23 posts
Just a roleplay account for various WooSan pairings. 18+ only. All situations on this blog are 100% fictional and do not reflect real life. 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
[220806] INFO 📢 ATEEZ’s THE WORLD EP.1 : MOVEMENT will debut at #5 on the US albums chart with 43k units sold in the first week. This is their biggest debut on the chart ever.
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
[220805] Twitter Update TODAY ATEEZ “ATINY, who is always precious to ATEEZ as No.1 ❤ Thank you for giving me a special moment every day 🎁”
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
someone who likes the same media as you in a way you disagree with is more annoying than someone who hates that piece of media
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Whoever messaged me for the A/B/O rp, I tried to reply but your messages vanished?
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Looking for Roleplay Partners
I’ve really missed role playing lately, since I’ve been roleplaying for almost 14 years and took a break for almost 2 years due to the decline in RPs being active and I want to get back into it! I’m searching for 1x1 RP partners who:
Ship any of these: Woosan, Seongjoong, Woosanhwa, or WooSanHwaJoong. Or any combo of those 4.
Use paragraph replies. I’m open to Tumblr Posts and Discord!
Write in third person
Are okay with 18+ content
Are somewhat active (I’m used to the old days when we did like 30 replies a day but I know now that’s an insane amount so just 1 reply a day would be stellar!) And won’t ghost after a handful of replies. 
I don’t care what age as long as you’re 18+, but absolutely no one under 18. I’m open to all kinds of plots and universes! I’d really love to do some of the following:
Apocalypse AU
Just DM me or send me a message and I’ll reply :)
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
I just got a notification that someone I'm talking to reply to me on my messages, but when I opened my messages all of my messages from everyone are suddenly gone? I also can't seem to get the desktop version of the website to show up it keeps changing to the mobile version even when I'm on my laptop. Is Tumblr having glitches?
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
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it ain’t over never die
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
"Mmm, yes. It's lengthy, but lacking in substance." Hongjoong had dealt with too many prideful criminals in his years at the precinct, and they all seemed to work the same. The were proud of what they’d done, proud to a fault most of the time, and ego was something they all had in common, which is why he had so much fun attacking it. “I mean sure, you have some bigger thefts here, but nothing truly unique. I’ve seen it all before.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, as if completely uncaring about the man’s rap sheet. He forced himself not to roll his eyes at the comments to his sexuality, the man across from him was hot, Hongjoong wouldn’t lie, but he was also a criminal who had no remorse for his actions, and that was something Hongjoong couldn’t encourage.  “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed yourself and I’m glad you’re honored, because” He crossed his arms, “ we didn’t bring you in for your bedroom activities and personally, I don’t care if you’ve outdone Casanova. I have better things to do than deal with a immature fuck boy who thinks his greatest achievement is a simple bank robbery.” Hongjoong shrugged, he was tired and ready for a long long nap, and Seoghwa had thrown a wrench into that plan, so the sooner he could get this over with the better. Though he couldn’t say he didn’t at least somewhat enjoy this, it was fun to antagonize people who hurt others for a living, Hongjoong had always been a slut for payback.  “Where were you on Friday night at twelve thirty am?” 
You Arrest Me| SeongJoong
Hongjoong sighed heavily as his eyes unfocused once again, the words on the police report blurring together under his tired eyeballs.  He’d been up all night trying to find a lead on their unsolved missing person’s case and no matter how many times he poured over the information it just didn’t add up. He reached for his coffee, taking another sip of the bitter liquid and willing himself to focus. He tried again, but he only got through the first sentence before the words were swimming on the page again and he sighed in frustration, why couldn’t he ever get put on the easy cases?  Just as he was about to go take a nap in his squad car, a rather tall man was being lead into the interrogation room by two officers. Hongjoong’s eyebrows rose, it wasn’t unusual for them to talk to witnesses but something about this man seemed out of place in the police station. He was not only tall but looked like a model right out of a magazine, and his smile was charming enough that Hongjoong could see him getting away with murder-he hoped that wasn’t the case this time though, he’d had enough murder paperwork for one day.   @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
"That was probably him." Wooyoung chuckled, rather intrigued by San's energetic demeanor. He complimented the man that was still latched onto him rather well, in a strange kind of way; it was kind of cute to watch. "He tends to get pretty drunk by mid-evening. I'm usually the one trying to drag his ass home without him causing a big scene, but sometimes I just can't keep him off the pole or other party goers." Wooyoung could feel the blonde's fingers slip under his shirt, his body on high alert as he started to tune out the noise around him and focus instead on what Yeosang was trying to distract him from. If he had just been coming onto the man, he wouldn't have had to be this forward this quick, especially since Wooyoung was already playing into their attention, which tipped him off that something was up. He turned, quickly wrapping his hand around Yeosang's wrist, the one trying to take his gun. "Uh uh, Cupcake. You haven't even told me your name and you're already trying to get your hand in my pants?" He tsked, turning in Yeosang's arms and raising his eyebrows. "I can think of much better things hiding in there than my gun, but you won't ever find out if you keep going with what you're doing right now."
Wooyoung’s eyes scanned across the crowded room with a calculating gaze, hiding his intentions behind a façade of people watching as he took a sip of his drink. The crowd around him danced to the loud music playing from the speakers above, moving in and out of light beams from the LED lights flashing around the club, making it harder for him to observe any one person for too long.  He was deep under cover tonight, per request of his captain, trying to find clues on a missing person’s case that had been tripping the department up for over a week.  So far, all he’d witnessed was one drug deal (he let that one slide because he didn’t want to blow his cover) and someone actually blowing someone else in one of the dark corners of the club. Wooyoung could already feel the headache coming on, he was much too sober to be in a place like this, by himself at that. If it was his day off he’d be on the dance floor with some friends or even asking one of the cute guys on the floor to dance, but tonight he was stuck working.  @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Wooyoung couldn’t hear the footsteps behind him, but he could feel someone watching him, his own intuition was better than any police training he’d received at the academy. He didn’t react to it, not wanting to blow his cover instantly, besides, he was used to the club atmosphere, just because someone was watching him didn’t mean that person was a threat. Wooyoung smirked to himself a little when he felt arms around his waist, it never did take long for people to come up to him at a club, it was just how things worked. Usually he wouldn’t complain but tonight he was on a job and that meant no matter how cute this person was, he’d have to find a way to shake them.  When he turned slightly to catch a glimpse of the man behind him he couldn’t help but groan internally. Pity. This one was actually cute. He was about to  retort when another man walked up, very different in visual but not lacking in them, in any way. In fact, this one was rather pretty and Wooyoung would have gone after him in a heartbeat on a regular night. “Well, Nice to meet you serial hugger and Sannie.” Wooyoung chuckled, he caught the blonde boy’s glance at his pocket and smirked a little, the only reason he would be looking there was if he was looking for something else. “My eyes are up here, cupcake.” Wooyoung placed a finger under his chin, tilting his head up and winking at him before turning to San to answer his question.  “Wooyoung. I’m here sometimes, but not every weekend.” He shrugged, leaning back against the bar. “Usually I’m here with my friend Yunho, you’ve probably seen him before, Really tall, blonde, acts like a puppy in human form. Reaalllyyy likes to dance to ‘It’s Raining Men’.” He took another sip of his drink, trying to remind himself that he was supposed to be working and not flirting. Sometimes his job really sucked ass. 
Wooyoung’s eyes scanned across the crowded room with a calculating gaze, hiding his intentions behind a façade of people watching as he took a sip of his drink. The crowd around him danced to the loud music playing from the speakers above, moving in and out of light beams from the LED lights flashing around the club, making it harder for him to observe any one person for too long.  He was deep under cover tonight, per request of his captain, trying to find clues on a missing person’s case that had been tripping the department up for over a week.  So far, all he’d witnessed was one drug deal (he let that one slide because he didn’t want to blow his cover) and someone actually blowing someone else in one of the dark corners of the club. Wooyoung could already feel the headache coming on, he was much too sober to be in a place like this, by himself at that. If it was his day off he’d be on the dance floor with some friends or even asking one of the cute guys on the floor to dance, but tonight he was stuck working.  @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Hongjoong turned his focus from the person being lead into the interrogation room and back to his paper work. It was getting much too close to the forty-eight hour mark for Hongjoong's liking and he knew from his year in the field that if they weren't found in the first forty-eight hours, they probably wouldn't be found at all. Hongjoong didn't want to be the reason that yet another poor soul didn't make it through the day. He flinched when he heard the chief yelling his name for the interrogation, he wanted to protest that the missing person's case was more important but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere, so he stood up and chugged the rest of his coffee before grabbing the file off the holder on the wall and scanning through the case. He sighed, putting it back and heading into the interrogation room. He almost rolled his eyes when he opened the door, being met with the site of the suspect in question sitting with his feet on the table. He knew this type, the ones with good looks who thought they were above the law, and always thought they could get out of things just by applying some charm. These were the most annoying ones. "Good Morning." He greeted, taking a seat across from the man, Seonghwa according to his file,"Your resume is rather impressive." He stated, curious to see if Seonghwa would understand his meaning.
You Arrest Me| SeongJoong
Hongjoong sighed heavily as his eyes unfocused once again, the words on the police report blurring together under his tired eyeballs.  He’d been up all night trying to find a lead on their unsolved missing person’s case and no matter how many times he poured over the information it just didn’t add up. He reached for his coffee, taking another sip of the bitter liquid and willing himself to focus. He tried again, but he only got through the first sentence before the words were swimming on the page again and he sighed in frustration, why couldn’t he ever get put on the easy cases?  Just as he was about to go take a nap in his squad car, a rather tall man was being lead into the interrogation room by two officers. Hongjoong’s eyebrows rose, it wasn’t unusual for them to talk to witnesses but something about this man seemed out of place in the police station. He was not only tall but looked like a model right out of a magazine, and his smile was charming enough that Hongjoong could see him getting away with murder-he hoped that wasn’t the case this time though, he’d had enough murder paperwork for one day.   @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Wooyoung’s eyes scanned across the crowded room with a calculating gaze, hiding his intentions behind a façade of people watching as he took a sip of his drink. The crowd around him danced to the loud music playing from the speakers above, moving in and out of light beams from the LED lights flashing around the club, making it harder for him to observe any one person for too long.  He was deep under cover tonight, per request of his captain, trying to find clues on a missing person’s case that had been tripping the department up for over a week.  So far, all he’d witnessed was one drug deal (he let that one slide because he didn’t want to blow his cover) and someone actually blowing someone else in one of the dark corners of the club. Wooyoung could already feel the headache coming on, he was much too sober to be in a place like this, by himself at that. If it was his day off he’d be on the dance floor with some friends or even asking one of the cute guys on the floor to dance, but tonight he was stuck working.  @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
You Arrest Me| SeongJoong
Hongjoong sighed heavily as his eyes unfocused once again, the words on the police report blurring together under his tired eyeballs.  He’d been up all night trying to find a lead on their unsolved missing person’s case and no matter how many times he poured over the information it just didn’t add up. He reached for his coffee, taking another sip of the bitter liquid and willing himself to focus. He tried again, but he only got through the first sentence before the words were swimming on the page again and he sighed in frustration, why couldn’t he ever get put on the easy cases?  Just as he was about to go take a nap in his squad car, a rather tall man was being lead into the interrogation room by two officers. Hongjoong’s eyebrows rose, it wasn’t unusual for them to talk to witnesses but something about this man seemed out of place in the police station. He was not only tall but looked like a model right out of a magazine, and his smile was charming enough that Hongjoong could see him getting away with murder-he hoped that wasn’t the case this time though, he’d had enough murder paperwork for one day.   @mikamikachu13
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Wooyoung frowned but nodded in agreement. "Okay, just be careful, okay? I'll catch up with you later." He went about his business of fixing breakfast for himself before finishing up with readying himself to go out. He liked San but he never stayed around for long as if he had attachment issues. Wooyoung wanted to get closer to him but he so far had little success. The younger decided not to dwell on it as he finished dressing and carried his backpack with him, leaving the dorm to go to class.
"Will do." San promised, grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder. He left quickly, needing to get away from Wooyoung's scent before he did something very very stupid. San tried to avoid human blood if he could, which was easier said than done. There weren't many animals near campus, so many times it was easier to sneak into a blood bank and take what he needed; but that always made him feel guilty that he was taking blood from someone who needed it. It left him with not many options. The ideal scenario would be to find a willing human to feed from regularly; In the past, his friends had offered themselves up when he was hungry and it had been the ideal situation. He sighed as he made his way out of the dorms and onto the campus ground, taking a deep breath of fresh air and hoping to catch the scent of something. He paused, focusing on the scents around him, but so far, no luck. he'd just have to stop by the blood drive truck. He made quick work of the errand, downing the blood bag he'd lifted, but not before leaving a donation to the truck. With his hunger curved he felt better, more alter, and less like he needed to sleep for ten years. He tossed the bag in the trash and hurried to class, hoping that Wooyoung would have made it to his on time.
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
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ateez’s strawberry fairies
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
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Atiny! Does anyone know what the original video is??
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amicus-ad-aras-rp · 3 years ago
Wooyoung pouts when the other male mentions being cold. "Are you sick?" He places his hand on San's forehead and frowns when he feels how cool he is. "I'm going to fix breakfast... You feel sick to me and I want to get you some food in your system..." Wooyoung jumps up and goes to the kitchen to begin cooking food while letting San go to take a shower. "I can't believe how cold you are to the touch!" The human shakes head in disbelief while cooking food.
San swallowed hard when Wooyoung touched his forehead, begging his fans to stay put. "That's alright. Really. I get like this in the morning. Once I go on my morning run I'll be fine." San waved Wooyoung's concern off, grabbing a towel and disappearing into the bathroom. Maybe a warm shower would help relax him and curve the cravings until he could escape from Wooyoung's notice and eat.
He showered quickly, not wasting any time, and got out to dry off. He slipped into his clothing for the day, brushed out his damp hair and put some concealer under his eyes, trying to hide the dark circles that were growing even deep by the minute. He really needed to feed.
He took a deep breath and stepped back out into their room, "I'm going to go grab a coffee."
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