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oldschoolfrp · 4 months ago
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Deep in the Underdark in Sloopdilmonpolop, the City of Pools, Va-Poolgol Dagagoorg the mad high priest/king tends the kuo-toa's Sacred Pool of the Sea Mother, Blibdoolpoolp, under the protection of Gapolploorg the commander of the priest/thieves and Oorg-Poolgoop Gibupgagool the priest-duke of war. (Michael Collins, Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark by Eric L Boyd, TSR, 1999)
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prodigyduck · 8 months ago
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For my #KrakenWeek entry, I have produced a "Deep Goddess" Legendary Monster build. Enjoy! https://jacobblackmon.blogspot.com/2024/07/krakenweek-entry-deep-goddess-monster.html
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epellucid · 1 year ago
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bethanythebogwitch · 5 months ago
Kuo-toa summoning an avatar of Blibdoolpoolp
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Artist : Anton Seder
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artapir · 15 days ago
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During their long period of post-colonial isolation, at least one clan of Ningentraedi fell into worship of anthropomorphized deities modelled on revered native panspermic sea turtle x orca x crab hybrids.
Midjourney 6.1 + preferences
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faerunianmiitra · 1 year ago
"We can't ascend Gale because it is evil, he will lose humanity, he was groomed and a sweetheart and" No.
We can ascend him.
We have a goddess that is half naked and do nothing but torture people around. We have a murder god that does nothing but... murder.... and tortures his own family? We have lolth, a goddess of betrayal and bloodshed, like, bitch, what are you even born for? And then we have a god called Blibdoolpoolp.
Blibdoolpoolp, the evil sea goddess of the delulu.
We absolutely can afford to have a god of losers.
"But we will lose the precious Gale" he will be working under his ex for the rest of his life, imagining what he could have conquered if ascended. He would stay sweet and pure, but at what cost? To be sold back to the Wizard Corp LTDA, dealing with insufferable wizards for the rest of his life?
Go on, love, ascend. Be the god of ambition. Destroy everything, there is no cycle to repeat if everything is doomed. Be who you always dreamed to be, let's kill Myrkull for good and free everyone from his Wall of the Faithless. Let's go beyond and clean the pantheon from these useless gods. Then let's descend together. Unify all the hells. Kill all the gods and start from scratch when we feel like. Let's be the ultimate folly, love. Alexa, play bel air from lana del rey
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cactusmisslittle · 7 months ago
What now?
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Experimenting with a couple new brushes and had to draw the fish boy hehe (I'm actually not sure I'm a fan of the brush I used for the sketch but eh maybe it just takes some getting used to kflsda)
I am very normal about Sloopidoop being an archpriest (presumably of Blibdoolpoolp) while being a founding member of the Society of Brilliance wym
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the-aviarys-models · 11 months ago
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Yesterday we tweaked our designs for the kuo-toa archpriests of Sloobludop. First is Bloppblippodd, archpriest of Leemooggoogoon the Deep Father. Second is her father, Ploopploopeen, archpriesst of Blibdoolpoolp the Sea Mother.
Their redesigns are inspired by lancetfish! We started with Bloppblippodd since we felt inspired to have her resemble this fish, then applied similar changes to her father so they would resemble each other.
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Old designs under the cut for anyone curious, the redesigns aren't hugely different.
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The skulls on Bloppblippodd's staff aren't quite as visible in the remake's camera angle, because we wanted to show off her cool headfin.
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dndhistory · 1 year ago
99. James M. Ward and Robert J. Kuntz  - Deities & Demigods (1980)
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A much extended and updated version of the already existing Original D&D supplement (Deities, Demi-Gods & Heroes from 1976) dedicated mainly to giving descriptions and stat blocks for different gods and mythical characters from around the world, this is also a vast improvement on that pamphlet.
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Before we talk about those improvements I have to say that I have some problems with vast sections of this work. Professionally I am a scholar of Religion with a PhD in the field, and seeing such simplifications of "American Indian Gods" or things like calling Kali a "Chaotic Evil" Goddess are beyond problematic, being pretty insulting to what are living religions followed by millions today. You will notice no stat blocks for Christ or the Christian God... well they should have had the same tact concerning other living religions. But it was the late 70s/early 80s and I understand that those kinds of considerations were far from the minds of the writers. 
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However, this is still a pretty interesting and useful book, particularly when it comes to fictional pantheons like the Lovecraftian or the Melnibonean pantheon, and even more interesting when we get some D&D original lore concerning non-human gods, here we have the first appearances of such staples as the orc god Gruumsh, the dwarven god Moradin or the elven god Corellon Larethian, as well as bringing in gods that first appeared in adventures such as the kuo-toan goddess Blibdoolpoolp from D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa. Full of illustrations, this is a pretty great book to leaf through. 
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cagemasterfantasy · 1 year ago
Cleric (Death Domain)
Death Domain Spells
Cleric Level 1: False Life and Ray Of Sickness
Cleric Level 3: Blindness/Deafness and Ray Of Enfeeblement
Cleric Level 5: Animate Dead and Vampiric Touch
Cleric Level 7: Blight and Death Ward
Cleric Level 9: Antilife Shell and Cloudkill
Bonus Proficiency: When the cleric chooses this domain at 1dt level he or she gains proficiency with martial weapons.
Reaper: At 1st level the cleric learns on Necromancy cantrip of his or her choice from any spell list. When the cleric casts a necromancy cantrip that normally targets only one creature the spell can instead target 2 creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other.
Channel Divinity: Touch of Death: Starting at 2nd level the cleric can use Channel Divinity to destroy another creature's life force by touch. When the cleric hits a creature with a melee attack the cleric can use Channel Divinity to deal extra necrotic damage to the target. The damage equals 5 + twice his or her cleric level.
Inescapable Destruction: Starting at 6th level the cleric's ability to channel negative energy becomes more potent. Necrotic damage dealt by the character's cleric spells and Channel Divinity options ignores resistance (but not immunity) to necrotic damage.
Divine Strike: At 8th level the cleric gains the ability to infuse his or her weapon strikes with necrotic energy. Once on each of the cleric's turns when he or she hits a creature with a weapon attack the cleric can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. When the cleric reaches 14th level the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Improved Reaper: Starting at 17th level when the cleric casts a necromancy spell of 1st through 5th level that targets only one creature the spell can instead target 2 creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other. If the spell consumes its material components the cleric must provide them for each target.
Gods in this domain their alignment and their symbols:
Bhall NE Skull surrounded by a ring of blood droplets, Kelemvor LN upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales, Loviatar LE Nine-tailed barbed scourge, Myrkul NE White human skull, Shar NE Black disk encircled by a border, Talona CE Three teardrops on a triangle, Incabulos NE Reptilian eye with a horizontal diamond, Iuz CE Grinning human skull, Nerull NE Skull with either a sickle or a scythe, Wee Jas LN Red skull in front of fireball, Takhisis LE Black Crescent, Chemosh LE Yellow skull, Morgion NE Hood with 2 red eyes, The Keeper NE Dragonshard stone in the shape of a fang, The Blood of Vol LN Stylized dragon skull on red teardrop gem, Blibdoolpoolp NE Lobster head or black pearl, Laogzed CE Image of the lizard/toad god, Arawn NE Black star on gray background, Hades LE Black ram, Anubis LN Black jackal, Nephtys CG Horns around a lunar disk, Set CE Coiled cobra, Hel (yes only 1 l) NE Woman's face rotting on one side.
Source: Dungeon masters guide
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potatochipflavor · 2 months ago
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monsterhomebrewer · 5 years ago
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Anyway, have........ this. Crabs!
Bonus - the cultist:
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manyworldspress · 5 years ago
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Game night! Jim Roslof, cover illustration for AD&D module D1-2, Descent into the Depths of the Earth, by Gary Gygax (TSR, 1981).
__________________________________________________ Our shop: https://bookshop.org/shop/manyworldspress
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oldschoolfrp · 6 years ago
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Blibdoolpoolp the Sea Mother, goddess of the Kuo-Toa  (Erol Otus, AD&D Deities & Demigods, TSR, 1980)
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boyd-speaks · 5 years ago
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I have designed a sailor character who becomes a worshiper of Blibdoolpoolp and ends up getting a pinup style tattoo of them.
Click through for different versions.
Marble: www.deviantart.com/theboyd/art… Original: www.deviantart.com/theboyd/art… Shaded Lines: www.deviantart.com/theboyd/art… Flat Monochrome: www.deviantart.com/theboyd/art…
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To be fair, Blibdoolpoolp canonically looks like this:
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Who wouldn't be fascinated?
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Not everything a DM tries works out as intended. Sometimes a story arc falls flat, or a little extra description causes the party to halt for a few hours to fiddle with a rock…. it happens.
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