#Big Blue Heeler
brianrope · 1 year
Big Blue Heeler
On 8 July 2022 my wife, Robyn, and I were visiting Muswellbrook. We went for a stroll along the main shopping street and came across a two-metre-high  bronze sculpture by Brett “Mon” Garling of a Blue Heeler dog (called Big Blue) – made in 2001 to celebrate the famous Australian Cattle Dog first bred at Dartbrook (12 kilometres north of Muswellbrook). I took three photos of it: Big Blue Heeler,…
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pynkhues · 23 days
It's interesting sometimes seeing Sam and being like, oh right, he's not that big! He's very slender and probably 5'9" or 5'10 -- it's just that he has such broad shoulder and such a big head, and maybe it's his posture? I know people who have been around them both have said he has real "tall person energy", and he seems tall until they realize that he technically isn't especially large. Whereas Jacob seems dainty lol. Interesting.
Yeah, I think the broad shoulders / big head / really straight posture definitely play a role, and I suspect the depth of his voice too. He really booms a lot as Lestat, which I think can give the illusion of a larger man, which is why it's so funny when he and Louis are actually directly opposite (or on-top of!) each other, because it really shows that they're not just of a height, but not dissimilar in builds either actually. Their hook up in 1.01 really emphasises that actually like here and here.
I talked about it a bit in this post too, but it’s kind of funny watching him opposite William McInnes in The Newsreader who’s not only well over 6’ but also built like a brick shithouse, haha. It really puts it in perspective.
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berryfairy666 · 9 months
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leorawright · 8 months
The re8 lords with a S/O who loves animals and has three pet dogs (An English bulldog, a Rottweiler and a blue heeler) please
Aww of course!
The Lords with someone who owns three dogs
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's not a big fan of dogs or animals in general but don't worry, her daughters are
She'll occasionally pat them on the head but it never gets more affectionate than that
Her daughters, on the other hand, you can find them in a huge cuddle pile with your three dogs, and all of them are absolutely delighted
Alcina does it very secretly, but sometimes she'll slip one of your dogs a treat����
Donna Beneviento
She's pretty nervous around your dogs when she first meets them but after a while, she'll start to like them more
Sometimes, she'll take a stick from her gardens and play fetch with them
Angie was excited to meet them but quickly changed her mind when one of the dogs thought she was a toy...
Also, if you don't let dogs onto your bed, Donna will insist that the dogs can sleep next to her
Salvatore Moreau
Very, very, very nervous
He'd much prefer to stay back and watch you play with your dogs than to personally interact with them
But if you insist, he'll try to pet one of them (probably the smallest one)
He does find it adorable how much your dogs love you though
Karl Heisenberg
Oh heck yes he is such a dog person
He absolutely adores your dogs just as much as he adores you
At lot of days, you'll find him taking a break and playing fetch with your dogs or trying to teach them how to do a trick
Also, he definitely talks to your dogs in a baby voice, and it's hilarious and cute at the same time
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blurban-form · 5 months
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note: sorry for the delay in this chapter, i fell asleep early last friday and then woke up at like 2AM and felt like watching Barbie instead. anyway, here it is.
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your wicked smile it says it all mixed with my sad and cynical
Y/N couldn't have followed the nurse faster the moment they told her Sadie was out of the operation room. She couldn't wait to be next to her, to see her. She already didn't like the idea that she hadn't been able to see hr before surgery so now all she wanted to do was not leave her sight. She was led by the nurse into the room they'd assigned Sadie. Once she got to the room, Sadie was already awake, looking at the TV in her room which was showing some cartoon that Y/N was certain Sadie was confused by, judging by her pouting and fiddling of the sheets.
      - Hi baby. - Y/N said as she got closer to Sadie. The red head turned around, smiling once she saw her. - What are you watching huh?
The 2-year old looked at her with glazed eyes, still under the effects of anaesthesia and other medications before shrugging. Y/N smiled, kissing her cheek and nose before grabbing the remote and logging into Disney so she could put on some Bluey for Sadie to watch. Her pout soon disappeared as the familiar blue heeler showed up on screen. Y/N straightened the sheets around her, trying to fluff up the pillow only to find it to be flatter than a pancake.
      - Hello, hello. - Bucky walked through the door carrying the toy box to place it next to the bed. - How are you, Sisi? Hm? You gave daddy a very big fright.
      - Sorry. - Sadie stared at the TV, more interested on the TV show. Bucky scanned through the box before starting to place her favourite plushies around her.
      - You got quite a tough one, Sergeant. - Doctor Tinsdale walked into the room, holding a medical board. - Surgery went well and unless something happens, you can take your daughter home. In 2 to 4 weeks, she'll be good as new.
      - Thank you. - Bucky shook the doctor's hand. - I really appreciate your help, Dr. Tinsdale.
      - Anytime, Sergeant. I'm very glad to have met your daughter and your wife.
Y/N looked up from the bed where she was with Sadie. Should she correct him? She wasn't Bucky's wife but if she said she wasn't maybe Dr. Tinsdale would put two and two together and realise that Sadie was not Y/N's daughter but instead his own daughter's daughter.
      - I'm really happy you finally settled down. - Dr. Tinsdale said, making the situation as equally awkward for Bucky. - Always thought you and my Anna would end up marrying but it doesn't look like you've done bad for yourself.
      - Yeah ... well ... - Bucky scratched the back of his neck. - Thank you once again.
      - I'll leave you three alone.
The door closed and the silence in the room couldn't be any louder. Y/N got to trying to fluff up the pillow again, going nowhere. What's the point in paying a really expensive health insurance if the hospital will only provide crepe thin pillows?
      - You're gonna be sued by that pillow if you continue to beat the heck out of it. - he chuckled, sitting on the opposite side of the bed, cuddling Sadie next to her.
      - Don't say the h word in front of Sadie. - she gave up on the pillow. - I'm gonna go to the gift shop and see if I can buy Sadie a better pillow.
      - Y/N, just rest. - Bucky put his hand on her waist to stop her from getting up. - You've been panicking over everything for the past hours. Just sit here with me and Sadie.
      - But she needs a pi ...
      - I'll tell Steve to bring hers from home when he comes to visit. - he took his phone out of his pocket to text Steve. - By the way ... who did you call? Chris?
      - You're obsessed with Chris. - she rolled her eyes, tucking Sadie in and moving her hair away from her face. - If I didn't know better I'd say you're in love with him.
      - You know, Anna showed up while you were asleep.
      - Really? - Y/N fiddled with the bedding, looking at the TV and now the very interesting episode of Bluey. More interesting than Bucky and his relentless teasing. - Nice chat?
      - It's just funny you see because I didn't call her and Steve said he didn't call her.
      - Maybe Dr. Tinsdale called her. After all you two used to ... you know ... do things.
      - Why would he call her? He thinks you're my wife and Sadie's mum so why don't you cut the lying and admit to calling Anna?
Y/N bite her lip, kissing the side of Sadie's head before telling her she would be right back. Last thing she wanted was to fight in front of Sadie, for all that Sadie knew she and Bucky only talked nice and it was all sunshine and rainbows. Bucky followed her, arms crossed. He didn't know where to find himself if angry or if super angry. How come Steve and Y/N wanted to keep playing peace makers?
      - What's with you starting a discussion in front of Sadie?
      - What's with me? What's with you? You called my kid's mother without my consent?
      - It's not like I fucked her, Bucky, you big drama queen. I called her because you were upset about her not being here.
      - You crossed a line. - he pointed at her but she looked at him unbothered. - It's my kid's mother, the most awful woman in the world.
      - I think that's an overstatement and you were upset, I wanted you to be happy. Besides, she birthed the kid, it's her right to know if she's ok or not.
      - Oh you need me to be happy?
      - I don't need you to happy! I just wanted to make you ... have you be happy. You were stressed!
      - God, you're such a little ... such a goddamn little ...
      - Bitch? - Y/N interrupted him and the colour drained from Bucky's face.
      - I didn't say that. - he raised his hands in defense. - I didn't say that.
      - Now you listen to me. - she stabbed his chest with her finger, taking a step forward as he took a step backward. - I will not apologise for telling the kid's mother that she's in the hospital. I will not apologise for telling her because if something happened, we might need her. I will not apologise, you hear me? If that makes me a bitch then be it. You wanna fire me? Fine.
Bucky opened his mouth to say something but instead just mumbled sorry before going back to his daughter's room. He thought he needed Anna to be here and she had been here so why wasn't he happy? Y/N stayed outside, she took a deep breathe. Had she crossed the line? Maybe, but she wanted him happy. She dragged her hands down her hair, holding them to the side of her face, closing her eyes.
      - Wow, you told him. - a voice made her snap her eyes open. A woman, an elegant woman, made her way towards her. - The rival companies ought to hire you.
      - I'm sorry, who are you?
      - I'm Anna. Anna Tinsdale. - she extended her hand towards her but Y/N only stared at her hand. - I wanted to meet you, well, meet you while you're awake. You did tell me you'd kill me if I didn't come to see Bucky.
      - Y/N. - she shook her hand slowly. - I ... I should get back inside before Sadie ...
      - Is she ok? Sadie? - Anna asked, a clear look of concern across her face.
Y/N felt a tang on her stomach, before giving her a sympathetic smile. She put her hand on Anna's back and guided her far from the room. Last thing that she wanted was for Bucky, Sadie or even Dr. Tinsdale to see Anna. Instead, the two walked to the waiting room and sat on the green chairs against the wall.
      - He doesn't tell me anything and just because I don't want to be her mother doesn't mean I don't worry. I mean, she came out of me for fucks sake. - she looked up. - I know you hate me.
      - I don't. I don't like you but I don't hate you either.
      - Me and James, we were friends and more than that for so long and I know that we'll never gonna get that but he just hates me now.
      - He doesn't hate you. - Y/N sighed. - He's just upset and you didn't do things the best way. I don't think Bucky actually hates anything.
Anna looked at Y/N before giving her a smile.
      - I'm glad she has you. - she held Y/N's hand, letting go before getting up. - Thank you for that. I'm glad she has you.
      - It'll get better. Give it time.
      - Not for me, but for you ... well, you'll see.
Sadie was a trooper. She'd come back home and was behaving as if she hadn't had surgery, mostly staying either in her room or in the living room whenever she got tired of the room. Y/N was cutting vegetables in the kitchen to make soup when the bell rang. She looked down at the RING camera screen on the kitchen seeing Chris. Fuck, she'd completely forgotten about Chris. She buzzed him in, before cleaning up her hands and opening the door. Chris stood there, wearing a long coat and a no doubt designer scarf while holding a bouquet of daisies.
      - Chris, hi.
      - Hey, Y/N. - he handed her the daisies. - How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while.
      - Oh you know ... - Y/N walked to the kitchen to grab a vase to put the flowers in. - Sadie got back from the hospital and I've been looking after her.
      - What about her father? Bucky hasn't left the company.
      - Bucky has work to do while I'm waiting for my supervisors to give me the final feedback on my thesis draft. - she looked at him, not wanting to get into a discussion which loomed over them. - Besides, Bucky usually takes her from 5 PM onwards.
      - So, you are free from 5PM?
      - Most days yes. - she leaned against the counter - Listen I'm sorry about not speaking to you for the past days, Sadie just got back from the hospital and I don't wanna leave her alone.
      - If you're free from 5PM, I could take you to dinner.
      - Chris ... - she sighed.
      - Doesn't have to be too far. Heck, we could go to the tapas place around the corner so you won't be too far from Sadie.
She found herself at a crossroads. She either said yes and avoided a discussion or she said no and the two would go round 4 on how Y/N spends most of her time with Sadie rather than living her own life. Right now, she preferred the first option.
      - Okay.
      - I'll pick you up.
Bucky came home and Sadie was wrapped in one of her quilted blankets, staring at the screen while Bluey played. How she hadn't gotten bored of it was still a surprise for him. He put his coat on the hanger and went to the couch, kissing the top of her head before starting to tickle her making her giggle.
      - What are you up to, bug? - he asked, straightening the blanket. - Still making a report on Bluey?
      - No.
      - No? Is this for fun then? - he leaned against the couch as Sadie cuddled against his side. - How are you today, bug? Any pain?
      - No.
      - Good. Where is Y/N? Have you banished her?
      - I'm here. - Y/N came down the stairs, holding a pair of heels in one hand and trying to put on her earrings with the other. - I'm here.
And here she was. Maybe she had decided to adopt a more formal style around the house, parading around in a black cocktail dress and an updo.
      - New dress?
      - No. - Y/N said, moving around to tidy up some of the rubbish that had started to accumulate in the living room. - Chris is coming to pick me up for dinner.
      - God, you're still going out with him. - he got up to follow Y/N to the kitchen. - You don't even like the guy.
      - Yes, I do. He brought flowers.
      - That would mean he likes you, not the other way around. Just admit it, he's boring and you don't like him.
      - I'll remember that once he's balls deep inside of me tonight.
      - Can't go that deep. - he chuckled. - You're just being stubborn. Or you're people pleasing. Either way, you don't really like him.
      - And you would know that because?
      - Because you've been dodging the guy since Sadie got to the hospital. Heck, you've been even using me as an excuse not to see him.
      - Is that all? I'm too tired to put up with you. - she threw her shoes to the ground to step onto them.
      - Why are you forcing this? So he's bad in bed, find someone who isn't.
      - He's not bad in bed.
      - Y/N, I know when a woman is satisfied in bed. I pride myself in it.
      - Oh yes because you are Bucky Barnes, lord of everything with tits.
      - You're a scholarly woman, don't use that sort of language.
      - Fine, mammary glands. - she rolled her eyes. - What makes you think that you're the only guy who's good in bed? I'll have you know that Chris is a gentleman.
      - So he cries in bed.
      - Why are we still discussing my sex life?
      - Fine. If it's not your sex life, then what is it? He is very boring but I thought maybe the two of you could discuss Columbia or something.
      - We're seeing each other, Bucky. But of course you wouldn't know about that since your idea of seeing someone is fucking their brains out.
Bucky cocked his head to the side, eyeing her up and down before walking up to her and leaning down to whisper in her ear.
      - Why? Are you jealous?
      - Urgh. - she pushed him away. - Sadie needs to go to bed by 7, Bucky. Not 9, or she'll be a little demon.
      - I would say have fun but we both know that won't happen. Maybe you should take a book not to bother yourself too much with him.
      - Maybe you should butt out of my life!
How dare he continue with this chatter? Y/N liked Chris. He was nice, he was perfectly nice. Sure, did he have anything else they conversed with other than Columbia? Usually no and his theories on modern psychology vastly diverted from hers. Yet, she was a scholar, a future member of the postdoctoral community and as such she had to accept different perceptions of theory. Moreover, who was Bucky Barnes to dish out relationship advise? The only woman she had thought had potential to be his girlfriend had been thrown aside by Bucky because, according to him, she had a weird attachment to her ex girlfriend. So, how come a man who hadn't dated a woman in probably more than 20 years had to weigh in on her relationship? Heck, he didn't even date the woman who was the mother of his child.
She looked at Chris as he continued to thrust into her. She wasn't entirely sure how long this had been going on but she did know she had checked her watch once. Was Bucky right? Was Chris boring in bed? No. No, this was just him doing what he does best, manipulating people into believing his words. Besides, what gave him the right to decide who was good or not in bed? Like, c'mon, he was attractive sure but not all attractive men are good in bed. Yet again, she had heard whispers and she had to admit he had one of those voices that dripped with lust and sin every time he used it in a whisper.
She thought about it, thought about how it would be to have him whisper dirty something in someone's ear in that accent of his. How his chapped lips would kiss down from her ear down to her neck in a prolongation of a tease, his hand skilfully toying with her clit. Now that was a man who wouldn't be a gentleman in the bedroom, he was barely one outside of it. He'd be the type to grab your hips and thrust into you without warning, moving like an animal until his everlasting stamina ran out. He'd be the type to grunt and moan against your ear.
      - James. - oh fuck. Chris starred at Y/N for a while, trying to compute what she had just said. He knew what she had just said.
Fuck. Oh, fuck.
      - What was that?
      - What was what? - maybe playing dumb would work. After all, it worked in old romantic movies. Maybe she could say she meant Thames yet who would moan over a river in the middle of less than exciting sex.
      - You moaned someone else's name.
      - Did I? - she hated herself. She hated to play the fool but she wasn't about to admit she was fantasising, wait, no, not fantasising, she wasn't fantasising about anyone, she was merely theorising about what sex with Bucky Barnes would be. Theory, not practice, not truth. - Shit, I'm sorry, I don't know where my head is.
      - I'll say. - Chris slipped out of her, pulling the comforter over the two of them. - You really need to quit that job. Your head hasn't been in the right place for the past month.
Thank god he hadn't connected the dots. That would be an awkward conversation.
      - I'm not gonna quit my job. I like my job.
      - That's not your job, Y/N. C'mon, you're gonna have a PhD in no time and then you'll actually have to go in the real world and get a real job.
      - What is that supposed to mean, Christopher?
      - Barnes has you playing housewife. Face it, you look after his kid, you cook, you do laundry. You're basically his wife without the sex. It's a waste of your potential.
      - So you're saying being a housewife is a waste of potential?
      - That's not what I meant. I'm saying you could do more than adhere to traditional stereotypes of your gender just so you can make a paycheck.
      - Just so I can make a pay check? Christopher, while you may have been born with a goddamn gold spoon in your mouth, I wasn't. Do you know how expensive rent is in New York? You think I could afford even to breathe here solely on my stipend? No! That job you think is so below me is the only reason why I have a roof over my head and don't have to worry if my monthly stipend will cover my expenses or if my manager will mind me skipping a day of work to focus on my studies. Besides, I'll be damned if I'll take feminist theories from a trust fund man baby. - she got out of bed, grabbing her shoes and her dress.
      - C'mon, Y/N, I'm just trying to help you. I want you to be able to do what you enjoy. You're telling me looking after a two year old is what you envision as career?
      - I have career ambitions. I know where I'm going, I don't need your help.
      - You don't even know if you're passing your PhD viva. - he said which made Y/N snap her head to look at him. - Maybe if you spent more time at school instead of being at Barnes even beckoning call, you'll have more certainty is what I mean.
      - Fuck you, Christopher!
taglist: @talesofadragon @themermaidscales82 @winters1917 @vladsgirlxx @stinkerbelle007 @maybefoxysouls @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @chipilerendi @kandis-mom @belennasif @fedeffy @abitofblues
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
The Anomalies aka Miles,Percy and Jason headcanons because i keep wanting to talk about how they hang out and work together
So!!Going in,Miles is a dreadhead and transmascfem,Percy is an afrolatina trans woman and Jason is afrolatino and fat.Be respectful ty!!
Dairy Super is their 2000s cartoon protagonists hang out.It's the Prime Earth equivalent to Dairy Queen and it was their first ever place they had a proper convo post-Miles and Percy literally crashing into Jason on his motorcyle as they shot out of their portals on the outskirts of Gotham so it has a special place in their hearts
Usual orders:Salted caramel truffles with a double cheeseburger and fries for Miles,blue cotton candy and blue kryptonian burgers for Percy and frosted animal cookies and a taco salad for Jason.They're regulars and a staple as something of Dairy Super cryptids that let you take pictures of them and show their powers for you if you ask first instead of being rude.Eventually Dairy Super announces a The Anomalies special meal you can earn with coupons
They have schedueld weekly diy sessions-they each have their own collection of diy items they made and gifts from the other two's but their favorites they've made are their 'White Streak Gang' tops,Percy's gray streak having faded and Miles getting his own white streak with Apollo's Blessing for their artistic talent and dedicated-Miles' is a sleveless hoodie,Percy's is a crop top and Jason's is a baggy t-shirt.The sessions were Percy's idea as the most actively punk out of the team!!
Obviously Percy and Jason join in on Miles' art,most notably his grafitti but also literally as he dedicates his sketchbook to them upon their first seperation like he does Gwen.They snatch it up from him and tease him about it like her in Atsv too and he's even more embarrased.They tag with him across New York,Gotham and Metropolis too and he got them into painting and chalk(Jason actually bit into one when he thought nobody was looking and they didn't say nothing because all their autistic asses had done it at some point so no snitches)
They watch Bluey together.Yeah there's no way around it,they simply would.It's where Jason got his nickname for Percy,Bluey,not just because Bluey Heeler is blue but also because she's so Percy-coded and it was Miles' suggestion to watch it so Jason tried to resist but couldn't at both Miles and Percy's Kitty Cat Eyes™️ and Mike,once you see this drop lore for their fave characters and episodes and merch they've stolen /lh /nf
Ghosthunting amd cryptidhunting but actually because they know damn well they actually exist even before Jason's ressurected ass came along.They exorcise when needed but mostly just make new ghost friends and they ask the cryptids questions and help out with their problems if they're benevolent,which they almost always are
Miles is strawberries,Percy is blue raspberry and Jason is cookies and cream.Miles is pink and black,Percy is blue and pink and Jason is red and pink.Miles is a sunflower,Percy is a bluebell and Jason is a rose.Iykyk
Miles is basically a human kamoji in his mannerisms and expressions and it drew Percy and Jason in big time out of wanting to keep around him for how fun and adoptable he is and his hardcore traits underneath only made them love him even more
And vice versa as Miles felt Percy and Jason are trustworthy instantly due to how overtly tough they are but could sense a hidden gooey softness underneath and it's all around a well-balanced dynamic from the start
They go to the beach in diy'd suits made to reflect their aesthetics:Miles' is a cutesy swim trunks and tank top,Jason's is gothic swim suits and no shirt to show off his Lazarus Pit top surgery scars and Percy's is a mermaid themed blue bikini with an attached hoodie.They always make sure to help clean the shore and ocean on each trip but also to have fun by swimming together,sunbathing,getting ice cream and boba if they're lucky,collecting seashells,sandcastle building and even playing with the marine life per courtsey of Percy
Percy carries around motivational stickers so Miles and Jason picked up the habit but completely different kinds from hers-Percy's are ocean based,Miles' are pastel kidcore and Jason's are kidgothic
Miles and Jason do that brothers thing where you throw food in the air for the other to catch with your mouth.They get it 8/10 of the time
Percy does that mom friend thing where she places her hand on the back of Miles and Jason's heads to pull them close to hers in a hug as she closes her eyes
Jason subconciously amps up his scary aura when he senses or at least percieves a threat to Miles or Percy and notably dosen't do it for himself
Jason is basically a portable heater with how warm he always is contrary to the ghostly assumption of him being cold all the time so Miles and Percy plop down on him often even if not their entire bodies and he's not complaining because of how comfy they feel
Miles and Percy do their nails with Miles starting off with just a plain color until Percy got him to embrace his femininity and now they both do real nail art and got Jason to join in by revealing they could do tradgoth styles on him.Miles does multicolor or sunflowers,Percy does sharp and jelly(because jellyfish lmfao)and Jason has them do edgy ahh ones on him
They have matching tamagotchis Margo hacked to be communicators too:Miles' is a cat,Percy's is a shark and Jason's is a bat
Tim and Miles are a thing?????Obviously?That goes without saying,it's not a real crossover if they aren't.Tim and Miles crushed on sight and only didn't get together sooner because teenage boygirls are stupid and they're so cheesy together and so t4t and audhd4audhd too and Tim is also cherokee on Janet's side!!His brown swag bewitched Miles just like her afrolatina swag bewitched him /lh.They put their minecrafts beds next to eachothers and i wanna see TV Girl redraws with them STAT
Bruce:Uh.....Watcha got there? Jason,standing with a hot earthy part-kryptonian part-human half greek-god girl(Percy)and an itsy bitsy ass spider mutant who's technically a quasi-god by virtue of blessing and blue power ring accsess(Miles)and all three of them sipping Batburger milkshakes:Batburger Batidas
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hylianengineer · 1 month
you have a blue heeler??!! they're so cuuute!
I do! His name is Wallace, although he's also known as Demon Beast, Raccoon Face, and Wally. He's a handful.
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[ID: six photos of a blue heeler. Some are closeups, in one he's asleep in an armchair, and in one he's only half visible beside a human (me) because they were holding the camera and he headbutted them. The human looks displeased. The final photo shows three dogs staring up at a human who is only visible from the waist down. The blue heeler is accompanied by a red beagle mix and a white and brown spotted coonhound.]
Here he is with his siblings - the red one is Pickles and the big one is Engio.
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Welcome to the
Where there’s no place like home💕
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Below the cut are the listed contestants in order!
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If you don’t see your submission, don’t lose hope! Some of the entries that bent the rules a little will be added as the wild card entries before the finals.
Reminder: Owl House will go against the winner of the brackets in the finals on merit!
Best of luck to your home sweet home!
Side A
The Planet Express Building Futurama
The Lake Hoohaw Houseboat PB&J Otter
Mystery Shack Gravity Falls
Blue’s House Blue’s Clues
Strawberry Shortcake’s House Strawberry Shortcake: The Animated Series (2003)
Oscar’s Trash Can Sesame Street
The Heeler’s House Bluey
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
Squidward’s House Spongebob Squarepants
The Loud House The Loud House
742 Evergreen Terrace The Simpsons
The Dreamhouse Barbie: Life In The Dreamhouse
Zim’s Base Invader Zim
The Pineapple Spongebob Squarepants
The Tortuga The Wild Kratts
Sector V’s Treehouse Codename Kids Next Door
Side B
Housey Rolie Polie Olie
Catdog’s House Catdog
The Farmhouse Pettersson und Findus
USS Enterprise Star Trek: The Animated Series
The Big Blue House Bear and the Big Blue House
The Flinstone’s Cave The Flinstones
McDuck Manor Ducktales
The Funny House Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
Golden Oaks Library My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Granny’s Mansion The Looney Tunes Show
Finn and Jake’s Treehouse Adventure Time
The Hazbin Hotel The Hazbin Hotel
USS Cerritos Star Trek Lower Deck
Busterfield Library Between The Lions
Robot Arms Apartment 00100100 Futurama
The Beach House Steven Universe
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dickarchivist · 3 months
Sir! I am here to ask for some Phantom lore crumbs!
Your OCs are so great! Much big thanks for sharing them!
Hello friend I am here with some Lore and Trivia 👀
Thank you so much for asking about Phantom ♡ he's a good good boy
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Misc Lore and Trivia for Phantom
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Tommy's favorite color is yellow, he's loved it since he was a little guy. 💛
As far as nicknames based on his name goes, Tommy is his favorite. Tom is also acceptable, he doesn't mind it at all. Sometimes his brothers will call him "Phanny" like Fanny when he's being mischievous.
Phantom was the 4th in Grave Squad to get his name.
If Tommy was a dog, he would be a blue heeler
When he was little, Phantom was put in solitary for attacking Nal Tsuba, their kaminoan care taker. He attacked her because she shaved Wraith's hair and made him cry.
Phantom is incredibly protective over Wraith, even more than their other brothers.
He feels he needs to be "on" at all times and has been described as "Relentlessly Optimistic."
He has a little bird tattoo on his heart
His favorite earth candy bar would be a reeses peanut butter cup
His ears are pierced because someone gave him earrings as a gift, and he got so excited he has Wraith pierce his ears that same night so he could wear them right away.
His helmet is painted with the face of a Raxshir, and was inspired by seeing Dax'Malkin in battle for the first time.
When asked, "If you were an animal, what would you be?" He always has two answers. His practical answer is a Raxshir, but his fun answer is a tooka
He takes on the roll of Athena's father figure rather quickly, even before they both understood the dynamic was father/daughter.
Athena is his favorite person in the entire galaxy, he'd do anything for her.
Taglist under the cut!
@anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga @atomickidsoul @moonwreckd
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ultimate-good-dog · 1 year
Ultimate Good Dog Official Bracket
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Preliminaries are closed!
The Bracket is done!
I did my best to seed the bracket but i'm p. new at it so like, i did my best
The matchups!
Side A
Cerberus (Greek Mythology) Vs Aralez (Armenian Mythology)
Cheedle (HunterxHunter) Vs Sam (Sam and Max)
Nina And Alexander (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs The Husky (The Thing)
The Disreputable Dog Vs the Hound of Baskerville
Akamaru (Naruto) Vs Missile (Ghost Trick)
Mrs O'Leary (Percy Jackson) Vs Dog (Good Omens)
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch!) Vs Diogee (Milo Murphy's law)
This is Fine Dog (Gunshow) Vs Snoopy (Peanuts)
Terriermon (Digimon) Vs Growlithe (Pokemon)
Clifford (Clifford the big red dog) Vs Spot (Spot the dog)
Jake the Dog (adventure time) Vs Becquerel (Homestuck)
Bandit Heeler (bluey) Vs Bluey Heeler (bluey)
K-9 (looney Tunes) Vs K-9 (doctor Who)
Stitch Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch) Vs Blue (Blue's clues)
Seymour Asses (Futurama) Vs Balto (Balto)
Naga (Legend of Korra) Vs Wishbone (Wishbone)
Side B
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion) Vs Pugsley (Paranormal Park)
Courage (Courage the cowardly dog) Vs Annoying Dog (Undertale)
Miss Rosa (Night in the Woods) Vs Dr Doppler (Treasure Planet)
Slinky Dog (Toy Story) Vs Monchie Mitchel (the Mitchels Vs the Machines)
Cerberus (Hades) Vs Hayabusa (Okami)
Toby (Ace Attourney) Vs Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Toto (Wizard of Oz) Vs Perrito (Puss n Boots: the last wish)
Dug (Up) Vs Pongo & Perdita (101 Dalmations)
Odie (Garfield) Vs Dogmatix (Asterix)
Daikichi & Dog Ninja (Ensemble Stars & Rhythm Heaven) Vs Sunkist (Half Life but the AI are self aware)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) Vs Waffles (moonglow Bay)
Bond (SpyxFamily) Vs Koromaru (Persona 3)
Scrappy Doo (Scooby doo where are you) Vs Scooby Doo (Scooby doo where are you)
Bear (Person of Interest) Vs Rex (Inspector Rex)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat) Vs Grommit (Wallace and Grommit)
Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise) Vs Queequeg (X-files)
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halliescomut · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Ep 5
Sorry I was a bit late watching, and then I wanted to kind of digest the episode and organize my thoughts. And I gotta tell you I am still so fascinated by this show. This week...it's freaking anime Bluey. If you're not aware of what Bluey is, it's an Australian-made (and set) kids cartoon series about a family of Blue Heeler dogs that is syndicated by Disney. It's been creating a lot of really interesting conversations among parents regarding how the show portrays parenthood, and specifically about how often the lessons are for the parents watching with their kids, and not the kids themselves. (This is a good recent article about the show). While I have no children, I do have a niece and nephew at the prime age for enjoying the show and have seen all of the first two seasons multiple times (I'm still working through the recently released 3rd season).
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I'm drawing the comparison here, because while Tadaima, Okaeri has up until this episode focused mainly on the adults of the Fujiyoshi household, with Hikari and Hinata being more cutesy side characters. This episode really centers around both Masaki and Hikari, with Hikari starting to fully start to recognize what being a big brother means. While ages are unclear in the show, it seems like Hikari is supposed to be somewhere around 4, an age where both his psychological development and the cultural standards would be encouraging him to become more independent.
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But, in the end Hikari is still just a little kid, and in his very endearing way takes his big brother responsibilities a bit too seriously and kind of overextends himself.
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From the Masaki side, we see him dealing with the struggle of watching Hikari growing up before his eyes. There's a saying that the days are long, but the years are short when it comes to kids, and that's sort of what Masaki is dealing with this episode. He's watching the contrast of Hikari, who it feels like was just a little baby like Hinata only days ago, now being so much more independent and driven. They're morning the 'loss' of that stage of Hikari's life, while also being so proud of how he's grown. His determination to be helpful, to help take care of the house, of his sister, to help Masaki, these behaviors they want to encourage, that will help Hikari learn how to be a good person as an adult. And they also recognize that tendency that all children have of sort of trying to grow up too fast, because they're to young to conceptualize that they shouldn't give up their childhood, because it is so fleeting in the long run.
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Masaki struggling with the unique challenges of having a second child, and just the stress that comes with having to split your attention between multiple young children, they're feeling guilty over not being able to give everything they had before to Hikari, because Hinata requires more direct attention. And they can see the Hikari is struggling to adjust to no longer being an only child, not being able to climb in Ma-chan's lap whenever he wants, or be the sole focus of attention, but they also know it's one of those moments of growth that you just have to let kids go through. You can't really help, you can just be there.
But there's this pretty universal experience of good parents constantly being worried about whether they're good parents. And you may have heard that if you're worried about it, it means you are, because it means you are actively trying to be the best parent you know how to be. And that lesson is the one we kind of see Masaki learning over the course of the episode. I don't know that Masaki's accepted really that they are a good parent, and that doubt seems to be rooted in a lot of things we don't have knowledge of yet.
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We don't know nearly as much about Masaki's family as we do about Hiromu and the Fujiyoshis, outside of the fact that Masaki's parents have passed. Though it seems next episode we might met their uncle, which I'm betting will give us a lot more insight. But there's a couple of possibilities, one being that Masaki's home life was a traumatic beyond just the loss of their parents, and that there's a bit of a 'breaking the cycle' storyline happening. Something supported by the behavior we've seen from the Fujiyoshi's and their valiant effort to reconnect with their son and forge a truer bond with Masaki as their son-in-law. I particularly enjoyed the interactions between Masaki and Grandma Fujiyoshi, because you could really feel the desire to connect from both sides. While I continue to have issues with the intentional feminization of Omega or bottoms in BL, I was touched by the symbolism of wanting to pass down the kimono to Masaki. Especially because it was clear that this wasn't a case of 'I want you to have this to pass on to Hinata', but very much intended to indicate acceptance into the family.
Overall this show and this episode is a lot of food for thought for a BL. The veneer of the show is quite fluffy, but they've shown every episode so far a commitment to telling an impactful story within the bounds of BL anime and the omegaverse, which I applaud.
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The brackets are finally here!
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(sorry for the poor quality of the bracket images lol it’s the best i could do)
Two quick propaganda rules:
1. Propaganda is good and encouraged, just don’t send any negative propaganda. This tournament is for fun, and anti-propaganda kinda ruins that.
2. If you do make propaganda, you can either send it through my ask box, or you can reblog the post with your propaganda. Either is fine!
These 6 brackets will go on until there’s only one character left in each. Once the six semi-finalists are chosen, there will be two battles of 3, and then the winners of that will go against each other in the finals! Each poll will last for one day, but the finals and semifinals will be a week each. The posting schedule will be one bracket a day, meaning that day 1 will be bracket 1 round 1, day 2 will be bracket 2 round 1, and so on. The first set of polls will drop tomorrow (March 30) at roughly 4:00 PM EST. Now, onto the actual matchups!
Bracket 1:
Cam (Rhythm Heaven) VS. Casey (Deca Sports)
Grover (Sesame Street) VS. Rosita (Sesame Street)
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) VS. Gonzo (The Muppets)
Blue (Blue’s Clues) VS. Flippy Doggenbottom (Toontown)
Bluey Heeler (Bluey) VS. Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
The Tesseract (Marvel) VS. Captain America (Marvel)
Blue (Overly Sarcastic Productions) VS. Blue (Animator VS Animation)
13th Doctor (Doctor Who) VS. The TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Lancer (Deltarune) VS. Lance McClain (Voltron)
Link (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Navi (Legend of Zelda) VS. Fi (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) VS. Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Mega Man (Mega Man) VS. Megamind (Megamind)
MePhone4 (Inanimate Insanity) VS. Four (Battle for BFDI)
Teardrop (Battle for Dream Island) VS. Sadness (Inside Out)
Blue Album (Weezer) VS. Blue Meanie (Yellow Submarine)
Bracket 2:
Scott Wozniak (Scott the Woz) VS. Jacob (Alpharad)
Big Pauly (Papa Louie) VS. Watergirl (Fireboy and Watergirl)
Abby (Wii Sports) VS. Saburo (Wii Sports)
Kris (Deltarune) VS. Berdly (Deltarune)
Powerade VS. Gatorade
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) VS. Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gooey (Kirby) VS. Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Benrey (HLVRAI) VS. Bubby (HLVRAI)
Gus Porter (The Owl House) VS. Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Agent (Penguinronpa) VS. Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin)
Mordecai (Regular Show) VS. Blue-footed Booby (Real Life)
Wish Bear (Care Bears) VS. Grumpy Bear (Care Bears)
The ocean (Real Life) VS. Elsa (Frozen)
Cinderella (Cinderella) VS. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Doc Hudson (Cars) VS. Sally Carrera (Cars)
Mudkip (Pokémon) VS. Squirtle (Pokémon)
Bracket 3:
Marth (Fire Emblem) VS. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Chrom (Fire Emblem) VS. Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Donald Duck (Disney) VS. Dewey Duck (Ducktales)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS. Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sans (Undertale) VS. Queen (Deltarune)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Gumball Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS. Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob Squarepants) VS. Inkling Boy (Splatoon)
Bubbles Utonium (Powerpuff Girls) VS. Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Logan Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS. Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) VS. Nya (Ninjago)
Tom (Eddsworld) VS. Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas and Friends)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sapphire (Steven Universe) VS. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Nightwing (DC Comics) VS. Superman (DC Comics)
Wendy Darling (Peter Pan) VS. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
Bracket 4:
Craig Tucker (South Park) VS. Goombario (Paper Mario)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) VS. Kaito (Vocaloid)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) VS. Leonard Church (Red vs Blue)
John Egbert (Homestuck) VS. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
James P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.) VS. The Genie (Aladdin)
Wheatley (Portal) VS. V1 (Ultrakill)
Frosta (She-Ra) VS. Mermista (She-Ra)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) VS. Blu (Rio)
R2-D2 (Star Wars) VS. Bo-Katan (Star Wars)
Mountain Dew Voltage VS. Blue Gushers
Pablo (The Backyardigans) VS. Tuxedo Sam (Sanrio)
Crackle (Rice Krispies) VS. Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake)
Blue (Pokémon) VS. Piplup (Pokémon)
Nightcrawler (X-Men) VS. Mystique (X-Men)
Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) VS. Tsumugi Shirogane (Danganronpa V3)
Shun Kaido (Saiki K.) VS. Teruhashi Kokomi (Saiki K.)
Bracket 5:
Soundwave (Transformers) VS. Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS. Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) VS. Roadrunner (Looney Toons)
Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty) VS. Hades (Hercules)
Zazu (Lion King) VS. Benny the Bull (Dora the Explorer)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy’s) VS. Spheal (Pokémon)
Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts) VS. Numbuh 2 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Nebula (Marvel) VS. Steve (Minecraft)
Blue Alien (I’m Blue by Eiffel 65) VS. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Barney Calhoun (Half-Life) VS. Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls Animated) VS. Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Ciel Soleil (RWBY) VS. Bloom (Winx Club)
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Gwen (Total Drama) VS. Rosalina (Super Mario)
Mugman (Cuphead) VS. Sea Fairy Cookie (Cookie Run)
Bracket 6:
Teddy (Bob’s Burgers) VS. Blue M&M (M&M’s)
Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) VS. Silvermist (Disney Fairies)
Bibble (Barbie) VS. Sylvie (Wander Over Yonder)
Simon Seville (Alvin and the Chipmunks) VS. Dory (Finding Nemo)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) VS. Bluestar (Warrior Cats)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) VS. Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Beauregard Lionett (Critical Role) VS. Jester Lavorre (Critical Role)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) VS. Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Undine Wells (Sleepless Domain) VS. Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lan Wangji (The Untamed) VS. Korra (Legend of Korra)
Pokotho (Hatchetfield) VS. Langa (Sk8 the Infinity)
B.O.B. (Monsters vs Aliens) VS. Vergil (Devil May Cry)
Vault Boy (Fallout) VS. Jake Sully (Avatar)
Phantasma (Scooby-Doo) VS. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Tutter (Bear and the Big Blue House) VS. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney)
Spy (Team Fortress 2) VS. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
As stated previously, the first round of polls, which will be Bracket 1 Round 1, will begin on March 30, at approximately 4:00 PM EST. See you then!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
I fear I may absolutely need your Texas hcs
*not forcing ^_^*
Height: 6'5
Build: Lanky w/ soft and strong edge
Eyes: reddish brown
Hair: curly (2b) dark brown hair, shoulder length
Skin tone: almond skin
Natural markings: freckles (they're all star shaped too :3)
Other markings: many scars from both burns, whips, guns, and blades.
Other physical traits: a couple of his fingers are crooked, he's double jointed, and his wrist and spine are both slightly crooked due to shit breaking and not healing right. He also has sharp fangs cuz yes :3
Normal hc's:
-he has five dogs (two German shepherds named Rosco and Daisy, one Aussie shepherd named Bailey, one Texas heeler named Blue, and a Chihuahua named Maria. Tho. If you ask the other states, Maria is the wicked witch of Vernon /JOKE. She's only sweet to Texas. And Loui. But everyone loves Loui.)
-is somehow both a big brother and a mother figure to Loui
-he age regresses as a coping mechanism
-^usually to around ages 5-12
-really enjoys reading and drawing
-he also really loves flowers, tho he'd rather die than admit it cuz he thinks it's "too feminine"
-he lets Loui braid flowers and other accessories into his hair
-^anyone that teases him about it gets punched in the face <3
-speaks Spanish (obviously), French, German, Vietnamese, Chinese, Latin (tho he doesn't use it), ASL, Arabic, and surprisingly (at least to the other states), Hindi, Tagalog, Korean, Russian, Czech, Polish, and Urdu.
-^He has almost no problem switching between these too
-AuDHD, Depression, Anxiety, BPD, DID, PTSD, and mild psychosis
-he does trick riding!
-bro is severely dehydrated
-he hates balloons for some reason
-sometimes when he's speaking, he'll either slip into Spanish or he'll slip into at least a Spanish accent
-i don't see him as someone that cusses a lot, only a moderate amount. Like- he'll just say something like "FUCK! Oh- uh- sorry 😔"
-^so when he cusses and doesn't apologize immediately after, it means that he's either info dumping (too focused to apologize), or hes extremely pissed off.
-He can play the guitar (any type, tho he prefers acoustic), piano, and strangely kalimba and the Irish flute cuz he likes how they sound.
-His human name is Terrence cuz it feels like a very Texan name to me
Angst hc's under the cut!! (tw for sa, sh, child abuse, drinking, and hallucinations/delusions)
-he has a really bad drinking and smoking problem
-Due to some trauma related to SA, he has parts of his body that are "trigger spots", as in, he panics if they're touched (mainly without permission)
-he panics if any of his limbs are pinned, in any circumstance (sparring, tickling, play fighting, other more scandalous activities, he HATES not having control of his limbs)
-very insecure about his soft spots :(
-blind in one eye (thanks Mexico :/)
-Texas does alot of things that he doesn't know is SH
-VERY jumpy, especially with the sound of breaking glass, shouting, or anything that sounds anything like a gunshot
-the more Spanish, the more panicked he is
-he often has alot of hallucinations of people that hurt him in the past
-^and they've felt so real that he could practically feel the pain again.
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notsoblackandwhite101 · 2 months
So at what age do Dalmatians get their spots in your world? Also, how big is it for them to get their spots?
Its kinda big! Its considered a milestone in Dalmatian Culture, (Just like other animals who's markings come with time, like Siamese cats and Blue Heelers!) Typical thing to do is to have a little mini party, maybe with some family. Spots will come in sometime between 1-3 years old. It really depends on genetics. Three is the usual time though. If you look back at chapter 2 in the fanfiction, Da Vinci's spots are just settling in (Aka , still a little grey in areas.) and she was about 3 1/2 there. Meanwhile Dante had his spot(s?), canonically in this Au, come a few days after his second birthday. Just kinda random whenever they decide to pop up!
There are lots of milestones for puppies though! In this world puppies age very slowly. They also develop differently to humans. They learn to walk before they can talk, as they have four legs to help balance, but have to learn a wider range of noises while being born deaf for a period of time. Eyes and ears remain shut for a a few months. When their eyes do open THAT is a big milestone. Animal parents usually try to anticipate when their babies eyes will open so they can see something nice! (Like seen in the Brave Little Toaster To The Rescue) Then they learn to slowly walk and once walking is down, it heads right into house/potty training. This all happens under a year usually. Talking though can take till 2-3 years old, what with all the noises to learn. Babies will bark, growl, whimper, whine and howl though!
Hope this helps!
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funzige-gedachten · 3 months
No one asked but i wanted to do this,
The names of my shark plushies(who are all girls by the way) in order of when i got them:
bouba (is a tiny blåhaj)
kiki (very spiky shark that has tiger stripes but obviously isnt a tigershark)
dracula (she for some reason is very fluffy)
bojan de babyhaai ( @jaarijani got her for me and i named her after bojan but shes very small so shes a baby)
Bloepi (a VERY big blåhaj that i got for christmas, she is named after bluey heeler who i often call bloopy)
Frodo (very long leopard shark girlie)
Layla (my partner got her on the same day as frodo, she is BRIGHT blue like those candies (i think she’s supposed to be a thresher shark) and she is named after my favorite winxclub fairy who in the english version is called aisha but in dutch shes layla)
Minecraft steve (for some reason she is SO square i had to name her after minecraft)
Seestor (named after sister imperator the well know ghost gilf, she has some sort of light particle pattern light effect on her and she is absolutely beautiful)
That concludes all the pet sharks that currently live on my bed
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