#Briar Has ADHD
the3rdroad · 1 year
The first time Briar ate nazis in wwii she got so completely stoned lmao. like yes, human blood has some intoxicating effects on whatever-species-she-is on its own. Yes, she's eaten some parties where everyone had pretty high blood alcohol content. However, nazis were straight-up taking amphetamines during a lot of wwii... and Briar has the monster version of "severe untreated adhd".
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bonefall · 9 months
Hi there, as an epileptic person I’m so happy to see your changes to Shadowsight’s character (I was SO disappointed that they removed his seizures!) and that you have a whole section dedicated to it in the medicines overview! It means so much to me to have such genuine representation. The only little note I have is that the technical term for a grand-mal seizure is “tonic-clonic,” not clonic-tonic! Other than that you have some really great and well-researched information ^^
Oh shoot, I didn't realize the order was important! Can you tell me why it should be tonic-clonic and spelling it as clonic-tonic should be avoided, so I can share?
With Shadowsight and Sorreltail, I did my research by looking at educational not-for-profits and trying to make sure to listen to firsthand accounts of what it's like to have it, so that the portrayal was more based in life than medical journals. I'm pretty sure I have an old post floating around somewhere with a bunch of sources and links, in addition to the herb guide you saw.
It really is such a shame they did that with Shadowsight specifically :/ you're not the first to pass through thanking me for putting his epilepsy back. I was recently revisiting the earlier books of TBC to answer an ask (ballooned into an essay) and, man, seeing all the setup, with what I know now, utterly wasted is just devastating.
What I mean is, in Book 1, they're describing his auras from his perspective and how there IS a difference between his seizure-visions and his Ashfur-visions. They're establishing that he DID always have epilepsy, it's just ASHFUR that's new. That was a MAJOR hint that something was wrong! The epilepsy was always part of him, but the possessions weren't!
But then, in Book 4, the team unceremoniously decides that no, it was Ashfur all along. Even the seizures. GoodBYE epilepsy! It was literally just a magic spirit.
Though the "seizures give visions" trope is a bit problematic on its own (like "Blind Seer"), I feel like it's even worse to set up representation, and then just yank it away midway through an arc. Like they couldn't just have him lose the visions but keep the seizures.
Frustrating. But, well, this is MY kitchen and I get to decide the disability rep.
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yourdadsbasement · 17 days
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sorry it’s just chris has an objectively normal looking face while martin always looks absolutely bonkers in yonkers. look at him. that is not a normal man
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these might be my favorite kratt bros troublemaking faces. look at martin he’s so excited to cause chaos he can barely contain himself
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oh we couldn’t get a visual reference to Catherine Zeta-Jones’ famous scene in Entrapment here? we can’t have anything nice (google it young people it’s a lot of butt)
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for just about everything in your life probably yeah
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no comment
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this is not ADHD or autism, this is cocaine
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THIS IS A SPINAL TAP REFERENCE YOU GUYS LMAO good to know MK and CK are fans of the world’s greatest mockumentary (google it young people)
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i’m not screen grabbing the whole thing but the kiddies will DEFINITELY get the Abbot & Costello “Who’s on First?” reference
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diazheartsbuckley · 8 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday ✨
Today has just been an amazing day, I talked to a psychiatrist who can already see me next week (instead of waiting for a whole year) and so I'll hopefully be getting an ADHD diagnosis pretyyy soon. I can't tell you how much that means to me 🙈
This also isn't really a tease but the first two chapters of Corner Office Consequences are up on AO3💗
They’re just introduction chapters more or less so hope you like ‘em 🥺
Chapter 1 - Welcome to L.A.
Omega!Buck can't seem to find work, not until Alpha!Eddie offers him a chance
Chapter 2: First Thoughts and Second Briefs
Five years later, the two of them are thick as thieves and everyone is convinced that they have slept together. They haven't but they have both thought about it
(Tags under cut)
Tagged by @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @tizniz and @disasterbuckdiaz 💙
Tagging!! @watchyourbuck @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @cal-daisies-and-briars @lover-of-mine @honestlydarkprincess @butraura @wildlife4life @fionaswhvre @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @vampbuckley @evanbegins @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @captain-hen @giddyupbuck 💙🦋
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 months
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Friendship Characters: Will, Miranda, Billie, Douglas, Steve Clearly the newest Demeter kids haven't yet got the hang of growing plants with their powers. TOApril day 14 - Every Rose Has Its Thorns. I went literal today. Also, despite Meg being the clearly obvious candidate for this prompt, I managed to go with every other TOA Demeter kid except for her, whoops. All kids in here are canon names, I promise.
“Hey, Will!”
He turned to see Billie jogging towards him – as fast as she ever moved unless she was fighting or running from something actively trying to kill her – and sighed, because the daughter of Demeter didn’t usually seek out his presence, which only meant one thing.
“Miranda wants you,” she said, then confirmed it with, “bring your medical stuff.”
“Medical stuff?” he parroted at her, bemused.  She shrugged dismissively, turning her back on him and starting to head back the way she’d come.  Will hadn’t paid attention to it, but it was the direction of the cabins so he had a pretty good idea where she was leading him.
He’d long since got into the habit of keeping an emergency pack of medical supplies on him at all times, so he didn’t bother to make a detour to pick anything else up.  Not until he knew exactly what he was dealing with; Billie hadn’t been running, even if she’d been jogging, so Will was confident that his emergency pack would at least suffice for initial treatment of whatever cabin four had done to themselves.
Sure enough, Billie ploughed straight through the door of her cabin without stopping, and Will hurried to get across the threshold before the door slammed in his face.
Cabin four was, in Will’s opinion, the strangest of the cabins.  Sure, the Hecate cabin had magic permeating every inch of it rather disconcertingly, and the Nike cabin was an active puzzle for reasons he’d never quite worked out, but there was something about a floor that was actually grass, and a central support that was actually a living, thriving tree that had never quite managed to click in Will’s head.
He was pretty sure those things were all supposed to grow outdoors, but if there was one place where they had an argument for growing indoors, Demeter’s cabin would be it.
The central tree was swarmed with other plants, which certainly hadn’t been the case that morning when Will had done cabin inspection and given cabin four a seven for scattered seeds but tidy hammocks.
For some reason, Demeter wasn’t counted alongside her brothers as superior amongst even the Olympians.  Everyone knew the Big Three was the three male godly children of Kronos, while their sisters went mostly unacknowledged.  It was difficult to understand why so many people dismissed her or her children, though.  Will had seen cabin four members consistently pull off illogical feats – always plant-related – ever since he first arrived at camp, and having seen the sheer destruction they could bring about when they wanted to, he had no intention of ever underestimating them.
Unlike most demigods, who got ADHD and dyslexia and no special powers to show for it, Demeter’s kids consistently got green thumbs and plants that would do anything they asked.  Will had never seen one that couldn’t manipulate plants to some degree, and that certainly held true for the current occupants of the cabin.
In the middle, tangled around the central tree, was a massive rose briar, complete with wicked sharp thorns and fully blooming roses the colour of blood.  Billie had made her way to join Miranda where the head counsellor was standing by the cabin’s new plant addition and trying to get the plants to move.
Inside the snarl of thorns and vines seemed to be something that Miranda was specifically trying to get to – or someone, because Will could count just fine and there were two kids unaccounted for, visually, at least.
Douglas’ thick accent was slurring out curse after curse as something struggled inside the branches.  Will couldn’t make out the exact words, but that wasn’t particularly unusual when the Scottish boy slipped into Scots.  He could get the gist, though.
He sighed, drawing Miranda’s attention to his arrival.  “What happened?” he asked her.
She responded with a sigh of her own.  “Plant growing gone wrong,” she said, gesturing broadly at the massive plant.  Some of the branches rustled with her movement, just enough to reveal a glimpse of Steve fighting inside as well.  That answered the question on where both the young Demeter boys were lurking, at least.
It wasn’t the first time it had happened.  It wasn’t even the first time it had happened to those particular boys – Douglas was an enthusiastic plant grower, and Steve was far more of an enabler than he was clearly prepared to be when it came to the consequences.  Neither of them had been in camp all that long, but Will was already well aware that they were going to be a potential headache source for him – especially once they found their own feet at camp.
Will knew the routine, so he waited while Miranda did her magic (not that she would ever call it as such when it was just her normal) and slowly got the branches to release their death grips on the two boys.
Steve was the first one to disentangle enough, rolling out of the mess with stray leaves and the odd broken off thorn stuck deeply into his hair.  He also had several freshly-bleeding scratches across his skin, and Will didn’t wait to be invited over when his role was pretty obvious.
And also very much routine.
“Can you at least try not to bury yourselves in plant matter of the injury inducing kind?” he asked as he pulled out some antiseptic wipes and began dabbing at the myriad of scratches that stood out red against the younger boy’s dark skin.
“It was Douglas’ fault!” he protested.
There was an immediate “Oi!” in a thick Scottish accent emanating from the centre of the still-snarled tangle of thorny vines, followed by what Will was pretty sure was a protestation of innocence in Scots.
“You’re not blameless, either!” Miranda called over, and Steve’s shoulders hunched up to his ears.
“It was an accident,” he muttered.  “They weren’t supposed to get so…”
“Big?” Billie supplied.  “Wild?”
“Yeah, that,” Steve shrugged, thankfully letting his shoulders drop again after a warning poke from Will.
Another sharp gesture from Miranda and Billie had Douglas spilling out from the briar as well, his own curly hair sporting a fine collection of leaves and thorns, and even the occasional petal.  He also had openly bleeding scratches on his bare skin, including one long one too close to his eye for comfort.  It wasn’t close or deep enough to cause permanent damage, or even scar, but it was a reminder of what could have gone wrong.
Will wasn’t a fan of could have gone wrongs, although he did prefer those over the did go wrongs, for hopefully obvious reasons.
He sighed again and pulled out a fresh wipe to attack the other boy’s scratches with.  Douglas winced away from the sting, but Billie grabbed him and held him still.
Neither boy was injured enough to need anything more than just the disinfecting wipe, thankfully, so Will’s medical duties didn’t take long to complete.
“At least try not to injure yourselves on your own plants,” he said as he balled up the used wipes for disposal in the infirmary.  “I’m pretty sure that’s lesson one for plant summoning.”
“Something like that,” Miranda said.  “Thanks for the assist, Will.  I’ll take it from here.”
Will didn’t need to be told twice; he was already in charge of his own cabin and anyone that ended up a patient in the infirmary.  He neither needed nor wanted to expand his responsibilities beyond that – Miranda could handle her own siblings.
“See you at dinner,” he said, and made his way out of the cabin, back to where the grass was outdoors and normal.  As the cabin door shut behind him, he heard the Demeter kids discussing the best thing to do with the rose bush and whether or not it would damage the tree – or pose an ongoing risk to demigods – if they left it where it was.
That was certainly not Will’s problem, either.  Miranda was welcome to that one.
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asylumdwellermoved · 2 years
obligatory dol voice hc post with all named npcs except ones im not very confident on
(some of these will be a little vague, so my bad. will be embarrassed about how obvious my preference for high/light voices will be too lmao)
robin: noticably... soft. like, rarely gets much louder than normal talking voice too. i picture f!robin having an almost whispery quality to her voice in a subtle relaxing kind of way.
whitney: bastard (gn) edgelord energy through and through. f!whitney's voice is low and m!whitney's voice has an almost forced-sounding constant growl to it.
eden: might be the only one besides bailey that i picture to have such a deep voice tbh. not very expressive, but can get very growly in bed sometimes and you will get a bit of a rise out of them if you catch them off guard or make them smile.
kylar: f!kylar's voice is kind of light and m!kylar's voice is VERY light. someone mentioned kylar slightly trying to sound like an anime character with their voice and i wholeheartedly agree lmao. their voice gets very quivery at times under stress rather than much louder until they reach a breaking point. the only thing that is able to make them significantly loud on no special occasion outside of mental breakdowns is.................. well.
sydney: tired sounding, but strangely calming. i picture m!syd with a kind of androgynous voice and f! with a slightly more cheerful airy sounding voice. really doesn't change from pure to corrupt, corrupt may have a habit of slipping into a bit more vocal fry maybe but it's barely noticable.
avery: standard middle aged person voice, m!avery sounding a bit older maybe. laughing a lot and usually sounding like they have a grin on their face, with a hint of hollow fakeness.
great hawk: not actual bird in my playthroughs so they sound like just a weird human that squawks every now and then lol. mid-range with a pleasant and smooth voice, and when they get excited their voice raises but they sometimes sound weirdly neutral, as if their instincts don't always trigger them to emote like a human would.
alex: mid-low with the expected southern drawl. will get a bit on the louder side sometimes without realizing it. how much this has to do with my adhd hc for them im unsure.
bailey: very low and deep. will get suddenly very loud when they snap. not a hint of a smile in their voice outside of when they're teasing someone or saying something particularly dark.
harper: usually high-ish and interested sounding, like they're trying to bring your mood up or get you out of your shell by listening to them, if that makes sense. very relaxed sounding though, has a calming effect. gets a bit breathy sounding when something gets them particularly flustered/horny, and anything past that that gets their facade to slip makes their voice quiver. when the mask is completely off and they're being a full on creep there are rare moments where their voice will drop very low for a moment, sometimes mid sentence. honestly a little scary.
jordan: very airy and pretty. a bit awkward-sounding in tone sometimes though. it seems like they don't get out much.
briar: also bastard energy. a bit of a husky voice, but still too attractive-sounding for how scummy they are.
leighton: not sure what to say tbh. just an occasionally sleazy sounding older person. i know theres a lot of old man fuckers but nothing quite stands out to me about leighton.
sirris: maybe it's because theyre the only one known to be an actual parent but mid-range with dorky dad/mom energy. very friendly sounding!
doren: low and kinda deep. strikes me as being a little brief and quiet in one on one interactions outside of teaching.
mason: a strong voice, especially when teaching. really has that hustle motivation kind of vibe.
morgan: mid-high register and constantly shaky, maybe a little hoarse at times. growly when they're pissed off.
niki: mid range, fast talking and a little cold sounding but unintentionally.
remy: low and projected loud a good amount of the time, like they're reading off orders.
wren: mid-deep and a bit raspy. noticable when you can hear a smirk on their lips.
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findingyourrootscomic · 11 months
are there any neurodivergent characters in fyr?
Hells yeah dude, FYR has tons of neurodivergent characters. Noteworthy mentions include Shelly, who struggles with anxiety and depression, and Eclipse, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Besides the characters with official diagnoses, a bunch others are likely ND in some form as well: Cedar probably has ADHD, Wesen struggles with depression as well, and Briar, Frisk, and Ember sit firmly in the camp of "Idk exactly what's going on with their brains but they've got SOMETHING." And to top it all off, most of the characters in FYR struggle with varying degrees of trauma. That'll turn any brain right fucky.
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irafuwas · 1 year
random unprompted ask that you do not have to answer if you don't want to, but: i see that silkali is your favorite ship and i was wondering if you had any headcanons or just general thoughts about them that you'd like to share :o
Hi hi!! Yes, I’d love to share some of my thoughts on silkali, thank you so much for the ask!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Some headcanons:
adhd x autism power couple
I really don’t think they’d get together while at NRC. Silver is so laser focused on training to become a knight, and Kalim is so preoccupied with learning to be the next head of his family’s business, that I don’t think the stars would align for them to start dating while at school. When Silver realizes he’s fallen in love, he’d hesitate to confess since he knows he wants to stay in Briar Valley and serve the royal family the rest of his life. (I really don’t think anything is going to get Silver out of BV unless he’d be accompanying his father to go live with him elsewhere.) So for that reason (and also because they’re both shy and silly), Silver wouldn’t tell Kalim how he feels before they graduate from NRC. In my mind, they don’t get together until like a good decade post-graduation.
Silver likes that Kalim does most of the talking, and he never feels pressured to speak at length if he doesn’t want to. Kalim in turn likes that Silver is level headed, a good listener, and that he’s one of the few people he can enjoy silence with.
Kalim never gets mad when Silver falls asleep on him mid-conversation and he’ll be happy to sit and wait for however long it’ll take for Silver to wake up.
I think Kalim would be the first of the two to start crushing on the other. He’d get like shoujo manga heroine vision and start seeing sparklies and rainbows and stuff whenever Silver is around dfkgjdf
If they did go out during their time at NRC, Jami would for sure get really worried and trail them on their dates. He’d stake out on top of a nearby building, and he’d watch them from the scope of a sniper rifle. Atop another nearby building, Lilia would also be watching them, but from the scope of one of those really long paparazzi cameras instead.
After they get married, they have a lot of kids (all adopted and of all different species). I’m not sure how many, but at least five. (Kalim wanted a large family because he grew up with one and he adores all his siblings, and Silver feels it’s his duty to provide a loving home to any children in need.) Kalim has tons more experience with kids than Silver does, so Silver would lean on him a lot in the beginning with their first baby, but I think Silver would get the hang of things pretty quickly and he’d be a great dad.
No matter whom you ship Silver with romantically, I think we can all agree Lilia would be his number one wingman and he’d be really annoying lol. He’d def pester Silver a lot for any updates on his courting endeavors and give him the most Awful advice ever. He’d be like, “Silver, I’ll do anything to make sure this ship sails!” and Silver would be like, “Father, what vessel are you referring to…?”
I ship them for a couple different reasons, but I guess the main one is that I love that Silver genuinely appreciates and respects Kalim for who he is, and that Kalim in turn sees past Silver’s stone faced exterior and he can see all the good he has in his heart. A lot of the other characters more or less just put up with Kalim, and they’ll be kind to him just so they can get something from him. And with Silver, most people don’t take the time to understand that just because he’s quiet and doesn’t outwardly express his emotions a lot, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or that he’s literally emotionless. So I guess I just like that they understand each other beyond the superficial impressions the other students have of them.
They honestly remind me a lot of Soriku – with Kalim mirroring Sora's bright and sunshine-y nature and Silver being more serious and solemn like Riku. Silver said in his dorm uniform vignette that he wishes he could be more open like Kalim, and if we ever get Kalim wishing he could be more like Silver in some way I will melt into a puddle on the spot lol (‘cause it’d mirror sora and riku’s convo on the dark margin at the end of KH2).
I have a couple different songs for them in my silkali playlist, but the one I think encompasses their ship the best is mona lisa by Sam Cooke! (it’s from Kalim’s pov)
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bonefall · 1 year
howdy!! i was wonderin’ if you could list all the cats that are neurodivergent or have a mental disorder, and specifically what conditions? i was also hopin’ if you could expand upon how they present as well, but you don’t have to do all of them! you can pick and choose. or none at all if you’re tired! idm ‘:3
warriors and psychiatry are two of my SIs so i just wanna gobble up all of this information LOL
Sure! Though, I want to preface by saying that I try to make sure I'm very well acquainted with the neurodivergence I plan to add before adding it. I've always had a, "try not to overextend" sort of philosophy, trying to make sure each portrayal is going to be treated well in the narrative before promising it publicly
SO what that means is that this list is incomplete and I plan to add more, as I learn more about how to accurately portray something. Especially important with the more stigmatized disorders on this list-- for example I plan to add NPD once I have a better idea for how to feature it.
Life in the Clans is VIOLENT. Most, or many, characters are going to end up with symptoms of PTSD, especially the cats who lived through the Plague, TigerClan, the entire Mothermouth Moorland War, and the destruction of the White Hart Woods in particular.
But C-PTSD is something I'm choosing more carefully, if that makes sense, so that it's something I write with 'higher priority' when approaching that particular character.
Birchfall (Human activity and child starvation are his triggers, also visibly unsettled by falling trees)
Brightheart (Dogs and dishonor titles, has recurring nightmares, self-harms through overexertion; refuses to take breaks to punish herself)
Stormfur (Severe trust issues, self-destructs relationships)
Lilyheart (Can't deal with water because she watched a sibling die instead of her)
Harrybrook ("big mood lilyheart")
There will also be some cats in WindClan who aren't able to eat rabbit, because it triggers memories of poison and causes them to wretch. This causes serious issues for them, because rabbit is the majority of the WindClan diet, especially in winter.
Sorreltail (Absence seizures caused by brain damage from nightshade poisoning)
Shadowsight (Severe clonic-tonic seizures, Tawnypelt brings him to the Tribe to seek a very special treatment for him)
I reaaaaally need to add more here tbh
Mumblefoot (I know he's not a major character lmao but he was Pinestar's first deputy, and had dyspraxia.)
Yellowfang (It's super prevalent in her entire familial line)
Honestly I'm so autistic I kinda end up putting a little bit of autism in everyone. I feel like I can detect autism in every one of my little favorites. Spottedleaf, Speckletail, Dustpelt, etc
Borderline Personality Disorder
Etc/There's one cat who has it and I need to add more
Bumble, Blossom, and Briar have a lot of baggage from their parents' treatment, Bumble and Bloss are glass children.
Alderheart has anxiety
Carpwhisker might also have anxiety, she's really bad at standing up for herself
Poppyfrost is severely avoidant
Sparkpelt and Palebird both had postpartum depression
Dovewing has burnout and gets stressed out when her biofamily is around; not sure how to describe this.
Squirrelflight also has ADHD, this is kind of like Autism because I also have ADHD and it's difficult for me to imagine other 'ways' people think. like what do you MEAN, you have ONE train of thought??
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
A bit off-topic, but how are cats with disabilities treated in Roc?
This kind of depends on the Order and the type of disability, but I would say overall they deal with it better than in canon! I think overall, disabilities are handled pretty well, but the Order's main issue is they can sometimes be babying with disabilities and overprotective, especially with young cats, which can be quite stifling (ex: Jaywing and Dovesong being constantly babied by their Orders as kits-apprentices).
The thing the Orders know most about, especially Thunder Order is deafness. All the Orders share a form of sign language made from body language and a sort of kitty morse code which they use to communicate, not only with deaf cats but also just when they need to be quiet during hunting and fighting!
Thunder Order is actually the best with disabilities, they are pretty accepting and have a lot of knowledge on how to help, train and aid disabled cats. This is especially true when it comes to deaf cats as Thunder Order has been the Order to have the most deaf cats, as the white fur blue eyes gene runs trough the Order. I think this is a big reason as to why they have learned the most about disability!
However things aren't GREAT, Jay still faces a lot of doubt and overprotectiveness from his Order, which causes him to be extra determined to prove he can be a warrior (though I will say they Jay has far more supporters, especially from his family). Briarlight still faces some of the bull her mom throws at her, but Sandstorm nearly divorces her over it which snaps Millie out of it and she actually starts trying to learn and care for her kit correctly. Plus the Order is able to invent a sort of mobility device for Briar!
The Orders generally believe that all cats have their importance and use in their Order and even if a cat isn't capable of being a warrior or doing some jobs, they still are able to be a caretaker or do a mix of jobs that make them happy and keeps them healthy (ex: Briarlight becomes a sort of Caretaker though she likes to help out the Warriors on her good days) !
I also think I wanna adopt some of @bonefall 's herbal remedy ideas for different chronic illnesses and such! i think that kind of thing is very cool and also great rep!
oh also when it comes to mental disabilities the Orders are pretty much a vibe. Healers and some caretakers take on therapist roles plus things like Autism and ADHD are pretty useful to have in a hunter gatherer society "woe a cat who knows everything about this one topic, amazing! this will be so useful to our survival!"
And the Orders definitely have some herbs they can prescribe for things like anxiety and depression !
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mogai-headcanons · 9 months
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Fone Bone from the Bone novels is an autistic acespec littleguyic agender nonbinary person with PTSD and a special interest in Moby Dick who chooses not to label their sexuality, uses any pronouns but prefers they/them and he/him, and has a crush on Thorn!
Thorn Harvestar is an autistic boudican condreamic heirqueenish viscurse lytromoiric thornthing dragongender azurgirl transfeminine arospec lesbian with PTSD, ADHD, and debilitating migraines who uses she/her pronouns!
Gran'ma Ben is a bisexual boudican prophic abandenian cowgender dragongender transmasculine woman with PTSD and ADHD who used to go by the name Rose and uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and she has a requited crush on Lucius and is Thorn's grandmother!
Lucius Down is an autistic unlabeled man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he has a requited crush on Gran'ma Ben!
Phoncible 'Phoney' Bone is an aromantic asexual aroace bigender nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and they are Fone's cousin!
Smiley Bone is an autistic queerplatonic pan-oriented aroace genderqueer smilething :)thing boygirl who uses they/them, it/its, ey/em, and he/him pronouns, and they are Phoney and Fone's cousin!
Smelly and Stinky are gay, are partners, and both use he/him, it/its, and rat/rats pronouns!
Bartleby is an autistic autigender tbhscrunklin patchboy weirdgirl ratgender warnelistic feruvel creaturething with PTSD who hasn't started thinking about its sexualilty yet and uses any pronouns!
The Great Red Dragon is an aromantic gay dragongender redgender transmasculine dragon with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns!
Briar Harvestar, also known as the Hooded One, is an arohet kenochoric prophic sichoret tenechoric silenkein kenobodiment woman who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns, and she is Gran'ma Ben's twin!
dni link
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strawberrycriisiis · 10 months
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PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE ; most people, even strangers, know about this
she's an Uva Academy student
she's the daughter of professor Amatista
she helps her dad catching the Shiny Pokèmon, that he studies
she has a weird big Cyclizar-like Pokèmon. Most people assume it's a weird Regional evolution.
she has a slight accent. If you know she's Eterian (pokemon italian), you'd hear it
she bites people. yes this is public knowledge. run.
she makes the worst fucking sandwiches in all of Paldea seriously
SEMI-PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE ; selected groups of people know about this
Miraidon sure isn't a Regional evolution. Her father gave it to her, so Arceus only knows where he found it!
Professor Amatista used to work in Area Zero
because of that ^, her and Arven knew eachother when they were kids. They lost contact when she moved to Eteria with her mom, but reunited when she returned to Paldea, one year before the game events
she didn't go through her Champion exam yet
she got held back one year
her parents divorced when she was very young
she had therapy since the divorce and constantly recommends it. she's literally one of the most level-headed person in the RPC for that alone
she's very uneasy around Dondozos or other big Pokèmon
despite her inability to make a proper sandwich - or anything edible, in general - she's actually very good at making most italian food
she got the title of Blueberry Champion, but forfeited the title
she caught Pecharunt
PRIVATE KNOWLEDGE ; very few people know about this - in doubt, please ask!
the whole endgame events in Area Zero; only Cereza, Arven, Penny, Nemona, Clavel, Geeta, Kieran, Carmine, Drayton, Briar and the Professors know about her involvement
Miraidon's true identity
she has anxiety, ADHD and mild anger issues, all of which are properly diagnosed.
she has megalophobia
her dad put a GPS chip in the back of her head shortly before she left for Eteria; it's directly connected to her, and he can vaguely sense her heartbeat and her location
he also implemented a special button that can make her "short circuit" if necessary. A single press of that thing and she's knocked out. It won't kill her, but to most it would look like she fainted.
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fearcrowz · 11 months
What kind of projects do you currently have and what is the progress phase that they are in?
That is such a great question!
My main progress stories currently are Knell and Nightlight (with Wiccar Briar being my one dream story to make)
Witching Hour is still being revamped into a more amazing version of itself!
Under an Ivy Crown and Not Dead Yet are just for fun and was gonna be my Patreon exclusive comic(s) but then depression and ADHD took over and that didn't happen but I still might do it cuz it's a very easy story. It just depends!
Overall: Knell is ready to be started, Nightlight is in progress, Wiccar Briar is ready to be started, Witching Hour is being revamped, Not Dead Yet is ready to be started, and Under an Ivy Crown is ready to be started too!
I'm a chronically depressed idjit and life has never been easy otherwise I'm sure I'd have all these stories out and made already! Heck, my computer died this year along with it all-- I don't make enough money to survive comfortably I'm still struggling and trying to keep up with my own stuff, but I will continue to try my hardest. óvò )9 Maybe one day I'll get a story out soon and I hope to see you on the way!
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hawkmothdiemotte · 2 years
Bribelle HCs and Aesthetics
Pictures from Pinterest idea from @emy-222
I don’t know what a masterlist is but I have some HCs on them
Briar beauty and Faybelle Thorn
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- briar idolised her mother as a young child and gradually felt bad for her and also avoided looking like the perfect sleeping beauty even before she became somewhat of a rebel
- she feels empowered in highly fem clothes
- she has adhd because i kin her and say so (that’s why she likes extreme sports and why she carries sunglasses and headphones around)
- she is ace of some sort and doesn’t care for gender as a concept
- some of her hyperfixations are def. Fashion related
- she fell first
- always open to help others but has trouble accepting help herself (because she is scared of being powerless for 100 years alseep)
- fucked up sleep schedule, she stays awake for too long planing something or just enjoying the feeling of not having any responsibilities
- sun (sunsets, beaches, warmth, …)
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- Faybelle is used to fighting for herself so she doesn’t trust people at first and likes to be in control
- her mum has a good relationship with her and wants the best but she knows she has to fulfill her destiny somehow
- she fell harder
- lesbian means for her attraction to femininity and no men, she is a fluid
- even if she was born a hero, she would still take courses on villainy because it intrigues her and it’s easier than specialised helping people, where she would always suspect a trap
- cheerleading is an outlet for her stress and frustration from the school system, at the same time she doesn’t need to trust people to catch her because she can fly
- usually more introverted but likes to annoy people
- she doesn’t hate a lot of people she just doesn’t have a filter and does whatever, she is supposed to be a villain after all, right?
- moon (cool nights, isolation, energy, …)
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saharavalleyofdeath · 8 months
PJO OC and Headcanons
Espen Briar Juarez
General information
Daughter of Eris, goddess of discord
Goes by E, Essy, Bonnie, Kiddo, Darling
15 years old
Born on October 31
She was born in Tartarus
She was left at camp Half-Blood by her mother after her father abandoned her when she turned three.
Dionysus and Chiron kind of became parental figures for her
She's the only daughter of Eris and was raised seeing Dionysus children Castor and Pollux as her siblings
She is Colombian
Loyal, Reliable, Kind, Caring, Friendly,
Stubborn, causes chaos when stressed, sometimes loses herself in her head
Her fatal flaw is self deprecation/criticism
She loves caring for others
Some bad habits of hers are she often compares herself to other people and will often hide her emotions from others
Some strange habits of hers or she will hold her friends and family's faces to make sure they're still there, singing when she's nervous, and fidgeting because of ADHD
Her phobias are hospitals, storms, and being alone
She's pretty good at capture the flag but absolutely hates volleyball
Her best school subjects are history chemistry and literature
And she takes German but she's not very good at it.
Some languages she can read are Portuguese, Spanish, English, Greek, Latin and French
Languages she can actually speak are Portuguese English and Spanish and a little bit of Greek and Latin but she's not proficient in those two
She does have a pet it is a hellhound that looks like a boxer and his name is discord.
Nico (BFF)
Travis (Bestie)
Pollux (practically her brother)
Castor (practically her brother)
The rest of the 7
Connor (Boyfriend)
Two large Gaucho Knives given to her by Dionysus
They are made of Adamantine metal
She also has a sword given to her by her mother
It's made of stygian iron
What they look like out of use: the Knives become earrings and the sword is a necklace.
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balmondmilk · 1 year
Ask and ye shall fucking RECEIVE, here's a list of things I plan on drawing at some point
1. A plantperson x PC piece inspired by Klimt's The Kiss and also some lovely plantpeople art that's been going around recently
2. Harper hypnotising someone (PC lmao who am I kidding) into giving them head
3. Night Monster, because I am a monsterfucker first and person second
4. A variety of horny drawings lmao
5. Briar because I'm fucking obsessed with them but No One Else Seems To Be So I'll Fill The Void Myself
5. Wren because they've been requested and also I Love Them
6. Syd for the same reasons as Wren
7. I haven't decided on if I want to write a full-on fic or draw a short comic of it yet but it's Bailey getting fucked up physically and the PC saving him which fucks up Bailey psychologically
8. And many more, please send help (or tell me in which order to do these, ADHD makes me want to do them all at once lmao)
Puts these in my mouth thank you for these ingredence to rotate in my mind
2. As Harper do. I support.
3. Good fantastic I love that omfg cuz I am also a monster fucker and I crave more content for this creecher
4. As one does 💚💚💚
5. YOOOO I was just talking about briar the other day I said that one day I wanna draw masc briar in the red dress with plunging neckline cuz god that sounds amazing can't wait to see what you doooo
5.2. more wren is a fantastic idea as per always I love how you draw them too aaaaa
6. SYYYDNEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY-- Coughs sorry something came over me
(I'm in love with them I'm biased but I wanna see your draw of Sydney asap hdjdhd)
7. Absolutely the best idea we love a good Angst Driven piece of media in This House
(this house being my house)
(you're in my house rn--)
But I love the idea of like oh Bailey sees himself so fuckin untouchable and strong and can do no wrong but Something Unexpected Happens and suddenly he has to get help god can you imagine
Love that shit
8. Gives you a leaf in this trying time
You know I'm gonna be biased and say Sydney is on top of my list--
I really would love to see the Klimt piece soon too! Or the Bailey narrative depends on how much time and energy putting into these
I'm also super indecisive but those stand out to me the most ATM hdjdhd
I find a way to figure out what I wanna do is do eeny meeny miny mo and if I am disappointed in the result I chose the other one dhdhd but that's easier said than done and all of these sound so sick and I would love to see any of these aaaa so excited!!!!
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