#Bonanza 2-Sure
mycryptosuite · 1 year
Check Bonanza Lotto Banker For 10/02/2023
Check Bonanza Lotto Banker For 10/02/2023 Check bonanza lotto banker for the best Ghana Lotto forecaster for today game including 5 number prediction, two sure and banker. Friday bonanza lotto 3direct live with the best lotto plan set for friday bonanza that never fail us and we will make sure of that by the special grace of God. Banker plan for friday bonanza lotto – Ghana National Banker to…
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emeryhiro · 3 months
I over analysed the new TBOC Teaser and Sneak Peek
There's so much to cover here, and I'm so happy right now because of all the content we've gotten today! I'm going to focus the analysis on the new things we see in the teaser and trailer since many of the things shown today have already been discussed on here many times.
So please grab yourself a cup of tea or your morning coffee and bear with me through this post. It might be a little long, but I'd love to hear your takes on my timeline theory at the end. ♡
The Teaser
I'm starting with the teaser because that's what I got to see first.
Firstly, we see in the below photo that Daryl has finally gotten himself some arrows, which means we're finally going to see him with a bow (excluding that one time he used a crossbow in twd:dd 01x02). These definitely don't look like crossbow bolts, which implies that this shot is pre-reunion.
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I also want to break down the dialog here:
Isabell: Tell me a story Daryl: There was this guy, he left home looking for something, and he couldn't get back.
I'm focusing on the part where he said "he couldn't get back" because he didn't say "he didn't go back" or "he didn't want to go back"; he said he couldn't; he's not there by choice.
Secondly, we have this shot of Carol and her crew on a mountaintop. What stands out here is that it's not just her (on the right) and Ash (on the left); there are two other people there with them (middle).
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Making notes of who these people are, here's a breakdown of what we can see about them.
There are two people.
First one: seems shorter with longer brown/black hair and wearing a beige coat.
Second one: seems taller, shorter auburn hair and wearing a black coat with a faux fur collar.
Unlike Carol and Ash, neither of them is visibly holding a weapon.
Also unlike Carol and Ash, they both seem to have bags/supplies.
They must trust each other at this moment because Carol and Ash don't seem to have their weapons drawn or their guards up.
The last three points make me think that the two in the middle might be locals from wherever they've landed in France and are helping them find their way. Additionally, to the local's guess, there's no way that the plane (image/model below) C/A flew in could have fit more than 2 people.
Beechcraft S35 Bonanza:
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Next, we see Carol (looking amazing as always) holding/shooting the crossbow, killing the walker we see below.
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What's interesting here is that this walker is covered in moss and what looks like fungus growing out of it, which would happen to walkers who have been around water and/or in humid environments. The walker is also wearing winter clothing, which aligns with the snowy mountains in the background.
The only other place I remember seeing a walker like this, in France, was on the way to Normandy Beach, where Daryl looked over at the walker that had similar moss on it with trees growing through it; however, if I had to guess I'd say that's not relevant to the location of this new scene.
If the filming location accurately reflects the actual location of Carol/Crew, based on the surroundings and lake in the above shots, my best guess is that they are near the French Alps, somewhere around the area highlighted in red, OR the Spanish Alps highlighted in blue, since the rest of France is relatively flat and does not feature any large mountain scapes like we see in the photos.
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It is also possible that these photos of Carol and Ash in the mountains are pre-France, set in the US while they were planning their departure via plane, with the only reason being that I don't think I've seen any photos of Carol or Daryl with the crossbow in France (that we know for sure were set in France). However, I'm still leaning towards it being in France because I don't see why Carol couldn't have taken the crossbow with her if they managed to take the rifle along.
Carol is later seen in a clip at Chantier Naval de la Passagère (purple mark on map), placing her right next to Daryl/Crew at Mont Saint-Michel (green mark on map).
The Sneak Peek
The first thing to note with the sneak peek is that it looks like these images from the first teaser (below)...
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are not at the same location as Daryl/Crew fighting in the sneak peak (below).
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Another thing to note that's different is the people present with Daryl during each fight, which brings me to the next thing I've noticed.
When the back of the truck is opened in the sneak peek, we see three people sitting in the back. After playing with the image a little bit, it becomes a little easier to guess who we're looking at.
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To me, it appears that it's Fallou and Emile on the right, and the guy on the left resembles the man highlighted in the image below (from the first teaser).
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All of this leads me to believe that somehow/somewhere, Fallou, Emile, and the ??? Man are taken by Genet and her people. This would explain Daryl's desperation during the sneak peek fight to stop Genet/Crew and get to whatever/whoever is in the back of the truck.
However, it gets a little complicated with how the timeline of these two fights relates to the below scene with Carol/Fallou/Codron.
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I have two theories about how the timeline can go, but for now I'm just going to break down the one I think is the most feasible.
Firstly, we know that Fallou and Emile leave Daryl/Crew in 01x06, potentially heading back to Paris. On their way, they run into Codron, who's been badly hurt/tortured by Genet, along with Carol, who has tracked Daryl to Paris at this point.
From here, after resting, resupplying, and with the new information that Codron and Fallou gave her about Daryl's whereabouts and what he's been going through to try and get back to her, Carol leaves the Paris group and heads out to resume her search for him.
Sometime after Carol leaves Paris, the Paris group/base could have been attached, leading to Fallou, Emille, and ??? Man being captured.
This leads us to the fight we see in the sneak peek between Daryl/Crew and Genet/Crew, which results in Fallou/Emile/??? Man being rescued and joining up with Daryl and the Nest Crew again.
Here's where I think it gets interesting: Now that Fallout is back with Daryl, he tells him everything he knows about Carol, how they ran into her, how she's been looking for him, and how, right before the attack on that Paris base, she left to resume her search for him.
This would light a fire under Daryl, realising how much danger she could be in because the areas between Paris and Mont Saint-Michel are swarming with Genet's men, and Carol could very likely be unknowingly walking into an ambush that wasn't meant for her.
Knowing that Carol is somewhere between Paris and Mont Saint-Michel, Daryl can now easily track her to Maison Mere, where she happens to be trapped in a car with Ash, surrounded by walkers (image below).
This leads us to the scene from the first teaser, where we see Daryl, Fallou, Isabell,??? Man, and a few others from the Nest, are searching through what we've said appears to be Maison Mere.
In the first teaser, We see the walkers surrounding Carol's car get killed by something/someone that's not visible to us, other than the lone hand we see on the back of the windshield, which we have all agreed strongly resembles Daryl's (image below).
Leading us to our long-awaited life-changing reunion!!
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Thank you so much for sticking with me and getting through this post ♡. I really hope reading it made sense like it did in my head.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the above and specially on things that I've missed.
I'm so happy we'll have Caryl back in a few short months!!! Our wait is almost over ♡♡♡
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dballzposting · 5 months
okay my brain isn't fully turned on and I have more to say on this subject that won't come out of my brain rn but ive been thinking about this for days and i need to share
I think trunks is like. he watches culturally important films, or like cult classics, a lot bc he feels it is a good way to expand his worldview or like just become more cultured. but by and large he does not like them.
oh for sure there's some he enjoyed. And there's a few where he's like 'Well, I didn't enjoy it, but i definitely think it was a good film. Just not my thing.'
meanwhile goten does not seek them out at all. he could not care less. BUT if Trunks is watching one when Goten wants to hang out, he'll sit his ass down and watch! He's not passing up a free fancy people movie!
And almost every time he REALLY likes it. And after every single one he goes on for like 30 minutes about Themes and Symbolism before interrupting himself to see if trunks wants to go get milkshakes.
and then after they get shakes trunks has to spend the night thinking about it. Why does goten seem to Get things so easily? Why does understanding worldviews he doesn't necessarily agree with come so naturally to Goten, when Trunks is actively trying?
Why won't Goten stop asking to see the movie where a disembodied head bites a girl in the butt (Hausu)??? Why does he think that's so funny????????????
PART 2: (Copy & pasted just to keep it all in one place)
okay i think i figured out the rest of what i wanted to say re: goten and trunks cultural movie bonanza as an example it's not like goten knows what chiaroscuro is. but he DOES notice and enjoy how filmmakers use lighting to draw the eye to or away from stuff. He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation but Trunks is like UGH nobody has said anything for FIVE MINUTES can we PLEASE move the plot along. this is like a BUSINESS MEETING tbh. and it's not like he doesn't get the plot or, once he's taken a film class, the meaning of certain techniques. he just can't bring himself to care. AND THE MAN JUST WON'T LEARN HIS LESSON AND HE KEEPS WATCHING THESE DAMN FILMS. also Goten like. he doesn't know these movies. his parents don't fucking watch movies. i mean maybe chichi watches like. romance and martial arts movies probably. he probably likes to compare himself to crouching tiger hidden dragon. so he DOESN'T know what to expect!!! when trunks is like 'hey im gonna watch Citizen Kane or Vanishing Point or Deliverance' or whatever and goten says NEAT i would like to watch also and trunks is like 'I know. that's why i told you. come over around 4 okay' and so goten doesn't have any sort of knowledge of these movies! it's exciting!!! bc the movies he saw growing up were his moms movies about kissing and punching and then whatever trunks took him to see in theatres. so like action and comedy and some horror. so it's new! it's fun! even when he doesn't really like the movie he's like 'well im glad i got to experience this new thing with my best buddy Trunks' ALSO they watched Eraserhead once and goten sat there afterwards on the floor (he likes to sit on the floor) for like ten minutes chewing his lips before turning to trunks and saying something to the effect of 'Trunks. I'm worried about what kind of father you're going to be.' and trunks just sort of. sat there. and looked goten in the eyes for a while. bc he didn't have a response. okay i think i got it all out of my system thank you for your time (i have been making my way through my movie bucket list so this is very strongly on my mind)
TL;DR: Trunks watches classic and high-rated movies becasue he thinks that he's an intellectual / because he's interested in increasing his cultural/artistic literacy & expanding his worldview. But he doesn't really enjoy most of them. And it is Goten who actually is able to see through to the heart of the film, exercise deep empathy, and reap delight at the tactics of storytelling unique to the medium. He's like WOOOAH SO COOL & MEANINGFUL .. (offers a critical analysis perfectly, that is sensitive and insightful). And Trunks is like wtf .... (stays awake at night pondering his deficits.)
From what I'm gathering he A.) Has the capacity to UNDERSTAND what he's seeing B.) Has the capacity to ANALYZE/INTERPRET what he's seeing C.) Has the heart to EXPERIENCE the movie in full and D.) Has the faculty to ARTICULATE/VERBALIZE what he's experiencing.
Goten no doubt is lacking a lot of cultural and artistic context, but he makes up for it with his observant eye, and then over time what he gathers from one movie transfers to the next and he's able to feel even more moved and offer even more insight ....
It's because his heart is open .. Trunks is trying too hard without realizing it. And you can't have an open heart when there is inner pain that you're not aware of. That's what I think about Trunks .... his trying to be someone he's not (a movie-savvy type of guy) is entirely self-removed without intending to be... He thinks it's self-improvement but really he's being entirely daft to what intrigues his mind and what would really facilitate his growth. And he can't be open-minded toward others if he can't be open-minded with himself.
But the format of movies I guess really works for Goten, they're not usually longer than two hours and they're faster paced than say a novel and they're colorful and they have a lot of movement and the mode of drama-deliverance is altogether captivating for him .... They can communicate a lot with a few small visual or auditory details and Goten is hip to just picking up on those, because he's genuinely engaged and enjoying himself.
But Trunks has elected to adopt this hobby on an intellectual principle. But all the rest of him is like ehhhh whatyever. He probably likes sitting and chilling and eating popcorn. But there's a lot he's not into. It's just not his medium. Just doesn't work for him
I also think that part of it is that Goten notices a lot of things just because they are new to him. Trunks has been watching movies his whole life. Menahwile Goten has been only watching the movies of LIFE ... The lighting of the sun and the pacing of the seasons <3 Also Ponyo
So the whole thing is new and he's like "WOOOOAH .. SO COOL HOW the camera was so high in that shot so that it made me feel tall..... really shows you how small the character feels..." And Trunks just like Didnt notice that
Also trunks just DOESNT CARE !!!! But he doesnt know that he doesnt care. SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this part regarding Goten: "He picks up on the little clues. and once he starts watching enough of a certain genre he likes noticing how so-and-so film stands against the others. it's like i spy to him. and he likes hearing what a film has to say, under its layers. trunks talks like that sometimes, when he's doing business stuff. it's all code. it's mental stimulation"
Thats such a way to put it .... Goten is being such a genius rn. He would liken it to the mysterious business-speech. IT'S ALL CODE. IT'S MENTAL STIMULATION.
I don't know any of these movies but I do agree that Goten would sit for 10 minutes and then say that to Trunks ... It's like him to assume that Trunks would be a father one day becasue that's just natural to him that's just life.
When this all started I think that Trunks was like "You sure you wanna watch this with me? It's not like Kung-Fu Panda or anything."
And Goten said "Are you kidding? I LOVE your movies. They're like delicate poetry being told through the form of telenovelas."
Becasue the only life-action TV Goten had been exposed to before was his mother's telenovelas.
I don't really agree with this next part but it's obligatory.
Goten would pick up that Trunks isn't enjoying the movies as much as Goten is, before Trunks even gives proper acknowledgment to his boredom. Trunks just keeps watching them and Goten respects that and doesn't think about it much, but eventually it must be pointed out that hey, Trunks isn't getting as much out of these as Goten is.
Maybe he keeps inviting Goten over so that Goten can tell him what the movie is about. That would make sense. But really I think that Trunks just likes to chill out with him.
But the way that Goten woiuld crunch the numbers in his head (if he's ever removed enough from the movie to ponder) (maybe during a pee break or something) is "He doesnt like the movies. He keeps watching the movies. He keeps inviting me to watch the movies. He doesnt like the movies. But he always invites me. Why do people watch movies with somebody if they don't like the movies? As an excuse to be with them. He just wants to hang out with me."
But he would take it too far and he would fall on the couch next to Trunks and start kissing on him sweetly and when Trunks goes like WHAT Goten says "you dont even like the movies. You just want to hang out with me and eat popcorn."
And the most self-awareness that Trunks had exercised about this whole thing was when he was wondering why he sucked such shit at watching movies compared to Goten. He never really thought about WHY he was doing this to begin with. And so he's doing some hard calculations in his head meanwhile Goten nuzzles him like a pigeon
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pokimoko · 10 months
Pokimoko's Fic Bonanza
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I've been jumping between a lot of fandoms lately, and I've ended up with a small collection of (not quite small) fics as a result. And because they are such a random assortment I thought, hey, why not post them altogether and make a day of it. So, without further ado, here's my odd party mix of fics for your viewing pleasure.
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Lacuna - A Moon Knight Fic
Word Count: 1.5K Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steven Grant & Marc Spector Characters: Steven Grant (Marvel), Marc Spector, Wendy Spector, Jake Lockley Summary: lacuna (noun) 1. an empty space or gap where something should be 2. a cavity or depression, especially in bone
(or: marc and steven fill in the gaps)
Where You End and I Begin - An Owl House Fic
Word Count: 15k Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda, Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman & Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Hunter | The Golden Guard & Caleb Wittebane, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Gus Porter, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Vee (The Owl House), Darius Deamonne & Hunter | The Golden Guard Characters: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Luz Noceda, Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman (The Owl House), Caleb Wittebane (Mentioned), Darius Deamonne, Willow Park, Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Gus Porter, Vee (The Owl House) Summary: All of Hunter's life, he has copied those around him; all the ways they smile, all the ways they are cruel and, most importantly, all the ways in which they pretend. But as dark truths come to light and new friendships are formed, Hunter slowly but surely learns to carve out his own identity.
Let's Take the Long Way Home - A Bright Sessions Fic
Word Count: 5.8K Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mark Bryant/Oliver Ritz Characters: Mark Bryant, Oliver Ritz Summary: After the events at Yale, Mark and Oliver stop at a roadside attraction, and have an important discussion. (Or: "hey, why don't we express our feelings to each other right next to this giant milk bottle?")
Graceful Degradation - A Portal 2 Fic
Word Count: 21K Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wheatley & Wheatley (Portal), Wheatley (Portal) & Original Character(s), GLaDOS & Wheatley (Portal) Characters: Wheatley, Original Character(s), GLaDOS, Background & Cameo Characters Summary: It's 1982, and Aperture Science has made a breakthrough in the development of AI, having successfully completed the first ever artificial duplication of a human mind. The prototype speaks and thinks just like its progenitor, the scatterbrained yet determined Doctor Wheatley, but the question remains: is the digital copy truly the same as the human it believes itself to be? Is it happy to exist as it does? And why does it insist on being treated like a person?
Well, there's only one way to find out. It's time to test. And test. And test. And test.
The Ghost in the Machine - A Wolf 359 Fic
Word Count: ~23k Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Doug Eiffel & Hera, Doug Eiffel & Renée Minkowski, Doug Eiffel & Isabel Lovelace, Doug Eiffel & Daniel Jacobi Characters: Doug Eiffel, Hera (Wolf 359), Renée Minkowski, Isabel Lovelace, Daniel Jacobi Summary: Struggling to find his place amongst a ship of strangers he once called friends, Doug turns to the recordings of Officer Eiffel, the person he can't remember ever being, in the hopes of better understanding the world around him. But things take a turn for the strange when those same recordings start to talk to him…
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Fade To Black by Metallica
Slamming, screeching, terror. A rope cut short. Ready for the end.
“Hey, Munson, you okay?” Steve asked, and Eddie couldn’t help but to notice the concern in his voice as they marched dutifully to Lover’s Lake.
“Well, I’ve been better, Harrington.” Eddie sighed, using the name like a shield, “I’m either a Satanic serial killer or a coward depending on who you ask.” He kept his voice soft, didn’t want the kids to join the Munson Pity Party.
“Those people are wrong on both sides.” Steve insisted. Eddie cast a curious glance sideways to the former jock, former sailor, and current shockingly nice guy, “You’re coming with us to face the unknown. I think that’s pretty brave, just like…” His face screwed up in thought, “Froyo?”
Eddie actually laughed, “I swear you’re fucking with me.” He grinned, delighting in the slightly sheepish smirk he got back, “If I’m Frodo, would that make you my Sam? Gonna carry me across Mordor?” He teased.
“Sure, whatever. Dork.” Steve shoved Eddie lightly, mirth in his eyes.
Wheels speeding, legs pumping, a weight slamming into his back. Down, down, down.
“What if I’m just…empty?” Eddie whispered to Steve as they sat shoulder to shoulder in the camper, feeling soft fingers comb through his snarled curls. They were creeping towards a line they were both scared to cross, and Eddie needed Steve to understand what he was signing up for, “‘I was me, but now I’m gone.’ What if the old me’s dead somewhere and the new me’s hollow inside?”
Steve made a soft sound, incomprehensible, as he worked out a particular knot, “Then I guess we’ll hold a birthday for the birth of the new you.”
“C’mon, be serious.” Eddie whacked Steve lightly, “I’m not exactly a heroic type. I don’t stand in the face of an incomprehensible evil, I don’t give rousing speeches to empower the troops. I’m dark inside.”
“Then let us help you find your light, Eddie.” Steve shifted, slowly, tentatively intertwining their fingers as if he was dealing with a skittish raccoon, “I think you’re pretty heroic, by the way. What was it you said about cynical eyes seeing true love in diving? Sure seems like you swam through the gate for me, Mr. Hero.”
Eddie blushed brightly, “Shut up, Steve.” He mumbled.
Stand and fight. Be a hero. Bodies hurling against shield, arms straining, grip failing.
“Hey…” Steve pressed his lips to Eddie’s and Eddie could swear he tasted bubblegum bonanza lipgloss, “Come back, okay? You’re just the distraction.” His voice was so full of pleading that Eddie couldn’t help reaching out, stroking his cheek with a calloused thumb.
“I’m gonna be fine, Stevie. I’ve got the kid with me, so just you listen to my concert.” Eddie promised, pressing up against the other to rest his head over heart for the briefest of moments, “Gonna turn you into a metalhead yet.”
“You wish, Eds.” Steve quirked an amused little smile.
Tail around his neck. Biting, tearing, chewing. Screaming. His own? Can’t breathe. It hurts, Wayne! Dustin? Vision blurring, dark enclosing. Goodbye.
Steve ran to the body, breath caught in his throat, “No, no, no, no!” He skidded to his knees and clutched at the hand, “Eddie, wake up! Wake up!”
“Steve, he’s…” Dustin couldn’t bring himself to say it, bottom lip quivering.
“We-We have to bring him back! I’m not leaving him here!” Steve yelled, scooping his Eddie into his arms, “I promised I’d carry him from Mordor! I can’t just leave him here!”
“Steve!” Nancy grabbed Steve’s shoulders, “Steve, he’s gone. We have living people we need to get through that gate.”
“But…But…” Steve tried to argue before he set Eddie back down, knowing that she was right. He pocketed his mood ring and straightened up, the leader, the protector, the man who could cry in silence but not right now, “Let’s go.”
Steve wasn’t even afforded the chance to mourn properly as Hell came for Hawkins. He was so tired, almost ready for the end so Sam and Frodo could be together again. He’d tried to give the ring to Wayne when Dustin delivered the necklace, but apparently he was just so pitiable he was allowed to keep it, or maybe Wayne understood why he needed it more. He wore it on his pinky, twisting it as he looked up at the darkening sky.
Vision growing, fangs itching, wings outstretched, claws sharp. Hungry.
Also, the ao3 link if you’d like to subscribe:
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basingstokemercury · 5 months
Throwing this one out there:
Are there any episodes in Bonanza seasons 2-6 that you wouldn't let an eight-year-old watch?
I've heard things about The Crucible that make me doubt it'd be good viewing for them, but are there any others I should be aware of?
They both scare fairly easily but I'm never quite sure what they'll be okay with, and one is very perceptive with a tendency towards awkward questions when I show him adult-oriented media.
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forsty · 8 months
Fandom: Bonanza!
The first character I first fell in love with:  In all honesty my favorite in the beginning was Adam. But Joe was so fkn annoying he quickly became my fav instead
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Jamie... I just adore that little guy. At first I wasn't sure about it, but I watched some of the eps with him and I think he's a fun addition.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  I don't even know who that'd be 😭 I love all the Bonanza characters
The character I love that everyone else hates:  I'm guessing Jamie or Candy? Alot of people don't seem to like them alot which I think is pretty sad. Especially Candy, he's a GREAT character.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: None really!
The character I would totally smooch:  Joe 😔
The character I’d want to be like:  None of them really... Maybe Hoss
The character I’d slap:  Joe Adam ❤️
A pairing that I love: Joe/Candy...... I also REALLY love Adam and the lady he meets in the episode "The Savage" from season 2.
A pairing that I despise:  Idk man most of the canon pairings they did for the Cartwrights with random ladies were always just so so boring
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cloudstrifing · 1 year
stuff to write masterpost
mostly for my own reference but it is always more fun and motivating to share so!!! perceive if u wish, if ANY of these get written it’s a win actually!!!
fics marked green are done fics marked orange are in progress fic marked blue are on hold for now!! anything else is not started yet!
secret fic for turks fan exchange:
aerti/zakkura/rdrn triptych of au oneshots, tied together by the fact that everyone goes to the same gym
rdrn fake dating for a mission bc i have ALL the confession dialogue ready to launch alrd and it’d be a waste not to deploy..... (i conceived her last winter and was hoping to time it with NYE whihc. that could still happen. lmfao. update: ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BC TIME IS FAKE, update to the update: welp yet another winter is coming up so .)
ch 3 (final) of wellness grifter geto stsg au (Let’s Purify ✩ Body & Mind!!) -- posted the second chapter after only (checks watch) a year and two weeks lmao. this one is getting slept on bc i have zero presence in the jjk fandom and my timing sucks. but ill prob finish it someday since *i* think the idea is good so WHATEVER!!
drunk and unsexy boys-will-be-boys vw: good old-fashioned lover boy (it ended up maybe a bit more sexy than intended)
less drunk but VERY sexy plant heat vw: Gun Barrel Red Hot
modern au kniveswood ft terrible manipulative relationship dynamics to uncritically emulate in real life: pov: you're the most fuckable person at the grocery store currently in progress; also a bonus little epilogue-like pwp pretty fixation
post trimax livvash, aiming for short but eternally traumatizing: say your name, forever
dark biopunk au for kniveswood bang: oxytocin running
og (finally regaining some urge to work on these):
lesbians caught in a snowstorm but actually caught in the mindscape of the Creature but actually caught in their own inability to do feelings pls god i just need to finish Any version of this -- a finished version now exists! idk if it's my best work but it sure is done :'') if i can get someone to edit it i may start shopping it around after!
hivemind jellyfish slayer turned good dad angst bonanza ditto above -- this is currently undergoing edits after brilliant feedback from from AJ!! i finished a version i was p happy with but after i incorporate AJ's edits it will become so much better
The Necromancers Are All Dead but make it flash fiction in order 2 reclaim my ability to have fun with a concept without spending sixteen months with it first -- speedran a version of this in my little writing illegally at work notebook, i don't really know what this story wants to be yet but at least ive sat with it for a while
novel ideas wanna be attended to; am reattempting some expanded synopses bc given some distance, some of my ideas were perhaps more substantial than i gave them credit for wahoo
updating this periodically for the rush of ticking items off a list <3
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inu-mothership · 2 years
Bingo Bonanza Cards Now Available!
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4 - Save your bingo card
To select the card you want to start with, click the Select button. It will ask if you are sure (you will not be able to start a new card until you finish your current one), click accept. If it has saved your card, it will give you a success message. Otherwise, it will let you know something went wrong. If it continues to happen, please reach out to a mod.
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5 - Get creating!
You now have your bingo card! Whenever you come back, it should automatically load. Once submissions are open, you’ll be able to click on the corresponding square to submit your work. (Fic, Art, Edits, and more are all acceptable!)
A few closing notes
In the top right corner, your name is shown. This is also the name that will be used for the leader board and any public posts. If you would like it changed, reach out to a mod and we can change it when we have a chance.
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Also, the option to opt into the leaderboard and out of the raffle will be added in the future. No one is currently added to the leaderboard.
Also, also, submissions will open Nov. 1, 00:00 AEST and will end Nov. 30, 23:59 AKDT. Weeks will run from 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28. The final two days, all bonuses are available.
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feudalconnection · 2 years
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With the changing color of the leaves, we’d like to announce a new event this fall! 
@feudalconnection & @inu-mothership have partnered together to bring you an all new fun-filled way to enjoy the Inuyasha fandom! This November, we will be hosting a modified bingo to aid the creative process and give rise to new fanfiction, fanart, and other creations to share with this wonderful community!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bingo Bonanza? 
With dwindling participation in Inuyasha fall events in recent years, Bingo Bonanza was created as a fun, new twist to aid the creative process and give rise to new fanfiction, fanart, and other creations to this whole community!
Who are the moderators for Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza? 
Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza is brought to you by a collaboration between FeudalConnection & Inu-Mothership Discord servers. If you ever have any questions about the event, we urge you to reach out to any of the moderators and we will make sure your concerns are answered in a timely manner. 
How do I sign up?
You don’t! At least not in the traditional sense. Once the website has been updated, head over to https://inu-library.com and sign in with either Discord, Tumblr, or Twitter. Once signed in, just navigate to the Bingo Bonanza tab to receive your first bingo card. It is that simple!
Do I have to join the Leaderboard?
Nope! To be on the Leaderboard, and in the running for prizes, you need to opt-in (there will be an option to join the leaderboard on the bingo page). You will not be added to the Leaderboard without your consent.
Why is there so much emphasis on the rules if it isn’t about competition?
To reiterate, you do not have to compete. That is completely optional. We do want to make sure that the rules are clear to those who do want to compete, though. This way, everyone knows what is expected going into the event and that there are no surprises once everything is over. If you are not competing, then just use the bingo card(s) as prompts to help guide what you write.
Can I get a new card if I don’t like the one I have? 
Absolutely! We want this to be a fun and engaging event for everyone who wants to participate, and give you the option to switch out your bingo card if you’re not keen on the 24 prompts the card includes. However, once a card has been started, you will not be able to get a new card until you finish your current one by completing a bingo.
What are the days for the theme weeks?
The days are 1-7, 8-14, etc. This will leave 2 days unaccounted for, and for these 2 days, all bonuses will apply!
How do I submit my squares/finished works? 
Once you have completed and posted the work, click on the corresponding square to be prompted to enter the URL and submit!
Are there any rules about what we are allowed to write? 
The only rule is that all works must adhere to the Inu-Mothership and FeudalConnection’s rules! The method in which Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza was created was to allow participants freedom of creativity. You can write about whatever your heart desires, and you can participate as little or as much as you want! 
What are FeudalConnection and Inu-Mothership’s rules for pairings?
We do not support any incestual relationships or any relationships that pair a minor with an adult. Those creations will not be recognized by Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza. 
What happens once I get a Bingo?
Congratulations! We’re so happy that this event has been able to spur your creativity! The square that completes the bingo will receive a 2 x points bonus on top of any other bonus. At this point, the option is presented to continue working on that same card (weekly bonuses will be added, but no more bingo 2 x bonus will be given) or a new card could be generated to work on.
Will there be a Free Space?
Yes! The middle square of each Bingo Card will be considered a “Free Space”. You will still need to submit something to claim the square, but you may use it for whatever you can come up with!
How does the scoring actually work?
Each square will be associated with a single work and the work will be assigned points based on three different categories. However, a work can be associated with more than one square
The initial points assigned will be based on difficulty with the possibility of 4, 8, or 12 points.
500 words and under, sketches, etc = 4pts
501-2000 words, line art, etc = 8pts
Over 2000 words, colored art, etc = 12pts
Weekly Bonus:
The fic gets a multiplier of either 25 or 50% if it incorporates one of the weekly bonuses. Only one bonus per work. If the work touches on both a 25 and 50% theme, then the 50% will be given.
Example of scoring:
Week 1: 250-word story (4 pts) about Shiori (25% bonus) and Jinenji (50% bonus)
As the character who earns the higher bonus, only Jinenji would be counted, thus 4 + 2 for 6 points total
If the square finishes a bingo (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or four corners plus the free space) then it will receive an additional 2 x current score bonus!
Card completion:
If the square is the last square on your bingo card, then it will receive an additional 4 x current score bonus!
What are the themes each week? 
Week 1: Rare Characters
Create a piece in which the main character is someone not often seen in fandom creations. Time to give some love to our lesser-known characters. If you need some ideas, feel free to reach out to the community! 
No bonus: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshōmaru, Kikyō, Naraku, Kagura, Miroku, Sango, Shippō, Kōga, Moroha
25% bonus: Jaken, InuKimi, Tōga, Izayoi, Rin, Ayame, Shiori, Hōjō, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Kanna
50% bonus: everyone not mentioned
Week 2: Rare Pairs
Create a piece in which the main characters in the narrative are not characters often seen in fandom creations. Want to see those rare friendships? How about enjoying some family interactions? Or that rare romantic pairing that doesn’t have enough content? This fandom is filled with relationships that often aren’t touched upon - let’s explore! Pairs must follow the rules of FeudalConnection and Inu-Mothership. 
No bonus: InuKag, SessKag, Sess&Rin, KogKag
25% bonus: MirSan, SessKagura, TogIza, InuKik, KogAya, KagKik, InuKog
50% bonus: all other pairings
Week 3: Black and White
Time to either make your characters suffer (Black) or make their teeth ache with fluffy sweetness (White). Whether you want to write about your favorite villain, enemies/rivalries, or just want to beat up on your favorite punching bag, pick your whump! Or if you enjoy the other end of the spectrum, feel free to indulge in your favorite romantic or platonic pairings in fluffy settings. 
No bonus: Angst, Minor Character Death, Holding Hands, Sweet Compliments, Blushing
25% bonus: Enemies, Rivals, Major Character Death, Betrayal, Proposal, Snuggles & Huggles, Sensual Seduction
50% bonus: Dark Themes, Gore, Horror, Torture, Kisses (romantic or platonic), Meet Cute, Making Love
Week 4: Mix ‘n Match
Combine some tropes and AUs in order to earn bonuses! They can come from either here or here, and offer a wide variety of options to spur those creative juices. 
No bonus: One or two tropes/AUs used
25% bonus: Three tropes/AUs used
50% bonus: Four or more tropes/AUs used
Do I have to participate in the themes each week?
No. You are not required to participate in any of the themes each week. They are simply there to offer an additional challenge for more points, and to help spark creativity. If you want to write all of your pieces centered on InuKag, SessKag, platonic fluff, etc., we are all for it! 
Do I have to submit the bonuses during the week of topic? (i.e.: during Rare Pair, Rare Character, etc Week)
Yes! You do have to post and submit your piece during the week in which the bonus occurs. 
Does it have to be a new work of fiction? Or can it be a new chapter on an existing work? 
New chapters for stories already started will be accepted. However, don’t forget that the bonuses are only that - multipliers. The work will still need to fulfill the theme of one of the squares on the bingo card. 
What are the prizes? 
At the end of November, the top creator will receive a prize, which will be a commissioned art piece that this year’s mod-team will supply from one of the winners’ favorite artists. In addition to that, three people will be chosen at random to receive the same prize. In order to be in the running for random selection, all you need to do is complete a single work and submit it to Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza. 
Do you have a collection on AO3?
Yes, you can find it at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/inubingo2022 ! We encourage that everyone who writes a fanfic for Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza to add it to our Inuyasha collection on AO3.
My question isn’t listed!
Please reach out to one of the moderators and we will be happy to answer any further questions! :)
Let’s fall into winter with a burst of beautiful creations! 
~ Inuyasha Bingo Bonanza Mod-Team
@yukinon-writes @classysassy9791​ @ruddcatha​ @neutronstarchild​ @sereia1313​ @mrfeenysmustache​ @fawn-eyed-girl​ @sapphirestarxx
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taikoturtle · 2 years
Thoughts on WN S2
Heavy spoilers, as I have no self control and ended up just clicking ‘next’ until I ended up finishing the whole thing. 
A SUPER long post below the cut
So, I can’t tell if it’s the extreme fatigue that I’m experiencing due to lack of sleep (which I’m sure plays a part in it) but I have mixed feelings on season 2. I’ll just ramble some points off
I will get straight to it, I thought it was pretty great content, they really fed us this season. Straight off the bat, they knew who was the main ship and they really leaned into it for S2 and we were rewarded with so many good scenes. From the build up of jealousy (not just from Bea, but also bits from Ava), to the fact that they shared so much screen time together (probably moreso together than apart), it really was a bonanza of Avatrice in literally almost every episode. 
Bea not getting drunk before and Ava like “oh hell yes, lets get you effed up! shots shots shots!” was pretty fun, but it was even funnier how Beatrice didn’t even seem that drunk after the whole bar scene ended. Like, girl, if you never drink more than a couple sips of wine, how did you not get at least a little sick or dizzy after all those shots and then proceeded to kick butt like nothing happened? 
but also, that bar scene!! 
and also oh my god, they were roommates. 
When did Ava learn to bartend? (random thought)
So, so many moments between these two. Ava falling and hitting the floor and Beatrice cradling her in her arms, it was almost like true love brought her back (lol) but eh, it’s the halo. They’re unstoppable together! 
Beatrice constantly worried for Ava’s training and battle-readiness, because Warrior Nuns don’t get to live long lives and this thought probably weighs heavy on her mind constantly.
Beatrice really struggling with her own convictions for the first time and telling Ava to run and hide so that she can just be safe, because Bea would rather be apart than see Ava fall in battle. It’s about keeping the halo safe, yes, but it’s moreso about keeping Ava safe.
Camila having her talk with Beatrice about being terrible at lying. Lol, Camila knows, she’s always known.
We got a kiss!! 
Their goodbyes by the portal was so sad, and they both got to say I love you, but Ava didn’t hear it back. Ava is now floating for who knows how many years in the beyond, not having actually heard Beatrice return her words. And yeah I know, she already knows how Bea feels since they kissed, but still, that hurts.
Action scenes were awesome. I really enjoyed the choreography for the fights, and the episodes that had those extended shots felt very dynamic and exciting. There was also a lot more gore and dismemberment this season (or at least it feels that way) and I don’t remember S1 being like that, but honestly I like the level of violence in this season, as the stakes felt higher and tone of the show overall darker and more urgent.
Back to the tone, I like how this season felt darker and more sinister. The fear in the cemetery legitimately scared me for a sec when Michael’s face changed. I was not expecting that. and then Camila’s hallucinations with Adriel felt very unnerving. And the uncertainty of not knowing who was siding with Adriel created a truly anxious atmosphere. Great stuff. 
Sweet, sweet Camila going from rookie to coming into her own. I was worried for a bit that Adriel would capitalize on her insecurity of constantly being the young one, but she fought back and weaponized it against him, which was awesome. Her transforming into somewhat of a mentor to Yasmine was also great to see. Plus I mean c’mon, Camila with a gun? Camila with a wrist-mounted crossbow? Sign me up!
Mother Superion! We got more backstory! We got that psyche out (honestly if she didn’t make it, I was going to riot). I’m glad she got that moment with the halo bringing her back after enduring so much burden and regret over her past actions. She also had some super badass fight scenes and overall Sylvia De Fanti’s acting was very standout for me.
Now here begins my rant
Now, I will say, the one thing that really, really bothered me was how they handled Shotgun Mary, and this particular point really left a sour taste in my mouth to the point that I almost didn’t even enjoy the Avatrice payoff at the end.
If she really is truly gone, they glossed over her death so POORLY. If that was the direction they were going to take, I would rather they have ended S1 with her heroically sacrificing herself and the sisters teleporting away so that we didn’t have to wait 2 FREAKING YEARS just to have a brief scene saying she’s gone?!? It was like dangling her fate in front of us and it was so cruel, with them knowing she was not returning for S2. 
And like, the reactions of the sisters upon learning her downfall, the scenes were emotional, and heart wrenching, but then the next episode it was like NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED??? Ava was cracking jokes about going SIGHTSEEING??? Like, wtf??? I thought it would have had more impact, but all we got really was a line from Mother Superion about how they don’t have time to mourn the fallen??? It just, the handling of all that really rubbed me the wrong way.
and then the random introduction of Sister Dora at the end? Like they basically just replaced Shotgun Mary with another POC as if to say “oh it’s fine, here’s filling the quota with another person”. I don’t know. I just, it felt so tone deaf?? to me. 
And then Lilith, I understand that her character in the comics (granted, I did not read very far) is not meant to necessarily be a hero, but just her going from hunting down Father Vincent, distraught over Mary, to then going to Adriel’s side? The side of the guy WHO WAS THE REASON MARY DIED? And to justify this decision, I get that Lilith is a complex character dealing with the expectations of her mom and not becoming the halo-bearer, but like, that scene with her mom was so brief, and I felt like it wasn’t new information that her parents were overbearing. It just felt like a throwaway scene to explain why Lilith would end up siding with Adriel. (also that kiss? I saw it coming a mile away and it still made me want to throw my phone). Lilith in general is one of my favorite characters, and for her to flip flop and end up siding with the enemy feels like a step back from where her trajectory was going in season 1 after she returned. 
And then Adriel’s death???? DEATH BY TARASK STABBING? He was so powerful and yet he got surrounded by a handful of tarasks and couldn’t teleport away or something? Why didn’t Ava do this earlier? Did Reya give her the idea? Even if she didn’t, why try exploding the divinium bomb first before just summoning the tarasks?? I have so many questions, his death just felt so... undeserved. 
Also how did the portal stay open after the cross was destroyed?
If Reya had been chasing the damn halo for CENTURIES, if it was right there in front of her, why did she let Ava keep it? The tarasks have been hunting that shit for forever, and Reya just... let her have it? maybe this plays a part in the future seasons, but like, right now it looked like a “thank you for saving me and destroying Adriel, you can keep it” kind of gesture, which is super wild to me.
Anyways, that was a lot more than I intended, but I just had a hard time sleeping because there were so many thoughts running through my head. 
I want to like this season, and in many ways I did (the Avatrice content yo!!) but like, it just felt like there was a cloud hanging over it the whole time for me so I’m conflicted.
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mycryptosuite · 1 year
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023 Bonanza live 2sure lotto – bonanza lotto banker two sure live drop, Here are Baba Ijebu Lotto Bonanza Prediction for the next draw: 13 January 2023 – Friday. Ghana National Banker to Banker challenge with plan, Best Ghana Lotto forecaster for today game including 5 number prediction, two sure and banker. Lotto secret key numbers for today bonanza was made…
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crystalelemental · 6 months
Correct me if I'm wrong because I've been forgetting things a lot lately, but...usually, event rerun missions give you gems but with a reduced amount and without the BP coins, right? So, why does the New Year 2023 event rerun give event scout tickets now? We can only get gems from completing the Battle Challenges with (and without) the required criteria and for completing a certain amount of missions?
And Battle Villa is going to be permanent next month, which means no more gems from it anymore?
Reddit has been 60% posts about this exact thing since yesterday. The short is, we don't really know why they made this adjustment, but it's only for the rerun of the seasonal event, not the upcoming VA rerun. It is currently a complete mystery as to why. At a guess, it's the usual gacha methodology of slowly rolling back rewards. One very optimistic soul thinks it might be heralding the inclusion of older seasonal pairs in the ticket scout, but (1) where would the cutoff for that be, and (2) some old seasonals still kick ass while some new seasonals suck, so this isn't really a cohesive option, especially with the whole paid only Mix Red scout going on where you can pity anyone ever. That's supposed to be a big draw; would take it away if you could ticket scout them. So in short...yes it's like that, no it's not normal, but it might be how all seasonal reruns are from here on. I'd be less bothered if they reran all past seasonal events and did something like this because it'd be a net increase in reward without seriously skewing gem counts, but no dice.
The Villa situation is nebulous, but yes it is permanent next month, which I'm 100% certain means its rewards will no longer be available. It is a point of very severe contention in my mind, because they're replacing what Villa had with this new mode, which creates two very major problems. First, the new mode must, by necessity, include the same kind of rewards as Villa. What I mean is, Villa was the only remaining place to get Lucky Scrolls. Blissful Bonanza was as good as dead for four months, we can't count on that. It's also the only place to get 2* cookies. For most, this doesn't matter, but it does for Crunchy with the Defense Crush 2, Fast-Track 2, etc options. It's also the only meaningful way to get Lessen Confusion 9 for base Iris, which yes is important. We can't just replace all cookie output with Gauntlet; those options wouldn't exist. Well. Okay, Defense Crush would, it's in the deluxe 1* cookie bin. But you get the idea. This means all rewards must map perfectly, or we're losing significant tools, especially if the lucky scrolls go away. New players would effectively have no means of acquiring lucky skills anymore. Regardless, I'm willing to bet it's less gems in total for the event.
The second, potentially worse aspect, is that this game operates on point scores, which are augmented by how many of a particular role you bring, and EX roles count. Their stingy-ass bullshit decision to not give EX roles to any older pairs except a handful of Master Fairs suddenly makes sense, as it means this mode has an element of pay to win. The game's generally been good about "all meaningful rewards are easily obtained, but if you want to play rank pay up," but this is becoming more and more frequent, to the detriment of the overall experience. Like sure, great, glad we can't give Drasna an EX role, but we can let Ryuki have one. Bullshit.
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citroen-salasar · 7 months
Citroën's New Year Bonanza: Exciting Deals on C3 and C3 Aircross Await!
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Citroen New Year 2024 Offers
As we step into the promising realms of 2023, Citroën Indore unfolds a spectacular start to the year with enticing deals on our flagship models, the Citroën C3 and Citroën C3 Aircross. Join us in this journey of style, innovation, and unbeatable benefits that promise to redefine your driving experience.
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Priced at a captivating ₹6.16 Lakhs, the Citroën C3 beckons you to embrace urban living with flair. This compact marvel, adorned with modern design and an array of features, turns every drive into a celebration. As you navigate city streets, the dynamic performance and eye-catching aesthetics of the Citroën C3 are sure to turn heads.
Citroën C3 Aircross: Elevating Your Drive
Starting at just ₹9.99 Lakhs, the Citroën C3 Aircross, available in both 5 and 5+2 seating options, stands as a testament to sophistication and versatility. This SUV seamlessly combines style, comfort, and functionality, making it the perfect choice for the best SUV of 2023.
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To add a sparkle to your celebrations, Citroën Indore presents exclusive New Year offers, including:
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So, what are you waiting for? Visit our showroom, explore our website, and let Citroën be a part of your journey into 2023. Embrace the road ahead with style, comfort, and the unmatched driving experience that only Citroën can offer.
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kuwdora · 1 year
mmmm here's the beginning of my flurry of WIP snippets for @littlestsnicket. My WIP-a-palooza and crossposting bonanza. Say that 5 times fast. Ficlet is from my Jaskier/Oxenfurt series that takes place between season 1 and 2. This scene is the first time Jaskier meets a small acolyte from the Eternal Fire (who will also be making an appearance in the puppetskier story as well). Warnings for child indoctrination and implied child abuse, canon-typical racism.
“You live in a den of equity!” a tiny voice heckled and Jaskier rounded on a heel and turned to peer at the small child. He was dressed in a grey smock that was stained with mud at the hem but otherwise appeared immaculate, which was impressive considering it was on the body of someone who couldn’t be more than 10 years old. Dark brown eyes simmered with anger and looked surprised that Jaskier had stopped to face him. The child must have gotten used to being ignored already but was still out here, harassing all nonhumans coming and going from the university grounds. He didn’t remember when the Eternal Fire had managed to get a toehold in Oxenfurt but there’d been enough upheaval recently that Jaskier wasn’t that surprised.
Jaskier looked at the sun, judging the amount of time he had left before he ought to swing down the docks and check in with the harbormaster’s assistant. He looked back at the child and then scanned the rest of the street, not finding any rheumy-eyed clerics nearby.
“Well, aren’t you a plucky little hatemonger,” Jaskier said, his annoyance fretted with a quiet despair when the child’s posture stiffened. The child’s head was nearly shaved down to the scalp and he had a wide, flat nose was wide and had a chin that would probably grow to be very strong and punchable if he continued on his current path. It was apparent the child had been outside long enough for his tawny skin to redden on his cheeks from the cold, which Jaskier supposed just added another metaphorical layer to the indoctrination the child was undergoing. The boy needed a thicker smock to be standing out here like that.
“You’re right that we do live here in equity but I’m pretty sure that’s not what your brainwashers meant. The word you’re looking for is iniquity.”
“In-ickitty?” the child asked and his face twisted in puzzlement.
Jaskier frowned. “Sin,” and the child nodded vehemently and mumbled inequity back to him and gave Jaskier a baleful eye while he was at it. Close enough.
“I bet your parents are proud to know what a good job you’re doing in the city. You seem like a young man who listens to his teachers.” Jaskier said
“My parents are dead,” the child said and his voice was far too caustic. Jaskier couldn’t help his face from twisting in response and the child went on, “The Nilfs came to my village and burned my home. I was with Brother Arbal when they came. He saved me but they burned him and the church. The fire is our guide through the darkness against the Black Ones, nonhumans and nonbelievers,” the child said with a practiced air and partial lisp. There was enough of his country accent for Jaskier to assume the child had been born somewhere near Sodden, so it didn’t take much for Jaskier to connect those painful dots.
The child’s brown eyes simmered with hatred and Jaskier’s chest twisted at the sight.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Jaskier said. “My name’s Julian. What’s yours?”
“Karsten,” Karsten said and Jaskier offered his hand but the child kept to himself but was clearly torn between wanting further encouragement in his rhetoric and a shyness that came from an strange adult speaking to him with kindness.
“Nice to meet you, Karsten, ”Jaskier said and his knees were getting sore from squatting so he walked a few paces behind Karsten to claim a spot against a railing to the nearby pavilion. “Are you here for school? At the temple?” Jaskier asked and Karsten nodded but kept a wary distance and stuck his hands into the pockets of his robe. The robe was crisp and fitted enough to hide any bruising that could be left by impatient teachers.
The child squared his shoulders, braced for an argument against a nonbeliever. It made Jaskier’s heart tired.
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2. "I'm ambitious. I'm going to find *all of it*. All the pieces."
KIM KITSURAGI - "All of it?" The lieutenant raises his brow. "There are junior officers out there, eager to prove themselves. I would leave *some* for them, but okay. Let's find *all of it*."
New task: Find all armour pieces
CALL ME MAÑANA- "A Mesquese epic then, all across Martinaise." He glances south, where the canal runs: "I hope it will be a real *bonanza* for you."
4. "Thank you for the cooperation, sir."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "No problem." He finally takes a swig from the flask. "If you see that kid, thank him from Call Me Mañana. Thank him for showing me the *way*."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - He is sincerely grateful he is not tracking down pieces of armour right now.
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2. "I'm looking for assistance with a *dead body* situation."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "Body still hangin' in the tree?" He rubs his chin as if pondering his core beliefs. "Aye, that's a rough pickle... can't help you with that, sorry."
"I'm not really an admirer of dead bodies. Might be someone else from the Union can render assistance..." He shrugs.
"Does this mean you can let me through the gate?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "I don't operate in that capacity. I'm not a *granter of passage*." He takes a swig and points up the stairs with his flask. "The passage grants itself."
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - Beneath the jolliness he suddenly seems doubtful.
"That simple? I just walk in?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Aye -- walk right past Measurehead and go in."
"Past Measurehead?"
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CALL ME MAÑANA - "Yeah, the two-and-a-half-metre tall Semenese supremacist there." He points to the bridge above the gates. "Walk right past him..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... then press the button to unlock the door..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... then go past him again..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "... and you enter the harbour through the office. Esta!"
"Hmm, for some reason it doesn't seem like it's going to be that easy..."
"Uh. Gotcha. I think I have some questions for you first."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Don't worry, I'm sure it's not *completely* impossible. For example, you could best Measurehead in a physical confrontation."
"Or you could convert to his Semenese supremacist world view. Or, hmm," he strokes his moustache, "maybe it actually *is* completely impossible."
"Has anyone here ever bested him in a physical confrontation?"
"Has any of the scabs tried converting to his world view?"
"Got it. Another thing..."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Not yet, no." He fixes his eyes on you, evaluating your prowess. "He's... incredibly strong."
2. "Has any of the scabs tried converting to his world view?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Jean-Luc himself would say the philosophy has proven... *overly heroic* for the scabs to convert to. Not enough intuition."
3. "Got it. Another thing...."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Sure." The man whistles a jaunty tune, the wind rustling his whiskers.
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2. "I'm a bit short on *money* right now. Can you give me some of it?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Sure thing, my friend, I can help you out." He flips a coin toward you.
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[Hand/Eye Coordination - Medium 10] Try to catch it.
Let it fall on the ground.
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HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Medium: Success] - The coin lands into your hand as if it has always belonged there. The swallow returns.
Say nothing, pocket the coin.
+5 XP +0.10 real
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Always glad to help out the RCM. Shame I can't do more -- things are meagre at the moment, due to..." He nods toward the protesters.
"You know -- the winter's fat is slowly running out and all. Still better than scabbing, though."
"The Union has problems getting by?"
"Every little bit helps, you know."
"Gotta spend money to make money."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "Nothing to worry about, really. The jam's a bit of a mess, cargo can't get in or out. The rationing is a bit stricter, is all. Supplies should last the strike, though."
"Every little bit helps, you know."
CALL ME MAÑANA - "I'm always glad to help out when possible -- not like these slithering scabs." He looks at them in disbelief.
2. "What's the strike about anyway?"
CALL ME MAÑANA - "You know... serious business." He smiles. "I'm sure the big boss would be glad to tell you. You'll have to ask him first."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He's a chatty guy. *Wants* to talk about the strike. Return once you've met the Union boss, and are on a better footing with the organization.
3. "Nice talk. Gotta get moving." [Leave.]
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A hermetically sealed door. Locked by electronic means.
There's no lockpicking or door-kicking this one.
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MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Yeah, Measurehead, his body totally betrays his degeneracy," the young woman at the giant's side agrees.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - Don't say anything, size him up first.
Say nothing, size him up first.
"What do you mean, my body betrays my degeneracy?"
"My body does *not* betray my degeneracy!"
"My body is unimportant. We're with the police and we need to get to the harbour."
"We don't have time to get into this now." [Leave.]
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MEASUREHEAD - "ARE YOU ADMIRING MY MORPHOPHYSIOLOGY?" A ripple of muscle passes underneath his skin. He lets you look.
Puff out your chest, still say nothing.
"What do you mean, my body betrays my degeneracy?"
"My body does *not* betray my degeneracy!"
"My body is unimportant. We're with the police and we need to get to the harbour."
"We don't have time to get into this now." [Leave.]
MEASUREHEAD - "WHAT IS THIS *ANDROGYNOUS* DISPLAY OF SEXUAL MATURITY?" He looks down at you, taking stock of your physique.
ENDURANCE [Medium: Failure] - Merely standing up makes you sweat profusely. Your breathing is erratic. Your own heartbeat in your ears grows frantic and you feel your blood pressure rise.
MEASUREHEAD'S BABE - "Jean-Luc, his body is betraying his degeneracy pretty hard..." She holds her nose. "Maybe you can ask him to leave?"
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