falgaia · 2 years
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Boreas Ponders his Bitball
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emblemxeno · 3 months
Finished Chapter 4!
Honestly? Really not that bad. I heard part of the dislike for this chapter is the exploration and traversing during the latter half, but the Old/Abandoned Factory was not that confusing to me at all. If anything, the small warehouse you gotta get through before fighting Zeke was much more of a pain in my ass. And it still is when trying to comb through the different levels.
I will say though, the events before getting to Mor Ardain are kinda filler-ish. It's a good character establishing moment for Rex, but he gets loads of those later in the game that are much more poignant.
Apparently another part of why people don't like the chapter is Tora's subplot, which I don't really understand. Sure, Tora is incredibly divisive as a character, and Bana's sidekick has a grating voice and no positive qualities worth talking about. But it wraps up the initial part of why Tora is where he is now, and gives him and Poppi a new reason to keep journeying with Rex: stopping the artificial blades from being produced and used for evil shit.
Music still on point, both the Mor Ardain field theme and Alba Cavanich are fucking peak. I think part of the reason why I have a softer opinion on the exploration and areas in this chapter are because I explored everything before certain story markers, and made things a lot easier on myself (e.g. turning off steam valves in advance, getting landmarks, etc.).
I'm probably gonna tinker with the custom difficulty a little, since I've gotten a bit overleveled and I want the game to be harder but I've got no interest in Bringer of Chaos. Overkilling is just too fun, but I should rein it in lol.
I sorta want to experiment with all the weapons with each driver so i don't want much overlap. Rex got Kora and Boreas, but I gave the latter to Morag when she joined since Rex already has a bitball and Roc for wind. Nia got Dagas, Finch, and Godfrey (who I might give to Zeke when he joins, along with Crossette). Morag got Agate and Ursula.
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 8 months
hi arii !! have u ever thought of xenoblade aus with ur other f/os? 🤔 i suddenly started imagining luna as a driver LOL but since uve been thinking abt xbc a bit more lately i wanted to ask since the concept is soo cool
Hello Clara!! Thank you so so much for sending this in, it really means a lot to me~
Ooh, I am not sure I have considered Driver Luna before, but I am now absolutely going to try to. Azami was my instant first thought for who she would resonate with, but that's more of an aesthetic thing. However, I also think Luna would work well with many healer Blades, though I can see her wielding Bitballs moreso than I can Knuckle Claws. (Which is perhaps ironic considering that there are no dark-element healer Rare Blades in XC2!) Did you have anyone else in mind from your sudden imagining (either in terms of who Luna would resonate with or perhaps how any other Reborn characters would be put in the game)?
Regarding Xenoblade Chronicles AUs with other F/Os, I have considered something like this in the past, but only for my selfship with Aqua, as far as I can remember. In that, the idea was less of an outright AU and more simply that Aqua and Aria had come to Alrest (hey, that's you) at some point after KH3, probably as part of their search for new potential Keyblade wielders in different worlds (partially because, while there's definitely scope for Heartless invasion, I'm struggling to think of how that would actually play out from like a game perspective). As part of their investigations, the two would pose as Blade and Driver, with Aqua pretending to be a Driver and Aria pretending to be her Blade, since - despite Gormotti being a thing here - Aria sort of has a few too many inhuman traits to properly pass as one, I think. Like the wings, and the seams, which may or may not be able to be mistaken for ether lines. She'd specifically be pretending to be a dark-element attacker Rare Blade of some kind, perhaps even being assumed to be Legendary considering the unique nature of her "Blade weapon" (which here would, I suppose, just be Aqua using whichever Keyblade she can summon that looks most like something Aria would have given her..?)
That is the only sort of AU-adjacent thing I can really think of having come up with beforehand, and even then it's more "XC in KH" than anything else. However, here are some other considerations, if you'd like them:
Calanthe and KOS-MOS getting thrown into XC1 instead of XC2 may not be overly feasible, but it's a concept and a half for a number of reasons. Like, imagine being Shulk and co. right after Citri and Fiora get captured at the start of the game - setting out to save them both and taking the fight to the Mechon, and then all of a sudden encountering someone who looks way too much like Citri and has a lot of her same interests (like tech!), alongside a potentially-mechanical? other woman who is incredibly powerful but whose abilities sometimes seem a bit too Mechon-like. Who are both apparently not from this world. And then starting to learn about Faced Mechon and their pilots. And then finding out that Citri and Fiora got turned into Face pilots. There's so much potential for an interesting up-and-down dynamic there, I feel!
My selfship with Zero feels like it could be pretty easily ported into XC2 with how Blades work there and how that can potentially be paralleled with voidsent pacts. You could either make Zero a Flesh Eater given her hybrid nature in FFXIV, or go down the route of her being a Blade that Zenos manages to steal and forcibly resonate with, then maybe Lorenza somehow restoring her memories to her after re-resonating with her? I feel like Lorenza could also fit well as a Blade, though, so hmm.. There are ideas there, but i'm not settled on either one yet.
I'm thinking about the recent Clio rambles.. I'm thinking about the whole "preserving her heart" aspect.. I'm thinking about how I literally described that as being able to take "the Sora route or the Jin route" (if you know then you know) and settled on something more like Sora's for KH.. I'm thinking about Aria taking the Jin route in XC2 and subsequently occupying a position like his in the story.. Yep, nope, that can fit, can't it
Both XC2 and DQIX have an Yggdrasil, and angel equivalents, and so on. I therefore really want to put Pavo and Ardea in here somehow. Maybe, Pavo and Aquila as the Aegis Blades (twin symbolism there would be fun), and then other Celestrians (so, including Ardea) as other Blades.. maybe Ardea becoming a Flesh Eater to represent her loss of wings and halo in DQIX? I feel like this could make Corvus Amalthus (he’s Aquila’s mentor, Amalthus is Malos’ Driver), but surely King Godwin would fit there better given how Indol is.. unless I say the Gittish Empire replace Torna..? Maybe Corvus would be better as the Malos equivalent (final boss and all), so maybe Pneuma could be Celestria - but then where do I put Pavo and Aquila, just ordinary other Blades like Ardea? Or would he be her Driver who then also pretends to be Ardea's despite her not needing one?? There is absolutely something here, I think, but I feel like I may be the only one with enough knowledge of both games to try and make it work. And I currently am not able to make it work, so.. take what you can make of my attempts, I suppose =P
It is now gone two o'clock in the morning and I have to be in the lab tomorrow (though thankfully not until the afternoon), so I should probably leave it there for now. Still, thank you very much for sending this in, friend, and I hope that these are alright as novel concepts ^-^
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Reblog and put what you chose and your reason for choosing it -if you have one- in the tags (you don't have to reblog if you don't want to)
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bitball · 5 months
Friendtech (Socialfi app) has launched their new product called- Club(s).
We have launched Bitball Ecosystem chat groups via clubs here,
Standard Bitball Ecosystem Club (Lower starting value): https://www.friend.tech/clubs/41278/chat
Exclusive Bitball Ecosystem Club (Higher starting value): https://www.friend.tech/clubs/64411/chat
#Friendtech @friendtech
X Ann: https://x.com/BitBall_Erc20/status/1786682300304158947
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semi-sketchy · 9 months
Alright, since the tutorial is over, I can finally get to the part I'm excited about, awakening Blades! But first, need some Core Crystals. Where do you get those?
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Steal them from the military, of course!
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Alright, I wanna save my rare for a little later on since this is very early game. So, we ready to go over how Blade summoning works?
There is a system that will guarantee you get at least 3 rare Blades, dubbed the pity system by fans. When you make your save file, you are put into 1 of 5 groups. The group determines the probability for pulling specific rare Blades as well as which 3 pity Blades you will receive. You can typically figure out which group you're in by checking your first few rare Blades against this list. (A 1 in the "Assure" category means they're part of that group.)
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Though, chances are you are in group 1. There was a programming error and rather than group 5 being put in the game, group 1 was instead put in there twice, so you've got a 40% chance of being group 1.
Pity system goes by points, your pity Blades come at 100, 200 and 300 points with the points resetting each time you pull one. A common core is worth 5, rare 25 and legendary 50. At the beginning of the game with the pool this large, a legendary is basically a guaranteed rare Blade, though I'd suggest holding onto it to better your chances when the pool is smaller.
Luck and idea stats are also a factor in summoning Blades. It's a lot of explaining many others have done in the past, so I'll just link one and leave you with the math equation:
Probability (in %) = max((sqrt(LUK)*0,01*1,3)+0,95;1) * 0.01*(100 + 5*[the highest idea lvl]) * [crystal multiplier] * [base probability]
Basically, higher luck means higher chance to pull and higher idea stat means better chance for a rarer Blade whose element matches that idea.
That's the jest of it, anyway. You can dive into the datamine more if you'd like to see some raw numbers, but for now, let's open some cores!
And this is gonna take a moment because I'm doing 1.0.0, meaning I can't skip the awakening, but honestly unless I'm knowingly pulling commons (as in all rares are finished) I kinda like the suspense.
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Man the game really wants me to use a wind knuckle, huh?
Anyways, another misconception I wanna squash is common Blades are not useless! Some commons are even better than rares (I'm so sorry, Dromarch). There's abilities entirely unique to them. I actually did a playthrough a few years ago where I used almost exclusively common Blades and it was a blast!
For instance, Treasure Sensor is great for grinding cores as it can make enemies drop up to 100% more loot, add a gold chip (or whichever has this effect for the weapon class) and you can be getting a shitton of extra cores for end-game grinding.
There's plenty of others, like Open Space just increases damage outdoors (which is like 80% of the game), Back Attack (more damage from the back), Pinpoint weakness (critical damage increase), but possibly the best is Orb Master. It essentially makes elemental orbs behave like they do in Torna where any special the Blade performs adds their element orb, no need to do a 3-stage combo. It is INCREDIBLY USEFUL when chain attacking comes around.
Just take a glance into the datamine and you'll see how useful their battle skills really are.
Of course, so much of this stuff depends on the weapon class of the Blade. If it's a shield hammer, it's already bad, but a megalance, chroma katana or ether cannon? Gold, buddy. Also don't discount bitballs, I did my common run with an Orb Master dark element bitball and she was great.
Also, 4 crown commons are a keep. Basically the rarity difference in commons determines how full their skill tree is. Higher rarity means their skills and specials can level up higher and they also have more of them. I know 4 crowns can hurt since one more would've been a rare, BUT if you fill out their affinity chart THEN release them, you get an overdrive protocol. There's only a few of those in chests in the game, so yes 4 crowns are a wonderful resource and a necessity since RNG determines who is a Blade's Driver.
Oh, I explain all this about the gotcha system without really giving my thoughts on it as a whole.
The gotcha mechanic was put in because the devs thought it would make more people talk about the game online and boy were they right.
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I know it's really divided, I still remember the argument that since the DLC gave you cores, this meant you were gambling to "win girls" and... sigh
Look, I actually like this system. It is kinda exciting and overall just fun to see what you get. (Although it makes planning an LP HARD like props to Chuggaaconroy for being able to adapt on the fly to new pulls.) Every playthrough really is unique and like Pokemon, each Blade is essentially a 1-of-a-kind (unless they're a rare but those are the only ones people care about). It's a nice spice and kinda encouraging to try weapon classes on Drivers you didn't try before. Might be a bad combo, but hey! Variety is the spice of life.
It's gotcha, sure, but it's also baked into the core system instead of tacked on. Gotchas in games like Team Sonic Racing can get a bit tedious because you're mostly pulling for cosmetics, just trying to finish a catalogue, of sorts, but here it has an actual impact on what you're doing and helps keep things fresh.
So yeah, I like the Blade pulling system. Who would've thought someone who adores Xenoblade 2 would like this system.
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frannyblair2012 · 2 years
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Native Australian Quandong Seeds Necklace
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hellenjones260 · 5 years
Reports suggest that the Iranian Government has issued over 1,000 mining licenses to crypto miners in the country. The development has come days after Muslim nations like Turkey, Malaysia, and Iran discussed the introduction of a cryptocurrency as an alternative to the US dollar. 
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lesbianlora · 5 years
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Unfortunately there was nothing I could do with dahlias official artwork to make it look good since the anatomy is so fucked, but I have some redesigns anyway, so I’ll show them here even though they’re not edits... Sorry to those who asked. (I also apologize for the quality, my artstyle is very sketchy...) (I’m putting the old one under the cut as to not swamp y’alls dashes.)
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foraltruism · 5 years
@nyanzaya​ : ❛❛ I was born to be your favourite. ❜❜ Iza to Itsuki
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Itsuki doesn’t and has never played favorites when it came to he and Zuo. Maybe as a kid, but he’s much older now, and he can say that he loves both of them equally. Yet sometimes Iza really pushes his buttons with this, and Itsuki has learned to simply throw Iza a simple look.
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It’s not simple at all really, but it just screams ‘Cut it out, right now.’ He doesn’t want another argument to ensue between he and Zuo about who is who’s favorite, or that he likes them both equally.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Haven’t finished the game but I think the world it has is a fun place to do characters and such. So Xenoblade Chronicles 2 AU!
Just a quick summary of what the setting and how the world works. Game takes place in a land called Alrest. Alrest is inhabited by these continent sized floating beasts called Titans that people live on.They sustain life well, with trees and grass and monsters and stuff. The thing that separates Titans is the Cloud Sea, which is basically our sea but clouds instead of water. People use airships to traverse The Cloud Sea. There’s also a job people can do called Salvaging, which is when you dive into the cloud sea to ancient airships and get stuff out of it to sell. Most of its crap but good stuff can be found if you’re a good salvager.
There’s also Drivers and Blades. Blades are sentient life forms that are linked to a Driver. Blades are summoned via Core Crystals and each one has a different element and weapon. Core Crystals look like light blue cubes before a Blade is summons and then become a crystal on a blades body. Elements are fire, water, ice, wind, earth, electric, light, and dark. Weapons are Greataxe, Megalance, Ether Canon, Shield Hammer, Chromo Katana, Bitball, and Knuckle Claws. Blades are basically immortal and can recover from any injury except their Core Crystal getting destroyed. That kills them. Blades are also forced to return to their Core Crystal when their Driver dies. While they’re in the Core Crystal, the Blade’s is reset to some effect. They lose all their memories of their previous life. Most blades spend years in the Core Crystal, basically asleep in it until they are summoned by a new Driver. Most Blades have lived for many many years and gone through many many Drivers. Most Blades are fine with this arrangement because you can’t miss what you don’t remember at all. Blades are kind hard to describe appearance wise so I suggest you just look up a list and be wary of spoilers. They are very varied in appearance and some look more humanoid than others. Pretty much all of them have a futuristic touch to them, like bright metal armor or glowing lines on their bodies. Or you can get a talking white tiger which is also neat.
There are also Drivers themselves. Drivers are normal people who have the ability to summon a Blade from their Core Crystal via touch. Only certain people can do it for I assume complicated plot reasons that I haven’t gotten to yet. Drivers wield the weapons Bldes give them while Blades give the weapons elements. Basically Blades light an axe on fire and Drivers swing them at people. It’s considered a big deal for someone to be a Driver. If you don’t understand something about what I’ve said, I’d say look up the terms on the Wiki. It provides a good summary of what all these things are.
So now that all that’s out of the way, I have a small idea for it. Ranboo is just an ordinary salvager doing salvaging stuff when he happens to find a Core Crystal. He plans to sell it along will the other loot he found. However, when he’s going to sell it he just happens to go at night and almost gets mugged. Basically Ranboo isn’t exactly rolling in cash and pulls out The Core Crystal as a last ditch effort to maybe get a blade. He does and Ranboo discovers he is a driver when he summons a Blade who introduces himself as Technoblade.
Ranboo and the thieves are shocked because they know this blade. Not by Technoblade but by a different name. The Blood Blade. Cue brief tutorial fight with the thieves that ends with Ranboo stammering at Technoblade while Techno is very confused by why his new driver seems so freaked out by him.
Technoblade was part of a well known mercenary duo, I think? Depends on how you want to word it. It consisted of two drivers Philza and Wilbur and their blades Techno and Niki. Techno is an ice blade with a Greataxe was a weapon while Niki is a wind blade with a Bitball weapon. The group was quickly becoming well known, due to it also being a family business. Philza and Techno were the main pair focused on, since Philza was regarded as the leader. It was believed that the group would only become greater if Tommy turned out to be a driver and joined.
However, they suddenly dropped off the map about three years ago. The group was presumed to be dead, with even Tommy disappearing.
Techno being Ranboo’s blade and not remembering any of this confirmed one thing to Ranboo. Whatever they had found, it had killed Philza. The only thing Techno has on him is a map that has Xs on places all around Alrest on different Titans. Thus, Ranboo and Techno set out to see if they can find out what happened to Techno’s former driver and his family and maybe find a treasure along the way who knows? Well, Ranboo is mostly the only one who really cares at first while Techno comes along for the ride. He does start to kinda care about the life he lost even if he’ll never remember it.
I imagine they’d meet some party members, have dramatic anime fights with lots of yelling, drama, angst, adventure. Since this is a JRPG they probably fight God at one point to save Alrest. You know, the usual for a JRPG protagonist.
It’s such a fun world to mess around it I think. Loads of potential for Blade and Driver pairings. If you’re interested, I’ll send more! Even if I have no idea what the main plot of the actual game is.
Ooh. This looks fun. This looks like it has a lot of world-building. I’m interested, I’ll tell you that.
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Today’s random selfship-related fact is:
Sapphire knows Crossette as one of Nia’s Blades, and the firework-loving Bitball user was already awakened by the time Sapphire met the party. The two of them are good friends, since Crossette’s adoration of Pyra quickly led her to declare herself the official number one supporter of Pyra and Sapphire’s relationship while it was developing.
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asimplechaos · 3 years
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Been watching a Xenoblade 2 LP so I may or may not have received secondhand brainrot. Anyway, Estelle and NQ!Estelle as Blades. 
Normal Estelle would probably be an Light-type Bitball healer. NQ!Estelle, a Dark-type Knuckle Claw attacker.
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bitball · 5 months
20 more hours left for the biggest Giveaway of #Bitball Treasure!
Trade here now to win the top 🏆
Trading competition is heating up 🔥
Join #Airdrop/#Giveaway here: https://t.me/la_token/8016
🟢Join Trading competition🟢 here https://t.me/la_token/8015
X Ann https://x.com/bitballtreasure/status/1778724541914898756
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brwolf1995 · 3 years
Lackadaisy XC2!AU
Because these two are my hyperfixations at the moment and my weird ass brain keeps wanting to fuse them.
In this AU, Lackadaisy was one of the most infamous smuggling group in Alrest, practically well known for delivering Core Crystals to the highest bidder.
This all changed the day their leader, Atlas, died.  You see, many of his men were actually Blades that he awakened; the idea being that, with Atlas himself safe at home base, his men would be practically be invincible.  Unfortunately, once someone did manage to off him, it ended up taking down most of the group as well.
Strangely, one of Atlas’s Blades seemed to have survived: Mordecai, a Dark-elemental Megalance.  Several mysterious sightings of him have been reported since Atlas’s death.  No one knows for sure how he managed to survive, but rumors suggest that his Core Crystal has a bit of a red tint these days...
As for Lackadaisy itself, it was taken over by Atlas’s love, Mitzi, who ended up changing it to a more general mercenary group, as the lack of manpower made smuggling Core Crystals far too risky.
Mitzi’s also started seeing Wick, a wealthy businessman in charge of an ether mining company.  They met went he hired Lackadaisy to help set up a new mine and the two hit it off pretty quick.  He does have some minor reservations with Lackadaisy due to their past, but he’s pretty sure they’re on the up-and-up these days (they’re not fully, but he doesn’t need to know that).
Mitzi herself is actually a Blade (a Lightning-elemental Twin Rings, to be exact), though she prefers to keep it a secret.  Her Driver is Zib, who joined Lackadaisy largely just make sure Atlas wasn’t going to harm Mitzi.  They prefer to not go on field assignments, but they can fight if they need to.
While not as big as it was in it’s heyday, Lackadaisy has gotten it’s fair share of new recruits.  One of them is Ivy, Atlas’s goddaughter.  She was initially brought just to help with management, but one day, she decided messing around with some Core Crystals out of curiosity... and ended up awakening Viktor, an Ice-elemental Great Axe and one of Atlas’s old blades.  The duo turned out to be a really great team in battle and Ivy was quickly put on active field duty.
Calvin was another, more recent addition.  He originally became a Driver for the Ardainian Military to help support his mother.  Unfortunately, the Blade he awoke was Rocky, a Fire-elemental Chroma Katana who’s... not all there, and the duo proved to be entirely too destructive.  They ended up going on the run for destruction of Ardainian government property before they were taken in by Lackadaisy.
Serafine and Nico are also in this AU, but I’m not fully sure of where they fit into everything just yet.  What I have figured out is they’re both Blades and at least one of them (Serafine definitely, Nico maybe) is a Flesh Eater, so they alternate who has Driver duty.  I’m not sure what elements they are (I do want one of them to be Water-elemental), but I do know that Serafine is a Bitball and Nico is an Ether Cannon.
Believe it or not, this isn’t even all I’ve thought up for this AU.  So if you’re interested in learning more about this (or if you’re not familiar with Xenoblade 2 and wondering what the heck 90% of what you just read meant), feel free to ask any questions you might have.
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bluejaem · 4 years
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