#Boba review
cuntvillage · 4 months
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YES I am back with my bubble tea review again. This time it was Share Tea on Wakefield street (just off Glenferrie Road) and this was a Peach black tea with lychee jelly. I got extra sugar because that’s how I like it.
It was $6.80 total for a regular which is about average. The shop was very pretty and clean and service was very quick and friendly.
It tasted so good but the ‘regular’ amount of ice was actually so much that when I finished the drink I still had so much ice that I could not finish off my lychee jelly. so in the future I recommend ordering low ice.
I love peach iced tea so I order it quite often from these places and. I must say this is much better than cha time in terms of just tea flavour (but I will review them next most likely).
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Boba Flavour Profile, Thoughts and Tips
Something something a list to organise my boba flavours and shit. Not ranked yet. Just organising flavour profile, explaining flavour and giving tips. Feel free to reblog with your additions, tips and commentary. I don't mind reblogging with commentary or using tags. I'll read all.
Keep in mind that I am not specifically talking about the bigger branded ones like Chattime or Each-A-Cup but instead Night Market ones. Not sure if this tip can extend to Mall and Branded Boba stalls but can be attempted if available.
All is based on my own opinion and experience.
List of good/decent boba tea flavours:
Original pearl milk tea - tastes like teh tarik in a sense. OG is good. The boba balls absorb flavour well
Champagne - it's blue and good. Non-alcoholic and refreshing. Not too sweet or sour.
Strawberry (Sour) - imagine strawberry ice cream but with boba. Sometimes has the seeds texture in it. Good texture
Ice cream - it's blue. Tastes good. My comfort drink for a few years before I started trying other stuff. Haven't tasted it in a while so I forgot the exact taste of it but it's close with champagne
Butterfly Pea - sour aligned. Think lemon but pretty and very refreshing. Great for sunny and hot afternoons
Brazil Cuppocino - to summarise, coffee with boba. Can feel weird cause it's like drinking iced coffee but with extra texture (ice blended and boba). Pretty okay. Not sure if it gives caffeine side effects since I have no idea how caffeine affects me.
Lavender - imagine perfume but as a drink and with boba. Extra points for literally tasting gay. Also the drink is purple
List of boba tea flavours to avoid:
Mint - it's like drinking toothpaste. Very minty and sharp.
Brown sugar - way too sweet (good for people who has a sweet tooth tho)
List of flavours to try:
Other Tips/Misc. Notes:
Do NOT drink boba with milk during/before/after meal time. It will actually make you feel really REALLY full and sick. Milk is known to make you full. I made that mistake. Don't.
Also I don't know about types of milk affecting the taste of boba. Like almond milk and stuff. Never had that before and I don't drink boba with milk. Reblog your addition with results if you start experimenting. I'm curious.
Try the smallest size first to get used to the drink and flavour. Also cause it's cheaper and not that big of a waste if you hate the taste
Boba pearls can be switched out to jelly if you don't like boba pearls. There's other options for pearls too.
Switching boba pearls to other options can and will change the entire experience of a drink since some has flavours and different textures (jelly tends to be harder and sour aligned while the red exploding ones kinda burst and also tastes sour).
Liking a flavour in something else does not necessarily mean you'll like it in boba. Taste really become different. (I love mint but god fuck mint boba.)
Drink comes either ice-blended or regularly iced. I personally like ice-blended cause I think regularly iced kinda affects the taste when the ice melts but could try to experiment what you prefer.
Put your drink in the freezer when you're not drinking it. Reminder not to forget about it.
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tumblingxelian · 1 month
Hello again!
Sorry it took me so long to cover these but they are here now, my reviews and analysis for RWBY Beyond!
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moonjunio · 5 months
This was so random, the 1980s ElfQuest board game popped up on Facebook marketplace - in New Zealand with local delivery by hand 🚚😲
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I’m a gamer, but I hadn’t had my eye on this fairly rare collectible, since games with great IP are often not all that fun. But you know what? I tried it and had a great time with my teens! No whining, I’m amazed 😂
Full review below…
The even cooler thing is that it’s actually two games in one. The “introductory” version is an abstract tile exploration and clue gathering mission, themed on the Original Quest reuniting the elf tribes with their Palace (actually spaceship, shhh). Play takes an hour, tops.
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This strongly reminded me of my favorite board game when I was a kid - Enchanted Forest - because the overall idea is to find the tiles with hidden clues on them, and be the first to guess which one has been set aside at the beginning.
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The additional element in ElfQuest is that you have to explore to find the clues, then also find the location of the tile that matches the winning clue. You can’t guess without traveling to the secret location first, and a wrong guess means you lose! There’s definitely strategy in addition to minor memorizing. I think this fits the quest story well.
Each player represents a different tribe, and starts in their home location at one corner (The Holt, Sorrow’s End, Blue Mountain, and the Frozen Mountains). There’s a minor amount of combat in the introductory game, when pawns occupy the same spot.
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This is a potential tense moment here, with all three of us gathered next to two clue tiles (the wooden clue tokens are my own replacement parts). But you can easily spend the whole game avoiding confrontation and still win.
Combat just means the attacker must roll an 8 or better on 2D6. The loser is pushed away two spaces. This can be important at the end, because once a player has seen all the clues, others might race towards whatever tile they appear to be targeting as the winning spot.
I was super lucky that the Palace (elf home) was right next to the last clue, because my 15 year old was hot on my heels and willing to risk a 50/50 guess. Go Backs for the win!!
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I’m excited to play the full game, for several reasons:
1. You have the option of winning cooperatively or competitively, and this can change during the course of the game. This fits the ElfQuest story much better than pure competition. Games with optional alliances aren't super common.
2. Character cards! Of course the point of having a great IP is to use the wonderful characters and art. The full game has a lot of bonus cards, characters can change groups or be captured, and tribal abilities are asymmetrical (that is to say, your choice of tribe actually matters to gameplay).
3. Way more strategy! One player is the enemy Guttlekraw, who controls the trolls and races to finish a dome around the palace so the elves can't win.
Reviews said this game is complicated, but it really doesn’t look that complicated to me. If you’re not much of a gamer, then sure, but the rules were not very long and easy enough to understand.
Here’s all the components in the box. Only three cardboard counters were missing in mine, easily replaced with spare parts (more on that next time). It even still has the Mayfair Games feedback postcard and the pop out cardboard trash for all the sending star tokens 😜✨🚮
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The funniest part is the fold out paper grid... seems unnecessary, but ok.
Essentially what the introductory game teaches you is how exploration works, which is actually mildly educational for younger kids. Each terrain has a different number printed on it, and you only get 14 movement points per turn. So there's a little bit of addition involved. I'd say kids from age 7ish could play independently, depending on whether they're prone to blurt out secret information and intentions :-)
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That's all for this time! My kids actually want to play the full game soon, so hopefully it won't be too long until I review the rest. Shade and sweet water until then.
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rebelsofshield · 7 months
Updated Canon Star Wars Shows Ranking
The Bad Batch's third and final season begins tomorrow! What better time to take stock of how the series is currently stacking up against the nine other canon series' in the Star Wars sag.
(As always, please feel free to sound off in the replies or reblogs with how wrong I am. I love hearing your thoughts.)
10. Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett
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Oscillating between dull and distracted, the original iconic bucket headed bounty hunter’s show displays Star Wars at its most shallow and routine. Despite claiming to be a Godfather-esque crime saga, The Book of Boba Fett feels oddly toothless and impersonal. In the process, the series does the ultimate disservice of making its title character less interesting at its conclusion than its outset. A great leading duo in Temuera Morrison and Ming-na Wen can’t really save a series that rarely if ever rises above being passable.
9. Star Wars Resistance
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A fun, atypical series that aims for a younger audience with a lighter, more comedic tone. Some fans may not gel with its sometimes zany energy, but it boasts some impressively nuanced character arcs and standout aerial combat set pieces. It ends though on an awkward rushed note that may be as much a fault of the shambling structure of the sequel trilogy as the show itself.
8. Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Ewan McGregor’s big return to the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi somehow feels like less than the sum of its parts. McGregor is wonderful as the title character and there are some truly emotional moments to be found in watching this old Jedi Master find his purpose and make peace with the trauma that came with the end of the Clone Wars, but overall Kenobi rarely manages to hit the highs it should. Messy production design and some clunky mid-season narrative choices end up cutting the series down in moments when the drama should be at its highest. For a series that may have been the most demanded Star Wars project of the last decade, Obi-Wan Kenobi never manages to fully reach the hype of its fanbase or the potential of its character.
7. Star Wars The Mandalorian
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After an uneven but mostly promising first season, The Mandalorian has had trouble finding its footing. Despite being the flagship series for not only Star Wars live action television but also the Disney+ streaming platform, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni’s space western has seemed unsure of itself after two seasons that pushed back its main characters in favor of a parade of cameos and clunky franchise focused world building. Luckily, it still has an eye for spectacle and flash. The Mandalorian looks like a blockbuster action-adventure movie and even when the story fails to live up to its potential, you can still count on the series’ consistently strong directing talent to deliver on some fantastic moments of Star Wars spectacle and creatively designed characters and locales.
6. Star Wars Ahsoka
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One of the most ambitious and complicated offerings from Star Wars’ live action television offerings, Ahsoka is the culmination of not only fifteen years of storytelling but an important evolution of both its central character and her creator, Dave Filoni. Unfortunately, it does frequently buckle under the weight of its own mythology and continuity. Trying to create a coherent identity out of a show that functionally serves as a spin off to three separate series, two of which are animated, often proves difficult and clunky. There are, however, moments of wonder and grandeur when Ahsoka really does shine. Whether its in the phenomenal performance of Ray Stevenson as the series’ enigmatic villain, Baylan Skoll, or how enthusiastically Ahsoka embraces the franchise’s more fantastical and weird story elements, Dave Filoni demonstrates that he does still have a sense for how to tell worthy stories in this galaxy.
5. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi
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Recently confirmed to be more than a one-time special set of animated short films, Tales of the Jedi now looks to be a regular animated anthology that fleshes out the unexplored angles of some of the most famous members of the Order. While the three installments focusing on Ahsoka offer little more than a reunion for fans of The Clone Wars, the miniature trilogy that Tales of the Jedi tells about the fall of Count Dooku to the Dark Side are masterfully written and directed editions to the animated Star Wars canon. Not only do they finally add emotional and philosophical clarity to one of the most famous villains from the Prequel Trilogy, but they provide a murky exploration into some of the Jedi Order’s failings and why exactly members of its ranks would be tempted to leave it behind.
4. Star Wars: The Bad Batch
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While it suffers from some of the same pacing issues that abound in almost all Star Wars television, The Bad Batch has evolved into a fun ensemble action series with some truly stellar character moments scattered throughout. In particular, this Clone Wars spinoff excels in diving into the uncertain fate of the Grand Army of the Republic. At its core is the question of what happens to a people bred for wartime when that wartime ends? The results are often tragic and occasionally disturbing, but almost always make for standout television. Throw in some gripping action set pieces and you have a more than worthy follow up to one of the most beloved pieces of Star Wars canon.
3. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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A very rough start and scattered snooze worthy story arcs aside, The Clone Wars is an ambitious as hell show that pretty much launched Star Wars as we currently know it. Its anthology style format allowed for its creators to tell a wide variety of stories that not only deepened a previously maligned era of the series but also played tribute to many of George Lucas’s creative influences. Great swing for the fences storytelling risks and gorgeous animation elevate this series into blockbuster level entertainment that balances incredible spectacle with powerful moments of character development and franchise redefining mythology.
2. Star Wars Rebels
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A wonderful achievement in character and inventive storytelling, Star Wars Rebels reaches heights that are among the best moments the franchise has ever produced. Through its endearing and refreshingly complex ensemble cast and a tight four-season arc, Rebels feels like a complete, unique package that isn’t afraid to take risks and knows when and how to challenge its audience. Even occasional filler episodes aren’t enough to detract from what is overall a charming, suspenseful, and ultimately moving series of family and the fight against tyranny.
1. Star Wars Andor
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Star Wars at its most human and political, Andor is thoughtful and meticulously crafted drama about the early days of a rebellion. Taking its title character from the ashes of Rogue One and spinning off into the story of a complicated man living in the shadow of fascism, Andor offers up intrigue, emotion, and a stirring critique of systems of oppression whether they be from the galaxy far, far away or own humble little world. Even outside of its heady political allegory, Andor is simply fantastically directed and acted television scattering a marathon of all-time-classic Star Wars moments throughout its first season. It’s that rare gem that only seems to come around only once or twice a decade: Star Wars that is not only great within the context of its universe but a truly essential work of pop cultural art.
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So after bingeing all current episodes of The Acolyte, I really don't understand the hate it's getting. I mean, Season 3 of The Mandalorian is incredibly weak from a storytelling standpoint. Most of the episodes are filler with something important happening only at the beginning or end (until the final one or two episodes). However, those episodes still rank highly on imdb, with the lowest scoring episode having a 6.4/10 rating.*
And yet, The Acolyte, which has a coherent plot, compelling characters, and isn't just remakes of western films or other Star Wars material, is review bombed on imdb. Anyway, here are my top guesses as to why it's getting so much hate:
The main characters are POC
Queer representation (even though it's fairly minimal)
Wait, religious warrior cult may not be good guys after all? (Who could've guessed)
Anyway, I'm desperately hoping that Disney doesn't cancel The Acolyte because of the review bombing. I personally think it ranks with Andor as some of the best Star Wars shows within the past few years (hmm, I smell a ranking post incoming).
*Even The Book of Boba Fett, which comes across as underdeveloped B-Plot for The Mandalorian, and got rightfully trashed for the poor attempt to relate to Gen Z with its Space Power Rangers, is rated more highly than this
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i-didnt-hate-it · 4 months
Okay, starting with something just so I can get back into the swing of this.
I didn't hate the first two episodes of Star Wars: The Acolyte.
Not really spoilers below, but if you want to go into it without knowing anything, maybe read this another time.
It takes a little bit to get invested, mostly because I don't know the characters yet, but it's actually refreshing to not know anything about any of them. To start off with characters you don't know or care about and set up a premise intriguing enough to make me care, that's promising.
After the first two episodes, I can say I'm into it, and I can't wait for the rest of the season. It's not perfect, and I can see some of the things that toxic "fans" are going to complain about. Some the acting and dialogue is a bit stilted, some of the sets clearly look like they were made on the volume, and sometimes the editing/pacing is a little weird. But the story is interesting enough for me to ignore most of that stuff.
It's not Andor, but it's not trying to be. It's not The Mandalorian, but it's not trying to be. It's not Ahsoka... you get the idea. The Acolyte is taking a big risk, setting itself in an era we haven't seen yet except for books, comics, and one animated show that is marketed for very young children (Young Jedi Adventures is pretty cute btw, I've watched a couple episodes). We don't know most of these characters, and if you're like me and you haven't gotten into the High Republic stuff yet, you don't know any of them.
I would dare to say that The Acolyte is even more original than Andor. Andor has amazing original plotlines and superb writing, but it still focuses on an era we know extremely well and stars a character whose fate we already know. Of course, this isn't anything against Andor, and it also isn't to say that originality is not the sole factor in making a good show. But it is easier to compare these shows that "no one asked for" rather than shows based on established popular characters like Ahsoka or Boba Fett.
I don't want to get into every detail, because this post is long enough already. I'll just say that The Acolyte feels like Star Wars. If you like watching Jedi be Jedi, if you enjoyed the episodes of The Clone Wars where the Jedi just did Jedi things and foiled plots and uncovered mysteries, The Acolyte is Star Wars for you. If you liked Tales of The Jedi, watching Dooku, Mace Windu, and Qui Gon Jinn in their prime before the Clone Wars, The Acolyte is for you. If you liked Star Wars Visions, seeing new, creative takes on Star Wars with unique fight scenes and interesting spins on classic Star Wars themes like balance and duality, The Acolyte is for you.
If none of that sounds interesting, maybe it's not for you, and that's okay. Nobody is making you watch it, but please don't be toxic about it.
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voidlightcomix · 2 months
Feast Your Eyes: Fandom Cookbook Recipe Review #12
Suspiciously Good - Minecraft: Gather, Cook, Eat! Official Cookbook
Tonight’s menu: sourced from the Official Minecraft Cookbook
Main Course: Suspicious Stew
Drink: Slimeball Tea
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Full review under the cut!
Please see this post for an in-depth explanation of my review criteria!
Main Dish: Suspicious Stew
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 5/5
This recipe was the reason I originally bought this book— I saw a review on YouTube and it looked so good that I impulse-bought the book that night. And it’s also my favorite recipe from this book so far. Because it absolutely, without fail, impresses. And it’s delicious. It’s a somewhat simple vegetable stew— the hardest part is just chopping all the vegetables. After that, it’s all just simmering for a long time. All the vegetables get tender, and it’s the kind of stew that fills you right up. There’s never any leftovers. :)
Drink: Slimeball Tea
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 3/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 2/5
This recipe… is really good in theory. You can’t really tell from the photo, since it kind of failed, but it’s SUPPOSED to be a matcha milk tea with boba at the bottom. The matcha was really pleasant (even if I consistently fail to froth matcha no matter what method I use) and would’ve made a nice boba tea. However, my tapioca/boba pearls didn’t become gel… which may have been my fault? The recipe said to follow the instructions on the package… and there were no instructions on the package… so I did my best to follow the instructions the recipe gave me. I intend to give it another shot later on down the line, and hopefully get it right. For now, the score will stay like this, though.
Tune in this Friday (8/9) for something new to this blog!
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thefandomentals · 1 year
Dan takes a trip into the galaxy's wretched hives as he looks at Star Wars Villainous : Scum and Villainy from RavensburgerNA , which puts the cunning of Boba Fett, the icy chill of Cad Bane, and dark tenacity of The Seventh Sister at your disposal.
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ffeatherisffeather · 1 month
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omg ari !!! may i ask for a mootie bingo 🥺 i am bringing in some may flowers so we can do some flower arrangements 🥺🌷🌺🌹💐
MY SWEET SELLLL ofc you can !!!!!!! i’m tucking the flowers into a big big vase n adding some too 🌻🌻🌸🌸🌼🌼 hehe ily !!
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cuntvillage · 6 months
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Boba review
Machi Machi Glenferrie Road
Pekoe Jasmine Green Tea
Full ice/extra sugar/coconut jelly
Tasted like expensive Korean skincare but in a kind of nice way. Like if you went to innisfree and drank all of their facial serums.
Coconut jelly portion was generous but no where near enough ice and cup wasn’t full enough for $8 AUD.
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localchewsings · 5 months
Magic Pearls
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A small boba shop at the Florida Mall in Orlando, FL l that sells a wide variety and combinations of teas and mix-ins along with boba themed novelty. While the shop is clean, all of the additional products make it feel cluttered. The staff is happy to make recommendations or offer advice if you choose a combination that could be challenging.
Here’s where to find them if you’re even in town: Magic Pearls
I’m always traveling, want to recommend a place?🌎✈️ Reach out here: [email protected]
Like what you see? Consider supporting me here☕: Ko-Fi
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starlilyisawesome · 4 months
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I went to ding's tea today for the first time and was very pleased with my drink and experience,the staff was very nice and they had stardew valley gameplay playing on the tv it was quiet which for my sensory needs and the drink was nice and sweet and was very customized for my taste with star jellys so it was quite a nice experience!
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hypn0tw1st · 7 months
Popping Boba
Hello good people of tumblr!
Today, your not-so-local cryptid alien, is doing a drink review.
The drink is Dutch-bros double rainbro iced tea (featuring the star of the drink, their new strawberry popping boba)
Here is my honest opinion. The tea was phenomenal, i've always liked getting their iced teas or lemonades. Today, however we faced a new issue due to their new product: the straws do not account for boba. Now I understand that this is a technilogical oversight due to the boba product being new to their drink add on line. Overall the boba has a weak flavor, and does not have a proper popping experience when not sucked up through the straw.
Rating: Straw :(/10 ( 6.5/10)
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tiffyfoundsomething · 2 years
Pocas Bubble Tea
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I love fresh boba tea but have kidney issues and can’t have tapioca or black tea often anymore. It’s been almost ten years since I’ve had a fresh made boba.
I saw these Pocas canned boba milk teas at 5Below and got excited because honeydew melon flavor is my favorite.
They’re available online at Amazon:  https://amzn.to/3iFfY4X
You can see the ratings aren’t great. I’ll get to that.
They also had taro (purple sweet potato), and I grabbed one of each.
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I did fully expect them to be terrible, being canned boba.
Since I have boba straws (for curling doll and pony hair), I poured the drink out into a big cup so I could both see what it looked like and get the whole slurping frog eggs up a straw experience.
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If you’ve never had boba, get it fresh made at a coffee or tea shop your first time.
Freshly boiled pearl tapioca is big, gummy, chewy, a little firmer than gummy bears, firmer in the center than on the outside, and carries a lightly sweet, vanilla-like flavor. It’s strange if you’re not used to it and then can be fun when you are, if the texture doesn’t put you off.
This canned boba is small, has a bit of an off flavor, and feels like eating Orbeez. Have you ever crushed Orbeez? It’s like that, but in your mouth. Somehow dry.
It’s entirely the wrong experience. Wrong texture, wrong taste, wrong size, everything about the tapioca pearls is wrong.
The taro milk tea, though? Very nice. I did quite enjoy the tea and am looking forward to the honeydew flavor later.
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