#BodyPump 99
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itsmyfoodstyle · 6 years ago
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Ik heb altijd fanatiek gesport. Vanaf mijn zeventiende train ik al 4-5 keer per week en wissel ik krachttraining af met verschillende groepslessen. Mijn favoriete groepslessen zijn (kick)boksen, bodypump en pilates. Af en toe, als de zon schijnt, ga ik graag een stukje hardlopen. Ik ben nog altijd een mooi weer loper. 
Wat voeding betreft heb ik een hele lange reis gemaakt met ups en downs. Van emotie eten naar eten op gevoel was een hele strijd! Ook met de kilo’s: ik heb 80 kilo gewogen op mijn zwaarst (2016) toen ik naar Marokko ging en 58 kilo op mijn lichtst (2017) toen ik weer in Nederland ging wonen (note; ik ben 1m64). Lang leve eindeloze strandwandelingen, haha. Al heb ik me inmiddels gerealiseerd dat gewicht niet zoveel zegt maar hoe je je voelt, dat je training steeds beter gaat en wat je in de spiegel ziet des te meer.
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37 weken zwanger <3
 Echter ben ik in 2018 op mijn 22e getrouwd met mijn souvenir uit Agadir en raakte ik vrij snel daarna zwanger van ons lieve zoontje. Ik heb tot ongeveer de helft van mijn zwangerschap rustig aan krachttraining gedaan, hier en daar nog een pilates les en heel wat tranen gelaten omdat ik niet kon gaan boksen. 
Tijdens mijn zwangerschap ben ik overigens niet veel aangekomen, volgens mij begon ik met een gewicht van 62 en eindigde ik met een gewicht van 66 (bij de verloskundige) en 68 (in het ziekenhuis) rond de 40 weken. De baby zat achterin en mijn placenta zat er voor. Ook had ik getrainde buikspieren, wat volgens de verloskundige een verklaring is geweest voor mijn kleine buik. Veel mensen gokten dat ik een meisje zou krijgen, wat volgens de verloskundige bij 13 weken voor 99% ook echt zo zou zijn. We kregen de schrik van ons leven toen er op de 20 weken echo opeens een balzakje te zien was, haha!
 Ik had op zich een fijne zwangerschap, alleen vaak hoofdpijn. Rond 20 weken zag ik het niet meer zo zitten om te sporten, het voelde gewoon niet goed. Wel liep ik veel, elke dag een flinke wandeling (naar de Albert Heijn om alles te halen voor mijn cravings: worteltjes, naturel chips, Kinder Buenos en bananen.. I know.. WEIRD!)  Rond 25 weken had ik een luchtweginfectie die tot 32 weken duurde. Ik had ook niet zoveel eetlust toen. Dat was met een antibiotica kuurtje en heel wat noscapines verholpen en daarna kreeg ik een zware tijd met de voeten van meneer in mijn ribben waardoor ik het benauwd kreeg.
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4 weken post partum <3 Nizar is op 14 april 2019 geboren om 17:03 met een gewicht van 3130 kg
Nu ik dit schrijf ben ik “9 weeks post partum” en alweer 3 weken aan het sporten. Wel rustig aan hoor, vooral pilates en rustige krachttraining. Al heb ik 2 keer hardgelopen en 2 body pump lesjes gevolgd. Valt vies tegen hoor, zo zwaar is het. Ik mag in ieder geval van geluk spreken als ik 1 a 2 keer in de week naar de sportschool kan gaan. 
En dat brengt me naar het volgende.
Doelen stellen is enorm belangrijk! En het is nu ook tijd voor mij om dat te doen! 
Ik raad je aan om je doelen behapbaar te maken. Als je een doel hebt op lange termijn, zet dan kleine doelstellingen iedere week om dichterbij je grote doelstelling te komen. Vergeet dat het snel moet gebeuren maar neem de tijd. Geniet van het leven, doe kennis op over je sport en gezonde voeding, geniet hier en daar van wat chocolade of chips, ga lekker uit eten. We vergeten vaak dat het leven meer is dan alleen maar afvallen of aankomen en er goed uit zien. 
Nu het sporten weer een beetje in mijn systeem zit, is het tijd om doelen te stellen. Ik ben persoonlijk geen fan van “Zoveel kilo wil ik wegen”. Ik ben weer terug op het gewicht van voor de zwangerschap en ik heb ook niet zoiets van ‘ik wil afvallen’. Voor mijn gevoel hoeft dat ook niet. Ik verlang er gewoon naar om me wat fitter te voelen, want ik merk dat mijn conditie een beetje achteruit is gegaan en dat ik niet eens meer het dekseltje van het melktorentje eraf kan draaien :’-)
Iedere week, tot september:
- 1 groepsles
- 1 krachttraining voor benen
- 1 krachttraining voor bovenlichaam
--> Als 2 keer trainen niet gaat, dan in 1 keer een full body training.
- 1 thuis training, er zijn genoeg filmpjes op YouTube en ik zal mijn favorieten op deze site gaan delen
- Iedere dag minimaal 2 liter water drinken
That’s it! Ik heb het in de vorige blog al benoemd, dat het belangrijk is dat je er eerst een gewoonte van maakt. Wat voeding betreft daar ga ik nog een blog over schrijven, maar voor nu is dit mijn doel. Om eerst weer een ritme te krijgen in het sporten en weer een beetje aan mijn eigen lijf te wennen nu het eindelijk goed hersteld is.
Wat zijn jouw doelstellingen?
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superwomansheila · 7 years ago
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#Soda🥤 vs. #Water💦We all know that drinking water is the best thing for our bodies, especially since our body is composed of 50-65% water, but since 99% of my friends are addicted to Diet Coke, plain water isn’t that appealing to them. And the same goes for most teenagers and younger children. As you know-soda🥤is not good for you. Why⁉️See picture: It’s just too much sugar, which is horrible for your teeth and metabolism; and what about the chemicals and carbonation🤯Now is the time to 💦Give Your Water Some Personality😉See 2nd picture📸Water is ALWAYS a refreshing choice. Jazz it up by adding slices of fruit/veggies, lemon; or fresh herbs like mint, rosemary or basil. You will be surprised how REFRESHING of a drink it is💧#GetFitForLent 🏋🏽‍♀️🚴🏾‍♀️🧘🏿‍♀️so👣FollowMe👣to #Health #Beauty #Fitness #Happiness 😆#SuperWoman Sheila St. James is a dynamic force in the health, beauty and fitness industry. Sheila is a United States-Group Exercise Champion-Fitness Instructor, and therefore, she has whipped ALOT of people into #Shape throughout the country. Sheila's goal is to inspire and inject her motivation within others-to bring about optimal health and wellness to people's lives, because your #HealthIsWealth ✅ #MsFitness World🌎 #SuperWoman #Sheila #FitnessGOAT 🐐 #ShapeUpWithSheila 💃🏽🥊🤸🏽‍♀️🚴🏾‍♀️ #ShapeUpSolutions 🎗 #StudioShapeUp 💪🏽 #ShapeUpAmerica🇺🇸 #Step #Kickboxing #BootCamp #Yoga #Pilates #BODYPUMP #KidsFit #SeniorFitness #Exercise #Workout #Walking #Cardio #Cycling #GroupExercise #PersonalTrainer
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merildeandre · 5 years ago
Les salles de sport : Un business contre santé
Publié en 2017, a réalité ne c’est pas arrangé en 3 ans. La santé a un prix. Des salles pas chers oui, mais à quel prix ?
L’usine (https://www.usinesportsclub.com/) :Du haut de gammes aux servies essentiels. Tout le monde ne peut pas se permettre de lâcher 149€ par mois pour voir des coachs habillés en Armani. Pourtant cette omniprésence des coachs est primordiale pour éviter que les clients se blessent en reproduisant toutes sortes de mouvements trouvés sur instagram. La plupart issus de grands parcours scolaires ou professionnels ils savent de quoi ils parlent et ne se contentent pas de nous déconseiller les glucides après 18H (issus de faits réels) Et puis quand on s’inscrit dans une salle de sport sans connaitre les bases de la musculation il faut bien l’apprendre. Quand on s’inscrit dans un club de foot ou de tennis est-ce qu’on est livré à nous-mêmes ? Non. Bien que non nécessaire technologie fait ici partie du folklore du luxe. Il est bien vrai qu’on va à la salle pour admirer le design innovant d’un vulgaire rack à squats. Non ? C’est bien ce qu’il me semblait…
99€ c’est un prix certes, Mais soit on joue avec le diable en prenant le risque de tuer son dos avant 50 ans, soit on prend des précessions.
65% de réabonnement pour environ 2000 inscrit maximum(Bruxelles), c’est plus qu’une salle classique avec environ 50% d’abandon au bout d’un an d’engagement (voir dès un mois). Et vu le prix mensuel c’est certainement plus pour la qualité des services que la nana qui fait des squats.
Le « ventre mou » des salles (cf : https://www.contrepoints.org/2016/06/24/257838-curieux-business-model-des-salles-de-sport). Un tarif raisonnable au vu de services proposés. Pas de coach personnel mais contrairement au low-cost on n’est pas livré à nous-mêmes (enfin pas totalement) dans une arène de fauves
Souvent titulaire d’un simple BPJEPS, d’une licence STAPS dans le meilleur des cas, on est libre de leur demander conseil quand on n’est pas certains de bien faire un exercice. Enfin c’est valable à condition qu’ils ne donnent pas un cours de BodyPump, discute de foot avec un adhérent ou qu’on y aille pendant leurs heures d’absence. Pas si simple de ne pas faire n’importe quoi finalement..
L’Usine à erreur.
20€ en moyenne par mois c’est alléchant comme un donut au sucre. Les services rognés beaucoup moins… Pour le coup on y est vraiment livré la tête la première dans l’arène. Rien ni personne pour nous orienter (Top 1 pour Neoness sur ce point https://www.neoness.fr/). Libre à nous de faire n’importe quoi et vive les blessures à volonté. Pour courir sur un tapis pendant 1h pas de soucis mais si on souhaite progresser intelligemment, apprendre la discipline bah… Bah on ne peut pas.
Là est le problème. Est trop souvent négligé, dans ces clubs, l’élément de départ et l’essentiel. Alors oui il est possible de trouver quelques bases d’information sur Internet. Mais c’est comme Wikipédia : libre à tous de dire que Louis XVI n’a pas été roi et que soulever le plus lourd possible est la base de la musculation.
Rare étant ceux qui peuvent débourser des centaines par mois pour de la musculation, rare sont ceux qui ont la possibilité d’avoir une pratique correcte et accès des informations sûres.
Mérilde ANDRE
Avril 2020
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years ago
On Monday morning, I went down to YMCA Casey RACE for a workout on the treadmill and a spa/sauna recovery session. I was still feeling pretty sore and restless from the weekend so of course my mind was making up plenty of excuses why I shouldn’t be going to the gym (I can’t be bothered. I’m still feeling sleepy. I’d rather just stay in bed). But I was determined to push through those mental barriers regardless. Considering I had a recent breakthough with my weight dropping from 94 to 92.4 kilograms, I figured that I might as well keep going and aim to get below 90kg again. https://www.caseyrace.ymca.org.au/gym
I was pretty mindful about my workout on the treadmill this morning. I wanted to challenge myself but not push too hard at the same time. I ended up playing some of the music videos on my screen during the workout including some classics (Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child of Mine) and some embarrassing duds (Daddy Yankee - Gasolina). My results include Total Calories = 351 Cal, Total Distance = 3.58 Km. Total Elapsed Time = 45 minutes. Average Heart Rate = 114 Bpm. Total Distance Climbed = 135 meters. https://www.lifefitness.com.au/lf-connect-app/
On Monday night, I went to my RPM class with Claire at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. Honestly I couldn’t tell you where the energy I had came from tonight especially when I knew how mentally fatigued I was feeling. I noticed that our fitness instructor Claire had a bun in the oven and I assumed she had medical clearance to still train before she inevitably goes on maternity leave. Despite being pregnant, she was still pumping everyone in the cycle studio up which was pretty impressive to see. https://www.caseyarc.ymca.org.au/gym/group-fitness
Tonight we did a mixture of tracks from RPM Release 55 which includes Listen to the Music by The Doobie Brothers, We Found Love by Miss Piper, Run With The Wolves by The Prodigy, Will I Ever by Paffendorf featuring Fara and Paradise by Coldplay. I was actually surprised with how hard I managed to push myself tonight and it felt really awesome. My results include Total Calories = 450 Cal. Distance Traveled = 24 km. Max. Speed = 29 kmh. Max. RPM = 120. Max. Resistance Level = 45%. http://www.totallylesmills.com/site/rpm
On Tuesday afternoon, Mum and I had haircuts together at Katrina’s home-based salon, Creative Hair Design in Narre Warren South. While we were waiting to be seen, we had Katrina’s gorgeous pets for company including a black 20 year old cat, a placid golden retriever named Tess and a boisterous bull terrier named Austin. It honestly doesn’t take long at all for my natural dark brown hair to grow into massive clumps.
During the appointment, the conversation turned to how easily offended we’ve become as a society. People get labelled as being racist simply for describing someone of another race. Things have also become far too politically correct when it comes to gender, race and sexuality. Recent examples include Winnie The Pooh, Noddy and Big Ears, The Jackson 5 impersonators on Hey Hey It’s Saturday and Thomas The Tank Engine. The insinuations are beyond ridiculous especially when they got so far as to cancel TV shows over it.
On Tuesday night, I went to a Body Balance class at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. I was actually in a good headspace until around 10 minutes before the class when some comments on my Facebook post set off my overthinking. I was worrying far too much about what people were thinking of me and getting myself oversensitive. Unfortunately social media has the capacity to do that. But I tried hard to not let that ruin my class tonight.
This was my first time having an English lady named Astrid as the Body Balance instructor. Her style is very similar to that of Wendy Lynne Perrow in that she’s patient, easy to follow and focuses on what you can do rather than what you can’t. It was also a really packed class tonight and Astrid was quick to point out that I wasn’t the only male in the room (Woo!). https://www.lesmills.com/workouts/fitness-classes/bodybalance/
Tonight we did release number 78 which I’m pretty familiar with as I’ve done it a couple of times before. Some of the exercises we did include:                              Tai Chi Warm Up: Overhead and side sweeps, bow and arrows.                           Sun Salutations: Extended Mountain pose, Forward Fold, Downward Facing Dog, Crocodile, Baby Cobra/Updog, Low Lunge Twist. High Lunge with Back Bend.                                                                                                         Standing Strength: Chair pose with Raised Heels, Warrior 2 and 3.                    Balance: Divers pose with Raised Heels. Tree pose with Leg Extensions.            Core: Double Leg Extensions, Side Crunches, Cross Crawl, Bridge pose with Hip Thrusts.        Forward Bends & Hamstrings: Staff pose with Forward Fold, Wide Legged Side Folds. https://grandnat.co.uk/feel-it-coming-track-list-for-les-mills-body-balance-release-78/
On Thursday morning, I met up with my support worker Ally Lamb at Baked Bakery Cafe and Patisserie in Casey Central. For some reason, I found myself getting easily distracted today and sensing a lot of weird glances from people walking through the shopping mall. People giving me “What are you looking at?” judgmental glares set off my anxiety like an atomic bomb and makes me feel uncomfortable in that moment. It seems really stupid to get so worked up over being looked at a particular way but I just seem to become super-sensitive to other people’s energies in my environment. https://socialanxietyinstitute.org/living-with-social-anxiety
It’s only been a day since Woolworths introduced their new initiative to stop using single-use plastic bags to pack customer’s items in. And of course there’s still a few people who are getting really snippy about it. Honestly I find the idea of someone complaining about not having their groceries placed in a plastic bag to be ridiculous. For starters, shoppers have had plenty of warning about it with signage and advertising plastered all over the stores. There are many alternative bagging options as well as simply just carrying the items by hand.
It’s obviously going to take time to adjust and also having to remember to bring your own bags when you go to the supermarket. But really it’s the customers who come off as entitled and demanding that really ruin things for others. If you’re getting irate over a store not having plastic bags or having to fork out 15 to 99 cents for a recyclable bag, then you really need to evaluate your priorities in life. https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/supermarkets-cop-spray-from-customers-furious-at-plastic-bag-ban/news-story/7111630884dba0ccdd3ed8537f69447e
On Friday night, I did a Body Pump Express class at YMCA Casey RACE in Cranbourne East. Considering how exhausted I was feeling, I decided to do a half hour workout instead of a full hour. My eyes were literally popping out of my face but I was determined to get one more workout in before the end of the week. The fitness instructor Beata K was a Russian lady and she wasn’t exactly warm and friendly. I just wasn’t feeling the vibes from her at all, even after getting my Get Group Fit card stamped.
The other instructor on the stage Kim seemed much more engaged and easier to follow. We did a selection of tracks from Release number 77 which includes It’s My Life by Swade (Bon Jovi cover) and DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love by Usher featuring Pitbull. The class did a mixture of rows, deadlifts, power cleans and overhead cleans plus weighted back squats, bench press, weighted crunches and elbow plank holds. http://www.totallylesmills.com/site/bodypump
“Sometimes feel like I got no friends. Can't trust a soul, like I'm Snowden...Tell me why I can get no relief (I can't get no sleep).” Post Malone - Paranoid (2018)
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ryanthng2018 · 7 years ago
Hi Ryan, do you teach by full release or do you mix from different releases? How often do you change your tracks?
Hey stranger/fellow instructor?,
I usually pick and choose tracks from across different BODYPUMP releases to fit the class focus I decided on. For example, I picked a focus on building loads of muscular tension over pulses and very short breaks within tracks over November last year, so my tracklist went like:
Warmup: Five More Hours (BODYPUMP 96)Squats: Go! (BODYPUMP 101)Chest: Focus (BODYPUMP 98)Back: Winterburn (BODYPUMP 99)Triceps: Me Too (BODYPUMP 100)Biceps: Wobble (BODYPUMP 96)Lunges: Bailar (BODYPUMP 100 alternate)Shoulders: NRG (BODYPUMP 100)Core: Want To Want Me (BODYPUMP 96)Cooldown: Adore (BODYPUMP 96)
Though lately, in an attempt to expand beyond the releases that I am familiar with, I am branching out to teaching full older releases to get a feel of their tracks before mixing and matching.
I hope this helps! Good luck with your class planning!
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restoringbalance8-blog · 8 years ago
Imperfection and a journey
Originally I was not going to post any information on here that was untrue: I do not want to reproduce someone else’s blog on health giving out information like ‘coconut oil is bad for you!’ because A) That’s not true and B) Even though it makes sense in their article, the facts are shallow and therefore extremely misleading, and C) 99% of the time the author (lol @ Stuff.co.nz ) have no good sources.
Which is why I was waiting till I knew for certain that hormone imbalance and balancing is a thing, by trialling out different methods to balance my hormones and looking at the results. But, all good things take time, and I’m super impatient so instead, I’m going to write about the things I’m doing to help balance my hormones and the reasons behind taking certain actions (according to my readings). In future posts, I will write about the results of certain actions (e.g. certain foods, herbs, exercise...) and hopefully, it will become helpful to anyone who reads this!
So, here goes nothing.
Hormone imbalance is usually the reason behind ‘why am I doing this, this and this and I still feel tired/overweight/hungry/fatigued/emotional/numb?!?!?’
Hormonal imbalance is becoming more and more frequent in the population as modern lifestyles subject us to a lot of toxins (think pollution, inorganic foods, additives, preservatives... basically anything un-natural). The population as a whole is seeing a rise in oestrogen dominance and excessive cortisol production. Oestrogen is primarily a female-associated hormone- an increased level of oestrogen will give people a more feminine appearance or outlook- e.g. boobs (or moobs), more emotionally sensitive, stored fat around hips and lower abdomen, etc. Cortisol is a stress hormone which is being excessively produced with the modern stresses of life- increased workload and what not. 
However, men are becoming more oestrogen dominant, giving them moobs or lower sperm counts. Women are having increased levels of oestrogen on top of their already oestrogen dominant nature, which is a concern since an imbalance of hormones is associated with fertility issues, unhealthy weight gain or inability to lose excess weight, water retention/bloating excessive mood swings, especially around ovulation/period time. Excruciating period pain a cause of hormonal imbalance- this is abnormal (well it is VERY common, but it’s not the way things should be... if that makes sense). Pretty much, an unhealthy increase of oestrogen is making the fun characteristics of the female not so fun by swinging them to an extreme. 
Personally, I am concerned with excessive oestrogen dominance and general hormonal imbalance with my inability to lose excess weight on my lower abdomen. I eat healthy like a crazy person, and I work out like an even crazier person- so I don’t really know why I don’t have that highly coveted 6-pack yet. It is most likely that my competitive and high-performance personality causes a lot of stress in my body and therefore, excessive hormone production. The female body is like an intricate and delicate clock- more so than a male’s (a male’s hormones is a lot less complex since they don’t have to make babies). There are a lot of things that contribute to hormone imbalance or balance, as seen in the picture below. I will list some lifestyle choices that I am undertaking to help (hopefully) balance my hormones!
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1. Going off the pill- even though the pill didn’t seem to affect my weight, mood, or anything really, I felt a bit unnatural taking a small pill every morning that prevented my period- it scared me that something that small is so powerful in its effects, and even though having no period is great- if I’m gonna do this whole hormonal balance thing, the first step is probably getting off synthetic hormones
2. Less exposure to plastic water bottles and plastic- reusing your plastic water bottle is really bad as the plastic leeches toxins which the body recognises as ‘xenooestrogen’ (oestrogen outside the body) and releases aggressive oestrogen in the body.
3. No dairy or cheaply raised meats - I didn’t have to change this one as I have been dairy free and vegetarian for 4 years, but cows and factory-raised chickens are fed synthetic hormones in order to reproduce faster, which is then reproduced in their animal products. If you do eat meat, eggs or dairy- organic and free farmed is definitely the way to go. 
4. No soy- Ok I cheat on this one quite a bit because there is nothing like a good soy latte.. but I’m slowly switching to almond milk and coconut milk which I am growing to like very much. They say that if you’re skinny or old you can probably have soy, but I am neither (yes I’m slim but by no means skinny). This is because soy contains oestrogen. Fermented soy like Tamari sauce and Tempeh is given the OK. 
5. Increasing veggies, fat and protein intake. Cruciferous veggies like cabbage, bok choy, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower and kale are very good for detoxifying oestrogen. I am loving sauerkraut... it tastes so good on top of lentils and since sauerkraut is fermented cabbage, it is not only PROBIOTIC (good for gut health and digestion) but cruciferous (good for helping reduce antioxidants and linked to lowering cancer risk, hormone imbalance etc. etc.) In sum, eat your veggies people!
6. No parabens in skin lotions and using more natural products in general. I’m good at this one because in Year 10 I read something about how parabens are linked to breast cancer and I was obsessive even when I was 14 years old so I cut parabens out of my life 4eva. Tailor Skin Care has been my natural skincare saviour recently as I have only just discovered that moisturiser is essential in preventing gnarly pimples/redness, and Tailor ingredients make my skin all glowy and nice. Highly recommend!!
7. Eating heaps of vitamins! Vitamin A, C and Bs are just so good for you! Berries, Carrots, seaweed (I like CeresOrganics roasted seaweed- also very good for iodine supplementation- a  hormone essential for metabolism), oranges and all the citrus fruits.... eat da rainbow pretty much
8. Omega 3s and healthy fats- chia seeds, salmon if you eat it, brazil nuts and raw nuts in general (I am loving MotherEarth $4 DeluxeNatural nuts atm- best price I can find for raw nuts and also such a filling snack, helping me not buy Midnight Espresso cake lmao), coconut products---- looooving coconut oil for frying!!, extra virgin olive oil, AVOCADO: a little bit unattainable with $5 avocados as the norm in this Wellington winter :(  but I eat them when I can.
9. CHOCOLATE!!!! Dark of course- gotta avoid sugar as much as possible. The higher percentage, the better. I am loving Pana chocolate (expenny as $7 for a small bar but SO yum and so so so good for you). Add cacao to your smoothies for a perfect antioxidant boost. Cacao also helps reduce oestrogen and cortisol receptor binding- whatever that means- which pretty much means less weight gain and less stressy moments so it's a win-win.
10. Less hard physical exercise. Not to be confused with LESS exercise!! This one is hard for me- as I’m a go hard or go home kinda person. The good ol’ brain, apparently, cannot tell the difference between physical stress and emotional stress, and in women stress (whether it be emotional or physical) leads to an increase in aggressive oestrogen and cortisone (the stress hormone) production, leading to weight gain- since “in the old days” this response was necessary for survival. So I’m changing up my exercise routine from doing 6x hard workouts per week, into 2x hard workouts per week (like boxing or BodyPump). Every day in between I am trying to do something easy like BodyBalance, Yoga, Zumba, a small 20-30 minute HIIT Gym workout, or a 30 min run. So far, I have not put on any more weight from working out less hard, but I’m really intrigued to see how this goes.  I am trying to go to Yoga more as taking an hour to relax works wonders on balancing hormones, hence lessening weight gain. It’s no wonder you never ever see a fat yoga instructor!
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11. Eating clean in general. Eating clean makes me feel so good. Even though cake tastes amazing, it makes my stomach miserable and my mental clarity is significantly worsened, so eating clean is really necessary for me to feel on peak performance!
12. Taking deep breaths, especially at work or uni. Helps reduce cortisone production. 
13. Less coffee. The last two weeks have been super hectic and I have been having one espresso a day- and my first day (today) without coffee has not been fun. Coffee is a stimulant and stimulates hormone production including cortisol, etc.
14. Sleep... I usually have a good sleeping pattern but recently I’ve been out of whack. Sleep is essential for producing hormones, which is critical for balancing hormones and ensuring that excess production of oestrogen and cortisol is prevented. Remember we are not trying to eliminate certain hormones- but balance them so that our bodies work efficiently and better. 
15. Herbs and natural remedies. I am still researching this, but I’ve heard that basil, siberian ginseng and liquorice tea are very good in helping to balance hormones, including blood sugar levels and insulin. So I will probably buy these in the next couple of days.
It is all so complex, but I’m getting used to it! 
just eat your veggies 
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hanafoodperverthughes · 8 years ago
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Last Bodypump 99. Tomorrow is the start of Bodypump 100! I smashed it today & didn't feel like I was going to die too badly. So I've treated myself to all the food. Moroccan Tagine filled with veggies, topped with @kokodairyfree yogurt, Nutty Quinoa, Salad & Garlic Bread. #vegan #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #dairyfree #veganism #vegangirl #gluten #glutenfree #glutenfreegirl #glutenfreevegan #food #foodblogger #foodporn #fitgirl #whatveganseat #instafood #plantbased #health #crueltyfree #govegan #animallovers #eatclean #cleaneating #plantbased #veganuary #kokodairyfree #butternutsquash (at Diglis Water)
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katiatoboul · 8 years ago
Les Mills BodyPump 99 Education
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