#Body friendly
EndoPeak Supplements
A noticeable boost in performance with EndoPeak Supplements
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I've been using EndoPeak Supplements for a couple of months now, and I'm really impressed with the results. As a man in my forties, I'd noticed a bit of a decline in my energy levels and overall performance. Let's just say, keeping up wasn't quite as easy as it used to be.
Natural Ingredients for Natural Results
EndoPeak is a natural supplement that uses a blend of herbal extracts like Tongkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, and Horny Goat Weed. I was a bit unsure at first, but after doing some research, I felt comfortable giving them a try. What appealed to me most was the focus on natural ingredients – I wanted something that wouldn't have any nasty side effects.
Increased Stamina and Improved Satisfaction
Within a few weeks of taking EndoPeak daily, I started to notice a real difference. My energy levels definitely increased, and I felt more stamina throughout the day. But the most significant impact was in the bedroom. There was a noticeable improvement in both performance and satisfaction. My partner was very happy too!
A Safe and Effective Choice
EndoPeak capsules are easy to take and haven't caused any side effects for me. They're also reasonably priced, especially when you consider the multi-pack options. If you're a man looking for a natural way to boost your energy, stamina, and overall performance, I highly recommend giving EndoPeak a try.
It's important to note that I'm not a medical professional, and these are just my personal experiences. It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
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thatchickmaya · 7 months
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I reworked a few older pieces.
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mindotaur · 9 days
Systems with body modifications 🥰🥰🥰 systems with tattoos, piercings, pointed ears, permanent fangs, subdermal implants 🥰🥰🥰 systems who decide on body mods as a collective, systems who give their headmates a free pass to get new body mods 🥰🥰🥰 systems who get body mods just because they want to, systems who get body mods to feel more at home in the body, systems who get body mods because of alterhumanity 🥰🥰🥰
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bellybarbie1312 · 7 months
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Wear that dress!
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faeriekit · 2 months
Health and Hybrids (XXVI)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts 💚 (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Danny has another hashtag breakdown! Diana helps mediate. Stinky Dad and the Alien Guy observe.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
“His control over his emotions slipped during the interview,” J’onn sighs, hovering alongside Bruce as they carry down the hall.
Bruce grunts. He isn’t quite capable of complicated speech yet. The teenage alien crying, too scared to let even the internationally-favorite, universally beloved Wonder Woman hold him without screaming…a person he already knew would take care of him…
J’onn continues, nevertheless. The thin privacy of his mind aside, Bruce has always appreciated the Martian’s understanding of Bruce’s oft-shifting moods. “His memories of his home and his family were tied up with extensive pain. I would continue under the assumption that his human family turned on him after discovering his nature—there may have even been collateral damage to others around them at the time.”
Bruce breathes in. Bruce breathes out.
“He thought himself akin enough to humans to be betrayed when he was seen as an 'other'. He knows that he is far from home, he knows that he has been targeted for his non-human traits and abilities, and he has reasons to think that he may not return again—what they are, I could not tell, but the sentiment was clear. This escape was purposeful, as was commandeering the vehicle he used to do so. He is alone. He is scared.”
“Known or unknown threat?” Bruce growls, not quite up to elongating his bite into a full sentence. J’onn is more than skilled enough to skim lightly over the words, and match them to Batman’s pointed fury.
“Our patient is familiar with the threat. I could not recognize the insignia or acronym from his memories, but they had enough resources to keep him captive and alive—without food or water. Likely, for a lengthy amount of time.”
Bruce’s near-running stride slows to a stop. J’onn, ever-patient, floats to a standstill beside him.
“No food,” Bruce confirms, just to make sure he heard correctly.
J’onn nods.
“No water.”
“There was an alternative method used to keep him alive, although the details weren’t significant to him in his flashback. The method may have been possible due to his minor healing ability, or something unique to his species.”
No food, Bruce thinks. No water. Kept alive as a function. Worried that he’s meant to be used as a weapon, kept in isolation, afraid of what humans in uniform might require of him for help.
This isn’t just torture. It is, specifically targeting a half-human entity, entirely purposeful dehumanization.
Of a child.
Of a child.
Bruce inhales. Bruce exhales.
This is not something that will be solved short-term. He has to keep an eye on the long-term goals for this teen—safety, recovery, reassurance, and reintegration.
Doable. All he has to do is break larger goals down into reasonable steps.
“Update the pediatric psychiatrist that Dr. Martin referred him to on the details.” Bruce’s demand comes out as flat as it gets. It is hard, when he’s stressed, to make his words hit with any intonation. Everything he forces out is precise. To the point.
J’onn nods. “I will.”
“This is personal medical information, to be accessed only on a need to know basis.”  
J’onn floats slightly higher, something relaxed in his face. This is a significant gesture, meant to remind everyone involved that this is a child, not a resource, and not a mission to be solved. This is a patient. “Understood.”
“If you pass this on to Diana, do it in person. Minimizing documentation…” Bruce falters. There isn’t a strong, authoritarian way to phrase how he feels about being someone to store clinically cold information about a boy who had likely been imprisoned, if not actively experimented on, if not actively tortured. How he needed to minimize behaviors that would exactly model what was done to the boy by his captors.
A smile flickers over J’onn’s expression. It’s suitably fleeting, but it comes and it goes—and it’s extremely polite of him to emote so visibly for Bruce’s sake. He makes sure to project his appreciation as best he knows how—blindly, without a telepathic sense to know what J’onn will and will not see.
“Understood, Batman.”
Bruce grunts.
They split at the end of the hallway, each dedicated to their own tasks.
J’onn will inform the medical team of what triggers may affect their patient’s long-term recovery and the quality of their stay. He is a thorough and patient coworker, and Bruce is grateful to have him on his side.
Bruce, in the meantime, has a favor to ask of Alfred and Dick on their way back into Gotham; more importantly, this is a favor he has to ask of Alfred’s employment-provided Costco card.
There’s something new in Danny’s room.
He transfers himself into the wheelchair to look at it, scrambling down the bed the way the physical therapist taught him to—the new thing isn't at bed height, but it is pretty low, and it has a door that he could probably reach from seated height or standing.
The square thing’s door swings open.
Inside are…little water bottles. Canned juices. Those mushy fruit-filled bars, and something so obviously wrapped in a yellow Fig Einstein wrapper that even the gibberish non-English is super clear.
There’s a bunch of things. Just. So many; and all in a few different types, too. The whole thing is filled with so many choices.
There are disposable straws in the door. Danny has to borrow a nurse’s ID card to open the can tab in the end, and his unwrapping of a straw is more than a little shaky, but Danny takes his medication with a mango-pineapple juice blend instead of his usual cup of water, and he’s perfectly fine with that.
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petitincendie · 2 months
having a zombie boyfriend counts as reducing reusing AND recycling
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archive-rat · 9 months
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The Falling Star
(congrats on the win, Scar!)
Scar is, to me, reminiscent of a falling star. Once among his fellow stars in the night sky, he is now all alone, pulled down by a gravity he cannot resist and taken on a destructive course, against his will. And then, right before impact, maybe he’ll no longer be alone. For those fleeting seconds, the falling star will once again have company, right before he crashes into it and leaves only death and old memories in his wake.
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lokorum · 1 month
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some pages from the point of the story that i won't get to anytime soon, but gosh i miss my chaotic wiiiiiiives
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i-like-eyes · 1 year
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My Friendly Neighborhood is a sweet and heartfelt game that serves as comedic and beginner-friendly take on the horror genre. I had a lot of fun with it though the initial story mode is light on content for 30 bucks (I got it on sale though). It has plenty of unlockables and extra modes so I'm not done with it at least. I recommend if puppet shoot em' up with fun puzzles seems to be your thing.
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companion-showdown · 3 months
Who had the worst time aboard the TARDIS?
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thatchickmaya · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month!!
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scificrows · 1 year
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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biggirldreaming · 6 months
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Hello 👋🏼 just came home from the gym where everyone seems to have this ‘perfect’ body and wanted to show you normal gym body with soft tummy and no dump truck (or without breaking my back to create one)! 🤭
(Don’t add text, keep it in tags)
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esprei · 1 year
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what if:
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socksandbuttons · 5 months
so,, new episode
how we feeling. angst? yeah.
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Oh we feeling Angst alright. I'm loving the potential of the angst they may give us. He's already got abandonment issues! One Bloodmoon... I have some ideas how they could go about this. Yknow.... But idk the first part of the episode I was like 'ehhhhhh' the latter half i was YEAH!!! Also i'm sure others also feel the same but
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Jack and Bloodmoon Duo cause someone IS gonna get attached to handle their crippling loneliness that they will never escape.
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blackholemojis · 1 year
Hey y’all! I realized I hadn’t made any symbol-based system emojis, so here’s some basic ones for blurriness, switching, co-consciousness, and co-fronting
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[ID 1: an emoji for system blurriness. It depicts two overlapping figures, one is yellow and one is purple, with their colors blurring together. /End ID]
[ID 2: an emoji for system switching. It depicts two people looking at each other from the corners of the emoji, and two arrows pointing from one to another indicating rotation. /End ID]
[ID 3: an emoji for co-consciousness. It depicts two overlapping people, one behind another. The one in front is yellow and standing with a smile on their face, and the other, who is purple, leans out from behind them and waves. They have a neutral expression and are partially see-through. /End ID]
[ID 4: an emoji for co-fronting. It depicts two people from the shoulders up, sharing the same speech bubble as they speak. /End ID]
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