andrea, smooth as ever, assures her “We’ll let Carl know not play around there,” and starts to chat about how she “steers clear of old barns” ever since she spotted “the biggest rat I’ve ever seen come out of one at a company retreat,” while Patricia comes downstairs hugging to her side what looks like a wedding photo.
Beth scurries away, you make eye contact with Andrea, then Patricia gets your attention.
“Sweet pea, about tonight,” she begins, hands pressed together with her fingertips toward you. “Daryl’s gonna need to be checked on—”
“—Of course. I’ll stay with him. Please do me a list of what to check for and how often?”
“Will do. Try and borrow that big watch again, you’ll need it. Prolly will do well to have somebody else, maybe Carol to help. I'll go find her. You know, there’s an old air mattress in the attic, I’ll have Jimmy fill it up. Just go grab your sleeping bag,” she tells you.
“Thank you!” You’d been hoping for a way to avoid Shane all night. Is this a gift from above or something?
A reminder of, “Don’t use your injured side to carry your sleeping bag in,” from Patricia sends you on your way outdoors to retrieve your stuff.
The air is cooling off as the sun sets. The sky is a hazy orange-pink.
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“Y/N, I didn’t realize,” Andrea says, slowly walking beside you.
“Realize what?”
“You two.”
You, too? Is she talking about your shoulder, maybe? “What’d I do? Do you mean my wrapped arm?”
She peers at you, head tilted to the side. “You and Daryl,” she softly clarifies. “It was Dale who wondered first, after you had to excuse yourself.”
Me and Daryl? “What’d we do?” Perhaps she's referring to the search today? Andrea isn’t one to not speak her mind plainly, you wonder why she’s not being more succinct. She doesn't know about you having shot that guy. Dale has an idea, but he's tight-lipped about it.
“So, you and he…?” she trails off.
So, you start to fill her in about the search. “Before Daryl found the doll, we’d—”
—OH WAIT, now you get it!
(for those wondering, the tomahawk chop is something Georgia Braves fans do)
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darknebula85 · 4 months
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4/6/2024, Log of DARKNEBULA85, 3:37 PM...
Primal season 1 and 2...
What an amazing series, it's incredible how much it can convey without even saying a single word. Since I was little, I’ve always loved dinosaurs; in fact, my dream was to become a paleontologist (spoiler: I ended up being a chef XD), but to this day, these creatures still fascinate me. I have a ton of books and encyclopedias about dinosaurs, as well as a VHS documentary about them, and of course, I have dinosaur toys that I’ve kept since I was a child. I loved the series; it’s exactly what I was looking for—a survival, action, and dinosaur series. Recently, the entertainment media surrounding dinosaurs hasn’t appealed to me. I didn’t enjoy the latest Jurassic Park movies, and I also tried to watch the Ark series, but I didn’t like it. I stopped at episode 3 because it didn’t convince me. The last thing I watched that I did love was Prehistoric Planet, but that doesn’t count because it’s a documentary, and most dinosaur documentaries are fantastic. But with Primal, I finally found a true series that, in my opinion, portrays the prehistoric era very well (in terms of the environment and such, because being a series, it’s obviously very fantastical too). I really liked the artwork; there are moments that are literally wallpaper material, aesthetically it’s beautiful. And not only that, since it’s a series where they hardly speak, the sound is very important, and this show handles it very, very well—the footsteps on the ground, the breathing, the ambiance, it’s fantastic. On the other hand, if the first season is good, the second is 34 times better. Oh my, the second season is absurdly good. I suffered a lot with the whole beginning of the Vikings’ storyline; they didn’t seem bad to me but not good either, but in the end, I changed my mind when I saw they did practically the same thing as the Egyptians. And the Egyptian episodes were great. On another note, I was overjoyed with the birth of the babies. The only thing I would have liked is for the final fight to have been longer, but other than that, perfect. And now that a third season is in production, all that’s left is to wait. I liked it a lot, and my favorite episodes were 5, 9, 11, but my absolute favorite was the first episode of the second season. What a wonder, please, it reminded me so much of my second favorite movie of all time, Life of Pi, from the flying fish sequence to the shots of the boat in the middle of the sea. It was beautiful.
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Edit 6:50 PM...
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Can I tell a story? I will tell a story. So, a few weeks ago I saw someone I used to go to highschool with, at uni, and for some reasons I asked HER if she knew ME (because I did not remembered her name, and thought she might remember me, completely forgetting I'm trans and that she did not even knew that) anyway, she looked weirdly at me (well duh wth was that question XD) and I walked away, and after doing that I remembered her name, and a file opened in my head.
TODAY I SAW HER AGAIN, and I just couldn't live not being sure if I was right or not
When she saw me she looked at me the same way she did when I asked that question
And, I do not know what possessed me but we had an exchange that was basically (names are fake btw)
Me: Is your name Jane?
Her: Yes
Me: were you friends with Mary?
Her: Mary what?
Me: Mary Anderson
Her: yes
Me: I told you I knew you *leaves without saying another word*
I'm sorry if I freaked you out Jane it was not my intention 😭😭😭😭
I honestly just started laughing at that because just 💀
Like bro WHAT??????
Oh, I feel that, everytime my friends call me over the phone they get thrown off by my voice deepening XD
But look at you go!! You handled that like a champ!! Well done!!
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
Surprise surprise another Wrong Turn 2 question from me hehe XD
Pa and Ma having a S/O who is pregnant with Pa's baby How would they all react? Also can include Three-Fingers, One-Eye, Saw-Tooth and also Maynard's reaction as well but up to you 🥰
heheheh always happy to do a WT2 answer for you my dear -------------------------------- If it was an unplanned pregnancy, they gonne be SHOCKED to say the least, happily shocked though cause hey more kids! and also hey Ma doesn't have to be the poor sucker to carry it!! To be fair that woman is relieved she doesn't have to have any more kids now that someone else came along to handle Pa's sexual urges, after her third child Ma felt like she was done and was worried she may not live if they tried for a fourth. So when they found out their and Pa's new partner had a baby in the oven, it was a happy surprise that was congratulated in smiles and sweet hugs, there was definitely going to be a cookout for the family now that a new member, or possibly members if the twin gene kicks in. The kids are just as happy, Sis and Bro are of course as happy as their parents, new siblings to train into little monsters after all! Maynard would be more reactive than his whole family, at first annoyed calling the partner stupid for getting knocked up, but it wouldn't last long as they give them the happy grandpa hug. With the three brothers, One-Eye is possible the more kinder in showing his congratulations than the other two, giving embraces and big smiles whilst Three-Fingers snickers while he nudges and prods at Pa and Ma's partner in a 'I know what you did to get that baby', truly a charming man. Whilst with Saw-Tooth, with how he shows his expressions its unsure if he even cares, more just sits near his brother Pa and drinks, watching quietly in his broody way, children never interest him and he always never showed much attention towards Sis, Bro or Three-Toes unless needed too but to be fair the pregnant partner was being fused over by others it never is noticed.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
In your age swap AU, does Mike still grow up to get scooped and then try to put William's victims to rest? I think I remember whence upon a time you made a post that Evan would still die after a prank gone wrong. Considering how differently both of them handle the same situations, would big bro Evan forgive Mike for the accident and continue to protect him, or would his violent death cause him to take out all of the pent up frustration and anger out on Mike when they meet again? ~Dire Kumori
Damn, did I make that post? I don't remember it if I did, lmao XD
To be fair, I make... a lot of posts. I spam so much I wonder how people follow me at all, if I'm honest.
I think Mike-Evan age swap aus have a lot of hella interesting potential endings whether Mike is the one to kill Ev or if Ev ends up killing Mike.
Right now, I'm thinking about a version of events where Mike accidentally kills Evan.
I'm thinking about Evan still being afraid of animatronics after he witnesses them killing Liz. Maybe the kids are at Circus Baby's Pizza World, and Evan cannot for the life of him find his younger sister. Exhausted Evan trudges into the security office, hoping to find where Liz is on the cameras, and what does he see on the screen but Liz standing in front of Circus Baby, the animatronic offering her a ice cream cone before... bang.
Evan runs to the animatronic, only to find the large clown animatronic is now surrounded by kids; he shoves them all aside and tries ripping Circus Baby open with his bare hands. When William enters, he screams at his father about what he saw on the camera, begging for help. William... isn't happy. By the time Evan tries showing William the security footage to PROVE that he knows what he saw and his little sister needs help, the footage has already been scrubbed clean. No murder in sight; in fact, it doesn't look like Liz was near Circus Baby at all. Some well-placed scathing comments from William, Liz's death being absent from the security footage, and Circus Baby being surrounded by kids when Evan clearly saw Elizabeth alone just moments before he burst into Baby's room all make Evan doubt himself; he wonders if he fell asleep somehow and it was just a dream, or if he's just plain crazy.
But, it's enough to spark that fear of animatronics. Not just a fear for his own safety, but a fear for Mike's safety as well. He doesn't want his little brother anywhere near those things.
From here, I see two different options.
Maybe Michael gets annoyed with how paranoid, overbearing, overprotective, and controlling his big brother gets when it comes to those animatronics. Mike isn't a baby. He's not scared of them; he likes them, and Evan doesn't get to keep him away from them just because he's scared for no reason!
Or, Michael hates seeing his big brother so distressed and wants to show him that there's nothing to be scared of when it comes to animatronics. Maybe he just wants his big brother to have as much fun around them as Mike does.
Either way, the end result is the same: Evan follows Michael after Mike sneaks into the basement/William's study where William has some of his death-traps-in-progress.
Mike ends up triggering one. Evan tries pushing Mike out of the way, and succeeds in getting himself killed instead.
Although, it'd be a lot of fun if Evan didn't die right away, right? Maybe Evan's bleeding on the ground, sobbing for Mike to go get their father or to call the police; maybe he's stuck inside an animatronic prototype designed to capture kids, sobbing for Mike to get him out and go get help. And Mike doesn't. He can only watch, his feet glued to the ground, his eyes glued to his big brother's dying body, too terrified to move even as Evan screams for help.
Evan dies slowly, but he IS dead by the time William finds them.
From there, I'm thinking William manipulates Michael into being his accomplice. Whereas Saffron Pawn has Evan being manipulated into William's accomplice in a slow and gradual process, I imagine that here, William would throw Michael in the deep end.
William tells Michael that he has to do exactly what he says, because he's experimenting with a way to bring Liz and Evan back to life, and if William goes down or Michael doesn't listen to him, then Liz and Evan stay dead and suffering, and Michael will never be able to make up for killing his brother or bring their family back together.
But as the years pass, Michael becomes more and more sure that this whole child murder and experimentation thing ISN'T what he wants to be doing, until he runs away and tries to fight against William and the feeling that he's betraying Ev and Liz.
Eventually, William sends Michael a message: "come put your sister back together and bring her back to me, and I'll tell you where your brother is."
As for the second part of your ask, I can't see Evan being mad at his little brother for what happened. Maybe after spending time possessing whatever death trap that killed him, Evan saw for himself that William was a killer or saw what William was doing to Mike; maybe an anger and hatred of William festers and, thinking older Mike is their father, he attacks Mike when they first meet again. But I genuinely can't see him being mad at Mike, even in the version of events where Mike sneaks into the basement/study specifically to defy Evan.
Evan didn't die with any hatred or anger in his heart, just desperation and fear and pain. Of course, I don't think canon Evan died in hatred or anger, either. But the difference between them (ie why I think canon ghost Evan would/should be mad whereas this au ghost Evan wouldn't) is that canon Evan viewed Mike as the person who was supposed to keep him safe and as someone whose love he desperately tried to earn but was constantly denied. Age swap Evan doesn't view Mike as someone who was meant to keep him safe; he knows that Mike is just a kid and that it's HIS job to keep Mike safe. He can't even be mad at Mike for not trying to get help because he still sees the pure fear and terror in Mike's face every second of every day. (And, ofc, I'd like to think that this Evan knew Mike loved him, even if Evan never felt very worthy of it).
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fancyfade · 3 months
Gotham War has 3 writers - Zdarsky, Rosenberg, and Howard. I think that it's fairly non-controversial to say that each writer was primarily responsible for their character. Which are, respectively, Batman, Red Hood, and Catwoman. But the thing I was critiquing was the discrepancy between what Catwoman says she accomplished in Gotham War once it ends - in the Nine Lives arc, written by Howard - compared to what she actually did in that event.
It seems like you're on the cusp on reading Gotham War, so you get to experience the drama yourself. I hope that GW falls through the annals of time since pretty much every single character in it acts despicably and/or stupidly, and I mean the so-called heroes, not the villains (although they're also dumb). But I really like Catwoman, and I think that she's left off the worst in this event.
Of course, reasonable minds will differ, and am curious to hear your take on it once you get to it!
ty for info anon
I remember liking Rosenberg's jason in task force z.... hope GW does not kill it for me XD
It is a shame that everything seems to have been handled so badly by what I hear. I guess I will get to it soon. It is frustrating to hear it was not handled well.
All I know is I hate that people were passing around the "uwu tim hugs damian good brother" panel when from what I heard Zdarsky writes Damian terribly* and no one needs to see instance 448009 of Damian being put down and written as less competent and less moral to prop tim up. tim is like 'bratty baby bro' and im like ok tim now interact normally with damian when he's being written as competent. you can't can you.
*from reliable sources who've analyzed comics that I later read and agreed with the analysis of
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theramblingsofadork · 4 months
Art-themed asks for you!
Paper, Graffiti, Cricut, Finger Painting
Paper: Who do you feel is your most two-dimensional or underdeveloped OC? Why is this? (including those that are still in development/haven't been written about yet)
I guess that would have to be Skara and Stormy. They’re two of the competitors that end up rivaling Starline and the group.
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(Early design of Skara, still WIP)
Currently all I have for them is that at least one of them is related to Rough (and Tumble if they’re blood brothers), and that they’re big on environment protection as well. They come across as brutes and bullies, but unlike the skunk duo, they actually have standards.
The reason I’m feeling they’re under developed is because I’m genuinely not sure how to handle them. Should they be blood sisters with the bros? Each other? Cousins?
All I know is that whatever comes of it, there’ll definitely be a scene later on with Rough questioning how Starline knows their names, and subsequently freaking out when he learns they know each other. XD
Graffiti: Have you ever had to research something that felt illicit or illegal for a fic? What was it?
Electrical and Chemical Detonations/ Explosions. No, you do not get context. :^)
Cricut: are there any characters you've had to "cut" from a story? Are there any moments/chapters/stories you've had to "cut" entirely?
Hahaha, yes. I’ve actually had to scrap multiple, fully written out timelines. And since I’m still in the process of struggling with the story, everything I currently have might still get the ax, or at least be heavily rewritten.
One scene I can share that I’ve cut for sure is a fight at the Atmos CORE (which powers the entire facility and nearby town) where Charge has to stay behind to try and stabilize it, but it still causes an explosion that causes damage to the surrounding areas.
While aspects of it might still be used, this scenario felt like the weakest of my many other options with the events happening around it.
Finger Painting: share a small snippet from your earliest work (or the earliest that you can get back to). How would you rewrite it today? Either share the rewrite itself or just describe how you'd do it.
(This is my favorite piece from the original scrapped timeline during the Post Competition. The group decides to part ways to go home and visit family for a bit. They all want to remain a team though, so they have a meetup planned. Hex just sent Starline a harmless hacking program to deliver a message to him)
“Heya Doc! Hope you’ve been doing well! Wanted to remind you that the meetup is on the 13th! I know you said you’d have to think about forming a team with us, but if you’re still willing to consider it, we’d love have you on board! Hope to see you there! -Hex.”
Starline snuffed amusedly as he read the hacker’s little message and stared at the attached photo of them all laughing with ice creams in hand.
How silly.. It had barely been a month; and yet he still couldn’t believe that he found himself missing them. Despite his tendencies to rely on no one but himself, he did admit that it had been oddly nice to have them all around.
The platypus took a long, quiet sip of his tea as he considered the message. The meetup was in a few days then, wasn’t it? And it seems like the offer to join them still stood.
Maybe… he would take them up on it..
It wasn’t as if his plans to join Eggman were getting anywhere fast.. and his ideas were suffering from a mental block right now, being very few and far between.
He glanced over at the large; unfinished energy coupler he had been attempting to string together for several days now as he thought this.
Maybe.. it wouldn’t hurt for him to take a break and.. try something different. Still inspired by Eggman of course—but using that inspiration and brilliance to forge something more productive, alongside a team of other brilliant, like-minded people whom he had come to consider his friends.
Chuckling at the absurdity of how he now found himself here as opposed to a few months ago, Starline smiled and raised his finger to accept to the invite.
But just before he could push it, he abruptly jerked back again as a voice suddenly spoke up behind him.’
In the original timeline, I planned to have Starline be coerced and manipulated back onto his path of evil by Zeroth, which would have explained his sudden change of heart and the undoing of the good influence the team had on him, leading him into his IDW self. But… it might be seen as a copout, so I had to throw it into the scrapbin it to try and see what else I could come up with.
The fic ended up never getting published, but it was the first to be completed! 🥳
I’m not really sure how I would rewrite it now, other than changing a few lines of dialogue later on. 🤔 It’s a concept that sort of fits in it’s own bubble and either works or doesn’t.
It was fun to write though! I made someone cry from reading it, so I consider that a win! XD
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Okay fuck it. If you want to know the storyline of Rain World, definitely check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roz9RSUdCoM
It's kinda long (like, 1.5 hours long), but I put it on while I was doing other things so I didn't have to constantly go back and change the video lmao, and it was very worth it.
(sidenote: the voice acting is so good T-T. The in game dialogue is just text boxes, but the dude who made the video had the lines said out loud. And I nearly cried like twice. And I've seen all of this before T-T)
It does assume you know what's going on and have a general idea of what the game's like, so you might (ie definitely) need to find another video first lmao. Idk a good one, but I'm sure someone else out there has one. (if you want more long videos that involve some amount if background knowledge, check out Jimmy McGee. Their videos are pretty good too)
Also like. That video is just for the story.
There's so much more to the game than that.
Like the worldbuilding is fucking fantastic T-T (both environment-wise and enemy-wise and lore-wise and "vibe"-wise and not everything necessarily makes sense but not everything needs to cuz mystery can be fun).
And the enemy design is actually so good T-T (the're overwhelming at first (and they never stops being overwhelming tbh) but eventually you get a handle on it and if that isn't a metaphor for something idk what is).
And the procedural animation is fucking pioneering T-T (just watch a seasoned player do backflips and tricks and shit like goddamn it's actually (mostly at least lmao) so smooth).
And the way they programmed the AI for the creatures makes it feel so realistic T-T (bro they fucking make natural mistakes do you even know how hard it is to do that without making it seem forced or intentionally programmed in???).
(if you want more about the worldbuilding, check out the two videos Curious Archive did, idk about the rest of that tho off the top of my head so oh well)
It's so good T-T. Like, I'm absolute ass at playing it (but I'm ass at videogames in general lmao), and there's a really large difficulty curve that you might not enjoy, and there's barely a tutorial before you're on your own, and it takes a while for you to get to the actual storyline. BUT if you can get past all that (even before you get to the storyline), it's so easy to start thinking like the slugcat, to anticipate its needs, to get a feel for if something's going to attack, etc. Once you get a handle on the mechanics (which takes a while tbf lmao), it kinda feels like you're actually moving rather than just initiating an attack animation or some shit.
And I haven't even brought up the philosophical shit the lore delves into. Very fun to think/talk/theorize/brood about.
Basically all to say I highly recommend and you should check it out. Maybe not the game itself (cuz the gameplay, despite it being good, isn't for everyone XD), but at least the everything else.
And sorry for the very long ask. I only meant to anonymously send the video link with little bit of context, and then the context turned into this so........ yeahhhh........... Sorry again T-T.
mods kinda goin thru it so i cant. like. properly respond to really long asks but... rw sounds REALLY REALLY interesting!!! especially the thing about the ai making mistakes? that's REAlly cool
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sayakxmi · 6 months
[Magi reread] Night 70: Bird
Yeaah, wasn't exactly feeling very Magi lately. Or anything. Kinda hard to go back to normal uni mode from a winter break, so I was busy trying to make sense of my sleeping schedule, which, frankly, is still shit, but, hey, I'm doing my best here XD
Also, damn, I really like that new blog theme. It's so readable. For me, at least. No regrets.
But anyway, the actual chapter.
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RIP Alibaba's Weapon DE burnt arms, you will be missed by ME, because I thought they were super cool.
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Tbh, I don't think it evolved? I've always read it as Alibaba not mastering it fully, actually. I mean, most DE's cover the body better, and later naturally transform into Full-Body DEs. So, basically, it wasn't until that moment that he actually reached Weapon Djinn Equip.
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Low blow.
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Well, fuck
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Very good catch, Morgiana.
Tbh, I don't think they would've died... Or at least, I don't think Sinbad would've died, cuz I think Alibaba could've cushioned him a little, but it also probably would've really sucked for him, too. Like, from that hit, his spine could've broken, probably...
Actually, damn, the fact that Alibaba's didn't break. Or, damn, shouldn't he have some head trauma? By now he probably should've. Anyway, but also I checked the previous page, and from the way he hit the wall, he sort of avoided hitting his head, but god damn, the fact that his spine is fine after this is a goddamn miracle.
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You know, I really think it's pretty cool. Just, these two working together. Idk, man, I'm always weak for Sinbad and Alibaba.
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It took me an embarrassing moment to realize he was being pulled by Djinn!Cassim's gravity powers...
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This entire part deserved to be here. I love how aware he is that he can't do it yet, and just braces himself for a hit... that never comes.
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10/10. And the fact that SAHBMAD is commanding them.
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When did you get back there.
Also, love how he's so concerned for them, but Sinbad calms him down.
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-claps- You go, guys
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I genuinely love how desperate the situation is, and how everybody's trying, anyway.
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Lowkey made me think about Honkai Impact 3rd's "Everlasting Flames" animated short. There's that quote "We're connected by this sword. It will burn up the darkness to make way for light!". Feels quite fitting.
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Like, it has nothing to do with each other, obviously, but I just thought it was fun.
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Like, I genuinely forgot he appears here.
Also, damn, Alibaba gets no breaks, does he?
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I love that Sinbad's immediately next to him.
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Alibaba, being the normalest guy around: Al-Thamen: Nope, we can't have that.
Jokes aside, yeah, dude's not wrong. Alibaba might be nothing special compared to behemots like Sinbad or Kouen, but he's got an ungodly amount of willpower when push comes to shove, and is smart enought to maneuver himself in difficult situations. Tho the fact that he seems so unremarkable is also to his benefit, since people tend to underestimate him.
But Al-Thamen doesn't. It makes sense for them - they've been running the world from the shadows for hundreds of years. They know that just because somebody might not look like they can amount to much, doesn't mean they aren't capable of it. And Alibaba's given them the proof of it. He went not only against fate they'd envisioned, but also against the one Sinbad had. He is a threat-in-making.
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Well, yeah, the situation really fucking sucks. I've said it before & I'm saying it again, I like how Alibaba isn't fucking fooling himself into believing he can do this... but at the same time, he doesn't give up. He has to do this, somehow. He just doesn't know how yet. And it's well in line with his characterization, just like his talk with Cassim about avoiding bloodshed. He doesn't know yet, but he will figure something out. There's too much to lose if he doesn't.
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I mean, yeah, somebody had to handle this.
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Like, bro, what do I say. This fucking sucks.
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You know I had to.
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Since it's Friday.... For Daniel 😆
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Oh nooooo xD @windsweptinred
Ok well, allow me to be self indulgent here and use my Endless Heirs AU ocs since that's always how I think of the kid anyway xD
Make Them Better
I'ma cheat and do two, can be a trio if you like x) Both Wish and Cori 2 (of Corinthian Bros AU) would be good for him. Wish literally has his heart and they're childhood friends and being the personifications of dreams and desires without the ages old rivalry associated with their predecessors their domanins get on like a house on fire.
And then Cori is actually probably weirdly Daniel's closest option to a normal dating experience? Like they just genuinely click in a normal sort of way and get up to dumb teenage boy things and enjoy just getting to be normal-ish for once around eachother
Make Them Worse
Definitely Eulalie, Lucifer and Mazikeen's daughter. She already hates Morpheus for driving her parent into an identity crisis and thus abandoning Hell/her. And she may or may not have been behind some attempts to kill/capture Daniel already 😅 😬 That being if they ever did get together it would be a very toxic relationship where she constantly tries to needle him to see how far he'll let her go and then turn it on him/attention bomb him when he starts to protest. And she'd always be pushing him to act on any amount of temper/bad urge. One can't really blame her for it I suppose she is the devil's daughter.
Hmmmmm...OH, I've got one. Branching out into the Gaimanverse here--Adam Young. Both young blonde kiddos with a crazy legacy handed down to them from out of the blue and powers they suddenly have to learn to handle (and since Adam's raised by normal good parents he's a much healthier choice then his sister xD )
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
If your doing that violence asks game well
Alrighty! 'Choose violence ask game!'
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I'd say the answer for this one might be Yang tbh. Lately, I've been really struggling to like her, and it's because for the past couple of years and especially now that V9 happened, no one is allowed to dislike or criticize ANYTHING Yang does or says. She's treated like not only a completely flawless character who is always in the right, but she's also put on a pedestal way above her sister and tbh her love interest as well. And on top of how people act like it's immoral and wrong to ever think Yang might be slightly in the wrong, they do this weird thing where they'll convince themselves of things that aren't true, like volunteering her for a 'buff woman' tournament and then some of them arguing and fighting when she got rejected. I also don't like how some of Yang's fans treat Blake.
I loved Yang for seasons and I still love my headcanoned version of her, but canon got bad. I could've ignored that though, but some Yang fans are just so annoying that it makes me just get so freaking sick of her.
9. worst part of canon
Okay, can I say that V9 in its entirety is imo the worst part of canon? Even rwby at its worst historically has some good concepts that can be salvaged. V9 is the first time that I came out of a rwby season going 'about 90% should've never even been on the table.' The concepts weren't even good. It was a completely pointless detour that made almost every single main character look three times worse, and it did speed of light badly done 'arcs' that make it seem like they're going to stop developing those characters, and the badly handled suicide allegory is super bad. Anything good they introduced in volume 9, they took back and ruined by the end of the season. It was a total waste of time that doesn't even belong in the story of rwby.
10. worst part of fanon
I'm not very involved in the main rwby fandom, but from what I've seen, I'm gonna say the fanon invented stuff for Ironwood about him being like an evil dictator grooming Winter and trying to use Team RWBY as weapons and stuff is just so annoying. Like he's such a hate-sink, I don't know why people have to make things up to hate on him. XD This wouldn't even be that bad though if fans didn't convince themselves it's true and that anyone who thinks otherwise is evil. Like, when people said that Ironwood invaded Vale in volume 2 and when I was like "where" they told me 'that's what the writers wanted us to think' and then told me they had to go with what was true rather than what I wanted, after providing zero evidence. Like bro???
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Ooh, okay. I can't understand why so many people like the characterization of Blake as a sad submissive shy girl who can't stand up for herself and flinches away from angry people and doesn't really care about politics or the world that much, and acts the opposite of how Blake in the first five seasons acted. I can't understand why so many people liked Jaune's 'got old, turned young again' arc. I can't understand why so many people get so much from Summer Rose when she is very dull and badly done in the narrative imo. I can't understand why so many people are down for endless betrayals in a show supposedly about hope and goodness and growth and how working together and being good beats out evil. That's just off the top of my head.
Thanks for these asks!
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myrfing · 2 years
Yeah! In the end WoLs are very personal to the players so I try to remember and not to be too judgey about it! And yeah there are some WoLs I really love as well! And my own was originally just a vague self insert with the name of an old OC and then they took a life of their own so I renamed them .. xD
Regarding wishing there was more freedom in choices in 14: I think that as an MMO there are just some limitations people just have to accept. The msq is linear for sure though I don't know if that's just because 1) it's Final Fantasy first and foremost, 2) it's a jrpg first and foremost (different game design philosophy between JP and US?) You certainly can't have multiple outcomes, I think, especially not with 14's infamous spaghetti coding. And the team already have so many tasks... (reason why I'm just rolling with the gender unlocking of certain glams being slow)
Though, I've never played an MMO prior to this, and most western RPGs don't interest me. So my lack of frame of reference is probably another reason why I can't really fathom choice freedom similar to, say, Dragon Age, in an MMO in general, esp not one as linear as 14 ... poyo.
(I could do with more fiddling around with GW2 tho, I do enjoy it whenever I boot it up for fun)
HAHAHA YOU AND I BOTH if it's. not obvious that "gourd appraiser" wasnt meant to be. well. youre so right suddenly theyre alive what can we do but give them the reins.
and for sure. I'm really mostly okay with xiv's linearity and rigidity; I think they wanted to tell a certain story and told it. I actually dunno if that's a western/eastern design philosophy and don't think choice/branching narratives is necessarily not a jrpg element but the concept of it with games like for sure DA or UT or even older text rpgs whatever have really popularized it here yeah. in xiv theres obviously some parts where im like He would naht do/say that. or some parts I wish weren't in the msq at all. but for the most part I'm glad things turned out the way they did and I've never struggled too hard to work with it. i think it'd sit wrong with me if the story went another way, if the wol like, just said I don't owe anyone anything and everyone shouldnt ask a thing of me and ran forever.
but that's mostly because I fell hook line and sinker for the world so when anyone in the story is like do you want to keep going and keep this world alive I'm like of fucking course AND it's going to be fun you don't even need to ASK bro. while for others I do understand the sort of disappointment that comes with thinking this could have gone another way that they would have liked better, but the devs chose this way, so they feel like they were robbed of that different outcome. and to me they chose this one because they wanted to tell a story about caring about others and finding hope in others and struggling together towards a better future in a world that is largely hostile to that, that constantly gravitates towards its doom, and I really like that. I like how it reflects in their own dev experience having to reboot the game too! but some people feels like it rings hollow, or they don't really care for that sort of thing, or this spirit just doesnt reach them, and well...wat can you do.
and you're definitely right in that mmos simply cant handle diversity of choice in a game meant to support..well..massively multiplayer online play. at most you get factions which are notoriously clunky and seem to only function in games without a strong central narrative. if 50% of the playerbase said fuck off to minfilia, fuck off hydaelyn, you can't tell me what to do, and went to live a low-stakes life then. that's 50% of the playerbase that needs something other than all the dungeons, trials, deliveries, sidequests, raids, pretty much fucking everything to do, that aren't gonna be a part of the roulette. and they wouldn't have been able to pull off the concept of azem's magic either, the weird living idea that as players of the same character you all walk the same path and thus are always at each other's side. or the funnier route would be well everyone who wanted to play gets the kino ass "shepherd to the stars in the dark" shit and everyone who didnt to play can just sit on their hands I guess.
but i dont think people actually expect it to have branching paths, they just wanted the devs to choose a different one. but there's so many good and fun things throughout the entirety of the game that it'd honestly feel pretty lonely to lose all of this over a nebulous refusal to owe anyone anything and be owed anything, because the wol does go through some painful stuff and has some high expectations placed on them...AS IFFFF everyone in the story doesnt suffer and struggle against the same things while the wol has the privilege of controlling more of their luck, AS IFFFFFFFFFF choosing a path where you say fuck everyone else wouldn't have been empty and boring. as if the antagonists that apparently care about us more don't have wishes and goals and duties and lives of their own and are only made to love you in some made up but easier, purer, assured way.
and oh hee hee gw2...I saw a golden chicken in that game and logged off forever I was like this is it. but I'm playing gw1 (slowly) with friends and while it's still campaigns it definitely does excel in that look at this big ass world go do what you want thing. and yeah mmos are fucking...expensive and terribly difficult to make and keep alive. there's a reason they're just dying out
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x12 deep cover
the castle's dad episode liveblog
Hm, leaves the phone off the hook but lmao how slow he called 911
It rained on my mom & dad's wedding. They didn't care about the superstition that you can't see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding so they took all the pictures they needed & when it rained & her dress may have gotten muddy it didn't matter.
but yeah lol this is what it's like planning to have your kid's bday.
Martha <3
(clears her throat) A little unsolicited advice –
Do you give another kind?
BECKETT gives him a look, but MARTHA ignores him.
In life, there is no such thing as a perfect time for anything.
She turns away. They’re confused.
I’m sorry, that’s advice how?
(scoffs) Don’t wait. Hell, just go down to city hall right now. You love each other. Stop talking about it. Just do it.
She turns back to her coffee. CASTLE and BECKETT look at each other, considering her idea.
I thought this was where they had the "we got married!" "seriously!?!?" part I saw in gifs.
Yes, I have a feeling esposito DOES know Beckett can lift her... whatever you were going to say
Hello? Nothing.
Yeah I noticed too, his place is beautiful
Oh yeah no grease won't come out.
RC: Sounds like a case of Weekend At Bernie’s gone wrong. (they look at him) No. No, wait. That would mean there’s such a thing as Weekend At Bernie’s gone right.
Maybe he ties one left handed & ties one right handed.
My dad's house-- no my great aunt's house had a loose floorboard but there was no space under it. You couldn't fit anything under there. It just gave you splinters. You know, the house at the farm kind of sucked.
lmao the animation is hilarious
JE: One you can’t crack? (he leans over her shoulder) C’mon genius bar, I thought you were the best. *flirtatiously*
& they didn't see the criminal record? otr wait ig he was a minor so it was sealed.
He’d call it ‘pulling a Robin Hood’.
love it
RYAN u know, pat leave could have been a good excuse to send the actor away for a collaboration with one of abc's other shows for a week so he doesn't have to be in this ep.
rc: Now, Ted’s laptop is like Fort Knox on steroids, but Tori found some unscrambled artifacts in the registry to a service set identifier. (off BECKETT’S impressed look) I don’t know what that means either, but she got really excited about it.
( A sec later) RC: Now, according to the website, Universal Banking Solutions handles strategic and tactical procurements for international clients.
KB: And what does that mean?
RC: I – I don’t know. I’m just reading the screen there.
I would have given the phone to becks immediately
Not a word!
Man's obv lying
I thought becks recognized him bc he looked like castle.
Castle just staring into space lol
KB: mentions international espionage
RC: we have no information to speculate
LP: approximately 15 minutes before his death Ted at clams and funnel cake. Can you believe that? Ugh.
KB: Lanie, you slice open dead people for a living and you’re grossed out by that?
It's different!
Is clams is carnival food...???
LP: Okay, you two creep me out when you do that shared brain thing.
Love the c being burnt out
love how they are eating funnel cake XD
& ryan eats esposito's funnel cake while wearing his crime scene gloves dkjlsdjkfs
*checks his watch* about 40 years
That doesn't seem likely. He'd hire soeone else.
He said to text lol
"leave a message >:("
JE: Castle.
RC startles. RC: Geez!
JE: Man, bro. Why are you so jumpy?
RC: Dude, I’m not. I’m just –
JE: Well, you will be once you hear what we found. C’mon.
"you will be" that's such a thing to say
castle your version of emergency might not be the same as anderson cross's
KB: U ok?
RC: .. Yeah
Me: you can say "meh this case is putting me on edge"
Ryan ADHD moments just chewing on a paperclip
I was a little busy getting shot
Cross: Did you bring the booze?
RC: Did you bring the booze?
Cross: No. I want you to steady your nerves. Take a swig.
RC: Good idea.
*martha drinks too*
Reminds me of my autosurgery
I love the sound of someone's hand in a tub of mayonnaise. & the music is good too
"at elast this time I got a needle" WHAT
she's right, he made that choice a long time ago
Wow the cia just hired a kid who was arrested for identity theft & got him killed? Sounds about right.
it IS a good story
Lol gun battle
Cross: I was in spycraft a car chase!
Becks: lol no
the news: There was a car chase!
Becks: that doesn't prove it
Esposito: Ted was a spy. also the car chase.
So that's cool
also wow nice colourful computers. & wow nice Ryan being the techy one of the four
(Ooh & the csu techs have their own background & lives & motions & stuff)
KR: idk someone stole the hard drive
Anderson Cross: *holds up hard drive* :D :D
"that's incredeibly illegal"
Beckett wants lto go? she wants to... Ok then.
Ok but copy-paste the password in
MR: You can find a spy on your phone?
RC: Mother, there’s an app for everything now.
You can't promise that. You cannot contrl gemini or the buyer.
But I know what he means by that promise
she DOES have juice
Call ur mom then
oh my gosh please just control c control v the password
3 minutes for that much content? rly?
speed dial
I have those glasses... or work does
castle if ur mom is calling u better answer bc she is relevant to this
lol the gun
Oh no a router!
*pulls a gun on him*
say "I have to go" or smth
left the phone book & laptop. becks can see "hang up or i'll kill you"
*appears out of nowhere*
i mean ig that was the mission...
*remembering that time castle "randomly" hugs esposito in a future season*
"the way you never let anything happen to ted?"
Beckett & castle are not telling them that he's dead? I mean they can't bc then they'd have t o tell abt anderson cross. but also wait. how would they be able to tell it was tony blaine in the first place w/o revealing that it was castle's dad?
Work you for information or beckett is right, he wanted to spend time with you...
She's so happy
oh wow that's beautiful
Great ending scene too
0 notes
yandere-sins · 2 years
omg maybe an mc yandere?
but mc is not too successful cause they are demons. maybe mc's failure even gets them into trouble or causes problems that anger the bro(s)? xD
(Slight Lemon warning because I didn’t want to hold back.)
I think it always boils down to who of the brothers MC goes for:
Lucifer will probably, very lowkey, try to trump MC's yandere-ness. He's too proud to let them win in the "I love you more" department, so while MC is doing their darn best with physical and overwhelming mental love and clinginess, Lucifer just takes them out on trips and dates where they can be lovey-dovey together just like MC wants. Any commotion they cause is caught by him before it can turn into a problem, and they balance each other out in that way, MC keeping Lucifer busy in a different, more exciting way than his work. Plus, Lucifer would love MC sitting on his lap while working on papers, always ready and eager for him to give them attention. And when he has to part ways with them, he just gives them to his brothers (to babysit) for a few hours, taking them back as soon as he returns home and straight to bed with him to appease them for leaving. MC has no complaints.
Mammon can be as tsundere as he wants, but he'll be constantly blushing and stuttering as MC comes onto him just a little too strong. He loves them, obviously, but they are like a hungry demon, wanting to devour him, and he has no idea how to handle that. Mammon has no other choice but to sate whatever desire MC has entirely, even if it wears him out, but once they rest in his arms, he feels like he is the luckiest demon alive. And they let him do whatever he wants too! They lift his ego and play along with his ideas! The two get into a lot of mischiefs and receive their fair share of scolding. Still, MC always assures Mammon they'll take care of any problem they face, coming home to seek cuddles from him after 'taking care of it'. They never tell him what they did, but he sometimes sees bloodstains on their clothes or finds a pocket knife in their jacket when he takes care of them. Well, what can he say? It is better to ignore it and just enjoy the fun and exciting times he has with the MC, who is glued to him, fulfilling all his dreams as he commands. He won the absolute lottery with a loving and caring partner!
Leviathan, oh Leviathan. You'd think he's worse than Mammon, but he actually takes it pretty well. After the initial melting and jizzing of his pants after receiving an overwhelming amount of physical touch, praise, and love. He plays it cool as a cucumber once the initial swooning and dying a little from the overstimulation. MC is absolutely allowed, encouraged even, to stick to his arm at all times, speak for him, look out for him, and fulfill all these fantasies Levi has accumulated over the years. They don't get into problems because they just stay inside all day, MC sitting on Levi's lap as he games or plays with him, taking breaks to ahem relieve themselves in a multitude of ways, rarely leaving each other's side for longer than necessary. He fulfills all their wishes of being theirs and theirs only, and Levi revels in having something so wonderful and meaningful, someone who only loves him—overwhelmingly so.
Asmodeus is a bit of a tougher nut to crack. Sure, it's fun at first. But once there is nothing else left to try out, MC has to decide if they are okay with his emotional distance as he goes to find other pleasures or they can break it off. Asmo had the potential to go yandere for them, but under normal circumstances, I just think he would rather fool around than truly commit to something like a double yandere relationship. Sex is the height of love for Asmo, and MC's admiration for him goes straight to his raging boner. But MC can join him if they want in his adventures or move on too. He's not going to drag someone around if he doesn't want to. That's where the problems begin. The manipulation, the blaming, the begging. Everything Asmodeus hates in all those exes that tried to overstay their welcome by his side. So what other choice does MC have but to go on a rampage of killing anyone Asmo pursues so that he may look at them again and them only? The two end up just like all of Asmo's other relationships, but if he's not careful, MC's scorn might shift towards him next. He likes the dominance, feeling excited, but only until they bind him down to his bed, robbing him of his freedom.
By far, Satan is the most chill of them all. Boy knows how to stay calm in the face of wrath; he can handle himself. And more importantly, he can handle a feral little yandere on the run to win his heart. Satan is not above letting them fulfill their killing urges, but most of the time, he just holds them in his arms, sitting in his chair and reading a book behind their back while they confess their feelings and desperations, humming and nodding along. Their feelings, of course, please him, but he takes it calmly. He'll lay with them when they grind up against him after he finishes his book, and he indulges them in fun dates and couple things, but he's just so calm about it. Gives them tissues when MC comes back with blood on their cheeks, defends them from Lucifer when he accuses them of causing mayhem, etc. And when Satan has the time to indulge them, they are planning how to take over the world and make it so there's only them in the whole universe. Life's good for Satan.
Beelzebub might just be another complicated case. Of course, he loves MC. But sometimes, he can't help but love food more. MC is constantly stabbing his burgers and tearing them apart so he can't have them but isn't very successful as Beel still eats what he can get his famished hands on. He'd never exclude MC from his feasts, but his hands are always a bit too occupied for the poor yandere's taste. Beel can't match their needs 100%, and it is definitely rubbing MC the wrong way, even if he tries his best. When there's no food around, he's as loving as can be, but MC has a life of sharing their boyfriend with his second love—food—before them. He does his best, though, to accommodate MC's need for him, and as such, he's truly a remarkable lover. Not least because he likes to gobble up MC just as much as food.
Our canon yandere Belphegor is slightly amused yet unimpressed. Oh, he can show them the true horror love of a yandere, and much like with Lucifer, they play a dangerous game of one-upping each other. But not lowkey—nuh-uh! Those two fuckers are all over the place, trying to prove how much more they love each other before Belphie's battery is drained, and he takes a nap, MC getting a blanket and nuzzling into his side, the two of them sleeping as peacefully as one might encounter a couple. But before they know it, they are back at it. "You killed one person for me today? I killed two!" is a common phrase shouted as they come back blood-soaked, starting to make out before they even make it up the first step of the staircase to one of their rooms. They just get so excited with their love for each other, if Belphie isn't resting, no one has ever seen him as energetic as when he is with MC.
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