summercosmos · 5 months
for literary related reasons I was wondering if Bracken could blush (bc. you know. silver blood) and while on that shouldn't his human form be actively different in coloring ... i.e silver lips pale extremities & possibly no apparent eye blood vessels (would the silver blend in with the white of the sclera ?)
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keys to the demon prison, chapter 16 ↑
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still in Keys to the Demon Prison (chapter 25!). "he reddened," no he didnt????? he cant???? BOOOoO🍅🍅🍅🍅
It's not that deep whatever but still. missed opportunities. why are you robbing the world of a romance lite scene with an embarassed Kendra and a seemingly unbothered Bracken except when she moves closer his face is just RADIATING HEAT. what happened to whimsy and fun and love? brandon mull you are a coward
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kaponebi · 5 months
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You're beautiful Kendra.
Yall missed me? That's my big come back from the dead.
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a-dip-in-the-source · 8 months
Something something Bracken's horns always falling into Kendra's hands. Holding a piece of you you thought you lost forever, letting her have it, because now she's a part of you to.
Maybe a story about destiny. Here's a piece of me you found before you even knew me. We helped each other before we met each other. Thank you thank you thank you for returning the favor, I want to help you further.
Maybe its a story about healing. Bracken the hornless unicorn, trapped inside himself. Kendra brings him out of prison, opens him up, helps him retrieve his second horn. Does it again, helps him reclaim his third.
Maybe its a story of realization. She represent all he was, and showed him he didn't need it anymore. Let me cut you some pieces of me, so that my connection to you can last forever.
The horns are so much to me.
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aerinsfables · 1 year
The Fablehaven crew at an amusement park:
-Seth is constantly just. Gone. Nobody knows where he ran off to, but he always finds everyone else within a few seconds of them starting to ask each other if they’ve seen him recently
-Bracken and Kendra spend an inordinate amount of time playing the carnival games. Kendra’s arms are steadily getting more and more full of stuffed animals
-Warren joins Bracken & Kendra at the carnival games for a bit, wins a prize, gives it to Vanessa, and then steers her away from the rest of the group to go and order way too many sugary treats for everyone to share
-Dale gets tired of losing track of Seth and threatens to put one of those child-proof wristbands on him which will connect both of their wrists so the kid can’t wander off anymore
-Tanu tells Dale to chill and let the kid be a kid. And then proceeds to put an AirTag in Seth’s shoulder-pack-thing that he carries around
-Warren tells Seth about the AirTag and helps the kid plant it in Tanu’s pocket
-Vanessa rides all of the huge rollercoasters
-Tanu joins Vanessa, Dale does ~not~
-Warren joins Tanu and Vanessa
-Tanu gets sick
-Seth takes Tanu’s place
-Bracken & Kendra do the typical cutesy couple-y things like riding on the carousel and the Ferris wheel at sunset
-Everyone figures out later that Seth kept disappearing to the bumper cars and go-karts and those rides that spin you around in circles at high speeds. He creams everyone at go-kart racing
-Dale takes pictures of everyone and makes sure everyone eats actual food and drinks water. #momfriend
-Tanu helps round everyone up at the end of the night, makes a comment about how Seth must’ve discovered the AirTag, doesn’t see Warren scoff, and Seth pops up out of nowhere to ask everyone why they’re taking so long to get into the car
-Overall it’s chaos and fun and everyone has a great time
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shayjay26 · 7 months
big long rant
Okay okay so I love looking for and reading bad brackendra fics cause they’re fucking hilarious.
But some of them are good, like really good
It got me thinking, about the logistics of Bracken’s immortality and Kendra’s age again. About Ronodin’s immortality. About Lena’s
My first impression is ew, especially with Bracken, right? But Brandon wrote it so it’s ew, even if unintentional, he did.
Would it be wrong in every situation, no matter what?
We know that Brandon claims their minds are young, which does justify some things, except for the fact that their actions prove otherwise. If their actions proved Brandon’s words would it be okay? Would we believe it?
What if they genuinely felt like that? What if they were genuinely at the maturity of that age? A lot of the reason dating laws exist is because of the difference in maturity. And even though I don’t think 18 should be the cutoff, it’s why it’s there. 
I mean, I still find it weird when people think once a child is 18 it’s suddenly okay to like them. Because your brain stops maturing at around 25. For me, it’s all about maturity. If their maturity was genuinely at that level, would it be okay? Would it be separate enough from their wisdom and experiences from their long life?
Another thing that got me thinking was an essay I wrote for my English 1010 class. One of the sources provided mentioned the brain affected things like attraction. 
This source provided an example of how a tumor, pushing against where attraction is created, forms pedophilic thoughts and urges in someone. And while yes, this is bad, could it be the same in other scenarios? Could the way the brain is arranged cause different, uncontrollable, emotions and feelings?
If their brain was arranged in such a way, if the part that controlled their emotions was shaped in such a way, they wouldn’t have any control over it. It’s not some malicious or creepy feeling anymore, to them at least.
If they were genuinely at the same maturity, genuinely had no control over their attraction, because that’s just how they were made, how they were built, would it still be creepy? 
Could they be considered the same age if their maturity was at the same level?
It’s like, I’m attracted to people my age. Because that’s how it should be, that’s how I was made. That’s how the thing in my brain is shaped. I’m not attracted to little children, because it’s wrong, and it’s not how I was made. If all of those immortal beings were made to mature at a certain rate, and made to be attracted to certain people, are their feelings valid, or is their species as a whole just wrong?
Just some thoughts. Wondering how everyone else feels on the subject? Still undecided myself honestly. I want some opinions outside of my brain.
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raxtusfordragonking · 11 months
Kendra: This is my boyfriend, Bracken. He just got out of prison for the third time.
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I’m gonna come out here and say it;
it would have been way funnier if Seth and Bracken became a chaotic duo BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH CANONICALLY RULE BREAKERS. Bracken spits in the face of authority. He disregarded his mom’s advice and WENT DIRECTLY TO THE SPHINXES SANCTUARY. He roasted the Sphinx every opportunity he got. In a perfect world, Seth and Bracken would have laid down a diss track about the Sphinx while Warren beatboxes in the background.
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thinklikeseth · 10 months
"As a new mortal, I expect you'll want to date a lot," Kendra said. "Explore your options."
"Mortals have a finite number of days," Bracken said.
He turned her around. "Why would I waste any of them kissing someone besides you?"
Screaming, smiling, crying bc I can't I CANT <3333
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ronodin-is-iconic · 2 months
Okay but why is Golden Hour so Brackendra
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ratheread · 1 year
My 2 OTPs
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summercosmos · 5 months
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personal headcanon bracken is considered Very Attractive to all these magical creatures like fairies and etecetera but when it comes to Normal Human people looking at him they're just. Unnerved. a bit worried maybe.
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kaponebi · 1 year
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The final scene of Dragonwatch 5
Don't we love a little Brackendra moment ?
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a-dip-in-the-source · 6 months
Bracken 100% one of the greatest characters the author added btw. Really said "Kendra gets a Final Fantasy boyfriend" and then made it happen. He exists (in a doylist explanation) to give affirmations and look pretty covered in blood. Peace and Love <3
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aerinsfables · 1 year
I was going through my Google docs trying to find something I’d scribbled down idk however long ago, and I stumbled across this little oneshot that I wrote some time after Dragonwatch 3 was released and before Dragonwatch 4 came out. Thought I’d share it here. I don’t know why I didn’t post it before.
Again, this was written before Dragonwatch 4 was released, so the oneshot doesn’t fit into canon (unfortunately canon took a huge nose-dive IMO).
Enjoy some sweet brackendra. ❤️
She sits by herself at the edge of the ocean, overlooking rocky shores and crashing waves. The air is warm and humid, but at least the breeze from the beach - if she can call it that - helps to quell the heat a little. The coarse and bumpy expanse of rock which stretches out beneath her crossed legs does nothing to help ease the ache in her heart, but at least the view and scent of the water helps to speak some minute semblance of peace to her soul.
Her thoughts turn to her brother, as they often do these days. She wonders where he is, and worries over his well being. Is he hurt? Has he had enough to eat? Is he sleeping okay? Is Ronodin still influencing him?
Kendra constantly worries about how he feels. Her brother is lost. Maybe he has an idea of where he’s headed physically, but in all other ways he is lost, and she fears for him, she wants to protect him, longs to see his smile, misses his incessant teasing, cries for his absence. Her brother has become her best friend, and the pain she feels threatens to eat her alive.
Bracken’s footsteps approach her. She briefly smiles at the thought that he’s usually so quiet when he walks that he often seems to appear out of nowhere, so if she’s hearing him now - over the noise of the waves - that must mean he’s deliberately trying to be loud in order to give her warning of his approach. He’s still quiet, which broadens her smile a bit, but the momentary amusement flees when she sees the almost cautious expression on his face.
“May I sit with you?” he asks. Kendra nods her head in response, and he takes up residence next to her on the relatively flat expanse of rock she had chosen earlier. She rests her head on her knees, her arms wrapped around her legs, and watches as he situates himself.
“The Giant Queen lives at the foothills of those mountains,” Bracken says after a moment, and points to a particular peak off in the distance. “It will probably take us the better part of a full day to walk there.”
“Aren’t we waiting for Warren and the others?”
He shakes his head. “Warren said they’ll meet us at the Queen’s fortress. She’s the caretaker of the preserve, so she fields all visitors.”
“Do you think she’ll be angry that we entered somewhere other than the front gate?” Kendra can’t believe she didn’t think about this before now; she’d just gone along with what everyone else had suggested. Go with Bracken through the Fairy Queen’s shrine to Titan Valley. We’ll meet you there. Really? She hadn’t even thought that sneaking in might be problematic?
Her brain is clearly not functioning correctly.
Bracken smiles at her. “I don’t think so,” he says. “The Giant Queen and the Fairy Queen are at peace with one another.”
Her mind is still mostly with her brother. No wonder she’s overlooked something so simple. Bracken’s attitude reassures her enough that she decides she’ll let him worry about whether or not they’ll run into trouble with the Giant Queen. She looks at him and wonders how he can be so calm all of the time. Everything is wrong. The world is upside-down and on the brink of collapse again.
Bracken is collected.
Seth is missing.
She feels weak at this moment, and she hates it, but she can’t seem to pull herself out of it. She hides her face in her knees and tries to shrink in on herself as emotion overwhelms her.
One tentative hand falls on her shoulder, and then she’s enveloped in a hug. “We’ll get him back, Kendra,” he says.
“Sure,” she replies while tears fall from her eyes. She wants to believe him, and she hopes he’s right, but doubt overrides her thoughts. Doubt and worry. So much worry.
“We will,” he states with confidence. “There was uncertainty in his demeanor. He wants to be true to himself. He wants to do what’s right, and he wants to be a true hero. He’s just trying to figure out how to be that person.”
He pauses for a moment, then continues. “If hope were lost, Kendra, then Seth wouldn’t be second-guessing himself. The mere fact that he is unsure of everything speaks volumes about the situation. Your brother is strong. He is kind, and he wants to help those who are in need. He will come back to you. He will figure out who he wants to be, and he will come back to you.”
A loud sniffle escapes her. “You don’t know that.”
“I do know that. I don’t know whether it will happen in a day, a month, or a year, but I know it.”
She knows he is trying to be kind and reassuring, but she can’t take it anymore. Thoughts flow from her mouth without filtration. “How are you always so sure of yourself?”
Her words sound more biting than she intends, but at this moment she doesn’t care. She’s confused, she’s never handled confusion well, and she’s frustrated that he’s not understanding her. How could he? He’s always so cool and collected, so self-possessed and confident. Kendra has had many wonderful moments of confidence in herself, but never so constant as Bracken, who she’s never seen waver. He makes decisions and then deals with the ramifications of those decisions gracefully. She’s never seen him lose his temper, not truly, and she’s never seen him doubt himself.
She’s envious of him in that respect.
“I know who I am,” he tells her. His tone of voice does not betray any of the emotions he may be feeling at the moment, which bothers Kendra a little more.
She sneaks a peek at him. “What is that supposed to mean?”
His expression remains impassive. She can tell that he’s pulled a careful mask over his face, and she doesn’t understand why, and it only serves to confuse her more.
“It means that you need to decide who you are, too,” he explains. His words aren’t unkind, but they also aren’t satisfying.
“I know who I am,” she replies.
“Do you?” he asks.
She narrows her gaze at him. “What do you mean?”
He bumps his folded hands against his mouth a few times and straightens up before speaking again. “You are Kendra Sorenson,” he states. “Daughter of Marla and Scott, sister of Seth. You are intelligent, honest, kind, and courageous. You are fairykind, and as such, you have the unique ability to bridge gaps between many creatures of light and humans. You are of great importance to your family, your friends, and the world at large.”
Kendra doesn’t reply. His words flatter her, but she still doesn’t understand what he’s trying to do.
“You are worthy of all of the good which comes to you in life. You deserve it. The kindness which has been shown to you, the powers you have been endowed with, the affection which is freely given to you; you deserve it all.
“The problem, Kendra, is that you don’t believe any of the things I just said. At least not all of them. Not truly. So, I ask - who are you? Who do you believe you are? Because, ultimately, what matters most is your own opinion of yourself.”
She feels her eyebrows scrunch together in her bafflement. “You think I should be… prideful?”
Bracken smiles a little, then says, “Pride and humility are opposite of each other, and the best place to be is between the two points. If you wander too far toward pride, you’ll become self-centered and vain. If you move too closely toward humility, however, you can lose your sense of self and forget your value. Neither extremity is healthy.”
She’s frustrated and she doesn’t really know why. “I’m not any more special than anyone else,” she says.
“You don’t know how special you are,” he counters. “Kendra Sorenson, handmaiden to the Fairy Queen. Kendra Sorenson, slayer of Gorgrog the Demon King. Kendra Sorenson, who treatied with the Underking. Kendra Sorenson, who has worn one of the five crowns. Kendra Sorenson, sister of Seth Sorenson, who together are the Siblings of Day and Night. Kendra Sorenson, who has solved complicated riddles and puzzles, who has bravely volunteered and sacrificed her comfort and safety in order to bring peace to the world on multiple occasions. Kendra Sorenson, who loves her family with her whole heart, who will stop what she’s doing and interrupt her routine to help someone in need. Kendra Sorenson, my personal savior twice over.
“Every time you are faced with a challenge, you find a way to rise above it,” Bracken continues. “I have no doubt - not a single one - that this challenge will result in success for you.”
He places a reassuring hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes with such sincerity that Kendra feels her face warm. They stare at each other for several long moments, and then Kendra relaxes her body and falls into his embrace.
“Thank you,” she mumbles as tears fall from her eyes once more. She quakes, and his arms wrap around her more tightly. “Thank you.”
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shayjay26 · 9 months
growing up is realizing you liked brackendra fics because of the authors character development of bracken
not because of whatever brandy did
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imhookedonbooks · 1 year
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