#Bri knits
Me: *knitting my way along*
One of my hairs: Farewell! I go forth to find a new home!
Me: ....git out of there. -_-
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bri-cheeses · 10 months
The Skittles Finding Out About Rosekiller Pt. 3:
(Part 2 is here)
Barty and Evan are sitting on the couch in the common room when Regulus approaches them. The fact that they’re sitting in each other’s personal space despite the other side of the couch being perfectly empty does not escape Regulus. Nor does the fact that Evan is nestled into Barty’s side, held there by Barty’s arm, which is slung around Evan’s shoulders. They’re talking, Evan’s head turned up towards Barty, their faces only mere inches apart. All in all, the overall effect is one that screams the impression that they are not simply friends.
And at this point, Regulus has had more than enough of these mind games, and he’s fed up with it.
So he walks around the back of the couch, into their line of sight, and plops down aggressively on one of the armchairs that is in front of them. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and massages his forehead with an exasperated expression.
Barty, an empath, senses something is wrong, so he asks Regulus what’s up.
And Regulus looks up at the both of them with a desperate and slightly frazzled expression on his face, then shoots a questioning glance at Dorcas, who is sitting in the armchair opposite of him. She gives him a slight nod, and Regulus turns back to face Barty and Evan.
He takes a deep breath before saying, “You know, I didn’t really want to do this, since I hoped that it would eventually just be obvious. But I have been so confused for the last three weeks, and so I’m left with no other choice but to ask you guys straight out.”
He hesitates, but then sees that Barty has absentmindedly started stroking Evan’s arm with his fingers as he listens to what Regulus is saying, and it’s the final straw for Regulus. His next sentence comes out lacking the usual finesse of one raised in the House of Black when he blurts out, “Please just clear it up for me, are you guys dating, fucking, or literally just friends?”
And Dorcas nods vigorously to show that she shares the sentiment, while Pandora just listens to the whole exchange with a somewhat carefree but slightly intrigued attitude, all while knitting something that vaguely resembles a scarf.
And Barty and Evan glance at each other in confusion, before looking back at Regulus. And Barty says, “We thought we told you? We’ve been together since the beginning January.”
And then they act as if they’re just about to go on with their lives without saying anything more, but Regulus and Dorcas aren’t just about to let it go that easily. So Dorcas says—after digesting this new information for a second—“Seriously? It’s May, you guys. That’s five months that you’ve left the three of us in the dark on this, and now you just casually drop this information on us, then expect us to move on just like that?”
At this, Evan shoots a confused glance at Pandora, saying, “But I know that I told you, Panda. I remember, it was when we were in the woods in that one clearing with the fairies. Why didn’t you just tell Reg and Cas?”
“Oh,” she replies, “I figured you guys would’ve told them if you had wanted them to know. It wasn’t my place to say,” she says simply, before going back to knitting.
Regulus blinks. “That’s. . . that’s actually pretty good reasoning,” he admits reluctantly. “But wait a minute. Barty, didn’t you have multiple girlfriends all throughout January?”
At this, Evan groans and tucks his face into Barty’s chest. Barty’s face turns red in embarrassment as he says, “Yeah, well, it was, uh, complicated. To say the least.”
Evan then says something unintelligible into Barty’s chest, which causes Regulus to say, somewhat sarcastically, “What was that, Evan?”
Evan emerges, shooting a glare at Regulus, before saying, “By “complicated,” Barty means that we were sleeping together on a regular basis, but it still wasn’t enough for him to realize that he wanted to actually date me. He just thought that it meant that he found me to be really hot. Isn’t that right, Barty dear?”
“Shut up,” Barty whines, “I was confused. And I am sorry, you know. Besides, you did agree to it in the first place!”
“Yeah, because that’s all I thought I was ever going to get!”
His expression softens when he sees Barty’s hurt expression, though, raising a hand to brush Barty’s hair out of his face. “But we figured it out, didn’t we?” He asks, with a slight smile on his face.
“Yeah,” Barty smiles back dreamily, “we did.”
“Oh Merlin,” Regulus says, startling Barty and Evan out of their own little world. “You two are disgustingly sappy. I have no clue how I didn’t realize you guys were dating. And how did I completely miss all of this drama?”
“You didn’t, at least not fully,” Evan assures him. “Remember the first week of February when Barty and I didn’t talk to each other at all? And you guys thought it was because Barty slept the girl I liked? Well you were right about the fact that I was mad that Barty slept with her, just not because I liked her.”
Dorcas suddenly gasps, then says with a shocked tone, “And that time that I walked into your dorm, and you pushed Barty off of your bed really fast, and your guys’ faces were all red, it wasn’t really because you were having a pillow fight, was it?!”
Barty winces at that. “Actually… we were having a pillow fight. That time, at least. Not that we didn’t use that excuse later on Regulus.”
Regulus makes a disgusted face. “Ugh. I did not need to know that.”
Evan laughs at that. “Seriously though, how did you not guess? Why would we be having a pillow fight with our shirts off?”
Regulus looks taken aback. “I… I didn’t think about it. You guys are two of my best friends, so that’s not my first thought when I see something like that. Especially when you tell me otherwise.”
He levels a glare at them, causing Barty to start to apologize. “Look, we’re sorry. We really thought we’d told you! It’s just that—”
“No, no,” Regulus cuts him off. “It’s fine. I’m just expecting to hear everything later, okay?”
Barty raises an eyebrow at him. “Everything? You sure about that?”
“Most things,” Regulus clarifies. “Not all.”
“That’s what I thought.”
The conversation dies out, and Barty and Evan go back to talking about how to master the charm that Flitwick taught them about that day, and Pandora occasionally chips in with advice since Charms is her best subject. Regulus pulls out a poetry book, and Dorcas starts to study Quidditch plays.
This lasts for a while, until Evan suddenly sits up and says, “Wait a minute, Regulus, Barty and I literally sleep in the same bed every single night. And you’re seriously telling me that you didn’t realize?”
“Shut up!” Regulus says, and finally everything is cleared up between all of them, and the group dynamic goes back to the way it was before all this happened.
With some exceptions of course, as Barty and Evan are, in fact, still dating.
And that, my friends, is one of my headcanons for how the rest of the skittles learned about Rosekiller :)
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fannishknits · 11 months
Which would feature in a horror movie about the boyfriend sweater curse?
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senseiwu · 1 year
I hope Wilson doesn't leave forever
He's probably my favourite character
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Hey dear! firstly i would like to wish you a happy new year(it's a bit late i think but it's the intention that counts) second i would like to know if i could get a imagine Daemon x poc!fem reader where all her family died and she is head of her home, but has a young niece (the only survivor, after her) and Daemon wants to marry her, but Reader tells him no, as she has responsibilities to her niece. So Daemon approaches his niece and ends up conquering the girl and they kind of become "accomplices" to convince reader to marry him. Just fluff, kinda funny and Daemon being good with kids and reader agreeing to marry him in the end and them being a happy family, please? (feel free to ignore)
Sticky Fingers
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: The alliance made perfect sense, Daemon, a prince, brutal, lethal, and absolutely unstoppable, teaming up with your niece, barely seven, tiny, clumsy, and absolutely unstoppable, to get you and him together.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, daemon girl dad vibes, fluff, girlboss!niece, typos, etc.
A/N: lol happy new year nonnie HAHAH i say as i type this on 22 jan 23 HAHAAAHH lololol. anyway, i have not written anything fluffy for daemon in a while soOOOOOO i hope to change that just a bit. I didn't get to write everything in the req,anon but its pretty cutie i think hihi. ALSO TO THAT OTHER NONNIE WHO SENT ME THAT ASK ABOUT WRITING FLUFF YOU CAN COME OUT NOW I GOT TIRED AND DIDNT MAKE THIS ANGSTY AT ALL HAHHAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony
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Daemon felt it the moment he made it out that dull gathering. He had a tail, a shadow, someone lurking behind him. He looks over his shoulder slowly, bringing his hands behind his back as he strides down the hall, toward the garden. He hums as he softens the sound of his walking, now absolutely certain there was a quick patter of feet behind him.
He was, in fact, being followed.
The prince then rapidly turns around, a spit second confused when he was faced with no one, but then turns down when he hears the loud and airy gasp.
A child. He knits his brows, allowing his hands to fall to his side. A child has been following him. He pulls his head back. Did he look... amicable to this little creature?
He bends a bit, raising his chin inquisitively, "who are you?"
She catches her breath from the startling she got, hands on her chest. She takes a moment before responding, lips pouting, "Sonya."
Daemon raises a brow. A vague answer, yet fitting, he thinks, for a child as tiny as she. "Why are you following me, little Sonya?"
She drops her hands, releasing a sigh, "I am not little, my lord."
He straightens up at the sound of that, face barely contorting into amusement, "tis not 'my lord', it is 'my prince'."
She purses her lips, then curtsies, "my prince."
Daemon's nostrils flare as he chuckles. He tents his hands in front of him. He shifts on his leg, "answer my question, not little Sonya."
Sonya's face scrunches. Her brows furrow, "are you not the man who likes my lady-auntie?"
His ears perk at that. He purses his lips, "you're her niece?"
"Well obviously! I said she's my lady-auntie."
Daemon raises a brow, chuckling dryly, "that doesn't answer why you are following me, girl."
"Well," she brings her hands together, "out of all the lords that like her, you're the only one that gave her sweeties," she says innocently, "so I want you to marry her."
Daemon laughs, turning away from the little girl, shaking his head in fully amusement. He leans back down, hands going to his knees, "that is because I not a lord, but a prince, child," he raises a finger and taps her nose, "and you are quite easily swayed."
Sonya pulls her head back at the prince's sentiment. She rubs her nose, face scrunched all angrily. It was truly adorable. She asserts, "do not do that again."
He straightens himself up as he chuckles under his breath, thumbs hanging on his belt, "of course. Apologies. I would not dare do such indecency to a lady again."
Sonya nods, bringing her hands to her sides, "well, now that I told you this... can you walk me back? I don't know where I am."
The prince's lips pull into a smile. He extends his hand out, "of course, my lady."
She takes his hand easily and they begin to walk off.
"If you're the prince," Sonya starts, "then that means..." she gasps, turning up to him, "you have a dragon egg!"
Daemon laughs, clutching his belly as he did so. "Even better," he turns to her, "I have a full sized dragon."
The girl's jaw drops and widens impossibly.
"SONYA!" I gasp the moment I see the tiny silhouette from afar, running towards the girl, who quickly then runs up to me
I fall to my knees when I embrace her, "oh you foolish child! I nearly died trying to look for you!"
"Worry not-"
I look up, finding a smirking man with long silver-blonde hair.
"-she was following after a man of high regard."
I am aghast by the idea. I turn from him to Sonya, eyes widening, "you were following the prince?!"
I clutch my niece's soft, round cheeks as she mutters, "I told him I wanted him to marry you."
Daemon snorts then releases high pitched chuckles. I shoot him an annoyed look. How dare he corrupt my sweet niece with such ideas? I should have rejected his proposal more harshly.
"He's the only one that bought you sweeties, auntie!" Sonya calls.
"They were your favorite too!" she grabs my wrists, "the other lords bought you things you don't even care for. And! They were mean to me! He held my hand while we walked here, auntie."
I pull my head back at the words of the child. My eyes dart to the man, looking all smug behind Sonya, pretending that he wasn't listening in on the conversation, even though he was holding back a shit-eating grin, "did he?"
The girl readily agreed, nodding quickly. She proceeds to whisper, "and we talked about dragons!"
I grunt. He undoubtedly took the girl's fascination of the beasts to his advantage.
I release a breath as I get to my feet. I take Sonya's hand as I step towards the prince. Daemon faux looks at the sky.
"Your highness."
Daemon turns, lips curving into a smile, "oh, my ladies."
It takes great effort for me not to roll my eyes at him, "I believe a show of gratitude is in order," I purse my lips, "thank you for bringing my Sonya back."
He exaggeratedly sighs, trying to hold back his grin, "all in a day's work, my dear. After all," he peers down at Sonya, "the children are the future."
I cannot withhold the incredulous scoff that leaves my mouth.
The man does not mind, and even ignores it, opting to get on one knee before my niece, "now, little shadow, remember what I told you on the way here."
I turn to my niece, who readily nods her head at his words.
"Sonya?" I call in concern, "what did you two talk about?"
Sonya turns to me just before the prince presses a finger to his lips. She follows suit, "it's a secret I share with the prince."
I narrow my eyes, jaw slacking in disbelief. I dirtily eye the said prince as I lean towards the girl, "and I am your auntie. I do not want there to be secrets between us, darling."
"Shhh," she shakes her head and closes her eyes, shushing me like all the times I, and her mother used to, a habit we got from our mother, Sonya's maternal grandmother, "it'll be alright, auntie."
My face falls in concern. Daemon is unable to hold back his giggles. He turns away, pressing a hand on his lips to contain his amusement.
I shoot him a glare as he clears his throat. He turns to Sonya, "very well, my lady." He rises to his feet, placing his hands in front of him, "I will see you soon then."
The child turn to him in excitement as I look at him, appalled, "I beg your pardon?"
"Well, I promised the child to introduce her to my dragon if she came back to me with high marks from her studies."
I scoff, teeth grinding, "you know well she does not study."
"Hmm," Daemon tilts his head at me, "would she not when she is under you care?"
I am taken aback by his sentiment.
He presses his lips as he slowly turns to Sonya. Daemon dramatically sighs, "ah, what are we to do? Unfortunately, it seems your auntie is not keen on allowing you meet Caraxes."
Uproar. Sonya bursts into loud emotions as she grabs into my skirt and whines, "Auntie! No! I must meet Caraxes! I must!"
"I promise to do all my studies, and all that you ask me to do like prince Daemon told me!"
I raise a brow. I take a moment to think, "anything, you say?"
Sonya readily shakes her head, "I promise to be a good girl. Just pleeeeaaaassse let me see his dragon!"
I turn to Daemon, who was already looking at me, absolutely pleased with himself, crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side.
I blink slowly, releasing a sigh, "I will think about it."
Sonya squeals in excitement, releasing me in order to smother the prince's legs next. I am offended by how taken she was with him. I quip, "I said I'll think about it, child."
Daemon bends down, carrying the girl in his arms, releasing a happy sigh as he did so, "worry not, little shadow," he turns to me, "auntie will come around."
"My prince, why do you call me shadow. I'm not a shadow," Sonya pouts, grabbing his face, forcing him to turn to her, "I'm a girl."
Daemon's nostrils flare, "my apologies," he places his free hand onto his chest, "little girl."
"I'm not little!"
"Of course, of course, my mistake."
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verfound · 6 months
FIC: I Guess I Live Here Now (MLB; Lukanette)
Characters/Pairings: Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Luka wasn’t sure exactly when he started living with Marinette, but it was definitely some point between her favorite knitting mug showing up in his cabinet and the time he returned from the studio at three AM to find her asleep in his bed.
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Y’all.  This one has been sitting in the Hoard for ages.  It started with the shower tiles (and I’m still not sure where that inspo came from; I would have sworn Quick, but none of us can find it), grew from that, then sat in the Hoard for probably over a year just biding its time.  I opened it up last week to find the first two scenes and notes, and after a really rough couple of weeks the next thing I knew I was just floating in the moat around Fort Fluff with these idiots.
TL;DR: Never give up on your WIPs.  They all get finished.  Eventually.  😂
“I Guess I Live Here Now”
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” Luka chuckled, nudging Marinette’s shoulder with his arm.  She looked up at him with a grin and bumped him back, except she didn’t pull away and ended up leaning into his shoulder.  If his heart picked up a few extra beats at the familiarity of her closeness, they both pretended not to notice.  Her head rested on his shoulder, and she looked up at him with impossibly blue eyes.
“Of course I do,” she said, reaching over to poke at his stomach.  An eyebrow lifted, and her smile grew.  “Juleka and Rose are busy.  Dingo’s working.  Bri’s still stuck in Berlin.  The Captain’s God knows where.  Someone has to make sure you don’t end up living in a crap hole.”
“…I don’t know if I’m insulted or not at the implication that I wouldn’t be able to tell a good place from a…crap hole,” he said sardonically, laughing a little.  Marinette nudged him with her shoulder, or maybe she just snuggled closer.  It had been getting harder to tell lately.
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ladyfantasma · 4 months
Headcanon: Bri have many unfinished knitting & crochet projects in her room
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starry-hughes · 5 months
bris knows this and keeps all kinds of supplies for her at his house and dorm
he is texting her from the store all the time and asking if she needs any new supplies
“do you want this yarn?” or “i found this knitting pattern book!”
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook' Moodboards (Revamped)(Part 4);
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Liberty Edith Titan.
Age 14 years old.
Daughter of Arges the Cyclops and .
Cyclops and Back Up Carpenter of The Storm Bringer.
Family: Arges the Cyclops (Father),
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Wood carving, bug/insect collecting, painting, embroidery art, metal working, arson, playing games, playing ball, taking care of animals, weapon making, listening to music, fruit picking, dumpster diving, treasure hunting, carpentry, hunting, running, hiking, climbing, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Wooden Club.
She doesn't have magic but she does have inhumane strength and she's strangely good at mimicking people's voices.
Theme Song: "Roar."
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Michelle 'Misty' Del Rey-Silver.
Age 16 years old.
Daughter of John Silver and Marina Del Rey.
Mermaid and Diver of the Storm Bringer.
Family: John Silver (Father),
Marina Del Rey (Mother),
Shania Silver (Sister).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Dumpster diving, treasure hunting, diving, swimming, playing the bongos, swimming with the sharks, smoothie making, jellyfish catching, fishing, water fights, sea shell collecting, sand sculpture building, listening to music, dancing, exploring, playing games, Whale baiting, Jewelry making, sculpting/carving, tattooing, scavenging, racing, knitting, and story telling.
Weapon of Choice: Harpoon.
She has mermaid powers but not magic.
Theme Song: "Just the Way I Am."
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D.E Anonymous.
Age 12-15 years old.
Daughter of Unknown.
Anonymous Helper of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Unknown.
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Singing sea shanties, dancing, parkour, hide n' seek, reading, playing cards, embroidery, sewing, writing, art, self designing, spying, babysitting, climbing, swimming, pickpocketing, and crocodile wrestling.
Weapon of Choice: Slingshot, Catapult, Canon, and Rocks.
It is unknown whether they have any magical abilities or powers. Oc is based on @dragoneyes618 .
Theme Song: "Secret."
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Shan Bri.
Age 13 years old.
Daughter of Shan Yu and Xianniang.
Back Up Kid Wrangler of the Stormbinger Crew.
Family: Shan Yu (Father),
Xianniang (Mother),
Shan Desiree and Shan Deja (Sisters),
Shan Simon, Shan Shing, and Shan Shiro (Brothers).
Pet(s): Fernando (Succulent).
Hobbies: Archery, gardening, cooking, baking, various forms of art, sparring, playing games, wrestling, swimming, playing with fire, sword fighting, learning languages, surfing the web, horseback riding, rat trapping, hunting, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow & Butterfly Knife.
It is unknown whether they have any magical abilities or powers. Oc is based on @mysticfables .
Theme song: "Warriors."
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Tiger Khan.
Age 14 years old.
She was found and adopted by Shere Khan for unknown reasons, learned to talk from other isle kids, and was simply known by Tiger.
Translator of the Stormbringer Crew. 
Family: Shere Khan (Father).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Drawing, Embroidery, Hunting, fishing, writing, reading, watching tv, vandalism, graffiti, dancing, swimming, parkour, climbing, cooking, sailing, photography, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Bone Knife and Knife Gloves.
They have no magic. Oc is based on @panthera-tigris-venenata .
Theme Song: "Welcome to the Jungle."
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Fiona Freelend Foundling.
Age 8 years old. Abandoned/orphaned fairy child with dark wings that just popped up on the isle out of nowhere. No one knows who she really is.
She is the look out of the Stormbringer Crew.
Family: None/Unknown.
Pet(s): Bagul (Skunk).
Hobbies: Dancing, drawing, collecting stuffed animals/creepy things/bugs/silly bands/slap bands, acting , sewing, coloring, having tea parties, listening to music, trick or treating, playing dress up, knitting, meteorology, creative writing/poetry, arts and crafts, catching fire flies, acting, learning, and gardening.
Weapon of Choice: Bat Handled Sword.
They have fairy powers.
Theme song: "Hide and Seek."
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Noah Sage Napoleon Bradford Aoratos.
Age 8 years old.
Son of Persephone and Hades.
Prince of the underworld and cabin boy of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Hades Aoratos (Father),
Persephone Athanasiou (Mother),
Melinoë and Makaria Athanasiou and Skia Aoratos (Full Blooded Sisters), 
Zagreus Athanasiou (Full Blooded [allegedly] Brother),
Hadie Aoratos (Twin Brother),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos, Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Half Brothers),
Darcy Aoratos (Half Sister).
Pet(s): Cerberus the dog.
Hobbies: Playing in Haul's band, hide and seek, dress up, tye dying things, making flower crowns, playing house, running errands, braiding hair, making plants grow, watching cartoons, coloring, gardening, listening to music, singing, dancing, treasure hunting, dressing up his stuffed koala, tea parties, building minatures, collecting stuffed animals/bugs/silly bands/slap bands, acting, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Stygian Iron Sword.
He has demigod powers, can see ghosts/the dead, and has Persephone's abilities.
Theme Song: "I'm Just A Believer."
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femmefighter · 7 months
QUESTIONS FOR 15 FRIENDS I was tagged by @scifi-cowboy :) Sweet idea! Let's get to know some mutuals!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Neg. My parents picked my name out of a name book and I hate it 😅
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Last week, listening to the SW audiobook Victory's Price, sobbing like bitch when the pilots start telling their stories to each other. Ugh.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Neg. I have fur-children though!
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: (Field) hockey, softball, bit of soccer in school. Too hard to do teams sports now with shift work, but keen to try and join a mate in playing ice hockey. Love to run. Sporty upbringing, which has resulted in being stupidly competitive.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Pfft, me?! never
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: It's hard to describe, and this is going to come across wishy-washy, but their energy. What's the energy they're giving off? Approachable? Connectable? Genuine? But also, love a good smile. ☺️
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Happy endings all the way. Please give me hope.
ANY TALENTS?: Ugh, this question sucks. Does being very good at my job count? Other talent would be the ability to hyperfixate on new hobbies to do them to a half-decent standard in a very short amount of time before getting distracted by something else.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Downunder mate 🇦🇺
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Sewing, knitting, fanfic writing, running, just started burlesque which is gonna stick I think! And singing by myself in the car.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Fur-children! A border collie, two cats and an old horse.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: Five foot six
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Drama studies and psychology
DREAM JOB?: I actually really do love my current job, despite how stressful it is (ambulance dispatch). But damn, I would have loved to have made a living doing something creative/performative, like a cabaret/theatre performer, costume artist, etc.
Look, I'm gonna try tagging a lucky 13 in this. Please don't feel the need to answer any of this. It's just a bit of fun 😜 @veditas @the-merchant00 @halepo @bri-the-nautilus @loevawrites @sapphicsparkles @rancidsugar @detective-jane-rizzoli @that-one-loth-cat @kokonut713 @bufftat-junkie @across-the-cypress-trees @balancingtheforce
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fannishknits · 2 years
I have a question that's been on my mind for a long while. If I knit through the back loops then how is SSK (slip slip, knit two together through back loops) any different than just knit two together? (K2tog) when I'm doing k2tog through the back loops anyways?
Simply put: SSK and K2tog slant in two different directions. SSK leans to the left (\) and K2tog leans to the right (/). This might be because while SSK is done through the back K2tog is done through the front.
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senseiwu · 2 years
Not surprised andrews held onto the title of course he did
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a-v-j · 1 year
"Okay, so let us continue. While Extinction at a young age might be lacking empathy, he might not found Killer's situation weird. But what about when he grows up, since when he grows up Extinction gains empathy or understands it at least, he might question it or understand the other meaning of it."
"Since I thought about it more, I am asking this again just to be sure. But how would extinction grow up as personality? We know he is pretty impressionable, as mention in the prior asks. But since Recall is Recall, which is a more introverted individual with his own problems, and Killer is mostly spending his time in phase 1, because for him phase 2/3 is a liability, meaning he will act mostly as classic sans, but with more depression, self-hatred, emotionally tired, suicidal tendencies [He might not act on it, but considering that after he took Chara's control, he wanted to give Papyrus a happy ending before erasing himself, guy is not healthy mentally], volatile emotions/bipolarity and other options, I don't think Extinction will grow up as gremlin, but he won't be like his canon adult self either."
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"Like, I think he will inherit some problems/bad habits of those two in some way or form, maybe paranoia, pessimism or more. Though, this begs the questions, what hobbies or positive aspects will he inherit from them, the love for puns, knitting, or some other things?"
"Also, if extinction is impressionable, wouldn't he take values and opinions from them two, since he is a child right now, and children's views are surely based on their own, but they can be influenced from closed people such as family, and since Extinction cares about the two of them, there wouldn't be a grudge to stop him from taking their views into consideration."
"Since it was mentioned the possibility of Recall remembering who he was in the past due to Killer, it could be due to multiple reasons. Maybe Killer is speaking with Extinction about Papyrus, considering Extinction knows about Killer's story, and in true sans fashion, Killer would tell Extinction what a cool guy he is, for his morality, attitude and creativity. Now, since we know canon Error, not Recall, doesn't like hearing about Papyrus, I think this would have a even bigger effect on Recall, hearing those two always talk about Papyrus, or some other version of it. Maybe the guilt in Killer's tone when he is speaking about Papyrus sometimes, flasing some memories about Geno's despair in seeing Papyrus die over and over again. It could be some ideas, it is your story, so I am interested in your idea."
"And finally, for Killer's errorification, wouldn't phase 1 mean that he is mostly calm per say, maybe overprotective to the point of being even more suicidal, if we take the consideration that his last thought was of him being killed in order to protect them from the danger. Would he retain his soul phases, or would he be stuck in phase 1 permanently? And would he remembed who he was if Extinction tells him his story, since Killer told most of it to Extinction."
"What do you think? Also, you don't need to rush in answering, there is time."
lmao this hypthetical scenario went from wholesome to border angst, such potential.
but sad to say, after going thru over the whole idea, i appear to not have much ideas what will come out of this exactly. to an extent, ive realised that i didnt thoroughly fleshed out extinction's story how he coped throughout since his family is dysfunctional. he canonly appeared calm, reserved and indifferent as a young adult, gotta figure out how he resulted to be that lmao but yknow my head is invested with something else that i wont be making much effort thinking it thru, maybe someday. as of the moment i cant think up how he'll be in this hypothetical scenario since i got not much canon data to cross reference for a very likely outcome and also me and bri are lazy
as for killer's errorfication, well i dont understand much of his phases, so im not exactly sure if it will still take effect, let's say nightmare gets a hold of him again as an error. probably it will, probably it wont, idk
and killer's with recall and ex throughout the process so dont think he'll forget 'em. idk what's the extent of the errorfication when it comes to erasing memories but he got company there with him so i supposed he'd lose some but not all.
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ozzietherandom · 6 days
should I draw my human Decepticon ocs?
the og being Bri(Originally just a prime oc that BK and KO silently agreed upon adopting, this is still canon to her character and I’ve decided in my prime au she convinces Breakdown to join the autobots cus he was wasted potential just as much as dreadwing in cannon) who has curly ginger hair in a ponytail and brown eyes, tan skin, freckles, a lavender colored sleeveless mock neck(shirt) with black flared jeans, a knitted rainbow bracelet, and checkered sneakers.
The second being Odon(while around Decepticons), she has ginger/brown hair in an undercut, hazel eyes, a Decepticon mask(sort of like tarns but also a little different). Odon is like a 21 year old college student, she wears a short dark purple leather jacket with black baggy jeans and black Vans. Kalayavan has prosthetic arms(they look sort of like armor but have claws on the ends). Odin is the most violent, willingly killing many people for the Decepticons.
I have more but I’ll add to this list later.
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prvtocol · 6 months
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@samuhelll : [ door ] an outfit that your muse would wear while lounging around on a lazy day. | THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF WARDROBES ( accepting ) ᠂ ⚘ ˚
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Winter edition. If Bri is going to have loungewear, it's going to be knitted, neutral, fitted, and probably comes in a matching set. Lux.
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