#eulalie the devils daughter
ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
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Did a very self indulgent kiss meme for Danny boy, featuring my self indulgent OCs 😅 So a kiss for Cori 2, kiss from Mom, kiss from Dream-Dad, kiss from cousin (Wish), kiss for the devil’s daughter (Eulaile), and kiss for raven (Suz)
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princess-ibri · 10 months
Quick question. What stories in particular has Helene been involved in. What titles. Thanks
Basically any story type were the Protagonist had to steal something from a troll/devil/sorcerer character and has help from their daugher. Like "Jean the Soldier and Eulalie the Devil's Daughter". Only instead of fleeing with the hero she gets left behind
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lapinmiel · 4 years
[Backstory] Felix, the Volturi Guard.
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Felix was always a background character. We know his name, his power, how Jane uses her power on him and his position in the Guard.
Have you ever wondered what more he had to offer? Because I did, and here is how Felix’s life was like before becoming a Volturi Guard. 
Note: This post is long.
• Felix was born in the Byzantine Empire under Heraclian Dynasty. The year was 674 and the whole Empire was being succumbed to war. His native town, a little place called Gerolimenas, was in the south of what is now known as Greece. It was a stormy day outside and his older sisters were helping their mother give birth. It was such a hard birth that his mother couldn’t even get up for six days, his father thought that she would die — for this hard birth, he started to detest his son.
• He wasn’t given a name until his mother completely recovered. For the reasons that he “almost killed” his mother, his father left him with his sister for the days when his mother was recovering. After she, named Argentea, held him in her arms for the first, she whispered his name with a melancholic smile on her lips: Felix. For he was the lucky one to be born after seven miscarriages.
• Argentea tried to get his husband, Castinus, to get used to Felix and love him as a son. But Castinus was resistant, he didn’t even want another baby anyway. He was already happy with his three daughters. Even though townsfolk considered their seeds damned for not being able to conceive a boy, he loved his daughters more than his own self.
• Due to his relationship being broken with his father even before he was the age to realize it, Felix never felt at ease when his father was around. He learned walking when he was around nine months old and he would avoid walking to his father. His sisters and mother were so broken by their baby’s behaviour, how could a father be so cruel that his son, who didn’t even know his name, wouldn’t walk to him with excitement and a smile?
• His oldest sister Dominica was really stressed about the whole situation because she felt like if Felix didn’t have a good relationship with their father, he was up to bad luck. So she, the daughter who Castinus admittedly adored the most, started trying to get him and Felix close. She started by putting him into his father’s arms with a lie that she had to get work done. Castinus tried to repel her but Felix was already in his arms. This made him realize that the child, Felix, was just a human baby like they all once were and not a baby-shaped devil. Of course, baby Felix started crying but Castinus managed to calm him down. Still, when Donica came into the room again, he put on a frown and gave Felix away to her. But he wanted to hold him in his arms again so badly.
• Slowly, the sisters started to co-operate and create bonding time for Felix and their father. Dominica would leave Felix with him when she had to go and wash the clothes, Eulali, the middle sister, would ask her father to hold Felix while she cleaned the floors and Marcia would ask her father to help out when she washed Felix. The three worked so hard for them to bond, and their effort materialized when one night Castinus asked Argentea to give Felix to him, he wanted to hug him while they slept together. In the morning, when the sisters found out what happened, Eulali shed a couple of tears as the most emotional one. Finally, their family was free of unnecessary tension.
• Deep down Castinus knew that Felix wasn’t the cause of his wife’s hard labour. But he felt bad for trying six times to conceive a boy only for him to almost kill his mother. Castinus felt responsible for it didn’t know how to deal with the agony. As a result, he directed his anger to Felix. Fortunately, their relationship normalized before Felix was two.
• Their family was a warm and intimate one. They would often go on picnics. Castinus always made sure to make flower crowns for his gorgeous wife and beautiful girls when he returned home from work. They weren’t low class either, as a result, they could spend a lot of time together. Felix learned how to identify certain herbs and flowers, fish, cook and sing from his family. His oldest sister Dominica was particularly fond of her little brother and she would always try and steal others’ times with Felix. She would try and teach him how to talk and make people laugh.
• Felix was already by the time he was one, he was a very energetic child. He would run around the house for the whole day. Eulalia liked to play games with him but would get exhausted quickly. She would sit in the middle of the wheat fields they had in the back garden of their house and watch Felix rum through the wheat. Every few minutes, Felix would smile widely and kiss his sister on her cheeks. He loved his family dearly. Even as a child, he was genuinely good at showing his emotions.
• While his energy was never-ending, he had trouble talking. He didn’t say a single word until he was seven. The family thought that something was wrong with him. Castinus even had a couple of physicians check if something was going on but everything was alright. Five days after turning seven, he said his first words in a more than perfect way: he wanted his family to make him a flower crown.
• Somehow, Castinus never made him a crown and he was more than sad about it. Right after his words, Castinus went out, picked the flowers and placed a pink and blue flower crown on his little head. Felix, of course, started to run around happily.
• Even as a human child, Felix was extraordinarily strong and big. Other children who were around his age were more than seven inches shorter than him. He could pick up a large sack of wheat from their little barn and bring them to their kitchen. The first time he did it, Argantea was in the garden with her friend Cervella. The women’s eyes sparkled so brightly that Argantea knew someone was coming. Shortly after while she was leaving, Cervella suggested her to send Felix to Antiocheia so that he could become a noble fighter. Argantea kindly smiled and thanked her for finding her son so strong to advise her on such a matter like this, and said that she would think about it.
• She never did. She wasn’t sending her son over the sea to become a warrior. A gladiator. But Felix had already heard what Argantea was talking about and that night, demanded his father to make a sword for him so that he could be like noble warriors. Castinus couldn’t understand where that sudden request came from, but after Argantea told her about what happened with Cervella, and unexpectedly he thought that it was a good idea.
Cervella’s words made little Felix dream about going overseas and having adventures. This dream eventually died when his mother had an argument with his father about his education but Felix never stopped dreaming.
• It took an excessive amount of using persıave skills for Argantea to dissuade her husband of the idea of sending their son to Antiocheia. He seemed to drop the matter since he didn’t want to make his beloved wife sad but had another plan.
• A month later, a relative arrived from the other side of the sea. He was a strong, mountain-like man with muscles so big that Felix’s eyes almost came out of their sockets out of astonishment with them when he first saw him. He was the self-claimed mighty Theophanes, a gladiator and a distant relative of Castinus.
• The family didn’t know but Castinus had bribed him to come to Gerolimenas and teach the young and eager Felix the art of fighting. He, being a failed warrior who was seen as inferior by his peers, gladly accepted the offer and made his way to the town quickly. Castinus thought that he was a good warrior that took down hundreds but in reality, Theophanes was nothing more than a low-middle class warrior who was despised.
• Argantea was more than relieved to welcome Theophanes into their home. She was happy that her son wasn’t going away. At the same time, Felix’s wish was coming true. He was going to learn how to fight and be liked by the big guys. His frame and physical abilities were already superior to other children, it was just a matter of time before he was scouted by palace guards and taken away to get educated. Argantea knew it already.
• They started training right away. Felix was, as expected, unusually talented with anything that required physical force. He would handle the sword Theophanes gave to him so strongly that it wouldn’t even move a half an inch without his will. He would yield the shield he was given so well that Theophanes’s sword strikes couldn’t stand a chance. He wouldn’t even slip. It was when Castinus and the whole family realized that Felix was born to be a warrior. How he moved, how he held the sword, how he threw spears and how self-confident he was while doing all these things mesmerized everyone. Slowly, Argantea warmed against the idea of him going away.
• There was no need. It hadn’t even been a year before Felix started to out-performance Theophanes. He wouldn’t lose, he wouldn’t fall. Theophanes was more than angry about this. He hadn’t thought about teaching a child only for him to be better than him. He was irritated but as he was being paid, he stayed silent.
• People would see Felix and his teacher practicing in the fields. Townsfolk slowly started to show interest in them. They were a big, muscular man and a little child who won against him, the situation created a natural attraction. Day after day, more people would come and watch them. Naturally, Theophanes started being harsher on Felix to prove that he was still the better one. It was a childish fight and he couldn’t even dominate over Felix.
• Until the day when he abruptly unshielded him, kicking him and making him fall to the ground. He drew his swords to the air as if he was going to strike Felix, who was more than scared about what was happening. It was only when Theophanes realized how pitiful of him to kill a child. He stopped. Felix got off the ground. He didn’t run away but he had fury in his eyes.
• That night, Castinus forbid Felix to ever combat with Theophanes ever again when he heard the news. He was quick to tell Theophanes to leave the city too but of course, he didn’t leave.
• After that night, he started practicing alone in their garden. His father would allow him to use sacks of wheat or sand as targets. Regardless of having a real competitor or not, he was still showing progress.
• So much that when he reached age twelve, his fame had reached the other towns around his own and warriors come to offer fights. He would never accept because his mother didn’t allow him to fight. He was already a known warrior by then but never did anything that her mother said no to. He was still a child anyway.
• Up until seventeen, his days revolved around practicing, reading, helping his mother and sisters. Knowing that one day he would become a soldier or something similar, his father didn’t allow him to find a job so that he could spend more time with his family before going away. Felix was growing up rather peaceful beside his hobby. He and his sisters were still helping squirrels that fell from the trees, they would still feed stray cats. Felix was taking care of a stray cat that he named Magnilis, which was a mixture of words “big” and “eyes”. The cat would sleep under the tree where Felix would practice with a wheat sack. Unbothered, she would only wake up when she smelled food.
Growing up with four women, he wasn’t the typical “manly man” of his time. The men were expected to be tough, agressive and leading during his human life. Of course, he had those qualities and would easily show how he had all the qualities of a future warrior but regardless, he preferred to be as calm as his sisters. He was aware that even as a child, he had ambitions, but at the same time, liked spending time in the nature and living smoothly.
• He was good at singing too. He was so good that when Dominica married, he sang a song for her when she was leaving the house. She would never return to her home again, but they weren’t aware of that yet.
• Dominica got pregnant right after her wedding. It was good news, a two-day celebration took place in the household. Six months later, Dominica died during birth. The child, who was a little baby girl, was early and took her mom with her to the other side. It wasn’t an uncommon thing to happen during that time but even though they were ready for bad things, they couldn’t handle it well. It took months for the remaining sisters and Felix to stop sleeping in her old bed in their house. The sound of cries echoed through their home and no one would say a thing about anything.
• Months later, something got revealed that made the whole family furious. As confessed by the maid in Dominica’s home, a lover of her husband had poisoned her, resulting in her death. The family was quicky to find the lover and made her confess. Later, without giving her away to the local judge, they got rid of her. It was the first time Felix had ever shown serious rage. If he wasn’t holding himself, he would’ve ripped the woman’s head off with his bare hands. It was the price she would pay for murdering an innocent woman.
• He didn't realize what he had done was a horrible act. He didn't even feel pity for the maid, he felt absolutely nothing while killing her except the sweet sense of revenge. His mother, however, felt scared. The acts of her son scared him for the first time. 
That was when she realized that Felix was more than just a calm, light-hearted, witty, energetic child of hers — he had wrath in him that waited to combust at any given time. 
• Weeks later, two soldiers came to their house. Argantea realized what was about to happen, but it was his fate anyway and no effort could stop it. The soldiers announced that Felix was to come with them to Constantinople, to be trained as a royal guard for his Majesty.
• It wasn’t what Argantea sensed at all. As a result, she got honestly happy for her son because they weren’t taking him away to punish him but to reward him as a royal guard. He was already eighteen and it was unusual to be taken into the palace that old but Felix was exceptional, and the royal guards had no reason to not recruit such a talented warrior.
• As it was the lesser good, but good anyway. He joined the soldier right away, leaving his family with tears and long hugs. It wasn’t the last time he would see them, but the last time he would see them alive.
• Felix joined the royal guard after being examined. As expected, he was exceptional: he performed so well that the juries didn’t even put him in education for a day. The night before he was a boy, and in the morning, he was a guard, protecting his Majesty. Felix had never seen a royal before, he had a lot of reasons to be excited. He couldn’t sleep the night before being officially recruited. He kept turning in his bed to the point that the men with who he shared the room woke up. He pretended to be asleep, and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep due to staying as still as a stone. That night, he saw a glorious armour being made, with golden and silver, it had blood on it.
He got used to the guard life easily. Unbeknownst to him, he had a talent for blending in co-operating. He started to rise ranks quickly, most of the guard admired and envied him at the same time.
• Years passed by like a flooded river. He couldn’t catch up with days, and eventually, he started to miss home. How his life contrasted the one he lived now, how he spent time with his sisters, his mother would cook for them and how they would go on hunting with his dad. Those days seemed so old. Even though he loved performing his abilities as a job, he missed living in silence. The feelings and thoughts kept haunting him for months. However, these feelings weren’t coming out of nowhere. He missed his family, yes, but the feelings were enhanced.
• One day, bad news arrived. His hometown had been attacked by foreign raiders. When he heard the news, he prepared for the night and ran away with a horse. He had to kill two other guards to get out. The act of killing would’ve been a night are for him if he was a child but he was grown now and he would kill anybody who messed with anything regarding his family.
• The journey home took weeks. He wouldn’t stop even for a single minute if the horse didn’t need to rest. He was restless. Bad ideas wouldn’t leave his mind. What if his father was killed? What if his sisters were taken away? What about his mother? He couldn’t sleep. He could only believe and those breaths were fueled by pure rage. The rage he would carry to his other life.
• When he arrived at his home’s doorstep, what happened was already obvious: the door was broken and the walls were covered with black soot.
• For one time in his life, he didn’t cry even though his whole body shook with anguish: he directed it outside as an embodiment of another feeling that he was already familiar with — wrath. He drove his sword and stroke anywhere he could see. The walls, torn pillows, vases, glasses... He couldn’t see. He couldn’t feel. His heart was beating to burn his body from inside to outside, to kill the feeling of being lost and having lost everything. No one was left now. No one was breathing. They couldn’t see happy days anymore, they couldn’t go out to pick flowers anymore. They couldn’t live anymore.
• He found their burnt bodies in their little barb. Without understanding why he sensed that they’d tried to hide in there hoping that they wouldn’t be found. But now they were there’ burned to death.
• He laid on the entrance of the barn for two days. He cried, screamed, punched the ground. No one would answer. Almost everyone in the city was dead anyway. Then he got angry with the king for not protecting the city. He hated that he was serving him. He hated that he’d willingly went to protect the king. He hated that he’d started as a child which eventually led him to go away from his family.
• When he got up to leave, without having a route to follow, a man approached him. It was a chilly evening when Felix saw the man, he felt a nervous feeling go down his spine.
• The man had an indulgent expression on his face. Wearing a light grey cloak, he seemed like he knew what he was doing.
• He asked Felix how he was doing. When he tried to answer that he was leaving, he asked again, what he was doing.
• Then it dawned on Felix. He wasn’t doing anything anymore. He wouldn’t return to the palace. He didn’t have a home. He didn’t know anyone. He didn’t have a job to do. He was lost and alone in the whole world.
• Right then, the man asked him to join him. He didn’t say much but made it obvious that he was a powerful man with a large following and an established system of community.
• Felix’s thought about it for a couple of minutes. Then he realized that if his family weren’t alive, there was no point in living a happy life. He was just so, so badly loved his family that his whole will to live disappeared. His breaths felt as if he was inhaling fire. Indeed, he was breathing the smell of his burnt family and home.
• He declined the offer. But the man, determined to persuade him into joining his family, asked him again. This time, demanding him to think thoroughly.
• With a sudden but deep change in his feeling that felt like rising of the seas and swallowing the coasts, he felt his feelings of refusal changed slowly, but irreversibly. Suddenly, the feeling of living for a cause filled him.
• He looked at the face of the man. With eyes black as the night, the man had a sly smile on his face. The answer of acceptance came out of Felix’s mouth with a raucous tone.
It was Charmion, but yet to know about the realities of a world existing without regular people knowing, he couldn’t question his feelings. The change seemed natural to him.
• Then, without being able to tell what’d happened, he felt a burning sensation in his neck. Then, he felt it on his wrist. Suddenly he felt like his eyes went blind and he couldn’t feel anything other than the horrible, horrid feeling of being burned alive. He lost all his senses except pain.
• After the days that felt like an eternity to him, he woke up. He didn’t rise up from his bed with a peaceful mind, he went feral. He literally jumped out of his bed and as he didn’t know how to control his newly gained powers, he accidentally slammed himself to the wall beside the bed he was laying on. Suddenly, he felt like his body was chained onto the wall. It was the power of another guard, Malte, that paralyzed him right there and then to stop him from damaging himself or the things around him.
• He was then taken to the presence of three men. They introduced themselves as Aro, Marcus and Caius. Informing Felix of what he was now and what he was assigned to do, they dismissed him to be taught of the history and laws of Volturi and vampires, the species that he now belonged to.
They’d chosen him for the strength they’ve never seen in anyone before that he possessed.
• He had never seen, heard or imagined such a thing before. The things he was told sounded like fairy tales. Somehow, he couldn’t believe that he now had the eternity to live. He couldn’t understand how he stayed calm and content either because the last emotion he experienced as a human was grief. He was confused. Nevertheless, he felt happiness. Because at least, he was assigned to do what he loved doing and he wouldn’t have to worry about dying or losing anyone anymore. He was staying for the eternity.
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Since it's Friday.... For Daniel 😆
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Oh nooooo xD @windsweptinred
Ok well, allow me to be self indulgent here and use my Endless Heirs AU ocs since that's always how I think of the kid anyway xD
Make Them Better
I'ma cheat and do two, can be a trio if you like x) Both Wish and Cori 2 (of Corinthian Bros AU) would be good for him. Wish literally has his heart and they're childhood friends and being the personifications of dreams and desires without the ages old rivalry associated with their predecessors their domanins get on like a house on fire.
And then Cori is actually probably weirdly Daniel's closest option to a normal dating experience? Like they just genuinely click in a normal sort of way and get up to dumb teenage boy things and enjoy just getting to be normal-ish for once around eachother
Make Them Worse
Definitely Eulalie, Lucifer and Mazikeen's daughter. She already hates Morpheus for driving her parent into an identity crisis and thus abandoning Hell/her. And she may or may not have been behind some attempts to kill/capture Daniel already 😅 😬 That being if they ever did get together it would be a very toxic relationship where she constantly tries to needle him to see how far he'll let her go and then turn it on him/attention bomb him when he starts to protest. And she'd always be pushing him to act on any amount of temper/bad urge. One can't really blame her for it I suppose she is the devil's daughter.
Hmmmmm...OH, I've got one. Branching out into the Gaimanverse here--Adam Young. Both young blonde kiddos with a crazy legacy handed down to them from out of the blue and powers they suddenly have to learn to handle (and since Adam's raised by normal good parents he's a much healthier choice then his sister xD )
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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The closest Wish ever comes to falling back into Desire’s old patterns is during Daniel’s infatuation with Eulalie, they really don’t like her xD
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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I am NOT going to write a Disenchanted AU xD But I did do some very loose doodles for self indulgent fun that came out nice so I thought I'd share. I dont really have a story for this one like Enchanted AU sorry, I was just having fun imagining the characters doing the songs 😅
Obviously Hob is Robert and Dream is Giselle again, in evil form Dream would be like, Night Terror (since Nightmare isnt really evil just spooky...Night Terror kinda came out looking like Dr. Sinister by total accident 😅) Made Lucifer the Malvina role, so Daniel gets to be Morgan both by virture of being Dream's adopted son in the Endless Heirs AU and so that Eulalie can be in it as Tyson xD
And for absolutely no other reason then I thought that Love Power would 100% be a song they would sing, Wish gets to be Nancy xD
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Anyway these are again very self indulgent snd silly but I hope you can enjoy them, already working in chapter five of the Enchanted AU fic ✨️
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Did a little self indulgent doodle of all the Endless Heir kids
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Wish, Eulalie,Ivy, Daniel, and Suz the Raven in Daniel's lap :)
(More info on Suz coming up)
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
@somebodyssherlock-heterodyne hey! So you asked why Daniel was in Hell in the first place to be strutting out of it--and I still don't know 😅 But your comments did inspire an idea for someone he meets there...
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Meet Eulalie!! The Devil's daughter, who really really dislikes Dream for giving Lucifer an existential crisis and causing them to abandon Hell (and so her). She's been trying to take back Hell from it's angelic regents for years now to prove herself worthy to her parent...who doesn't know or care about what she's doing :/
(If Desire is a controlling parent then Lucifer would be a neglectful one I think, Eulaile adores them and wants nothing more then to advance their vision even when they've ceased to care about it, but she continued in her doomed quest just the same)
Also some extra doodles I did! (Wish is determined to make sure Daniel didn't inherit Dream's abysmal relationship gene along with his powers)
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Eulalie's name comes from an old french fairytale called "Jean and Eulalie the Devil's Daughter", and Edgar Allen Poe also had a poem called Eulalie, which I've included some of here
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(The image on her shirt is a painting called Dulle Griet by Pieter Brugel the Elder about an army of women sacking Hell)
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Further Endless Heirs AU ideas (part 1)
Gonna tag @somebodyssherlock-heterodyne and @themirokai cuz you guys have been so fun to share this particular AU with :)
I toyed with turning this into a fic but I don't think i have the energy right now for two fics at once, and I wanted to share these ideas anyway so they didnt just sit rattling around gathering dust.
So I talked before about Daniel getting captured, and the adverse effects that would have on him and Wish due to their shared hearts
And here's the rough wider story I've built around it since then. Daniel, some time in his early thirties, (a little while after he and Wish have made contact with Destruction), wakes up one day in a strange twisting labyrinth, no idea how he got there, no idea how to get out, and worst off, apparently no connection with the Dreaming. Whenever he goes to sleep he doesn't dream, just wakes back up in the labyrinth in a new area.
He's stuck there for an unknown amount of time. He's immortal enough that he won't die of starvation but it's not pleasent, and he's entirely alone. He tries to keep up his strength and spirits, knowing his family must be looking for him, but each dsy that passes without rescue wears at him a little bit more, slowly breaking down his spirits--and worse, apparently his physical form as well. Wherever he is its doing something to him, making him go odd and fuzzy at the edges.
But finally, things change one day when he finally stumbles into what appears to be the heart of the Labyrinth, and meets a very scared and confused young teen named Suzanna Holland.
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Suz has no idea how she got here either, the last thing she remembers is getting sick and being taken to a hospital, and then she woke up here, wherever here is.
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After determining Suz, as she's called, isn't dangerous, the two bond as they try to find their way out of the Labyrinth, learning about eachother as there's nothing to do but talk.
Suz learns about Daniel and the Dreaming, and is hopeful that someone will come for him and so save her too. She doesn't have any family left that she knows of. Her mother had been part of a magical practitioners community that had gotten into some dark stuff, and Suz had left home to get away from it, and her mother hadn't bothered to try and come after her. She doesn't know who her father was and her mother hadn't gotten along with her own parents, so Suz doesn't know them either. But Daniel's family seems to care about him, surely they'll find him soon...
But the days go by, and no one comes, and Daniel starts to get worse and worse. Finally, he determines that their only chance is to try and see if maybe he can push through whatever is blocking his connection to the Dreaming, by joining his power with the little magic Suz might have, and see if he can get her to sleep and enter the Dreaming if he can't, and contact someone. So they try--and Suz disappears completely. Leaving Daniel all alone once more.
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Suz however, appears in the Dreaming, and the first perosn she meets is Matthew, who once he hears that Daniel hs sent her quickly takes her to Dream--who can tell instantly that Suz isn't in the Dreaming bodily, it's only her sleeping form that is here. Which means that her body is still somewhere out there, asleep.
Which freaks Suz out, as she was sure she was physically there with Daniel in the Labyrinth, it felt so real...
And the Dreaming family, which has been searching for Daniel in the Waking for weeks, wondering why they're unable to find his mind in the Dreaming, starts to realize just what his captors have done.
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They've used Daniel'a own powers against him, pulled on his own abilities and trapped his mind within a miniature Dreaming of his own unconscious making. And the longer he's there the more real it becomes, and the more he loses hope of being found, the more that his never being found becomes a Reality as well, blocking him from being found by his family by magical means, creating a self fulfilling prophecy.
And the more Daniel loses hope, the more he starts to lose himself....
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And this breaking of his heart and self is echoing back into Wish, who's already desperate to try and find Their cousin and best friend, who's been missing for months now. They're becoming colder, sharper, more reminsicent of how Desire was before Them, willing to do whatever They need to to get what They want, to find Daniel...
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Including making a deal with a certain young demoness They've never cared for. A wish of her choosing, to be fulfilled whenever she might ask, in return for reigning down vengance on Daniel's captors. For if Wish can't find them, They can make sure that they have a Hell of a time waiting for them in the end.
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Eventually, the Dreaming family is able to help Suz remember more about what had happened to her before she fell ill. People who had found her, who had said they were taking her to hospital, strange things she had thought were dreams when she'd 'slept' in the Labyrinth which she now realizes were actually small flashes of wakefulness.
And with these, they're able to finally pin point where the people who've taken Daniel might be, who've been using Suz's latent magical abilities to cover up Daniel's magical signature as well as boost their spell with her own life force.
The full force of Daniel's family comes raining down on the captors, though their mastermind and one of his main henchman manage to escape beforehand. They find Suz's body, deep in a coma, hooked up to a multitide of medical equity that's apparently keeping her alive. The captors who are left have used magic to keep themselves from answering any of the questions put to them...and so they get to truly know the terrors that Nightmare's can hold...
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Daniel, despite his rescue from the dream catcher Labyrinth, isn't doing well, in mind or body. Though Dream wants to keep him to heal in the Dreaming and Lyta understandable wants him in the Waking with her, both end up agreeing that with the nature of his Heart the best thing may actually be to let him spend his convalescence with Wish, who's more then happy to care for Their cousin, and furious with Themself for not finding him before he got to this state. Promising that They'll never let anyone hurt him like this ever again, no matter what...
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Their renewed proximity does seem to help Daniel somewhat, as well as calming Wish's intensity down (though simply having Daniel back is a main factor in that, shared hearts aside), but there's still much healing needed.
Suz is still in a coma, though her dreaming mind is happy to find a welcoming new family in the Dreaming, Matthew especially seems to have taken a shine to her, watching over her like she's a new born chick. But her mortal body, watched over in the Waking by the grateful Walkers and Lyta, isn't doing so well...
And the mastermind who orchestrated Daniel's capture, for reasons yet unexplained, is still out there...
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Incredibly rough Endless Heirs Doodle done at work I thought was funny
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Wish, concerned: "Daniel, Eulalie isn't your girlfriend is she?"
Daniel, flustered: "I don't know?! She's always tying to trick me and get me in trouble...💕 I hope she's my girlfriend💕
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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Sharing a dance with the Devil’s daughter
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
How are Eulalie and Daniel doing?
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"You're beautiful..."
They're about as well as can be expected 😅
Daniel's pretty sure he's made some real headway lately!
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Been wanting to do some more actual stuff for Eulalie, the Devil's Daughter and her relationship with Daniel.
Something that's a big part of what draws Daniel to Eulalie is that he can see how much her trying to live up to her parents reputation/past expectations is wearing on her, and he wants to try and curtail the consequences he can see coming.
Not in a blind "I can fix her" way, but in "Wow this woman is in pain and I can see it though she tries to hid it and i want to help her" way
Which Eulalie can see and doesn't appreciate as she very much does not want to admit to being in any pain as that would be admitting that her efforts might be in vain after all.
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Also for all the jokes their "relationship" is a lot more then just Daniel blankly getting heart eyes while Eulalie goes feral. Despite what his family may think he actually does know just how dangerous she is, and he's not about to just excuse that and let her do whatever she wants if it's going to hurt people. There's plenty of them clashing with eachother and debating moralities while they literally duel and such.
Though there is some heart eyes going on as well, Daniel's only (mostly) human and Eulalie is very pretty.
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Eulalie tries to beat off Daniel's attempts at friendship (despite his crush he's not going to push for anything more then that) for as long as she can--but Daniel is Hob Gadling's honorsry nephew/son and he's nothing if not persistent. And despite her worser instincts Eulalie does find herself starting to soften towards him, starts to think--in the vaugest terms-- about what a life outside of the constant battle to take back Hell might be like.
But she never lets herself think about it for very long. She has a civil war to win, a kingdom and her parents honor to reclaim, no matter how long it takes or how hopeless it seems. And she can never ever bring herslef to forgive Dream for, in her mind, driving Lucifer away, making them doubt themself and the glory of their cause.
She's nothing if not her parent's child, and she'll never stop fighting for them...
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Because if she truly lets herself stop for even a moment, if she ever truly lets her doubts start to have their say, she might realize...
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She's been in all this pain for so long for nothing...
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
about your Endless AU with Daniel. Though I don't care much for OC stories I did love reading it! it's a feels good fic that I wish was tru given the actual comic ending for Daniel and Morpheus.
It did get me thinking that since Daniel is heir to the throne I wonder if he would be getting a dumb amount of wannabe-suitors that hope for a piece of the Dreaming by marrying Danny. Enter Dream ready to beat any God/Fae/or other supernatural creature off with a big stick if they so much as lay a finger on his boi.
Aw thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!! Yeah I really wanted to give both of them a happier ending 💔💛
As per Daniel getting courted of for sure! If Dream manages to have buckets full of chemistry with everyone despite his wet blanket personality then Daniel who doesn't have that buffer is gonna be drowning in people, and Dream definitely spends an unforseen amount of time warding them off xD
Luckily(?) Daniel is the sort to not actually notice when people are flirting with him, and actually until he's in his 20s doesnt really show that much real interest in dating anyone, so nobody worrying gets to far, to the relief of all concerned--
Until a certain devil's daughter puts a sword to his throat during a clandestine mission into Hell and he starts getting big old heart eyes.
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