#Blind AU
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soupmonarchart · 3 days ago
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Senku <3
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moonlighthcandmore · 19 days ago
Blind Tim AU
Ok, I've been thinking about blind Tim AU way more than I should have. Sorry if this feels weird, or off since I haven't done this before, but this is basically going to be a dump about my AU idea.
Tim got blinded while he was Robin, but before he worked with almost anyone other than Batman. Batman tried to bench him, and didn't want to let me work ever again, but we all know how Tim is. Once he figures out how to live his new normal, he started working, simultaneously staying away from Bruce so he can't stop him while rubbing it in Bruce's face that he's doing it. It's a learning curve to try to figure out how to beat criminals, but he finds ways around every hurtle like a true Robin.
When he started working with the YJ, he didn't tell them that he was blind, and none of them caught on for a long time while they were just working together, and not spending time together outside of work. He works so seamlessly, because he's learned how, and built himself personalized gear to help. So the very first time they all meet up to do something after a mission, they decide to watch a movie. They're all still in costume, but Tim gets his white cane before coming back. They're all confused, but too scared to ask. They end up spending the entire time whispering about it, and not paying attention to the movie. Especially since he wasn't paying attention, so he ended up getting hit in the face with the bag of gummy worms that Bart threw at him. He doesn't notice their inner turmoil since he's gotten four hours of sleep in the same amount of days, and is struggling to stay awake.
Eventually he starts working with the batfamily again too since Bruce gets over himself, and realizes that he can't stop Tim either way. Dick is a lot more supportive, and Damian is more cautiously curious since he's met a lot of people that can work past disabilities. There also wasn't a power struggle for him since Tim wasn't working with Bruce anymore anyway. Tim is working with a lot of organizations that help disabled people in Gotham, especially the ones that have been disabled by the rogues, but can't afford to go somewhere safer to get treatment. Damian begins helping him, and getting involved with every event that Tim puts together.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, I'll probably post more about this, but feel free to let me know if you want to see more of this AU!
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orseymon · 1 year ago
Hi! ❣️ How did you meet Megatronus?
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Part 1/4
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kittenfangirl20 · 5 months ago
Blind Au
Lucifer was looking at Adam as he laid there in the dirt. Would he wake up? He wanted to be sure before he buried his best friend and first love.
He perked up when Adam started to stir.
Adam groaned and touched his face, that fucking little bitch stabbed him!! He opened his eyes but was confused when all he saw was a grey haze with red undertones since Hell was mainly red.
What the fuck?
Maybe...... Maybe he just had something in his eye? Adam blinked and rubbed his eyes but that didn't seem to help either and he sat up.
Lucifer crouched down by Adam and looked at his eyes, they were still golden but his pupils were muted.
Lucifer: Adam?
Adam: AHHH!!
Adam jumped, he didn't know anyone was there. He..... He can't fucking see.
Adam: I can’t see, why can’t I see?
*Adam felt like he was going to cry, but he had to hold everything together, but he was so scared*
Lucifer: Adam, it’s me Lucifer.
Adam: Luci?
*Lucifer’s heart broke hearing Adam call him Luci, Adam hadn’t called him Luci ever since they were in Eden*
Lucifer: We are alone right now, if you need to cry you can.
*Adam pulled Lucifer into his arms and placed his head on Lucifer’s chest before he broke down crying, Lucifer made comforting noises while running his fingers through his hair*
Adam: I don’t know what I will do, if I can’t see I’ll be unable to open a portal to Heaven.
Lucifer: I will take care of you and we can find a way to get sight back. We can stay at the hotel since it was recently rebuilt.
*the royal palace would be a terrible idea since Adam would be constantly tripping over rubber ducks, but Adam went stiff in his arms*
Adam: Is that wise? They hate me there, they will try to kill me again.
Lucifer: I won’t let that happen and while Charlie was angry at you, she believes in second chances. Once she gets to know the real you, she will adore you, we should get new clothes too since those are covered in blood.
*Lucifer summoned some sunglasses and put them on Adam, he took Adam’s hand and started to lead him to the hotel, he could see every step Adam took was hesitant which made Lucifer feel worse, Lucifer sent a quick text to Charlie saying she needed to meet him outside, thankfully Charlie came out there*
Charlie: Is that Adam?
Lucifer: Yes, but let me explain, Adam is blind. I know you may accuse him of faking it, but really isn’t the type to be deceptive.
Adam: Hey girlie.
Charlie: You’re right, Adam is many things, but deceptive isn’t one of them. In fact he is brutally honest to the point that he openly told the angelic courts about Extermination Day.
Adam: Hey, they had a right to know what was going on. Your dad seems to think you can give me a place to stay.
Charlie: We can do that, I can set up one of the rooms for you.
Lucifer: No, Adam will be staying in my personal suite with me.
*Adam felt himself blush, he was going to stay in the same room as Lucifer*
Charlie: You only put one bed in your suite, maybe we can move one in for Adam.
Lucifer: No, Adam will sleep in the same bed as me. He likes being able to sleep with someone and have them hold him.
Charlie: Awww…. That is actually really cute, I like having Vaggie hold me when I sleep too.
*Adam was quite sure he was as a tomato now, he was going to share a bed with Lucifer, Lucifer was going to hold him while they slept, being blind was still very terrible to Adam, but the idea being held by Lucifer while he slept was very nice*
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cheese-vikings · 2 months ago
Ok people who have read the blind dick Grayson AU I summon you for a thought.
I think blind dick and Matt Murdock(specifically from the daredevil show because I haven’t read a lot of his comics) would be friends. Mostly because blind dick and Matt Murdock are basically the same fuckin person.
case and point they both use escrima sticks just one of their is electric while Matt just fuckin raw dogs that shit. They both have the same build, not exactly as buit as a cap or a Batman but not as thin and lithe as a Tim or a Bruce banner outside of hulk form neither or overly short or tall in a way that would make them stand out. Matt and Grayson are also both (pretty much aside from plot armor) normal humans who fight large gangs in their respective territory Matt’s is Hell’s Kitchen and kingpin dick graysons is bludhaven and blockbuster. They both have toxic as fuck mentors who abandoned them before they were emotionally or mentally ready for it and they both faked their deaths in order to take down a large criminal organization and were initially resented by friends and family.
I would love any additional thoughts and opinions on this topic and also daredevil or blind dick Grayson au fic recs
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fanofstuff01 · 9 months ago
Blind Au
Alastor will stay quiet and pretend to be Lucifer to kiss Adam.
But as soon as he touches him, Adam knows the difference. Lucifer doesn't touch him like that.
Lucifer and Adams first kiss
Adam: Luci?
Lucifer gently brushes his cheek with his hand and holds Adams jaw
Lucifer: I'm right here. *Kiss*
Alastor needs a smack down.
But yes Adam would get once Alastor touched him. His Lucifer wouldn’t grip him that much and would be gentle.
And Alastor would try playing an edited record of Lucifer’s voice but Adam would think it was off the moment he played it.
Adam would still close his eyes even though he knows he doesn’t need to. And would try to touch every inch of Lucifer he could.
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decentsoupperson · 9 months ago
Blind Au
Adam wakes up in Hell as a sinner but he's blind, which brings his fear and anxiety into play right away. He's freaking out and Lucifer thinks he's being dramatic at first for being a sinner.
Until he waves a hand in front of his face and realizes that Adam can't see.
Lucifer: Ugh, great. You're fucking faking it!
Adam: I'm not!
Lucifer picks Adam up and pushes him in the direction of the hotel.
Lucifer: Go!
Adam: Where? I can't see shit!
Lucifer: I can't believe this.
Lucifer then waves a hand infront of Adam's face, even giving him the middle finger and faking punch him.
Adam: you still there?
Lucifer: Oh shit he can't see.
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Blind adam au
Adam: so you are my new nurse alright
Lucifer: yeah
Adam: Well, you um go settle in. I guess I am gonna go take a shower real quick
Lucifer: Did you need help?
Adam: Excuse me?
Lucifer: Emily said you were completely blind, I'm not sure what you need help with and what you don't. Is this one of those things?
Adam, blushing: No, everything in this house has braille or is voice activated. I can handle showering on my own.
Lucifer: Alright, I'll go unpack then
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sunny-sunrise-3 · 5 months ago
Sorry for being gone these past few weeks, I've been busy with a lot of homework. As an excuse I brought you a drawing
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I've seen this au a lot and it made me sad that the poor guy can't talk.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 5 months ago
Thrantovember Day 3 - Blind AU
“You wear… contacts?” Eli stared up at his boyfriend.
“Yes,” Thrawn admitted. “For a couple of years now,”
“Huh,” Eli tilted his head. “I didn’t know you needed contacts…”
“In order to fly a ship and train in the academy, I needed to be able to see,” Thrawn explained. “My brother helped me get to the doctor to get me contacts,”
“I see…” Eli hummed. “Well, you can’t wear contacts while ya sleep, hon, ya need to remove ‘em,”
“...I can’t,” Thrawn’s lips pursed. “I… get the engulfed with darkness the moment I remove them, and I need to see the way to my bed,”
“Darkness?” Eli frowned. “Thrawn… are ya… blind?”
Thrawn nodded, though it was slower than he wanted. Was it a sensitive topic? “Yes… I am,”
“Oh,” Eli gave a hum. “Were ya… born blind?”
“...yes,” Thrawn gave another slow nod. Ah. That’s why. “A Chiss is usually born with glowing red eyes, shimmering through the darkness of a room… but I was not. The moment my eyes opened, they did not shine. They did not glow. They were dull, and we could not afford to fix them,”
“Fix them?” Eli asked. “Have Chiss found a solution to fixing blindness?”
“Only for newborns, but even then, it would be a process,” Thrawn explained. “A special eye drop is set in the eyes of each blind newborn, and it should be dropped every day to help the child to see… but it was expensive,” He let out a sigh. “My family was in poverty, only able to buy food for one day per day. By the time I finally had managed to gather enough money to fix my eyes, it had been already too late,”
His voice slowly grew quiet. Eli’s eyes softened, reaching out to caress his cheek. “May I… see your eyes?” he requested.
Thrawn’s breath hitched, but he gave in with a small nod. Eli smiled and gently reached out to remove the contacts from his lover’s eyes. His eyes saddened, finally seeing the dullness of the red in the other’s eyes as he set the contacts aside.
“Oh, Thrawn…”
“Is it… that terrible?” Thrawn swallowed.
“No… No, no, not terrible,” Eli shook his head. “Just… different, but…” He smiled and kissed him softly. “Your eyes are beautiful, no matter how they look,”
Thrawn felt his face flush before he gave his own smile. “Thank you, Eli…”
“You’re welcome, honey,” Eli giggled. “Now, let’s get to bed,”
“Without… my contacts?” Thrawn tensed a little.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Eli held his hands gently. “I’ll be here to guide ya to bed. Just trust me, alright?”
Thrawn hummed. He gave a smile and squeezed his lover’s hand in response. “I trust you,”
Eli’s smile widened. He slowly led Thrawn to the bed, placing him beside the wall to keep him from falling off the bed. He laid beside him, hands never leaving his own, to make sure he knew that he was still there, even as Thrawn closed his eyes to sleep for the night.
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yonemurishiroku · 11 months ago
AU wherein Nico escapes Nyx with his eyes lost in her eternal darkness hahaha
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soupmonarchart · 5 days ago
Suika (blind): im gonna hold your hand senku cause i can't see too good without my glasses and i might trip again
Senku (also blind): you might wanna rethink that plan
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wolfstarficrec · 8 months ago
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Wolfstar Fic Rec - 2nd August 2024
mod speaks: this is a cute little fic that I LOVED and read ages ago (literally years) and still think about to this day!!
➭ 35k • completed 12/12 • features background jily • blind! artist sirius au
➭ SUMMARY: Sirius shifted his whole body to face Remus and bought his hands to cup his friends face.
"You're perfect to me, with or without the scar, Remus Lupin." He smiled.
"You can't see me, Sirius!"
"And you'd be the most beautiful human I'd ever laid eyes on if I could. Considering that will never happen, you'll just have to be the most beautiful human I've ever touched or heard, won't you? It was destiny that I met you, I think, Rem. I don't know why."
Remus knew he'd ask out the beautiful blind artist at some point, but things just seemed to keep getting in the way (mainly anxiety, sometimes friends, definitely family.)
What had Sirius called it again? Cosmic Karma?
as always, share around to spread this account and give your mutuals some amazing recs! wanna feature your fic? use the official tag :D see you tomorrow!
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orseymon · 2 years ago
Do you enjoy smelling flowers? Can you tell flowers apart? :o
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If you need a picture without text, just let me know
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nephilimeq · 4 months ago
Blind AU
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Penelope is a photographer and literally runs into a man on the street who is blind. Benedict quickly changes her entire world perspective and shifts her life upside down in the best way possible. As they start a friendship, she starts reading to him and their relationship shifts into something more.
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fanofstuff01 · 9 months ago
Blind Au
Lucifer would feel very conflicted because he feels bad for Adam and knows he can't just leave him to do his own thing even in the hotel.
But also, having Adam like this, dependant on him again like back in Eden he knows he shouldn't enjoy it but he kinda does.
He's always wanted Adam to need him. And now he needs him more than ever.
Lucifer also got Adam sunglasses to cover his eyes, they are still golden but pale, the pupils gray.
There is only one person in the hotel he really needs to protect Adam from, someone who is still pissed about getting his ass beat by the ex-angel. (It's Alastor of course it is)
Adam can see shadows if something or someone is close enough, but not enough to be able to tell what is what or who is who just by looking.
And Charlie got braille placed all around the hotel..... But Adam hasn't learned how to read it yet.
Adam: I appreciate the...... Sentiment there girlie, but I can't read that.
Charlie: Oh.....
And Adam gets very mad and frustrated because he just wants to do things for himself and braille doesn't even feel like words but random bumps and he fucking hates it!
So when Lucifer has to go to something he can't get out of, he gets Charlie to keep an eye on Adam.
But she can't be there for everything......
Fuck you sideways Al.
Adam needing Lucifer and him wanting to give his care is kinda cute ngl.
He would try to teach him braille but Adam would just want to be normal so he’d refuse. But eventually would accept his state and give it a shot.
Maybe there’s this one meeting regarding both Charlie and Lucifer, so they get Vaggie to help Adam since Angel was also busy.
Oh bad idea.
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