#Branden OC
Discord Sissy!! Iva!!!
How would Amy and Owen & The others (Puppets, Anthony,Jackie Beth ETC)
Deal with Exliza and Sally? I’m rather curious to know how they would handed another person “pulling an Owen” and causing issues even if she an lucky charm?
Discord sis Amber!!!!!
Jackie was a typo, she meant Jake (I asked her on our dms)
For Sally:
Amy (if she lived) she would totally welcome Sally with open arms and make sure she's alright. She would probably ask Sally why she ended up at the studio, if she's hurt. hungry, or thirsty. Then she'll make sure Sally is alright and try to figure about if she got hurt or anything.
Owen would go: "Ah shit another kid?" Then Amy will scold him and tell him to be nice. Owen might just awkwardly ask if Sally likes puppets and probably sit downs and teaches how to play poker before Amy tells him not to make bets with puppets again
Anthony would be like a fun uncle to his niece, he probably bought her some geeky shirt and showed his matching tattoo he got with his GF. He would call her every day and asks how is college doing. He also played the drunk telephone with her as Beth was trying to figure out what he was saying to Sally and vice versa for Sally to Beth
Jake probably met her because of Amy or Beth. He would make sure she's ok during her visits, and he might even ask her what motivated to visit the studio and if Nick or the others caused her some trouble. He might even do some voice impressions and share some funny stories about working with Amy and Owen.
Sarabeth "Beth" would pretty much act like a big sister to Sally. She will get her a drink to chat about Anthony being an idiot, discuss work and how their editor "Ericka Swan" is a bit insane. Both would also bond with Anthony and go to theme parks with Blue Scout (Hannah Pierson) and Space-buns Scout (I think we called her Hollie or something like that. They're from our duality AU) Basically a family bonding time
Brendan would basically hold Sally and ask if she's Beth and Anthony's kid. Then he would be chocked that Anthony has a niece
Kimberly "Kim" would be all like: "You got a niece, Tony-tunes? Cool"
Jordan would simply pat Sally's head and give her some chocolate. They tend to be the cool sibling friend
Victor might recognize her as his granddaughter from one of his kids (not sure if Anthony has a sister or brother), but he probably won't get too close. Sally probably doesn't want anything to do with him either since Anthony has been like a big brother to her.
Mitchell "Mitch" would love her as cousin
Mortimer, he probably recognized Sally from the pictures in Anthony's wallet. He didn't know she was his niece, but knew she was connected to his host like Beth was.
Riley probably would be done with having to deal with more youngsters somehow tied with the weird conspiracy guy that tried to take Mortimer to the police. At least she's glad she doesn't act like Exliza or Beth.
Nick might find Sally tolerable and even share some of his finest works with her as a way to impress her (in the Platonic sense)
Daisy would try to make her a pie, and then want to know how the hell is she related to Anthony Pierson.
Blue Scout "Hannah" loves her as her cousin and a sorta aunt figure
Space buns Scout "Holly" loves Sally as her best friend and she often asks when they can visit "Uncle Anthony and Aunt Beth"
For Exliza
Amy's first reaction to Exliza would be something like "Huckleberry hot chocolate pie, it's Exliza?!" Then she proceeds to be nice and apologizes for their bad experiences and have a nice cup of tea
Owen is all like "Ah Shit here we go again" and proceeds to get the first aid kit and those children's leashes to make sure Exliza doesn't jump into trouble.
Jake would be aware of the complicated history she had with Amy. but nonetheless would be happy to help Exliza in future projects and even ask if how is she doing with her puppets.
Anthony would be somewhere within "HOW THE HELL IS SHE ALIVE" and "Well at least she doesn't take our group as a joke" and then gets her a beer because his life is a mess.
Beth would be all like "I think she's some sort of Uncle Owen version of a lucky charm." and a combination "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DOESN'T USE THE FIRST AID KIT?" Then she would faint if she heard about Dolly-
Branden might be happy to have another chaotic been to take care of and try to adopt evil puppets with.
Kim would be all like "Piersons, are you sure you guys are not madmen magnets or something?"
Jordan would just do this
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Then they'll get prepare to call for help if things go wrong
Victor would spill his tea and be all like "Don't tell me these immature kids multiply...."
Mitch would be unfazed. She probably heard something from her aunt or something
Mortimer might recognize Exliza from some newspapers Amy had. He would be shocked to see how Exliza is still alive but would be all like "kay"
Riley would be raging and be all like "WHY DOESN'T SHE DIE!!!" and she gets into several temper tantrums.
Nick would probably be running from her asking where is the return receipt.
Daisy would be going with the flow and just ask her to play nicely
Blue Scout "Hannah" and Spacebuns Scout "Holly" would be just laughing and cheering Exliza for being a lucky charm
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cer-rata · 4 months
Damian, going down his itemized list of scars:...Okay, bullet wound #4 is from when Todd shot me in the chest-- Conrad: He what?! Damian: Yeah, it was a rough time. Conrad: I'm going to...disintegrate him? Jon: Already floated that idea, D's not going to let you. Colin: I mean he did help with the Apokolips resurrection thing right? Sorta balances out? Damian: I think so. We are not friends, but I have no interest in aggravating that whole situation. Please do not disintegrate anyone. Damian: ...Ever, actually. Conrad: I mean...I guess. Okay. Maya: If it makes you feel any better, most of Damian's close friends have either tried to, or seriously considered killing him at some point. Damian: This is true. Damian: Hmm. I wonder if that should concern me more than it does. Conrad: Hey, I've never wanted to kill you! Damian: Sure, but you're insane in the opposite direction. Conrad: Conrad: So what I'm hearing is that you want me to expand my horizons-- Kathy: Honestly I think everyone should try at least once. Keeps him sharp. I might take a second shot actually. Suren: I don't know, I still feel kind of bad about all of that... Maps: Okay but does it count if it was a cartoonish daydream involving an exploding car and a lot of hammers? Maya:...By the law of slapstick, I'm going to say that doesn't count as seriously considering it. Maps: Yay! Colin: I've definitely never thought about it. Jon: I've also never-- Damian: Jonathan. Jon: Jon: Okay fine, I thought about throwing him into the pacific ocean once--but in my defense he would have probably survived. So...does it really count? Maya: Okay, hold on, I'm making a spreadsheet...
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ageha-sds · 1 year
a couple months ago in august, i helped out with Tiffany Lockheart in making companion images for her Ardbert Week on twitter. i was looking to do it for all the days but i was actively stopped actually from two more - nonetheless i wanted to compile for tumblr what all i worked on! these were all made in the span of the week that Ardbert Week was going on.
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mysticstarlightduck · 12 days
Villain Crimes Tag!
Let's go with the main villains from What Lurks In The Hollow for this one. Again: given that this is a post about very, very bad people (after all they are the villains of this WIP) it will contain TWs for some pretty nasty things.
Rules: List all the real-world crimes your villains are guilty of committing!
Mayor Samuel Whitaker
Serial Killings/Multiple First Degree Murders (most of the victims were minors, ages 5-17, but some adults as well)
Demonic Rituals + Ritualistic Sacrifices of Human Beings
Ritualistic Torture, most notably the torture of a 15-year-old (Jace Donovan, Savvanah Hahn's stepbrother who went missing kidnapped by a "mysterious psycho" was actually held captive by the Mayor himself, and only died 6 days later to bloodloss + ritualistic stabbings, his body was never recovered)
Multiple accounts of kidnapping
Abuse of Power, Corruption
Sending his henchmen to vandalize and damage property belonging anyone who stands in his way
Insider Trading
Environmental Vandalism
False Imprisonment
Harassment/Having his henchmen stalk his "rivals"
Blackmail and Threats
Brainwashing and Cult Activity
Using Dark Magic to maintain influence over an entire town, gain longevity and make people adore him through the power of his venomous words
Bribing and Lobbying
Assault & Battery
Stalking Minors
Mrs. Adelaide Draycott
Harassment of a Sexual Nature
Attempted Sexual Exploitation (At multiple points in the story Mrs Draycott tries to get Dylan, 23M, to sleep with her or "fall in love" with her by using blackmail and trying to corner him into situations where he wouldn't have a choice. Luckily he manages to avoid all her attempts.)
Persistent Stalking
Breaking and Entering
Emotional Manipulation (Gaslighting/Blackmailing/Threatening)
Indecent Contact/Unwanted Touching
Damaging of Property
Intimidation of a Minor (Mrs Draycott often implies to Amy, Dylan's 16-year-old sister, that Dylan is gonna get hurt if he keeps being "stubborn" and that he is already an outcast to the town so no one would care if something happened to him or Amy herself)
False Accusations/False Complaints/Perjury
Sheriff Isaac Clarke
First Degree Murder, covered up
Abuse of Power (as a police officer)
Excessive Use of Force/Police Brutality
False Arrest
Criminal Conspiracy/Colluding with Criminals
Obstruction of Justice/Aiding and Abetting (covering up the literal serial killer crimes of the Mayor in exchange for a hefty paycheck)
Threats of Violence
Misuse of Surveillance
Wrongful Seizure of Property
Fabricating Evidence (against someone completely innocent)
False Search Warrants/Invasion of Property
Fraudulent Reports
Manslaughter/Second Degree Murder
Attempted Murder (of multiple people, including minors)
Torture (disguised as interrogation)
Soliciting Bribes
Aiding in Racketeering
Branden Heddam
Extreme Child Abuse & Child Neglect
Child Endangerment
Abandonment of Parental Responsibilities
Threats of Extreme Violence/Threats of Death
Psychological/Emotional Abuse
Attempted Kidnapping of a Minor (While Zach, his stepson, is on-the-run from him and hiding at Amy & Dylan's place, Branden and his biker gang attempt to kidnap him)
Multiple Accounts of Assault & Battery
Attempt to Contribute to Minor Delinquency
Aggravated Assault/Battery of a Man in front of his ward + Intentional Psychological Trauma
Gang Activities + Gang Involved Violence
Drug Dealing
Bearing Illegal Weapons
Illegal Hunting/Poaching
Environmental Damage
Reckless/Drunk Driving
Cathleen "Cath" Edwards
Economic Duress
Blackmail/Emotional Manipulation
Attempted Title Deed Forgery
Rent Gouging/Unlawful Rent Increases
Loan Sharking
Illegal Fees and Charges
Predatory Lending
Debt Bondage
Coercive Collection Practices
Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping
Blackmail of a Minor
Disturbing the Peace
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter @thelovelymachinery @bookwormclover
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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bobbinalong · 1 month
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divorced jon's ex-wife and children
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puppiesandnightlock · 7 months
LINK: Goodbye Was Not Our End
chpt summary: after five years, the boys reunite.
“I have nothing to wear!” Jon stared at his closet, unsatisfactory outfits littered around the room.
Friday had finally come, and Jon was sure he couldn't have been the only one agonizing over this, Damian had always taken care of his appearance as a teen in public. 
“Daddy?” a little head of mussed black curls peeked into his room. 
Ah, dammit.
“Good morning, Laurel!” He called cheerfully to his daughter, the both of them still in their pajamas. He decided to leave his clothing for later, a quick call to Kathy would most likely solve his fashion problems.
He scooped her up, nuzzling her nose with his as she giggled. “How are you on this fine morning, princess?”
“Good!” He carried her to her room, walls painted a light green with flower blossom stickers decorating it. He set her back down on the little wooden toddler bed, speaking.
“What are we feelin’ today? Overalls okay?”
She nodded. “Pink.”
He pulled a pink shirt off a hanger and folded it neatly, leaving her to get dressed by herself per her request.
Nutella was spread across two pieces of bread, Jon slicing strawberries and bananas to set on top.
He pulled a small lunchbox from the fridge and set it next to the little backpack. Laurel came out of her room, fully dressed and a pair of red converse in hand. Jon swept her curls into two small ponytails as she ate the toast, leaving half of it down. 
He tied her shoelaces and ran to get dressed himself, making a mental note to change before lunch.
 He skipped his morning college lecture, asking for the notes from an acquaintance, and heading straight for the Daily Planet. He had managed to secure a temporary job as a remote journalist until he completed his masters and got his credentials, luckily allowing him to work from home most days.
Despite that, Jon often made his way into the office after he’d finished an article, preferring to pick up his next assignment in person then over email.
It was now an hour before his scheduled lunch, and he was a nervous wreck, even after following Kathy’s fashion advice. 
What could he say that wouldn’t make him sound stupid? Does he talk about Laurel? Should he apologize for five years ago? Would they see each other again or was this just…closure?
If it was only closure…he hoped he was able to let go.
Only one way to find out, he supposed, locking his door and going to his parking spot, unlocking his car and setting the course for the little cafe they were to meet up in.
Damian was panicking.
He’d pulled over several times to shove his head between his legs and breathe deeply, humming to himself to calm down. There was a part of him that sneered, screaming out “Pathetic.” at his nerves.
Now, he was entering Metropolis, following the directions on the screen. Too late to chicken out now. He looked at himself as he hit a red light, outfit chosen with careful consideration and Skylar, Steph, Duke, and Maya’s approval. A touch of eyeliner was applied per Akira’s instruction, drawing attention to his deep green eyes, and a dangling gold cuff in his left ear. His right ear had a gold stud and small loop.
He tapped a finger impatiently on the wheel, deep green sleeves of the oversized open sweater he was wearing coming over his hands.
He pulled into the lot, checking the time. He was a few minutes early, and he tugged at the black turtleneck under his sweater, feeling heated all of a sudden. It felt like something had taken him over, drumming energy into his body.
A DM popped up and he fumbled with his phone, nearly dropping it. He took a deep breath before opening his car door, locking it and shoving his phone into the deep pocket of his jacket.
His black combat boots clicked against the pavement as he scanned the cafe in front of him, knowing that despite the years between them, he’d always be able to recognize the boy who haunted his dreams. 
A head of black curls came into his vision and desperation filled him, urging him to go forwards.
 “JON!” He called out. 
Time seemed to slow as he turned, Damian coming to a halt as he met the eyes he’d so missed.
“Damian?” Jon’s face broke into a grin, the blinding smile that was so genuine, it brought him back to high school when he would have done anything to see it appear.
He was taller now, still more then him, and his curls were cut short, styled fashionably. His freckles were still prominent, the glasses he’d carried up into their senior year traded for contact lenses.
Damian’s heart was caught in his throat, palms beginning to gather sweat. His pulse was running wild and he knew he must have looked like an idiot, standing there and staring at his childhood ex-best friend like he was an alien.
Jon didn’t seem to mind, running up to him. It was only then when he snapped out of it, magnetically drawn to the taller boy, letting himself be enveloped in Jon’s arms.
The warmth lulled him, flutters of familiarity and something so right flooding through him. He wanted to laugh and cry and scream all at once, run five laps but stay in his embrace.
He let his arms tighten around the other and kept them both in a firm hug, shutting his eyes before hearing a clearing of the throat.
He let go and stepped back immediately, embarrassment flooding his cheeks. He tugged on the collar of his turtleneck again and looked up ( looked up!! ) at Jon, cooling relief as he noticed the same embarrassment on his face.
“Jon.” He dipped his head in greeting, smile playing on his lips.
“Damian.” Jon responded in kind, grinning all the while. They sat down, the reunion euphoria settling and slowly turning the atmosphere into an uncomfortable silence.
They studied each other, watching for things that had become different during their time apart.
Jon noted the earrings, more bold from the simple gold studs Damian had worn, the only pair he’d owned back in high school. There were two more piercings, and his hair had grown longer, strands of it falling in his face. His eyes were still the same but held a haunting air, speaking of unspeakable things in the past.
It twisted in his heart and he looked down, noting the boots and generally stylish outfit. It was good to see that in that aspect he hadn’t changed much. Even not having much growing up, Damian had always managed to piece something together that made him look gorgeous.
“So…” Jon coughed. “How’ve you been?”
Damian seemed surprised, but he overcame it quickly. “Fine. You?”
“Fine too.”
The silence trailed off. 
“Timothy has told me Kon is doing well.”
Jon brightened, here was something he could talk about. “He is! His fashion line thing is taking off quicker than any of us had expected, and he’s kinda just goin’ around on the internet and stuff, you know? How’ve your siblings been?”
“They’ve been doing fairly well. Cassandra has become a talented dancer, and Tim has started his technology company. It’s doing pretty well, and Steph just entered pre-med school.”
“Jason helped out a colleague of mine in her singing, as well as his own music channel. He’s been cast as lead in the musical his school is putting on. Duke has been publishing poetry and is finishing up his degree, Dick is well, ten, but has shown a strong interest in music himself. And I’m not too bad off myself, what with ROBIN and all that.”
“I know!” Jon blurted out, Damian raising an eyebrow. He flushed pink and stumbled, backtracking.
“I-i don’t know if you remember, but i uh, i was a big fan of yours when you’d first started up. O-of course i didn’t know it was you at time but ah-”
Damian laughed, the quiet noise of joy ringing in Jon’s ears, a beautifully familiar song.
“I remember. I’m surprised you still stuck with him all this time, huh?” he grinned for a split second, fading quickly.
“Have you found your happy ending yet?” The question was a silent murmur, near inaudible.
Jon was brought back to that day, so blissfully unaware of how soon after their bond would break. 
“No.” He said finally. “I haven’t reached it yet. I thought I had, for a bit. But no.”
Haisley’s gone, then.
“What about you?” 
Damian quickly shook his head. “Not even close.” 
I could never, not without you.
“It’s nice to hear you’re doing well. I ever thought we’d get this chance again.” 
Jon smiled softly. “I’m glad we did, Damian.”
They stuck around for another hour or two, chattering about mindless things and catching each other up on their lives. Their last argument, nor the ROBIN stream or Laurel came up in the conversation. 
It would be best to save that for a different time, they supposed.
Damian checked his watch, noting the time. “It’s getting late, I’m sure you have places to be.” 
They both stood, facing each other and unsure of what to do next. Their initial hug had been something long overdue, and not at all thought out. However, the air of awkwardness returned, and they simply stood staring at each other, unsure of how to proceed. 
A dance of attempted hugs, handshakes and fistbumps occurred, before they eventually paused, holding a gaze for a few seconds before collapsing into laughter. 
Damian bumped him with his shoulder gently, offering a smile. Jon pulled him into a quick side hug, and when they parted, he smiled.
“I really am happy we could meet again. If you want we could do this again sometime?” The hopeful look in his eyes, filled with a strange hue of innocence sparked something inside of Damian, causing him to mirror the expression and nod.
“Of course, J.” The familiar nickname flowed off his tongue out of what he thought was a long forgotten habit.
The slip made Jon’s whole being light up, although Damian himself winced. “See you later, then? Just message me and we can sort out a day.”
He began trotting backwards, tapping his phone. The shorter man laughed a bit as he watched him leave, a gentle pang in his chest reminding him of all the things he’d so missed.
They had yet to have the conversion about the past, and both figured it could wait a bit, after all, they had just gotten each other back. Each wanted to bask in it, if only for a little while.
Damian collapsed on their couch moments after entering their house, keys still in one hand.
“How did it go?” Duke called from his room.
“Fine!” he called back.
Ugh. He realized with devastating pain. He’s still cute.
This is fine. It would be fine. After all, it was just a normal observation, it wasn’t an immediate crush, it was a stated fact about someone’s appearance. 
It's not like this would activate any lingering feelings or make him fall in love again, right?
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renaissance35 · 1 year
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This is a rough comic sketch of Damian Wayne and (kids his own age) his friends, and 3 of my own ocs. Just having a nice (in Jons case, tricky) winter break.
It's a quick two parter; Jon just can't skate n Kathy is trying to help him. And Alex (Alexia Luther) n Chris (Toussaint son of T'Challa) are being a bit (competitive) playful.
I drew this last year around Christmas time obviously. I'm sorry I never got to post this until now 😩 hope u like it anyway.
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
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A drawing of the fanmade Superfamily webcomic series I'm planning to make soon!
(Click image for better quality)
(Traditional version below)
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Title of the series is:
Superman: Super stories of the Kent family
Starring the main characters:
Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kid!Jonathan Samuel Kent, Conner Kent, Chris Kent, Kara Danvers, and Krypto!
Supporting characters in the cast will be:
Ma Kent, Pa Kent, Mon El, Jimmy Olsen, Steel, Jake Grayson, Damian Wayne, Kathy Branden, Jay Nakaruma, Emily Elizabeth Alyla (a kid civillian DC oc of @quartzgallery 's that goes to Jon and Chris' school and is a friend of Jon's), Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark, and Bart Allen (feel free to let me know if there's another well known supporting character that I maybe forgot to add by accident)
I hope it looks good :D
@quartzgallery @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @theredheaded-stuff @camo-wolf @cats-and-katanas @nobodycallsmerae
Also tagging those who commented on the last post:
@janestvalentine @march-lion-98
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secondgenerationnerd · 7 months
How did you decide which characters goes with which group? Like why put Jon, Damian, Colin, Lian, etc on the same team?
……purely for the fucking vibes if I’m totally honest 😂😂
Like my main teams I write/think about are:
Omega squad—Damian Wayne, Mar’i Grayson, Lian Harper, Colin Wilkes, Milagro Reyes, Jai West, and Irey West
Epsilon Squad—Maya Ducard, Kathy Branden, Nell Little, Anissa Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Sin Lance, and Tiffany Fox
YJL—Ceridian’ahm, Zachary Zatara, Lucy Quinzel, Connor Lance-Queen, Matty West, Jania West, and Luca Gordon-Grayson (mostly OCs, but the last names should help understand who’s kids they are)
Like that’s 22 characters ON THOSE TEAMS ALONE, who’s general vibes are “I will call you a little bitch if you touch my fries, but if ANYONE disrespects you, their body will never be discovered.”
Past that it boiled down to “what are the funniest people to put on a team together”
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baambastic · 2 years
Alright, characters for my Young Titans AU
Full Members
Damian Wayne - Robin
Jon Kent - Superboy
Maya Ducard - Nobody
Kathy Branden - Beacon
Malek - Martian Boy
Colin Wilkes - Abuse
Reserve Members / Frequent Visitors
Suren Darga
Lian “Shoes” Harper - Cheshire
Irey and Jai West - Thunderheart and Surge
Cullen Row - Delos
Ma’alefa’ak - Malefic (initially)
Time-Displaced Young Starro
Klarion the Witch-Boy
Galatea (OC with technopathic abilities)
The Royal Flush Gang
The Showman
Manchester Black
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
just putting it out into the world that i would love (and mayb cry) if someone wanted to make their oc related to one of my oc's!! yk when it makes sense ... like bring me redwynes and cranes and farmans and velaryons and and and 🥺🙏🏾
my oc's houses are:
westerlands. house farman (errick) crownlands. house celtigar (vaelerys, *targ dynasty era), house velaryon (vida) iron islands. house botley (sym, *got era), house goodbrother of shatterstone [on old wyk] (wulffryd), house drumm (regnarra) north. house karstark (yoren snow [got] / yoren karstark [hotd]) the reach. house redywne (vik), house crane (lia)
edit: these are my asoiaf house muses, not including aeron because of obvious reasons 😂 (nor däthedr or tiathia, or branden bc of his canon non-compliance)
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I made a few Picrews for my Hello Puppets OC + Anthony for reference
Tw: For gun
Here's Anthony Pierson (My oc is his gf)
Co creator of Vox Veritas along side Randal "Randy " Erickson and Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins
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My Oc Branden "Broddy"Callaway (Beth's best friend and Anthony's bro )
Official member of Vox Veritas. Functions as a lookout. He likes surf
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Kimberly "Kim" Wong (I might chance her design later tho)
The "Oracle" of Vox Veritas. Has some good info
Cat enthusiastic and Jordan's roommate
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Jordan Jimenez
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They're an investigator and kinda an interrogator for the team.
They're the roommate of Kim (They're just besties, Jordan is married )
Here's Mitchell "Mitch" Andrews (She's Beth's 17 year old cousin ).
She wants to join Vox veritas
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And now here's My OC and book dealer Victor Pierson and Anthony's strained father (Not a headcannon, just an OC)
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astrology-bf · 5 months
Some WoL/Ardbert thoughts because I enjoy making myself and my OC suffer. Spoilers for Post-Heavensward below the cut.
Ifan and Ardbert encountered each other prior to the first showdown at Loth ast Gnath. Ardbert wanted to scope out Ifan for himself, and what was intended to be discreet observation ended up turning into a conversation over drinks, then to a one night stand. Both men parted feeling extremely conflicted; Ifan because he was still in mourning for Haurchefant, Ardbert because he knew he'd have to fight and possibly kill Ifan at Elidibus' behest.
Though it was only a few hours conversation and a few hours of other activities, it was the sort of night that one looks back on in hindsight and realizes that one has met their soulmate. Ardbert realized this shortly before the plot to kill Ifan was hatched. Ifan took a little longer.
Sidurgu would later remark to Ifan that Fray's simulacrum (as manifested through Ifan's possession of his soul crystal) isn't entirely accurate to what the dark knight was in life; his voice was different, and Fray had gold eyes rather than blue. It was then Ifan realized that "Fray" has Ardbert's voice and eyes.
There's a definite "Second Circle of Hell" vibe to Shadowbringers wherein Ifan is reunited with Ardbert but is unable to physically touch or be intimate with him. The one occasion when Ardbert manages to touch him (by pushing the remainder of his aether to its limits) was to comfort Ifan after he awoke after Mount Gulg. It was barely a touch on the cheek, but it kept Ifan from utterly breaking in that moment.
Elidibus possessing Ardbert's body was enraging for Ifan (especially due to the similarity to Thancred and Lahabrea), more than a little bit of which was motivated by self-loathing over an intrusive desire to pretend that Elidibus was Ardbert - if only so Ifan might be able to hear his voice and feel his touch again.
Merging souls with Ardbert has had its upsides; Ifan genuinely felt more at ease with himself post-Shadowbringers, and since then occasionally has comforting dreams of Ardbert in vivid and lucid detail. But it turns out that while "being one with your soulmate" is more fun as a poetic hyperbole than actual fact; every new adventure since Shadowbringers has had Ifan ask himself what it would have been like if a certain warrior was at his side.
As of Endwalker, Ifan (in his canon incarnation) sports a tattoo of the Bravura axe on his right wrist; along the haft of which are five stars, one each for Lamitt, Renda-Rae, Branden, Nyelbert, and Ardbert.
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authorspirit · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Does your sim/s or oc/s mispronounce any words? Why? Is it on purpose or accident?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
To be honest I'm not that detailed in the lore of my OCs. I think at best Kaori Nishidake and Branden Lambert's children have some hardships pronouncing some words in Komorebigo, as I'm sure Kaori still teaches them the language but they lived mostly in Newcrest so... At least they may have some accent in some words!
(I could also make it that one of them pronounces Finland incorrectly like I do in French because I always pronounce the n for no reason other than I heard it in English too many times.)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Shadowbird vs The Lazarus Dragons
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ndD8C4l
by Sagavan
Things have been going well for Damian Ducard right now. Him and his team have been getting a lot of positive attention, so much so that they've been invited to the Tower of Justice, the one and only headquarters of the Justice League.
What happens when something from the leader of Teen Titans' past comes back to haunt him? Will his new life come crashing down?
Words: 2852, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Teen Titans: Gods and Monsters
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), DC Elseworlds, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Damian Wayne, Maya Ducard, Suren Darga, Colin Wilkes, Kathy Branden, Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi, Selinda Flinders, Kyd Wykkyd (DCU), Virgil Adams, Cinderblock (DCU), Madame Rouge, Vicki Vale, Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul, Original Female Character(s), Jonathan Kent, Hernan Guerra
Additional Tags: The oc is Maya's mom, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, The Fearsome Five only appear in chapter 1, Fighting, Some shady people cause foreshadowing, Surprise sleepover! : D, Damian Wayne-centric, Self indulgent AU, This takes place in the same universe as Justice League Gods and Monsters, Takes place 15 years after the film
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ndD8C4l
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puppiesandnightlock · 6 months
LINK: Goodbye Was Not Our End (pt. 3)
Something about their meeting had been bugging him. It wasn’t the meeting itself, although the awkward air had left something to be desired. It was Damian himself, it was like Jon was now seeing him differently. It could have just been because of the time passed, something past physical appearance, but whatever it was kept a hold onto him for the rest of the day.
He picked Laurel up from the daycare center and let her watch a movie in the meantime, while he attempted to sort himself out.
There was something there and he would not be able to sort it out by himself. He went into his room after double checking Laurel’s activity, and dialed Kathy.
“How did it go?” The words were said the moment she picked up.
“ I also accept hello, how are you, and good evening.” He said, a teasing note in his voice.
“That’s bull, I helped your disastrous fashion choices and you promised me the details on your estranged famous pop star bestie.”  
“It went…okay. I can’t tell if it was more for closure than anything, but we’re going to meet up again.” Jon sighed, putting the phone on speaker and laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. 
”Well, that’s good, right?” A rustle of papers and a pencil scratching something out on them accompanied her words. ”Even if y’all can’t get back to where ya once were, it can still be turned back into a relationship that means something again.” 
Jon exhaled, fidgeting with his hands. “There was something off about it, almost like I noticed too much and too little at the same time. It felt so good to be back together, you know?”
“Reunion euphoria.” Kathy summarized. *”What was the biggest thing you noticed about him?”
“Well, it faded, I guess, and became awkward.” Jon scratched his scalp gently. “Um, I guess it would have to be his overall physical look.”
”Hmm. Describe it to me?” Kathy sounded almost… amused? No, that couldn’t be right.
“He was taller, but still way shorter than me. Nothing’s changed there.” He chuckled fondly. “All of his features were shared now, an adult’s face. My parents would say that he looks just like his mom.”
“Wasn’t his mom, like, the most beautiful in the world, according to both your parents?” 
Jon sputtered, tips of his ears going red. “W-well, i mean-”
“And didn’t you have a crush on him early on before…I hate to disrespect the dead, but that bitch?” 
“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” he glowered at the phone from his vantage point on the bed.
”Jon, I think what’s going on here is that you realized he had a glow-up.” Kathy’s voice definitely had a tinge of amusement and it caused the other boy to scowl.
“S’not like he needed one to begin with.” The mutter was still picked up from the other end and caused the girl to laugh, the sound coming a bit staticy.
”There’s your proof, bestie. Look, it doesn’t mean something has to come from it. Objectively speaking, you’re not half bad yourself, and I'm not trying to date you.” 
Jon groaned, shoving a pillow on his face. “I don’t like adulting, Kath, take me back to, like, elementary.”
She snorted. ”It’s not that bad. Look, focus on rebuilding your friendship, getting somewhere is the first step. If you need me to pick up Laurel one of these days, you know I'm always happy to be Aunt Kathy with the angel.” 
“Mkay.” He took the pillow from his face and stared at the ceiling. “I’ll let you know. Thanks, Kathy.”
“Of course. Who else would help you sort out your disastrous life?” She laughed on the other end. “Take care of yourself, talk later.”
The call ended and Jon was left with more confusion than before.
It was rlly good to c u again 
Ik u said we could meet up again 
And i thought it might be easier to have my number? 
Its xxx-xxx-xxxx 
ROBIN_Official is typing… 
Unknown number 
Its damian hi 
Im free next wednesday 
Awesome same plac as last time 
Yeah, sounds good. Same time? 
Sure sounds good. Cya then ^^ 
See you then! 
Gradually, the visits became regular weekly events, the old, crumbled bond being the foundation for a new tentative relationship to be built on top, not quite what it once was, but something healing under the bandaid. Every meeting and visit, the long missed conversations lasting well into the nights was a new stitch in the gash.
Damian became D, then Damian again, before Dames, and Dame and over the few months, it became Dami again, affectionate and sweet.
The stiffness faded, and they fell into an easy new rhythm none were willing to break. The subject of their past was a dark, locked chest in the top shelf, gathering dust. Opening it would be Pandora’s box, but it was entirely necessary. 
Both were unwilling to bring the subject up again, not wanting to let the past break them again. It was costing the both of them, Damian from guilt, and Jon feeling like he was hiding a vital part of his life.
About three months had passed from their first meeting in October, and they were now in the middle of January. Laurel would be two soon, and Damian had no idea she existed. Jon kept meaning to mention her, but what do you tell your old best friend about something like this?
Oh yeah, so I didn’t tell you in the few months we’ve been meeting that I have a child! Her mom is the same person who destroyed our friendship!  
No. Absolutely not .
This was such an important part of him that he wanted to share, something that he was so proud of. Overwhelming everything else, however, was that same old feeling of fear and worry. They’d worked so hard to get where they were now, despite not having it in them to talk about the roadblocks.
It would be fine, right?
Damian stood out in front of the cafe, scanning the crowds for Jon. The lunch rush hit their quaint little meet-up spot like no other, and with how regularly they came, the wait staff was not above holding tables for them.
Their normal server, a perky high school kid with a green and pink ponytail grinned at him, two menus in her hands.
“Afternoon, Mr. Wayne! You and Mr. Kent want your normal table?”
Damian nodded, lighting up as he saw Jon’s head of curls bobbing in the sea of people. He waved his hand and Jon appeared, grinning at both of them.
“Hey, Dames! Dalia.” They followed the waitress as she led them to a table outside, known by most of the staff as their table.
“I’ll bring you two your usual drinks?” She waited for confirmation, scribbling it down on a notepad as they gave it and rushing away.
“Oh my god, Dames,” Jon blurted out as Dalia left. “You will never believe what I heard walking into the Planet this week,”
Damian grinned, leaning forward as if they were two schoolgirls in the courtyard, letting Jon blabber on about the latest gossip.
“And then after she said that, Jen got so mad, I told Kath and she says that they’ve definitely got something going on there-”
Two glasses were placed on the table in front of them, Jon pausing in the retelling to look up at the person standing there.
Another high school kid with dark red curls and brown skin, a direct contrast to their usual server, and held a notepad in one hand.
“Dalia got held up with another table, but I can go ahead and take your order.” 
“Thank you Hayden!” Jon chirped with a quick glance at the name tag, before ratting off their usual order, looking at Damian for confirmation.
He nodded quickly and Hayden scribbled it down before dashing off to a different table.
“Alright, that’s my fill of workplace gossip, you got anything for the table?” He sipped his sweet tea and waited. 
“Well, Skylar’s 3rd graders absolutely destroyed all the paints and Akira has this weird guy who shows up like every other day, hates books and tries to hit on them but gets a latte so they can't tell him anything. Dick’s been taking his gymnastics classes much too seriously and Jason sends videos of him hanging off things that he shouldn’t be with Father begging him to get off.”
Jon snorted. “Little brothers.”
“Indeed.” Damian sighed. “My older child complex is going insane, I’ve gotten the urge to drive all the way back down there to full name the both of them.”
He laughed, remembering what a mother hen Damian had been as a teen. The other man watched fondly, drinking in the sight of his joy and the song of it ringing in his ears.
Their food was dropped off by Dalia, and they continued their conversation. They had definitely gone over their normal time, and neither seemed to notice, until Jon’s phone began to ring. He ignored it, but it persisted, and looking sheepish, he answered. 
The grin dropped and a horrified expression came over his face. Damian reached over, mouthing a question. 
”Are you okay?” 
Jon shook his head near violently, standing up and shoving his phone in his pocket. “I’m so sorry, Dames, but i gotta go-”
“No, no, that’s fine, but what's going on? Are you okay?” Damian tugged on his sleeve, concerned.
“Iforgottopickupmydaughter.” He wrenched his arm from his grasp and jogged off, leaving Damian slack jawed in the back of the little cafe.
“He has a daughter ?” 
Jon bolted into the daycare, having broken several traffic laws to get there in under ten minutes. There were still some kids and parents there, Laurel sitting alone in a chair too big for her, legs swinging.
“Hey, hey Princess, I’m so sorry-” He bent to her level, cupping her face. She was surprisingly calm about it, unlike what he would have been as a child.
“It’s okay.” She said finally. “Grown-ups come back.” 
Jon was on the verge of tears, laughing weakly. “That’s right, Laurel, I’ll always come back. Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
A few minutes later, as they were driving to the apartment, his daughter’s voice spoke up, smaller than he’d ever heard it.
“Why didn’t Mama come back?”
The car nearly swerved, and Jon breathed in, steadying himself. The rest of the way was silent until he parked, and turned back.
“Mama…isn’t here anymore. She can’t come back.”
“Is she…in the stars now?”
she didn’t deserve the stars. Jon chose his next words carefully, taking a minute of silence. 
“Not exactly. She’s just…gone. She didn’t go to the stars, but she can’t come back either.”
He unlocked the car, getting out to open Laurel’s door and bring her down from her carseat that she insisted on unbuckling herself.
“Okay.” She said finally. “That’s okay.”
Something in his heart twisted painfully, and he swung her up into his arms. “How about we have some dinner now, okay?”
Admittedly, he’d forgotten all about why he’d been late to begin with. He’d just started a movie with Laurel half asleep on his side when his phone lit up, heart dropping to his stomach in dread.
Dami 💚
Would you care to explain  
why you didn’t tell me you had a daughter? 
I’m not mad  
I didn’t want to scare you off  
That was wrong of me  
I want to explain. 
Are you free this weekend? 
I can make time 
Same place? 
Yes, see you then 
“So.” Damian brought the cup to his lips. It was earlier then they would normally meet, and the chilly air had prompted them both to order warm drinks.
“So.” Jon nibbled on his bottom lip.“I owe you like, the world’s biggest explanation.” 
The other man laughed, Jon shutting his eyes and letting the familiar sound ring in his ears. He kept his hands around the cup, feeling the warmth seep through the ceramic. 
“That you do. You don’t have to tell me anything you’re uncomfortable with, but I'd like to have a general gist of what happened.”
Jon breathed in and opened his eyes, and began to talk.
“We didn’t break up when I moved to Metropolis, which I'm sure you know. After the summer, in my first year of college, she came back, and we picked up where we had left off. I knew I should have broken it off, because even though we hit our…roadblock, I could still hear your voice. You were always right to me back then, even when you were wrong.”
His laugh was awful, a small chuckle filled with bitterness.
“That was one thing I always hoped to be wrong about.” Damian whispered, long eyelashes brushing his bronze skin. Jon took a small sip from his cup and continued.
“Two years and we were twenty. It should have been enough, but something kept me there, and she always insisted that she loved me. I was so close to breaking it off, I had finally had enough. But that’s when she told me she was pregnant.  I couldn’t just leave her like that, my parents would have killed me. We eloped, cut a cake, and stayed here. We were so young, D. Too young.
“Then the baby was born. She had just turned twenty-one, and after a bit, didn’t want a baby. I didn’t understand, she’d carried the child, our child, decided to keep it, and after the novelty wore off, she was ready to give up. I was alternating between full parenting and classes because she didn’t want to parent.”
Damian was catching on slightly, still curious about the past tense. How, how had the boy he’d once known, full of sunshine and sharp edges, soft but capable, had gone through hardships like this.
“It was a Friday and I was so done. She left the baby and went out and trust me, I was absolutely pissed. There was a knock on the door, and I must have looked like the dead, answering the door with a Met U hoodie, a baby in one arm and a bottle in the other. I saw the officer and I knew. There was no way that it could have been anything else.”
He was silent, swallowing the lump in his throat. “It wasn’t love, not anymore. I wonder if it had ever been, really. But still, I held out hope. Some kind of hope that maybe we could save it, have some kind of family. She died on impact, which made me feel somewhat better. I was torn up over it for a while, but I had my parents, and Kathy. They helped with the baby a lot.”
“Car crash?” Damian whispered. He was all too familiar with those.
Jon’s face scrunched up in what seemed to be-
No, no. couldn’t be.
Slight amusement? 
“In a way.” He said slowly. Damian waited for him to go on, filled with confusion. “It was a bus.”
“The bus crashed?”
“No…no she was hit with it.”
“She was hit…with a bus ?” Damian squawked. 
“I mean, there were a bunch of other people but she was front and center. It was speeding and there was something wrong with the driver.” Jon hid his face with his cup, watching Damian gawk at him. After a few minutes, right as Damian took a sip from his own, he remarked with a raised brow,
“Ironic, isn’t it?”
Tea was spit everywhere and Jon cackled, Damian’s coughs turning into shaky laughter.
“Jonathan Samuel Kent, what would your mother say?” he sputtered.
“Oh, she agrees. She never thought she was good for me.” Jon handed him, still chuckling as Damian sopped up the mess. “Took me awhile to see it in that light, but I recognize she was hurting me in more ways than one, and though no one ever deserves death, I’m not torn up about it anymore.”
Damian smiled softly at him, hand reaching across the table to touch his. “I’m so sorry that we weren’t there for each other when these things happened. I’m here now, and so are you, and we’re friends now, I think. We’re going to build what we had back up, and I have a feeling it will be better than before. No more secrets?”
Jon moved to grip his hand like they used to when they were children
“No more secrets.”
The shorter man leaned back, lips turning up in fondness. “Now that that’s out of the way, tell me about your daughter!”
Jon brightened, immediately letting go to whip out his phone. “Oh, gosh, Dami, I've got so many pictures! Her name is Laurel, she’s almost two, and she has the fluffiest curls-”
He rambled on and on, Damian soaking it in and cooing over the pictures. Laurel, it seemed, took much more after her father, with her long dark curls and bright blue eyes, small smattering of freckles over her nose. The only trace of the child’s mother was the slightly tanned skin, a lovely mix of features creating an absolutely adorable child.
“When can I meet her?” He blurted out in the middle of one of Jon’s stories. If possible, the beam grew brighter, and Jon nearly bounced in his seat.
“Literally whenever. I can bring her here, or you could come to the apartment, or i could bring her when you meet Kathy-” 
“The apartment sounds good.” He said quietly, stopping the ongoing chatter. “Her ground, and besides, I'd like to see it.”
They both stood, the taller one bumping his shoulder with the smaller one’s. “I’ll text you the details?” 
“Sounds good.” They watched each other, before settling into a warm hug, speaking of sorrow and a small hope for renewal.
They broke apart and went their separate ways, content and peace drifting over them. They were starting again. They were starting again, and this time, they’d both make sure it would be the last time.
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