#Bill Brumfield
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new-dinosaurs · 1 year ago
Protopelma van Els et al., 2023 (new genus)
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(An individual of Protopelma chrysolophum, photographed by Carlos Henrique Luz Nunes de Almeida, under CC BY 3.0)
Meaning of name: Protopelma = first sole [in Greek, referencing the closely related genus Neopelma]
Species included: P. chrysolophum (Serra do Mar tyrant-manakin, type species, previously in Neopelma)
Age: Holocene (Meghalayan), extant
Where found: Forest edges in southeastern Brazil
Notes: Protopelma is a genus of manakins, a group of small, primarily fruit-eating birds from the American tropics. The males of most manakins are brightly colored and use elaborate displays to attract mates. In Protopelma and its close relatives, however, males and females look alike and are both relatively drab in color.
The Serra do Mar tyrant-manakin has traditionally been classified in the genus Neopelma, and in fact was once considered a subspecies of Wied's tyrant-manakin (N. aurifrons). Although it certainly looks very similar to the members of Neopelma (differing mostly in having a generally smaller bill and distinct vocalizations), recent genetic studies have found that Neopelma proper is more closely related to the genus Tyranneutes. One way to revise the taxonomy of these birds to align with their phylogenetic relationships would be to lump Tyranneutes with Neopelma, but given that the species of Tyranneutes are highly distinctive due to their very small size and short tail feathers, the authors of a new paper prefer to keep them as a separate genus. A new genus is therefore needed for the Serra do Mar tyrant-manakin, and these authors coin the name Protopelma for this purpose.
Reference: van Els, P., M.G. Harvey, J.M.G. Capurucho, R.T. Brumfield, B.M. Whitney, and J.F. Pacheco. 2023. Systematics of the Neopelminae (Aves: Passeriformes: Pipridae) with description of a new genus. Zootaxa 5361: 135–141. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5361.1.8
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esperwatchesfilms · 4 years ago
The Elephant in the Living Room (2010)
ESE: 40/100
50 +10 for large pretty python -10 for not having a safe and secure containment for your pet lion -10 for the implication that he’d kill himself if Lambert had to be put down +10 for Pennsylvania Reptile Expo +5 for Snakes on a Plane T-Shirt -10 for the potato salad-like containers the snakes are kept in -10 for people blaming massive pythons for being massive pythons instead of taking care of their toddlers and not leaving them alone with massive pythons +10 for the exotic pet store owner talking about fear and how people are the problem, not the animals +5 for “It’s not a python problem; it’s a people problem” -10 for the documentary focusing more on people who don’t take care of their animals, keeping them for their own happiness or enjoyment instead of worrying about what’s best for them -10 for not realizing your pet lion had cubs +10 for making a safer enclosure for the lions -10 for causing damage to animals you don’t know how to take care of because you’re a selfish asshat +10 for getting the lions away from Terry and getting them a safe place to go to
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brandonraykirk · 4 years ago
Harts News 11.27.1925
An unnamed correspondent from Harts in Lincoln County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on November 27, 1925: Business seems to be improving at Harts now. Messrs. Herbert and Watson Adkins made a flying business trip to Ranger Tuesday. Mrs. F.B. Adkins and sister Miss Harriet Dingess was calling on Misses Pearl and Cora Adkins of this place. Mr. and…
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jcoolcash11 · 6 years ago
Top Ten Reasons to Try Freelancing
In this video I discuss the top ten reasons to try freelancing. Number one: Fast Cash! Who doesn’t need some extra fast cash?
Seriously, what would you do with an extra $50 to $100 a day working from home? That’s how I started working from home. I started freelancing. Earning a little here, a little there, then a little more and I suddenly saw how freelancing could help pay their bills, pay off student loans, have a little extra spending cash, or even buy some extra luxuries you couldn’t afford before. 
I’m Jami Brumfield your Everyday Work from Home Mom. Check me out on YouTube. I create content to help people save money, save time, find work and home life balance and make more money and find more success working from home either as an entrepreneur, home business owner, freelancer, or remote employee. If these topics interest you then check out and subscribe to the channel. Like, Comment, share the videos.
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handeaux · 7 years ago
Cincinnati Snakes! And Thereby Hangs A Tale (Or Tail)
Mrs. Vera Clark, of Pontius Road in Delhi, was perplexed. As she inquired of the Cincinnati Post [12 December 1930]:
“How can a snake crawl into a bird cage, swallow three canaries and then crawl out of the cage from which the birds could not escape?”
When Mrs. Clark discovered her birds missing, she at first thought she had been robbed, but the cage was still locked and three birds remained. Then her husband found a snake hiding under the rug in that room. When he killed the serpent, he found that it had swallowed three canaries and somehow squeezed through the bars with its newly ingested meal.
Cincinnati is not usually known as a big snake town, despite a prominently featured snake on our beloved Tyler-Davidson Fountain. Over the years, however, the Cincinnati area has generated a significant anthology of unusual snake stories.
For example, Riverside, just down the hill from Mrs. Clark’s canaries, was infested with copperheads in 1894. No one could explain the sudden appearance of the reptiles. Councilman William Kloppert (this was back when Riverside was an independent village) killed three large snakes on his lot that summer. The Enquirer [18 June 1894] reported residents were confounded:
“A theory has been advanced that the copperheads come down the river from the hill country in the drift wood and hollow logs and overrun the banks when the drift lodges. There is some talk of asking the Village Council to offer a bounty for every snake killed.”
Another local snake hunt took place in 1903 in the neighborhood around Thirteenth and Vine  infested by dozens of water adders. The source of these snakes was well known. A young artist named Enno Meyer specialized in painting animals and maintained a small menagerie in his Over-the-Rhine house. One day, he discovered that his prize snake had birthed an unknown number of offspring.
Although “water adder” is a common name for the poisonous water moccasin, Enno’s snakes were probably the non-poisonous Nerodia sipedon or northern water snake. That distinction was lost on the neighbors, who soon found full-grown snakes everywhere. The Cincinnati Enquirer [20 July 1903] reported:
“The snakes have by this time, if they are alive, grown to quite a size, and, while their bite is not deadly, their presence is enough to give one the ‘creeps.’”
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When the Cincinnati Zoo was new, Cincinnatians loved to watch live animals, kicking and squealing, fed to carnivorous beasts. A favorite was the rattlesnake cage. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [4 December 1881] keepers dropped a squirrel into the rattlesnake cage but, as the snake crawled slowly toward its trembling meal, the wily squirrel leaped onto a perch above the snake's head. As the snake rose up to follow, the squirrel jumped onto the snake's back and nipped off one of its rattles. According to the Enquirer,
"The wounded reptile wheeled quickly round and struck the little hero a fearful blow, breaking the right hind leg. Brave little fellow, once more he leaped beyond the reach of his maddened foe. Another spring and the squirrel was triumphant. He caught the snake behind the head, and, with one firm thrust of his sharp white teeth, he decapitated the slimy monster, and fell exhausted by the wiggling mass; but the battle had been won, and the snake was dead."
A seven-foot diamondback rattlesnake turned up outside the old Robinson’s Opera House on Ninth Street in 1935. Although the natural range  of the diamondback rattlesnake does not include downtown Cincinnati, there was a logical explanation. The “Robinson” of Robinson’s Opera House was Old John Robinson of circus fame. He built the opera house and he wintered his animals in the basement of that structure for many years. It is believed that a sideshow actress who billed herself as “La Pearl” lost one of her snakes around 1923 and the beast had survived by dining upon theater rats ever since. With the building evacuated prior to its 1936 demolition, the poor reptile went looking for dinner elsewhere. After the snake was clubbed to death in a downtown alley by a man named Overton Clay, parts of its rattle were sold off as remedies, according to the Cincinnati Post [9 October 1935]:
“The snake’s rattle had four buttons. Mr. Clay sold them at $1 each to a neighbor who knows the value of snake buttons in warding off haunts, lumbago, cramps and other miseries.”
Another poisonous snake turned up at Spaeth & Bauer, grocers, on Eastern Avenue. According to the Cincinnati Post [26 March1921], William A. Bauer was unpacking a fresh shipment of bananas when he was startled by a large snake. He managed to kill it and pickle it in a jar of alcohol where experts identified it as a coral snake.
On Friday morning, 18 July 1903, a hat and coat were discovered lying on the banks of the Canal near Findlay Market. The owner was never located, although everyone assumed he had drowned – perhaps a suicide – in the Canal. The pockets of the blue serge coat contained an odd collection of items. Most unusual was a small, sealed, glass vial containing four ounces of alcohol and the preserved body of a snake, approximately one foot long. The Cincinnati Post published a photo of the clothes and the vial a week after their discovery, but no one ever appeared to claim the clothing, or the mysterious bottled snake.
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No one seems to know where the giant serpent of Avondale came from. The Cincinnati Times [29 July 1874] reports that a servant of Robert Mitchell, on an errand to the nearby Blachley farm, startled a gigantic snake which began to attack him.
“The man shortly returned with a few others and commenced an attack on the intruder, and it took to flight. As it went along a fence they said it stretched more than the length of a panel and as near as they could tell it was some twelve feet long. If this be the case, the reptile probably escaped from some traveling caravan.”
If all this snake talk is inducing a bit of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes, you may relax. Snakes remain rare in the Queen City. In fact, in 1930, Sol A. Stephan, general manager, announced that the Cincinnati Zoo had to find alternate meals for the secretary birds because no one could find enough snakes in Cincinnati to provide provender.
Some years ago, the great Bob Brumfield waxed eloquently ophidiophobic in his 22 April 1981 Enquirer column:
“Now, I don’t know how you feel about snakes, but they are pretty high on my list of abominable things to encounter on the way to the bathroom, ranking favorably with large, hairy spiders and grizzly bears with sore paws.”
This prompted a response [3 May 1981] from Frank Platek of Erlanger, who assured the noted columnist that Cincinnati snakes are harmless, but asked:
“How could a grown man who shares his digs with a cat (Crazy Floyd) that vomits on the floor and a pencil-scribbling cockroach (Attila) be bothered by a harmless little snake?”
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usnewsrank · 5 years ago
What it’s like to be a working drag queen in NYC
David Brumfield, aka Lagoona Bloo, is a full-time drag queen in New York City. Before he discovered drag, David paid his bills as an actor, and supplemented his income as a waiter and a nanny. Before Covid-19, Lagoona was a steady host and headliner at some of NYC’s top gay bars. Lagoona is eager to get back to the nightlife scene.
19 minutes ago
The post What it’s like to be a working…
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lipwak · 6 years ago
VHS #406
New Orleans post-Katrina: Kamp Katrina, Nova - The Storm That Drowned a City, Nature - Katrina's Animal Rescue, Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) - Katrina 2 Years Later, Keeping Them Honest, Against The Tide - The Battle for New Orleans, Art & the City - New Orleans, Anthony Bordain - No Reservations New Orleans, Acthafalaya Houseboat, 4 minutes of an unknown documentary. *** Kamp Katrina1:15 (See the whole thing here ($): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/32895) 9/30, one month after the storm, community gathering, David and Pearl’s back yard, Joan of Arc statue, Washington Square Park, meeting with Mayor Nagin, find food/supplies on the street, Day 63 - Day of the Dead, parade, Aint’ My Fault - brass band, Tammy and Mike get evicted, another man leaves, Christmas dinner, Kamp Katrina is empty now, Day 150 - Mardi Gras, Touro Infirmary, baby born 3 months premature, addicted, put in protective custody. *** Nova - The Storm That Drowned a City52:53, (audio and video drop out at 40:00)2005 See the whole thing here: https://youtu.be/zBZuPmi4i-U Africa Brumfield, Walter Maestri, Hurricane Pam test the year before, Ivor van Heerden, Hurricane Ivan, Max Mayfield, Joe Suhayda, shrinking soil, 1927 flood, Nagin orders evacuation, Army Corps rely on the media, no external sensors, 17th St and London Ave canals not overtopped, bad design, need Cat 5 protection, *** Nature - Katrina's Animal Rescue54:002005 See the whole thing here: https://archive.org/details/KatrinasAnimalRescue First two weeks saved 7000 animals, bring food and water to the animals, 250,000 pets left in the city, pets reunited, Audubon Zoo, Audubon Aquarium, Gulfport Marineland porpoises, end up in hotel swimming pool, Barkus parade & My Darlin NO - Lil Queenie!, include pets in evacuation plans, Hurricane Rita is approaching, Bill Hicks and his cat Con Cat, he sneaks in to the city, he gets her, rescuers saved 15,000. *** Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) - Katrina 2 Years Later, Keeping Them Honest43: 00 w/o most commercials2007 See some of it here: https://youtu.be/unf5RO9c3KU Sen Mary Landrieu, 10,000 people remained, Miss Connie (also in Nature - Katrina's Animal Rescue), Waveland, MS, State Farm sucks sign, Edward Blakely - recovery czar, Americorps, Habitat For Humanity, FEMA trailer, 72 homes built by Habitat, 140 million, 15 million went to NO, houses on demolition list, The Spotted Cat, murder rate still high, Dr with gun. *** Against The Tide - The Battle for New OrleansCNBC44:431007 See some of it here: https://vimeo.com/21481556 GWB at Jackson Square, Doug Brinkley, Edward Blakely, 1&1/2 billion spent on levees so far, Marc Morial, Donald Powell, canal with incomplete floodwall, people don’t trust the (Army) Corps (of Engineers) now, The Road Home, Shell’s commitment, considered moving to Houston, Musician’s Village, 250-300 million spent on infrastructure, Glaviano from the 9th Ward, Superdome, 193 million to fix the dome, Willie Mae’s Scotch House, Rock 'n Bowl. *** Art & the City - NO1/2 hrOvation Soniat House, Terrance Sanders segment (https://youtu.be/5vighaOE7_8), high-end galleries on Royal left, warehouse district, Ogden Museum, Richardson building at Lee Circle (only Richardsonian building in the South?), Doug McCash wearing a tie by Ocean Song, Little Freddie King. *** Anthony Bordain - No Reservations New OrleansTravel Channel43:31 See the whole thing here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xp4p2 2 years later, Chris Rose, Bon Temps/Soul Rebels and cry, Domilise’s Po-Boys, 1 Dead In Attic, dead guy stories, no tomatoes!, Lower 9th, 809 real restaurants to zero, Antoine’s, business off 40%, Cafe Reconcile, FEMA trailer, St Bernard Reeboks, oyster boat, Emeril Lagassé, charity helped other restaurants, took 2 weeks to make Katrina jokes, Cochon, feeding the rescue workers, end piece by Chris Rose from 1 Dead In The Attic: Dear America,... *** Acthafalaya Houseboat1/2 hr (woman looks like Pauline) revisits her past26:38 See the whole thing here: https://youtu.be/PJuI5WIf6cA 1972, Bayou Chene, 1974, 103‘ barge, cook a banquet every day and hope people would come, letters addressed to Calvin and Gwen, Acthafalaya  Basin, goes back with Calvin and C.C. Lockwood 30 years later. *** (unknown documentary)NJNonly 4:53 Krewe du Vieux, other parades, Tom Piazza, 1920s (earlier?) footage, (Tom) Tennessee Williams, French Quarter a slum.
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total-food-service · 7 years ago
How To: Rodent Proof Your Restaurant This Winter
Western Pest Lets You Know How To Rodent Proof Your Restaurant This Winter. Read now at TotalFood.com:
By Jennifer Brumfield, Training and Technical Specialist, Western Pest Services A quick Google search of restaurant closings in New York is all the evidence you need – rodents are a major issue for the metro New York area. In fact, Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced a $32 million plan to reduce New York City’s rat population.
Rats and mice are a year-round problem, but they become…
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woodlandsstuctr · 8 years ago
In celebration of its 20th season Class Act, performing troupe for youth, based in The Woodlands opened its extravaganza “The Wizard of Oz,” last week. The musical continues this weekend at Nancy Bock Center for the Performing Arts in The Woodlands.
As expected, praise was lavish and well-deserved for founder Keith Brumfield’s efforts. Young thespians love “Mr. B’s” quiet direction and easy-going nature. He gained respect years ago from enthusiastic parents who realize that his expertise works magic with their children.
Brumfield, and Matthew Peters of The Woodlands High School theatre department who assists him for this show, work with ordinary kids, discern nuggets of talent, and polish many of them into stars. A big part of this success is the total support from parents for their clever offspring and the intrepid leader.
Jaden Harris portrays the major role of Dorothy
In “The Wizard of Oz,” Jaden Harris portrays the major role of Dorothy who becomes lost in a dream world with her “little dog” Toto. They meet some kindly souls, less amicable witches, a conglomerate series of unbelievable beings, a man of mythical powers (or none at all), and finally make it back home to Kansas.
Jaden is a junior at The Woodlands High School where she participates in all things theatre, including past productions of “Little Shop of Horrors,” and “The Addams Family.” Some other Class Act roles were in “Mary Poppins” and “The Little Mermaid.”
Murphy Baker earned a 10-year history with Class Act. She becomes the Wicked Witch of The West. A fres
h grad of TWHS, Baker was heavily involved there in theatre and choir, and played myriad roles in Class Act’s “Oliver!”, “Crazy for You,” “Mary Poppins,” “Shrek the Musical,” plus a plethora others. She plans to attend Colorado Mesa University to earn a bachelor of fine arts in musical theatre.
Tin Man Jack Whitney graduated from John Cooper School where he performed in “Cinderella,” “The Boyfriend,” and others. His credits with Class Act include “The Sound of Music” and “The Little Mermaid.” He’s enrolling at Williams College this fall.
After 13 years with Class Act that include 38 musicals, soprano Emily Moses graduated from John Cooper School and plans to study vocal performance at Louisiana State University, leading to a career in opera. She performed in Cooper productions as well as with Houston Grand Opera, and currently portrays good witch Glinda.
Brandon Brumfield, son of much-loved Class Act founder, is 21 and aging out of Class Act productions after participating since age 7. He’s the Cowardly Lion in this rendition of “Oz.” “I’
Brandon Brumfield is the Cowardly Lion in this rendition of Oz.
m an EMT student training to be a firefighter,” Brandon said. “Along with acting I am a drummer and an outdoorsman.”
He also started a film company, Magic Fire Productions, and has won a number of awards for film projects. His Class Act roles were in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat,” as Bill Sikes in “Oliver!”, “The Sound of Music,” and numerous summer stock productions.
“The Wizard of Oz” runs July 14, 15, 16, with some 7 p.m. performances as well as other afternoon matinees. Reserve at www.classactproductions.org or 281-292-6779. Tickets cost $13 t0 $32, depending on seat location.
Class Act Production continues ‘The Wizard of Oz’ in Season 20 In celebration of its 20th season Class Act, performing troupe for youth, based in The Woodlands opened its extravaganza "The Wizard of Oz," last week.
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jnotemusic · 8 years ago
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Music always makes me feel especially different and that's why I love it so much. Even more meaningful when God opens a door for me and allows me to walk through it and blesses me with an opportunity to sing. I know I get post crazy on line sometimes. I'm always sharing something. But when somebody takes what they see and gives you a chance, it makes it all seem like it's not all in vain. So, thank you Gene for embracing my videos on Instagram, reaching out to me and getting me my own night at Milk River to do what I love to do the most. Thankful to my team for having my back. Mark Payne Rqb Herb Lewis Richie Johnson JaZz E Matt Eric R. Durham Prrrl. You guys always rock and I love playing with you wherever we are able. Thank you to all who took a chance on embracing my live performance and for also sharing the stage with us and giving us a wonderfully received glimpse of what you do. It was great to see you all and I love you dearly. Thank you so much for everything that you are. Lisette Armstrong-Smith Debra Robinson Debra Batts Herb Grant (Ras Chemash Lamed) Maggie Toure Mildred Normil Mars Goodman Aaron J. Robinson Shakar Therealshakar Brumfield Pres Mas Lee Ramel Giggetts Saundra Price Malika Mo Jenn Bills Stuart Thomas L.a. Blacksmith Glenn Cobb Erslyn Brown-Allen Clifford Joseph Gregory Johnson Sharon Johnson-Davis Ej Haughton Benjamin Prince Mima Crawford LaShawn Jackson
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csenews · 8 years ago
 MEMPHIS – A three-day operation by Special Agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and partner agencies to combat human trafficking in Memphis has resulted in the arrest of 42 individuals on prostitution-related charges; 38 men and four women. Eight men responding to the ads tried to buy sex from a minor. The Memphis anti-trafficking operation, called “Operation Someone Like Me”, is the eighth of its kind in the state between the TBI and partner agencies to help identify, investigate and prosecute trafficking, and rescue victims. Those arrested include a medical professional, engineers, a law student, a tow truck driver and construction workers.
 During the three-day operation, undercover Agents posted four ads a day on Backpage.com, for about 7 hours a day. Approximately 475 different men responded to those ads posted. More than 8,779 contacts were made to those ads, through texts or phone calls. In some ads, undercover Agents posed as a juvenile girl. Eight men responded, and paid to have sex with an underage female. Two of those specifically paid money to have sex with 14-year-old girls.  Two juvenile female victims of trafficking were recovered and referred to the Department of Children’s Services.
 Along with detectives with the Memphis Police Department, Homeland Security Investigations, FBI, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, prosecutors with the Shelby County District Attorney’s office and the nonprofits Restore Corps and End Slavery Tennessee, TBI Special Agents and intelligence analysts conducted the undercover operation to identify potential victims of trafficking and arrest those seeking to purchase illicit sex from a juvenile.
 “We have said all along that this is a demand-driven crime, and this operation demonstrates how very prevalent that demand is,” says TBI Director Mark Gwyn. 
“Let me speak directly to men: The women you see advertised online are people, not products. We need men to step up and demand better from themselves and the men around them.”
 “Operations like 'Operation Someone Like Me' are necessary to protect the innocence of youth within our community. It is sickening to know that there are individuals who prey on our girls and women," said Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings. “Parents and family members, be aware and know where your children are and what they are doing at all times.”
 In 2015, Governor Bill Haslam signed legislation into law giving TBI original jurisdiction over investigations of human trafficking. Additionally, the General Assembly approved funding for four Special Agents, who work exclusively to investigate human trafficking cases and train law enforcement statewide on recognizing and combating this type of crime. These four Special Agents, who have now completed their eighth operation across the state, have arrested or cited more than 200 individuals during that time.
 Senate Judiciary Chairman Brian Kelsey spent time Thursday in the Memphis operation. “We’re committed – as a state – to doing everything we can to figure it out, arrest traffickers, and rescue victims,” Kelsey says. “We’re leading the nation in our approach and our work is just getting started.”
 Assistant Special Agent in Charge Robert Hammer, who oversees HSI’s efforts in Tennessee says, “ICE/HSI is proud to once again partner with TBI for Operation Someone Like Me.  HSI is committed to this unified and multi-faceted approach to combatting human trafficking across Tennessee.  We will continue to contribute our unique authorities to go after those looking to exploit these women as well as offer our services to the victims of this form of modern day slavery.”
 With the assistance of the nonprofit agencies Restore Corps and End Slavery Tennessee, the women identified as potential victims of trafficking were each offered services, including housing, counseling and addiction treatment.
 Earlier this year, as part of its commitment to address this issue, the TBI began the second phase of the public awareness campaign “ITHasToStop,” which includes awareness billboards, online resources, public service announcements, and contact information for nonprofits who work with survivors of human trafficking. Visit www.ITHasToStop.com for more information.
 Since “Operation Someone Like Me” began in May 2015, there have been over 200 arrests/ citations.
 The investigation was conducted in Brentwood, Clarksville, Jackson, Chattanooga (twice, once in conjunction with Georgia Bureau of Investigation), Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis.
 During the three-day trafficking operation in Memphis, approximately 475 men responded to the ads we posted on Backpage.com. There were a total of 8,779 communication interactions made to TBI undercover Agents:
                *Total unique contacts – 522
                *Total number of texts – 8320
                *Total phone calls - 459
 As a result of “Operation Someone Like Me” this week in Memphis, 42 individuals were arrested/ cited, including 38 men and 4 women.
                            Those charged during the Memphis “Operation Someone Like Me” are below.
                 *Ronald Garrison, 60, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Ahmed Khalid, 26, Cordova, TN – Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Juan Valdez, 34, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Melvin Garcia, 35, unknown - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Christian Esquivel, 26, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Efrain Aguilera, 26, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Terry Lewis, Jr., 29, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Ali Awad, 21, Cordova, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Paul Palmer, Jr., 47, East Ridge, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Richard Hardin, 67, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Sam Lewis, 59, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Paul Roach, 49, Cordova, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Bret Morris, 33, Bartlett, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *James Walker, 50, Cordova, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Mario Thomas, 41, Memphis, TN – Possession of Cocaine, Marijuana
                *David Brumfield, 60, Collierville, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Harrison Chung, 40, Garden Grove, CA - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Milton Davis, 50, Arlington, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Mark Berry, 44, Arlington, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Robert Jackins, 52, Cordova, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Benjamin Gilbert, 26, Cordova, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Antonio Chacon, 32, Unknown - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Keten Patel, 33, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Carl McKee, 31, Munford, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Luis Fernando, 45, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Julio Perez, 20, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Marin Rykhlov, 39, Knoxville, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Basel Hasan, 18, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution near Church or School
                *Catasia Williams, 26, Memphis, TN – Prostitution near Church or School
                *Mikael Farris, 35, Cordova, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
                *Emmi Easton, 20, Memphis, TN – Prostitution near Church or School
                *Darry Little, 53, Marion, AR – Patronizing Prostitution (A Felony)
                *Hilario Vargas Lopez, 40, Memphis, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
                *Oscar Larios, 48, Memphis, TN - Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
                *Christopher Rodgers, 32, Braden, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (A Felony)
*Demario Davis, 30, Unknown - Trafficking for Sexual Servitude, Possession of Crack Cocaine, Cocaine, Heroin,      
   Oxycodone, Marijuana, Stolen Property Under $500
*Mitch Cooper, 43, Humboldt, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (Misdemeanor)
*Nat-Matias Armando, 19, Memphis, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
*Erin Shindler, 29, Bartlett, TN – Prostitution near Church or School
*Shanqua Patrick, 23, Halls, TN – Prostitution near Church or School
*Isaiah Williams, 47, Memphis, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
*Uriel Roblero, 23, Memphis, TN – Patronizing Prostitution (B Felony)
                The Shelby County District Attorney’s office will review each case to determine whether additional charges are warranted. Most of these individuals were cited, and will have their booking photos taken at the time they are processed.
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brandonraykirk · 6 years ago
Leet News 10.26.1923
Community news for #Leet on #BigUglyCreek in #LincolnCounty #WV (1923) #Appalachia #history #genealogy
A correspondent named “Daisy” from Leet on Big Ugly Creek in Lincoln County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on October 26, 1923:
Dear Banner:
We are certainly having some nice weather at this writing.
Miss Thelma Huffman has returned home from her week’s vacation on Coal River, visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. Lillie Curry entertained company…
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brandonraykirk · 6 years ago
Queens Ridge News 12.26.1924
Community news for #QueensRidge (1924) #Appalachia #history #genealogy #Harts #LincolnCounty
An unknown correspondent from Queens Ridge in Lincoln County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on December 26, 1924:
Here we come to our dear Old Banner.
Miss Harriet Curry and Miss Rolie Tomblin were seen out horseback riding Sunday.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dingess Saturday night. The new arrival has been christened Emmet T. Dingess.
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brandonraykirk · 7 years ago
Rachel (Brumfield) Spry Grave and Estate (1922)
Rachel Brumfield Spry Grave and Estate (1922) #Harts #LincolnCounty #WV #Appalachia #history
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Commissioners Record Book No. 13, page 135, Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, Hamlin, WV. Rachel Spry (1863-1922) was the daughter of Paris and Ann (Toney) Brumfield and the wife of Absalom “App” Spry. I descend from her brother, Bill.
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Aunt Rachel’s grave, Harts, Lincoln County, 10 May 2016. Photo by Mom.
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brandonraykirk · 8 years ago
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Cole Branch of #HartsCreek in #LincolnCounty #WV #Appalachia #photos #history
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brandonraykirk · 5 years ago
Big Harts Creek Post Offices
Big #HartsCreek Post Offices #LincolnCounty #LoganCounty #WestVirginia #history #genealogy
Big Harts Creek, located in Harts Creek District of Lincoln County, West Virginia, and Chapmanville District of Logan County, West Virginia, has hosted seven post offices: Hearts Creek/Hart’s Creek/Hart/Harts (1870-present), Warren (1884-1894), Spottswood (1901-1908), Halcyon (1906-1923), Whirlwind (1910-1950s), Enzelo (1916-1922), and Shively (1926-?). Today, one post office exists at the mouth…
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