#Borrower Tips
coffeezforclosers · 3 months
Non-traditional mortgage options 2024
Discover the latest in alternative financing for 2024 with our insightful blog post. Explore non-traditional mortgage options gaining traction this year, providing flexibility for unconventional borrowers. Learn about the benefits and considerations of these innovative solutions.
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soupy-sez · 5 months
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A Tribe Called Quest, 1993, photo by Al Pereira
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collophora · 5 months
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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daydr3amy · 2 months
Lyfting tips as someone who went from a godawful lyfter to someone who is careful, cautious & obviously never gets caught
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DISCLAIMER!! I do not actually sh0pl1ft- this is a role play account. I pretend to sh0pl1ft online because I would never do so in real life!! NOTHING I SAY REGARDING TIPS/SH0PL1FTING ARE TRUE AND ARE ALL MADE UP
Now obviously this conversation circulates
lyfting Tumblr a shit tonne but I want to
share my own experiences as to help baby
lifters & maybe give new insight to
experienced lyfters
I want to begin by sharing a story that keeps me up at night because it’s THAT embarrassing. I had a thought a year or so ago back that I wanted to begin lyfting all because I saw a girl on twitter who was a lyfting god (I now know that she was actually awful at lifting I’ll expand on this more later). I had went to a coffee shop and a gas station (on one side was the coffee shop and the other was the gas station they’re in the same building and there’s no doorway in between the two) after me and my brother had finished our coffee he decided he wanted to get something at the gas station. Whilst he was checking out with the only cashier on duty I was eyeing the protein bars thinking “now is my chance!! I HAVE to do this.. it’s now or never” by the time I had it set in my mind I was going to Lyft this protein bar- my brother was already done checking out and was waiting for me at the door. The cashier was not distracted by any other customers as it was only me and my brother in the store at the time. I knelt down by the protein bars and my brother asked “what are you doing?” And I replied in an overly loud voice “just looking at protein bars!!” I then decided on one and tried to tuck it in my sleeve with one hand. That didn’t work and it didn’t quite fit in my sleeve because I was so nervous- feeling rushed- and overall super shaky. Mind you my brother is standing about 5 feet away at the door looking at me crouching spending WAY too much time ‘looking at the protein bars’. Finally I managed to get the fucking protein bar up my sleeve and I loudly said “okay I’m ready to go!!”. After my brother and I had left the store he said “why did you steal that?” And then to my horror he says “you know the cashier was walking over to you and was practically almost looking right down at you. I cringed so hard at the thought of that actually playing out.
Now a lot of you may be thinking “oh she’s fucking dumb” and well… yes. But just as a little challenge I want you all to read through that story again and identify every red flag, everything I did wrong, & everything I failed to do that could’ve caused me to get caught in the act (there are 9!)
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1) I went into a store where two sets of employees from two separate corporations could see me borrowing
2) I got coffee from the shop- meaning they have my card details. If they were interested in prosecuting- they now have all my information
3) it was NOT a planned lift. The only ‘planning’ was done once i was in the store. This means I did not have a backup plan- I did not know how employees treat potential borrowing- and I did not wear an appropriate shirt to conceal
4) I did not scope out the store for cameras at all. In fact once I went to that store again I realized there was a big dome camera that was RIGHT above me 😭 the cashier more than likely had the camera footage displayed on her computer
5) I brought someone who was both A) unknowing (well kind of.. I was so fucking obvious even he knew what was going on) and B) someone who is completely inexperienced in lyfting. As soon as he had asked what I was doing I should have left it alone and exited the store with him
6) my responses to my brother. Any regular shopper would not need to shout/talk loudly explaining themselves “Oh!! I’m just looking at [insert weirdly specific item] definitely not doing anything awful or criminal like lyfting!!” Rather they would take an extremely casual approach speaking at a normal level “I’m just looking to see if they have what I wanted up here but I don’t think they do” [cue exit]. Being hyperspecific and sounding nervous will get you caught. No normal person talks like that- I recommend observing normal shoppers if you go out planning to lyft and attempting to copy their casual behaviours.
7) the amount of time I spent looking??? Like nobody is going to be looking at fucking protein bars like they are trying to find the Willy Wonka golden ticket 😭 if you are lyfting you have to be quick and precise - at any second you could be caught
8) I was completely unaware of my surroundings. I had no idea where the cashier was until I actually left the store. I’m not saying look around you frantically at all times Tryint to make sure you’re alone- that’ll get you sussed especially if people are watching cams. Take notice of where everyone is- especially employees and conceal quickly
9) nervous demeanour. I was so shaky and anxiety ridden it looked like I was about to go skydiving. Typically customers who come to shop at stores don’t get a panic attack from looking at store products- I’m actually laughing to myself at how ridiculous I must have looked LOL. Appear calm and collected and nobody will suspect anything.
Did you catch every red flag? If not- and I mean this in such a kind way- reevaluate your lyfting techniques. Lyfting is a crime and no matter how old you are if the court decides to trial you as an adult you’re fucked.
Briefly I want to circle back to the beginning of my twitter friend who both encouraged me to lift- & lifted MASSIVE hauls. Here’s a tip for everyone here that may be semi unpopular- there is nothing more stupid than a sh0pl1fter who Lyfts more than 999 dollars in one shopping trip. I don’t care about your states felony limit at all. Let me bring a new train of thought to everyone’s minds sh0pl1fting is 50% luck 50% skill you could be the most talented lyfter in the world but guess what? There’s definitely someone who’s better at their job than you are at lyfting at all times. If you find a blind spot- what if there’s a hidden camera? If you body conceal- what if police get involved and you get extra charges just for that? What if an employee catches you? What if there’s plainclothes LP? What if there’s LP in general? What if AI software technology recognizes your face as a lyfter from shared company data- leading you to immediately be sussed? What if there was a hidden tag in something you just lyfted? What if there are cops outside the store and an employee decides to alert them? What if employees/ LP are watching you through a blind spot in the store? What if you’re in the process of having a case built against you? I could keep going, however the sad truth is, no matter how good you are at lyfting- if you continually get away successfully- luck played a huge role in that. That is why it’s important to reduce the amount of times where something could go badly meaning reduce the amount of things you decide to lyft in a store. Is a criminal record really worth that viral Tumblr/twitter post? Probably not. I HUGELY recommend visiting multiple stores as opposed to lyfting all in one store
Okay enough yapping from me hehe let’s get into some more general tips :)
- do not go in groups of teens you will immediately be sussed esp if ur around 14-16 years old
- do not wear backpacks like at all! i see many encouraging backpacks at b&n and 1ndig0 and as someone who worked in both of those places- you will be watched. even if you dont realize it.
- totes are a nono bring a bigger purse if you must
- never assume cameras aren’t monitored. Stores are constantly hiring/ changing policies etc to prevent shrink. Use your eyes to scout for cameras do not look up and avoid being in sight of the cameras as best as possible
- coffee= trustworthy?? idk what this phenomenon is- but if you are carrying coffee from starbs or something (dont shop at starbs free Palestine) especially if the cup is see through you will lit not be sussed (as long as ur acting normally)
- if it’s in a box- either open the box and dump the product in your purse / body conceal or don’t lyft it. You’d be surprised how many stores are deciding to tag insides of boxes
- if you beep at the towers do NOT turn around or wait for the opportunity to be caught keep walking and walk right out of the establishment especially if you’re at the mall!!! Leave immediately
- malls are a lot scarier than people think- trust me AI recognition softwares are horrifying if you lyft at malls there’s a 99% chance you’ve already been caught by them lyft with extreme caution and don’t do big Lyfts
- stay away from Sephora they have some of the most aggressive LP I have ever seen in my entire life and will almost always prosecute
- if you plan on walking out with a tag on the item without a care in the world if you’ll beep or not Lp has these fuckass new hard tags that beep themselves. If you trigger the alarm towers the tag will start ‘screaming’ and will not stop no matter what you do- I advise against walkouts like that
- if you notice employees coming up to you way too often and won’t shut up about promos in store or wtv they are onto you do not risk it dump ur shit n leave
- dress to impress. You guys have no idea how good a pair of lulu leggings or the lulu define jacket can do for you- seriously make that investment
- go alone. Nobody knows how to do it better than yourself and if that’s not the case you shouldn’t be lyfting at all if you’re in a group you’ll be sussed so much easier unless you both look extremely well groomed and dressed
- on every tag that displays the brand for example the cardboard tags that lulu leggings have on them displaying the brand- rip it in half. Otherwise it’ll set off the alarm. Well rounded lyfters always find this out the hard way lol It’s a rite of passage
- majority of the time you literally don’t need magnets. Not only is this a sure way to catch a felony I genuinely think it’s useless. There’s always at least one pair of clothes that are not tagged in a well stocked store Idc if that’s not the exact shirt you want don’t get greedy
- branching off of that- try to only lyft in well stocked stores.
Otherwise employees will quickly realize when something has gone missing
-lyft the clothes hangers I’ll never understand why people will Lyft a shirt and not take the hanger? Unless it’s hard tagged it won’t beep slip it in your purse and save money on hangers lol & employees won’t notice empty hangers
- if you go to a changing room and they count your items you have 2 options- do not Lyft any of them orrrr assess the clothes in the changing room pick out only 1-2 you want to Lyft and ensure there are no magnets and rip the tags in half. Slip the hangers in your purse and as you are exiting say “I’m going to be getting these two I left the other 3 hung up in the changing room” the employee will literally not care. Then you find a blind spot and conceal the items. This is tricky and can only be done if employees are distracted and the store is big enough so that the changing room employee cannot see the cash register.
- the more you engage with employees the longer they have to remember what you look like. Be polite and short do not ask for assistance if they offer you a bag don’t freak out. I work retail and we only hand out bags to build customer basket sizes
- if you are not quick with concealing an item don’t even try and just leave ☠️ you should know this by now from my story earlier
- lp collects data on most high shrink items to dictate if those items should be secretly tagged or not- again I work retail and we began hiding tags inside products where nobody except us would have any idea that they’re there. If you like a specific skincare brand don’t lyft a shit tonne in one go from w4lm4rt everytime you go. Instead lift a minimal amount and then go to a non affiliated shop that sells the same product
- don’t build routine of lyfting
At the same store every Monday (idk lmfao, Monday is just an example) they’ll begin to remember you and it won’t be fun when you go in to lyft and
There’s cops waiting with a free UberX cop edition to your nearest prison
- prioritize lyfting essentials as opposed to ‘desirables’ this should be pretty self explanatory and if ur caught in the act (by cops!! only do not fucking talk to LP do not go with them where they tell you to. Run out Get an Uber if you have to and do not return to that store) you can just say “I’m broke and I’m trying to support myself” yada yada yada
Okay that’s all for nowww I’m sleepy but I’ll be making similar threads soon :3
Btw if you guys liked the red flag thingy please lmk bc it was genuinely sm fun to write and I have so many more horrible stories that I can share.. like a scavenger hunt except it’s my own dumbassery
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My most recent haul, all in a day’s work.
The playboy backpack was a big risk, I literally just walked out with it 💀
Total $1,768
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izloveshorses · 27 days
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oh what a lovely ride. and what a lovely day. for a totally illegal getaway, even
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antisocialhatred · 8 months
y'all friendly reminder to check for hidden tags because i just walked out with a whole purse thinking it didn't have the metal tag, the alarms went off and i ended up paying €15 for this stupid purse (the bodyguard saw it on the floor after i threw it away sneakily so i just bought it to avoid getting searched), left and then realised the security sticker was actually inside the box of a €5 serum i had stuffed in my sleeve like 😭 i don't even know why the towers didn't ring when i left the second time but fuck off i could've gotten the purse for free and now i'll have to check inside every box every time smh
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s0wh4t1f1l1ft · 3 months
little introooo
so hi you guys can call me pinkieee for anonymity ofc posting this stuff and doing it in general is riskyyy but i think itll be nice to have a community to share the stuff im proud of getting away with, if ur an active lifter/borrower please add me so we can be mutuals!!
heres what i have lifted in my collection so far over the past year:
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makeup collection i have so far, money saved-$643.46
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skin/body/perfume collection so far (+sdj 71 not pictured), money saved -$63.90
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clothes/lingerie collection so far, money saved-$187.70
THIS IS NOT REAL LIFTED ITEMS THIS IS A ROLEPLAY ACCOUNT, FAKE (this is just a disclaimer to cover myself)
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l1ftinggqueen · 2 months
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panties- $7
0ld n@vy
shirt- $12
nyx lip liner- $8
s3phor@ inside k0hl$
ordinary lash serum- $14.90
doll@r tr33
eyeshadow palette- $1.25
also feel free to ask me any questions you have abt what bag i use, how i conceal,etc.
total- $56.05
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Lifting Tip
In most grocery stores and such, as long as the barcode is covered by literally anything, even your hands, the scanners at the door will not detect it.
My mom actually taught me this as she had me hold my hand over the bar code of a two liter of soda she didn't scan at the self checkout and we got out with it just fine. As long as you've actually purchased one or two small items, nobody generally suspects if you don't scan something and you will easily get away with it.
Men's jeans are great for lifting as they have very large pockets; I was able to put whole energy drink cans one in each front pocket and just walk out.
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gaysexdungon · 4 months
Tip for shoplifters or people looking to stash drugs:
Get a teddy bear or other plushie, a medium or larger one is best. Cut a hole in the back, just straight down the back in the middle. Get it a little shirt to cover the hole. Carry it with you. Doubles as comforting and a tool.
For stealing: People find this endearing or odd. This will distract them from the fact that you are stealing. If they find it endearing they will view you as too innocent to steal. If they find it odd they will be too focused on that to notice things. At least in my experience. Don’t be a dick, only steal from corporations who do more harm than good.
For stashing: Good stash place too. If you are using it as a stash place it good because if you carry it with you 24/7 you are less likely to lose it and people will not mess with it out of fear of upsetting you if you are worried about someone searching your stuff. Helpful if you sleep with it too.
It is also just nice to have a plushie friend, I’d carry one anyways. Sending luck.
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gtzel · 5 months
Check it out! The next episode of the boy in the walls (webcomic) is out! (Previous episode is here)
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vanalifzm · 1 month
When ur at target with ur mom and no bag but u lowkey a klepto so u have to grab something..
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Huge S3Phora Haul from last weekend! 😮‍💨
Total~ $2.5k
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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cookiedog235 · 6 months
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438 total, this is my last one
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