#Bring back Desti
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Bring back Desti or we'll take away your precious memes!
#thoughts#video games#Splatoon#Splatoon 3#Nintendo#SMG4#SMG4 Desti#Bring back Desti#memes#SMG4 memes#octoling#justice for Desti#Desti brigade#woomy#veemo#Nintendo Switch
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Life Series Recap Finale.
The end has came and went. All Wild cards are spent. Who lived, who died? Brace yourself, its a wild ride.
And so the first falls.
First, Bigb says goodbye to himself. Or more accurately, his giant face in the woods. He then meets up with his team, saying how proud he is that they stayed together. For a team who didn't trust him they work very well together and trust each other very much, white Pearl giving Bigb her chest plate to help him survive just a bit longer.
Bigb and his Bestie, Ren, are chosen to be the distraction force so the team can go and put Creakings in the Bammers base. Unfortunately this plan didn't work and so the Team has to wander around and try to find a new plan. During this time Bigb charms his way into Ethos heart and gets some of his old gear too.
He then tries to kill him with a mace. Ethos is a good sport about it though.
But, as they both are distracted by their trivia bots, neither is looking at Bigbshell and it is able to seek up on his human and kill him.
A shame too, he was one of my roots.
14 remain.
He did it. He built his roller coaster. Sure it took the death of both a dog and a skizz, but he did it. And with a really sick design as well! He was able to launch people F A R with this thing, and the people who rode it really ilenjoyed it, even if bdubs almost died to it unintentionally.
That's not to say it wasn't a coaster of death though, he did try to kill Joel with it, but unfortunately this did not pan out. In fact none of Scars Murder attempts panned out, with both a raid at the Cake Tower and a plan to murder Etho falling through, once due to wild card and once due to Scar being too nice a guy.
But, unfortunately, as Scar is doing a bot, eSCARgo is able to seek up and obliterate him. The coaster lays dormant for the remainder of the session.
13 remain.
Throughout this session Lizzie continues her role as the dastardly planner of the bammers, both in planning how to keep her team safe and how to kill the others.
She plans to use small size to avoid others, acts as snail duty for Jimmy and Scar and Was the one to help Scar finally finish the roller coaster, even losing out a zombified Skizz to be a glorified crash test dummy.
Oh yeah, Lizzie became a lich! Getting a Zombified Martyn, Skizz and…. Huh, guess the Watchers got to that one early. Anyway, she orders Martyn to bring her husband and gem to the mountain so she can blow them up with a newly built trap, unfortunately this doesn't work and the Wild card fades before her Lich-jesty can do anything more with her goons.
Aside from the Zombie shenanigans, Lizzie also plants a trap under the main bridge in the form of a Pufferfish. While her she uses her new shapeshifter powers, which were previously only used to mock Jimmy, to copy Scott's DNA. They then do what anyone would and start messing with people. Lizzie is able to convince Scott to let HER go on Scars rollercoaster so he can brag he's been on it for “marketing “...I think lizzie just wanted to go on the rollercoaster… shame since Scar had already converted it to a murder coaster at this point and she couldn't ride.
And then Scar died. Distraught and Robotizised she calls Jimmy back to the Bam-Bunker…. And then in an instant, Everything is gone.
12 remain.
He made it. He made it to the end. To the finale.
Naturally this makes him a lot more paranoid for both himself and his team. He's way more perspective, picking up on Scott's plan before he even executes it. And of course catching them and grian actively trying to kill them.
That isn't to sat he doesn't fall for traps, he almost kills himself accidentally by opening a trap chest gem made. Ironic with how close the bammers have been with the family, with joel saving Jim from a ravenger and giving him a diamond just this session.
But when Lizzie calls him back to The Bambunker, he responds immediately. But little could they know this sealed there fates. Grian, the maker of destiny, called to Jimmy at this moment, saying how “it was always gonna end this way” before Jimmy finally died. Try to find a more Watcher coded moment I dare you.
Also can we just appreciate how good the Bamboozelers were? One of the loyalist, most successful, well prepared and well planned teams we ever had. Genuinely great job, but still they are first out.
11 remain. So close, fly high next time, great Phoenix.
Oh no, impulse.
The Gals weren't too happy that Impulse completely wiffed his Totem, apparently as a result of bad foot coordination and playing Minecraft with footpedels. I'd you ever need a reason to not play Minecraft with footpedels, there you have it. Yknow, apart from that being completely Wack.
Oh but that's not Impulses only failure, as he also revealed that he messed up his pitfall trap. After this humiliation and constant ribbing from his team, Impulse is kind to do some killing. He takes Cleo and Ren to raid the old base, gets ridden by Scott, and makes plans to finally kill Gem & Joel.
His first plan comes when Gem is distracted by Pearl being pathetic in front of her and boils down to just slapping Gem with a sword while Invisible. He thankfully backs off when Gem actually offers to fight back. He instead tries some trivia and almost dies to bees. He then rides Scars rollercoaster to calm down and OH FUCK THE BEES ARE BACK RUN AWAY
OK OK, Impulse has a new plan. Using the stupid amount of pearls he got from last episode he gets onto Gem's old shitty watch tower and builds a super TNT launcher. But, he doesn't watch his six and so iSnail is able to sneak up on him.
Impulse is desperate. Thirsty for blood. And so when he gets the Zombie power, he sticks most of the server on Joel, even joining the fray himself.
But in the chaos, etho gets confused, places just one Creeper and away went Impulse.
Maybe aggression won't win the season this time.
10 remain.
Scott dying before Joel? It's a Christmas miracle! Wait Scott is being really aggressive as well, we sure this is the same guy?
Scott starts the episode celebrating that his desire to spite us was actually able to keep the team together despite all odds and he reaffirms everyone's complete devotion to each other. Before immediately formulating a murder plot. The Gals go to the Bammers base to spawn every creaking they can, but are spotted very quickly. But if these results one thing scott is, its persistent, so He and Pearl go for round two. But anything scott is is easily distracted, so he ends up using his powers to become.murdr twinsies with pearl and just sit around in a whole as she astrals.
When they realise this plan is kinda stupid they decide to get Gem and Joel with it instead and are immediately discovered. Damn. But they go again next time there away and manage to plant all the hearts
… it took Gem like a minute to dig them all out.
Speaking of easily distracted scott also forgets who he's targeting repeatedly and just goes off to dick around. Doing stuff like riding an invisible Impulse or threatening Scar with a bamming of the mountain
But when Scott gets focused again he does so in a big way, being the only one to be able to go toe to toe with Joel during the massive manhunt for him. And as Scott has him cornered, he strikes Joel down.
Only for etho to academically shoot him.in the neck goddammit etho, again?
Hey at least Scott got to feel what it was like for Joel every season.
9 remain.
Gem counts to be paradoxically paranoid & bloodthirsty and.eager to befriend anyone who tries to kill her. She starts the session by trapping her own base with trapped chests, historically trapping your own base has been a crazy idea but it actually works very well here, nearly getting bdubs and Jimmy.
Joel then convuces Gem to come congratulate Jimmy on surviving. Resulting in them both reluctantly giving Scar and Jimmy diamonds as a reward. Then Lizzie turns around and sends a zombified martyn to lure them into a trap. Apparently there were no hard feelings about this though as Gem continues to be besties with lizzie literal seconds after she tried to atomise her.
Speaking of befriending your enemies, it's what you all been waiting for, the conclusion to the ongoing jewel box drama….
Gem runs around in a circle calling pearl Pathetic and cute as she tries and repeatedly fails to mace her in the face
Yep. That's how the drama ends. Honesty makes a lot of sense with the series as a whole, we might say that things are dramatic or Angsty or edgy or other words, but in reality everything is stupid and doesn't make any sense, so just have some fun and try to kill your friends!
But eventually Gem would have to die. When talking to etho about how great they all were, Etho just straight up blew her up. Like etho killed her, objectively and intentionally. Her family killed her. Needless to say she wasn't too chuffed about that, or the fact that he joined in when everyone started their manhunt for Joel.
But hey, now shes gotten rid of one unstable alliance and can get a new unstable alliance with Pearl! Yippie! Yeah pearl and gem TRY to become murder besties, despite the repeated interruptions of Joel and Cleo trying to kill one of them.
But, the worst interaction comes as a result of the world itself, as every wildcard becomes active. All at once…. Except hunger.
Either way the result is the same, in the chaos Gem experiences death via…. Vex. Really?
But hey, she died as she lived: not being killed by Pearl.
8 remain.
What did this little weasel get up to? Well he starts by gearing up his tuff guys with arrows and sending them off to go stealing things before meeting up with Cleo to see if the Gals need him to do anything. Using the arrows he had, bdubs stole and he got from cleo he Carstens a plan to Crossbow span anyone who comes near him. He also builds several traps underground he can activate with wind charges.
Now, Gem & Joel already distrust him now and he hasn't given The Gs ant reason to trust him and he isn't doing himself any favours as immediately after finding out scar rigged his roller coaster to kill people, he tries to get Joel to go on it. Later, when he gets the Zombie power he tries to get Skizz to blow up the car again and gets martyn to go after Scott for punching him off Bam mountain. When this fails, he instead tells them to try and kill Impulse for actually no reason.
Speaking of killing people for no reason, he blows Gem up when she's talking about how good a team they are. And then tries to gaslight Joel into thinking it wasn't intentional. Luckily Ethostropod gives him insta karma.
He then joins in the massive hunt to kill Joel. Using the strategies of Crossbow pelting and Creeper spam, one of which is countered by a Lava bucket and the other of which kills Impulse. He then continues trying to kill Joel and accidentally shoots Scott in the face.
Naturally, no one but his tuff guys are willing to trust him. And as Pearl, Cleo and Ren storm the Tuff Towers, Bdubs and Tango fall back. Etho, paranoid, believes that he's being abandoned, and activates his trap, killing himself.
This man, who tried to weasel into any team he could, ended up only being trusted by the team he shut out.
Etho’s last words were “my team is abandoning me” but they stuck by him. It was etho who abandoned them.
7 remain.
Bdubs marvels at how the Tuff Guys stuck together throughout it all. Reflecting on the start of the session, in that vast green pasture where the horse drama started. Where he said that they weren't a team, that they wouldn't help each other. Was it ever true?
No. Bdubs always wanted this team to succeed and will ensure it does, starting by trying to cripple gem and joel. He and Tango go in and steal anything they can carry, they may have triggered a trap and rolled a Nat 1 on deception when gem and joel returned, but all in all it was a fruitful trip.
After affirming that the Tuff Guys will stick together, he's given Ethos mace and promotions to use it wisely. Of course, as all wildcards are active weapons aren't the only way you can hurt other teams, he also feeds pearl the wrong information so she gets trivia wrong, and is swarmed by angry bees.
After this some relaxation is in order and so he goes to Scar and after handing over his spare boots and a frankly pathetic attempt from Scar to convince bdubs to kill tango, he's let on the rollercoaster of fun. He somehow manages to almost fall off and die. How.
OK back to murder, he sees his sights on Gem, tuning invisible with his powers and aiming to mace her. He misses every shot and Gem doesn't even notice. Pathetic.
Hey, at least he got yo hit etho with it in the end.
And as Bdubs flees from Cleo as they kill his dogs, he finds himself in the spider nest with Grian and Joel. Tango, below him, shoots a wind charge at grian… and accidentally hits Bdubs.
After all the reaffirmation of trust and reconciliation, still the Tuff Guys fall to each other's hands. The irony is poetic.
6 remain.
Tango spends a good portion of the session gearing up his mates, creating a cow spawner for them and joining Bdubs in fobbing gem, including destroying her own cow spawner.
Aside from that he spends all session just trying to survive and help his team, oh and joining in the manhunt for Joel but everyone was doing that.
And at the very end, Tango got Robotizised.
He heard Etho say he was being abandoned, he ran back to tell him he wasn't, but he couldn't hear him.
He called out for bdubs, but couldn't find him. He was distraught when he killed him and he'll never know.
How fitting that this team in particular would fall to a lack of communication.
Tango scales the mountain, unsure of what to do, and is shot by Joel.
5 remain.
Pearl is ready for some bloodshed. She's all for killing the Bammers and Family with Creakings, even if both attempts fail miserably.
Reconvening at the old base, Pearl realises she has the mace power and drags Scott away on a murder camel to mace gems face.
She misses like all but two shots. It's pathetic. Only Gem was rooting for her.
OK, but maybe she'll do better when they hunt for Joel, swooping in to Hotguy him with her flight power… or maybe she'll miss that too.
And then Impulse dies. And Pearl is lost. Unsure of what to do, she and gem TRY one last time to reconcile, and it goes really well! Even if Joel is actively trying to kill her.
But then gem dies. And Pearl is even more lost than ever.
With nothing to lose, the three remaining Final Gals strom Bam Mountain. Pearl tried to get the jump on Joel with an ender pearl and… Falls 5 feet and is one shot by grian.
Well, she died as she lived
4 remain.
Yeah if you've noticed the segments getting shorter, that's because I've already mentioned what most of everyone did. Cleo spends most of her session just helping there team gear up or answer trivia.
She has a cowboy duel with Bigb and Torments Jimmy and Joel with creakings. That's something
Oh and at the very end she summons basically all the servers as Zombies and orders them to kill Gem.
Unfortunately they're all on 4 hearts and have no gear and Scar straight up didn't listen to her so Gem became vex food instead.
And yes, that means that everyone but Tango, Bdubs, Joel, Grian and Gem were all on the Final Gals team at some point since cleo considers the Zombies to be team members
Anyway, she gets stabbed by Joel.
3 remain.
Something happened to Ren. As he merged with martyn last session, the DNA stayed in his genome. He became a DNA abomination of the class WL-8, known as Martren.
But, was it an accident? Or did be just want to keep martyn around? To never lose him again? Ren came back to save martyn, a man no longer puppeteered by forces beyond their control, to cure the evil that had placed in his heart… but yet it remained, because martyn was always this way to some extent. Always ruthless, always dangerous. And in tye exact moment ren came to terms with this, martyn died. In front of him. Again. After that, why would he ever let him go, even if it meant losing himself?
Anyway, enough being overly dramatic, that's Ren's job! And he does it very well, managing to act out the idea of a man split between bloody vengeance and a desire for friendship perfectly.
Everyone else isn't a big fan of Matren tho, ujderatanvle, this is the weirdest shit ren has ever pulled by far.
Despite being a literal monster, Martren does well for himself, making friends with the tuff guys, Jimmy and The Gs, being fully geared up by the latter
Ren also acts out a meeting between Martren and The Undead Martyn. Which like dam imagine fusing with your pseudo wife and then their Reanimated corpse says he doesn't recognise you and insults your face. I definitely wouldn't go camel boarding with them after that, even if it was to kill Joel
But, as he and the gals stormed Bam mountain, the fire of the beams proved too strong for martren.
At least now he may finally rest.
2 remain.
Grian starts with a tentative alliance with the Tuff Guys being formed, in which he promises to 100% never try to kill bdubs again.
Yeah he tries to kill bdubs again later in the session. Plops a TNT minecart right in his tower. I mean he's somewhat remorseful, so I guess that's something.
He has no remorse for Jimmy though. He's desperate for him to die. He tries to sneak attack them, but is distracted by running into Impulse and his team. Through, later he is able to rig the Bam-Bunker to explode. Now his family isn't too pleased with him blowing up there only allies, but not much they can do about it.
The especially can't complain as Grian repeatedly saves Joel, such as when he teleported him out of the fray when the entire server was hunting him, nearly at the cost of his own life.
In the end, grian promotions his life to joel as the two of the stand on Mumbo Tower, preparing for war.
But as the dust settles and their enemies lay dead, there is no sacrifice from grian. He tried to shoot Joel down where he stood.
But in the end, there is only one way Grian’s story would end
Like skizz
Like mumbo
Falling to the ground.
1 remains.
Joel Toretto. The Chariot
How fitting is it that the member most Wild, most aggressive, most dangerous, would win Wild life?
And how ironic is it that the only reason he does is by being none of those things?
Across this entire season Joel has been passive, even as Gem was starting drama or Etho was betraying him or people were trying to kill him, he never took action. He stayed with his family, in his ugly car, and simply lived.
This session is no different, he saves Jimmy from a ravenger, he takes gem caving, he refuses to go after Scott. He never takes action. Only reaction.
In other seasons, he'd have gone red early, killed have the server and died by Scott's hand in a Blaze of glory.
But here, by not provoking anyone, he was finally able to win.
He Barely even fights. He turns Impulses snail invisible and hits cleo and ren and few times, but that's it.
Even when the whole sever chases him down, he doesn't engage because it'll he did he would be surrounded and killed. Any beast, no matter how dangerous, can be slain. But you cannot kill what you can't hit.
In a way Joel's journey here parallels Scott's win more than anything he did in any other season. An honurable man never backing down, but never raising his sword.
And so it is Joel who is able to walk down the corridor, to face that red door with everyone watching, and walk into destiny
Unfortunately he himself built destiny, so the trap fails and he looks like a goober.
But hey, finally Joel Toretto can ride off into the sunset in that great big car.
No more players remain. This World Is dead
Until next time.
#trafficblr#wild life smp#wild life series#joel smallishbeans#grian#rendog#zombie cleo#Pearlescentmoon#tangotek#bdubbleo100#etho slab#Geminitay#scott smajor#impulsesv#jimmy solidarity#ldshadowlady#goodtimeswithscar#bigbstatz#martyn inthelittlewood#skizzleman#mumbojumbo#oli orionsound#yeah get in here too oli#life series#traffic life series#traffic life#traffic life smp#life series smp#the life series#life smp
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Supernatural S05E03 Free to be You and Me
Shirtless Sam Winchester under red sheets?! I love it! Mama needs more of this!
Ok but the chemistry between Jared and Adrianne is awesome! I wish we had more of SamJess moments. I love them!
Dean tucking a sword into his FBI suit will never be not funny 🤣
This is probably my tenth or twelfth rerun (yeah it's a comfort show) and I still don't see what desties see.. (might get hate for this) but God.. those two? Really?? What gave you the idea?
call me a nerd but I low-key find it hot that Sam does crossword puzzles!!
Sam putting lindsey in her place with three bullseye shots at darts (I don't know what it's called when someone hits the target). Man, that is hot! How or why Sam is a bottom in fanfics? I don't see it, man.. i just don't..
Jared's head tilt is so hot
As much as it hurts to see the hunters forcing Sam to swallow demon blood I love it when he spits in their face
I wonder if lindsey ever tried to talk to Sam after the whole showdown
The way Sam leans into Jessica's touch. Sorry, i haven't seen Sam so vulnerable with any other love interest
The first time I saw this episode the twist of Sam being Lucifer's vessel shook me! That little glimmer of hope Sam finds when he realises Lucifer needs his consent dies instantly when Lucifer tells him he would just bring him back from dead if he tried. Like ughh! Baby, they won't let you live, they won't let you die. It had to be you. No matter what you did, what you chose, it was always going to be you. They rigged it from the start.. 😭😭😭
Wow, hardly any Sam gifs for this episode
#sam winchester#dean winchester#Lucifer#Jessica moore#SamJess#Sam girl#Supernatural#Spn#S05E03#free to be you and me
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Octoposse Tari AU
Around 2016, Tari goes to Inkopolis for some event and visits an arcade and plays a shooting game. While there, her skills are noticed by Desti who gives her the offer to join the Octoposse. While relucent Tari accepts the offer and moves to Inkopolis.
While Tari struggles at first due to her lack of athletic ability, she eventually gets the hang of it due to the same game logic as in canon. In exchange, Tari starts to show Desti that there is more to life than winning. This, however, starts a rift between the two and the rest of the Octoposse, who feel Desti is losing sight of their victory. Things come to a head after "If Mario was in Splatoon 2?" where the Octoposse decide that Desti doesn't care about them after trying to recruit Mario (Tari was elsewhere at the time). This leaves Tari and Desti desperate for new teammates.
Tari goes to the Mushroom Kingdom to pick up a game and winds up meeting Mario who asks her to teach him how to be a better gamer like in canon. Tari decides to teach him in hopes of convincing Mario to join her and Desti. Desti is in full approval of this plan.
Things go about the same as canon, just with a more distant Tari.
That is until Bob drops his diss track, resulting in Desti showing up to beat him up for insulting her best friend. This exposes their connection to the crew, and that Tari had been trying to recruit Mario. This leads to a furious Meggy breaking their friendship, which hurts Tari more than the gamer expected. Desti meanwhile only becomes more aggressive towards Meggy.
Tari and Desti have a few smaller roles, before getting involved in the Anime Arc when Desti is a suspect in Meggy's disappearance. The two join the rescue mission, and things play out the same.
Until the Sephiroth fight...
Tari and Desti stick by each other during the fight, and Tari sees the second Sephiroth and pushes Desti out of the way, but her Meta Runner arm is damaged in the process.
So Desti lives!
However, Francis is more focused on killing the crew and is more aggressive, which damages the Ink Zuccer. Because of this, when the Ink Zuccer explodes, it is more destructive...and Meggy doesn't make it.
(Francis makes it on to the boat, only to be killed by a grieving and furious Mario).
The crew are heartbroken by this. Desti regrets the way she treated Meggy, and Tari feels extremely guilty about going being Meggy's back. The two decided to win the last Splatfest in Meggy's honor.
Meggy's spirit talks to Desti and says she forgives her and Tari. The two soon move to the Mushroom Kingdom, due to the new anti-human laws. As the years go on, the two start to fall for each other, and start dating in late 2021.
Minor Notes for Later In the Timeline:
Desti encounters past Meggy while trying to stop SMG3's plan to delete the crew and is freaked out by it.
Desti and Kaizo are chaotic friends.
Desti gets a redesign at the end of the Lawsuit Arc. She's still an Octoling, but her jacket becomes a blue, striped vest and her tentacles change appearance, so she is Legally Distinct. She also gets a fang, just because that is cool.
Western Spaghetti would be very different as I don't know if Desti would look up to Wren.
I like the idea of Desti being a former soldier in the Octoling military. Puzzles might bring that side out through something like the keyboard to get her to work for him.
#smg4#octoposse tari au#smg4 tari#smg4 desti#desti x tari#smg4 mario#smg4 francis#smg4 smg3#meggy spletzer#smg4 kaizo#mr puzzles
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Not my usual content but I figured I might as well ppst it on here.
I had a silly idea to make TDF au where alone and selozar got exiled from their home, and alone is less of a jerk I guess? The Au is similar to Power Rangers or the magical girl genre where the main characters fight a bad guy every week and get closer to defeating the main antagonist.
Anyways here's all the designs so far!
Here's some basic information I guess?
uleanra is a hunter who lives alone in the woods he found alone and selozar and offered them a place to stay!.
alone was a former ruler of his kingdom but got exiled due to the invasion, during his rain he was mainly unsure of his role being a king and often made decisions that were the best outcome to help people. (He also might come across a spoil and better than everyone, but in reality he's just awkward)
selozar was a guard and got seriously injured during The Invasion, he got exiled with alone and alone and selozar seem to have a rival relationship but they're also friends in a way and respect each other a lot.
desty (my oc) a scientist who's a part of the Omen Rebellion that's trying to defeat the Invaders. She will play a minor role for inventing and creating machines for the Rebellion.
foxciate his literal backstory is that uleanra killed him for food when he was a fox and alone wanted to figure out how to revive him because he felt bad for any dog shape being.
eizatar alones future fiance, they are a part of the Rebellion against the Invaders rolling over their goal is to find alone and bring him back to his rightful place.
Aresmon one of the greatest fighters of the districts he became a superweapon and was hidden away for many years it was when the Invaders found him they hired him to hunt down alone and kill him in offer of his freedom, aresmon willingly accepts and will be an antagonist the au.
Ounami one of the members of the Invaders who attacked alones kingdoms (that's all I can pretty much reveals for them)
I like to let you know that this Au is not entirely accurate to the district forces Canon, I'm mainly made this for Pure fun! So yeah..
I'm not sure if I'll post more of au but I figured it would be fun to drop this down for starving myth fans
#the district forces#alonetraveler#selozar#the district#roblox myth#the district exilers au#alone is less of a jerk and a silly guy#so is selozar#uleanra#swiffchat#swiffpost#swiffart
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After the disastrous conversation with Destino, Noelle goes to hallway, Rimi follows her up.
Hey, Noey...
Please, don't pay attention to Desty. They always bringin' trouble to people.
So what...? They ruined our date, and now they want us to separate???
I don't think so. It's just one of their dirty shenanigans. Alright, I think I shouldn't explain any more. Deep breath, Noey...Just...deep breath...
Noelle inhales deeply and holding her breath for a few seconds.
Then she exhales. She makes a smile now.
Alright, alright. I'm realized that we shouldn't bring any trouble to anyone. Especially Desty. Aside from the shenanigans I don't think they would make any harm.
Yea, don't. Let's forget about this, 'k? Besides, what's the plan?
I'm so hungry. We should check everyone for the snacks. I know we have malasadas, but it's mostly for others.
Rimi and Noelle are back to the summit. Noelle completely calms down.
[ mentions @ask-the-royal-absol; background by @/lightofunova ]
#rimilycanroc#noellehoundoom#chrono#pokemon#pokeask#/ for mig: you are feel free to reply even after I dropped the continuation#/ it happened after the conversation anyway#LoUsleepover
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au where meggy gets completely fucked over and get 1. kidnapped by octavia then brainwashed by the hypnoshades 2. falls of a collapsing platform gets knocked unconscious, gets found by Kamabo Co. AND THEN gets sanitized by Tartar
thankfully she gets found and goes through therapy and a LOT of doctor visits (when she starts to recover her memories an brings something she remembered pre sanitisation mario, luigi and tari literally tackle her in tears with a hug pile)
but did you think it was gonna stop there? NOPE
8 years later she gets screwed over after a Salmon Run and her boss mr. Grizz DECIDES TO MAKE HER A FURRY WITH FUZZY OOZE
so yea she's NOT having a funtime
thankfully this is the last awful thing to happen to her (well mutation wise) and she goes back to therapy with some added baggage
the spire of order ends up speeding up her recovery significantly though
the only good thing to come out of this au is that Desti is alive and well (she just has Meggy's trauma in canon x2 double it and pass it along to the next guy, she was that guy) xalling this au Triple Dose cause why not - Superluigiglitchy
oh god this is so fucked up it actually wraps around to funny.
I imagine by the time of her fuzzification she's just resigned to it like "yeah this might as well happen, my life's already been so fucking weird and traumatizing up to now."
If she ever finds out about Order/Smollusk's stupid Greyscaling plan she'll probably just be relieved that it didn't come with any aftereffects (and also a bit guilty due to also being slightly glad that Literally Everyone in Town was affected this time instead of just her and some Octarians).
#smg4#splatoon#triple dose au#meggy spletzer#octo explansion#return of the mammalians#mr grizz#brainwashing#sanitization#fuzzification#mario#luigi#smg4 tari#smg4 desti#dj octavio#commander tartar#she's so tired
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I'm even more salty about perma-death in SMG4 now.
1up mushrooms are canon. They've been canon ever since they were first used. They've been shown to bring anyone back from the dead.
They could have had an amazing moment in The Anime Arc where Mario gave Axol a 1up mushroom before he left which pays off in the second half after Desti dies, showing that Mario's selfless behavior helps other people.
Axol's death is slightly harder to undo but they could've utilized the fact that Inkweaver was fused to his arm. The 1up mushroom would recreate his body from the DNA in Inkweaver and he'd be back.
The only perma-deaths I accept that the 1up mushrooms wouldn't fix are Greg (he's an alien so 1up mushrooms might not work on him) SMG0 (Body exploded but there was no DNA left behind so there was nothing the 1up mushroom could use to reconstruct the body) and the avatars (Fred and Spudnick's bodies got destroyed after their universes collapsed and, again, no DNA left behind to reconstruct the bodies)
I feel like the writers either are deliberately ignoring the 1up mushrooms so perma-death is a thing or they straight up forgot that 1up mushrooms work as a revive spell in the SMG4 universe.
When my enjoyment of a later part of a series hinges on me forgetting that something that has been a plot point in multiple episodes exists, that's bad story writing.
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Tari due to certain events in the What-If Fuzz au will be a temporary antagonist (I'll post her design later) sweet girl is traumatized and not in the the right head space because of demonic goop influence and Puzzles being a dick and is just doing random shit cause of grief so everything she does isn't her fault
Tari split off from the group a year after Meggy passed and hasn't been seen since much to everyone's worry and has been in some... Interesting situations
So no she wasn't with the Glitchy Gang when they discovered Meggy was alive but when she inevitably does find out that reunion is going to be.... Something (in a bad way mind you)
She somehow still tries to prevent people from getting hurt on her quest to bring back meggy despite it all and still loves ducks
Bonus silly:
Desti 🤝 Tari
Wanting to do anything to bring Meggy back no matter what but in different ways and go on a self destructive journey to do just that because of the well spring of guilt they both have (Tari pulling a bring back from the dead kind of shtick through any means necessary and Desti wanting to kill Sephiroth) however one has already been stopped on said path (Desti defeating Sephiroth with the help of Agent 8 and Agent 4 and being essentially dragged back to Inkadia because BOY does she need help) but the other is still going deeper into it which will VERY much cause consequences and problems (Tari teaming up with Puzzles which will ONLY end so well)
#splatoon#smg4#smg4 au#what-if fuzz au#what if fuzz au#megari#meggy x tari#tari x meggy#yes i was in fact listening to let the world burn by chris grey
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season 15 (ep 1-17) was fun and they took that away from us with the ending. like i's not good in the traditional sense but it's destiely and meta which I believe is incredibly fun and they bring back so many favs
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SMG4: * removes Desti for literally no reason *
Me: "Ah, so you have chosen memes?"
#thoughts#video games#gaming#Splatoon#Splatoon 3#SMG4#SMG4 Meggy#SMG4 Desti#Meggy x Desti#memes#SMG4 memes#bring back Desti#lgbt#lesbian#justice for Desti#Desti brigade
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My super weird Smg4 au...
Okay so basically everything is the way it is in canon Smg4… until halfway through SMG4 Movie: Revelations… Somehow Luigi astral project his soul out of his body, somehow he finds himself inside the God Box and uses it to fix everything by merging SMG0's Universe, the ToyToy Kingdom and the Mushroom Kingdom into one kingdom and brings back Desti, Axol, Niles, Fred, Spudnick, Smg0 and Greg…
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SMG5 - Everybody HATES the Huckerdoos Book Cover
This is the book cover for my spin-off SMG5 series called, "Everybody HATES the Huckerdoos", where the SMG5 have to deal with the new neighbors that moved in right across the street from Y/n's house as they bring out the hatred on the Huckerdoo Family for being a bunch of obnoxious, annoying, infuriating, aggravating, not-so-perfect neighbors.
Hank Huckerdoo, his wife, Suzanne Huckerdoo and their two kids, Timmy and Susie Huckerdoo are the worst kind of neighbors that you don't want to have in your neighboorhood.
All Hank wants to do is mow his lawn every day and even during the middle of the night and win the best lawn of the year trophies while his wife, Suzanne tries to cheat on her husband with our beloved creative hero, Y/n to which he did not like at all and wanted a restraining order against her after that day when Y/n tried to get a job cleaning the Huckerdoos own pool. The main reason why is because Hank cheats on her wife more than 6 times and she hates Hank for being such a square.
To make matters worse, Y/n and the people who lived his own home had to babysit the Huckerdoo's kids while they go out for dinner at Outback Steakhouse and they didn't even bother letting Y/n agree or not to watch over them, which soon have gone completely out of proportion until they arrived back from the restaurant and Y/n and his family didn't even care if they are not allowed near the Huckerdoo residence after the babysitting job went wrong.
Let's also not forget how the rest of the SMG5 gang including SMG4 and SMG3 share the same hatred for the Huckerdoo family:
SMG4: Didn't like how they think memes are not funny and how Hank's lawn mower kept him up at night when SMG4 decided to stay over at Y/n's place for awhile.
SMG3: Hates them for how they treated Eggdog and how they insulted his streams and his baked bean collection. Not to mention on how they gave his cafe a 1-Star review for how Hank wanted his coffee or how bad the service is.
Mario: Shared the same amount of hatred as Y/n that made him want to piss on Hank's lawn or even burn it to the ground. Not to mention that he would give him the "Bird" for no reason or for the right reason.
Luigi: Hated the Huckerdoos because of Hank being homophobic and hating the LGBTQ+ Community and would join in on "The Huckerdoos Haters Club", which became an actual club as one of the founders.
Jeffy: He hates them for some reason like how Timmy and Susie broke his stuff including his beloved Cat Piano as he hits Susie with a baseball bat.
The FNAF Animatronics: The animatronics from the original and fangames hated the Huckerdoos for a lot of reason that would make them want to kill them in their sleep or even set their house on fire.
Y/n's Pets (Jack the Jackal, Smurf Cat, Teddy the Huggable, Eggbert the Eggdog, etc): They hate them as much as their owner, Y/n and they would do anything for their master to make the Huckerdoos' lives a living hell.
Postal Dude: Honestly, he has no regrets in killing the Huckerdoos with Y/n and his friends, just to release some steam or just for fun.
Meggy: She hates them, she wouldn't mind shooting ink on Hank's lawn or trash the house like throwing TP or spray painting the house and Hank's truck.
Tari: She didn't mind them at first, until Timmy and Susie broke her gaming console by accident, which threw her off the deep end that made her join the Huckerdoo Haters Club.
Saiko: She already hates them due to how the Huckerdoos acted all racist towards her and would play loud rock and roll music with her guitar during the night as payback.
Desti: Much like Meggy, she would do the same thing that she would do to the Huckerdoos and would invite her posse to join in on the fun as well.
Axol: Much like Saiko, he hates the Huckerdoos and would use his magic ink pen to create anime characters to destroy their home and steal their stuff like Hank's lawn trophies just because Hank called him a freak of nature.
Melony: She hates the so much on how loud they can be from Hank's lawn mowing day and night or how they treat watermelons horribly.
Bob: He hates Hank for hating his music and blames him for no reason when he thought that he made his son Timmy join a gang, when in reality, Timmy just wanted to join a friend group, which they did not want him to join at all. So he would use his gangster skills and rap music to make the Huckerdoos lives miserable.
Boopkins: He never liked the Huckerdoos when the Huckerdoos made fun of him for his appearance and his love for anime and would do anything to teach those Huckerdoos a lesson.
The Battle Bears: Let's just say that they don't appreciate Hank and his family for calling them either Smokey the Bear or Yogi Bear as they claimed it as an insult. Even the Huggables want to kill them instead of hugging them like they always do.
Naughty Bear: Like the killer bear he always is, he will kill the Huckerdoos in their sleep or do anything to get rid of them for good.
The Teletubbies: Much like the Battle Bears, they would do anything to get back at the Huckerdoos for calling them freaks or ruining their Tubby Custard.
Officer Monitor: As a honorable police officer, he can understand the hatred from everyone as he considers the Huckerdoos a bunch of "Troublesome" neighbors as they force Timmy Huckerdoo to watch over Hank's lawn during the night and arresting him and his family for being a bunch of squares.
Brooklyn T. Guy: He doesn't like the way the Huckerdoos do something like not tiping people with money and only "Literal Tips" or how Timmy Huckerdoo stole a bunch of stuff from other people or how Hank refused to let Y/n and his friends go with a little warning because Hank Huckerdoo is a stupid Square.
Swag and Chris: How can I put this in terms that you people can understand...Swag and Chris would just blow them all up with a tank or some help from the military and the Goldeneye Guards.
Wario and Waluigi: They absolutely hate them for a lot of reason like how they gave them the "Literal Tip" payment instead of getting an actual tip from the Huckerdoo family and will do whatever kind of scam to bankrupt them and steal their stuff, even asking the SMG5 gang for some assistance in case anything goes wrong since they all hate the Huckerdoos as much as them.
Karen the Cat: She and her kids do not even want to even see or speak to them or in fact, service them in her many jobs. Even her kids don't like them, especially Timmy and Susie Huckerdoo due to how annoying and obnoxious they are. Karen would rather shoot them in the face with a shotgun.
Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice and Bendy: They obviously hate the Huckerdoos and will do everything in their power, even their power of cartoon physics to take out the Huckerdoos once and for all.
Tails Doll: He hates them as much as his surrogate father and would use his demonic powers to haunt their dreams or kill them in their sleep.
Ember: Much like Meggy and Desti, he would do the same thing they'll do to the Huckerdoos, even in his wolf form to cause more damage to their home.
This spin-off series will show my hatred towards the Huckerdoos in every appearance they are in. If you guys got some ideas for some episodes to bring out the Hatred to the Huckerdoos, leave a comment below to tell me how much you hate the Huckerdoos and how you want to make them suffer and burn in the fires of hell.
#fandom#fanart#oc fanart#reader insert#cover art#fanfiction#smg4 luigi#smg4 tari#smg4 mario#smg4#smg3#smg4 fanart#smg4 meggy#sml#jeffy
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Hi there, I'm Niche
If anyone recognises this account name, is because I had a Twitter account a year ago with said username. But I had, like, 10 followers on it and didn't really use it all that much, so it's unlikely that you have, since I also deleted it after only a few months.
Started off as an SMG4 blog for fanarts, but right now im taking a tactical break from it and im more interested in Sam and Max.
Anyway, here's my list:
-DNI if you're anti-lgbtqia+, racist, and ESPECIALLY pedophilia and incest supporters;
-I would like to point out and specify to everyone that I am an ADULT, so if you are a minor and don't want to interact with me that's fine. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable;
-There could be tw in my drawings or reblogs, like blood, violence and suggestive content. Nothing hardcore, too gorey or NSFW, since that's also not my cup of tea. Please blacklist tags if necessary.
Link to my Ao3 account
AUs I'm currently working on:
SMG4 and Luigi embarc on a journey out at sea to bring back Mario in the Mushroom Kingdom and cross paths with the Black Bomb crew and his fearsome captain, SMG3.
• UNDERGROUND CELEBRITY (SMG3 Singer AU, co-owned with @shygirl4991):
When SMG3 gets desperate for money and starts singing at night in pubs, he's noticed by someone who gives him the oppurtunity to become a star, with the downside of having to hide his true identity from everyone.
(only art and concept doodles)
● PUFF (SMG34 Fanchild Story):
During a meme training, SMG4 and 3 accidently create life thanks to their meme powers and guardian connection, resulting in a new shapeshifting creature entirely made of energy.
(Only art pieces for now)
Aus that are put on hold or are just concept ideas:
• VIRTUAL WESTERN LOVE (Married SMG34 in Western Spaghetti AU):
Not knowing anything about each other and having forgot their real lives and pasts outside this western land, SMG4 and 3 start their relationship anew in this forced simulation world brought by Wren.
(Fic on hold/hiatus; the link is the following: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56619142/chapters/143912788)
Literally what it says, it's an au based on the game Lockdown Protocol. SMG4 and his crew of scientists are being visited by their superiors in the company Wren and SMG3, but unknown to them, the visit is not out of courtesy at all.
(Just art and comic for it)
In an alternative timeline where Meggy dies alongside Desti on Anime Island, SMG4 adopts a tiny inkling abandoned outside his van, naming her after his lost friend.
(A fanchild AU, only art for it)
With that being said, please enjoy your stay and have a wonderful day.
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choose violence for number six AND the number six is afraid of
I apologize for how late I am for answering this! Since I did smg4 the last time, I'll stick with it here.
which ship fans are the most annoying?
Mario x Meggy
Mostly because of how obnoxious they are about their dynamic and acting so upset when the show doesn't cater to their romantic headcanons about them.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I'm sorry, I know she's a heavy fan favorite, but I just never gotten the hype for her.
And her fans didn't help with how much they kept complaining about her death and being wasted potential.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't see her meshing well with the smg4 crew. Granted, I have my issues with how Desti was handled, but I just don't see what she could contribute to smg4 other than Meggy's rival. And bring her back would just undermine Meggy's development.
But the way fans kept being whiny about her just made me want her to stay dead out of spiteness.
#anonymous#smg4#fandom salt#also i liked how clever you worded that last part of the ask#was confused for a sec till i got the joke
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Kinda fucked up SMG4/Splatoon 3 AU where Mr. Grizz found Desti's coffin about a week after her burial at sea and experimented on her corpse which is how he figured out how to Fuzzify and control Octarians. This had the somewhat unintended effect of bringing her back to life, and between the whole "Being Dead And In A Box Drifting In The Ocean When Her Body Is Water Soluble For A Week" Thing, the mutations, and the years spent stuck with Mr. Grizz, she has very very few memories of who she was before she died, and who she is now is at least 60% wild animal. During the events of Splatoon 3's story mode (modified somewhat to fit SMG4's setting, of course), the NSS find her wandering around Alterna after she broke out of GrizzCo. Headquarters for the 88th time and manage to semi-redomesticate her and she becomes Agent 6 (since the Smallfry is Agent 5. I will keep insisting on that until Splatoon 4 inevitably contradicts me) and helps with the Epic Space Battle.
Not sure what sequence of events lead to her inevitably running into the SMG4 Crew but I will say that her clearest, most complete memory is of her and Meggy fighting their way through the halls of Anime Island during their escape attempt. Though she doesn't have any context and it's still incomplete enough that her own name is obscured, but she remembers Meggy's name and remembers her face (and signature headgear of course) well enough to recognize her even in her humanish form.
#smg4#splatoon 3#smg4 au#splatoon au#fuzzy desti au#fuzzy octarian#the anime arc#return of the mammalians#fuzzy octoling#smg4 desti#mr grizz#new squidbeak splatoon#for the purposes of this meggy's visions of desti during meggy's destiny really are just visions instead of her spirit like i normally hc#since by that point desti's alive again#when she's in full animal mode desti has the instincts of a dog a cat and a monkey slapped haphazardly on top of each other#also since she was the First fuzzy octarian and was heavily experimented on she looks even more mammalian and fucked up than the others#as you might expect she's heavily traumatized both from the death she doesn't remember and from the years stuck in GrizzCo's labs#one thing to come of that is that she hates bears just as much as shroomy does
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