#Blue Ice Pictures
popwirenet · 6 months
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It Begins... 👀 #SurrealEstate Season 3 🏚️💀👿
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buwheal · 5 months
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YAYYYYYY Birthday cake for the birthday boooyyyyyy hooray 46!!!!!!!!!! Made him a cake cause he deserves it :^D
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#1 Salesman 1997 !!!!
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....look familiar perhaps..?
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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Rhaena and her pink barbie dragon 🎀
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spinnenpfote6 · 2 months
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Every time I look at Elijah Wood I'm astonished by the sheer SIZE of his eyes
Seriously, it's driving me insane. This guy is, like, 25% eyeballs
(That's not to say that I don't enjoy how the beautiful vibrant sky blue burns through the skull into my soul every time I look at him tho)
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pendraegon · 5 months
going on a roadtrip would fix me
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: made a HUGE amount of progress this week (for context—purple is unfinished & yellow is finished; last week all of them were purple) … i am in the home stretch here
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punster-2319 · 1 year
*Even though Spirited Away had its initial release in Japan the previous year, it had its wide-release in 2002 and was nominated for Best Animated Film (and won) for that year so that’s why I didn’t include it in the 2001 poll in case anyone was wondering.
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frecklystars · 1 month
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♬♪ ♡ broken and bruised, longing for you - ̗̀💐 ̖́-
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waltergamersposts · 1 year
Every Blue Sky Studio Movie @rottentomatoes and Audience Scores Part 2
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puccafangirl · 8 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to my two biggest OTP's~ X3 ❤️💕💖
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lemon-criminal · 1 year
Whether you and him have similar tastes in music or completely different ones, you listen to at least 2-3 songs he hates. He would never put it on himself and is (only slightly) appalled you find it as enjoyable as you do. However, if you do so happen to choose to listen to that song when and where he can also hear it (like the car, house speakers, etc) he will let you keep it playing on one condition:
you sing along, word for word (or at least as well as you can).
Kageyama Tobio, Katsuki Bakugo, Kuroo Tetsurou, TSUKISHIMA KEI, Rin Itoshi, Chigiri Hyoma, Sae Itoshi, any of your other faves <333
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scarletooyoroi · 10 months
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"Ah! Certainly nothing like a challenge complete! Despite the rather.. unorthodox line of thought for the evolution in scanning, s'always good to see people to throw a bit of oomph into the effort!"
"I'll certainly have get Childe situated with dinner as my treat. They always do have a penchant for coming in clutch."
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stereax · 1 year
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18 you spin the wheel on this ship, control its path through the winds that blow. a veteran stands the test of time even when time stands too. a victor remains a victor. the records cannot take them away, no matter how high the tide rises.
Ondrej Palat, 2022-23 NJD // the kingdom is being rebuilt.
Photo credits, in order: New Jersey Devils, Mike Morreale, New Jersey Devils, Chris O'Meera, Mike Ehrmann, Mike Ehrmann, Adam Hunger.
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dnftoosh · 2 years
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Dream and his boyfriend agenda He also liked a Lot of gnf birthday art :’))
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soraeia · 6 months
She had almost tried to tear into his throat the moment she felt an arm around her, her skin still fearful of touch---the anger still fresh in her heart, with her mind racing from the revelation that her brother had betrayed her. He had violated and manipulated her at nothing more than their father's behest. But as soon as she was smothered in her beloved's all-too familiar aura, her claws slowly receded. She felt the whirlwind of magic within her slow to a halt anf the shadow of feathers curling around her form. Allisae buried herself into Tahariel like she wanted to disappear.
It wasn't until she was ushered into Yori's gently grasp that she became aware of the scene she'd caused. Throngs of people surrounding them, all eyes pointed in their direction. Pointed at her. She wanted to vanish under the cover of her fiancé's wings once more, but as she watched his exchange with who she recognized as the King of Ahnia, Allisae slowly realized that Tahariel may have been angry with her. This entire debacle had been because of her. She had begged him to take her to Meriburn and this entire scene was everything he had warned her would happen.
'You're an embarrassment, Allisae. Do you know how many nations are at this party? This is how you've presented us to the world?' She could almost hear him say it.
Allisae looked around at the disheveled and destroyed plantlife around them. 'I invited you here and this is how you treat my home? I offer you refuge in it and you return my generousity with this level of disrespect?' She could hear Cassandra's voice, biting and cold.
'I stuck my neck out for you and all you did was mess up again.' Yori's hands on her shoulders suddenly took on the weight of chains.
Tahariel's kindness in ushering her away came as a surprise, but she'd recognized it quickly as a façade to keep face---something her father often did until he called her behind closed doors.
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Gods, what has she done? She only prayed that they'll accept her apologies when she has the chance to explain herself...if they even give her that chance...
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reborn-kaijuverse · 9 months
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Portrayed by Ray Romano
Due to the imperfect guide of myth, legend and religion, Kaiju often turn up in places you wouldn't expect them to be. Behemoth is a key example of that: though believed to have first entered man's consciousness when he was sighted just outside of Jerusalem during the time the Bible was written, he was found by MONARCH in Brazil.
Behemoth is a monster who cares little for the human race, but is very sentimental towards the wildlife, especially the vegetation. He appears to actually become enraged when humans or other Titans deforest huge areas of forest.
As of recently, while the MBUC has been occupied dealing with the wave of Mega-Beasts on their hands, with the help of Satoshi and his friends. But unbeknownst to the group, several more Mega-Beasts have been located all around the globe, hibernating, Mikaela initiated Project: MONARCH to go on the search for the new Mega-Beasts, what to discover, and this is one of these Titans discovered. Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest, in Brazil, the natives of South America respect this giant hairy beast who protects this forest and all life who lived in it. Behemoth is naturally a docile creature, spending its days away from sleeping and eating, and breeding new life in the plants thanks to its feces which acted as a fertilizer and grow new species of plants, the jungles of South America are lively. This titan doesn't want to be provoked, but if rubbed the wrong way, this beast can be territorial and is a force to be reckoned with. Any more info would be required and the search for these creatures still rages on.
This mammalian Kaiju has a spectacular ability to restore plant life, whether from the pollen in its fur or the excrement it leaves behind.
Behemoth’s kind nature and helping out innocents caught up in Kaiju battles and rampages immediately endeared him to humanity once he was free of his Late Morning Syndrome. His presence is often enough to calm many humans.
This creature is docile by nature, but it will occasionally become very territorial, and when he does, nothing gets in his way. Behemoth is currently monitored in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The oldest sightings put him as recently as 12,000 years ago, making him an example of a more recent Kaiju species. Should Behemoth awaken, he would be a force to be reckoned with.
Behemoth is by far one of the most gentle and friendly of all Kaiju, if not the most gentle and friendly. Even when in forests where he would be almost completely unable to see the wildlife, he still awkwardly tiptoes around to avoid crushing anything underfoot. He frequently helps rescue people and animals affected by the rampages of malevolent Kaiju, and will frequently do this whilst his allies deal with the aggressor.
Behemoth has roamed Brazil (specifically its hillier regions, Guanabara Bay in particular) for millions of years, with his species, Macrotheroides Canaanicus, being a derived (or at least, surprisingly close) relative of mammoths adapted to scaling the cliffs and mountains of their home. Interestingly, Behemoth's species had a fierce rivalry with Leviathan's, who was described as Behemoth's arch nemesis in the Bible. This is believed to have been caused by Leviathan's kind occasionally venturing into the seas around Brazil and into the waters of Guanabara Bay to pick off juvenile E. bibliorum. Behemoth's kind eventually went extinct (apart from him, as he ventured into a Hollow Earth tunnel in the nick of time) by the massive climate upheaval at the end of the Ice Age.
MONARCH scientists believe Behemoth's inclusion in the Bible was influenced by him coming to Jerusalem during the time the Old Testament was written. How exactly this happened is unknown, but MONARCH scientists believe that Behemoth followed his old rival Leviathan through the Hollow Earth tunnels, eventually clashing with him and Ziz in the deserts outside the city. Of course, this is all mostly speculation, and who win this battle is actually unknown. Regardless, Behemoth was able to retreat back to his old stomping ground of Guanabara Bay (or at least beneath it) after this epic brawl.
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