#Bill Pay services
bananonbinary · 1 month
every time i talk about politics my mom keeps reminding me that she used to vote republican and still sorta considers herself one, and its so funny i keep having to find delicate ways to tell her that mayhaps...the party has not been uniquely bad in the last 15 or so years, she just divorced my dad and her kid came out as gay (to her, my dad didnt find out until like 3 years ago lol) so she's paying more attention instead of voting the way she's been told is correct.
anyway she literally hasnt voted red since then but sure, its just coincidence that all the red candidates suck shit.
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shukruut · 6 months
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flipperbrain-awakes · 5 months
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Poldark 2.10
D: Go to war Ross, play soldiers. Or stay home and save all of Cornwall... what it is to be married to such a great man.
I'm a glutton for punishment.
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loredwy · 7 months
Mmmmm okay but honest question tho
The KOSA regulations would need to be implemented even if the companies offer their services only outside of the country? 🤔 And if they are established on another country and offer its services to usa, they need to implement the regulations right?
Because like, I was thinking of how mihoyo moved from china to avoid the censorship regulations globally, for example
And like, couldnt then social media companies preassure the goverment about doing that too, then
Like, even if they had to censor stuff for usa, they would be losing a lot of potential interactions because of the content theyre hiding, so if they had to censor everything in case of being established in usa (even if it is content being shown outside of the country), wouldnt it be better for them to just move the company to another country then. To continue having those extra interactions from "censored posts" shown to other countries.
Or even, if the cost of filtering the posts was too high, its possible some companies would choose to not offer their services to usa anymore. Idk how taxes to big companies work in those cases, but that would be a loss for them in the long term too right.
Like, isnt the whole bill a bad idea even commercially?
And couldnt it happen that companies publish a statement about getting out of the country in case the regulations were stablished?
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really looking forward to switching back to pay as you go mobile data this plan things giving me a headache
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canary-prince · 22 days
Any post that contains the phrase "you" in a big, general, plural sense that automatically accuses the reader of being part of the "you" that op is rhetorically berating are deeply, deeply unhelpful in regard to compassion fatigue. It's also just manipulative; the clear intention is to pressure anyone reading it into reblogging it in order to prove they are not part of the "you" being accused.
These posts bother me and I understand that the authors of these posts are feeling powerless and have learned that screaming and yelling and shaming is an effective tactic because they weren't given enough attention to meet their needs through other methods. But again, it's going to increase compassion fatigue and increase the use of shame as a method of social control, which is not ideal.
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
Musk isn’t gonna have sex with you because you white knighted for his brain dead subscription service
The Venn Diagram of people who are both scrolling through tumblr and give a shit about who Elon Musk is fucking is vanishingly small so I'll ask again:
Is this Grimes? If this is Grimes you have to say.
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mossflower · 5 months
tumblr users suddenly huge fans of advertising
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bmh-taxes · 1 year
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Small Business Bill Pay Services
Simplify your small business finances with our convenient bill pay service. Save time and money by streamlining your payments and avoiding late fees. Try us today!
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 5 months
Remarkable how saying that everyone deserves a living wage so they can adequately support themselves is so controversial, especially among other blue collar, working class people. Deepthroating the capitalist boot and infighting won't win you anything.
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accursedvoid · 5 months
“Oh but they’re struggling creatives who need the money more” okay then why didn’t they join another streaming service rather than making their own and forcing everyone (of those that even can) to buy into yet another fucking streaming service
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arealcrow · 7 months
it's one of my firmest held beliefs at this point that internet need to nationalized. i need xfinity to be torn limb from limb by dogs named regulation
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kylos-starlight · 1 month
Neat internet so bad it will not even load the assets for my carrd so thats fucking top tier 👌/ heavy sarcasm
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seraphim-soulmate · 5 months
how much mold is considered a mold problem in your bedroom also can mold make your heart rate fucked up thanks. Aoh also the wall which has the mold literally falls apart if I touch it so. Not really sure how to get rid of it also I assume there's more mold on the other side of the wall??? idk I think every couple of months I discover mold somewhere and panic and then clean it and forget about it.
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pinebeetles · 1 month
every day my sister-in-law tests me by posting the stupidest fucking shit on facebook
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sundaeserenade · 8 months
love being manipulated by my mom when i've done literally everything for her 🙃
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