#Book titles
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unboundprompts · 7 months ago
hellooo!! i was wondering if you had any royalty themed title ideas? ive been wracking my brain for a while, and i haven't been able to come up with anything that stuck. thank you so much, i love your posts !!!
Royalty Themed Title Ideas
-> feel free to edit as you see fit.
The Weight of the Crown
The Crown's Shadow
The Throne's Burden
The Silent Reign
The Hidden Heir
The Queen's Labyrinth
Shadows of the Silver Court
Echoes from the Throne Room
The Fading Crest
The Prince's Enchanted Heart
The Crowned Lover's Promise
A Kingdom of Two Hearts
The Royal Affair
A Love Written in Gold
The Royal Illusion of Love
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cepheusgalaxy · 3 months ago
Types of book titles:
Bought to you by: me trying to figure out a title for my wips and analysing a few existing ones to give me ideas
1. The character name
Easy and efficient. Percy Jackson. Dracula. Septimus Heap. Coraline. Naruto. You get it. Titles like "Name + and + something"/"Name + name" also apply, like Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard or Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
2. Important element to the story
Pretty practical too, gives an idea of what you are talking about. The Locked Tomb (i think? I haven't read it). Star Wars. Etc.
3. Cool title for your character
This one is rlly cool I think. Similar to #1 but here we are giving our main character a sick title that may or may not be included in the story itself. The Death's Heir. The Lord of the Rings (i think. I haven't read lord of the rings). The Red Queen. And so on. Also alludes to your premise and is pretty catchy.
4. Euphemism or metaphor
Similar to #2 but if telling what your story is all about doesn't sound very good directly so we make an euphemism. Let's say your premise is "we killing the evil queen". That doesn't sound very good as a title perhaps so let's euphemism it. "Fall of the Crown" sounds better, BUT if we want we can push it a little more. "The Last Jewel" may be a bit exagerated but if you can title drop that somewhere in your story its good. Making your euphemism reference something that is already in the book also works better for your euphemism.
Examples are like, Red White and Royal Blue (euphemism for the US and the UK and a prince—by referencing the royal and the flag colors—which about sums it up) and Court of Thorns and Roses (metaphor for the whole fae thing and all the conflicts + references the whole nature and spring thing which are reocurring elements)
5. Literally the plot
Around the world in 80 days. Journey to the center of earth. You know the kind. Flourish a bit if you need to, these also work pretty well if you can pull them off.
6. "The song/chronicles/requiem/adventures/tale of (whatever)"
These are generally reserved for fantasy, I think? Either way they are pretty cool. The Song of Achilles. The Kane Chronicles. The Chronicles of Narnia. A Song of Ice and Fire. They aren't very illustrative but they just sound cool.
Examples from here on Tumblr stories:
#1: Kai and Kyriel (the protagonist and the antagonist) or Alex & Friends (you get it)
#2: Starcross (the spaceship the main characters are the crew of) or The Safehouse (the shelter the story takes place in!)
#3: The Ghost of Seattle (the guy is called "the ghost" coz he is sneaky and misterious and the story is in seattle so)
#4: (ok idk any)
#5: Aros Against Fate (the main characters are aromantic and the themes of the story revolve around carving your own path despiste what has been decided for you, be it by the gods or by your parents)
#6: The Paladin Series (the main villain is called Paladin and yea you get it)
Examples from anime too since we're at it:
#1: Naruto (you know him)
#2: Magi (a very rare type of magician with a bit of mistery ab their origin that surrounds the shows)
#3: Tokyo Revengers
#4: Pandora Hearts (i guess?)
#5: I reincarnated as a slime/with a smartphone/as the seventh prince (all those isekai tbh)
#6: The Adventures of Sinbad
#???: DanDaDan
(anime in general goes by a few different rules actually nevermind)
And that's. That's it I guess?
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year ago
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ellowynthenotking · 4 months ago
I'm working on a new project
The title is somehow the trickiest bit, I've been calling it "Tale of the Knight and the Wizard" but that seems a bit wordy to me
So, tumblr, do what you do best and vote on some nonsense:
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bookaddict24-7 · 19 days ago
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📚 New Kimberly Lemming novel has arrived and it is gorgeous and fun 😍📚
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irrelevantsunarin · 1 month ago
(some things to try when you’re stuck thinking of a title for your book)
what is your book about? is there a person/object/event that is central to it? (ex: the hunger games, the lightning thief, magic tree house, frankenstein, the list goes on these are very common…)
is there a phrase that you’ve written, maybe dialogue, that you feel encapsulates what your story’s about? (ex: i’ll give you the sun, little women, call me by your name)
try free-writing about your book for a few minutes. describe what your story is about as if you were trying to convince someone to read it, then see if you find some interesting descriptions or combinations of words you wouldn’t have tried otherwise (i would say this encapsulates things like: star wars, six of crows, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe)
i would stay away from stringing together a bunch of vague words that explain the vibe of your book but don’t really reference anything specific within the story—your reader should be interested in finding out what the title means and they should understand it by the end (ex: a court of mist and fury—if you’re going to do this, mist and fury had better be the core of the story and i’d better look at that title with new eyes once i’ve finished it)
thanks for watching
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strawberry-muffin-crisis · 1 month ago
"A/The ___ of ___ and ___" die.
It's not funny anymore PLEASE DIE. book titles like this are so overused and it's really annoying. It's not edgy it's not cool it's not intriguing it's ANNOYING. Call me shallow for this, but that's one of my reading peeves-- if your book title fits into that sentence I immediately don't want to read it. Is that picky and nonsensical? Maybe! But it's so freaking overused and I H A T E it. PLEASE stop titling your books with this format.
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machetelanding · 2 years ago
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unboundprompts · 3 months ago
Good morning/afternoon/evening!
I was wondering if you could suggest some book title ideas for a book with fantasy, romance, and political intrigue?
Fantasy, Romance, and Politics Title Ideas
-> feel free to edit as you see fit.
Whispers of the Crown
Veils of Deceit
A Dance of Shadows and Hearts
The Throne of Thorns
Hearts Entwined in War
The King's Heart, The Queen's Game
The Politics of Passion
The Price of Betrayal
A Court Divided
A Kingdom of Secrets
Heartstrings of a Monarch
A Legacy of Lies
Chained by Desire
The Rose and the Ruin
A Legacy of Love and Lies
Webs of Power and Passion
The Politics of Desire
A Treaty of Hearts
The Balance of Hearts and Thrones
The Ties That Bind the Crown
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geezerwench · 1 year ago
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Books and coffee. Coffee and books.
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frankendykez · 1 year ago
the modern narcissus wouldve been a nice 2nd name for the picture of dorian gray tbh, like the modern prometheus kind of
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universalzone · 4 months ago
Bookshelf Scarf. Literary Shawl with the famous books' titles
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einarravens · 7 months ago
Hey everyone! So uh— like I said yesterday that my friend (@sy3ra) and I have a plan to write a book using our fandom OCs (which is The Sandman, yeah 😓)
I would like to ask for your help in choosing book titles since we couldn't decide one because my friend said that all the titles are too beautiful (I literally burned the whole ass kitchen/J)
+ except for the last one, that was my other friend's suggestion teehee :33
EDIT: guys, i forgot to mention that our book itself is more like highschool romance (and the settings is not in the realm of Morpheus anyways/J 😭)
EDIT #2: okay nvm, we've already chose a title and we're really being indecisive, my bad T__T
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monstrousmuse · 1 year ago
Howl’s Moving Castle.
Hooty’s Moving Hassle.
…Bill’s Moving Bustle.
(Or better yet, Bill’s Billding Bonanza.)
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tagedeszorns · 2 years ago
Black Library Book Title Generator
Why? Every fucking book! How is my ADHD-brain supposed to keep the titles stored, when they are practically identical???
Chose 1
Dark Tome Weapon Acolythe Son Ascendant Disciple
Chose another
of at with
Final ingredient
Chaos Light Fire Sword (name of planet)
Yeah, I know most make no sense. But, damn, I am at a loss of any book title I ever read. I know what happened, but the title? No idea!
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apolline-lucy · 7 months ago
the struggle of finding good book titles for post-apocalyptic romances without sounding too dramatic
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