#Black Veronica Santangelo
igottatho · 1 year
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Now things are getting real and I hope folx are chill with changing a characters race (I’m thinking tentative yes after all the HP/Black!Hermione discourse?)
Anyway, this is my rendition of Veronica. I love Felicia Day and I love Veronica’s character. My reasoning for changing her race was 1) I didn’t feel it detracted from her story, 2) I’m ultimately hoping to create a comic for you tumblr and so 3) I wanted a more diverse set of characters.
I will have lots of People of Color and non-binary Folks as original characters, but I felt like Fallout could do more. I think she should still have the same voice tho 😙 it’s just so iconic. I also think some character history with her magic Black Girl hair would be really fun; a variety of hairstyles could be something that her BOS family passed into her. The only thing I really like about BOS is that they don’t discriminate based on race (just ghouls and super mutants and enclave remnants and -)
Body references for these images comes from Google searches of Sonequa Martin-Green, in character as Michael Burnham (Star Trek: Disco) and as her charming self. I adore Martin-Green as Burnham, but I’d love to see her be a more bubbly personality like Veronica.
What do you think?
PS fuck drawing power fists Good Lord
Edit, Sources
1 - full body shot
2 - close-up
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stimming-puppet · 1 month
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lesbian veronica santangelo 1/2/3/4/x/5/6/7/8
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confirmedcannibal · 10 months
1. Arcade Gannon
He's yellow crewmate.
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2. Veronica Santangelo
Green crewmate
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3. Craig Boone
White, just like him :)
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4. Rex
Black crewmate, no doubt
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5. Raul Tejada
This one was a little tricky! I think red.
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wasteiandbaby · 7 months
Key Symbols
Strikethrough = Taken Character
Italics = Reserved Character
Bold = Most Wanted
We are an indeed an OC friendly server for anyone wishing to know, originals can be found listed in the roster within the server.
Arthur Maxson
Aspirant Dane
Initiate Clarke
Knight Lucia
Knight Maximus
Knight Rhys
Knight-Captain Larsen
Lancer Captain Kells
Paladin Brandis
Scribe Haylen
Aurelius of Phoenix
Gaius Magnus
Legate Lanius
Vulpes Inculta
Mama Murphy
Ronnie Shaw
Carrie Boyd
Cassandra Moore
Chief Hanlon
Colonel Royez
Corporal Betsy
General Lee Oliver
James Hsu
Lieutenant Gorobets
Major Dhatri
Ranger Ghost
Sergeant Bitter-Root
Lizzie Wyath
Mags Black
Sierra Petrovita
William Black
Courier Six
Lone Wanderer
Sole Survivor
Arcade Gannon
Butch DeLoria
Christine Royce
Craig Boone
Dean Domino
John Hancock
Joshua Graham
Lily Bowen
Nick Valentine
Paladin Danse
Piper Wright
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Raul Tejada
Robert MacCready
Rose Of Sharon Cassidy
Star Paladin Cross
Veronica Santangelo
Conrad Kellogg
Dr. Allie Filmore
Dr. Clayton Holdren
Dr. Justin Ayo
Dr. Madison Li
Father / Shaun
Dr. Stanley Carrington
Drummer Boy
High Rise
Old Man Stockton
Ricky Dalton
Tinker Tom
Benny Gecko
Cooper Howard
Dr. Amari
Kent Connolly
Lucy MacLean
Mr. House
The King
Waking Cloud
Yes Man
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Be good, or I'll shoot you dead
- Sherriff Meyer
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Reactions to a vampire courier? Companions plus Benny, Ulysses, Graham, House, Caesar, and Yes Man. (sorry if that's too many :x)
TW: Blood (maybe obviously)
Also I don't normally feel some type of way about AUs but the idea of Joshua Graham encountering a vampire courier is giving me shivers
The courier was a little... strange. Not in any way that stood out to the average wastelander just by looking at them, everyone in the Mojave had their quirks and the courier was no exception. Hell, you get shot in the head and come back, you're bound to have a screw or two loose. They were unquestionably a night owl, but so were half the people on the Strip, who only started to wake up after the sun had gone down and the slot machines were singing their loudest. They usually had bags under their bloodshot eyes, but every caravan driver from here to the Hub was short on sleep.
On the other hand, the courier had some habits that were a little beyond surface-level eccentricities. For one, no one had ever seen them eating, not once. Even when the King laid out a spread of pre-war snacks and liquor or when the buffet at the Tops was refreshed, they politely declined and took a swig from the canteen that they never offered to anyone else. They were also rather odd about bathrooms, insisting that anyone accompanying them remain outside on watch and let no one else through the door until they were finished. But the undeniable moment of oddity came one night in October, when their companion rounded a corner in Freeside after a trip to the Atomic Wrangler and discovered the courier behind a rusted dumpster, holding a man against a brick wall with their teeth buried in his neck.
The courier drew back at the interruption, blood smeared across their face. "I'm not- it's not what- he- oh, fuck."
Arcade Gannon: Arcade stared open-mouthed for a moment, before snapping violently back into the present. "Is he dead?"
"Umm..." The courier glanced at the man they were holding, whose head was lolling against the bricks. "Yes? Mostly."
With no patient to resuscitate, Arcade rounded on them. "Six, what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing?"
The courier tried to wipe away the blood that was dribbling from their chin, but they only succeeded in spreading it up their jawline. "Well, I, um, I was trying to..."
Whatever excuse they were searching for eluded them, so they dropped the pretense. "I was feeding, Arcade."
"Feeding? What, like some kind of-" Arcade's eyes widened and he cut his sentence off early in realization. "No. No way. That's not- vampires aren't real!"
That earned him a look of intense skepticism. "Arcade, we've fought off plant monsters and rattlesnake-coyote hybrids together. I have a gun in my pack that lets me teleport."
"Oh, okay, so you have some kind of iron deficiency and you're delusional." Arcade laughed, the sound high and harsh in the quiet alley. "Great. Fuck."
Craig Boone: Rather than engage in an abandoned alley, Boone immediately backtracked to a busier street. He was unsurprised when the courier didn't follow him: Even in Freeside, someone covered in blood was sure to be noticed and questioned.
Boone left town that night and made for Novac. He was pretty sure the courier would follow him, but he didn't know where else to go. At least he knew they were coming. A few people in Novac asked about where he'd been, what the courier was up to, but eventually they stopped asking.
A couple of weeks went by. Boone was on the night shift again when the door into the dinosaur swung open to reveal the courier. He'd heard someone coming, their feet on the stairs, and he already had his gun pointed in their face. "We will never work together again," he said, before they could open their mouth.
"Boone, can you just-"
"I don't want an explanation." Boone shook his head. "I don't need one. I already did you a favor, leaving New Vegas without putting you back in your grave. This is over."
The courier took a deep breath. "71."
"71. I've killed 71 Legion soldiers and left their bodies empty under the Mojave sky." They looked down and shuffled their feet. "I've tasted their fear. They're more scared of me than the Burned Man, now."
Boone studied them. Ever so slowly, he lowered his gun.
Lily Bowen: "Put him down, dearie," Lily chastised them. "You're playing too roughly with that man. And watch your language around your grandma!"
The courier looked down at their victim, at their torn throat and limp limbs. "He tried to mug me, Lily. It wasn't pretty."
"He looks like he's had enough," Lily insisted. "Set him down. Gently."
With a sigh, the courier obliged and lowered the man to the ground. "I'm sorry, Lily. I should have told you earlier. I don't mean to be rude when I turn down your cooking, I just... I can't seem to..."
"Hush, now." Lily produced her enormous handkerchief and gathered the courier up in her arms, dabbing at the blood on their face with a corner of the cloth. "You've gotten it all over yourself, haven't you? We can clean that right up, but it looks like Grandma's going to have to do a load of laundry. You made the mess, so you get to help."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul swallowed nervously, something he'd noticed he was increasingly doing around the courier. "You know, we get murciélagos down in Arizona that do the same thing. They won't leave the brahmin alone."
The courier took in his anxious stance and sighed. "Raul, I'm not going to hurt you. Prometo. It's okay."
"Sure boss, but I don't think the hair on the back of my neck is going down anytime soon." Raul smiled, but it was more of a grimace. "Or it wouldn't, if I still had any. Como..?"
"No clue." The courier shrugged and held their hands up, letting the corpse they'd been holding slide to the ground. "I think it had something to do with me surviving Benny's best attempts to do me in, but a bullet is a bullet and I don't remember if I was like this before, or..."
"Or only after." Raul chuckled. "Jesucristo, and here I am thinking I'll outlive you like most everyone else I've known."
"Should I start calling you el chupacabra?"
The courier grinned, a bloody smile with sharp teeth.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Fuck," Cass echoed, scrambling to pull her shotgun from its holster. "Knew I had too much, can't even- who are you and what've you done with the courier? Some kind of cannibal, wearing their skin? Alien? Shapeshifter? I'll blow a hole in your liver to match mine!"
"Whoa, Cass, it's me, it's me!" The courier dropped the man they were holding and held their blood-stained hands up. "Same old Six, just... maybe I wasn't straight with you about why I don't order anything at bars."
"Goddamn right you weren't straight with me!" Cass gestured at the body on the ground with the barrel of her gun. "Who's the fucker on the floor and why are you two pints in on him?"
"Just trying to get my drink on," the courier muttered.
Cass repaid this facetiousness with a jab of her shotgun, and they raised their hands higher. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! You tell me, how do you tactfully tell someone that you're a creature of the night and you need to drink blood to survive?"
"Creature of the night? You're fucking loopy." Cass' eyes narrowed. "There's plenty of critters in the Mojave that only come out when it's dark, but most of them don't tear into..."
She trailed off into curses when she realized she was wrong. The courier smiled hesitantly and lowered their hands an inch. "Hey. Let me chuck this failed mugger in the dumpster and we can talk about it like a pair of civilized folks?"
Veronica Santangelo: Veronica squeaked and fell back a few steps, banging her elbow against the edge of the dumpster. A jolt of confused pain shot up her arm, and the Scribe couldn't help giggling harshly at the sudden assault on her funny bone.
"Not- laughing... at murder," she managed to get out between hisses of pain. "Oh, for the love of... right, you're not getting out of explaining what you are, exactly, just because I'm indis-indisposed!"
The courier couldn't help laughing at the squirming Scribe, but they did their best to stifle it. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I um... I guess I don't really know... what I am?"
"There's books!" Veronica burst out, pointing at the courier and their victim wildly. "I've seen them, in old libraries. Creatures that feed on blood, only come out at night, don't show up in... in mirrors, of course, no wonder you're weird about bathrooms, I should test... Dracula! That's it, you're a Dracula!"
"A Dracula?" The courier held their hands up, as if seeing them anew. "Never heard of them. Are they... bad?"
"Well, traditionally, yes." Veronica made a face and rubbed her elbow. "Black cloaks, sleeping in coffins, seducing and manipulating everyone around them... and people don't like it when you take their blood, in my experience."
"Whose blood have you taken?"
"This isn't about me, Six!"
ED-E: The eyebot bobbed wildly and made noises of concern, blips and blats and a flat burst of trumpets from some old jazz tune.
"I was hungry," the courier protested. "And this asshole pulled a knife on me and wanted all of my caps. Probably more than that, if we're being honest. He wasn't doing the world any good, but he did me some, for sure."
ED-E flipped between old clips of a Silver Shroud radio show. "Well, isn't this a deep, dark <static> secret? <static> In a situation such as this, the best anyone can do is <static> try to control it!" The robot added some more concerned beeps for good measure.
"I'm trying," the courier said with a sigh, looking down at the dead man they were holding. "You know I wouldn't hurt some random person, ED-E. Not if I could help it. The Mojave's full of bad people, enough to keep me going if I'm careful."
Rex: The hair on Rex's spine stood up, and he let out a long, low growl. The courier froze for a moment, before realizing that he was growling not at them but at the man they were holding.
"He's dead, Rex," they reassured the cyberdog, lowering the corpse to the floor for inspection.
Rex sniffed the body over, taking in the copper scent of his blood and the Freeside stink on his clothes. He sniffed the courier too, each of their hands they held out to him and the thick headiness of adrenaline. He whined and wagged his tail twice.
"Good boy," the courier said, straightening up. "It's about time I turned in, anyway. Let's dump this guy and split."
Benny Gecko: Benny crossed his arms. "You know, Six, if you're dead set on getting your kicks in Freeside every now and then, you might want to ease up on the passions with the next greaser you snag. This one's torn all to pieces."
"I wasn't- what kind of-" The courier dropped the man they were holding and sputtered. "Christ, only you could make a midnight murder awkward, Benny."
"Murder?" Benny raised his eyebrows and looked from side to side theatrically. "Who said anything about a murder? All I saw was some dreamboat and the best apple butterer of New Vegas playing back alley bingo, officer."
The courier's eyes narrowed. "Not gonna rat me out? Tell the King or somebody that I'm..."
"What, taking a page out of the White Glove Society's book?" Benny held his hands up. "None of my business. Well, if you ever come for me with that look in your eyes, though, that'll be a different story."
"Not much you'd be able to do," the courier pointed out. "You already tried and failed to kill me once."
Ulysses: Rather than react like any normal wastelander might've upon encountering someone attacking a man with their teeth, Ulysses just stood there, taking the scene in. "Heard tales of a tribe like you. East, farther east than even I've walked... a coven hiding in tunnels, emerging only when their hungers grow too strong to ignore, strong enough to pull blood from the veins of the world around them."
"Well, I don't hide in tunnels." The courier grimaced and heaved their victim up over their shoulder, depositing them unceremoniously in the dumpster. "Unless some disgruntled Frumentarius sends me out to hunt mutants under Hopeville."
"Perhaps you have more in common with those predators than I assumed," Ulysses admitted. "But then, your path has always run red. Blood of the Old World, blood of the new, blood of the Bull and the Bear..."
The courier rolled their eyes as they peeled off their red-stained coat and tossed it in the dumpster as well. "Don't talk to me about blood. I know you've seen just as much as me, but it doesn't mean the same thing when I look at it."
Ulysses cracked a hint of a smile. "You see life where I see death. Two sides, courier."
"Yeah, yeah. If you're not going to try to kill me, come on. You can wax poetic and lecture me about which road I'm walking while I take a shower."
Joshua Graham: "A creature far from God," Graham said in his most reproachful tone. "Forever damned for the souls of the innocent they've taken from the earth. Aren't we a pair, courier."
"You can fuck right off with that attitude." The courier dropped the man they were holding and wiped their hands on their coat. "He tried to kill me first. For some caps."
"The crimes of others do not absolve you of your own sins, courier," Graham continued, leisurely retrieving his gun from its holster. He held it up in the muted neon light that filtered through the alley, turning the weapon this way and that. "Though I confess I am also looking for absolution in this way."
"Are you going to kill me?" the courier asked, eyeing the gun as well.
"I've no doubt it would leave this world better than when you walked it," Graham replied. "But my own opinions are not enough to seal your fate. Perhaps we should find this man's family and hear their feelings on the matter."
The courier took a step forward, then another, until their chest was right up against the pistol's muzzle, pressed against the fabric of their shirt. "Go ahead. Try."
And though Joshua Graham was sorely tempted to pull the trigger, though the courier made no move to stop him, something in their eyes... some faraway pain, older than the desert itself, fresh as the blood on the ground, stayed his hand.
He lowered the gun, chastised, and the courier walked away.
Robert House: The Securitron that bore Robert House's face on its screen leveled a minigun at the courier. "Whoa!" the courier protested, dropping their victim and putting their hands out. "Can't we talk about this?"
"And what have we to discuss?" House sounded absolutely disgusted. "I believe you're familiar with my contract with the White Glove Society. If they wish to continue their current prosperity in New Vegas, cannibalism is strictly forbidden. You are subject to the same terms and conditions, as one of my employees."
"Terms and condi- hold on, hold on, you never asked me whether I was a cannibal," the courier replied. "Are you talking about that document you had me sign, way back when I agreed to help you fight the NCR and the Legion?"
"The very same."
"How is that fair? That thing was over 200 pages long, I didn't grow up in the 21st century, I don't have a degree in... okay, okay." The courier waved their hands. "Cannibalism is a no-go. This isn't cannibalism, this is vampirism."
"Which falls under the definition of cannibalism," House replied, his annoyed tone still detectable over the sound of the minigun spinning up. "Section 3.65, subsection F. Next time, read the fine print."
Caesar: The Legion's great leader pivoted in an instant from surprise to quiet anger. "Clean yourself up, courier. I expect to see you in my quarters within the hour."
He turned and left the alley swiftly, letting his powerful stride and swinging cloak cover his shaken confidence. The people of Freeside cowered as he passed, shrinking into the shadows as he made his way back to the Strip, but the fear in their eyes was not enough to erase the image of the courier bent over in bloodlust, holding their victim in total subjugation.
The courier found him on the top floor of the Lucky 38, gazing out over the city he had conquered and named his Rome. "Leave us," Caesar bid his Praetorian Guard. They bowed and departed the room without question.
"You asked to see me," the courier said nervously, shifting their weight from foot to foot. They had changed clothes, and no trace of blood remained on them.
"I did." Caesar beckoned them to the window next to him. They stood in silence for a moment, watching the lights wink below.
"I'm a well-read man, courier," Caesar said finally. "I know the legends of the Old World, and I recognize the marks of one of their nightmares in you. I order you to tell me the truth: Do you fit the full definition of the creature they called 'vampire,' or do you simply mimic the things to add to your fearsome affect?"
The courier didn't answer right away. When they did, their voice was soft. "I pretend to be nothing. I am what I am."
"And everything that comes with it?" Caesar pressed. "Darkness, the blood of the innocent, eternity?"
Caesar turned to face them fully. "Then I, Almighty Caesar, command you to make me as you are."
Yes Man: "Now that's a twist I didn't see coming!" Yes Man said, his happy tone only slightly tempered with uncertainty. "Boy, am I glad I don't have a circulatory system right now!"
The courier shushed the Securitron and looked around the alley surreptitiously. "Yes Man, I swear to god, if you blow my cover I'm disassembling you."
"As I've told you before, I can't technically die!" Yes Man reassured them. "And I certainly wouldn't want to endanger you and your hobbies, but my volume mixer is tied to my enthusiasm simulator and I can't adjust it! You'll just have to hope any passersby aren't interested in following my friendly voice into an alley!"
"Then go back to the Lucky 38 and we'll talk later," the courier insisted, through gritted teeth.
"I technically never left! But if you mean this Securitron, sure thing!" Yes Man zoomed away on his single wheel, whistling the whole way back to the casino where the rest of his consciousness was housed. He kept whistling as he ran probability algorithms, only pausing when the courier returned after a few hours and crossed their arms in front of his main screen.
"Hi there!" he said joyfully. "I've just been cross-checking Mr. House's records on noteworthy disappearances in the Strip, and I've flagged eight of them as potentially being connected to you! I don't want to assume your intentions, but if you don't want to be found out, I've developed a plan for choosing your next victims that will help you remain undetected in New Vegas for 184 years! Give or take a few!"
The courier put their head in their hand and sighed.
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chestnutroan · 3 years
Hello, sorry to bother you, I just wanted to say that I really really loved the Irene Darkwater and Veronica Santangelo drawing you posted recently, and I was wondering how you get that newspaper effect on your drawings? hope you have a great day!
its no bother at all thank you so much!!!
i used a combination of the colorlabs halftone pack and the infinite pulp !! BUT i dont think that you necessarily need them. without using those packs i would:
(i would probably duplicate ur layers before hand to keep backups btw)
1. Take a worn/aged paper scan from this website and make it your base layer
2. convert the color layer to halftone using these actions i made, and then apply a slight Gaussian blur to the result. Set this layer to multiply mode (and adjust the colors if needed)
3. apply a VERY slight ripple effect (filter>distort>ripple) to the lineart, and then apply a slight Gaussian blur again
This is to make it looks as if the ink has sunk into the paper!
4. Then "erode" parts of the color and ink with a light, textured eraser brush, to give the effect of aging as well as original printing errors
5. Take another aged paper scan from here and apply it over the image in overlay mode. Take ANOTHER scan, enter layer styles and shift the bars to something like this
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and set the result to screen. This should give the image a kind of washed out sheen, but it could take some tweaking and eyeballing to get it to ur liking.
6. Further damage the image. Add flecks of runaway ink, use the Gaussian blue on some areas on the lineart more than others. make it look like cheap, shitty printing 😆keep tweaking!!! i would err more on the side of desaturation, and low contrast. when all is done the pure black ink lines are closer to this:
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if you have anymore questions feel free to ask!! ^_^
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@dying-suffering-french-stalkers also wanted to know my favorite types of girl, this comes from my phone please do not be alarmed by the capitalization
Veronica Santangelo-Royce (Fallout: New Vegas)
Fever Crumb (Philip Reeve books)
Leia Organa-Solo (we IGNORE the sequel trilogy, you CANNOT tell me Han did not doodle Organa-Solo with hearts in the corners of all his logs)
Wu Zetian (Iron Widow)
January Valentine (Beamsaber TTRPG OC)
Pamela Isely (DC Comics)
Max (Black Sails)
Jupiter (Jupiter Ascending)
Furiosa (Mad Max)
Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Honorable mention to the Justice of Toren (Imperial Radch trilogy) who uses she/her but as more of a cultural thing than an identity thing
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halcyonmusings · 4 years
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OCS + BIOGRAPHIES (part two)
The Basics
Full Name: Arden Eilhart
Codename or Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: November 11th 1988
Birth Place: Fortuna
Nationality: British/Saudi Arabian
Organisation/Group: none (retired)
Former Affiliates: worked with Dante at the DMC shop
Family + Friends
Father: Vince Eilhart (deceased)
Mother: Cressida Hawthorne (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Dante, Lady, Trish, Lucia
Spouses: Vergil
Children: Nero, Freya (after 5)
Height: 5′10″
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: light brown
Any Scars: a few on her upper back and neck, which is why she prefers to wear turtle neck blouses
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears
Other Notable Features: her left eye is a little smaller than her right
Random Facts: she thought herself how to write with her left hand because she was bored back when her mother would lock her in her room
The Basics
Full Name: Rosalind Vitalis Winslow
Codename or Nickname: Rosa, by mostly everyone except MICAH she threatened to kill him if he ever called her that.
Birth Date: June 16th, 1872
Birth Place: Tumbleweed, New Austin
Nationality: Greek/American
Organisation/Group: Van Der Linde gang
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Tomas Vitalis  (deceased)
Mother: Julie Vitalis (deceased)
Siblings: Alena Vitalis
Friends: Arthur Morgan, Hosea Matthews (more like a father figure but yeah), Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, @honeybite ‘s oc Lua and @mooonbride‘s oc Violet, Kieran Duffy, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Tilly Jackson
Spouses: John Marston.... (Arthur Morgan in another world :\)
Children: Noah Marston
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: brown
Skin Colour: tan
Any Scars: one on her right eyebrow and another across her nose. she’s got a few gunshot wounds on her torso and a large scar on her right thigh
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: none
Other Notable Features: her nose is a little crooked from not healing right after she got in a fight with some bounty hunter
Random Facts: she doesn’t know how to put on makeup, so she relied a lot on mary-beth and karen. after the group disbanded, she never tried to do it herself.
The Basics
Full Name: Luna
Codename or Nickname: Courier lmao, Boss - by Raul which Luna tells him he doesn’t need to call her that but he’s like “okay boss” 
Birth Date: May 23rd, 2253
Birth Place: Mesa, AZ
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Mojave Express
Former Affiliates: NCR... very briefly
Family + Friends
Father: Charlie Luna (alive)
Mother: Anya Luna (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Arcade Gannon, my oc Leon Miller :p, Craig Boone (reluctant friend), Raul Tejada, Veronica Santangelo, Daniel
Spouses: J Money
Children: Gideon and Elias [redacted]
Height: 5′5″
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Colour: light brown
Eye Colour: green
Skin Colour: medium tan with honey undertones
Any Scars: on her the side where she got shot in the head, a few on her knees
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: she likes to wear a baseball cap or a tie a piece of cloth around her head to cover the bald spot she got from the gunshots on her head :(
Random Facts: hates sunsparilla and almost dehydrated because she refused to drink it until Arcade made her drink it so she wouldn’t die hjfkljhkf
The Basics
Full Name: Drew Argento
Codename or Nickname: Fledgling :\
Birth Date: April 7th, 1980
Birth Place: Huntington Beach, CA
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Anarch
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Sebastián Argento (alive)
Mother: Angela Argento (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Velvet Velour, Nines Rodriguez, Damsel, Smiling Jack, Mercurio
Spouses: he’s not her spouse, but Maximillian Strauss
Children: none
Height: 5′6″
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: medium beige
Any Scars: none
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her nipples, ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: always has to wear pink even if it doesn’t match her outfit for the night
Random Facts: she’ll play britney’s greatest hits in the bar nines/damsel/jack hang out in and even in strauss’s chantry
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the-desert-dancer · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
tagged by @crackinglamb
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
Tagging: @basedboutmachine, @radreactions, @vkm11, @cyndercrys, @saberwriter, @adaar-i, @dragonie, @datura-tea, @goblin-deity and anyone else that wants to do it!
This got long, so it’s under a cut.
First game you ever played: Probably Pokemon HeartGold, which I still have on my shelf
Favorite game: Oh easily Fallout: New Vegas. It’s probably the only video game that I’ve not only finished multiple times, but have finished the DLCs multiple times. 
Game you hated at first but now love: I honestly didn’t enjoy Skyrim my first time around. I didn’t really get into it at all and I just couldn’t get into it. But my second time around, I immensely enjoyed it! 
Game you used to love but now hate: Probably Dragon Age Inquisition, full honesty. Like I loved the game a lot originally but over time my enjoyment of it has cooled down quite a lot, especially with the DLCs. I just didn’t enjoy the DLCs that much and it kind of soured me on DAI
Game with the best group/companion(s): Fallout: New Vegas, fight me. 
A game with your favorite ending: Pokemon Black/White. I will fight tooth and nail when I say that Black/White are the best Pokemon games.
A game with the WORST ending: Probably Dragon Age Inquisiton, if I’m being totally honest with myself. I just couldn’t get into it, at all
Best character customization?: Elder Scrolls Online! I’ve legit spent like hours fiddling around with the character customization 
-Hero and Companions-
Your favorite playable character:  Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2), The Nameless One (Planescape: Torment), 
The funniest playable character: Luigi from Luigi’s Mansion 3 or Bayonetta 
Your favorite companion(s): Cait (Fallout 4), Devil of Caroc (Pillars of Eternity), Veronica Santangelo (Fallout 4), Aveline (Dragon Age 2), Jack (Mass Effect 2), everyone from Mass Effect Andromeda (best Mass Effect game, fight me). 
Companions you could live without: Durance (Pillars of Eternity), Zaeed (Mass Effect 2), Vicar Max (The Outer Worlds), most of the Skyrim followers
Favorite game friendship(s): Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect 2), Varric (Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition), Aloth and Eder (Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2)
Favorite companion banter: Anything with Aloth from PoE2. It is just hilarious seeing how wound up you can get that anxious little elf haha
A relationship you loved but went bad: Ooooof, I’m honestly not too sure? Maybe with Blackwall from DAI
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: Preston Garvey. I was super unsure of it at first but like, Preston is a total sweetheart and I love him. 
A character you wish you COULD romance: LET ME ROMANCE VARRIC, BIOWARE! YOU COWARDS! Okay but also, Eder and Pallegnia in PoE2, as well
A minor character you wish could be a companion: Sunny Smiles in Fallout: New Vegas, Calisca and Heodan in Pillars of Eternity 1
Shoutout to a random NPC: Blind Diode Jefferson! Keep on singing those blues, you funky little jukebox! 
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Dragon Age Origins! 
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Fallout 1 and 2, unless Todd Howard finally stops being a bitch and releases them on console. C’mon Todd, do it! 
Online gaming or solo?: Solo, easily. I am not really into the whole Online Gaming scene, although ESO and Fallout 76 have slowly weaned me into the genre 
Why do you play video games?: Because it really helps them creative juices flowing. Plus it helps me destress and stop worrying about all the things that have been stressing me out throughout the day.
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igottatho · 3 months
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fanart, this is a snapshot I made for my #fnv comic ... still working on it.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Why can't I hold all these cool stories?
CURRENT CRAVINGS: Please see this GDoc, because I have some plots I’d like to try! I’m primarily interested in original plots and characters; setting them in original worlds or fandom worlds is fine. I am not interested in playing canons other than as side characters/world filler as of right now.
I’m over eighteen, and would prefer my partners are, too. This doesn’t mean I’m interested in NSFW-heavy plots; I do not write smut. It just means I’m more comfortable writing and interacting with other adults.
I consider myself to be lit-adv. I tend to enjoy partners in the lit+ category, but as long as you’re an enthusiastic and engaging partner, I don’t care about perfect grammar. I would rather write with someone just as involved and excited as I am, than I would with someone who isn't very engaging but knows exactly what to do with obscure punctuation.
I’m not interested in playing only one type of character or playing against only one type of character. I typically don’t enjoy writing with people who are only interested in playing one type of relationship dynamic or one kind of character (such as only m/f, playing the female, or m/m, playing the “bottom”). I have no problem with these dynamics or characters at all, nor do I have an issue playing against them. I just prefer more variety, compromise, and opportunity.
 OOC chatter is really important to me. I can’t write with someone that I don’t feel like I can get to know. I’m looking for friends, not a faceless reply robot. I won’t communicate over any medium but Discord. I've tried Kik, Hangouts, etc.; they just don't stick for me. If you would prefer first contact be through email, you can shoot me a quick message and your handle to [email protected].
I’m fine with threading in a GDoc or a server, but I will not thread over DMs. It’s difficult to have OOC chatter and the thread over the top of each other.
If you're looking for a partner that writes a reply a day without fail, that's not me. I prefer that we don't have "posting schedules” or set posting times, because I find that it turns writing into a chore. It's great if you reply immediately, and it's totally okay if you need a week to figure something out! You’re absolutely free to poke me. I’m not always the most mindful. However, I’m not going to reply every day. Three to four times a week is my frequency.
I’m interested in both fandom and original settings, and I’m down for playing both canon characters and OCs. I don’t necessarily prefer one or the other. 
I definitely prefer canon doubling from my partners in fandom plots; I mesh better with people who do a little give-and-take when it comes to that. If you only play one canon character or only play OCs against canons and won’t play canons, I don’t think we’ll work.
I can play as many characters as needed, whether it's just one or it's six. Whatever our story calls for, I can manage that. In fact, I would love to play multiple “main” pairings so we can both get what we want, versus a single main pairing (unless it’s a pairing/dynamic we both like equally well). I find more than one facet to a plot really interesting, and multiple characters helps flesh out a story’s dimensions.
I’m absolutely interested in joining groups, so please don’t be shy about asking me to participate in plots with more than two players. So long as they don’t involve me writing sexual NSFW, we’re Gucci; everyone else writing NSFW isn’t a deal breaker for me.
Multiple threads and plots at the same time are no issue for me. In fact, I love the idea that we click so well that we just can't stop coming up with good ideas! So definitely don't be afraid to pitch something new to me, whether it's because you want to switch gears (and drop a thread for another), or want to do everything at once.
Romance is a must for me! I prefer slow and agonizing journeys to get there, but my attention is best held by romantic chemistry between characters.
I can provide writing samples upon request, though I never require them from my partner. Additionally, I have some plots written out if you're interested in that sort of thing. Otherwise, we can brainstorm together!
I’m very much a fandom player. I’m always down for AUs, or inserting our own characters into the plots of fandoms! This is in no way a complete list; never be afraid to ask if I’m into something! I’ve probably forgotten a hundred things I love. 
Most of my fandoms will have favorite canon characters listed with them, both who I like playing and playing against; you’re always welcome to ask about others not listed.* There’s a good chance I’m pretty good with them!
*I will play OCs in every fandom, but I might not play canons in every fandom.
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (Nathaniel, Kitty Jones, and Bartimaeus), DC (any Titan, Jinx, Arthur Curry, Steve Trevor, Circe, and Diana Prince), Elder Scrolls (player canons and/or OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Fallout: New Vegas and 4 (Arcade Gannon, Paladin Danse, R.J. MacCready, Arthur Maxson, Veronica Santangelo, Cait, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, and player canons), Game of Thrones (Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Ramsay Bolton, and Willas Tyrell), His Dark Materials (OCs preferred), Hunger Games (OCs preferred), Inception (Arthur, and Eames, but OCs preferred), Marvel (Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Bucky Barnes, Miles Morales, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Gwen Stacy, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, and Megan Gwynn), Miraculous Ladybug (Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste), The Mortal Instruments (Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago, and Alec Lightwood), Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Will Solace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez), Star Trek (Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, S'chn T'gai Spock, and Pavel Chekov), Star Wars (Obi Wan Kenobi, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, Mara Jade Skywalker, Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Sintas Vel, and Ahsoka Tano), The Walking Dead (Glenn Rhee, and Negan), Warriors (Firestar, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and Hawkfrost)
Boku no Hero Academia (Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Todoroki Shoto, and Uraraka Ochaco), Bungou Stray Dogs (OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Digimon (OCs preferred), Dragon Age (Fenris, Cullen Rutherford, Cassandra Pentaghast, and Dorian Pavus), Final Fantasy VII (Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Reno, and Sephiroth), Harry Potter (Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Luna Lovegood; play my favorite ship with me, and I'll do whatever you want, literally.), Mystic Messenger (Choi Saeyoung, Han Jumin, Kang Jaehee, and Choi Saeran), Naruto (Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Gaara, Hyuuga Hinata, and Uchiha Sasuke), Ouran High School Host Club (Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, and Hitachiin Kaoru), Pokémon (Red, Blue, N, Guzma, and player canons)
Avatar: the Last Airbender (particularly Zutara), Eragon, Howl's Moving Castle, Kiznaiver, The Legend of Zelda, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, Tokyo Ghoul, Twilight, Yuri!!! on Ice
For the most part, I’ll genuinely play most any genre! Of course, everyone says that, but then they shoot down all your suggestions because everyone has stuff they don’t like doing. I’ll try to make this as brief as I can, and know that if something isn’t listed, but you’re pretty sure (based on everything else) that I’m into it, then definitely let me know what you’re thinking!
A/B/O (I will not play only alphas for only omegas, nor will I play overly trope-y, non-con, “boys love”/"yaoi" plots.), Age of Sail, alien worlds/alien invasions, celebrity, fairytales and mythology (including “inspired by” retellings), fantasy (including medieval, urban, and high fantasy), alt-historical and modern royalty, mutants/gifted, organized crime, science fiction (especially including aliens), some historical (excluding medieval, colonial, and the Roaring Twenties/Great Depression), supernatural, Victorian (especially the London ton), post-apocalyptic
arranged marriage (I’m always down for slinging our characters together, whether or not they want to. It’s always a bonus if their families hate each other.), enemies to lovers (I love conflict of any sort, especially romantic!), human x not-human (The not-human must be sentient.), bad guy x good guy, intellectual x emotional, captive x captured (especially when the captured is willful, annoying, and full of fight), step-siblings (I don’t play step-parents x step-kids, so please don’t ask!), status/power imbalances (such as characters being from different socioeconomic strata or different ranks/positions in an organization), celebrity x bodyguard (I’m okay with the celebrity being the son/daughter/offspring of someone famous!), famous x not famous, rivals of any sort, unwilling traveling companions, unwilling soulmates
  If any of this interests you, please feel free to reach out to me however! I'm really looking forward to hearing from you!
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rp-dreamland · 5 years
Why can't I hold all these cool stories?
CURRENT CRAVINGS: Please see this GDoc, because I have some plots I’d like to try! I’m primarily interested in original plots and characters; setting them in original worlds or fandom worlds is fine. I am not interested in playing canons other than as side characters/world filler as of right now.
I’m over eighteen, and would prefer my partners are, too. This doesn’t mean I’m interested in NSFW-heavy plots; I do not write smut. It just means I’m more comfortable writing and interacting with other adults. 
I consider myself to be lit-adv. I tend to enjoy partners in the lit+ category, but as long as you’re an enthusiastic and engaging partner, I don’t care about perfect grammar. I would rather write with someone just as involved and excited as I am, than I would with someone who isn’t very engaging but knows exactly what to do with obscure punctuation.
I’m not interested in playing only one type of character or playing against only one type of character. I typically don’t enjoy writing with people who are only interested in playing one type of relationship dynamic or one kind of character (such as only m/f, playing the female, or m/m, playing the “bottom”). I have no problem with these dynamics or characters at all, nor do I have an issue playing against them. I just prefer more variety, compromise, and opportunity.
 OOC chatter is really important to me. I can’t write with someone that I don’t feel like I can get to know. I’m looking for friends, not a faceless reply robot. I won’t communicate over any medium but Discord. I’ve tried Kik, Hangouts, etc.; they just don’t stick for me. If you would prefer first contact be through email, you can shoot me a quick message and your handle to [email protected].
I’m fine with threading in a GDoc or a server, but I will not thread over DMs. It’s difficult to have OOC chatter and the thread over the top of each other.
If you’re looking for a partner that writes a reply a day without fail, that’s not me. I prefer that we don’t have “posting schedules” or set posting times, because I find that it turns writing into a chore. It’s great if you reply immediately, and it’s totally okay if you need a week to figure something out! You’re absolutely free to poke me. I’m not always the most mindful. However, I’m not going to reply every day. Three to four times a week is my frequency.
I’m interested in both fandom and original settings, and I’m down for playing both canon characters and OCs. I don’t necessarily prefer one or the other. 
I definitely prefer canon doubling from my partners in fandom plots; I mesh better with people who do a little give-and-take when it comes to that. If you only play one canon character or only play OCs against canons and won’t play canons, I don’t think we’ll work.
I can play as many characters as needed, whether it’s just one or it’s six. Whatever our story calls for, I can manage that. In fact, I would love to play multiple “main” pairings so we can both get what we want, versus a single main pairing (unless it’s a pairing/dynamic we both like equally well). I find more than one facet to a plot really interesting, and multiple characters helps flesh out a story’s dimensions.
I’m absolutely interested in joining groups, so please don’t be shy about asking me to participate in plots with more than two players. So long as they don’t involve me writing sexual NSFW, we’re Gucci; everyone else writing NSFW isn’t a deal breaker for me.
Multiple threads and plots at the same time are no issue for me. In fact, I love the idea that we click so well that we just can’t stop coming up with good ideas! So definitely don’t be afraid to pitch something new to me, whether it’s because you want to switch gears (and drop a thread for another), or want to do everything at once.
Romance is a must for me! I prefer slow and agonizing journeys to get there, but my attention is best held by romantic chemistry between characters.
I can provide writing samples upon request, though I never require them from my partner. Additionally, I have some plots written out if you’re interested in that sort of thing. Otherwise, we can brainstorm together!
I’m very much a fandom player. I’m always down for AUs, or inserting our own characters into the plots of fandoms! This is in no way a complete list; never be afraid to ask if I’m into something! I’ve probably forgotten a hundred things I love. 
Most of my fandoms will have favorite canon characters listed with them, both who I like playing and playing against; you’re always welcome to ask about others not listed.* There’s a good chance I’m pretty good with them!
*I will play OCs in every fandom, but I might not play canons in every fandom.
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (Nathaniel, Kitty Jones, and Bartimaeus), DC (any Titan, Jinx, Arthur Curry, Steve Trevor, Circe, and Diana Prince), Elder Scrolls (player canons and/or OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Fallout: New Vegas and 4 (Arcade Gannon, Paladin Danse, R.J. MacCready, Arthur Maxson, Veronica Santangelo, Cait, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, and player canons), Game of Thrones (Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Ramsay Bolton, and Willas Tyrell), His Dark Materials (OCs preferred), Hunger Games (OCs preferred), Inception (Arthur, and Eames, but OCs preferred), Marvel (Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Bucky Barnes, Miles Morales, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Gwen Stacy, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, and Megan Gwynn), Miraculous Ladybug (Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste), The Mortal Instruments (Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago, and Alec Lightwood), Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Will Solace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez), Star Trek (Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, S'chn T'gai Spock, and Pavel Chekov), Star Wars (Obi Wan Kenobi, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, Mara Jade Skywalker, Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Sintas Vel, and Ahsoka Tano), The Walking Dead (Glenn Rhee, and Negan), Warriors (Firestar, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and Hawkfrost)
Boku no Hero Academia (Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Todoroki Shoto, and Uraraka Ochaco), Bungou Stray Dogs (OCs preferred, but feel free to ask about canons), Digimon (OCs preferred), Dragon Age (Fenris, Cullen Rutherford, Cassandra Pentaghast, and Dorian Pavus), Final Fantasy VII (Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Reno, and Sephiroth), Harry Potter (Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Luna Lovegood; play my favorite ship with me, and I’ll do whatever you want, literally.), Mystic Messenger (Choi Saeyoung, Han Jumin, Kang Jaehee, and Choi Saeran), Naruto (Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Gaara, Hyuuga Hinata, and Uchiha Sasuke), Ouran High School Host Club (Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, and Hitachiin Kaoru), Pokémon (Red, Blue, N, Guzma, and player canons)
Avatar: the Last Airbender (particularly Zutara), Eragon, Howl’s Moving Castle, Kiznaiver, The Legend of Zelda, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, Tokyo Ghoul, Twilight, Yuri!!! on Ice
For the most part, I’ll genuinely play most any genre! Of course, everyone says that, but then they shoot down all your suggestions because everyone has stuff they don’t like doing. I’ll try to make this as brief as I can, and know that if something isn’t listed, but you’re pretty sure (based on everything else) that I’m into it, then definitely let me know what you’re thinking!
A/B/O (I will not play only alphas for only omegas, nor will I play overly trope-y, non-con, “boys love”/"yaoi” plots.), Age of Sail, alien worlds/alien invasions, celebrity, fairytales and mythology (including “inspired by” retellings), fantasy (including medieval, urban, and high fantasy), alt-historical and modern royalty, mutants/gifted, organized crime, science fiction (especially including aliens), some historical (excluding medieval, colonial, and the Roaring Twenties/Great Depression), Southern gothic, supernatural, Victorian (especially the London ton), post-apocalyptic
arranged marriage (I’m always down for slinging our characters together, whether or not they want to. It’s always a bonus if their families hate each other.), enemies to lovers (I love conflict of any sort, especially romantic!), human x not-human (The not-human must be sentient.), bad guy x good guy, intellectual x emotional, captive x captured (especially when the captured is willful, annoying, and full of fight), step-siblings (I don’t play step-parents x step-kids, so please don’t ask!), status/power imbalances (such as characters being from different socioeconomic strata or different ranks/positions in an organization), celebrity x bodyguard (I’m okay with the celebrity being the son/daughter/offspring of someone famous!), famous x not famous, rivals of any sort, unwilling traveling companions, unwilling soulmates
If any of this interests you, please feel free to reach out to me however! I’m really looking forward to hearing from you!
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sloppy-rodney · 5 years
10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms
Called Out By @itsalienpixels ​Thank You
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
These are in whatever order you want
1. Veronica Santangelo - Fallout: New Vegas
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2. Snufkin - Moomin
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3. Sonic - Sonic The Hedgehog
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4. Nicky Nichols - Orange Is The New Black
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5. Skull Kid - The Legend Of Zelda
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6. Ben Wyatt - Parks and Recreation
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7. Youngster Ben - Pokemon
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8. Stormbeard McElroy - The McElroy Family
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9. Invader Skoodge - Invader Zim
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10. You - Tumblr Dot Com
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@hobbitdactyl, @jeremy-lemon, @enby-ghost, @gallant-silver, @bluehairedspidey, @qualitysnails, @raixoxs, @arderairadnoan, @glittery-emo-ostriches, @woaterbottle
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illumimommy · 5 years
My NV Companion Faceclaims
I got to thinking about these after finally finding someone who looks like Boone earlier today so I thought I’d compile all of my face headcanons to share with everyone! 🖤 Only human/humanoid companions though, minus Lily because at the moment I’m not sure what exactly I think she’d look like before becoming a nightkin aside from being an older black woman. 😔 If you have any suggestions for her though, I’d love to see them! :>
_________________________________________________ Craig Boone - Wentworth Miller
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_________________________________________________ Raul Alfonso Tejada - Danny Trejo (How could I not?)
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_________________________________________________ Veronica Santangelo - Audrey Hepburn (With much tanner skin, however. 😓)
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Arcade Gannon - Glenn Howerton
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Always Sunny Bonus #1:
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Rose of Sharon Cassidy - Kaitlin Olson
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Always Sunny Bonus #2:
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what-inthe-goddamn · 5 years
Fallout New Vegas companions react to Six finding out (the hard way) that skunks are still a thing. And now their spray is radioactive, so it’s even worse! Bonus points if the companions were also sprayed.
Arcade Gannon: Arcade wasn’t aware that a skunk was near them until he heard Six shriek. He turned to see them gagging as the animal scampered off. “What was that?!” he asked them. Arcade breathed in. Oh no. “Ew, ew, ew!” Six stepped closer to Arcade as they tried to rip off their outer layer of clothing. Arcade backed away from them. “Don’t come near me!.” he snapped at them. “I’m not letting you anywhere close me until you get a bath!” Six sulked as they trekked back home, Arcade scolding them every time they got too close. He had only one coat, he wasn’t going to muck it up with that smell.
Craig Boone: When the small animal approached them at the campfire Boone tried to shoo it away. “Oh, don’t be mean!” Six retorted. “It’s so cute! Come here little guy.” they called the skunk over, despite Boone desperately telling them no. Six should’ve listened. While Boone was able to back away in time, Six was unfortunately the victim of its noxious spray. “Yuck! What the hell!?” they shouted at the skunk as it ran off. “I told you.” Boone sighed. He tried to not complain too much as they walked back to Novac, he thought their pride was wounded enough already. It was also hard for him not to laugh at them either.
E-de: E-de wasn’t quite sure what they’re sensors were picking up, but they knew it was a small mammal with black and white coloring. They chirped at a sleeping Six, and they woke up to the animal less than a foot from them. Six must’ve startled the skunk, causing it to spray at them. “What the- Oh my god. Ew!” Six stood up in a huff and coughed violently, screaming obscenities towards the skunk. Luckily, E-de can’t detect scent so they were spared having to smell a disgruntled Six on their way back to their home for a bath.
Lily Bowen: The little mammal had trotted up to her and Six while they were making their way back to Jacobstown. Its soft fur and round eyes made it look welcoming so they both knelt down and tried to call it over. That’s when Lily suddenly recognized what that animal was. “Oh, dearie I don’t think we should…” “What is it Lily?” Six asked her, patting the ground as the animal got closer. Suddenly the skunk hissed and sprayed towards the two of them. “Hey! What the-“, they both reeled back in disgust, running up the rest of the path towards Jacobstown. Doctor Henry scolded them for messing with wild animals as Calamity searched for something to get rid of the smell. Six and Lily learned that day to stay away from skunks.
Raul Tejada: He didn’t notice what the animal was until it got close to Six. Too close. “Aw! What is that Raul?” they asked as they crouched down to pet it. His eyes widened when he realized that was in fact, a skunk. “No! Don’t touch-“. The skunk hissed at Six, turning away from them and misting them as it darted off. Raul watched as Six’s face went from confusion, to realization, and then absolute disgust. “What the fuck??? Ew, EW!!!” Raul shook his head. “Dios mios, where are going to find enough tomatoes for a bath?!” The pair begrudgingly walked back to their home; Raul stayed a minimum of 10 feet away from Six for the whole trip, not wanting to smell any worse than he already was.
Rex: Rex had spotted the creature before Six did, growling at it as it rustled the bush it was in. “What’s that, boy?” Six asked him, and they got up closer to the bush. The skunk jumped out, freezing for a second before spraying Six and Rex.; scurrying off right after. Six shrieked in disgust and ran off towards the nearest water source immediately, with a distraught Rex trailing behind him.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Cass woke to the sound of Six baby-talking to something. She sat up in her bed roll to find Six holding what was clearly a very upset skunk. “Look, Cass! It’s so cute!” Cass gasped. “Put that thing down you idiot!” The skunk was distressed from the sudden yelling and sprayed Six, wriggling out of their arms. Cass and Six gagged at the smell, screaming and cursing at each other and the skunk. She berated them the whole way to the nearest town.
Veronica Santangelo: The two of them didn’t notice the skunk coming up from behind them until Six turned to grab something out of their pack. They froze in their spot. “You alright?” she asked them, taking a look behind them as well. Her eyes locked onto the black and white mammal, who seemed to be just as alarmed as the both of them. “Uh…” Six muttered. The skunk swiftly turned to spray at them. Both of them screamed, running off in the opposite direction of the skunk. They ran until they made it back to the Lucky 38. They refused to look anyone in the eye there as they explained what happened, and they didn’t talk about it for a while after that. It took too many washes to get the smell out of her clothes for good.
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