#Booster Shot
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cognitiveinequality · 24 days ago
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uh oh.
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mentalbarf · 1 year ago
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ignorance is bliss in a world full of deceit
Twitter: @mentalbarfwtf
Mental Barf 2023
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monkeymeghan · 11 months ago
Yesterday Luna had her vet appointment. It went well! Everyone in the office loved her. Yeah, I know they probably love every pet, but it makes me feel good when they love mine! She got her booster shots, goes back in three weeks for a final one, and will be good for a year. I did confirm that I need to get kitten dry food, in addition to the kitten wet food I’ve been giving her. It’s ok that Luna is eating some of the adult food, but it’s not as jam-packed with the calories and nutrients she needs. The problem is that Oscar wants to eat whatever I give her because it is new and different for him. The doctor suggested getting a microchip feeder. Holy crap they’re expensive! But I found a site that was cheaper than Amazon and ordered one. The kitten dry food I ordered yesterday came today, so now we’re just waiting on the feeder so she can graze. In the meantime I’ll give her some periodically throughout the day.
Today I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. He’s really proud of me, says I’m “doing the work”. When I updated him on my trip to Baltimore, the job hunt, getting a job, etc, he was like “you have severe depression, you have severe anxiety, and look at what you’re doing!” (I’m paraphrasing that last part, it was that sentiment, I just don’t remember the wording.) That made me feel good. He thinks I’m doing so well, in fact, that he lowered my Wellbutrin (one of four meds I’m on). I go back in six weeks to see how the med change is going and to see how I’m doing with the big change of starting a job.
After my appointment I went shopping for work shoes and clothes. Tomorrow I’m going to email the store manager to find out my start date. I officially accepted the position on Monday, I’m just waiting to hear from her about my schedule.
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666faustxxx · 9 months ago
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moiynapakhi · 1 year ago
never forget jurgens’ booster shot book…… absolute clownery. zod and jor el had no business lookin so damn fine. clark shoulda caught them kissing just so we could watch him have a panic attack.
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anorganizedstreet · 5 months ago
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gargelyfloof118 · 2 years ago
Posted August 15, 2023. This is happening now, y'all.
Because I'm only seeing other Jews posting about this, non-Jews I need you to be aware that for the past month or two there has been a wave of bomb threats and swattings at synagogues all across the US. They usually do it when services are being livestreamed. I haven't seen a single non-Jew talking about this. High holidays are coming up in a few weeks, which is when most attacks happen against our communities. We're worried, and we need people to know what's happening to us.
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rainwaterapothecary · 7 months ago
............why have I not written an enemies to lovers au for The Rarepair
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monkeymeghan · 10 months ago
I just got home from the vet with Luna. She had her final booster shot and a nail trim. And she’s gone from 4.6 to 5.8 pounds! My little baby is growing. Now she has moved up to the next dose of flea prevention (the dose she was on only went up to 5.5 pounds), so I got some while I was there. So now she’s all set until her annual checkup next year.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years ago
Remember: Boosters give you a better chance of have very mild symptoms, or asymptomatic, or just not sick! Same reasons you want a flu shot!
Which reminds me: Get a flu shot! But not the same day as your booster or your pneumonia shot! ("Gayle did you--" "Yes. Don't.")
CDC finally fuckin' recommended the new COVID boosters for everyone in the US. letting my american followers who don't check the news know because i've been turned away for wanting to get an extra booster & now won't be anymore & it's Lovely. most americans are not going to get these and are going to grumble about them, which sucks as far as spread goes - but DOES mean u can schedule with ur local pharmacy sooner rather than later. please do so. ur immunocomprised friends and ur own body will thank u.
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revivindia · 1 year ago
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Taking a Booster Shot at the right time is as important as taking the right Booster IM vitamin shots are a convenient way to get all the vital nutrients straight into your system! We have a bunch of options to choose from, each with its own perks for your overall wellness. So, if you’re always on the go and need a quick boost, these vitamin shots could be just the thing to keep you feeling top- notch! Visit us https://revivindia.com/booster-shots
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manuelnunezmd · 2 years ago
3 Reasons Why You Need the Updated COVID-19 Booster for Omicron Protection
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get the new bivalent COVID-19 booster for maximum protection against current omicron variants. Learn the benefits, effectiveness, safety and where to get the updated vaccine.
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new type of coronavirus that emerged in late 2019. Since then, it has spread around the world, causing millions of infections and deaths. To stop the pandemic, scientists have developed several vaccines that can train your immune system to recognize and fight the virus. However, the virus is constantly changing and evolving, creating new variants that may be…
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notesfromachair · 2 years ago
Hi Everyone — Chair here. So after almost four glorious years of outrageously defying the odds, it finally happened — and it was the Lady Eris (EG.5) strain that caught me.  Yes — I have COVID. Welp First — I’m okay.  Not comfortable but not extremely sick.  It sucks but when you quickly take Paxlovid they say it reduces symptoms and quickens the recovery. Second — this means that there are…
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bitchfitch · 6 days ago
sorry for rebloging this again BUT:
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Owen had sulked off to the seaside after his life fell apart to be reclusive and old and alone until death came for him. He knew about the sirens in the area and he knew that they were the death of many fishers because when the waters were empty they had no problem launching from the water to drag a man out of his boat and down too deep for him to have a chance at surfacing in time.
Owen knew they could mimic human voices and were uncannily good at guessing the voice of who you'd miss most and he knew they were vicious things that were self aware enough to know there was a distinction between murder and hunting and call them synonyms anyways. and he knew they loved and loved and loved to fake cry and act injured to lure soft hearts too close to the shore.
He knew all of that. He'd been living adjacent to them for years already when he found one on the scratch of rocky shoreline that was his. It's feathers a bloody mess, it's gangly limbs askew where it had washed up with the rest of the trash and muck.
He Knew it was faking. Still, he was an old man who had chosen to turn his nose up to those in need time after time. If death were to find him, where better than right there offering another kindness for the first time in his wasted life.
He walked to it, expecting it to jump up and lash out with those dagger claws. It didn't. It barely moved when he pet his hand over its feathers. He thought it dead until his fingers found the deep gashes through its back. It shrieked something awful its wings flapping and legs flailing. he had to grab it by the beak to stop it bashing its head on the stones.
Sirens were intelligent. They were people. This one was so close to death it may as well have been just another one of the fish in the harbor.
He picked it up, they were birds they weighed barely anything, and carried it inside the little ramshackle cabin he'd chosen to be his place of death.
It fought. it was scared. It knew it was weak and now on the table of something that could make a meal out of it. Murder and hunting were the same thing to it, after all.
Still, he cleaned the gashes and sewed them closed. Forced the beast to eat and drink what he could get down it's gullet and when it's fight finally ran out he pulled a blanket from his straw stuffed mattress and left the siren in his bed before settling on the half rotten bench by the table for the night.
He didn't intend to sleep a wink. He was too willful to let death find him like that. He was also old and tired from wrestling with a bird capable of killing a man far stronger and younger than him.
When he woke it was to an empty cabin and crusted blood on his table and sheets. No siren to be seen nor harm done to him.
After that night he'd see it rarely always far off in the water. Always ducking back under right as he turned to face it.
He had better luck when it was around. Fish longer than his arm with their spines ripped half from their bodies would be snagged on his hook when he reeled it in. His nets would come up fuller. Other sirens never looked his way. He stopped hearing voices of long gone friends on the air.
He left it portions, cooked and seasoned on his door step. it left stones and bits of glass found on the sea floor. Shells. Shiny bits of things lost to the water long ago. If he lost something overboard, it would find it and bring it back to him that night.
He wondered if they both thought they were being clever by avoiding interacting directly with the other. If it was just as wary of him as he was of it. If it thought, that like him, it had simply gotten lucky that night and never would they be so kind to eachother again if they came near enough to strike the other.
The shore froze when winter came. His siren disappeared with the first snowfall. They always did. The waters must've been too cold for their swims.
He still missed it. Not the gifts nor the help it offered, but it's presence just off to the side of his life. It's shadow under his boat, the sound of its claws on the stones outside his home when it came to leave this or that. The sweet trilling noise it made when other sirens drew too close for its liking.
He spent the entire winter wondering what it got up to. Where it went other than just "South".
If their truce would still be in place come spring. He saved it from a boat motor strike, but it had spared his life countless times in the months since. Murder and hunting were the same, sparing and saving might be too.
Surely by now it knew all it had to do was look hurt again. Surely it knew he wouldn't fight it. Feeding it would give his life meaning that it never had, in a way. He had decided he was ok with that.
it was longest winter he ever lived through. Not in the number of days it took to pass but in the number of solitary moments that he used to not mind at all.
He was pushing his little boat out into the bay when he saw it break the surface so far away he couldn't be sure it was really there. The warm water shell on his doorstep was what made him certain it had made it's return.
It was so cautious those first few weeks back. Never did it let him see it fully. Never did it let him hear it's sweet songs. While other fishers nets came up thin his always returned full.
The season was going to be lean, he knew that the moment he heard a siren had already pulled a fisherman under. They didn't like murder. They knew it was a gamble not usually worth taking. They stole from lines and nets and menaced those they didn't like, but rarely did they kill despite their reputation.
He made sure to leave his siren larger portions. Whole fish cooked the way it seemed to like best, whole and burnt with too much spice. It helped him, he would help it.
Another few drownings. Spring was always when the sirens were their most tenacious. They had chicks to feed this time of year.
He wondered if his did too. If up on the cliffs where they nested there was another of it's kind in a cave full of hungry little mouths it brought the fish they caught together too.
He didn't know if he loved the idea of it having a family or hated that it might. Hated that he didn't anymore. Loved the idea of downy chicks warm under its wings, hated he would never see them. Loved its soft, domestic happiness, hated that he wasn't part of it.
Sirens didn't involve men in their flocks. There wouldn't be a single book in the world that could tell him if they were the type of bird that mated for life or the type that ate their partners if they gave them too many weakling young.
He wanted to know. He wanted to know what it thought of during it's long dives deep in the harbor. If the seawater stung it's eyes. If it helped him out of pity for an old man or thanks to someone it couldn't tell a single thing about.
He liked the idea that he may be as much of a mystery to it as it was to him. The siren must at least know he had nothing other than it.
More drownings. the summer shoals didn't come. Word of fishing vessels larger than buildings drifted in on the backs of rumors about the bay's soon to be desolation.
The siren and him stayed working together. Quiet signals and the slow grown knowing of the others habits. They wouldn't starve. He hoped that if it did have a family, they wouldn't either.
Tension built. The sirens were so quick in their crimes that rarely did the survivors manage to make them pay.
Humans were almost as loathe to kill the sirens as the sirens were to kill them. No gun could be reloaded fast enough to save you from the fury of the next nearest bird and you were a fool if you thought you could get away with anything closer ranged.
That's what Owen thought, anyways. New ships. New guns that fired faster and further.
People were disgruntled after years and years and years of loosing their loved ones to feed the sirens.
Four were strung up in the town. their feathers bloody, their limbs askew.
His was not amongst them. He still saw it there, a fifth corpse being paraded every time he closed his eyes.
He sat on his step that night. His hands shaking with its plate beside him.
He just needed to see it. Whole. Alive.
He waited and waited and waited. The sky was pinking with sunrise.
it finally crept from the tide. The dark over it's glistening feathers making it look like a wave had simply stood up. It watched him with every step it took. its gold eyes full of nervous distrust.
He held its plate out to it before setting it at its feet.
He wondered if it knew what crying was. If it understood the relief and the grief for it that had already carved out a place in his soul.
It leaned in close, he barely heard its soft trilling through his sobbing, its raptor's beak tucking into his thin hair as it preened him. It settled beside him, it's legs tucking under itself, it's head resting on his shoulder, its wing rested across his lap as he pet through the dense feathers he'd only felt once before. It's meal forgotten.
He spoke to it until the sun was up. He didn't know if it knew a single word he said. Just that when it stood again it was to tug at the back of his shirt to make him stand and open his door.
It pressed its head to his shoulder and guided him to his own bed and made him lay. His exhaustion struck all at once even if his siren had seen it approaching long before. He grabbed it by a fist full of feathers at its hip, and it understood.
It settled on his small mattress for a second time, it's body warm next to his. And even if Owen knew nothing about it, he knew it would be there when he woke.
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rjmbaboonbooks · 1 year ago
Daily Comic Journal: April 7, 2022: "Unmasked ... For Now?"
I suppose I should count myself lucky. It’s been about two years since COVID-19 really hit this country and I’ve gotten this far without catching the virus. It could be because I’ve spent so much time at home (first when I was working from home and then when I was laid off so I had no where to go) and when I do go anywhere, like to the movies yesterday, I go in the afternoon during the week when…
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marconswarehouse · 2 years ago
🚨💲80 Shohei Ohtani Angels Jerseys🚨
Available in the following sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL).  Follow the link below to get yours today! https://marconswarehouse.com/shohei-ohtani-cream-jersey.html Got Questions?  Email us here: support@marconswarehouse.com
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