#Billy Bishop
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1918 06 19 RAF SE5a Wolseley Viper 85 Sqn Billy Bishop victories 69 and 70 (collision) - Taras Shtyk - Roden
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Who says Canada's buffalo are extinct? Here is a scene from Goose Lake, near Wainright, Alta, showing a part of the great herd on the government reserve there. Science is attempting to cross-breed these buffalo with cattle to produce a hard milch-cow for northern climes.
Another visit from US financiers to Canada's gold mines in Northern Ontario has been made, this time vis aeroplane. Gene Tunney, retired undefeated heavyweight champion of the world, was one of the party of 11, some of whom are shown at top. Col. W. A. Bishop, Canada's war ace, was also member of the party which included a number of prominent shining men. In the group shown at the top are, left to right - D. M. McKeon, New York financier; Col. W. A. Bishop; B. F. Smith, New York, financier; Gene Tunney, David Sloan, Vancouver, managing director of the Plonser mine, P. S. Arguimbau, New York financier; Eddle Dowling, comedian and singer, New York and Paris: and Heard P. Gimpel, of the New York department store bearing his name. In the lower picture at left is a close-up of Tunney, twice conqueror of Jack Dempsy for the world's heavyweight boxing title, now wealthy business man and politician. At right is shown, left to right - J. P. Bickell, president of McIntyre Mines, from whose home in Port Credit, Ontario, the party left; Ed Flynn, prominent New York politician and friend of President Roosevelt, and Hon. Chas. McCrae, Ontario minister of mines. The party bound for McIntyre mines near Timmins, Ontario."
- from the Kingston Whig-Standard. June 26, 1933. Page 10.
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tintenspion · 1 year
This name is HP Lovecraft approved 💀💀💀
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thedaily-beer · 2 years
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Le Bilboquet Billy Bishop Double IPA (Picked up at IGA in Montreal). A 3 of 4. Lots of herbal notes on top of some fainter citrus and grapefruit hop notes. The body has quite a bit of caramel malt sweetness and bitterness to it, and is quite balanced throughout. Solid.
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wordanjitterart · 2 years
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stevekeys54 · 2 years
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scottwellsmagic · 1 year
770: Buddy Farnan - Reflections on a Life of Firsts
Magicians have a long-standing reputation being on the leading edge of science and technology. After the television became a household item, several magicians found a home on air where they increased their visibility and spread joy to millions of viewers. Although some were able to parlay their local TV appearances to the national networks, most were content to be big fishes in small ponds. Buddy Farnan was one such magician who was well-known as a TV celebrity magician in a regional area. Buddy was the general manager of Funtown in Atlanta, Georgia, and a leading magician on a fledgling TV channel owned by Ted Turner. He later moved to Buffalo, New York, where he became known on local TV there as Buckskin Joe. All of this began in the early 1960’s and continued for many years. Now at age 89, Buddy looks back at his illustrious career.
On this week’s episode, Buddy Farnan talks about his roots in early television and some of the many celebrities we know still today. He chats candidly about his TV studio work as a magician and tells a few stories about the joy he spread to children as the magician from Funtown in Atlanta then later as Buckskin Joe. Meir Yedid recorded a short video interview with Buddy in 2019 that is located on Meir’s Magic Times website. I recommend that you take a look at this short video by Clicking Here.
Download this podcast in an MP3 file by Clicking Here and then right click to save the file. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed by Clicking Here. You can download or listen to the podcast through Stitcher by Clicking Here or through FeedPress by Clicking Here or through Tunein.com by Clicking Here or through iHeart Radio by Clicking Here..If you have a Spotify account, then you can also hear us through that app, too. You can also listen through your Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices. Remember, you can download it through the iTunes store, too. See the preview page by Clicking Here
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saphicc-drew · 7 months
men are gonna be so pissed when they realise young avengers are mostly women and a bunch of queers led by a brown girl and i love see how men cry so easily for that
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richthofens · 2 years
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Billy Bishop Gaming
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azurecanary · 5 months
To get my one complaint out of the way:
The Young Avengers were not formed because "Hey there are multiple superheroes under the age of thirty"
They were formed because the Avengers were literally destroyed, and New York needed heroes
It was not this after school club
It was "there's so much villainy going on in this city, and Kang the fucking Conqueror is coming in three days. we are the only people with some link to the Avengers therefore we must stop this"
Eli became Patriot to honour his grandfather and fight crime
Teddy became Hulkling to protect people and figure out his identity
Billy became Asgardian/Wiccan to stand up for the little guy and to honour the Scarlet Witch
Kate became Hawkeye to beat up bad people and save the people with powers
Cassie became Stature to honour her father and carry on his legacy
Nathaniel became Iron Lad as an attempt to stop his evil future from coming to pass
Vision became a Young Avengers to honour Nathaniel and the original Vision
Tommy became Speed to right his wrongs
It was never "you're under thirty, I'm under thirty, wanna team up?"
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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[Marvel] OUGH I keep forgetting about these young avengers/marvel doodles I did…
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This story may contain themes that could be triggering.
Summary: When you save the life of the son of the Scarlett Witch and the Black Widow, your life is changed forever. For the first time in a long time you are given a family. 
Warning: domestic violence, age difference relationship, rape, gun violence, injuries, miscarriage, manipulation, mention of suicide, DNI unless 18+ 
Word count: 5.6k 
Sometimes you just acted. You didn’t think you just did. So when you were walking on your way to work you saw a young boy run out into the middle of the road, chasing after a ball and the car coming right for him wasn’t stopping, you acted. “Tommy,” You heard a woman yell. You ran to the boy, picking him up in your arms and changing your molecular makeup. The car passed through you and him You brought him back to the sidewalk and as soon as you set him down he became solid. 
“Are you okay?” You asked. His eyes grew wide as he stared at you. 
“Tommy,” you moved out of the way as a woman with auburn hair pulled him into a hug. “What did I say about not leaving the sidewalk?” You assumed the woman was his mother. 
“Sorry Mom,” he said. “I dropped the toy Uncle Tony got me.” A redhead and another young boy joined the duo. You recognized the redhead right away. Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow. 
“Are you okay, kid?” She asked Tommy. He nodded and hugged the redhead. You looked at the other woman and you were staring into the green eyes of Wanda Maximoff. 
“Thank you,” she said to you. “I don’t think we could ever repay you.” You blushed at the compliment, scratching the back of your head. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said. “I was at the right place at the right time.” You knelt in front of the two boys. “Now don’t go playing in the road anymore, okay?” You ruffled their hair. “I won’t be there to save you.” Tommy smiled. 
“Thank you,” he said. You smiled, straightening up. 
“Wait,” Natasha said, stopping you before you walked away. “At least tell us your name.” You introduced yourself. 
“Bye,” you waved, continuing on your way to work. 
“You're famous!” Your co-worker, Emilia, said as soon as you walked into the back room. You clocked in and put on your apron. You worked at a 24hr diner. It paid decently and the hours were flexible so you could still go to school. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked. She rushed over to you, her phone open to Twitter. Someone took a video of you saving Tommy and put it on social media. Needless to say, the video blew up. You groaned, placing your face in your hands. 
“You should read some of these comments,” Emilia said, scrolling through her phone. “I could break a lot of people’s hearts and tell them your 16.” 
“Gross,” you mumbled, walking into the kitchen. You heard Emilia close behind as you made yourself a coffee. 
“How does it feel saving the kid of the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch?” You didn’t answer. “Were they hot?” 
“You know I wasn’t looking,” you said, blowing on the cup before taking a much-needed sip. “I was a little focused on not making sure their son didn’t get killed.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I bet they have a Mommy and Daddy kink,” you scrunch your nose.
“You are just as bad as half the people online,” you said. “Come on, we have work to do.” You tried to focus on your duties at the diner; cleaning tables, taking orders, and helping in the kitchen when needed, instead of what happened today. But the universe had other plans. Someone online found where you worked and shared it with the entire world. The diner was packed which was a blessing and a curse. The day flew by and you were leaving with a lot of tips in your pocket. However, you were exhausted since everyone that stepped through the diner wanted to meet and talk to you. They asked you questions about your powers, if you received something for saving him, were your parents proud, did they offer you a spot on the Avenger team. By the end of the day, you collapsed onto your bed thankfully you had the day off tomorrow. 
It wasn’t as busy when you came in but you immediately saw the Romanoff-Maximoff family with 2 Avengers you didn’t recognize. You smiled as you walked up to the table. “Staying out of trouble?” You asked the boys. They gasped, turning around in their chairs. 
“I don’t know you worked here,” Tommy said, standing up to hug you. You were surprised by that. But you gave him a quick hug back. 
“That’s probably because I didn’t tell you,” you tapped his nose which caused him to scrunch it. Natasha introduced you to her sister, Yelena, and her girlfriend, Kate. 
“You're the one that saved my nephew,” Yelena said. Her deep Russian accent surprised you. You nodded. “That’s pretty cool.”
“Thank you?” You didn’t mean for it to sound like a question. Wanda chuckled. “Anyways, can I get you guys started with drinks?” You didn’t mean to hover around their table and it wasn’t 100% your fault. Tommy and his brother, Billy, liked to talk your ear off no matter how many times Wanda told them you had other tables to attend to. But you waved her off, saying it was fine. Besides, their colorful imagination was making your shift fly by. 
Until the bell went off signaling another customer entered the diner. You looked up out of instinct and almost dropped Kate’s pancakes. It was Jason, your on-again-off-again boyfriend, and housemate. He held the door open for an older couple as his eyes looked for you. It wasn’t hard to find you but you didn’t like the way his eyes screamed that he was upset with you. When he came in he liked you to only have him as your only table. He was best friends with the owner so he could get away with anything. Natasha said your name and you were surprised to see real concern in her green eyes. “Are you okay?” She asked. 
“Yeah,” you put on your best customer service smile but she didn’t seem convinced. “Does everything look good?” A chorus of ‘yes’ and ‘looks good’ echoed from the table. “Perfect! I’ll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy!” You brought back the empty tray to the kitchen before making your way to Jason’s usual spot, trying to calm your raising heartbeat. 
It didn’t take a Black Widow spy or an Avenger to notice the change in your demeanor. Natasha watched as you walked over to a man, who had to be twice your age. You were blocking his face but Natasha didn’t like the way he was talking to you. She couldn’t hear the conversation but your shoulders were hunched over, drawing more into yourself. ‘Don’t cause a scene,’ Wanda said, placing a hand on her leg. ‘I don’t like it either.’ Natasha began to eat. The food was always good here but now it tasted bitter. 
‘What do we do?’ The Black Widow asked. It took a minute for Wanda to reply as you came back to ask how the food was and if they needed anything. Yelena asked for more hot sauce. You were smiling, laughing at a joke Tommy said but it wasn’t as light. Natasha stole a glance at the man and he was staring at you as if he owned you like you were a possession. It made Natasha’s blood boil. He caught her eyes and quickly looked away. 
‘We’ll leave her our number,’ Wanda said. ‘If she needs help she can call us.’ Natasha didn’t like it. She wanted to do more but what else could they do when they had no idea what was going on?    
“Here you go,” Natasha passed you the check. “Food and service were amazing as always,” you felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment. 
“Feel free to relax here there is no need to rush out but it was nice seeing you all again,” you said your goodbyes, not leaving the table without getting a hug from the twins. You went to finish cashing them out and you stopped in your tracks. Not because of the very large tip they left you but there was a note. 
‘We are a phone call away if you need anything and I mean anything. -Natasha. Her phone number was at the end. You put that copy in your pocket and continued as you normally would, ignoring Jason’s eyes burning a hole in your back. 
“You disgust me,” Jason said, throwing you against the wall. You whimpered as you hit your head. Stars formed across your vision. “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me.”
“Baby,” you pleaded with him. “It wasn’t like that.” He twisted his hand in your hair, pulling you close. 
“Flirting with a married woman twice your age,” he pulled your hair. Another whimper left your lips. “You are a slut.” He threw you against the wooden table. It broke underneath your weight and the force he threw you. “You think you're a big-time hero, now. That you're better than all of us.” You shook your head, tears falling down your cheeks. He kicked you in the stomach so hard you were pushed against the couch. 
“Jason, stop, please,” you pleaded with him grabbing onto his leg. 
“You don’t get to tell me to stop,” he yelled. “You are mine. I own you.” 
You woke up in the apartment alone and with your pants off. Everything ached and there was a light pounding in your skull. Jason was no doubt at a bar. You needed to get out of here. Finding your pants was easy but a sharp cramp in your stomach made you crumble to the ground. Finding some strength, you redressed yourself, found your phone, and walked out of the apartment. You weren’t sure where you were walking to. Your feet moved as your mind was in a haze. There was no place you could go. You were an only child whose parents died during the Blip. The friends you did have moved out of the city or were your co-workers from the dinner but you didn’t want them to see you like this. You sat down on a nearby bench. The pain was becoming all-consuming. You needed help. You unlocked your phone and stared at the recent contact added - Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, an Avenger. Did you want to drag them into this mess? Another shooting pain passed through your stomach as you listened to the phone ring. Maybe she wouldn’t answer and you would have to find a place to sleep tonight. “Hello? Who is this?” She answered on the third ring. 
“N-Natasha,” you stuttered out. 
“Y/n? Is that you?” You nodded, knowing well she couldn’t see you. “What’s wrong?”
“I need help,” you cried. “I-I d-don’t have anyone else to call. I’m sorry. I-” Your lungs began to hurt, you couldn’t get enough air. 
“Hey, sh dorogoy,” Natasha whispered. “Where are you? Wanda and I will come to get you.” You heard rustling on her side of the phone.
“I don’t know,” you told her. “I left my apartment and just walked.” A sharp pain ran through you and gasped. “Everything hurts, Nat,” you cried. 
“We will be right there, okay? Just stay right there and use your powers to keep yourself safe.” She told you. “I’m going to stay on the phone with you.” 
“Okay,” your voice was slurred. “I’m sleepy.” You found yourself laying down on the bench. 
“I know you are but you have to stay awake for me. Can you do that?” She asked. “Talk to me. Tell me about yourself.” You hummed. 
“I’m an only child. My parents are dead and I have a tattoo on my spine. I-”
Natasha was listening as she paced her kitchen waiting for FRIDAY to trace the call. She heard three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs, one set much quicker than the other two. “Anything?” Wanda asked. The Black Widow shook her head. 
“FRIDAY is still looking for her,” she heard Yelena yawn behind Wanda. 
“Why did you wake us up?” Her sister asked. 
“You can go back to bed but we need to watch the boys if they wake up,” Wanda explained. 
“Is this about the girl who saved Tommy?” Kate asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Natasha nodded. 
“I found her,” the AI said. “The location has been sent to your car’s GPS. She is 30 minutes.” 
“Sweetheart,” Natasha said to you. “We will be there in 30 minutes.” You hummed. 
“Nat,” Yelena said. The redhead looked back at her sister. “Keep us updated.” She nodded and followed her wife to the car. Wanda was already in the driver's seat. It was Natasha’s idea to get their place, close enough to the new Avenger tower but in a nice neighborhood for the twins to grow up in. The only thing Wanda wanted was a big kitchen, the rest was up to the Black Widow. Buying a house cemented the fact this was real to Natasha. She was married, raising two brilliant boys, and retired from active missions. Wanda grabbed her hand, squeezing it. She squeezed it back. She hoped they made it to you in time. 
Natasha saw your still body laying on the bench and she was out of the car before Wanda could put the car in park. She hung up and ran over to you, kneeling next to you. “Hey sweetie,” she whispered. Wanda moved next to her. Your eyes fluttered open. A smile on your face. 
“You came,” you whispered. Natasha’s heart shattered. 
“Yeah, we did,” Wanda smiled. “Let’s get you someplace safe.” You nodded, sitting up and Natasha watched you try to hide the wince. “Can you stand?” You nodded again but when you stood up you collapsed, a pained cry leaving your lips. Natasha caught you in her arms. 
“I got you,” your head fell on her shoulder, whimpering as you squeezed your eyes closed. Natasha didn’t miss the red flash in Wanda’s eyes. She only imagined what was going on inside your head. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “So sorry.” 
“You do not need to apologize,” the Black Widow said. “I’m going to lift you, okay?” She felt you nod against her skin. She was surprised at how light you were in her arms. 
“Nat,” Wanda whispered as they walked back to the car. The witch opened the backseat and the redhead gently lay you down. She closed the door. “She’s bleeding.” Natasha looked at her hands and they were tainted red with your blood. 
“We’ll bring her to the tower,” Natasha ran to the other side of the car and got in next to you. She shifted so your head could rest in her lap. 
“FRIDAY,” Wanda said to the AI. “Inform Cho we are headed to the tower with a civilian that needs immediate medical attention.” You whimpered. 
“You're going to be okay,” the Black Widow whispered. You shook your head. 
“I’m sorry,” Natasha watched your eyes flutter close, frowning. You kept muttering apologies as you succumbed to the darkness. 
It took a lot for Natasha to let go of you to hand over to Helen and the medical team. She quickly went to the hallway bathroom to wash the blood off. The water turned a light pink. It was part of her job to be surrounded by blood but the sight of your blood on her hands caused her body to heat up with anger. She left the bathroom and found her wife sitting in the empty chairs in the hallway. “The boys are still asleep,” she said as the redhead sat down. “Yelena said she’ll get them ready for school so we can stay.” Natasha nodded, resting her head on the wall. She felt Wanda move her fingers through hers. “It had to be the man from the diner, right?” 
“Maybe,” she whispered. They knew nothing about you. The internet seemed to be in love with you for saving Tommy but they didn’t know who you were or what you were a part of. 
“I’ll kill him,” Wanda threatened. Natasha saw the tips of her fingers glow red. 
“Easy little witch,” She mumbled, kissing the side of her head. “Let’s find out what happened first.” The glow died down. It felt like an eternity before Helen walked out of your room and towards the couple. “Is she okay?” Natasha asked, standing up. 
“She will be,” Helen said. “She has 2 broken ribs, a possible concussion, and wood splinters that we had to remove from her arm. She was raped too we did a test,” she sighed, resting her hand on her chin. “Do you know how old she is?” The couple looked at each other shaking their heads. You were a few years older than the twins but not at Kate’s age. That meant you were between 14-18. 
“Helen, what’s going on?” The doctor bit her lip. 
“She was pregnant,” Natasha’s blood ran cold. “Whatever happened to her caused her to miscarriage.” 
“How-how far along was she?” Wanda asked. 
“I’m guessing 2 months,” Helen answered. “She’s asleep now. You can go see her and let me know if she needs anything.” They said their thank yous to the doctor and ventured into your room. It was quiet besides the gentle beeping of the heart monitor you were attached to. Natasha didn’t like how still you were beside the gentle rise and fall of your chest. They sat on either side of the bed. 
“She’s just a kid, Tash,” Wanda said, brushing some hair out of your face. You didn’t move. 
“I know, baby,” Natasha remembered you telling her that your parents were dead. Did you have anyone else? “We’ll be here for her.” 
You woke up slowly. The bright lights overhead caused you to groan. “Sweetheart,” you turned your head towards Natasha’s voice. There was a smile on her face, almost motherly. “Hi, how are you feeling?” 
“Water,” you whispered. Your throat felt raw and uncomfortable. Natasha brought a cup of water to your lips. You drank all of the water finding relief. “Thank you,” she put the cup down. 
“Of course,” you sat up, wincing as you moved but you couldn’t look at Natasha. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you saw her nod her head out of the corner of your eye. 
“That’s fine,” she said. “But there are some things we need to talk about regarding your health. We can wait for Wanda if you want,” you nodded.“Hey,” you felt her fingers on your arm. “We are here for you, okay? And whatever happened is not your fault.”
“Okay,” you whispered but you didn’t believe her. It wasn’t long before Wanda returned with a doctor behind her. She introduced herself as Helen and she went over the list of your injuries; broken ribs, a mild concussion, and wood splinters in your arms. 
“Now, I have to tell you something that may be hard to hear,” you didn’t like her tone. “You were pregnant for about 2 months but due to the nature of your injuries you had a miscarriage.” You felt the color drain from your face. Pregnant. You were pregnant. You moved your hand over your stomach. Your periods were always irregular so nothing seemed wrong. You weren’t sure what was happening around you. The world around you turned to white noise. You were pregnant, probably with Jason’s child but you made him angry. 
“Sweetheart,” you snapped to look at Wanda. She looked worried. “You're safe here. Do you know who the father was?” She asked. You hesitated but nodded. You weren’t 100% sure if it was Jason’s. 
“Was he the one that did this to you?” Natasha hesitantly asked. 
“It was my fault,” you defended him. “He loves me. He didn’t mean to hurt me.” Wanda whispered your name but you couldn’t look at her. Tears were blurring your vision. 
“This isn’t love.” 
“Yes it is,” you said. “He loves me and it was my fault -” 
“Sweetheart,” Natasha touched your arm but you flinched from her. Her face fell. 
“I think I want to be alone,” you told them. The couple glanced at each other, having a silent conversation. “Please.”
“Okay, we know this is a lot,” Wanda said, standing up. “We’ll come back later.” You didn’t acknowledge them as they left your room. You felt cold, so immensely cold, as your fingers danced around your stomach and each injury he gave you. Oh, how you wished your mom and dad were here. You missed your mom’s hugs and the scent that always seemed to calm you down or your dad’s corny jokes that brought a smile to your face. You angrily whipped the tears that fell. The worst part of them being gone, you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. 
To your surprise, Wanda and Natasha kept their promise and visited when they could. Their visits ended up being one-sided conversations - mostly them trying to get information on what happened. They asked for your age, Jason’s name and age, and if he worked at the diner. But you remained quiet. Too ashamed to tell them the truth about him. They weren’t deterred by your stand-offish behavior, it somehow made them more determined to make you feel comfortable around them. Rather it was Wanda, Natasha, or both of them, they brought you something. A blanket to keep you warm, books and magazines for you to read, and Tommy’s old DS to keep you entertained. They even contacted your school to explain your situation and collect your missing schoolwork. 
It was odd, you had to admit, having people care about you. It didn’t make sense. What did you do to deserve their kindness? You were nobody compared to them. So why were they being so nice?  
On a sunny afternoon, the couple snuck in a milkshake and french fries for you to snack on. You were sipping on the chocolate milkshake while Wanda was reading and Natasha looked over a mission report. “I’m 16,” you said to them, breaking the silence. “Technically speaking I was a part of the population that was blipped so I don’t know how that affects my age,” you put your drink down. “During those 5 years, my parents died; my mom from cancer and my dad from suicide. Jason gave me a place to live and food and loved me when I was alone.” 
“How old were you when you met Jason?” Natasha asked. 
“15,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “He was 25.” You began to play with the loose threads of the blanket they brought you. 
“Is this the first time he’s hit you?” Your instinct was to lie like you did with Emilia and everyone else at the diner but it seemed like it was a bad idea to lie to two Avengers. 
“No,” you whispered. “But this was the worst. He was mad at me and kept saying it was my fault.”
“What did he say that you did?” You felt your face burn as you remembered why he was upset. “You don’t have to tell us,” Natasha added quickly. 
“He was..” Protective. Jealous. “Territorial,” you said. “He didn’t like me talking or flirting with other people. That was a lot of our fights and I stayed because I have nowhere else to go,” you sighed. “I bet you think I’m so stupid.” 
“No,” Wanda took your hand in hers. “You are not stupid. He took advantage of you,” you whipped away the tears that fell with your free hand. “You are not alone. We are here.” 
“And we aren’t going anywhere.”
When Helen cleared you Natasha and Wanda offered you a room with them. It took a lot of convincing but you moved in with them. Jason all but disappeared. He wasn’t there when you got the few possessions from the apartment and you overheard Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen one night that they still couldn’t find him. As you lived in the Romanoff-Maximoff household you all forgot about him. You forgot what this type of love felt like not having it since you were taken from your family. Wanda made sure all of your homework was done by the time dinner was ready. Natasha seemed to have food on her and she would pass you snacks. She even got you to join her on some of your runs. 
It had been 4 months since you moved in with them. “Do you want us to see if Yelena or Kate can come over?” Wanda asked. The twins were playing video games in the living room and you were making a small snack for you and the boys. The couple had to go to the tower for a quick meeting. Although they were retired from active meetings they still help to provide insight. They didn’t like leaving you at home. 
“We’ll be fine,” Tommy said. 
“Besides Y/n is here,” Billy added. You rolled your eyes as Natasha walked over to you, stealing a grape from the plate. You glared at her. 
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” She asked you. You nodded. 
“Yes, you said it will be a quick meeting,” you put the extra fruit back in the fridge. “And when you get back you can bitch about how the meeting should have been an email.” Natasha gasped. 
“Language,” you smiled, bringing the fruit plate into the living room. 
“We know the rules. Don’t worry about us,” you sat on the couch, your feet tucked underneath you, and opened the book you were currently reading. 
“Text us if anything happens,” Wanda kissed the twins’ forehead and you were surprised as she kissed yours. 
“Bye Mom,” the boys said. You smiled as they left the house. As the door closed Tommy let out a heavy sigh. 
“They worry so much.” He said. 
“They just care about you,” you defended, not looking up from your book. 
“They care about you too,” Billy said. You glanced at the boy and he was looking at you with a smile. You smiled back and went back to reading. 
You weren’t sure how long it was but Natasha and Wanda were still not home when the doorbell rang. You looked at the twins but they were engrossed with their video game. “Hey, are your moms expecting someone?” Billy shrugged. 
“No clue,” the doorbell rang again. You sighed, closing your book. As you stood up a voice behind the door caused you to freeze. 
“I know you're in there, little shadow. Come out to play.”
“Billy, Tommy, go upstairs and call your moms.” Jason started to giggle at the door handle. 
“We can help,” Tommy said. They were training powers but they were still unpredictable. 
“Go!” You ordered as the front door burst open. Tommy grabbed Billy’s hand and used his super speed to bring them both upstairs. Jason stood there, a pistol in his hand and he looked like he hadn’t bathed or slept in months. You just had to keep him away from the twins and wait till Wanda and Natasha got here. 
“Hello beautiful,” he stalked over to you. “You got me in a lot of trouble.” 
“Trouble?” You questioned, taking a few steps back with your hands in the air. You wanted to keep some distance from him. “Who are you in trouble with?” He laughed, pointing the gun at you. 
“My employers,” his smile still seemed to send a chill down your spine. “Did you think I could ever willingly love you?” He asked. “You were a job, an assignment.” Your heart began to pound against your ribs. Could he hear it? You were backing up into the dining room. 
“Who wants me?” You found yourself asking. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “You’ll be dead and I’ll crave up those little brats for good measure,” you let out a shaky breath and lowered your hands. 
“You aren’t getting to them,” you said. “You’ll have to get through me first.”   
Natasha was pouring a cup of coffee for her and Wanda. They were taking a short break before finishing up. She felt arms wrap around her waist and the warmth of her wife pressed against her back. “I wanna go home.” She whined. Natasha chuckled, turning around to see Wanda’s noise pinched. She kissed it. 
“We are almost done, baby,” she handed Wanda her coffee. “I’m thinking of pizza and movie night?” Her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw it was Billy. Showing Wanda the caller ID before putting the call on speaker. “Hi, bud.” 
“Mom,” he was whispering and his voice was shaky. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Wanda asked. 
“The bad man is here,” he whispered. They weren’t sure what he was talking about. “The bad man that hurt Y/n.” The couple dropped their coffee on the floor and sprinted towards their car. “Please hurry.” A gunshot went off and both of the boys let out a quick squeak. 
“Boys, I need you to stay right there,” Natasha said. 
“But what if she’s hurt? We can help.”
“Stay hidden. We are on our way.” 
Natasha felt her heart beating against her ribs as she saw their door broken down. They called out your name but you didn’t respond. The Black Widow had her gun out as she searched the bottom floor. They made it to their dining room and found a man laying on top of you. Natasha ran over, kicking the man off of you and his body slumped to the side with a bullet wound in his stomach. Your eyes were wide, hands shaking as you held the gun in your hand. “Hey sweetheart,” Natasha put her gun away. “Can I have that?” You nodded, handing her the gun. Natasha removed the magazine from the gun and put it on the ground next to her. Wanda knelt next to you and helped you sit up. Your eyes kept glancing at this still form but Wanda brought you into her arms, sliding you from the body. You were shaking in her arms. Natasha walked over to him and checked for a pulse but she shook her head when she found none. Wanda held you tighter. 
“Billy and Tommy,” you whispered. “Are they okay?” Wanda. 
“Do you want to go find them?” You nodded. Natasha sent a quick text to Sam and met her wife upstairs. You were waiting for her to emerge from their bedroom and didn’t take long for Wanda to bring out a new shirt for you. Yours had blood on it. You changed quickly, leaving the bloody shirt on the floor, and continued to the guest room. “Billy, Tommy, it’s safe.” The twins didn’t need to be told twice before they ran out of the closet and straight into you. The force knocked you to the ground. 
“You can’t do that,” Tommy said, hitting your chest. “Why do you always have to be the hero?” He cried. “We could have helped.” He kept hitting you but his hits got softer while he cried against you. 
“Hey,” Natasha said, kneeling and placing a gentle hand on his back. “I know you are feeling a lot but we need to stop hitting her.” You overcame your shock and hugged the twins tight.  
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.” You said. 
“But you're our sister,” Billy said. “We can’t lose you.” You looked at Natasha and Wanda at the term Billy called you. The couple smiled at you. They tried to convey all the emotions they were 
“I’m right here,” you said. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”  
Wanda walked out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. Her bed was full of Natasha, the twins, and you. The boys were fast asleep, cuddling against you. There was just enough space next to Natasha for her to squeeze in. “We are going to need a bigger bed if this continues to be a thing,” Wanda climbed into bed. Natasha was running her fingers through your hair. “How are you doing, sweetheart?” You shrugged. 
“I know he was bad and he would have hurt me or worse the twins but I didn’t want to kill him.” You whispered. Natasha sighed. 
“I’m sorry you had to be put in that position,” Natasha said. You nodded, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of her hand. Wanda gently nudged her wife’s shoulder, nodding her head. “About what Billy said.” Your eyes shut open. 
“Like you said there were a lot of emotions,” you shrugged again. Wanda tried to keep her powers at bay but she could feel loneliness washing over you. 
“Well, Natasha and I want to make what Billy said official.”
“I’m sorry. What?” You questioned. 
“We want to adopt you,” your jaw dropped and Wanda giggled, using her pointer finger to close your mouth. 
“Are you serious?” You asked. The couple nodded. Tears swelled in your eyes and without hesitation you jumped up and brought them into a hug. 
“Ah,” Billy gasped. 
“Is there an Earthquake?” Tommy asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You ended the hug and whipping the tears out of your eyes. 
“Nothing,” you said. “Just happy.” 
“Alright,” Wanda said. “We need to readjust so I don’t fall off the bed.” It was you in the middle with Tommy and Billy on either side and Natasha and Wanda still on the edge of the bed. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, eyes closed as the exhaustion of the day caught up to you. 
“No need to thank us,” Natasha whispered. 
“We are a family,” Wanda said. “We’ll keep you safe.” 
Part 2
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confusedhummingbird · 6 months
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cer-rata · 17 days
"Pride fits"
Damian: ...You made a rainbow version of your costume? Jon: Yeah! I'm going to be on the Pride float instead of Kon this year, so I wanted to make a statement. Damian: With a crop top so scarce that it probably actually counts as a sports bra? Jon: Not a bra, and you keep looking at me and turning red, so I think it's doing its job. Damian: I am not-- Conrad: You gonna change your suit, Billy? Billy: I wasn't planning to? I feel like allies are supposed to look kind of bland by comparison, right? Conrad: Ally? Conrad: But aren't you like, genderfluid or something? Billy: Billy: Whaaat? Why would you think that? Conrad: You turn into a girl sometimes? Billy, chuckling nervously: …What? Billy: N-no? I have no idea what you're-- Billy: Oh my god, are you talking about Mary? You think we're the same person? We've been pictured together! Conrad:  ...Huh. Okay in my defense I chalk everything you do that doesn't make sense up to magic weirdness. Billy: ...Well that's fair, yeah-- Conrad: And she really looks like you if you were a girl. Like, you look so related, you could be twins even. Billy, looking around suddenly: …Don't say that again, for some reason the universe didn't like that. Conrad:  Conrad: Anyway, I think Jon's bra is cute! Jon: Okay, but it's not actually a bra-- Conrad: Babe, it's Priiiiide, go crazy go stupid. Maya: I mean if we're being technical, it's a "bralette" Jon, sighing in defeat: ...Speaking of stupid, you coming with us this year, D? Damian: You really want to sleep on the couch, huh? Jon: C'moooon… Damian: Even if I were interested, my current alias is not public, I cannot go as Robin because Maps is Robin, and unlike Drake I can move on with my life. Damian: ...And perhaps I'm just not comfortable with being so exposed in public. Maya: Hey, just because these guys aren't shy doesn't mean you gotta go all out.  Maya, kicking her leg up on the table: Plus, not everyone has thighs like these. Damian: D-ducard! Conrad: Yeah! I'm not even going all out, I'm just gonna wear my normal uniform. Damian: Your uniform is a sleeveless, neon violet, cropped leather jacket and you don't even wear a shirt with it anymore. I actually think just being shirtless would make you look less thirsty somehow. Conrad: But you keep looking, so I think it's doing its-- Damian: Finish that and you and Jon will have to share that couch. Jon: Wait. Jon: What if you go as Nightwing? Damian: ...I'm sorry? Jon: Ask to borrow his weird disco costume. Wildly gay, not too much skin, and I'm sure he'd be down. Damian: ...But that costume is hideous. Jon: Are you saying you've never wanted to try it on? Damian: Yes? Jon: You know I hate it when you lie to me. Damian: Damian:  Damian: Fine. Fine! I'll text Richard… Maya: Woo! Peer pressure! That's what Pride is all about!
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batcavescolony · 8 months
Young Avengers Comic Stans, are you ready for the influx of MCU people using our tag even though Kamala Khan has her own comic team?
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stevekeys54 · 2 years
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