#Bloodborne asks
mangledskull · 6 months
2, 11, 21, 45 and 49 for Patches?
Asks from this meme below!
2. Did you always like this character?
When I first encountered him in Elden Ring, I absolutely hated him. Elden Ring was my first Soulsborne game, so I didn’t know that he was a reoccurring character throughout (most) of the games. It was until I went through his questline that I began to grow attached with him. That, along with seeing him again in Bloodborne as a spider.
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
I honestly think it happened when he first kicked me off a ledge in Elden Ring. I thought the cutscene was so funny because of how unexpected it was (again, I had no idea about the context behind it). Seeing my character get kicked down a 500 foot cliff AND LIVE genuinely wanted me to know Patches more. Like. What is his fucking problem
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
Honestly, I kinda see Patches as a family member at this point. Out of all the unfamiliarity and confusion in these games, he’s always someone you know and recognize (even if he’s an ass). Every time I was done playing Elden Ring for the day, I would take my character to Patches’s den and sit with him. He’s gonna be sitting there with him until the DLC comes out :)
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
Following the last answer, absolutely. Even if he steals my wallet and pushes me down a ledge whenever he can, I still love the bald headed shit.
49. What’s your favorite personality trait about this character?
There’s a lot of things that I love/hate about Patches. I think that one of them is whenever he switches to being your “friend” once you come back to him from one of his traps. He does a complete 180 and acts like he did nothing wrong. Since I’m writing about him in my fic, I love to shed light on this part of him :D
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littlegoldfinchh · 2 years
Hey are you the person who photoshopped the picture of Dolly Parton holding the sword from bloodborne? Because I did this
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tra1nchi · 3 months
Hi, haven't played Bloodborne n don't really remember the lore but hear me out
So, the reader whom is a big ass monster in Yharnam, the hunter REALLY needs to pass through him cuz he can't fight him (reader is asleep btw). Tries to be sneaky and shit but fails when he was bout to reach the exit, reader wakes up and fucks hunter silly cuz he woke him from his beauty sleep and cuz reader hasn't got any action recently :3
MINORS DNI!! top beast male reader,,Monsterfucking,,size diff,,blood,,
You had forgotten everything from when you were human,,stuck in the endless loop of the thirst of blood,,you were bigger then most beasts,,was it from the amount of blood you used to take as a human? You never knew,,
The one human trait you held onto however was the urge to indulge in intimacy,,but every human that would come into contact with you would never satisfy you,, they would either try to kill you, run away or the craziest would try to worship you like you were a great one,, all three types would end up with you killing them,,
The good hunter was one that would manage to survive you,,He ran out of blood vials quickly in his descent into your cave,,all the bodies he searched held nothing but bullets,, no blood vials in sight
He could hear your breathing as he grew closer to the main part of the cave,,he knew he needed to get past you to access the passage way that you lay infromt of,,Instead of risking a fight that he would surely loose,,he relented to sneaking behind your slumbering form,,
He managed to get surprisingly far,, so close to the other opening of the cage before he felt your claws on the back of his jacket,,he didn't know how he didn't hear you getting up!! He fully expected you to just bite his head off and he would return to the dream,,
But you didn't,,you shoved his puny body underneath yourself,,he vould feel your heavy breaths on the back of his head,,your claws ripping his heavy clothing in the process of keeping his squirming body down,,
He thought you would give him a slow and painful death,, typical,,but he felt something against his thigh,,his cheeks flushed under the cloth of his mask,,he had never encountered a beast that would rather fuck then kill,,but he wasn't opposed to it,,maybe you were both very pent up
Fucking him so deeply that he couldn't help but let out squealish moans,, your giant claws holding his small waist as your cock hits far inside of him,, practically reaching his guts >□<
Biting down on his neck and drawing blood,,licking it up like you were addicted to the substance,,and soon enough addicted to him,,addicted to how the small human toon you so well,,breaking down the hunter into a simple fuck doll for you,,
He enjoys it throughly,,his own cock pathetically leaking cum from how many orgasms he had gone though,,every thrust you made inside made him feel like he was going to exllode with each one!!
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lost-in-yahargul · 3 months
if you're looking for bloodborne art requests, may i humbly offer Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen? as a chalice dungeon-only boss she's v underrated imo. alternatuvely, one of those fucked up crow things that are all over the damn place in central yharnam
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This was a super fun one, thank you! :D
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choiraugur · 9 months
You said you were taking a requests (19 hrs ago) um would you draw vicar Amelia as the beast and as the woman? Please I love her so much
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amygdalae · 1 month
have you seen that bloodborne is trending #3 i’m so confused
nothing compared to how it is always trending #1. In my heart
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
You are a very difficult boss in a videogame. Reblog and tell me in the tags what your one major weakness/cheese strategy is!
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fantomette22 · 22 days
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I'm sorry but what?! That change things a bit.
I am sorry if my dear friends talk about it before I really don't recall 😓 but yeah neat
So yeah if smn is good at Japanese...
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mensiscollar · 7 months
do you think micolash would be bullied if he went to raya lucaria yes or maybe
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yes and he deserves it
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r26yz · 12 days
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for you
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izunias-meme-hole · 3 months
You've been rebloging a decent amount of Soulsborne stuff, so if you have time, can you say who your favorite character's are in all these games?
Oh... well a fair amount of my thoughts CERTAINLY changed, but I'll give you a top 10.
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Number 1. Messmer The Impaler (Elden Ring) - Messmer was certainly a welcome surprise. He was the firstborn son of Queen Marika, ultimately the one who personally oversaw the genocide of the hornsent in the Land of Shadow, and event so horrific and cruel that its impact could still be felt within the present day. He was afflicted with a curse at his birth, in which a dark and malevolent snake threatened to eat him from the inside, which resulted in Marika plucking out his eye and replacing it with a seal of grace. Sounds like quite the monster, right? Well here's the thing. Messmer's a surprisingly good boss, like he literally preserved his enemies culture inside a storeroom just because one of his knights requested it, and has at least some level of compassion. Sure some of his men defected after finding out about the true nature of his existence, but there were some that even stuck around because they know who he is as a person. So why did this great guy commit literal one of the most horrific events in history? Well you see, Marika basically told him to eliminate the hornsent, and it wasn't just a standard order... it was a secret banishment for him, and Marika's vengeance on the hornsent. That's right, Messmer was exiled so he could be a scapegoat for his mother in the Land of Shadow. While this doesn't absolve him of his crimes, it ultimately makes him extremely pitiable.
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Number 2. Queen Marika The Eternal (Elden Ring) - A god, a vessel, a warmonger, a mother, a schemer, a monster, and a pitiful woman. These are all the things that Queen Marika The Eternal was, and by god she deserves to be remembered by all of them. Radagon is her other half. The Demigods were her children. Messmer is her son. The Lands Between were her lands. She destroyed several races. She destroyed the Elden ring. Everything in the game is connected to her in some capacity. This is some Sauron tier shit that's been done with someone who's now just a prisoner in her own fortress thanks to her fear of her reigns inevitable end. Elden Ring has a TON of antagonists, each one active in their own right across the Lands Between. Marika on the other hand is both a prisoner in her own home, and a god on her last knees who faces The Tarnished through Radagon, yet almost every last evil committed in the game is connected to her past history of cruelty and malevolence in service to her Golden Order.
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Number 3. Malenia (Elden Ring) - Malenia was my fave for a good while, and is still one of my top 5 bosses in the series. Her background, how that background ties into the world, her difficulty not being too bullshit yet still giving veterans a good taste of the dirt, her simplistic yet effective character, and the concept of someone being that goddamn sickly yet still being so undeniably persistent, powerful, and near-invincible is intriguing and cool, and it's executed very well in her case. Her boss being optional is just icing on the cake. Overall she's a spectacle.
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Number 4. Miquella (Elden Ring) - He's a charming lil guy. Yes he cut out everything that made himself a good person in order to become the god of a new era, and is an expert manipulator due to his powers, but he's still just a lil guy.
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Number 5. Father Gascoigne (Bloodborne) - Originally, Laurence was my favorite Bloodborne character, but after some careful reconsideration... this guy is at the top. Why? I like how simplistic his lore is, but aside from that, he's basically a reflection of the Good Hunter and a really great first legit boss. He serves as a gatekeeper for new players, and his transformation from skilled hunter to a monstrous werewolf mid-fight is a perfect introduction to what fate usually awaits any hunter who inevitably gets blood drunk in Yharnam. And the cherry on top? He's just a guy. He was just a normal ass hunter with a wife and child before all of this, hell you could even use his daughter's music box to snap him out of his blood drunk state for a second. IMO Gascoigne is underrated as hell.
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Number 6. Lady Maria (Bloodborne) - Between the Plain Doll being based off her, her connection to Gehrman, and being one of the hunters at the Fishing Hamlet, Maria is undeniably a great character with a vast presence.
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Number 7. Ludwig (Bloodborne) - Tragic Hornse. In all seriousness though, Ludwig is a perfect summary of Bloodborne, and honestly one of the top 3 bosses in the entire series.
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Number 8. Isshin Ashina (Sekiro) - Isshin's presence overshadows that of the main antagonist, Genechiro Ashina, and its entirely intentional. He basically is the symbol of his entire clan, leading a rebellion against the invading forces alongside many warriors and triumphing. Isshin was a living legend in the past, but in the present? He's old, sick, and on his last legs. He's still defending his clan, but for his strength, he's still mortal. He's still human. He's the perfect reflection of his clan. That and he’s an amazing final boss. Go Grandpa Ashina!
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Number 9. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (Dark Souls) - Horrible, HORRIBLE god. He ruined humanity, is a bad father, and is SO worthy of being hated... yet he's so pitiable and pathetic. Gwyn is responsible for almost every tragedy in the trilogy, yet even his own story is a tragedy. A paranoid god king making the literal worst decisions ever to the point where he literally destroys himself. There's a level of understandability with his character that makes him tragic, but ultimately, he's still a monster. And this isn't even bringing up the Soul of Cinder.
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Number 10. Slave Knight Gael (Dark Souls) - An old slave knight from the age of fire, literal cannon fodder, not only outlives the gods, but goes on a quest to get the Dark Soul so that The Painter, his niece, would paint a new world. You get familiar with him in the Ashes of Ariandel DLC, and by the time of the Ringed City DLC you see that Gael has slipped into madness and stands atop literal desolation. At first he fights on all 3's, only using his sword as a weapon as he jumps and crawls around, but after his guts are cut open and he gets the power of the dark soul, he truly begins fighting like a man and will occasionally rely on the newfound power he has to strike the Ashen One down with magic. Still at the end of the day... this fight is just between two nobodies who outlived the gods.
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subzeroparade · 4 months
It is, and you can thank @bornetoblood for it.
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lunareel · 1 day
I don’t know if this would be a good suggestion but having Luigi talking to Bowser.
Bowser: “It’s weird to think a pipe leads to this world.”
Luigi: “Yeah. I don’t quite under it myself.”
Bowser: “I wonder how many different worlds you could have ended up in.”
Luigi: *has an existential crisis thinking about different realities* (maybe worlds from other games?)
I know you asked for Luigi talking to Bowser, but I saw the tidbit about Luigi ending up in different games and this came to my mind:
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I so badly want to throw Luigi in Bloodborne.
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lost-in-yahargul · 2 months
The Doll comforting Lady Maria for an art piece?
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She has so much guilt weighing her down, someone hold her while she falls asleep
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choiraugur · 9 months
bloodborne supremacy 😤✊
Here’s an idea for bloodborne doodle: Three Men and a Baby (1987) but it’s three choir members and a celestial larva
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this was kinda rushed…. would you trust the choir with your baby
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solargeist · 28 days
Can you tell more about watcher babyfever? First time I'm reading it
ok I’m being mostly silly when I say it BUUUT
My version of the Watchers adopt players as children, as they themselves are infertile and can’t have children themselves. So they seek them out instead for the next generation of Watchers.
Given their age difference, almost all players seem like children to them, even Grian at 25 years old seems like a child in their eyes.
The baby fever part is only After they have a child/player, they just become more protective of them, even against friends or family.
So … Watcher baby fever is more like … Mama bear attitude lmao…. But there’s probably some distress being away from your kid.. It’s also like imprinting, but instead of a baby duck seeing you as a mother, it’s an angel choosing you as their child, (you have little to no say in the matter, you Are just a child.)
I also think, on the religious part of the Watchers, there’s stories abt them protecting children, a little tale for kids to read and be interested in, but there’s truth to it.
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