#Big Sky 3x08
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Jensen Ackles as Beau Arlen BIG SKY: Deadly Trails (2022) | 3.08 – “Duck Hunting”
#Jensen Ackles#JensenAcklesEdit#JensenEdit#Beau Arlen#BeauArlenEdit#Big Sky#Big Sky: Deadly Trails#Big Sky 3x08#Duck Hunting#My Edits
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Jensen Ackles as Beau Arlen in Big Sky: 3x08 Duck Hunting
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Alec McDowell in Dark Angel - 2x17
CJ Braxton in Dawson's Creek - 6x19
Dean Winchester in Supernatural - 8x20
Beau Arlen in Big Sky - 3x08
#jensen ackles#jensenacklesedit#jackles#jackles edit#alec mcdowell#max#dark angel#cj braxton#jen lindley#dawson's creek#dean winchester#charlie bradbury#supernatural#spn#beau arlen#emily arlen#big sky#tv shows#tv series#tvcentric#tv gifs#filmtvedit#filmandtv#filmtvdaily#filmtvcentral#mediagifs#cinemapix#tvshowcentral#tvfilmsource#my gifs
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2024 fic round up!
I was tagged by so many lovely people I have lost track of them, so my whole tag list is under the cut! I wrote 270,000 words this year, including the entire Missing Moments season 3. Thank you to everyone who commented or kudosed or reblogged or read silently, the support for writers in this fandom is really so wonderful 💛
Missing Moments [a series of canon compliant tags for every episode of Lone Star, seasons 1-3 completed]
3x01 – Imperfect pieces pulling at the glue (9.1k) 3x02 – Up in smoke (9.4k) 3x03 – Wayfaring strangers (10.4k) 3x04 – Homeward bound (15.7k) 3x05 – Reconstruction (7.3k) 3x06 – All these sacred melodies (8.5k) 3x07 – Everest to mariana (8.2k) 3x08 – "You have one new message..." (12.4k) 3x09 – Cracks begin to show (5k) 3x10 – Push and pull (5.2k) 3x11 – Where the rain won't hurt (9.7k) 3x12 – Losing streak (4k) 3x13 – Heard the risk is drowning (15.3k) 3x14 – Live in the layers (5.6k) 3x15 – Switch (5.5k) 3x16 – Everything and every dream (5.6k) 3x17 – Move into the new (7.5k) 3x18 – Forever is the sweetest con (10.1k)
Hold me too close (1.8k)
Carlos’s lips curve into a small responding smile and he shakes his head. “It’s okay.”
He tilts his chin forward, asking for a kiss, that TK gives him readily because he thinks it would hurt like having a limb ripped off if he didn’t. Carlos’s lips are smooth and damp against his, wet with the salt from his tears.
“Wanna go for a walk?” TK asks when they part, and Carlos quickly nods.
A small extension of the scene after Tommy sings at their wedding.
In Loving Memory for @carlos-in-glasses (1.3k)
The word son catches his eye, and Carlos frowns and tucks his head to look closer. His legacy will continue to live on through his son’s own dedication to public service, is written at the bottom of the thin obituary.Carlos feels his stomach roll and his mouth slacken. Heat blooms in his cheeks and the tips of his fingers tingle. Next to him there’s a tiny, nearly imperceptible gasp – as TK finds the same words and his grip tightens further on Carlos’s arm.
Silver Lining's Gold and Shining (25.3k)
A story of nine pivotal moments in Carlos's life, and nine times his best friend was there beside him.
Butterflies and Sky-High (8k)
TK leans in closer and rests his forehead against Carlos’s cheek, understanding that this is hard for him. Carlos is so heart-warmed by the gesture that it gives him the courage to say, “I’ve been reading about demisexuality. It’s this thing where …”
“I know what it means,” TK says softly, and thank God he does because Carlos isn’t sure he would have done justice to an explanation anyway. Not right now.
“I think … maybe I am. That. I didn’t think I was anything other than gay but then I was reading and some stuff started to make sense.”
Made From Stardust (8.2k)
Adoration swells in your chest as it always does when the warmth of his smile is draped over you like a blanket. You could not express in words, not even if you spoke 50 languages instead of just two, the magnitude of your love for this man. It’s too big, too necessary, too seeped into the cracks of every plane of your existence. You cannot be you without him, because the you who sits here on this couch with your fiancé in the home you share with him would never have taken shape without his guiding hands. A man named Carlos Reyes would have existed, but not this one. He would have been somebody else.
A collaboration with @reasonandfaithinharmony, check out her beautiful gif set 🖼
Fine Line (6.8k) for @heartstringsduet
Carlos ghosts a kiss along TK’s cheek, feeling the shudder of TK’s inhale as he murmurs, “You need me?”
“I …” TK swallows, his throat clicks and Carlos hears it.
Their knees bump and Carlos trails his fingers through TK’s hair and just waits. He doesn’t ask again, he just holds TK in a vertical embrace and strokes his hair and stays patient.
“There’s something that’s helped in the past,” TK says in a small voice. “Something you and I haven’t done before.”
brighter in the morning (40k so far) cowritten with @strandnreyes
Sometimes nights together are hard to come by, but TK and Carlos find ways to connect as husbands in the morning.
A series of 12 mornings together for each of the 12 episodes in season 5 (plot permitting …)
Somewhere in a Song (23.7k so far)
Fresh out of rehab for drug and alcohol addiction, lead singer TK and his band Stranded are pushed into a tour he's not sure he's ready for. To combat the bad press from his very public hitting of rock bottom, his label suggests they take up-and-coming country singer Carlos along with them. Between TK's still healing wounds and closeted Carlos's fears that his parents don't support his musical career, a rocky start might turn into finding exactly what they both need.
Tagging @theghostofashton @birdclowns @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@carlos-in-glasses @actual-sleeping-beauty @thisbuildinghasfeelings @herefortarlos @heartstringduet
@goodways @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @freneticfloetry
@liminalmemories21 @nancys-braids @whatsintheboxmh @bonheur-cafe
@reasonandfaithinharmony @thebumblecee @never-blooms @lemonlyman-dotcom
@sanjuwrites @orchidscript @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng @honeybee-taskforce
@hereghostslive @butchreyes @just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian
@tellmegoodbye @anactualcaseofthetruth @ironheartwriter @eclectic-sassycoweyes @ditheringmind
@emsprovisions @irispurpurea @nisbanisba @corsage @chicgeekgirl89
@carlossreaders @ladytessa74 @denizoid @everlastingday
Want to be added or removed from the list? Lmk
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Been thinking about it partially as I come closer to it in fanon S6 / divergences where what I'm writing (in prose with zero constraints) vs what I think the show is actually more likely to do (such as in this case) with the Celestial elves because like
If we look at it just from a storytelling standpoint, there's a few things we want to take into consideration.
Why Skywing elves?
Despite being an aspiring and then full fledged Sky mage for most of the series (5 seasons) as his defining... career trait? with Ocean only added at the end, Callum's attachment to the Sky arcanum is incredibly important from a thematic standpoint. I talked about this in more detail in terms of how TDP writes from theme to begin with, but it would not surprise me if a lot of the series fell into place after decisions were made regarding "mage boy has Sky-Freedom powers" and "big endgame big bad is Stars and Destiny embodied," i.e. like what kind of dragon Zym would be in order for Callum to have a reason to sacrifice his primal stone, why have Callum learn Sky magic first, etc etc.
The Celestial Elves, presumably, could've been any group of elves. We know from Tales of Xadia that Sunfire elves had a chant about warding off dangerous Star dragons from the Great Orb, and that Karim-Pharos are poised to be future pawns, so there is a decent link there. It also could've been cool if the Celestial elves had had elves from all over, showing both intergroup workings and that the Stars were bringing them together in some manner.
If Sky and Skywing elves by thematic extension represent Freedom, then it makes sense for these to be Skywing elves who have perhaps forsaken notions of freedom for ideas of pre-determinism or destiny, i.e. our circumstances beset all of our choices, or that fate/destiny is real and unchangeable. To have the same arcanum and similar abilities as Callum, but to already be warped to Aaravos' will / thematic graces of destiny and fate - to amplify what he's scared of and to accentuate what he might become (at least in terms of what he's scared to become).
On that note, I think it makes sense for them
To be Antagonists
Partially this is because of precedent. Most elves, when in groups, have been more antagonistic with one or two rising to the forefront to be allies. We see this in arc 1 with Moonshadow and Sunfire elves, with the majority being antagonists especially at first (the assassins, the Sunfire soldiers) with Rayla, Lujanne, and eventually Janai being allies / exceptions - even if the Sunfire elves as a whole quickly switch to being allies as of 3x08/09. We see this again in S4 with the Drakewood Earthblood elves being mostly antagonists, Terry as more of a grey area, and only N'than (and possibly Mukho the Mushroom mage?) being downright allies. This would mean that Astrid and maybe another Startouch elf might be more sy
Plot / Misc Reasons
Of course, the biggest reason for the Celestial elves to exist is to, presumably, give exposition regarding Startouch elves to the main characters and to extradite subsequent views / philosophy about Star magic and the arcanum (arcana?). If they are loyal to Aaravos, they would likely provide a perspective on Startouch elves different than one Callum might be coming in with and give more credence / context to Claudia's assertions of Aaravos as well, given that she's the one character currently with a positive view of him. It also doesn't seem they can entirely be good guys given their 1) isolationist nature and 2) having not one but two super OP objects that the protagonists definitely need. While they may not end up being villains, I think we can somewhat safely assume they will initially be obstacles, if only in giving tests (of love) like another certain Startouch elf...
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Thank you so much for the tag @paperstorm 💚
From my 3x08 coda, which I'm posting on Saturday
The oldest of the neighbours’ kids, Claudia, is fifteen. She turns to her mom. “When they wheeled the TV in and played the news in class, they showed people falling out of the windows.”
“Claudia!” her mother scolds. “Stop it – it’s inappropriate.”
Carlos is the second youngest in the room. The very youngest is a sleeping one-year-old baby. He knows, the way children always know, that the adults would be talking about the falling people if he weren’t here. He resents it.
“Why did they fall?” Carlos asks his mom. He hates it when people won’t tell him things.
Andrea strokes a hand through his bounce of soft curls. “I think it’s because there was so much fire and smoke in their offices, mijo. It was very scary for them. Hot. Hard to breathe. They…they had to get to the windows for fresh air and–” she chokes up and puts her hand over her heart.
“But why couldn’t the firefighters come and put out the fire?” Carlos asks.
“I’m sure they did everything they could–” Andrea abruptly turns her face. “I’m sorry, Carlitos.”
Carlos gets upset. He’s made his mom cry. She wasn’t crying, and now she’s pretending that she isn’t, and it’s because he said a stupid thing. His dad returns home seconds later, hot and scruffy and angry. He’s greeted by all the neighbors with stone-faced nods and ignores Rocky pawing at him. Carlos can see his dad just wants his mom. It's in the way he crosses the room so quickly, his eyes big and fixed on her. He kisses her cheek, wipes away a couple of tears with his thumb, doesn’t question at all why she's crying – which makes Carlos feel a little better. What is a surprise though, to Carlos anyway, is that Gabriel decides not to pull up a chair. Instead, he sits on the floor with the kids and the dog, brings Carlos into his lap, and kisses his head a few times. It all feels a bit too unusual, and in front of everyone like this, but Carlos is too bamboozled to protest.
The news cuts again to the planes flying into the buildings, the massive fireball, the white paper released against the backdrop of pure blue sky. The scale of it. The scale that nobody in the room can grasp, to the point where Carlos senses everyone is on the same level as him, in this moment.
“What do you think, Gabriel?” Claudia’s mom asks. Gabriel tightens his arms around Carlos, rests his chin on his head. He sighs before he responds. Carlos feels the great weight of it.
Tags under the cut
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes @chaotictarlos @bonheur-cafe @tailoredshirt @reyesstrand @goodways @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @never-blooms @alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @alrightbuckaroo @kiloskywalker @chicgeekgirl89 @lemonlyman-dotcom @rosedavid @taralaurel @theghostofashton @noxsoulmate @wandering-night19 @ambiguouspenny @catanisspicy @mikibwrites @basilsunrise @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @jesuisici33 @heartstringsduet @inflarescent @freneticfloetry @louis-ii-reyes-strand - if you want to share anything/haven't already! No pressure!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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Sky Rojo : Quotes
"- This is what happens with her. You don't know if she's smart, very smart, or just delightfully brilliant." (Romeo - 1x08)
"- The best and worst thing about drugs is the total break from reality. What you see, feel, or enjoy is all in your damn head." (Coral - 2x01)
"- He was a textbook case of a kid from a dysfunctional family. Moisés never set boundaries for him. That's why he couldn't even tell where the joke ended and the drama began." (Narrator - 2x03)
"- That's what Romeo does. That's his power. He makes you think you owe him your life when really, he's wrecking it." (Narrator - 2x07)
"- And I'm not interested in sex, but with you I am. We'd make such a great couple. But you're such a disgusting bastard that I loathe you. Almost as much as I loathe myself. You're the deepest darkness I've ever met in my life. You're such a disgusting bastard. You have no idea how much I loathe you. It's the second time you've let me live instead of die. (Coral) - You're dead right about almost everything. I shouldn't have gotten you out of that hole. We're toxic for each other. And I'm a bastard. But you know what? I was happy being a ruthless bastard. Until I started listening to you. That was when all my problems started. Your fucking questions. Your fucking moral conscience. But that's over now." (Moisés - 2x08)
"- Sometimes getting out of a toxic relationship is impossible. Even when you know it'll cost you your life, you're so hooked that there's nothing you can do. But that day, I did it." (Narrator - 2x08)
"- That night, watching her take drugs in secret and dance alone in the middle of an empty room, I realized her life was no party. And I saw myself in her decline. We were united by a miserable life we couldn't escape. So I guess we were the two big losers. Face to face, separated by a screen. And then, along with my unstoppable desire to kill her, I felt an immense fondness towards her." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x03)
"- But what I thought was a death rattle was an anxiety attack. How could I save Coral when I was plunging into the abyss, with an anchor around my neck? Neither of us could save the other. We were two lost causes, united by despair and ice hockey." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x07)
"- Have you ever wished you were dead? If so, you'll know you can't leave it for later. Waiting to die is the biggest pain in the ass. I didn't have time for inhaling carbon monoxide all morning, for a slow death. I needed something sudden." (Moisés' voice-over - 3x07)
"- Breathe, you asshole. You're supposed to look after me. Are you alive? (Coral) - Yes." (Moisés - 3x08)
"- Remember when you said you had nothing to be proud of? This is our chance to have something." (Coral - 3x08)
"- When you're alive, you don't think you'll end up in hell, do you?" (Wendy - 3x08)
"- Has he spoken to you, girls? I told you this wasn't about forgiveness. It's life or death." (Moisés - 3x08)
"- Truth is, if feels weird saying goodbye to you. (Coral) - We still have a chance. If you forgive me. You, sober. And me, I'm going to do things right. I really am. I'm going to be a good man. (Moisés) - What you did is unforgivable. I can't forget who you are. (Coral) - What a bummer, right? (Moisés) - Truth is, I think about my future and doubt anyone will understand me. I don't think anyone could understand the hell I've been through. But you can. You can. You come from the gutter of life too. (Coral) - We were dealt a bad hand. (Moisés) - As much as it pains me, that unites us. (Coral) - To tell you the truth, I also think you're the only woman who could understand me. (Moisés) - You see? We're both pathetic. (Coral) - I'm going to see if there actually is a new life out there. If not, I'll find another pool. (Moisés) - Good luck! (Coral) - You too, Coral." (Moisés - 3x08)
#sky rojo#netflix#netflix series#netflix shoe#coral x moises#coral x moisés#coral y moises#sky rojo quotes#cía#skyrojo
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JENSEN ACKLES as BEAU ARLEN in BIG SKY | 3.08 Duck Hunting
#big sky#big sky 3x08#beau arlen#jensen ackles#bigskyedit#jensenedit#jensenacklesedit#my stuff#mybigsky#cowboycoven2#scottstiles#tuserpris#usertila#inacatastrophicmind#fieryfrankie#deanncastiel#useralison
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🤠❤🔥 Sheriff Beau Arlen
Big Sky - 3.08 - Duck Hunting 🤠✨
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @b3autyfuldisast3r @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mrsjenniferwinchester 🥧
#jensen ackles#sheriff beau arlen#beau arlen#sexy sheriff#big sky#big sky season 3#big sky 3x08#jensen ackles edit#jensen ackles gifs#beau arlen edit#beau arlen gifs#deansraspberrypie gifs#drp
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Beau Arlen
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Jensen Ackles as Beau Arlen BIG SKY: Deadly Trails (2022) | 3.08 – “Duck Hunting”
#Jensen Ackles#JensenAcklesEdit#JensenEdit#Beau Arlen#BeauArlenEdit#Big Sky#Big Sky: Deadly Trails#Big Sky 3x08#Duck Hunting#My Edits
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Jensen Ackles as Beau Arlen in Big Sky: 3x08 Duck Hunting
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Beau & Jenny in Big Sky S3 so far ✨❤️
#beau arlen#jenny hoyt#jensen ackles#katheryn winnick#beau x jenny#big sky#big sky s3#big sky season 3#big sky 3x01#big sky 3x02#big sky 3x03#big sky 3x04#big sky 3x05#big sky 3x06#big sky 3x07#big sky 3x08#big sky 3x09#big sky 3x10#big sky gifs#beau x jenny gifs#this is a love story 😌#my gifs
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9 - Tonya’s Interogation
Part 10
Other Hoyt’s Off Limits
@dragonixfrye @stoneyggirl2
During the drive I just stared out the window since it was late at night when we got the call from the camp. Watching the trees we pass on the road I glanced out the corner of my eye at Beau. “Good for nothing ex…”
He was gripping the steering wheel clearly frustrated which was a side I haven’t seen before from him. “Beau.” I called out softly towards him.
“I can’t believe he just let her go off by herself in the woods!” He apparently didn’t hear me because he grumbled some more scoffing under his breath.
Reaching over the counsel I gently shook his shoulder breaking him from his trance of frustration. “Beau! She’s gonna be fine.”
He gulped, finally sending me a glance. “Yeah….you’re probably right.”
“I am positive I am. Okay you said that he said she was back at the camp and just rattled.” I attempted to reassure him believing that I was right more than I might be wrong.
The drive fell silent for a little while. Mostly because I had no clue what to say to him. I didn’t have a child like my sister Jenny. So I wasn't sure what to say next thankfully he did break the silence around us. "You're right Mallory. She'll be fine. So what are you going to say if you're sister asks about us?"
"I'll um…think of something. We're here." He pulled the truck to a stop once we drove under the camp sign both getting out seeing the rest of the team already here.
Footsteps of Sunny Barnes came towards us while I clipped my gun to the belt on my jeans. 'Emily was the one that found Mary's body off a trail.
"Did anybody search the area where the body was found?" Beau questions her.
She shook her head. "Well, after Buck brought Mary's body back, he and Avery went back up to take a look around."
"Daddy?!" Someone called out where I saw a girl with dark slightly curly hair running towards us and throwing her arms around him meaning it could only be his daughter Emily.
He wrapped his arms around her resting his chin on top of her head. I could see relief come over him by just holding her close. "Hey. Come here.I got you. I got you. You okay? Hmm? What happened?"
"I followed Luke into the woods and I got lost. And then I saw her. She was bleeding. I don't know. She had Paige's bag. I just thought that she was hurt, but then I saw her eyes." She sobbed through his jacket.
He whispered into her hair eyeing me as I gave him a weak smile. "Okay. Baby. I got you."
"Dad who is she?." Emily pulled her head up from his chest focusing her watery eyes on me. "Is she the woman you were telling me you were dating?"
"What was that?" My sister's voice could be heard a few steps away from us.
I felt my cheeks turn red as I quickly stepped up introducing myself to the girl since we hadn't met until now. "Hi Emily, I'm Mallory. You're dad has told me some about you."
"Cool. So are you two?" She pointed her index finger between Beau and I.
He cleared his throat putting a hand on her back leading the three of us away from my sister's ears to start the questioning. "We'll explain later, Em. Right now we have some questions to ask you. Where was Buck when you found Mary?"
"I actually don't know." She replied sitting down outside one of the tents. "He must have heard me scream. Before I knew it, he was just there."
"Do you think Luke could have killed her?" I asked the teenager.
"No." She immediately spoke.
Her father asked another question. "Is that a feeling you have, or is there something else?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "It's just a feeling, I guess."
"Okay. That's enough questions. I know you're just doing your job. Come on, Em. Let's get you some water." His ex wife Carla led her daughter away. A man with dark brown hair that had some gray falling down to be shoulder length approached us.
“Avery.” Beau called towards him when he tried to leave with Emily.
“Mm-hmm.” The man made a noise stopping.
Beau went into full dad mode at this point frustrated with the man in front of me. “You need to tell me what the hell's going on here and why you let my daughter wander off into those woods alone.”
“We had no idea. Alright? She didn't tell Carla, either.” Avery responded before my sister’s footsteps came over to us.
She sighed heavily annoyed. “Tonya and Donno are here.”
“What?” Beau and I both asked together.
She turned her head back in their direction for me to see Tonya wave at me. “Yeah. They obviously had something to do with this.”
“Jen, come on we can’t blame them for everything…even though we know they don’t mind killing people for gain.” Crossing my arms over my chest I knew she had a point from our past.
Beau holds up a hand to us two girls hearing her not say another word. “Did they confess? If they didn't confess, we got to treat them like everybody else...Possible suspects.”
By the time the sun had risen over the camp we had been told that there was a $15 million that Avery found someone here was looking for. Meaning Luke and Paige weren’t here for vacation. Leaning my elbows on the table my sister was tying away on a computer watching Beau walk up. “So there’s an opportunity for someone to get $15 million. I mean that much money would make anyone go crazy. Luke and Paige were obviously trying to steal it.”
“Could explain why Tonya and Donno are here.” Beau adds on. “Maybe they're working a job.”
She smirked, liking that he leaning towards the pair now. “I'm glad you said it. I was beginning to think Donno was bribing you with his sandwich craft.”
“Okay, you know what? Let's not go there. 'Cause bad guys can have good points. Donno's just happens to be sandwich skills.” Beau waved his hands around loving those sandwiches.
Poporneck walked up to us smiling at the mention. “Oh! Donno's making sandwiches?”
“I wish. But no.” Beau slumped his shoulders in defeat.
Pointing my index finger between the boys I grinned feeling hungry now. “They are good sandwiches. Oh, if he wasn’t a suspect I would totally ask him to make us some for lunch.”
“Okay, okay. Can we focus on the case please.” My sister needed us to focus. “What do you got?”
Her former partner cleared his throat replying. “Uh, yeah, so there's a missing bow and quiver from the equipment shed. Arrows match the murder weapon.
“Alright so now we just need to question these two. Let’s go.” I clasped my hands together
“Mallory. You’re with me and Tonya.” The sheriff called my attention.
My sister lifted her head up confused at why he would ask that. “Why do you need her help exactly?”
“I am hoping Tonya will lighten up if there’s another woman with her.” Beau was quick on his feet while I bit my lip seeing Poperneck walking with Jack on a leash over to me.
“I was thinking we could use Jack to sniff out anything suspicious. If that’s okay with you, Mallory.” He suggested since I was the one who owned him now, not the sheriff department.
Bending down on a knee I run my hands through his fur seeing him wagging his tail. “Sure it’s fine. Now you be good for Pops.” The pair walked off before Beau and I went and found Tonya having the three of us get set up in a tent for questioning.
Beau holds the tent flap open for me hearing Tonya chuckling at seeing me again after all this time. “Well, well, look at the three of us back together in the same room. It’s a shame Donna is being questioned by someone else or we’d have the whole gang.”
“Never mind that now. We have some questions to ask you. Starting with why didn’t you go on the night hike with the others?” I said bluntly standing while Beau took the seat across from her.
“Well, I wanted to go on the hike, but Donno didn't. He's got a lot of rules.” She started off her story.
Beau tapped the pen on the table. “It's kind of odd, isn't it? You being up here with your cook? I mean, the man's interesting.”
“He's not who you think he is.” She responded back
“No, I don't imagine he is. The man contains multitudes.” He nodded.
She gave smile towards the sheriff. “Strong agree. But hiking isn't one of them.”
“What about the marriage?” I butted in knowing that during a questioning with Sunny she claimed that they were married according to how they registered. “I understand you're up here pretending to be married. Seems kind of odd for two people who enjoy murder so they can gain something like money.”
“You get freebies if you say it's your anniversary. You know, bottle of champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries.” She smiled tilting her head down.
Beau raised a brow moving his hand over the table not believing her story like me. “So it's just a total coincidence that you and Donno were on this trip at this time.”
“I mean, if we committed a crime, it's that we lied about being in love.” She shrugged her shoulders.
Beau laughed, clicking the pen open and closed on the table. “Good one.”
“I'm serious.” She sent us a smile letting her eyes drift up to mine. “So are we not going to talk about the chemistry between the two of you. Like are you two just a fling or will you get in trouble because you work together hmm.”
Raising a hand I try to keep my cool, thankful that my sister was intertwining Donno on the other side of the camp so she couldn’t hear her. “That’s none of your concern. We are here to find out about Paige and Luke.”
“Ohh so the little Hoyt sister hasn’t ever thought of getting with the sheriff in town.” She teased me by intertwining her hands together. “My former boss seemed to like him. So I’m not buying that you haven’t thought about it.”
Beau cleared his throat glancing over his shoulder at me before he spoke. “I'm not buying it. I think you're here looking for a lot more than free champagne.”
Holding the end of my shirt I could feel my nerves building up inside me. If Tonya could see right through me then could my sister do the same. “Speaking of marriages, I met your ex, Carla. She's a boss. Really impressive. I don't know why you left her.” Tonya leaned back in her chair.
“It's actually the other way around.” Beau gave her a half chuckle. “But we're not gonna get into that. As for my relationship with Mallory, it's strictly professional.”
Tonya and I locked eyes so I stood tall towards her. “No romantic relationship at all.”
“If you say so…the person you really should be looking at is Avery.” She points out.
Leaning my palms on the table, my hair falling over my shoulders hoping we are getting somewhere. “Oh, yeah? Why's that?”
“Well, his archery skills, for one. Avery's quite the marksman.” Glancing towards Beau I wasn’t sure if her words made sense.
“Avery? Really?” Even he couldn’t see it.
She nodded, seeming very certain about what she was a saying. “Deadly. He surprised everybody.
“Well, just 'cause he can shoot an arrow don't mean he killed ll Luke.” Beau responded back, lifting his green eyes up to me.
Tilting my head to the side I crossed my arms over my chest shaking my head towards her. “That might be true if we believed what you were saying. Plus we both know that Donno is capable of killing and you have a darker side too for one.”
“Well, I'm guessing that he's the one that told you about the $ million.” Tonya leaned her elbows on the wooden table.
“How'd you know that?” Beau questioned her.
She raised her hands in the air, basically putting the pieces together of what she thought. “Avery was talking to Luke, like, a lot. I'm just putting it out there. You can ask your daughter if you don't believe me. But something was going on with those two.”
“Alright I think I have enough information for now.” Beau rose from the chair turning and we started to leave the tent until she called out to us.
“So I was right, wasn't I? About you two.” Halting in my tracks, Beau glanced down at me. “I mean the looks you two give each other are so obvious. So there’s something definitely going on between you two.”
Beau turned to face her, dropping his hand that had fallen to my back now at his side instead. “Like we said before, we're just professional.”
“That’s not what her eyes say about you, sheriff.” Tonya teased resting her chin on top of her intertwined hands. “She’s got a thing for cowboys.” Turning on my heels I rushed out of the tent and he followed after me before I closed the passenger door in his face needing a minute alone.
Question my readers : should I include more flashbacks of Mallory and John Wayne. If so send me any ideas and let me know in the comments or dm me please ❤️
Comments really appreciated
#other hoyt's off limits#beau arlen x you#beau arlen#beau arlen x reader#beau arlen x y/n#beau arlen big sky#jenny hoyt#jenny hoyt x sister reader#jensen ackles#big sky hulu#big sky season 3#big sky#john wayne kleinsasser#cormac barnes#sunny barnes#wattpad fanfiction#ask box is open for feedback#comments really appreciated#big sky 3x08#oc : mallory cessna#candice king
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Some (so many) screenshots from tonight episode 3x08 Big Sky part 7 (last)

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Thoughts about Callum's magic use in s4/s5 that aren't a proper meta but series of parallels/lil connections
First off is Callum casting aspiro frigis, one of my favourite spells we've seen before, but we've never seen him cast it before! I'm also intrigued by the size difference between his and Viren's casting of it, since while we've seen Viren make smaller (3x08, 3x09) they're both assisted by primal stones (the one in Callum's sky staff, the OG primal stone for Viren) so Callum's not being big enough to completely encompass the banther didn't make sense to me? However, given that Viren is aided by the primal stone and the relic staff (which is absolutely juiced with something wild), that difference would make more sense.
We also get to see more combat spells this season from Callum, which is exciting, as his previous one in S4 was just fulminus, so it's nice to see more variety (aspiro frigis, the angulus arrow spell, the lightning fist spell). Callum using the lightning spell with his bare hand given that if it didn't pan out / he got nicked even slightly he'd be corrupted is especially insane of him, but hey - you messed with his girl. Gotta pay the price.
I was also pleased/impressed with the misdirected Fulminus spell in 5x08, as it makes it clear Callum was aiming to kill Finnegrin with that bad boy, to be perfectly honest. Also fun to see him use primal magic without his staff for once, as his greatest asset is still that he can do magic without said external source like a primal stone or staff, relying here instead on his inner arcanum and the fierce storm raging around them. (And more sky magic during storms, please!)
It seems that Callum has prioritized memorizing combat spells as opposed to other kinds of spells, which makes sense - in a combat situation, you don't want to be pausing to check your spellbook. However, we still see him check his book to find spells, the same way he did in S4.
I think this is a very sweet sign of growth, as in arc 1 he didn't need to check as he only had around 4-5 spells he knew, but now there's so many he wants to verify / look for them when in doubt. (Probably smart, as messing up a spell or doing the rune the wrong way could have tricky consequences? Ficlets when). Not that he always knew his magic (or remembered his own words) perfectly, either ("She might've called me a fool" / "Who told you that?" "You did") bless his soul.
Can't wait to see what Ocean magic he gets to add to his repertoire next season, and how it'll be utilized in the future!
#tdp callum#mage boy#mini meta#analysis series#analysis#arc 2#s4#s5#callum#tdp#the dragon prince#i wonder if he used pax partans during his almost meditative state in 5x08
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