frankendykez · 14 minutes
every so often on here some edgelord will be like “oh you can’t order a meal ? Make a phone call ? Write an email ? thats so fucking cringefail hahaha get it together 😆 … im also autistic/disabled so thats not a good enough excuse.” And then it gets a surprising amount of notes from people who are capable of doing these things…. um you are just laughing at and belittling anyone less functional than you or with differing struggles and needs. As if autism isn’t a spectrum disorder and disability itself a much larger spectrum… anyway you can still be ableist if ur autistic btw…
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frankendykez · 1 day
I’m gonna be completely honest, I don’t care if masculinity makes you uncomfortable. I don’t care if you don’t like that trans men take t and that makes you uncomfortable. I don’t care if you don’t like men talking about how much they love men because men make you uncomfortable. I don’t care if you don’t like that I mascs about their experiences because in your eyes they’re “privileged” for being masculine. I don’t care if “ugly” or “aggressive” looking masculine people make you uncomfortable. I don’t care if masculine people in queer spaces makes you uncomfortable. Masculine people have every right to be where they want and do what they want, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Because that is you problem. Masculine people will always be a part of the queer community and welcome in queer spaces, and if you have a problem with that then you can take it up with the bears and the butches.
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frankendykez · 2 days
it's very important to understand how a personality disorder diagnosis functions in the psychiatric system, even if you identify with the diagnosis or find it useful.
personality disorders on your medical record will be used to discredit anything you say or do. they indicate "don't bother listening to this person; apply treatment regardless of their wishes but also they're probably manipulating/attention-seeking so maybe don't bother treating them". needing support becomes attention-seeking. behaviors that would be treated + supported in someone without this diagnosis are ignored or treated as manipulative. providers are instructed to "withdraw warmth" (a real thing in the DBT provider's manual, btw) in response to self-injury or suicidal ideation.
if you have been dx'd with a personality disorder professionally, you likely understand this.
now, here's the important part: this is not an issue of 'stigma' against a politically neutral, pre-discursive True Disease which is being Unfairly Maligned. these diagnoses were formulated based on the idea that some patients cannot be trusted, that some patients seek care too much. they are applied to patient charts as a justification for withdrawing care or as a dismissal of someone "not getting better" fast enough. in the uk, they are often employed by the nhs to shame or problematize people who use large amounts of nhs resources, arguing that receiving a lot of care through the nhs is a negative behavior stemming from a disordered personality.
there are elements of personality disorders which resonate strongly with many people, including myself, but you need to be clear-eyed about the origins + functions of this diagnosis. as a whole, they were created + function as ways to discredit + mistreat noncompliant or "difficult" patients. 'reclaiming' them is not going to change how they function systematically- it is going to make it easier to engage in this systematic neglect by evoking 'ableism' or 'stigma!' when people question the utility or application of the diagnosis.
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frankendykez · 2 days
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short talk on walking backwards by Anne Carson
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frankendykez · 2 days
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frankendykez · 3 days
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frankendykez · 3 days
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Victor Frankenstein
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frankendykez · 3 days
person who hates immigrants trying to sound normal: they endure desperately inhumane conditions to get here and then once they are here their labor is exploited cruelly, the entire thing is a massive humanitarian crisis
me: damn that’s crazy maybe we should make it easier to migrate legally and then treat them better when they get here
person who hates immigrants: no
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frankendykez · 3 days
i wish people loved everything else about keats more than they love his death - before he was ill, keats carried home shells for his little sister from his travels, he planted saplings at wentworth place, he doodled flowers in his lecture notes, he was awkward and funny and had a gift for acting. he was angry only at cruelty inflicted on the weak before he was angry at the cruelty of his own illness; he wrote poetry with the explicit purpose of healing people - as a poet, if not as a physician. his love of humanity directed his words and acts until illness slowly and surely took that ability from him, and how morbid and depressed he became in his agony is the most brutal and uninteresting part of his life. 
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frankendykez · 3 days
80% of Victor hate is just ableism there I said it
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frankendykez · 4 days
every time I see someone from outside australia (or inside australia tbh) say “everything in australia wants to kill you lol” I want to scream. you are buying into colonial narratives! you are reinforcing the construction of the “aussie battler”! you are ignoring the way first nations people have lived with the land for centuries! you are participating in the homogenisation of australia in your belief that this is a land that needs to be tamed! shut up shut up shut up
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frankendykez · 4 days
People who used tumblr for 8 months in 2014 are like “haha people still on tumblr. Still reblogging gifs of effy stonem” No I am participating in the premiere literary salon of strange women. We are inventing the culture
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frankendykez · 4 days
Considering the fact that the United States military is the world’s top producer of greenhouse gases and Israel’s genocidal bombing campaign is historically unprecedented, it is increasingly becoming clear to me in the wake of the devastation climate change has inflicted on the United States through Hurricane Helene and will soon again through Hurricane Milton, that the Palestinian liberation struggle is tied up with the fate of the future of the entire human species.
The ongoing genocide is not only threatening the destruction of the Palestinian people, it is a contributing factor to the destruction of humanity.
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frankendykez · 4 days
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this is a way better model... you'll still get transphobic & intersexist drs of course but i prefer this to male / female or even having separate questions for gender & sex.
[we can't see the full form, but i'd suggest having a "something else" option and dominant hormone question too.]
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frankendykez · 4 days
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frankendykez · 4 days
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What an unsurprising & completely expected turn of events that literally everyone saw coming 😮
Source 🔗
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frankendykez · 4 days
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